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Name : Nurul Imammah El-Khair NPM : 110110120320

Novel Review

My Sisters Keeper
My Sisters Keeper is a sad yet tearjerker story about a girl who is
keeping her sister alive. Her sister, has a rare type of cancer called Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) that makes treatment extremely difficult and she has had this cancer since she was just a baby. Anna Fitzgerald, the main character of the novel, was purposely born in order to create the perfect donor for her sister Kate, the girl who living in a suffer because of her cancer. At first, it came up from an advice of a doctor specialist who take care Kates disease. The doctor has said to Sara and Brian Fitzgerald, that their daughter would be hard to cure. The only way to save her life, find the appropriate organ thus perfect donor is the highest important. But, since the amount of perfect donor is hard to find and even if it is there they have to wait for a several times. Anticipated the case, the doctor gave both Fitzgerald informal advice that they had to have a kids again. The goal is not only to give Kate a little cute sister but also to prepare perfect donor for Kates life itself, which wi th certain medical method can be designated to be appropriate donor. And of course The Fitzgerald, especially Sara, a mother who will do everything to cure her suffered daughter, accepted this idea.

Name : Nurul Imammah El-Khair NPM : 110110120320 In a short, Anna was born. Year after year, she grew into a teenager who at once glance looks normal. But, in fact since childhood, Anna repeatedly in and out of the operating room to donate part of her body to her sister. This routine is running for some time, until Anna did something totally unexpected her parents. Depends on her personal savings of about U.S. $ 700, Anna came to the office of Alexander Campbell, an attorney claims in their ads has 90 percent winning percentage. To Campbell, Anna suggested plans to sue his parents. He wants to prosecute "medical freedom" (medical Emancipation) alias no longer want to be forced to donate the organs, although it was to cure her sister. Although surprised by Annas statement, Campbell finally received a request for a lawyer. The lawsuit was registered to the court. Annas parents response, especially Sara, suddenly angry that received a notice from the court. Quick question "why?" Of the mother answered straightforwardly by Anna, "Because I do not want to do it again. It is my body, I want to decide for themselves what I want to do with my body. In the middle of the court, Anna finally revealed that the lawsuit was not just a reckless. Anna actually asked by her sister, Kate to sue her parents. This is done because Kate was desperate fight against leukemia cancer.

Name : Nurul Imammah El-Khair NPM : 110110120320

The Review :
It was an incredible story ! As I written above, My sisters Keeper successfully being one-of-tearjerker books I have read. But, still I liked how it was told from several different viewpoints by everyone involved in the story from Anna to her mother Sara, to her lawyer Campbell, to her father Brian, and to all members of her family. It made it easier to understand where everyone was coming from and how Annas case affected them personally. I enjoyed the point of views of Anna where she felt like her right to own her body was being taken by her parents to save her sister life. How Jody Pillcout delivered Annas feeling is the main things attract me to turn each pages of her novel. The things that described when everyone looked

Name : Nurul Imammah El-Khair NPM : 110110120320 down on Anna and claimed how cruel she is to let her sister Kate dying and would not donorate her organs anymore. But, in the end it will shocked yourself when Anna revealed by herself that actually Kate the one who wants her to sue their parents. At this point I feels likeOh God, I just love this novel ! I love how Jody Pillcout twist everyone from blame Anne for being cruel to her sister into something that makes her looks more pitiful. I mean who knows how pathetic Anna, had to accept Kate request to sue, and the otherwise, how pathetic Kate that actually has gave up by herself because of her disease. How dying she felt when she always needs donor but there are no big progressive impact to her body. And, believe me, the way Jody Pillcout delivered this part would not make you stop read it. Beside of main story of Annas case in the court, you will attract to how sweet the story of Kates First love, who had the same cancer just like her. The other story about Jesse, their brother who being invisible by their parents and another bittersweet story that would flow your heart when read it. And at the end, It was quite disappointed to know the ending actually. Kate survive and her sister Anna died because of terrible accident when she went home back after win the court. Tragic, is not it, huh ? Well, I did not expect it to be a happy-go-lucky, run through fields of flowers ending. I fully understanding that it would probably be a sad one. But the ending just came out of left field and it felt like it was done for pure shock-

Name : Nurul Imammah El-Khair NPM : 110110120320 factor. I dont feel like it was necessary at all and that alone brought my rating down for this entire book.. Overall, this is a good book though, and if you are in the mood for something sad and tearjerker, then you will probably enjoy it. But be sure to read it when you are in that mood, because you probably would not enjoy it otherwise. Believe me

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