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Crucible of conflict. By Dennis B. McGilvray. Published by Duke University Press, London, 2008. This book is a research based on cultural phenomena and a historical study of Hindu castes, matrilineal family structure, well known religious traditions and ethnic conflict. It is the first ethnographic study in the East coast of Sri Lanka which suffered greatly after the tsunami in 2004. This book understands the difficulties of the nations ethnic conflict and argues that Sinhalese Buddhists, Tamil Hindus and Muslims have the right to share this land equally as each ethnic group is a significant share of the Sri Lankan population.

Red colour of tea. By A.S. Chandrabose and P.P. Sivapragasam. Published by Human Development Organization (HDO), Kandy, 2011. The importance of the plantation sector has always played a major role in the economy but the international finance crisis, the changes in the economy and politics affected the relationship between consumers and producers and have led to complications and conflicts internally. This book describes the issues of tea plantation workers related to health, education, poverty employment and women workers that would lead to the risk of losing the plantation sector in Sri Lanka. Fisheries in Sri Lanka. By K. Sivasubramaniam. Published by Kumaran Book House, Colombo, 2009. A significant contribution to the history of fisheries in Sri Lanka, this book draws upon authors painstaking research and an extensive and in depth survey of rare archival and literary sources. It portrays a vivid picture of historical, demographic and political changes that have influenced the fishing industry and its development in Sri Lanka from the ancient through medieval and colonial to modern times, with a specific focus on anthropological and biological aspects. The study covers the identification of the original inhabitants engaged in fishing activities; their origins, travel-routes, and settlement in Ceylon; their races, castes, languages and religions; and the subsequent creation, restructuring and development of fishing community in the country. It also throws light on development of fishing trade and trading facility in Sri

Lanka. One of the most well-known fisheries scientists of Sri Lanka, Prof. K. Sivasubramanian has taught research at various national as well as international organisations and institutions. Quoted from 1/details.html

Relocation failures in Sri Lanka. By Robert Muggah. Published by Zed Books, London, 2008. The relocation failure in Sri Lanka is a known problem and each year thousands of people are displaced and resettled due to war, floods or development projects. Day by day, the amounts of displacement increase and the people who are responsible, struggle finding solutions. While the book highlights issues faced by people due to displacement, the findings also reveal that resettlement plans so far have not been very successful as resettlement procedures are not strong and practical enough. Hence, resettlement issues continue to exist.

Poor economics by Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo. Published by Public Affairs, United States, 2011. This book gives a clear understanding of the lives of the poor and the problems they face due to poverty. It explains as to why the poor have a different lifestyle even though they have the same capacities as other people. Some examples highlighted are reasons for the poor to borrow in order to save, poor educational performance, factors affecting the poor in having sustainable enterprises and many more issues affecting their lives to be trapped in poverty. Based on the research findings, the authors propose key solutions to fight against poverty. This book is useful for policy makers, philanthropists, activists and anyone who wants to see a world without poverty. Sri Lanka state of the economy. Keeping Sri Lanka on the Growth Expressway. Published by the Institute of Policy Studies , Colombo, 2012. The State of the Economy 2012 report envisages many opportunities and challenges towards sustained and equitable growth for Sri Lanka in the coming years. Even though economic growth alone is not sufficient to decide the growth of a country, rapid growth over a period of years has enabled Sri Lanka to grow from low income levels to middle-income

status. The report highlights that infrastructure development over the past few years has contributed towards this growth, but it is a challenge to keep the momentum of the sustainability. Therefore, in order to bring about an economic, political and social growth, the existence of a steady and politically induced growth process, an active role of the government and regulatory institutions is vital. Time for a new consensus. By Peter Chowla. Published by Bretton Woods Project, London, 2011. Time for a new consensus, presents a set of policy recommendations at the national level and also points out to the need of regional and global coordination. The report argues that source and recipient countries need to commence serious discussions at the IMF or elsewhere, on how source countries can effectively contribute to the stability of financial flows. The report also stresses that developing countries need to start working in regional configurations to coordinate capital account management, and that both rich and developing countries need to coordinate to remove the policy hurdles resulting from investment treaties and free trade agreements. Quoted from

The spirit level. By Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett. Published by Penguin Books, England, 2010. It is a well-established fact that in rich societies the poor have shorter lives and suffer more from almost every social problem. The Spirit Level, based on thirty years of research, takes this truth a step further. One common factor links the healthiest and happiest societies: the degree of equality among their members. Further, more unequal societies are bad for everyone within them-the rich and middle class as well as the poor. The remarkable data assembled in The Spirit Level exposes stark differences, not only among the nations of the first world but even within America's fifty states. Almost every modern social problem-poor health, violence, lack of community life, teen pregnancy and mental illness-is more likely to occur in a less-equal society. Renowned researchers Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett lay bare the contradictions between material success and social failure in the developed world. But they do not merely tell us what's wrong. They offer a way toward a new political outlook, shifting from selfinterested consumerism to a friendlier, more sustainable society. Quoted from

SAARC regional poverty profile 2007-08. Published by SAARC Secretariat, Nepal 2010. This publication mainly focuses on the poverty process and policy options to overcome poverty. The difference between employment, productivity, growth and poverty reduction are described in this volume. The objective of the publication is to study the infrastructure development as a tool to improve poverty in the SAARC region. This is a useful resource among the academia, researchers, media, governments and policy planners.

The essential Frankfurt school reader. Edited by Andrew Arato and Eike Gebhardt. Published by Urizen Books, New York, 1978. This book is equipped with a collection of important essays which are written by philosophers, aestheticians, sociologists and political scientists on Frankfurt school. The collection includes essays on political sociology & critique of politics, aesthetic theory & cultural criticism and a critique of methodology.

Annual survey of industries 2010 (Final report). Department of Census and Statistics, Colombo, 2012.

Published by

This annual survey includes important industrial indicators which are engaged with people and relevant to all establishments. The survey was carried out with the objective to provide indicators of the performance and the structure of the industrial sector and to update the list of industrial establishments already available.

National accounts of Sri Lanka. Published by Department of Census and Statistics, Colombo, 2011. This report includes information on estimates and accounts related to the national economic accounts for the year of 2010 with both public and private accounts. This publication is useful to data users, policy makers, academics and researchers.

Sri Lanka standard classification of occupations 2011. Published by

Department of Census and Statistics and Ministry of Finance and Planning Colombo, 2011.
This publication contains all occupations in the national economy in the public, private and armed force sectors. The survey is arranged by the most recent information of International Standards classification of occupations. The purpose of ISCO is to provide a basis for the international reporting, comparison and exchange of statistical and administrative data about occupations and to provide a model for the development of national and regional classifications of occupations. Sri Lanka labour force survey. Second quarter. Published by the

Department of Census and Statistics and Ministry of Finance and Planning Colombo, 2011.
This is a quarterly survey on Sri Lankas labour force, but information on the Northern Province is not included in this particular volume. The data of the second quarter survey includes 22,500 housing units from April to June. The purpose of the labour force survey is to measure the levels and trends of employment, unemployment and labour force in Sri Lanka. The information is clearly described through statistical data and will be useful to data users, researchers and academics. Weekly retail prices, Colombo district. Published by the Department of Census and Statistics and Ministry of Finance and Planning Colombo, 2012. This publication includes retail prices of selected products in Colombo district from January to December 2011. The products are Cereals, Vegetables and other food items. The data is collected on a weekly and a monthly basis and the information has been taken from the public and private organisations. This survey is presented with statistical data and graphical presentations. Statistical pocket book (Sankyana Athpotha). Published by the Department of Census and Statistics Ministry of Finance and Planning, Colombo, Sri Lanka 2012. (Sinhala and Tamil) This pocket book includes socio-economic data of Sri Lanka in a summary form.

Thirteenth national convention on womens studies published by Centre for Womens Research Sri Lanka, Colombo, 2012. Articles in this publication include A comparative perspective: Gendered dimensions of wellbeing by K. I. H. Sanjeewanie. The article explains the relationship between psychological, wellbeing and gender in Sri Lanka. It points out that happiness and wellbeing should be the end goal in development. It further explains that though women are more psychologically balanced are at lower levels in wellbeing compared to men. The article also clarifies the gender roles and expectations in Sri Lankan society. Sri Lankan transnational families by Swarna Ukwatta. Gender and household energy by Anoja Wickramasinghe. Gender differences in experiencing war by W. M. S. M. Kumari Thoradeniya.

Economic Review. Published by Peoples Bank, Colombo. Vol. 38, June/July 2012. (English) Articles included in this issue are Unemployment by Danny Atapattu. Economic and social development under a market economy regime in Sri Lanka by Sirimal Abeyratne. Research, innovation and technical change by Asoka T. De Silva. Tiny is beautiful: what is nano and why? by Prabath Hewageegana. Demographic shift in age By Centre for Poverty Analysis, in Lanka Monthly Digest (LMD), November 2012. Page 72. Published by Media Services (Pvt.) Ltd., 2012. The article by Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA) talks about the impacts of demographic shift in Sri Lanka. It shows how the population growth has slowed down increasing the amount of elderly people than the children under the age of 15. Due to this change, people live longer, women outlive men and older people continue to work in their elderly age as well. On the other hand, with the transition taking place in the health sector, the demography of ageing is affected, which in the coming years, will take a different curve from a pyramid-shape to a barrel-shape.


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