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House of Six Jacks’

She had always been able to compartmentalize one part of her life from another. It had kept her capable of defending Stefan for crimes she knew he had not
committed even though he had treated her abominably as her brother. It had let her build a relationship with Sonny Corinthos even though she knew what it was he did
to make the money he paid her hefty bills with. Separation, justification, survival--all skills that had kept Alexis Davis moving through her often times tragic life.
Tonight, they were all that was keeping her putting one foot in front of the other.

Dara was still standing by her, though Alexis was sure she owed that more to Dara's hatred of Scott Baldwin than to any loyalty her attorney felt toward her. She, like
the rest of the world, was livid that Alexis had let them all believe she was mentally ill. Unlike most of the rest of the citizens of Port Charles, who had very convenient
memories, Dara remembered that Scott Baldwin was very capable of having made Alexis' act of self-defense appear to be premeditated murder had she simply
dropped the knife and dialed 9-1-1. That's why, she said, she'd stayed on the case.

Somehow Dara had called in several favors, and though Alexis had been charged with perjury, the issue had been settled out of court, but at a hefty price. Alexis
would not be prosecuted, but she had to surrender her law license permanently. Her career was over, but Baldwin couldn't send her to jail. So Alexis had her freedom,
and she had an attorney willing to help her keep fighting, only now the fight was for something far more important to Alexis than any job or any one day spent free
from prison.

She had been stripped of all visitation with Kristina the day of her confession. Ned was unrelenting in his willingness to rub her face in the fact that he'd offered her
an out, and she had refused to take it. She was reaping what she had sown, in his opinion. Just desserts. So Dara had filed a motion to fight the custody ruling and
today, they had endured a long and painful day in family court. It had left Alexis bloodied even worse than had Ned used his fists to inflict the same amount of damage.

The familiar instinct to compartmentalize kicked in as Alexis sat there in that courtroom. Alexis Davis, mother of Kristina Davis, would never stop fighting for her
child. They could take her away when the hearing resumed on Monday, and Alexis would find a way to get another. If she had to drag Ned into court 100 times before a
judge listened to reason, she would do it. If she ran out of money to fight, she would sell everything she owned... every piece of art, every stock certificate, even her
mother and sister's necklace if need be. She would fight until her daughter was home. And if all that weren't enough, she would go back to the man with whom this had
all started, and she would beg for his help.

Ned hadn't managed to unsettle Alexis Davis, the mother. But Alexis Davis, the woman was barely breathing. Even now, as she made her way into the apartment,
bypassing turning on a single light and somehow finding her bed so she could fall down on it, Alexis didn't even know how she'd made it home. What did a person do, she
wondered, to deserve that kind of hatred? Would he have hated her less if she had married him and then walked away later when she realized her mistake? Would he
have hated her less if it were any man but Sonny Corinthos she had allowed to father her child? Alexis didn't know. She only knew that he'd used words today in that
courtroom that even Helena had never used to describe her. And each and every one had struck the exact point of pain he meant it to. With those wounds, the self-
doubting, frightened voice of Alexis Davidovich returned, driving Alexis Davis into hiding.

Alexis curled up into a ball on her bed in the darkened room, her knees tucked against her chest as she finally let the tears she'd held inside fall. She had loved Ned,
and he wanted to destroy her. She had loved Sonny, and he hated her. She had spent her life holding onto love for Stefan, for the cousin turned brother who had so
long been the center of her universe, but he, too, had turned away, refusing her help because the Cassadine’s could not afford the scandal she brought with her. Every
man she had loved had left her.

Just as she had always feared, Alexis was alone.

Her heartache was so great, her sobs so loud, she didn't hear the front door open and close, nor did she hear the sound of footsteps heading for the bedroom. She had
still heard nothing when the hand set down on her shoulder, startling her. Alexis turned, terrified, wondering if Lorenzo Alcazar had come to claim his revenge, but
instead, she was met with eyes too long absent from her life. She stared at those eyes, expecting to see the same judgment and disappointment and reproach she'd
seen in every other set that had looked at her in recent weeks, but none of that was there. Just him, looking at her.

His arms opened and she flew into them, her grip on him so tight she knew she must be cutting off his air supply. Still, she held on just as tight, her face nestled
against his shoulder as a new flood of moisture began to rain down her cheeks.

"It's okay, Alexis," Jax said, his voice that same, calming, soothing sound it had always been for her when she cried and he held her. "I'm here now. I'm sorry it took
me so long to get home to you, but I'm here now."

Alexis nodded against him, and without loosening his grip even a little, Jax shifted their positions so that he was leaning against the headboard of her bed and Alexis
was snuggled against his chest.

"You're not alone anymore," he whispered. "Tonight, you cry and you scream, do whatever you need to, and then tomorrow we go to work."

"Doing what?" she managed to ask though her throat was aching now from how hard she had cried.

"Well, getting Kristina home, of course."

Alexis lowered her head a bit so that her ear rested over the strong, steady sound of Jax' heart beating in his chest. Every man she had ever loved had left her...
every one but this one.


Had more of the people in the Port Charles Grille been long-term residents, there would have, no doubt, been audible gasps of shock and surprise when he walked in.
None of these people were familiar to him, however. They probably had never read the sensational headlines or heard about him being arrested at his own wedding.
They just thought he was some businessman here for a dinner meeting like most of them. Even the maitre'd was new. He didn't so much as blink when he approached
the front of the restaurant.

"How many, sir?"

"Three," Jerry Jacks replied, and then he followed the man to a table on the opposite side of the restaurant. Jerry ordered a scotch and sat back, waiting to look at
the menu until his parents arrived. No doubt John was convincing Lady Jane to stick to the plan and let Jax spend tonight with Alexis. All the worried mother bear
really wanted to do was rush over and scoop Alexis up into her arms, but Jerry felt Jax was right. Alexis needed some time to prepare herself for the family
onslaught, welcome though it might be.

It was a funny thing to Jerry that he'd spent the last several years of his life hopping from country to country, and yet here he was, sitting in the Port Charles Grille,
without a personal worry in the world. Life had stayed good for him, even as a fugitive, and he'd managed to earn a fair amount of money from both shady and not-so-
shady business deals along the way. He'd met some lovely ladies, though a large chunk of his heart still belonged to Bobbie Spencer. It was a nomadic, sometimes
stressful life, but it had been a good one, one he'd probably still be living had he not run into an old friend in St. Kitts.

"Terrible lot your brother's ex got there, mate. Guess it's good Jax isn't married to her anymore."

At first, Jerry had thought Mattias was speaking about Brenda, but then he elaborated, and Jerry was horrified to realize that it was Alexis he was talking about.
Jerry had raced back to his apartment and began downloading information off the Internet at a record pace. The truth was, he'd ignored Port Charles news because it
reminded him of things he couldn't have, or rather things he'd chosen to give up to stay free. He saw in that moment how costly his choice had been. Had Alexis not
helped his family and risked a considerable amount of her own money and her reputation, the Jacks’ would be penniless and Jerry would be in a prison cell. Now it
seemed she had narrowly escaped one herself. He'd climbed aboard his plane that very night and headed for home.

"John, maybe we should just call..." Jerry looked up at the sound of his mother's voice. He smiled as he caught his father rolling his eyes in exasperation.

"Just let Jax do what he needs to do, love, and we'll see her tomorrow, all right?"

Lady Jane was clearly not convinced, but she allowed John to pull out her chair for her anyway. Father and son chatted idly, trying to distract her from her worries.
They had finally gotten a laugh out of her when Jerry's eyes fell on the couple that had walked into the restaurant together. Though he'd never met the woman, Jerry
knew who she was... and he knew what she was from what he'd read about her. Ned's face went from stunned to slightly amused as he realized who was looking over
him, and he directed his redheaded dinner companion toward the table. Jerry watched as the woman plastered a large smile onto her face, then stepped up between his

"John, Lady Jane, it's so lovely to see you."

"Skye," John said, his voice so flat and cold that Jerry almost let loose a snort. His father rarely used that tone with anyone but him. It was nice to hear it directed at
someone else.

Lady Jane, however, was a different story. As Ned leaned down to kiss her cheek, Jane pulled away from him. She stood, pushing her chair back in as she tossed her
napkin on the table.

"Excuse me, darlings," she said, looking only at her son and husband, "I'll be back in a moment."

It was hard to miss the look of embarrassment on Skye's face or the one of realization on Ned's.

"I see your mother's caught up on current events," Ned said, and Jerry raised his drink in a mock salute.

"You know, Ashton, I always knew Alexis was too good for you. Thanks for finally proving me right."

Jerry tipped his drink back and took a healthy swig as he watched Ned's expression change to one of full-on annoyance. Skye, meanwhile, scooted into Lady Jane's
vacant seat and placed her hand on John's arm.

"I understand that Alexis is very... important... to all of you, but really, John, you have no idea how completely out of control she is."

John picked up his hand and set it atop Skye's. It seemed at first to be a reciprocal gesture, but Skye's smile melted away as John pried her hand off his arm and set
it down on the table.

"Perhaps you should consider who you're talking to before you speak, dear."

Skye fumed as she stood and crossed back to Ned, her arm threading through his.

"Well, clearly, you're all going to refuse to see the truth, which is that that innocent little girl is far better off with us, a mother and father who love her, than she'll
ever be with that lunatic who gave birth to her."

Jerry couldn't help but chuckle as he saw his father turn five shades of red. Now it was John's turn to stand, and as he did, he saw Ned preparing to try and undo
some of the damage Skye had done. John gave him no such chance.

"I find it impossible to believe, listening to you now, that my son ever had the foolish notion he loved you, Skye. And you, Ned..." John shook his head as if he were
looking at a bad five-year-old child. "You should be ashamed."

John took his leave in search of his wife, and Jerry, realizing that perhaps room service was a better idea for tonight, rose from his seat as he finished off his drink.
He swaggered a few steps forward.

"Never had the pleasure, Ms. Quartermaine, but, uh, as your ex-brother-in-law, let me let you in on a piece of advice. You see, wives come and go, but Alexis... Alexis is
a Jacks through and through. And you and your ne'er-do-well boyfriend here, you messed with my little sister. That's gonna cost you... count on it." Jerry turned his
eyes toward Ned as Skye's jaw set in anger. "Ashton, never a pleasure."

Ned and Skye both held their tongues as Jerry strolled out of the grill, a little too pleased with himself for both their liking. It was she who finally broke the silence.

"I thought he was on the run. Why the hell isn't he in jail if he's back in Port Charles?"
"Good question," Ned replied, "and I'll be finding out the answer as soon as I can. This is not good."

"Oh, please, Ned, what can they do? Alexis has lost. The hearing is a formality. Kristina is as good as ours."

"Mine," Ned said, his eyes locking on hers in such a fierce manner it made her step back from him. "And you don't know the Jacks’, not like I do. This is not good."


Alexis startled as she awoke, the feeling of having another person so close to her a bit of a jarring one after so much time alone. She lifted her head from Jax' chest,
the soft linen of his shirt showing the wrinkles her fitful sleep had left on it. His smile greeted her.

"I didn't dream you after all?"

"Nope, one white knight, as ordered."

She sat up, pushing her hair back off of her face. Alexis realized it was hideously early, sunlight barely streaking through the window. Another glance at Jax told her
that he'd stayed awake all night watching over her.

"You're going to fall asleep in your protein shake," she teased, and Jax beamed. She'd been so broken when he found her last night. He knew she was far from healed
now, but at least she'd found a small part of herself to hold on to. Jax didn't care that she was falling back on her humor defense mechanism... at least she was being

"Oh, you must be tired. Not even a minor reproach for the white knight comment? As for breakfast, I doubt there will be a protein shake in sight when we get back to
the suite, not with John and Lady Jane around."

He didn't miss the nervous flutter of her eyelids or the hitch in her voice when she spoke again. No, she was very far from healed, Jax thought.

"They're... they came with you?"

"They did, and not only that," Jax said as he leaned forward and beeped his finger against her nose, "but a surprise, too."

"What?" she asked, a little intrigued though he could still hear some hesitancy.

"You'll see when you get there. So why don't you get ready? Unless you want to try to sleep some more..."

She shook her head. "No, no use, but isn't it a little early?"

"With my parents? There's no such thing. So get ready and we'll head over."

Alexis stared at him a moment before she nodded her agreement. "Okay, I'll, um, I'll get dressed. So where have you been, anyway?" she asked as she headed toward
the closet. Pulling out fresh clothes, Alexis walked into the bathroom, closing the door partway so that she could still hear Jax.

"I, um, I'm sorry, I know it was rude of me to leave with just that message saying I'd talk to you soon. I... well, I just realized that I didn't much like the person I was

"What do you mean?" Alexis twisted her hair up and pinned it as she waited for a response.

"Do you remember the last time we saw each other?"

She did, at the Quartermaine’s. He had scolded her for not wanting Skye near Kristina. God, if only she'd known then how bad things would become, Alexis thought,
she'd have grabbed her daughter and run for the nearest border.

"Yes, I remember," she finally answered.

Jax knew he'd hurt her that day. He'd known it hours later when he'd been working out in the hotel gym and he suddenly heard his words again. Had he really said
that? Yes, he had. She should feel "lucky" to get to see Kristina at all. Lucky? He'd been in the middle of his 10th bicep curl when he realized how absolutely callous
that must have sounded. Even now he felt a wave of guilt at realizing how those words must have hit her. And if he was saying things like that to Alexis, to his best
friend, what face was he showing to the rest of the world?

"I'm sorry, Alexis. If I'd just really looked at what was happening..."

His voice trailed off, and Alexis knew he didn't know what else to say. Neither did she, really. It had been stunning that he'd not only taken Skye's part over hers, but
that he could have undervalued her separation from Kristina so much. It was so un-Jaxlike that Alexis had chosen to simply chalk it up to the mess Brenda had made in
her friend's life. But it mattered to her to know that he had realized how hurtful he'd been.

"Thank you for saying that." Alexis peeked out around the door and offered him a slight smile. "Things were... they were bad then, for all of us."

Jax nodded and tried to return her smile. He still felt terrible, but it was good to know she had forgiven him. She ducked back around the door and he heard the water
in the sink turn on. She was washing her face. Rose and vanilla soap. He remembered it from the countertop during their marriage. For weeks after she'd moved out,
Jax had kept a bar of the soap around just so he could still catch the scent of it.

"Well, let's just say I realized what an ass I was turning into," he continued. "I knew I needed to get my head on straight or I was no good to anybody. So I headed up
to Alaska, and dad and I hiked into Kuskulana Pass. Dad came and went a bit, but I just took the time to climb and think, work out some things. Then Jerry showed up."

The door opened again, and Alexis leaned around. Jax could tell she was in the middle of changing because she was trying to shield half her body, but she had been
stunned out of her activity by the mention of Jerry's name.

"Jerry? Jerry went to Alaska. He does realize the minute he gets caught on U.S. soil, he's going to prison, right?"

Jax chuckled. She may not have her license anymore, but she was still an attorney. "He was careful. He knew he had to come get me, though. For you."

She was genuinely surprised. Jax wasn't, not at her reaction. Alexis never seemed to realize what she meant to the people around her. Jerry still gave him grief every
chance he could over "letting Ashton take his wife away." It didn't matter that, at the time, Alexis hadn't really been "his" wife or that she'd been in love with Ned.
Jerry told Jax repeatedly it had been the worst decision of his life.

"She's the type of woman a smart man holds onto, mate... so I guess we know you aren't all that smart after all."

Jax chuckled as he heard his brother's words in his memory. No, not all that smart after all, but he was willing to try and learn. Standing, Jax walked over to where
Alexis stood in the doorway, her t-shirt finally tucked into her jeans, and he took hold of both her hands.

"In case you've forgotten, you're the fifth Jacks. Remember, mom, dad, Jerry, me and you... and now there's six."

Alexis smiled despite the weight that pressed into her heart at the thought of her daughter. "Kristina," she said softly.

"Yes, the beautiful, wonderful, brilliant, gorgeous Kristina."

He let his full grin loose as he spoke, hoping the joy he really felt at being back and being with her would help Alexis' mood lighten a little more. He wasn't trying to be
unrealistic, and he knew he couldn't expect a miracle given all she had been through. Jax just wanted to see that she knew wasn't fighting on her own anymore. His
hopes that she was beginning to believe in that were dashed as her bottom lip began to tremble.

"What, sweetheart?" Jax asked as he pulled her into his arms. "What is it?"

"I'm so sorry I lied to you." Her voice was small and pained against his chest, but Jax heard every word. "I just didn't know what else to do, and I didn't want to take
anyone down with me if it didn't work."

Jax tightened his hold on her. "Hey, do you hear me lecturing you? I mean, it's not one of the better plans you've ever come up with, but I am the one that nearly got
us killed in the Sahara, so I think I'll, uh, stay mum other than to say that."

She chuckled a little, and he sighed. He missed the sound of her laugh. His main mission aside from getting Kristina back into her arms was hearing her true, full laugh

"Now finish getting ready," he quipped, then he placed a kiss on the top of her head. "Your surprise is waiting."

"What is this surprise you keeping mentioning?" she asked as she released him and stepped back into the bathroom to brush her hair.

"Well, it's not pretty. In fact, it's downright ugly. But I have a feeling you'll like it anyway."

Her eyes rolling at him were the last sight Jax saw before she slammed the door shut, an act that unleashed a fit of giggles on his side of it.


She grabbed his hand the moment they walked into the lobby, and Jax held onto hers tightly during the elevator ride. They were almost at the door when Alexis
dropped behind him, his arm pulling at the feeling of her aborted steps.

"Alexis, it's this one right here."

"No, I know, I just..." he waited while she tried to find her words. "I mean, how do I explain what... all of... how do I explain?"

Jax sighed. It was going to take a lot to make her trust the support that was waiting for her on the other side of this door. He couldn't blame her. People she'd
trusted with her life had turned on her and let her down a great deal as of late, him included.

"I promise you, they won't care about..."

Before Jax could finish speaking, the door flew open. Alexis was practically yanked from where she stood next to Jax into John Jacks' waiting arms.

"I knew I heard your voice. Come here and let me get a good look at you."

The hug was squeezing the life out of her, but it felt so good that Alexis bit back any protest. She had missed them a great deal. The last few times she had seen
them, there had been so many things she couldn't say, and it had made Alexis uncomfortable. Now all her secrets... well, all but one... were out in the open. She hoped
that this visit would at least not be filled with those hard silences. She wished for that even as John set Alexis back from him and looked her up and down.

"A good five pounds at least. We'll get it back on you, don't worry. Lady Jane ordered half the menu for breakfast."

"Are they here?" the aforementioned Lady Jane called out at she emerged from the bedroom. Her whole face lit up as her eyes found Alexis, and the younger woman
felt her heart swell with the relief of such a friendly face waiting for her.

Soon, the welcoming look was replaced with a warm, loving hug, and Alexis felt yet more of the tears she shed so often now slipping down her cheeks. At least this time,
though, they were tears of relief and even a little happiness.

"We've missed you so much, my dear," Jane said in that voice that only mother's can manage. It wasn't until she'd thought that thought that Alexis realized she now
had that voice herself.

"I missed you all, too. How have you been?"

Jane released Alexis from the embrace, but her hands remained on her former daughter-in-law's arms in a gesture of comfort. "Worried about you. These have been
hard times."

"Some of them of my own making," Alexis said, her mind too tired to fight off the "it's your fault" tape in the back of her head that Ned had helped start to playing
again in recent weeks. Jane shook her head "no" as John walked over and put his arm around his wife. Alexis suddenly felt warmth behind her and realized Jax had
come to stand with her.

"Well, whatever the case," John began, "you just remember this, young lady. Jacks’ do what Jacks’ do to survive. That's just how it is. Next time, however, you should
call us before you try and do it on you own, though."

And that's when it happened. Alexis laughed. Her life was a God awful, unimaginable mess, but here was John scolding her as if she'd taken the family car for a joyride
instead of... well, instead of everything else that had happened. She just couldn't help it. The laugh shook her body, and the whole family joined her, filling the room
with the incredible sound. And that is when another voice joined the chorus.

"Hey, I'm obviously missing all the fun from in here. Did you tell her yet?"

Alexis' eyes went wide as she realized who was calling from the hallway. She looked at Jax and his parents for some explanation, but all she got was Jax turning in the
direction of Jerry's voice before he called out to his brother.

"Well, I warned her that her surprise was rather unattractive, so I think she's prepared, yes."

Jerry strolled into the room, the same sometimes-aggravating confidence Alexis remembered still clearly in evidence.

"Now, mate, Alexis has always known who the better looking Jacks man was, haven't you?"

She had a million questions, but Alexis put them on hold a moment to embrace the elder son of this strangely wonderful family, and to answer his question.

"Of course I have. Too bad Lady Jane's already married to him."

As her dimples appeared in her cheeks, Jax smiled so hard that his cheeks hurt. This was so what he'd hoped for. Not an instant fix, but a little respite for Alexis
from the hurricane she'd been living in. Now if everything else just went as well...

"Jerry, what are you doing here?" Alexis asked. "Not that I'm not glad to see you, but did you forget something?"

"You really did keep her in the dark." Jerry chuckled as he spoke, then he smacked Jax on the shoulder. "How come you could never keep a secret that well when it was
gonna get me in trouble if you told?"

"Because I enjoy seeing you in certain types of trouble, that's why."

The typical family banter was comforting, but Alexis was genuinely worried about Jerry. With Baldwin still in the D.A.'s office, if he got caught, there could be hell to

"Now don't you go wasting your concern on me," Jerry quipped. "I decided I'd had enough of life on the run. So I cut a deal."

"A deal?" Alexis' eyebrow raised, and Jerry found himself transported two and a half years into the past.

"Yes, ma'am. I provided some information they wanted and paid a rather hefty fine, and I agreed to do a few favors for them. Clean slate for Jerry Boy."

Jax leaned in over Alexis' shoulder and he whispered conspiratorially into her ear. "Don't ask him about the favors. He gets touchy about that."

"You're sure this deal has been signed off on?" Alexis had spent too long dealing with the Feds for Sonny to believe in deals that weren't signed, sealed and filed.

"All done, scout's honor. And if you don't tell them I paid my fine with money I won on a mob-owned race horse, I won't."

The look on Alexis' face sent the rest of the family into hysterics. Soon enough, breakfast arrived, and though they were all reluctant to spoil the pleasant mood,
conversation and careful questioning garnered the details the rest of the Jacks’ needed to make certain they had all the details as to where things with Alexis and
Kristina stood.

Jax and Jerry exchanged several knowing glances as they watched their parents fuss over "their daughter." Jane insisted Alexis eat two waffles and all of her eggs
even though Alexis kept saying she wasn't really hungry. John, meanwhile, talked business with her, dropping questions that proved that law licenses were highly
overrated when a woman had a mind like Alexis'. Jax was pretty sure his father had garnered three new ways to increase his fortune from Alexis' advice. As the meal
began to wind down, Jax nodded toward his brother, and the two men stood, Jax leaning over immediately to kiss Alexis on the cheek.

"Well, I'm going to leave you in these four loving hands here. And no worries, I made her swear no hiking for at least a month."

"Bless you," Alexis stated bluntly, though she smiled at Lady Jane even as she said it. "Where are you two going?"

Jax shrugged and Jerry tried to look casual when he ventured an answer. "Few errands to run. Besides, I haven't seen good old Port Charles in awhile."

"We won't be too long," Jax offered. "Just some groundwork we need to lay for an important project. And while we're gone, I think these two have a project of their
own to discuss with you."
"O-kay." Alexis was feeling an odd combination of curiosity and worry at Jax' statement, but she made no move to leave her spot on the couch. Whatever John and
Jane had in store for her, she would listen and try to keep an open mind.

Jax and Jerry finished their good-byes, then they made their exit. When the brothers were in the hall, they stepped a bit further away from the door before either

"So who's first?" Jerry asked.

"Ned first, then Skye. What about that other matter?"

It took Jacks-level nerve to make a deal with the Feds one week, then schedule a meeting with a mafia boss the next, but Jerry had that in spades. "I'm seeing him
tonight for dinner."

Jax nodded. "Good. I need a full report on where Sonny's business stands right now, and what kind of danger he's in."

Jerry glanced back at the door to the family suite, then he looked at his brother again. "Did she tell you?"

"No." Jax' tone was free of malice or disappointment. He hadn't expected that admission, not yet. He knew Alexis would only broach the topic were it her last option.
"But you and I both know, Jerry, that the only reason Ned is this confident is that he thinks Alexis is more afraid of someone else than him. Sonny's the only answer
that makes sense."

"All right," Jerry assured his brother. "I'll get the information. Give Ned and Skye my best."

"Oh, I'll give them our best, believe me," Jax promised. His friend and his ex-wife had no idea just how much of Jax' best they were in for.


The breakfast dishes cleared away, Alexis watched as Lady Jane spread out five real estate flyers on the coffee table.

"Houses?" she asked curiously. "Why are the two of you looking at houses in Port Charles?"

"Well, actually," John said, "the family's looking for a house. Someplace big enough to handle the whole lot of us."

Alexis let her eyes fall to the flyers and she paid closer attention. The properties were, in fact, enormous. Multiple guests houses... that would allow them all more
privacy... pools, stables at one, a tennis court at another.

"They're all beautiful, but I don't understand, are you two moving here?"

Jane stood and walked over, sitting beside Alexis.

"We'd like to, dear, but we only want to do it if it's what you want."

Still feeling confused, Alexis let her eyes flash from Jane to John and back again. "Well, I'd love it if you lived here, but what does that have to do with me?"

Jane slid her arm around Alexis' shoulder, and Alexis settled into the genuine affection she felt in the hug. "Well, don't be angry at us, but, we... we called some
friends of ours who are attorneys. Now they all said the same thing. A woman facing a custody fight like you are, well, it can only help her case if she can prove she has
a strong, stable family to provide to her child."

"A profile my family does not fit at all," Alexis said. She tried to make it a playful statement, but her sadness tempered that and both Jacks’ picked up on it. John
stood and moved to Alexis' other side on the sofa.

"No, and, well, we obviously are not your typical family," John explained. "You know that better than anyone. But we are a family, Alexis, and we still consider you very
much a part of that."

Understanding dawned for her. Alexis was genuinely touched... in fact, floored.

"I think of you as my family, too, but I can't ask you to give up your life in Alaska and move here."

"You're not asking, we're offering." Jane's voice had returned to that "mothering" quality that Alexis found such comfort in. "We have lost a lot of time with our sons
the last few years, and Lord knows, we haven't seen nearly as much of you as we'd like. When Kristina comes home, we'd really like the chance to get know her and spoil
her rotten."

John chose that moment to chime in his support for the idea. "As all good grandparents will do, of course."

"But we don't want to push you into anything. We've all talked about this, John and I and the boys, and we're agreed that it has to be your choice if a pack of
transplanted Australians is going to descend on you. But we would love to do it, Alexis. We want so much to stay here and put our family back together again. What do
you say?"

It was, without doubt, the single nicest thing Alexis could ever remember someone offering to do for her in her life. And what amazed her was that despite everything,
she knew that she could trust this. The Jacks’ had always loved her just as she came, no matter what missteps had been made. That's the type of life she wanted for
herself... and for her daughter.

"I would love it if you stayed," Alexis admitted, her hands reaching for both of theirs. "And if Kristina gets to come home..."
"When Kristina gets to come home," John corrected, eliciting a smile from both the lovely ladies beside him.

"When Kristina gets to come home, I know she will love having you here, too."

John clapped his hands together, then he reached out and picked up one of the real estate flyers. "Well, then, we'd best get to work. We need to find a home for this

It was Alice who greeted Jax a moment after he rang the doorbell at the Quartermaine’s. She showed him inside, and after he inquired about Lila and learned that the
Q matriarch was doing well despite a resent bout of the flu, he asked where Skye was. Jax didn't miss the glower on Alice's face as she glanced toward the living room
and said, "She's out in the garden."

Jax nodded, then he leaned toward the housekeeper, speaking to her in a conspiratorial whisper. "Alice, you wouldn't mind my asking how Kristina is, would you? I'll be
seeing her mother later, and I'd like to give her an update."

He couldn't remember if he'd ever seen Alice smile before, but she did now. She glanced around, making sure they were alone, then she leaned still closer to Jax. "She
misses her mama. But tell Ms. Davis that lamby and I are looking after her."

"Will do," Jax promised, adding a wink that made Alice grin anew. She headed upstairs to see Kristina as Jax walked toward the French doors and out to the gardens.
His intention had been to see Ned first, then come here to see Skye, but when Jax learned that Ned was burning up the phone lines in his office at ELQ looking for
information on why the Jacks’ were back in town, Jax had decided to let his former friend stew a bit. Instead, he'd come in search of Skye, and he found her near the
pink roses, her eyes staring far past the gardens, probably daydreaming about the future she was planning for herself. Jax had a feeling he wouldn't enjoy the view
she was seeing very much at all.

"Amazing that Lila can make such beautiful things grow in this wretched place."

She turned at the sound of his voice. Jax could see the gears in her mind trying to decide how to play this reunion. Coy, cool, confident? What was the best choice?
When he saw the smile he associated with her best lies appear on her face, Jax knew what Skye's choice had been.

"Jax, when did you get back?"

She drew out the phrase as she moved toward him, her body leaning seductively against his as she placed her hands on his chest and kissed his cheek. Jax stood as still
as a Buckingham guard while her lips lingered against his skin, but the moment she began to retreat, Jax stepped back from her, reclaiming his personal space.

"Now, Skye, do you really think no one in my family mentioned seeing you last night?"

The redhead shrugged and walked back toward the rose bushes. Her fingers wound around one of the brighter buds and she fingered the petals as she tried to look

"Well, I had hoped they wouldn't. It's not one of my more pleasant memories of your family."

"What did you expect?" Jax asked as he walked to his right so that he could get a better look at her face. "You couldn't have thought they'd be happy to see you given
the present circumstances."

There was a beat between his last words and her turning toward him that spoke volumes about her belief she could spin this situation to her favor. Her nerve amazed
Jax even now, even after all the deceit he'd watched her play out over the past two years.

"I would think you'd all be glad to know that there are two people in this world actually concerned about what's best for Kristina."

He could almost feel her fighting the urge to tack on an insult about Alexis, but Skye played it safe. Jax shook his head as he regarded his former wife.

"Well, that's where you're wrong. See, there's me, there's mom and dad, Jerry, and of course, Kristina's mother. Right there you've got five people all very focused on
what Kristina needs to be happy."

She smiled at him again, her hands forming a steeple in front of her body as she took a few tentative steps toward him.

"Jax, I realize that you have some history with Alexis, but you haven't been here. You haven't seen what she's done, what she's capable of. I mean, forget the most
important fact, which is she's a murderer, but tack on that she almost let three innocent people go to prison for what she did, that she lied her way into this house..."

"The only innocent person involved in all of this is Kristina, Skye. Let's get that straight right now."

Her jaw dropped at Jax' interruption, and Skye took on some of her more angry characteristics. Her stance became more defensive, her face harder, and she began to
gesture grandly.

"Excuse me? What exactly do you mean by that? I certainly didn't do anything to deserve being accused of murder."

"You were suspected," Jax corrected, "not accused. And I mean that Jason Morgan was an easy target because he was there to kill Luis Alcazar. Brenda was an easy
target because she made foolish choices that brought Alcazar into all our lives to begin with, and you... well, call me crazy, Skye, but having a woman declare her love
for me, then run off to sleep with the man who almost killed me... not gonna win you many points."

"Oh, and what about your damn, precious Alexis?" Skye's tone was laced with bitterness suddenly, and Jax knew he'd hit a nerve when he'd reminded her why she was
in Alcazar's suite that night in the first place. "Why was she there, Jax? To bake him cookies?"

"No, she was there because Luis Alcazar set off a bomb that crushed her sister's chest and killed her. She was there because that man looked her in the eye while she
was crumbling to the ground in pain about to lose Kristina, and he left her there to die. Because whether it was rational or not, Alexis perceived Alcazar as a threat to
her daughter. Not her, not me, not anyone else, Skye... it was all about Kristina."

"God, you'd justify anything she did, wouldn't you?" Skye was practically shouting now. No more pretense, she was going into full attack mode. "She slept with her
sister's boyfriend, Jax. Defend that! And people have the nerve to call me a..."

Before she could finish the words, Jax' hand was on her arm. The sudden contact halted her words and her eyes flashed from where he was holding onto her up to his
eyes. Though his grip on her wasn't painful, she could see that she had definitely pushed one of his buttons from the blaze she saw in the blue orbs.

"You even start to say that word, and I may forget everything my mother ever taught me about how to treat a woman with respect. Not that you've done anything to
earn it."

Skye jerked her arm away and Jax let her go. She was unsettled by how angry he was with her. Even when he'd confronted her about knowing Brenda wasn't dying, she
hadn't seen this much of a reaction from him.

"You know, when you told me you wanted a child, Skye, I thought something about you had changed. I thought you had decided to do better for yourself. What
happened, it was just easier to steal Alexis' baby than have one of your own?"

"Shut up, you bastard!" Skye screamed at him, her body almost rushing toward him until she thought better of it. "I can't have a baby, okay? I found out after you left
that I can't have a child of my own."

"And you thought that entitled you to steal the one Alexis brought into this world?"

"So what? She gave birth to her. Lots of children are raised by parents who didn't create them, Jax, and they're all just fine."

Jax couldn't hold back a small, sarcastic laugh. "Like you?"

For a brief second, his words struck their mark, and the anger disappeared from her face, replaced with sadness. It wasn't long, though, before Jax saw the venom
bubble up inside of her again.

"Aren't you forgetting, Ned is Kristina's father, too? He has as much right to her as Alexis."

"That's open for debate as well," Jax said, though he had no intention of giving Skye anything to feed whatever curiosity his comment might have aroused. "The point
is, she's not yours, Skye, and nothing is going to change that."

She felt victorious. She smiled as she sidled up to him and whispered, "Want to bet?"

Jax let her have her moment. He watched as she slowly moved away from him and crossed back to the pink rose that had so occupied her earlier.

"Monday morning, the judge is going to award full custody to Ned," Skye explained. "Then Ned and I will get married, and then once Alexis screws up yet again, we'll
get her parental rights terminated, and I'll adopt Kristina. Case closed."

"You'd have to be in town for that to happen, wouldn't you?"

He'd delivered the statement with such an air of amusement that Skye actually chuckled. "Meaning?"

"Meaning you're not going to court on Monday, Skye. In fact, before I leave this house today, you're going to pack your bags and get on an airplane and leave Port
Charles, and you're not coming back until this is all behind us and Alexis and Kristina have had a good, long while to heal."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Skye asked, her hand clutching the beautiful rose so tightly Jax knew the flower would be dead before nightfall.

"You see, if you don't, then I'm going to leave here, and I'm going to place three phone calls. I'm going to call Victoria Davidson, Asa Buchanan and Edmund Grey. All
three of them seemed very interested to hear about your recent activities, and they all said they'd be very happy to show up in court on Monday if need be. I'm
especially curious how the judge will react to finding out you doctored paternity results that cost Edmund Grey custody of his daughter for a time. I bet Ned wouldn't
be too pleased, either, if his little liaison with you hurt his chances at custody, now would he?"

"You... you wouldn't do that. Jax, if those people came here and said all those things about me..."

"What, Skye?" Jax moved closer to her, his thumb and index finger moving along his chin and jaw line as he considered her. "You'd be ruined? People would say terrible
things about you? You'd be labeled and declared unworthy to be in Kristina's life? I can't imagine why I'd think that's exactly what you have coming."

"I never pictured you for a blackmailer." Skye managed to get the words out despite the shortness of breath she was feeling. He shrugged and let out a long exhale
before responding.

"I never figured you for someone who'd try to steal another woman's child, so I guess we were both wrong."

He stood there looking at Skye as she realized he meant every word he was saying. This wasn't just about taking Kristina from her, this was about stripping her of
everything. She'd never really told Alan or A.J. all the things she'd done before. If they knew... God, if Lila knew, what little family she had left would be gone.

"You know what I find so sad, Skye?" Jax finally said, his voice softer than it had been before. "If you'd just come to me and told me how badly you wanted a child
after you found out you couldn't have one, I'd have helped you. I'd have found a lawyer, arranged a private adoption. No, I wasn't willing to father a baby for you, but
I'd have helped you become a mother if it was what you really wanted. Instead, you tried to destroy someone you knew that I loved. What's worse is I defended you to
her. I told Alexis that you only wanted to love Kristina..."

"That is all I want, Jax!" Tears now... he wished he could believe they were real.
"No, you want to be her mother, but Kristina already has a mother. She has a mother who loves that little girl more than her own life. The job you want is taken, Skye.
So shall I help you pack?"

He was surprised that after everything she still looked at him as if she didn't believe he meant it. "You really would do this? You'd destroy me, humiliate me in front of
the whole world?"

"For Alexis... you're damn right I would."

Jax turned slightly and extended his hand to let Skye step past him on the way to the house. There were several long seconds where she was clearly contemplating a
way out of the trap he had set for her, but there wasn't one, and she knew it. With Jax on her heels, Skye headed inside to pack up her life once again, her dreams and
her mistakes to be left behind in her wake as they had been in Pine Valley and in Llanview.


Alexis circled the expansive living room, stopping to peer around the corner back out into the entryway, then she turned her eyes toward Lady Jane.

"It's gorgeous."

"The best one we've seen, don't you think?" the older woman asked, her eyes sparkling.

"Definitely," Alexis agreed.

John, Lady Jane and Alexis had chosen their three favorites from the real estate flyers the Jacks’ had gathered together. Each of the homes-estates, really-were
impressive, but this third one was a wonderful combination of casual and elegant. It had clearly been modeled on the idea of the famous Kennedy Compound in
Hyannisport, right down to the Cape Cod-styled architecture. The main house held five bedrooms, four bathrooms, a kitchen, dining room, family room, living room and
an office. The large, well-manicured backyard held an in-ground Olympic-sized pool, two covered patios and a generous swath of lawn that included a stone pathway that
led to three guesthouses and a beautiful gated garden. The whole complex was simply astounding.

"Are you sure you really want to take on a monster property like this?" Alexis asked. John and Jane shared a look, and then his arm wrapped around his wife.

"This family needs some space if we're all going to huddle in one corner of the world for awhile. This will give us lots of places to hide from one another."

Alexis nodded. "Well, this is a wonderful house. You certainly couldn't do much better."

"So you, uh, think you and Kristina could be happy here?" Jane inquired, and she was happy to see Alexis' dimples appear in her cheeks.

"Very. The first guesthouse is the perfect size for us. And I love that she'd have the yard and the garden to play in."

"And I checked," John chimed in. "The pool already has an electronic cover installed, and the gates around it are the best recommended for children."

"Good to know."

As she finished speaking, Alexis chose that moment to step away from her former in-laws. She wandered back down the hallway toward the kitchen and the beautiful
view the many windows offered of the back of the property. From here, she could just see the top of the guesthouse she could already envision as a new home for
herself and Kristina. The two of them snuggled up in front of the fireplace on cold nights, walking along the pathway down to the garden on spring days. She even knew
how she wanted to decorate her daughter's room.

Mostly, though, as she stared out at the remarkable property, Alexis felt overwhelmed. She couldn't imagine that people did things like this... that families really
changed their whole lives to help one another, let alone a former relation by marriage. The very idea of Stefan or Nikolas uprooting themselves to come to her aid was
laughable given that they wouldn't even help her from across the bay that separated Port Charles proper from Spoon Island.

She remembered vividly that night so many years ago now when she'd been at the Grille talking with Chloe, Ned and Jax, a night she'd told them that they were her
family. At the time, her relationship with Stefan was basically non-existent and she and Nikolas had been on tenuous ground. But Alexis had found a place to belong in
the then comfortable circle of friends and in the strange but loving embrace of the Jacks family.

The memory brought sadness and regret to the forefront of Alexis' mind and her heart. It was hard not to miss the closeness she'd shared with Chloe during that
time. It was equally difficult to remember now what it had felt like to love and trust Ned. Part of Alexis was almost ashamed she had ever cared for him given how he'd
turned on her. That was something that hadn't even happened with Sonny. Despite everything, she would never regret loving him. Sonny had taught her how much she
could love. He had given her Kristina. Ned had left nothing good behind, though. He had used all the secrets he knew about her to his own advantage and now all Alexis
could manage to feel for Ned was contempt.

But then there was Jax. Despite a few rough patches, Jax had remained her friend and he had kept her in contact with the Jacks’. She had considered them an option
more than once in the beginnings of this nightmare she was living now. She had actually thought of telling Jax the truth, asking for his help, but Alexis couldn't bring
herself to do it. The thought that he might end up in trouble with the law because of her on top of what Brenda had put him through, she just wasn't willing to take
that chance. And then, when she had taken Kristina to Wyndamere and planned to run, Alexis had known where she was going first... John and Lady Jane. She knew that
they would help her despite what Jax believed to be true at that time about her sanity.

And yet still, knowing that, even standing here in this house that they were looking at, Alexis couldn't believe they were really willing to do this for her. It was a major
decision for John and Jane to uproot their lives in Alaska, and Jerry... for him to make a deal with the Feds just so he could come home to help her? The sheer
unselfishness of it all touched Alexis in a way she didn't know if she could communicate.

"So do we have a winner?" Jane asked, drawing Alexis' gaze her direction.

"It's definitely my favorite of the three we've looked at. But don't you want to see more before you decide?"
"Not if we've found what we want. And you like it."

"I do," Alexis agreed. "I already have ideas for fixing up our little cottage."

Jane nodded, then slid her arm around Alexis' shoulder as they turned to head back into the living room. "But you like the main house, don't you?"

"Oh, it's beautiful. The views are all so fabulous, and the master suite... I don't see how anyone could pass up that whirlpool tub."

Alexis went on to describe the other attributes of the main house that she had already decided were its best. Jane listened carefully, taking mental notes so she could
let Jax know when she excused herself to call him later and fill him in. Every time Alexis tried to steer the conversation back to the guesthouses and their potential,
Jane brought up another feature in the main house. By the time they were ready to leave, Jane was convinced. This was the house that Jax should buy for Alexis and
Kristina, though she'd leave it to her son to clear Alexis up on who would be living just where in the compound.

The two women saw that John was out front speaking to the realtor, and so they headed toward the open door to join him. Alexis stopped short, taking hold of Lady
Jane's hand as she did so.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

If anything on Earth bothered Jane Jacks, is was that this stunning woman before her didn't seem to know she was worth a move to Port Charles, a new house and
whatever else it took to bring her true smile back and put her daughter in her arms.

"Alexis, have you ever known a Jacks to do anything they didn't really want to do?"

Alexis knew she had, in fact, coerced Jax into do many things he didn't want to do during their marriage... but she'd given in just as often, so she supposed it was a
draw. Still, the look on Jane's face told her that there would be no arguments here. The Jacks’ were staying in Port Charles.

"Okay than. What's next?" Alexis asked.

John and Jane had promised Jax they'd keep Alexis occupied until early evening so she wouldn't happen upon any of his or Jerry's "errands" in town. Jane had a feeling
that her next suggestion would easily help them cover several more hours.

"What do you say we go shopping for that beautiful baby of yours, hmm?"

The two women linked arms and made their way out of the house. John was saying his good-byes to the realtor, who said farewell to the ladies as he went back to lock
up the house. John opened the rear passenger door for Alexis, holding it while she climbed into the back of their rented S.U.V. After he closed it, John paused before
opening the front one for his wife.

"So?" he asked quietly, eyebrow raised.

"This is the one. We'll call Jax from the store."

"Good," John said. "'Bout time that boy of ours realized where he belonged."

Jane winked at her husband as he opened her door and she climbed inside. Within minutes, the threesome was on their way to indulge a serious baby-shopping urge.


"What do you mean, you can't find out?" Ned bellowed into the phone, his aggravation evident from the tone and volume of his voice. "I don't pay you to tell me what
you can't do. Now find out how Jerry Jacks managed to get a deal, and do it now."

The phone sounded like it would crack when Ned slammed the receiver down into the cradle. Annoyed, he stood and walked over to the bar, intent on pouring himself a
drink, but suddenly the impulse faded and instead, Ned began to pace. He was furious that his contacts hadn't been able to get any information on Jerry and the fact
that he'd had yet to hear from Jax only made Ned more certain that the whole Jacks family appearing in town was about them coming to Alexis' aid. Skye had spent
the whole night trying to convince him that it was nothing to worry about. Jax could try and bend all the rules he wanted, but unless he was willing to obliterate a few,
Alexis was beyond help.

Ned wished he believed that, but unlike Skye, he remembered how the Jacks’ found their way around problems, including federal charges. He also had bitter memories
of the teamwork that existed between Jax and Alexis. The two of them had certainly gotten into more than their fair share of trouble together in pursuing the
Cassadine fortune, but overall, the duo seemed to complement each other perfectly. If Alexis now had full Jacks support on her side, something was definitely about to

His frustration at being unable to get a handle on what was going on was only compounded by the fact that he'd been trying to call Skye for two hours now and was
getting no response. Her cell voicemail kept answering and all Alice would say when he called the house was "She's not here." Ned couldn't believe that she'd choose
now of all times to disappear when they needed to be planning strategy.

"Knock knock."

Ned jerked his head around at the familiar voice. He wasn't surprised to see Jax standing in the doorway of his ELQ office.

"Jax, I've been wondering when I'd see you."

Ned watched as the tall Aussie strolled into the office. Jax was his usual, cocky self, but there was a coldness in his half-smile that only deepened Ned's concerns
about his "friend's" return.

"What made you think I'd be stopping by?"

Ned shrugged. "Well, I figured, given the cold shoulder I got from your family last night, that I was due for the '10 ways I've wronged Alexis' speech."

"Oh, don't underestimate yourself, Ned." Jax walked over to the bar and poured himself a finger of scotch. "I can think of at least 20 ways you've wronged Alexis in
the past year. Go back as far as the day I you met her, I bet we're closing in on 50." Jax downed his drink when he finished speaking, then deposited the glass back on
the bar.

Eyes rolling, Ned walked behind his desk and made a show of picking up a report. He thumbed through it loudly, his eyes fixed on it. "Why don't you tell me how the hell
your brother managed to cut a deal with the Feds and stay out of things you don't understand."

"You can ask Jerry about that if you like. As for Alexis, I understand her, Ned. Of course, I've always known her better than you, haven't I?"

"So you'd like to think," Ned said bitterly.

"So I know. Granted, I let myself get a little distracted. I trusted that you were the man Alexis had always believed you were, so even when she told me that you
weren't, I didn't listen to her."

"Believe whatever you want, Jax," Ned threw the report down on this desk, "but all I have done is try to take care of my daughter. If you can't understand that, well,
that's too bad."

One of the reasons Jax had always felt he had the upper hand on Ned in every conversation was the Quartermaine heir's need to preen and appear superior at all
times. It was a failing Jax had exploited again and again over the years because the effort it took for him to maintain that mask made it easy to get him to trip up and
say something he didn't want to. He smiled now as he noted that Ned had yet to realize this weakness in himself, and again, he had opened exactly the door Jax wanted

"You know, if I believed that for even one second, Ned, I wouldn't be here. What you've done, that has nothing to do with taking care of Kristina."

"Really?" Ned asked, eyebrow raised. "What does it have to do with?"

"You, not being man enough to hold onto the woman you claimed to love... and the perfect opportunity to punish her for it."

From the moment Jerry had told Jax what was happening in Port Charles in his absence, Jax had felt a sick feeling in his gut that he knew exactly what Ned's motives
were. The more he heard, the more he knew he was right, and he'd been waiting weeks to level his accusation and see what reaction he got. Ned had tried to hold his
mask in place, but one tiny slip, and Jax had seen it, that glimmer of "you bet I have" in the son of a bitch's eyes that told Jax he was dead right.

"That's it, isn't it? She hurt you, and now you can finally hurt her back by taking the one thing she loves absolutely and unconditionally."

"Shut the hell up!" Ned yelled, his cool gone, his bravado abandoned. "Alexis is the one who created this mess, Jax, by killing a man, by lying about it, by trying to push
me out of Kristina's life in the first place!"

"Trying to push YOU out... so now you've cut her off from her own child. As I said, the perfect revenge."

"No, this isn't about that."

Jax loved playing the right odds. Ned's flustered attempt at a defense pleased him to no end. He imagined that Ned had made Alexis try to defend herself and plead
her case numerous times. Turnabout was fair play, but Jax wasn't really interested in any of Ned's explanations.

"You're the one who brought it up, Ned," Jax reminded him. "But you see, I don't think this is about Alexis wanting to raise her child on her own, and I don't think it's
about any crimes Alexis may or may not have committed, at least not in the legal sense. This is about one thing... and that's Alexis choosing a life without you over one
with you. That's why you never once stood up to the judges and fought for Alexis' rights to be with Kristina. You wanted them taken away so you could have absolute
control over the one thing you knew Alexis could never turn her back on. What's next, making her get on her knees and beg you for five minutes with her own child?"

"Like I said, think whatever you want, Jax." Ned's tone was low and menacing, and Jax laughed in response, further irritating his opponent. "Kristina is my daughter,
she lives under my roof, and she will stay with me! Alexis is the one who made this happen, not me. She's the one who put herself in a position to lose 'her child' in the
first place."

"And you and Skye will give Kristina the perfect little family?" Jax asked, a hint of amusement on his face.

"Yes, we will. On Monday, I'll get full custody, and this will be over. Skye and I will give Kristina the home she deserves."

Ned had expected a lot of things after he made his declaration, a fist to the face being one of the top three possibilities. He was shocked that what he got instead
was Jax nearly doubling over with laughter.

"Well, it seems you have this all figured out, Ned. But I'd expect a few changes in your plans come Monday morning."

"No, Jax, things will happen exactly as I said because I am not going to lose."

Jax smiled and walked toward the office door. "You, uh, you keep right on believing that, Ned. I'll check in with you Monday afternoon and see if you still feel the same

The sound of a glass hitting the door as he closed it behind him sent Jax into another fit of laughter. He chuckled all the way to the elevator and had to fight for his
composure when his cell phone rang.

"Jax here."
"Your mother here," Jane said. "The house on Sea Breeze... that's the winner."

"She liked it?"

"She loved it."

Jax' dimples deepened. That was his favorite house, too. "You didn't tell her the plan, did you?"

"No, that's your part of this puzzle to put into place. Your father told the agent to get the papers in order right away."

"I'll go by right now and make sure it's all moving along. Where are you?"

"We're at Wyndham's buying Kristina a new wardrobe, one untouched by Quartermaine hands."

He chuckled again at the dramatic way his mother had finished her statement. "Very good. I'll call you later so I can catch up with you all."

"All right, son. Good-bye."

Jax pushed the "end" button on his phone and slid it back into his pocket. He had no idea how Alexis was going to react to his proposition, but he had hopes of how he
wanted her to react. It had taken Jax a long time to figure out where it was he was meant to be in the world. Now that he knew, he didn't want to waste anymore time.


Jerry Jacks had never been a particularly introspective man, but he'd had a lot of time the last few years where it had been too quiet. The absence of Lady Jane's
motherly nagging and John's fatherly prodding and Jax' judgmental urging had left Jerry on his own to decide what kind of life he wanted to live. Most of the time, he
blocked out that whispering in his head that told him it was time to do better. He gambled and drank and partied and enjoyed his life, making and losing fortunes, and
he didn't want to think about the consequences.

But then he'd be alone and in that stillness and silence, he'd realize all he was missing by choosing what was, in many ways, the easy way out. Running had kept him out
of prison, kept him living what appeared to be a carefree life. It was only in those quiet moments that Jerry was able to see how much he missed his mother's advice
and his father's schemes. He missed Jax playing the reverse role of big brother, wanting him to do his best. Jerry missed being able to go home.

Perhaps that had all simply happened once too often. Jerry had spent one too many nights missing the feeling of really being part of his own family, and that had made
him vulnerable to the white knight complex his brother had been afflicted with his entire life. So when he'd heard about Alexis, realized how much she needed the
family's help, Jerry had felt called to do things he would never have imagined he'd do. Things like making a deal with the Feds. Things like actually calling his FBI
contact to warn them he was about to walk into bar at the Port Charles airport to meet with Isaac Malone.

Malone was the modern day equivalent of Meyer Lansky. He was a street kid who had made good, fighting his way up in an Italian-controlled mob family only to steal
control by violent and nonviolent means two years shy of his 32nd birthday. He continued to hold the power in that family some 35 years later.

In addition to being an amazing businessman, Isaac Malone was capable of inspiring absolute fear into those he deemed enemies. The Five Families, the notorious group
of mobsters that included Sonny Corinthos, gave Malone's territory a wide berth. He was that type of man... the sort that even the dangerous and corrupt looked at
with wary, cautious eyes. Malone himself preferred wide-ranging international enterprises to local arm bending, and so he had no real interest in the operations of the
Five Families, though occasionally they served a purpose for him. Several times in the past, Malone had laundered money through Moreno's operation. That was how
Jerry had come to meet the man who now sat with a glass of what Jerry knew to be Belvedere vodka in front of him as he sat in a back corner table. Isaac smiled and
stood, extending his hand as Jerry approached.

"Jerry, I hope you don't mind the change in plans."

"Not at all," Jerry said as he returned Malone's firm handshake. "I hope everything's all right."

"It'll be fine. This is my daughter's first child, and with her mother gone and her husband out of town, she just needs someone to hold her hand and reassure her that
a 100 degree temperature isn't fatal."

The two men chuckled and sat as the waitress approached. Jerry ordered a bourbon then turned back to Malone. "I appreciate you arranging to keep the meeting
before you fly back out."

"So I'm assuming this means you've cleared up the loose ends?" Isaac asked, and Jerry nodded.

"Yes. Amazing how cooperative the feds can be when they get what they want... or something even better. Thank you for your advice on that."

The waitress returned with Jerry's drink, and once she was gone, Isaac lifted his glass.

"My pleasure, but please tell me you're not here to get yourself into trouble again so soon."

Jerry laughed. "No, I'm afraid I'm being watched far too closely to even think of it."

"So I guessed," Isaac sad as he glanced around the bar. "I'm fairly certain you've got at least two tails in here."

"I wouldn't doubt it," Jerry agreed. "They know I'm meeting with you. I need information they can't give me."

Isaac's expression changed to one of curiosity, and he sat his drink down and looked at Jerry intently. "Such as?"

"I have a friend that has ties to Sonny Corinthos. But I've been out of the loop too long, and I need to know what's going on with Corinthos if I'm going to help."
Isaac nodded and leaned forward onto the table. "I'd tell your friend to steer clear. Corinthos is in trouble."

"I know Lorenzo Alcazar is in town," Jerry observed.

"Yes, but he's the least of Corinthos' worries. This whole sordid business with his brother and his wife, it's making his men restless and it's exposed his vulnerabilities
in a glaring light. Tagliati's been waiting for years for this sort of opportunity, and if the families don't move on Corinthos in the next few weeks, I'll be stunned."

"You're staying out of it?"

Again, Isaac nodded. "I might reconsider if Scully or Moreno were still around, but these newbies... with the exception of Corinthos, they're nothing but street thugs,
and I have no interest in dealing with that. I've fought my last fight with a knife in the gutter... they can have at it."

"Do you, uh, do you think Corinthos can get through this?" Jerry asked. There was a long pause as Malone considered the question.

"Yes, though I'm not sure he'll be in one piece financially. He's probably going to have to buy off some of the other families in order to narrow down his enemies.
That'll cost. And he's going to lose muscle. Defections are inevitable when your men lose respect for you. But I'd say the next several months of Sonny Corinthos' life
are going to be perilous. Your friend would do well to stay away from him... very far away."

The announcement that Malone's flight back to New York City was boarding led the men to one final sip of their drinks before they both stood. Jerry extended his
hand and Malone shook it warmly.

"Thank you for your help, Isaac. I hope everything is all right with your family."

"It will be, thank you, Jerry. And Jerry?"

The two men dropped their handshake. "Stay out of trouble?" Jerry asked mischievously.

Isaac laughed. "I have a son, I wouldn't waste my breath giving out a warning I know to be pointless. No, you know there isn't a boss in this country that didn't feel
envy toward Sonny Corinthos over his former legal representation. But women like that shouldn't be a part of this business. They deserve better. You make sure your
'friend' knows that."

Now it was Jerry who chuckled. "Isaac, is there anything you don't know?"

"Forty-four years in this business? Not a damn thing."

Jerry watched as Isaac made his way out of the bar, then Jerry headed out to the parking lot. He wanted to wait until he saw Jax to tell him what he'd learned. No
wonder Alexis was terrified of the truth coming out. She knew what she'd be putting Kristina in the middle of.

He made his way back to the Port Charles Hotel and entered the lobby intent on going straight to the family suite to see how the house hunting expedition had gone,
but a voice he hadn't heard in years suddenly spoke his name, and Jerry felt his heart catch at the sound. Turning, Jerry saw the red curls and the eyes he
remembered so vividly. He smiled at her, not really knowing what else to do.

"Hey there, Bobbie. Long time no see."


Jax had been on his way back to the hotel after leaving the realtor's office when his mother called to say that Alexis had insisted on going back to her apartment.
John and Jane had acquiesced and dropped her off, so Jax headed over, suddenly concerned. He knew his worry had been warranted when he heard her crying on the
other side of the door.

"Alexis," he called out between knocks. "Alexis, it's Jax."

He heard the lock turn and the door opened. Alexis was trying to look like she hadn't been crying, but even someone who didn't know her as well as Jax did could see
she was upset.

"Hey, I didn't leave you with them so you'd get upset," Jax said as he moved into the apartment and pulled her into his arms. He kicked the door shut while he held
tightly to her.

"I'm not upset," Alexis said, though her sniffles nearly drowned out the words.

"Of course not." Jax eased Alexis to his side, his arm still around her and he guided her over to the couch. "You just thought this red-eyed, tear-stained face of yours
would make me swoon?"

Alexis rolled her eyes and playfully swatted at Jax' chest. "Very funny."

"I talked to Mom. It sounded like you guys had a good day." He felt her head move as she nodded it against him.

"We did. The house is beautiful and Kristina has more new clothes than any child could possibly wear, and it was lovely to spend time with them, but..."

Jax slipped his hand under her chin, tilting her face so she was looking at him. "But?"

She pulled free of his embrace, her body turning so that she was sitting sideways on the couch and looking directly at him.

"There's something I have to tell you, Jax. Something that may make all of this a moot point because Ned could still try to hurt us with it."
He knew, of course, what she wanted to tell him, but Jax wanted Alexis to have the power of making her own admission. He slipped his hands into hers, holding tightly.

"What is it?"

"It's about... well, I didn't... there's still..." Alexis sighed and shook her head at her seeming inability to communicate. "Okay, faster the better, right? Just like a
Band-Aid. Ned isn't Kristina's father, Sonny is."

Jax squeezed her hands and smiled. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it?"

Surprise crept over her face. "You knew?"

"I suspected," Jax confirmed. "I didn't want to force your hand, but I had a feeling Ned had something he was holding over your head. That's all I could think of."

Alexis nodded. "He has been, for a long time. When Kristina was still in the hospital, he threatened to tell Sonny if I tried to keep him away from her."

"Son of a bitch," Jax said. "And then he runs to all of us talking about how unreasonable you're being."

"Yeah, well, Ned's been singing that song since November."

Jax hated the sadness that seemed to have taken up residence on her face. He wanted it gone, and though he knew he'd put plans into place that could and should
effectively do that, the idea that she'd been living with this for so long still broke his heart.

"Hey, Kristina is your daughter. That's all that really matters to me."

She sucked her bottom lip in between her teeth for a moment, and when her eyes dropped, Jax knew there was more she had to tell him. "Even if that means I have to
tell Sonny the truth?"

Sighing, Jax leaned against the couch cushions, his left hand still clasping her right one. "Somehow I knew if I was right, eventually, you'd tell him."

"I have to, Jax. Not now, not right away. I'm too selfish to want to have to fight over her again so soon. If Kristina gets to come home with us..."

"When," Jax corrected as John had earlier. She smiled in response.

"When she comes home, I want to give her time to adjust, you know, to trust that she's home and that I'm not going to let anyone or anything separate us again."

"I have a feeling," Jax said, reassuring her, "that all Kristina's going to need is the joy of seeing you before she goes to sleep and having you be the first person she
greets in the morning to know that she is safe and sound."

"I hope so," Alexis said. "And I know that it's not the same... Sonny doesn't know what he's missing and it's the same as what we've been through, but I... after all this,
I've realized that I don't have the right to play God with their lives. That's what Ned and Skye have been doing to me, and I can't keep doing that to someone else."

Jax nodded. "I understand."

"Plus, it eliminates Ned's threat against me once and for all. But that means Sonny will be a part of our lives, and I know how you feel about him, how all of your family
feels, and I just..."

"Alexis," Jax said, cutting her off, "we all pretty much figured the Ned/Sonny thing out. We knew coming in, and we aren't worried about Sonny. We have to deal with
him, we deal with him. But I'm telling you right now, if he tries to hurt you..."

"He won't," Alexis said confidently. "I mean, he's gonna scream and yell and he'll lash out at me a hundred different ways, but he won't do... he won't do this, what
Ned's doing. Sonny would never use Kristina to hurt me."

"You're sure?" Jax asked, amazed that even after all the ways she'd been betrayed she still had so much faith in someone like Sonny.

"I am."

"Okay then," Jax moved so he was leaning forward again, his face inches from hers. "I made all the arrangements for the house, so we'll get to moving tomorrow and..."

"Tomorrow?!" Alexis exclaimed. "Are you crazy?"

"No, not at all." At her continued look of abject horror, Jax couldn't hold back a chuckle. "Alexis, is it possible you've forgotten how good I am at making the things I
want to happen, happen?"

"But tomorrow? I have to pack, I have to buy furniture..."

"So we'll pack tonight, I'll help you. I have a cleaning crew getting the house ready tonight, I have Wyndham's on standby to deliver anything we need to the house
tomorrow, not to mention three different furniture stores. Everything we need we'll have, and then on Monday when you walk into court, you'll do so with us and with
proof that you now have a loving if somewhat insane household to bring Kristina home to."

Alexis knew she shouldn't be surprised. This was so Jax.

"You seem very confident that this is all going to be easy," she said and Alexis didn't miss the smug look that crossed her former husband's face.

"Let's just say I've got a gut feeling."

"You have something up your sleeve, don't you, Mr. Jacks?"

He smiled and brought her hand to his lips, kissing it once. "Well, former Mrs. Jacks, I might... but you'll have to wait and see."

Alexis moved suddenly, her arms wrapping around him. She felt him embrace her just as strongly and she relaxed her head against his.

"Thank you for coming home," Alexis whispered.

"My pleasure," he whispered back.

After a few minutes, Jax maneuvered himself so he was leaning on the arm of the couch, Alexis coming with him so her head rested on his chest. They stretched out
together, the ease they'd enjoyed in their marriage still present as he held her and she allowed him to.

"Do you think you could just hold me like this forever? You know, preventative medicine so I'll stop worrying about all the things I can't change or fix or make perfect."

Jax smiled from ear to ear at her words, and while his mind thought 'my plan exactly,' he said to her simply, "your wish is my command, Alexis. Always."

Alexis stretched, releasing the last bit of a beautiful dream--she and Kristina playing in the park with no one lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce. She'd heard
herself laugh in the sleep-induced fantasy, heard her baby's giggle. Everything had felt easy and right and the stress of real life didn't exist in her dreamy perfection.
Then just before she had woken up, one more element was introduced into the serene image... Jax had lain down on the blanket beside them, and Alexis had seen
herself and her daughter turn to him with happy, loving eyes.

Sighing, Alexis looked down and saw that she was still in the clothes she'd been wearing the night before. For two hours, she'd tried to convince Jax of the insanity he
was trying to perpetrate on her... moving an entire apartment in 24 hours... it was just unthinkable. Apparently, his resistance to her logic had worn her out, and at some
point, he must have carried her to her room and put her to bed.

"Insane, but always gallant," she said out loud, chuckling. After one final stretch, Alexis climbed from bed, shed yesterday's outfit, and jumped into a steamy hot
shower. After quickly blow-drying her hair, she pulled on her favorite robe and padded out into the living room, but she nearly tripped herself when her body and brain
stopped communicating with one another, each reeling in different ways from the shock of what met her in the living room.

Jacks’. Boxes. Jacks’ and boxes... her living room was a cavernous space, stripped of all the knickknacks and books and candles and pictures that had once occupied the
mantle, the bookshelves and her desk.

"Oh, hey. Morning, sleepyhead," Jax said as he walked over and kissed her on the cheek. Alexis, still unmoving, looked up at him, her eyes blinking in astonishment.

"Morning, dear," Jane said, waving from across the room where she was forming and taping a large cardboard box already marked 'Kitchen.' "We didn't wake you, did

"How... how long have you all been here?" Alexis finally managed to ask. Jerry, who had been helping John take down the large, heavy mirror over the fireplace, settled
the piece down carefully then glanced at his watch.

"Oh, hours now. What do you say, Jax, we started at about 6:00?"

"Yeah, about there," Jax answered, his arm settling around Alexis' waist because the look on her face had him worried she might pass out.

His concerns were valid. Alexis had glanced at the clock before walking out of her bedroom. It was 9:30. Four people had been moving around in her home for more than
three hours, and she hadn't even notice.

"We knew you needed to rest," Jax told her. "We were very quiet."

"Not an easy task for a room full of Aussie braggarts, I assure you my dear," John offered as he and Jerry took to wrapping the mirror for transport. "But we seem to
find uncharacteristic wells of good behavior within ourselves whenever you're involved."

Alexis felt dazed, overwhelmed, and thoroughly touched. The love this family gave to her so freely was something she could never have imagined as being part of her
life, but thanks to them, it was.

"Well, I suppose I should throw some clothes on and help out," she said finally, her hand tugging her robe more tightly closed. She caught Jerry's eye just in time to
see a very lascivious grin appear on his face.

"Or throw some off, either way."

Rolling her eyes, Alexis turned out of Jax' embrace and headed back to her bedroom. When she was finished throwing on jeans and an old button up white shirt, she
bypassed the boys and went directly to the kitchen. Her impression that there was a lot of work to do there was quickly met with a contrasting reality. Lady Jane had
been putting together possibly the last box she needed, not the first. Nearly every cabinet and drawer was empty.

"You are some efficient packers. Ever considered a new business?" Alexis teased. She walked over and extended her arms to Jane, receiving a warm hug in return.

"We're just highly motivated. And don't worry about the lack of coffee, the Grille is delivering a full breakfast any minute now."

"Did you all leave anything for me to do?"

"Are you joking?" Jane asked. "We still have your whole bedroom to do, and then there are all the decisions to be made for the new house."
"Jax doesn't really have three furniture stores on call, does he?"

"He'd have had more, but I told him too many choices weren't always a good thing."

Jane chuckled after her statement, but she saw a flicker of something far different than amusement pass over her companion's face. Moving closer, Jane wrapped her
arms around Alexis.

"It's all going to be all right, sweetheart, you'll see. This family is missing a member, and we are going to get her back."

"I don't know if I can take much more of this," Alexis admitted, and she felt the older woman's hand touch down on the back of her head, guiding it down to the
comforting shoulder Jane offered.

"You won't have to. Look, if worst comes to worst, we'll snatch her and take off for parts unknown."

Alexis giggled despite her momentary sadness. "Jax said the same thing."

"I knew I raised that child right."

Jane kissed the top of Alexis' head, then stood her back a bit, hands on her arms for comfort. "You are Kristina's mother, and no matter who we have to fight, we are
going to get her back home."

Her former mother-in-law's firm resolve helped to strengthen Alexis'. She pulled Jane close for another hug, a tender moment that was interrupted by Jerry's
arrival, a loud occurrence accompanied by the rustling of plastic bags and a great deal of "I'm coming in" throat clearing.

"Yes, son, we hear you," Jane said as she walked over to take some of Jerry's cumbersome load.

"Well, you know, just in case Alexis was confessing to you that she's finally realized her deep, secret love for me, I wanted to give fair warning."

"Oh, trust me, Jerry," Alexis said, reaching for one of the other bags. "If that were happening, the paramedics here trying to resuscitate me would have been a dead

The threesome chuckled, and then their full attention turned to laying out the feast Jax had ordered from the Grille. Lady Jane took a tray armed with a to-go pot of
coffee and cups out into the living room, leaving Jerry and Alexis behind to finish setting up the rest of the food.

"So how does it feel to be back with your family?" she asked.

"Well, it's not like I never saw them, but, yeah, I guess it is different being with them round the clock again."

"Different good?"

Jerry laughed and threw one of the few unpacked dishtowels at her face in a classic big brother move. "Of course good. Jacks’ are never annoying or overbearing or
just come in and impose their will, moving you house and home, do they?"

His added wink drew a laugh from Alexis. "Well, it can take some getting used to, but that is ultimately a rather endearing Jacks quality."

Alexis reached into one of the large bags and pulled out the plates the restaurant had included in what appeared to be an order of their entire menu. Three large trays
lay out on the countertop, and it seemed she and Jerry were filling every bit of space on them with fruit, muffins, eggs, potatoes... a feast, definitely.

"Did your mother find these trays in my kitchen?" Alexis asked, genuinely curious.

"I think they were buried under your china.... the set that was still in the box," he said, a gentle teasing quality in his voice.

"Yeah, well," Alexis shrugged, "I liked it, I bought it. I just never got around to using it."

"Just waiting for the right fella, huh?"

During her childhood, the secret of her paternity hidden away, Stefan had been her cousin, not her brother, and even if that relationship had been acknowledged, this
sort of back and forth brother/sister banter wasn't really very Stefan like. She imagined it could get very wearing... but it was also quite fun.

"This from a man who's still single?" she said, raising her eyebrows. "Perhaps you should find a romantic partner of your own before you comment on my lack of one."

Alexis couldn't miss the quick hint of recognition that shot through Jerry's eyes at her words, but she let it go when he changed the subject and instead launched into
a tale about finding Jax in Alaska hanging upside down from a rock face he had misjudged. She was still laughing when the twosome carried breakfast into the now
barebones living room

A quick and lively meal was followed by an assembly-line approach to the rest of the packing. John set about packing up Kristina's still unused room, Alexis and Jane
tackled Alexis' closet and Jax and Jerry transported the full boxes to the movers as rapidly as they were packed up. Though Alexis would have placed a bet against it
in Vegas, by 1:00, the apartment was empty. She was still reeling from seeing it so when yet another Jacks plan was proposed.

"Okay, so dad and Jerry are going to follow the movers to the house, and if you don't mind," Jax said, his voice lowered as if he was relaying some deep conspiracy to
her, "can you come with mom and I to the decorator's office? She'll make me crazy if we go alone."

She laughed, agreeing to take pity on him, and so the family split up, Jane, Jax and Alexis driving over to the building that had once housed Deception. Nikolas and
Lucky had made the decision to sell the company and all its holdings, including the office building, and then they had put the money in trust for Lulu. That way, they'd
reasoned, at least someday they could give the girl something from her mother if Laura never made it home again. The very thought of that made Alexis unbearably
sad. No little girl should have to be without her mother.

"Hey, you okay?" Jax asked, his arm sliding around her shoulders as they waited for the elevator doors to close. The sudden darkening of her mood had registered for
him instantly, and Jax began to wonder if perhaps all of this, however well intentioned, was overwhelming her. He felt relieved when she snuggled closer to him and
nodded her head.

"Just thinking too much. I'm okay."

The elevator stopped and the threesome stepped out and headed for a door marked in black script as "Elegance." Jax opened it, allowing the ladies to enter before
him, and when he closed the door behind him and joined them in the lobby, he saw that Alexis was already questioning Jane, who had launched into the agreed upon

"Well, if my boy wasn't such a dullard, we'd have been here weeks ago." Jax caught the wink Jane threw his way to soften her comment. "With us so pressed for time,
though, I couldn't see any fault with this plan of his."

"Which is what, exactly?"

Alexis question was hanging in the air waiting for a reply when the interior office door opened and a familiar squeal of delight bounced off the walls.

"You're here, you're here!" Elton screamed as he practically skipped toward them. "We're all ready to get going, so let's do some home shopping, shall we? I do hope
you're more accepting of commitments to household furnishings than you are to marriage, Ms. Davis."

Alexis glanced at Jax and found him trying to stifle a snicker. She slapped him hard on the arm, then took his hand and followed Jane and the enthusiastic "designer"
into the conference room. There they found a four-person team ready and waiting next to several easels with headings at the top that read "master suite," "living
room," "dining room," and so on.

"Now per your instructions, Mr. Jacks, I've set up three possibilities for each room." Elton informed them as he guided them to the first setup marked "living room."
"We have the painters and carpenters at the house ready and waiting, and the furniture stores are all on call, so all you have to do is pick out which setup you like, and
I can have it delivered and installed in half a snap."

Jax nodded his approval, then he moved back, motioning for Alexis and Lady Jane to step to the forefront. "Ladies, have at it."

She wanted to be annoyed with him, she really did. Alexis was so not into all of this... but at the same time, Jane was practically glowing at the prospect of outfitting
the new house, and Jax was so pleased with what he'd been able to set up in such a short period of time that Alexis simply shrugged and turned her attention to the
closest easel as Elton revealed the three living room designs he had put together.

"First we have casual and contemporary..."


Sea Breeze Avenue hadn't seen the level of activity happening on the street today since the last estate had been under construction some 20 years earlier, and that
paled in comparison to this onslaught of workers and moving vans and men running from place to place now. Neighbors were popping their heads out of doors, finding
excuses to walk the dog an extra time or two, all of them curious because word had spread quickly that notorious playboy millionaire Jasper Jacks had bought the home
and was planning a speedy move in. No one, however, had imagined speedy meant one day. Things were so crazed, they barely noticed the sedan that pulled up and
parked at the end of the long row of work and delivery trucks, nor did they pay much attention to the redhead walking past the line of vehicles up to the open front


Jerry was just telling one of Elton's people that the dining room furniture was 15 minutes away when he heard Bobbie's voice call out. He jogged to the entryway and
found her looking around in awe at the craziness going on inside the house.

"Well, hello there. I'm glad you made it."

When she smiled at him, Jerry felt the same familiar pull in his gut that had been there last night when they crossed paths at the Port Charles Hotel. It had been an
awkward meeting to say the least, mostly because last Bobbie knew, he was a wanted felon. She'd been headed to meet Monica Quartermaine for dinner and his parents
were waiting for him in the suite, so the ticking time clock they both felt hadn't helped to make it any more comfortable. Still, it seemed she was happy to see him
once Jerry made it clear he wouldn't be arrested on sight.

Anytime his life on the run had gotten too quiet, Jerry's thoughts always seemed to drift back to Bobbie. He wondered what she was doing, who she was with. He
wondered if a man was in her life and if he was treating her the way she deserved to be treated. Mostly, though, he just missed her. So despite the sense that they
were struggling to find the words they should say to each other, Jerry had told Bobbie about the complex he had decided to dub "the House of Six Jacks’" and made it
clear she was welcome to stop by if she was so inclined. That she was, in fact, so inclined... that she was here not even a full 24-hours later, made Jerry grin from ear
to ear.

"This place is amazing," Bobbie said as he walked up to her and offered her a hand to step over the myriad electrical cords that were taped down on the floor and
spread throughout the house like a spider web.

"Yeah, I gotta hand it to my little brother. When he sets out to settle down, he doesn't mess around."

"I thought you said the house was for the whole family?" Bobbie said as Jerry led her on a mini tour of the first floor and out through the French doors in the kitchen
to the patio.

"Well, it is. Mom and Dad are gonna bunk down in that first guest house right there, and, um, I'm gonna take up residence over here." Jerry motioned with his hand
toward the walkway that led to the guesthouse in the far southern corner of the property. Bobbie smiled and began to walk down the path, Jerry following behind.

"And Jax is planning to live where?"

"If he gets his way, I'd imagine in the master suite of the main house."

He couldn't help but laugh when Bobbie looked back at him with her mouth open. "You mean, him and Alexis..."

"Let's say he's a man with a plan and leave it at that."

She laughed and Jerry felt his throat tighten. If anyone had ever told Jerry Jacks, confirmed bachelor, that he'd ever feel about a woman the way he had this one,
he'd have laughed in their face. If they'd told him that after all this time he would still want her to want him back, he'd have had them committed. He'd have been
wrong on both counts.

"So how are the kids?" he asked as he opened the front door of his new home and held it open for Bobbie to enter. She began to casually stroll around the fairly
cavernous space, his eyes on her the whole time.

"Lucas is good. He had some trouble at school, but I think it's worked itself out. Carly is... well, Carly."

"Still keeping you on your toes, huh?"

When she stopped at the fireplace and turned toward him without answering, Jerry knew the time for idle conversation had come to an end. He walked over, clearing
his duffle bag and backpack off of Alexis' old sofa, which had made its way here, and invited Bobbie to sit. She did so, her back leaning against the arm as she turned
to face him.

"You were gone a long time."

He nodded. "Yeah, I was."

"A lot's changed."

"I imagine it has," Jerry quipped. "Me included."

Her eyebrow raised and she looked at him more intently. "I thought the whole reason you left was you couldn't change."

"Didn't want to was more like it. Funny thing though... you give up things that matter to you to stay free, then after awhile, you start to think being free isn't all it was
cracked up to be."

Jerry knew that he had hurt Bobbie terribly, and he had regretted it ever since. At the time, he just hadn't believed he could change. He'd played fast and loose with
the rules his whole life. A man didn't just stop living that way after 40 years. But his time away had taught him a few things... and one lesson was that the adventure
and thrill of double-dealing and walking the line between legal and illegal dealings wasn't enough to sustain him, not anymore. Convincing those that knew that his
thoughts on the subject had changed was going to be anything but easy. Jax, though grateful to Jerry for telling him about how much trouble Alexis was in, had made it
clear to Jerry that he was to remain out of the business, at least for now. John and Jane, too, seemed thrilled to have him back in the fold full-time, but always
seemed to be waiting for the other shoe to drop. He expected Bobbie to be no different.

"So now you're back," she said plainly. Jerry flashed his dimples and leaned forward, eliminating some of the physical distance between them.

"I am."

"For how long?"

The question seemed like a ray of hope to Jerry. He'd half expected her to turn her back on him when they finally met, but she hadn't. He'd worried that she would
ignore his invitation and he'd have to go looking for her and beg her to talk, but she was here. Now she was asking about his plans.

"That depends on a few things."

"Oh?" Bobbie said, leaning forward herself, her elbows resting on her knees. The change in her position had brought she and Jerry's faces within inches of each other.
"What things?"

"Well, I did sign up to do this happy family thing for Alexis... and I need to make sure my brother doesn't go nuts and beat Ashton senseless at some point, so there's

"Okay. Anything else?"

"Hmm... well, I've been giving some thought to this whole second chance to do it right theme my brother's working off of. I mean, he knows what a dolt he was for
letting go of Alexis in the first place... and he's trying to fix that. Seems like it's not a half bad idea. Of course, someone would have to be willing to give me a second

He waited while she mulled over his not-so-thinly-veiled proposition. When she stood up without answering and walked to the door, Jerry was certain he'd overreached.
But then she stopped and looked back at him.

"Finish helping Alexis," Bobbie said, her mouth curving into a smile. "Then call me. Dinner first, then we'll see."

"So I've got a shot?"

He could see devilment creep into her eyes as she prepared her comeback. "Well, you're a better dancer than Scott Baldwin and you're less arrogant than Cameron
Lewis. Sometimes a girl can't be too choosy."

He burst into laughter as she headed out the door and was still laughing when he raced out after her, jogging to catch up to her long strides. The smile she'd put on his
face was still there after he escorted her back to her car and returned to the house to find John directing yet another furniture delivery crew to the office.

"Oh, good Lord," John said as soon as he saw his son and the wide, silly grin on his face. "You and your brother besotted at the same time? I really am too old for this."


To Alexis' great relief, Jax and Jane had determined to only worry about filling the main rooms of the enormous house. They had picked out a dining room set, office
furniture, a fully stocked living room, pieces for the study and a completely stunning patio grouping that would make the backyard even more beautiful than it already
was. The main issue had been the master suite. Alexis hadn't wanted to overstate her opinions during the selections, but Jane kept insisting that she fully explain why
she liked one thing and not the other. When she'd cast a glance at Jax, hoping he would save her, she instead found him sitting on the edge of the conference room
table, arms crossed, laughing at every second of the designing whirlwind.

Finally, Jane had decided on the bedroom design Alexis truly considered the most beautiful. The walls would be painted a pale, rich green and the bedroom would be
anchored by a stunning mahogany four poster bed. The king-sized piece had a smooth head and footboard and simple carving on the very tops of the insanely tall posts.
It had taken Alexis' breath away when Elton had unveiled the photo because it reminded her of one of the beds she'd seen in the mansion growing up in Greece. She'd
dreamed often that that bedroom was hers, the tall, spacious bed the place she would drift off to sleep at night. It was sometimes a cold reality to wake up from her
dreams of being a loved little girl who lived in that room to find herself all alone in her rather austere quarters.

With the choices made and Elton's final assurance to Jax that the work would be done by tonight, Alexis, Jax and Jane finally left the Elegance office. Jane begged
off of further errands with Jax and Alexis because she needed to go and check on Jerry and John, so they had put her in a cab and then they'd headed over to grab a
quick lunch at Kelly's.

"So what are these mysterious errands we have left to do?" Alexis asked as they walked hand-in-hand back to the car. "We should probably get home soon and do some
unpacking, and I need to get ready for court tomorrow."

"You'll be ready for court tomorrow, don't worry," Jax answered cryptically, still refusing to tell her more about what it was he had planned to help swing the tide in
her favor. All he had revealed at lunch was that Skye was no longer part of the equation. Alexis' jaw had dropped when Jax told her that her bitter rival was now in
Lisbon and would not be returning any time soon. When she'd asked how he'd accomplished this miracle, he hadn't spared her the details. Even if she didn't get
Kristina back tomorrow, what he had told her about Skye's past made Alexis grateful that bitter woman was out of her daughter's life.

"I'm sorry you had to do that to her, Jax. I know what she meant to you once."

He shook his head and waved off her apology. "Skye's brought her misery onto herself. And she hurt my best friend. I can't have that, now can I?"

He continued to downplay their need to get back and help with the unpacking or settling of the new house, and Jax kept driving until they reached downtown. He pulled
the car into a parking lot near Designer's Row, and Alexis groaned as he walked around and opened her door for her.

"I thought we were done with design hell when we left Elton's."

"I think you'll like this one. Come on."

She doubted him completely, but Alexis climbed out of the car and let him take her hand as they walked past six or seven design shops. They stopped in front of a
rather bland looking warehouse space that didn't even have a sign on the outside or in the window.

"What is this place?"

"Well, someone hasn't been keeping up on their subscription to 'Downtown P.C.'," Jax teased, and Alexis rolled her eyes at him.

"I have been little busy."

"Just come inside."

She sighed and walked through the door Jax was now holding open. Her eyes widened the moment they adjusted to the lighting inside, and she was still staring
dumbstruck as Jax brushed against her, his chin resting on her left shoulder.

"See, I told you you'd like it."

"Jax, it's all... it's beautiful."

He couldn't agree more. What "Made To Order" lacked in frills as far as the exterior was more than made up for by the beauty of the dazzling selection of handmade
baby and children's furniture that filled the interior of the store.

"You said you wanted this to be a fresh start. So since Kristina's going to have a new bedroom in a new house, I thought maybe she should have something very special
to fill it."

She started to tell him how unnecessary this was, how extravagant. Kristina's furniture had, sadly, remained untouched. It was as pristine as it had been the day the
deliverymen had put the crib together and set the changing table and rocking chair into place. But Alexis couldn't help but think that after all the time she'd spent
staring at that empty crib, all the nights she'd waited beside it as if she could will Kristina into it, that perhaps it was somehow tainted... too tinged with bad memories.
If they were starting over, Jax was right. They should start from scratch.

"Let's go shop," Alexis said, a wink tossed Jax' way as she took his hand and pulled him into the showroom.
For nearly an hour they wandered the floor, examining the various pieces. Finally, she walked back to a cherry sleigh crib that would covert into a toddler bed when
Kristina was ready for the change. She added the sleigh-styled changing table and a beautiful cherry wood dresser and rocking chair to the package. Jax didn't even
try to argue when Alexis pulled out her own checkbook to pay for the furniture. Instead he just sat back and marveled at how the owner Catherine, who Jax had called
ahead of time, managed to get Alexis to spill her plans to paint the nursery a very light lavender called "mystic lilac." She was so happy about the new gifts for her
beautiful daughter that Jax knew she hadn't even noticed the nod he gave to Catherine on their way out nor did she pick up on the "ok" signal she flashed back in his

Alexis continued to protest that they needed to get to the house and help out with the monstrous amount of work left to be done, but Jax insisted they stop at
Wyndham's to pick out bedding for Kristina's new crib. She gave in only when he promised it was their last stop before heading to the house. He agreed, and once they
had the large bundle of soft natural cotton linens packaged up, they finally began to the drive to Sea Breeze Avenue.

It was starting to get dark, and Alexis felt terribly guilty for having stuck John, Jerry and Jane with the bulk of the moving activities. She and Jax were going to have
to make it up to them, she thought, as they finally pulled into the driveway. To her surprise, there were no trucks anywhere near the house. No movers, no painters, no
delivery trucks. Perhaps the rest of their purchases from today were coming tomorrow? She wasn't sure. She just knew she was growing tired, and the sooner she got
to her cottage, put linens on her bed and got to sleep, the better. She was honestly so tired now that even dinner held no appeal.

"Come on, let's go see what these lazy people got done today," Jax said as he offered her his hand. She got out of the car and took some of the Wyndham's bags from
Jax and they headed to the front door. As they walked in, Jax took the bags back from her and dropped them all on the large entry table.

"Hello?" Alexis called out hesitantly, surprised at how quiet the house was. She looked around the entry and noticed that all the pieces Jane had ordered were here...
the entry table, the large, wooded mirror... even the bench that Elton had talked them into adding.

"Maybe they went to grab some food," Jax said. "We might as well take a look around, though, huh?"

She shook her head. "I really am tired. I'd just as soon go sprawl out on my couch, if I can find it, of course."

He chuckled at her response. "I think there are a few couches around here you can collapse on. Come on, a quick look around."

All day long, she'd been unable to deny him, and Alexis again found herself giving into his enthusiasm and charming smile. She gave him an exasperated sigh and then
threaded her arm through his.

"All right, come on."

They wandered from room to room downstairs, and Alexis was absolutely stunned at how perfectly complete each one was. Every detail that Elton had promised... the
paint, the rugs, the wood floors, the furnishings... they were all wonderful.

"This must have cost you a fortune, Jax," Alexis said as he began to lead her upstairs. "The people you must have had here, and on a weekend?"

"Money well spent when it's spent on our family," he told her, his heart already pounding because he knew he was now only minutes from needing to make a confession
that she would probably be furious about before she was happy.

"Oh, Jax, no, we shouldn't." He was about to open the door to the master bedroom, and Alexis was balking at entering. Jax realized it was because she thought this was
his parents' room.

"They won't mind. Besides, you know you want to see that bed all made up, don't you?"

Before she could protest further, he threw the door open, and thankfully they found it unoccupied. He half dragged her into the room, her reluctance to enter John
and Jane's space still holding her back. She couldn't help, though, but marvel aloud at how stunning the finished product was.

"It's absolutely beautiful," Alexis exclaimed as she walked over and ran her hand down the smooth mahogany of the four poster. The green of the walls was lovely, and
the hardwood floor was topped off with a large sisal rug. The simple white and green silk bedding was the finishing touch. The room was warm and romantic. It was
exactly the room Alexis would have wanted for herself if the bedroom in the cottage was even half this size.

During their marriage, one of the things Jax had loved was just watching Alexis appreciate something she admired. Her face, which so often was employed to hide her
feelings, completely relaxed when she was in awe and her joy at what she was seeing always put a sparkle in her eyes. When he saw that familiar brilliance in their
depths again, he knew it was time to spill the biggest secret he had been keeping from her.

"Hey," Jax' voice pulled her eyes to him. "One more room I really want you to see, come on."

She followed after him and they moved to the door of the room next to the master suite. He opened the door and stepped inside, bringing Alexis with him. She was
about to tease him, tell him that the room was a bit feminine for him, because the first thing she saw were the walls. She never spoke though because in an instant she
realized that the color was "mystic lilac." Her eyes then fell to the elegant pieces of cherry wood baby furniture she had picked out a few hours earlier... the sleigh
crib, the changing table and dresser... even the rocking chair, placed right in the corner between the two windows.

"Jax... what... "

He shut the door, then he took her to the enormous window seat and eased her down so she was sitting and he was kneeling beside her. "Just promise me that you will
hear me out before you start accusing me of being a controlling, self-centered jerk with a white knight complex, okay?"

"What have you done?" Alexis asked, her voice more harsh than she really meant it to be. "I've had enough of people making decisions for me, Jax, so if you've..."

"Just listen, please? Please."

Crossing her arms in front of her and fixing her best disdainful look on her face, Alexis settled back in the window seat and waited. Jax stood and began pacing in
front of her as he spoke.

"Okay, so, um, well, I'm, uh, see, about the house..."

"Yes?" she asked, giving Jax a preview of the sound Kristina would hear someday when her mother was waiting for a confession of wrongdoing. He smiled, hoping his
dimples would draw him some small mercy.

"Okay, you know we bought the house for all of us... I mean, the whole complex. Main house, guesthouses, the lot."

"I know."

"And remember, okay, you did pick the house out, so it's not like I just plopped you down somewhere without your consent," he reminded her. "You said you were okay
with us forming this family unit, and you did say this was your favorite house, right? And you helped pick out everything in it."

"Jax, when do we get to the part where this room in this house is Kristina's nursery instead of the room in the cottage I was expecting it to be?"

"Is this what it feels like when you cross examine people in court?" he asked, hoping a little charm would ease her clear annoyance. It didn't.

"Probably, yes. Now, room, house, details... "

"Yes, okay, details." Jax stopped his back and forth movement and folded down onto the floor. He sat cross-legged in front of her and decided the whole truth and
nothing but was his best option here.

"When I got to Alaska, I wasn't much in the mood for talking. Mom and Dad are used to that, so they didn't try to push, but while I was packing up my gear, Mom came
in with, well, a suggestion."

"Which was?"

"That I try to figure out the last time I could remember being truly happy... and work from there. Seemed like sound advice, so I took it."

"Did it help?" Alexis asked, her ire with him replaced, at least momentarily, with deep concern. "Did thinking back on those times with Brenda help you solve anything?"

"See, that's the thing," Jax said, smiling wide. "It wasn't Brenda. Really that whole time she was back here, I wasn't happy. We were at cross-purposes almost from
the first day. And before there was always Sonny lurking around. And Skye... We had a few good moments, I suppose, but I realized in looking back that I couldn't
think of us as happy."

Sadness touched Alexis' heart and crept into her eyes. He was such a good man. She hated that love had disappointed him so often. "Their losses," she said softly, and
Jax reached up and took hold of her hand.

"Thanks. Anyway, I was climbing over the face of this rock when I found the answer. I remembered the last time I was truly happy. It was when I was married to you."

The admission startled her, and left Alexis speechless, a situation Jax took full advantage of. "It's true, Alexis," he confirmed. "When we were married, I laughed all
the time, even when I was worried sick about Jerry or angry with my family. I always knew that when I needed to talk, you'd be there. I knew that I could tell you

"Jax, you can still tell me anything, and I'm still always here when you need me," she said, reassuring him, but Jax shook his head.

"It's not the same. When we were married, even though we had our connections to Ned and Chloe, other people didn't come between us. And somehow, after we called
an end to our little charade, that stopped being true. Not right away, granted, but eventually, and I know that's mostly my fault. I, uh, I didn't know how to deal with
what you felt for Sonny, Alexis... and so I just kept pulling away until... until I was too far away to know you needed me."

Alexis shrugged and squeezed his hand. "I wasn't doing a very good job of letting you know I needed you."

"You wouldn't have had to before," he argued. "I'd have known, and I'd have said 'what do you need me to do?' and you'd have known you could trust me."

Jax reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small leather pouch. He opened it and tipped it upside down over his left hand. Out fell two rings... two gold bands
that Alexis instantly recognized. Their wedding bands.

"You... you still have those?" she asked, her voice full of genuine surprise.

"I always keep things that matter to me."

Rising up from the floor, Jax eased himself onto the window seat beside her. When she opened her palm, he placed the rings in it. The fingers of her opposite hand
began to lightly trace the circles that she held.

"I wasn't even sure if you'd found mine," she confessed. "I... I had planned to hand it to you, but I just... I couldn't do it."

"Yeah, I, uh, I had a little bit of a hard time taking mine off, too. I waited until you left and then I went to slip it off, but I realized I was going to feel so strange
without it. It had become a part of me." Jax took his hand and put it over hers so that the rings lay between their skin. "You were a part of me."

"And you me."

Jax nodded and then pulled back his hand. He held the little pouch that had housed the rings up in front of her. "When I was a kid, I used to keep a snake rattle in this
pouch. It was my good luck charm. I decided that day our rings would be my good luck charms from then on out."
Alexis thought about all the trials Jax had faced since their divorce. "I guess they weren't so lucky, huh?"

"Ah, but you see, they were, I just made a mistake," Jax informed her. "I didn't keep them with me. I put them in a box of treasured things, but they weren't on me,
on my person. But when I packed up to go to Alaska, for some reason, I reached into that box and grabbed this little pouch. And that was the day I started to find
some sense in my life again."

She laughed and handed him the rings back before running her hands through her hair. "I think you're giving me too much credit. Chances are it was you going home and
seeing your family that made your life start working again."

He shook his head and slipped the rings back into the pouch. "Think what you want."

"And that doesn't tell me why it is that we're sitting in this nursery in this house, Jax. Because, love you as I do, if your great idea of setting your life straight is for
us to go back to pretending to be husband and wife, I'm not letting you do that, not even to save me from Ned and the Quartermaine’s."

"That wasn't my plan at all," Jax said as he stood up and walked over so he was standing across from her, facing her.

"Then what is?"


"Us?" she asked.

"Yep, us." When Alexis continued to look at him like he was crazy, Jax laughed and knelt down so they were eye level again. "Us--you, me and Kristina--Mom and Dad and
Jerry for as long as they want to stay. Us being a family, that's my plan."

"Which we can do just fine with you and your family living in this house and Kristina and I in the guesthouse."

Jax grimaced and groaned at her response. God, she was so stubborn. He was going to have to tell her everything, even if it scared her, to make her see.

"You're being dense on purpose so I have to say it, aren't you?"

"Look, I love you," she said. "I love that you want to do this for us, but I can't have you sweeping in here and installing me in this house and putting your whole life on
hold for me."

"I'm not putting my life on hold, Alexis, because you are the life I choose."

Shock registered on her face the minute what he had said sank in. Jax moved forward, taking her hands in his.

"I choose you. You are the woman that makes me happy and makes me feel loved. That is the way I want to live my life, Alexis. You're what I want."

Alexis stood and started to rush across the room, but Jax stopped her, gently grabbing her arm and spinning her to face him. She kept her eyes down, though, and
stared at the ground.

"I know you're scared..."

"I'm not scared, Jax, it's just... it's insane. I mean, I love you, you love me, but we... we didn't... I mean, that's not..."

"I'm not them, Alexis."

Her eyes instinctively shot up and locked with his. Jax took the chance offered and eased closer to her, his hands coming to rest on her shoulders, the pouch with the
rings still clutched in the grasp of his left one.

"I know the last two men you loved hurt you... I know they betrayed your trust, but I'm not them. I know what a gift you are to me, Alexis, because I came too close to
losing you, and it scared the hell out of me."

"But we're friends. I don't want to lose that. We don't have to be... we don't have to do this not to lose each other."

Her eyes were glistening now, fear and sadness replacing the earlier joy he'd seen there earlier. But Jax knew she wasn't afraid of him, she was afraid for him. She
thought he was trying to force himself to want something for her sake. He had to prove to her that nothing could be further from the truth.

"When I slipped off the rock, Alexis, the one Jerry loves to talk about me dangling from... do you know what I thought? ‘Alexis.’ Your name went through my mind and
my heart. Now a man's about to fall a few thousand feet and a woman's name is all he can think of... that's pretty significant, don't you think?"

She laughed. It was a small, faint laugh, but it was enough to give Jax hope he was breaking through the walls he knew she'd earned the right to hide behind. He took
another step toward her, his body touching against hers just slightly as he pulled his left hand back and showed her the pouch again.

"I know we're not ready for this. You've got healing to do from all that you've been through and most importantly we need to get Kristina home. But can you tell me,
honestly, Alexis, that you don't see the chance we have here? You and I can be here together... you in your room, me in mine, and we can give Kristina a safe, loving
place to grow up with two people who adore her and grandparents and a crazy uncle a courtyard away. And you and I can take our time... we can share breakfasts and
dinners and walks with strollers and afternoon swims with the baby in the pool, and we'll have all the time in the world for it to happen."

"For what to happen?"

Jax grinned and reached back to shove the rings into his pocket again. He erased the last bit of distance between their two forms, his hands cupping her cheeks, and
drew her face to his. His lips touched down on hers softly, no demands made. Rather, he hoped to give her a hint of the promise he felt.
"For you to realize what I already know in my heart. You and I agonized over taking those rings off because they were meant to stay where they were. We were meant
to stay where we were... with each other."

He kissed her one more time, his mind swirling when she kissed him back this time. But he did not lose control. Alexis was right... too many people had pushed and pulled
and forced her into things and situations she hadn't been ready for. He'd already pushed his luck with the house. He wasn't going to push anymore. Stepping back, he
smiled at her and then walked over to the nursery door.

"Think about it. Get the feel of the house. See if you can imagine the three of us here... you, me and Kristina... and see us as a family. We'll talk in the morning." He
started to walk out, but stopped and glanced back at her. "By the way, in case you hadn't guessed, the master bedroom is yours. I'm down the hall, third door."

Alexis felt like she should say something, but she wasn't sure what. She stood silent as he strolled out of the room and after a few dumbstruck moments, she walked
back to the bedroom he had designated as hers and sank down onto the enormous bed of her childhood fantasies. What in the world was happening? Two days ago,
she'd been alone in the world huddled in her little apartment. Now she was here, in this amazing house Jax wanted them to make into a home, and he was telling her
that he wanted her... that he wasn't just helping a friend, but that he wanted them to make a life together?

"Oh, enough!" she said in an exasperated cry, and Alexis dragged herself up off the bed and walked to the closet. She was not at all surprised to find it stocked with
her clothes, her robe hanging on the inside of the door. She grabbed it then made her way into the bathroom. The Jacuzzi tub was past inviting, and as soon as it was
filled, Alexis shed her clothes and sank down into the warm, bubbling water.

"What is he thinking?" she asked herself even though she'd sworn not to think about this while she soaked. "I mean, yes, he's incredible and sweet and loving, even if
he is certifiable, but I mean, out of the blue, he's on a rock and he decides he wants to have a life with me? That's just not normal." She laughed before that thought
had even finished being voiced. "Normal... Alexis this is Jax you're talking about."

Sighing, Alexis closed her eyes and leaned back, trying to clear her mind. The chatter quieted, but in its place came a series of memories... remembrances she hadn't
let herself think about in a very long time. These weren't the big memories... not the cabin on Valentine's Day or the Sahara or even their insanely impromptu wedding.
Instead they were the little moments from their four years in each other's lives that no harsh word or argument had ever been able to dim in her heart. Jax asleep on
the couch covered with the splayed pages of a contract he'd been reading; the way his laugh sent vibrations through her body when he held her close, tickling her from
the inside out and making her laugh with him; the way he always seemed to know when she just needed him to hold her, even if she couldn't ask.

The visual and emotional pull of the past continued and finally Alexis climbed from the tub and pulled on her robe. If she was going to lay around and think of nothing
but Jax, she might as well do it in bed and save her skin the pruning. She was just settling in, her hand running over the bedding that she had loved and not imagined
was being picked out for her, when a small knock sounded at the door.

"Alexis, can I come in?"

"Come in, Jane."

The older woman peeked cautiously around the edge of the door as she entered. "Do you forgive me for going along with my son's little charade?"

Alexis smiled and Jane's face lit up. She shut the door and walked over, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Jane, this is all so incredible, but it's just... it's too much. I can't let him do this."

"Let him do what, dear, be happy?"

"You know what a hard few years Jax has had. I think he took your advice too literally."

"I see," Jane said. "You think he's convinced himself that he's in love with you?"

Alexis opened her mouth to answer but found she wasn't sure what to say. She shrugged and then pulled her hand through her hair. "I think that's possible, yes. I
mean, I know Jax loves me, and I love him, but..."

"He's in love with you, Alexis. Take my word for it. I know my son."

"In love?" Alexis asked. "What makes you think that he is in love with me?"

Jane shifted on the bed so she was more directly facing Alexis. Jax was right, she really didn't seem to understand how incredible she was or what a gift she was to
his life. They were all going to have their work cut out for them.

"Do you remember the first time you flew with Jax?"

Remember? Alexis wasn't sure she'd ever forget. His piloting skills had terrified her, and that was before their infamous crash. She nodded.

"Well, he was telling me about that one night. About how he hadn't been able to really talk about Brenda with anyone, and then you and he were up in the air and you
started talking about the stars and her birthday."

"An infinity of candles... birthday candles," Alexis whispered, remembering.

Jane couldn't help but smile. The wistful look on Alexis' face now echoed the one she'd seen on her son weeks ago when he'd recounted the story to her. "You free
something in my son that no one else can. He knew it that night. He knows it in his heart of hearts, Alexis. And yes, even if that weren't true, his friendship and love
toward you would have brought him and us back here to help you and Kristina. But he came back here for himself, too. Jax came back to reclaim the woman he knows he
needs in his life. And that woman is you."

Alexis wasn't sure how to respond to that. She sat quietly as Jane leaned over and patted her hand gently.
"I think if you're honest with yourself, Alexis, if you do what I told Jax to do and think about when you were truly happy, not including Kristina, of course, you'll
realize that you're right where you should be."

Standing, Jane walked to the door and after saying good night, she left Alexis alone. After fishing her cell phone out of her purse and setting the alarm, Alexis leaned
back against the pillows. There was so much to think about. Court tomorrow, Kristina, whatever dirty tricks Ned had planned and whatever countermove Jax had ready
that he was still keeping secret.

She was filled with thoughts about her daughter and hopeful that somehow the court would finally see reason and let Kristina come home. But as she finally drifted to
sleep, Alexis mind let in one other thought...

The last time you were truly happy, you were married to Jax.

Alexis unfolded from the passenger seat of the Jacks' family SUV and tugged at the hem of her burgundy Armani jacket. Her hand was so shaky, she had to
consciously make the effort to take hold of the fine fabric and pull on it. Her fingers felt clumsy, not her own, and her mouth and throat went suddenly dry, causing a
burst of painful sounds to rip out of her as she coughed uncontrollably. For a flash of less than a second, Alexis felt that same deep, singular sense of isolated terror
that had always been her response to Helena's approach when she was a child... a feeling Alexis equated only with disaster about to strike. But then a large, warm hand
settled upon her waist and she was pulled against a strong body that gave her support. On the opposite side, a softer, smaller set of fingers came to rest on her
shoulder, offering comfort.

"It's okay, Alexis," Jax whispered.

"We're here, darling, we're here," Jane said softly.

The reassurances reached out and pushed back the veil of panic that had been about to wrap around Alexis while they stood there on the sidewalk and stared up at the
Port Charles Courthouse. A few purposeful, deep breaths helped re-center Alexis, and her eyes darted toward both of the attentive loved ones standing beside her.
She noted that John was close to Jane as well, and Jerry was right next to Jax, his body turned so he could look at her and make sure she was all right.

Sighing, Alexis smiled at her former brother-in-law and then looked up at Jax. They were there... all of them... and no matter what happened, she would not be alone.

"Let's go on in."

The lopsided grin and the wink Jax delivered with his simple statement seemed odd to Alexis given the gravity of what was happening. Most of the morning, the family
had obviously been keeping their usual boisterous behavior under wraps. Breakfast had been a quiet affair, with John, Jerry and Jax talking about various stocks and
investments and Jane pestering Alexis to eat a few bites of food. There had been no mention of the deeply emotional and unexpected conversation she and Jax had
shared the night before, or of her follow-up talk with his mother. There had been a little casual teasing amongst the family themselves, but they'd made a point to not
try to draw Alexis into any light banter, understanding she wasn't really in the mood. So Jax' sudden shift into playful and charming threw her a bit... and left her
wondering about those plans the Aussie had refused to tell her about.

Walking in a tight cluster, the five Jacks family members walked across the courtyard and up the steps leading to the old, stately building. Inside, coats were shed, and
John, ever the gentlemen, took both Jane's and Alexis' and draped them over his arm as they gathered together in the hallway and waited for Dara to arrive. Alexis
took advantage of the brief lapse in activity, and drew Jax a few steps away with a light touch of her palm on his arm.

"Don't you think now is a good time to tell me what might be going on today?" she asked quietly. Her first answer was a widening of the grin she'd seen earlier... and a
flash of light in his blue eyes.

"You're going to get your daughter back today, that's what's going to happen."

Alexis opened her mouth to argue, but Jax quickly lifted his hand and softly placed his index finger against her lips.

"Nothing is going to happen today that isn't right and just. Dara has received family evaluation reports on all of us to present to the judge, we're going to explain how
and why we can give Kristina a safe, loving home, and..."

His voice trailed off, and Alexis narrowed her eyes and leaned closer to him. "And what?"

"And perhaps a little justice will be meted out."

"To whom?" Alexis asked, but she never got a reply. Dara rounded the corner and the family gathered with her to discuss who might be called to testify and about
what. As they conversed, more people began to fill up the hallway. Alexis' eyes picked up Zander and Gia in her peripheral vision, and soon after Bobbie showed up with
Tony close on her heels. The redhead offered a knowing smile to Jerry, who Alexis caught winking back before her attention was called on by her attorney.

The chatter in the passageway dropped to a murmur when the Quartermaine’s arrived... Edward and Emily flanking Ned. A chill ran down Alexis' spine at the sight of
her former lover... the man who now wanted to steal her child from her. Ned looked angry, and he glared hard at Jax before turning his furious gaze her way. She
imagined his unhappiness was over Skye being gone, and Alexis knew he'd love nothing better than to punish her for his disappointment.

"Hey, don't let him get to you, all right?" Jax said, again reading her thoughts and knowing exactly what she needed. His voice pulled her eyes away from Ned's
petulant stare and to his own concerned face instead.

"I'll try. I just... a part of me still can't believe he's doing this."

Jax nodded. "I know. I felt the same way when I heard what was going on. But Ned's not the man we thought he was, Alexis. And we can't feel guilty about anything
that needs to happen to protect you and Kristina from him."

Alexis' eyes widened at his words. "What is going to happen, Jax? Tell me, please."
A commotion began around the corner, and Alexis instinctively turned toward it. She felt Jax' breath against her neck as he leaned forward and whispered. "You're
about to find out."

"Mr. Ashton." The voice was male, familiar to Alexis, and she was just about to place it when the owner stepped into view. Marcus Taggart... a satisfied grin on his face,
a paper that looked distinctly like a warrant in his hand.

"Yes?" Ned answered, turning toward the former P.C.P.D. officer.

"What are you doing here, Taggart?" Edward chimed in. "I thought you had been banished."

"I was, temporarily. But you'd be amazed how interested an agency like the Organized Crime Bureau is in having officers who hate anyone... and I mean, anyone...
associated with the mob. I took a job with them not long after I transferred to Seattle. But who knew it would bring me back to Port Charles so soon?"

"Finally here to take down Sonny Corinthos?" Ned asked, a smirk on his face. "Oh, that's right, I forgot... Corinthos is untouchable... he just leaves bodies for you boys
to clean up and catalog in files labeled 'case unsolved.'"

Many a time, Alexis Davis had stood across from then Lieutenant Taggart and tried to read him. It wasn't very difficult. Taggart was a good cop often blinded by his
hatred of Sonny, and it had always given her ample ammunition to use against him when he abused his powers to harass her former client. Today, she was reading him as
well. The glimmer in his eyes, the little tug at the corner of his mouth... Taggart had the goods on someone. The question was who?

"Well, Sonny Corinthos isn't my concern today, Mr. Ashton," he explained. "No, I have a different fish on the hook. Big fish. Thinks he can cross back and forth
between his nice, clean world and the places where men like Sonny do all their dirty dealing. But, you know, when a man walks a line like that, he's bound to make a
mistake. And lucky me... I found it."

Taggart took the warrant and slammed it into Ned's chest. The Quartermaine family attorney stepped forward and took the piece of paper in hand as two men who had
come with Taggart moved to begin handcuffing Ned.

"Edward Laurence Ashton, you are under arrest for conspiracy to commit murder and a violation of the RICO statute. You have the right to remain silent. If you choose
to give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. I assume this one is it, but in case you cannot
afford him after today, one will be appointed for you at no cost and can be present during your questioning. Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you,
Mr. Ashton?"

Ned fought against the ministrations of Taggart's two fellow OCB agents, but to no avail. The men quickly put him into the metal restraints, and Ned's eyes blazed at
the man standing in front of him.

"How dare you! You can't do this. You can't get away with this."

"Oh, but you see, I can... because as much as I hate Sonny Corinthos, at least I give the man credit for being careful. You, Mr. Ashton... not so careful."

Taggart snickered as he stepped aside so Ned could be led away. "Faith Roscoe... really, man, when you slum, you slum."

Alexis heard Jax and Jerry both trying to stifle a laugh at Taggart's aside, but she was too stunned to react much herself. Her eyes and ears were busy trying to tell
her brain what she was seeing was true... Ned was being arrested, in the courthouse, not ten minutes before the start of the hearing.

"You can't do this. My daughter! I have to... you can't do this!" Ned shouted, but his cries fell on deaf ears. The OCB agents dragged him toward the elevator, Edward
and Emily following closely behind. Alexis stood silently, rooted to one spot on the floor. She barely noticed Taggart moving until his handsome face, now free of malice
and smiling easily, was right in front of her.

"I owed you that one, Ms. Davis, for not standing up to Baldwin when I should have. You take care of that little girl, okay?"

"I--I will. Taggart..."

Alexis felt tongue-tied. After so many years of the acid-filled barbs thrown back and forth between her and this man, he had stepped forward and done something
that could potentially change her life. No, it wasn't purely unselfish... snagging Ned, if he could make it stick, was huge for his career... but still...

"Water under the bridge, Ms. Davis," Taggart said, reading her thoughts. "We both got burned by people we trusted. What's say we chalk it up to a life lesson learned
and get on with our lives, huh?"

Nodding wordlessly, Alexis extended her hand and she and Taggart shared a warm, firm handshake. Jax mirrored her gesture afterward.

"I appreciate you being so prompt," Jax said, and Taggart chuckled.

"I appreciated the information." Taggart leaned back, eyeing Jerry from where he stood. "You... stay out of trouble."

"Trouble? Me?" Jerry said with mock innocence. Taggart rolled his eyes, somehow certain he had not heard the last of Jerry Jacks and then he turned and started
toward the elevators.

"Well, time to get back to work. You all have a pleasant day."

Alexis could hear the buzz going on around her... the people gossiping about what had just happened, wondering what it meant... but she couldn't make any of it out. Her
mind was reeling. As her head spun, Jax and Jerry moved closer, forming human bookends around her.

"Yes, he really did do something," Jax said.

"Probably not everything it looks like he did," Jerry added, "but unless Edward's willing to take the fall himself, which I highly doubt, then Ashton is up the proverbial
creek sans paddle."

"What do you mean?" Alexis said, finally finding her voice. "What did Edward do?"

Jerry and Jax exchanged a quick look and Jax nodded, indicating it was time for full disclosure.

"He gave Faith Roscoe money. She used it to try to take out Sonny Corinthos."

"What?" Alexis was truly stunned. She knew that the Quartermaine’s hated Sonny, but trying to kill him?

"Well, he didn't know that's what it was for... but that's beside the point, don't you think?" Jax said.

This new information was doing nothing to quell the feeling of lost equilibrium Alexis was experiencing, but her lawyer's mind was kicking in, taking over and letting the
worried mother in her have a few minutes respite. "And how do you two know this?"

"I, uh, have some old friends on that side of the fence, remember?" Jerry quipped. Alexis looked from brunette brother to blond brother, and understanding began to
dawn. She rolled her eyes, but did so with a grin fighting to break lose.

"Your deal with the feds?" she asked quietly.

"That could have had something to do with it, yeah," Jerry answered with a wink. "And now, I'm going to leave you two alone a minute. Excuse me."

Alexis chuckled softly as Jerry headed off toward Bobbie and the questions she no doubt had about what had just happened. Alexis turned back to her beaming ex-
husband and looked at him seriously.

"This doesn't mean they'll give her back to me. The Quartermaine’s could..."

"Right now," Jax informed her, interrupting, "the judge is receiving chapter and verse on the OCB's evidence against Ned. They'll be telling him it could also implicate
Edward, and that ELQ's holdings will be frozen immediately pending further investigation. I don't think the Quartermaine’s are an issue anymore."

Jax had hoped the information he was giving to Alexis would help alleviate her worries, but he understood when all she did was nod. She was afraid to believe... afraid
to hope that the end of this months-long nightmare might be within reach.

"Hey," he said, moving closer, his arms wrapping around her as he pulled her against his body. He felt his heartbeat flutter when she leaned into him, her cheek coming
to rest on his shoulder. "Kristina is going home today. I know it. I'll believe enough for both of us, all right?"

Her answer was to squeeze him, her arms holding tight to him as if doing so would somehow transfer his confidence to her. They stayed standing there, their embrace
never diminishing in strength or intention, until Dara's hand gently touched down on Alexis' shoulder.

"They're ready for us."

Alexis pulled back from Jax, instantly sad at the loss of comforting contact, but no sooner did she mourn that than she felt his hand take hold of hers.

"Let's go get that little girl back, okay?"

John, Jane, Jerry and Bobbie were all standing at the door, waiting for them. Alexis gave a slight nod of agreement, and she, Jax and Dara walked the short distance
and then entered the courtroom. It was time.

It took a few minutes for everyone to get settled inside, and then the bailiff called court to order and Judge Miller, who'd been assigned to the case after Alexis'
unmasking at the Quartermaine’s had forced Judge Farmer's withdrawal, took her seat on the bench. She looked annoyed, her eyes immediately focusing in on Ned's

"Mr. Burgess, I've been briefed on your client's predicament."

"I assure you, your honor," Burgess volunteered, "Mr. Ashton will have this matter cleared up in no time."

"More like 10 to 25 from what I heard," Judge Miller shook her head and picked up her notes. "Obviously, that's irrelevant right now. Mr. Ashton is clearly not in a
position to provide the minor child with a stable home at this point. I understand Ms. Quartermaine has also left the picture. Is that correct, Mr. Burgess?"

The gray-haired gentleman narrowed his eyes and glanced toward Jax, then looked back up at the judge. "Yes, that's correct, your honor. But the Quartermaine’s..."

"Are under investigation themselves," the judge said, completing his sentence with facts rather than spin. "Ms. Jensen, I assume you have some thoughts on this."

"Yes, your honor, I do." Dara stood and picked up a stack of files she had ready on the desk. "Your honor, my client has made tremendous strides toward establishing a
secure home environment for her daughter. These plans were still being put into place, which is why we did not introduce them prior to today's hearing, when said plans
are a firm reality. This includes providing Kristina with a family unit for support for both Ms. Davis and the child. I have evaluation reports on all the members of the
family if you'd like to see them."

"I would." Judge Miller nodded and the bailiff came and claimed the folders from Dara. Once they were in her possession, the judge scanned the files quickly, then
glanced back at Dara.

"Are all of these individuals present?"

"They are." Dara turned and the Jacks’ all stood, the four of them forming a distinguished and protective looking human wall behind Alexis.
"And I notice there's a change of residence listed here."

"Yes, Ms. Davis and the Jacks’ have purchased a home together in order to make the transition into the family environment easier for Kristina."

Judge Miller reopened one of the files and then glanced up, eyeing the family before him. "Jasper Jacks."

"Here, your honor." Jax stepped forward as he answered. Alexis glanced back over her shoulder in time to see the movement, and to catch him pulling at the sleeve of
his charcoal gray Hugo Boss suit in a small indication of nerves.

"You and Ms. Davis were formerly married, yes?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"You divorced amicably?"

"More than amicably, Judge. Alexis Davis is the truest, best friend I have ever had."

"You understand that were I to even entertain this, you and your behavior will be under court scrutiny until I'm satisfied that this home is suitable for Kristina long-
term?" the judge asked in a direct and pointed fashion. Jax nodded.

"I do. I'm willing... " Jax stopped and glanced to his left and right, indicating the whole family. "We're willing to undertake what it is you deem necessary, be it
counseling or interviews with the court officials. We love Alexis and we love Kristina. Admittedly, we were late coming to their aid, but now that we're here, we are
100% committed to making sure that they are both safe and loved from here on out."

Alexis felt a lump form in her throat. It wasn't as if she didn't know he felt so deeply about her or Kristina... he'd told her as much last night... but the way he'd
delivered the speech, it sounded more like a vow than it did a statement of fact... a promise he was making to her here and now.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jacks, you have permanently relocated to Port Charles?" The judge asked, moving things along.

"We have," Jane answered. "We have considered Alexis our daughter from the day we found out she married our son. She and Kristina are as dear to us as our own
boys, and we want to be here for them, whatever they need."

The courtroom fell temporarily silent as Patricia Miller jotted down a few notes then opened the fourth file. Both Alexis and Dara noticed when her brow scrunched up
and she looked up a bit disdainfully toward the fourth Jacks in the row.

"Jerry Jacks?"

"Yes, ma'am, that's me." Jerry's dimples flashed, and Alexis got a knot in her stomach.

"I see you've recently settled some, uh, business with the federal government."

"I did, yes." Jerry's smile evaporated, and a look of absolute seriousness replaced it. "I, uh, I got a second chance at my life once, ma'am, because of Alexis and my
brother. I paid them back by wasting it, and it cost me years with my family. If you're going to ask me if I've learned my lesson... the answer is that I know now that
everything that matters to me is here in Port Charles. I'm not going to do anything to make me have to leave all of that again."

Dara was prepared to pull out more ammunition if need be. Bobbie had agreed to testify to the instability of the Quartermaine household if the judge seemed inclined
to let Monica or Alan take the baby. Tony Jones had agreed to speak as a character witness for Alexis. And Gail Baldwin was on call to provide an academic testimonial
if need be on the importance of the mother/child bond being restored as soon as possible.

"I'm going to need a bit of time to review all of this and get some more information on Mr. Ashton's situation," Judge Miller announced. "We'll reconvene at 2:00, and
I'll have a decision for you at that time."

Court was adjourned, and Alexis thanked Dara for her help, then turned to find her family waiting for her. She walked into Jax' open arms, snuggling against him...
feelings of hope and safety beginning to rise up in her despite all the disappointments she had faced.

"What do you say we head over to Kelly's for some lunch?" Bobbie suggested as she walked up and laced her arm through Jerry's. "My treat."

The group agreed and took off for a quick if tense lunch. They were all anxious, their thoughts mostly based in the positive assumption that the judge would let
Kristina come home... but fear still nipped at all of them because no one, least of all Alexis, was sure how she would handle being denied once again.

When the ring tones of Jax' cell phone went off, everyone at the table jumped... their nerves clearly more tightly wound than anyone wanted to admit. Jax chuckled
nervously and made a crack about it being his broker, then he stood and wandered outside to take the call. An idle conversation started up at the table, Bobbie joking
about making Jerry come to Carly's baby shower; Jane and John egging her on. Alexis' eyes followed Jax, watching him through the window. His shoulders and neck
tensed as he started talking to the caller, and Alexis knew from the expression on his face that he was not enjoying a pleasant discussion.

"Well, we should probably head back," Dara said, and the group began packing up purses and coats. Jax returned, his cell back in his pocket, and Alexis reached for his
hand, holding it tightly.

"Everything okay?"

"Something unfinished I need to take care of," was his answer. "Nothing to worry about."

Alexis was unconvinced, and Jax could tell. He put on a dazzling display of twinkling blue eyes and dimples and pulled her into his arms.
"I'm okay. Everything is okay, and in a few hours, we're going to be in our home with our family... our whole family."

She nodded, her cheek moving against his chest.

"Let's go."

The trip back to the courthouse seemed to take forever, but soon enough, they were all assembled again, and Judge Miller entered and sat behind the bench. She gave
them all permission to sit as well, and even though she couldn't see him, Alexis knew Jax was leaning forward, placing himself as close to her as he could as they waited
to hear the judge's decision.

"I've reviewed the independent evaluations the Jacks family has provided," Judge Miller began, "and I've spoken in detail with Kristina's medical physicians and with
the court-appointed psychiatrist who evaluated both Ms. Davis and Mr. Ashton."

Alexis had felt that her evaluation session had gone well, but there was no telling for certain. If her experiences with Cameron had taught her anything, it was that
someone could be a skilled physician and still only see what they wanted to see when they looked at you. She steeled herself for whatever came next, her mind focused
on the immense amount of support that was within inches of her.

"Given Mr. Ashton's current situation, and given my opinion that the Quartermaine family in and of itself is not a fit environment for Kristina Davis without her
father's presence, I am, Ms. Davis awarding you full temporary custody of the child."

Dara clutched Alexis' hand beneath the table as the two held on, having faced too many "buts" over the duration of Alexis' case to think this was over just yet.

"The Jacks’ have gone to an inordinate amount of trouble to help prove their willingness to be a part of Kristina's life and to show their suitability to do so," Judge
Miller said, her focus fully on Alexis. "Given your decision to accept their support and to build this new home for Kristina, I think it's time we give this a try. I'm going
to order two more court-scheduled in-home visits, and pending the results of those and the outcome of Mr. Ashton's problems, I'll make a permanent custody ruling
three months from now. Ms. Davis, assembled Jacks’, take good care of that little girl."

Relief and celebration filled the room the moment the judge's gavel struck down. Jax jumped over the knee-high railing that separated him from Alexis and pulled her
into his arms, hugging her tightly.

"I told you. I told you we'd get her back."

Alexis squeezed him hard, then leaned back a bit so she would see his face. "Yes, 'we' got her back. Thank you so much."

"Just taking care of the people I love," Jax said, his mouth dipping down to place a quick, fairly chaste kiss on her lips before John and Jane pulled him away so they
could get hold of their daughter and hug the life out of her. There were handshakes and high-fives, and then after Alexis told Dara again that she was truly a
lifesaver, a compliment Dara took graciously considering the rocky road the two had traveled together, Alexis, Jax and the rest of their family headed into the
adjacent room to retrieve Kristina from the social worker that was sitting with her.

For a quick moment, Alexis' heart sped up out of fear. They hadn't let her near Kristina since her unmasking as Dobson. What if her little girl didn't remember who
she was? The thought that she might view Skye as her mother now tore at Alexis and threatened to bring tears to her eyes... but then Jax opened the door, and
Kristina turned toward the sound and her little dimples emerged as she opened her mouth in a wide smile and put her arms up for Alexis to come and take her.

Jax watched the way that Alexis moved to her daughter, saw the fear melt away from her as Kristina showed that only one woman truly held her heart, and that was
her one and only mother. The two snuggled together as he looked on, a silent prayer of thanks escaping his lips that Jerry had gotten to him in time... that they had all
gotten here in time to help make this happen.

"Let's go home, little one. What do you think? You ready to see your pretty new room in our beautiful new house?"

Kristina squealed and rocked a bit in her mother's arms. They took that as a yes and Jerry stepped in to pick up the diaper bag and carrier, Alexis not quite ready to
relinquish the baby just yet. Jax put an arm around Alexis and guided her and Kristina toward the elevator. The car took a moment to arrive, and while they waited, the
blond looked over at his parents, their faces beaming with love for their children and for each other, and he thought to himself quite hopefully 'that's going to be us
someday.' Then he looked down and kissed Alexis on the top of her head. She smiled up at him, leaning against his tall frame.

The bell dinged, announcing the elevator's arrival and the Jacks’... all six of them... piled into the car. Bobbie joined them, and soon they were headed home, Jerry
riding with his ex-fiancée to make room for Kristina's car seat in the SUV. It took them 35 minutes to navigate the early afternoon traffic and make it back to the
stunning house on Sea Breeze, and Jax spent the whole ride basking in the beauty of watching Alexis love her child. He'd always known she'd be an incredible mother,
even when she couldn't begin to imagine it. Despite all the separation, Kristina was clearly certain of her mother's love, and she glowed with happiness from the
attention she was receiving. They were each other's true loves... it was obvious. Which was just fine with Jax. This one time in his life, he'd be content to come in a
solid number two.

The trip ended, and the family disembarked, Kristina snuggled comfortably in her mother's arms. Jax walked beside them, carefully watching over them like a new
father would on homecoming day as John raced ahead and opened the door. As soon as they were inside, Alexis unwrapped the blanket she had pulled around her little
girl, then she shifted Kristina in her arms a bit so the baby could take in their new surrounds more easily.

"This is our new home, Kristina. Uncle Jax and Uncle Jerry and Grandma Jane and Grandpa John helped make us this wonderful place to live. What do you think, hmm?
Think you're gonna like it here?"

The little inquisitive face that so echoed Alexis' looked about a bit, taking in the people around her and the bright entryway. After a moment, she sank into shy mode
and buried her face in her mother's neck as her little hands twisted into Alexis' coat.

"I think maybe she needs some quiet time."

Jax nodded at Alexis' words and pulled off his own coat. "We can entertain ourselves. You go ahead."
"Yes," Jane added stepping forward to place a gentle kiss on Kristina's cheek. "We'll see you two later."

Alexis started toward the stairs, taking the first two before she stopped and looked back at the happy faces that were intently watching her.

"I love you all so much," she said softly, tears threatening to steal her voice. "I'll never forget what you did for us."

"We had to finish the picture," Jerry said. "The House of Six Jacks’, remember?"

She smiled at him in answer, then holding tight to Kristina, Alexis made her way upstairs and opened the door to the spectacular nursery that Jax and Jane had so
sneakily put together. She shut the door, then sat Kristina down in her crib just long enough to shrug off her coat. When she was free of the garment, Alexis retrieved
her baby girl and headed over to the window seat... the very spot she had sat in last night when Jax had opened his heart to her... and she did the same with her

"You know what, Kristina?" Alexis let her voice stay soft and low, and Kristina curled up against her, her body relaxed, both of them so at peace in just being together.
"This house wasn't mommy's idea. But I think I already love it. You know why? Because it was put together piece by piece by people who love us and who want what's
best for us. And that, my angel, is for us to be together and to be happy."

Kristina sighed contentedly and Alexis nuzzled her cheek against the top of her daughter's head. "Uncle Jax wants to make a family with us, you know--a smaller
family--a mommy, uncle Jax, Kristina family. I know you haven't gotten the chance to know him very well yet, so don't worry... mommy's not rushing into anything. But I
think you're gonna like him."

The image of Jax crawling around on the floor playing with Kristina came to Alexis, and she laughed out loud. "I think you're gonna love him, actually. And I promise you
that once we start to get settled and we feel really comfortable here, I will not pretend like I don't think I might love uncle Jax, too. I will not be afraid, and I will not
let myself get in the way of what my heart wants. Mommy's done that too much already. Sound like a plan to you, sweetheart?"

Mother and daughter continued to sit together, making up for so many lost hours until the sun had set and a chill started to creep into the room. Kristina had long ago
drifted off, and so Alexis changed her into one of the sets of pajamas she and Jane had carefully unpacked just the day before, and then put the changed and
redressed baby into her crib beneath the snuggly, warm bedding that waited for her.

"Sweet dreams, angel."

Kissing the tips of her fingers, Alexis placed them gently against Kristina's lips, then she picked up the baby monitor. After making sure both units were on, she forced
herself to walk out the door. She was just pulling it shut when Jax materialized in the hallway beside her.

"How is she?" he asked.

"Good. Asleep for now. I figured I'd take advantage of it and hop into a shower and something more comfortable than this suit."

"Ooh, can I help?" Jax lifted his eyebrows comically to reinforce that he was joking, and as he'd hoped she would, Alexis laughed.

"You can hold the baby monitor in case she wakes up while I'm in the shower."

"Done," he said, reaching for the palm-sized plastic device.

Alexis crossed her arms in front of her, thinking about what to say next. That's when she noticed the quiet of the house. "Where is everyone?"

"Mom made a quick dinner and left it for us to heat up. She and dad are getting settled in their place. And Bobbie is making Jerry unpack some of his boxes. So why
don't you take your shower, and I'll build a fire, and when you're finished, we can eat dinner and talk until a certain someone decides to wake up?"

Jax leaned toward her as he mentioned Kristina, his breath so close it touched her skin and Alexis felt gooseflesh rise up on her arms even though she felt a flash of
warmth on her neck. She thought he would kiss her, but he didn't. Instead he lingered there, waiting for her.

"Um, about last night... about what you said..." Alexis stumbled over her words, feeling clumsy as she always did when speaking about her emotions. She stopped, took a
moment to compose herself, her promise to Kristina playing back in her own head, then she began again. "I would like to do that, Jax... to see how thing might be... but I
need some time with Kristina before I..."

"Before you worry about falling in love," Jax said, finishing for her. "Of course you do. And we have time, Alexis. We have plenty of time... I just wanted to make sure
you knew where I wanted us to end up."

Her dimples flashed at him before her eyes shyly dipped to the floor. She felt her body tingling as she finally managed to level her gaze at him again.

"I do know... and I appreciate you being honest with me. It's nice to start out on a fair and level playing field for a change."

Jax nodded, his own head darting down a moment. He cleared his throat, then looked back up at her.

"Alexis, there's one thing I need to know... not about me, but about Ned."

That shocked her. "W-what?"

"I have power over him now," Jax explained. "I can use it... if you want me to."

"You mean to take away his rights to Kristina?" she asked, the mood that had been building between them suddenly gone under the weight of this consideration. Jax
nodded. Alexis lifted her hands and ran them through her hair.

"Did they really... did the Quartermaine’s really give Faith money to hurt Sonny?"
Jax nodded. "Yes, though I doubt they knew that's what it was for."

"Sometimes I wonder who Ned hates more, me or Sonny."

She looked so sad, and Jax stepped closer to her, his hand coming up to gently caress her right cheek.

"Either way, he has the power to hurt you both as long as he's legally Kristina's father. I can offer to help him in exchange for signing whatever documents you need to
change that."

"Can you help him?" she asked.

"That call I got earlier at Kelly's... that was from someone I contracted to do some snooping for me. I can prove the money didn't come from Ned... if I want to...
though I doubt I can prove it did come from Edward."

Alexis shook her head. "I can't believe we're even having this conversation."

"No, neither can I," he admitted. "But here we are."

She took a step forward and moved into him, her arms wrapping around his waist. "Do it, but even if he doesn't give in and sign, we have to give them the information,
Jax. I can't live with that, not even after all of this."

Jax closed his arms in a circle around her. "Okay... but I can make him sweat a little, right?"

Chuckling, Alexis leaned back in his arms. "A little."

"Good. Okay, go get in that shower now. If I keep holding you like this, I'm going to lose all my resolve to behave."

"Aww, poor baby."

"I am a poor baby," Jax said defensively. "You have no idea what it's like for a man to be this close to the woman he knows he wants to be with forever when he knows
she's not ready yet."

"You're right," Alexis agreed. "I don't know. But I do know what it's like to stand this close to an incredible man who wants to steal your heart and to know it's
probably inevitable that he'll do just that."

Jax tightened his hold on her, pressing her body more tightly against his own. He felt his own breath quicken and was thrilled to see their close quarters having the
same effect on her. "How long do you think 'inevitable' might be?"

She smiled and kissed the tip of his nose. "I'm not sure just yet."

He felt her begin to pull away from him, but instinctively, Jax pulled her back into his arms and lowered his lips to hers, his mouth plundering hers with a deep,
passionate kiss that he hoped was full of his need and want for her so that she could feel just how serious about this he was.

When Jax released her, Alexis was breathless. She gasped for air and the fingers of her right hand flew to touch down on her tender, well-kissed lips.

"What was that for?" she asked, her voice breathy and full of an excitement that spoke of promise to Jax... a promise for their future.

"Just trying to speed up 'inevitable' a little bit." He winked, then lifted the baby monitor up and shook it in front of her face. "Now hit that hot water, lady. Kristina's
not going to sleep forever."

She burst out laughing despite the waves of confusing desires and feelings washing through her body. Reason and logic were telling her to be still... to take her time.
But her heart... her heart was telling her that she'd already found the answer. Last night, it was there... you were happiest when you were married to Jax... it was
there, just waiting for her to accept it and decide she wanted it again.

And she had promised Kristina she'd listen to her heart this time, hadn't she?

"Oh, Alexis," she whispered to her reflection in the bathroom mirror. "I have a feeling inevitable is not going to take very long at all... not at all."


Four months, three weeks and six days... that turned out to be how long it took for 'inevitable' to dawn in the Jacks household.

The family had worked hard together in those first few weeks to establish a sense of normalcy for Kristina... getting her on a sleep schedule, having her spend time
with each of them alone so she could get used to depending on them all, and just letting her see and be a part of a large group of people who loved each other and
laughed together. That was important to Alexis, knowing how much backstabbing and fighting she must have overheard at the Quartermaine’s.

Two weeks into their arrangement, Jax paid a visit to Ned in federal lock up. He didn't tell her the specifics of the conversation, but clearly fourteen days behind bars
had been enough for Ned. He signed the papers without argument and within 72 hours, evidence that cleared Ned of the charges surfaced. Suspicion turned toward
Edward in the ensuing days, but the OCB couldn't make a case. Still, Taggart would be keeping a watchful eye on the Qs from his new D.C. office... and Alexis took a
guilty pleasure in knowing they were now living under the microscope they had tried to destroy her with.

Time continued to fly by in the form of busy, hectic days, but Alexis managed to notice that the Jacks’ second agenda was clearly in play despite all the adjustments
they were going through. John and Jane usually joined them for breakfast, but were always suggesting afternoon excursions or dinners that were just Alexis, Jax and
Kristina. Jerry played a part in the matchmaking as well, although he usually undercut his efforts with comments that left he and Alexis broken up in hysterics while
Jax plotted his brother's death. Bobbie did her best to keep Jerry occupied and out of the ex-spouses business... but it was a difficult job at best, even for a woman
so obviously falling back in love with the charming older rogue in the family.

Meanwhile, the woman falling in love with the younger rogue was trying to honor her promise to herself and her daughter. After the first visit by the court's
caseworker resulted in a stellar report on Kristina's living situation, Alexis began to relax. She let herself enjoy the feeling of Jax' fingers lacing with hers whenever
he reached for her hand as they walked in stores or along the streets of the city. She also allowed herself to fall into a lovely nighttime ritual of sitting in front of the
fireplace, her back pressed against Jax chest, Kristina snuggled against hers, as Jax read a story filled with silly voices that made both mother and daughter laugh and
giggle until sleep finally overtook the little girl and the two adults carried her to bed together.

That habit had evolved into another. Jax would follow Alexis back to her room, and they would curl up together somewhere... on the floor, on the chaise, sometimes
even lying facing each other on the bed, and they would talk. Alexis found the words to tell Jax about all the things that she had tried to carry on her own... her affair
with Sonny, the guilt over her sister's death, Alcazar... she took her burden and halved it, placing it in his care as well, and she received his acceptance and
understanding in return. She did the same for him as he came to terms, truly, with his disastrous romances, his anger toward Brenda, and his disappointment in Skye.

Alexis and Jax had always been close friends, but those talks drew them together in a wholly new way. For the first time in their years of knowing each other, no one
else was tugging at anyone's sleeve, begging for attention. There was no Ned or Chloe or any ghosts, no at odds over Sonny or Skye. They were just together, free to
pick up and fly to Malibu with Kristina on a whim or to choose, instead, to stay home, decorate their house and prepare for the holidays.

The second visit took place and another glowing report landed on the judge's desk. Three months to the day that Kristina returned to her mother's arms, the final
custody order was issued... and the nightmare that had begun a year earlier was over... Kristina was home for good.

All the while, the bond between Alexis and Jax continued to deepen. The kisses began simply. A good-bye at the door as Jax headed to the gym or Alexis left to run
errands. An impromptu celebration when a new deal they had worked up together came to fruition, sizably increasing what he now referred to as the Davis/Jacks
portfolio. And then the kisses found their way into their late-night talk sessions. At first, they were just to say good night. Then they started before the good night...
and then they started before the talking.

And four months, three weeks and six days after Jax had asked Alexis to consider building a life with him, they kissed Kristina good night, and then she took his hand
and led him to her room as she'd done on so many previous nights. Only when they got inside, she didn't start chattering idly about the day or an adventure with Jane,
and he didn't start telling her about why he was going to kill Jerry today or about a new business idea John had pitched to him.

Tonight, Alexis closed the door behind them, then she took Jax' right hand and drew it to her chest, where she placed it over her heart.

"Do you feel that?" she asked, her voice confident, showing no nerves about the step she was getting ready to take.

"I do," he answered.

"I've been listening to this heart of mine, lately... and it told me I need to tell you something." Alexis' fingers moved slightly against his hand where she held it,
stroking the skin gently.

"I love you, Jax."

She had said she'd loved him countless times over the years, but he knew this was different... this was Alexis giving her heart to him. His blue eyes dampened as he
moved closer to her, his other hand cupping her face.

"I love you... so much."

Lips found their way together then, gentle touches giving way to passionate, hungry expressions of desire that had been held carefully in check on both their parts for
what seemed like forever. Alexis felt her back meet the wall as Jax pressed into her, molding his form to her own, and she simply tumbled into the heady feeling of
loving this incredible, generous man that now owned her heart.

The night was deep and dark, the stars hidden by clouds, but it could not have been more beautiful to the man and the woman laying together in the enormous four
poster bed, the silk bedding wrapping around their bodies. Alexis giggled as Jax whispered into her ear how many times he'd dreamed of this. Jax felt his eyes moisten
once more when Alexis told him that for the first time in her life, she wasn't worried about what came next... she just trusted that they would be okay.

"And Sonny?" he asked, knowing that his former rival remained the one potential hazard to their happiness. He'd told Alexis about the message of caution Jerry had
received from his mob connection Isaac Malone when Kristina first came home to them. She had agreed then that things were too volatile for the truth to come out, in
Sonny's life and in her own. But word had it Lorenzo Alcazar had been neutralized as a threat to Sonny... and though, as Malone had predicted, it had cost him dearly,
at least the war was over.

"I'll tell him soon," she answered. "It's time."

"What will you say?"

Alexis pushed herself up and settled her weight on her elbow. She rested her other hand atop his chest.

"I'll tell him that Kristina is his daughter... and that she is a wonderful, happy, loving child... and that this is her home, and this is our life, and if he wants to be a part
of that, he can be."

"Our life..." Jax echoed, his eyes twinkling.

"Our life," Alexis repeated. "The only life I want."

Jax leaned up and kissed her quickly before surprising her by jumping up out of bed. She stared at him incredulously as he threw on his pants and jogged from the
room, assuring her he'd be "right back." Two minutes later, he bounded back in, but found Alexis sitting up in bed, pouting.
"What?" he asked as he sat back down beside her.

"That was a pretty sincere declaration, I thought... and what do you do? Left my bed."

He couldn't help but chuckle at her slight show of annoyance. "It was a beautiful declaration," Jax corrected, "and I had to get the proper accessories to make one of
my own."

"Accessories?" Alexis asked, eyebrows raised.

Jax lifted his hand up into the air. The small leather pouch he had showed her that first night here in their home dangled from his fingers. Alexis knew they were
really this serious now, but her nerves made her tremble anyway. Jax grinned at her, then he tipped the pouch upside down over his lap, his fingers working in such a
way that Alexis couldn't really see what he was doing.

"Jax, what are you..."

"Patience," he said, then Jax lifted his right hand up in a fist. He unfurled his index finger to reveal that her old wedding band was resting at the tip.

"I was thinking that perhaps we're ready for this now," Jax said. Then he winked at her and paired his middle finger with the index. His wedding band rested there.
"Or even this. But then I realized that this time... we have to start with this."

Jax raised his ring finger up and Alexis gasped. It was an engagement ring... a stunning, perfect engagement ring... and Alexis knew that she had seen it before and she
knew where she had seen it.

It was Lady Jane's engagement ring.

"You will marry me, won't you?" Jax asked. "You'll put me out of my misery?"

He reached for her left hand and gently placed the ring on the proper finger. It was a perfect fit.

"I will marry you," she said. "But only to save you, since you went ahead and sized the ring before you asked me, and I'd hate for you to have to explain to your mother

Her words were smothered by his kisses and they both chuckled as they fell back onto the bed. They lost themselves in the amazing feeling of being in love and of
knowing that their future was right here, in each other's arms. But then, just as he had before, Jax surprised her by pulling away and leaving the bed.


"Just one thing I need to do, or we'll get interrupted soon, I promise."

Alexis watched as he walked to the balcony doors and threw them open.

"She said yes."

"Oh, thank the Lord!" Jane exclaimed from the back yard.

"Way to go, little brother," Jerry added.

"Good show, boy. Good show," John yelled.

"Okay, now go away. I'm going to ravish my fiancée, and I'd like some privacy."

Alexis burst into hysterics as Jax closed the doors. She was still laughing as he crawled back into bed and covered her body with his. The future, no doubt, was going
to be an odd, strange adventure... but she was a Jacks now and forever... and she would never be alone on the wild ride of life again. Of that, she was certain.

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