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Written by R. Mike Lyons

FIRST DRAFT Draft Dated: March 1, 2013 +1 (719) 310-6660

FADE IN: INT. HIGH SCHOOL GYM - DAY Students and teachers fill the bleachers of the gymnasium. Indistinct chattering amongst everyone can be heard. The PRINCIPAL approaches the podium. He taps on the microphone, causing some FEEDBACK. The gym starts to quiet down, but isn't completely silent. PRINCIPAL Students, your attention, please. INT. HIGH SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY A MAN, late 30s wearing a jacket, walks down the long empty hallway. The CLANKING of metal on metal comes from him. PRINCIPAL (O.S.) Thank you everyone for your cooperation. As you all know, tonight is our homecoming game against Jackson -INT. HIGH SCHOOL GYM - DAY The students all stand up cheering, cutting off the principal who let it go on for a few second. PRINCIPAL Yes. Yes. I understand you're all excited, but please take your seats. INT. HIGH SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY The man takes a turn down another hallway. constantly moving, looking all around him. His eyes are

As he goes down the hallway, a SECURITY GUARD approaches. SECURITY GUARD Can I help you, sir? MAN (words jumbled) NoI'mjustgoingtomyclass.

2. SECURITY GUARD I'm sorry, what did you say? You're going where? Class. MAN

The man's breathing becomes faster and faster, as his eyes dart around everywhere. MAN (CONTD) Ms. Essick. SECURITY GUARD Why don't you come with me to the office? The security guard places a hand on the man's shoulder. The man quickly pulls back and then grabs a pistol from under his jacket and... INT. HIGH SCHOOL GYM - DAY BANG! Everyone silences and looks around. get out of their seats. Some students start to

PRINCIPAL Everyone, stay calm and remain in your seats. I'm sure it's nothing. He gives a small chuckle and smile as proof of his cnofidence in the matter. PRINCIPAL (CONTD) Anyways, moving on. Here's Mr. Ford to introduce your Valley Vista High School Cougars. The principal leaves the podium and walks to the doors of the gym. As he grabs the handle to open one of the doors, it suddenly opens with the man coming through, gun still in hand. Oh, shit! MAN

He raises the pistol again. CUT TO BLACK:

3. GUN SHOTS and SCREAMING can be heard. INT. JEFF DONOVAN'S OFFICE - DAY JEFF DONOVAN, a man who is the very description of average, sits in his office. One wall lined with bookcases, and opposite that re two generic framed landscape photographs. On the wall next to his desk is a television constantly airing 24/7 news channel. TV ANCHOR As we continue to develop this story we have learned that the shooter, William James Rayner, was a paranoid schizophrenic who, apparently, was off his medication for some time prior to the mass shooting at Valley Vista High School. With more on this we now go to... There's a KNOCK at the door. JEFF'S ASSISTANT Mr. Donovan? Mr. Humboldt is here to see you. Jeff mutes the television. JEFF Send him in. The door opens and in walks JAMES HUMBOLDT, a stout man in his 60s and a clear victim of male pattern baldness. JAMES Good to see you, Jeff. Likewise. a seat. JEFF How have you been? Have

James takes the seat opposite Jeff at his desk. JAMES Well, all things considered. what's going on with you? So

JEFF Not much at the moment. Have you been paying attention to this new mass shooting? Seems like every couple of months there's a new one. (MORE)

4. JEFF (CONT'D) I was reading an article in Newsweek the other day that was going through some of the more infamous whack-jobs. Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Sehung-Hui Cho, you know, the Virginia Tech guy, and James Holmes, and so on and so forth. Drink? Please. JAMES

Jeff reaches down into a drawer in his desk and pulls out one of those expensive bottles filled with a brown alcoholic beverage of some sort along with two glasses. He pours them each a drink. JEFF Anyways, the whole point of the article was that each of these killers were, in some form, crazy. Harris was a psychopath, Klebold depressed, you get the idea. Jeff takes a sip of his drink. JEFF (CONTD) So, I was thinking, we need some way to keep track of all these lunatics, or else keep up with people going on mass murdering sprees, murder-suicides, the mothers who drown their children because they believe God told them to, not to mention the real crazy stuff like people trying to eat someone else. JAMES That's quite a task. You'll never get anything like that passed, though, so why even waste your time? JEFF Why not? I mean, we have a second amendment to bear arms, yet we restrict what kind of guns you can own. We have sex offenders, not just pedophiles but all sex offenders, publicly register where they live. We do this out of protection of the public. This is the same thing. (MORE)

5. JEFF (CONT'D) Protecting the public. I'm not suggesting we force them all into loony hospitals and monitor them twenty-four-seven. I'm just talking about ensuring that all these people that need help get the help they need. And through that we can watch them and make sure that they aren't going to go off the deep end. JAMES Yes, but the difference is you're talking about people who were born this way. They didn't have a choice or break a law. JEFF Look, how about this. It's not all about protecting the public from those with a screw loose. That's just an added benefit. It's really about making sure these people get help they need regardless of their ability to afford it. Homeless, middle class, doesn't matter. Can I get you on board with that idea? JAMES (to himself) That is an excellent way to sell it. And statistically many homeless people suffer from mental illness and can't help themselves because they aren't receiving treatment for it. JEFF So. Are you willing to co-sponsor it with me? INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S HOUSE - BATHROOM - DAY MICHAEL HANCOCK, a handsome man in his early 40s, though he could be mistaken for someone ten years younger, walks into his bathroom in his boxers. He splashes some water on his face and dries it off. After, he grabs a Dixie cup on the counter and fills it with water. He opens the medicine cabinet and grabs a pill bottle labelled "Lithium" on it. He takes one pill from the bottle and swallows it with the water from the Dixie cup.

6. INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S HOUSE - BREAKFAST NOOK - DAY Michael comes down the stairwell, freshly shaven and ready to tackle the day, and walks into the breakfast nook where his wife, CATHERINE, is already eating. A plate of sausage and eggs with a cup of coffee is waiting for Michael. He sits down at the table. MICHAEL Hey, honey. He leans across the table and gives her a peck kiss on the lips. Morning. CATHERINE

Michael cuts one of the sausages in half and takes a bite. INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY At the front door Michael puts on his jacket. comes up and gives him another kiss. CATHERINE Have a great day at work, sweetie. I will. He smiles. CATHERINE I'll miss you. MICHAEL And I, you. One last kiss and Michael walks out the door. EXT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S HOUSE - DRIVEWAY - DAY Michael walks out to his late model Lexus, gets in, and takes off. INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S OFFICE - DAY Michael sits behind his desk in an office you could imagine being used for a cover photo of a magazine devoted to sleek offices. He's looking outside his 30th story window as the city unfolds in front of him. MICHAEL Catherine

7. INT. BOARDROOM - DAY The board room table in lined on either side with lawyers, including Michael Hancock, and is headed by a man with a white mane, MR. STEELE. MR. STEELE You have all been doing an excellent job, ladies and gentlemen. I expect everyone to keep up the good work. Everyone begins grabbing their various items as they get ready to leave the room. MR. STEELE (CONTD) Oh, and Hancock, I need to see you in my office. Come by at one. MICHAEL Will do, Mr. Steele. INT. MR. STEELE'S OFFICE - DAY Mr. Steele's office is large and luxurious with an over-sized mahogany desk centered in the room as a testament to his class, with another desk for his computer off to one side. Mr. Steele is going over some paperwork in a file as Michael walks in. MICHAEL You wanted to see me? MR. STEELE Yes, sit down. Michael takes the leather chair opposite Mr. Steele. MR. STEELE (CONTD) I have a case for you. I am giving it to you because I believe you are the only person who can win it. Or, at the very least, not have a guilty verdict. MICHAEL I can only do my best, sir. the case? What's

8. MR. STEELE Did you hear on the news the story about the guy who got his girlfriend killed while they were having sex on the train tracks? Well, he has been charged with manslaughter and hired us to represent him. The case is pretty open and shut, but I am sure you can find a way to get him off. Without involving trains, that is. Michael gives a slight chuckle like any good employee would. MICHAEL Good one, sir. Mr. Steele hands the file to Michael. MR. STEELE You have good things coming your way, Michael. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will have smooth sailing ahead. MICHAEL Thank you, sir. INT. FLOOR OF U.S. REPRESENTATIVES - DAY Jeff Donovan walks to the podium with papers in hand. sets the papers on the podium and clears his throat. JEFF Mr. Speaker, and my fellow representatives, I'm speaking to you on behalf of my bill, H.R. 214, the Mental Health Care Surety Act. I brought forth this legislation to you because our country is, and has been, in crisis in regards to the mentally ill citizens of this nation. Too often schizophrenics end up homeless because of their inability to access basic health care, and many others suffer through bouts of depression as they lack the ability to get medication. Not only does this hurt these individuals, but it also hurts us a whole when these otherwise healthy individuals cannot be productive members of society. (MORE) He

9. JEFF (CONT'D) It is in our best interest to help these individuals get the help they need, regardless of their ability to pay. This is why I implore my colleagues to vote yay and pass this bill. Thank you. INT. NEWS STUDIO - DAY KRISTIN WILLOW, a petite blonde in her early 30s, sits at the anchor desk of a twenty-four-seven news station. KRISTIN And in other news today, H.R. 214, the Mental Health Care Surety Act passed in the House of Representatives. The bill, authored by longtime New York Democrat Representative Jeff Donovan, is expected to pass in the Senate as well. President Saunders has spoken in favor of the bill, which will give mental health care benefits to all individuals, and is expected to sign the bill shortly after it has been passed. With more on this, we go to Willie Franks who is at the Capitol Building. Willie, despite the popularity of the bill in Washington, many are critical of the bill's mandate of a registry for mentally ill people. Is there even a reason for having this in there? Kristin looks off to one side as though she is speaking directly to WILLIE FRANKS. WILLIE (O.S.) Yes, Kristin. It's been an often overlooked portion of the bill, but there are some who believe it violates protection of personal information. However, the bill's sponsors have claimed that this is primarily for the use of keeping track of an individual's care. KRISTIN So it's not expected to truly impact anyone's life.

10. WILLIE (O.S.) Not in the slightest. KRISTIN Thanks, Willie. In Syria today... INT. DR. MOORE'S OFFICE - LOBBY - DAY A gold plaque hangs on the door engraved with "Dr. Elliot Moore, Psy. D." Beneath it is sign saying "In Session" and a white noise machine is on the floor. The waiting area consists of a leather couch with a coffee table littered with Psychology Today magazines. Michael Hancock sits on the couch looking at the door to the office. He takes a glance at his watch, lets out a sigh, and continues to wait. A moment later the door opens and two people walk out. DR. MOORE Glad to hear things are going well for you, Erica. I'll see you next month. ERICA See you then, Dr. Moore. DR. MOORE Are you ready, Michael? Michael gets off the sofa. Yeah. MICHAEL

INT. DR. MOORE'S OFFICE - DAY Dr. Moore's office is clean and very minimalistic. There's a desk with a computer, but the main area of the room has three comfy looking leather chairs, two next to each other nd the third sitting across from them. Dr. Moore takes the lone chair, but Michael continues standing. DR. MOORE So how are things since I've seen you last?

11. MICHAEL Things have been going fairly well. I've been more productive than normal, but my moods have been stable. DR. MOORE That's good to hear. How are things with you and your wife? MICHAEL Catherine and I have been great. I know we had that rough patch last year, but things haven't been better. It's like we fell in love again. DR. MOORE Excellent. Now I know you've said you've been more productive at work, but how's the stress? MICHAEL High, as always, but I'm coping. DR. MOORE Are you sure you don't want to take a seat? Michael looks as though he hadn't thought about it before, and takes a seat across from Dr. Moore. DR. MOORE (CONTD) I actually have a non-health related issue to ask you about, Michael. Have you heard about this new mental health law Congress just passed? MICHAEL Just a bit on the news. DR. MOORE Well, as a lawyer, is it really constitutional to force people onto a registry? MICHAEL I'm not a constitutional lawyer, but there's all sorts of lists out there - voter lists, social security. You're likely already on a registry of some sort.

12. DR. MOORE Yeah, but those don't contain personal health information. The reason I'm asking is that I'm afraid some of my clients are going to stop coming, just to avoid being put on this registry. Not only is this going to affect me, but think of how many people are going to suffer because of it. MICHAEL It's a shame, but it's not like I can fight it. I'm a criminal lawyer. Dr. Moore nods in understanding. MICHAEL (CONTD) Since you asked me a question, I have one for you as well. I can't go into the details, but there's this... person. And, well, he has this fetish. Apparently he can only get off when his life is in danger. I'm wondering, is this a mental thing, or is he just making an excuse? DR. MOORE Sounds like autassassinophilia. It's pretty rare, but it does exist. MICHAEL Interesting. Well, thanks for that. DR. MOORE Any time. And if there's nothing else, you need a new prescription of Lithium, right? Right. MICHAEL

Dr. Moore gets up and heads to his desk. DR. MOORE Okay, let me get that filled out. He begins writing on his prescription pad.

13. DR. MOORE (CONTD) And when would you like to come in next? INT. JAIL MEETING ROOM - DAY Michael sits at a table in a barred room, his briefcase sitting on top. The meeting room is alongside others inside a larger room of concrete walls. A BUZZER goes off an the door to the larger room opens. Two CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS walk in with a man in an orange jumpsuit. The man in orange is BLAINE PIERCE, a Caucasian man in his twenties. He carries a look of defeat, but not by the guards. Rather he has been defeated by life. One of the officers opens the barred door to the meeting room area where Michael sits. Michael doesn't bother to turn around. The other officer walks in with Blaine and uncuffs him. The officer walks out of the meeting room are as the other officer closes the door and locks it. They both stand outside the meeting room area, but aren't looking inside. Blaine walks over and sits opposite of Michael. After he sits, he starts rubbing his wrists to get the feel of the handcuffs off of him. MICHAEL How's it going, Blaine? Eh. BLAINE

MICHAEL I came in today to talk about our defense strategy and see what you think about it. Michael waits for a response that doesn't come. MICHAEL (CONTD) I talked to the psychiatrist about the event having sex on the railroad tracks. He said he thinks you have autassassinophilia. So? BLAINE

MICHAEL Well, paraphilias are something beyond a person's control. (MORE)

14. MICHAEL (CONT'D) What I want to do is to claim that you had no control over what happened because of this. BLAINE That only means I didn't have control of where and how I like to have sex. But I still didn't get her off the tracks in time. So how does this help me? MICHAEL I know. I want to say that you carried things further because of this. And by claiming this illness, you could be found not guilty by mental disease or defect. Basically you wouldn't have to spend years behind these bars. BLAINE Trade one prison for another? MICHAEL The hospital isn't like a prison. You'd have more freedom there. Blaine thinks about this for a minute. BLAINE Are you sure this will work? MICHAEL I think it's your best option. BLAINE Okay, then. INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - DAY The bedroom is sophisticated, yet modest. There's a kingsize bed with a nightstand on either side, and an LCD TV hanging on the wall with a couple of bookshelves filled with various novels. Although it may sound cluttered, it really isn't considering how spacious the room is. Catherine is already in a nightgown laying in bed reading a book on her iPad when Michael walks in, still in his suit. MICHAEL Hey, honey.

15. CATHERINE How was work?


Michael walks over to the walk-in closet as he takes off his tie. It was. MICHAEL

Catherine puts her iPad down. CATHERINE Want to talk about it? MICHAEL This is going to be a tough case to make to the jury. CATHERINE (just saying the words) Well, I believe in you. I'm sure you can do it. Catherine goes back to reading. Michael already has his shirt and undershirt off, but still has his pants on when he sits down on the bed. As he sits, he lets out a sigh. Catherine puts her iPad away on the nightstand, annoyed. CATHERINE (CONTD) What is it? MICHAEL Ever since I saw Dr. Moore, I've just been thinking. What if I ran for office to get this law repealed? CATHERINE Are you serious? MICHAEL Yeah. I mean, not only would I be able to do some good, but think about how interesting it would be to be a congressman. CATHERINE It wouldn't be interesting to me.

16. MICHAEL Oh, come on. Washington? public figure? CATHERINE Sounds great for you. Michael takes off his shoes and socks. back for her iPad. Catherine reaches

Being a

CATHERINE (CONTD) I just think it's a bad idea. You're under enough stress as it is, and what happens when it gets to be too much? She goes back to reading. MICHAEL You're probably right. INT. COURTROOM - DAY Michael sits at the defendant's desk alongside Blaine and another DEFENSE LAWYER. To their left is the prosecutor's desk with one PROSECUTOR - the LEAD PROSECUTOR is standing at the podium. The JUDGE, a classy old man, has his desk raised in the corner with the CLERK in front and the BALIFF off to the side. The JURY takes up along one wall, and the gallery is behind the defense's and prosecutor's desks. Only half a dozen people sit in the gallery. Michael is taking notes as the lead prosecutor speaks. LEAD PROSECUTOR as you can see, Mr. Pierce's actions led to the untimely death of Sylvia Ashcroft. The only verdict to come from this is guilty. Thank you. The lead prosecutor leaves the podium and heads back to her desk. JUDGE And now we'll hear closing statements from the defense. Michael puts his pen down and clears his throat. and walks to the podium. MICHAEL Permission to walk around? He gets up



Michael leaves the podium to stand in front of it. MICHAEL What happened to Sylvia Ashcroft is a shame. When accidents happen, it is only natural to look for someone to blame. Michael approaches the jury. MICHAEL (CONTD) But accidents are just that. Accidents. You could say that my client put her in that dangerous situation, but as we've gone over with expert witnesses, my client is ill with a paraphilia. If it wasn't for that, Ms. Ashcroft would never have been put in that situation. He begins to walk towards the defendant's desk. MICHAEL (CONTD) And that is what it means to find someone not guilty because of mental disease or defect. They are no responsible for their actions because they are ill. It's not their fault that their life ended up this way. Michael heads back to the podium and stands in front of it again. MICHAEL (CONTD) Why send Mr. Pierce to prison when he can be sent to someplace where he'll get the help he needs? Thank you. Michael heads back to the defendant's desk. INT. COURTROOM HALLWAY - DAY Michael sits on a bench in a hallway with a cup of coffee in one hand and his smart phone in the other. His thumb moves from the bottom of the phone to the top - he's browsing something.

18. A group of people exit from a courtroom opposite from Michael and head down the hallway. Walking past them is the other defense lawyer. He heads towards Michael. DEFENSE LAWYER They have a verdict. MICHAEL About time. INT. COURTROOM - DAY Everyone is taking their seat in the courtroom. door opens with the judge walking through. All rise. BALIFF The back

Everyone stands as the judge takes his seat. Be seated. JUDGE

Everyone takes their seat. JUDGE (CONTD) Does the jury have a verdict? One member of the jury stands up. FOREPERSON. This is the JURY

JURY FOREPERSON Yes, your honor. JUDGE How do you find? JURY FOREPERSON We, the jury, on the sole count of involuntary manslaughter, find the defendant, Mr. Blaine Pierce, not guilty by reason of mental disease. Michael and the defense lawyer congratulate each other at the defendant's desk. Blaine doesn't appear to be happy. JUDGE Very well. Mr. Pierce, you are to be sent to Montview Hospital until you are deemed fit to be a productive member of society again.

19. The judge bangs his gavel down. INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S HOUSE - BATHROOM - DAY Michael looks at himself in the mirror in his bathroom. He opens the medicine cabinet and grabs the bottle of Lithium. He stares at it for a moment. He opens the life and takes it off, but before he takes a pill he puts the lid back on again and places the pill bottle back in the medicine cabinet. He closes it and leaves the bathroom. INT. MONTVIEW HOSPITAL COMMON AREA - DAY The common area is a bland room with tables and chairs scattered about. Visitors sit with patients at some of the tables, and there are a few patients just wandering around the room looking for something to do. Hospital staff sit behind a counter in an office area. No one is really paying any attention to the goings about in the common area. Blaine Pierce sits at one of the tables, wearing a robe that looks less comfortable than it should. His eyes are glazed over with a blank 1,000-yard stare of a defeated soul. Michael Hancock walks in and stops by the nurse's station. One of the nurses points towards Blaine and Michael looks over. He gives his thanks and walks towards Blaine where he takes a seat sitting next to him. BLAINE What are you doing here? MICHAEL I came to check up on you. sure you're doing okay. Make

BLAINE I guess you could say I'm okay. I'm not sick or anything. Well, I am, but in a different way. MICHAEL Are you keeping busy? BLAINE They have group therapy sessions every couple of house, and then there's the one-on-one sessions. After that there are puzzles to work on, or crosswords.

20. MICHAEL That sounds good. BLAINE Not really. That's all we have. At least in jail there was stuff to do. People to talk to. You can try and talk to the people here, but good luck getting anything coherent out of some, and the others are depressed freaks with nothing to talk about except how shitty their life is. MICHAEL I'm sorry to hear that. BLAINE This place is a hell-hole. I'd rather have gone to prison. At least there you can get a TV in your cell to occupy your time. If I wasn't insane already, I'd be going insane through boredom being here. Someone lets out a SCREAM OF PAIN. Everyone turns and looks as one of the patients has bitten their visitor on the arm. Some of the nurses tend to the situation, while another begins evacuating the common area. BLAINE (CONTD) See, it's prison, but less fun. And the best part is, I only get to go free when they tell me I can. I can be here forever if they really want me. MICHAEL You'll get out. NURSE Sir, I'm afraid we need the patients back in their rooms and visitors to leave. MICHAEL I understand. Michael stands up.

21. MICHAEL (CONTD) I'm sure you'll get out of here soon. Michael gives a reassuring smile. BLAINE Don't come back. Michael walks away to the exit as Blaine gets up and heads to his room. INT. DR. MOORE'S OFFICE - DAY Dr. Moore holds the door open as Michael walks into the office. DR. MOORE Good to see you again, Michael. Likewise. MICHAEL

Michael heads directly for one of the client chairs and takes a seat. DR. MOORE So how have things been? MICHAEL Going well, all things considered. Won a big case I didn't think I had a prayer with. Dr. Moore takes his seat across from Michael. DR. MOORE Well, that's good to hear. MICHAEL I went and saw that client the other day. He's at Montview Hospital now. (looks away briefly) That place is horrible. DR. MOORE What made it horrible? MICHAEL Well, some people need to be there. I can see that. But people like my client... (MORE)

22. MICHAEL (CONT'D) I just don't see the need. I know I put him there, but that was to keep him out of prison. DR. MOORE This is one of the reasons I don't care for that law. Too many people will be forced into hospitals because according to someone else, someone who would make a profit off of it, decides that they aren't capable of taking care of themselves. Michael chews on this for a moment. towards the window. He gets up and walks

MICHAEL I've been thinking. If I ran for congress and won, I could try nd get the law repealed. DR. MOORE That would be something. MICHAEL My wife doesn't like the idea. Michael walks back to his chair, but doesn't sit down. MICHAEL (CONTD) I'm thinking of doing it anyways. DR. MOORE You really shouldn't do anything that drastic without your wife's blessing. MICHAEL I know. But I think I will. I'll talk to her about it again tonight. INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT Michael walks into the bedroom from the master bathroom in nothing but boxers. Catherine is under the covers reading a book. MICHAEL I've been thinking...

23. CATHERINE (still reading) About? MICHAEL I would really like to run for office. I think I could do a lot of good for our country and community. Catherine places a bookmark and puts down her book. CATHERINE Why? We have a good life now, and there's nothing that being a congressman will get you that you don't already have. MICHAEL I know, but I think of the difference I could make. CATHERINE You make a difference now. The only difference is now you work on a personal level. MICHAEL And maybe I'd like to start making a larger impact than that. CATHERINE What's more impactful to a person than saving them from going to prison for years on end? Catherine picks her book back up and begins to read again. MICHAEL Oh, so that's it? Won't you at least entertain the idea? Catherine gives a sigh. CATHERINE You know my position, but you do what you want. INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S OFFICE - DAY Michael sits at his desk, typing on his computer, when Mr. Steele walks in.

24. MR. STEELE What are you doing here? MICHAEL Writing a press release about running for congress. MR. STEELE Well, we are all very excited for you and I know we are going to miss you while you are off campaigning. MICHAEL Thank you, sir. Mr. Steele walks out and Michael continues his typing. INT. NEWS STUDIO - DAY The newsroom is filled with people going between various desks and some standing while others sit at their computers. Kristin Willow sits at the anchor desk. KRISTIN And in other news today, Jeff Donovan will be facing Michael Hancock to keep his seat in Congress. Mr. Donovan has been in the news recently with his controversial mental health care bill and was originally running unopposed. For more on this development, we go now to Frank Tannehill. Frank... INT. GROCERY STORE - NIGHT Michael walks down an aisle in a grocery store. seems empty with not another soul in sight. The store

As he reaches the end, he turns and goes into the neighboring aisle. His hand is outstretched, as though he's looking for something in particular. He moves a little closer to the items on the shelves, and his fingers begin to touch and slide across the various products. He comes to a complete stop. Aha! He figured out what he was looking for. He turns around and walks at a much faster pace than before.

25. Michael heads towards the canned tuna and picks up a single can. He studies it for a moment, and then chuckles to himself. He walks over to the health section and grabs a pack of condoms and then to the alcoholic beverages section and grabs a bottle of vodka. He makes his way to the register where a CASHIER, female and in her early 20s with a stoned expression, rings him up. As she scans each item, Michael laughs a little. ignores him. CASHIER (monotonous tone) Did you find everything alright today? MICHAEL (with a shit-eating grin) Yes. Yes, I did. Michael pays for the items, takes the bag, and leaves. the while trying to contain his laughter. INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY The front door opens and in walks Michael with his bag from the grocery store and a briefcase. He takes his jacket off and puts it on the coat rack and places the briefcase on the floor next to it. On a decorative dresser topped with pictures, there's a picture face down. Michael picks it up. It's a picture of him, with the glass shattered. Michael gives a sigh of 'oh boy, here we go,' and heads upstairs. UPSTAIRS HALLWAY From the hallway, Michael hears his wife CRYING. his approach to listen in. BEDROOM Catherine sits on the bed, facing opposite of the door. Michael stands at the doorway looking in. He slows All The cashier

26. She's looking at a wedding photo of the two. A couple of other pictures are sprawled across the bed. They're pictures of the couple when they were much younger. Michael is about to say something, but takes it back at the last second. Catherine gets up from the bed and turns around, her head still sulking. There's a brief moment of surprise as she sees Michael there with his grocery bag. Oh. CATHERINE You're home.

She waits a moment for a reply that isn't coming. When the moment passes, she heads over to the master bathroom. Michael takes a deep breath. MICHAEL Sorry, I'm late. I just wanted to pick something up from the store, but I forgot when I got there. Catherine closes the bathroom door, but not fully. walks over towards it. MICHAEL (CONTD) So, obviously something is up. What's bothering you, sweetie? The toilet flushes and then water rushing from the faucet into the sink is heard. After a couple of seconds it turns off, then the light off, and then the door opens. Catherine steps out and glares at Michael. CATHERINE Of course something is bothering me. Why wouldn't I be upset? MICHAEL Okay, but why? CATHERINE Are you kidding me? Why? Catherine heads back to her place at the bed and sits down. MICHAEL Is it because... I decided to run for congress? Catherine gives a look of 'are you kidding me' at Michael. Michael

27. MICHAEL (CONTD) I guess so, then. Michael walks over to the other side of the bed and takes a seat, placing the grocery bag at his feet. He's avoiding looking at Catherine. MICHAEL (CONTD) I don't see why you're so upset about this. I think it's a great opportunity, and you know how much I care about doing this. CATHERINE It's that you did it without discussing it with me first. MICHAEL But we did talk about it. CATHERINE I didn't realize we were done talking about it, though. Michael turns to face Catherine. MICHAEL I'm sorry. It's just that I really wanted to do this, and so I figured I just might as well. Michael gives a chuckle. What? CATHERINE

MICHAEL Well, I told you I forgot what I wanted from the store, right? Well, I decided to pick up a few other items to freak out the cashier. Catherine gives a quizzical look. Here. MICHAEL (CONTD)

Michael grabs the bag from the floor and starts to take out each of the items inside. MICHAEL (CONTD) So I bought one can of tuna. a can. (MORE) Just

28. MICHAEL (CONT'D) I mean, why would you only need one can? Everything needing tuna needs at least two cans. (laughs) And then I bought some condoms. And a really nice bottle of vodka. Michael laughs some more. MICHAEL (CONTD) See? It looks like I'm about to have one hell of a romantic night with this tuna. CATHERINE You wasted money because you thought this was funny? How much did you spend? MICHAEL I'm not sure. I just paid without really paying attention. Guess I should've paid that, too. Catherine doesn't look amused. MICHAEL (CONTD) Here, let me grab the receipt. (grabs receipt) The tuna was 75 cents. Condoms eight bucks. And the vodka was 40. CATHERINE You spent 50 dollars... on a joke... because you forgot why you went to the store in the first place. MICHAEL (like this makes sense) Yeah. What? LATER The lights are off and Michael is SNORING in his sleep. Catherine turns over and makes sure Michael is still sleeping. She gets up and heads to the bathroom.

29. BATHROOM Catherine turns on the light in the bathroom. She reaches for the medicine cabinet and grabs Michael's pill bottle. She opens it, and discovers that it's full. She looks back at Michael sleeping on the bed. medicine back in the cabinet. She turns off the light. INT. BALLROOM - DAY SUPER: "Months Later" A black tie affair is carrying on in a ballroom of some hotel. People mingle with each as they sip on white wine. At the head of the room is a podium. SENATOR DAVID BRADY, a man in his late 60s, approaches the podium. He taps the microphone, causing a bit of FEEDBACK. Excuse me. DAVID Excuse me, everyone. She puts the

The chitter chatter among the group of people slowly dies down. DAVID (CONTD) Thank you. And thank you all for coming to our event in support of the next congressman from district 15, Michael Hancock. Light applause fills the room. DAVID (CONTD) Before we continue, I know Michael has an announcement to make. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Michael Hancock. Again, more applause as Michael approaches the podium and Senator Brady stands to the side. MICHAEL Thank you, everyone. And thank you, Senator Brady, for being such a wonderful supporter. (towards Brady) The announcement of your endorsement has done wonders for the campaign. (MORE)

30. MICHAEL (CONT'D) I can't thank you enough for that. (back towards crowd) And thank you all for being here. Without your support we wouldn't be hearing news like I'm about to share with you. About an hour ago, Quinnipiac released a new poll. (beat) We're ahead of Jeff Donovan by two points, ladies and gentlemen. The gathering applauds at the news. MICHAEL (CONTD) Thank you, all, again, and have a wonderful evening. INT. JEFF DONOVAN'S CAMPAIGN OFFICE - DAY The office is filled with the sounds of phones RINGING, people answering and making calls, and the CLICK CLACK noises of people typing on computers. There's half a dozen people working in the office. Jeff walks in through the front door. One campaign worker greets Jeff, and a nearby person follows suit. CAMPAIGN WORKER #1 Morning, Jeff. Hey, Jeff. CAMPAIGN WORKER #2

JEFF Morning, everyone. Jeff walks past desks cluttered with papers and reaches his office, which barely looks touched. He closes the door to his office behind him, takes off his jacket and puts it on the chair before taking a seat himself. He opens his computer, and after a few clicks he laughs to himself. There's a KNOCK at the door. Come in. JEFF (CONTD)

In walks Jeff's campaign manager, WALTER MURPHEY, a tired man in his 60s and well past his prime.

31. WALTER Morning, Jeff. JEFF Come here, I want to show you something. Walter goes behind Jeff's desk as Jeff points to his computer screen. On the screen is a picture of a lolcat captioned with a political message. JEFF (CONTD) (laughing to himself) Is that not true, or what? WALTER That is pretty clever. JEFF Where do people come up with stuff like this? WALTER I'm not sure, Jeff. JEFF (friendly and genuine) So what did you want? WALTER I wanted to talk to you about yesterday's poll numbers. JEFF Great, how much are we beating that twatsucker by? WALTER Well, that's the thing. We're actually behind by two points. Walter heads to the other side of the desk and takes a seat. JEFF Why wasn't this brought to my attention earlier? WALTER I tried to get in touch with you on your cell-JEFF Why didn't you come get me in person?

32. WALTER It didn't seem urgent enough to bother you at home. I figured it could wait until today. JEFF Figured it could wait until today... No wonder I'm losing in the polls. Gotta be an idiot to hire idiots. WALTER Well, the problem seems to be just that Mr. Hancock-JEFF Twatsucker. WALTER The... twatsucker... is just gaining momentum. JEFF So what are we going to do about it? WALTER Well, we can try and schedule more photo ops, showing how much you care about the community. Or we could-JEFF No. If a no name can gain this much momentum this quickly, we're going to have to get dirty. What kind of issues does this guy have? WALTER Well, we don't really know. We've been using our resources getting our message out there, not digging up dirt on him. Jeff stands up and puts on his jacket. JEFF Then we're just going to have to find something quickly.

33. INT. PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR'S OFFICE - DAY Frameless pictures adorn the light blue walls of an office that's obviously leased on the cheap. There's a waiting area, but there's no furniture save one chair. Inside the inner office is a man, JACK PORTER, looking over a file filled with photographs. Jack is a man in his 40s with a small scar going down the left side of his face. The door to the office RINGS as it's opened by Jeff Donovan. JACK Take a seat, I'll be with you in a minute. Jeff looks around and takes the seat at the lone chair. After what feels like an eternity later, Jack calls after Jeff. JACK (CONTD) Okay, I can see you now. Jeff gets up and heads to the inner office. JACK (CONTD) What can I do for you, Mister...? JEFF I'd rather keep that to myself. JACK Cute. You're one of those types. Should I call you Deep Throat while we're at it? JEFF Jeff Donovan. JACK Thank you, Mr. Donovan. Now, what can I do for you? Follow your wife and see if she's cheating? Find a long lost relative? JEFF I need you to find dirt on a guy. He's running against me and I need to find out something that I can use to smear him and his campaign. I see. JACK

34. JEFF I trust it you can get the job done? JACK I always complete the task at hand, no matter what it takes. Good. JEFF

JACK But of course, some jobs require a little more... digging, than others. JEFF I don't care what your fee is. Just bill me when you find something. JACK So, who's the target? EXT. MANSION - NIGHT Michael, dapper in his tux, walks through the snow-lined walkway to the mansion. Catherine is on his right arm. CATHERINE Why must we meet with these people? MICHAEL Because they're our largest campaign contributors and they wanted to hold a fundraiser. CATHERINE Your largest campaign contributor. They reach the massive doorway. The door opens automatically for them, thanks to the BUTLER on the other side. INT. MANSION FOYER - CONTINUOUS Michael and Catherine enter into an expansive foyer. BUTLER May I take your coats? Please. MICHAEL Thank you.

35. Coming down the regal stairwell to greet them is WILLIAM THATCHER, 40s and could easily be mistaken for James Bond. WILLIAM Fashionably late, I see. MICHAEL I had to put on my makeup. William gives one of those fake chuckles of politeness as he shakes Michael's hand. WILLIAM And Catherine. You look marvelous. For her he goes in with a hug. WILLIAM (CONTD) Please, come in. William leads Catherine and Michael to the adjacent room. BALLROOM The room is filled with other people, all talking with each other and equally dressed to impress. William grabs a champagne glass that's from one of the passing waiters and walks directly to a portly man in his 60s, an ALBERT NEWELL. Michael and Catherine follow. WILLIAM Michael, this is the man I was talking to you about. Albert Newell, CEO of Longhorn Investment Associates. Albert turns from the person he was just talking to and shakes hands with Catherine and Michael. ALBERT Pleased to meet you. many great things. I've heard

MICHAEL Likewise. Your name was brought up just the other day, if I recall correctly. ALBERT Hopefully good things.

36. WILLIAM I believe the night at Kate's house last month was brought up. ALBERT Oh, so great things. Albert laughs at his own joke. ALBERT (CONTD) Tell me, Michael, what's your take on this investment income surtax the President is going around the country trying to sell like a used car? WILLIAM (to Michael) I told you he was the kind of man who likes to get straight to business. MICHAEL (to William) Good CEOs tend to be that way. (to Albert) The way I feel is that there are enough taxes out there already that Congress can fiddle with, so why create something new when you have so much of the old already? ALBERT You sound like the kind of man I want to buy votes from. Everyone gives a small chuckle. ALBERT (CONTD) Thankfully for me, then, your chances seem quite good at the moment. CATHERINE Yes, we are pleased with how things are going. Another waiter passes by with champagne and Catherine grabs a glass and takes a drink. MICHAEL We are feeling quite secure in our position, that is for sure.

37. EXT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S HOUSE - NIGHT One of the two trash cans on the back side of the house tips over. Digging in the second one is Jack Porter. Some trash falls out of the can as Jack digs towards the bottom. After a minute of digging, he stands up. Nothing.

He walks over to the back door of the house. He kneels down and takes out some lockpicking equipment. He messes with the lock and eventually is able to open the door. INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S HOUSE - LAUNDRY ROOM - CONTINUOUS Jack enters the home. He takes a quick look in the laundry room, but there's nothing of interest in there. KITCHEN In the kitchen, Jack opens the cupboards. Eventually he takes his way to a fancy looking cupboard. Flinging open the doors, he discovers a stockpile of alcohol. He takes out a small point-and-shoot camera and takes some photos before he closes the doors that he has opened. Jack the proceeds into the... LIVING ROOM Jack makes his way through the living room and passes by the table with the broken photo from earlier - the broken one having been replaced. He heads up the stairs. UPSTAIRS HALLWAY The hallway has numerous doors within it. checks leads to the master bedroom. MASTER BEDROOM The bedroom is in pristine condition, like something you'd see in a model home. Jack goes right through it and heads straight into the... The first one Jack

38. MASTER BATHROOM Jack looks around, first under the sink, but finds nothing but cleaning supplies. His next target is the medicine cabinet. In it he finds an assortment of oral hygiene supplies, some medicated creams and ointments, some skin moisturizers, and, of course, medicine. He checks each of the medications. Ambien. Nothing good there. Maybe.

An expired bottle of Vicodin.

Lithium. Jackpot. And it's prescribed to Michael. Jack takes a picture and places everything back the way he found it before heading out of the room. INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S CAMPAIGN OFFICE - DAY Michael sits in his office on the phone. Unlike Jeff's office, Michael sits among his volunteers. MICHAEL I know, Mr. Peaberry, the government has gotten out of control, that's why I... Yes, sir, that's why... Sir, I completely agree... AIDEN WALKER, Michael's campaign manager, a youthful man in his late 20s, walks up to Michael's desk. MICHAEL (CONTD) (still on phone) Well, I thank you for your support this November. Michael hangs up the phone. exactly comforting. The look on Aiden's face isn't

MICHAEL (CONTD) Hey, buddy, what's up? AIDEN Just checked today's newspaper. You made the front page. Wow?! MICHAEL Really? That's great news.

39. Aiden's expression doesn't change. over to Michael. He just hands the paper

The front page leads with the headline "CANDIDATE INSANE?" and there's a photograph of Michael's pill bottle underneath. MICHAEL (CONTD) So... what are we going to do about this? AIDEN Perhaps the first thing is to talk to that mass of reporters outside the office. Michael leans over to get a look outside the front door. Two dozen reporters are waiting outside with portable recorders and cameras. MICHAEL What do I tell them? AIDEN Some answers require truth, others require lies. In your case, it's saying just enough truth that you don't admit everything, and hiding just enough that it doesn't seem like you're lying. Michael looks at the front door one more time. He takes a deep breath. He gets up out of his chair and heads for the door, as though he's walking straight to his death. EXT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S CAMPAIGN OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Michael walks out of his campaign office to see a dozen reporters awaiting him. Some are from newspapers, carrying portable recorders, and a couple television news crews are there with cameras at the ready. As soon as the doors open, Michael is flooded with questions. REPORTER #1 Mr. Hancock, what do you have to say about the accusation that you're insane? REPORTER #2 Why are you taking Lithium?

40. REPORTER #3 Mr. Hancock, are you going to suspend your campaign after this? Michael takes a deep breath as his campaign manager comes to stand beside him. AIDEN Everyone, please, Michael will answer questions in due time. We are preparing our response to this right now and we will get back to you all once we are ready. INT. DIVE BAR - NIGHT Michael sits alone at a bar with a glass of beer and a couple of empty rocks glasses in front of him. He looks disheveled with his tie hanging loose. The door to the dive bar opens and in walks Kristin Willow, the news anchor, dressed way too nicely for a place like this. She heads straight for Michael. The two stand out from everyone else inside. KRISTIN You wouldn't believe how long it took to find you. MICHAEL That was kind of the point of coming to a place like this. KRISTIN Rough day? (to bartender) Long Island Iced Tea, please. MICHAEL Must be off-duty for a drink like that. KRISTIN There's no such thing as off-duty for someone like me. The bartender comes back with the drink. swig of his beer as Kristin pays. Michael takes a

KRISTIN (CONTD) So when is your campaign going to come out with a response?

41. MICHAEL Hopefully tomorrow. KRISTIN That's a shame. MICHAEL Why's that? KRISTIN No one is going to give you front page headlines for a response. The newspapers only care about the headline. And the local news only gives you a 15-second sound bite. MICHAEL In other words, no one is going to hear it, they're just going to hear I'm insane and take that to the polls. Michael looks around the room and takes notice of two men playing pool. They're not quite bikers, but certainly people you wouldn't want to mess with. MICHAEL (CONTD) Of course, that's assuming that they give two shits in the first place. KRISTIN Lots of people care, Michael. She places her hand on top of his. Michael takes note of this as he reciprocates with a smile. MICHAEL So I can tell. I care. KRISTIN

Michael responds with a simple smile before returning to his beer. KRISTIN (CONTD) In fact, I care so much, that I want to help you out with this. She leans in. KRISTIN (CONTD) I want to give you an exclusive.

42. Michael looks back at her, taking note of everything about her. MICHAEL I could use an exclusive. The air time would definitely lift my spirits. KRISTIN That's good to hear. Why don't we get out of here and discuss when you can come by the studio tomorrow. MICHAEL Let me tell my campaign manger, first. Michael goes into his pocket to grab his cell phone. KRISTIN There's no need to bring him in on this. Michael thinks about this for a moment. Okay. MICHAEL

He downs the remainder of his beer -- more than a few sips were left -- and leaves some bills before grabbing his jacket and taking off with Kristin. INT. NEWS STUDIO - DAY The studio is alive with people walking around carrying papers and having conversations about the news stories planned to be run that day. In one corner, speaking with a MAN IN A SUIT is Kristin Willow. The doors to the studio open and in walks Michael Hancock. She excuses herself and heads towards Michael. Michael! Kristin. They shake hands. KRISTIN MICHAEL Michael leans in, but Kristin pulls back.

KRISTIN Whoa, we're professionals here.

43. MICHAEL Sorry, I just thought-KRISTIN There's nothing to think. (beat) Here, let me show you around the studio. NEWS DESK - LATER Michael and Kristin approach the news desk. KRISTIN We'll be conducting the interview here at the desk. She pulls out a chair that's off to the side of the desk. KRISTIN (CONTD) Here, have a seat. Thanks. MICHAEL

KRISTIN You'll be sitting there, and we'll just have a friendly conversation. She gives him a charming smile as she sits down. to put his hand on hers. KRISTIN (CONTD) Buddy, listen. I don't what you think things are between us, but I am not interested in you. MICHAEL But what about last night? KRISTIN There was nothing to last night. But... MICHAEL He starts

KRISTIN Look. I'll be honest with you. I was just working you to get ann exclusive. That's all. It's what people like me do.

44. MICHAEL So... there's nothing? Nothing. LATER A studio CREW MEMBER attaches a lav mic to Michael's jacket. Kristin is already all ready to go. The crew member leaves. CREW MEMBER Ready to go! MICHAEL (under his breath) Not really. PRODUCER (O.S.) We're go in 3... 2... KRISTIN (to camera) We're here with Michael Hancock, who is running for congress against longtime congressman Jeff Donovan. Recently is has been leaked that Michael has pills, Lithium to be exact, that have been prescribed to him. (to Michael) Michael, are these pills prescribed to you? MICHAEL Yes, but I haven't taken them in months. They helped me through a rough period in my life. KRISTIN But Lithium is prescribed for continuous use, and not for short term needs. Why are you not taking them anymore? MICHAEL Like I said, I don't really have a need for them anymore. KRISTIN Are you emotionally stable? KRISTIN



KRISTIN Then why were you prescribed a mood stabilizer? MICHAEL I was having a rough period in my life. KRISTIN Have you ever been manic? MICHAEL (looks away) I'm not a doctor, so I can't really say if I have or haven't. KRISTIN What would happen if you become manic while a member of Congress? MICHAEL I don't think that will become an issue. KRISTIN People who are manic make irrational decisions with little to no thought about the consequences. Shouldn't a member of Congress be a person who has the forethought to think about the impact of the laws being passed? MICHAEL I decided to run for office because of that terrible law that Jeff Donovan passed. It requires that mentally ill people become registered. Who knows what kind of devastation that will ultimately bring to their lives? Companies may be afraid to hire them. They may not be able to fid housing, or get lines of credit for fear that they'll ruin the place or never pay off their debts. It is an unfair piece of legislation. KRISTIN So, this is personal?

46. INT. JEFF DONOVAN'S CAMPAIGN OFFICE - DAY Jeff sits in his office going over some paperwork. the front door emerges Michael. Through

Michael walks straight for the back where Jeff Donovan's office is. He pounds on the door. JEFF Jesus Christ, come in! Michael goes in and slams the door shut behind him. MICHAEL Where did you get the photo of my pills? JEFF Who said I had anything to do with it? MICHAEL It had to be you. Why would anyone else go digging through my trash? JEFF In all fairness, it wasn't in the trash. MICHAEL Are you really that desperate to win? JEFF It's a war, Michael. You were winning. And I needed the bomb that would bring you to your knees. MICHAEL I just don't understand. no need to get dirty. There was

JEFF Politics is nothing but dirt. You'd learn that if you were going to be elected. MICHAEL We're still tied in the polls. JEFF Do you really think that is going to last? (MORE)

47. JEFF (CONT'D) Especially after people find out you were doing this so you didn't have to register? MICHAEL I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing this for the people who need it. JEFF Aren't we heroic? Jeff stands up and walks towards the door. JEFF (CONTD) There's nothing you can do to change what has happened. He opens the door. Michael looks at him for a moment, before finally stepping out. INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S CAMPAIGN OFFICE - DAY Michael sits at his desk in the middle of the office. just staring off into space. He's

The front door opens and two men in suits, THOMAS CAINE and GUY PETERSON, walk in. They aren't exactly menacing, but do seem to carry an air of power. A campaign worker approaches the two men, and points towards Michael. The two men head on over. They approach Michael's desk. THOMAS Excuse me, Michael Hancock? Yes? MICHAEL

THOMAS My name is Thomas Caine, and this is Guy Peterson. We're with the New York Department of Health. MICHAEL What can I do for you?

48. GUY We wanted to talk to you about the recent events that have been leaked out into the press. THOMAS You see, if you're taking this medication, we need to gather your information. MICHAEL I see. Unfortunately, I think you wasted a trip. As I've said multiple times to people, I'm no longer taking the medication. GUY But you were taking it? MICHAEL A while ago, yes. THOMAS Since the law has passed? MICHAEL I don't believe so, no. GUY Who is your psychiatrist? MICHAEL I don't believe I need to give you that information. You said if I'm not on the medicine anymore, you don't need anything else from me. THOMAS Due diligence. Michael stands up. MICHAEL There's no need for that. I'm fine without it. If you watched my interview you would've heard me say that I took it to get through a rough time. GUY You know if you're lying to us you could end up in a lot of trouble.

49. THOMAS You'd be marked in our system. wouldn't want that. I'm fine. MICHAEL


Guy and Thomas look at each other. THOMAS Then I guess we're through here. GUY Have a wonderful day, Mr. Hancock. INT. HOTEL BALLROOM - NIGHT SUPER: "Election Night" The room is filled with people all dressed up. On the back wall is a projection screen with the news displayed. There is also a podium in front of the screen showing the news, but no one is standing over there. To the side of the projection screen showing the news is another projection screen showing the votes cast - a bar for Michael Hancock and a bar for Jeff Donovan. Michael stands at a table filled with hor d'oeuvres alongside Catherine. CATHERINE Looks like things are going well for you so far. You aren't being killed in the election, yet. MICHAEL Ahead by a 1,000 votes. CATHERINE That's impressive. Michael's campaign manager walks up to them. AIDEN How ya doin', Michael? MICHAEL I've been better. AIDEN The next few precincts came in. It's not good.

50. MICHAEL What's wrong? AIDEN We knew these would be close, so we needed to win them badly. MICHAEL And we're not, right? Right. How badly? Bad. AIDEN MICHAEL

AIDEN We're down by 532 votes.

MICHAEL Could be worse. AIDEN Yes, but all of the precincts you were supposed to do well in have all been counted. The only ones remaining are those leaning towards Donovan. (beat) You're going to have to concede. MICHAEL Let's wait an hour. AIDEN It's not going to get prettier. MICHAEL Yeah, but maybe it'll be easier to swallow if I do it when we're further down. TWO HOURS LATER It's now the middle of the night, and the place has quieted down considerably. Michael is talking with a couple when Aiden intrudes. AIDEN You're down by more than 2,000 with no hope of gaining any ground. It's late.

51. MICHAEL I'll go make the phone call.


INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S HOUSE - BATHROOM - NIGHT Michael walks into the bathroom and opens up the medicine cabinet. Beaten from the day's events, he stares into it blankly. After a beat, he grabs the Lithium pill bottle. He holds it in his hands. He gently tosses it up and down a few times, just enough to leave the palm of his hand, as he feels the weight of it. He puts the pill bottle back into the cabinet and closes the door. INT. SPORTS BAR - NIGHT Michael sits alone at a bar table, an empty seat across from him is where his jacket lays. A half-finished glass of beer is in front of him. He doesn't look like his professional self. Instead of his usual suit and tie attire, he is wearing a grey hoodie with blue jeans. There are numerous patrons throughout the bar with the TVs playing SportsCenter. This isn't one of those classy sports bars, but one filled with smoke and men escaping their lives or wives. Despite the normal everyday hubbub in the place, Michael seems to be off in a world of his own. EXT. SPORTS BAR - LATER Michael walks out of the bar and lights a cigarette. Across the street are TWO GUYS. They're leaning up against the building, surveying the activity of the people walking down the sidewalk. Michael walks over to them. The three men look like they're talking. One of the street guys nods his head. He turns around and grabs his backpack lying on the ground. He pulls something out of it and hands it to Michael. Michael grabs his wallet and hands the guy money. Michael begins to turn and walk away as the street guy who handed him the package give him a nod of thanks - the same kind of nod that means 'what's up?'.

52. INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S HOUSE - GARAGE - NIGHT The garage is mostly empty. There are some boxes along one wall, and a work bench with tools and such along another. There's a stool next to the work bench area. Michael walks into the garage from the door leading into the house. He flicks on the light switch. The fluorescent lights flicker a bit before settling down. He is carrying a cup and still wearing the hoodie from earlier. He walks across the garage and places the cup on top of the work bench. Michael reaches into his hoodie's front pocket and pulls out a Ziploc baggie containing three joints. He takes one out. He grabs a lighter from his pocket and lights it. LIVING ROOM - LATER Michael sits on the couch watching television. It's on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. He is obviously stoned. Every once in a while he laughs maniacally at the screen. KITCHEN - LATER Michael is standing in front of the the light of the refrigerator fills through it. Finally he pulls out a the door when he notices something. again and grabs a Ziploc baggies of open refrigerator. Only the room. He digs beer. He starts closing He opens the door fully leftover pizza slices.

He closes the refrigerator and starts to head out of the room. Michael stops and heads back to the fridge. He opens up the freezer section and grabs a carton of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. He closes the freezer door. He walks over to a drawer and grabs a spoon. Content with his haul, he leaves the kitchen. LIVING ROOM - LATER Michael is back at sitting in front of the TV. The food he grabbed from the kitchen is strewn about across the coffee table in front of him. An infomercial is playing on the television. Michael stares at the screen, but not in a way where he is paying attention to it. After a few beats, he just leans over and puts his face into his hands. He begins to cry.

53. BEDROOM - LATER Michael walks into the bedroom and flicks on the light. He heads over to the bed and has a seat. The bed is otherwise empty and still perfectly made. He leans over and rubs the area where Catherine would normally be sleeping. BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS Michael walks into the bathroom and opens up the medicine cabinet without any hesitation. He grabs the Lithium pill bottle. He opens it up... BEDROOM - LATER Michael, clothes on, is laying down on top of the bed, sprawled out. Catherine walks into the bedroom and sees Michael passed out. She gives a grunt of exasperation as she sees him there. She walks over to the other side of the bed and takes off her heels. She looks behind her, back at Michael. slob. What a digusting

Then she notices something lying next to him. An orange pill bottle. She picks it up and looks at it, noticing it's empty. She looks back at Michael. Oh my God. CATHERINE

She violently shakes Michael, but to no avail. She then reaches into her purse and grabs cell phone, dialing 911. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY Michael, now conscious, lays in a hospital bed in the ER department. He's watching the television hanging above his bed. In walks a person in a doctor's white lab coat. Underneath her coat she's wearing very casual clothing. It's obvious she's not a medical doctor, but rather the on-call PSYCHIATRIST. PSYCHIATRIST How are you doing, Michael?

54. MICHAEL Doing better, I guess. PSYCHIATRIST Did you dink all of the charcoal? She takes a peak at the cup on the table beside his bed. Yes. MICHAEL

She pulls up a stool on wheels. She takes a seat beside Michael, who clicks off the TV with the bed's remote. PSYCHIATRIST Are you ready to talk? MICHAEL Might as well be. She gives him a quizzical look. MICHAEL (CONTD) It's going to happen sooner of later, right? So might as well get it out of the way so I can get out of here. She nods in understanding. PSYCHIATRIST What's been going on in your life, lately? MICHAEL Well, I was running for office and I lost. PSYCHIATRIST Is that what sent you into depression? MICHAEL I guess so. PSYCHIATRIST Don't you think it's a little extreme to end your life just because you lost an election? MICHAEL It seems that way now.

55. PSYCHIATRIST But that's not what you were thinking then? MICHAEL At the moment it seemed like the thing to do. PSYCHIATRIST Were you drinking or doing drugs? MICHAEL I had a beer. PSYCHIATRIST That was it? Michael looks up with his eyes as though he's thinking about it. Yeah. MICHAEL

PSYCHIATRIST Were you prescribed the Lithium? MICHAEL Yes, a while ago. PSYCHIATRIST Were you taking them like you're supposed to? MICHAEL I missed a few. PSYCHIATRIST But you were taking them? MICHAEL For the most part. PSYCHIATRIST Are you seeing a therapist? No. MICHAEL

The psychiatrist takes a moment for thought. PSYCHIATRIST Have you ever attempted suicide before?



PSYCHIATRIST How often do you have suicidal ideation? MICHAEL I've thought about it, but never considered it before. PSYCHIATRIST How long were you on the Lithium? MICHAEL A couple of years. PSYCHIATRIST Has it helped? MICHAEL I think so, yeah. PSYCHIATRIST But it didn't help this time? Guess not. MICHAEL

PSYCHIATRIST Are you considering harming yourself or others right now? MICHAEL No, not at all. PSYCHIATRIST Well, that's good. (beat) I'll try and check up on you again before you leave. MICHAEL About how much longer until I get out? PSYCHIATRIST Well, there's a lot of paperwork to go through, but it shouldn't be more than a couple of hours. We'll get you out of here before Lighthouse closes.

57. MICHAEL Lighthouse? PSYCHIATRIST It's the name of the temporary inpatient mental health facility. MICHAEL Why does it matter if I get out before they close? What do they have to do with anything? PSYCHIATRIST You're going to be transferred there for a 72-hour hold. MICHAEL But I'm not suicidal anymore. PSYCHIATRIST It's policy that after a suicide attempt that we keep you under a 72hour hold. MICHAEL I can't go to the looney bin. They're awful. PSYCHIATRIST Have you been to one before? MICHAEL As a guest. PSYCHIATRIST Lighthouse really isn't that bad. Trust me, you'll be fine. MICHAEL You don't understand, I can't go! PSYCHIATRIST I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do. She closes the curtain, leaving Michael behind in his bed dumbfounded. INT. HOSPITAL - LATER A plastic bag lays on the ground next to the hospital bed. A hospital gown is thrown down next to it. One foot is placed into a show, followed by the other one.

58. A hoodie is put on. The hood is pulled back, and Michael looks around the bed area to see if he forgot anything. He pulls back the curtain and looks around. Doctors, nurses, and orderlies walk around busy with their work. Michael walks out of the bed area and heads down the hallway created by the separation of curtains and the nurse's station. At the end on the wall is a plaque giving directions. follows in the direction that says "Emergency Lobby." INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S HOUSE - DAY The front door slowly creaks open as Michael peers through it. No one's home. He walks through the door and gently closes it. He walks through the living room and into a room off to the side... HOME OFFICE Michael goes straight for the computer. He loads up a travel site and starts looking up various deals. There's an ad for "Paris from $1299." MICHAEL They're probably going to find me when I use my passport, though. He exits that page and goes back to the other deals. as low as $89 a night!" Nah, that won't do, either. "Bay Area Excursion - Packages as low as $499" MICHAEL (CONTD) I don't need a vacation, I just need a cheap ticket. He goes back to the front page and starts entering destinations comparing the prices. MONTAGE - ON SCREEN PRICES -- Los Angeles - One way tickets as low as $267 -- Denver - One way tickets as low as $178 -- Boston - One way tickets as low as $209 "Vegas He

59. -- San Diego - One way tickets as low as $248 -- Miami - One way tickets as low as $196 END MONTAGE Michael looks at the Miami deal. leaving at all sorts of times. There's a ton of flights

MICHAEL (CONTD) Warm... big city... perfect. He looks at the clock on the computer, it's 11:47am. He starts looking at the times of the flights and selects the one departing at 4:05pm. He finalizes his purchase and leaves the home office. BEDROOM - LATER Michael digs out a suitcase from underneath the bed. He flops it on top and unzips it. He throws the flap open and quickly turns around to go to the closet. The SQUEAKING sound of hangars sliding across the metal bar can be heard. After a moment of that, the sound of multiple hangars and clothes being taken is heard. He exits the closet carrying probably his entire wardrobe. There's no way this is all going to fit in the suitcase. He tosses everything onto the bed. Michael first checks the shirt on top, a turtleneck sweater. Won't need this. He tosses it behind his back where it fall to the ground haphazardly. He continues to do this through the remaining clothing items. Things he wants he tosses on top of the suitcase and things he doesn't want he throws onto the floor. FRONT DOOR The sound of a key entering the hole can be heard. The tumblers move and unlock. The door handle starts turning and the door begins to open. In walks Catherine.

60. BEDROOM Michael is continuing his savaging of clothes, as though he didn't hear the front door open. STAIRWAY Catherine's feet walk up each step. the floorboards is heard. BEDROOM Michael is nowhere near through all the clothes. He looks at a Hawaiian shirt, thinks, and tosses it onto the suitcase. Next is a sweater vest. He thinks about this one for a good moment. Eventually he decides against it and throws it behind him. It lands on the ground, just barely past a few other clothes, and right in front of a pair of feet. It's Catherine. CATHERINE What the hell is going on here? The place is a disaster. Clothes are strewn about. Even though Michael has been tossing the ones he wants onto the suitcase -- which is now barely visible from all the clothes on top -- and the others on the floor, it doesn't look like there's any organization to this mess at all. With some of the clothes hanging off the side of the be, and discarded items on the floor below it, it's hard for someone to tell which is supposed to be kept and which is supposed to be forgotten about. Michael continues his efforts while he talks to Catherine. MICHAEL There's no time to explain. CATHERINE There's plenty of time to explain. MICHAEL No, you don't understand, I have to get out of here quickly. CATHERINE So you decide to just throw your crap everywhere? MICHAEL I'm packing. An occasional SQUEEK of

61. CATHERINE Since when were you taking a trip? When did you get out from the hospital? MICHAEL A few hours ago. To both. CATHERINE Where are you going? MICHAEL Can't tell you that. CATHERINE Why are you going? MICHAEL They're going to take me away. CATHERINE Who's going to take you away? MICHAEL I really don't have time for this. He throws another item behind him. before it lands on the floor. She looks at it. Catherine catches it

It's an ugly Christmas sweater.

CATHERINE This was a gift, you know? MICHAEL I don't need it where I'm going. She throws it onto the floor. She walks up behind Michael and forcefully turns him around. What. CATHERINE The. Hell. Michael?

Michael stares her down. MICHAEL I can't tell you. If I told you, then they're going to get me and take me away. CATHERINE Who is going to take you?

62. MICHAEL The hospital people. lock me up.

They want to

Catherine lets out a grunt of disbelief. CATHERINE Are you serious? MICHAEL Do you think I'd be doing all this if I wasn't serious? CATHERINE And you weren't going to tell me? MICHAEL I was going to leave a note before I left. CATHERINE So you were going to abandon me. Because you think people are going to take you away? MICHAEL I don't think that, they said that. CATHERINE And you ran away from the hospital? MICHAEL I had to get out of there, Catherine. To save my life. CATHERINE I can't believe this. She lets him go. He gives a look at her as she takes a few steps away from him. In the clear, he goes back to his work. Catherine reaches into her purse and grabs her cell phone. She dials a number and holds it up to her ear. Michael, busy in his work, is oblivious to this. She walks out into the hallway. CATHERINE (CONTD) (phone) Hi? Ye. My husband... he's acting... strange. (MORE)

63. CATHERINE (CONT'D) He was at Bellevue Hospital this morning for a suicide attempt and apparently he ran away and came home and now he's trying to leave... Michael notices the conversation. MICHAEL What the hell are you doing?! Michael runs over to Catherine and tries to grab the phone from her. She's able to hold onto it, and he falls to the floor. CATHERINE (phone) His name is Michael Hancock. Yes, this is his wife. My name is Catherine. Michael just looks dumbfounded. CATHERINE (CONTD) (phone) No, I'm not sure where he's headed, yet. He's still home. The address? 5543 Union Drive... Obviously panicked, Michael runs down the stairwell and out of the house. CATHERINE (CONTD) (phone) Shit, he just took off. Yeah, I'll go take a look. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Michael is walking down the street when he comes across a busier street. There's a small strip mall at the corner with an older looking 7-Eleven. He heads directly for it. EXT. 7-ELEVEN - DAY Michael is on the payphone on the outside wall of the building. I'm at... MICHAEL

64. He looks around the front door of the building. MICHAEL (CONTD) 7650... Fontmore Street, I believe. It's the 7-Eleven at the corner of Fontmore and Washington. About 30 minutes? Okay, that's fine. Thanks. He hangs up the payphone. He looks around. hour? He heads inside. INT. 7-ELEVEN - DAY Michael stands in front of the beverage coolers. definite weariness about him. There's a What's he going to do for the next half

He opens the door to the energy drinks and grabs a Red Bull. He heads up to the counter and places the drink on top of it. The 7-ELEVEN CASHIER walks over to the register, chewing gum. 7-ELEVEN CASHIER Anything off the grill today? MICHAEL Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. 7-ELEVEN CASHIER What would you like? The cashier grabs some plastic gloves. the offerings. MICHAEL I'll take a Big Bite. The cashier grabs a bun, takes one of the hot dogs and puts it in. She grabs a box and places the whole thing inside and heads back to the counter. 7-ELEVEN CASHIER Will that be it, today? MICHAEL I could use a smoke. Michael looks over at


What kind?

MICHAEL Umm... Marlboro. 7-ELEVEN CASHIER What kind of Marlboro? MICHAEL Oh... umm... the basic kind? Reds? 7-ELEVEN CASHIER

MICHAEL Sure, that works. She grabs one of the packs on the display behind her. 7-ELEVEN CASHIER Need a lighter? Yes. MICHAEL

7-ELEVEN CASHIER Any particular one? MICHAEL Doesn't matter to me. She grabs a random Bic lighter. The cashier scans all of the items. $13.76. 7-ELEVEN CASHIER

EXT. 7-ELEVEN - LATER Michael takes the last bite of the hot dog and throws the package away. He takes a swig of the Red Bul. He reaches into his pocket and grabs the pack of cigarettes. He opens the package, throwing away the trash parts, and pulls one out. He lights it. Michael coughs immediately on his first drag.

66. He recovers from this, and takes a second drag, but not inhaling. A yellow taxi cab pulls up to the convenience store. Michael approaches the front driver-side door and taps on the window. The DRIVER rolls it down. MICHAEL You here for me? TAXI DRIVER Michael... Hancock? MICHAEL Yeah, that's me. Michael throws the mostly unsmoked cigarette on the ground and stomps it out. He chugs the remainder of the Red Bull and tosses it before climbing into the back of the cab. INT. TAXI CAB - DAY The cab is driving on a busier arterial road and approaches a red light. Michael is staring out the window. A police car pulls u beside them Michael becomes wide-eyed. He starts slinking down in the seat to hide himself from the COP in the car. Down in the seat, he looks over towards where the cop car is, even though all he'd be able to see is the door of the cab. He looks over to the taxi driver, who is just staring forward and not paying attention to anything but the light and the road. Michael leans over to get a look at the light. It turns green. The cab moves forward. Michael takes his chance and sits up just enough to peer our the passenger window. The cop car turns onto the intersecting road. Phew. He's in the clear.

67. EXT. AIRPORT - DAY Michael gets out of the taxi and waves a thank you. into the airport. INT. AIRPORT - TICKET COUNTER - DAY Michael walks to the ticket counter of the airline he purchased his online ticket from. At this time of day, there's not much of a line. The AIRLINE lady smiles as the family of four she's been dealing with leaves. She looks over towards Michael, who is next in line. AIRLINE LADY I can help you, sir. Michael walks up. MICHAEL Uh, yes, I bought a ticket online to Miami. The Four-oh-five flight. AIRLINE LADY Sure thing. I'll just need to see your ID. Michael takes a deep breath and pulls out his ID from his wallet. The airline lady takes it and swipes it through a card reader. She hands back the ID. The airline lady begins typing like crazy into her computer. She continues typing. Can there seriously be this much to type? AIRLINE LADY (CONTD) (looking at computer) Checking any bags in today? Nope. MICHAEL He walks

AIRLINE LADY (looking at computer) Will you be needing any assistance in getting to your flight?

68. MICHAEL I should be fine. She types more stuff into her computer. Eventually she stops and takes out a boarding pass from underneath the computer. AIRLINE LADY Okay, here's your boarding pass, sir. Your flight will leave out of Gate 38 in Terminal A. She circles this information on the ticket. AIRLINE LADY (CONTD) Is there anything else I can help you with today? MICHAEL No, thank you. AIRLINE LADY Thank you, sir, and have a wonderful flight. MICHAEL (as he walks away) You too. INT. AIRPORT - SECURITY LINE - DAY Michael makes his way through the security line. While waiting, he constantly looks all around him. He sees the masses at the airport going about their business. Janitors cleaning, people walking to their destinations, some people chatting it up at a coffee shop. But no one seems interested in him. He looks around the people in front of him, at the TSA agents. The TSA agent checking everyone's tickets and IDs is an OLD MAN. Some protection he'd be if the shit hit the fan. But still... Michael needs to make sure he can get past him. The line inches forward. Some people near the front are already taking off their shoes. Michael looks down at his. It's the same pair of sneakers from the night he tried to off himself. Michael takes a short inventory of his pockets. His wallet, the cigarettes and lighter from earlier... that's it. Good, this should be a breeze.

69. LATER Michael is next in line to be checked by the old man TSA agent. The old man signals him forward. OLD MAN TSA AGENT Ticket and ID, please. Michael has them all ready to go. The agent takes a look at the ticket and ID. intently. Michael takes note of this. himself and appear normal. He studies them

He does his best to contain

The agent writes a squiggle on the ticket and points Michael to one of the metal detector lines. Michael smiles at the agent, but this is ignored as the old man is already signaling the next person in line to come forward. Michael is home free. INT. AIRPORT - GATE 38 - DAY Michael sits in a chair that's part of an entire row. Families and business men and women all sit around him. There's a group of teenage girls with matching shits giggling to themselves. ANNOUNCER (V.O.) This is the first boarding call for flight 765, non-stop to Miami. WE'll be boarding families of small children and those who need assistance first, as well as all passengers in first class. Everyone who has been waiting around the gate gets up out of their seat and form a makeshift line to the side of the counter, in front of the doorway leading to the plane. Michael is standing somewhere in the middle of the pack. ANNOUNCER (V.O.) We will now be boarding passengers in rows 20 through 32. Some people move out of the makeshift line and into the real one to get their ticket scanned and make their way to their assigned seat.

70. TWO POLICE OFFICERS come u behind the line and head to the gate counter. They speak with the lady standing behind it. She nods in understanding. She takes the intercom and speaks into it. ANNOUNCER (V.O.) Will Michael Hancock please come to gate 38. Michael Hancock, you are needed at gate 38. Michael looks at the counter. Oh shit.

As nonchalantly as possible, he turns around and gets out of the makeshift line of people. One of the officers take note of this. OFFICER #1 Sir! May I speak with you a moment, sir? Michael ignores the request and begins to walk down the terminal a little faster. The first officer gets the attention of the second one and they begin to chase down Michael. Michael looks behind him, and sure enough they are closing in. There's a people-mover up ahead, and Michael jumps on board. PEOPLE MOVER INTERCOM Slower passengers, please keep to the right and allow faster passengers to go on the left. Thank you. Michael rushes past a couple, pushing them a little to the side. Hey! MALE PASSENGER

Michael moves between the left and right sides as he makes his way through. The officers are behind, but are now struggling to catch up to Michael. Michael moves past a few more people and is approaching the end of the people-mover.

71. PEOPLE MOVER INTERCOM You are approaching the end. Please watch your step. Michael moves past one last man on the right, looks behind him, and trips as the people-mover reaches its end. He falls flat to the floor, knocking the air out of him. The two officers close in. The second officer pulls Michael off the device and puts cuffs on him. The two officers together lift Michael off the ground and walk him away. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - PATIENT LOBBY - DAY Michael, clothed in plain scrubs, sits at a chair. On the table in front of him is an incomplete jigsaw puzzle. There are a few other patients, also clothed in scrubs. Some walk around, others watch the television. In a nearby room there's a group of patients listening to a therapist. There's a BUZZ at the door to the lobby Michael sits in. door opens with a loud CLICK. In walks Catherine. The

She walks over to the nurse's station and signs in on a sheet of paper. Michael continues sitting, not paying attention to anything else that is happening around him. Catherine finishes her business at the desk and walks over to Michael. She takes a seat across from him. Michael is staring off into space as she just gazes into his eyes. She moves the puzzle a little bit to get it out of her way. CATHERINE So, I hear you're going to be out in a couple more days. There's no reaction. CATHERINE (CONTD) I hope you're doing better. Everyone, me included, is thinking about you and hoping you're doing okay. Michael takes a deep sigh and looks down. CATHERINE (CONTD) This probably isn't the best time. When is it ever a good time? (MORE)

72. CATHERINE (CONT'D) But, I figured here you'll have people to talk to about it to help pull you through it. Michael looks at Catherine. CATHERINE (CONTD) I'm leaving. Michael continues looking at Catherine. He opens his mouth to say something, but no sounds come out. CATHERINE (CONTD) Is there something you want to say? Michael shakes his head no. CATHERINE (CONTD) Oh, come on. You lost an election, went crazy, and now I'm leaving you. And there is nothing you want to say about it? (waits for response) You've given up, Michael. You let the world win. She gets up from her seat. CATHERINE (CONTD) Thank you for confirming I'm making the right decision. And with that she walks back over to the nurse's station to sign out and leave. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY The interview room is a small room with a singe desk. There's a chair on one side of the desk against the wall, and two chairs opposite it by the door. It's decorated, but with no personal touches. Just a bland assortment of motivational posters and nature photography. Michael sits in one Opposite him is one MALONEY. She looks day before she's so front of her. of the chairs closest to the door. of the hospital's psychiatrists, a DR. like she just did her commencement the young. There's a small pile of papers in

73. DR. MALONEY Okay, Mr. Hancock. I've gone through all your paperwork, and although we wished you participated more during group sessions, we think you have made excellent strides and should be able to do well outside of here now. MICHAEL So I'll be able to leave today? Yes. When? DR. MALONEY MICHAEL

DR. MALONEY Well, there's a few more administrative things that we need to do first, but should be in the next couple of hours or so. MICHAEL That's great news. DR. MALONEY Certainly is. But I do need to go over a couple of things first. Within a week of leaving here you will need to go down to the health department and register. All it really is is just filling out a couple of forms listing your address and so on. Do you know where they are located? MICHAEL No, I don't think so. DR. MALONEY Okay, well we'll be providing you with all the information when you check out. I do recommend going there early in the day as it can get pretty busy and they're pretty short staffed. The next thing is do you have someone picking you up? MICHAEL No, I don't think I do anymore.

74. DR. MALONEY That's fine, not everyone has family around. We'll be taking you to your residence, then. MICHAEL My wife left me. I'm not sure I have a residence anymore. DR. MALONEY I see. Do you have any place that you can stay? MICHAEL I have some money set aside, so I can find a place. DR. MALONEY But no where at this moment? MICHAEL Couldn't I just go to a hotel? DR. MALONEY I'll have to check, but I don't think that would be a problem. MICHAEL Is there anything else? DR. MALONEY One last thing. I need you to sign this paper. (hands it over to him) Basically all this says it that you promise to take the medication prescribed to you here and you'll begin seeking outpatient treatment. She hands him a pen. He looks over the paper carefully. and signs the paper. Eventually he concedes

DR. MALONEY (CONTD) Great. Do you have any questions for me, Mr. Hancock? MICHAEL Nothing you can answer.

75. EXT. HEALTH DEPARTMENT - DAY The health department is in a run down building sitting between a couple of prestigious looking skyscrapers. It looks like it was originally meant for middle-of-the-line offices, but years of minimal vacancy have forced the owners to lower their lease prices, allowing for a government agency such as this to move in. Michael walks into the building. INT. HEALTH DEPARTMENT - CONTINUOUS Michael walks into the lobby of the building. Its ceilings are high and floor cleanly waxed, but there's nothing inside save for a fake tree standing by the elevators and a white board on an easel pointing in the direction of the health department waiting room. WAITING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Michael enters the waiting room area. It is filled with families of screaming children and their mothers in pajama pants with Pantera tour T-shirts. Taped arrows on the ground lead to a counter. Michael follows them until he reaches a sign that reads "WAIT HERE FOR THE PRIVACY OF OTHERS." The WOMAN BEHIND THE COUNTER is busy doing some sort of paperwork. Michael looks on and waits patiently. After a few moments of this... WOMAN BEHIND COUNTER (without looking up) Can I help you, sir? LATER Michael sits in the waiting room. In the corner of the room near the counter is a door. It opens and a GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE walks out. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE Michael Hancock? Michael gets out of his seat and heads over.

76. HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICE Michael walks into an office where a woman awaits, a MS. GUERRERO. Unlike the government employees you typically encounter, with that smile she comes off as very personable. Even her dress screams friendly. MS. GUERRERO Mr. Hancock, please come in. I hope you're having a wonderful day. MICHAEL As best as I can, I guess. MS. GUERRERO Oh, I understand. Not exactly anyone's idea of fun to come and wait forever to deal with the government. I'll do my best to not take too much of your time. Let me pull up your file real quickly... She types on her computer and pulls up a list of names. There's a total of three Michael Hancocks on the screen. MS. GUERRERO (CONTD) And your birthdate? MICHAEL June sixth. MS. GUERRERO There you are. Okay, I have it in the system that you were released from Lighthouse three days ago, is that correct? Yes. MICHAEL

MS. GUERRERO Okay, great. So it looks like we have you entered in as schizoaffective and you have been flagged as a lying to the department. MICHAEL But I was diagnosed by my psychiatrist as cyclothymic. MS. GUERRERO That's the diagnosis that you were given at Lighthouse?

77. MICHAEL No, that's what my old psychiatrist diagnosed me with. MS. GUERRERO Oh, I see. Well, apparently your diagnosis has been changed to schizoaffective. MICHAEL How could that be? MS. GUERRERO Well, according to the record here it says you suffer from paranoid delusions of people being after you, along with having manic highs and suicidal lows. They must have felt this fit you better. MICHAEL But people were after me. MS. GUERRERO I can't change anything in here. I'm sorry. Michael lets out a sigh of frustration. MS. GUERRERO (CONTD) (genuine concern) Again, I'm sorry, Mr. Hancock. MICHAEL It's alright, I guess. Not your fault, so I shouldn't be upset with you. MS. GUERRERO No, do you have a job and a residence? MICHAEL I'm apartment shopping right now. MS. GUERRERO That's fine, but we're going to need your address as soon as you get one. And your job? MICHAEL I'm going to be trying to get my job back at my old law firm.

78. MS. GUERRERO Okay, that's good. But should you require any assistance in acquiring a job, come back here and we can refer you. MICHAEL That shouldn't be necessary. INT. MR. STEELE'S OFFICE - DAY Michael sits in his former employer's office. MICHAEL What do you mean you can't hire me back? MR. STEELE I am sorry, it is just policy. We represent criminals here and we cannot have people who are flagged on the mental health registry. It would undermine our integrity in the courtroom and would cost us many potential clients. MICHAEL Fine, then I'll go and work for Hallaway and Thurman. Or maybe Pinkman and White. Any number of the other firms out there would kill to have me. MR. STEELE You are an excellent lawyer, Michael, but no one is going to hire you while you are flagged on that list. MONTAGE - JOB HUNT -- Michael walks into the building of a law firm, and immediately we CUT TO him walking out. -- Michael waits in a lobby until he is called into the office. CUT TO him walking out of the office frustrated. -- Michael gets into an elevator in a fancy building. CUT TO Michael coming out of the elevator and throwing resumes into the air as he exits. END MONTAGE

79. INT. HEALTH DEPARTMENT WAITING ROOM - DAY Michael sits in the waiting room to be called. Although it's a different group of people waiting with him, it's as though nothing is different. EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY SUPER: "One Year Later" Michael walks into a run down apartment building. One of the windows is boarded up, and there are bars on the first floor windows. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - STAIRWELL - CONTINUOUS Michael walks up the stained stairs to the third floor. He walks up to a door. The letter on the door is missing, but differences in paint color clearly show the letter "J" used to be there. INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS Michael enters his apartment. It's filled with furniture unsuitable for even craiglist ads, with the exception of a 60" flat screen television. Michael takes a seat on the couch, not paying attention to the spring sticking out. He immediately moves over though once it jabs him. He turns on the TV, airing a rerun of FRIENDS. INT. MICHAEL HANCOCK'S APARTMENT - BATHROOM - DAY Michael walks into the bathroom. It is stained with toothpaste that ended up on the sink and some strands of facial hair that haven't been cleaned up all the way. The mirror is covered in water spots. He opens it up to reveal a medicine cabinet with three pill bottles, but it is otherwise empty. He takes medicine from each of the bottles and downs them all without water. He closes the cabinet. He looks at his reflection for a beat before leaving and turning off the light.

80. EXT. DOWNTOWN SIDEWALK - DAY Jeff Donovan stands in front of a crowd of a couple dozen people. Behind him is a dilapidated building. It looks like it could fall any second. JEFF Being a Congressman means I get to do great things for our nation. But as your representative in Washington, it is also my duty to help you. And one of my proudest achievements is getting the funding to improve this great city. We could have let this building been torn down and turning into a parking lot. But I couldn't sleep easy if I let that happen. Our city has a lack of green spaces, especially in the downtown area. And so, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the future Jackie Robinson Park. The crowd begins clapping. JEFF (CONTD) And now the part I know you all want to see. Would you do the countdown with me? One! Two! Three! POPPING noises are heard with small flashes of light as the building comes crashing down. The crowd goes wild. INT. STARBUCKS - LATER Jeff Donovan walks in with this assistant. JEFF (to assistant) I know it's important that I get that meeting with Senator Greenburg, but I can't pass up the publicity of feeding starving orphans. They're freaking orphans, for Christ's sake! I didn't know orphans still existed. And people eat that kind of shit up. You tell him he is just going to have to reschedule. (MORE)

81. JEFF (CONT'D) (to self) Dope. He reaches the counter, but is focused on his smart phone instead of the cashier. JEFF (CONTD) Hi, I'll have an Iced Venti Soy Vanilla Latte. A beat of silence. Jeff looks up, wondering why there was no response. MICHAEL Would you like a pastry to go with that, today? THE END

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