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Snow Flight:

Part II - Out In It

When they were all inside and the doors were closed they all took a moment to

catch their breaths. The hike up to the settlement had taken its toll, the drifts had been unpredictable and deep patches were hidden dangers in the endless white. Abi had gotten stuck twice even with Zeke forging a path in front of her, her slight frame had trouble making its way though the thick sticky powder. Dash lifted his head and took in the sight of their safe haven, it was a wide square room littered with round tables and simple chairs. At the far end was a bar that ran almost the length of the room anked by a ight of stairs and a single wooden door. On either side of the room stood two large replaces Zeke was already making his way over to one, the training he had received as a boy was always in his mind when they found themselves in situations like this, instinct always kicked in. "Bernie, you want to give that one a try?" Bernie huffed, still trying to catch his breath and headed for the empty replace. He slumped his backpack on a table near the re then began cannibalising the surrounding furniture for rewood. Dash slung off his own pack and rummaged through it searching for his lamp. He pulled it out and icked the toggle switch down. Nothing happened. He icked the switch back and lightly shook the metal box. Abi turned round in the chair she'd collapsed into and watched him tap away at the lamp with his nger tips. She reached into her own back and offered her hand to her struggling captain. "Let me see it." Abi rolled out her small tool kit onto the table and took the lamp from Dash. She picked up a screwdriver without looking, this was her tool kit and she kept it in order much like her Grandfather did. His may have been larger, industrial sized tools covered in years of caked on grease and grime but they were as orderly as a tool set could be. Abi had the rear plate off and was peering inside but the darkness hindered her progress. She looked up when she noticed Zeke's replace burst into life. She hopped over through the maze of tables and bent into the light. "Bring me my tools." She called not taking her eyes off the lamp. Dash carefully picked up her equipment and placed it down on the nearest table leaving her to work. He walked over to Bernie who was still trying to light his re. "Damn wood, won't burn right." He said throwing down half a chair leg.

"Zeke, see if you can get this one going." Dash lead Bernie away from the hearth "I'm alright why?" Bernie had stopped his grumbling and switched to confused "I want to look this place over that's all." Dash pulled the revolver from his holster

and stood him next to the table he had left his gear at. "How you doing for ammo?" instantly. and swung the cylinder out checking his ammo. Bernie paused and watched him check his weapon, something felt off about the young captain. He did not take his eyes off of him until he had his own weapon in his hand. The cut-down lever action rie looked as old as Bernie himself but no one cared for their weapon like he did, he saw it as another tool, something to be respected, he'd even given it a name. Abi broke the silence rst, she handed the now intact lamp back to Dash. "Here ya go Cap'in. What's going on?" "Nothing, just going to have a look around." Dash turned and headed for the door

next to the bar turning on the lamp. A thick yellow beam cut through the dark and lit up all the dust oating in the air. "Stay here sweetheart. Help Zeke set things up ok." Bernie patted her on the shoulder as he passed, following the blank footprints in the dust on the oor.

Dash stood it the door way lamp and revolver held out in front of him. The beam of

light moved slowly through the room from one side to the other. In the light he saw glimpses of empty bottles, metal shelving, stacks of papers. Nothing moved except for the dust. Bernie stepped in behind him holding his weapon like a full length rie. He could easily wield it in one hand but in the conned space of the ofce he had better control this way. Dash went further into the ofce scanning every corner of the room. He could not get a clear view of anything, most of the oors pace had been taken up with metal shelving lled with boxes and crates obscuring his view. He stepped forward to move round the nearest set of shelving when the lights above him blinked on. Dash spun on the spot and drew his weapon across his body and found his target. Bernie stood with his hand still on the red toggle switch of the fuse box. "Woah! Slow up there Son." Bernie raised his free hand, slowly surrendering. "You trying to scare the hell out of me?" Dash icked his lamp off and dropped his

head, catching his breath. Bernie watched him for a moment, the shock of having a gun pulled on him was still in his system. He made space on the cluttered desk and perched on the corner of it.

"Alright kid, out with it." He folded his arms trying to get comfortable. Dash saw the "I saw someone--something--I don't even know but it's got me rattled and I can't "Is that what made you stop out there?" "It was only for a second and then it was gone. Then you grabbed me and dragged "Well you were just stood out there freezing to death, someone had to drag you off."

look he was getting and knew it was pointless to argue. "What's going on?" shake the thought we're being watched."

me away." Dash snorted out a laugh and leaned against the metal shelving, talking it out with Bernie was beginning to relax his nerves. He was slowly convincing himself he was being paranoid for no reason at all.

Zeke and Abigail had arranged some of the tables around the re and had sorted

out supplies into different piles. Food and medical supplies were closest to the re, tools and ammo were furthest. Zeke was helping her clean her weapon, the snub nosed revolver lay open on the table, Abi had lined up her rounds in a neat little row. "I just don't understand how it could have gotten in there I mean it was covered up "It happens, don't worry about it. It's not a big job." Zeke inserted a small wire brush "Do you think Dash is mad at me?" "What? No, why?" Zeke stopped his work and looked at her. "Well it is my fault we're here. We'll be late with the delivery and no doubt will get "Something is bothering him but he's not angry at you Abi I'm sure of it." Zeke the whole time." Abi said slumping her chin onto her rst. into the barrel, he was with weapons as Abi was with her tools.

short changed." Abi ddled with the last of her bullets trying to balance it on its edge. returned to his work and soon passed the revolver back to Abi. She took it tentatively and slowly loaded it again. Before she pushed the cylinder back into place the wind picked up sending a shiver down her spine. "Did you hear that?" Zeke stood up and placed his hand on the butt of his rie. "The wind? Yeah." She shook herself trying to rid the cold feeling from her body. "No something in the wind." Zeke took hold of his weapon and walked towards the

nearest window, it was thick with grime and impossible to see tough so he stood and listened. The next thing he heard was a gun shot.

Dash red a second time and the man did not drop. He adjusted his aim up slightly

and red a third round into his head tearing through his eye and destroying the back of his skull. Zeke and Abi ran into the ofce wielding their own weapons ready for a reght. "I'm alright." He said quietly his gun still aimed at the man who had attacked him, he "He came out of no where, Grabbed for him, wouldn't stop." Bernie was off of the followed his falling body to the oor with the end of his revolver. desk and moving Dash away from body. "Abi don't look at him." Zeke stepped in front of her and moved over to the body. Keeping himself in between her and the corpse. He knelt down and looked it over. "He's dead." "I know Zeke I just shot him." "No it looks like been dead a while, his skin is cold, lifeless." He craned his neck "Alright everybody out of here now." Bernie said. He ushered Dash and Abi back

back towards them. "This isn't right." into the bar room, Zeke followed him glancing back at the body. Dash sat down near the re with Abi by his side. "I'm alright Abi stop worrying." "Did he say anything to you?" Zeke was stood near the window next to the re. "He didn't say anything, just sort of moaned or growled at him." Bernie pulled a "Yeah it was like a moan." He took a good swig from the silver ask. "Why?" "Just before you red I heard something in the wind, sounded like a moan to me." Abi took the ask from Dash and had a swig for herself. "Could have been that guy." "Sounded too far away and it was well before the gun shot."

small metal ask from his belt and handed it to Dash.

Above them wood creaked and they all turned their head up to look for the sound. Dash stood up and icked oped the cylinder of his revolver. Without looking he picked out the dead casings and replaced them with fresh rounds. As he did another creak came from above them. "Has anyone checked upstairs yet?" Abi stood next to Dash gripping her own "No we were going there next." Bernie gripped the wood of his cut-down tightly and revolver in both hands. took a step away from the group. Zeke had his rie trained on the top of the stairs, nothing would come down without him putting at least one into it. There was no ner shot that Ezekiel with a rie. Thud! It came from inside the ofce. Thud! One came from upstairs. Thud! Another from the ofce. Abi was getting scared, every sound was making her jump.

"Gramps..." "It's alright sweetheart. Just stay close." Bernie stepped back, staying close to her

he held her with his free hand keeping his cut-down pointed outwards. Dash took his place and moved forward towards the ofce. The banging continued and was getting louder followed by a crack, whatever way trying to get out was now free. They all stood silent waiting to nd out what was going to come out. Zeke was keeping one eye on the stairs and one on the opening to the ofce. Shufing feet moved forwards out of the ofce, before the group stood another man much like the one that had attacked Dash. It's skin was lifeless and grey as we're its eyes. It let out a dull groan as it reached out for the captain who quickly took aim and red.

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