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DRAWING KO, wl 3 eg OO. N 2 <—w | J IN a ne SE Gee ee Pe ‘ ( Buttarworth-Hoinemann An imprint of Elsevier Science: Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford 0X2 BOP 200 Wheeler Road, Burlington MAG1803 First published by Amold 1968 ‘Sacand edition by Amold 1974 Reprinted by Butter worh-Hememann 2001, 2003 Copyright © K Moeing 1974. Allrights reserved The right of K Morfing to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted In accordance with the Copyright, Designsand Patents Act 1568 ‘No pant of this publication may be reproduced in ary material form {inckiding photocapying or storing in any medium by electronic means [and whothar oF not transiently ov incidentally to soma other use of this publication) \without tha written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, England, WIT 4LP. Applications for the copyright hoider’s writen permission to reproduce any part ofthis publication should be addressed to the publishers Permissions may be sought directly rom Elsevier's Science and Technology Rights Gepartment in Oxford, UK: phone: (+44) (0) 1665 843690; fax: (+44) (0) 1865 853333; @-mai: pormissions(, You may asa complete your request or-ine via the Elsavier Science homepage (http://www., by selecting ‘Customer ‘Support’ and then ‘Obtaining Permissions’. ‘Whilst tha acvies and information in this book is beifeved to be true-and accurate atthe die of going to press, neither the author nor publisher can accept any legal responsibilty or lability for any errors or omissions that may be made, British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available trom the Birtish Library (SBN 07191 34198 For more information on all Butterworth-Heinemann publications Please visit our website at [Printed and bound in Graat Britain by The Bath Press, Bath Contents Pratacs to the second edition Acknowledgments PART | GEOMETRIC DRAWING Chapter 1 Scales a The reprosentative fraction; plain seal Giagonal scales: proportional scales. Exerciser 1 2 The construction of geometric figures from given dats 10 Construction of the following triangles: Equilateral, given one of the sides lsoscoles, given the perimeter and altitude Scalene, given base angles and altitude Scalene, given base, altitude and vertical angle Scalene, given perimeter and ratio of sides Scalene, given perimeter, altitude and vertical angie Similar triangles with different perimeter Construction of the following quedritaterals: ‘Square, given one side ‘Square. given the diagonal Rectangle, given the diagonal and one side Paraltelogram, given two sides and an angle Rhombus, given the disganal and length of sides ‘Trapazium, given the parailel sides, the perpendicular distance between them and ‘one angle Construction of the following polygons: Regular hexagon, given the langth of side Regular hexagon. given the diameter Regular octagon, given the diagonal {within a circle) Regular octagon, given the diameter (within # square) Regular polygon, given the length of side (thee methods) Regular polygon, given the diagonal (within: a circle) Regular potygon. given the dismeter Exercises 2 page Isometric projection 20 Conventional isometric projection (isometric drawing); circles and curves in isometric; tuue isomenic projection; isometric scales Exercises 3 26 ‘The construction of circles to satisfy given conditions 23 To construct the circumference, given the diameter To construct the diameter, given the circumference To find tha centre of a circle ‘To construct circles. given the following conditions: To pass through three given points inscribed circle of a regular polygon Circumseribed circle of a regular polygon Escribed circle to a regular polygon To pass through a fixed point and touch a line at a given point To pass through two given points and touch a given ine To touch two given fines and pass through a given point To touch another given circle and & given line: To touch another circle and two tangents of that circle To touch another circle and two given lines To pass through two given points and touch a given circle ‘Three circles which touch, given the position of their contres ‘Two circles within a third circte, cireles to touch ‘Any number of circles within a given circle, ail circles to touch ‘A number of equal circles within a given regular polygon Equal circles around a given regular polygon Exercises 4 Tangency ‘Tangent from a point on the circumference three eq

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