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A SHADOW OF THINGS TO COME The law was just a shadow of what was to come, Wonderful blessings when the

Saviour did come, Only through His blood could we draw near, No longer the need for sacrifices every year. The blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sins, Only the blood of Jesus could cleanse us from sins, Indeed Christ Jesus our Lord was in every way obedient, Now we have been sanctified by the blood of Christ. High Priests of old made daily sacrifices, But our Great High Priest paid the once for all sacrifice, Risen and glorified he is seated at the Fathers right hand, Now we who belong to him must follow our destiny plan. A perfect sacrifice was made by the One who is perfect, So that righteousness and purity could be imputed to us the imperfect, The Holy Spirit will help us in every way, He will guide us in our walk today and every day. Because of the blood of Jesus we have access to the Holy Place, Where we might gaze upon the wondrous beauty of his face, So let us now with confidence go beyond the veil, Entering into his sweet presence, in that sacred Holy Place. We can have confidence because of the blood of Jesus, That we are counted as righteous and just, Its not that we have done anything to merit such a position, But Jesus our Lord has given us salvation. The Lord keeps his promises, every one of them, We need to believe they are yae and amen, Lets learn to love like he loves, putting love into action, Encouraging one another in the faith and together worshipping. For us who know Jesus there can be no turning back, We will walk in the light and will not walk in the dark, To turn our backs on him is like crucifying him all over again, We must pursue righteousness and flee from sin. Lord we do not want in any way to depart from the faith, Help us Lord and lead us in your ways, We have the greatest treasure in being born again, Give us we pray, your love and compassion for men. Your will we desire to do, obediently following you, We look forward to your returning, that glorious day, Help us to run the race well until completion with you, We will keep our eyes on you, walking in your ways.

Irene McGough 2013

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