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KvK No. (56552521)

Amsterdam, 26th March 2013

BRCNL/201 3-01 (S)

BRCNL [Burmese Rohinrya Community Netherlands] strongly condemns the grisly killings taking place against Muslim men, women and children in Meikhtila, Mandalay, Pegu, Yamethin and other cities in Burma including the reported beheadings of 24 young children and call on the United Nations to intervene immediately. BRCNL painfully moums the loss of thousands of innocent lives in Arakan State, Yangon Division, Mandalay Division and Bago Division and express our deepest condolence to the families of the victims. BRCNL stands by the families of the victims and the communities those are being victimized in Burma. And BRCNL will keep fighting for the rightless, powerless Muslims in Burma.
The attacks and the violence orchestrated by RNDP (Rakhine Nationalities Development Party), ALA(Arakan Liberation A*y), NASAKA border police, and 969 Monks led by Monk Wirathu, self proclaimed Bin Laden of
Buddhism in Burma.

BRCNL demands the govemment of Thein Sein to;

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

Stop the organized killings and severe violence against Muslims and Kachins in Burma, and enforce law and order for the security of all ethnicity and faith throughout Myanmar,

Let the aids of International NGOs reach to the Camps, IDPs, and rehabilitate the Rohingyas, revise i982
law and grand citizenship to Rohingyas, Ban criminal RNDP and bring Mr. Aye Maung, the leader of RNDP and his fellows to the justice, Banish ALA and bring members of ALA to the justice, Dismiss NASAKA and bring perpetrators of NASAKA to the justice, and Ban 969 Monks, neo-Nazi "Buddhist" Nationalist movement and bring Monk Wirathu and his fellows to thejustice, and shut down all shops, stores that instigate hatred by selling relevant books, cds, leaflets,
magazines and etc.

BRCNL appeals to the EU, US, OIC, ASEAN, Australia, Canada, Japan and Norway not to engage in trade but to take prompt actions for the protection of human beings (our parents, families, fellow Rohingyas, Muslims and non-Buddhists) throughout Burma. And BRCNL urges International Community to call on UN to probe the Genocide in Burma and punish perpetrators.

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