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Cleopatra And Her life And Time

Jahde Boisgirard Mr. T and Mr. Eichert English and Humanities Grade 6 2013

Cleopatra was the last woman pharaoh. She ruled Egypt and Greece. She had a hard life. Cleopatra was born in Alexandria. Cleopatra did not change her name and Cleopatras name is exactly the same as her moms it is also spelt the same way(Cleopatra). Cleopatras parents where Ptolemy XII and Cleopatra V. Cleopatras dad died when she was 18. Cleopatra had five siblings: Tryphena, Berenice IV, Arsinoe IV, Ptolemy XII and Ptolemy XIV. She had to take her on the throne when she was 18. Cleopatra was also 18 when she married her brother who was several years younger than her (Cleopatra).

Egypt went through many years of war for power, and Cleopatra died. (Cleopatra VII) The different groups in the wars borrowed a lot of money from Rome.Julius Caesar then dictator of Rome, needed to like something and wealth to make his power stronger. He used the Egyptian money as a reason to lead his army in Egypt. When he arrived in Egypt he found that it would be more efficient to the military to help Cleopatra to regain her throne. By doing so and having a personal relationship with her, he would control the country, protect the roman learn without having to military control the country. Cleopatra saved her dynasty thanks to a political vision because she had no other way to do it. Cleopatra persuaded Ceasar by her intelligence, her beauty and knowledge. She had one child with Cesar and they named him Caesarion (Cleopatra portrait la teuse Planet TV).

After Caesar was assassinated and then the empire was ruled by Octavian (Caesar's adopted son) in the west, and Mark Antony (One of Caesar's best and most popular general) wanted to rule too. In the east, including Egypt. So civil war was inevitable. Cleopatra use the same tactic as for Caesar.(Nicholson) Mark Antony had an army and Cleopatra had the money to pay for it. The final battle happened on sea at Actium. After the defeat, Mark Antony and Cleopatra sailed back to Egypt were Mark Antony committed suicide(Stanley). Cleopatra persuaded Mark Antony by her intelligence and her beauty. Cleopatra had 3 children with Mark Antony and named them Cleopatra Selene, Alexander Helios, and Ptolemy Philadelphus (Cleopatra VII).

The legend says Cleopatra died because she locked herself in a room with a poisonous Egyptian snake called an Asp, but Octavian could have also killed her, because after she died her son got captured and killed to make sure the Ptolemy dynasty was over forever and there was no heir to the throne. Therefore the kingdom of Egypt became a Roman province(Cleopatra ).

Cleopatra helped a lot when she was on the throne because she had saved her country temporarily from total Roman domination. She had to die for the Romans to take full control of Egypt. It was essential to Rome to control Egypt because it was the main source of food (mainly cereals) for the capital of the soon to be created empire. She married two roman gods to save her land(Stanley).

Works Cited Book

Nicholson, Robert, and Claire Watts. Egyptians. Chicago: World Book in Association with Two-Can, 1997. Print.

Stanley, Diane, and Peter Vennema. Cleopatra. New York: Morrow Junior, 1994. Print.

"Cleopatra." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2013.

"Cleopatra VII." Cleopatra VII. N.p., 2010. Web. 11 Feb. 2013.

"Queen-Cleopatra-Of-Egypt.jpg." Wikia. N.p., n.d. Web.

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