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40 Kata Dalam Konteks Hukum Pidana

1. Accessory a. Black Law : a person who aids or contributes in the commission or concealment of a crime. b. Oxford : one who is a party to a crime that is actually committed by someone else. 2. Accomplice a. Black Law : a person who is in any way involved with another in the commission of a crime, wheter as a principal in the first on second degree or as an accessory. b. Oxford : one who is party to a crime, either as a perpetrator or as an accessory. Prosecution evidence of an accomplice must be corroborated. 3. Jeopardy a. Black Law : the risk of conviction and punishment that a criminal defendant faces at trial. Jeopardy attaches in a jury trial when the jury is empaneled, and in a bench trial when the first witness is sworn. b. Oxford : in danger of failure, loss, etc. 4. Juvenile a. Black Law : a person who has not reached the age (usu 18) at which one should be treated as an adult by the criminal-justice system. b. Oxford : of or suitable for young people, immature or foolish. 5. Incriminate a. Black Law : to charge with a crime. To identify as being involved in the commission of a crime or other wrong doing. b. Oxford : make appear to be guilty of wrong doing. 6. Indictment a. Black Law : the formal written accusation of a crime, made by grand jury and presented to a court for prosecution against the accused person. b. Oxford : a formal document accusing one or more persons of commiting as specified indictable offence or offences. 7. Bail a. Black Law : a security such as cash or a bond; security required by a court for the release of a prisoner who must appear at a future time. b. Oxford : the release by the police, magistrates court, or crown court of a person held in legal custody while awaiting trial appealing against a criminal conviction.

8. Burglary a. Black Law : the common law offense of breaking and entering anothers dwelling at night with the intent to commit a felony. The modern statutory offense of breaking and entering any building not just a dwelling, and not only at night with the intent ton commit a felony. b. Oxford : the offence of either entering a building, ship or inhabited vehicle as a trespasser with the intention of committing one of four specified crimes in it. 9. Citation a. Black Law : a court issued writ that commands a person to appear at a certain time and place to do something demanded in the writ, or to show cause for not doing so. A police issued order to appear before a judge on a given date to defend against a state charge. b. Oxford : a notice, issued in the Probate Registry by an executor proving a will in solemn form, calling upon persons to come forward if they object to the grant of probate to him. 10. Conviction a. Black Law : the act or process of judicially finding someone guilty of a crime; the state of having been proved guilty. b. Oxford : in criminal proceedings, a finding of guilty, or an acquittal on the ground of insanity. 11. Defendant a. Black Law : a person sued in a civil proceeding or accused in a criminal proceeding. b. Oxford : person against whom a case is brought in a lawcourt. 12. Entrapment a. Black Law : a law enforcement officers or government agents inducement of a person to commit a crime, by means of fraud or undue persuasion, in an attempt to later bring a criminal prosecution against that person. b. Oxford : deliberately trapping a person into committing a crime in order to secure his conviction, as by offering to buy drugs. 13. Felony a. Black Law : a serious crime usu. Punishable by imprisonment for more than one year or by death. Example include burglary, arson, rape, and murder. 14. Arson

a. Black Law : at common law, the malicious burnig of someone elses dwelling house or out house that is either appurtenant to the dwelling house or within the cartilage. b. Oxford : the intentional or reckless destruction or damaging property by fire without a lawful excuse. 15. Misdemeanor a. Black Law : a crime that is less serious than a felony. Punishable by fine, penalty, forfeiture, or confinement in a place other than prison. b. Oxford : formerly, anny of the less serious offences, as opposed to felony. 16. Plea a. Black Law : an accused persons formal response of guilty, not guilty, or not contest, to a criminal charge. b. Oxford : a formal statement in court by or on behalf of an accused person as a response to the charge made against him. 17. Presentment a. Black Law : the act of presenting or laying before a court or other tribunal a formal statement about a matter to be dealt with legally. b. Oxford : the act of presenting a bill of exchange to the person upon whom it is drawn for his acceptance or for payment. 18. Offense a. Black Law : a violation of the law; a crime, often a minor one. b. Oxford : a crime. The modern tendency is to refer to crimes as offences. Offences may be classified as indictable or summary and as arrestable or nonarrestable. 19. Recidivist a. Black Law : one who has been convicted of multiple criminal offenses, usu. Similar in nature; a repeat offender<proponents of prison reform argue that prisons dont cure the redivist>. 20. Remand a. Black Law : the act or an instance of sending something back for further action. An order remanding a case, claim or a person. b. Oxford : to commit an accused person to custody or release him on bali during an adjournment. 21. Revocation a. Black law : an annulment, cancellation, or reversal, of an act or power. b. Oxford : the cancellation by the court of a grant or probate that was abtained by fraud ofr mistake.

22. Probation a. Black Law : a court imposed criminal sentence that, subject to stated conditions, releases a convicted person into the community instead of sending the criminal to jail or prison. b. Oxford : system of officially checking the behavior of sb who has commited a crime rather than sending him/her to prison. 23. Prosecutor a. Black Law : a legal officer who represents the state or fedral government in criminal proceeding. b. Oxford : bring a criminal charge against in a lawcourt. 24. Vandalism a. Black Law : willful or ignorant destruction of public or private property, esp. of artistic, architectural, or literary treasures. b. Oxford : deliberate damaging of property, etc. 25. Suppress a. Black Law : to put a stop to, put down, or prohibit; to prevent (something) from being seen, heard, known or discussed. b. Oxford : put an end to: a revolt. Prevent from being known. 26. Suspect a. Black law : to consider (a person) as having probably committed wrong doing, but without certain truth. b. Oxford : person suspected of doing wrong, etc. 27. Victim a. Black Law : a person harmed by crime, tort, or other wrong. b. Oxford : person who suffers death, injury, hardship or loss. 28. Warrant a. Black Law : to guarantee the security of realty or personalty, or a person. b. Oxford : written order giving authority to do something. 29. Crime a. Black Law : an act that the law makes punishable; the breach of a legal duty treated as the subject matter of a criminal proceeding. b. Dictionary of Law : an act which is against the law and which is punishable by law. 30. Penitentiary a. Black Law : a correctional facility or other place of long term confinement for convicted criminals. b. Dictionary of Law : a large prison.

31. Penalty a. Black law : punishment imposed on a wrongdoer, in the form of imprisonment or fine. b. Dictionary of Law : a punishment such as a fine which is imposed if something is not done or if a law is not obeyed. 32. Decedent a. Black Law : a deead person. One who has dead recently. It typically appears in legal proceedings. 33. Accusation a. Black Law : a formal charge of criminal wrongdoing. An informal statement that a person has engaged in an illegal or immoral act. b. Dictionary of Law : the act of saying that someone has commited a crime. 34. Alibi a. Black Law : a defense based on the physical impossibility of a defendants guilt by placing the defendant in a location other than the scene of the crime relevant time. b. Dictionary of Law : a plea that a person charged with a crime was somewhere else when the crime was committed. 35. Suspicion a. Black Law : the apprehension or imagination of the existence of something wrong based only on inclusive or slight evidence, or possibly even no evidence. b. Dictionary of Law : feeling that someone has committed a crime. 36. Perjury a. Black Law : the act or an instance of a person deliberately making material false or misleading statements while under oath. b. Dictionary of law : the notifiable offence of telling lies when you have made an oath to say what is true in court. 37. Appeal a. Black Law : a proceeding undertaken to have a decision reconsidered by a higher authority; the submission of a lower courts or agencys decision to a higher court for a review and possible reversal. b. Dictionary of Law : the act of asking a higher court to change a decision of a lower court. 38. Mayhem a. Black Law : the crime of maliciously injuring a persons body, esp. to impair or destroy the victims capacity for self defence. b. Dictionary of law : the violent removal a persons arm or leg.

39. Arraignment a. Black Law : the initial step in criminal prosecution whereby the defendant is brought before the court who hear the charges and to enter a plea. 40. Violence a. Black Law : the use of physical force, accompanied by fury, vehemence, or outrage; physical force unlawfully exercised with the intent to harm.

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