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Media is communication.

Discuss the ways that you have used media language to create meanings in one of your media products.

The product I have chosen to analyse is my music magazine titledIt belongs to the genre of.and an intended audience would expect certain conventions when reading this type of text. The front cover of a magazine communicates many things to its target audience, such as Conventions to include /examples from YOUR text: image mast head cover lines rule of thirds barcode/price/issue number/date colour palette images props costume layout font style/size anchorage

By media language we mean that texts use familiar codes and conventions that are generally understood by the intended audience. The audience decode the microelements to understand the meaning.

How these conventions communicate a message: There are connotations of It attracted my target audience because The image represented the artist by The layout attracts the reader and communicates the idea that the magazine is The colour palette connotes that The cover lines demonstrate to the reader that The outfit of the artist /use of a guitar on the front cover was key, because and could be viewed as an iconic sign The mode of address of the main artist is another way meaning is communicated. The pose of..../the expression/the shot type of connotes that

Theorists: John Fiske( 1982) suggests that denotation is what is photographed, connotation is how it is photographed.I have demonstrated this by Roland Barthes believed that signs ( e.g. mise-en-scene)signify particular meanings for the audience. The symbolic signs ofconvey the meaning of my audience. Stuart Halls Reception Theory ( 1973) {which is based on the idea that no text has one single meaning and individual members of the audience themselves help to create the meaning of the text and decode texts in individual ways} would apply to my magazine, as the covers overall meaning communicates thatbut to other readers may demonstrate

Blumer and Katz(1974) with the Uses and Gratifications Theory state that audiences may gain information and also identify with texts. I have aimed, through to communicate that my magazine is fun/informative/current/hipster/

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