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The Loquacious Library

A Newsletter from the SHS Library

Staff: Susan Myers, Irene Tighe, Myra Webb (This edition created by Karen Meharg!)

March 2013

MARCH MADNESS ot only is March Madness in full swing within the NCAA basketball teams, it's happening at the Loquacious Library. Between voting for award-winning books and collaborating with different classes, the media center has been busy! Thanks to Mr. Brooks for bringing his photography classes and holding a photo scavenger hunt around the library. Students tried to figure out clues made out by intern, Ms. M, and take pictures of the answers. Also, Mrs. Richards brought students to enjoy the ambience of the place, read, and work on research. Thank you to City Heights for sharing teen issues through improv. A warm arigato gozaimasu to Ms. Matsuoka, the Japan Outreach Coordinator from Wofford College, who shared Japanese culture with social studies classes.

Poetry Month April is poetry month, so come visit the PoetTREE in the media center and check out some wonderful collections of poems! Different poetry activities and contests are being held weekly during the month of April, so start thinking about those rhyming words you learned in elementary school, and create a poem! TECHNOLOGY INITIATIVE At the end of March, Dr. Booker made the announcement that District 7 is heading towards being 1:1. High school students will receive Mac Air Books, considered the best of its type according to Consumer Reports, starting in the fall. With this in mind, the media center has purchased e-books, which can be downloaded onto any reading device through the on-line catalog. There are already over 100 titles, but we need your input! Suggest books to a media specialist, and if you have any questions about access, come on in. We would be more than excited to help! Helpful Websites: As the school year is ending, more tests and projects are becoming due. Here are some websites to help with your studies: - make virtual flashcards of any kind and it will also quiz you on them ~ -copyright-rules-every-student-should-know/ an article to help you with copyright rules. DON'T PLAGARIZE! - SAT like questions over a variety of subjects, and you get help feed the hungry!

Brackets Sports in the library. Who would have dunk? Oh, wait... 16 award winning YA titles were chosen by Ms. M, and put into a bracket. The 16 titles were: Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets, Bomb: the Race to Build & Steal-the World's Most Dangerous Weapon, Cinder, Code Name Verity, Delirium, Divergent, In Darkness, Legend, Steve Jobs, The Fault in Our Stars, The Scorpio Races, Trafficked, Variant, We've Got a Job, and Why We Broke Up. After going head to head in the Battle of the Books, LEGEND by Marie Lu is the winner! Also, Tyquan Gentry is the winner of the drawing for a gift card to Hub City Book Shop for voting for Legend! Congrats, Tyquan!
Collaborative Clases Total Classes Library Walk-Ins Circulation 25 95 5350 1,260

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