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NGFFL Minutes: 13 November 2012

8.00-9:30pm Eastern Attendees: Thurman Williams (DC), Patrick McIntyre (DC), Shane Kinkennon (DEN), Phil Clawson (BOS), Chris Cormier (DC), Jared Garduno (PHX) Absent: Sam Lehman (NYC), Shawn Albritton (CHI) 8.03: Meeting Commences (Shane) Shane read mission and vision Opined that it seems to be holding up well, and that the league seems to be coalescing around it two years on 8.06: New League Development (Chris) Held first call of new committee to help new and struggling leagues 12 participants on the call with a great cross-section in representation! JB (Dallas) posed the salient question of the night around how to operate: Everyone jumped in with advice, and it modeled what Chris hoped might happen in terms of brainstorming and support Three main ways theyll work together: o Monthly calls open to any and all newbies in addition to the committee o Facebook group? o One-to-one mentoring: regional and experts models or hybrid of the two Chris will share minutes tomorrow Jared congratulated Chris on convening the committee Shane suggested that we name this committee and recognize the participants in order to keep them engaged Chris: FLAG Football League Advancement Group 8.21: Survey (Shane) Scott is coming back to us with a final version shorty hes incorporating edits from Phil, Thurman, and Chris It was agreed to share via email 8.29: Board Elections (Shane) An email went to city leaders to recruit, and the survey monkey has been shared several times Nominations are due this Friday, November 16 The group brainstormed around potential candidates theres a sense that there are at least a handful of interested parties out there PMc: We need to keep an eye for smaller markets and diverse candidates. All agreed Shane walked us through the timeline for electing and seating the new board 8.38: Other Compete Magazine is recognizing Molly Lenore for an Inspiration Award! Regarding our 501(c)3 status, Shane will call the IRS tomorrow, as they are now reviewing applications submitted after ours last year Shane mentioned that particulars need to be organized in terms of names on accounts, addresses, etc The group bid a fond farewell to Shane and Thurman for their excellent service. They both will be dearly missed. Its cool to be part of something cool. 8.50: Adjourn

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