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December 29, 2005

The meeting was called to order by President John Verga
at 7:00 P.M. at the Sleep Inn and Suites, 5605 18th St. East, Ellenton, FL.

Board Members present were John Verga, John Christman, Angela Jackson, Joe Sanchez, Bob
Olson, James Keehner and Melissa Hay constituting a quorum. The full Board was present. Also
present was Craig Smoot from AMI. There were several homeowners present.


The notice for the meeting was posted in accordance with Bylaws of the Association and
requirements of Florida Statutes.


John Christman made a motion that both the Board Meeting Minutes and the Board Organizational
Meeting Minutes of 12-05-05 be accepted as written. Angela seconded. The MOTION CARRIED

A. Vote to Adopt the Rules and Regulations; Fence Guidelines: James made a motion to
approve and adopt the Fence Guidelines as written in the December 05, 2005 Board Meeting
Minutes (and copied here). Bob seconded the motion. The MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
A copy will be mailed to all homeowners.

Ancient Oaks Fence Guidelines

(Adopted 12-29-2005)
The following are the fence guidelines created by the Modification Committee (MC) on 03/19/05. All of these
decisions were made by popular vote of the committee. Our decisions were based on the information provided in
section (w) Walls and Fences, in Article IV, USE RESTRICTIONS, of our deed restrictions. In addition, we were
mindful of the fence ordinances for Manatee County, and respectful of residents who were concerned that fences
may harm their view.
Our deed restrictions: a quote from section (w) Walls and Fences: "Any and all wall and fences may not exceed an
average height of six (6) feet exclusive of pillars or ornaments and shall in no instance exceed six (6) feet in height
measured from the first floor finished floor elevation unless approved by the NCC or MC in writing."
Note: Aside from fences needing to be approved, there is no mention of placement or materials.
Manatee County: to paraphrase the County Fence Ordinance; you can place a fence anywhere on your property,
including on the property line, but the fence must be on the property of the person who is erecting the fence. Fences
along the sides and the back on the property can not exceed eight (8) feet in height. Fences erected beyond the front
corners of the house can not exceed four (4) in height. If a homeowner places a fence in the utility easement, and a
Utility company needs that fence moved, the owner must move the fence at their expense.
Note: The laws of Florida do not protect a person's view.
Note: Deed Restrictions can be more restrictive than county ordinances.
With the foregoing in mind, the Board recommends the following as the Ancient Oaks Fence Policy, with the intent to
adopt this as a part of the Rules and Regulations of the Association.
Vinyl (PVC) in white or tan, and Ornamental Aluminum in white, tan, dark green, bronze, or black. No chain link and
no wood. Only the two materials mentioned will be considered.
Location & height:
You can place a fence anywhere on your property; however, you cannot put a fence beyond the front corners of your
house. Basically: no fences in front. No fence may exceed 6 feet in height. To determine the fencing configuration for
a lot, we have two types of lots. Lots with a side or sides that are on a shared view of a common pond or
conservation area, (shared view lot), and lots that do not meet that criteria (no view lot). On shared view lots, the
same height and location restrictions apply to hedges. NOTE: Landscaping changes require the same approval
process as any other exterior modification.
No View Lot:
You can put a fence, no greater than 6 feet, along the sides, and the back, of the lot. However, with regard to the
sides, the fence can not go past the front corners of the house.
Shared View Lot: "no view" side(s)
You can put a fence, no greater than 6 feet, along the "no view" side(s) of the lot. However, the fence can not go
past the front corners of the house. If it's a fence greater than 4 feet, the fence must end in the general vicinity of the
back of the house or pool cage. Where exactly, will be determined by the MC when the request is submitted, in
accordance with the layout of each house or pool cage. Shrubbery and hedges may not exceed the height of the
fence on the shared view side(s).
Shared View Lot: "shared view" side(s)
The "shared view" side(s) of a Shared View Lot, are the side(s) directly on the common pond or conservation area,
and include the sections of the "no view" side(s) that are also near that common pond or conservation area. On this
"shared view" side(s), no fence can be greater than 4 feet, and must be of the open slot, or picket, type. Where
exactly a fence will be placed will be determined by the MC when the request is submitted, in accordance with the
layout of each lot. Basically: No stockade type fences, of any height, along the "shared view" side(s) of a lot.
Shrubbery and hedges may not exceed the height of the fence on the shared view side(s).
Approval Process:
All fences must be approved by the MC. Homeowners who would like a fence, need to complete a Property
Modification Request Form, sign it, and send it to the management company. Included should be a survey or site
plan with the fence drawn in, fence heights, fence materials, and fence color must be specified.
Note: Fences facing the street or front of the house shall be softened with landscaping. Landscaping
along fences will be kept trimmed and maintained at or below the level of the fence.
ALL fences existing as of this date, December 13, 2005 at Ancient Oaks will be “Grandfathered In”
and will NOT be required to conform to these new Regulations.

Adopted 12-29-2005

Recruiting for Committees: The Violations Fines & Assessments Committee needs more members.
The Bike Rack/Bus Stop Committee needs more members.

Angela and John Christman discussed their meeting with County Commissioner Amy Stein.
Their written report to the Board is attached to these minutes, and has been posted on the
The Board discussed a new school bus stop and the possibility of receiving a county grant to help
fund it. No action taken.
John Christman had drafted a letter to be sent to Amy Stein. Angela made a motion that the
letter be sent with minor changes. John Christman seconded the motion. The MOTION
CARRIED unanimously. Angela and John C. will see that the letter is corrected and sent.

December 29, 2005, page 3.

The Board had lengthy discussions about the Harrison Ranch project, the Cul-De-Sacs and the
proposed shopping center on Erie Road near Ancient Oaks. No action taken.
The Board discussed the newsletter which was supervised and published by Melissa Hay. The
Board praised her for a job well done.
John Verga reported that Biological Research Associates treated the lakes on 12/29/05. The
supervisor is Chuck Pons at 1-888-286-1831
The Board discussed having Committee Reports presented at each meeting and sent to AMI in
electronic format so that they maybe saved in the official files of the Association. Committee
Reports will be on the Agendas of future Board meetings.
Environmental Committee: James will call Craig about meeting with Biological Research.
The Social Committee will plan to host a block party in March.
Craig will look in the AMI files for a landscaping as-built plan for Ancient Oaks and get it to Joe
if one exists.
*John Verga left the meeting at this time (7:40) due to his recent surgery.
*John Christman chaired the remainder of the meeting.
John Christman discussed developing some alternative source of irrigation for the individual
homeowners’ lots. He discussed digging community wells on common property for
homeowners to irrigate their lots. He indicated that his main point is that he wants to give the
homeowners more value for their dues.
John C. will check on getting a group rate for backflow inspections.
Angela will check with Brighthouse about group rates.
Bob will check with Verizon about group rates.
The Board reported that the house under construction at 54th Court and 90th Ave, Circle
(Lot#54), being built by Inland Homes, has a hole that appears to be cause by a sewer leak(?) and
the weeds are way out of hand and need to be cut and cleared. AMI has sent Inland Homes
letters about this house in the past. AMI will contact the Citizens Action Council about some
type of county enforcement action. AMI will also mention the problem of contractors not
cleaning the streets during construction of the homes.

The following homeowners agreed to assist with the newsletter:
Russ Bunger
Linda Hoffman
Michelle & Vern Headley

NEXT MEETING DATE: The Board of Directors Meeting will be held at 7:00P.M.on January
26, 2006 at Popi's Place Too, 815 8th Ave W, Palmetto, FL 34221; 941-721-9525.

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to be conducted this night, a motion was
made by ALL and seconded by ALL, to adjourn the meeting at 8:30P.M.
The motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Craig Smoot
Acting Secretary
Attachment: Letter to Amy Stein

To: Board of Directors – Ancient Oaks Dec. 20, 2005

From: Angela Jackson and John Christman

Subject: Meeting with Commissioner Stein

1. We met with Commissioner Stein in her office at the Manatee

County Government Building in Bradenton on December 15 at
1:30 PM. The meeting lasted approximately one and one half

2. We were well received. We had asked only for a short

meeting to introduce ourselves and Ancient Oaks. The fact
that the meeting lasted for as long as it did gives
credence to the idea that she was ready to discuss issues
of interest to us and to explain her position on things
happening in the County.

3. The subjects discussed were wide-ranging. Her interests

were highlighted by an extensive discussion of the fact
that the County was not getting the funding from State and
Federal agencies to build infrastructure at the rate needed
to support the growth now seen in the County.

4. Closer to home, she described a number of things that were

planned for the areas adjacent to Ancient Oaks. These
a. The expansion of Erie Road to four lanes.
b. The building of the Harrison Ranch Boulevard between
Erie Road through Rte 301 and extending to Old Tampa
c. A new high school near the intersection of Old Tampa
Road and Harrison Ranch Blvd.
d. A shopping area in the vicinity of Old Tampa Road and
Ft. Hammer Road.
e. The commercial area to the North and West of Ancient
Oaks to the Erie Road bend.
f. The fact that the intersection of 69th Street and Erie
Road would be modernized.

5. The items we raised for discussion were the Inter-

neighborhood ties and the idea that we would like to
consider a school bus pick-up area at the parking lot
instead of the 91st Ave intersection with Erie Road. Her
reaction to these was most interesting:
a. Specifically, with regard to the inter-neighborhood
ties, she said that she understood the concern that
A/O homeowners had with them but that they were in
their best interest. She pointed out that once
Harrison Ranch Blvd was completed, and the new
shopping area built at Harrison Blvd and Old Tampa
Road, the traffic pattern would be primarily Ancient
Oaks residents going through Harrison Ranch to get to
Harrison Blvd and return, not Harrison Ranch residents
going through Ancient Oaks to get to Erie Road or Rte
301. On that basis, her feeling was that Ancient Oaks
residents didn’t have the correct perspective on the
inter-neighborhood ties and that those ties would be
of greater benefit to Ancient Oaks than to Harrison
b. She appeared more favorably inclined with regard to
the school bus pick-up idea. At the outset she
cautioned that this would have to be dealt with by the
school transportation people. She gave a name to be
c. Further, she said that we could possibly get a grant
to build a shelter and a bicycle rack near the parking
lot. She also provided direction to the appropriate
people for us to deal with to bring this about if we
could get the approval of the school officials.

6. As a further indication of her willingness to hear from us,

she asked if one of us would serve on her Citizens’
Advisory Board. John volunteered and will attend the first
meeting of the new year in February.

* * * * *

In conclusion, we feel that the meeting was well

worthwhile; the door is open for further contact and the
positions she took particularly with regard to the inter-
neighborhood ties can provide an approach to favorable
resolution of this issue.


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