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37. Go back to number 4.

36. What do ostriches eat?

35. Have lions got stripes?

34. Are polar bears small?

33. Have birds got wings?

32. What can parrots do?

31. Go back

30. What colour

to number 15. are pandas? 29. Have monkeys got a long neck? 28. Can

20. Have lions got wings?

21. What colour are kangaroos?

22. Do camels live in Africa?

23. What do rhinos eat?

24. What can hippos do?

25. Go back to number 19.

26. Where do fish live?

27. Are crocodiles long?

seals climb trees?

19. Can ostriches fly? 18. Go back to number 14. 17. What do seals eat? 16. Have zebras got spots? 15. What colour are rhinos? 14. What can pandas do? 13. Go back to number 10. 12. What do hippos eat? 11. Where do lions live?

10. What colour are parrots?


9. Can 1. What do monkeys eat? 2. What colour are tigers? 3. Go back to start. 4. Have snakes got legs? 5. Where do elephants live? 6. What can pelicans do? 7. Do seals eat grass? 8. Go back to number 5. zebras jump?


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