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Grounds: Mr. Jindal is stating that his party should not protect the well-off, while he at the same time pushes for reforms that will benefit the richest in his home state. This makes it seem as a populous lie, because the product that Mr. Jindal advocates does not support his claim. Claim: Their [G.O.Ps.] proposals for a makeover all involve changing the sales pitch rather than the product. Warrant: The G.O.P. is a party that holds a large proportion of Americans in contempt because they say something, and then goes and do the complete opposite.

Backing: Mr. Ryan lately made a transparently dishonest attempt to claim that when he spoke about takers living off the efforts of the makers at one point he assigned 60 percent of Americans to the taker category he was not talking about people receiving Social Security and Medicare. (He was.)

Backing: Mr. Jindal is pushing a plan to eliminate the states income tax, while raising sales taxes. The result would be big gains for the top 1 percent, substantial losses for the bottom 60 percent.

Rebuttal: Has everybody from the G.O.P shown double-standards? No, Mitt Romney denounced any attempt to talk about class divisions as an attack on success.

Backing: Similar plans are being pushed by a number of other Republican governors as well.

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