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Blacks in Law Enforcement of America

A National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Professionals

New York Office 405 Tarrytown Rd. #1318 White Plains, New York 10607 1-877-218-8835

Accepting Our Responsibility to Rebuild Our Community

March 11, 2013 Nichelle A. Johnson Corporation Counsel Mt. Vernon City Hall 1 Roosevelt Square, Mount Vernon, NY 10550 Dear Ms. Johnson,

It was brought to our attention that there have been many leaks about investigations of officers that work for the Mt. Vernon Police Department. From our understanding, the information that was leaked to the press is referring to officers that have been born and raised in Mt. Vernon. Ironically, 99.9 percent of those officers are African American. It is also our understanding that the investigations that the media is referring to have been dismissed. The printing of this information has caused much damage and credibility to those Black Officers that have been sworn to protect and serve in the community they were born and raised in. This leak, either City Hall or the Mount Vernon Police Department has brought into question the actual documented actions, complaints and lawsuits of officers of the Mount Vernon Police Department that have violated the City of Mount Vernons and the Mount Vernon Police Departments code of conduct and are still currently working the streets of Mt. Vernon.

Former Commissioner Carl Bell is on the record stating in 2012 alone, a police officer waved a handgun in civilians face and another cop took a civilians cell phone. In both of these incidents the Mayors office undermined his authority to discipline these police officers. It has also been reported White Mount Vernon Police Officers calling a Black Police Sergeant a Nigger to a suspect who had his PBA card. As your office is aware, Mt. Vernon Police Sergeant Michael Marcucilli has faced numerous complaints and civil lawsuits including a 2010 lawsuit for assaulting a retired Black County Police Officer and is still on desk duty from a 2009 incident for assaulting a 15 year old boy in the side of the head with his night stick while he was in handcuffs. In both of these cases Sergeant Marcucilli was found guilty in civil court and has cost the taxpayers of Mt. Vernon close to $500,000.

Member of the Grand Council of Guardians

As a national organization of law enforcement professionals, we ask the City of Mt. Vernon and it representatives, why is this Sergeant still working? Why did the city government interfere with the disciplinary process while undermining Commissioner Bells authority to discipline these rogue police officers? The City of Mount Vernon has failed to implement a proper Civilian Complaint Review Board that had been in the Mt. Vernon City Charter since 1992. After many conversations with your office, the Mayor, the City Council and the Ethics Board the city has failed to implement or revise said legislation. A current outline of national standards according The National Association of Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement was given from our organization to all parties in June of 2012. Commissioner Bell is gone but these criminal officers are still here costing the taxpayers millions of dollars while contributing to the lost of integrity of the department to the community they claim to serve. Our organization will continue to question the motives of the firing of Commissioner Bell, the obstruction of his authority and the constant leaks that are clearly aimed at destroying the reputation and integrity of the Black police officers of Mt. Vernon. This has completely jeopardized the process of accountability and transparency in the Mt. Vernon Police Department. The citizens of Mt. Vernon will be subjected to the Usual Politics of the Police where the complaint process is so corrupt that citizens feel no need to file complaints because nothing will get ever done. Thank you for your time in this matter. We hope to receive a timely response.


Damon K. Jones
Damon K. Jones New York Representative Blacks In Law Enforcement of America 914-374-5037 cc: Ronald Hampton Washington D.C. Representative Blacks In Law Enforcement of America Bonita E. Zelman Esq. Legal Council City Council Mount Vernon, New York

City Board of Ethics Mount Vernon, New York David J. Kennedy Chief, Civil Rights Unit Southern District of New York

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