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Can you imagine within 20 years later how our life becomes? What we may expect? What kind of jobs we will do? Do young children learn in their school today will help them to face the obstacle in their future? Too much question raise in our head. This is because education as the event is a place can school today play importance role in everyones life. Unable to go to school can make someones life miserable. This perception can only limited that a person who succeed in school can have better life. In other words, proper education can ensure a generation to achieve better in their future life. If we refer to the definition above, it shows how importance education is. Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, research, or simply through self-directed . Generally, it occurs through any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts. ( While a school, A place for learned intercourse and instruction; an institution for learning; an educational establishment; a place for acquiring knowledge and mental training

( Systems of schooling involve institutionalized teaching and learning in relation to a curriculum, which itself is established according to a predetermined purpose of the schools in the system. Schools systems are sometimes also based on religions, giving them different curriculum. ( Is it possible for anyone in any place to learn even without proper facilities? Sugata Mitra the winner of TED prize for year of 2013 said that education system nowadays is out-dated. The fact children can drive their own education if provided access to the internet and if nudged by adults who also stay out of the way as in give a speech about the topic of future learning: school in the cloud. The School in The Cloud, a learning lab in India that will help children learn though the hands-off approach. This is an interesting new concept in education and is certainly admirable. However, this system of education depends on having

the infrastructure to work with these remote and hands-off teachers, or to work with the technology that facilitates learning. The iconic symbols of education hard cover textbooks, chalkboards and wooden desks may soon become mere historical representations of the way we once taught our children. Technology is now an essential part of our daily world and educators are creatively using it in the classroom and beyond. The School in The Cloud will be an interesting experience for the children who have access to it, but for those who don't have access to the infrastructure; it doesn't seem to be a feasible way to democratize education. Cloud learning is starting to be looked at seriously by many educational institutions as a replacement or supplement to their traditional teaching practices. One of the main reasons is as a means of reducing expensive IT costs while providing a service that is easily accessible from any kind of device. Another advantage of Cloud learning is that it allows for context-based communication and collaboration instead of a standard point-topoint communication practice that is used in traditional practices. The user is able to take this information to personalize and customize their learning experience to meet their own personal needs. The user is able to increase connections, interactions and sharing in a Cloud learning environment which allows for effective learning. According to him, future learning required a fundamental transformation of education or training need to address new skills a competence. That is why, todays educators must determine how education or training policy as we applied today can prepare learners for life in the future society [1]. Todays generation had familiarise themselves with technology. For them, everything is easy. Once they were born, the flat screen television and computer has already being invented. For example, if you want to look for something to read about, you do not have to trouble yourself by going to library, just browse through the internet. That is way future learning is importance since our world has been overtake technology. We cannot compare children nowadays with the generation from 20 years ago. Even today, a lot of new kind of works had existed. School in the cloud meaning that one system that store all information that can be access anywhere by any children. Children can explore on their own and experience the knowledge. Self-learning has bloomed; discovering online possibilities is a skill now developed from early childhood through advanced adult life said John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning. All we need is an access to the online resources. A major thrust of the conference was globalisation and our responsibility to help children learn to become citizens of the world. Learning through globalisation

Lets face it, the world of paper and pencils are over. Technology has advanced so fast in recent years that its hard to keep up with. These advances make life easier in many ways. They can also be extremely helpful to students. Due to that, leaders at learning institutions need to adopt a more inductive, collective pedagogy that takes advantage of our era .In order to establish the school in the cloud, of course internet based learning is needed. The basic things are computer and internet access and with one click, all information beyond our imagination is in front of our eyes. So, learning process could happen anywhere and anytime. One way is using virtual learning system as the platform. It is based on the web that models conventional real-world education by providing equivalent virtual access to classes, class content, tests, homework, grades, assessments, and other external resources such as academic or museum links. It is also a social space where students and teacher can interact through threaded discussions or chat [2] From my opinion, school in the clouds system is an open source education. Students free to select what they want to learn. They will be train to think out the book. Unlike today education system, we intimidate by grades and examination. Slowly, it can retard the children creativity but through the clouds students obtain and digest information in a different way. Even though learning process can happen anywhere, I still think, we need a system to control this cloud like school today. School building is appropriate but we can reduce the dependence to the lands and infrastructure. Children from poor area can benefit toward learning process since their government do not have to spent a lot of money to build a school. Kids no longer use books to store information. Students who are geographically distance from developed area can be educated at very own comfort place without having to travel long distance. Furthermore, for those are prevented from going to school due to sickness or disabilities can also have opportunity to participate in learning process. All they need is portable computer connected to the clouds. Learning process is carried out together in a conducive classroom with presence of a teacher which play role more as a facilitator. Not only have information media changed, while they enjoy and use live interaction with colleagues and teachers, it no longer holds the monopoly position it once held. Even classes that meet in person are making greater use of the web in delivering course content. Students set up web pages and use web services to communicate with each other. Most classes have course web sites that contain lectures, assignments and other resource In fact, the very prospect of self-guided learning will place an enormous burden on the security and integrity of our online learning technologies. For parents and teachers to

feel comfortable with children guiding themselves through an Internet-based curriculum, the trust in those online systems has to be ironclad. Apart from that, there is a lot of discussion in implementation of school in the cloud education about rising costs and a hope that technology could be used to make education more efficient and effective. Distance learning and digital education is the latest fashion in education. A large sum of cost is needed to spend especially in poor country. Individuals have very different learning styles, and some really thrive on personal interaction. Studying on the Internet offers a form of interaction, but it isn't quite the same as being in the room with somebody. For example, some courses are based around chat rooms or message boards. Some may also have a certain amount of video conferencing or voice chat. This kind of interaction isn't always as smooth and natural as learning in a real-life classroom. It can be harder to read people's reactions to your suggestions, and teachers may take longer to respond. Teachers cannot feel the teaching process because she cannot see the body language or the facial expression If you want study something like cooking or sewing, you'll need some actual hands-on training. There are many subjects that can't be studied without personal access to real-life equipment and experience. However, there are also some subjects where you can complete part of your studies through virtual school and the rest in the classroom, allowing you to reap the many benefits of virtual schooling for a good portion of your experience. In science field especially, in order to understand certain process, children to do experiment, observe with very own eyes, feel and smell the product. With these, the will understand better and will have long memory about it. When come to sport, school in the cloud could not go against it, sport is important. For example, is it possible for students learn the technic to throw a ball when playing basketball by just viewing on the screen?

Some people aren't very good at self-motivation, and this can make virtual schooling more difficult. The physical presence of a teacher and classmates can often exert a subtle pressure that keeps you focused. When you're left to your own devices, you may be more prone to losing focus and wasting time, which could hinder your learning experience and cause you to get bad grades. In particular, there are concerns about violations of student privacy, student access to inappropriate content, and something known as the catfish effect. (For those unfamiliar, this term refers to students faking their identities online or finding surrogates to take online

tests, participate in online classrooms, or contribute to online workgroups.) Naturally, a system for validating student identities is a significant part of the solution. Furthermore, it's not just data security that we need to consider. Moving our whole learning system online means greater reliance on system availability and up time, which creates a significant need for data storage, disaster recovery and continuity of operations. Ultimately, we need to make these investments in information security and management today (particularly at the state and local levels) in order to realize the exciting education future of tomorrow. From my point of view, future learning is we shape today learning process as to prepare students nowadays for the challenge they might encounter in the future. Especially, when they look for jobs. Today older generation should carry the responsibility to educate children to face the things perhaps we could not imagine. Internet based learning is the latest and the most appropriate approach and tools in helping us to catalysed the future learning. Since technology has changing our concept in learning, training and educating. Older generation has to accept the fact that children of today cannot be compared to their time. Old method of teaching in school is obsolete. Too many exam and punishment can retard the creativity. Using future learning, encouragement is emphasized. Children can develop their critical skill on their own. However, a teacher is still relevant. We cannot deny the importance of a teacher but we have to alter their function. A teacher may only facilitate or monitored them during learning process take place by creating a self-organized learning environment. Our purpose for education is lead the children to develop skill and attitude that are appropriate for critical thinkings and problem solving that might help them to survive the tough world of tomorrow. School is also a place to learn norm and value of society. The face to face interaction that children will with each other, the teacher and other school community likely to be critical component in this process. Indeed, school is the place where children can learn about humanistic value. They need to experience if it must in a proper place. Our school system is good, but we need to upgrade. We can integrate todays system with the school system proposed by Sugata Mitra. We need cooperation form teachers, parent, educational staff and nation itself in order to make sure whatever change we made today will benefit the generation of future.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The advantages and disadvantages of virtual school , Glenn Russel, ICT Education Journal Sem 2004. 7. Measuring the Efficiency of Cloud Computing for E-learning Systems PAUL POCATILU, FELICIAN ALECU, MARIUS VETRIC issue 1,Volume 9, January 2010





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