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Igor Shymansky

SEA Dmitrenko
2006 1

I. Shymansky

Ш61 Verdikt is cancelled.-Donetsk: SEA Dmitrenko, 2006.-212 p.

ISBN 966-8965-09-4
We are all different but laws of health are uniform for all.
This book is about a unique system of health rehabilitation based of the principle of self-
regulation of human body. Author will tell you about the ways to strengthen your immunity and
become immune to pathogenic infection using latent reserves of human organism.
This book is intended for a wide circle of readers.

Ìè- ð³çí³, àëå çàêîíè çäîðîâÿ äëÿ âñ³õ îäíàêîâ³.

Öÿ êíèãà ïðî óí³êàëüíó ñèñòåìó ïîíîâëåííÿ çäîðîâÿ, â îñíîâ³ ÿêî¿ ïîêëàäåíî ïðèíöèï
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Äëÿ øèðîêîãî çàãàëó ÷èòà÷³â.

Power of health

ISBN 966-8965-09-4 „Publishing company „Kassiopeya” LLC

Dear Readers!

he book offered to you has been published under the aegis of "Power of
Health" Center. This book was published in order to share knowledge of
laws of the healthy lifestyle known from ancient times but lost in the course of
development of our civilization.
At Center "Power of Health", we have been reviving this knowledge in its practical
rather than only theoretical application.
This book deserves your attention by several reasons:
Firstly, you will know how to restore your health, strengthen your immunity, become
immune to pathogenic infections and, above all, get some practical advice.
Secondly, you will get acquainted with an unusual person, who is sure of that no
incurable diseases exist and who proves it with his activity carried out for over 23 years.
And, thirdly, the author will describe how to achieve your inner harmony and the
harmony with the outer world, how to develop your talents, prolong youth and acquire
happiness and joy in the most natural ways without any witchcraft and magic.
Wish you pleasant reading.
Faithfully yours,
Aleksandr Ischenko,
of "Power of Health" Foundation,

We will gladly answer your questions and receive your feedback.

Our e-mail address:

Reminder on your nutrition
Dear Readers!

"Health is not everything. But everything without health is nothing".

Wise words, which we, unfortunately, often ignore. We start appreciating
only that what we have already lost. This statement refers to health, in
the first place. Can you imagine, how much health God has granted to
us if we still have some even after having spent this gift so mercilessly
and senselessly?
Famous medical doctor À. S. Zalmanov wrote: "There are no local
illnesses or diseases of individual organs. In each case, the entire
organism is ill". Therefore, a therapeutic effect should always be directed
on the entire organism rather than on an individual organ. Every disease
has its cause and no medicine will help you unless the cause is removed.
Human organism is a very specific arrangement. There are no
identical finger- or lip-prints, irises etc., so it is not clear, why they
used to treat diseases rather than patients, applying basically a standard
set of pharmaceuticals and techniques. Any unification is ineffective
and in fact impossible in relation to individual human beings.
Any deviations from the norm signals that a misbalance has set in
organism, and that organism applies all efforts to restore the balance.
It badly needs our assistance. By influencing symptoms alone we
"push" a disease to its chronic form and the disease will sooner or later
"come on the surface" with even more serious consequences. Therapy
should be concentrated on elimination of the cause, in the first place,
and, secondly, it should comply with you, your organism, i.e. be delivered
on strictly individual basis.
The rehabilitation system offered by author is a collection of

centuries-old experience, the best components of various methodologies
dedicated to cleaning of organism, stimulation of its self-correction
functions, adaptation to the environment and use of hidden reserves.
I am not going to open all secrets of this system right away: you
will find everything yourself reading the book. I would only say that
there exist a plenty of recommendations of how to be healthy and how
to return your lost health. In no way do I object those recommendations.
However, the life style offered by author has been tested by me on
myself. All you need is to believe in yourself, overcome yourself and
reject many things. This is difficult, very difficult. But the life is worth
it. And if, after having read this book, you can get good health despite
of all circumstances and diseases, that will mean that author "hit the

Love yourself - this is very important. And be in good health!

Vladimir Klimovitsky,
Academician of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Higher School of Ukraine,
Doctor of Medicine,
Honored Doctor of Ukraine

"I really did not want anything except for
what was forcing itself out of me.
Why did it appear to be so difficult?"
Herman Hesse

I. Shymansky

"This is the end of it", - he said unexpectedly looking at the TV
screen displaying a clinic's report on His Eminence Pope John Paul II
condition. "This is the end. The twenty-third lunar day... He will pass on
the twenty-third lunar day".
Igor pronounced those fatal words three months before the death of
Pope John Paul II. Heaven-gate opened for the Pope at 9:37 p.m. on
April 2, 2005. The twenty-third lunar days expired in 143 minutes.
He can look in the future and see disasters, floods in China and
Europe, hurricanes in America, earth fall in Crimea and this is far from
complete list of what he had foreseen but was not able to avert. "This
happens unexpectedly, by itself, as if the mist dissolves, - he says, - I
look at the map or the globe, and when I come to a certain condition I
feel what is going to happen". His diagnoses are unmistakable after he
has just glanced at a person. He believes that HIV-virus is no more than a
"head cold" compared with such diseases as "X-irradiated" cancer or
chemically treated tuberculosis on its advanced stage. ("Why to X-ray a
person and make him a Chernobyl in miniature? I'll never, never understand
that. Who needs it? Whoever but not the patient, certainly"). His health
recreation system (an entire complex of activities aimed at enhancement
of the immune system, release of toxins from human body) has returned
to life quite a few gurus of medical science. You'll never see a hand-
watch on his wrist: he simply does not wear it. What is the use of it, if the
watch simply stops on his hand after having run for a few seconds? If he
does not feel like being filmed or shot, the equipment is just going out of
What is he - a philosopher, a prophet, a magician?
No, he believes that he is just an ordinary man and that his abilities
are not unique. "People's unusual capabilities lie within the usualness".
Anyone can develop them since the man was created in God's similitude
and, consequently, man's possibilities are unlimited. "I am not claiming

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the role of a prophet or a diagnostician. I am just a

man of practice. Anyone can achieve much". All you
need is just an invincible Will, undeviating Desire,
Efficiency leaving no room for mercy to yourself,
awareness of the Way granted by the Teacher,
because however hard your will, desire and diligence
is applicable you just are wandering around, and these
wanders will hardly lead you "the way to Rome".
Igor believes that by applying efforts of will anyone
can help anyone else at a distance. To do this, you
can imagine the patient and stroke a sore area with your right hand in
your thoughts. However, there is an undeviating rule: your hand should
irradiate the light, the goodness and the grace. This is possible if a man is
free of post-mortem poison. A man "devouring" the living organisms of
land and sea has arranged a "graveyard" in his body, and any graveyard
sooner or later starts to decay. If the decaying takes place in the human
body then the immune system's cells die, digestive system wears off and
ages, the extraction system fails to perform its functions, marrow
produces little new cells and the whole body comes to a standstill, which
leads to occurrence of diseases. A kind of "mass grave" is formed in the
human body (organism's own cells dead before their time due to poisoning
by animal protein (ptomaine) plus the cells brought to the body from
outside with fish, meat and eggs). At the same time, everything else falls
down: happiness, joy, success, inspiration, man's will and resolution are
suppressed; there comes fear and self-distrust. This all happens because
the immune system closely linked with the endocrine system remains
armless i.e., deprived of the cells being the weapon in combating viruses,
and of "fertile organs" (stem cells born in marrow). In result, antiviral
and antibacterial protection is practically absent, diseases "come to full
flower", and personality disintegrates: this is a kind of the future we are
preparing to ourselves. "Infertility" of the immune and endocrine systems
leads to devastation, mental deficiency and disorders.
But since anyone can develop his curing capabilities (to cure himself

I. Shymansky

and the others), why is the number of those, whose health requires an
outside interference is steadily growing? Human laziness and stupidity as
well as lack of practical knowledge of health recreation, curing and health
maintenance account for that. For example, some Hans Steininger from
Branau (Austria) grew his beard 2.5-meter long? One day, coming down
the stairs he stepped on his beard fell down and crashed dead. What
would you say for that? Silly, absurd death, isn't it? Do not we do the
same? For years, we "grow our beards" of various illnesses, our patient
cards are speckled with peculiar medical terms and expressions. What
prevents us from everyday "shaving" to get rid of the "beard"? Is it
laziness, rush or fuss? You hop off the bed, run to the bathroom, rocket
to the kitchen to make "deadly" morning coffee, and run, run to work,
from work… "Rush is damnation of our age…", as Ye. Yevtushenko, a
Russian poet, once said. There's no time to keep in mind that in the
morning you felt a prick in your heart, and that your stomach "revolted"
after another hotdog. We go to the doctor only when we have nothing
else remains. But, WHY and HOW we go? We just drop in: "Look, doc,
something's wrong with my kidneys". And the doctor prescribes us a
medicine - "crutches", and each time a newer and stronger one while the
forces of our own body come to a state next to anabiosis caused by
chemical preparations, radiations (USI, UHF, ECG, X-raying).
What comes out it? What do we have cured? Kidneys. What do we
destroy? We don't know. Human body is a wholesome and integral organ.
All medicines are inorganic substances of which the body is not able to
create a single live cell. The medicines are processed and accumulated in
the body provoking new illnesses, side effects, chronic diseases, and
violate the integrity by forming every time new stagnation manifestation.
Doing so, we transform our body into a delay-action nuclear bomb...
Sanskrit "Maya jaya" means "Long live illusion!". We create illusions
for ourselves: "I take this pillow and I'll be okay", "All people eat starters,
seconds, dessert, so, this is the right way to do". Illusions make us either
very weak or very strong. If we surrender to the illusions we have our
weaknesses getting stronger accompanied by all kinds of problems; if

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we fight our illusions, laziness, wrong beliefs, we are getting stronger.

But how can we tell an illusion from the truth?
To get right answers to these and other questions, we have a person
who we named in the very beginning of the book for a companion. His
name is Igor Anatolievich Shymansky. Mr. Shymansky is a professor,
the author of a unique health rehabilitation and youth prolongation system,
vice-president of "Power of Health" Center, activities of which are based
on the aforementioned system. This system has no analogues in the
world and has been founded on the author's knowledge of the Oriental
schools of inner style. Igor Anatolievich is also the author of a unique
system of physical exercise therapy for people with disorders of support-
motor apparatus, vertebral traumas, and pathologies of internal organs.
This man possesses methods of tumor removal without surgical operation,
repair of coronary vessels, renovation of liver cells; he cures female
disorders (cyst, infertility etc.), and also helps to renew and enhance
sexual male functions. He has been practicing for over 23 years.
Igor Shymansky delivered his lectures on healthy nutrition abroad
(in France, Austria and Japan). He is a consultant of an American
rehabilitation center, supervises scientific expert group. Currently, he is
engaged in development of orthopedic chairs, applicators improving blood
circulation as well as technologies for obtaining ecologically clean crops.
At present time, he works on his doctoral thesis.
His patients have lost their faith in traditional therapy, but they still
have their hope for a wonder. And wonder occurs to them.
- Igor, what serious diseases did you cure with positive results?
- Diabetes (insulin-dependent), cirrhosis, cancerous diseases, various
virus diseases (cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, toxoplasmosis), HIV-
infection, C-hepatitis, cerebral tumors, tumors of prostate gland, internal
organs (irradiated and non-irradiated), hypertension - all of the above
can be successfully cured. These are NOT incurable diseases. This is an
"incurable opinion" of medics and lazy people for one billion per cent, in
most cases. The analyses conducted in local and central biochemical
laboratories are "indifferent witnesses" of retreat of the diseases. For
I. Shymansky

example, diabetes has been globally considered as an incurable disease.

However, our school "Power of Health" proves in practice that this disease
is curable in much simpler way than, say, tuberculosis. If you have
considerable extra weight, extremely large liver, high blood pressure, if
you had infarction, strike (or they say you are going to have them), if
your sugar level in blood is many times above normal, but at the same
time you are not taking insulin, if they say you have black oil instead of
blood in your veins, in our Center they will tell you: "You are going to
forget about your illnesses, become healthy, energetic and happy, you
will sing, dance, write poems, implement your dreams - you will be born
anew". Even if you have taken poison - insulin - but not for a long time
(up to 2 years for adults), and even if you have been on insulin for many
years already, you will still be much better, feel relaxed, live longer and
get a chance only because:


There are herbs that help to dissolve poisons accumulated in the

body and extract them naturally. Apropos, if your weight is above normal
it gives you some advantages.
- How come?
- Fat is an amortization agent mitigating occurring cleaning reactions.
How can fat help? Imagine the fat in the form of a snowdrift over your
organism, where all toxins from your internal organs are extracted with
all herbs and tinctures. Then the snowdrift starts to melt and go away
with all those poisons and "slugs". Fat softens the process of extraction
of poison from the organism and buffers cleaning reactions. Such person
is not only loosing weight, he cleans himself of all toxins accumulated
over years gone. Loosing weight by itself is dangerous, because a person
is loosing weight not yet having reinforced his vessels. Elasticity is lost,
and if the blood rushes through the vessels in powerful flood, the vessels
may break.

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- What is the difference between your approach and health

rehabilitation systems already known to readers?
- This treatment is capable of providing certain guarantees, since it
is based on a large volume of knowledge and additionally includes certain
rehabilitation activities: toxins are extracted from the human body,
extraction functions are being improved, blood vessels are trained not to
stick together causing additional pathologies. In other words, the elasticity
is created, owing to which the vessels can bear practically all pressure
and loading ups and downs. Besides, we have our blood cleaned,
endocrine system regulated, we actively stimulate hormones release in
blood, have out immunity respectively improved and thus create a new
organism capable of existing and operating in the new life conditions. All
of this is achievable with the aid of 3 components: nutrition, breathing
and physical activity at a strictly consequent system of physical exercises.
This system guarantees quality based on certain volume of practical
knowledge. This is where its unprecedented uniqueness and distinction
is. A person becomes a poet, philosopher, he goes in for scientific
activities, harmonically builds his relations in his family and the outside
world: this we call PROGRESS. We improve as persons without putting
obstacles to other people and, moreover, we even create something to
share with the others. This is the predestination of a human being.
In this book, Igor Shymansky, offers some basic rules forming the
foundation for the system developed by him. However, one should bear
in mind that every person is unique in terms of pollution level of body,
diseases, level of physical fitness. Experts of "Power of Health" Center
will customize a rehabilitation program to meet your individual needs.
We hope that this book will become your reliable aid in first steps toward
a new, disease-free life.

I. Shymansky

Summoned by my heart, I found my destiny

And not once but on my various ways,
Running against and stumbling over things and not otherwise, I
was almost drawn in a whirlpool.
Carried by my dream did I felt the curing power of my hands,
And retiring from the world I heard the intuition circle...

How it all started...
"Curing has always been a gift in our family.
My great-grandmother was a well-known healer in
her district. People came to her all the time, each
coming with his or her ails: aching breast, puffy feet...
She took a linen rag, wetted it in water, put on the
raw, applied her hand atop and started to pray.
Whatever the patient felt had to be
remembered, and then, when pain
returned, use it.
My grandmother liked it very much.
She often said: "If you feel bad, if you
don't know where to go, go to your croft,
go to earth. Buy a cow or a goat, and
graze them. Do it with much desire and love and
you'll be cured".
My mother also started to heal people. First,
she quacked using methods inherited from her
mother. Then, the pope in the church prohibited
such healing, and my mother started to use
prayers never turning down anyone who called

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for her help (even in a distance). Whatever happened to a cow or a

goat, they dialed her phone number. I did not know what Mom told
them, what words said but after that the animals came to life. If there is
power, the power can be bandied, transferred from eyes to eyes, carried
by good deeds from generation to generation.
According to Mom, my birth was very difficult. When the water
broke Mom had to go 3 kilometers to paramedic in the neighbor village.
All she thought about was to get there! Get over there whatever it took!
As soon as she got there, she felt unconscious.
Despite of all the difficulties, I was born
and loudly announced the world on my
arrival. That day was remarkable for its
surprisingly warm and tender sunlight. Mom
heard the inner Voice: "A man has come to
the Earth". She used to tell me that everyone
around took notice of my eyes, the eyes of an
adult person. She wanted to call me Sun, but
there is no such name in our language.
In my early childhood I was very weak and sickly. I had frequent
headaches, suffered from kidney disorder; I was subject to constant
ARDs and bronchitis. All this continued until I drew the conclusions
that have changed my whole life.
When I was a small kid and used to visit my grandmother in her
village, I was surprised and shocked by screams of slaughtered animals
from the yards of our neighbors. It seemed to me that they cried for
help and that their last moans were begs for mercy. Those screams
made me run away not to hear that heart-breaking moaning …
I often ran to the road not far from our house. Once, I saw a truck
carrying cows to the slaughterhouse. I remember that when I looked in
their eyes full of tears and supplication, I understood that poor animals
knew for sure where they were driven. Those eyes, so human and so
suffering, I remembered forever. My heart was full with sorrow and
I. Shymansky

desire to help but... but I was only a small boy. What could I do?
I remember, I once decided to go for a risky undertaking: I made
my way into a collective farm cowshed and tried to move aside the bar
to release the "captives" and, alas, I did not manage this. I ran far into
the field, fell into grass and was looking at the sky for a long time. I felt
like sobbing, my heart was breaking apart because of my helplessness,
but I had no tears. What did I thought about that time? Did I recall the
tender and helpless calves that had lost their mothers? Then I tried to
imagine how it was to loose one's mother. The thoughts were real
fearsome. I did not understand why people assumed the right to kill
other living creatures. I don't remember how long I stayed there. All I
remember I spent there quite a few hours. And then - like a thunderbolt
- I saw the sky so close to me. Whether the sky came down on me, or I
flew up to the sky, it's hard to say now. But I remember very well this
feeling of closeness to the vault of heaven. There was something else,
some visions that accurately implemented in my real life with time.
Since that moment, I started to understand that the ability to see the
unseen was given to me by God. I gave a vow to myself: "Never harm
any living creature in word or deed".

After that, I noticed that I have an ability to feel what was going to
Today, thinking of what happened then, I came to the conclusion
that the mental overload caused by the picture I saw launched the
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areas of cerebrum, which are "sleeping"

with normal man (it is known that a man
uses only 4% his brain total capacity; and
what the remaining 96% is for?) What
started those idling centers? Is it a stress or
strain? Or, may be, there is He who sees
that we cannot
make efficient
use of even
4% of active centers, and does not let us
use the rest of them?
When we get rid of getting angry,
envious, when we realize that the society
is sick, and turn to Nature, our doctor,
only then we shall find the way to
recovery. If this had been discovered
before me, if I discovered that, then it could be done by anyone. All you
need is follow the rules of Nature, form an absolutely new person of
yourself, a man of new formation. To do this, you will need to wake
powers and energies of your organism. You necessarily need to
understand that true knowledge is not a privilege of certain nation,
because we all are children of the Creator, our Chief Designer. Therefore,
everyone has an access to the energy.
I remember one more event from my childhood that made an
indelible impression on me. Once, my father returned home after fishing
with a lot of live fish. They put the fish into the rinse basin and prepared
to cut it. What I saw really shocked me: the fish opened their small
mouths, called and prayed for help. It did not utter a sound, but this
soundless cry was like a ring in my ears. When they started to butcher
the fish, separate entrails from caviar, I asked in despair: "Mom, what
is it?" - "Caviar… This is where the fish's children appear from". - "So,
I. Shymansky

does it mean the children will never come to the world? Never at all?".
Mom was silent though I saw that my question brought tears to her
eyes. She came to me, caressed with the back of her hand (the front of
the hand was in fish-scale) and left the kitchen. I hid myself in the
corner (I remember, that at that moment I was really scared) and then
suddenly I saw a wave of warmth coming up from the fish like a vapor.
I sit and thought: if fish is destined to be eaten (as adults said), this
means that it should feel good; but if it feels good, why does it gasp so
convulsively, why does it cry for help? Does it really like this violence?
I remember that in that moment some electric shocks discharged in my
head like small explosions. Suddenly, something deep inside me, some
impulse or some inner voice suggested what to do.
I still feel those impulses, promptings from inside. Every person
has this inner advisor called intuition. But
intoxication makes a partition between our inner
voice and us. Gradually, it transforms itself in a
force, a reflex generated by our bad habits,
pernicious lifestyle. Accumulation of pathogenic
cells makes a human being to initiate requests
for getting "dirty ". What intuition can sound in
a "swamp"? The cells make the hormone release

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into blood to take place in a wrong time, make faults in operation of

vitally important systems, suppress our will, transform a human being,
change his or her views on life. Intoxication, pathological cells become
a part of the body and will never surrender their territory just by
themselves. And, on the contrary, the cleaner your blood is, the closer
inside voice and your intuition...
Then, as if led by some strange will or unknown power, I desperately
grabbed as many fish as I could, pour water in the bath and threw the
fish in the water hoping that they would fin away with water from the
bath and into a river...
I rushed from the bathroom and hid in the sleeping room under
the iron bed. That time was the first time when I felt a shock of real
electric discharge. I guess, my fear "bon" the discharge of electricity.
Along with the ability to predict the future, this phenomenon got to be
another power to work on. From that time on,
caressing a sensitive point on the patient's body
with my fingers I could relive pain in a suffering
person. My first "patients"
were my mother and my
granny. "Son, - my granny
called me (for some reason,
she used to call me "son"),
- there's a pain in my
side". I put my hand on
the sore place and dissolved the pain as if by
ultrasound. That was when I started to
understand that there was a power inside me
though I did not realize then how to use this
power. I knew only one thing for sure: my
life would not be the life of an ordinary man.
There was more even, when this phenomenon exposed itself.
In the backyard of our multistory building, a small shaggy dog
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lived. Children fed her up and even arranged a "plank palace" for her
in the basement. There came a day, when we found the basement filled
with yelps of puppies. But then, there came another day when a neighbor
in cold blood broke off the puppies' life. When I entered into the basement
with my friends, the puppies were breathless, and their mother fussed
around them, rubbed their bodies with her nose and licked those cold
lumps. Despair and impotence choked me. The boys wrote on the
basement wall: "The Humpback murdered the puppies". Why I went to
the feeder switchboard room, I don't remember. All I remember is that I
opened the iron door and then... a blackout. The strongest electric
current shock (though I remember very well that I did not touch anything
just opened the door) threw me on the floor. This gave me another
evidence of that some kind of energy runs through me. After that, they
started to notice that my eyes had changed - they became a kind of
liquid, blear and they saw something that other people's eyes could
At school, I often looked through the window,
observed the leaves on the trees trembling under the
easy breeze making waives. I remember I was surprised
to see the flexibility and fluency, with which leaves and
branches changed their positions never interfering with
each other. I started to notice openings between the
leaves, where sunbeams where breaking through and
then I saw how they transformed taking different shapes
as if filling in empty spaces and creating an additional
volume. This gave an intuitional suggestion that the
discharge existing inside me should be transformed
into a softness, wind and air, in a "transparency". And it was the time
when I determined my curing tool: electricity in the form of "softness". I
started to develop movements imitating movements of tree leaves in the

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It lives in the Sky,

It lives on the Earth,
The freshness of inspiring Echo,
Find it before the dawns set in.
It lives with many,
It is in many,
You always value the sense of your life.
It is so far,
It is so near
The possibility to travel with the wind.
You'll find it soon.

I have found it.

I was 16 when I quit eating meat,
fish, eggs and seafood. Immediately after
that I felt that my severe headaches left. I
started to seriously study Oriental combat
skills and exercises from successive yoga.
Oriental people say: "The Teacher
appears only when the Pupil appears".
In a time, I met a wise man and that
meeting became the starting point of my long road. "Om aganyana-
timirandhasya gyanandgana shalakaya chakshur unmilitam ena
tasmai shri-gurave namah, shri-chaitanya-mano ’bhishtam shapitam

I. Shymansky

ena bhu-tale svayam rupah kada mahyam dadati sva-padantikam" It

means: " I was born in the darkness of ignorance, but my teacher
opened my eyes and dissolved the darkness by ray of knowledge. I bow
to him in my deep respect" (Bhagti-yoga).
The source of my knowledge is "Eight Winds" School originating
from ancient India. Subsequently, the travelling vegetarian monks
united schools of China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Laos and Tibet. Their
mission was to search a balance in this troubled world, perfection of
soul and body. Developing their methodologies and supplementing
them with new knowledge, the monks applied the methods in practice.
After all, you can always tell a real school by applicability of available
knowledge. All that was achieved can and must be applied in everyday
life rather than to be locked up in Himalayan caves.
Our entire life, our every action even the shortest thought should
be aimed at generation of the qualities as follows:
1. Power of purity.
2. Power of sympathy. All these lead to the Power of
3. Power of joy. Unity, where you do not have
4. Power of sincerity. to dominate or fight anyone.
5. Power of peace. This will denote that we are
6. Power of gratitude HOME
7. Power of softness
8. Power of clearness.

"Walk and you shall reach" as an Oriental proverb holds it. It is

not important, after all, what will be the Path: through yoga-unity or
through combat-unity. It is important that the Path brings you Home -
to Unity in yourself and, accordingly, in the outer world.
I was lucky to come in two parallel ways of Unity of victory over
myself and my false EGO.
The school is characterized by its deep knowledge of human
body, processes of aging and rejuvenation, causes of calcification of
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vessels and blood thickening, problems of joints and blood circulation

in cerebrum. Any real Oriental school (including the one in question)
comprises knowledge of the art of body and soul health: the skill to
heal "your neighbor" and a distant one, being near them or at a
thousand miles distance
The first aspect. Anyone UNITY IS IN YOUR HEART
should master the art of health and
be able to apply it in practice.
The second aspect of the
knowledge: aiming at peace in the
Energy is accessible
world with all heart, everyone should
everywhere and all the time
Sri Chinmoy develop the spirit of personal non-
aggressiveness. The school develops
such abilities, forms the skills of
making adequate decisions, ability to find a way out of any situation
however insoluble it might look.
The third aspect of the knowledge is the art of combating without
weapons using just various articles at hand. A sheet of paper, small
tree branch, T-shirt - they all can become a weapon of defense.
Knowledge gives life to energy. Quantity of energy depends on the
volume of knowledge. Energy, in turn, gives birth to intuition,
understanding of facts of the matters. This is a conscious prolongation
of life, absence of depression, possibility of being useful, active and
needed by the society. We all heard the expression "life is a sequence of
ups and downs". The volume of knowledge that we are discussing gives
us a steady way up.
Viruses "eat " man even if he is physically fit, easily makes "the
splits" or breaks bricks with a blow of his hand. He does not need to
break the bricks, but to generate the power of relaxation, power of
purity, peace and joy. One day, awakening at dawn, we will become
the Purity and get saturated with qualities of Heaven. We will have no
need to fight or destroy anyone. A real combat skills and real yoga only
I. Shymansky

help to achieve that. The art of yoga is

far not only the skill of "making knots" of
you. This is a combination of purity and
beautiful inside and outside. Through
combination and amalgamation, they
form the GREAT HARMONY of what they
make hymns.
All this knowledge was collected not
for general public. "The yoga will be mastered by only the worthy
few". But I managed to interpret and adopt the knowledge to let the
people living today use it.
Ideally, according to existing rules you need to say to the patient:
"You should exclude fish, meat, eggs and seafood from your diet and
do not eat them for one year, then return in a year". But life made me to
review such approach and start working with patients guiding them
personally over the entire therapy course.
And this is how it happened.
In 90s, I found out that my Mom was very sick. She practically
died of high blood pressure (260 mm of mercury column), ischemic
heart disease, uterine bleeding, gallstones and abdominal distention
etc. Doctors concluded she had 2-3 months to live. When I came to her,
her neighbors and friends were practically ready to part with her. I
took the "folded leaflet" position, turned eastward, and addressed Him
with my desperate question: "How to?..". After that, I felt closeness to
the sky, the one I have always remember from my childhood; there
came a wonderful easiness and clear picture of what had to be done. I
asked everyone to leave, locked the door and said: "Mom, if you want
to live - do what I say". 15 years have passed since that time and my
Mom lives. To express my gratitude for the way opened to me to save
my mother, I decided to help people to acquire their lost health".

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Let us break some stereotypes

hey say there are as many hypotheses concerning origin of
humans, as there are people on Earth. The faithful believe
that God created man in His image and likeness. Others think
the humans descended from apes. Some people try to assign the credit
for origination of human beings to creatures from outer space. Well,
everyone has the right to imagine his own ancestors.
Anyway, life on the Earth was cradled and on a certain stage of its
development Homo sapiens has started to tread the earth. What did he
think or dream about? Hardly anyone can answer this question for sure.
However, except for the people who aimed to achieve the impossible,
we would still live in caves let alone space voyages. There were a lot of
them who tried to get ripe fruits from the tree, but there was also the one
who picked up a stick to get them. There were many dreamers about
terra incognita, but there was the one who built a ship. People always
dreamt about flying as birds, and now this is a usual thing. Rocketing to
stars, discover and explore the unknown hidden under the watery waste:
there were times when all this was just fantastic. Today, quite a few
science branches work to resolve practical tasks in this area.
When was the first time that a man thought about his health? Has he
ever dreamt to live this life as a healthy one? Or whether he thought that
illnesses and diseases are unavoidable part of people's existence from
time eternal?
A great Russian physiologist I.M.Sechenov once said: "The death
coming sooner than in 150 years should be deemed violent". Why? Let
us make a simple comparison. All mammals on the earth live at least 10 -
14 times longer than their pubescence period. Let us calculate. The
pubescence period with a Homo sapiens is 18 years. Now, we multiple
this figure by 14, or even 10… So, what is the life expectation for human
being? 180-200 years, at the least. And what do we have in practice,
though? If you are around 80 - you are a hero, if you are 100 years old -

I. Shymansky

you are a kind of superman. At the same time, this is a half of the period
that the Nature has built in us. Why is a human being getting tired and
worn out so soon?
The sooner modern technologies develop, the more negligent is the
man about himself. We ourselves create all preconditions for
indispositions, poor health, and appearance of new ailments and, on the
other hand, we simultaneously are preparing foundation pit for a new
clinic to be built. This is how it comes out: medical institutions multiply
in quantities, names of medical procedures are getting more and more
complex (take such "beauties" as "fibrogastroduodenoscopy",
"colonoscopy" etc.), shelves in the drugstores are gay with …ins and
…olams stuff in colorful packing, genetic engineering strides fast. And
what about an ordinary man tired of ailments? Has he gained health? We
have learnt how to fight plague and fever, but AIDS has come to replace
them. Viruses mutate, diseases multiply and take new and more complex
forms mercilessly corroding the human body. In such situation, the lucky
one is the one who lived his life without much suffering rather than the
one who lived happily …
Where is the way out? Is it possible that all our efforts are vain and
the humanity just moves to "flowers on its gravestone "?
No, it is not all that hopeless. I offer you the Path - the path to
yourselves. The body is a self-regulating system, and it is important to
help it and release extra energy, which it could allocate for rehabilitation.
And then, let us just not prevent it from being healthy...
This is not an easy and "bed of roses" way. The knowledge you are
going to acquire may differ from all what you have heard or read before.
It is not easy to break stereotypes, but to bear their burden is much more
difficult. If something does not happen immediately, do not let it bring
you down. Just remember: all we have is what we believe in.

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Let you be happy waking up at dawn

he theater starts from the cloakroom. And a new day starts
from awakening.
What time do you usually get up in the morning?Everyone
has his own answer to the question. It all depends on whether it is a
business day or a weekend. If this is a business day, you, probably, will
undertake some simple arithmetic operations and calculate the time you
need to come to your work at time, and add time necessary to make you
look properly. If you discover that today is a weekend day, then, probably,
you can afford another hour in the bed.
Both approaches are bad. Why so? Human body works under effect
of biorhythms. The biorhythms "tick away" the time in our live system.
To speak in images, the biological rhythms represent live clockwork of
the body. At the same time, the number of various biorhythms does not
exist in the body autonomously; they are interlinked in a complex hierarchy
of interdependencies. Human body is like a huge, complex factory where
various manufacturing processes take place and each produced substance
appears in the right time, in the right place and in relevant quantities
(hormone release in blood, heartbeat and vessel contraction, operations
of liver and kidneys). The more fractional is the "production cycle", the
longer you keep healthy and maintain your work ability.
A doctrine of daily circulation of vital energy emerges in ancient
times. In the Oriental medicine, they paid much attention to the concept
of vital energy or vital power. Indian doctors denote this term as "prana",
Chinese - as "chi" and Japanese as "ki". They believe that each organ or
a system possesses its chi circulating all over the body. Moreover, ancient
scientists have established that each organ has its own culmination point
predetermined in time, which is the period of especially intensive activities.
For example, over the first half of the day, most people have the top
cerebral cortex excitability. It was not just a coincidence that in Pythagoras
times all decisions were made by high officials on empty stomach and at
dawn. This is the time where the brain is in the best operating conditions.
I. Shymansky

We can such recall old proverbs as " Early bird gets the worm ", "Let the
one who wakes at dawn be happy " and others.
OK, let us get back to our bio-clock. After
having worked through the whole day, our
organism as a self-regulating system restores
supplied energy since 21:00 through to 24:00.
Since 24:00 and
through to 01:00, the
restored energy
supports functions
of liver: prepare
t h e organism to
self-cleaning that starts one hour before dawn
when the organism wakes up regardless of our
By 2:00 in the morning, the organism "has reported" to brain the
readiness of its systems to self-cleaning. There is one more hour to
make last adjustments before the "great battle"
to allocate "special task troops" (special cells)
to large bowel, prepare "marines" to help gall-
bladder, send "sailors" to support heart,
"airborne" to secure brain…
This is when the time of the battle comes.
Approximately at 03:30, the organism "takes a
shovel" and starts to unload waste into the
blood circulation system and further on, to the
organs of excretion. If the vessels are ready
for the work, the organism easily handles the operation, and we wake up
fresh, energetic and relaxed. What defines whether the sleeping vessels
are ready to do this work? It all depends on the circumstances prior to
the time when the man felt asleep as follows.
1. At what time did he eat? (Last food should be taken minimum 2
(or 4, desirably) hours prior to sleep.
2. In what state did the man fall asleep: calm or excited? (You should
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start to calm yourself at least since 18:00; if

you fall asleep excited you can provoke a
metabolic disorder, or a biorhythm breakdown
may occur).
3. How did he breathe when falling asleep?
(Breathing should be quiet and rhythmic with
small (5-10 seconds) pauses. Gradually,
breathing should become noiseless).
If the man has met the above requirement,
he secured energy required for self-cleaning of his body.
Constantly overloading the organism, we form preconditions for
failure of the biorhythms, readiness of all systems to self-cleaning in the
early morning hours, perceived by us as fatigue. The fatigue activates
oxidation metabolism (metabolism is intermediary decay stage in result
of oxidation in gastrointestinal tract), accompanied by ample supply of
oxygen and glycogen, accumulation of lactic acid in muscles, and edema
development. The latter is preconditioned by compression of nerve
endings and disorder in their conductivity. All of the above results in
reduction of the organs' service life.
We create the hours of fatigue with
our own hands. In a relaxed muscle, only
the twentieth part of capillaries is dilated,
while all (or almost all) capillaries are
dilated in the working muscle. There is no
ailment, no disease without preceding
fatigue. Every illness is a local or total
interruption of life without interruption of
blood circulation or motion. Exhaustion,
suffering of the cells corresponds to
slower movement of off-cell fluids,
obstruction of excretion ways. This is a
consequence of a wrong life-style. There is the law of all laws: each extra
fatigue provokes venous blood congestion; every venous blood
congestion opens the door to infection. You need to be simply tired to
I. Shymansky

let any virus coming without "knocking the door".

How to overcome fatigue? The rehabilitation system offered by
us aims at preventing fatigue at all. We
want to practically lock the door to fatigue.
Viruses when enter the organism do not meet
an appropriate environment for multiplication
and die. This is a normal human state since
originally, prior to man has worn out his
organism before time, every virus occurring
in blood meets immune resistance and gives
up. Unfortunately, in most cases "the
guardians" of our health - immune cells - are
lazing because the blood is thick, toxic,
metabolic processes have been disordered,
i.e. the environment available for nutrition and
multiplication of infection in the organism is
the most favorable. This rehabilitation system aims at elimination of such
conditions. To achieve this, we need to make the first step: gradually
reduce and finally overcome fatigue.
There are "traffic rules" on the road to fighting fatigue:
1. Assure a timely hormone release in blood.
2. Improve quality of blood (assure a necessary viscosity, correlation
of certain cells).
3. Since blood flows in vessels, it is necessary to take care of them.
Vessels should have certain diameter and be relatively clean (free of plaques
and blood congestion).
4. Obtain balance between cell birth/death rates. This rate is influenced
by the life-style of the man, pharmaceuticals and medicines, nutrition
and breathing.
5. Improve blood circulation in small pelvis.
6. Improve joint mobility (radiocarpal, elbow, shoulder, talocrural,
knee, femoral).
7. Increase flexibility of the vertebral column thus ensuring sufficient
blood supply. By doing so, we prompt the organism to become active,
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self-curing, self-rehabilitating.
8. Activate all metabolic processes since their acceleration and
disorder is one of the reasons for occurrence of fatigue.
9. Adjust skin breathing in order to exclude self-poisoning of the
10. Enhance muscular activities.
11. Gargle your throat and wash out the nose (with salty water). This
decreases fatigue of the organism in whole, but also of parts of cerebrum,
since in maxillary sinuses, not only mucus but also dead cells accumulate
and this leads to blood congestion.
12. Smile! According to an Indian proverb, "You should start smiling
right away not die never having smiled at all".
Accomplishment of every point of the rules above leads to reduction
of fatigue accumulated in the body, and all the rules taken together assist
in elimination of effects of regime, lifestyle that you have maintained until
Try and follow at least one rule already today, for example, start to
smile. Do it today because "tomorrow" is the worst enemy of "today"
that keeps us idling.
Anyway, why is it important to get up before 6 in the morning? At 6
in the morning, final stage of self-cleaning occurs. If we get up before 6
in the morning we can consciously regulate the ongoing processes. When
you sleep, the capillaries are mostly closed or half-closed, because muscles
are not strained, muscular activity is absent, blood is pumped over at
minimal level and only for the purposes of maintenance of vital functions.
However, even at minimal motion (walking to the bathroom and back),
the organism is "up" owing to muscular activity, which means that our
capillaries dilate to a level necessary to handle the cleaning work. There
are a number of exercises that help the organism to stimulate those centers,
which are the most active at a given moment in accordance with daily,
day-time, weekly, monthly and annual biorhythms. Therefore, we
consciously assist to the organism in undertaking the "total cleaning".
It is not without purpose that in the Oriental practice, meditation
begins exactly at dawn. This time is saturated with wonderful energy that
I. Shymansky

helps a man to realize his desires, to

implement his thoughts.
If we wake up after 6 in the morning,
we miss a regular biorhythm phase, and the
integrity of the whole cycle is broken.
Disorderly lifestyle, lack of time for
recreation, stress situations "cooked" by our
own deeds and thoughts lead to that a man
starts to "steal" resources from the
emergency reserve stock of his organism,
his buffer system.
Our emergency reserve stock is a kind of "stock of gold". It is that
energy, which is designed to handle stress situations, in other words all
contingencies of our lives. But the organism knows what may happen
beforehand. All that may happen to us has been predetermined before
we were born in the same manner as our height, length of the feet and
color of the eyes. Instead of using the energy generated in between 21:00
and 24:00 to perform self-cleaning, we are exhausting our emergency
reserve stock.
Sooner or later, the "stock of gold" will
exhaust itself and then any changes in solar
activity, lunar processes and any virus
whatsoever can become a cause of total
pestilence and devastation. It is when we start
to search "somebody to blame" and blame
our bad inheritance, environment etc. The
matter is that we ourselves have dissipated
our energy reserve, which is stored in the body
in the form of blood, sodium in liver cells, in
muscles and in brain (we obtain sodium from
vegetable foodstuff, air). In result of exhaustion of the energy resource,
the body works at full stretch. A broken filter in your motorcar can be
replaced, but you cannot replace any of your organs. However, we can

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try to do at least something, somehow restore our lost health to any level

Our path on the earth (let us draw it as a curve) - is our birth, life
(formation) and death. We are leaving this world with every moment,
every day. Our departure is inevitable, but we can slow it down and
make it easier.
Day-by-day violation of the body provokes breakdowns in cerebrum
programs causing inhibitions in cerebral cortex, which, in turn, leads to
bile-excreting paths dystonia, hypertension, hypotensia, ovary cyst,
pyelonephritis etc. Heartbeat fails, impaired cardiac function occurs. The
breakdown in the body leads to that the catabolism (decay) processes
start to prevail over the processes of generation (anabolism), the balance
gets impaired and all decomposition products accumulate themselves in
tissues, cavities and joints. All of the above preconditions higher viscosity
of blood, content of blood cholesterol and occurrence of atherosclerotic
plaques; from this point, it's a short way to hallucinations, mania
(megalomania and persecution mania), spooks and ghosts: blood fails to
perform its functions.
Conscious awakening is needed to balance (ideally) the processes
of cell decomposition and generation in the body (ideally). But we, sickly
and suffering people, should at least try to put the processes in balance.
If to draw an association with physiology, this would look as follows:

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if you wake up at 05:55 you are a pensioner; if you wake up at 05:30 -

you are around 50, at 05:00 - you are 45. He who wakes up at 04:00 can
undoubtedly refer himself to those who are "sweet sixteen". Therefore,
even if you wake up at 05:55 (five minutes to six in the morning), you still
have a chance to correctly "launch" your body for the whole day's
activities. It should not be so that from tomorrow you are going to abruptly
start to wake up at 04:00 and hopelessly forget about the idea in a couple
of days. You'd better gradually train your body to wake up everyday at
the same preset time. Do not violate yourself, do not force and crucify
your body. Every decision and action you make should establish desire
and joy. All you do, you do for your own self, for your health, therefore,
you may not work at full stretch.
Every habit and reflex is conditioned by availability of nervous links.
If you train the body to wakening up at a correct time step by step,
nervous impulses will be formed. Why do we form the habit of awakening
at four in the morning? This is because it is the time when active self-
cleaning with immediate restoration takes place.
If we set reflexes important for rehabilitation and cleaning at morning
hours, our brain memorizes it. Let us say, you have decided to do certain
exercise on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays every week. In a month,
you will do it every day. Therefore, a nervous link forms from time to
time by means of repetitions since frequent repetitions form a reflex. The
exercises are performed easily and with delight. We teach our brain how
to protect the body. Brain remembers a "comfortable position" and when

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a bad time comes, when a virus is trying to get in this nervous link helps
the immune system. By formation of nervous links we set up an "institute
of artificial immunity", an additional base.
Continuously spending out the emergency reserve, exhausting our
natural immunity, we should simultaneously create an artificial immunity,
a reliable and solid "rears" and let both work. This is where the secret of
all Oriental practices is hidden: there are both natural protection and an
acquired one. They are brothers, simply one is a bit older than the other.
First, you work for your body and, second, your body starts working
for you. Mutually beneficial contract, isn't it?
Human organism works under influence of biorhythms. The
time between 21:00 and 24:00 is used by the body for rehabilitation
purposes. Since 24:00 through to 01:00, a restored energy helps
liver to prepare the organism to start self-cleaning process one
hour prior to dawn when all organs in the body wake up. At 6 in
the morning, there occurs a final stage of self-cleaning. Waking
up before six, we can consciously regulate the ongoing processes.
At minimal motion, the capillaries dilate to a required level to
manage the self-cleaning operations. Conscious awakening is
necessary also for the organism to get the cell decomposition and
generation process balanced.

Alexander K:
In Czech Republic, I heard my "death sentence": cirrhosis. Besides,
I underwent 3 surgical operations on my bowels, I suffered from severe
headaches, hypertension. Doctors also diagnosed prostate gland
adenoma, coronary vessel congestion, and this diagnose proved possible
fatal outcome in the nearest future even excluding the cirrhosis. My
blood pressure jumped as high as 220 mm of mercury column and I
had a feeling of passing away at every attack. I lived under fear of
death my every second, I did not let my wife go far from me (she still
recalls that time with a shudder).
In Germany, they prepared to surgical replacement of an area of
the malfunctioned vessel. The date of the operation had been already
I. Shymansky

fixed. I feared only one thing. I had to be solely responsible for the
effects of the surgical operation. A world-renown professor who was
assigned to accompany me to Germany understood that he was most
certainly going to return home alone. My colleagues also understood
that, but they wanted to do their duty to the end.
This was another time when a lucky chance turned out. I learnt
from my colleagues that there was a man, almost a wizard, who
successfully used some Oriental herbs and roots on the people who
once had been already "sentenced to death" or put on surgical table by
traditional medicine. Since 2 weeks more remained before the operation,
I decided to try his system, you know, to "catch a straw". Why did I
believe him? I was in the Afghan war, I know people well enough, and
I noticed a light of hope in his eyes.
Since that day, I quit eating fish, meat, eggs and ...taking pills.
Sure, I was still in fears but I understood that the worst would come if
I just waited doing nothing and trusting myself to the doctors in whose
eyes the sentence was easily readable.
In 2 weeks from the beginning of the therapy, I felt better, and the
surgery contract with Germans was cancelled.
Today, my liver functions properly, cardiac vessels are clean, blood
pressure has stabilized and all my laboratory tests show normal (though
before, they said I had plasticine instead of blood in my veins). My
prostate gland was registered in the computer database as an example
of the most normal prostate for my age in CIS countries owing to this
rehabilitation system.
I walk 5 km to the stadium and run another 10 kilometers at the
stadium daily. I have defended my thesis, I received a governmental
award, I have plans for further scientific activity. Today, I am full of
energy and force and I was truly born anew.

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...Extend you gratitude to everything...

hat do you do immediately after you wake up? Open you
eyes? Make plans for the day; outline the problems to be

Whatever it is, gratitude should be your first thought. You opened

your eyes, saw the light… After all, this is the light that was given to you
by somebody? Thank the Creator for the daybreak, for the new day, for
another breath, for your awakening. Feel happy, smile. People seized by
their emotions often forget about gratitude, which could be expressed in
a good smile and thought. In gratitude of many people, there is some
hidden expectation of the good in response. You should give your
happiness away without any expectations and self-interest.
Extend your gratitude to anything
Wherever you are.
Be grateful for the fate given to you by Heaven,
You can make it better remaining in peace,
Becoming the Purity, the Good,
Be grateful to the Earth,
On which you walk barefoot at dawn...
I. Shymansky

Miracle-working "leaflet"

hat will you do next? Will you force yourself to throw the
blanket away and stand vertically with a sigh of sorrow
and impendence? Or will you spring up from your bed in
cheerful expectation of coming miracles?
Now, before you get up, make a small inhale, turn over on your
stomach and take a position of "folded leaflet". Exhaling will form by

itself. (see Fig.)

"Folded leaflet": lie on your belly and
pull your legs up under you; the hands can be
put on the pillow.
This position is not another ritual It is
connected with the natural hormone release in
blood via adrenal glands. All your internal
organs will "smile" thereafter. This position is
the most comfortable for them. This position
imitates the image of consciousness. This is a
law. "Folded leaflet" is one of the positions
that continue self-regulation, facilitate
rejuvenation of vessels and veins. It generates
stem cells and makes the organism younger
as far as it is possible at the moment. This is an important law since the
organism may fail to bear a more intensive impact, and at a lower influence,
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deficiency of the organs may develop. This position is also remarkable

by that it provides the organism with a self-insurance option. If you are
not ready for a powerful blood flow launched by this position, then you
cannot stay in this position for a long time; something from inside will
force you on your feet (the feet will swell, your telephone will ring up,
some thought will make you change this position).
In the "folded leaflet" position, we consciously set "locks":
the first "lock" is that we strangulate the popliteal vein linked with
internal organs and being a kind of pipeline connecting the "island" (shank)
with the "continent" (upper part of the body);
the second "lock" is our ankle-joint, connected with frontal part of
cerebrum responsible for logical thinking;
the third "lock" is the waist that should be relaxed. In this position,
the organs of abdominal cavity sag, relax; kidneys and adrenal glands
"are blissfully happy";
the fourth "lock" is the seventh cervical vertebra connected with
spinal cord and brain. In the position "folded leaflet", we make a positive
effect on this vital organs.
When we take this position, our organism, as we already mentioned,
automatically regulates hormone discharge in blood, while only a little
drop of the supplied hormones is able to considerably modify the blood
composition (the man can jump up to land on the plane's wing). The
organism automatically brings the number of hormones to a level
guaranteeing us from infarction, stroke (many people die from them
exactly in the morning hours).
Why do we aim at natural release of hormones in blood? Without
hormones any biochemical process does not take place in the organism.
Hormones, special substances produced by hypophysis, thyroid gland
and adrenal glands, play a leading role in protection of organism from
Hypophysis is "a watchdog" of the organism, a kind of "telephone
switchboard" from which the command to discharge hormones is
transferred in case of occurrence of a virus. The hypophysis represents
a small gland hidden away by wise Nature in the midst of the skull in the
I. Shymansky

hollow of sphenoid behind the eyeballs. Hypophysis is of crucial

importance for good state of human's health. Blood vessels piercing the
front lobe of hypophysis are equipped
with nerve cells ending with cilia. Those
microscopic outgrowths serve as sensors
controlling chemical processes in blood.
Having discovered presence of toxins,
they transmit alarm signal to thyroid
gland, adrenal glands that together with
hypophysis compose their hormonal
"frontline". If necessary, hypophysis
communicates the necessity to start
blood cleaning from hazardous matters
to thyroid gland and adrenal glands.
Therefore, the major function of hypophysis is to prompt various glands
of the body to work. Correct activities of hypophysis influence:
- height and dimensions of the body;
- intellect of personality;
- sexual functions controlled by hypophysis;
- activities of sympathetic nervous system controlling muscular
tension, contraction unstriped muscles.
Making special exercises, both physical and breathing, as well as the
exercises for relaxation, we launch activities of hypophysis, positively
effect functions performed by it. Incorrect nutrition, breathing, lifestyle
pollute blood; it becomes toxic and then hypophysis ceases to handle
set tasks.
Thyroid gland is a regulator of the
rhythms of vital activities of the organism.
In addition to cell reproduction, its makes
its effect on:
- providing tissues with oxygen
(energy exchange);
- regeneration processes (protein

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biosynthesis, cell differentiation, mineral exchange etc.);

- carbohydrates assimilation;
- control of heart rate;
- intellectual activity;
Maintenance of health and life in many
cases is predetermined by activities of
adrenal glands. It was proved that human
life is impossible without adrenal glands'
hormones in blood. Therefore, it is
important not to overload them from the
early childhood. Oriental meditative practice
is aimed at prolongation of service life of
the adrenal glands and thymus gland. We
can remove loading thereupon by making
simple exercises including squatting, sitting on the heels, in "lotus"
position, in "folded leaflet position". Adrenals are the glands that provide
processes of biological oxidation. All chemical processes in the body
depend on reaction of biological oxidation. Hormones produced by
adrenal glands indirectly assure cell breathing, generation of energy for
life. Functions of adrenal glands are as follows:
- control of oxygen supply to all cells and tissues including the cells
of liver, kidneys etc.;
- control of muscular tension:
à) muscles under control of human will (physical strength);
b) cardiac muscle (blood circulation, blood pressure);
c) muscles working beyond the human will (unconditional reflexes);
- control of qualitative correlation of white and red hematocytes;
- control of activities of the immune system and non-specific the
You can stay in the "folded leaflet position" from 5 to 20 minutes.
After that, having felt a discomfort, you may feel like lying down or
standing up. If you are in the "folded leaflet" position for 5 minutes, you
may lie down or squat. Listen to you inner self and you will feel some

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"lighting" in your head. This is not a hallucination but an evidence of that

your hormones have been released in blood. You should remember that
light and use it in a difficult moment.

In doing so, blood rushes to the head,

frontal lobes and then blood flow-out takes place. Your brain feels relaxed,
and hormones discharge in blood takes place in a natural way. This is
one of the main tasks. Man feels full of strength (hormones in blood are
enough, blood moves with a normal velocity, all processes takes place in
due time). Your brain can remember the power of relaxation, which let it
make its arbitrary effect on the endocrine system. When you go to work
or return home you can recall that soothing lighting that you once
experienced, and your hypophysis will give an order to all your glands to
release hormones (or just check whether there is enough hormones in
blood). The process of self-regulation takes place and results in reduction
of venous blood congestion, with simultaneous increase of resistance of
the organism. Resistibility is exactly what we call immunity. In a relaxed
condition and free blood flow like that, alien cells do not adopt themselves.
If you were lying in the "wonderful leaflet" position for a long time
(10 minutes plus), you need to undo your clutched popliteal veins slowly
to "launch" blood, lie on your back and, feeling a powerful light flux, get
relaxed. It is at this moment when complete regulation takes place. You
will feel as you have been born anew. You should have such "birthday"

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every day. Happy birthday!

Stand up, straight up and relax. Give yourself some rest standing.
You will feel that the blood from the strangulated before vessels flow
together in a powerful flow, a cascade flowing out and away all
atherosclerotic plaques and cholesterol on its way and improving elasticity
of vessels, normalizing your blood circulation. Try to address the Creator
exactly in this moment with your pure and elevated thoughts.
The entire rehabilitation system offered to you is designed to make a
positive effect on endocrine organs thus improving and prolongation of
the life of the man.
So, before you stand up, make a small breath, turn on your
belly and sit in the "folded leaflet" position. This position is linked
with natural discharge of hormones in blood via adrenal glands.
No biochemical process in the organism takes place without
hormones. Besides, hormones play a leading role in protection of
the organism from diseases.
"Folded leaflet" is one of the positions, which continues self-
regulation, facilitate rejuvenation of vessels, veins. It generates
stem cells and rejuvenates the organism. Brain is capable of
remembering the power of relaxation arising due to this exercise
thus allowing the organism to arbitrary influence the endocrine
system in future. In relaxed state and given free blood flow, alien
cells do not adapt themselves.

Bukhuti, former athlete:

In young age, I went in for kick-boxing, this sport was in fashion
then. I was 19. In that time, Igor coached kick-boxers and my brother
among them. Igor made him a boxing champion of Ukraine. With my
brother's help, I joined the group of boxers coached by Igor. It was not
easy to become a member of the group. Igor worked with vegetarians
only. They combined combat skills with the spirit of non-aggressiveness;
they practice the good, sympathy, politeness. When I started training
with the group, I realized that I knew nothing. I had to start learning

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everything from scratch, I may say.

My sporting career was abruptly discontinued by a traffic accident.
I once drove my car and suddenly noticed a woman with a child at her
hands very near to me. I turned the steering wheel rapidly not to hit
them and drove into a tree. I had my backbone, arm, thigh broken, and
in the hospital they removed my vertebral disk. They prohibited me
from lifting heavy things, flex my backbone and I walked around bended
and lumping on one leg. They "promised" I was going to drive again…
a wheelchair.
Igor started to work with me. I woke up at 6 in the morning and
doused with 3 buckets of cold water. We went to a stadium even at -20
Co: I ran, made "inhuman" stretches, splits, curtseys. There were times
when we worked 6 hours a day. The exercises resulted in that I could
make 80 curtseys on my damaged leg... In a half a year, I felt perfectly.
In a year I could already stand loadings that I would not have taken
even in my best physical form before.
Igor taught me to maintain a correct lifestyle. First, it was not easy
to quit eating meat, but with time, I even developed disgust to it. There
was time when I drank only freshly squeezed juices: pumpkin, carrot
and many other juices; I eat roots from Himalayan valleys (half a
bucket over a year). I keep on drinking juices today, though less
regularly. After one year of pouring cold water on me, I now take
contrast shower and always complete washing with cold water.
Doctors told me that if I did my physical exercises and hand blows,
I would get paralyzed. During the training sessions with Igor, I did
hundreds and thousands of them...
I felt a healthy man; however, I do not want to stop at this. I
regularly go to stadium and I forgot how to get to hospital.

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How to "switch ignition on" correctly?

(healthy self-cleaning position)

hat goes after that? You probably go to toilet. That is
what you should do. But, is everything you do there you
do in a correct way? Certainly, what you do in there is a
delicate matter, but we will need to talk about
it, since a pose you take can correctly "switch
ignition on" for the rest of the day.
It appears that the most wrongful thing is
the position you used to take in the lavatory.
This position tunes the organism to deadly
experience, since it leads to blood congestion,
disorder of blood circulation.
First thing you should do in the lavatory,
you should squat (on the lavatory pan) or
beside it. You need to set several vertical
"locks": on your popliteal vein, ankle-joint, and
on small of your back. What for? For the same
adrenal glands, without which any biological
oxidation does not occur. What it gives you?
If one sticks to the offered rules of nutrition
and takes only that position, he will never get a prostate gland cancer,
she will never experience female diseases, problems with small pelvis,
liver or kidneys. Note that dwellers of God-forsaken villages, where
lavatories are not equipped with lavatory pans have little problems with
bowels, because they start their day with health position of self-cleaning.
If you are overweight or have serious changes in your joints and it is
not easy for you to squat, you should imitate the pose. Stand up with
your face to the wall, lean against the wall with both hands and very
slowly bent your knees, lowering by at least 1 cm. Your adrenal glands
"will be glad" since certain quantity of poison will be directed towards
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your organs of excretion.

What is the task set for you? Set yourself free of
your own and acquired (with food and medicines)
poisons naturally through the excretion canals. We can
do it with the help of the aforementioned exercise. If
you feel uncomfortable squatting on the lavatory pan,
squat on the floor putting a small basin under you.
You still feel uncomfortable? May be so, but in this
way you will preserve your organs and they will
prolong your life. Squatting on the lavatory pan, you
automatically form pressure on your feet and activate
the points connected with sexual glands and stomach
whose activities accordingly improve.
It should be noted, that this exercise is especially
valuable when done in the morning since the "ignition"
takes place exactly in the morning time. It is the first
peristaltic push, which is especially important. A
remark to the point: this push should run strictly vertically downward
forming a straight line with your backbone. This can be done solely in
the squat position. Nerve impulse runs from spinal cord up and the
masses move down, at the same time. Here is a peculiarity of the peristaltic
push. Squatting position secures maximal removal of waste products
and minimal consumption of blood required for their transportation. One
feels easiness because all poisons are removed from his organism.
This is natural position of bowels and urinary bladder, owing to
which not only these organs but the entire excretion system will serve
longer. Consequently, duration of life will be longer, its activity and utility
will improve. This is one of the ways to avoid oncology diseases
(including those at prostate gland, intestinal system, uterus, liver, kidneys
and spleen). Position "squat" enhances an important link within the
endocrine system - adrenal glands.
Now, let us recall, how do we spend time in lavatory? Some people
read newspapers, some read trash fiction and some listen to the radio.

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Oh! You have not yet equipped your lavatory with a

TV set or PC with periphery?
A part of the waste products and accompanying
gasses that should be removed in the first place by
the first push returns back to blood. This is as if you
direct an exhaust pipe in your apartment. Poisonous
substances are pushed out and toxic gas is distributed
horizontally, "spreads as mist". In result, we remove
one poison (waste products) and let the other one
(gases) to remain inside. Naturally, the gas occurs in
blood circulation of small pelvis (problems with
ovaries, uterus, appendages, tubes with women,
diseases of prostate gland, impotence with men). In
rectum, at the very edge of it, there are venous knots,
which are connected with heart. If gastric peristalsis
force is directed vertically upward, outside, the
organism cannot absorb the poison back to blood
circulation system. In regular sitting position, a part of poisonous
substances is directed by the push aside rather than upwards and is
absorbed back in blood through lower section of rectum thus poisoning
the blood. Flow-out of poisoned venous blood leads to malfunction of
heart. From heart, blood with poison and gasses in it enters lungs and
then cerebrum. This gives headaches, strokes etc. At the last stage of
defecation, sphincter contracts signalling that all toxic excretions are
removed from the organism. When we sit on the lavatory pan, the last
"exhaust" of the gasses (the first and the last are the most toxic among
them) remains in the bowels, disturbing blood circulation, corroding
mucous membrane, causing congestions. In addition, we make pressure
on kidneys thus reducing their excretion capabilities. Lumbar section of
backbone and knee-joints also suffer.
Wrong diet and breathing, irrational time of going to bed and
wakening up in combination with wrong sitting position in the lavatory
considerably deteriorate blood composition. Liver fails to perform its

I. Shymansky

toxin neutralization and blood cleaning functions in full. This results in

disorders of blood circulation in brain. Is not this the reason for the
quality of ideas we have: where to buy, how to snatch, how to run shoulder
to shoulder with somebody - sheer animal instincts, though we have
forgotten how to compassionate.
However, it may happen so that squatting will not give rise to the
peristaltic push and the bowels will not be relieved. In this case, you can
resort to an easy and I would even say the easiest possible bowels
irrigation. In general, this procedure is recommended in conditions of
changes in one's diet. When you exclude meat, fish and eggs from your
diet, one irrigation procedure every 3 days during 10 days is
recommended; at full restructuring of your diet, you should do it every

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day for 10 days, and at fasting diet, in the morning and in the evening for
10 days. You should repeat this course every 3-4 months, desirably at a
season-border time. If you have your appendix removed, then bowels
irrigation should be undertaken every 8-10 days over your entire lifetime.
I called the irrigation method "the easiest" because you will need neither
have a traditional enema, nor a bucket. Your basic tool for this procedure
will be a usual syringe with 300 ml of warm water (you should replace
syringes every 2 months). After the irrigation, if your weight and flexibility
allow, you should bend forward, lean upon the floor with your hands
and, having steadily fixed you right foot, straight your left leg up as
much as possible (maximum) or lift your left thigh bending the knee.
(See Fig.) Why do we do this? In such position, water creates pressure
in certain parts of the bowels, enhances blood circulation and helps to
remove accumulated crypt cells. You need to make this exercise during
30 seconds (depending on one's weight and condition of vessels). Even
if after the exercise poisonous waste products do not come out, water
will perform a very important job, it will force out the gasses accumulated
in the bowels. Besides, warm water from syringe forms a physiological
blast wave from below going up to kidneys and through the kidney to
adrenal glands that gave the order to start cleaning, normalize peristalsis,
improve activities of given section of bowels and, respectively, getting
free of poisons. After washing out, return to the position "on your heels"
and wait.
So, the first thing you need to do when in lavatory (or earlier)
is to squat. We need to emphasize the importance of this exercise
exactly in the morning hours because the "ignition" takes place
only in the morning. The first peristaltic push should occur strictly
vertically downwards forming a straight line together with your
backbone. You can do it only squatting. In this position, the
organism cannot absorb poisons back to the blood circulation
system. Even in case when squatting does not provoke the
peristaltic push and bowels do not get emptied, you need to make
a bowels light washing-through.

I. Shymansky

Vladimir V:
After another surgical operation abroad, I realized that I am on
my way to there from where I had run away - despair and helplessness.
I understood that my days are numbered and that all people felt nothing
but pity looking at me. Today, I am scared even to name it all I had:
sugar in blood was many times above normal; my head was constantly
breaking apart from pain. Even at night, I got the feeling that pain
was squeezing my head like with iron hoops. I was afraid to wake up
in the morning because there was hardly an organ in my body, which
did not suffer from pain. I had fatty hepatosis (or was it an initial stage
of cirrhosis? may be they just do not want to tell me not scare me to
death?), thyroid gland tumor. After eradication of prostate gland tumor,
pathological processes occurred anew. In addition, during the operation,
they had brought in an infection, and thereafter I felt like I had ice
down there while my head was torn apart by pains. Sugar level jumped
up and felt down and every night I feared I would never wake up and
fall into coma. My blood pressure was beyond any measure. Fear of
death never left me.
After having been examined abroad, I talked to my friend and
found out that there was a man who addressed the problems and
resolved them. I also learnt, there were some age restrictions (he did
not cure people older than 55 years old and wanted to even set this
restriction up to 44), while I was 56 at that time. However, I decided to
call the man, upon the assumption that if I had my sympathy to people
(I had helped poor people, churches), then the Creator will show
sympathy to me and give this chance. Believe it or not, this man agreed
at once and said: "You have kind heart, you love children, so, come
with me, but keep in mind that your time is limited".
Next day, I was up at 4 in the morning.
Igor cancelled all the medicines I had been prescribed. Since that
time, my doctors started to predict threatening prospects of my "new

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life". They called me on the phone and warned that by refusing all the
prescribed medicines, I doomed myself to coma. However, after I had
made my decision, I started to take decoctions of herbs, medicinal roots
and went in for physical exercises. I swamped up a rope, leopard-
crawled the sand, rode the bicycle, ran, foot-raced, swam in ice-cold
I did it all for 15 and a half months. For 20 years before that, the
longest distance I walked had been in the airport (in all other cases I
limited my walks by moving from the door to the car, from my room to
the bathroom, because every little cell of my body suffered from
unbearable pain; now, I started to go on my foot every morning covering
the 10-km distance. "Prostate gland tumor", "hypertension", "diabetes"
became no more than words for me. I have become a different man -
cheerful, energetic and, what is the most important, full of expectations
and sure of the day of tomorrow.

First steps
in cleaning your organism

T here are certain recommendations as for morning cleaning of

your "good old" body.
You should start the "cleaning-up" from your tongue. The gray-
bluish film on your tongue, bad smell indicates that fermentation and
putrefaction processes take place in your organism in result of poison
accumulation. In order to remove the film (resulted from wrong nutrition),
take a silver spoon or special brush and softly and carefully pass it over
your tongue several times.
Besides, we can stimulate certain points on the tongue linked to
activities of various internal organs. We recommend that vegetarians keep
the tongue close to the palate 24 hours a day. This exercise improves
functions of internal organs and prolongs their service life. For those
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who have not yet redesigned their nutrition, this exercise will be even
Next step is washing through the
nose. This exercise can be done in the
best way with slightly salty water (regular
flowing water irritates mucous tunic). Pour
some water in the cup, press one nostril
with you finger and draw in the water with
the other nostril. (See Fig.). After that,
press out water from your nostril with
your thumb and draw in the water again.
Water should freely pass out through your
mouth. If you cannot do it at once, "press
out" the water from the nose. You can
repeat this procedure for no more than 3-4 times. This is not so difficult
as it may seem to be. Repeat the exercise using your second nostril.
After that, you should sit in the "folded leaflet" position again and
turn your head in various directions; you can also bend over a little or
kneel down, or stand on all fours. This is done in order to withdraw
remaining water from your nasal cavity. Water will come out for a long
time and this is why you should not go outside for 2-3 hours in cold
weather. In winter, this procedure is better to be done before going to
bed in order to avoid inflammations.

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Now, we go to procedures on the ears. Put your both your index

fingers as deep in your ears as possible and shake them easily. Such
massage activates those nervous centers located in the years that are
linked with the entire organism via nervous connections. Therefore, we
constantly induce our organism to fight viruses that attack us continuously,
we direct it to work at day and relax at night. Besides, we improve
hearing by removing impurities and thus eliminating blood congestions
(there is always congestion behind otitis).
Advice concerning your throat: if you have no specific problems
with acidity, you can gargle your throat and wash your mouth with slightly
acidulous water (with lemon). First, most microbes (and they are countless
in your body) will leave throat and go to excretion organs. Second, after
having felt the acid, your brain will activate itself. Initially, water should
be cool. The temperature should be lowered but gradually, day-by-day.
Finally, you should arrive at gargling your throat and almonds with very
cold water. This will help in elimination of congestion in blood formed in
Neck and head massage also wakens up and activates the body.
Two-three touches will not take much of your energy though bring you a
world of good.
Therefore, in order to wake up and tune your organism to
faultless activities during the day, you should accomplish very simple
hygienic procedures. You should brush off the film formed on your
tongue with silver teaspoon or special brush doing light, careful
movements. To wash through your nose, take somewhat salty water
by each nostril in turn. Ear massage: put you fingers as deep as
possible in your ears and shake it easily several times. You should
gargle your mouth and throat with water slightly acidified with
some lemon; it facilitates removal of microbes and activation of
brain activity.

I. Shymansky

... Always and forever: long live water!!

ow, you come to washing. If you have the habit of dousing
with cold water, stick to the habit then. Otherwise,take a
mug and pour water over your … small finger, first one and
then the other. It is important to pour water over any part of your body
whatsoever. Why so? If you nip yourself, you
will notice that you feel pain not only there where
you have nipped yourself, and that an impulse
has run through your entire body. This is how
dousing works. Starting with your finger, you do
not impose yourself to shock, on the one hand,
and obtained positive emotions will induce release
of hormones in blood in natural way rather than
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with the aid of chemicals, on the other hand, thus strengthening your
endocrine system. Very soon, in five days or on the same very day,
perhaps, you will feel like pouring water over your hand and than on
your arm below elbow. "OK, that's fine, but I am certainly not going to
pour water all over me ", - you sooth yourself. In result, some day, you
will think: "Is there anything else to pour water over?". People fear pouring
water over belly most of all. If you want to have as little unpleasant
moments as possible, do it real quick. Further on, dousing will bring you
nothing but satisfaction. Human body is arranged so that it likes being
cooled down. Therefore, the key condition is to carry out the procedures
What does water do? We know that our body is pierced with vessels.
If we stretched them in a straight line, its length would be near 100
thousand kilometers. When we effect the body with cold water, walls of
the vessels vibrate and constrict gaining tonus, and blood circulation
improves. Capillaries, with which the skin is "powdered", first close
under effect of water and then expand and open like blossoming flowers
in spring. Blood forces out toxic products of vital functions through
pores and organism cleans itself.
Thermoregulation is an important component of cleaning. First, we
cool the body down and then temperature levels and come to normal.
Organism, by quickly sorting out a necessary temperature mode, dissolves
and removes various congestion phenomena.
The most important is that we always
forget or just do not think about the
importance of water for thymus. Thymus
locates in thoracic cavity behind the upper
part of sternum. It represents a soft formation
of yellow color and is a central organ of the
immune system. This is where cells - main
characters of immunologic reactions -
mature; these cells are main participants of
cell immunity, protect human being from

I. Shymansky

viruses, fungi, malignant cells etc. Thymus is formed on the first month
of intrauterine life. It develops before the period of pubescence and
starts to dry out thereafter. We can slow down this process with the help
of certain relaxation technique that improves blood circulation. Water
also prolongs thymus' service life. Every time after "rousing" by cold, it
"recalls" that it is still needed; its function is improved because it is a
tissue called to "life" by low temperatures.
An important moment during dousing is breath-holding. Try to recall,
how you "freeze" finding yourself under cold water flow. These several
seconds can exterminate thousands of pathogenic cells, (viruses love
smells and heat). Cold water with subsequent dynamic breath-holding
(draw breath-exhale - maximal hold) closes the door for pathogenic cells.
Is it important to have cold dousing all over your body including
head? It is very much important. The head should always be kept in
cold, in general, and the forehead should be cool. Why? As every other
organ, our brain is supplied with blood via certain arteries. Blood comes
to brain with certain temperature, it is thick and toxic. This generates an
additional tension. It so happens that before starting to perform its
functions, brain is already tired. What does cold water do? It temporarily
reduces the diameter of vessels and creates a wave with the help of
contractions-expansions. This wave accelerates movement of cells,
eliminates congestion and attenuates blood. This is very important for
cleaning-up processes and rejuvenation. Pouring cold water all over you
is important in the morning when new cells form and become more
enduring. Besides, brain contains brain liquid and by influencing it with
water procedures, we also eliminate congestions. Cooling improves blood
circulation. Well-fed and free of metabolic products brain performs its
functions very accurately. "Cooled brain" cheer us up, which also
produces natural release of hormones in blood. Follow a number of
recommendations and you will realize that your vision and hearing
improve, your walk changes and new good habits appear.
In addition, water erases memory of diseases. It rehabilitates, give
hope, inspires trust in yourself.

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So, if you have already accustomed to cold dousing, keep on

doing it. If not, start from pouring cold water on your finger for a
start. Conduct these procedures willingly, with pleasure. Obtained
positive emotions will provoke release of hormones in blood in a
natural way, strengthening immune system. Cold water improves
blood circulation. Blood forces out toxic products of vital functions
through pores and organism cleans itself.
Human organism likes to be cooled. By quickly selecting a
required temperature mode, it dissolves and removes various
congestion manifestations. Blood pushes out toxic products and
organism cleans itself. Congestions fade away, organism
rejuvenates itself. An important moment is breath-holding. In those
several seconds, thousands of pathologic cells can be exterminated.
Well-fed and free of metabolic products brain performs its functions
with high accuracy.

I. Shymansky

Dmitriy Klimchuk, medical doctor:

Two years ago, I met one of my friends: he was lean and looked
much younger. He told me, he had had serious problems with heart
and managed to solve them all. He felt himself healthy; he lost 30 kg
and he started to jog. That was the first time I heard about Igor and
his exercises.
My friend suggested that I come to the stadium to jog together. I
nodded but never come there.
Two of my colleagues have already took Igor's exercises so I went
to meet him personally. My weight was 150 kg then. He asked me what
I ate, drank and how many cigarettes I smoked. Then he recommended
to change my lifestyle, start drinking freshly squeezed juices and go to
stadium to do muscle exercises. Having attentively examined lines on
my hand, he said: "It may be late in 6 months already. Strike rides the
hyena". "What are you, my mom? I know what I do", - I thought to
After I had had a stroke and lied in reanimation department, I met
with Igor again. He told exactly what he had said at our first meeting:
I needed to take my health very seriously. I failed to listen to what he
said again. You know, it's hard to quit what you get accustomed to.
When we met again, he said he never visited people more than
twice, but my colleagues did ask him to visit me. Igor set his condition:
if they described in writing any seven of my positive qualities, he would
agree. They did. And I decided to try again... I am a tough guy by
nature: once I decided something, I will do it whatever it takes.
We started at the stadium, where Igor tried to sit me on the "splits"
exercise. To make it short, I did some exercises and he suggested I come
First time I came to the stadium on October 2, 2005 (I wrote down
the date in my notebook). Since that day, I quit eating meat, fish, eggs,
sugar, bread and tinned food. I took carrot or grapefruit juice in the
morning and later, I ate some porridge. On the first day, I ran seven
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rounds in 1 hour, I could not do stretching exercises and I could not

Now, I walk 15 rounds in 1 hour, I do as many stretching exercises
at any height as I wish and I jump in "squatting" position. I like the
Oriental saying told me by Igor on that you should always compete
with yourself. Therefore, I do everything to feel myself comfortable and,
at the same time, I do a little over the top.
I do my exercise at the stadium 6 days a week from 4.50 till 7 in the
morning and I like it. In total, I have been doing my exercises under
Igor's supervision for 9 months. This man can create a very positive
psychological effect on other people. When he comes to the stadium, I
run faster and his presence forms a beneficial aura.
What is a 9-month term in comparison with past years? Nothing,
on the one hand, but during this time, big changes occurred in my life.
Before I started to think about my lifestyle, I had stenocardia, cardiac
insufficiency, ischemia, (I had my pacemaker implanted), hypertension,
pancreatic diabetes, stomach ulcer, chronic hepatitis, osteochondrosis.
I lived through stroke, I lied in reanimation department, I had to learn
how to speak and walk anew. After the stroke that I had, many people
do not start to talk again at all.
Now, from the list above only the pacemaker remained in place
though heart examination demonstrated heart's own rate, which means
that I have certain prospects.
I lost 69 kg. Presently, I am the leanest person in the family and I
can compete with my children by physical strength. I am 53. I take
myself for a healthy man.
As a medical doctor, I cannot explain many things, but the system
It is not often that a person likes everything he or she does. This is
exactly the time I am living through at now.
If 2 years ago I did 1-2 surgical operations per month, today I can
do 4 a day.
I. Shymansky

I started to feel much more interest teaching my post-graduate

students, attending physicians, write books. This year, I had my book
on orthopaedy published in Russia.
Less than a year ago, I did not know what is to walk, on my way
home after work all I thought about was how to get in bed as soon as
possible. My life was split in two: work and home. Today, I have
discovered so many interesting things!
I started to drive a car, though before I always went only with my
driver. Now, I often suggest driving him home. I started my studies in
computer academy.
Recently, I have taken great interest in Japanese poetry.
I have also developed aversion of smoking and drinking people,
though I drank and smoked myself for 35 years. I could eat 100 ravioli
for dinner.
I started to accept worries and troubles surprisingly calmly.
As Solomon said, all things must pass.
Worries and problems will pass and the world will remain. The
most important thing is your health, interesting work...

Miracle-working stretching

ou should keep on doing physical
You should do stretching of your forearm
and gastrocnemius muscles from day to day after you
wake up. This improves blood circulation, removes
congestions and, in turn, has beneficial effect on activities
of cerebrum and heart. Capillaries of gastrocnemius
muscles are called "second heart" on the East. Blood
flow engine in not your heart (it is simply a pump), but
the muscles. Contraction of capillaries of gastrocnemius
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muscles and forearm muscles pushes blood through to cerebrum and

heart and, accordingly, by activating those muscles we positively influence
activities of our vitally important organs.
Stretching exercises improve contraction ability of the muscles on
account of expansion of capillaries. Advantage of the stretching exercises
is that they are based on natural movements. After waking up or in order
to remove tiredness after a long sitting work or just willing to overcome
drowsiness, we stretch ourselves, yawn, shake the head and numb parts
of the body and try to straighten up, and stand straight. We always do it.
When stretching ourselves as well as when doing special exercises
for muscle stretching, alternation of short-time muscle tension and
relaxation takes place. This feature enables a person to relax fully and
regain active working condition within a short period of time.
Effecting the muscles with stretching (without applying much force),
we facilitate motor activity, improve mobility of joints, assist to faster
restoration of full-value movements in case of injuries, diseases, nervous
tension, stresses. Owing to stretching exercises we acquire a habit of
deep relaxation beneficially affecting the emotional area. Transfer from
muscular tension to relaxation and back is a kind of gymnastics for
nervous centers. When you do the first movement, it is as if your brain
tells you: "I don't believe it!.. ". At the second movement, it is pleasantly
surprised: "Oh, can it be so good?!". On the third, it goes "Great! This
is exactly what I've been waiting for!". After that,
organism gives order to release additional hormones
in blood (exactly what we aimed at). All of this is
achievable by simple - as they may look - exercises.
Your muscles have relaxed: nerves are at rest, your
thoughts are becoming quiet, negative emotions
fade away. This is the time when peace-setting joy
spread all over your body, lightens your heart as if
concentrating individual rays in a beam of light. Now
you are a generator producing a flow of an endless

I. Shymansky

Energy charge will open a creative source in you. Desires, worries

will step back. All you need is Peace.

Somewhere there, over the river,
Over the sea wave and mountain echo,
Among grass and leaves,
Where the Day is born and Night comes from,
Behind silver Skies,
Behind slipping Life and in Life itself.
Your Inner Helmsman being always with you.
Repeat it often to yourself.

The role of relaxation in gymnastics is extremely important. We do

any exercise in order to relax. Free blood flow is possible only when a
person is relaxed. There are two types of relaxation: before physical
stress and after it. Both have their impact on human hormone background,
prolong life and supply health. The most important thing is to relax, and
this is impossible without physical exercises. "Be kind to your body, -
writes P.S. Bragg, - and it will be fit. If you start to abuse it, it will pay
back with constant nervous breakdowns. The Kingdom of Heaven is
inside you". When the body is relaxed, there is peace, calmness and joy
of life inside you. It is worth being achieved"1 .
I hear the question: "How much time should be spent on physical
training?" I give a simple answer: "From 5 minute on". It all depends on
the condition of your blood vessels that you want to achieve. If being 70
years old, a person wants to have blood vessels as those of a 20 years
old young man then he will make his exercise 3-4 hours a day.
Take shower after each physical exercise session.
Bragg, Paul S. “Build powerful nerve force. – Kiev: MP Sofia, 1991

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Let us summarize: we need to achieve a balance of biological

processes in our organism. By affecting our muscles with stretching,
we increase motor activity, improve mobility of joints. Stretching
also improves blood supply, removes congestions and this in turn
positively influences activity of cerebrum and heart. In addition,
stretching facilitates acquiring deep relaxation as a habit. Only
given relaxation free blood flow is possible, and you cannot learn
how to relax without physical exercises.

True word about nutrition

ell, well, - the most impatient ones would say, - I get up
early and I did my physical exercises effectively - isn't it
time to eat now?". Somebody will "calm his stomach
down" with one raspberry, another one will want to put away a half of
his fridge's content. We are all different, while the Laws of Health are
uniform for all. This is why whatever you are doing at the moment (relax
or chew), try to hear the message that I want to deliver.
Disorderly lifestyle, late wake-ups and goings to bed, incorrect
nutrition result in that the voice of your organism is getting weaker and
softer. We do not pay attention to the signals sent to us by our body:
eyes are getting dimmer, some green and yellow colors on the face, hair
gets brittle, teeth and nails are getting fragile, body odors become bad
smells, bones ache, organs "moan"… And you just go forward as if
nothing has happened! You go to the goals, to more moneys, to new car,
apartment… there is a lot of things one would like to get. But "being
closer to the goal does not mean to achieve it; a step from your goal you
can discover a gap that cannot be stepped over". (L. Blanqui). The
humanity bows head in memory of dozens of thousands people lost in
nuclear tornado of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We were all shocked to
know about the Chernobyl tragedy. But at the same time, we do not give
a damn about horrible effects of disorderly nutrition and lifestyle, which
carry away lives of millions of people every day.
I. Shymansky

If under circumstances or own weakness we are not able to organize

the day correctly, why do not we try to at least make the morning as ideal
as possible and assist in cleaning of our organisms. Try to keep away
from the room where foodstuff is. Until the moment you you're your
organism with food again, it keeps on cleaning, getting younger and get
saturated with energy of cleaning. As soon as a culinary product of
habitual diet gets in, the blood is being directed to gastrointestinal tract,
huge amount of energy is "revoked" for digestion and cleaning and
rejuvenation processes suspend. It should be admitted that not all food
consumes vast energy for digestion purposes. Let us discuss it later. If
you cannot stand your hunger any longer, try not to make it worse for
yourself, at least.
Unfortunately, we do on the contrary every day and from month to
month. Famous physician-theoretician I. L. Gerlovin wrote: "Humanity
is still not fully aware of all peculiarities of the effect made by the consumed
food naively evaluating food by calorie content. Mankind widely uses
artificially created substances in the economy, in general, and in production
of food products, in particular, and chemotherapy has even become a
basis for therapy. Only recently, there emerged an understanding of that
it is nothing else but self-poisoning of mankind… This has happened
because modern science got caught at a very low level of knowledge
about the world and declared the postulates created at that level to be the
truth of the last instance" 1.
All the time we were told about vital importance of balance between
quantity and quality of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral elements
and vitamins consumed by organism in the course of performance of its
vital functions.
The average daily diet should have been balanced by quality and
Gerlovin I.L. “Fundamentals of unified theory of all interactivities in matter” –
L.: Energoatomizdat, 1990

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At the same time, it was assumed that calorie content of the diet
depends on the degree of muscle loading.
As the main argument in favor of such instructions given by fans of
balanced nutrition, they refer to the law of conservation of energy,
according to which expenditure of energy should be replenished in
organism with the same quantity of energy contained in food.
Besides, modern technologies in food industry aim at destruction of
natural properties of products rather at their conservation since they are
based on preservation, concentration, refining food products by applying
various chemical additives and preservatives. It is hard, if not impossible,
to spot anything useful in those "free-of-life" products with which food
industry feeds us. Above all, the food products without bio-informational
properties catastrophically lower spiritual potential of people and destroy
their psychological and emotional sphere, and provoke serious chronic
And what if energy and substances are supplied to the organism not
only with food but through other channels also?
Human being is a live creature, an integral part of the entire totality of
live organisms. Humans are linked with organized matter. Existence of
living organism after its birth depends on the degree of capability of
organism to extract energy and matter from outer world and use them.
Majority of partisans of orthodox and some modern concepts of
nutrition make a person capable of consuming both animal and vegetable
food without any harm for health. From this viewpoint, a human being
stands somewhere in between the herbivore and predator.
In fact, human being is rather a fruit-eating being and genuine raw
food eater, originally. But the wider so-called "civilization" opens the
gate, the farther we go from eating raw food. From vast variety of "culinary
horror" offered by modern food industry, eating cereals will cause the
smallest harm to our organism. Our specific food includes fruits, berries,
tubers, nuts and i.e. those parts of vegetables that contain the highest
concentration of nutrients. OK, let us discuss man's abilities to eat meat
("small dead bodies") and let us sort out what can and what cannot be

I. Shymansky

called meat. Predator eats flesh of animals, which fully preserves all
properties of live creature. Man, instead, does not eat meat in the original
meaning of this word, but a lifeless mass, obtained in result of thermal
and culinary meat processing. (Man due to his physiological specific
properties cannot digest and promptly remove from the organism the
dead body together with ptomaine). The very ability to eat flesh of others,
man has acquired only after he got control over fire. Though it occurred
several hundreds of thousands years ago, we have not acquired any of
anatomic or physiological properties of predator ever since: no fangs or
paws; alkaline reaction in the mouth rather than acidic - as it is with
predators - remained the same. Therefore, all attempts to represent human
being as "vegetable and dead-body" eater is a vain business.
However, we build more and more hospitals even there where there
are all conditions for people to never get ill at all: in Crimea, Caucasus …
Together with animal flesh, viruses that had affected animals occurred
in human organism: anthrax, avian influenza, foot-and-mouth disease etc.
Finding itself in a dead corner that man creates, his organism adapts
itself to production of various ferments to reprocess ptomaine supplied
with meat. The ferments (hydrochloric acid, pepsin) are produced by
pancreas, gall bladder, small intestines and large intestines. Meat food is
heavy for stomach; therefore gastrointestinal tract has to work with
overloading. As a result, the organs involved in digestion are worn out
before their time due to the overloading.
They have no time for rehabilitation
because man makes them "combat"
meat, fried and spicy food on everyday
basis. As soon as a fault occurs in any
one section of the "food reprocessing
factory" this has its immediate impact on
other sections and departments entailing
breakdowns in their activities, too.
Besides, organism takes energy required
for digestion from its "emergency

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reserve". It hinders activities of other organs and shortens their service

life. For how long can the body work at its breaking point? If liver and
kidneys are not able to manage the uric acid and other toxins supplied
from outside, they are retained in various organs, cause gout, rheumatism,
headaches, epilepsy, convulsions and other unpleasant phenomena. It is
obvious that any therapy will be unsuccessful if a person does not quit
eating "dead bodies" (meat, eggs, fish, sea living organisms). Ptomaine
and acids contained in flesh are removed from organism no sooner than
in 10 - 12 months.
It is interesting that man uses meat of phytophagous animals: cows,
pigs, rabbits, sheep, goats, horses, poultry and even from among fowl
man prefers meat of deer, hare, wild boar, but not that of tiger, lion or
leopard. This is another proof of that people receive secondary vegetable
energy from meat of vegetable-eating animals.
One more serious objection against meat is the fact that meat gets
decomposed the first of all food products. Vegetables also decay and
ferment, but those processes are not as much hazardous as putrefied
meat. In the course of decay, toxic substances are released. Scientists
have proved that animal proteins are subject to twice as fast decay as
vegetable proteins.
When an animal is alive, its tissues are soft but after death hardening
takes place. Meat becomes tough and softness returns only after decay
processes have commenced. This is why they keep it for some time to
let it mature or in other words "rot".
Besides, every cell of slaughtered animal is saturated with the horror
of coming death and excretes more than two dozens of substances
poisonous for man. Right now, we are not talking about ptomaine formed
in result of tissue decomposition but about those poisonous compositions
that are formed when the animal is still alive, and which are available in
meat after death. Realizing what is going to happen, the animal - same as
any man in similar situation - experiences a powerful stress. This is the
time when all metabolic processes get activated, adrenaline discharge
takes place, serotonin and gestalin are released etc. All those matters

I. Shymansky

maintain in flesh of the animal and occur in the human organism together
with the flesh eaten by man. Subsequently, people who prefer meat
products have their blood pressure increased, phlegm discharge
intensifies, vessel spasms take place so human organs receive less oxygen
and nutrients supplied with blood. Respectively, additional faults in
activities of all organs and systems start to take place.
As long ago as in 1960s, scientists suggested that development of
atherosclerosis and heart diseases somehow linked with meat food
products. In particular, this was reported in "Journal of the Association
of American Physicians" (1961). Cholesterol obtained in result of meat
consumption is deposited on the walls of blood vessels reducing blood
inflow to heart that may cause a higher blood pressure, cardiac deficiency
and strokes.
In literature, test of Farger and Whalepole11 was described,
demonstrating that rotting meat contains many poisonous matters, some
of which provoke rise in arterial blood pressure. Bearing in mind this
fact, some doctors ban use of meat food products for their patients
suffering from atherosclerosis or hypertension.
Speaking of cancer diseases, we see that researches undertaken over
recent twenty years definitely indicate existence of a dependence between
consumption of meat food products and risk of getting large intestine
cancer and rectal cancer,cancer of mammary glands and uterus (the article
covering the issues was published in British
medical journal "Lancet").
By eating meat, fish and eggs, we ourselves
destroy our blood vessels. Meat destroys outer
walls of the vessel, eggs affect inside its walls,
and fish causes changes in the vessel wall structure.

Benjamin G. “Vegetarian lifestyle – physical and mental
health” – M.: Pedagogika – Press, 1994

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"Well, - some readers can object, - but does this mean that our organism
does not need animal proteins at all?"
Doctor Paavo Airola, a leading expert in dietetics and natural biology,
states: "Twenty years ago, our general belief was that daily norm of
protein was 150 g, while today, officially accepted norm has been lowered
down to 45 g. Excessive consumption of proteins is not only useless, it
causes a significant harm to the organism; moreover, it can be a cause of
a number of serious diseases. In order to get 45 g of protein daily, one
does not necessarily has to eat meat. Full-scaled vegetarian diet consisting
of cereals, legumes, nuts, vegetables and fruits is more than enough for a
man to get necessary quantity of protein "1.
Until recently, dieticians assumed that full-value proteins comprising
8 irreplaceable amino acids not produced by human organism are
contained solely in meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. However,
researches conducted at Caroline Institute (Sweden) and Max Plank
Institute (Germany)2 , demonstrated that majority of vegetables, fruits,
seeds, nuts and cereals are the source of full-value protein, which, in
addition, is much easier for assimilation in the organism then protein of
animal origin and, dislike animal proteins, do not contain toxic admixes.
Consumption of sufficient quantities of natural products fully excludes
any possible deficit of protein on the organism.
Putting aside a hazardous impact of meat food on health, we should
also take into consideration objections of ethic nature against slaughtering
innocent animals. Horses, dogs, cows are schoolable, they remember,
love, hate, grieve and can fell happiness similarly to people.
Animals instinctively feel when they are driven to the slaughterhouse.
They are silent but their eyes full with tears call for mercy. Moos of
calves, cackles of scared geese and cries of hundreds of other animals
represent the protest against a criminal and merciless slaughter of innocent
Grodeska M. All about vegetarianism. – Minsk: Belfaks, 1994
Benjamin G. “Vegetarian lifestyle – physical and mental health” –
M.: Pedagogika – Press, 1994

I. Shymansky

lives with hands of so-called superior and sentient being.

Plutarch1 in his treatises "On Flesh Eating" writes: "Is it worth asking
why Pythagor refused to eat meat? Personally I wonder above all in what
state of mind was a man when he first touched bloody flesh with his lips
and tasted dead flesh? What circumstances made him lay his table with
plates with decomposed hulks, and call food something that has mooed
and bleated, moved and breathed only recently?.. Why do not we eat
lions and wolves that threaten our lives, and instead we slaughter harmless,
obedient creatures that cannot harm us in any way since they do not
have neither pawns, nor fangs.In order to get a piece of meat, we deprive
them of sun, light and life that they deserve as much as we". Then,
Plutarch challenges those who eat meat: "If you are so sure that
animals' destiny is to be your food, then you should first kill the creature
you want to eat. But kill it with your hands or teeth without knife, club or
We can also recall lines from the Book: "And God created Man
from earth, and inhaled the breath of life in his face … And God settled
paradise in East of Eden, and placed there the Man who He created …
And God commanded the Man saying: from any tree in the garden you
will eat, but do not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil …"
(Gen. 2:7). These are first pages of Bible, the Beginning. Could God
who created earth and firmament and all living beings on earth, give to
man the right to eat "any creature"? "…from any tree you will eat …" -
fruits! This is what God designed as man's food. Any deviation from
this commandment is man's self-will, which we attempt to justify by all
Predators eat flesh of other animals because it is their nature and
otherwise they will simply die. But why man avidly throws himself on
flesh of another living being? Is this the question of life or death for him?
Plutarch (about 46 —120), an ancient Greek writer and historian, author of moral and
philosophy as well as historic and biographic works.

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First men ate fruits and survived, moreover, as Bible says: "All days
of life of Adam were nine hundred thirty years " (Gen. 5:5). And how
many years people live today, provided all variety of their diet? Perhaps,
we repay with our short lives for each innocent lives delivered to our
If we cannot return lives, we certainly are not entitled to kill. Any
deed has its consequences, every good or bad deed will bring its fruits.
This is a law of Heaven, and man cannot cancel it.
But even if we exclude dead bodies from our diet, the food to which
we got accustomed was thermally treated, well-salted, seasoned i.e. is
a... "dead food". How can it be: we, living beings, stuff our organism
with lifeless substances? Organism cannot remain live for a long if it has
to digest dead food. This food does contain enzymes, a vivifying energy
needed by all living things. Dead food refer to all products not containing
enzymes: tinned, refined, synthetic, chemical as well as those subjected
to thermal treatment. What makes this food dangerous?
First of all, not being a source of energy it requires a considerable
energy supply for digestion. This digresses organism from performance
of necessary functions and causes lowered immunity and occurrence of
various diseases (infectious and cancerous).
Secondly, such food is not completely assimilated and results in
"slugging" organism, occurrence of intoxication and diseases of urogenital
system. Then, again, the organism gives away a part of vital energy to
neutralize and remove poisons.
Even eating intensively 4-5 time a day usual dishes, we can exhaust
our organism because the food lacks vitally important components and
enzyme balance is breached. Boiled, stewed and steam-processed food
(fried food should be excluded at all) can support our existence, and its
occasional consumption will bring less harm than heavy meals. In doing
so, we should eat sufficient quantity of raw food (not after we ate boiled
food, but on empty stomach in a fixed time and after accomplishing the
"cleaning with vegetables" stage).
You should start the day with vegetables and fruits (ideally, it is

I. Shymansky

vegetable or fruit juices, though you should prepare yourself for them by
taking a course of cleaning with vegetables). In the morning, when you
cannot stand the hunger any more and all your thoughts are involuntary
focused on the dinner-table, go slowly to the
kitchen and eat carrot. Or a bucket of carrot:
depends on your appetite. Carrot can be replaced
with cabbage, squash or pumpkin. After that,
you should not eat for 2 - 3 hours. Try to stick
to such diet for a week and, if season allows,
vary your menu with cucumbers (in a week, with
tomatoes) or best of all with something from
your kitchen garden (next vegetables should be
taken in two and a half or three hours after carrot
or cabbage). Some time on the fourth week counting from the beginning
of the course, you can try to combine the vegetables. (Our organism
itself will suggest the most matching combinations). The only condition:
do not use any additional components: butter, salt, sugar, bread etc. (this
is important especially in the morning) in order to let the food convert
into "live water".
We cleaned our organism, most possibly
expanded capillaries and vessels during the
training, "launched" blood in a powerful stream:
we have removed congestion of venous blood
and thus closed the door in the face of infection.
Now, this "live" food we got will partially
transform into a nutrient component, and
partially into "live water", the energy that will
give force to organism to restore its cells.
"Why vegetables, not fruits?" - you can
ask. Human organism is too "oxidized" due to wrong nutrition. Any
additional acids (and fruits represent a set of various acids) result only in
that in certain moment organism divests such food responding with pains,
colic etc. In order to avoid this, you should get yourself ready to eating

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fruits (regulate activity of gastrointestinal tract). The first step on the way
to self-cleaning will be eating vegetables.
Accordingly, culinary products comprising our usual diet
require energy for digestion. Therefore, the processes of cleaning
and rejuvenation of organism suspend.
Tinned, refined and other products subjected to chemical
treatment do not contain anything useful.
Man is fruit-eating, originally raw food-eating creature. Our
specific food is fruits, berries, tubers, nuts and, maybe, cereals.
Human organism is not capable of digesting ptomaine occurring
with meat due to its physiological peculiarities. Together with flesh
of animals, man acquires viruses previously present in animals.
Meat, fish and eggs destroy our blood vessels. Ptomaine and acids
contained in flesh are removed from organism during 10 - 12
Unnatural or thermally processed products are not sources of
energy and require considerable energy expenditures for digestion;
they cannot be fully assimilated and cause slug in organism and
intoxication. Boiled, stewed and steam-processed food (fried food
should be excluded at all) can be eaten for provided sufficient
quantity of raw vegetables.
Start your day with vegetables and fruits. All "live" food
delivered to organism will transform in to nutrient components
and energy, which in turn will give organism enough force top
restore its cells.

Miroslava M:
My diagnoses were most fearsome: endometriosis, herpes,
toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus (this virus affects salivary and mammary
glands, pancreas, tissues of any sections of gastrointestinal tract from
esophagus to rectum, liver cells, spleen, bone marrow, adenoid tissue
and lymph nodes, alveoli and bronchi, kidneys and adrenal glands,
hypophysis and other tissues of cerebrum. I had my lung, liver, kidney

I. Shymansky

and cerebrum cells affected. Though nobody told me about it I knew:

undeviatingly progressing destruction of an affected organ at slow
cytomegaly always ends up with death of patient. Doctors were
uncompromising: I could not become pregnant and carry a child.
However, as every woman, I awfully wished to become mother. I was
ready for anything for this. I believed that there was a way out, I believed
in miracle. I heard from the wife of a high-ranking military officer
about a man who took the cases rejected by medical doctors as hopeless,
and I understood that it was my last chance. I forgot about my diseases
and infections and went to visit the man for one purpose only: beg him
to help me give birth to my child.
When I met Igor, he glanced at the lines on my hands, then examined
my black and white photo for a long time and said: "The conviction
that you cannot have children is something existing only in your head.
This is something you have invented yourself. It is not going to be easy,
but you can get pregnant".
The system offered to me was strict enough; it aimed at "return to
cradle", to Nature. The most important was not to prevent the organism
from rejuvenation. The cleaning stage of getting free of diseases was
connected with application of certain efforts, breaking stereotypes. But
then, all instructions became a part of something very natural, and all
I had to do thereafter was just observe the prescribed rules and move
along the way showed to me.
I took an eight-month course of this system. I would not say it was
easy, but it resulted in long awaited pregnancy, the highest reward for
all the work done. Now my baby is six months old. I observe the main
rules of healthy lifestyle. Laboratory tests for toxoplasmosis were
negative. Miracle? Maybe so, but it did happen to me. At the same
time, I set myself free of such diseases as chronic pancreatitis, hormonal
disorders, chronic cholecystitis, gull-bladder hypofunction, bad blood
coagulability, headaches occurring due to vessel spasms, allergy,
inherent heart pathology (previously, I could not lie on my left side for
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more than several minutes). Now I understand what life is for!

Breathing for Homo sapiens

here are no two identical persons in the world as there are no
two identical leaves on the tree. We are all different but we all
reathe. Breathing is life. In mother's
womb, the child gets both nutrients and
oxygen with blood circulation through
placenta. Quantity of oxygen in fetus is one-
third of that in blood of an adult. Even this
quantity fully ensures development of tissues
of the child. Due to wrong sitting position,
negative emotions, thoughts, incorrect position
during sleep, during walking, our breathing
becomes deeper every day as well as the grave
that we dig for ourselves. Therefore, I would
like to give some recommendations that should
be observed during the day to help to, or not
to harm, in some cases, your health.
I suggest that you start developing a healthy
type of breathing. The only precondition for doing
breathing exercises is full restructuring of
nutrition, rejection to eat products of death
(meat, fish, eggs, sea animals), i.e. full
vegetarian mode. Otherwise, the suggested
breathing techniques will cause harm, since they
activate metabolic processes, and your cells will
start working intensively as well as all they
contain. If a person eats meat, then the ptomaine
supplied to cells under effect of breathing
exercises will spread out all over the organism
I. Shymansky

with higher speed and intensity.

Now that you are at the beginning of the path, I offer a basic, initial
type of breathing, a small "rivulet" that will flow into a bog "river" of
special individual breathing and rehabilitation. Make a quick easy inhale
and exhale, then hold your breath for several seconds.
What will this type of breathing give you? It trains vessel walls to
keep certain diameter necessary form relatively free passing of blood
flow. Wrong breathing, nutrition and lifestyle lead to that walls of vessels
contract or expand, vessels stick together, twist and get covered with
atherosclerotic plaques, break. Recommended breathing - fractional and
abrupt -releases certain quantity of energy, sets the rhythm leading the
organism as a whole. Besides, this breathing will let you improve your
motor activity, i.e. all motor, contraction and excretion functions, reduce
the number of toxins. This is the way for us to prolong life.

What happens in lungs at that time? To answer this question, we

should clarify on what is more important for organism: oxygen or carbonic
acid gas. It appears that if the quantity of oxygen in the air (21%) reduces
to 15% or increases to 80%, then organism practically will not respond
to that. But if we change the quantity of carbonic acid by 0.1% either
way then organism will immediately notice that and try to keep this rate
to normal. The deeper the man attempts to inhale, the more carbonic

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acid gas he removes from his organism. Organism, in turn, protects itself
by narrowing or decreasing lumens of the ducts through which it excretes
carbonic acid gas (nose is stuffed, there appear polypus, bronchi become
spasmodic etc.). Since these ducts are also used for supply of oxygen,
there emerges a feeling of lack of air; man breathes deeper and gasps for
breath heavier. The circle is being closed up. Deep breathing eventually
leads to oxygen hunger in the organism.
Besides, accumulation of carbonic acid in organism activates speed
of metabolic processes. Like with physical exercises, when we train our
muscles with the help of breath-holding creating a deficiency of oxygen
and accumulating carbonic acid we train our organism to work in more
oxygen-saving mode. Pulse becomes less frequent, which means that
heart works in more saving mode.
Speaking of breath and breathing exercises, it is impossible not to
mention the issue related to diaphragm. Diaphragm is a powerful muscular
organ, which in many aspects determines the breathing vehicle. As with
any other organ, it has its physiological peculiarities. When we inhale, it
moves 2 cm downward, and we exhale the diaphragm moves 2 cm up,
i.e., amplitude of fluctuations is 4 cm. Moving down, diaphragm presses
down liver, spleen, lower sections of bowels in order to increase thoracic
cavity, expand lungs, which at that moment receive oxygen together with
air. When exhaling, diaphragm presses up lower sections of lungs and
expands abdominal cavity. Blood circulation also changes. When
exhaling, compressed liver pushes out
regular portion of cleaned blood and
launches it into circulation rounds.
Diaphragm at that time works as a pump,
reviving both portal (the vein entering liver
is called portal vein) and abdominal blood
circulation. Blood released by liver is
supplied to veins and through veins to
lungs, where it gets enriched with oxygen
and goes on to heart. We can say that

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diaphragm is the second, a venous heart, a pump. But the activity of the
pump is much more powerful since heart pushes only the blood that is in
it, while diaphragm gets several organs involved in blood circulation
(lungs, liver, spleen, bowels). Diaphragm works as a mill for the sake of
nutrition of organism. Systematically pressing and releasing liver, it secures
outflow of gall, improves blood circulation in liver and indirectly influence
all its functions. At certain diseases, when liver and spleen are increased
in volume, diaphragm automatically compress lower sections of lungs
thus causing alveolar (alveoli are cavities filled with air) and circular
congestion (blood congestion in vessels). By rising the temperature of
blood in the blood sections of liver and spleen (with the help of exercises,
breathing and nutrition), we activate blood circulation in liver and spleen
capillaries and achieve an increase of circulating blood volume.
Consequently, diaphragm activities in my ways influence full-scale activity
of blood circulatory system.

Holding breath at exhale (diaphragm is up) we let the liver vessels

release maximum blood in order to accept new portion. At that moment,
there is an active exchange between alveoli and blood supplied to lungs,
in other words the exchange between oxygen and carbonic acid. Quantity
of carbonic acid gas at the time of breathe-holding increases and serves
as an irritant. It stimulates exchange processes in organism. Retaining

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some quantity of carbonic acid in blood, the man trains his organism to
work in a more active, heavy-duty mode; he teaches it to survive even in
critical conditions.
Normal healthy human breathing is a non-deep inhale, exhale, and
then a pause (from 4 to 20 seconds and more with trained persons). All
attention should be concentrated on decrease of inhale depth and increase
of pause after the exhale. Turtles - a living example of longevity - make
only three inhales per minute. In other words, the less inhales we do, the
longer we live. After all, our entire life is pre-designed for a certain number

of inhales as well as certain quantity of food that we can eat. This is pre-
designed before our birth. The faster a man exhausts his life volume of
breath (makes certain number of inhales), eats predetermined reserve of
food, the sooner his life ends.
First, you can use this type of breathing as an exercise (when walking,
under muscle loading, when sitting at your desk or before the TV-set),
but you should teach yourself gradually (within 3 - 4 months) to breathe
like this constantly. It will be hard and noisy, at the beginning, but do not
give up. Remember that your every day will be another victory over
yourself. "Regularity will tell you that your goal is realistic" (Oriental
Practically everyone contacts with other people during the day:

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relatives, friends, colleagues, supervisors. Communication situations may

vary but whatever they are either you or the others speak. Let me give
you some recommendations as for your
breathing during talk.
At regular talk, do a small inhale and only
after that speak. When you draw in air with
your nose, as if smelling something; there is a
natural discharge of hormones in blood,
which, respectively, stimulates brain activity.
This means that you are going to speak clearer,
shorter and closer to the point, save energy
and prolong your life.
If an emotional talk takes place and you
are the one who listens while your
vis-a-vis raises his voice at you: hold
your breath as soon as possible
(inhale-exhale-pause). What will it
give you? First of all, your brain
directs forces of your organism to
transformation of certain processes,
namely: influence upon the vessels will
be generated preserving them from
spasms. Your organism will engage
itself in working on prevention of
breakdowns, blood pressure increase,
vessel breaking. You will maintain calmness, avoid irritation and anger in
response (no blood congestion in liver will take place). This will prevent
destruction of your organism and save your immunity. Secondly, your
opponent will not meet any "backfire" and, respectively, will let himself
off sooner.
OK, start from basic, initial type of breathing. Make easy quick
inhale and exhale and then hold your breath for several seconds.
Such type of breathing trains walls of vessels to maintain certain

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diameter necessary for relatively free throughput of blood flow. It

releases certain quantity of energy, set the rhythm to be picked up
by the entire organism. In addition, such breathing improves our
motor activity: all motor, contraction, excretion functions. You also
decrease the quantity of toxins and, thereby, prolong your life.
Constant lack of oxygen and accumulation of carbonic acid gas
trains organism in whole to work in a more oxygen-saving mode.
It also facilitates development of organism endurance in order to
live through critical conditions easier. All attention should be given
to decrease the depth of inhale and increase pause after inhale. In
other words, the less frequent you inhale, the longer you live.

Natalia K., high-ranking physician:

I have changed my lifestyle due to the serious cardiologic disease I
I caught flu that posed heart complication. My problems went so
far that doctors started to discuss a possibility of assigning a category
of disability to me. My heart was inflamed on all sides, and I could
barely step a couple of steps without leaning upon the wall. Besides, I
suffered from hypertension, cardiac infarction with additional
complications. I had gall-stones, increased liver. I was all in my disease
and scared. My future was painted black for me. "Can it be, - I asked
myself in horror, - is it the end of everything? Am I a cripple?! A plant
rather than a person?"
I knew Igor from long ago. He is the one who senses other persons.
He knows what he wants. All I can say, it was a hard time for him since
we, medics, have our individual viewpoints at therapy. But all
pharmaceuticals that my colleagues (including those in Ukraine, Israel,
and America) and modern pharmaceutical industry could offer only
aggravated the situation. It was the fear that made me take a risk. Igor
shocked by saying that I should quit taking medicines. He insisted on
cleaning my organism by transfer to vegetarian food, fresh juices and

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special herbal powders.

I had to force myself and it was very difficult. How can one forget
habits in food, traditions in medical recommendations and advice of
dietologists, which we had observed for years?
But the recommendations they gave me in respect to my therapy,
nutrition and lifestyle were contradictive. If everything is correct, all
calories are calculated to decimal point per body weight, then why so
many people are ill and why the hospitals are packed full? For some
time I blamed it all on ecology, but having found myself in ecologically
clean area, I discovered that the hospitals there were as many as
anywhere else. I recalled the words said by Igor: "Ecology, interrelations,
everything around us is certainly important. But the most important
thing is what we eat, what saturates every cell of our body. On the
East, they say "we are what we eat". I felt certain distrust growing in
me to the word ADVANCE when I thought over the reason by which
medicines, which should have led people to their health, gave horrible
side effects like loss of memory, hearing, deceleration of growth and
many others. We, medical doctors who swore the Hippocratic oath "Do
not do ill", disable not only human organisms but fates as well with
our own hands. After having started Igor' course, I saw a light of hope
for myself and for dozens of my patients, a hope that the most advanced
medicine could not give.
Owing to that Igor did not press as well as to his assuredness in all
he did I finally overcame myself and rejected my habitual diet. Over
the recent 3 years, I have been exclusively on vegetarian food.
For some time, I took medicines, though little, and then gave up
taking medicines at all.
I took plenty of medicines prepared by Igor from plants, roots, juices
of medicinal herbs origination of which was unknown to me.
Igor designed a set of exercises (just a few) and I started doing
them. I could not dare thinking I could run (I barely walked then). It
appeared I can. This was how I started to recover.
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Today, I cannot imagine any other life than the one that Igor has
opened for me.
I know many people who stick to the same lifestyle. Something has
changed not only inside but also around us, and stronger aspiration
for knowledge has emerged. In principle, all this can be expected very
simply: when a man is healthy, he wants everything, and I consider
myself as a health person. I am taking great interest in psychology and
philosophy; I also went in for Indian dances.
I would not have quit taking medicines by myself because I was
afraid. I knew about complications which could have followed. We got
accustomed to that traditional medicine prescribe certain medicines in
certain cases as well as certain regime and nutrition, observation by
doctor during the entire lifetime of the patient.
Many people are inert by their nature. But every one can find out
his internal reserves and use them. People need to be pushed to start.

From "mountain river" to "swamp"

ur every day is full of motion even when it is minimal.
In general, all our life is "nothing, but motion,transfer
from one form to another, gradual restless ansformation,
destruction and creation, alternating each other and arising one from
another " (D. Pisarev). Even when you sit and do not hurry anywhere,
you still undeviatingly move...
It was not occasionally that I recalled sitting position:
this is the position that shortens life. The point is not
event that you sit down to have some rest after work, or
you work mostly sitting at your desk. Danger is hidden
behind the way we sit: straight back, legs together. This
position despite of its seeming innocence does not allow
blood flow to move freely, causes blood congestions in
small pelvis, while congestions "opens the door" to
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infection. This is how we gradually transform from a "mountain river" to

"swamp" covered with mud. It is not necessary to get viruses from
outside through respiratory canals, go to Africa for malaria, go to Thailand
to get avian influenza or to England to "import" foot-and-mouth diseases;
you do not have to necessarily fear that you will get C-hepatitis with a
regular injection. Simply there will be a time that "fuses burn down" in
the organism and infection becomes "thrown out on the surface"
(psoriasis, herpes) or "explodes inside" (meningitis, frontal sinusitis).
This repeats every day, every month and, subsequently, we have a
diagnosis started with "onco"... This is degeneration of healthy people,
healthy mothers and, accordingly, children cancer diseases.
And very often the reason is that the way we sit on the chair becomes
a hazardous habit. We unknowingly regularly trap spinous processes of
vertebra, since one vector force acts parallel to the ground and the other
acts downward and perpendicularly to the
ground. They meet in certain point and cause
an "outburst". How will vertebras behave in this
position? Naturally, they will find a way out i.e.
deform themselves. First, fearsome changes will
take place in waist, then in cervical section. This
is where osteochondrosis, vertebral hernia,
spondylosis, neuroses, scoliosis occur. To get
those diseases you need only to keep your
traditional position of the chair. Besides, blood
congestion in small pelvis caused by this
position leads to combination of various problems: dysfunction of
kidneys, liver, appendages, ovaries, hormonal disorder, cycle irregularities
(with women) and problems with prostate gland (adenoma of prostate
gland with men). In order to reduce the number of listed above "baggage",
you should reduce pressure on the vertebral column.
How to do this? Here is a practical advice.
When you sit down (regardless of whether at home or in the office),
put you leg under you on the seat, or draw it aside, or take one of the

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positions listed below (see Fig.).

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Every 20-40 minutes, change the position since blood congestion takes
place regardless of your will. Therefore, we set a "lock", strangulate
certain vessels, partially cut blood circulation in bent leg and willingly
apply pressure on some organs (liver, kidneys). Pressure on the vertebral
column is automatically reduced. When we straight the leg, blood launches
through vessels in powerful flow. Why is it important? Many of you
might have heard or met such thing as atherosclerotic plaques, a kind of
wart formed in vessels and reducing their throughput capacities. Eventually,
man can die of infarction or stroke in result of venous congestion. The
plaques available in a vessel in the form of soft glue as yet rather than in
the form of stones can be washed out by the pressure applied by blood
Recall how kids sit. In 20-25 minutes of fixed sitting position, they
start to fidget on the chair, nature calls upon to change position. Why?
Once we have changed the position, blood gushes in powerful stream
through opened vessels, washed-through and cleaned organs. But "wise"
and "correct" teachers immediately pull them up with strict: "Sit still!".
Children's organism not yet pressed by "civilization" demands to remove
the congestion, normalize blood circulation and subsequently nutrition
of cells (including cerebral cells). Our goal is to assure free flow of
blood, which would remove various congestions out of its way. In
case of a "perfect and civilized" adult, such actions may look somewhat
destructive and incompliant with established rules.

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Even if in some time you sit straight, capillaries with remain

maximally expanded and, consequently, their throughput capacity will be
maximal. Why do we always try to expand capillaries in various ways?
This is because it is their activity that lets cell obtain nutrition, oxygen and
water and eliminate waste products and spent substances. If capillaries
are in compressed state for a long time, cell nutrition and activities and
viability of the entire organism is disordered and the life is put under
Mechanism of blood circulation is embedded in capillaries (not in
hear, as hundreds of doctors still believe and state).
Capillaries are small hearts allocated all over the
body. They constantly contract and vibrate. Energy,
information and nutrition are supplied through then
as through a widely spread road network. A famous
Russian physiologist À. S. Zalmanov wrote: "If you
increase oxygen access to brain from every cell of
organism; if you open lumens of dozens of
thousands of closed capillaries you will not meet
any disease that could not be removed by the
therapy"1 . Even partially restoring capillary blood
supply, we automatically restore blood circulation
in all tissues and organs. We should always
remember: major reason for occurrence of all
diseases without exception is in the first place in
capillary disease. Their activity supports supply of
cells with nutrition, growth, development, therapy,
cleaning, restoration and, subsequently, prevents
diseases; you should make you capillaries actively contract. By putting
the leg under you (or stretching it aside) and frequently changing your
position, you do "massage" of your vessels and prevent blood from

Zalmanov, À.S. Secrets and wisdom of body: (in-depth medicine) – Ì.: Ripol classic, 1997

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Everyone knows that only non-circulating water goes bad and running
water is always clean.

Certainly, an ideal position is sitting with your legs crossed. (See

Fig.) The benefit of this position had been known long before many

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geographic names appeared on the map of the

world. Why is it so good?
Nerves run to every corner of your body
and through the entire body. Sitting in this
position, we strangulate certain nerve ending
and make natural "locks". When we straighten
the legs, natural regulation of functions of all
organs takes place by means of liquids present
in the organism: blood, lymph, intercellular liquid, intracellular liquid
and cerebrospinal fluid. This position is one of the most favorable for the
organism. You facilitate additional hormone release in blood in natural
way, prolong life of organs and improve activities of cerebrum.
This position is a preparation to squatting. In order to take this
position, you should start from sitting position with your legs crossed,raise
up a little, press you knees to the floor (or a surface upon which you do
the exercise) and sit on one heel (See Fig.). This pose gives even more
stimulus for recreational processes in the organism and prevents cancerous
diseases in small pelvis. Velocity of blood circulation increases in 8 - 800
times and, subsequently, nutrition and cleaning of tissues improve,
metabolic processes accelerate, blood is supplied to numb vessels, which
have been previously "corked" in result of colossal congestions. All this
releases an additional energy required for rejuvenation. Besides, by
squatting we produce a beneficial effect on our joints; they age and

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deform not so fast.

There is one more important note relating to the poses that we take
sitting. The position that women love to take- one
leg above the other - is a lethal weapon against our
body. In this position, popliteal vein being a kind
of blood-supply "pipeline" for blood running from
gastrocnemius muscles to heart is strangulated. This
results in frequent infarctions due to vessel
obstruction with clots. Clots form more often in
shin vessels. After a clot tears off it rushes to hear
with blood. This results in immediate infarction or
pulmonary embolism. Besides, this pose by itself is
not justified from physiological viewpoint. Certain
positions of vertebral column have been embedded
by nature: how to sit, stand, lie or walk. For example,
the most beneficial from physiological viewpoint
position is squatting or horizontal lying (on hard
surface). Breaching the rules, we automatically create an insufficient
nutrition in those organs, which are innerved with the nerves of certain
area of the vertebral column. Putting one leg above the other when sitting,
we cause a skew in lumbosacral section. There, as well as in the entire
vertebral column, each segment has its neurovascular bundle, which is
connected with certain organs of small pelvis, lower extremities. Causing
disorder in the vertebral column by strangulating vessels and nerves there,
we cause disorder in the mechanism of innervation and blood circulation
certain organs and, therefore, we cause harm to the entire organism because
it is a single and integral system. If this takes place constantly, we acquire
additional pathologies and only reinforce the mechanism of destruction.
The habit of putting one leg over the other becomes a cause of quite a few
diseases, which will certainly appear sooner or later, while wrong nutrition,
breathing and destructive thoughts will only accelerate this process.
By putting one leg under you when sitting, or stretching it aside, we
strangulate certain vessels and stretching the leg create a "waterfall".

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Putting one leg over the other not only strangulates vessels but also creates
blood congestion in small pelvis, causes blood circulation disorder in
small pelvis (suffering function of urinary bladder, intestines, uterus (with
females), breaks the vertebral column.
Let us state it: this is our usual position of sitting "back straight,
legs together" that shortens our life. This position does not allow
blood flow to freely move, provokes blood congestions in small
pelvis while congestions welcome infection, as it is known. Staying
in this position for a long time, we regularly trap spinous processes
in lumbar section of vertebra.
One leg above the other - is a lethal weapon against body. In
this position, popliteal vein being a kind of blood-supply "pipeline"
for blood from gastrocnemius muscles to heart is strangulated.
When you sit down, you should obligatory put one leg under
you or move it aside, or take one of the positions offered by us.
You should change your position every 20-40 minutes). Pressure
on vertebral column is automatically reduced and blood moves
through opened vessels in powerful flow washing and cleaning
pressed organs. Besides, by putting one leg under you or stretching
one leg aside and often changing position, you "massage" vessels,
not letting blood to congest. Our goal is to secure free blood flow,
which would remove congestions of various natures on its way.
We always try to expand capillaries to maximize their
throughput capacity. Owing to their activities, cells have nutrition,
oxygen and water, get rid of decay products. Major reason of all
diseases without exceptions is diseases of capillaries. Restoring
capillary blood circulation, we automatically restore blood
circulation in all tissues and organs.

Tatiana Õ., physiotherapist:

I had diminished functions of thyroid gland and took strong
hormonal pharmaceuticals; I also had problems with ovaries, chronic
hepatitis Â, fatty hepatosis (replacement of liver cells with fat), liver

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was considerably increased. My weight was 20 kg more than it is now.

I myself tested this system starting from January 2004. Naturally,
it was hard at the beginning. In addition, I had periods of exacerbation
since no disease passes without exacerbation. I made cardinal changes
in my nutrition. I started doing physical exercises, ran on snow in
My immune system got stronger: I lived through winter without
respiratory diseases in spite of that I work with ill people.
It has been a year and a half already that I do not take hormonal
pharmaceuticals, though before that I even had biopsy performed for
me in Germany, so serious were my problems with liver.
At that time I had frequent headaches - no headaches now.
I changed my perception of life and people around me. I have
started to take many things simpler. I met Igor because I am the one
who is always in search. He taught us a powerful system of self-recovery.
This system improves activities of all organs and systems, improves
nutrition of organism at cell level
Taking Igor's course assisted me in replenishment of my medical
knowledge, and now I give my advice to patients based on what I
know and can myself.

Your bearing: how to get and retain it

here is one more important aspect of your position when
sitting at the desk or walking: bearing. How many times we
heard when we were small kids: "Sit straight, straighten your
back up". Some kids got a blow with a ruler or pointer between the
shoulders. The whole problem is that it is very difficult to sit straight at
the desk for more than 20 minutes. And the position, to which we are
trained from early childhood, does not let us straighten up and, on the
contrary, causes disorder of blood circulation, destruction of vertebral
column, deformation. Just recall, what children do when organism

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prompts them to move, to reduce pressure upon vertebral

column. They rest against the desk with their hands and, still
on their buttocks, start to alternate position of the body in
support-free space, i.e. deform vertebral column. School
organization mode gives rise to development of scoliosis,
underdevelopment of organs (since they are all connected
via their nerve endings and vessels with vertebral column and
any deformation of the latter has its effect on functions the
organs). Why does man bend his back?
Human vertebral column consists of 33 vertebras. All
vertebras locate one after another and form a vertical column:
7 upper vertebras are cervical vertebras; next 12 ones are
thoracic vertebras, next 5 are lumbar vertebra, then go 5 sacral
vertebras (forming a triangle) followed by the last 4 forming
the pelvic bone.
Cartilages and ligaments locate between vertebras. Their
designation is to damp shocks, frictions, strains, protect vertebral column
from adverse effects and overloading. On every side of the vertebra,
there is a small hole or inter-vertebral canal, from which nerves and blood
vessels run. They all run from vertebral column to certain body parts.
When a man sits up, raises up or walks from lying position (vertebral
column takes vertical position), axial load affects the vertebral column.
This loading is a destructive one and leads to displacement of vertebras.
The displacements prevent from full-scaled blood circulation, which
means they hinder nutrition, restoration and cleaning cells, tissues and
organs in general (the most serious deformation is caused by long sitting
at the desk or table, long-time standing, sleeping on a soft bed). Due to
these processes, informational interaction between cells and brain gets
disordered, which in turn leads to development of diseases of organs
and tissues.
In order to learn how to keep your back vertically straight, you
should first of all learn how to lie on a hard surface because this is lying
on a hard surface that allows you to fully straighten up your vertebral

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column and relax muscles. When spinous processes of vertebras touch

hard surface (planks, for example), brain automatically receives signal to
increase inter-vertebral spaces, and this in turn removes compression of
nerves and blood vessels. This means that internal organs, which have
not received enough oxygen, start to get supplied with oxygen better
and, consequently, function with higher efficiency.
Why should the surface be hard, why cannot we relax a little in a
soft bed? When we lie on a soft surface, our muscles relax and vertebral
column takes the form of the surface. If you put your head on a big soft
pillow, you have your neck automatically bent, and deformation of cervical
section of vertebral column causes dysfunction of thyroid gland and
vessels of cerebrum suffer. Lumbar section innerves organs of small
pelvis and lower extremities. If we have deformation of vertebral column
in lumbar section lying in soft bed, then, doing nothing visibly we
nevertheless violate blood circulation in small pelvis and extremities.

Besides, lying on a hard surface, you

reinforce paravertebral muscles (these muscles locate in parallel with
vertebral column), ensuring maintenance of correct bearing. How does a
person straightens up his back if his muscles are weak? He does it at the
expense of entrapment of vertebras of lumbar section, waist bending
that lead to new diseases. It is important to get muscles and vessels
accustomed to straight-up bearing. You should take the "folded leaflet"
position, then sitting on one heel (or crossing your legs), slowly straighten
your back and keep this position for several seconds. If you feel some
tension, lie down on a hard surface (plank or floor), relax picturing how
your blood spreads out through your body. This is the only way that

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you can reinforce paravertebral muscles and adjust your blood circulation.
Next time you can keep right bearing longer. But do not forget: there
should be no compulsion. Try to touch with your hand a hard surface
more often, it will be your simulator for static exercises.

What needs to be done when you are at your office and cannot take
a horizontal position? You can imitate, replace a position of lying on a
hard surface with the help of small planks put under your waist and
buttocks when you are in sitting position. Touching the planks, your
spinous processes also automatically enlarge inter-vertebral space, and
the vertebral column is rendered its original natural position. A plank
under buttocks is needed to prolong the life of sciatic nerve.
Therefore, in order to learn how to keep your back straight
up vertically, you should learn how to lie (sleep) on the hard surface,
in the first place, since this is the position that allows full
straightening of vertebral column and relaxation of muscles. When

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spinous processes of vertebral column touch a hard surface, brain

automatically receives a command to start increasing inter-
vertebral spaces thus reliving nerves and blood vessels from
compression. This means that internal organs which have not
received enough oxygen start to receive better supply and,
consequently, function more efficiently. In addition, if you lie on a
hard surface, you reinforce paravertebral muscles assuring
maintenance of right bearing.

Yelena Ê:
"Igor and his system, this is something from "obvious-impossible"
TV serial. It is hard to explain why it exists though it does exist ".
For 13 years I was ill. I has affected thyroid gland; I was on
"Prenizalop" hormones, I was assigned the 2nd category of disability.
I suffered from continuous headaches, I could not hold a cup, so strongly
my hand shook. I had both my ovaries removed (due to cyst), I had
tumor in my breast, they diagnosed arachnoiditis (brain anarchoid
inflammation), polycystic liver, sepsis. During my diseases, my weight
was 82 kilograms. Neither doctors, nor healers could not give me a
cardinal help, and I walked with more difficulty from day to day. I
practically started to prepare myself to death, and the only thing that
supported my vital efforts was my worry about the future of my kids
(though at that time they were exactly young kids), I had to get my son
"on right tracks".
It was not occasionally that I found out about Igor. Once, a healer
told me: "You have to deserve that somebody from outside helps you". I
am grateful to God for the meeting He "arranged" for me.
Once, one of my friends told me about a person who worked
wonders. Since he himself was one of this man's patients he could
assure me that the help was realistic. I decided to meet this man and
after our first meeting I realized: "Yes, this is the only man that can
save me". He told me about all my pathologies without my medical

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card or ultrasound examination results at hand, but, unlike medical

doctors, he said: "You have a few chances, but they will be all yours ".
This is the third year that I have lived according to certain system.
It includes five components: nutrition (I excluded meat, fish, eggs and
meat of sea creatures), breathing, physical exercises, bio-correction and
personal wish to be healthy and happy. If a man starts to break the
rules (to make it easier for him), he cannot achieve a certain level and
he just rejects saving himself. When I was 47 I felt as 47-year old one,
and now when I am 50 I feel like I am 30. There has appeared a
wonderful easiness, free energy. I easily and eagerly run up to my 7th
floor, do leg-splits, climb mountains. I lost 25 kilograms. I took hormones
earlier (my own hormones were three times below normal), but now I
totally quit taking them since my own rate got normal. All my diseases
have gone and I returned to life. I started to learn philosophy,
psychology. Igor and his system is something "evident though
impossible". It is hard to explain why it is so, but it is.

Much depends on us
"Physical height of a man is determined as the distance from his
head to the earth,
while his moral height is measured from the head to the sky".

(C. Piermont)

owever, improving ourselves physically, we often forget
about our inner existence, inner fullness, i.e. about
something that is called spirituality. "Civilization, first of
all, is a matter of morality. If there is no honesty, espectful attitude to
rights and duties, if there is no love to neighbors and, generally speaking,
no virtues exist, then everything is in danger, all ruin" (Ralf Emerson).

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Our every day differs from another day by pressure, temperature,

and effect of other planets, solar activity and, so, our internal condition
will also differ by blood viscosity, peculiarities of biochemical processes.
Accordingly, our mood, emotions, receptivity, responses and other
psychological process will be different.
We have a possibility to create our day ourselves. How come?
To do this, you
should imagine yourself
being a "vault" in the «Attaching one good deed to another
evening when going to one so that there is no space between them,
that is what they call happy life »
bed (approximately at 8 (Ì. Aurelius).
in the evening), and
imagine that you place
there all heavenly

qualities (goodness and compassion, beauty

and sincerity, politeness and decisiveness,
god-obedience and joy). Entry to the "vault"
is on the bridge of your nose, on the place
called "third eye". This is where we input
all those qualities. Think about every of
them for several seconds before sleep and
imagine that you put them in the "vault" of
your soul. Try to make it in such a way that
the qualities embrace the whole of you.
Then, falling asleep, you will "get
impregnated" with each of them. The
qualities will be adopted and transformed. Just picture that you are
becoming a relative to every your natural quality (imagine, how many
relatives you are going to acquire!). The more such "sibling connections"
you have, the more charged your conscious and fuller your soul will be.
At 03:30, there comes the best time to start "taking out of the vault"
everything that has been put in the last evening. The first quality you have

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to take out at these dawn hours is you

gratitude to Heaven. Do you remember
from what your wakening starts? Open
your eyes, smile, relax and thank the
Nature for that you see this world again.
This is the time when, as you remember,
the organism cleans. Fill in every cleaned
up cell with gratitude and your "performance
index" will increase in 800 times (both
in cleaning your physical body and
gratitude). Spirituality will automatically
grow because it will combine with your physical basis. This is how it
happens ideally.

«At each awakening, ask yourself a

question: what good will I do
today? At sunset, think about
things you have done today for
this world and for its (and your
own) perfection, how many times
you took in peace with breath?
Anyway, after having gone the sun
took away a part of life destined
also for me»

Every one has a unique possibility to

extend and develop all qualities put in the
"vault". How one can do this? You opened
your eyes, smiled and thanked the Nature...
Look through the window. What kind of
morning we have today? What feeling does
it awake in you? Somebody will call this
feeling a quiet joy, somebody will call it peace
and somebody will call it purity... You
yourself are the creator of your day of today.

I. Shymansky

After having determined your attitude to the

morning, try to think about it in certain
positions (lying on your back or sitting with
your legs crossed). What is purity? How does
it arise? What does it associate with? What
feelings does it awake? Where do you come
across it? What is its implementation? After
thinking about it, stand up and try to go doing
what you usually do in the morning and feed
this quality in what you are doing every minute:
put things in order with
peace (joy and purity),
«Do not harm anyone and do good
deeds to all people by the sole reason
prepare to leave your
that they are people » house with the same
(Cicero). qualities, open the door
and then again feel
peace. Try to retain this
quality and all connected therewith in your consciousness and your heart. By
doing so, you are able not only to clean your thoughts up, but also to
modify blood composition and effect biological processes. Try to enter
this state during the day in everything and then things will start to become
animated for you.
We animate them by means of the qualities inside us and imbed them
in everything that we touch. When in the shop, why do we prefer one
thing to another and say that the thing that we liked "looked at us"? May
be, the energy vibrations generated by this thing harmonically combines
with our own vibrations? By filling all we do with positive emotions and
kind attitude (food, wear), we ourselves "get feed" by these things and
transmit our positive charge to others.
You walk along the street- your face irradiates joy and peace, you
are a source of special kind of energy, you charge everything you touch
with the energy. It is possible that somebody walking in the opposite
direction badly needs your light, your kind smile. Give them to the man

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and, it is not excluded, you will light up another

soul. Do not be afraid to share your gratitude,
supply it to all and everything you meet. Your
internal completeness becomes even deeper,
stronger and more active. If at any moment you
feel that your state has changed (for example, joy
has been replaced by peace), start "working" with
this new feeling by putting it in all you do: your
everyday activities at home,
work, relations with other people. Over there, in
Heaven, there are all natural qualities existing in
parallel to the state in which you are. Saturating
yourself with joy is as if you get connected to
powerful flow of heavenly, God-granted joy and
this sources never exhausts. Now Heaven will give
energy for you to do something for yourself and
for others. Here is one of the answers to the
question "how to improve society and what to do
in this society?"
In the morning at work, declare the day a day of peaceful joy and
dedicate several minutes to it with your colleagues: say a few words
about peaceful joy, a verse, a
quiz, just smile. Believe me,
your smile will appear by itself,
eye will light up, heart will
soften... Hormone release in
blood will take place in a natural
way. This is what we are aiming
at: to make the last stage of our
way on the Earth sloping. It
takes no more than two minutes.
Nobody's rushes anywhere and
your work will be done anyway

I. Shymansky

while many things each of us

«He who works on his weaknesses can do for him or herself.
has no time to see weaknesses in Future of the mankind
the others » depends on us. Much depends
(Oriental saying) on us. We all want to see
around us honest, kind, sincere
and kind-hearted people.
However, what we have in response is what we do to have a response.
Therefore, you have to start from yourself, from your passions and
weaknesses. Develop sincerity, generosity and compassion to every
living being without selecting or sorting, without segregation by some
invented principles.
Start from something little, learn how to compassionate because
"compassion is a representation of our trouble caused by observation of
somebody's misfortune". (T. Hobbes). If any of us learn how to have
sympathy, we will make our society much purer, happier.
Therefore, going to bed try to imagine that you are a vault whereto
you can place qualities of heavenly nature. Try to achieve the state when
all these qualities embrace you entirely.
At 03:30, there comes the best time to start "taking out of the
vault" everything that has been put in the last evening. Try to
implement this condition in everything that you touch and the things
will become animated for you. By filling yourself in with positive
emotions, kind attitude (food, wear), we get supplied from those
things and transfer the positive charge to others. There are all
natural qualities in Heaven; they exist in parallel to the state in
that we are. Getting saturated by joy means that you kind of get
connected to a powerful flow of heavenly God-given joy, and this
source never gets dry. Remember: if each of us learns to feel
compassionate we will become much cleaner and our society will
become much happier.

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As you make your bed, so you must lie

on it

ny day is good to start spiritual practice. Any day is good
to help somebody. Let us combine these two concepts in
one exercise. In order to do it, you will need no special
place, no up-to-date training simulator" all we need is only the power of
thought and internal tuning to good deeds.
First of all, imagine a small watering pot above your
head with sunlight in it. This light will go entirely through
your body and into the earth. You get a feeling as if you
are being washed through with sun rays, get free from all
the negative that "glued to you" (diseases, negative
energy), and imagine that all this "dirt" goes away into
the earth. Now, put somebody dear to your heart in your
place (a beloved one, a relative, friend who you want to
help) and try to water him/her from this watering pot:
wash him or her with sunrays.
What does this exercise give? First of all, we acquire
a belief that we can help somebody and the road to
compassion starts; we start to move slowly and carefully
along the way to self-perfection. In
addition, a regulation of hormone
background takes place at the physiological level.
Second, thinking of something good we become better
and, respectively, the world around us transforms. As
you make your bed, so you must lie on it. You smile -
you have a smile in response; you make a face - do not
be surprised to be responded with the same. The angle of dip equals
to the angle of reflection. This is a law.
Our thoughts and emotions are inseparably linked with things
occurring around us through physiological processes. When we think
about something good, our vessels dilate; if we are irritated or infuriated,
I. Shymansky

we provoke a spasm of vessels and reduce service

life of our organs (liver), facilitate appearance of
congestions. Anger distractively affects the
organism, weakens our immunity, retract natural
forces of organism from combating viruses. In
result, pathological cells are accumulated in
organism and from now on, it is there turn to give
orders and make a person angry and pump through
"poisonous" blood. Gradually, such behavior
becomes normal for the person and causes more
and more sizeable destructions in organism.
Reason of al misfortunes is in simple congestion
phenomena, which can be fought with the miracle
power of: stretching exercises, first, correct
breathing, second and correct nutrition, third.

Silent in the Ocean of Silence

hen we fill our life with rush, buzz and troubles, we can
make ourselves working at the breaking point every day.
Do many of us afford relaxation (both for muscles and
thoughts) when the organism requires this most of all? No, I daresay.
This is how it takes place: by everyday postponing relaxation for
"tomorrow", you somehow make it till the evening and then crawl to bed
and consciousness switches off as soon as the head touches the pillow.
There is no guarantee that relaxation occurs at that moment. This repeats
from day to day. Done up organism is not in a position to fight back
viruses occurring in it and pathological cells multiply with every day.
This is when a medical diagnosis "Chronic…" emerges. Why? Why do
they teach us so many things in our young years forgetting about teaching
us to relax and explaining, why do we need it.
It is true that relaxation plays an important role as an integral part of
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exercises (relaxation before, during and after muscle loading), and is a

necessary precondition for cleaning up, rehabilitation and rejuvenation
of organism.
In order to prepare yourself for the next day correctly, to get up in
good condition, you need to work hard in the previous evening. What
do I mean? We need to fall asleep with good thoughts and in maximally
relaxed state. We are going to receive an insufficient energy from the
processes occurring during the sleep and not yet studied, unless we
have relaxed on the eve. The quality of relaxation is influenced by food
taken during the day and especially in the evening. The less is loading on
the stomach (taking into account quantity and quality of the food), the
higher is the degree of relaxation and, consequently, the bigger is the
volume of accumulated energy, self-regulation and self-consciousness.
In the morning, after you get up and do your first movement, try to
relax. Muscles, which are not engaged in motions, should be relaxed.
Too many things we do under stress, our body is constrained, and
colossal volume of energy is consumed for absolutely senseless activity.
Any stress is a spasm, and any relaxation gives free blood flow, free
discharge of hormones in blood. Whatever you do and wherever you
are, try to relax the disengage muscles. This will save energy and contribute
to transformation of power necessary for other processes.
Long-time walk, especially under stress, is ruinous for organism.
Many of us know the state when you want to fall down and stay
motionless. Do not rush to take horizontal position. This position should
be preceded by sitting position with your legs crossed. What for? By
squeezing certain vessels and suspending blood circulation in certain
places, we create a wave for the veins involved in overstress to get
washed with fresh blood flow and relax.
Doing anything at home, in the kitchen - whether you make a pumpkin
juice or peel carrot - put one of your legs on the chair or another support.
Such position creates relation in lumbar section, your organism wears
out not so intensively and, respectively congestions are prevented (solely
owing to relation).

I. Shymansky

Socializing requires the ability to relax. The ability to listen (something

that many of us lack) directly depends on the ability to relax. Only when
you are relaxed you can listen and understand another person. Tension,
on the contrary, provokes arguing and interference. Ability to listen is
closely connected with hormones discharge in blood, and brains suggest:
"You want to understand - just relax ".
As you see, the ability to relax has its beneficial impact on everything:
outputs of your work have better quality, you and people around you
become better. This happens because metabolic processes are improved;
blood congestions are neutralized and natural release of hormones in
blood take place and without hormones no process in organism takes
place. For example, female hormones are involved in ovary maturing;
hypophysis hormones control endocrine glands of entire organism
including thyroid gland and adrenals; adrenal hormones are responsible
for tonus of vessels, contraction of muscles, body growth etc.
Relaxation has its positive effect on mental processes: we calculate
more accurately and express ourselves clearer. Besides, we get rid of
egoism, aggression, fury and released energy is automatically sent to
search the beautiful; we start to notice harmony in nature and try to find
more harmony in ourselves. We come over to more elaborate level; we
wake up our intuition and predict things.
Everything that was discussed above represents easy forms of
relaxation. These things are required to make brain remember, accumulate
sensations received at the time of relaxation and then automatically switch
this mechanism on. But there exists a deeper state of relation, when your
body feels as if it spreads out and merges with space. To get this sensation,
one should regularly make special exercises. Lie down on a hard surface,
close your eyes and imagine that your feet and hands are gradually and
slowly melt and spread out. Then, the same happens to your shanks and
forearms, elbows and knees, thighs and shoulders, and eventually the
whole of your legs and arms... Your pelvis slowly spreads about (while
your forehead remains cool!). You gradually switch over to your vertebral
column: imagine small streams of relaxation go down your vertebras;

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every vertebra opens, loses its shape and spreads on the surface. Next,
the relaxation embraces muscles of your back and they also start to melt
and spread out. Your cheeks melt, your tongue swells and loses its shape;
your eyebrows melt down... (while your forehead remains cool all the
way!). Now, your entire body relaxes and this is next stage.
What should you do with your thoughts? Some Oriental schools
teach how to become an onlooker of emerging ideas representing them
as small fish flowing in the Ocean of Stillness, which you lightly push
away with your hand. Some try to interrupt involuntary thoughts with
formulations like: "I'm getting healthier, younger and stronger", "I'm ready
to meet anything that comes" and so on. Others attempt to achieve
relaxation by maximal engagement of all organs of sense: they look at
certain images in certain color spectrum (yantra), pronounce special
sounds (mantra) and concentrate consciousness on certain point.
Just imagine that you are a drop transforming in
small pool, then in a river, sea and ocean. After this
you become a boundless and deepest ocean. You can
imagine that you look at the sky, at the bottomless
immense height and transform into the sky.
Another option is to close your eyes and feel as
if you fly like a bird or airflow, or light spring breeze,
and so you fly gradually dissolving
in space. This is the way. If we
start on the way we achieve our
destination, which is perfection
itself. This is the third and the
most intensive stage of relaxation:
identify yourself as the Heaven,
the Universe. This is the most
advanced state of relaxation during which chronic
diseases are ready to leave; you need only to open
"the doors" - extraction organs for them to leave.
The highest result is "silent stay in the Ocean of

I. Shymansky

Silence", as Oriental wise men say, becoming "transparent". When a person

achieves such condition, he or she loses shape of the body gradually
expanding them. Simultaneously, bounds of the consciousness are
extended and there comes a feeling of presence in a certain point in a
certain time. First, we extend ourselves to the limits of the room, then to
the boundaries of the city, country, the globe and the Universe. Gradually,
the bounds of your consciousness start to erase and relaxation comes in
unity with the Absolute.
Start to leave the state of relaxation with "Peace
to everyone!" conditionally and unexceptionally.
You feel that every cell of your organism is filled
with Happiness, Purity and Peace. You are ready
and able to deliver them to life. "Society resembles
the house. If all residents become perfect, the house
will be full of Peace, Light and Harmony. Collective
advance starts from individual advance. If I become
perfect, you become perfect, everyone becomes perfect, there will be no
need in social transformations " (Oriental saying). Learn how to become
relaxed always and everywhere. Start from muscle
relaxation of those body areas, which are not
engaged in motion, then try to relax those muscles
that are under stress. Remember this state for brain
to be able to automatically switch on the relaxation
process. Why do we need it? We need it acquire
goodness because relaxation always accompanies
happiness, well-being and the best things in this life.
Therefore, you should remember the following: relaxation is
an integral part of exercises (relaxation before, during and after
muscle loading), besides, this is a necessary precondition for
cleaning up, rehabilitation and rejuvenation of organism. You
should plunge in your sleep with pious thoughts and in maximally
relaxed state. In the morning, after having got up from the bed and
made your first move, you should also try to relax. Muscles not

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engaged in motion should be desirably relaxed. Any relaxation

facilitates free blood flow, free release of hormones in blood. Start
from muscle relaxation of those parts of your body, which are not
engaged in movements, then try to relax those under stress.
Relaxation can be applied also to communication between people.
Only when you are relaxed, you can listen and understand another
person. All of the above represents light forms of relaxation. They
are required for brain to remember, accumulate sensations created
at relaxation and then to automatically switch on this vehicle.
However, there are deeper states of relaxation when entire body
"spreads out and merges with space". The highest result is "silently
stay in the Ocean of Silence".

Anna Õ., 18 years old:

A month ago I got my diagnosis established. Before that I often
caught myself on that I badly needed to drink (I could drink 5 liters of
liquid a day, i.e. 35-40 l a week), and I started to loose the weight
rapidly. I had my laboratory tests done: sugar rate appeared to be too
high. Diagnosis was like a death sentence: "Diabetes". Fear, panic
and confusion - all came crushing down on my head. I felt like crying
all the time. They told me, I needed to be hospitalized.
In the hospital, I was "buried" under piles of medical terms. They
identified the type of insulin I needed to acquire. I spent 2 weeks in the
hospital and the quantity of insulin I took as injection was up to 60
units per day. At the same time, doctors tried to persuade me that
everything was OK and that insulin would make me stronger. Insulin
had to become my modus vivendi. Wherever I went, I had to have with
me a glucometer (a device determining sugar level in blood) and 2
types of insulin. In 2 weeks, I was in bluish spots in places of injections,
and I wondered what would come next?..
In addition, doctors did not tell me the most important thing: insulin
is a poison for vessels and taking it I had my pancreas destroyed.

I. Shymansky

Insulin suppresses will so that a person cannot make a simplest decision.

I happily avoided that owing to that Igor came to my life.
My father arranged our meeting with Igor. In 2 days after the
meeting I redesigned my nutrition, switched to vegetarian diet, started
to drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices. Igor designed an individual
complex of curing physical exercises for me, and now I do them twice a
day in 1.5-hour sessions. I started to do breath-holdings: from 15 seconds
initially and up to 1 minute in 2 weeks already.
I took less insulin every time and by now I totally quit taking it. My
current level of sugar in blood is normal. I do my full forward split
exercises, headstand. I feel excellently. I have so many interesting things
to do - cross split, headstand with support of one hand, breath-holding
up to 3 minutes. I smile and jump as long before. And the most important
thing: I got myself free of addiction of any kind. I do not carry glucometer
and insulin on me, is not it an achievement? I believe that I will be
healthy and can have healthy children. I have my whole life ahead!

How to work hard

peaking of relaxation, we cannot but raise the question of how
to work on it? How much time should it take?
A man is designed so that he can work with maximal effect
for only 2 hours. Average working mode is being also maintained at no
more than 4-hour loading. Anything above is beyond the limits of average
human capacities.
"What about the 8-hour working day then?" - you may ask. This is
where the conflict of the situation is: the man exhausts himself already in
4 hours while he is expected to work 4 hours more at his breaking point.
What is happening? The man starts to work ostentatiously, his organism
himself pushes him to retract from what he is doing: go to bathroom, go
get some water, get himself engaged in search of a lost document, play
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solitaire ("it won't take me more than a couple of minutes!" - we are

convincing ourselves). In result, if you filter off unnecessary moves and
abstract actions, you receive those 4 hours worked at the most efficient
level. At the same time, the man feels as if he has actually worked like a
horse for 8 hours. Why? Because during last 4 hours he has to double or
multiply his forces in order to achieve previous level of efficiency. There
are people who work 12 hours a day sitting at their PCs or operating
manufacturing machines: this is how they "get" themselves in long lines
to doctors. Such work at the brink is pregnant with substance exchange
processes, spending out his "emergency reserve" of energy by weakened
immunity. In consequence, the man becomes opened for viruses.
In addition, if the work performed is connected with static position
(cash department, computer operator, operating machinery), the man
acquires additional health problems in the form of vein congestions,
kidney occlusion, sexual disorders (bleeding, amenorrhea, white
discharges with women, impotence with men), problems of vertebral
column, dysfunction of cerebral circulation resulting in family problems,
sharpening of relations with people around.
Whatever it is, most of us have to work on the assumption of 8-hour
working day. Is there a possibility to make it easier for organism? Yes,
there is. Once, a wise person invented an industrial gymnastics that has
been unfairly forgotten by today. So simple: only 5-10 minutes of
conscious stretching exercises help to get rid of blood congestion, avoid
some destructions in organism. We need to move more!
"But that's what we are doing all the time", - some people of physical
labor object because they do spend their working days armed with spade,
hammer or running behind the shop-counter. This is true, but the point
of the problem lies exactly in that even performing a physical job (especially
if it is a monotonous one), the man fixes himself in certain position thus
provoking congestion in bones and joints, this time. Therefore, there
should be a clearly regulated exercise system, which the man could
consciously do every several hours. This system should include stretching
exercises that activate nerve centers, facilitate adjustment of blood
I. Shymansky

circulation and so on. Do not be afraid of spending several minutes for

the exercises. They will repay aplenty as improved efficiency of your
labor, original problem solutions, saved force and energy.
So, a man is designed so that he can work for maximal
feedback for only 2 hours. Average working mode maintains given
4-hour loading. If the man goes beyond the limits of his capacities
(this is what is expected from those working standard or, even
worse, nonstandard business day), such work threatens with
disorder of metabolic process, spending out "emergency reserve"
of energy and weakening of immunity. In consequence, the man
becomes opened for viruses. However, there is a way out. 5-10
minutes of conscious stretching exercises will help you to get rid of
blood congestion and prevent some destruction in your organism.
You should move more! There should be a well-regulated system
of exercises that could be made by the man consciously every several

How to get yourself ready for sleep in a

right way

H ere comes the time when a long day has started to decline
and you begin to think about going to bed. But before
Morpheus embraces you, it would not harm to tune your organism to

rest. To do this, you can repeat your morning hygienic procedures

(cleaning your tongue, washing through your nose, massaging you ears
and gargling your throat). If you have nothing against dousing - do it to
bring your blood vessels in tonus and push through congestions
accumulated during the day with fresh blood flow.

Morpheus: the god of dreams in ancient Geek mythology. «Embraced by


Morpheus»: allegory for one’s sleep.

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After that, you should start psychological preparation. Try to tune

yourself to happiness, inspiration: "I'm going to have a real good sleep,
I'm going to relax!.. I'm going to feel terrific tomorrow! Every cell of my
organism will be relaxed, have rest and gain force to meet the day of

How it often is? We splash out the irritation, negative emotions

accumulated during the day on our folks, getting both them and you
irritated and jumpy. At this point, we can hardly discuss a relaxation and
a tranquil sleep? If we fail to relax before going to bed and generate only
positive emotions, then we will bring the stress that has accumulated
during the day over to our sleep and, consequently, in our memory.
This leads to generation of reflex sending "request for irritation".
We start to look for situations that result in agitation and excitement of
nervous system. This is when coronary spasm, micro-infarction, micro-
stoke, heavy depressions, nervous diseases including mental disorders
start "knocking at the door". This means the end of the career, family
and prosperity.
How to avoid it? You should remember that at some time since 6 in
the evening, body temperature starts to lower and all processes in the

I. Shymansky

organism slow down; after 7 (maximum 8) in the

evening, we should switch over to neutral mode
(for example, read spiritual literature, research
family traditions), and after that (after 9 in the
evening), it will be easier for us to tune to search
of heavenly qualities. Remember: if you want to
have your organism normally relaxed and restore
its forces, you should fall asleep in a state of peace.
Once you are relaxed (imagine that you lie on
your back on the water), after you smile and feel inspired and happy (but
quiet rather than excited), then you will approach the "ocean of sleep" in
easily rolling waves as if on slightly waving still water. Naturally, all
processes in the organism will be directed towards restoration, regeneration
of energy with the same small waves.
If a person is over-agitated in the evening and goes to bed in such
condition (in spite of biorhythms set by nature), metabolism in organism
will be disordered and hormone failure will take place. Evening is the
time of peace. In nature, as soon as the sun starts to roll towards horizon,
all flowers that warm their colorful heads under the sun during at daytime
start to put together their petals and gradually close them. In the morning,
as soon as the new day begins to dawn, everything in nature start to
wake up and bring itself to the sun. If human being is a nature's child,
why does not he stay tuned to nature? Day is declining, and man starts
his vigorous activities (night clubs, noisy parties). Is this actually a
"relaxation" as they call it? In fact, the man does acquire chronic diseases
rather than relax. Conflicts, threatening situations - all the worst- wait for
man exactly at this time of the day since this is the time of "outburst of
dark forces". Animal instincts start to take over because mental centers
suppressing the instincts at daytime ask the question: "What is going on?
Why don't I sleep?" After the sunset, human organism is not able to
adequately respond to things happening around and inside it because
in the evening breaking processes launch automatically. Therefore, at
any time since 18:00 (even if you are only returning home from work),

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start to relax. Remember: relaxation and peace are implementation of all

the best.
If you calm and quiet in the evening, if you fall asleep softly and
quietly as if step by step, then you fence your organism off the pathologies
connected with wrong falling asleep (micro-infarction, micro-stroke,
nervous disorders). Look at the sum: both sunrise and sunset go
smoothly, softly and noiselessly. Sun does not trumpet nor rings the
bells to announce its arrival or the end of the day. This is how we should
learn the softness, joy (in the morning), and peace (in the evening) and
harmony following the sun's example.
We remember that the day should begin before 6 in the morning, the
best time being 3:30. This is easily
achievable if you go to bed earlier.
As we already mentioned, human
organism restores the forces only
since 21:00 through to 24:00.
There is no other time for this.
Therefore, the more of those 3
hours will be "eaten up" by routine
activities and senseless
communications, the heavier will
be condemnation of the organism
to "invalid" existence and stresses
beyond the limits on the next day.
Night sleep (since 21:00 through
to 24:00) is irreplaceable and
cannot be compensated with
anything else: neither with rest at
daytime, nor meditation. Stress
cannot be put in layers endlessly.
However long and with whatever small portions we fill in a container,
there is always the moment when the container is overfilled. You can
thoughtlessly place anything in any quantities only in a bottomless
container, but a man like any container is not bottomless. By accumulating
I. Shymansky

stress, brining dirt in the blood and breaking reflexes, we drive the rganism
to breakdowns, destructions that are caused by failure of hypophysis, in
other words, immunity is extremely low, and viruses, as you know, look
for a weak link. Their attacks make the man stronger, if he tries to find
out means to reinforce natural protection of his organism, otherwise they
destroy him.
Is there a way out? Yes, you should give your organism time to rest,
restore and to do that you should get accustomed to go to bed in due
time and get relaxed before you fall asleep.
Your last food should be taken not later than 2 hours before the
sleep. Ideally, 4 hours and more are preferable. Why is it so?
Rational digestion accompanied by emission of necessary quantities
of digestive fluids is possible only at natural daylight. Light is a type of
energy. Sunrays "launch" organism, activate processes therein. Relatively
bright light takes place in nature at some time between 11:00 and 16:00
(or maximum 18:00 in summer). How many times one can eat during this
time? One or two times, no more (I mean boiled food).
Daylight time varies from season to season and therefore, food should
match the season. This is an individual topic by itself. It is important to
remember: all biochemical processes necessary for digestion take place
at daylight (same as photosynthesis with plants). If a human is a part of
the nature, he should not break its laws or establish his own "comfortable"
Besides, digestion does not take place in 10 minutes; it is a long-
term chemical process where one stage is replaced by another. Now, let
us recall that all processes slow down in the evening including those
connected with digestion. Besides, the blood engaged in the processes
of food assimilation acquires other properties in the evening, because
hormones released in the blood are designed for relaxation and energy
restoration rather than for food digestion. In other words, evening time
is not a natural, biological time period of digestion.
However, if you feel strong hunger in the evening, in spite of all
scientific justifications, and the stomach refuses to "listen to any
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arguments" due to a long-term habit, you should limit yourself with raw
vegetables (we are all raw food-eaters by our nature). This food will not
do a lot of good, but, on the other hand, the harm brought by such food
will be considerably smaller than by boiled food.
In order to teach your organism to comply with biological rhythms,
start with small things. Prolong the interval between the last time you eat
and going to bed at least by 20-30 minutes (just for beginning). Next,
gradually switch to eating boiled food 4-5 hours before sleep (and you
should prepare to go to bed starting from 20:00, as you remember). At
the same time, in the morning, you should gradually reduce the time
spent in bed. In doing so, you elaborate a system, a desired balance and
certain natural rhythm set in the organism.
You should sleep on a hard surface with your head eastward. Why
so? This is connected with magnetic field of the Earth. The Sun rises in
the east and powerful energy is generated also in the east. Yogis-
vegetarians recommend doing exercises facing the east: in such position,
their positive effect is multiplied. Lying down with our head eastward,
we prevent spasm of cerebrum vessels and assist cerebrum to get
maximally relaxed, this is why magnetic field of the Earth "wave", "lulls",
create vibrations that are the most favorable for sleep. In this position,

I. Shymansky

organism maximally restores and removes "locks", tension and restores

reflexes. All this happens if you stick to healthy diet. As we already
discussed, at the time when vertebras touch the hard surface, signal to
increase inter-vertebral spaces automatically received in brain, leading to
relief of nerves and blood vessels from compression, which takes place
because we walk straight, if nothing else (especially dangerous is traditional
sitting-on-the-chair position). Respectively, supply of internal organs with
blood improves and this means that cell supply with oxygen also improves,
efficiency of organs' activities increases and organism better prepares
itself to "the Flood" of self-cleaning.
Taking horizontal position, you should try to relax. Legs, buttocks,
waist (!), back, shoulders, back of your head should lie freely on the
surface; arms should be stretched up. In such position, you should recall
the type of practical relaxation that we discussed a little earlier (you
should make your body "melt and spread out" on the surface, imagine
that yourself in the state of long fly, try to absorb the Universe and
become a particle of it). This condition should be kept for 3-5 minutes.
After this, you should couple your hands in "lock", pull your knees
up to your breast and press then to the breast with your hands (3-5
minutes). Why do we do it? By pressing legs to the breast, we relax
lumbar section of the vertebral column and improve nutrition of nerves
located in the waist area, remove tension in muscles, which have been
under invariable stress during the day due to vertical position of the
vertebral column. Besides, we create flow-out of venous blood from our
legs. In this very pose, pressure on certain parts of abdominal cavity

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occurs thus improving blood circulation in this section and organs located
therein (intestinal, liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach). The most important
is that we improve nutrition of pancreas and regulate their functions.
This exercise prepares organism not to fall asleep weak and feeble, but
get into sleep softly as a small river in the ocean of sleep. If we enter into
sleep relaxed then we save our resources, which will be rationally allocated
to combat viruses, and give additional energy to our immunity by directing
it towards creation, career (because energy, to a considerable degree, is
generation of ideas with the help of the energy released by strengthen
immunity). A healthy man can turn the world upside down, while a sick
man will spend all his forces to recovery.
Next, you can relax and smoothly transform to "butterfly" position
(feet together, knees apart). What for? This exercise improves blood

circulation in small pelvis. Many of you, perhaps, heard the expression

"death hides in bowels". Let me specify: death hides in small pelvis. By
stretching certain muscles with the help of "butterfly" position and then
slackening them, we direct a fresh blood flow to the small pelvis area,
reduce blood congestion therein and, respectively prolong service life of
urogenital system.
Doing the exercise, it is important to fill the physical form with internal
content. What does it mean? For example, pulling the legs to the breast,
we need to recall any natural
quality (say, cleanness) and «And know them by their fruits»
work over it, try to put our soul Bible
therein as in the vault. By
I. Shymansky

setting free your compressed vessels, your thoughts together with fresh
blood flow will "fly" all over the organism, penetrate every cell, and thus
you get saturated with this quality and become this quality because this
is the phase of relaxation when you remember and multiply the best in
you in the best possible way. Keep on working with qualities; try to relax
first the muscles that are strained (concentrate on the muscles and
consciously try to relax them and let them "unfreeze") then relax the
muscles, which are not strained (for example, forehead, eyebrows, ears
etc.). Relaxation of all muscles will get you deeper in the state of relaxation
and, respectively, heavenly quality will get you coated with warm coverlet
merging with every cell of your body so that you will not need to hold it
back any longer. Removing the "lock", you will feel an external and
internal bliss, you will not be able to become aggressive and, this means
that you fence yourself off internal congestions. No congestions - no
environment beneficial for viruses. Besides, the most important thing is
that the hormone release, which entails relaxation, takes place in the state
of fullness with some quality, for example, peace. In such a way we
improve ourselves and make a beneficial effect on people around us. If
everyone starts to do so, we can state we facilitate the PROGRESS.
Those who cannot easily start to work on the qualities can start with
visualization of "parting" with diseases. Imagine clearly, how the plaques
are dissolved, vessel lumens dilate, heart works in standard healthy mode,
skin gets cleaner and so on. After having accumulated certain experience
of visualization, you can make state of your relatives and friends better
(even at a distance), in other words, implement the entire accumulated
experience and knowledge in life. Do not be surprised if some time later
your relative and friends will tell you admiringly: "You are a real heeler!"
not even suspecting that true knowledge leads to art of creating positive
effect on human immunity, restoring it from ruins of the world of errors
and illusions.
Therefore, before you go to sleep, tune your organism to have
rest. For this purpose, repeat all morning hygienic procedures
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(tongue cleaning, nose washing through, massage you ears and

gargle the throat). If you like dousing - do it. If you want your
organism to have normal rest and recreation, you should fall asleep
In the state of peace. Evening is the peacetime that is why you
should start relaxing since 18:00. Recall: relaxation and peace
personify the best. Organism restores only since 21:00 through to
24:00. There is no other time that organism can have rest. Night
sleep cannot be compensated nor replaced with anything else
(neither by rest at daytime, nor meditation). If you constantly
"steal" time off your night sleep, then each next day your organism
is going to work at breaking point. Stress cannot be accumulated
in layers endlessly. This leads to that immunity will become
extremely lower and viruses will start to attack.
The last time you eat should be minimum 2 hours prior to your
sleep. Ideally, it should be at least 4 hours or more. This is explained
by that the process of digestion takes place at a bright daylight.
Sunrays "launch" organism, activate processes occurring therein.
The best is to sleep on a hard surface with your head eastward,
since magnetic field of the Earth creates the most beneficial
vibrations for sleep. By taking horizontal position, we need to relax.
If we are relaxed, we save the resources that could be more
rationally directed to combat viruses, supply the immunity with
additional energy allocating it to creation, career. In is important
to give attention to hormone release that will entail relaxation filled
with some quality (remember the "vault").

I. Shymansky


Look for stimuli in the Nature, in respect and love to it,

in consuming vegetable food (ideally, raw vegetable
food), and let us be grateful to each other as to members
of one big family – the Mankind. And then, we will see
reflection of the sky here, on the Earth, in the people
around us,
in the white light penetrating everything in the world.

Q: Does the effect of Igor Shymansky's system have its

confirmation by objective data?

A: Yes, it does. Based on biochemical and immunological examination

of patients within the dynamics of curing they receive, we have established
a positive effect of this system. At the same time, patients were examined
in our laboratory once a quarter during two years in average. The patients
were represented by various nosology: diabetes, hepatitis, thyroid gland
diseases, arachnoiditis, diseases of urogenital and cardiovascular systems,
malignant and non-malignant neoplasms, HIV.

Q: Did the system help in achieving complete recovery of the


A: It is hard for me to judge health condition of the patients examined

from the clinical viewpoint. I am not a medical doctor, however, on the
assumption of dynamics of biochemical and immunological indices, I
can state with assurance that the system is just unique. Let me give you

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an example of examination of diabetic patients to confirm the words. An

8-year old girl received 25 units of insulin daily. At the time of examination
of the child, her liver function test showed 3.5 times excess apart from
an increased level of sugar in blood. In result of application of the system
the girl managed it without insulin by the end of the month already, level
of sugar and transaminase activity in blood serum lowered to upper limit
of the normal. Second example: a man who received 50 units of insulin a
day. Results of biochemical examination also revealed changes in
functions of liver, gall bladder and vessels. In three months after the
beginning of Igor's system-based curing, there was no need in insulin
any longer. Biochemical and immunology rates have practically

Q: How can you explain the mechanism of the system from

scientific viewpoint?

A: The system envisions that the patient's diet should include freshly
squeezed juices, strict vegetarian approach (full ban of eggs, meat, fish,
sea products, i.e. animal protein). Owing to that, organism of the patient
does not only gets a large quantity of natural vitamins, but also decreases
loading on such vitally important organs as liver, pancreas, kidneys.
Accordingly, the herbs that are used by Igor in the course of application
of the system deliver their maximal curing effect.
The second component of the system is represented by exercises
for consequent pressure of some organs while stretching the others,
joint twisting and muscle stretching in a strictly predefined order being a
governing factor of the system. According to Igor, this allows to activate
the immune system, achieve natural release in organism of the patient of
hormones that, as its known, possess regulatory qualities.
Breathing system and environment in which the patient exists
represents the third component of the system. The cleaner the air, the
sooner self-recreation of the organism takes place. This is why the system
I. Shymansky

is more effective when applied in Crimea than, say, in Donbass

Basing on results obtained in our laboratory, we can assume that the
entire system of curing aims at creation of normal micro-environment for
cellular structures and organs owing to natural "detoxication" of organism,
its saturation with natural vitamins, activation of immune system and
normalization of function of the organism's regulatory systems.

Liudmila Ivanovna Donchenko,

Doctor of Biology, manager and chief expert
of the Laboratory of Immunology and Toxicology
of the Donetsk R&D Institute for Toxicology Examination

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I don't care what day is today.
I'll dissolve it in good,
I'll become clear in this day.

The School's secret: imponderability,

How to achieve success within the shortest time.

eneficial effect of muscle loading on organism was known
practically to everyone long ago. Unfortunately, we do not
often mention that all physical exercises should have their
inner content, though. In order to extract maximal medical effect for
organism from each exercise, we need to fill it with inner content otherwise
you will work with muscle strain only. Internal content has its in-depth
influence on discharge of hormones in blood. Organism fixes this state
in its memory, and nerve links are gradually being formed in cerebrum.
For example, if once you tried honey then every time looking at it you
will feel a sweetish smack: this is how your "internal memory" works.
Remembering our internal state during physical exercises brain will
automatically order additional release of hormones in blood. Our ultimate
objective is full freedom from stress, anger, envy, aggression and,
subsequently, free release of hormones in blood as regulators in organism.
Initially, vegetarian monks created exercises of internal style with
internal state, so-called "internal shining" aimed at prolongation of
conscious disease-free life of a human being.

I. Shymansky

Speaking of internal content, we should clarify on that realization is

an integral part of such content. Usually, they differentiate relaxation
before, during and after muscle loading.
We can sense relaxation prior to exercise-making as soft waves,
during the muscle-tension as "melting down" of those body parts that
are strained or are not involved in the tension and after the exercises - in
the form similar to "shining", which will coat your whole body. This
inner state of relaxation, "melting" and "shining" should be carried over
to your everyday life.

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This is the scheme of longevity, prolongation of youth for soul

and body and the way to self-improvement. Having this scheme at
hand, you feel insured forever against infarction, stroke and
intellectual impotence. This is the scheme of well-being, success,
happiness, achievement set goals, in other words everything at
what you are aiming and for what you are so intensively. This is
the "perpetual motion", which will always work without the
necessity of having special resources. It uses everything in man
and in nature and it works with any situation and gives way out of
it. This scheme works EVERYWHERE; this is your way out of
ANY situation

This principle forms the basis for curing such cureless diseases as
diabetes, cancerous diseases and serious viral diseases.
Same very scheme is good for building up an ideal society (See
Fig.). The scheme consists of:
Tranquil contentment
Ability to manage one's own life

The man of a new society possesses all those qualities. Some doubters
may ask: "Does he know where the sack of money is hidden?". Yes, he
I. Shymansky

does. He knows where "the sack of… health" is hidden that cannot be
measured by money.
If you look at contemporary society from above, it reminds you an
anthill, where people, same as ants though much faster, rush up and
down: they live in one place, work in another place, and how many
routes they follow during one day, God only knows! Intuitively, exhausted
by hellish labor we are looking for a relaxation; worn out, we fall down
and try to relax. However, all things invented by us - 8-hour working day,
planning authorities, strictly scheduled classes at school - lead to that we
simply fall in amnesia and still "spinning" strategies of resolving never-
ended problems in our heads. This results in that we simply have no time
to live.
To unravel this huge snarl of worries, make use of the offered scheme.
Only relaxation represents all the best things in the world. Only when
you are relaxed, you can find this internal state that will automatically
To unravel this huge snarl of worries, make use of the offered scheme.
Only relaxation represents all the best things in the world. Only when
you are relaxed, you can find this internal state that will automatically
rejuvenate your organism. We can learn how to relax only by contraries
via muscle loading. Therefore, we will learn to build a strict consequence
corresponding to each lunar day. Ultimate objective of our classes is to
plunge into an ocean of relaxation drop by drop, from exercise to exercise.
This will facilitate discharge of hormones - natural organism regulators -
in blood. This is a security of good health, successful work, luck, family
well-being and ampleness of life .
Now, I offer a few exercises that can help you to achieve the state of
1. Before doing the exercises and in order to strain certain muscles,
you should stand straight with your hands down at your sides. Close
your eyes and start rocking slightly from side to side trying to "catch"
the wave of relaxation.

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2. Standing, raise your hand up and strain muscles. Relax your:

1 - cheeks;
2 - ears;
3 - shanks;
4 - trapezoid shoulder muscle;
5 - triceps;
6 - waist.
Stand in this position for several minutes (you can also walk in this
position here and there). Put your hands down and listen to yourself.
You will feel a wave raising your body higher and higher. This wave will
flow over you, and you will like to fly up. Remember this state of
"imponderability" (see Fig.).
3. Stand straight, your hands in "lock" at the neck base, back of
your hands pressed to the back of your head. Relax your:
1- hands and triceps simultaneously;
2- forearms;
3- back surface of your thighs.



I. Shymansky

Remain in this position for several minutes. After putting your hand
down, you feel an overflowing wave bringing your body up as if for
flying. This is the wave of relaxation.
4. Stand with your back to railings, hold them with your hands from
above, incline forward a little and keep this position for 3-5 minutes.
Relax your:
1- cheeks;
2- ears;
3- triceps;
4- trapezoid shoulder muscle;
5- wrist area.
After putting your hand down, you feel as if a wave pushes you up
forward. This is also a wave of relaxation.
Those exercises are a kind of "Morse alphabet" from which we will
then compile words and build our lives. This is the entry, the door, and
heaven-gate leading to Peace. Everything the most optimal and ingenious
occurs in peace, in the state of ABSENCE OF TENSION.


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Lunar Calendar and Your Health

he only satellite of our planet- the Moon - in many ways
determines the processes and phenomena, taking place on
the Earth. It was noted that at the times of new moon and full
moon, water goes much higher than at any other time. Our ancestors
sociated many types of field and household activities with the Moon.
The Lord of waters, the Moon manages not only rising tides and ebb
tides in the world ocean. It influences the man who mainly consists of
liquid. The Moon is connected with consciousness of humans, their
mood, otions, nervous system and biochemical processes in human
organism. If human biochemical processes are connected with the Moon,
then physical activity should also rely on lunar calendar. If the man listens
to lunar rhythms, he gets an opportunity to make a beneficial effect on
his organism and restore activities of human organs, using the best time
for this purpose. We should try to achieve a single level of balance of the
biochemical processes in the organism. Use of recommendations of the
lunar calendar will help in avoiding unnecessary breakdowns and stresses
and acquiring a sensation of being protected and staying in harmony.
A lunar year is the basis for the lunar calendar; the lunar year similar
to solar year consists of lunar months. There can be 29 or 30 lunar days
in a lunar month. Beginning of a lunar month is full moon, the time when
the Moon after uniting with the Sun (as it is observable from the Earth),
starts to move away from it. Regular lunar day continues from the rise of
the Moon and till its next rise.
In the lunar month, we can conditionally separate critical times of
the lunar cycle: phase days, i.e. the 4th, 9th, 19th, 23rd, 26th and 29th
lunar days. On these days, the dark side of life is especially active, and
the man can barely resist it. No doubt, lunar month includes also beneficial
days, energy and powers, which desirably can be directed on cleaning
up and curing: the 6th, 7th, 12th, 16th, 24th and 28th days. Each lunar

I. Shymansky

day sets certain internal tasks for the man; their combination gives a special
system of interrelations and interactivities, subordinating which the man
brings harmony to his life, lives naturally not interfering with anything or
anyone and naturally flows into a single system of life.
Each lunar day has own symbols and energy components. Each
lunar day is connected with certain part or organ of the body that can
suffer from failure to comply with requirements of certain lunar day. You
can rehabilitate the "organ of the day" with the aid of medical practice,
by turning fresh blood flow in your thoughts to the organ, cleaning it up
and renewing its cells as well as visually imagining this organ getting

1. Eyes, bridge of the nose, face.

2. Mouth, teeth.
3. Back of the head, ears.
4. Larynx, neck, throat.
5. Esophagus.
6. Upper air passages, bronchi.
7. Lungs.
8. Stomach.
9. Breast.
10. Bones of breast, prostate gland.
11. Vertebral column.
12. Heart.
13. Pancreas.
14. Intestines.
15. Pancreas, diaphragm.
16. Spleen.
17. Kidneys.
18. Skin.
19. Appendix, intestines.
20. Upper back, shoulder blades, peritoneum.
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21. Liver.
22. Hip belt, sacrum.
23. Ovaries, testicles.
24. Genitals, anus.
25. Ears.
26. Thighs. Skin.
27. Shanks.
28. Eyes, cerebrum.
29. Anus, rectum.
30. Heart, epiphysis.
All procedures related to cleaning up, washing, reduction of
inflammatory processes of organs and parts of the body have their best
effect at declining Moon.

Before we discuss muscle loading, I would like to draw your attention

to the rule being a law for any exercise: during the exercise, and in the
first place, you should fix strain, identify "locks" (parts of the body
supported by surface (floor), concentrate your attention on joints
engaged in twisting exercises, or on moving up /aside your hands
and legs, on locked hands). Then, hold this position, imagine how
the tension starts to "melt down", dissolve. First of all, we relax
the parts of the body that are engaged in doing exercises, and then
the entire body, each cell of it retaining the shape of the position.
When we leave this fixed position, we find ourselves in the world
of a widest relaxation, huge and boundless.

You should do every exercise counting in your physical form. You

can proceed on the assumption of the time during which you can feel
comfortable when doing the exercise and ... a little bit longer. Start from
a small thing: for example, start from 20 seconds and add 20 seconds
more every day.

I. Shymansky

Description of lunar days

1st lunar day

t is called "Light".
The first lunar day is the day of spirituality (it is not occasionally
called "Light"). If we correctly design this day from the viewpoint
of spirituality and purity, then the entire following month will be filled
with this light. You will shine and everything around you will sparkle.
Live this day - the first day of the lunar cycle - with inspiration and try to
inspire other people. Based on "lighting" of the first lunar day, you can
design the whole month. This day's energy generation is so strong that it
helps to mitigate effect of critical days of lunar cycle.
This day is the best time to be born anew, to change your fate. Our
thoughts get materialized on this day. We should give birth to as much
light as possible inside us; we should unwind the ball of karma and
remove all the dark parts from our fate… Any trouble, any "stumbling"
has been originally integrated in us. But we can either make our fate
worse, or light it up with blessed light "burning down" all dark things that
could happened to us.
This day is especially good for cleaning soul from negative emotions
and recollections. If you are unable to change circumstances, then change
your attitude to them. Consider any unpleasant situation from the
viewpoint of learning lessons and you will understand where you should
go, what to change in yourself (after all, the world around us is our own
This is the day when you should dream as much as possible. In the
morning, do the "folded leaflet" exercise (in one of its options, which are
the most acceptable for you), tune to a required wave and think about
the purpose for which we have arrived at the Earth. Your thoughts should
concern not only you as an individual, but the entire humanity.
At daytime, during after-lunch hours you should sit down with your
legs crossed. You can take this position either sitting on a hard surface
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or, since the vertebral column has already changed its form, on a soft
surface (try to "get drawn" in its softness, "dive" in it). Your vertebral
column should contact a hard surface anyway. For this, put a plank or a
book in hard cover under your back. Remember, we clarified that by
contacting a hard surface spinous processes of vertebral column
automatically increase inter-vertebra spaces thus relieving nerves and
blood vessels from compression. This is a good position for dreaming
especially on the first lunar day because there is a great possibility of that
your dreams come true. When your feet get swelled you should slowly
straighten them, lie on your back and get relaxed. What is happening at
this moment? Organism is relaxed, blood circulation is well adjusted
and, respectively, a conditioned reflex is being formed in your brain that
will work for implementation of your dreams in the form of completed
images in sub-consciousness.
The first day of the Moon possesses especially powerful energy
generation capacity that can be effectively used when working with
qualities, for visualized cleaning of the organism from the diseases that
tortured organism for years. The mental model structured by you will
start existing on its own and attract those events and processes that will
facilitate implementation of your desires. For this purpose, it is important
to imagine what you will become after the dream comes true.
In the evening, you can repeat two preceding exercises and then,
lying on a hard surface, you should obligatory take the "legs pressed to
the breast" position. What for? We summarize the day that passed and
consciously level it in such a way as we level body by stretching it. This
position can be fixed during 2-5 minutes (depending on condition of the
The first lunar day can be compared with sunrise. "Folded leaflet"
position, which we do in the morning, is also called "sunrise". When you
are in this position, you head should be elevated, since this day is linked
to brain, eyes and the bridge of the nose. You can place your head on a
coffee table or a book lying on a heating radiator. In this pose, you
I. Shymansky

resemble dozing sun. Then, straightening up slowly during 3-5 seconds,

you will feel lighting and coolness somewhere in the middle of your
forehead: this is the rise of your own sun. This state includes all qualities
of heavenly nature; it is deep and comprehensive. After practicing, you
can remain in the "folded leaflet" for 20 minutes and get a chance to
multiply your capabilities, "launch" activities of several more of idling 96
% per cents of cerebrum.
In this day you can give a hand to your folks in their opening to joy
and purity. For this, you should stroke such person with your right hand
from the crown of the head of this person down to tailbone. By doing
so, we wake up and tune organism to purity, kindness and sincerity. The
more pure images are fixed in your brain in this day, the easier and
calmer the entire lunar cycle passes.
Communication with children plays a special role. Children induce
good and pure energy in us. In this day, you should compliment and
forgive children as much as possible.
Bridge of the nose, eyes, cerebrum and the whole face are connected
with this day. If a person fails to meet requirements of a lunar day, it can
affect relevant organs and parts of the body. Otherwise, curing effects
on these organs will be considerable.
It is also important to improve blood
circulation, though in a mild and natural way.
Massaging points on your neck (trapezoid
muscle) and points on shoulders and arm base
will be of help since this massage assures
dispatch of beneficial impulses to the head (See
This curing energy of the day is powerful if
you use and direct it correctly. This day is also
good for recreation of any organ because the
exercises fixed for this day ("folded leaflet",
for example) will help to relax organs, improve their nutrition at cellular
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level. Organs get rejuvenated. Activities of liver and kidneys become

more effective, blood circulation improves, supply of blood to cerebrum
also improves, and this means that brain receives more oxygen; vision
deterioration stops, hearing becomes better and, the most important, we
improve spiritually. Relaxation that you try to achieve when sitting with
your legs crossed or lying on hard surface induces additional hormone
release in blood, and thus in turn makes the curing effect stronger.
Relaxation cures all (provided that we are vegetarians).
The first day of lunar month should be made as "sweet" as possible
at the same time avoiding sugar or chemical products. It should be done
in the most natural way taking sweets provided my Mother Nature: sweet
carrot, sweet fruits and honey.
1. Squat. Your arms are bent in the elbows; your palms touch each
other, thumbs apart and touch the bridge of the nose or press on the
points on both sides of the bridge of the nose closer to your eyes. Your
close hands touch your forehead. Keep this position for 2-4-8 minutes.
After the exercise you should lie down and relax, as if you "melt
down". Relax your cheeks, ears, feet, knees, belly, adrenal area, back,
rectum area and biceps (your forehead should be cool).

I. Shymansky

2d lunar day

ymbols: "Horn of Plenty" or "Jaws".
Energy of this day is directed on "compression" of organism.
Accordingly, it is recommended to take "dilative" food: fruits,
vegetables and porridges from wholesome cereals. This is why this day
is also called "Jaws" or "Snapping mouth".
Thus day is especially beneficial for cleaning any organ that bothers
you but you should better work with the organs corresponding to the
The name "Horn of Plenty" means that this is the day when we
should be especially generous and not grieve for anything we lose.
The name of the day also indicates the organs and parts of the body
that should be in the focus of our attention: mouth, lips, teeth and upper
palate. Toothache often occurs on this day. The day is good for visiting
your dentist.
I recommend to clean frontal and Highmore sinuses, washing your
nose through with salty water (see Chapter " First steps in cleaning your
organism ").
The second lunar day is good for beginning the cycle of physical
exercises. But do not show excess of zeal: this day is still too close to
the day of new moon. Basic rule for this day is to keep your tongue next
to your upper palate (for vegetarians): this makes your life longer.
1. Squat slightly inclining forward and swell your cheeks by taking
water in your mouth.
Your forehead is cool. Relax your:
1.- triceps;
2.- buttocks;
3.- ears;
4.- gastrocnemius muscles;

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5- deltoids;
6- vertebral column: lumbar section and then
breast section.
Remember: after having relaxed one part
of the body and going to next one, we should
keep previous part relaxed. This is how we flow
in the single flow of relaxation. This is the
relaxation of certain parts of the body in strict
order that stimulate hormone discharge in blood
and fill each exercise with content.
The longer you stay in this position, the
slower you should get relaxed.
Lie down and relax. Relaxation wave will
come from your feet.
2. Do the same sitting with your legs
crossed. Relax your:
1- lips;
2- inside and outside surface of your
3- hand (inside and back of your hand);
4- inside surface of thighs;
5- ankle-joint in touch with earth.
Your cheeks start to get warmer. You
forehead remains cool.
3. "Folded leaflet": sit in the heels, inclin
forward, your hands are stretched out,
fingers are widely spread. Open your
mouth with your tongue hanging out.
Relax your:
1- forearms in touch with earth;
2- lumbar section;
3- palms;
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4- back of your palms;

5- perinea region.
4.Do the same with your hands
behind you and touch the floor with your
forehead. Relax your:
1.- triceps;
2.- hands;
3.- cheeks;
4.- ears;
5.- sphincter.
5. Relax sitting on your heels. Relax your:
1.- triceps;
2.- cheeks;
3.- ankle-joint;
4.- thighs;
5.- inside surface of forearms and hands
(internal side);
6.- back of your hands and external surface of
6. Lying on your belly, raise your hands and
legs, spread wide your fingers, open the mouth with your tongue hanging
out. Create tension. Relax your:
1.- inside surface of firearms;
2.- triceps;
3-lumbar section
(paravertebral muscles);
4.- back of the thighs;
5.- tongue;
6.- thorax;
7.- perinea region.
Afterfinishingthe exercise,
lie on your belly and relax.
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7. Draw in your lips.

8. In standing position, strain your whole body, spread your fingers
wide, raise fingers of your feet and tightly clench your teeth. Strain: feet,
inside surface of the thighs, buttocks, hands, straighten your vertebral

column, clench your teeth. Relax and proceed to exercise 6.

9. Stand rocking (for 2-4 minutes.)

I. Shymansky

3rd lunar day

ymbols of the day: "Ounce" or "Leopard".
In general, this day is connected with fight. It is dangerous to
stay passive because you become vulnerable. Stimulate your
activity and discharge the energy accumulated in you by taking heavy
and intensive loading. It is good to do physical exercises for improvement
of joint mobility.
Organism stops adapting to compression that has started in the first
lunar day (this is connected with alternation of gravity influence of the
Moon on the world ocean and all living creatures containing liquids).
This day is good for steam procedures: baths, saunas. This allows
you to resist compression and dehydration of organism.
This day requires special attention to your emotions, reactions; it is
important to avoid any negative manifestations. The day can appear to
be full of provocations and you should keep this in mind and control
your sphere of emotions.
The 3rd lunar day is connected with the back of your head and ears.
Massaging these organs will be especially useful because it will activate
certain nerve centers. You can apply mustard plaster on the back of your
Incompliance with requirements of the 3rd lunar day threatens with
diseases of bronchi or asthma. If a man affords intemperance, malicious
joy and vindictiveness he deteriorates his karma.
1. Jumps in squatting position with transfer to split (for well-trained
persons). Lie down and relax. Do jumping again, the splits in alternative
position of your legs. General relax.
2. Run up the stairs, run up, jumps up the hill (for medium level of
3. Unhurried walk up the stairs, upwards (for beginners).

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When doing the exercises, you should apply quick fractional breathing:
1-2 fractional inhales - pause - exhale. If you feel that you lack air, apply
another breathing scheme with 4 fractional inhales: make 4 fractional
inhales in a raw- pause - exhale. This is so called "emergency", that you
can apply when necessary (but do not show excess of zeal, do not over-
saturate your organism with oxygen).
4.Set of exercises at the wall:
a) stand in a distance from the wall, incline forward touch the wall
with your hands, shift from foot to foot;

b) do the same raising your right leg bent in knee. Thus we reinforce
tension of gastrocnemius muscles. Relax:
1- inside surface of the forearms;
2- inside surface of shoulders;
3- pectoral muscles, partially;
4- gastrocnemius muscles of one leg put aside.
c) do the same with the foot of right leg against the wall, strain
gastrocnemius muscles, bend in your waist, put the wrists of both hands
against the wall. Relax:
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1- arms;
2- gastrocnemius muscles of one leg put back;
3- gastrocnemius muscles of the wall-supported leg.
d) do the same with the arms bent in elbows, lay one hand on the
other, put your forehead on forearms of crossed arms. Your forehead is
cool. Relax:
1- shoulder;
2- gastrocnemius muscles of one leg put back;
3- gastrocnemius muscles of the wall-supported leg.
e) do the same, straighten up, put your hands behind the head, put
your palms one on the other and place them between the shoulder-blades.
1- triceps;
2- belly;
3- gastrocnemius muscles of one leg put back;
4- gastrocnemius muscles of the wall-supported leg.

c d e

f) do the same, raise your hands, incline forward to the wall, support
yourself with your hands against the wall, decline back, bend in your
waist, raise your hands up. Relax:
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1- inside of your forearms.

5. Close acoustic ducts with your
ring-fingers (they are linked with the Sun).
Exercises are done sitting on the heels,
standing or sitting with your legs crossed
(you can also sit on the sofa or sand).
Putting your fingers down, you will feel
waves of relaxation coming from your
ears down. Relax:
1- forearms;
2- You forehead is cool.
3- thumbs.


4th lunar day

ymbols: "Tree of Knowledge" and "Aum".
This is the first of critical days of the lunar cycle. In fact, any
critical day is a training day. Why? The major purpose of the
day is to put a man "in his place". The man can be tempered and get

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stronger only in difficult situations. In this day, it is important "to throttle

down", not to "side-slip" on the turns of your life that are especially
plenty in such days. Depending on the time of the beginning of the lunar
day, at some time from the evening till the morning or in the morning, it is
important to tune yourself to movement at the command: "Calm down.
Everything is under control. Today, I am going to be absolutely calm
and balanced. I can manage myself and my life ". When you reach certain
level of spirituality, it will not be important to you what day is today
because you will be able to say about any of the day:

I don't care what day is today.

I'll dissolve it in good,
I'll become clear in this day.

Training (critical) days will be obligatory filled with spasms,

"locks", extraordinary circumstances, but if you learn how to
"dissolve" such critical moments on other days, "sharp corners"
of the phase days will become less traumatic. If you recreate your
health from day to day (both physical and mental), you will never
become a burden for people around you and life will not be painted
dark for you. If a man "gets dirty", a phase day will not be a
critical day rather training day for him, and it will start 2-3 days
before the Moon enters the critical phase. It is so happened that
the entire lunar month is heavy and critical. The months put
together in years and the years - in your life. Often, the man sighs:
"What a life?! Why am I so unlucky?".

All training days resemble a storm in the ocean and your organism
should be ready for that. On the training (critical) days you should sit on
a heel (for 4, 8, 17, 20 minutes). Generated wave occurring when you
take horizontal position will "smooth" the obstacles delivered by this
days as wrinkles on your forehead.
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On the 4th lunar day you should learn how to "tame" yourself and
how to be maximally tolerant to yourself and people around you. Try to
frequently recall an expression of a famous literature character: "Calm,
calm, first of all!". Whatever has happened to you, tell yourself: "This is
the minimum of what could have happened". Try to recall all good things
you have in your life: your family, children, home pets and your house.
This is how you will calm down.
It is a common belief that on this day a person always gets plunged
in such circumstances, which put him at the necessity to make a choice
between good and evil. At the same time, this choice is to be made at 3
levels: thoughts, words and deeds. A man should try to control all three
and make the choice consciously.
Praying, loud saying of mantras and holy hymns will help you make
your right choice. Reading holly texts aloud will help in "smoothing" the
negative impact of critical days.
It is advisable to spend the day in solitude, limit your visual contacts
and work on self-improvement. You can imagine a model of ideal society,
in which you would like to live, as a paradise tree.
The day is connected with vocal cords, therefore you should sing,
read aloud prayers, holy texts and mantras. In order to enhance the
curing effect, use special breathing: quick inhale (1-4) - "Peace to you!"
(when exhaling) - short pause - fractional quick inhale - pause - "Peace
to everyone!" (when exhaling) - pause - inhale - ...
The one who links his life with Oriental practice can use the same
type of breathing pronouncing "So 'kham" (Sanskrit for "This is the
Breathing exercises on this day can be done accompanied by holy
texts. For example: "Samo 'kham sarva bkhuteshu na me dveshio 'sti
na priakh ye bkhadzhanti tu mum bkhatja maji te teshu chapj akham"
("I do not envy anyone and I take everyone impartially. I have equal
attitude to anyone. But he who serves me loyally is My friend, he is in
Me and I am his friend ".) (Bkhagavad-gita, text 29).
I. Shymansky


"Happy are those who mourn, God will comfort them.

Happy are those who are merciful to others; God will be merciful to them.
Happy are the pure in heart, they will see God".
(Good News, Matthew, 5,1)

These texts should be combined with curative breathing: inhale (2-4

fractional inhales) - 1-4 words (a line) - pause - inhale...
One of the symbols of the day is "Aum" - (Sanskrit for "Absolute"),
a sound that never ends and always exists. It can be heard as "Aum" or
"Om" when you close your ears.
The body parts connected with the 4th lunar day are larynx, neck
and throat. Failing to meet the requirements of this day, not making a
choice, a man can get a disease related to
those organs.
In the morning, it is advisable to do
the exercise as follows: stretch you arms
up locking them together hands inside as
if your set a rocket up to the skies; at the
same time, close your ears with your
forearms. You can take this position when
sitting with your legs crossed, or sitting
on your heels (knees apart). Try to listen
to the absolute sound and repeat it aloud.
After that, close your ears with your ring-
fingers, listen again and repeat the sound
If it is difficult to close the ears with
your arms stretched up, you may sit down with your legs crossed
(preferably, next a tree), your hands upon your knees with palms open.
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1.- forearms;
2.- cheeks;
3.- your forehead is cool;
4.- ears;
5.- eyebrows;
6.- thighs;
7.- ankle joint
Move your tongue next to the palate. Feel
yourself a tree. Relax your strained muscles
(those engaged in the exercise). This is how
you show that you are ready for receipt. Your
forehead is cool (4-8 minutes)
Now, close your auditory
passages with your ring-fingers
and try to hear the absolute sound
"Om-m". It will sound as if
whispered. Relax:
1.- forearms;
2.- your forehead is cool
3.- thumbs.
Stay in the same position (4-8 minutes). Your back and the back of
your head should be closely pressed to the tree trunk. Open your ears
(slowly take your fingers off).
After that, you can return into the original position and receive then
sound "Om" coming from above.
After completion of
the exercise, you should lie
down and relax. The energy
than we have received will
expose itself in our deeds,
power of sympathy, in
purity and good.
I. Shymansky

5th lunar day

ymbol: "Unicorn".
This day symbolizes targeting and protection of your
principles.Do not fear to protect yourself or somebody else,
if necessary.
Owing to right choice of food products and eating them correctly,
you can order energy for the entire month ahead (raw-food eating).
You should give a special attention to chewing food, chew it slowly
and carefully to destroy energy shell of energy and receive it "alive". It is
unadvisable to eat "dead" food in this day or something that gives you
life (seeds, nuts).
The 5th lunar day associates with gullet. If in this day you feel nausea,
then you should know: you used the energy of the day incorrectly and
this can entails diseases of gastrointestinal tract.
This day is good for serial breath-holdings.
1. First round: rapid inhale - exhale - 5-second pause (for beginners).
2. Second round: rapid inhale- exhale - 10-second pause.
3. Third round: rapid inhale- exhale - 15-second pause.
4. Fourth round: rapid inhale- exhale - 20-second pause.
Restoration of breath ("additional supply"): 8 rapid inhales/exhales -
pause - 4 rapid inhales/exhales - pause -1 rapid inhale/exhale. If this is
not enough for breath restoration, repeat the same in reverse order starting
from one rapid inhale. If you feel that you need restoration of breath
after each round of breathing exercises, start doing "additional supply"
after each round.
Breathing exercises are good when done together with physical
1. First round: during the pauses that should be advisably done
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standing up, you should raise yourself on your toes, arms extended
sideward and upward and imagine you are flying up (5 sec). Relax:
1- inside surface of forearms.
Feel a push to fly up. Before exhale, pour you hands down.
2. Second round: during the pause, "fly up" (5 seconds) and then
slightly bend your legs and back (hands on your knees or thighs), and
"blow off" during 2 seconds; fix this position for 3 seconds. Relax:
1- palms;
2- forearms;
3- gastrocnemius muscles;
4- back surface of the thighs.
3.Third round: "fly up" for first 5 seconds with your arms
outstretched; then "blow-off" during 4 seconds and during the next 6
seconds in the same position pull in your belly and fix in this position.
1- palms;
2- forearms;
3- pulled-in belly ;
4- back surface of the thighs;
5- pelvic muscles.
Your forehead is cool.
4. Fourth round: same as the third round + puff out your belly (2
seconds). Feel waves coming from your belly. Your forehead is cool.
Stand straight; bend slightly in your waist, arms sideward and up, slightly
bend your knees. Relax:
1- belly;
2- back surface of the forearms;
3- buttock muscles;
4- back surface of the thighs and shanks.
5. Bend back, arms up and aside; then go to position at the wall with
your hands resting on it. Standing at the wall, squat, then sit on the heels
and then between the heels; lie on your back.
I. Shymansky





6th lunar day

ymbol of the day: "Crane".
On this day, the energy of the Space is absorbed with words.
This is the day of silence, internal immersion, breathing
exercises. Acoustic therapy will be especially beneficial since owing to
the therapy organs will get cleaned and filled with a new, beneficial energy.
Pronounce the sounds, which are good for your organism.
This is the day of intuitive knowledge, collection and processing of
information. Science research activities will be successful.
This day associates with upper air passages, bronchi and blood
plasma. Procedures connected with cleaning of air passages will bring
good effect. Incorrect use of energy of the day can threaten with breach
of formula of blood and asthma.
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Exercises are those done during the 5th lunar day. On this day, exercises
should be directed on activation of blood circulation in vertebral column
in the lungs area. This is achievable by physical displacement of diaphragm.

7th lunar day

ymbols of the day:"Rod", "Wind Rose","Keys".
This day is characterized by unrestricted and uncontrolled
rampancy of natural elements. This day is good for correction
of speech, curing stutter, getting rid of expletives. However, on the other
hand, it is not advisable to speak much on this day, especially tell lies.
The 7th lunar day is connected with lungs. In case of incorrect use
of energy of the day, diseases of throat or pneumonia can develop. In
this day, it is recommended to get your hands busy.
Same breathing exercises as on the 5th lunar day.
Muscle loading:
1. Straddle widely, rest on your hands against the floor; inhale-exhale
- 4-8 quick push-ups. Put your legs aside as widely as possible. This
exercise aims at loading muscles of your arms. Cheeks are swelled, the
tongue next to your palate.
You can do 8, 17, 20, 40, 44,
62, 71, 80, 125 or 200 push-ups.
Easier version: 2 quick
inhales/exhales; bend your arms
4-8 times during the pause.
inhale/exhale and bend your
arms. Relax:
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1.- inside surface of the thighs.

2.When the first loading was delivered to your arms, you should take
sitting on the heels position and go on bending your arms. Relax:
1.- triceps (at the time of bending).
After that, lie down and relax. You will feel as if you "spread out"...



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8th lunar day

ymbol of the day: "Phoenix".
Since one of the symbols of the day is "Fire", you can sit
near bonfire, fireplace or a candle, recall offences and burn
them on the fire. It is very important to forgive your offenders on this
This day is good for business trips and other journeys.
On this day, biochemical restructuring takes place in your organism.
Basic recommendation: eat only light food, and desirably, avoid eating at
all on this day not to distract energy to food digestion because it will be
needed for fine restructuring of the organism
The 8th lunar day is connected with stomach and peripheral nervous
system. It is recommended to clean your stomach. If you direct the energy
of the day incorrectly you can feel pain in the stomach and internal
1. Sit down with your legs crossed; then change it to sitting on a heel,
raise your hands up and "lock" them. Relax:
1- inside surface of
the forearms;
2- lumbar section.
Hand down. Create a
"shining" from relaxation
around you. Relax:
1- shoulder area;
2- cheeks;
3- ears.
If you have never
sat on your heel before,
you can do this exercise Ex.1
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sitting on a soft surface, on the sofa, for example. To do this, place left leg
under you and sit on a heel. Your right leg is down.
2. Smoothly move to next position:
continuing to sit on the heel, stretch
you right leg straight. Ben your right
arm and support on your right leg. Put
your cheek on the arm. Relax:
1- palms;
2- triceps;
3- calf muscles of stretched leg;
4- the foot, on which you sit.
3. Staying in this position: left hand
on the external surface of the foot (from
the side of little finger), turn slightly,
stretch up and aside the other arm.
1- triceps of the stretched arm;
2- neck (on the side of stretched
3- external surface of the leg upon
which you sit. Ex.3
4. From this position, squat by
turning sideward the bent leg (2-4-8 minutes).
5. Lie down and straighten up (for beginners) or keep on twisting
from squat position in the same direction in order to sit on the other heel.
Repeat these exercises for the other leg.
Lie down and relax.

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9th lunar day

ymbols of the day: "Milky Way", "The Bat".
The 9th lunar day is a phase and critical day, in other words
it is another training day for us. This is the day of provocations,
seductions and deceits; therefore you should be especially attentive.
On this day, it is advisable to get rid of all negative things including
those at physical level - slugs. Accordingly, cleaning procedures are
Physical exercises are very beneficial because they help to force out
bad ideas. The bigger muscle loading is on this day, the better. On this
day, you should lie on a hard surface.
Watch your heart!
Be careful about the food you eat: food poisoning is not excluded.
Breast is the body part associated with the 9th lunar day. If you feel
a pressing, attack of neuralgia, stenocardia, this means that you have
failed to meet internal requirements of the day.
1. Go 400 meters or stand slightly rocking. Hands are in "lock" on


I. Shymansky

the neck, back of the hands pressed to the back of the head, palms outside.
Keep your tongue up to palate. After you put your hands down, there is
a feeling of "flying up", which should be kept as long as possible. Relax:
1.- palms and triceps simultaneously;
2.- forearms;
3.- back surface of the thighs.
2. Palms in the "lock" down behind your back, hands close together,
shoulder blades, your arms are maximally stretched down. The tongue is
close to the palate. Walk about 400 meters (depending on the degree of
your training). In certain moment, you will feel the state of "flying up",
lift-off. You will want to break the lock and spread your arms as plane's
wings. Relax:
1.- triceps;
2.- trapezoid muscles;
3.- inner surface of wrist joint.
3. After that, you will feel that your breast expands. Strain your belly

and walk in this position 100 meters more.

4. Relax and stand rocking.
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1- cheeks;
2- ears;
3- shank;
4- sphincter;
5- forearms.
5. Straighten your shoulders, bend your arms and press your palms
to your body in the armpits area. Forearm should be strained and palms
should be perpendicular to earth. Walk about 400 meters. Relax, your
hands will move sideward by themselves. Keep on walking though this
time in relaxed state.Relax:

6. Jumps squatting or squatting.
7. On this day, you should do pauses at exhale.
Inhale - pause (5 seconds) - exhale- ...
At the same time, we do inhale consciously, while exhale should
come out by itself. If it does not work, do another inhale.
10th lunar day

I. Shymansky

ymbols: "Fountain", "Water source".
It is also called "Household arrangement". Good if you spend
the day at home with your family and recall some family
traditions. Occurring energy turnover will help you gain some energy.
Avoid conflicts and negative emotions!
This day is especially good cleaning water procedures (bath).
Organ of the day: breast bones. Incorrect use of the day's energy
may cause disorders in immune system or cancerous diseases. Cancerous
diseases mainly associate with generative organs (prostate gland with
man), since the source and bearer of the traditions are mostly men.
Physical loading on this day should be minimal. This is the day of
1. Sitting on both heels (2-4-8 minutes). Your
forehead is cool. Relax:
1- cheeks;
2- inside surface of forearms; Ex.1
3- ears;
4- triceps;
5- ankle joint in places of their contact with
6- lips;
7- neck.
2. Sitting on one heel (up to 20 minutes).
1.- forearms;
2.- ears;
3.- the heel upon which you sit (ankle joint is
in contact with earth);
4- Your forehead is cool. Ex.2

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5- waist area.
3. Lying down: hands in "lock" with your palms up on the bridge of
your nose (ring-fingers should touch the bridge), put your legs in "butterfly
position". Lower side of your tongue close to the palate. Relax:
1- inside of your shoulders;
2- cheeks;
3- inside surface of your thighs;
4- perinea region and buttock muscles.
4. Sit down on the floor, move your right leg back, bend your left leg

Ex.3 Ex.4

in the knee and put it under you, incline towards the bent leg, pout your
forehead on "locked" hands. Put your tongue close to the palate, your
forehead is cool. Relax:
1- outer side of support thigh (bent arm);
2- outer surface of the stretched out leg's thigh;
3- nside of your forearms;
4- cheeks.
5. Do the same; left (bent) leg unbent in knee joint. Bend forward,
support your forehead against your closed hands and fix this position.
6. Make rounds with your straight right leg; bend it in the knee and
place behind the bent left leg. We find ourselves in Õ-position. Hands
rest upon the floor.
7. If your stretch allows, incline to the upper knee.
8. If your right leg is atop, turn rightward, straighten your legs and
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bend clasping your right leg with your hands thus forming a moderate
muscle strain.
9. Straighten up, stand and relax rocking.
10. Turn rightward and get on the floor bending the leg that has been
stretched out before.
Total relaxation.

11th lunar day

t is called "Crown", "Backbone", "Fire Sword", "Labyrinth".
On this day, you should pray or speak out mantras. It is especially
important to accomplish all things that have been started.
This day is especially good for the beginning of a new cycle of
fasting since it greatly facilitates cleaning. Even if you are not ready to
many-day abstinence from food, this day is good for abstain from certain
food and be maximally undemanding as for the food you eat.
The name "Backbone" indicates relevant body part. In case of
incorrect use of the energy pf the day, pains in the backbone can occur.
1. Lie on your back, straighten up, put hands above your head and
2. Pull legs to the breast clasping the knees. Your forehead is cool

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and your palate is close to the palate. Relax:

1- inside surface of the forearms;
2- inside surface of the thighs;
3- cheeks;
4- perinea region and sphincter;
5- ears.

3. Lying on the floor, raise your pelvis, waist with your feet rest on
the floor. Close together your shoulder blades, hands on the floor in
"lock". Relax:
1- inside surface of the forearms;
2- cheeks;
3- your forehead is cool and your palate is close to the palate;
4- lumbar section;
5- buttocks;
6- back surface of your thighs.


I. Shymansky

4. Lie down and relax. Plunge yourself in the overall flow of relaxation.


5. Lying on the floor: raise your head, shoulders and torso; tour
hands are along the body. If your physical form allows, raise your legs
(waist is pressed to the floor!). Relax:
1- inside surface of the forearms;
2- belly.
6. Relax.
7. Sit down, cross your legs, arms are outstretched (with fingers
towards you), your finders rest on the floor, create muscle strain and
maximally open your mouth. Relax:
1- inside surface of the forearms;
2- lips;
3- fingers.
4 Your forehead is cool.
Relaxation waves go from the arms to the open mouth.
8. Turn your arms inside and transform to bend forward gliding the
arms on the surface. Your forehead is cool; your tongue is close to the
palate. Relax:
1- shoulders;
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2- outside surface of the thighs.




9. Make a turn and sit down, then come to sitting position with your
legs crossed with one leg in front of you.
Repeat the same exercise for the other leg.
Total relaxation.

I. Shymansky

12th lunar day

ymbols: "Cup" and "Heart".
On this day you should come down and reinforce your spirit.
You should spend this day in solitude, prayers and in your
family circle. This day is also good for restoration of relations with people
(this day's name "Heart" was given not without reason).
On this day, it is very undesirable to cry or get angry. This can entail
headaches. In any case, you should not complain about your fate, express
your dissatisfaction. It is recommended to thank Heaven for everything
you have and be happy.
It is recommended to limit eating hard foodstuff and use more juices
and broths.
The body associated with the day is your heart. Do not overload
yourself with muscle exercises, but at the same time, you should train
your cardiac muscle in easy mode.
It is advisable to do cleaning procedures for your heart and lungs,
take expectoration herbs: elecampane, coltsfoot, sage and three-color
violet. This will clean upper air passages.
Muscle loading should be below moderate.
Same exercises as on the 9th lunar day.

13th lunar day

ymbols of the day: "Wheel" and "Spinning Wheel".
This day tunes us to cleaning canals, breathing exercises. It
also facilitates accumulation of information.
The very name of the day indicates the necessity to self-improvement
and improvement of your fate. Wheel is your life, and spinning wheel
draws threads of your life. Therefore, it is important to lay foundation

Verdikt is cancelled

for heavenly qualities in yourself, think about your fate. This will be the
start of changing your karma. You should not "cradle" your aggressive

On this day, it is important to do various cosmetic procedures.

The 13th lunar day is connected with pancreas. Failing to meet
requirements of the day you can "get" spasms of you arm muscles.
Same exercises as on the lunar day 5. In addition:
1. "Rocking": sit down on the floor, clasp your knees with your
hands, roll over on your back, return in your initial position: your left
straighten leg is in front of you, your right leg is bent in your knee. Clasp
calf of your straighten left leg with your hands. Repeat this at least 8
times. Rock relaxed. Your tongue is close to your palate.
Repeat the same exercise for the other leg.

I. Shymansky

2. Relax.


3. Sit down with your legs crossed: à) raise your hand up; á) put your
hands down; â) bend forward as far as you can, stretching your hand.
4. Squat hands together, arms bent in the elbows, fingers touch the
bridge of your nose.
5. Come to sitting position with your legs crossed so that one leg is
ahead of the other.
Total relaxation.

Verdikt is cancelled

14th lunar day

ymbolic names of the day - "Call" and "Trumpet".
High time to start doing new things! If you lay at least one
"brick" in the foundation of every new undertaking on the
14th day of the lunar cycle, you will have them going by themselves
invariably leading to success. Load yourself with any work: you should
work hard on this day. All efforts will yield positive results.
You should not take very bitter and very sweet food. This day is
good for undertaking cleaning procedures without water, though. You
can dedicate this day to "dry" fasting. Any liquid coming in the organism
on this day can lead to breakdowns in the organism's functions. You
should not overload your vision, while physical loading will be beneficial.
Intestines are the organs of the day. It is useful to clean them, and
desirably with the aid of laxatives rather than with enema. Intestinal upset
indicates that you have ignored recommendations for the day.
It is recommended to clean your liver.
Do same exercises as on the 7th lunar day. In addition:
1. Sit on a heel. Raise both "locked" hands above your head.

I. Shymansky

2. Sit on both heels, shoulder blades close together, press your feet
with your bent fingers. Relax:
1- cheeks;
2- ears;
3- finger phalanxes;
4- inside surface of the forearms;
5- triceps.
3. Raise your hands up, bend them in elbows and put them behind
your head, put one hand on the other between your shoulder blades.
1- triceps;
2- Your forehead is cool.
3- lumbar section of the vertebral column;
4- ankle joints are in touch with earth.
5- Total relaxation.



15th lunar day

his day is called "Fire Viper".
In this day of full moon, the "serpent" inside every man

Verdikt is cancelled

becomes active. If a man surrenders to fleshly lusts and temptations, he

becomes weak, vulnerable and easily suggestible. Any feasts, revelry and
"gripe sessions" are counter-indicated. You should attain control of your
fleshly lusts and eat meager food. Energy of the unconscious in organism
is very powerful on this day; this is why, it is important not to loose your
vigilance in order not to get "out of your tracks". You should maintain
your internal and external purity. Perceive the world the way it is; tame
your emotions; save your forces. Concentrate of self-discipline and self-
This day identifies what is stronger in you, your spirit or your flesh.
Snowball tree fruits are very advisable, since it helps in combating fleshly
lusts and improves memory.
The 15th lunar day is connected with pancreas and diaphragm, where
we can expect functional breakdown in case of violation of requirements
of the day (pains in the stomach, gastritis and ulcer). It is important to
recreate the organ of the day, directing a fresh blood flow it in your
thoughts to this organ, cleaning and restoring its cells and imagining its
1. Being in the "folded leaflet" position, think about the internal. For
men: left hand clasps the right wrist behind the back; for women: vice


I. Shymansky

1.- hands;
2.- forehead.
2. Rest sitting on your heels. At the same time, on the second - fourth
second you will feel "shining", "lighting" around your head. This is
discharge of hormones in blood. This "shining" should be expanded.

3. Total rest in lying position. Ex.3

4. Rest your hands on the wall with your legs slightly bent; bend
back. Relax:
1- forearms;
2- lumbar muscles.
5. Slowly squat with your back against the wall, arms are straightened
with hands close together. Relax:


Verdikt is cancelled

1- inside surface of the forearms.

6. Lie down and relax.

16th lunar day

ymbols of the day: "Butterfly" or "Dove".
It is a general belief that this is the day when
physical body and astral body are in balance.
You should also balance your emotions. Whatever happens, keep
quiet and do not break the harmony. This day is good for meditation and
The 16th lunar day is linked with spleen. You should undertake some
practical things to clean and rejuvenate it. Be careful: breaking harmony
of the day with loud cries, we can get blood diseases.
Physical exercises should facilitate harmony, balance, homogenous
strain and homogenous relaxation.
It is recommended to do simple and easy muscle exercises that facilitate
1. Squat jumping.
I. Shymansky

2. Sit on your heels, move your straight left leg backward. Your right
arm is straight and raised vertically up. Left hand rests on the floor. Retain


this position. Relax:

1- triceps of the raised hand;
2- forearm, palm of the hand on the floor;
3- your forehead is cool;
4- side surface of torso from the side of the hand on the floor.
3. Same position with your straight right arm is bent in the elbow; put
the palm between the shoulder blades. Torso is slightly turned rightward.
Straight left leg is behind you. Relax:


Verdikt is cancelled

1- supporting hand
2- side surface of torso from the side of the hand on the floor;
3- your forehead is cool;
4- forearm of the raised hand;
5- perinea region.
4. Same position with your left (straight) leg bent in your knee; claps
the foot with your right hand. Your right leg is bent in the ankle. Left hand
rests on the floor. Relax:
1- side surface of torso from the side of the hand on the floor;
2- supporting hand;
3- your forehead is cool.
4- front surface of the thigh of supporting left leg (bent at the right

5. Return to the position "on your heels". Relax:

1- cheeks;

2- your forehead is cool;

3- forearms.
Repeat these exercises turning in opposite direction.
I. Shymansky


For well-trained persons:

1. Sit in forward split (the foot of the leg ahead turned inside). If you
cannot make a full split, you can carry the body weight over to the side
opposite to the leg ahead (if your right leg is ahead, then your body
weight should be carried leftward). Respectively, your right hand is raised
up perpendicularly to earth, while your left hand rests on the floor. Relax:
1- forearm of supporting hand;
2- raised hand;
3- your forehead is cool;
4- thigh muscles of the leg behind.
2. Same position with your straight right arm bent in the elbow and
the hand put behind you and under your shoulder blades. Relax:
1- forearm of supporting hand;
Verdikt is cancelled

2- thigh muscles of both legs;

3- palm of the supporting hand.

Ex.1 Ex.2

3. Same position slightly turning rightward, left leg (behind you) is

bent in the knee; clasp the ankle of your left leg with your right hand.
1- left side of torso (if your right leg is ahead);
2- front surface of thigh of the leg behind in contact with earth;
3- palm of supporting hand.
4. Sit on your heels and relax. Your forehead is cool. Relax:


I. Shymansky

1- cheeks;
2- ears;
3- forearms;
4- triceps;
5- ankle joints in touch with earth.
Repeat the same exercises turning to the opposite direction.
Total relaxation.


17th lunar day

ymbol of the day: "Grape".
It is the day of female energy, acquisition of internal freedom.
Verdikt is cancelled

On this day, you can afford everything that brings you joy.
Smile, laugh, holiday, and in general have fun. Do not allow any conflicts
both external and internal. This leads to destruction of sensation of internal
freedom. Contact with other people as much as possible, this will charge
you with energy.
The 17th lunar day is linked with endocrine system, hypophysis,
kidneys and adrenal glands. It is good to do exercises adjusting functions
of those organs.
Do the same exercises as on the 13th lunar day.

18th lunar day

ymbols of the day: "Mirror", "Monkey".
You should give special attention to things happening to you
on this day. The name "Mirror" indicates that all events
occurring on this day, reaction of people is your direct reflection. At the
same time, it should be understood that you are a reflection of other
people and this is why you should help them to sort things out in
The organ connected with the 18th lunar day: kidneys. I recommend
doing exercises that facilitate their cleaning (see below). Incompliance
with requirements of the day can involve problems with your skin:
eruption, skin peeling, pyoderma.
On this day, it is good to fast and clean the intestines Massage and
skin cleaning is also useful.

1. Squat with your mouth widely open. Relax:
1- lips;
2- forearms;
3- buttocks.

I. Shymansky

2. Turns of your torso with your arms straight squatting. Right hand
up, left hand down. Arms should create a single straight line. Relax:
1- both forearms;
2- neck from the side of raised hand;
3- side surface of torso from the side of raised hand.
3. Rest.
4. Same exercises with turns to in the opposite direction.
5. From position "2", put your right arm back, bend back and make
a "bridge" with your left hand raised in parallel to the floor. Relax:
1- triceps of the hand parallel to the floor;

Ex.1 Ex.2

2 thigh of the leg corresponding to the stretched arm.

6. Stand straight, bend forward, rest your hands on the floor, raise
your left leg up as high as you can, bend it in the knee. Relax:

Verdikt is cancelled

1- palms;
2- back surface of the supporting leg.
7. Same position with your left leg up. Relax:
1- calf muscles of the raised leg;
2- back surface of the supporting leg.




8. Vertical split with your head down (for well-trained persons). Relax:
1- both forearms;
2- back surface of the supporting leg.
9. Stand straight, raise a little your left leg and clasp the calf of the
raised leg. Relax:
1- shoulders;
2- cheeks;
3- ears.
4- your forehead is cool.
10. Clasp the foot of the left leg with crossed hands and straighten
the leg. Relax:

I. Shymansky

1- calf muscles of raised leg;

2- triceps.




11. Same position with your right hand supporting your left leg; turn
your torso towards the left leg; your left
hand up and sideward. Relax:
1- both forearms;
2- calf muscles of the raised leg.
12. Stand straight, put the foot of the
left leg on the right thigh; slightly bend your
right leg, hands up. Fix this position. Relax:
1- forearms;
2- palms
3- ankle joint in touch with thigh of Ex.11
the other leg;
4- side surface of the supporting leg;
5- front surface of bent leg.
Verdikt is cancelled

13. Standing on your right leg, raise the left leg vertically up, hold the
foot of the raised leg with your right hand above your head; your left
hand holds the heel of the straight left leg (for well-trained persons).
1- forearm of the arm put behind your head (right arm, on the Figure);
2- thigh of the supporting leg;
3- calf muscles and back surface of the raised leg.
14. Lie down and relax. If you feel strain in your back, bend your
legs and pull them up to your breast. Relax:
1- forearms;
2- cheeks;
3- your forehead is cool.
4- ears;
5- belly;
6- perinea region.
Do the same exercise in opposite direction.



I. Shymansky

19th lunar day

ymbol of the day: "Spider".
This is another training day. On this day, you clean your
soul and with penance. Praying will help to light up a beneficial
cleaning fire in your soul.
This is a difficult day of the lunar cycle. The man can easily get
confused and get into preset "nets" of new ideas and bad influence. This
is the day of errors and mistakes. You can resist it with the help of moral
purity and modesty.
It will be useful to clean your intestines and rectum.
This day is dangerous with possible intoxications.
It is recommended to perform cleaning breathing exercises.
The 19th lunar day is linked with rectum, appendix and sigmoid
column. If you have bad thoughts accumulated or your soul is unclear,
you can expect constipations or attack of appendix pains.
1. Sit on the heels, turn your torso leftward, put your left leg slightly
bent in the knee backward, and rest both your hands on the floor. Relax:
1- both forearms;
2- cheeks;
3- your forehead is cool;
4- ears;
5- laryngeal prominence area;
6- right side of the neck (in turn);
7- perinea region;
8- feet;
9- calf muscles;
10- right thigh;
11- left thigh;
12- belly.

Verdikt is cancelled

2. Turn to your left leg and carry the body weight to the left knee.
Bend leftward, stretch your right hand up, bend back; rest your left hand
on the floor. Stretch the torso area on the side of liver. Relax:
1- palm of supporting hand;
2- inside surface of your hand raised up;
3- side surface of torso on the side of raised hand;
4- knee, foot on the side of raised hand.



3. Rest your right hand on the floor, keep moving rightward in order
to get straighten, and get your supporting right hand between your straight
legs. Your straight left arm is stretched up perpendicularly to the floor.
I. Shymansky

Your right and left arms should form a straight line. Relax:
1- forearm of the supporting hand;
2- forearm of the raised hand;
3- inside surface of your right leg's thigh;
4- popliteal plane of your left leg;
5- pelvis;
6- your neck on the side of the hand raised up.
4. Turn left, rest your left hand on the floor near your right leg, palm
down and parallel to foot, hands towards heel. Straight left arm is raised
up and forms a straight line with the right arm. Body should be maximally
perpendicular to earth on single plane with the leg. Relax
1- forearm of the raised hand;
2- back surface of your right leg;
3- forearm of the supporting hand;
4- ear on the side of the hand raised up.
5. Do the same exercise with left turn, rest your left hand on the
floor near your right leg, palm down and parallel to foot, back of your
hand on the floor, straight left arm is raised up perpendicularly to the
floor. Relax:
1- forearm of the supporting hand;
2- forearm of the raised hand;
3- back surface of your right leg;
4- ear on the side of the hand raised up.
6. Same exercise with the right leg straight, carry your weight over
to left leg, left leg is slightly bent in the knee; do maximal bent towards
your left leg. Palms rest on the floor; try to touch surface with your
elbows straining them and thigh muscles. Your tongue is close to the
palate. Relax:
1- both forearms;
2- shoulders (deltoid muscle);
3- both thighs (outside surface of the bent leg and back surface of
the straight leg);
Verdikt is cancelled





I. Shymansky

7. Squat slightly clasping your knees with your forearms; try to "lock"
your hands behind the back. Your tongue is close to the palate. Relax:
1- triceps;
2- ears;
3- cheeks;
4- your forehead is cool;
5- lumbar section;
6- perinea region.
7- Total relaxation.


20th lunar day

ymbol: "Eagle".
This is the day of transformation and spiritual improvement.
All doubts are overcome on this day. You have a possibility to
see the situation from the height of eagle's fly and make your decision.
Restrain from starting doing new things because the energy of the day
can knock the situation out of control.
It is useful to study holy texts.
This day is also good for meager food and fasting.
Do not overload your eyes; on the 20th day, your vision can
significantly deteriorate. Pains in the back are possible especially in the
area of shoulder blades. "Appearing wings" is the sign of that you are
obsessed by your pride.
The 20th lunar day is connected with shoulder blades, upper back
and peritoneum. Wrong use of the energy of the day can entail lost of
consciousness, higher blood pressure, numbing hands or pain in the

Verdikt is cancelled

shoulder area as if you took too heavy a load upon your shoulder.
On this day, too much vital energy is being spent. Accordingly, do
not do anything that could cause additional energy expense: intensive
and continuous training sessions, energy curing etc.
Do same exercises as on the 5th lunar day.

21st lunar day

ymbols: "Horse", "Wrangle", "Chariot".
The name themselves speak of the day as a day of intensive
motion. A person is rendered energy comparable with that of
wind: powerful and violent. With the 21st lunar day, an active creative
energy occurs in a person, and the process of recovery accelerates.
You should stay outside as long as possible. On this day, you can
undertake a long journey or start implementing your long-term plans.
"Wrangle" means for you should avoid solitude on this day.
Speaking of recreational exercises, the most day-matching one will
be running on the fresh air. You can undoubtedly increase physical loading.
The 21st lunar day is connected with liver and blood-forming function
of organism. You should avoid food products loading your liver: fats,
This day is connected with internal transformations and, should a
man does not move ahead, he is under risk of dysfunction of his liver
that in turn has adverse effect on hematological state.
Same exercises as on the 16th lunar day.
In addition:
1. Lie in your back, raise your hands bent in elbows up and put
them under your head. Bent you legs in knees in turn gliding you heels on
the surface. Your tongue is close to your palate. Your forehead is cool.
2. Lie down and relax.
I. Shymansky


22nd lunar day

he day's names are "Elephant", "Roll-book" and "Golden
This day is connected with receipt of information affecting our
consciousness and the subconscious directly or indirectly through certain
symbols. On this day, we are especially sensitive to what is surrounding
It is not advisable to fasten and eat meager meal because on this day
energy is accumulated with food.
The 22nd lunar day is connected with pelvic belt, sacrum, neck
of the femur, lower part of the vertebral column, therefore, it is not
recommended to make strong movements especially those connected
with waist area. Lack of attention to recommendations of the day may

Verdikt is cancelled

lead to pains in the waist area, radiculitis and diseases of joints, muscular
1. Sit down on the floor with your straight legs on the floor. Bend
your left leg in the knee and raise your hands up with palms parallel to the
floor. Open your mouth widely with your tongue hanging out. Relax:
1- forearms;
2- tip of your tongue.
2. Continue to sit with you legs straighten on the floor. Rest you
hands with arms bent the elbows on the knees, put you forehead on your
palms. Relax:
1- triceps;
2- cheeks;
3- put your tongue close to the palate.
4- forearms;
5- legs;
6- lumbar section.

Ex.1 Ex.2
I. Shymansky

3. Remaining in the same pose, raise your right hand vertically up,
rest your left hand on the floor near the right thigh. Relax:
1.- forearm of the raised hand;
2.- ear on the side of the raised hand;
3.- side surface of the torso on the side of the raised hand;
4.- back surface of the thigh on the side of the raised hand.
4. Lie on your belly with straight arms stretched to the sides. Your
straight left leg is on the floor, the right leg is bent in the knee and the
thigh is pulled up to the body. Relax:
1.- forearms;
2.- biceps;
3.- thigh of the bent leg;
4.- perinea region.



5. Legs are wide apart as much as possible, knees are pressed to the
floor. Hands on the floor arms are bent in the elbows. Movements of the
pelvis fore and aft in parallel to the floor. Relax:
1.- both forearms;
Verdikt is cancelled

2- inside surface of thighs;

3- perinea region..


6. Feet maximally apart, arms straight hands rest on the floor. Back
and arms are strained. Fix this position. Relax:
1- palms;
2- cheeks;
3- your tongue is close to the palate; the forehead is cool;
4- deltoid shoulder muscle;
5- feet;
6- inside surface of your legs.

I. Shymansky

7. Remaining in the same position, bend your arms in the elbows and
rest your forearms on the floor. Put your forearm on your hands. Fix this
position. Relax:
1- forearms;
2- the forehead is cool.
3- foot lifting area;
4- achilles tendon (between the heel and the shank).

8. Lie down and relax.


Verdikt is cancelled

23rd lunar day

ymbol: "Makara (Crocodile)".
This is another training (critical) day of the lunar cycle; this
day is full of negative energy, temptations and doubts to be
fought vigorously. It is important prevent demonstration of negative
emotions; revenge is especially dangerous.
Try to move more, undertake cleaning, recreational and preventive
procedures. Do not overeat.
The 23rd lunar day is connected with the vertebral column and,
therefore, any exercises improving its flexibility and blood supply are
Warning sign for this day is furuncles and other skin failures.
1. Rest your hands on the wall, slightly bend your legs on the knees
and bend back. Relax:
1- forehead;
2- hands.

Ex.1 Ex.3

I. Shymansky

2. Gliding your hands on the wall let yourself down to squat position
with your hands on the wall with the wrists towards each another, arms
bent in the elbows. Relax:
1- forearms;
2- cheeks;
3- ears.
3. Remaining in the same position, straight arms raised up with back
of the hands to each other. Relax:
1- cheeks;
2- tongue close to the palate. Forehead is cool;
3- forearms.
4. Remaining in the same position, straight arms raised up with back
of the hands pressed to the wall. Relax:
1- lips;
2- neck (from part);
3- cheeks;
4- tongue close to the palate. Forehead is cool;
5- inside surface of the arms;
6- thoracic spine.
5. Stand straight, knees slightly bent and put your arms wide apart
Ex.5 Ex.6


Verdikt is cancelled

and rest your palms on the wall with fingers towards each other. Create
tension between the fingers and the palm. Tongue close to the palate.
1- cheeks;
2- ears;
3- forehead is cool;
4- forearms;
5- calf muscles.
6. Total relaxation.

24th lunar day

ymbols of the day: "Bear", "Shiva".
This is the day of man's energy (in the same way as the 17th
day is connected with female energy). On this day, the old
and traditional things ruin and the new is born. Do not let hopelessness
take possession of your soul. Remember: there always is a way out,
always a possibility to get cleaned.
This is a day of huge power, and I recommend muscular exercises
and various types of medical practice. It is useful to make a headstand
and exercises, in which thigh are above the head.
The 24th lunar day is connected with anus. Violation of requirements
of the day can cause rectum diseases.
1. "Hill": stand straight, bend forward and put your hands on the
floor in front of you try to place them as far from the feet as possible).
The head placed on your bent arms. Hands in "lock". Relax:
1- back surface of the legs;
2- forearms;

3- hand fingers;
4- tongue close to your palate.
2. In the same position, move your feet closer to the face. Relax:
1- calf muscles;
2- forearms;
3- tongue close to your palate.


3. "Folded leaflet": sit on your knees, bend forward and stretch your
hands forward. Tongue close to your palate. Relax:
1- ears;
2- forearms;
3- cheeks.
4. Sit down on your heels with your hands on the knees and relax.
1- forearms;
2- cheeks;
3- ears;
4- your forehead is cool;
5- triceps;
6- lumbar section;
Verdikt is cancelled

7- area of contact of ankle joints with earth.



25th lunar day

ymbols of the day: "Turtle", "Conch".
"Turtle" indicates that this day is not for hurrying anywhere
and that everything should be done quietly and fundamentally.
Do not do active muscle exercises.
This is the day when wisdom accumulates and displays itself. You
should watch everything that happens around. For the energy of the day
to be delivered in the fullest manner, you should get cleaned. Physical
cleaning includes therapy and rehabilitation of relevant organs. Breathing
exercises will help to overcome negative emotions. Praying will facilitate
cleaning of your soul.
It is not recommended to drink much liquid and eat hard food.
Fasting is advisable. Besides, fasting facilitates spiritual cleaning.
On the 25th lunar day, you should watch your ears since ear is the

I. Shymansky

organ of the day. Massage of earflaps will be beneficial. Any illness or

injury of ears is a bad sign on this day.
1. "Folded leaflet": sit on your knees, turn your torso rightward,
close acoustic passage of the right ear with the ring-finger of your right
hand with your left hand behind your back. Relax:
1- finger in the ear;
2- shoulder of lower hand
3- right thigh.

2. In the same position slightly bending back, raise your right hand
up and put your left hand behind your back. Relax:
1- the raised hand;
2- cheeks;
3- ears;
4- lumbar section;
5- finger-tips of the left hand.
3. Repeat the first and the second exercises to the opposite direction.
4. Sit down on the heels with your hands behind the back; hands are
in touch with fingers down. Relax:
1- cheeks;
2- ears;
3- your forehead is cool;
Verdikt is cancelled

4- palms;
5- ankle joints in touch with earth.
5. In the same position, turn your hands up so that the locked fingers
are upward. Relax:
1- cheeks;
2- ears;
3- your forehead is cool; the tongue is close to the palate.
4- hands;
5- lumbar section;
6- ankle joints in touch with earth

Ex.2 Ex.4 Ex.5

6. In the same position on your knees. Relax:
1- tongue (free and volume);
2- cheeks;
3- ears;
4- your forehead is cool;
5- palms;
6- buttocks;
7- knees;
8- back surface of the thighs;
9- ankle joints in touch with earth.
I. Shymansky

7. Standing on your knees bend back, arms stretched forward, fingers

apart. Relax:
1- inside surface of your arms;
2- front surface of the neck;
3- your forehead is cool;
4- parietal region.

Ex.6 Ex.7

8. Squat with your hands before you on the floor. Relax:

1- lumbar section;
2- cheeks;
3- lips;
4- your forehead is cool;
5- forearms;
6- inside surface of the thighs;
7- armpits area;
8- fingertips;
9- palms.
Verdikt is cancelled

9. Lie down on the floor and relax.



26th lunar day

t is called "Toad" or "Swamp". Why?
On this day people are easily get honeyed with their own
achievements. It is dangerous to display vanity and pride. Be
picky in your contacts and do not take praising close to your heart. This
day is also a difficult training day.
It is dangerous to start doing new things because you can easily get
stuck in them. Avoid active undertakings.
On this day, you should better remain silence because too much
energy is wasted on words.
Bath and massage will deliver good results. Sweat will facilitate strong
and in-depth cleaning. This is especially important since the 26th lunar
day is linked to skin and thighs. Be attentive to your feelings, thoughts,
I. Shymansky

beware of buzz, do not personify yourself with things around you

(imagine that your life is a show, and you are a spectator), and than you
can say you fulfilled requirements of the 26th lunar day.
Do same exercises that on the 9th lunar day.

27th lunar day

ymbols of the day: "Trident", "Rod", "Ship".
This is the day of searches and hopes. The man should find
himself and understand the purpose of his existence. He gets
free of illusions, gets closer to understanding of responsibility for each
step and every thought (we know that our thoughts get materialized).
This day is very good for meditation; esoteric knowledge and
practices may become open to you on this day. It is better not to start
doing new things: there is a risk that they will never succeed.
Beware of overeating. Maintain moderate physical loading.
The body part connected with the 27th lunar day is shank. Failure to
observe the recommendations threatens with thrombophlebitis and
Do the same exercises as on the 22nd lunar day. In addition, you
should do the following exercises: stand straight, slightly bend your legs
in the knees and shake the whole body.

28th lunar day

ymbols of the day: "Karma", "Lotus".
Energy of this day is directed to knowledge and acquisition
of a target in your life. All practical body and soul methods
are advisable. You should start any exercise and any business with
inspiration and in an elated mood.
Verdikt is cancelled

Juice diet is recommended.

On this day, it is not advisable to overload your eyes. Various cleaning
procedures for eyes will be beneficial, as well as exercises connected
with elimination of eyes strain, because eyes and cerebrum are the organs
of the day. If you violate requirements of the day and vibrations of the
28th lunar day, this may have an adverse effect on your arterial pressure.

29th lunar day

ymbols of the day: "Maya", "Octopus" and "Hydra". This is
another training (critical) day of the lunar cycle.
This day, unlike any other, can be full of difficulties. However,
you should not fear of the difficulties. This day suggests energy in fighting
the difficulties. We recommend humbleness and penance.
Do not let troubles and doubts disturb your soul. Drive off black
thoughts and negative emotions.
Fasting and abstinence are recommended. Eat consciously rather
than mechanically; think of the good that the food will bring. Food
influences energy and "changes" us. When eating reject discussion of
problems, watching films and TV programs that carry cruel and violent
The 29th lunar day is connected with rectum and anus. If you violate
requirements of the day, discharge can be directed on rectum and be
displayed in the form of exacerbation of hemorrhoid.
Do same exercises that on the 10th lunar day. Relax rectum area.

30th lunar day

ymbol: "Golden Swan".
The 30th lunar day does not occur every month and normally
it is rather short. Therefore, you should use the energy of the
I. Shymansky

day. This day is good to strike balance, to forgive and to love. Concentrate
and analyze everything that happened to you over the last month; repent
before yourself and fix a task to start a new month at a higher stage.
This day is good for completion of things and business.
Display of aggression is prohibited on this day. On the contrary, you
should grow the sense of happiness and universal love.
Light meal is recommended.
The organ connected with the day is your heart. Sorrow and grief
can indicate that you have failed to follow the recommendations for the
Do same exercises as on the 2nd lunar day.

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What do you need to remember about

your nutrition?
- To be excluded completely: animal proteins: meat, fish,
eggs, meat of sea organisms; tinned and synthetic food products.
- Try to eat for the first time as late as possible prolonging
cleaning of organism that has started at predawn hours.
- At empty stomach, eat only raw vegetables. You can eat boiled
or stewed food only in 2-3 hours thereafter.
- Eat boiled food combining it with large quantities of raw
- Remember: human organism is in need of raw vegetable food
- Eat boiled food not later than at 18:00
The most important step in your life is to stop transforming
your organism in the graveyard of innocent creatures. If you do
not accomplish it, there is little sense to go along this way. At the
same time, you can engage yourself in farming.

Good luck!

I. Shymansky

1. Paul S. Bragg. Build powerful nerve force. - Kiev: ÌP Sofia,
2. Gerlovin, I.L. Fundamentals of unified theory of all interactivities
in matter" - L.: Energoatomizdat, 1990
3. Benjamin G. "Vegetarian lifestyle - physical and mental health" -
M.: Pedagogika - Press, 1994
4. Grodeska, Ì. All about vegetarianism. - Minsk: Belfaks, 1994
5. Adirajah das. Vedic culinary art. - Ì.: Bkàktivedanta Book Trust,
6. Zalmanov, À.S. Secrets and wisdom of body: (in-depth medicine)
- Ì.: Ripol classic, 1997

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Foreword by Vladimir Klimovitsky .................................................4


How it all started….......................................................................14

I.Let us break some stereotypes.....................................................25
II.Let you be happy waking up at dawn......................................27
III....Extend your gratitude to everything.....................................37
IV. Miracle-working «leaflet»......................................................38
V. How to «switch ignition on» in a right way? (A healthy self-
cleaning position).........................................................................45
VI.First steps in cleaning your organism.....................................51
VII.Always and forever: long live water!.....................................54
VIII.Miracle-working stretching..................................................60
IX.True word about nutrition.......................................................63
X.Breathing for Homo Sapiens....................................................75
XI.From «mountain river» down to «swamp»............................83
XII.Your bearing: how to get it and retain it................................92
XIII.Much depends on us.............................................................97
XIV.As you make your bed, so you must lie on it........................103
XV.Silent in the Ocean of Silence...............................................104
XVI.How to work hard...............................................................110
XVII.How to get yourself ready for sleeping correctly................112

Afterward Liudmila Donchenko.................................................122

I. Shymansky


Secret of the School –imponderableness, or how to achieve success

in the shortest time possible........................................................125
Lunar calendar and your health................................................131
Reminder on your nutrition.......................................................207

Verdikt is cancelled

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Ñâ³äîöòâî ÄÊ ¹ 2346 â³ä 21.11.2005.

ϳäïèñàíî äî äðóêó 20.04.2006.
Ïàï³ð îôñåòíèé. Ôîðìàò 70 õ 901/16 .
Ãàðí³òóðà Times New Roman Cyr.
Äðóê ð³çîãðàô³ÿ. Óì. äðóê. àðê.15,50
Íàêëàä 100 ïðèì. Çàì. ¹ 261.
ÑÏÄ Äìèòðåíêî. +38-062-345-81-05
83017, ì. Äîíåöüê, á. Øåâ÷åíêà, 26.


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