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by Arnold Ward
278 pages; Perfect bound; catalogue #03-1221; ISBN 1-4120-0853-0; US$21.95,
C$29.00, EUR18.85, £13.10
Connectedness is for people who want to find a meaning in life and explore the
world behind what we usually refer to as reality. It is a down-to-earth- and
easily readable book that will provide some answers of why we are here today, in
these particular bodies.
Here is more information on this book:
Read more!about the book about the author sample excerpts or Table of
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About the Book

I saw a need to provide information for people who find difficulty in working out
why life can seem so difficult at times (all the time?).
The book covers a wide range of information, beginning with the creation of life,
and Man's journey through a beginning as pure spirit and its subsequent descent
into a material body and now the struggle to return to the spiritual source. It
explains that all that we see and touch is actually energy and the energy fields
it creates result in all of life, at all levels, being connected.
Increasing consciousness is the basic drive and this process is described. There
is no limit to the extent that consciousness can expand to and our progress into
higher levels of that experience are portrayed in the higher levels of evolution
that can be attained, such as the human hierarchy, the logoi of planets and solar
systems etc. The path to increases in consciousness lies through re-incarnation
and the working out of karma.
Due to the efforts of fore-runners of the race we are gradually exposed to the
potential before us but we are hesitant in grasping the fact that life does have a
deep, inner meaning, and that everything in the universe is actually connected to
everything else. The value of science is noted but there is also a broad exposure
to such facets of life as the human body, health, relationships, education and
beliefs, politics, time and cycles.
Despite the extent of the subjects covered it connects them into a workable
framework from which to explore matters of interest in more depth.
Arnold Ward has had a long interest in the spiritual life of humanity. He has
written this book to encourage a deeper consideration of the reason for human life
on Earth. The Alice Bailey work and the Arcane school are the foundation for his
writing and the contents include: the beginning; energy fields; the environment;
evolving consciousness; reincarnation and karma; hierarchy and time. Scientific
discoveries, theories outlined, showing how the advancements of today relate to
the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Many other subjects are featured including methods
of divination, morphogenesis, the environment, health and growth and
relationships. Connectedness is a most readable and informative book.
The Beacon July/August 2004

About the Author
Arnold Ward is a retired accountant who left England for Canada in 1952 and
entered Australia in 1970 with his wife and two children. During his many moves in
Canada and Australia he has been through a number of crises and met many
individuals who exposed him to varied aspects of the world of metaphysics.
On early retirement he and his wife Marie, who has been a constant inspiration to
him, opened a residential healing centre in New South Wales, and then one in
Western Australia. A lifelong interest in psychic phenomena and the spiritual side
of life, which began in his late teens, was coupled with a deep interest in
science. His interest in astrology led to a diploma from the Faculty of
Astrological Studies (London) in the year 1977.
Beginning in the early 1990's he took an interest in the beginnings of
biotechnology as applied to plants and eventually became a founding member of the
South Australian Genetic Food Information Network (SAGFIN). In 1999 he attended
the 'Eating into the Future' conference held at the Adelaide Hilton. At a
concurrent session he read a paper titled 'Genetic Engineering in a Spiritual
Setting' which was subsequently published in The Beacon magazine.
Reading of the Alice A. Bailey books opened up a much wider introduction to one of
the means of spiritual growth and also introduced him to the course provided by
the Arcane School. In his case this proved to be what he had been looking for as
it broadened his opportunity for service to others. Part of that service is this
book, which is a primer for all those who are seeking some answers to the
questions that arise as a result of a feeling that there is more to life than just
working and consuming material goods. It is meant to act as a spur to looking more
deeply into the true reasons for human life on Earth.
A draft copy of the book was given to Sarah McKechnie, who is president of the
Lucis Trust, one of the Trust's functions being the publishing of the Alice Bailey
books. Her comments on the book of - "You asked for my comments, and the first
thing I would say is congratulations on such an extensive appraisal of so many
different subjects, all of which you discuss by drawing upon the Ageless Wisdom.
Writing this book must have been a huge task." - have encouraged me to persist in
finding a publisher.
His inner feeling is that he was meant to write this book to inspire others to
take up the search for inner meaning.

Sample Excerpts and Table of Contents
In the Beginning
Energy Fields
The Environment
History of Man - Evolving Consciousness
The Human Body
Why we are here - Reincarnation and Karma
Health and Growth
Education and Beliefs
Methods of Divination
The Hierarchy of Man
Politics and Spirituality
This book resulted from my thoughts after writing a paper titled 'Genetic
Engineering in a Spiritual Setting' which I read at a concurrent session in the
'Eating into the Future' conference held at the Adelaide Hilton in April 1999. (A
copy of that paper is included in the appendix to the book).
In writing the paper I became aware that much of what we humans do, whether it be
at the technological, social, environmental, etc., levels is usually done without
regard to the 'connectedness' of all life. We have an idea and impetuously put it
into action without thinking of the ramifications of what might happen as a result
of that action. Often we act as if time was of extreme importance and that we have
to get in first to make our money, or achieve some other objective before someone
else does.
'Haste makes waste' is an old saying and if one reflects, life still goes on
without that marvellous invention, new technology, new method of doing something.
They need to be integrated with what already is, and in the larger sense of a
surrounding community be it large, or small, in the context of the action. We are
here to learn how to live with respect for all other life (and that includes all
of us) and to develop a sense of 'beingness', to edge closer each day to that
marvellous Being Who created us.
Whenever I watch a nature program on TV, read about the wonderful events and
processes that take place, hear about the almost limitless potentials of human
beings, and then reflect on the immensity of the universe with its millions of
galaxies and billions of stars, I feel a sense of awe that we are actually part of
that life.
This book is not meant to be a scientific treatise, or a sophisticated look at
life. The real purpose is to present an outline of what I have learned during my
now, longish life and which started when, as a teenager, I read 'The End of Borley
Rectory', something captured my interest and led to a continual search for answers
to life's mystery.
The Bibliography contains many books which I found to be of great interest, and of
use, in my quest. You, too, will discover that when information or help is
genuinely sought for, a door will open and guide you to your need. The universe is
watching, the universe knows; rest assured that seekers after the truth are never
misled if they tread the path wisely.
Always be aware of the charlatans who will profess they are the true guides. They
may have something of value, but it is generally covered up in slick words and
often leads to a request for significant amounts of money. True spiritual advice
and guidance comes with no strings attached, leaving it to the receiver to decide
how much it is worth.
I wrote what I have because I thought that many readers who are on the borderline
of mute acceptance of their life and a wondering of why is all this happening to
me; am I just a happenstance of life in a human body; will feel inspired enough to
begin their search for a spiritual meaning in life.
There is no one method, no one path to follow. Life was intended to be infinite in
potential and therefore what you do is yours alone. And alone we actually are as I
discovered when on one starlit night I gazed up at them and had a distinct
feeling, 'you are all alone'. Eventually you will return to the starting point,
either willingly or unwillingly, sooner or later, and those choices are yours.
One word of caution. Never rest assured at any one stage in the confidence that
'this is it'. You are heading into infinity and therefore there is no end to the
As you read this I wish you well in your search for answers as to why you are what
you are.
Arnold Ward
Adelaide May 2003
Chapter One - CREATION
It is necessary to use the imagination when dealing with the world of the Spirit.
So much that has been discovered by individuals who have the gift of being able to
'see' beyond the material veil can be foreign to our everyday lives as we struggle
to maintain our existence in as healthy a form as possible. We often pass it off
as something not relevant because we are so immersed in the physicality of life.
What is often forgotten is the extent to which the frontiers of our visible world
have been pushed back by science. Just reflect on what knowledge was available to
a person living say, in the 1600's. If they appeared in our world they would be
completely mystified by the appliances that are standard in many homes, the
aircraft in the sky, the ability to communicate to any part of the world in a
flash. Even in my younger years I found it much easier to believe in a material
world in which the 'unsplittable' atom was said to be the ultimate form of
substance. Now the theoretical physicists prove that life is really an expression
of consciousness, that we create our own world and the experimenter is part of the
experiment, and thus has an influence on the result. No wonder that witnesses to
the same occurrence can differ in the appraisal of what they saw.
It is easy to dismiss the myths of creation as figments of the imagination, very
unscientific, as there is not proof, no way of knowing what is the actual cause of
the commencement of the universe. If Man was sent out from God, he would have
originally been consciousness at a very high level of vibration, and therefore not
visible as a material body (this development will be expanded upon in Chapter 4).
In the Bhagavad Gita is a statement that "Having pervaded this whole universe with
one fragment of Myself, I remain."
Early physical man would have had this knowledge as part of his memories, before
descending into a physical existence. This is probably why Australian Aborigines
talk about the 'Dreamtime'. It would have been handed down orally through the
generations. Science cannot explain everything that happens, so much of what we
know, and need to know, comes through tapping into the level of intuition.
Creation stories run through all indigenous peoples, in all continents. In our day
it is the Bible which contains Christianity's version of creation, and it has many
similarities with the older versions.
A source of one creation myth is the Stanzas of Dzyan. According to H.P. Blavatsky
- "This first instalment of the esoteric doctrines is based upon Stanzas, which
are the records of a people unknown to ethnology. They are written, it is claimed,
in a tongue absent from the nomenclature of languages and dialects with which
philology (scientific study of written records) is acquainted; are said to emanate
from a source repudiated by science - to wit, Occultism..."
There is a further elaboration on this in the Introduction (written by Arya
Asanga) to Two Books of the Stanzas of Dzyan. Apparently the information was
written in Senzar, a secret sacerdotal tongue, which is the mystery tongue of the
initiates. It was known to the forefathers of the Toltecs (10th-12th Century AD),
as well as the inhabitants of the lost Atlantis, who inherited it from the third
race of Men, given to them by the gods of the first and second races. In those
extremely early days the language was not phonetic but was purely pictorial and
symbolic. A modern way of expressing information is to be found in corporate logos
in the international symbols, which rely on pictorial images to get their message
across. It is therefore very easy to understand why scientists will not have a bar
of this information - it does not fit in with their tendency to only believe what
they can demonstrate.
In the publication Theosophy in Australia, Vol 50 No. 3 on page 124, we read -
"One of the simplest and most elucidating of the Stanzas of Dzyan is the third one
which states - 'Darkness radiates light, and light drops one solitary ray into the
waters, into the mother deep. The ray shoots through the virgin egg, the ray
causes the eternal egg to thrill, and drop the non-eternal (periodical) germ,
which condenses into the whole-egg'."
The article goes on to say - H.P. comments thus - The solitary ray dropping into
the mother deep may be taken as meaning Divine Thought or Intelligence,
impregnating chaos. This, however, occurs on the plane of metaphysical
abstraction...It brings before the mind's eye the picture of Kosmos emerging from
and in boundless space, a Universe as shoreless in magnitude if not as endless as
its objective manifestation."
The drive 'to know' brings out the curiosity streak in scientists who continually
beaver away the frontiers of knowledge about the world we live in. Some current
theories speculate that stars continue to be formed and black holes may play a
part in this.
In his book 'Stalking the Wild Pendulum', Itzhak Bentov gives his explanation of a
black hole. If a galaxy begins to collapse in on itself matter falls towards the
nucleus and eventually results in a gravitational collapse. The extreme density
pulls back the light (energy) and it is sucked down as in a funnel. Energy has to
go somewhere and according to physicists it goes through a singularity point that
is theoretically of zero size. Passing that point it reappears in a 'different
universe'. He goes on to say that our universe may have been created in this way,
a white hole coming out of a black hole.
Earlier last year (2000), researchers suggested that giant black holes were the
seeds from which every galaxy in the universe grew. Doug Richstone of the Universe
of Michigan "noticed that most quasars appeared perhaps a billion years before
most stars. This might mean that black holes control the formation of galaxies, an
idea that turns conventional astrophysics on it head."
Stars and planets embody the being responsible for creation. Human bodies are
created by an ensouling entity and the bodies of stars and planets are no
different. 'As above, so below' is commonly used to indicate that there is a
similarity between that at the highest level and that at the lowest.
Some years ago, in a reflective mood, I realized that comets are the spermatozoa
of the universe. The have a head and a tail and travel around solar systems
leaving various energies in the form of bacteria, viruses, or other organisms that
will result in new life forms, or a mutation of existing ones.
There is some scientific backing for this thought form the NASA Ames Research
Center in Moffet Field, California. "Chris McKay has shown that comets may have
been the source of complex molecules after all." Experimenting with intense heat
on comet gases they reported in Science (Vol 276, p 390), "this created at least a
dozen new compounds, some with chains six carbon atoms long." Norman Sleep, of
Stanford University in California says "Here they show they can actually provide
the basic building blocks of life."

Catalogue Information
A cataloguing record for this book is available from the Library and Archives
Canada at

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Foreword 2
In the Beginning 4
Energy Fields 26
The Environment 42
History of Man – Evolving Consciousness 59
The Human Body 89
Why are we here – Reincarnation and Karma 108
Health and Growth 134
Relationships 151
Education and Beliefs 175
Numbers 193
Methods of Divination 208
The Hierarchy of Man 230
Politics and Spirituality 249
Cycles 264
Time 274
Appendix 284
Bibliography 293


This book resulted from my thoughts after writing a paper titled ‘Genetic
Engineering in a Spiritual Setting’ which I read at a concurrent session in the
‘Eating into the Future’ conference held at the Adelaide Hilton in April 1999. (A
copy of that paper is included as the appendix to the book).

In writing the paper I became aware that much of what we humans do, whether it be
at the technological, social, environmental, etc., levels is usually done without
regard to the ‘connectedness’ of all life. We have an idea and impetuously put it
into action without thinking of the ramifications of what might happen as a result
of that action. Often, we act as if time was of extreme importance and that we
have to get in first to make our money, or achieve some other objective before
someone else does.

‘Haste makes waste’ is an old saying and if one reflects, life still goes on
without that marvellous invention, new technology, new method of doing something.
They need to be integrated with what already is, and in the larger sense of a
surrounding community be it large, or small, in the context of the action. We are
here to learn how to live with respect for all other life (and that includes all
of us) and to develop a sense of ‘beingness’, to edge closer each day to that
marvellous Being Who created us.

Whenever I watch a nature program on TV, read about the wonderful events and
processes that take place, hear about the almost limitless potentials of human
beings, and then reflect on the immensity of the universe with its millions of
galaxies and billions of stars, I feel a sense of awe that we are actually part of
that life.

This book is not meant to be a scientific treatise, or a sophisticated look at

life. The real purpose is to present an outline of what I have learned during my
now, longish life and which started when, as a teenager, I read ‘The End of Borley
Rectory’, something captured my interest and led to a continual search for answers
to life’s mystery.

The Bibliography contains many books which I found to be of great interest, and of
use, in my quest. You, too, will discover that when information or help is
genuinely sought for, a door will open and guide you to your need. The universe is
watching, the universe knows; rest assured that seekers after the truth are never
misled if they tread the path wisely.

Always be aware of the charlatans who will profess they are the true guides. They
may have something of value but it is generally covered up in slick words and
often leads to a request for significant amounts of money. True spiritual advice
and guidance comes with no strings attached, leaving it to the receiver to decide
how much it is worth.

I wrote what I have because I thought that many readers who are on the borderline
of mute acceptance of their life and a wondering of why is all this happening to
me; am I just a happenstance of life in a human body; will feel inspired enough to
begin their search for a spiritual meaning in life.

There is no one method, no one path to follow. Life was intended to be infinite in
potential and therefore what you do is yours alone. And alone we actually are as I
discovered when on one starlit night I gazed up at them and had a distinct
feeling, ‘you are all alone’. Eventually you will return to the starting point,
either willingly or unwillingly, sooner or later, and those choices are yours.

One word of caution. Never rest assured at any one stage in the confidence that
‘this is it’. You are heading into infinity and therefore there is no end to the

As you read this I wish you well in your search for answers as to why you are what
you are.

Arnold Ward
Adelaide May 2003

Chapter 1 In the Beginning

“In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

And that tends to provoke a question in one’s mind – is there a God (a Creator),
is the universe a chance occurrence, how did the myriad forms of life arise out of
what we assume to be chaos? Did the life which we see all around us come out of
nothing or was there something already there out of which to create it?

Unfortunately, even our present state of knowledge cannot supply a definitive

answer and so we continue to search for answers. It is possible to say that it
will be many aeons before we become even close to what we seek but we must keep
trying because that is our way of expanding our consciousness, which is the main
aim of the evolutionary process.

Every individual reading this book will have their own unique way of determining
what they will believe about life and its meaning. No one person has the answer to
all the questions that can be asked because we are all at differing stages of
development and all possibilities must therefore be studied.

In this early part of the book it might be helpful to suspend the critical faculty
until enough of the basic information has been assimilated. We are dealing with a
whole and the parts may seem an odd fit until they begin to gel, at which time the
critical nature will be of use to avoid taking everything for granted. There is no
one philosophy to be absorbed, we are all part of the answer

Creation Myths

“A myth is a traditional or legendary story concerning some superhuman being or

some alleged person or event, with or without a determinable basis of fact or a
natural explanation, esp., a traditional or legendary story that is concerned with
deities or demigods and the creation of the world and its inhabitants.”

When confronted by myths the scientific mind tends to state that they are just
fanciful stories based on imaginary happenings or an embellishment of some common
event. As you will read further on, Man’s history is so extensive and was lived in
much different bodies than we are in today that myths should not readily be
written off.

In the Hindu scripture, Vishnu Purana, it tells of Vishnu, who is the trinity of
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the creator, the preserver, the destroyer of the world.
Vishnu is glorified as the cause of the creation, existence and end of this world.
He is the root of the world and who consists of the world. There is a parallel
here with the Christian trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The need for two
energies, which produce a result is apparent in everyday life. When we create
something we start with a thought, a medium and a resultant product. Electricity
needs a positive and a negative to produce energy. It is difficult to conceive of
any action that does not involve a duality of energies.

In Greek mythology the belief was that the universe created the Gods after heaven
and Earth had been formed, those being the parents. Their children were the Titans
and the gods their grandchildren. Among the Titans were Cronos (Saturn), Zeus
(Jupiter), Ocean, Tethys, Hyperion, the father of the Sun, Mnemosyne, Themis and

The Gods were the twelve great Olympians who were said to dwell in some mysterious
region far above all the mountains of the Earth. Then were also lesser Gods

Edith Hamilton, in her book, Mythology, writes about the creation of the world,
relying heavily on Hesiod who lived circa 700 BC. Chaos was brooded over by
unbroken darkness which eventually bore two children, Night and Erebus. With no
explanation, Love is born, creates Light and its companion, radiant Day. And
again, without explanation, Earth appeared.

Greek, Roman, and Norse mythologies were filled with numerous Gods, all of whom
had their special parts to play in the creation and in their teachings to Mankind.

What can be interpreted from the foregoing is that there is apparently a whole
hierarchy of Gods, from the one Supreme God down to the innumerable lesser Gods
that are said to be the formative causes behind the material manifestation.

In the myth of the Fall of Man our ancestors are said to have been cast down
because of disobedience to God’s word. The life of the spirit was turned aside for
the pleasures of the material gifts which were at hand. Man became vain and saw
himself as the ideal creation, capable of achieving anything he desired (exalted
imagination was the precursor of original sin) and caused his expulsion from the
Garden of Eden. He then lacked the ability to distinguish between good and evil.

“And God said. Let us make man in our image, after our likeness….” Man is a
creative being and is fashioned after God. We imagine, we think, we plan, and we
create material objects, organisations, communities, all that has been added to
the environment since we were created, and we are not a myth. It seems that we are
likely ‘a chip off the old block’ as we continue our creative lives.

Many thinkers have posited a universal consciousness and for that to be it is

difficult to assume other than there is a much higher consciousness behind it. The
Encyclopaedia Britannica CD 2001 states – “Psychiatrist Carl Jung referred to
‘collective unconscious’ to represent a form of the unconscious (that part of the
mind containing memories and impulses of which the individual is not aware) common
to mankind as a whole and originating in the inherited structure of the brain. It
is distinct from the personal unconscious, which arises from the experience of the
individual. According to Jung, the collective unconscious contains archetypes, or
universal primordial images and ideas.”

A further reference from that CD that expands on the thought of a universal mind
is – “Intuition, in philosophy, is the power of obtaining knowledge that cannot be
acquired either by inference or observation, by reason or experience. As such,
intuition is thought of as an original, independent source of knowledge, since it
is designed to account for just those kinds of knowledge that other sources do not
provide. Knowledge of necessary truths and of moral principles is sometimes
explained in this way. Two further technical senses of intuition may be briefly
mentioned. One, deriving from Immanuel Kant, is that in which it is understood as
referring to the source of all knowledge of matters of fact not based on, or
capable of being supported by, observation. The other is the sense attached to the
word by Benedict Spinoza and by Henri Bergson, in which it refers to supposedly
concrete knowledge of the world as an interconnected whole, as contrasted with the
piecemeal, "abstract" knowledge obtained by science and observation.”

God, in effect, laid the groundwork for our creativeness. We use what is
available, for our own free will.


It is necessary to use the imagination when dealing with the world of the Spirit.
So much that has been discovered by individuals who have the gift of being able to
‘see’ beyond the material veil can be foreign to our everyday lives as we struggle
to maintain our existence in as healthy a form as possible. We often pass it off
as something not relevant because we are so immersed in the physicality of life.

What is often forgotten is the extent to which the frontiers of our visible world
have been pushed back by science. Just reflect on what knowledge was available to
a person living say, in the 1,600’s. If they appeared in our world they would be
completely mystified by the appliances that are standard in many homes, the
aircraft in the sky, the ability to communicate to any part of the world in a
flash. Even in my younger days I found it much easier to believe in a material
world in which the ‘unsplittable’ atom was said to be the ultimate form of
substance. Now the theoretical physicists prove that life is really an expression
of consciousness, that we create our own world and the experimenter is part of the
experiment, and thus has an influence on the result. No wonder that witnesses to
the same occurrence can differ in their appraisal of what they saw.

It is easy to dismiss the myths of creation as figments of the imagination, very

unscientific, as there is no proof, no way of knowing what is the actual cause of
the commencement of the universe. If Man was sent out from God, he would have
originally been consciousness at a very high level of vibration, and therefore not
visible as a material body (this development will be expanded upon in Chapter 4).
In the Bhagavad Gita is a statement that “Having pervaded this whole universe with
one fragment of Myself, I remain.”

Early physical man would have had this knowledge as part of his memories, before
descending into a physical existence. This is probably why Australian Aborigines
talk about the ‘Dreamtime’. It would have been handed down orally through the
generations. Science cannot explain everything that happens, so much of what we
know, and need to know, comes through tapping into the level of the intuition.
Creation stories run through all indigenous peoples, in all continents. In our day
it is the Bible which contains Christianity’s version of creation, and it has many
similarities with the older versions.

A source of one creation myth is the Stanzas of Dzyan. According to H. P.

Blavatsky – “This first instalment of the esoteric doctrines is based upon
Stanzas, which are the records of a people unknown to ethnology. They are written,
it is claimed, in a tongue absent from the nomenclature of languages and dialects
with which philology (scientific study of written records) is acquainted; are said
to emanate from a source repudiated by science – to wit, Occultism….”

There is a further elaboration on this in the Introduction (written by Arya

Asanga) to Two Books of the Stanzas of Dzyan. Apparently the information was
written in Senzar, a secret sacerdotal tongue, which is the mystery tongue of the
initiates. It was known to the forefathers of the Toltecs (10th-12th Century AD),
as well as the inhabitants of the lost Atlantis, who inherited it from the third
race of Men, given to them by the gods of the first and second races. In those
extremely early days the language was not phonetic but was purely pictorial and
symbolic. A modern way of expressing information is to be found in corporate logos
and in the international symbols, which rely on pictorial images to get their
message across. It is therefore very easy to understand why scientists will not
have a bar of this information – it does not fit in with their tendency to only
believe what they can demonstrate.

In the publication Theosophy in Australia, Vol 50 No. 3 on page 124, we read –

“One of the simplest and most elucidating of the Stanzas of Dzyan is the third one
which states – “Darkness radiates light, and light drops one solitary ray into the
waters, into the mother deep. The ray shoots through the virgin egg, the ray
causes the eternal egg to thrill, and drop the non-eternal (periodical) germ,
which condenses into the world-egg.”

The article goes on to say – H.P.B comments thus – The solitary ray dropping into
the mother deep may be taken as meaning Divine Thought or Intelligence,
impregnating chaos. This, however, occurs on the plane of metaphysical
abstraction… It brings before the mind’s eye the picture of Kosmos emerging from
and in boundless space, a Universe as shoreless in magnitude if not as endless as
its objective manifestation.”
The drive ‘to know’ brings out the curiosity streak in scientists who continually
beaver away at the frontiers of knowledge about the world we live in. Some current
theories speculate that stars continue to be formed and black holes may play a
part in this.

In his book ‘Stalking the Wild Pendulum’, Itzhak Bentov gives his explanation of a
black hole. If a galaxy begins to collapse in on itself matter falls towards the
nucleus and eventually results in a gravitational collapse. The extreme density
pulls back the light (energy) and it is sucked down as in a funnel. Energy has to
go somewhere and according to physicists it goes through a singularity point that
is theoretically of zero size. Passing that point it reappears in a ‘different
universe’. He goes on to say that our universe may have been created in this way,
a white hole coming out of a black hole.

Earlier last year (2000), researchers suggested that giant black holes were the
seeds from which every galaxy in the universe grew. Doug Richstone of the
University of Michigan “noticed that most quasars appeared perhaps a billion years
before most stars. This might mean that black holes control the formation of
galaxies, an idea that turns conventional astrophysics on its head.”

Stars and planets embody the beings responsible for creation. Human bodies are
created by an ensouling entity and the bodies of stars and planets are no
different. ‘As above, so below’ is commonly used to indicate that there is a
similarity between that at the highest level and that at the lowest.

Some years ago, in a reflective mood, I realised that comets are the spermatozoa
of the universe. They have a head and a tail and travel around solar systems
leaving various energies in the form of bacteria, viruses, or other organisms that
will result in new life forms, or a mutation of existing ones.

There is some scientific backing for this thought from the NASA Ames Research
Center in Moffet Field, California. “Chris McKay has shown that comets may have
been the source of complex molecules after all.” Experimenting with intense heat
on comet gases they reported in Science (Vol 276, p 390), “this created at least a
dozen new compounds, some with chains six carbon atoms long.” Norman Sleep, of
Stanford University in California says “Here they show they can actually provide
the basic building blocks of life.”


Acceptance of a Creative Being, which, by the way, is not directly involved in the
creation process, will promote the realisation that all the life that we can see,
or imagine, is of one basic substance. It is somewhat akin to the ocean, which is
formed of drops of water, all of which are effectively in contact with each other.
Esotericists refer to the spiritual equivalent as Akasha.

Included in the original emanation is Akasha, which contains the life of the
universe. A definition of Akasha is – “the Astral Light, as the Universal Soul,
the Matrix of the Universe, the Mysterium magnum from which all that exists is
born by separation or differentiation. It is the cause of existence; it fills all
the infinite Space, is space itself, in one sense.”

According to The Soul and Its Mechanism (p 99) there are three main energies which
use the Akasha: -
Fohat - refer to the definition in the section on Light.
Prana – the effect of the union of spirit or life, and matter or substance.
It is analogous to the consciousness principle and demonstrates as the energy of
the form (thought is energy).
Kundalini – is the force latent in matter itself; the integral life of the
atom apart from that of any form in which it might participate.

In later chapters we will deal with the use that can be made of Akasha because it
contains a record of all the substantial events that occur throughout the

The Word, Sound, Vibration

We are all aware of the power of words; they can lift us to heights of ecstasy and
the depths of despair. Who has not felt that shrivelling of the soul when berated
by another human being, and recalled the joy that words of sincere love and
appreciation can arouse.

In writing about the Word of God we are in the presence of that awesome original
sound that brought forth the universe. This was no simple sound but one that
contained the entire cosmos, past, present and future. Astronomers are convinced
that the universe commenced with a Big Bang, an instant in time when a point
exploded into the expanding universe that is current dogma, and they are still
trying to determine what happened in the first few seconds. There is the
possibility, of course, that they are on the wrong track, not unusual for science
which often finds theories overturned or significantly altered as a result of new

I recall an experience during a weekly discussion group that my wife and I started
some years ago. Two retired electronics engineers brought along a video and an
oscilloscope at one session in order to demonstrate sound and electrical waves on
a fluorescent screen. A low, deep sound, appears as a long high wave, and as the
frequency increases the wavelengths decrease in height and shorten. At the highest
frequency there was merely a point of light and my immediate response was, ‘that’s

As the Word, the vibration, becomes coarser on its outward path it creates planes
of existence, each of which is ‘material’ in the sense that the higher ones appear
to be ‘immaterial’ to the ones below. In other words, there is always ‘substance’
out of which the more ethereal forms are made.

In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, page 216, there is an elaboration on The Word, as

expressed in Genesis. “The Sacred Word, or the uttered Sound of the Creator,
exists in different forms, and though in reality but one Word, has several
syllables. The syllables all together form a solar phrase; separated they form
certain words of power, producing different effects.

The great Word that peals through one hundred years of Brahma or persists in
reverberation throughout a solar system, is the sacred sound of AUM. In
differentiation and as heard in time and space, each of those three mystic letters
stands for the first letter of a subsidiary phrase, consisting of various sounds.”
In Initiation Human and Solar the letters AUM are said to be allocated as follows:
- A to Shiva who embodies the spirit or will aspect; U to Vishnu, God the Son who
provides the body which spirit must occupy; M to Brahma as energy-provider and Who
links in creative intelligence, spirit and form.

When the creating Logos uttered the Word of Creation it created first of all,
three streams of colour, which then broke out into another four, which is
reflected in the seven colours of the rainbow. All sound expresses itself through
colour and colour, by inference, also expresses sound. There are seven planes of
manifestation which commence with the physical, then astral/emotional, mental,
intuitional/buddhic, spiritual, monadic and finish at the divine level. Each of
these planes has a corresponding colour, each plane having seven subsidiary planes
with a corresponding colour.

Every so-called material body has its own rate of vibration, made up of the sum of
all the individual vibrations of the quantum particles which constructed it.
Instances of an opera singer shattering a glass, when a particular note
(vibration) is sounded, the ecstasy which can be aroused when an instrument, or a
group of musicians produce a sound (s) that resonates with ones particular body
vibration, and the destruction of the walls of Jericho by trumpet blasts are
evidence of this.

“You have in the Christian Bible the remnant of a tale which has descended to us
from Atlantean days. In those days the use of sound on physical and emotional
levels was understood and practised, being utilised for selfish ends in most of
the cases. You read that at the sound of the trumpets, sounded a certain number of
times after a rhythmical circuit of the walls of Jericho those walls collapsed.
This was made possible by the occult knowledge of the leaders of the people who –
being versed in the science of sound and having studied its destructive and
creative effects, - knew just the moment to apply that science and effect the
desired end.” Lest it be thought that this is merely a myth, a modern use of
sound is for the incapacitation, or death of life forms. Infrasound is capable of
causing irritation to persons in its path and the effect can be magnified to the
point where it can actually explode matter.

Creation through vibration is portrayed through an experiment performed by putting

grains of sand on a clamped horizontal sheet of metal. Draw a violin bow over a
free side of the sheet until it emits a note and the sand grains form a
symmetrical pattern. Repeat this at different points and different patterns

Einstein said that all matter is energy, and that all energy is vibration.

It is generally accepted that the universe started from a point and common-sense
is inclined to say that everything in the expanding aftermath is connected to
everything else.

Gods, The Rays, and Mankind

Previously it was stated that the Creative Being is not involved in the creation
process. It remains inviolate; omniscient, omnipresent, and immutable, never
changing. What it does is to send out a thought, a part of itself, which develops
a hierarchy of Beings to carry out the creation of the various worlds. In the
initial stages this is pure consciousness, immaterial, until it has passed down
through seven planes of existence, each one being more substantial than the
previous one. Remember the point of light in the oscilloscope – we are now looking
at the point breaking up into waves of energy on a descending scale.

In the Bhagavad Gita Shri Krishna states “Having pervaded this whole universe with
a fragment of Myself, I remain.” God is greater than the created whole yet also is
present in the part. Everything that we can conceive of is interrelated,
connected. This is one reason why the Brotherhood of Man is spoken of. Although
difficult of conception it is one of the reasons why we must begin to incorporate
this into our life pattern; whatever we do to another person is in effect done to
ourselves. We are all in this life together, whether we like it or not.

The first breaking up of the point reveals a Triune God, a trinity of three
aspects. The first aspect is The First Cosmic God which is the spirit which
pervades the manifested universe. The second aspect is that of matter substance
and the third is the resulting combination of the first two aspects, the universal
World-Soul or mind stuff out of which all else is derived. In more familiar terms
this is God the Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost. Following this breakout came
what the Bible tells of the Seven Spirits before the Throne. The Esoteric
Doctrine states there are Seven Rays, each with seven sub-rays. It so happens that
Man has seven bodies – physical, etheric double, emotional or astral, lower mental
(concrete), higher mental (abstract), intuition, and spiritual will, which are
connected with those seven rays.

The Bible gives some backing for the belief that there is more than one god where
it refers, in Genesis 1.26 to “And God said. Let us make man in our image, after
our likeness….”

In the Tibetan’s books there are many references to the Rays and their qualities
as evidenced in the following compilation.

The Seven Rays represent seven different qualities which are involved in the
formation of life.
Ray I — Force — Energy — Action — The Occultist.
Ray II — Consciousness — Expansion — Initiation — The true Psychic.
Ray III — Adaptation — Development — Evolution — The Magician.
Ray IV — Vibration — Response — Expression — The Artist.
Ray V — Mentation — Knowledge — Science — The Scientist.
Ray VI — Devotion — Abstraction — Idealism — The Devotee.
Ray VII — Incantation — Magic — Ritual — The Ritualist.

Rays of Aspect

I. The Ray of Will, or Power.

II. The Ray of Love-Wisdom.
III The Ray of Activity or Adaptability.

These rays correspond to the three initiating forces in the beginning of creation.
Ray I is the Father, Ray II is the Son and Ray III is the Holy Ghost.

Rays of Attribute

IV The Ray of Harmony, Beauty, Art, or Unity.

V The Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science.
VI. The Ray of Abstract Idealism or Devotion.
VII The Ray of Ceremonial Magic, or Law.

The four rays of attribute, which find their synthesis in the third ray of aspect,
produce the varying qualities in greater detail than do the three rays of aspect.
It might generally be stated, as we endeavour to clarify our problem, that the
three rays of aspect find their main expression in relation to mankind through the
medium of the three periodical vehicles, i.e., the Monad, the Soul and the

The rays of attribute, though expressing themselves equally on all the planes and
through the periodical vehicles and the three aspects of the personality (physical
body, emotional body and the mind), find their main expression through one or
other of the four kingdoms in nature:

Ray IV Harmony, Conflict 4th kingdom Human. The Balance.

Ray V Concrete Knowledge 3rd kingdom Animal.
Ray VI Devotion 2nd kingdom Vegetable.
Ray VII Ceremonial Ritual 1st kingdom Mineral.

In relation to mankind, these four rays of attribute find a wide expression in

connection with the four aspects of the personality, or with the quaternary. The
relationship is as follows:

Ray IV Harmony through Conflict the Physical body.

Ray V Concrete Knowledge the Etheric body.
Ray VI Devotion the Astral body.
Ray VII Organisation the Mental body.

Seven is a mystical number and is reflected in many ways. A rainbow has a spectrum
of seven colours, there are seven centres or chakras in the human body, seven
major notes in an octave, seven days of creation, the seven rays, seven days of
the week, seven sacred planets. You will recall that out of the one came the
seven. Seven plays an active part in life because it arises out of a triplicity of
energies which can group themselves internally in seven ways i.e., 1, 2, 3, 1+2,
1+3, 2+3, 1+2+3.

Creation is an evolution of spirit through form and repeats itself through

infinite forms. As previously noted, beginning with a point of light there is a
divergence of spiritual life into a multiplicity of forms. Looking at it from the
bottom up we see life as single cells, multicellular organisms such as man, a
planetary logos (a God), made up of all the forms which are the planet and all
life on it, a solar logos which encompasses a sun plus all its planets, and it is
possible to speculate that there are logoi of galaxies and perhaps even greater
accretions that are meaningless in one sense because too great a complexity can
paralyse a mind until it is able to comprehend.

Assuming that all of this series of life-forms did not arise by chance, what can
be surmised instead? That every life-form has consciousness, even if it is only
rudimentary in the case of the basic building blocks. Backing for this comes from
the following extracts from The Consciousness of the Atom pp 38-41.

“First of all, as we know, the atom is spoken of as possessing energy, and the
power to change from one mode of activity to another. One writer has remarked
that "absolute intelligence thrills through every atom in the world." In this
connection I want to point out to you what Edison is reported by an interviewer as
having said in Harper's Magazine for February 1890, and which is enlarged upon in
the Scientific American for October 1920. In the earlier instance he is quoted as
follows: -

"I do not believe that matter is inert, acted upon by an outside force. To me it
seems that every atom is possessed by a certain amount of primitive intelligence.
Look at the thousands of ways in which atoms of hydrogen combine with those of
other elements, forming the most diverse substances. Do you mean to say that they
do this without intelligence? Atoms in harmonious and useful relation assume
beautiful or interesting shapes and colours, or give forth a pleasant perfume, as
if expressing their satisfaction...gathered together in certain forms, the atoms
constitute animals of the lower order. Finally they combine in man, who
represents the total intelligence of all the atoms."
"But where does this intelligence come from originally?" asked the interviewer.
"From some power greater than ourselves," Edison answered.
"Do you believe, then, in an intelligent Creator, a personal God?"
"Certainly. The existence of such a God can, to my mind, be proved from
“In the long interview quoted in the Scientific American, Edison laid down a
number of most interesting surmises from which I have culled the following: -

1. Life, like matter, is indestructible.

2. Our bodies are composed of myriads of infinitesimal entities, each in itself a
unit of life; just as the atom is composed of myriads of electrons.
3. The human being acts as an assemblage rather than as a unit; the body and mind
express the vote or voice of the life entities.
4. The life entities build according to a plan. If a part of the life organism be
mutilated, they rebuild exactly as before....
5. Science admits the difficulty of drawing the line between the inanimate and the
animate; perhaps the life entities extend their activities to crystals and
6. The life entities live for ever; so that to this extent at least the eternal
life which many of us hope for is a reality.

In an address given by Sir Clifford Allbut, President of the British Medical

Association, as reported in the Literary Digest of February 26th, 1921, he speaks
of the ability of the microbe to select and reject, and in the course of his
remarks he says:

"When the microbe finds itself in the host's body it may be wholly out of tune, or
wholly in tune, with any or all cells that it approaches; in either case
presumably nothing morbid would happen...morbid happenings would lie between this
microbe and body-cells within its range but not in tune with it. Now there seems
to be reason to suppose that a microbe, on its approach to a body-cell only just
out of its range, may try this way and that to get a hitch on. If so, the
microbe, at first innocuous, would become noxious. So, on the other hand, body-
cells may educate themselves to vibrate in harmony with a microbe before
dissonant; or there may be mutual interchange and co-adaptation...."But, if things
be so, surely we are face to face with a marvellous and far-reaching faculty, the
faculty of choice, and this rising from the utter bottom of biology to the summit—
formative faculty—'auto-determination,' or, if you please, 'mind.”

On page 57 of that book it states: -

“We found in our lecture last week that there was one thing that could be
predicated of all atoms, and that scientists everywhere were coming to recognise
one distinguishing characteristic. They have been shown to possess symptoms of
mind and a rudimentary form of intelligence. The atom demonstrates the quality of
discrimination, of selective power, and of ability to attract or repel. It may
seem curious to use the word intelligence in connection with an atom of chemistry,
for instance, but nevertheless the root meaning of the word embodies this idea
perfectly. It comes from two Latin words: inter, between, and legere to choose.
Intelligence, therefore, is the capacity to think or choose, to select, and to
discriminate. It is, in reality, that abstract, inexplicable something which lies
back of the great law of attraction and repulsion, one of the basic laws of
manifestation. This fundamental faculty of intelligence characterises all atomic
matter, and also governs the building up of forms, or the aggregation of atoms.”

Another slant on God is taken from a talk by Zasep Tulku Rinpoche at Wollongong
University in the mid 1980’s. Question. What is your conception of God? What do
you believe God is? “Buddhism does not have a concept of God in the sense of some
powerful being up there who created this world and everybody. However Buddhism
does have the concept we call the divine source or the divine being. All
goodness….but this is not a God who created everything. In Buddhism everybody
creates themselves. Buddhists believe that we created our own world.”
Most of the human groupings have their own versions of God and it is interesting
to note that they all express a duality; a positive good force and a negative
destructive one. As noted elsewhere, events happen when the positive and negative
forces interact to produce a result. The fact that both of these forces are
experienced within the body of God implies that neither one is better than the
other. Creation implies destruction, something has to give for something new to
arise, whether they be old thoughts now discarded, heat applied to metallic ores
to produce metal, buildings demolished to make way for the new and so on. The end
of creation will occur when everything is in balance, in harmony – when that
happens there is no need for further action.

In Genesis 1.26 “God said. Let us make man in our image, after our likeness….” In
Genesis 2.7 it says “And the LORD GOD formed man of the dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” One
interpretation placed on these two accounts is that the first one is man’s
spiritual birth and the second is the formation of his physical body. You will
read in Chapter 4 of how this ties in with man’s evolution.

A scientific, or a logical mind, will say that the creation story in the Bible is
mythical because it would have been impossible to do this in seven days. The Bible
can be read as a history of the Hebrews and the appearance of Jesus the Christ and
it can also be read as an allegory i.e., in symbolic terms it relates a story that
has to be veiled until such time as consciousness is able to deal with it. Ideas
that come before their time are stifled, they cannot be realised. Seven days in
which to create the Earth is one of the allegories. A day represents, in fact,
many millions of years, which makes sense in a material way as evidenced by
scientific investigation into the vast period of time taken for the Earth and its
life to evolve to its present day status.

Part of the hierarchy of Beings includes angels (devas in Hindu scriptures),

fairies, and a range of elementals, all of which play a hidden part, for most of
us, in the creation of our bodies, their subsequent lives and the entire universe
around us. Remembering that all is energy (consciousness) the existence of these
beings can be said to relate to the innumerable types of vibration. Just because
most of us cannot see, or feel them, does not mean that they do not exist.
Examples are radio waves, X-Rays, nuclear radiation and infra-red rays. They can
have effects on our bodies without our realising it and the existence of these
beings that live at a higher level of vibration need not be taken as fanciful.

I recall, when I was boarding with an elderly couple in the 1950’s, the idea that
the lady expressed when she thought of God was a Man with a beard and flowing
white robes and she could not be shaken from that. That was right for her at that
stage of her life and the many different religions are testament to the need for a
great variety of beliefs to satisfy the differing needs of humanity en masse.

Analogies can be useful in explaining a meaning and one can be used here. I have
the thought that God, being insubstantial, only able to exist as consciousness,
needed to experience what life would be like and therefore ‘dreams’ his creation
in much the same way that we experience dreams while asleep. We do not change, the
dreams are seen as something that appears during sleep and may, or may not, have

If one looks at the complexity of the universe, with its many different forms of
galaxies, nebulae, suns with planets, and our own solar system with its orbiting
planets and moons, which display such different characteristics, it makes sense to
state that each body has its own evolving entity. There is every reason to believe
that a human being creates its own sphere of being; there is great differentiation
between those who are highly evolved and those who have yet to move from their
position at the bottom.

In the past the Kingdom of God was thought of as a heaven where God and Jesus
assessed the lives of people after their death and allotted then a place either in
heaven or hell. In an article in The Beacon Dale McKechnie says “We find that it
is a far more complex world than ever imagined, but it is a view of reality that
makes complete sense. It is highly organised and logical. This is the realm of the
Kingdom of Souls, and the spiritual Hierarchy. If religious expression is to
remain viable in the future, it must now begin to include knowledge of and
recognition of this great band of beings, these Masters of the Wisdom, and then
establish a working relationship with them. They represent the next stage towards
which human consciousness must advance.”


Light consists of many energies, including amongst others electricity,

electromagnetic forces and gravity. In esoteric terms light is called Fohat and is
described in Initiation, Human and Solar, on page 218 as “Fohat. Cosmic
electricity; primordial light; the ever-present electrical energy; the universal
propelling vital forces the ceaseless destructive and formative power; the
synthesis of the many forms of electrical phenomena.” In Letters on Occult
Meditation, page 183 we read “That mysterious something called by H. P. B.
(H.P.Blavatsky) Fohat, of which some of the manifestations are electricity,
certain forms of light, and the magnetic fluid wherever encountered.” The glossary
on page 352 of that same book states “Fohat. Cosmic electricity; primordial
light; the ever-present electrical energy; the universal propelling vital force;
the ceaseless destructive and formative power; the synthesis of the many forms of
electrical phenomena.”

A scientific definition of light is taken from the Encyclopaedia Britannica CD

2001 under the heading of Electromagnetic Radiation: - “In terms of the modern
quantum theory, electromagnetic radiation is the flow of photons (also called
light quanta) through space. Photons are packets of energy.. that always move with
the universal speed of light. Electromagnetic radiation exhibits a multitude of
phenomena as it interacts with charged particles in atoms, molecules, and larger
objects of matter. These phenomena as well as the ways in which electromagnetic
radiation is created and observed, the manner in which such radiation occurs in
nature, and its technological uses depend on its frequency. The spectrum of
frequencies of electromagnetic radiation extends from very low values over the
range of radio waves, television waves, and microwaves to visible light and beyond
to the substantially higher values of ultraviolet light, X rays, and gamma rays”

A short article in Nexus, Vol 2 No 22 p 58, by Chris Illert, a leading theoretical

physicist and mathematician, discusses the formation of the material universe. He
refers to Cosmic Fohat, a unified superforce containing gravitation,
electromagnetism, and strong and weak nuclear forces. He refers to Paul Davies’
statement in Superforce: The Search for a Grand Unified Theory of Nature
(Heinemann 1984 and Unwin 1985) that “what appears as empty space is actually a
seething ferment…of quantum activity, teeming with [ghost] virtual particles and
full of complex interaction.”

Another item in the article caught my attention where it reads, “Today, most
scientists agree that the universe is outwardly expanding and is of finite age,
born from a dramatic ‘phase transition’ when the “aether” (quantum vacuum) jumped
from one energy state to another ‘sucking matter into physical existence’ within
our universe. That sounds very much like a black hole taking in the death of one
universe to create the next one.
Quantum physics has delved further into matter than at any time in the past (with
the exception of knowledge received at an esoteric level) and its findings can be
used to buttress the statement that everything in the universe is connected.
Matter is no longer regarded as a material substance, it is far too diffused and
ephemeral for that. Matter can now be regarded as consciousness and is not fixed
as previously thought as it consists of probabilities.

Some philosophers in ancient times were aware of the insubstantiality of atoms but
had no way to prove it. Even as recently as the early part of last century the
atom was understood to be indestructible, an unsplittable whole. When the
properties of the atom were finally opened up physicists found more and more
particles (some 100-odd at the time of writing) making up its constitution.

A thought that can come to mind is – if an atom is actually mostly space, with
particles circulating around a nucleus, why do we see them as solids. One way of
grappling with this is to rapidly move a light of some kind in a rapid circular
movement. When rotated fast enough it appears as a full circle and this is because
our sight is not fast enough to catch the individual movements.

The continual growth of knowledge about our universe can thus be used to approach
the idea of God (a Creator) from our standpoint. There will never be an end to the
discoveries that will be made over the millennia to come and it can be inferred
that knowledge about the insubstantiality in which we exist will eventually arrive
at the point of creation, which is pure consciousness.

To add to the complexities with which the average person is confronted is the
number of dimensions said to exist within our universe.

At our physical level of being we are aware of four dimensions – length, breadth,
height, and time. Admittedly it is difficult to envision that there are likely 11
dimensions but again an analogy can be of use. An insect living in two dimensions
such as a water boatman, as it skims on the surface of the water knows only length
and breadth. A snail, capable of climbing knows the additional dimension of height
but is unaware of time. Man, aware of the three dimensions plus time finds it as
difficult to conceive of a fifth dimension as the two and three dimension beings
noted above would be able to conceive of our four dimensions.

There are theories as to how higher dimensions could exist and what they would be
like to experience and we have to take it for granted, at our present level of
consciousness, that they exist.

“…because of superstring theories, which picture fundamental particles as tiny

pieces of ‘string’ vibrating in space-times with up to 26 dimensions.” The
article goes on to state: - This theory is disputed by Max Tegmark of the
Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New jersey. He says physics in space-
times with more or less than four dimensions would not permit the existence of
observers like us. “Such universes would either be too simple, too unstable or too

A later issue of New Scientist contains “Physicists take extra dimensions

seriously because superstring theory, the best candidate for a ‘theory of
everything’ requires at least nine space dimensions.”

In light of the complexities which have already been expressed it is most likely
that there could be many universes that interpenetrate one another, and 9, 11, or
26 dimensions need not be an impossibility.
“For thousands of years all over the planet, the mystics and knowers have borne
witness to experiences in subtler worlds where they have been brought into contact
with forces and phenomena which are not of this physical world. They speak of
meeting with angelic hosts; they refer to the great cloud of witnesses; they
commune with the elder brothers of the race who work in other dimensions and who
demonstrate powers about which ordinary human beings know nothing; they speak of a
light and of a glory; of a direct knowledge of truth and of a world of phenomena
which is uniform to the mystics of all races. That much of the testimony can be
discarded on the grounds of hallucination may be true; but there still remains a
residue of testimony and a sufficient number of reputable witnesses,
substantiating this testimony, to force our belief in its verity. These witnesses
to the unseen world spoke with words of power and gave forth messages which have
moulded the thoughts of men, and directed the lives of millions. They claimed
there was a science of spiritual knowledge and a technique of development whereby
men could attain to the mystical experience and where by they could know God.”
And it goes without saying that the Christ, the Buddha, and Mohammed, out of the
many, would fit easily into that description of witnesses.

Chapter 2 Energy Fields

The universe is seething with energy, interacting energies of different strengths

and wavelengths constantly forming patterns upon which material forms can grow.

In Chapter 1 there was reference to light consisting of the many energies that are
flowing through the universe; God is said to have stated, “Let there be light” and
it can be surmised that the energies, in their many differentiations are in effect
an expression of God consciousness. Science generally scoffs at this idea because
it cannot be proven, but science itself is now at the door of a leap into higher
consciousness because there is so much that lacks ‘material scientific’
expectation. When one arrives at the statement that ‘all is energy’, where does
one go but into a meditative state in order to progress beyond the apparent
reality of our physical existence.
Energy expresses itself in different ways and some of these will be examined in
the following pages.


A few decades ago, it was believed that space was mostly a vacuum, nothing was
there except the visible sign of stars, planets, galaxies. This belief has been
gradually chiselled away as more sensitive instruments were developed and as
scientists opened up their consciousness to the thought that there always seemed
to be more to be explored behind the discoveries made.

In the year 2000, for example, we read – “Most people assume that the vacuum is
empty. But according to quantum electrodynamics, the theory that describes the
behaviour of the universe at the very small scale, nothing could be further from
the truth. The vacuum is actually seething with electromagnetic energy called
zero-point.” It goes on to explain that energy at the lowest possible energy
state in the universe if cooled to absolute zero, a region of vacuum the size of a
proton is calculated, by one physicist, to theoretically contain as much energy as
all the matter in the entire universe. Although this is an astounding theory it is
not beyond the bounds of possibility if God is as omniscient and omnipresent as
stated by ancient spiritual writings.

We are dealing here with imponderables and it is vital that readers not close off
any possibilities that come to their minds. There are potentially infinite
combinations available within the matrix of energies and the frontiers of
consciousness must continuously be pushed forward because it is mind that is of
prime importance. Emotions and physical urges must be transcended if any sense is
to be made out of what we see in our physical existence.

One reason why we are not easily aware of the vast potential, and Beingness, of
the universe is because of our restricted ability to utilise the vast range of
frequencies that are existent within it. Just consider that the range of
electromagnetic frequencies run from 1 to 1024 hertz, of which we are only able to
sense those in the narrow range of 1015 hertz. To get an idea of the meaning of
this is to look at the numbers 1 up to 10 with 24 zeros after it, a range which
the human mind can have great difficulty in dealing with. We can only hear sounds
in the narrow range of 20 to 20,000 hertz.

The likelihood of energies existing in frequencies far higher than this cannot be
discounted because science can only measure what its instrumentation is capable of
picking up. As an analogy, if you only had a short wave radio the medium and long
waves would be unknown. It is only when additional facilities are added that the
existence of these other energy frequencies can be known. These ‘out-of-sight’
energies all have an effect on the living universe but we are presently unaware of
them and therefore are unable to explain many of the phenomena on the physical

It is generally accepted that the human body contains in the order of 25 minerals
but it can be surmised that in consuming a wide range of foods and liquids the
actual number may be well in excess of this. You will recall in reading the
previous chapter that ‘God formed Man of the dust of the ground’ and this is
another indication that our bodies may well encompass a very large number of
naturally occurring minerals. The point to be made here is that every material
thing vibrates at its own rate and will therefore be responsive to incoming
energies of that frequency from the abundance available in the universe.

The average human being would be unaware of the impact of these energies on his
body, at least not through the physical senses. With an increase in consciousness,
however, comes an ability to register more of these energies and therefore to tap
into higher realms of being. The use of infra-red light in night scopes etc.,
extends the ability of the human eye to see in the dark. Evolution is likely to
bring on a greater ability to see at a higher vibration as the senses become more

From Nexus Vol 2 No. 16 p 44, comes an example of the action of cosmic energies on
living things in the work done by George Lahkovsky, a French radio engineer who
found that carrier pigeons would become disoriented whenever they were within 20
miles of a spark-gap wireless transmitter, the first wireless telegraphy. In
studying the semi-lunar canals of pigeons he realised that living cells have
structures with the quality of oscillating circuits. Cells are therefore affected
by the various energies that flow through all life-forms.

British researcher Roger Coghill and his wife Tamara (as reported in EMRAA News,
March 1999) have established that brain action is controlled by electrical rather
than chemical activity. The experiment is easily replicated and had been done 12
times by the date of the above publication. There is therefore biological evidence
that electromagnetic energies do have an effect on our bodies.

Cosmic energies, Earth energies, etc., can form a grid. In Nexus Vol 2 No. 9 p 16
is an article about Captain Bruce Cathie, a New Zealand commercial pilot who saw
his first UFO while flying over Auckland. Over the years he saw a number of these
objects and studied the hovering position and flight paths, finding that the track
lines appeared to intersect to form a grid, the lines being spaced at equal

By using and developing mathematical formulae he discovered a complex pattern of

interlocking wave forms. As a result of interest in his work by intelligence
agents, governments and scientists he concluded that the energy network was
already known to them.

Vibration and Radiation

“Radioactivity is the flow of atomic and subatomic particles and of waves, such as
those that characterise heat rays, light rays, and X-rays. All matter is
constantly bombarded with radiation of both types from cosmic and terrestrial
sources. “ In describing what the article consists of there is mention of the
consequences of the transfer of energy to living matter and the abnormal/injurious
effects that result from an exposure to unusual types of radiation or an increase
in their force.

All energies vibrate. “The study of Man, then, is the study of energy vibrating at
different frequencies. The study of the external world ( which is termed natural
science) is also the science of vibrations because all vibration is movement
between poles. All manifested objects have a polarity and are therefore in

It is vibration that causes movement in the air when we speak, and it is the
interpretation of those vibrations by the ear that enable us to hear the speech of
another person, or the sounds emitted by all forms of life. We are thus connected
by vibrations, the movement of the energy in which we are immersed.

It is now accepted knowledge that the universe consists of patterns of energy made
up of quantum particles. An interesting experiment was detailed by Michael C.
Heleus in 1975, based on the notion of the ‘music of the spheres’ spoken of by
Pythagoras – each of the heavenly orbs has its definite tone and sounds the
celestial symphony mentioned by Goethe, in “Faust”.

His experiment involved the use of an audio oscillator played ideally through a
set of headphones. Playing the intervals produced by natal solar aspects resulted
in aspects considered to be favourable, giving good feelings, with uncomfortable
feelings arising from aspects considered unfavourable.

Quoting from his article – “The breathing, pulse, body temperature, and aura
change in specific ways to specific sounds. Now there is even an indication that
the brainwaves change when astrosonics are heard. Often a colour is seen inwardly
that corresponds with a planet, according to a known scheme….”

For those unfamiliar with astrological terms, an aspect, in a natal chart, is the
angular relationship between two planets. For example, if the planets are at right
angles to each other (90°) this called a square aspect and denotes a clashing of

It is vibration that enables us to tune into a person or place, or conversely

‘tune-out’ if the vibrations are unpleasant. We seem to feel at ease with some
people or places and in other cases there is a feeling of repulsion and at times
there is a neutral feeling, neither positive nor negative.

I recall, when living in Canada, and holidaying in the US, the sense of relief
when arriving home as though I had been to an alien country. While in the States I
did not feel that; it was the contrast of energies between the two areas of Earth.
Every country, and every location in a country, has its own special vibration,
formed of all the vibrations that are existent within the areas. Our astral bodies
pick them up and assess them according to our own vibrating note. The vibrations
build up an atmosphere, energies are stored in the structure of a house, for
example, and in a building such as a prison, particularly if executions have taken
place there, the negative feelings are such that very sensitive people feel ill
and have to leave.

Dr. Arthur Guirdham was a consultant psychiatrist to the Bath Child Guidance
Clinic. He had this to say in an article in New Humanity – “There are, in
psychiatry, and in general relationships with our fellows as a whole, vibrational
and electromagnetic factors which we cannot afford to neglect. We use the
encephalogram…. An electrocardiogram…. Vibrational activities are also of great
importance in treatment. Short wave diathermy…vibrations…of radium and cobalt are
utilised…in the treatment of cancer. The question arises, if individual organs can
emanate vibrations which can be recorded, can the individual as a whole radiate
vibrations specific to himself.”

That scientific comment appears to validate the effect of vibrations both within
and between people and their environment.

It is quite likely that as you read that a thought passed through your mind – yes,
I recall now that as I went through that city or town I felt it was a ‘cold’ place
or, that it ‘felt good to me’, I’d like to stay there. The same reaction often
occurs when we meet people, finding in one case a great attraction and in another
one might feel repelled, with many variations within these two parameters. This
occurs because we have all created a force-field, an aura, which contacts other
life-forms and is either attracted or repelled.

Everything in life should be looked upon ideally as a system of checks and

balances. We put out speech, energy, thoughts, desires - whatever we give forth
has an effect somewhere. And whatever is touched touches in its turn; it may touch
back to the emitter immediately, or somewhere along the chain of affected
sensation there may be a touching - back, but no one can give forth of anything
without receiving some reaction. So it behooves all of us to be sure what we wish
to activate before we give forth (15.6.86) 1.2 Guides for Living from ‘Guided

Vibrations are not restricted to the organism or thing that emits them, they
extend outwards and affect others within their sphere of activity. If a C note is
played on a piano in a room full of pianos all of the C strings on the other
pianos vibrate, even the C’s on the higher and lower octaves. Those vibrations
would also affect us, though probably in a way that would not be apparent. Listen
to a piece of music, however, and we can be transported into ecstasy or gloom.
“The effects of music are so profound that the influence is carried through to
each and every cell in the body. Music can elate and invigorate a sad person and
vive versa.”

Vibrations tend to harmonise motion. An example of this is the action of a

pendulum. Set a group of pendulum clocks in motion and they will eventually
synchronise their motion. Christian Huygens, a 17th century Dutch physicist
surmised, correctly, that the clocks were co-ordinated by vibration transmitted
through the wood.

This synchronicity also is apparent in living organisms. Martha McClintock of the

University of Chicago discovered that humans have hormonal links. Working on
anecdotal evidence that women who live together tend to menstruate together she
experimented by testing two groups of women, one of which was given a drop of pure
alcohol on the upper lip three times each week for four months. The other group
received, on the same periodic basis, a drop of alcohol with a drop of
perspiration from the armpit of a leading lady, an individual woman who seems to
act as a driver. At the beginning of the experiment there was a mean difference of
over nine days in the menstrual patterns. The control group remained in oestral
disarray whereas 80 per cent of those who smelled the potent sweat, menstruated on
the same day as the ‘driver’.

How do we smell odours? There is a debate on this in the scientific community, one
researcher, Luca Turin a biophysicist at University college, London, is convinced
that what matters is the frequency at which a molecule’s bonds vibrate (New
Scientist 3/01/1998 p34). The theme of this book is connectedness and a picture is
already building up of particles (consciousness) vibrating and causing various
physical (material) effects. None of us pick up the exact same smell of a
substance; you will likely have experienced definite instances of this when
comparing your preferences with someone else.

What is likely at work here is the different vibrational make-up of every human
being. The brain receives the electromagnetic signals and converts them, but our
brains are all different so the analysing unit is unique, not prevailing, thus
giving different results depending on the recipient.

Vibrations are very much a part of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. Male stink
bugs for example, find the way to the female by placing various combinations of
legs and antennae on the stem and branches of a plant to pick up her vibrations.
“To recognise this a lot of neuronal processing has to take place in the male’s
brain”, says biologist Andreij Cokl (New Scientist 8/04/2000 p38).

Information has just come to hand that elephants communicate by stamping the
ground, the message being received up to 20 miles away through the toenails of the
other elephant.
“The entire universe is determined by vibrations (information)” the genius
Austrian naturalist Johann Grander explains. “We distinguish between positive
information (this is life-affirming) and negative information (this is the life-
impeding vibration).”

It is water, to a great extent, that connects all life on Earth. Virtually every
part of the Earth, even the rocks, contain water. ⅔ of a human and up to 90 per
cent of animals and plants consist of water, which absorbs and stores.

Dr. Jacques Benveniste is the Research Director at the French National Institute
for Medical Research. In 1984, by chance, he brought to light the so-called high-
dilution phenomenon, which was picked up by the media and labelled the ‘memory of
water’. He discovered that if a substance is diluted in water to such a degree
where the final solution contains only water molecules, highly sensitive equipment
can initiate a reaction in the water as if the initial molecules of the substance
put in the water were still present in it. (Anyone interested in the full article
can find it in Nexus Vol 6 No. 5 p 51). The World Goodwill newsletter 1997-1 also
refers to Jacques Benveniste and adds a comment that Dr. Peter Fisher of the Royal
London Homoeopathic Hospital cites scientific investigation of the hypothesis that
‘the microstructure of water is able to retain information concerning substances
with which it has been in contact.”

It has already been stated that everything in existence is energy and that energy
is in constant vibration. The possibility then, is that water can store memories,
not only of substances dissolved in it, but also transferred into to it by
vibrational energy from other bodies.

Water, in nature, is vivified by its natural flow, energy from stones and
minerals, its looping and swift descent. Caged water loses its life, lacking the
full vibration and energy.

That water can have this strange property is evidenced by an article in New
Scientist of 21/06/1997 relating to a gathering of chemists and physicists to be
held in the next week. It states that water is a very bizarre liquid; instead of
shrinking when chilled, like most substances, it expands; when it becomes denser
it floats instead of sinks; needs ten times as much energy to heat as does iron;
has a higher surface tension than syrupy mixtures; and is an excellent solvent of
a huge range of substances.

“In this world most of the material particles are bound to the molecular, atomic
and nuclear structures, and therefore are not at rest but have an inherent
tendency to move about – they are intrinsically restless. According to quantum
theory matter is thus never quiescent, but always in a state of motion.”

“The view of ancient knowledge is opposed to that of contemporary science because

at the base of the understanding of vibrations ancient knowledge places the
principle of the discontinuity of vibration.

The principle of the discontinuity of vibration means the definite and necessary
characteristic of all vibrations is noting whether they are ascending or
descending to develop not uniformly but with periodical acceleration and
retardation. The force does not act uniformly but, as it were, alternatively
stronger and weaker.”

Ley Lines

The Earth has a network of energy lines akin to the nervous system of living
organisms. When thinking about the spiritual/material aspects of life it must
always be borne in mind “as above, so below”. In other words there is a similar
patterning in all grades of life from the most material to the most spiritual. The
ley lines are channels for the movement of energy that can inform what must be
Earth’s brain or central controlling point. It is a fact that the Earth has been
in homeostasis for its entire life. Certainly there have been violent catastrophes
and perturbations in its orbit with a series of reversals of the magnetic poles
but always it restores itself to a balanced state; very similar to our bodies when
they are subjected to various levels of stress. From this it is apparent that the
Earth has a consciousness that is able to assess what is happening within its body
and apply countering forces to offset the ones that are threatening to unbalance
it. Connectedness is again in evidence.

Ancient peoples were well aware of ley lines which were often used when groups
wended their way across the countryside in religious rites. In 1925, Alfred
Watkins, in a book titled ‘The Old Straight Track’ re-introduced the idea of ley
lines which he rediscovered from ancient times. They were aligned with stone
circles, long barrows, tumuli and man-made hills. In the UK for example, the
Beltane alignment runs 300 miles from Land’s End to Hopton in Norfolk via
Glastonbury Tor and Avebury and a number of other sites of religious significance.
There is a second major line called Belinus which starts near Bournemouth on the
south coast and runs through Stonehenge, Avebury Henge (crosses the Beltane),
Arbor Low, Holy Island, and Peterhead Scotland.

One can speculate, of course, as to the relationship between ley lines and the
Earth grid calculated by Bruce Cathie. There is certainly evidence that at focal
points on ley lines there are concentrations of energies. In an article, saved
from several years ago, there is mention of the ability of dowsers, psychics and
sensitive people to detect the higher energies which occur at crossings of ley
lines and at sacred sites which contain arrangements of stones, barrow, churches,
cathedrals etc. The fact that the energies cannot be picked up by scientific
instruments does not invalidate these extra-sensory abilities as the human body,
modelled on the consciousness of God, is naturally in tune with the cosmic and
Earth energies.

Ley lines are not only observed within a country, they can also be found running
through two or more. One example is a line that runs from Skellig Michael in
Ireland, through to Mount Carmel in Israel, passing through such well-known points
as St. Michael’s Mount in England, San Michele at Castiglione di Garfaguara in
Italy and Delphi in Greece.

Our preoccupation with material and worldly pursuits has cut most of the
population off from its spiritual roots and it is showing. There is an aimlessness
in modern life, a loss of real purpose, with no focus but an increase in material
wellbeing. Man’s psyche is pushed into the background where it fights a rearguard
action. That spiritual life force cannot be denied, as the return to our original
source will be achieved, whether or not we willingly cooperate.

When natural Earth rays rise up through subterranean veins of water which have
certain mineral concentrations in them, coupled with fault lines, their
wavelengths are distorted. Dowsers and people from the past felt these harmful
rays and avoided building on them. If you ever pause to wonder why there are
patches where plant growth should be good but the vegetation is sparse and stunted
there is a good possibility that there is a water line in that area. I recall that
one house that our family lived in had a plumbago hedge that would not grow well
in one spot. A visiting friend, who happened to be a clairvoyant, commented that
we had a water line under the house and it passed through that spot of stunted
growth. It is also a fact that some houses have a history of a succession of
residents who developed cancer while living in them.
Shrines, temples and cathedrals were always placed on crossings of telluric
(Earth) lines being another name for ley lines. These sacred places were
continually revitalised by continual expressions of spiritual intent. Worshipper’s
vibrations, as part of the totality of vibration can augment the vibrations of
sacred places on the Earth.

The vibration (radiations) of atomic nuclei penetrates all living matter and can
be of a positive, negative or neutral nature. Natural background radiation has
always been a part of the life of living organisms and it is the unnatural, or
man-made radiation which has the greatest potential for harm. You read earlier in
the chapter about cancer houses, harmful radiation from water lines and other
sources such as cosmic rays, all of which can be avoided by observing their
presence. Those emanations can affect an organisms natural and healthy functioning
by disrupting the electrical processes that take place in all body cells. What
cannot be avoided so easily are the man-made sources such as high-tension power
lines, mobile phone towers, cellular phones, nuclear power plants etc.

In an article in The Ecologist (Vol 29 No 7 p 411) the work of Cornelia Hesse-

Honeggar, a Swiss zoologist who spent many years painting representations of leaf
bugs revealed that some species were dying out after Chernobyl. The heaviest
fallout was in Sweden and it was there that she noticed plants turning red, with
deformed leaves, leaf bugs with eye growths, crippled legs and wings. Up to 23 per
cent of leaf bugs were affected around areas centred on nuclear power stations
such as Sellafield (UK), Three Mile Island (US) and La Hague (France).

Scientists in Boston have found that cells that suffer a direct hit from low-level
radiation alter the level of gene action in neighbouring cells. “Little believes
that if cells are touching they can communicate through chemical messengers.”


Why do animals, birds, insects, marine life etc., appear to have a built-in
program that leads to their ability to follow a life pattern that is obviously not
taught to them by their parents. In the past it was called ‘instinct’ and a
classical geneticist would say ‘it is in the genes’.

There is a theory that every species exists within a unified field of energy which
contains its history and has an ability to assist in its evolution over vast
periods of time. “Morphogenetic fields hypothesise that if a novel event happens
in a certain way, where several possibilities exist, then future events of the
same type will be pre-disposed to happen in the same way. This can happen with
anything from the behaviour of particles to that of animals’.

That raises the question of a conscious entity that can hold the species within
its aura and be responsible for aggregating energies into a desired form. In the
chapter on the History of Man that entity is dealt with in greater detail and it
is known by eastern spiritual writings as a Deva and in Christian writings as an

The concept of life-force is now backed by scientific investigation. Robert O.

Becker, a pioneer in the field of electromedicine and twice nominated for a Nobel
prize states: “the latest scientific revolution has validated the ancient,
preliterate concept of ‘life energy’, not as some mystical, unknowable force but
as measurable electromagnetic forces that act within the body as organised control
systems. These electromagnetic forces appear capable of being accessed through
some of the techniques of shaman-healers as well as through modern direct
intervention with similar forces. These ideas have led to the development of the
new medical paradigm, energy medicine, which is currently being slowly integrated
into orthodox medicine.”

We have also seen how these control systems relate certain basic functions of
living organisms to the electromagnetic environment….,[a] little understood but
vitally important link.”

What is being referred to here is the primary energy field in which we interact
with the material dimension of reality. This is esoterically known as the Akasha
which is the result of the Father (positive) force and the Mother (negative) force
to produce the Son or the substance in which all activity takes place and which
records and retains within itself the memory of all that has gone before.

This energy field consists of a vast range of emanations which interpenetrate each
other and create the material visions which we take to be reality. I think of
myself and other created life-forms as space-time coordinates, a matrix which
collects the energies in existence at the time of the creation of the forms. The
energies which form the basis of all life on Earth originate from the Earth, Sun,
Moon, planets, stars, galaxies and perhaps other entities of which we are as yet

What we take to be material reality rather than particles vibrating in space is a

result of the inability of our eyes/brain, at their present stage of development
to ‘see’ with the speed needed to catch the individual movements of the particles.
A good way to understand the process is to visualise a point of light, say the
glowing end of a piece of rope being rapidly moved in a circle. To the eye, it
looks like a circle of light rather than one glow moving quickly.

If one of the greater entities in which we live and move and have our being were
to look at our solar system it is likely that it would see a body which appears to
be of material form. One project that I have speculated on is for someone to make
a computer projection of the movements of the solar system over, say, a thousand
years. What complete body would that look like?

I always have difficulty in dissociating myself from my physical body. After all,
I have lived in it for 76 years and it is only by an act of imagination,
visualisation, knowledge and belief that I know it is only a temporary housing for
my intrinsic self (more of this in a later chapter).

Recalling the analogy of a rapidly moving point of light appearing as a circle our
senses are so slow that we perceive the quantum particles that make up our form as
a solid. Scientific research has established, beyond a doubt, that all material
forms are actually vast expanses of space which exist between the parts of an
atom. The absolute wonder of the Creation, of which we are a part, can then be
seen because our own body for example is actually a universe in itself.

Visualise your body as mostly space and you will see what we see around us in the
night sky. Our organs would possibly appear as galaxies of tightly clustered
points of light with individual cells that form the interconnecting tissue as
stars. There are theories that even our visible universe is in fact part of a
larger body and is there not any reason why even the cells in our body are, in
fact, teeming with other lives.

Goethe, one of the German Romantic Poets and philosophers was aware of form as a
pattern of relationships within an organised whole, and used the term morphology
to describe the relationship. James Lovelock, in his book Gaia, appears to carry
this to the ultimate, the Earth itself when he states “Life does not regulate or
make the Earth comfortable for itself. I now think that regulation at a state fit
for life, is a property of the whole evolving system of life, air, ocean, and

Rupert Sheldrake is a well-known exponent of morphogenetic fields. In the

Introduction to his book, ‘A New Science of Life’, he states his belief that
morphogenetic fields have measurable effects. He goes on to say that if such
fields are responsible for the organisation and form of material systems they must
have characteristic field-structures associated with previous systems. He then
says “….the structures of past systems affect subsequent similar systems by a
cumulative influence which acts across both space and time”.

For Rupert Sheldrake, “…heredity includes both genetic inheritance and morphic
resonance from similar past forms. This point will be of more relevance when
reincarnation is dealt with in a later chapter.

That some ‘unseen’ energy may be at work can be obtained from this extract –
“consider a newly synthesised organic chemical which has never existed before.
According to the hypothesis of formative causation its crystalline form will not
be predictable in advance, and no morphogenetic field for this form will yet
exist. But after it has been crystallised for the first time, the form of its
crystals will influence subsequent crystallisations by morphic resonance and the
oftener it is crystallised, the stronger should this influence become…”

In fact, chemists who have synthesised entirely new chemicals often have great
difficulty in getting these substances to crystallise for the first time. But as
time goes on, these substances tend to crystallise with greater and greater ease.”

In one section of ‘A New Science of Life’, Sheldrake relates learning experiments

done with rats. Beginning in 1920 with W. McDougall at Harvard, learning
experiments were conducted on 32 generations (15 year spread) in order to prove
the Lamarckian theory that rats in successive generations learn more quickly. “W.
E. Agar and colleagues at Melbourne measured the rates of learning of trained and
untrained lines for 50 successive generations. In agreement with McDougall, they
found that there was a marked tendency for rats of the trained line to learn more
quickly in subsequent generations. But exactly the same tendency was also found in
the untrained line.”
Chapter 3 The Environment

The environment is the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences

esp. as affecting the existence or development of someone or something (Random
House Dictionary). There are therefore many environments such as the home and work
environment, the surrounding environment in which we live, the total world
environment and the cosmic environment.

There is always an interchange between the life in the environment, each

influencing the other, to a greater or lesser degree. We are all aware of how
differently we react in a cold climate as opposed to a hot one – our bodies are
affected physically and this physical body environment results in the expression
of different feelings, different ways of reacting to circumstances.

This chapter deals with as appreciation of environment and why it is vital that it
be as open and diverse as possible.


When James Lovelock published his book GAIA in 1979 it received a lot of criticism
from scientists because associating myth and story-telling with the science made
it bad science. It must have been especially galling to the many scientists who
operated on, and many still do, the reductionist theory of life. “Reductionism in
philosophy, a view that asserts that entities of a given kind are collections or
combinations of entities of a simpler or more basic kind or that expressions
denoting such entities are definable in terms of expressions denoting the more
basic entities. Thus, the idea that physical bodies are collections of atoms or
that thoughts are combinations of sense impressions are forms of reductionism.”

Thus scientists, who believe in the reduction philosophy, tend to view the parts
as deciding how the whole organism will act. This is in direct opposition to those
scientists who believe that the whole organism is the determinant of what actions
are undertaken.

Times are a changing though and the thought that the Earth is actually a living
body, complete in itself, is gaining more acceptance. At this point it would be
useful if you entertain the thought that as a human is a combination of a
spiritual and a physical body so is the planet Earth such a combination. With our
present knowledge it is not inconceivable that some great life has taken on the
body of this planet in order to develop its consciousness to a higher level, much
along the same lines as we are impelled. The next chapter will deal with this
thought in more depth.

Our bodies, in a sense, are like the Earth, as they contain a vast variety of
small organisms, large groupings of cells that constitute our major organs such as
the heart, lungs, liver, brain and they undertake a wide variety of processes in
order to maintain a living being. Our bodies attempt to maintain a stable
environment that is not inimical to life, processing food, water and air and
expelling the toxins and waste that can cause ill-health and death.
There are, in fact, great similarities between the body in which we live and the
body on which we live. If we take in a poisonous plant such as a deadly nightshade
our life-force is threatened with extinction. Should we partake of too much food
that is fat, live on a restricted diet, eat too much food, and all the other
unhealthy combinations we get sick. Should we take pharmaceutical drugs, which are
generally the result of the extraction of the active healing ingredient in a
substance, removing it from its natural buffering effects, there can be side-
effects which can at times be life-threatening.

And so it is with the Earth. The entire Earth is an interconnected network of

energies which have eased themselves into a harmonious relationship over the eons
of time in which life has developed and is continuing to develop. A large group of
life-forms, called micro-organisms, are not visible to the naked eye and therefore
we often do not realise how much exchange of materials and other information goes
on at this micro-level.

The correspondence between the Earth body and our body is revealed in the Earth’s
unseen micro-organisms and our own body cells which are also not visible to the
naked eye. Our nervous system, the endocrine system, and the other means of
communication which relay information on the body’s condition to enable the cells
to produce varying amounts of proteins to maintain a healthy system, is paralleled
by the magnetic forces and other means of communication that are used by the Earth
to adjust its body to prevailing circumstances. There is more water than land on
the planet. Water is present in the rocks as well as the soil and all forms of
life contain water. With water acting as a channel of communication the entire
Earth is tuned in to events. An interesting connection with us is that our astral
bodies represent the water aspect of our natures, the ability to pick things up
from a subconscious level, this is where sensations are experienced, the outlet
for our emotions, it is also referred to as the emotional body.

We are slowly poisoning the Earth with a vast array of chemicals (85,000 odd in
use today) and it is taking action to restore its body to health. Agricultural
chemicals and artificial fertilisers are acting on the Earth’s body as do the
harmful chemicals and drugs on our own bodies, upsetting the immune system and
causing sickness of mind, body and soul of both the human and superhuman lives.

The Earth’s vegetation plays a major role in keeping the Earth in homeostasis and
that vegetation possesses some animal (and human) characteristics. This emphasises
the connectedness which exists on the physical as well as the spiritual planes of
existence. “Plants get nervous just like the rest of us. Or at least they may have
similar nervous systems says a US government researcher. He has found hints that
plant leaves send electrical signals to roots and shoots using ion channels
similar to those in animal nerves.”


In the New Scientist of 22/02/1997 on page 16 there is a story about researchers

in New Jersey who discovered that some plants produce an airborne signal to warn
other plants that infectious invaders are abroad. The signal is a volatile liquid
called methyl salicylate or oil of wintergreen. Ilya Raskin et al at Rutgers
University in New Brunswick infected tobacco plants with the tobacco mosaic virus
and they produced methyl salicylate and antimicrobial proteins. Putting the
infected plants into a chamber and then pumping air from there into another
chamber with healthy plants they noted the latter started to make methyl
salicylate and the protective proteins.

Lyall Watson has written many books that contain references to the mystical
(spiritual) side of life. In his “Gifts of Unknown Things”, on page 161, he
records his experience at a rice harvest during an extended stay on an unnamed
Indonesian island. The ceremony commenced with ritual dancing and then a native
began beating a large brass gong. This went on for exactly 24 hours, the gong
being sounded every 20 minutes and 50 seconds. After the 24 hour period Lyall
Watson asked why the gong was beaten exactly 69 times and he was told that one
less would be wrong and one more would be too much. When he finally returned home
he decided to investigate the particular interval of 20 minutes and 50 seconds and
discovered that the Earth-ionosphere cavity acts as a natural resonator with
exactly that period. How did the natives know that particular interval? Indigenous
peoples, who live a life that is attuned to natural forces would pick up this beat
at a super-conscious level whereas those of us who are born and brought up in an
urban environment are often cut off from the natural flows – our existence tends
to be more mechanical and pre-determined by an industrial/commercial society.

Unseen Forces

Unless we stop and think deeply about life the social environment sweeps us along
with an emphasis on always being busy. Making money, being entertained by films,
TV, radio, etc., following sports are all designed to keep our minds fixed on the
supposition that we are here as consumers, as consuming goods and services is the
good and happy life.

If one delves into the unknown, however, by means of meditation, study of

philosophy, metaphysics and other interests which take us into the world of
imagination, and contact with realms that are not material, a wonderful complexity
of life-forms is revealed.

James Lovelock, writing in Resurgence No. 202 page 6 states that technology is not
science. Science is the vast accumulation of knowledge and understanding about
life and the universe. We need a certainty that has a transcendental quality and
modern science cannot give us this. It is too cold and rational and often seems to
go against common-sense. Much of what is discovered in science, the really big
discoveries, comes intuitionally or in dreams, after which the rational mind works
on the revelation in order to add another piece to the jig-saw.

Einstein stated - ”Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science

becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe – a spirit
vastly superior to that of Man, and one in the face of which we, with our modest
powers, must feel humble.”

Astronomer James Jeans said that the universe is more like a thought than a great

Cyberneticist David Foster described an ‘intelligent universe’ whose apparent

concreteness is generated by – in effect – cosmic data from an unknowable,
organised source.

J.B.S. Haldane is quoted as saying “that reality is not only stranger than we can
conceive, but stranger than we can conceive.”

Einstein wrote, in 1921, “Here arises a puzzle that has disturbed scientists of
all periods. How is it possible that mathematics, a product of human thought that
is independent of existence, fits so excellently the objects of physical reality?
Can human reason without experience discover by pure thinking the properties of

A similar idea came from Alfred North Whitehead who stated that mathematics “may
claim to be the most original creation of the human spirit. The originality of
mathematics consists in the fact that in mathematical science connections between
things are exhibited which, apart from the agency of human reason, are extremely

Positing that we are, in fact, creatures created by an overseeing consciousness

and part of all that exists, the ability to work out mathematically the basis of
operation of the cosmic life forces should come as no surprise.

We are only allowed to know so much at one time because too much knowledge about
the Laws which govern the evolution of consciousness would prove a great threat to
the existence of life if put into the wrong hands. As it is, with our free will we
have already caused a lot of damage to all of the life on this planet. One only
has to look back through history to see many discoveries that were not able to be
put into practice because they were ahead of their time.

So what are the unseen forces that propel life along on a pre-determined path.
They are the Angelic or Devic energies that hold the Plan of the Creator in their
minds and cause energies to flow that will influence the attainment of that plan.
This is not to be construed as pre-determinism, or fate, because Man does have
free will within the broad outlines of that plan. We cannot, however, change the
forward thrust as we get trodden on, as does an ant that gets in our way, if we
deviate too wildly from the direction we ought to take.

The events at Findhorn, in north-east Scotland, provide a fascinating excursion

into the Devic world. In 1956, Peter Caddy ( a retired RAAF officer) and his wife
Eileen were guided to Findhorn. The guidance was spiritual and was ridiculed at
first because they were told to plant a garden in an area that was only 600 miles
from the North Pole and a ground that was tested by the Soil Association to be 98%
sand and gravel.

Dorothy McLean, a colleague with a close link to nature and spiritually open, was
contacted by a Deva and this led to co-operation with devic forces. Within a few
years Findhorn was growing 165 types of vegetables and herbs, some of which cannot
be grown in cold climates. All this was possible because of direct guidance on
when to sow, the sort of compost to be used, when and how to water, advice on
seedlings, then thinning, what to shade, what to leave unprotected and so on.

What is of interest are the communications of the Devas such as “We are part of
human consciousness….” “You must respect us and love us as part of God’s life
before we can trust you with more secrets about ourselves.” “Even if there is what
you call a ‘plague’ of some sort, there is a reason for it – usually that Man is
out of step, doing unnatural things in his separation from the whole.”

Over the years Findhorn grew into a sizeable community and now “grows” people as
well as maintaining contact with the Devic and Nature forces. In the initial
stages the Devas surprised the occupants by enabling 18kg cabbages to be grown,
foxgloves 2 metres high and marrows large enough to last for a fortnights’ meals.

There have been many books written about Findhorn, some of which are well worth

I realise that the idea of entities, that can only be seen by individuals with
clairvoyant abilities, and which are actually involved in directing natural Earth
and cosmic energies must be seen to be “off-the-planet” for anyone just exposed to
such a notion. Don’t forget, however, that throughout Man’s ancient past right up
to the present there have been stories about the “little folk” – fairies, gnomes,
elves, naiads, to name but a few. There have been too many accounts, based on
direct sightings, for there not to be some substance in their presence.
In ‘The Kingdom of the Gods’ by Geoffrey Hodson, the entire book is devoted to
information on ancient and modern science, creative processes, the Greater and
Lesser Gods and the myriads of entities allied with them that build the forms that
we inhabit and those which we see all around us. Geoffrey Hodson was obviously a
very gifted clairvoyant who observed Landscape Gods, Nature Spirits, Rose Angels,
and a large variety of other Beings. His book has many coloured plates of them,
drawn by an artist to whom he described what he saw. He uses quotes from The
Mysterious Universe by Sir James Jeans to illustrate the ephemeral nature of our
physical world: -
“We discover that the universe shows evidence of a designing or controlling power
that has something in common with our own individual minds….” p 137

“The Universe can be best pictured… consisting of pure thought, the thought of
what, for want of a wider word, we must describe as a mathematical thinker.” P 124

“A thought or idea cannot exist without a mind in which to exist. We may say an
object exists in our minds while we are conscious of it, but this will not account
for its existence during the time we are not conscious of it. The planet Pluto,
for instance, was in existence long before any human mind suspected it, and was
recording its existence on photographic plates long before any human eye saw it.
Considerations such as these led Berkeley to postulate an Eternal Being, in whose
mind all objects existed….Modern science seems to me to lead, by a very different
road, to a not altogether dissimilar conclusion.” pp 125-6

Sir Arthur S. Eddington has stated: -

“Something Unknown is doing we don’t know what – that is what our theory amounts
to….Modern physics has eliminated the notion of substance….Mind is the first and
most direct thing in our experience. I regard consciousness as fundamental. I
regard matter as derivative from Consciousness….The old atheism is gone… Religion
belongs to the realm of Spirit and Mind, and cannot be shaken.”

A preceding chapter provided a brief outline of the process of creation from a

Unitary Force which gradually fanned out into three, and then seven, with an
infinity of lesser forces emanating therefrom. This theme is now dealt with in
somewhat broader detail.

The phrase ‘as above, so below’ will be very familiar to readers and it expresses
the commonality between all levels of creation, not exact but similar. When man
wants to create he visualises an end result, thinks and establishes a plan and
then proceeds to put the plan into effect. A Solar Logos goes through much the
same process as does a Planetary Logos. In the latter case their created physical
form becomes their body.

The Seven Rays, or as they are called in The Bible, the Seven Spirits before The
Throne, each create a plane of manifestation resulting in seven planes ranging
from the highest vibration to the lowest. The Cosmic Planes (as delineated in the
Alice bailey books) are classified, in order from the highest, as: -
1. So high it is at present unknown
2. So high it is at present unknown
3. Spiritual
4. Intuitional
5. Mental
6. Astral
7. Etheric/physical

Within each of those cosmic planes are seven sub-planes, our physical world being
included in the lowest cosmic plane, the Etheric/Physical. The plane we are on has
as its seven subdivisions: -
Physical Planes Systemic planes Cosmic Planes
1. Atomic plane Divine. Adi Atomic plane
1st Ether Primordial matter 1stEther
2. Sub-atomic Monadic. Anupadaka Sub-atomic
The Akasha 2nd Ether
3. Super-etheric Spiritual. Atmic 3rd Ether


4. Etheric Intuitional. Buddhic 4th Cosmic ether


5. Gaseous Mental. Fire Gaseous sub-etheric

6. Liquid Astral. Emotional Liquid
7. Dense physical Physical plane Dense physical

Systemic means a solar system and cosmic is the entire created universe.

Matter and ether are synonymous terms and this ether is found in some form or
other on all the planes, and is but a gradation of cosmic substance, and when
differentiated by Fohat it is termed prakriti, or matter.

The enormous complexity of the created universe is evidenced by the above. Mankind
is only working with freedom in the lower three subplanes, i.e., physical,
emotional and mental. The fourth plane from the bottom, the intuitional is the
next step forward, with some advanced humans beginning to perfect their ability to
contact and function at this level.

Formation of Bodies

God is said to be a geometer with this being of relevance when studying life
forms. In other words, mathematics appears as a means of investigating the Cosmic
Laws which apply to the life of the universe.

Fibonacci, a mathematician who lived in the 12th century developed a set of

numbers which were named after him. The numbers are obtained by adding the last
two numbers of the series together to form the next number e.g., 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13
21 34 55 89……. This set of numbers is of importance because it crops up through
the material world, weaving its pattern through the growth of many plants,
breeding cycle of bees, rabbits, and a host of other living creatures.

In the plant world the number of petals tend to be governed by the Fibonacci
numbers: -

3 petals: lily, iris

Often lilies have 6 petals formed from two sets of 3.
5 petals: buttercup, wild rose, larkspur, columbine (aquilegia)
The humble buttercup has been bred into a multi-petalled form.
8 petals: delphiniums
13 petals: ragwort, corn marigold, cineraria,
21 petals: aster, black-eyed susan, chicory
34 petals: plantain, pyrethrum
55, 89 petals: michaelmas daisies, the asteraceae family
Some species are very precise about the number of petals they have - eg
buttercups, but others have petals that are very near those above, with the
average being a Fibonacci number.
Seed heads
The same happens in seed heads in nature. The reason seems to be that this forms
an optimal packing of the seeds so that, no matter how large the seedhead, they
are uniformly packed, all the seeds being the same size, no crowding in the centre
and not too sparse at the edges.
If you count the spirals near the centre, in both directions, they will both be
Fibonacci numbers. The spirals are patterns that the eye sees, "curvier" spirals
appearing near the centre, flatter spirals (and more of them) appearing the
farther out we go.
Finally, note that, although the Fibonacci numbers and golden section seem to
appear in many situations in nature, they are not the only such numbers. H S M
Coxeter, in his Introduction to Geometry (1961, Wiley, page 172) has the following
important quote:
“It should be frankly admitted that in some plants the numbers do not belong to
the sequence of f's [Fibonacci numbers] but to the sequence of g's [Lucas numbers]
or even to the still more anomalous sequences
3,1,4,5,9,... or 5,2,7,9,16,...
Thus we must face the fact that phyllotaxis is really not a universal law but only
a fascinatingly prevalent tendency.” Phyllotaxis is defined as - the principles
governing leaf arrangement.
The Lucas numbers are formed in the same way as the Fibonacci numbers - by adding
the latest two to get the next, but instead of starting at 0 and 1 [Fibonacci
numbers] they start with 2 and 1 [the Lucas numbers]. The other two sequences he
states above have other pairs of starting values but then proceed with the same
rule as the Fibonacci numbers.
An interesting fact is that, for ALL series that are formed from adding the latest
two numbers to get the next, and, starting from ANY two values (bigger than zero),
the ratio of successive terms will ALWAYS tend to Phi!
So Phi is a more universal constant than the Fibonacci series itself.
Phi is the Golden Section number 1.618033989….ad infinitum. It is the most
irrational number yet discovered in that the infinite stream of numbers within the
fractional part never yields a pattern, nor does it repeat. The Golden Section
ratio can be found in the Parthenon and many other Ancient Greek buildings and is
an important concept in both ancient and modern artistic and architectural design.
In the number series mentioned above, division of the first into the second of any
pair of numbers tends towards phi, especially as one progresses up the series of
Mineral kingdom - waves conform to the Fibonacci frequency
Vegetable kingdom - plants tend to grow in spirals as they ‘reach’
for moisture, sunlight and air
Animal kingdom - sea shells, particularly the Nautilus grow
in an equiangular spiral based on squares
which follow the Fibonacci series
Human kingdom - 3 x 5 and 5 x 8 dimensions are used in index
cards and photographs, rectangles known
‘golden rectangles which we seem to
unconsciously favour.

Music – an octave is made up of 8 white keys and 5 black keys. Black keys are
located in 2’s and 3’s. There are 13 keys.

Mutualism and Awareness

If the entire universe is interconnected one would expect to find evidence of this
at the material level. It has already been postulated that there are unseen (in
general) influences at work at the higher levels of existence and it is certainly
within the bounds of possibility that Devas responsible for different species
might well experiment by creating mutually dependent species.

This may be one explanation for the mutuality experienced for example in the case
of the Yucca moth and Yucca plant. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
(1994-2001) “there are four species of insects of the Prodoxidae family of moths.

Each of the four species is adapted to a particular species of yucca. The moths
emerge when the yucca flowers open. The female gathers pollen from one flower,
rolls it into a ball, flies to another flower, lays four or five eggs, and inserts
the pollen mass in the opening thus formed. The larvae eat about half the
approximately 200 seeds produced by the plant. The yucca can be fertilised by no
other insect, and the moth can utilise no other plant.”

If one cannot exist without the other how did they come into existence at all, if
not on an originating symbiotic basis. Other examples of this interdependent need
are evidenced in another extract from the Britannica. “Mutualism is an association
between organisms of two different species in which each is benefited. Mutualistic
arrangements are most likely to develop between organisms with widely differing
living requirements. …..Intestinal flagellated protozoans and termites exhibit
obligative mutualism, a strict interdependency, in which the protozoans digest the
wood ingested by the termites; neither partner can survive under natural
conditions without the other.

Acacia ants inhabit the bull-horn acacia, upon which they obtain food and shelter;
the acacia depends on the ants for protection from browsing animals, which the
ants drive away. Neither member can survive successfully without the other, also
exemplifying obligative mutualism.

Even at the quantum level there is proof of connectedness. The more one delves
into the question of life, what it is, where it came from, the greater the wonder
at what is being accomplished. In 1935, Einstein and two associates decided that
an experiment they thought up would dispose of the quantum logic that if the spin
of one particle in a two-particle system was changed, the spin of its twin would
be immediately affected. They didn’t believe that separated particles could be

J.S. Bell developed, in 1964, a mathematical proof that altering the spin of one
particle would reverse the spin of the partner. In 1982, Alain Aspect of the
University of Paris, following previous careful experiments, provided an accurate
test of Bell’s theorem. It shows that once two particles have interacted with one
another they remain linked in some way, effectively parts of the same indivisible
system. Whether the particles are only a few hundred metres away or across the
universe from one another they are inextricably entwined. This is faster than
light interaction and opens the realm of the imagination to many other
possibilities that cannot exist in a purely mechanistic universe.

All ages and all Races have recorded numerous instances of the members of the
animal kingdom exhibiting knowledge of the forthcoming season’s weather. In
societies which are living closer to the natural world than city-dwellers these
signs are used to ensure that preventative steps are taken to mitigate the
severity or unusualness of the weather to come. With our knowledge of
interconnectedness this should not be seen as ‘old wives tales’ but the practical
effects of the oneness of the life in which we live.

Effect of Vibrations
In view of the interlaced vibrations from innumerable sources, as previously
outlined, it would be logical to assume that where they cross each other they form
different interference patterns on which forms can be built. These interference
patterns exist from the microcosmic to the macrocosmic and determine, to a great
extent, the basic structure, and the emanations of the body that is formed.

The vibrational pattern sets the basis for the effect of that form on whatever
other forms happen to live in it, on it, or come into the sphere of influence. It
is well-known that inhabitants of countries are stereotyped by the fact of being
born there. For example, Greeks are said to be mean and irritable; Serbs tend to
be militant; Irish suggested as simple and happy-go-lucky; Germans as industrious;
French as emotional; Scots are stingy; Spaniards are prideful; English are aloof.
Taken as a whole there is some truth to the fact that each country’s inhabitants
do tend to exhibit similar characteristics and reference back to morphogenesis
perhaps provides a basis for this. Each morphogenetic field has its peculiar
characteristics and will tend to produce similar basic tendencies.

The location in which we are born does have some influence on our body and as like
goes with like it is important to note that even the foods we eat are those
preferably grown within the same vibrational area. In a similar vein to bodies
born in the Arctic flourishing on a diet of meat and fat that would lead to ill-
health for a person born in the tropics, each region provides its own native diet
of vegetables, fruits, nuts to which the inhabitants become accustomed. Take a
person from his/her natural environment and place him/her in a completely foreign
one and eating the local diet and there is the potential for that person to
succumb to the ills of the new location. It is well-known that Asians tend to be
lactose-intolerant; Japanese experience different types of cancer when eating a
western diet and there are many more instances of a similar nature that can be

Vibrations also affect plant growth. In the Secret Life of Plants, by Peter
Tompkins and Christopher Bird, are a number of examples of such vibrations. Dr.
T.C. Singh, at an Indian university, placed an electrically operated tuning fork
six feet away from a plant. By means of a microscope he observed that the fork’s
note during half-an-hour in the early AM caused the plant’s protoplasm to stream
at a speed normally attained much later and after a fortnight the plants were
noticeably taller and stringier than the control plants.

Another experiment with six varieties of rice which received a raga played over
loudspeakers produced yields which consistently ranged from 25 per cent to 60 per
cent and higher than the regional average. Singh also provoked peanuts and chewing
tobacco into producing nearly 50 per cent more than normal by playing music to

George E. Smith of Normal, Illinois, a botanist and agricultural researcher

planted maize and soya beans in two identical greenhouses, one of which had
Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue playing 24 hours a day. The seedlings in that
greenhouse sprouted earlier and had thicker, tougher and greener stems than the
control greenhouse plants.

Even insects can be controlled by sound. Peter Belton, a researcher at Canada’s

Department of Agriculture, broadcast ultrasonic sound waves at a plot of corn
separated from a similar plot by a sound-proof barrier. In the silent plot nearly
50 per cent of the corn was damaged by larvae but only 5 per cent in the plot
receiving the sound.

And with many similar experiments having been successfully trialed, why aren’t
these methods in common use? I can only speculate on the answer by saying that it
isn’t common knowledge. So many methods of growing plants are held in common by
just a few believers, for most the method isn’t ‘scientific’ enough. Publicity
would be needed to extend these novel methods into more general use but the media
would be an unlikely choice because it would upset their advertisers, the
companies that manufacture and sell artificial fertilisers, herbicides and

“Man’s etheric body is a corporate part of the planetary etheric body and
constitutes its most refined and most highly developed aspect.”

“Each form, from that of the tiniest atom to that of a vast constellation, is an
embodiment of a life, which expresses itself as consciousness, awareness, and
responsive sentiency through the medium of some type of response mechanism. Thus
we have the establishing of a universe of lives, interacting and interrelated, all
of them conscious, some of them self-conscious, and others group-conscious, but
all grounded in the universal mind, all possessing souls, and all presenting
aspects of the divine Life.”

What is also of interest at this point is the species barrier. If organisms are to
retain their integrity the enveloping electromagnetic field around it, called in
esoteric language a ring-pass-not would provide a form of protection of that
integrity. Were there to be a porous interface with other blocks of unified
fields, leakage would be allowed and organisms would begin to mutate into a
polyglot of forms that would tend to lose their differences.

“Bearing in mind, again, that all is energy, it should be expected that any
discipline which advocates the transfer of energy across energy field boundaries
would be very wary of the potential for unforeseen consequences. In genetics, for
example, transferring the energy of a gene across a species boundary, if performed
often enough, could open a pathway to be utilised by unwanted gene energies and in
a very far-fetched scenario could lead to a collapse of species boundaries.”

Despite our vaunted abilities in the scientific field we cannot outguess, or

fathom, the conscious purpose of the Creator. At our stage of knowledge we have to
be content with a gradual unfolding of the Creative Plan until that era when we
have acquired sufficient intuition in order to actually know, rather than
Chapter 4 History of Man – Evolving Consciousness

This chapter may provide some initial difficulty as it opens up a new train of
thought as to the origin of Man. The idea of Adam and Eve being created in toto
can now be seriously challenged in the light of preceding chapters and the
progress made by scientists in disposing of a purely material world.

Drawing on the ‘Big Bang’ theory, in which the universe is said to have commenced
from an infinitesimal speck of matter, and which is no longer seriously questioned
by the scientific world, Man’s evolution can be revisited. As we now know that
energy and matter are interchangeable and all substance is really consciousness it
is possible to see Adam and Eve as myth, or a symbolic portrayal. Recall, as you
read the following that Eve was said, in the Bible, to have been fashioned from
Adam’s rib – a case of an androgyne becoming two individual sexes?

Evolution of the Body of Man

Speculation should never be dismissed as ‘unscientific’. There are many, many

aspects of life that need to be excluded from a scientific purview because they
can only be dealt with by using the imagination, intuition, and logic, often with
discussion in depth to explore the potential meaning, or situation.

So it is with the human body, which, to my mind, is so complex in its

constitution, and the uses to which it can be put, that it surely could not have
evolved through pure chance. An underlying consciousness could build such a body,
however, a consciousness that had a need for a body through which to unfold its

Using the very extensive research done by Madame Blavatsky in her work ‘The Secret
Doctrine’ it is now possible to trace some logical steps in the process whereby an
initial point of light became Man as he is seen today.

It is fairly evident, on reading about the world of spirit, that the number seven
plays an important role. Chapter 1 enumerated a number of examples of groups of
seven and the races of Man are no exception to this. Occult knowledge states that
there will be seven races of man, the present Race being the fifth.

The First race of Man, being the closest to the origination of the life force, was
sexless, formless and mindless. In writing the Secret Doctrine Mme. Blavatsky drew
heavily on the wisdom in the Book of Dzyan, Dzyan meaning, in Sanskrit, mystic
meditation. Seven of the volumes are secret, not to be divulged to the profane,
with commentaries on them for initiates and 35 volumes based on the secret content
for exoteric use.

Stanza 4 reads “The Seven Hosts, the Will-born (Mind-born) Lords, propelled by the
spirit of life-giving, separate men from themselves, each on his own zone.”

The “Ancestors” breathed out the first man. These newly-created men were the
“shadows of the shadows.” This is akin to the ectoplasm that can ooze out of
medium’s pores as delineated in the following explanation: -
“Ectoplasm in occultism, a mysterious, usually light-coloured, viscous substance
that is said to exude from the body of a spiritualist medium in trance and may
then take the shape of a face, a hand, or a complete body. It is normally visible
only in the darkened atmosphere of a séance. Ectoplasm is said to be the substance
involved in the materialization of spiritual bodies, and the levitation of
material objects is commonly explained by the gradual buildup of columns of
ectoplasm underneath the objects. At the end of a séance the ectoplasm disappears,
allegedly by returning to the medium's body.” Copyright © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia
Britannica, Inc.

There has been much speculation on the origin of the Moon, which is now a lifeless
body. It was, however, once alive as the Earth is now and it was on the Moon that
this First race of Man is said to have been evolved. Some understanding of this
can be obtained from the books written by Alice A. Bailey under the direction of
the Tibetan, Djwhal Kuhl, and some extracts follow: -

“Those who are now the inner group around the Lord of the World have been
primarily recruited from the ranks of those who were initiates on the moon chain
(the cycle of evolution preceding ours) “.

“The progress of evolution on the moon was abruptly disturbed and arrested by the
timely interference of the solar Logos. The secret of the suffering in the Earth
chain, which makes it merit the name of the Sphere of Suffering, and the mystery
of the long and painful watch kept by the SILENT WATCHER, has its origin in the
events which brought the moon chain to a terrific culmination. Conditions of
agony and of distress such as are found on our planet are found in no such degree
in any other scheme.”

“Secondly, it must be borne in mind that the human units now upon this planet fall
naturally into two great groups—those who reached individualisation, or became
"units of self-directing energy," upon the moon, and those who attained self-
consciousness upon the Earth. There are important distinctions between these two
groups, for the units of the moon chain are distinguished, not only by a more
advanced development, owing to the longer period of their evolution, but also by
the quality of great and intelligent activity, for (as might be expected) on the
third or moon chain, the third Ray was a dominant factor. In this fourth chain,
the quaternary dominates, or the synthesis of the three so as to produce a fourth,
and this is one reason for the intensely material nature of those who entered the
human kingdom on this planet. The distinctions between the two groups are very
great, and one of the mysteries lying behind the main divisions of humanity—rulers
and the ruled, capitalists and labourers, the governed and those who govern—is
found right here. No system of sociological reform will be successfully worked
out without a due consideration of this important fact. Other distinguishing
features might be enumerated but would only serve at this stage to complicate the

In writing this book it is necessary to introduce new material, which can at first
be confusing. For example, in the foregoing extracts there is mention of the Moon
Chain and scheme. These relate to the incarnation, and reincarnation of life-
forms, and planets and solar systems are included in this periodic transit from
appearance, to disappearance. Reincarnation is dealt with further on but an
elucidation of chain and scheme may be useful at this point.
“A Chain is the incarnation of a Planetary logos, through a seven-globed form,
round which he successively passes his life-streams of evolving forms and
consciousness seven times, stopping for a world-period of seven races on each
globe. At most three of the globes are physical, the remainder having as their
densest form the subtler matters.”
“A Scheme, in its totality, corresponds to the Monad, or to the monadic auric egg,
in connection with a human being and his forty-nine cycles.”

“…..we saw that 7 successive chains, or 7 incarnations of a chain, make up a

scheme of evolution.”

The Second Race emanated from the First race and was called the ‘Sweat-born’ and
the ‘Boneless’. Apparently it was endowed by the Incarnating Gods with the first
primitive and weak Spark ( the germ of intelligence). This Second Race was
unconsciously produced out of the First.

In Stanza 5 we read “The Second Race was the product of budding and expansion, the
a-sexual from the sexless, thus was the Second Race produced.”

It was during the Third Race that the beginnings of a tangible body form began to
make its appearance. One of the Stanzas of Dzyan states – “The Mind-born, the
boneless, gave being to the Will-born with bones.” This is said to have taken
place some 18 million years ago.

The commentary describes the development as – “They issued from the Second Race
and became oviparous. The emanations that came out of their bodies during the
seasons for procreation were ovulary; the small spheroidal nuclei developing into
a large, soft, egg-like vehicle, gradually hardened, when after a period of
gestation, it broke and the young human animal issued from it unaided, as the
fowls do in our Race.”

It was in the Third race that the sexes became separate.

This may seem strange to modern eyes but life-forms do evolve, a complicated
structure such as the human body doesn’t just happen, it has to be ‘built’ in

Stanza 7 continues the development of this Third Race – The Sons of Wisdom, the
Sons of Night (the first emanations in creation) ready for rebirth, came down.
They saw the vile (intellectually vile) forms of the first Third (still senseless
race). “We can choose”, said the Lords, “we have wisdom”. Some entered the CHHAYAS
(images of celestial beings). Some projected a spark. Some deferred till the
Fourth (Race). From their own Rupa (essence) they filled (intensified) the Kama
(vehicle of desire). Those who entered became Arhats. Those who received but a
spark remained destitute of knowledge (higher knowledge); the spark burned low.
The Third remained mindless. Their Monads were not ready. These were set apart
among the Seven (primitive human species). “In these shall we dwell”, said the
Lords of the Flame and of the Dark Wisdom.

Changes take place over very long spans of time so it will be of no surprise that
vestiges of a lack of mental growth can still be found on Earth.

“So much happens to people like the ones in Ethiopia and other backward nations
because they are so unknowing and so neglected. They become not only apathetic in
day to day life because it is so difficult, but also because they have so little
awareness of a higher consciousness within or around them. Vibrations are almost
unknown to emanate from these areas as they are yet so primitive of mind. Their
plight has a meaning just the same because it is needed to raise the consciousness
of the rest of the planet.”

Towards the end of the fourth sub-race of the Third race the babe lost the faculty
of walking as soon as liberated from its shell. By the end of the fifth sub-race
man was born as he is today.

Lest this seem like fiction, a reference to the Bible produces a parallel
indication of an interaction between higher beings and the animal forms that were
modern man’s beginnings. In Genesis we find – “And it came to pass, when men began
to multiply on the face of the Earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the
Sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives
of all which they chose.”

This also relates to the so-called “fall” of Man in that these high, spiritual
beings, debased themselves, in a sense, by integrating themselves into these
senseless bodies. Reflection will reveal, however, that it was a necessary step in
the process of instilling a spiritual potential that was to be realised as the
human race matured.

You will have gathered from this description of the Third race that it was
concentrated on the formation of the physical body, the first of our present three
which now includes the astral/emotional and the mental bodies.

The continent of Lemuria was said to be the home of the Third race. It was
reportedly situated in the Pacific ocean and eventually sank leaving islands such
as Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia and Easter Island.

Preceding our present Race, the Fifth, was the Fourth which had as its purpose the
formation of the emotional, or so-called astral body.

The Fourth Race was said to have lived on the continent of Atlantis and as this
land has received a great deal of attention, from many sources, information on the
nature of this Race is dealt with under the heading of ‘Atlantis’.

Atlantis and the Fourth Race

Plato, in one of his dialogues recorded in Timaeus comments on Atlantis thus –

“This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic
was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are
called by you the Pillars of Heracles; the island was larger than Libya and Asia
put together and was the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to
the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean….:

An article in Nexus, Vol 5 No 6 p 69 relates that explorers found stones near

Bimini which, when interpreted, indicated they were part of the Atlantis
civilization. Comparison with the records of the priest of Sais, who first
informed Solon in the sixth century BC, and which were written about by Plato
shows the two sets of information correlate.

Ziriuz magazine of September, 1981, p 7 tells of Soviet oceanographers who were

exploring the sea bottom some hundreds of kilometres west of Portugal. They
claimed that they may have discovered the lost land of Atlantis. The theory is
based on the mysterious structures seen in 460 photographs taken of sunken Ampere

In a number of pictures of the northeastern part of the summit, researchers

discerned rectangular structures. “The position of plates, individual blocks, as
well as the regular shape of the plates photographed…..may testify to their
artificial origin,” he said (Andrei Monin, director of research aboard the Soviet
ship Acadamecian Kurchatov).

Two years ago, Soviet scientists said a diving bell lowered from the ship took
eight photographs of Ampere which showed walls and staircases similar to the
structures described by Monin.

Another source that has details about Atlantis is Edgar Cayce, an American mystic
known as the “sleeping prophet”. In one of his thousands of ‘readings’ he
mentioned that the Sphinx had been built in 10,500 BC by survivors of Atlantis who
had concealed beneath it a Hall of Records containing all the wisdom of their lost
civilization and the true history of the human race. He thought this would be
discovered between 1996 and 1998.

Various individuals and organisations have attempted to obtain permission to the

further searching of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx but Egyptian authorities
have not shown any cooperation in giving approval to this.

In the book, The Sleeping prophet, on p 220, Edgar Cayce says cryptically that
archives dealing with the existence of Atlantis, and concealed in three areas of
the world, will eventually be revealed; one of these areas is Egypt, where the
ancient priests assured the Greek lawmaker Solon, the source of the Plato tale,
that they had the account fully preserved.

Max Heindel, in his book The Roscicrucian Cosmo-Conception, on p 294, writes that
in an earlier time the Atlanteans did not clearly perceive the outline of an
object or person but they saw the soul and at once knew its attributes, whether
they were beneficial to him or otherwise. He knew whether the man or animal he was
regarding was kindly or inimically disposed to him.

Another author, who included comments in his book ‘Thinking and Destiny’ was H. W.
Percival. He states that an important cycle ended with the sinking of the
continent called by some, Atlantis. This continent, one of many that have arisen
during this Fourth civilization had its beginning in untold ages past and,
according to present reckoning, the last of its sinkings took place from twenty to
ten thousand years ago.

And for a final recording of this issue we go to The Secret Doctrine Vol 3 p 370.
It quotes M. Bailly, a French astronomer of the 18th century, as being preceded in
his belief about Atlantis by Father Kircher, the learned Jesuit who, in his
Oedipus Aegyptiacus writes “I confess, for a long time I had regarded all this
(the Dynasties and Atlantis) as pure fables to the day when, better instructed in
oriental languages, I judged that all those legends must be, after all, only the
development of a great truth.”

On page 252 of Vol 3 it states that the last remnant sank 850,000 years ago – it
says Plato’s ‘island’ was a part of one of the remnants.

One of the reasons for expounding at length on the probable existence of Atlantis
is the attitude of much of the scientific world towards what they regard as mere
myth. If the progression of the Races is as told in various works it is of
importance to present- day Man in learning of his past and what lessons he can
take from that history.

The Atlantean civilization of the Fourth race was intended to add Man’s second
body, commonly known as the astral or emotional body. The astral level is a higher
vibration than the purely physical and allows the personality to contact realms
that are open to a greater expanse of information. A. E. Powell, in ‘The Astral
Body’ on p 144 says that one of the most prominent characteristics of the astral
world is that it is full of continually changing shapes: we find there not only
thought-forms composed of elemental essence but also vast masses of elemental
essence from which shapes continually emerge and into which they again disappear.
This is the medium which lower psychic abilities contact. And I note here that
that is one reason why the psychics who possess only the lower abilities can often
get things wrong.

Here is some additional commentary on the five races of man.

The name of Lemuria has been given to a continent that, according to secret
doctrines of the east, was the land occupied by the third root race of man. That
name of Lemuria has also become in usage by some naturalists and members of the
Theosophical Society.

In the third (Lemuria) and fourth (Atlantis) root races the mind was very
quiescent and did not really function because the main thrust of the evolution in
those periods was the development of the physical and emotional bodies.

The Atlantean civilisation, because of its intense emotional (astral) nature and a
related openness to the supernatural world, tended to be very religious in its
attitudes and there was a great interest on what life was like after death. At
that time, with no real development of the mental abilities, there was no
opportunity to question what they were told by the priests. Consequently, animism,
spiritualism, the lower psychic abilities, and the ease of tuning into the astral
level, were prevalent. These feelings were carried forward into the fifth root
race, and despite the development of the rational mind to such a high degree they
still colour our emotions and render us sensitive to emanations from the higher
levels of existence.

The Atlantean civilisation was highly developed, in a technical sense, having many
great, and beautiful buildings, sanitation, hygiene, and the use of air travel,
amongst other amenities. There was also an ability to harness and control the
forces of nature. All of this was not due to Atlantean abilities but was a gift
from the guides of the race as a means of initiating innate talents that would
eventually come to the fore in our later root race as a result of the application
of mental force to bring forth the latent knowledge. As our fifth root race
continues its evolution it explores, and develops, the life forces by use of the
scientific method. This insertion of talents into a preceding root race, for use
in the following one, is an example of the planning that is undertaken from the
hierarchical level.

Shamballa is the planetary centre which contains the Will of God for humanity.
This Will, as expressed by force, has been rarely used in the past because of its
great potency and was therefore only in effect at times of great need. The first
time it was used directly on humanity was when man needed to be exposed to
individualisation in order to speed up the process of evolution. The second time
it was used was in Atlantis when there was a titanic struggle between the Light
and the Dark forces for supremacy.

As Man has now evolved to a relatively high degree the Shamballa Force (of God’s
Will) can now be directed to humanity on a continuous basis and is being used to
break up those accretions of energy which have crystallized in the form of dogma,
rigid institutions and the various forms of government, religion, etc., which are
holding up our forward and upward thrust into the next root race.

In a book such as this, which deals with the spiritual side of life, there has to
be an emphasis on aspects of life which cannot, as yet, be assessed
scientifically. How can one prove what one cannot see with the eye and with the
aid of sensitive instruments. It is here that your imagination and developing
intuitive perception need to take a premier place.

Having said that, it is necessary to enter into the world of planetary and cosmic
energies. This aspect will be scattered throughout the book and it can only be
your judgement that decides the issue for you.

Sirius has been mentioned a number of times as being significant for the Earth and
humanity. The Encyclopaedia Britannica refers to Sirius as follows: -

Sirius was known as Sothis to the ancient Egyptians, who were aware that it made
its first heliacal rising (i.e., rose just before sunrise) of the year at about
the time the annual floods were beginning in the Nile River delta. They long
believed that Sothis caused the Nile floods; and they discovered that the heliacal
rising of the star occurred at intervals of 365.25 days rather than the 365 days
of their calendar year, a correction in the length of the year that was later
incorporated in the Julian calendar. Among the ancient Romans, the hottest part of
the year was associated with the heliacal rising of the Dog Star, a connection
that survives in the expression "dog days."That Sirius is a binary star was first
reported by the German astronomer Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel in 1844. He had
observed that the bright star was pursuing a slightly wavy course among its
neighbours in the sky and concluded that it had a companion star, with which it
revolved in a period of about 50 years. The companion was first seen in 1862 by
Alvan Clark, an American astronomer and telescope maker. Sirius and its companion
revolve together in orbits of considerable eccentricity and with average
separation of the stars of about 20 times the Earth's distance from the Sun.
Despite the glare of the bright star, the seventh-magnitude companion is readily
seen with a large telescope. This companion star, known as Sirius B, is about as
massive as the Sun, though much more condensed, and was the first white dwarf star
to be discovered. Copyright © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

A further reference to Egyptian interest in Sirius is that of an archeologist

named Duncan Mc Naughton who asserted that the so-called ventilator shafts from
the King’s chamber were sighted on Sirius.

Robert K. C. Temple wrote a book on Sirius called ‘The Sirius Mystery’ which,
apart from information on that star, relates the discoveries about the Dogon tribe
who were fully aware of the nature of this binary star well before its discovery
by modern astronomers.

The Dogons, according to information obtained by Robert Graves for his book ‘The
Greek Myths’, obtained their knowledge of Sirius from a group of people which
migrated from Greece to Libya and then south through the Sahara to the region
around the Upper Niger. This movement took place several centuries BC and resulted
in the Dogons beginning to center their religious ceremonies around the movement
of Sirius and its twin star. Bearing in mind that Sirius, as a binary star, was
not discovered in modern times until 1844, it is of interest that the Dogons were
already aware of Sirius B, which cannot be seen. Also of interest is that Sirius B
is the centre of their interest with the knowledge that it has an elliptical orbit
around the visible Sirius which takes 50 years to complete. The Dogon were also
aware that Sirius B rotates on its own axis. Their description of Sirius B is that
it is incredibly tiny, exceedingly heavy and Sirius itself is to one side of the

The main reason for including information about Sirius is that it is said by the
Dogons to be the home of Nommo who landed on Earth in order to teach the infant
humanity. According to their knowledge the Nommo were amphibious beings with
fishtails and appear to resemble a cross between a man and a dolphin. One then has
to recall the legends of mermen and mermaids.

Dolphins became of great interest to us in the latter part of the twentieth

century, beginning with reports that they appeared to have an interest in human
beings, and were credited with saving the lives of people threatened with death by
drowning. Some of them also were credited with healing children who were suffering
depression and alienation. Scientific studies began and it was evident that
dolphins could communicate with each other at a high level of awareness and
possessed an advanced consciousness in relation to marine animals and also much of

The information that amphibious creatures taught the infant humanity cannot be
easily dismissed as an aberration of the ancient mind. Too often we dismiss
information that cannot be readily proven thus closing off avenues of exploration
that may well be of benefit in our quest to understand our past and where our
future might lie.

In Guided Writings the following question and answer sheds some light on the
reference in the previous section to the Nommo. It needs to be noted also that the
Sumerian and Babylonian traditions refer to Oannes, an amphibious creature who
taught mankind.

“Q. What is the relationship between Man and the dolphin/whales.

A. There is no proper relationship as yet on a universal basis. There are humans

more aware of the dolphin and whale intelligence but mostly your peoples are still
asleep. No matter, it is as it has been intended, you were not until now advanced
enough to be allowed such understanding. You are not related to the water people
in spite of the resemblance during the foetal stage. The dolphins are an ancient
race, one of the very first created. God intended to experience all of his worlds;
the Earths, the oceans and the skies. Of all the creations though, the human body
(in all its variations throughout the universe) and the largest mammals were the
greatest success. The sea persons, spiritually, have been the far superior of
God's creations, water is sacred, it has qualities found nowhere else. The whales
are not as superior as the dolphins, they were not intended to be, they have their
role in the scheme of things. Man's advantage is that he can adapt to, and adapt
the seas to his advantage - the sea creatures cannot function on land, except in
symbiosis*. That is the dolphin’s (especially the dolphin’s, as yet) powerful
*the living together of two dissimilar organisms, esp. when this association is
mutually beneficial.

The whales look to the dolphins, then to Mankind, through the dolphins, but the
next step forward, the next link, is with and through your fellow creations, the
water kind. Don't be too concerned with all of this except in a supportive way,
you are all developing your way and the links for the sea mammals are developing
along those lines. When the time comes there will be linkage amongst you all as
the dolphins will be able to "hook into" your raised consciousness.”

Referring to the Alice Bailey books for further references to the relationship
between Sirius and our solar system we find the following.

“The ancient books of the East point out, in considering this subject, that the
seven stars of the Great Bear, the seven stars of the Pleiades, and the sun
Sirius, have a very close connection with our solar system, and that they hold an
intimate psychic magnetic relation to our solar Logos.”

“First and foremost is the energy or force emanating from the sun Sirius. If it
might be so expressed, the energy of thought, or mind force, in its totality,
reaches the solar system from a distant cosmic centre via Sirius. Sirius acts as
the transmitter, or the focalising centre, whence emanate those influences which
produce self-consciousness in man.”

“The seven stars of the Pleiades are the goal for the seven types, and this is
hinted at in the Book of Job, in the words, "Canst thou bind the sweet influence
of the Pleiades?" In the mystery of this influence, and in the secret of the sun
Sirius, are hidden the facts of our cosmic evolution, and incidentally, therefore,
of our solar system.”

“Briefly it might be said that the following cosmic and systemic causes are
responsible for the present world crisis and the present difficult world

A welling up of magnetic force on Sirius, which produces effects upon our solar
system and particularly upon our Earth, via the Hierarchy.”


Most readers will have read or heard about supposed visits to Earth by
extraterrestrials, or aliens. There is an element of fear in the word alien but
Man’s advancement through the eons of his existence may well have been partly due
to intelligent beings visiting us from time to time.

Chapter 1 in the Book of Ezekiel, in the Bible, contains what is thought to be a

reference to a UFO, where it records “And when the living creatures went, the
wheels would go beside them, and when the living creatures were lifted up from the
Earth, the wheels would be lifted up…..for the spirit of the living creature was
in the wheels.” Some descriptions of UFO’s by recent viewers liken them to

Reports of UFO’s, unidentified flying objects, have occurred throughout much of

our history but they are usually passed over by governments for various reasons.
Included in these are a concern that the population might panic and a wish to
retain for reasons of power any information gleaned from contacts. Dr. Steven
Greer who is a director of CSETI (Centre for the Study of Extraterrestrial
Intelligence) is part of a team called Project Starlight which has, since 1993,
provided preliminary briefings for White House staff, the United Nations, Houses
of Congress and Representatives, international leaders in foreign governments etc.
The information provided must have been of high quality because the following
edited version of a press release by Dr. Greer is pitched at US government
leaders: -
Wednesday, May 9th, 2001

The National Press Club Ballroom

Washington, DC

On Wednesday, May 9th, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate

and scientific witnesses will come forward at the National Press Club in
Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles,
extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion
technologies. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting
government documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt the
reality of these phenomena, according to Dr. Steven M. Greer, director of the
Disclosure Project which is hosting the event.

The Disclosure Project, a non-profit research organization has identified several

hundred witnesses throughout the world and spanning every branch of the armed
services, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), DIA, CIA, NASA, Russia, UK,
and other agencies and countries. Over 100 have been videotaped; 70 have been
transcribed into edited testimony. Videotaped summary of the testimony and an in-
depth briefing document with witness transcripts will be available at the press

Participants in this phase of the disclosure effort are asking for Congressional,
White House and UN action to allow witnesses to testify under oath in open
hearings. The group is requesting a Presidential Executive Order to protect
witnesses afraid of violating security oaths and to declassify documents and
secret projects for the benefit of all world citizens.

“These testimonies establish once and for all that we are not alone. Technologies
related to extraterrestrial phenomena are capable of providing solutions to the
global energy crisis, and other environmental and security challenges,” says Dr.

A former NASA astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, was interviewed by The People in London
on 25th October, 1998, and confirmed that he has knowledge that aliens have
visited this planet. Because the entire universe is ONE, the fact of alien life
(is it really alien?) is not surprising. We ourselves are already sending space
vehicles to various parts of our solar system and there is the intention to
eventually send manned vehicles to other planets.

Insistence on the material can blind us to information which can be usefully

integrated into our world view of Man and his reason for being here. The following
quotation puts the situation into a different perspective: -

“We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its
constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfil many of its extravagant promises of
health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for
unsubstantiated 'Just So' stories, because we have a prior commitment, a
commitment to materialism.
It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept
a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are
forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of
investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter
how counterintuitive, how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that
materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door."
Among those Lewontin charges with having misled the public with their
'unsubstantiated 'Just So' stories' is Britain's Richard Dawkins, who, if Lewontin
is correct, is the somewhat inappropriate and undeserved incumbent of an Oxford
chair in the Public Education in Science. Lewontin writes:

"As to assertions without adequate evidence, the literature of science is filled

with them, especially the literature of popular science writing. Carl Saqan's list
of the "best contemporary science-popularizers" includes EO.Wilson, Lewis Thomas
and Richard Dawkins, "each of whom has put unsubstantiated assertions or counter-
factual claims at the very centre of the stories they have retailed in the market.
Wilson's Socio- biology and On Human Nature rest on the surface of a quaking marsh
of unsupported claims about the genetic determination of everything from altruism
to xenophobia."

One question that can exercise our minds is – ‘do we think of, and create, new
thoughts, ideas, material constructs and the like or do they result from the use
of the intuition and an imagination which is hooked into the universal mind?’ Many
scientists, inventors, philosophers etc., have stated that what they did was
received in a dream, a moment of meditation or contemplation, but certainly not
from waking consciousness, the latter being used to develop what they received.

This question has a relationship with discoveries made that beggar belief. On the
face of it the following discoveries are pure fantasy, mere words dredged up by
authors to titillate the minds of the readers. There are also compelling reasons
to not lightly dismiss them as our knowledge of the past is but fragmentary and it
is quite on the cards that cataclysmic changes to the Earth, in past eons, have
wiped out traces of advanced cultures. If a major catastrophe struck today and
left only a remnant of humanity is it conceivable that modern life could continue
without great disruption?

Many science fiction writers must pick up thoughts, or intuit, the fanciful things
they write about, many of which have already been expressed in some form or
another on this planet.

Just prior to World War II, Chinese archaeologists discovered a cave which
contained small skeletal remains. Hundreds of stone discs were also found which,
when deciphered, revealed that the skeletons were the remains of the crew of an
extraterrestrial craft that had crash-landed in the mountain range of Baian-Kara-
Ula, 12,000 years ago. In 1962, Professor Dr. Tsun Um Nui succeeded in translating
the marks on the discs. The leader of the Dyopa tribe, which had assimilated the
aliens who survived stated they originated from the Sirius system ( Nexus Vol 3
No. 1 p 59)

In an interview by Laura Lee (Radio Show), Michael Cremo, co-author of the book
“Forbidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race, Gavharden Hill
Publishing, Badger, Calif. 1993, commented on various findings: -

• An exquisite metallic vase blasted out of Precambrian rock in Dorchester,

Mass. – 600 million years old
• 1979, Mary Leakey found footprints of three individuals in some volcanic ash
about 3.6 million years old
• Dr. Hans Reck, in 1913, found completely anatomically-modern human skeletons
fossilised in strata almost two million years old
• Grooved metallic spheres found in South Africa date back 2.8 billion years
• Earliest skeleton found was reported in The Geologist magazine in 1862. A
human skeleton was discovered in a coalfield in Macoupin County, Illinois. From
the Carboniferous period around 300 million years old

Evolving Consciousness and the Fifth Race

The humanity of today constitutes the Fifth Race, the advent of the mental body
and its processor, the brain. Each race takes on its new role within the pre-
existing set of bodies, changes taking place very gradually over the very long
periods of time needed for this process to take effect. There is no doubt that the
mind is beginning to control the physical and emotional bodies but the state of
the world today reveals that emotions still play a large part in the way we govern
our affairs. The Tibetan notes the continuing emphasis on the emotions where he
says – “Today the mass of men are swept by the emotions and by a sensitive
response to circumstance; they are not swept usually by an intelligent reaction to
life as it is.” And again – “Only a few people in the race are true idealists
(though their numbers are increasing); the small minority only, employ the
concrete mind; while the masses are swayed entirely by the emotions. The time is
coming when the intuitional body (the buddhic vehicle) will be organized,
utilizing the higher spiritual mind as its medium.”

It can be inferred, by the first section of this chapter, that the whole purpose
of life, for Mankind, is to develop the depth and quality of consciousness. This
particular part of the chapter is intended to explore the question of
consciousness in a somewhat more detailed way.

The Random House Dictionary refers to consciousness as “the state of being

conscious; awareness of one’s own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings,

Evolution has been described as “cyclic development” – endless repetition until

the desired end has been reached.

There are three kinds of consciousness; absolute, universal and individual. A

description of these is found in The Consciousness of the Atom on p 100: -

“Absolute consciousness, to the ordinary thinker, is practically impossible of

recognition. It has been defined in one book as, "That consciousness in which
everything is, the possible as well as the actual," and concerns everything that
can be possibly conceived of as having occurred, or occurring, or going to occur.
This is, possibly, absolute consciousness, and from the standpoint of the human
being is the consciousness of God, Who contains within Himself the past, the
present, and the future. What, then, is universal consciousness? It might be
defined as consciousness, thinking time and space, consciousness with the idea of
location and succession involved within it, or, in reality, group consciousness,
the group itself forming either a greater or a lesser unit. Finally, individual
consciousness may be defined as just as much of the universal consciousness as a
separated unit can contact and can conceive of for itself.

Arthur Koestler wrote, in ‘The Roots of Consciousness’ that “we already have a
situation emerging in theoretical physics and metaphysics which are becoming
inextricably entwined. There is now a merging of the occult and esoteric sciences,
which were kept alive by a few initiates down the ages, with the exoteric physical
sciences. The higher and lower are becoming one.”

There are many levels of consciousness. At the subconscious level the body
processes have become automatic. We do not have to remember to breathe, to
circulate our blood although Fakirs and similar persons can voluntarily slow, or
even stop their bodily processes to the point of being buried alive for many days
at a stretch. The self-conscious level is when we are aware of ourselves, a higher
conscious level puts us in touch with that part which seeks to regulate our lives
at as high a pitch as possible. Man has a collective unconscious which contains
all our past and present history and then finally there is the universal mind
which can be said to be the Mind of God.

Richard Maurice Bucke, a Canadian psychotherapist who studied the lives of those
individuals who, over the past 2,000 years he felt represented the outposts of the
evolution of human consciousness, stated – “….just as, long ago, self-
consciousness appeared in the best specimens of our ancestral race in the prime of
life, and gradually became more and more universal and appeared in the individual
at an earlier and earlier age,….so will cosmic consciousness become more and more
universal and appear earlier in the individual life until the race at large will
possess this faculty.”

A World Goodwill Seminar on 6th November, 1999, carried this sentence –

“Spiritual, in one sense, can mean everything that lies beyond the point which
human consciousness has reached.” What this is saying in effect is, there is
always an emerging of new material into our consciousness; we will never reach the
end point. It is not therefore possible to say ‘I have reached the ultimate stage
in my life, I have learned what life is so I can now sit back and not need to
continue my learning process.’

“Universal consciousness does not know form or rather knows it for what it is: a
field of experience. One who directs himself towards the expression of universal
consciousness ends by living in the world of energies. These energies are multiple
since we bathe in an ocean of energies but fundamentally they are one.”

Here again is the expression of a knowledge that the multiple energies with which
we are surrounded are in fact just one. We have to be conscious, at some stage in
our many lives, that there is a never-ending quest. The form is there but it is
only used for experience and will eventually be discarded.

A similar theme is expressed by :The evolution and progress of life continues by

progressive states of consciousness. The goal of this progress is perfect
consciousness of unity. The objective will then become one with the subjective and
the microcosm blended with the macrocosm.”

Annie Besant in ‘A Study in Consciousness on p 25 states that “To begin with a

definition of terms: Consciousness and life are identical, two names for one thing
as regarded from within and without. There is no life without consciousness; there
is no consciousness without life.”

Science has been grappling with what is consciousness down through the ages. Is it
produced by the brain, does our genetic structure determine the onset of
consciousness, can it exist by itself, does it always need a physical form through
which it can manifest. A few thoughts about the science of consciousness will not
go amiss at this point.

Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the field of electromedicine states “….the latest

scientific revolution has validated the ancient, preliterate concept of ‘life
energy’, not as some mystical, unknowable force but as measurable electromagnetic
forces that act within the body as organised control systems. These
electromagnetic forces appear capable of being accessed through some of the
techniques of shaman-healers as well as through modern, direct intervention with
similar forces. We have also seen how these control systems relate to certain
basic functions of living organisms to the electromagnetic environment…”, [a]
little understood but vitally important link.”

The growth of consciousness in life-forms, up until the present era, in general,

has been a slow but automatic response to the spiritual forces which constantly
flow through those forms. Certain individuals have, throughout man’s history, been
imbued with the need to deliberately develop a deepening of consciousness. An
example of this was given in Simply Living No. 15 on page 73. The article related
to Shamans, a word which originated from the Tungus people of Siberia. It is a
generic term as shamans are found in all cultures – they are the mind/body healers
of communities of people. They use their abilities to access ‘power animals’,
‘spirit beings’, and ‘totemic spirits’. Shamans often enter into a trance-state or
deep meditation in the need to contact other consciousnesses or layers of
consciousness. This is the wholeness of life being experienced, the
interrelatedness of all of creation.

In like manner, Professor A. P. Elkin, who wrote ‘Aboriginal Men of High Degree’
has stated “…Aboriginal medicine men….are men of high degree in the secret of
life beyond that taken by most adult males – a step which implies discipline,
mental training, courage and perseverance…they are of immense social significance,
the psychological health of the group largely depending on faith in their powers…
the various psychic powers attributed to them must not be too readily dismissed as
mere primitive magic and ‘make-believe’ for many of them have specialised in the
human mind, and in the influence of mind on body and of mind on mind.”

In modern day practice hypnotherapy is a somewhat similar process, the action of a

mind impressing thoughts on the person needing a healing process in order to
change attitudes, desist from unhealthy habits etc. All of these practices are
based on the ability to affect the consciousness in which we live.

Carl Jung wrote, in 1930, “….the conscious, modern man, despite his strenuous and
dogged efforts to do so, can no longer refrain from acknowledging the might of
psychic forces.”
In meditative states where instruments have been in use to measure brain waves it
has been established that the meditator is able to change brain wave activity. In
normal brain activity the waves are Beta, as the mind begins to focus on a
specific the waves slow to the Alpha state. When creative images, forgotten scenes
of prior periods in the life, the dreaming state, the waves drop down to the Theta
level. At the lowest level, the Delta, one is in a dreamless sleep – perhaps the
level at which one is closest to the underlying consciousness of the universal
mind. This is an indication that consciousness controls the mind and its thoughts,
rather than the reverse. If it was the brain that produced the changes in the
brain wave patterns what would be the trigger to begin meditation? Meditation
takes place when an individual decides it is an appropriate time.

There is a two-way interaction between consciousness and the environment.

Consciousness can induce feelings of well-being or depression and the state of the
body’s health and the surrounding environment can also affect consciousness.
Studies with animals have revealed that electromagnetic signals of varying
strengths have an impact on their behaviour. It is a moot point whether the vast
increase in electromagnetic forces that man has created is having an impact on the
human race, either in general or in particular.

Light and energy are now accepted as interchangeable. Energy is consciousness and
therefore light is consciousness; we tend to say ‘I see the light’ when a
realisation dawns upon our mind.

According to the behavioural school; all of our thoughts and consequent actions
are the result of an electro-chemical reaction in the brain. If this is so we are
no more than robots, governed by some initial programming by our genetic
structure. We therefore tend to have little say in what we do yet we constantly
think of choices. Why should we be faced with choices if the brain (consciousness)
acts on a mechanistic basis? Human beings are, in this case, little better than a
computer that runs on a fixed program, subject to ‘bugs’ when it is not properly
written or to deterioration when the electrical circuits begin to break down.

The Vedic Rishis of ancient India stated that ‘the world is sound’: Mantras have
been used for thousands of years to affect consciousness directly. Quantum
particles form sound waves and it is easy to see how sound can affect the body,
which also consists of quantum particles. It has an impact on consciousness but it
can also reduce stress hormones, change the heart rate and induce peace within the

As noted in a previous chapter sound can assist, or retard, the growth of plants
and as cells in all life-forms have a great similarity to each other we are all
biologically related. Our consciousness is gradually awakening to the fact that
the non-human world also has its rights and there is every possibility that the
sequence of creation, minerals to plants to animals (and humans) means that we, in
consciousness, have ourselves progressed through those stages. In other words
everything is articulated from the primordial source of life.

World Goodwill 1997-2 p 7 provided the material to record that the problem for
science is consciousness. Although scientists have theories and have studied the
problem they cannot explain how or why consciousness should have appeared. If one
is prepared to state that the universe appeared by chance, and is made up of
parts, like a clock, that have produced all that we are presently aware of, there
should no more be consciousness than a piece of man-made equipment. The hard
question for philosophers is – ‘How does something as unconscious as matter give
rise to something as immaterial as consciousness?’

All through occult literature we meet the statement that ‘God is Light’. Einstein
studied light and he showed that light appears to be a universal constant. If a
space traveller could travel at the speed of light, light would still pass the
traveller at 2,993,380 kilometres per second. Should one manage to travel at the
speed of light time would stop and the distance travelled would be zero. At zero
distance and with the speed of light there would be no sense of time, a unity
would be experienced. This may recall the experience I recorded in a previous
chapter that ‘God is a point of Light’.

Consciousness has been evolving throughout man’s history and that is the entire
purpose of our lives because to unite with God we have to attain the consciousness
of God. Early man lived a constricted existence in that he was only aware of the
land in which he lived, what he could see and from which he gained sustenance. As
his abilities developed he formed tribes which lived as a unit, progressing to
groups of communities, to a nation and now we are all conscious, especially as a
result of the pictures of Earth from space, that we are part of one body; we can
focus on Man as a complete entity made up of disparate forms, cultures, languages
and customs. In reality we are all cells in the body of humanity.

Every day the consciousness of people is expanding, through meditation, stress

management, and concentration on an interest which expands the mind. A critical
mass is then produced; when enough like minds work together more energy is
available than the sum of the individual efforts.

The increase of the depth of consciousness within the total world population is
causing the development of group consciousness, a process wherein the individual
consciousness retains its sense of self. An analogy is that of a group lifting a
heavy weight that cannot be lifted by one alone. The group still consists of
individuals but they are united for this one purpose. The world community has been
aware, for some years now, of the movement from the sign of Pisces into that of
Aquarius. Pisces signified the individual searching for meaning in life through a
spiritual source. Aquarius is the group undertaking that same search and on this
note it is of interest that in the past few decades non-government organisations,
of many different persuasions, have become an effective force. Ideas spread faster
now, there is a tendency for more cooperation between nations. The European Union
is a good example of an experiment to link diverse nationalities and cultures.

The increase in group formation is facilitated by the tremendous growth in all

methods of communication, especially the electronic, allowing themes and ideas to
be more rapidly dispersed. Those with some knowledge of the meaning attributed to
signs of the zodiac will be aware that Aquarius signifies a scientific approach,
an interest in waves, such as those related to light, sound, radiation, etc. So
the growth in global networks should come as no surprise.

In talking with Stanislav Grof about consciousness, Grof explained, “…and there is
a fundamental shift of perception. The question of conventional western science –
Where is the moment at which consciousness originates? When does matter become
conscious of itself? – is turned upside down. The question now becomes: How does
consciousness produce the illusion of matter? You see, consciousness is seen as
something primordial, which cannot be explained on the basis of anything else;
something that is just there and which, ultimately, is the only reality, something
that is manifest in you and me, and in everything around us.”

Lama Govinda, a Tibetan Buddhist scholar is quoted as saying “The external world
and his inner world are (for the Buddhist) only two sides of the same fabric, in
which the threads of all forces and of all events of all forms of consciousness
and of other effects, are woven into an inseparable net of endless, mutually
conditioned relations.”

Mere involvement in religious services is no longer enough. The higher levels of

consciousness must be invoked if they are to be attained. It is necessary to
meditate in silence, alone, or in groups, in order to focus the mind in the higher
direction. One phrase that often comes to my mind is ‘God is Peace’ and that is so
apt as we cannot produce our best efforts when beset by unfriendly and negative
vibrations and noise that jars with our efforts to contact the higher levels of

Man, in a negative and unhealthy state, needs something to strive for, to hope
for. If there is ‘nothing’ there, and problems to solve, the temptation of drugs
of all kinds is easy to give in to. There are no real orthodox treatments that can
turn a person around unless by chance they give a breathing space for a search for
meaning in life.

Consciousness is a continuum from the awake to the sleep state and its dreams to
beyond the death state. If consciousness exists before the body it is a priori a
fact that it still exists when the body has died. The whole question of
consciousness after death will be explored in chapter 6, ‘Why we are here….’.

Consciousness is the fusion of the two opposite poles of positive light (energy)
and negative substance or matter. The type and degree of consciousness depends on
the form it creates – a stone, a tree, an animal and a human are all very
different. Forms change as the consciousness in them changes. One only has to look
at pictorials of early men, and compare them with modern men, to note how the
entire body and its appearance has been beautified and reflects a greater
awareness of its surroundings.

The brain is the organ of the mind and consciousness. Rather than initiate thought
it is more akin to the processing unit of a computer which can only respond to
programs and inputs which it uses to produce results.

In an article I wrote for The Beacon, titled ‘David Bohm – A Forerunner’, I picked
up this thought and wrote: -

“In collaboration with Karl Pibram, a neuroscientist, David Bohm proposed that
“our brains mathematically construct ‘concrete’ reality by interpreting
frequencies from another dimension, a realm of meaningful, patterned primary
reality that transcends time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a
holographic universe”. Bohm says that primary physical laws cannot be discovered
by a science that attempts to break the world into its parts.

A hologram can be cut up into a myriad of pieces, yet every piece, when
illuminated, will give a representation of the whole. A piece will give a ‘fuzzy’
picture of the whole, not a perfect representation, but as pieces become joined
together they will represent a closer representation of the original whole. And
isn’t this what we are taught by the Ageless Wisdom – that we must begin to think
of, and work in, groups; a first step in the clumping of men into more complex
structures, in the same way that molecules congregate to form more complex units.
Surely the plan must be to energise all life so that it begins to merge at ever
higher levels until that perfect Oneness is reached; the hologram in its entirety
is realised in the Mind of God.

In Bohm’s thinking, everything is folded into everything; it is ‘implicate order’.

Reality as implicate means that any portion of it involves every other portion;
each portion of reality contains information on every other portion. Out of the
implicate order comes the ‘explicate order’, apparently independent entities which
we experience in our physical existence and believe to be real life, the only
existence we can acknowledge until we are prompted to search behind it for the
true reality.”

We are all well aware of the different levels of consciousness in people we meet.
There are those who are ingrown, those searching for growth, those with
superconsciousness of levels of being far advanced from those of us in general.
There are those who feel enslaved by circumstance and there are those who break
free, sometimes at great personal cost.

There can be shifts in consciousness: -

1. Interconnectedness – the recognition that external and internal are aspects
of the same oneness.
2. Authority has moved from the external to the internal with more reliance on
the inner self.
3. A transfer of the perception of causes from external to internal, an
understanding that we create our own world, our own path.

In ‘Man Visible and Invisible’, on page 43 C. W. Leadbeater refers to the ordinary

man of our civilisation still living almost entirely in his sensations, although
the higher astral is coming into play. For him still, the prominent question which
guides his conduct is not in the least what is right or reasonable to do, but
simply what he himself desires to do. The more cultured and developed man begins
to govern desire by reason – that is to say the centre of consciousness is
gradually transferring itself from the higher astral to the lower mental.

Truth ever eludes us – it is constantly ahead no matter how much we change, but it
is distorted by a preoccupation with material goods, a need in some to gain
ascendancy over others, a greed for personal satisfaction and competition to be
better than and to have more than, others.

The task that now lies ahead of humanity is integration with the soul. Esoteric
Psychology I on page 130 contains a view of “The soul as that factor which
emerges out of the contact of spirit and matter and which produces sentient
response and what we call consciousness in its varying forms. It is also that
latent or subjective essential quality which makes itself felt as light or
luminous radiation. It is the self shining from within which is characteristic of
all forms.”

The halo portrayed around saints and mystics is due to the additional energy
supplied to the etheric body, the aura, by the increased energy from an
enlightened consciousness.

“The third stage lies a long way ahead, and may be considered by many a vain
chimera. But some of us have a vision. which, even if unattainable at present, is
logically possible if our premises are correct, and our foundation is rightly
laid. It is that of unified existence. Not only will there be the separate units
of consciousness, not only the differentiated atoms within the form, not only will
there be the group made up of a multiplicity of identities, but we shall have the
aggregate of all forms, of all groups, and of all states of consciousness blended,
unified, and synthesised into a perfected whole. This whole you may call the
solar system, you may call it nature, or you may call it God. Names matter not.
It corresponds to the adult stage in the human being; it is analogous to the
period of maturity, and to that stage wherein a man is supposed to have a definite
purpose and life work, and a clear-cut plan in view, which he is working out by
the aid of his intelligence.”

“We need to remember that every great unfoldment of consciousness is an

initiation. Every step forward along the path of awareness is an initiation. When
an atom of substance was built into the form, it was for that atom an initiation.
It became aware of another type of force, and its range of contact became wider.
When the consciousness of the vegetable and animal kingdom merged, and the life
passed from the lower kingdom into the higher, that was an initiation. When the
consciousness of the animal expanded into that of the human being, still another
great initiation took place. All the four kingdoms have been entered by an
initiation, or through an expansion of consciousness. Ahead of the human family
lies now the fifth, or spiritual kingdom, and it is likewise entered through a
certain initiation, as can be seen by those who intelligently read their New
Testament. And in all these cases these initiations have been brought about by
the help of Those who already know. Thus we have within the evolutionary scheme
not great gaps between one kingdom and another, and between one state of awareness
and another, but a gradual development of consciousness, and one in which we, each
one of us, have had and will have our share.”

Chapter 5 The Human Body

The human body was created for a specific purpose – to reveal God in the
consciousness of the universe. It is apparent that we are ‘created in the image of
God’, is a truism, our bodies are used, over eons of time, to enable that
consciousness to grow and become embedded as a thought-form in the Akashic Record.

Just reflect on your body as you read this. It represents the accumulation of
single-celled organisms over an incomprehensible span of time into a fully-
functioning being able to operate on several planes of existence. The human body
is an amazing compilation of functions that are essentially self-repairing and is
used to house a life which passes on from form to form in order to evolve into
ever more sophisticated potentials.

The Body Structure

Picture, if you will, an organism that contains more than 75 trillion

(75,000,000,000,000) cells that are the ‘atoms’ of the living world. Every one of
those cells is a complete entity in itself, possessing consciousness, the ability
to provide a vital function to the body of which it is a part. Some of those cells
act as individuals and others form a vast accumulation as organs such as the
heart, liver, lungs, etc., which act as processors of blood, fluids, air and other
body movements.

There are four basic groupings of cells, epithelial tissues which form the body
covering and its organs and passageways; muscle tissues; nerve tissues; and
connective tissues. Cells are incredibly small, many in the order of 3-100ths of a
millimetre, which can only be seen with the aid of a microscope, with the larger
ones having a diameter of some 1-5th of a millimetre, 10,000 of which would just
cover the head of a pin.

Bacteria, which are single-celled organisms, were the basic forms of life after
the mineral kingdom was formed, and they began to clump together, eventually
giving up some of their DNA to a central location (the nucleus) which was, on
average, one thousand times the size of the individual bacterium. Cells are
surrounded by a membrane formed of lipid cells which consist of fats, oils, waxes,
sterols, and triglycerides, and also incorporate carbohydrates and proteins. The
cells absorb organic and inorganic compounds which are converted by the cell’s DNA
into proteins which become energy and are excreted.

Cell DNA is a wonder in itself. Realising how minute a cell is to the naked eye,
in that cell is a double strand of DNA which is 1.8 metres in length. This strand
is curled in on itself and actually consists of quantum particles, mere particles
of energy which we previously noted as actually being nothing more than
consciousness. You therefore have a total length of DNA in your body that is 75
trillion times 1.8 metres.

Prior to the virtual completion of the Human Genome Project it was believed that
each double strand of DNA contained 100,000 genes, but that has been revised
downwards to some 30,000 in all. An interesting feature of the DNA is that the
30,000 genes occupy only 1.1 per cent of the strand, 95 per cent of it being
classified as ‘junk DNA’. The purpose of the ‘junk DNA’ will be dealt with in the
next chapter. The 30,000 genes are responsible for producing some 250,000 proteins
responsible for the body’s needs.

DNA is built up of sequences of pairs of just four bases; Adenine, Cytosine,

Thymine, and Guanine which are repeated in very long chains of anywhere from
several hundred thousand to over a million pairs to form a single gene. The human
nucleus in each cell contains some 3 billion DNA base pairs divided among 46
chromosomes, the nucleus being a mere one-hundredth of a millimetre in diameter.

In Nexus Vol 3 No. 1 on page 47, Dr. Chiang Kanzhen is reported as saying that
modern physics has led us to assume that DNA is actually a ‘cassette’ with
‘recorded information’, whose material carries bio-electromagnetic signals. In
other words the electromagnetic field and DNA together make up combined genetic
material which exists in two forms; a passive (DNA) form and an active (bio-
electromagnetic)form – the passive preserves the magnetic code; the active
(transmitting) form is able to modify it.

Coupled with the action of the active form is the information in New Scientist of
31 July, 1999, page 23 stating that wandering electrical charges compress and
expand DNA like a spring and they can distort the structure. This finding carries
a belief that it will shed light on how electrical charges can damage the DNA of a

A few other facts that have come out of the Human Genome project are: -
• There are only 300 unique genes in the human genome, which are not in the
• 113 genes have been transferred from bacteria
• there is no genetic basis for race; humans all over the world share 99.9 per
cent of their DNA
• the dog is 85 per cent identical to a human in terms of gene sequences
• compared to the 30,000 genes in a human a fruit fly has 15,000 and the
simple roundworm has 20,000

Harking back to the dolphin information in chapter 4 it is of interest to note

that researchers at Texas A & M University found that 13 of 22 dolphin chromosomes
are exactly the same as the human, many of the other 9 being combinations or
rearrangements of their human counterparts. Horst Hameister, Professor of medical
Genetics at the University of Ulm in Germany said we have more in common with
dolphins than with land animals (sourced from Nexus Vol 5 No. 6 page 6).

Some scientists are of the belief that it is our DNA that, in a sense, programs us
to be what we are and how we behave. This is an example of how much reductionism
there is in science, perhaps because there is a need to put science in the
driver’s seat and ignore beliefs and intangible evidence that add other dimensions
to the material world. In New Scientist, 13 November, 1999, page 16, however, it
was reported that Australian scientists discovered that DNA does not account for
all inherited traits. Cells, as well as genes, have a set of instructions which
tells the genes when to be active. Some cells switch genes off by adding methyl
groups to their DNA bases which means different cells can use the same set of
genes to develop distinctive identities. This can be one explanation of why there
can be marked differences between identical twins.

Are comets the spermatozoa of the universe? They travel vast distances with the
tail dissipating over their lives, and are present in large numbers. In New
Scientist of 22 January, 2000, page 4, it was reported that astrochemists in India
have formulated a theory that DNA was formed in space before the Earth was born.
Their computer model suggests that comets are packed with the building blocks of
life. British researchers had suggested, in 1977, that life originated in space
and was dispersed by comets. Is this a case of consciousness seeding itself
throughout the universe?

At one time the scientific belief was that the various life forms developed, in a
sense, by chance (serendipity?) because scientists could not, or would not,
believe in a universal consciousness that was able to visualise, and then create,
the vast multiplicity of life forms that have occupied the Earth for billions of
years. For my part, chance seems too chancy. For example, why did ears develop?
How would a body without ears realise that if it had them it would be able to
hear. Why would an eye develop as a result of a body deciding it would be able to
see other life forms and objects. Why are there literally millions and millions of
diverse life forms if not for the purpose of experiencing infinity to the full.
Even our human forms are almost limitless in their variability and the strange
shapes they can take in certain cases, and as you will read in the next chapter
there is purpose in all of this differentiation.

Auras and Centres (Chakras)

If the proposition that a Supreme Being is responsible for this marvellous array
of life forms is correct, that Being needs access to the bodies that it has
created. In looking at the human body, for instance, eastern religions state that
the body has seven major and forty-nine minor centres, or chakras. The major seven
have correspondences at the so-called physical level in the form of the endocrine
One interpretation of the purpose of the endocrine glands is provided in this
extract from The Soul and its Mechanisms: -

“Dr. Rubin says:

"These ductless glands or organs of secretion are often referred to as the

`endocrine glands.' Their secretions are absorbed directly into the blood, and
into the streams of nutrient lymph—the body, it would appear, thereby dispensing
its own drugs.

"These secretions contain the `hormones' or chemical messengers of the organism

which excite some of the most marvellous reactions known in physiology. In fact,
it has been stated that hormones are to physiology what radium is to chemistry."

This system of endocrine glands forms a functional unit, working in the utmost
cooperation and interdependence. Dr. Berman tells us, "The body mind is a perfect
corporation. Of this corporation the glands of internal secretion are the
directors.... Behind the body, and behind the mind is this board of governors."
All the glands, in fact, work in unison. They are known to correlate their
activity, to balance each other, and through their united effect, it is claimed,
to make a man what he is.

They form, in fact, a close interlocking system with functions and organisms
clearly distinct from those of other systems within the mechanism of the human
frame. The blood system and the nervous system pursue their own activities, but
are closely linked to the endocrine system. The blood acts mysteriously as the
carrier of the peculiar hormones of the different glands, and the nervous system
seems more specifically related to the psychical development incident to the
normal, or abnormal, functioning of the endocrine glands.

It has been established that we live in a sea of energies that originate from a
spiritual source. It is therefore not unexpected that there should be a set of
receptors in the body which receive these energies and translate them into bodily
urges. Before we reach the aspects of reincarnation and karma, which will help to
explain why there are differences in the actions of the centres/endocrine glands,
it can be stated that: -

“The glands are the result of the activity or the inactivity of the centres or
chakras in the body, and parallel their development. This development is
dependent upon the ray and the point in evolution. The subject is vast and
difficult, and I would have you all remember that constant dwelling upon the
physical factors to be found in the personality equipment is not the way of the
disciple. He must aim, as you suggest, at personality integration and at the goal
of being a pure channel for the soul. Such an integration is the result, normally
achieved, of

1. Character-building.
2. Soul contact through meditation.
3. Life expression through service.”

The human endocrine system results from millions of years of evolution, the
originating pattern having been developed during the progress of evolution through
the more primitive vertebrates. Those primitive beings, the precursors of
humanity, are part of the animal kingdom which, as previously noted, is the third
major stage in the progression from mineral to human.

The two systems, endocrine and spiritual centres, interact with each other
providing a two-way feedback system. Connections between them are provided by the
nervous system. At the physical level we have the sympathetic system which is
mainly responsible for dealing with stress situations by preparing the body for
action. The parasympathetic nerves are more related to maintaining regular body
functions such as the digestion and excretion of waste materials.

At the spiritual level are similar connections which tend to parallel the physical
nervous system and in eastern parlance they are called nadis. In the magazine
Yoga, May 1982, page 1, in an article which comments on the sympathetic and
parasympathetic systems, it is stated that every organ is supplied with the energy
of prana and the energy of mind. Prana means ‘constant movement’ – a type of
energy which is responsible for the body’s life, heat and maintenance. The spine
has three channels or nadis; Ida is mental energy, Pingala is pranic energy, and
Sushumna is spiritual energy. These energies flow through all of the seven centres
and subsequently to every part of the body.

The physical body is woven within the field of the etheric body, which, forming
part of the universal matrix, is fuelled by energy from the Sun – high in daytime
and low at night. This is one of the reasons why most birds, animals and insects
become active as the Sun begins to ascend over the horizon, and quieten down as
darkness approaches. Human beings are not immune to this factor as our bodies
ideally respond to greater energy in daylight hours.

“The second basic idea is that the response of the etheric vehicle of all forms
and its capacity to appropriate, to utilise, and to transmit are dependent upon
the condition of the centres, of the chakras, as they are called in the East.
These include not only the well known seven major centres but numbers of lesser
vortices of force, as yet unnamed and unknown in the occident.”

The etheric body therefore functions in three ways: -

1. transmits energy to all parts of the body

2. acts as an interface between the physical body and the thoughts and emotions
3. provides a mould for the repair of body parts and tissues and in this regard
accounts for the intermittent feelings that many people have when they lose body
parts such as limbs

The centres, mentioned earlier, are in the etheric body, and related to the
endocrine glands as follows: -

Crown - pineal
Ajna (between eyebrows) - pituitary
Throat - thyroid
Heart - thymus
Solar Plexus - pancreas
Sacral - gonads
Base of spine - adrenals

“The Occidental psychologists are consequently right when they state that a man is
what his glands make him, and that we are no better or worse than our peculiar
endocrine system. But the reason for this may lie in the correctness of the
Oriental theory as to the force centres. The condition of the glands and their
super-activity or sub-normality, and their right or wrong functioning may be
determined by the state of those centres. The glands are only outer symbols, the
visible, material aspect of a far greater and more intricate system. They are
determined by the character of the soul life which plays through them, and the
soul which controls and dominates all.
The state of the centres, then, is dependent upon the type and quality of soul
force vibrating through them. In the undeveloped person it is simply the life
force, prana, which is active and registers. This nurtures the animal life and
brings the lower centres (the centre at the base of the spine and the sacral
centre) into activity. Later, as man develops, the consciousness, soul-aspect,
gradually makes its presence felt and brings the solar plexus centre into
activity. This centre is the seat of the lower psychic sentient life both in man
and in the animal, and is often referred to as the instinctual brain.”

With all of this electromagnetic activity taking place within the body it is no
wonder that those energies can be detected by instruments devised for the purpose,
and by the naked eye in the case of individuals who have clairvoyant vision.
Everyone is familiar with the equipment used in medicine in order to detect
abnormalities. These include the electroencephalograph, the electrocardiogram, and
the magnetic resonance image scanners, amongst others. Lie detectors are another
type of instrumentation, their use being the ability to pick up sensory messages
put out involuntarily by the body when what is spoken is not in agreement with
what the person being tested knows to be the truth.

In the Science of the Aura, by S.G.J. Ouseley, the author comments on the
discovery by Baron Von Reichenbach, in the mid 19th century, that selected persons
were able to see flames, sparks, rays of light and white clouds emanating from a
magnet while sitting in a darkened room. The Earth is a magnet and at both poles,
when conditions are right, one can see the Aurora Borealis and the Aurora

Dr. W. J. Kilner, who was a Medical Electrician at St. Thomas’s Hospital in

London, constructed a glass screen which contained an alcoholic solution of
decyanin, a coal tar dye. Placing a nude patient behind the screen, in a darkened
room, he discovered that the human body is completely surrounded by a faint
luminous but colourless mist that extends some 45 to 61 centimetres in all
directions and is oval in shape. As he experimented he found it varied in shape
and clearness from day to day and was fainter and obscured in illness.

This emanation is called an aura, some information on this aspect of the body
being gleaned from ‘Guided Writings’, which is an unpublished work: -

“What is an aura? It is a manifestation of the spirit that inhabits the physical

body. I mention this because of the preoccupation people seem to have with
appearances (and labels). “

“Auras are a visible manifestation of our state of health mentally, physically and
spiritually. From observation psychics have been able to chart the meaning of the
colours' intensity and the placement of the various hues. The colours occur
because we are electrically charged molecules which are affected by the currents
playing through and about our various bodies, and also as we are affected by and
affect the areas and entities around us. We can influence, or be ourselves
influenced by stronger entities than ourselves; some who are weak in physical
strength are strong by that very weakness - in other words their unhealthy
condition can overcome the good of those in contact with them. “

The Tibetan has much to say about the aura in his books, two extracts being: -

“Aura. A subtle invisible essence or fluid which emanates from human and animal
bodies, and even from things. It is a psychic effluvium, partaking of both mind
and body. It is electro-vital, and also electro-mental.” and

“As you have been taught, the colours as seen in the aura of a savage and in those
of the average developed man are extraordinarily dissimilar. Why? Because one is
moving or vibrating at a slow rate and the other with greatly increased rapidity.
One has a rhythm slow, sluggish and heavy, the other is pulsating and moving with
a tremendous velocity permitting consequently a more rapid play of the material of
which those bodies are constructed.

Therefore, I would like to point out that as the race progresses as a collective
unit, Those Who gaze upon it from a higher plane are aware of the steady
improvement in the colours seen, and of a greater purity and clarity of hue in the
aura of the race, which aura is composed of the composite auras of the units of
the race. For instance, the aura of the Atlantean root-race and that of the Aryan
are widely diverse, and radically different. We have, therefore, demonstrated our
first point that, as the units evolve, the colours change and this is brought
about by the transmutation of what you term vices, into virtues.”

What Dr. Kilner had discovered is the etheric or health aura. The astral
(emotional) and mental auras are of a higher vibration and therefore have to be
seen with different instruments, or clairvoyantly.

In a lecture at the Institut Metaphysique International, Paris, in May 1926, Raoul

de Fleuriere said “it is clear that, as far as my experience goes, this fluid (the
aura) is the external and palpable radiation of vast and innumerable energies
which constantly stream from the human being. Judging from its reactions….in it
are light, heat, tremors, electric and magnetic currents….”

The magazine, Health and Healing (Vol 11 No. 4 page 47) provides a comment that
body energy pulsates at approximately 8 hertz or 8 cycles per second. The planet
Earth, birds, animals, plants and soil, also pulsate at that level. Maintain the
frequency and the body is ‘ordered’. New technology provides a print-out of the
energy fields surrounding the body, giving feedback on the state of its
electromagnetic health.

That new technology will be referring to Kirlian photography and PIP photography.
The former was invented during the 1950’s by a husband/wife team in Russia, when
they photographed objects in an alternating current high frequency electric field.
They found that a dead object has a constant field while living matter has lights
of various colours, often changing. Anger, drunkenness, and other disturbances to
body harmony produce definite changes in the aura.
The latter is poly-image-interface photography which displays the aura and the
centres’ colours on a computer screen. Russian research, using salamander eggs
revealed that at the moment of fertilisation an electrical field developed which
served as a blueprint for the building of the rest of the body tissue.

Harking back to the influence of the Earth energies we find in Earth Honouring the
statement “Over 20 years of research in the field of biorhythms demonstrates that
the metabolic processes in living organisms are geared to regular movements from
the Sun, the Moon, and the planets in relation to the Earth. These movements
include the rotation of the Earth upon its axis, the Earth’s revolution around the
Sun, and the Moon’s encircling of the Earth. Indeed, it is presently believed that
there is no bodily process that does not exhibit cyclic variations: that all
organisms on Earth contain metabolic clocks which, at apportioned intervals
related to geo-celestial cycles, trigger essential internal biological

If the universe’s energies do affect us we should expect to find some evidence for
this in the responses of individuals, which can be measured or made apparent in
statistical form. In days gone by people who showed abnormal reactions at the time
of the full Moon were labelled ‘lunatics’. This has some physical backing because
the lunar energies at the full Moon result in liquids having their highest surface
tension, thus impacting on the fluids surrounding the brain of susceptible

A statistical analysis of the effects of changes in energy vibration is – “In

1961, Robert Becker began to look at the effects on humans of disturbances in
Earth’s field caused by magnetic storms in the Sun. He compared the admissions of
over 28,000 patients to psychiatric hospitals with sixty-seven severe magnetic
storms recorded during the previous four years, and found a strong correlation.
Significantly more people were admitted just after magnetic upheavals. He watched
schizophrenic patients already in hospital and found marked changes in behaviour
just when low energy cosmic ray flares were disrupting Earth’s field. He found
high levels of stress, abnormal endocrine activity and slowed reaction times
during sunspot activity. And concluded that our body’s direct electrical control
system is tuned by natural rhythms and is responsive to changes that take place at
surprisingly low levels.”

“Among other possible avenues of research is the carrying forward of the work of
Dr. Kilner with the human aura, which he has embodied in his book, The Human
Atmosphere. Still further lines of investigation into the supernormal powers have
been well summed up for us in a recent statement from an Australian periodical
called The Federal Independent, and from which two paragraphs are here quoted:

"New light on Christ's walking on the waters was thrown recently by a scientist
who has been making a special study of Einstein's newest theory of relativity. As
a result of his investigations Professor H.H. Sheldon says that he may find it
possible to assert that the Biblical narrative at which the sceptics have so long
mocked is a fact explicable by scientific laws. `The miracle can be accepted by
the most sceptical minds as soon as they recognize the fact that the basic laws of
relativistic mechanics and of electricity can be reduced to one formula, and that
the power of electromagnetism can influence and completely control gravitation,'
said Professor Sheldon. According to Einstein's latest mathematical theory there
is only one substance and one universal law containing electric and gravitational
components, both of which are united into a single formula, and each of which
influences the other. Dr. Sheldon now believes that as a result of this discovery
such things as keeping aeroplanes aloft without engines or material support, and
stepping out of a window into the air without fear of falling, are avenues of
investigation easily suggested. `If this theory stands up as a proof that
electricity and gravitation are virtually the same, we can actually isolate
ourselves from the force of gravitation,' he declared. In actual proof of these
seemingly incredible possibilities, Dr. Sheldon showed how a bar of permalloy,
which is usually sensitive to magnetism, will remain suspended seemingly by air
alone, if a magnet is placed underneath it.

In the light of Einstein's new theory, therefore, it may be that Christ's freedom
from the accepted laws of gravitation, which would have forced Him to sink as soon
as His feet touched the surface of the sea, was due to a prodigious amount of
electro-magnetism in His own body, and from a force springing from the strength of
His personality and vitality. In all the paintings of Christ He is shown with a
halo about His head. Once this halo was regarded as the product of His disciples'
overwrought imaginations. But during the last few years science, along with many
students of psychic phenomena, has shown by means of actual experiments that every
human being has an aura which strongly resembles that refulgence emanating from
any powerful electric machine.

Such a statement is a further proof that science is rapidly crossing the border-
line separating things material from things spiritual. Once we realize that the
knowledge of higher laws can overcome the resistance of lower laws, then we shall
enter our true spiritual heritage."

During an Arcane School Conference in London, in June 1998, as reported in the

summary of the proceedings on page 7, a speaker noted that the human aura is
fourfold, having etheric, health, astral, and mental components. In the majority
of individuals the astral aura is quite pronounced, the mental aura tending to be
relatively small. The mental aura can develop rapidly if development of the
spiritual faculties is undertaken on a regular basis.

Our auras tend to reflect what we are and as we look out into the world what we
see is coloured by the state of our auras. Demonstration of a soul quality means
that a magnetic aura is forming which attracts impressions from a higher level of

The aura of any form of life can be defined as ‘the quality of a sphere of
radiatory activity, and it is also the reflection of the soul in the human form.
It is the aura which is the vehicle of expression of what we essentially are. We
cannot escape that radiatory activity which we carry with us and which can be
‘read’ by people who contact us. If we are living at the ordinary level of sensing
we pick up feelings from people but a clairvoyant vision can reveal the essential
person by an interpretation of the colours and the strengths of the emanations
from the various bodies.

Everyone needs to be aware that one’s thoughts, words, and actions, are faithfully
recorded within our auras. If there is sufficient emphasis in a particular
direction it begins to be incorporated in our essence and then forms part of
humanity’s aura. For this reason it is useful to remember that we should always be
as positive and as uplifting as possible, whenever thinking, talking, and acting.

Another aspect of one’s aura is that every time we form a relationship with
someone, a fragment of the aura will attach itself to them, the extent of which
will depend on the depth and type of relationship. Connectedness of auras extends
throughout the created world – human to humanity’s aura, humanity to the Earth’s
aura, Earth’s aura to the Solar system’ aura, and so on, much like a set of
Russian dolls. In ‘Journey to Ixtlan’ by Carlos Casteneda, Don Juan told Carlos
that there were infinite numbers of lines that connected us to things. The most
durable come from the middle of the body and one can feel the world through its

At a purely physical level, the fact of the aura tends to explain why organ
transplants are usually rejected unless a continual supply of drugs is taken into
the body. When an organ is removed from the donor it takes with it part of the
donor’s aura. Implantation into the recipient results in an interference, at a
vibrational level, with the receiving aura, which can presumably last for the rest
of the lifetime. The reason the drugs have a subduing effect on the interference
is because they themselves are energy bodies and act as dampers on the conflict of
energies. Perhaps this is the basis for the belief that the Bible prohibits the
taking or the eating of blood, which would have a subtle effect on the person
taking it in.

The Soul

Earlier on in the chapter there was a reference to the soul. This is that elusive
something that science is dubious about because as yet, there is no way of
measuring it, or viewing it.

The Webster International Dictionary defines the soul as –“An entity, conceived as
the essence, substance, or actuating cause of individual life, especially of life
manifested in psychical activities; the vehicle of individual existence, separate
in nature from the body and usually held to be separable in existence.” Among
other thoughts about the soul we find that the Egyptians held that it was a divine
ray acting through a peculiar, fluid-like compound; the Jews regarded it as the
vital principle; Hindus teach that the human soul is a portion of an immutable
principle, the Soul of the World, the Anima Mundi, the all-pervading ether
(Akasha) of space; the Greeks held that the soul, with all the mental faculties,
was separable from the body, and the Romans saw it as a triplicity, a spiritual
soul, an intellectual soul or mind and a vital body.

At an Arcane School Conference in London, June, 1992, one of the speakers referred
to the Ancient Wisdom – the soul is that which is brought into being when the
Spirit (Father) aspect is related to the Matter (Mother) aspect. That union
expresses a quality which, in the mineral kingdom is the beauty of the crystal; in
the vegetable kingdom it is attractiveness through colour and perfume; the animal
kingdom provides instinct and the devotion of domesticated animals to human beings
and, finally, in the human kingdom it is love and identification of consciousness
with all forms of life.
During the progression of the lives the pull of material ambition loses its hold
on the incarnating soul and there then begins the clash between it and the
personality, which also involves the elementals in the body. In a Treatise on
White Magic (pp35/36) the Tibetan refers to the soul as the attractive force of
the created universe which holds all forms together so that the Life of God may
manifest through them and it is that which gives distinctive characteristics and
differing form manifestations.

Life is meant to be a progression from the lowest physical form back to the
originating source, the Creator. The devolution of life, from the ‘big bang’ has
come to an end and humanity is now on the evolutionary spiral. Life-forms will now
begin to aggregate rather than segregate with the human first stage being re-
connection with the soul. The soul is, as it were, the interface between the
material and the spiritual levels of consciousness. The process is the gradual
growth to the point where awareness of the soul is gained that provides the means
to attain an initiation, which simply means reaching a higher state of
consciousness, a point at which the material grip on life is again lessened.

Until there is a sufficient awareness of why we are here, and how we are to
progress, we have to rely on a natural uplifting of the denser forces. Reception
of the four following items of information, as recorded in Guided Writings, gives
an overview of what is involved –

“When we can see how many levels the body/soul/ego and so forth are able to
operate on, one should then realise why it is necessary to be aware of ourselves.
It is no wonder that so many would rather not, or cannot as yet manage to, cope
with all of the variables and intricacies that we are capable of. For those on the
path it is best to go slowly and learn well; and as the basic senses become more
under our control, then can be added other senses, but never before each step is
understood and amenable to discipline. So balancing is important, and one
meditation or communing period should be spent each day in checking over, and
instructing one's particular sense/self in the proper procedure. That is why it is
good to have the basic self, reactions, thoughts etc., under complete control, to
the point that it becomes mostly automatic.”

“Know also that your paths will alter as each body is brought into harmony with
the higher self; for we are on a series of bypaths until a medium of self-control
has been established; for all of the differing bodies, until then are travelling
or aspiring to travel different paths. They may feel that they have the same goal
in mind, but generally their view is somewhat clouded, or distorted by their
particular bents - it is only in union of purpose that we see the desired end of
striving, The God Head in depth and clarity. This I mention now, for so many on
your plane have reached the degree of knowledge and yearning towards the higher
planes; but then confusion sets in when one or other body strays, or acts up. Like
a boat with one paddle or oar, you all then work strenuously, and find the shore
as far away as ever as you and your vehicle, go around in circles. We wish to see
you reach that shore, or the ship that will take you further out into the seas of
discovery. Here is your second oar, in what has just been scribed. Straighten out
your ship, however small it may be, and be the master of your diverse bodies.

“Many recognise that the animal, insect and other life forms behave most
erratically, reaching stages of aggression and self-destructiveness when their
living space becomes impinged upon. Even the humans were unable to carry on
beneficially when all the different aural vibrations met, mixed and clashed.
Peace, harmony, love and even creativity do not thrive in a crossing of noises –
sound waves –oral or psychic.

When the humans realise what truly beneficial conditions are needed, then they
will organise, or allow the old pattern to return. Isolation is not the ideal,
simply a way of being able to regularise one’s thought emissions, if not patterns
totally, and sufficient quiet and space, plus harmonious visual patterns to soothe
and inspire our real being.”

“To integrate the bodies is a very tall order indeed as the lowest level is the
most influential until you manage to overcome it. Materialistic outlooks prevail
which affect the emotions, then comes the mental and then spiritual. Each is
tugged at by the other. No one body should be worked on at the expense of the
others, simply apply an overall influence on them all with an equal emphasis to
each in turn. To worry more re emotional will tend to detract from the others. To
give more to the spiritual or etheric, even if it is uplifting is still leaving an

In religion, and philosophy, the soul is defined as that part which survives
death. There are, however, many different interpretations including that by René
Descartes who regards it as the mind, whereas Buddhism holds that the individual
soul is illusory. The Buddhist view may be closer to reality as it is quite likely
that souls are like drops of water in the body of the ocean.

The number seven again crops up as there is one group soul on each of the Seven
Rays thus accounting for the differing qualities that go to make up a living

It is the soul which creates and overlooks the progress of the organism, whether
it be a species of plant or animal, a human being, and even cities and nations
have an initiating soul.

The purpose of the soul and its effects upon the life form of its creation can
best be expressed in the two following quotations: -

“It should be remembered that each ray embodies an idea which can be sensed as an
ideal. The rays in time produce the world pattern which moulds all planetary
forms and thus bears witness to the inner potency of the evolutionary processes.
This pattern-forming tendency is being recognised today by modern psychology in
connection with the human being and his emotional or thought patterns are being
charted and studied. So it is with the nations and races also. Every ray
produces three major patterns which are imposed upon the form nature, whether it
be that of a man, a nation or a planet. These three patterns are: the emotional
pattern, embodying the aspiration of a man, a nation or a race; it is the sum
total of the desire tendency at any one time; the mental pattern, emerging later
in time and governing the thought processes of a man, a nation or a race. The
emotional and mental patterns are the negative and positive aspects of the
personality of a man, a nation or a race. The soul pattern is the pre-disposing
and spiritual goal, the ring-pass-not or destiny which the spiritual principle
succeeds eventually in imposing upon the personality of a man, a nation or a race.
This soul pattern eventually supersedes and obliterates the two earlier pattern-
producing processes.”

“The sutratma is the direct stream of life, unbroken and immutable, which can be
regarded symbolically as a direct stream of living energy flowing from the centre
to the periphery, and from the source to the outer expression or the phenomenal
appearance. It is the life. It produces the individual process and the
evolutionary unfoldment of all forms. It is, therefore, the path of life, which
reaches from the monad to the personality, via the soul. This is the thread soul
and it is one and indivisible. It conveys the energy of life and finds its final
anchor in the centre of the human heart and at some central focal point in all
forms of divine expression. Naught is and naught remains but life.”

After overseeing the creation of a particular organism the soul tends to let it be
to unconsciously work its way through the early stages of existence. There would
be little point in controlling the progress because this would preclude freedom of
will to choose the path to be taken in purifying the body. The soul is always
connected to the body as explained next: -

“I have stated here and elsewhere that the soul anchors itself in the body at two

1. There is a thread of energy, which we call the life or spirit aspect, anchored
in the heart. It uses the blood stream, as is well known, as its distributing
agency and, through the medium of the blood, life-energy carries regenerating
power and coordinating energy to all the physical organisms and keeps the body

2. There is a thread of energy, which we call the consciousness aspect or the

faculty of soul knowledge, anchored in the centre of the head. It controls that
response mechanism which we call the brain, and through its medium it directs
activity and induces awareness throughout the body by means of the nervous

But it doesn’t take an active part in the future development until such time as
its created entity begins to show awareness of the guiding energy body. When that
stage is reached the work involved is to integrate and fuse soul and personality
body, the latter taking on the attributes of the soul.

Chapter 6 Why Are We Here - Reincarnation and Karma

Most of us have probably wondered, at times, why am I here? We may have a deformed
body, a chronic illness, be beset by mental problems, suffer a lack of money or
one of the myriads of other difficulties that one is open to experience. And then
again, we may have been blessed with a healthy body and a life that generally
flows in peace and serenity with odd crises here and there.

There is a reason for this and it has never made sense to me that a just God would
sentence His creations to such strife when the world could have been made a place
of harmony, of love, and satisfying relationships.

Man’s progress through the ages has been one of an evolving consciousness, an
ability to become more aware of what life is and how it can be improved for all of
humanity. It has generally been through experiencing suffering and pain that we
have become aware of what we need to do to put it behind us. This was not
inflicted on us by God but by our own actions. If you look at the world today,
with open eyes and understanding, you will realise that the many wars, and
antagonisms at an individual level, stem from a desire to take whatever is
possible in order to fulfil one’s own inner needs. Companies inflict illness and
other adversities on a population in order to make a profit – there is little, if
any, consideration for the rights of those who are disadvantaged.

The whole purpose of the creation of life is to achieve harmony within the entire
universe and it is within our power to achieve this within a relatively short
period of time provided that we play our part as individuals in effecting changes
within ourselves. We are given many opportunities to do this through the operation
of the Law of Karma (Law of Rebirth) and many lives.


The concept of reincarnation can be traced back for thousands of years to

countries such as Egypt, Babylonia, Greece, and India. Scriptures from the Hindu,
Buddhist, and Taoist religions contain many detailed references to the doctrine.
There was a 500-year tradition of reincarnation in the Christian Church, supported
by adherents such as St. Clemen, St. Gregory of Nyssa, Justin martyr and Origen.
References to reincarnation can be found in the Bible at Jeremiah 1:5, Proverbs
8:22-31, St. John 17:5 and Ephesians 1:4.

In St. Matthew 7:1-2 Christ said “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what
measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” – note that this seems to be
related to the personal level, not judge as in a court of law. Christ also made
clear reference to it when He stated that “John the Baptist was Elijah redivivus”
(living again) as written in St, Matthew 11:7-15 and 17:9-13.

In recent times, believers in reincarnation as a philosophy included such names as

Schopenhauer, Swedenborg and Nietzsche.

At the Second Council of Constantinople in AD 553 the Christian Church removed the
doctrine of reincarnation. Was this for a genuine belief that the idea of
reincarnation was flawed, or was it for political reasons, to enhance the power of
the church. If individuals did in fact move from body to body there would be less
reason for them to believe that salvation, or heaven, resided in obedience to the
dictates of the priesthood.

The Rev. Patrick Blakiston stated “But the leaders of the churches are going to
have to take note of the testimony of an increasing number of people who believe
in it (reincarnation), not primarily because of arguments in its favour as an
intellectual concept, persuasive though these may be, but through their personal
experience of far-memory of previous lives. And there are those who claim to be in
Group Reincarnation: that is, to be conscious of having linked up in their present
lives with individuals with whom they have been connected in earlier

Reincarnation, or rebirth, does make a lot of sense if one views the creation of
the universe as a means whereby God can experience ‘life’ through us. The onus is
on us to achieve enlightenment and freedom from the material plane with all of its
pitfalls and ability to cause much discomfort. Each life is chosen to provide a
way of improving our lot, of enabling us to think through what we must do to
minimise the number of times we must inhabit a physical body. The present life is
always chosen to provide the potential circumstances needed for further growth and
improvement. We can experiment, experience and express the indwelling divinity,
the soul.

Is there any concrete evidence that reincarnation is a fact? The answer, from a
purely scientific viewpoint is no. For what proof there is we have to look at what
researchers, and personal experience, provide. Some indications of living a
succession of lives in different bodies are provided in the following paragraphs.

“Research, now underway in one of India’s top scientific institutes, could prove
that many of us had a previous life. So far, at least 45 possible reincarnation
cases have already been ferreted out, challenging traditional human belief. Behind
the extraordinary research is Dr. Satwant Pasricha, a 35-year old woman
psychologist at the prestigious National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro
Sciences, Bangalore, and formerly a research associate at the University of
Virginia, Charlottesville. Says Dr. G.G. Prabhu, head of the Clinical Psychology
Department at the Institute, of reincarnation research, “The entire methodology is
rigorous, empirical and scientific. There have been earlier attempts to study
reincarnation, but not in this elaborate and scientific fashion. Though it is too
early to say whether they have established something, the work can stand
scientific scrutiny anywhere in the world.”

Derek Greatrex wrote in New Humanity No 49, p 12, “The experience gained by every
living being is built into the thought-pattern of its species and of life itself.
In that way, it can be said to survive death. However, a ‘personalised’ being
survives as a pattern of experience clustered round the concept of a separate ‘I’,
and after death this seems to go through a process of evaluation in the light of
ethical standards. This is the ‘judgement’ described in various religions and
occult teachings…..What remains is a kind of psychic chromosome; a pattern of
experience not only from the past life, but from other lives too; an unbalanced
and distorted pattern, probably, with many imperfections, unfinished business,
unrealised potentials.”

He continues, in speaking of choosing a body – “More likely, I think, the ‘psychic

chromosome’ or reincarnating entity lies dormant, like a seed in the Earth or a
gramophone record on a shelf, until the right environment arises.”

The previous chapter contained a description of DNA, which included a reference to

‘junk DNA’. There is always purpose in the way of nature and if we cannot easily
understand apparent inconsistencies there is a need to continue investigation
before fixing on a course of action. I recently read that some scientists believe
there is structured order in the ‘junk DNA’ and it is conceivable that this very
large section of the DNA strand has a connection with reincarnation. Every time
that a cell is replaced the DNA has to replicate itself and there seems to be
little point in expending energy to replace ‘junk DNA’ unless there is some
purpose in it.

The use of an analogy can at times serve a useful purpose and I suggest that the
principle of a computer is an apt one. Computers, over the decades they have been
developed, have experienced an enormous reduction in size and a vast increase in
the ability to store information in smaller and smaller receptacles, even
projecting this to go to the size of a molecule. They were created by man, himself
the result of an omnipotent Creator, and mirror, to only a small degree, the
vastness and depths of that consciousness. It is not too far-fetched to theorise
that the ‘junk DNA’ is, in fact, the storage area for all our lives’ experiences.
This would help to explain the ability to regress into prior life experiences as
it is merely the brain, using its electromagnetic facilities to access stored
electromagnetic information in the DNA.

Charles Spaegal had a similar thought in mind when he wrote “Consciousness can be
described as an electronic process of rectification and purveyance, expressing in
the polarity function of cause and effect. Past-life experiences, programmed as
‘information energy sine waves’, are retained in the master computer or psychic
anatomy to be reinstated life-after-life as consciousness.”

Dr. Arthur Guirdham (a psychiatrist) wrote in issue No 105 of new Humanity that
“depressions extending over weeks are often the re-echo of tragic periods lived in
former incarnations.” In New Humanity No 68 p 6 he states, “What I found in my
exploration of the psyche was more specific. I found that the repression of
psychic gifts like telepathy and healing was a potent cause of depression. I found
that depression accompanied by physical symptoms could originate in past
incarnations and be manifested on the anniversary of sorrows and disasters endured
centuries ago.”

There is a number of books (see the bibliography) which deal with the regression
of individuals into prior lives by the use of hypnosis and other methods of
accessing the stored memories which are carried forward from life to life. The
blotting out of memories of former lives is a blessing. Recall at will could
depress or over-inflate one’s sense of worth in the present life.
If, as some churches teach, we have only one life in which to determine whether we
go to ‘heaven’ or ‘hell’, it is no wonder that so many give way to baser impulses.
Being born into a poor family, for example, with little opportunity to access
sufficient education and perhaps be thrown on the scrap heap of unemployment at an
early age, can condemn some individuals to a belief that anything goes in order to
keep the body alive. In this sort of a situation crime and drugs would not appear
to be immoral, after all, ‘life has dealt me a rotten hand’. Were it possible,
however, to introduce the thought into such a person’s mind that he has lived
before and will live again in another body, and that he/she has some control over
a future destiny, there could well be a change in attitude. Having only one life
is one thing, but having many opens up a whole new range of possibilities to be
thought about.

When a relative, friend, acquaintance etc., commits suicide there is always regret
at the loss of a loved one, a life, and the question always arises, ‘why did it
happen’? In the book ‘Reflections on Life After Life’ Dr. Moody investigated many
cases of suicide attempts that ended in near-death experiences. All of the persons
disavowed suicide as a means of returning to the death state. They all stated they
felt that suicidal attempts solved nothing as whatever they were trying to get
away from was still there on the other side, unresolved.

One reason for attempting to escape from this life may be an unexpected train of
events after birth. There is reason to accept the idea that an entity awaiting a
body to be born into may be over-anxious, and choose one that will not provide the
experiences needed to adjust the karma from previous existences. Subject to the
free will of the parents it is possible to view the likely progress of the child
into adulthood. If the conditions that arise as life goes on are far from what is
needed the subconscious may be distressed and seek to influence a curtailment of
the life. This situation, however, should be faced as human life is sacred in the
sense that the spirit is more important than the material form, which is provided
for the purpose of being spiritualised. In this connection Immanuel Kant wrote “…
as soon as we examine suicide from the standpoint of religion we immediately see
it in its true light. We have been placed in this world under certain conditions
and for specific purposes. But a suicide opposes the purpose of his creator; he
arrives in the other world as one who has deserted his post; he must be looked
upon as a rebel against God….God is our owner; we are his property; his providence
works for our good.”

It is somewhat ironical that individuals who look down on other nationalities and
ethnic groups may well have lived a life, or lives, in one of those bodies or may
very well do so in a future lifetime. A wider recognition of reincarnation as a
possibility might help humanity in general to become more accepting of peoples
different from themselves. As one changes bodies there are also alternations
between the sexes, enabling the consciousness to reflect the different outlooks.
Again, acceptance of this Law of Rebirth could do much to increase the
appreciation of the two sexes for each others qualities. Being polar by nature
they are both necessary to arrive at a point of balance, perhaps in time human
nature will be a perfect blend of the two.

In Earth Honouring there is an interesting piece about the distribution of sexual

identity within the sexes. “About two-thirds of the continuum toward femininity is
composed of heterosexual males, each having an increasing proportion of female
characteristics, either on a physical, intellectual, psychic, or emotional level.
About one-fourth of the continuum is bisexual males, and the last one-twelfth is
male homosexuality.” It goes on to state that “these are universal musical
proportions, actual quantitative statistics tend to show similar divisions.”

It has been said that human beings can regress to an animal state but that is
definitely untrue. A life of depravity can bring one to the lowest level of human
life but that is where it stops.

A formal definition of reincarnation is found in the Encyclopaedia Britannica: -

Reincarnation, also called TRANSMIGRATION, OR METEMPSYCHOSIS, in religion and

philosophy, rebirth of the soul in one or more successive existences, which may be
human, animal, or, in some instances, vegetable. While belief in reincarnation is
most characteristic of Asian religions and philosophies, it also appears in the
religious and philosophical thought of primitive religions, in some ancient Middle
Eastern religions (e.g., the Greek Orphic mystery, or salvation, religion),
Manichaeism, and Gnosticism, as well as in such modern religious movements as
theosophy. In primitive religions, belief in multiple souls is common. The soul is
frequently viewed as capable of leaving the body through the mouth or nostrils and
of being reborn, for example, as a bird, butterfly, or insect. The Venda of
southern Africa believe that, when a person dies, the soul stays near the grave
for a short time and then seeks a new resting place or another body--human,
mammalian, or reptilian. Among the ancient Greeks, Orphism held that a preexistent
soul survives bodily death and is later reincarnated in a human or other mammalian
body, eventually receiving release from the cycle of birth and death and regaining
its former pure state. Plato, in the 5th-4th century BC, believed in an immortal
soul that participates in frequent incarnations. The major religions that hold a
belief in reincarnation, however, are the Asian religions, especially Hinduism,
Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism, all of which arose in India. They all hold in
common a doctrine of karma ("act"), the law of cause and effect, which states that
what one does in this present life will have its effect in the next life. In
Hinduism the process of birth and rebirth--i.e., transmigration of souls--is
endless until one achieves moksha, or salvation, by realizing the truth that
liberates--i.e., that the individual soul (atman) and the absolute soul (Brahman)
are one. Thus, one can escape from the wheel of birth and rebirth
(samsara).Jainism, reflecting a belief in an absolute soul, holds that karma is
affected in its density by the deeds that a person does. Thus, the burden of the
old karma is added to the new karma that is acquired during the next existence
until the soul frees itself by religious disciplines, especially by ahimsa
("nonviolence"), and rises to the place of liberated souls at the top of the
universe .Although Buddhism denies the existence of an unchanging, substantial
soul, it holds to a belief in the transmigration of the karma of souls. A complex
of psycho-physical elements and states changing from moment to moment, the soul,
with its five skandhas ("groups of elements")--i.e., body, sensations,
perceptions, impulses, and consciousness--ceases to exist; but the karma of the
deceased survives and becomes a vijñana ("germ of consciousness") in the womb of a
mother. This vijñana is that aspect of the soul reincarnated in a new individual.
By gaining a state of complete passiveness through discipline and meditation, one
can leave the wheel of birth and rebirth and achieve nirvana, the state of the
extinction of desires. Sikhism teaches a doctrine of reincarnation based on the
Hindu view but in addition holds that, after the Last Judgment, souls--which have
been reincarnated in several existences--will be absorbed in God. Copyright ©
1994-2001 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

In the foregoing definition the word transmigration appears, meaning that the soul
passes into another body at death. This is not correct as the process requires X
number of years between lives in order that the entity may assess its actions in
the previous life with what it decided to do prior to rebirth. Another reason for
the delay is the need to find a to-be-born body which will reasonably fit its
requirements for the purposes to be accomplished. The following quotation gives
further elaboration on the process:

“As the life of God progresses onwards through form after form, that life in the
subhuman kingdoms of nature proceeds progressively from mineral forms into
vegetable forms, and from these vegetable forms into animal forms; from the animal
form stage, the life of God passes into the human kingdom, and becomes subject to
the Law of Rebirth and not the law of Transmigration. To those who know something
of the Law of Rebirth or of Reincarnation, the mistake seems ridiculous.

The doctrine or theory of reincarnation strikes the orthodox Christian with

horror; yet if one asks him the question which the disciples asked Christ about
the blind man, "Master, did this man sin or his fathers that he was born blind?"
(John IX.2), they refuse the implications; or they express amusement or dismay as
the case may be. The presentation to the world of the thought by the average
occult or theosophical exponent has been, on the whole, deplorable. It has been
deplorable because it has been so unintelligently presented. The best that can be
said is that they have familiarised the general public with the theory; had it,
however, been more intelligently presented, it might have been more generally
accepted in the West.”

The importance of making up your own mind, and not blindly following the lead of
other individuals is emphasised in the following quotation. It is obvious that the
whole question of rebirth is exceedingly complex and the best that we can do is
consider that it makes a lot of sense, take what information we can gather from
various sources and govern our lives accordingly. Any belief in a succession of
lives must surely have an impact on the way we decide to live them, always being
conscious that whatever we decide to do is of our own free will and that we will
inherit what we have sown.

“The occultists of the world, through the theosophical societies and other occult
bodies, so-called, have greatly damaged the presentation of the truth anent
reincarnation through the unnecessary, unimportant, inaccurate and purely
speculative details which they give out as truths anent the processes of death and
the circumstances of man after death. These details are largely dependent upon
the clairvoyant vision of astral psychics of prominence in the Theosophical
Society. Yet in the Scriptures of the world these details are not given, and
H.P.B. in The Secret Doctrine gave none. An instance of this inaccurate and
foolish attempt to throw light upon the theory of rebirth can be seen in the time
limits imposed upon departed human souls between incarnations on the physical
plane and the return to physical rebirth—so many years of absence are proclaimed,
dependent upon the age of the departed soul and its place upon the ladder of
evolution. If, we are told, the soul is very advanced, absence from the physical
plane is prolonged, whereas the reverse is the case. Advanced souls and those
whose intellectual capacity is rapidly developing come back with great rapidity,
owing to their sensitive response to the pull of obligations, interests and
responsibilities already established upon the physical plane. People are apt to
forget that time is the sequence of events and of states of consciousness as
registered by the physical brain. Where no physical brain exists, what humanity
understands by time is nonexistent. The removal of the barriers of the form,
stage by stage, brings an increasing realisation of the Eternal Now. In the case
of those who have passed through the door of death and who still continue to think
in terms of time, it is due to glamour and to the persistence of a powerful
thoughtform. It indicates polarisation upon the astral plane; this is the plane
upon which leading Theosophical writers and psychics have worked, and upon which
they have based their writings. They are quite sincere in what they say, but omit
to recognise the illusory nature of all findings based on astral clairvoyance.
The recognition of a pronounced time factor, and the constant emphasis laid upon
timing, are characteristic of all highly developed people in incarnation and of
those whose lower, concrete minds are powerful in calibre. Children and child-
races on the one hand, and those highly advanced people whose abstract minds are
functioning (through the medium of the interpretive lower mind), usually have no
sense of time. The initiate uses the time factor in his relations and his
dealings with those living upon the physical plane, but is detached within himself
from all recognition of it elsewhere in the universe.”

The Law of Rebirth does not apply only to human beings as the whole of creation is
in constant movement, passing into, and out of, conscious appearance as is so
elegantly explained in the following extracts: -

“In this ray activity will be found the true significance of the Law of Rebirth,
and it lies behind the process of incarnation and of reincarnation. Upon this I
may not here dwell, beyond pointing out that men's ideas and teaching anent
reincarnation are as yet childish and inaccurate. Much readjustment must be made,
and much re-arrangement of ideas is necessitated, before a true understanding of
this basic cyclic law will be possible.

Cyclic appearance, therefore, governs the rays as well as the Kingdoms in nature
and the forms contained therein. It determines the activity of God Himself.
Races incarnate, disappear and reincarnate, and so do all lives in form.
Reincarnation or cyclic activity lies behind all phenomenal activity and
appearance. It is an aspect of the pulsating life of Deity. It is the breathing
out and the breathing in of the process of divine existence and manifestation. It
is that which lies behind the science of chemical affinity, of the relation of the
polar opposites, and of the marriage relation, whether that of men and women or of
the soul and its expression, the personality. It is the cause of the sex relation
in the world, which works under the great Law of Attraction and Repulsion.”

“In themselves, rebirth and reincarnation are misleading terms and "cyclic
impulsion," "intelligent purposeful repetition" and "conscious in-breathing and
out-breathing" would describe more accurately this cosmic process.”

In noting that everything in the universe acts on a cyclic basis a reference in

Hindu scriptures to a year of Brahma gives an indication of the enormous span of
time as measured in human terms: -
Page 792 of A Treatise on Cosmic Fire contains the following explanation of a year
of Brahma: -

a. 100 years of Brahma An occult century. The period of a solar system.

b. One year of Brahma The period of seven chains, where the seven
planetary schemes are concerned.

c. One week of Brahma The period of seven rounds in one scheme. It

has a chain significance.

d. One day of Brahma The occult period of a round.

These are the greater periods of time, and when their significance is
comprehended, much that is now obscure will be revealed. As yet, it is only to
initiates that the true figures are given, the figures in the Secret Doctrine,
such as the 100 years of Brahma, strike the general average but it must be ever
remembered that in considering the figures where a scheme, for instance, is
concerned, much latitude has to be allowed for individual planetary karma, and

Some idea of what happens when an entity is seeking to be re-born in another body
is given in this extract from ‘Guided Writings’. It also reflects the ‘chances’
that are taken in those cases where the results are not as clear cut as one would
like. It also exposes the need for everyone to live as good a life as possible in
order to provide the best possible circumstances for the incoming personality. In
view of the current feelings on the question of abortion some of the comments may
help to settle one’s own position on the subject.

“Abortion is something that should not really happen in an ordered society unless
it is a case of spontaneous abortion. Spirits here, readying for incarnation,
choose parents regardless of whether there is a possibility of abortion, although
if one has chosen the trial of being crippled or blinded it is not as clear cut as
it used to be, as of course the spirit would prefer to be born rather than have to
re-choose a “setting".

When there is a pregnancy because of inter-family interference a spirit here may

still choose to inhabit the foetus; also if the pregnancy has occurred through
rape; but "things" become far more difficult. In the first case the genes and
background are obvious but the recessive effect is tricky. In rape it is difficult
as (especially when more than one influence (male) is present) the genetic
background and "carry-forward" possibilities of behaviour of all “families”
concerned is very difficult to chart.

Again, spirits may choose this return but they have their own special reasons, and
there are many valid ones which we will deal with another time - but the chance of
abortion does complicate and inhibit the entry into the foetus. Sometimes the soul
enters and settles in full confidence, and they will "go in" at the first
opportunity. When it is incest or rape and there is a question about the outcome
some spirits delay entry and even then (or when they enter at first chance) they
"sit" uneasily. When the child is born the soul never really does well as
reincarnation should be as a whole-hearted approach, in many cases it is difficult
enough, without the uncertainty factor.

Abortion as such is not a real crime "to the foetus" unless it is so late, and
even then the spirit recovers but it is a "small death" often, in those cases.
Early on there is not a spirit present, a spark of life perhaps, but mechanical
rather than a soul spark unless, as we say, there is a strong certainty of foetus
survival in which case the soul may enter at the first possible moment.

Abortion is a sad thing to the female, even if in many cases any effect (aside
from relief) is denied. This would come under a sub-conscious effect and in
normally sensitive psyches colours their emotions for quite some time. Extremely
sensitive persons would be more affected, longer, etc.

We, and certainly not Earth's peoples, cannot make moral judgements re abortion as
it is not your life and not your karma. The karmic result depends on many things,
all personal to the persons involved (the male has his share of karmic duty to
assume). In an ideal society abortions would not exist except for medical purposes
in quite strict cases. In an ideal society, on your Earth that is, it is not a
question on other planets, ones more evolved. So while abortion is not something
to be encouraged, in the long view one cannot judge, if the innocent were to be
made to suffer along with the self-indulgent, in your vernacular "they'll get
theirs". But it should be more controlled in one sense, to have lax standards and
then abort is a very poor standard of life indeed. So the morals are what should
be looked at of the world at large, not just some young, or misguided peoples.”


“Karma. Physical action. Metaphysically, the law of retribution; the law of

cause and effect, or ethical causation. There is the karma of merit and the karma
of demerit. It is the power that controls all things, the resultant of moral
action, or the moral effect of an act committed for the attainment of something
which gratifies a personal desire.”

Karma is defined in the Encyclopaedia Britannica as: -

“Sanskrit KARMAN ("act"), Pali Kamma, in Indian philosophy, the influence of an

individual's past actions on his future lives, or reincarnations. The doctrine of
karma reflects the Hindu conviction that this life is but one in a chain of lives
(samsara) and that it is determined by man's actions in a previous life. This is
accepted as a law of nature, not open to further discussion. The moral energy of a
particular act is preserved and fructifies automatically in the next life, where
it shows up in one's class, nature, disposition, and character. The process is
mechanical, and no interference by God is admitted, except by some of the later
and more extreme theists. Thus the law of karma explains the inequalities that are
observed among creatures. In the course of the chain of lives, an individual can
perfect himself, until he reaches the eminence of the god Brahma himself, or he
can degrade himself in such an evil way that he is reborn as an animal. Not only
do past acts influence the circumstances of the next life, they also determine
one's happiness or unhappiness in the hereafter between lives, where he will spend
a time in either one of the heavens or one of the hells until the fruits of his
karma have been all but consumed and the remainder creates a new life for him.
Buddhism and Jainism incorporated doctrines of karma as part of their common
Indian legacy. The Buddhists interpret it strictly in terms of ethical cause and
effect. In Jainism, karma is regarded not as a process but as a fine particulate
substance that produces the universal chain of cause and effect and of birth and
death. Copyright © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.”

Karma is also referred to as the Law of Cause and Effect and perhaps this is a
more appropriate terminology as it rightly expresses what happens. Behind every
effect that we experience there is a cause, and that cause can result from a
right, or a wrong, motive. This can be qualified further by saying that to do
something right with wrong motive is as wrong as doing something wrong with the
right motive. Our objective should be to match our motives with the rightness of
what we should do. A way of carrying out this process is to follow the eightfold
path that was devised by the Buddha, i.e.,
Right understanding
Right purpose (aspiration)
Right speech
Right conduct
Right vocation
Right effort
Right thoughts
Right concentration

Ones’ karma should not be taken as a disaster to be unfolded as it is in reality a

balancing act. The objective is to be in harmony with everything in the universe
and this is accomplished over a series of lives wherein what was gained, or lost,
in a previous life (lives) is brought forward to be used, or worked on, in the
present incarnation.

Humanity’s karma began in the Atlantean era when mind was developing and the
arising of selfishness, material wants and greed caused the thought-forms to form
part of the aura. All of us should be engaged in dispersing this karma in order to
bring about an end to this negativity.

In the books written by Alice Bailey the Tibetan has a great deal to say about the
Law of Cause and Effect. One aspect is that of the different types of karma as
explained in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire: -

“Types of Karma. We might here enumerate the different types of KARMA, even
though we have not the time to enlarge upon the subject. A book by itself of vast
proportions could not contain all that might be said. We should bear in mind that
KARMA is imposed upon the ensouling entity through the medium of matter or of
substance itself (which is coloured by it) and that this matter or substance is
intelligent material composed of deva essence.

Cosmic Karma—Imposed upon the solar Logos from outside of the system.

Systemic Karma—The working out by the Logos of effects set in motion in previous
Kalpas, and which influence His present type of Body.

Planetary Karma—The individual karma of a Heavenly Man, which is just as different

from that of another Heavenly Man, as is the karma of the different members of the
human family.

The Karma of a chain, which is bound up in the life experience of that entity who
ensouls a chain, and is a centre in the body of a Heavenly Man, in the same sense
as a Heavenly Man within His scheme is a centre in the body of the solar Logos.

Globe Karma—The individual destiny of the entity who is a centre in the body of
the ensouling Life of a chain.

These five existences above enumerated, who are worked upon by karma, are all
cosmic and solar Lords of Light, Who achieved intelligence, and passed through the
human kingdom many kalpas ago.

Plane Karma—This is inextricably mixed up with the karma of the planetary Logos
and of the Raja-Lord, and is dependent upon the interplay between these two
opposite poles,—the masculine and feminine aspect of the Divine Hermaphrodite.

The Karma of a subplane, or the destiny of certain lesser entities who manifest
through these planes.
In these two types of karma, we have what one might term the "Karma of the
Hierarchies" as it has been brought about since the manifesting of the solar
system. It is the result of the past of this system, and not so much the working
out of effects originating in previous solar systems.”

“Repetition in space: This concept is involved deep in the greater concept of

karma, which is really the law that governs the matter of the solar system, and
which commenced its work in earlier solar systems. We have, therefore, cycles in
order, and repetition in an ever-ascending spiral, under definite law.”

Karma gives a reason for the appearance of a genius who has exceptional expertise
in the various fields such as music, art, mathematics and science. The traits
usually show up from a very early age and decry any thoughts that the abilities
could have been picked up in current life associations. The genius does not come
from the genetic make-up but is carried forward in the permanent atoms that were
mentioned in a previous chapter.

From a humanistic viewpoint we are born to fulfil a need rather than overcome
something – e.g., everything born at a point in time has the qualities of that
point in time. As wholeness consists of its parts plus an overall undefinable
something which makes the whole more than just the sum of its parts I believe that
if everything born within a span of time was left free to follow its dharma there
would be complete harmony. It is when a parent, for example, deliberately
influences a child to become something which it is not innately suited for, that
an unbalanced personality is created.

Karma is not fate. Not one of us is fated for anything as we have the free will to
determine our path. In the East there is the acceptance of fate with a consequent
tendency to wait for events to bring about a balance. In the West the situation is
just about reversed – there is plenty of energy to deal with life and its problems
but a general lack of knowledge about why the problems are there and the most
advantageous way of dealing with them.

A day’s actions, with an interval of overnight sleep, may well result in some
related reaction in the following days, weeks, months, years, or lifetimes. The
timing of the reaction relates to the opportunities available to supply the
potential to utilise the beneficial karma or to experience the effect of negative
karma and the chance to neutralise it by performing an action that offsets it.

Some interesting aspects of karma are related in the following extracts from
‘Guided Writings’: -

“We are not speaking to you to censor your world - censor it as it applies to
yourself and family. And remember that people learn from actions and deeds, not
from anyone's words. If they like what they see they will adopt it, if they're not
ready that is not your responsibility. Many many people are collecting adverse
karma by manipulating the people; don't join them, they feel they're doing the
right thing, so you can see how easy it is to confuse your interference as "just
doing good." (16.4.85)

“It is very odd to see how humans hurt and thwart one another for the strangest
reasons. Just a hint of resemblance to someone out of favour and the poor victim
is made to pay another’s dues. There is no joy to anyone under the circumstances
and it usually adds to each persons karma for the next meeting. Some entity here
can watch added debts being created, and even if it is on the original
protagonists side it still means that they must be allowed to be worked off,
albeit passively on the one side. There are meetings and pairings or groupings
that some entities would be quite happy to avoid, but if they are advanced enough
they may agree to it as assistance to the other. For if you owe a great deal and
the debtee does not wish to participate then you usually have a very hard time -
certainly one miserable lifetime paying your debts off spiritually, overall,
instead of directly to that one person. So that if a very evil person was forgiven
completely by his victims and they refused to enact against him on Earth or
wherever, he has to pay a universal penance for all of the misdeeds and that can
be long, unforeseen (as no deliberate interaction can be reliably set up with so
many and unknown persons involved) and may stretch beyond one's lifetime, plus the
danger of accruing more karma because of frustration at the ambiguity of it all.
Somewhat like "everybody hates me”, or even "nobody likes me", and it could in
fact be true due to an inner defect. So we are always pleased to see protagonists
soften somewhat before the deathbed scenes, for those of course do not count for a
great deal, in most instances. So remember to look to your actions and their
motives.” (20.4.87)

“It's how that knowledge, little or great, is applied. If you know how to act, and
abuse it, woe unto you, it's karma adding up to be worked off, there or in
wherever your re-incarnation occurs. So remember that, it's quite true, that each
man is his own worst enemy, by and large. Well, it shouldn't be all heavy going
all the time or I wouldn't be living up to our word that there is beauty and joy
and happiness all around.”

“There are many uses of karma, it is not cut and dried, and many persons who are
still floundering are not necessarily affected by karma at all, they are affected
by their own need to look inwardly honestly and use discipline to come "in out of
the cold". And I won't explain that one for why should I do all of your thinking
for you?”(10.5.87)

“One can always diminish one's karmic debts by the work on the spirit and growth
as long as that is not undertaken in isolation, e.g., by oneself and for one's own
benefits Some persons chart immense problems for themselves in an effort to break
through the shell of self. Asceticism is a form of ego, and the old ascetics are
finding it difficult to use their strength constructively and for others as well.
Some peoples will not break their patterns for they wish to sacrifice completely
and clear their karmic debts without mitigating circumstances, There are various
reasons for that and it is a personal choice. No one fully escapes karma as life
needs to have trials, and as no one (or nearly so) ever leaves this Earth life
without having inflicted hurt somewhere, there is always a goodly supply of debt
to dabble with.” (24.7.87)

With reference to the idea of forgiveness as enumerated above, another slant is

given by this quotation from The Beacon, July/August 1999 p 23: -
“The act of forgiveness is also closely connected to the Law of Karma. It affects
both the person who forgives and the one in receipt of forgiveness. In
Brotherhood, p 214 we read, “one who has forgiven someone assumes that he has
accomplished something out of the ordinary, whereas he has merely preserved his
own karma from complications. The forgiven one thinks that all is ended, but, of
course, karma remains ahead of him.”

Rudolf Steiner stated that – “Therefore, karma must not be conceived of as an

immutable fate: it is absolutely compatible with the freedom, the will of human
beings. Karma does not demand surrender to an unalterable fate, on the contrary,
it affords us the certainty that no deed, no experience of the human being remains
without effect or runs its course outside of the laws of the world. It affords us
the certainty that every deed or experience is joined to just and compensating
A possible mechanism for the abstraction of work to be done, based on a karmic
inheritance, and inserted into the new-born body is given by Robert St. John –
“Karmic means patterns out of the past other than genetic. The pineal and
pituitary glands are in relationship both at the physical and at the psychic
levels. At the moment when the sperm enters the ovum, and there is the formation
of the first cell, if one considers the whole event from the standpoint of
consciousness, the message of the genes moves upward through the pituitary and is
translated there into another language, that of the pineal. That message from the
genetic pattern opens the pineal to receiving just that karmic pattern which is
appropriate to what the genetic pattern is.”

There is a belief amongst a number of individuals, many of them involved in

medicine and genetics, that it is worthwhile to attempt producing new life that is
free of all abnormality and disease. This is understandable when such individuals
come from a scientific/medical background that finds it difficult to entertain the
thought that life came from a spiritual necessity. Deformity, disease, mental
retardation etc/. are however a necessary adjunct to our lives at our present
stage of development. It is the exposure to adversity, either the parent’s,
child’s, and the community’s side, that offers a spur to developing a better
personality. All readers will have come across many instances of a parent, for
example, developing a great compassion and love for a child that is helpless, an
opportunity to offset some deficiencies that arose in a former life. Without such
a spur that person might well go through life without any reason to make a major
change in themselves. A reincarnating entity might deliberately accept an
imperfect body in order to provide an opportunity to a parent(s) to make a
dramatic change in lifestyle.

There is a penalty for evading the circumstances which life brings to us, a rough
idea of it being given by the following extract: -

“There are many people today who find an alibi for themselves in the present world
situation, and a consequent release from definite action and responsibility, by
saying that what is today happening is simply karma or the working out of cause
and effect, and that there is nothing, therefore, that they can do about it; they
take the position that it is not their affair, and that in due course of time the
process will be worked out and everything will be all right again. The slate will
then be cleaner and incidentally they will not have been embroiled, but will have
safely (even if uncomfortably) looked on. In so doing they overlook the third
aspect of this same law, to which we have given the name of free will. It is the
right use of free will and its understanding expression which must eventually
straighten out and adjust the working out of karma and transmute that which now
works such evil and havoc in the world into a demonstration of good and of the
successful foundation for the pursuit of true happiness. Therefore, those who are
looking on at the tragic sufferings of humanity and who refuse to be implicated,
and thus succeed in evading responsibility as an integral part of the human
family, are definitely storing up for themselves much evil karma. In some way they
must learn participation, because the present situation has in it the seeds of
release for humanity when the nature of evil is somewhat grasped, and above all
when the oneness of humanity and the rights of human beings are truly recognised.
Those who war against the race of men and who seek to wrest from them their God-
given goal of freedom must be driven back from whence they came. Those who refuse
to share in that struggle for freedom will be left out of the gains of freedom,
even if it only means within their own home limits, in their life habits and in
their private circumstances. When I here speak of "being driven back from whence
they came" I am using phrases in both the simple and the occult sense.”

“As to Karma, what man has made he can unmake. This is oft forgotten. Karma is not
a hard and fast rule. It is changeable, according to man's attitude and desire. It
is the presenting of the opportunity to change; this grows out of past activities,
and these rightly met and correctly handled lay the foundation for future
happiness and progress. The present situation is the fault of all peoples in all
countries (particularly the more intelligent) and includes also the great neutrals
if the Law of Rebirth and of joint responsibility means anything at all. Karma is
not all that is bad and evil. Men make it so through their stupidities. There are
today great forces of evil seeking expression in the world; these emerge out of
the past and seek to determine and bring about a very evil future wherein
selfishness, material objectives, and the good and well-being of one race out of
the many must be imposed upon the world—a world which innately revolts against
such an imposition and distortion of reality.”

Some of the turmoil evident in the world today and the exposure of many
wrongdoings now being exposed indicate that it is now time for all of us to be
forthright and honest in our dealings. This finds an echo in the words of the
Tibetan that were written in mid 2000. “I have stated also that we are reaching a
climaxing period in human history; in this period the Lords of Karma are unusually
active; the Law of Cause and Effect is bringing the results of past activities,
the subjective thinking and the secret impulses to the surface, and exacting
penalty and the planned cleaning of the slate of human history. When He Whom all
disciples serve was on Earth two thousand years ago, He said that secret things
would be made plain; by this emergence of the good and of the bad into prominence,
men will arrive at knowledge, at understanding, and will be forced to take those
steps which will be needed to build a new and better world, based on the Law of
Love and not on the Law of Separateness and hate. This is what is happening today.

Co-operating with these karmic Lords are the large groups of initiates and devas
who occupy themselves with the right adjustment of:—

a. World karma,
b. Racial karma,
c. National karma,
d. Group karma,
e. Individual karma,

The Karma of the kingdoms of nature as we know them on our planet:

a. The mineral kingdom.

b. The vegetable kingdom.
c. The animal kingdom.

This is necessarily the karma of the different lunar Lords who ensoul these
kingdoms, and who are working out their purposes through them. We must note that
we have touched therefore upon cosmic, solar, and lunar karma. In the latter is
hid the great mystery of the Moon, and her place in the planetary scheme.

The Karma of the Human Hierarchy in its seven groups, and of the individual
Monads. This in itself is a vast and intricate subject and—during the particular
cycle of the Earth globe—can be divided into:

a. World karma. (The seven root-races.)

b. Racial karma, or the destiny and purpose of each root-race.
c. Subrace karma, for each subrace has its own destiny to work out.
d. National karma.
e. Family karma.
f. Individual karma.

All these different types of karma are intermingled and bound up in a manner
inconceivable and inextricable to man; even the adepts cannot untangle the mystery
beyond that of the groups affiliated with them, while the Chohans of the higher
degrees work with the karma of the larger groups (which are the aggregates of the
lesser groups).

If these facts are pondered upon it will be apparent that Egos come into
incarnation therefore not singly but according to group urge, and thus
collectively. This is the basis of collective karma, and of family karma. The
individual urge, which is, of course, a reaction to group urge, is the result of
personal karma. Hence, though we may by these reflections, have thrown some light
upon this question of reincarnation, we have nevertheless said much to increase
the magnitude of the question, and its complexity. Average man is confined to the
use of the physical brain, and is, therefore, unable to think in group terms.”


Annie Besant, in her book ‘Dharma’, gives a definition of dharma as “Dharma is the
inner nature, which has reached in each man a certain stage of development and
unfolding.” – “inner nature of a thing at any given stage of evolution and the
law of the next stage of its unfolding.” She elaborates on this by stating it is
the inner nature which provides the urges for change and there would therefore
appear to be a string relation to karma as it is the dharma which plays a major
part in setting the scene for those experiences which are needed to provoke a
karmic response.

In a sense, one’s dharma is the obligation expected from life for the purpose of
fulfilling what one undertook to do before entering another body. Two quotations
are added to expand on this idea: -

“The word translated duty or obligation, could well be expressed by that

comprehensive term dharma in respect to others. Dharma means literally the proper
working out of one's obligations (or karma) in the place, surroundings and
environment where fate has put one.”

“The Sphere of Dharma. This is the outcome of the two previous stages; it is that
in which the disciple recognises, for the first time with clarity, his part in the
whole process of world events and his inescapable share in world development.
Dharma is that aspect of karma which dignifies any particular world cycle and the
lives of those implicated in its working out. The disciple begins to see that if
he shoulders his phase or part in this cyclic dharma and works understandingly at
its right fulfilment, he is beginning to comprehend group work (as the Masters
comprehend it) and to do his just share in lifting the world karma, working out in
cyclic dharma. Instinctual service, the fulfillment of all duty, and a sharing in
group dharma are all blended in his consciousness and become one great act of
living faithful service; he is then at the point of moving forward upon the Path
of Discipleship, in which the Path of Probation is completely lost to sight.”

Dharma is a very personal thing as this quotation makes evident: -

“"Better a man's own dharma, than the dharma of another." Thus does the Bhagavad
Gita express this truth, telling the disciple to mind his own business.”

It can be very difficult, at times, to stand back and let someone make mistakes.
There is often a thought that ‘I should take on this burden’ but that can prevent
the person with the burden from learning for himself, thus postponing his
opportunity to a later time, or another life. The best that one can do in these
circumstances is to live one’s own truth and rely on that to be an example to
others. Another possibility is to offer help in a low key way so that the other is
aware that there is concern for his plight and that it is his choice as to what he
does with that offer.

When one sees someone in a life-threatening situation a spontaneous reaction to do

everything possible to save a life is a worthy thing to do as life is saved and
the person who is under threat will have further opportunities to work out his
karma. There is also the point that the life to be saved may be worth more to Life
than the life that may be lost.

You will have gathered that there are no hard and fast rules and this is
exemplified in the case of group karma. It is possible that the working out of
group karma will override the full opportunity to work on one’s dharma, the
greater whole always subsuming the lesser. This could be one reason for the mass
extermination of people or a virulent epidemic which prevents further work on
dharma/karma. The Age of Aquarius is now being established, denoting an emphasis
on group work. Over the past few decades the growth of thousands of diverse
groupings of individuals, either for long-term or short-term reasons is a
reflection of the brotherhood aspect of the sign’s meaning. Humanity has to draw
in upon itself, we individuals having to accept the fact that we have to become
self-aware parts of a whole, a further stage on from being a body made up of
individual self-aware parts.

There may be many occasions when we feel extremely upset because ‘someone got away
with it’. That may apparently be the case but the negative energies released by
wrong-doing are not lost but stick with the perpetrator to later reap the
consequences. This is one reason why we are urged to control our emotions –
getting worked up over another person’s apparent escape from retribution does our
own progress harm with no outward effect on the perpetrator.

Chapter 7 Health and Growth

The entire purpose of human life is to achieve a balance, a harmony, of the three
energies that constitute the physical/etheric, emotional and mental bodies. When
this occurs the soul (the spiritual energy) can then be approached and integrated
into the personality body.

When the harmony/balance is achieved complete health is potentially arrived at as

the universal energies no longer meet resistance. It is the resistance to those
energies that cause disease because it is when we are suffering ill-health that we
look for ways in which to overcome it. Ill-health then, is the spur which
initiates the search for health. For many of us, full health would cause us to sit
back and not strive for change.

Ill-health is often a sign of wrongful living, the correction of it requiring

changes in attitude at the physical, emotional, and mental levels. It is when
those changes begin to take effect that the harmonisation of the three bodies
begins to take hold.

This chapter examines some of the factors that are related to health and the urge
for growth.

Based on our limited knowledge of the universe, and what we believe to be the
purpose of life, current indications point to the need to integrate, and fuse into
one entity, our physical, emotional, and mental bodies. When this is accomplished
we are a fully integrated personality in complete harmony within itself and its
surroundings and governed by the higher mind.

Drawing on the writings of The Tibetan, who states that the bulk of humanity, at
this stage of progress, is focused in the emotional body, it is easy to see why so
many individuals fall prey to disorders of the physical, emotional, and mental
bodies. When one is swept by emotion, the restraining influence of the mental body
is much weakened. Action then precedes thought.

It is therefore incumbent on all readers to consider the need to gradually impose

the mental will upon the physical/etheric and emotional bodies. This opens up the
use of meditation to achieve this objective because meditation, to be effective,
should be a daily practice and thus instils a rhythm upon the mind. Ideally, the
meditation could be a progressive one such as the courses offered by the various
bodies that are of an esoteric nature.

The esoteric purpose of meditation is to align the three bodies as noted above and
then mentally create a connection with the overshadowing soul. This connection is
called the Antahkarana or rainbow bridge, which eventually enables a connection
with a higher level of energies (the soul) and the ability to access the
intuitional level. That dispenses with the need to work things out mentally
because one ‘knows’ the truth that is being sought.

Time is not of prime importance in this work. That is not to say ‘take it easy’
but we all have different claims upon our time and different abilities with which
to tackle this program. We have many, many, lives so a falling back or an
inability to accomplish what we may have set our sights on, is of no great
significance. In time we will achieve, the evolutionary force will see to that,
but a definite striving to achieve spiritual growth will accelerate humanity’s
attainment of the goal of full integration into one harmonious being. In the same
way that our body organs are formed out of countless lesser lives so will humanity
eventually attain that same sort of oneness but without each one of us losing our
sense of individuality. It has taken millions of years to reach our present stage
and many more millions will be needed to attain full mastery of the mental and
spiritual forces.

Recall what was written in the earlier part of the book that physical man was
firstly an individual and then realised the benefit of belonging to a tribe.
Tribal life was communal and supportive and provided protection against external
incursions. A further development was then necessary because tribal life can
become stultifying and civilisations then came into being which extolled
individuality, extending into competitiveness, and the theory of the survival of
the fittest was born.

The directing Hierarchy of highly advanced humanity is aware that the need for
individuality and competitiveness has achieved its purpose of rapidly advancing
Man’s scientific knowledge and the development of the various disciplines which
have created our advanced civilisation. Unfortunately, along with these advances
we have also become highly materialistic. Money, goods, and power are now the
highly desirable objectives leading, as a consequence, to the downgrading of
society and the relegation of those ‘who can’t make it’ to an underclass of less
worthy citizens.

To counter this undesirable situation thought-forms have been created to encourage

Man to re-form tribal society at a higher turn of the spiral. Inevitably, because
of the ingrained materialism, this has spawned the idea of globalisation, of free
trade. The One World theme is now centred around the free trade of goods and
services in a highly competitive manner. It is based on making profits out of the
‘underclass’ and centralising power in ever fewer hands.

The individuals who have been developing their spiritual and humanitarian natures
are the ones who are creating groups of like-minded people to turn the thrust of
globalisation into a force that will unite all of humanity into an international
fraternity that will seek fairness and justice for all nations. Rather than attain
a depressing uniformity in cultures it will be more rewarding to encourage each
racial/ethnic grouping to develop its own local structures, in all facets of
social and economic life. Cooperation between these groups would then ensure that
basic needs are met and the diversity of customs would provide an awareness that
diversity is an integral part of life.

There will likely be a number of experiments in the course of the drive for a
united humanity. One such experiment is the European Union, another is the
recently formed Union of African nations. What is of importance is the relegation
of trade to a minor part of the process, the emphasis should be placed on true
humanitarian principles and a realisation that spiritual growth is the real reason
for these developments.

When a physical body is not in tune with its surroundings, when the food it is
given is not sufficiently nutritious or contains harmful additives, when it is
surrounded by pollution and the many other factors which contribute to a lower
vitality, it is a sign that remedial action is needed. Short-term illnesses such
as colds, influenza, measles, chickenpox, etc., are usually caused by temporary
inability of the body’s immune system to cope with the incursion, or activation of
the internal bacteria and viruses which are a normal complement of our bodies.
Many of these illnesses result from stress, leaving the body weakened and open to

Chronic and acute illnesses such as arthritis, cystic fibrosis, cancer, muscular
dystrophy etc., are mostly the result of a karmic need, calling for a major re-
think of the way the life is being lived. These illnesses not only have an impact
on the sufferer but can ripple out to touch the lives of loved ones, friends,
carers in general and even the community as a whole.

Where families experience a series of recurrences of a particular disease through

the generations the possible cause is a karmic condition which is attached to the
family members, who incarnate as a group until the particular cause is dealt with,
at which time the disease is dispensed with. Most people will have read of, heard
about, or know of in fact, those cases where a child with a very debilitating
disease or condition is born into a family and with varying consequences. The
attitudes of all those who are brought into contact with such a child are
challenged and in many cases it is an opportunity to redress a wrong incurred in
the past.

Despite the best efforts of doctors, scientists, and others involved in the
healing of diseases and conditions, the healing has to come from within the
persons who are connected with them. If a healing is experienced, without
sufficient change in the attitudes of a personality, there is a great likelihood
that it will either break out again or a different disease or condition will
replace the one that was cured.

Because the world in which we live is a matrix of energies, rather than real
physical forms, some of the answers for healing to take effect lie in the use of
energies provided by the universe itself rather than man-made solutions.

Society itself can be the problem when there is a lack of appropriate healing
modalities. In many countries the establishment has determined that there is only
one method of healing, i.e., orthodox medical treatment. Other, alternative forms
of healing are tolerated to some extent, but the power to decide rests in the
hands of the medical profession, pharmaceutical companies and the government of
the day. Any potential threat to the profits of pharmaceutical companies or a
perceived diminution of status of the medical profession is sufficient for them to
use their powers to influence governments to act on their behalf.

The treatment of cancer is a good example of those powers. Dr. Royal Rife, a
medical doctor in the United States developed, in the late 1920’s and early
1930’s, an electronic instrument that utilised the law of resonance. Use of the
machine on patients with various diseases produced profound physiological changes,
whether the disease was chronic, or infectious. Virulent micro-organisms, cells
and tissues could be resonated with the appropriate frequencies for the particular
complaint and forced to be metabolically impaired or destroyed. During the course
of his work Dr. Rife found the appropriate oscillatory rate for over 55 major
bacterial diseases. Use of his machine on cancer patients resulted in cures of
over 90 per cent.

His work upset the orthodox fraternity to such an extent that his machine was
relegated to obscurity. Subsequent researchers have attempted to reconstruct his
machine but without the level of success that he obtained.

The US is not the only nation to deliberately eliminate unorthodox methods of

healing. In The Ecologist Vol 30 No 8 (p 51) it was reported that in the UK it is
illegal to claim a cure for cancer unless obtained within the orthodox setting. In
the US cancer pioneers are prosecuted or hounded out of the country.

Australia can also be fitted into this pattern of repression as recorded in Health
and Healing Vol 17 No. 3 (p 39). A Congress on Cancer was held in Sydney in 1998,
focusing on natural and non-expensive treatment using mental attitudes and
nutrition. 31 doctors attended and what is of interest is that the AMA told
doctors not to attend – the drug cartel would stand to lose if these alternative
methods became prevalent.

As previously noted, all life is formed of energy which intersects to form

‘material objects’ and it is therefore apparent that any perturbations in the
life-form can be re-balanced by applying the appropriate vibration or resonances.
Professor Harold Saxton Burr, a neuro-anatomist and formerly a member of the Yale
University School of Medicine, stated that “Life-fields are links in a ‘chain of
authority’ which starts with the simplest living forms, runs upwards through all
life on this planet to the most complex form we know – Man, and then extends
outwards into space and upward to an infinite authority, about which we can only
speculate”. Here is another statement, or confirmation, that interconnectedness
is a fact of life in our universe.

Another unorthodox treatment by using radiation of energies is that of Radionics.

The concept is that man, and all life-forms, are immersed in the electromagnetic
energy field of the Earth and of the universe as a whole. Every form has its own
electromagnetic field and its own ‘note’. All organisms, diseases and remedies
have their own particular vibration or frequency which can be expressed in
numerical forms. The originator of this particular type of healing was Dr. Albert
Abrams, a highly respected American specialist in neurology. He made the discovery
that disease could be measured in terms of energy and devised an instrument with
dials which could identify, and measure, disease reaction intensities. Naturally
this caused an outcry and it is of interest that in 1924, a committee of the Royal
Society in the UK investigated his claims and admitted that they were proven.
Needless to say, the use of radionics in the US is banned, whereas in the UK it is
an allowable method of identifying and treating disease.

Once again we hit that old bugbear that many of these unorthodox treatments are
subjective, cannot be proven scientifically and even if they do work they cannot
be trusted.

After the original radionics machine was introduced there were added refinements:
Dr. Abrams - linked a healthy person to the machine for the
purpose of diagnosing a specimen of tissue from
sick person.
- attached plates, connected to the instrument,
to the
patient and applied medicines to the body, under the plates.

Dr. Ruth Drown - did away with electrical and magnetic forces
(a US Chiro- and claimed it was the patient’s life-force
practor) that activated the instrument.

- discovered it was possible to heal at a

distance using the machine.
- devised a method of photographing a blood
spot to produce photographs of cross-
sections of the human body and organs.

It should be noted that Dr. Drown had her premises raided and all her notes and
equipment removed.

George de la Warr - refined Dr. Drown’s method so that a

(UK) radionic camera showed the whole organ
And its identifiable anatomical
shape based
On just a blood spot. The ability
to do this
appears outlandish at first sight,
but the
experience with holograms leads to
acceptance that it is quite a
outcome, the blood spot revealing
whole contained within it.

It has been established that all life is energy and there should be no surprise
that the electrical energy in homoeopathic remedies can restore balance in the
body. Everything in nature has its own energy pattern and homoeopathy seeks to
match those patterns with the energy patterns of the patient. The use of this type
of remedy stimulates the healing force to restore balance. In this connection the
World Health Organisation has cited this method of treatment should be integrated
worldwide with conventional medicine.

Dr. Hahnemann, a German, discovered the healing properties of diluted solutions in

the late 1800’s. He formulated three principles: -
Like cures like (Law of Similars)
The more a remedy is diluted the greater its potency ( Law of the
Infinitesimal Dose).
An illness is specific to the individual (a holistic medical model).

His discovery originated from his ingestion of cinchona, well known for its
curative properties in malaria sufferers. He soon started fevers similar to
malaria which stopped when he ceased taking in cinchona. He theorised that a
smaller dose might stimulate the body to fight the disease.

Orthodox medicine/science rejects the thought that a substance, which has been
highly diluted in a liquid base, that it can only be detected by specialised
equipment can be effective in treating ill-health in a human subject. A UK study,
however, using a magnetic resonance imaging machine, demonstrated that on 23
different homoeopathic remedies distinctive readings were obtained. Placebos were
also tested by this method but no potency was found in them.

It is not just hearsay that assumes the remedies work. “The Lancet proved critics
wrong with an article published on the 18th October, 1986, under the heading ‘Is
Homoeopathy a Placebo Response?’. Two Glasgow universities and a Glasgow
Homoeopathic Hospital, that carried out a randomised, double-blind, placebo-
controlled trial with the homoeopathic potency 30c of pollen in hayfever as a
model concluded that: The homoeopathic treated patients showed a significant
reduction in patient and doctor assessed symptom scores.”

Chapter 2 contained a reference to Dr. Jacques Benveniste and his research into a
property of water which can record a memory of any substance, even though
apparently too diluted to find.

A Japanese researcher, Mr. Masaru Emoto, recently published a book titled ‘The
Message from Water”. From Mr. Emoto's work we are provided with factual evidence,
that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the
molecular structure of water, the very same water that comprises over seventy
percent of a mature human body and covers the same amount of our planet. Mr. Emoto
uses a photographic technique by freezing droplets of water exposed to human
vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music. Even pasting written words
on paper to a glass cylinder of water will allow the energies in the words to pass
into the water.

This feature of water’s ability to take up vibrations is due to its very malleable
nature, its physical shape adapting to whatever environment it is in. The playing
of music in the vicinity of water in a glass tube results in specific crystalline
structures in the water when it is frozen and sliced for photographing under a

Water is the very source of all life on this planet, it's quality and integrity
are vitally important to all forms of life. The body is very much like a sponge
and is composed of trillions of chambers called cells that hold liquid. The
quality of our life is directly connected to the quality of our water.
Water is a very malleable substance. It's physical shape easily adapts to whatever
environment is present. But it's physical appearance is not the only thing that
changes, it's molecular shape also changes. The energy or vibrations of the
environment will change the molecular shape of water. In this sense water not only
has the ability to visually reflect the environment but it also molecularly
reflects the environment.
Down through the ages there have been individuals with the facility to heal
illness in their fellow creatures by the ‘laying on of hands’ or even by directing
healing energies to a person who is at a distance from the healer. In ‘The Field’,
by Lynne McTaggart, there is a section on experiments in controlling changes in
red blood cells (p 129). If red blood cells are placed in a solution with the same
saline (salt) levels as blood plasma they can be maintained with intact membranes
for a long period of time. William Braud, a psychologist of the behavioural
school, was interested in the question of whether outside agents could influence
the immune system. His experiments consisted of sitting volunteers in a room
distant from that in which red blood cells in solution were located and asking
them to ‘protect’ the red cells from bursting by slowing their rate of haemolysis
after a fatal amount of salt had been placed in the solution (excess salt kills
red blood cells). The results indicated that the volunteers could, in fact,
protect the red blood cells to a significant extent.
Experiments performed with the express intent of determining whether or not
healing can take place without the presence of the healer with the person to be
healed have confirmed that ‘absent healing’ does actually produce desired results.
This confirms a method of healing that has been recognised within the community
over a long period of time.
Interconnectedness is a fact, from the macro to the micro levels, and accounts for
the success of the technique of reflexology. This takes the position that the
upper part of the body has reflex areas on the upper half of the foot, the lower
part on the lower part of the foot, with the right and left feet representing the
right and left sides respectively. The origin of this treatment method dates back
to ancient Egypt.
Tender areas on the sole of the foot indicate the part of the body which is out of
harmony and gentle pressure on those areas breaks up crystal deposits on the nerve
endings in the foot which have been impeding the blood supply to those parts of
the body.
Robert St. John carried the basics of reflexology into a higher realm of healing
relationships by way of a method he called the Metamorphic Technique. The purpose
is to not only heal the physical body but also the emotional, behavioural,
intellectual, and spiritual levels.
His discovery was that the inside of the feet, along the instep, from the big toe
to the heel, represents the nine months period of gestation. During the nine
months in the womb the soul watches over the creation of its physical body, which
is affected by the conditions within the mother’s body and also outside energies
which can have an impact on the forming foetus. In line with the effects that the
universal energies have upon our completed bodies are the effects on the foetus.
The life of the newborn child through to its death is conditioned by many factors,
i.e., the genetic construct, that karma which is brought forward to be dealt with
in the current life, the foods and other intakes by the mother, vibrations picked
up from outside sources and possibly other factors. Where there are malfunctions
of any of the several bodies of man they have the potential to be healed, or
ameliorated, by the working on the instep either by direct physical contact or by
moving a hand in close proximity along it. The latter would most likely be
effective when done by an individual who has the innate quality of spiritual
Because of the correspondences between all parts of the body, this technique can
also be used on the hands and head.
Indigenous people have a recorded history of familiarity with the use of
vegetation to provide healing of ailments; nature has provided remedies for our
use and they are safe when used as intended in their whole form. The extraction of
the active healing agent alone means that side effects are not buffered by the
other constituents of the plants that are used. We are very much a part of nature
and it is incumbent on us to accept that and work with, not against, the energies
that are within, and around us.
Acceptance of reincarnation, and the purpose of life as the expansion of the
spiritual force in order to lift all material expression to a higher level, could
spur an insight into the fact that a life-form, in itself, is not important. It is
actually there to enable the indwelling spirit to experience life in a continuing
flow to express higher rates of vibration, of energy, thus drawing nearer to the
Godhead. This factor has to be dramatically expressed by avatars such as the
Christ in order to make an impact on us. His death and reappearance in a newly
created body was necessary to physically show a spiritual fact, that life does not
cease at death.
The present preoccupation with maintaining life in a body, no matter what the
cost, does not have a reason, in spiritual terms. Every soul, when appropriating
its physical body, has a purpose for that life and a time for that life to end to
enable the indwelling spirit to experience an interval ‘out of the body’ before
continuing its onward progress.
Interference in the soul’s plans, even though well-meant, can cause unforeseen
problems. For example, take the case of someone with a diseased, or inadequate,
organ, who is likely to die if nothing is done to alleviate the condition. Perhaps
the problem arose because of an inability to control insatiable desires such as
harmful foods, over-consumption of alcohol or drugs etc., and instead of using the
will to control that desire the individual continues to abuse the body. Again, the
condition may be karmic, a need to spur the person to undertake remedial action of
some kind in order to adopt a lifestyle that will enhance the spiritual standing.
The current answer is transplanting an organ from a donor body. This has its own
dangers as witness the number of immunosuppressant drugs which have to be taken
for life, in order to prevent a rejection of the transplanted organ. Each life-
form has its own particular energy construct and the imposition of a foreign body
causes an interference in the energy pattern. In attempting to restore the overall
integrity of the body the incompatible block of energy is divorced and can only be
retained if the energies of introduced drugs are able to dampen the antagonism
between the energies.
Medical intervention should be oriented to growing a new organ from the patients
own stem cells to retain the original pattern of energies. Medical science is now
experimenting with this approach and some success is apparent in early trials. An
extract from Guided Writings also contains some information pertinent to this: -
“The artificial transplants will continue (artificial materials i.e.) but they
will never really be accepted, nor should they as there is no need when so much
can be preserved or grown. God's Plan definitely does not include polluting or
debasing the human body/psyche with metals, plastics (except as joints) or with
animal transplants. It disturbs the aura, the etheric body emanations - it is
really an abomination. Atlantis brought itself down in this manner. God’s world
has built-in safety devices, tampering with His human creation is the strongest of
all and will not be tolerated. So hope ye all that scientists do not carry onwards
in that direction; direct prayers and right thought towards any area you know is
straying from the path.”
I had occasion to review this chapter, some months after it was written, and in
the intervening period came across the book ‘The Heart’s Code’. It was written by
Paul Pearsall Ph.D., who is a psychoneuroimmunologist. Some of his work involves
working with individuals who have had heart transplants, and also has had contacts
with the families of some of them. What he has experienced bears out the warnings
given earlier – taking an organ from one body to another has adverse implications
for the recipient, apart from the drugs taken to offset the rejection effect.

Individuals who have received a heart from another often experience a change in
personality, habits, mannerisms, etc. The book records some of these, which were
accompanied by verification of them by spouses and other family members. Instances
quoted included : -
• two men, one of whom gave his good heart ( he had poor lungs which needed a
transplant) to another whilst himself receiving a healthy heart plus lungs from a
donor, agreed that the food cravings experienced were exactly those of the one who
had given the heart to him. Not only that, the wives of the two men also agreed
that personality traits had also been transferred, even to the point that the
recipient would mention the donor’s wife’s name when he was making love to his
• The widow of a heart donor, after his death, spoke to the mother of the
recipient, a heavily accented Spanish-speaker. The mother said her son now uses
the word ‘copacetic’ all the time despite that not being a Spanish word. The widow
said her husband always used that word to signify that everything was OK.
• A heart transplant surgeon said one of his patients now had a fear of
killing himself. The heart received was from a person who committed suicide.
• An eight-year old girl started screaming at night about the man who had
murdered her donor. She had received the heart of a ten-year old girl who had been
murdered. The eight-year old described the murderer, knew who he was, the time of
the murder, the weapon, the place, the clothes he wore, etc. He was apprehended by
the police.

After reading the book I wondered about individuals who will be in line to receive
hearts from pigs and also there is the question of what effects, if any, are the
result of the transplant of other organs.

The essence of the book is that the heart is the seat of memory and distributes it
throughout the body, and receives memory from the various parts via the agency of
the blood which reaches every part of the body. This is in line with an emerging
belief that memory is not resident in the brain but is distributed throughout the

For those who can accept discarnate entities being in a position to contact
receivers on Earth the following extract from Guided Writings may be of interest.
The communicator in this case had a previous existence as a doctor – “But we
doctors then made up for our lack of miracle medications by an application of real
doctoring, we "saw" our patients in depth - their lives and their psyches, and we
were able to prescribe herbal potions and medicaments that went to the heart of
the problem - easing situations before they worsened. We were able to prescribe
from the heart, from the instincts of a healing gift, and our patients lived in
spite of the lack of today's discoveries. It was, in fact, when doctoring began to
be diverted (and today, perverted in many cases) to chemical healing, to shallow
diagnosing, that I lost out, in my heart, to that profession. 1 chose to remain
with the herbals and even to dig further into the healing world to discover what I
was able of attending to all the bodies of each patient. I was not alone in this
of course, being neither young nor too old there were many of my confreres who
battled on to continue practising within their conscience. The very young eagerly
embraced the new, the mechanistic, the old simply went along as they were and
gradually faded into retirement. This is not to denigrate the practitioners of
today - there is much demanded of them, more than mind can cope with at times.
With all the advancements (and so many techniques and knowledge are beautiful to
behold) the more each doctor must learn, must hold in his mind, must push into
each day. That part is not good and although the specialising practitioners are
necessary today, much of the patient is being lost in the transfer from here to
here to hospital. There are better methods of handling this but too many in the
healing profession are being hassled with the sheer numbers of ailing persons and
they don't look deeply and caringly enough at each - nowhere in the world should
any one person be looked at as a number, reduced to a cipher.

Illnesses in the world are usually a reflection of the ways of that time - of the
moral attitudes and of the monetary standards. When there was little money for the
majority, and people were not living in and of the country, then illnesses
reflecting poor food, living and working conditions, poorly formed babies and so
on - there were illnesses like rickets, pellagra, typhoid (from crowding and poor
hygiene), tuberculosis - well all those sorts of things. Cancer was not advanced,
as cancer is on the whole the illness of plenty. At one time people had stress
diseases of ulcers, bursitis, lumbago, rheumatism, now it is more likely to turn
to cancer. Tuberculosis yielded to better housing etc., and food, sleep and so
forth; plus the weakness died out in the peoples themselves.

So look at the diseases down the centuries and you will find a pattern. Today your
AIDS replaces syphilis etc., and is slightly more lethal because the cause is more
degenerate. Look at your societies and you can see what ailments will eventuate.
And cancer will not decrease until airborne and edible pollution is brought under
control. Lack of stress, emotional balance and so on can surely relieve the
pressures thereby lessening the body's tendency to develop cancer - it won't stop
it though if other attitudes are not changed. Medical science is realising all
this but there's a long row to hoe before they can do anything drastic or dramatic
about it. The food manufacturers in every field, the factory owners, those
benefiting from pornography and drugs, they are all a mighty obstacle to progress.
Politicians and religious people don't help either, so it’s a "do-it-your-self'”
world, and “pass the message along" road to health, until one day a break-through
occurs. If it occurs, who can say? So it is very important that you do all that
you can towards nutrition and right thought, right practice in life.” (6.4.87)

The chapter closes with another extract from Guided Writings – “So no, where do we
see an acceptance of instantaneous cure, even miracles happen to people who are
desperate for cure and have made some efforts towards changing. And miracles last
or "take" only as much as the psyche was prepared for this change. Heal a body
that is not about to change to healthful ways and the healing soon lapses. If only
humans could understand that all is order in nature and all is done at a steady,
logical pace. Even if we never understand why we were harmed or hampered while
trying to mature, we can accept then that it was God's will and had a purpose.

There are many ways of healing in absentia and many degrees of adeptness amongst
the healers and their spiritual contacts. One form of healing is accomplished by
the energies being sent to the person in need, in which case the name is
sufficient, as long as someone present is familiar with that and can visualise for
the direction of the energies (the thought of the one familiar with the one to be
healed makes the connection for the rays to flow along).

That is a very common and effective method though it can take longer for the
overall results. Adepts or groups in contact with higher beings would use as much
information as possible to enable a direct "visit” rather than a vibrational
contact. In the instance you think of (Cayce) he used this direct visit more for
assessing or diagnosing the patient, then gave a "prescription, based on that
visit, when returned to consciousness.

Healing by sound? How do you feel when loud and discordant sounds, musical, or
otherwise, assault your ears? These are waves, emanations, and they travel along
your nerve paths towards the brain. Every cell, every atom, is exposed to those
sounds and your mind and brain as well as well as your psyche are being bombarded
by hostility, for (they) are hostile.

You could not function within such an onslaught and certainly your bodies cannot
either. It is not, in the true sense, "healing" by sound, more a case of sound
sending, such soothing and beneficial sensations along the pathways that the
cells, the very atoms and molecules vibrate in the most pleasing (to them) ways.
They are soothed and inspired - oh yes, they can be inspired, the most healthful
activities, whether creating or re-creating (healing) goes on. There are certain
sounds that can be sent directly to the ailing or distorted area/organ (or
whatever). These have been discovered in your world by trial and observation.
These are particular vibrations for that specific area or ailment and can be quite
piercing, though quiet and still melodic or soothing. The piercing sounds are sent
in very short bursts, as a sort of pulsing - any other way would be damaging, as
they are very effective.

They are intended to dismantle the unhealthy cluster so as to release any healthy
cells within, and to allow healthy cells without, to enter also, to begin their
work. Between the renewal of activity of the healthy cells creating strength
against discordant growth, and the short bursts of the sound, the morbid growths
are cleared away. This is a specialised activity as the length and spacing of the
bursts of sound must be controlled., more insistent at the beginning and tapering
off as health is being re-established in that area. These particular piercing
sounds cannot be used as an overall benefit as they could serve to over-activate
healthy cells. Only sensitives would use this particular form of healing.

Over all, the soothing sounds and music (it is all music, really) are the ones
used by not so highly sensitive persons (psychics i.e.). And they are very good,
as the cessation of stress on the body allows healing to begin. Sound healing
should also be used in conjunction with other forms of healing, they all have
their place and usage, and it is just that persons are individual in their
particular gifts and abilities. Actually there is more to sound and colour healing
than is generally used, but you have not the machines so there is no use of the
knowledge.” (15.5.85)
Chapter 8 Relationships

Often, when we refer to relationships, we think of human relationships and ignore

the far vaster world of relationships. In previous chapters there has been
reference to the starting point of creation, out of which developed the Seven
Rays, the seven levels in each of them and the four kingdoms which are part of the
Earth’s life.

What tends to be forgotten is that within the wholeness of creation everything is

related to everything else. The human body can be used as an example of that total
relationship. Although the parts that make up the body are also individual lives
they gave up their individuality in order to be part of a larger individuality.
Take enough of those parts away and the body begins to decline in health and its
ability to function to the optimum desired. This idea can be extended to the
entire environment in which all life exists.

Perhaps the greatest need that faces all of us today is the developing of true
brotherhood, true local, and international, relationships.

It is worth thinking about the universe, in its totality, as the creation of God
Who, in His perfection, can see only perfection in His creation. Wholeness implies
that it is complete, without taint, perfect. In the beginning of a creation, of
anything, the picture of completeness is in the mind but the process of achieving
that status can be fraught with difficulty as the materials, and the method,
usually require a lot of experimentation. Take an entire universe, with free will
as an operational factor and it is easy to accept that dissension, energies at
cross-purposes, discarding of imperfect creations etc., are ever-present.

Human relationships are therefore of extreme importance in evolving a humanity

that acts as one, as a whole, whilst retaining a knowledge also of each human
being as an individual but committed to a common purpose.

Having established that light (energy) is the moving force within creation, that
light consisting of multifarious strands of differing qualities, it is
understandable that there is a lot of friction as the different energy qualities
clash. Humanity’s raison d’être is to gradually smooth out the frictions that
exist within its sphere. Because of the interconnectedness of everything within
the primal whole humanity must also come to terms with its relationship to the
other three kingdoms which form the body of the Earth.

Relationship must also be made with those other kingdoms so that they, too, can
evolve to a higher level of being. When God said “Let us make Man in our image,
after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over
the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the Earth and over every
creeping thing that creepeth upon the Earth” , He was not using word ‘dominion’ in
the sense used today of subduing all life for Man’s purposes.

Dominion also means a protectorate, homeland, commonwealth, which infers that the
kingdoms should be under our protection and treated as equals, with care and the
provision of necessary assistance. If we do not follow that path, and abuse the
life that is in those kingdoms, it can be assumed that at some point in time there
will be repercussions because of our lack of stewardship.

Everything in the universe is ordained to evolve, every life-form is meant to add

to its qualities and achieve perfection. If one takes a serious look at the
disregard for other lives, the degradation of the ecology of the Earth, and the
degradation of human lives through exploitation in all of its many guises, one can
see why there is eventually a ‘fighting back’. Terrorism, such as that
experienced, not only as the destruction of the World Trade Centre, but also that
perversion of democracy in destabilising national governments, supplying armaments
to ‘friends’ who later become ‘foes’, the elevation of trading rights over human
rights and other negative operations, is to be expected. Humanity has always
fought against tyranny.

Relationships, therefore, are the most important part of the life of the universe.

The Environment (universe)

This is the stage, the ground on which all life plays its part. In ‘The Turning
Point’, Fritjof Capra comments that the universe is, in effect, an interconnected
web of relationships which is intrinsically dynamic, that is, a constantly
shifting arrangement of energies providing the texture of the whole. The reason
for the constant shifting is the inner need for harmony. The opposites must come
together to form a balanced whole.

With so many interconnections at both the horizontal, and the vertical, planes it
is no wonder that there is a constant clashing of forces. This is clearly seen in
action in the Earth’s environment. Over the billions of years of the Earth’s
existence the biosphere has evolved whilst retaining homeostasis (the ability or
tendency of an organism or a cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting
its physiological processes), from a conglomeration of minerals to a point where
there is an enormous diversity of life. Despite the literally millions of life
forms they have, until recently, respected each other’s right to life, taking life
only to maintain a living body. Whenever a life-form becomes a threat to
surrounding lives it is rendered harmless by means of various devices such as
bacterial and viral attacks, predators grown more abundant in order to control
burgeoning populations and reduce those numbers whereby a balance is attained. In
the wild, it would be very rare to see any individual life-form taking over more
than its fair share of the space, food, water or air on which all life depends.

Man, because of his evolution beyond the point where he, also, used to be in
balance and harmony with the environment, has the ability to destabilise the life
around him, and has done so with a vengeance.

There is no kinship, no relationship, of value when the natural world is

imprisoned, when it is stolen from, and denigrated as being a mere tool for Man’

Human consciousness has created the idea that humanity is separate from nature,
that the Earth and its wealth is there for the taking because of our supreme
importance in the evolution of life. It is as if we believe that we can operate
within a man-made environment, that technological advances will ensure our
continuation as a viable force on this planet. The recognition of a spiritual
world, out of which the physical one was born, results in a very different focus
of attention as one becomes aware of the illusory nature of what we are and what
we live in and on.

The universe was not constructed for Man. Man is a factor in evolution and is
meant to increase the diversity of life, to develop it, beautify it, and realise
its evolutionary potential. Every atom, every molecule, every living form, was
born (created) with a consciousness that can be enhanced.

Wilderness has its natural beauty and value and much of it needs to be preserved
to allow its intrinsic values to act as a model for what life can provide without
the need for external meddling. Wilderness areas act as a laboratory or incubator
for the creation of new life-forms. Over the eons, natural forces have re-shaped
the land masses, created new life-forms and caused the extinction of those that
could not fit into the changed circumstances.

When Man works with nature he is capable of creating breathless landscapes,

magnificent gardens, forests, using methods that nature itself does not possess.
During Man’s life on Earth he has improved the beauty of flowers, both visually
and by way of more pleasing fragrances. Wild plants have been bred to give a wider
variety of foodstuffs, improved yields, elimination of diseases that attack

Nature, through its direct response to spiritual guidance, may take years,
centuries even, to introduce new species that fit into the environment. It would
be rare to discover a new life-form that devastated the habitat. Man, if not
guided by his spiritual nature, does not really think before he introduces new
life-forms. Thought is divorced from reality as it often pertains to the need to
obtain yet more and more out of the resources that nature provides.

Each area of the Earth has its own particular vibrations which are conducive to
the flora and fauna which live within it. Introduce a foreign element and the
potential for disaster is present. Vibratory patterns are present in individual
organisms, in species, in tracts of land and water and in the Earth as a whole.
Place an alien organism in a vibratory pattern and it may fit in with the
vibration and harmonise. Alternatively it will find the vibrations are too intense
and it will be unable to maintain its presence, or it will discover that the
environment provides extra energy and it will proliferate, often wiping out
species that formerly lived in harmony with the surroundings.

There is geological evidence that over the life of the Earth it has suffered many
cataclysmic events, with lands submerging, emerging, being thrust up by volcanic
or other forces, with resulting opportunities for new life, new atmospheric gases
and changed ratios thereof and in every case it can be said that life became more
abundant and more harmonious.

When Man changes nature, however, he can do it using his rational mind and not his
spiritual mind. Intellectual development has, over the years, overridden the need
to be aware of how natural forces interact, with the result that there is now a
divorce between concrete mind and higher mind. This had to happen because of the
involution from spiritual realms to the densely physical. The return to spirit,
via the evolutionary thrust, now needs a change in our relationship to the natural
world. If we are unable to more rapidly effect the change we face the grave danger
of becoming yet another species that was unable to adapt to a different
environment. The evidence of our disregard for natural relationships and processes
is revealed by the extent of the degradation of all parts of the biosphere. Where
nature recycles all of its dead forms into new life, Man continually pours out
more material that cannot be recycled because nature did not produce it and
therefore does not have past experience with which to deal with it.

To restore harmony and right relationships with the natural environment Man must
investigate nature’s methods and use them in his technological world. This can be
done, and is being done, on a small scale but to achieve a stay in the declining
ability of the Earth to accommodate what we do it is imperative that there be
immediate international action by way of public education announcements through
the United Nations, through initiation of policies by political parties and the
acceptance by the economic entities that profits need not suffer if the
environment is restored to health.
Other Kingdoms

If it is accepted that all organisms, whether they be microbes, humans, planets,

galaxies, are actually parts of one whole life, relationships extend in
multifaceted directions. On our own planet, for example, there is a chain of life
which began in the mineral kingdom and progressed through the plant, animal, and
human kingdoms. Every one of us retains elements of the stages which thrust us
into the highest kingdom of all, the human.

Why should evolution stop at the human level? According to esoteric knowledge,
there are seven kingdoms in all, again repeating that seven-fold emanation of
energies which have already been related in earlier chapters. If humanity is to
achieve its destiny in the fifth kingdom, the spiritual, the bases on which
humanity stands must be kept intact, and improved. That is why the Creative Force
gave Man dominion over all other life forms. We are meant to hold them in trust,
to be their trustees, and this implies that we have a relationship with the
organisms in the three lower kingdoms.

On a practical note our bodies contain, and have need of for good health, minerals
from the mineral kingdom, plants as food to sustain our bodies, and animals which
provide food, the ability to roam, which spreads seeds etc., for a proper
distribution and renewal of plant life, motive power in indigenous areas and also
in less-developed countries. In a similar vein, plants grow in the Earth, rocks,
and oceans, drawing their sustenance from the mineral kingdom and the sun. Animals
eat plants and other animals and we are at the top of the food chain.

In addition to the receipt of nourishment from these three lower kingdoms Man also
receives it from the kingdom above, the spiritual, by way of inspiration,
intuition and the down-pouring of love, and will-to-good. The intermediaries in
this flow of spiritual nourishment are the Hierarchy of Man and Avatars - highly
developed beings who are able to create forms for special purposes in order to
guide mankind – with the Christ, the Buddha, Mohummad, being prime examples.

This vast array of relationships means that whatever happens by way of physical,
emotional, and mental outputs is reflected in some minute, or very large, effect
on the entire universe. It is this sort of relationship, or resonance, between all
of the energies in the universe, that inspired the notion that a butterfly
stirring the air today in Peking can transform storm systems next month in New
York (Chaos, James Gleick, p 8).

Returning to the fact that all life is packets of energy interacting with each
other it may be taken as a truism that too much interference in established
interrelationships will upset the status quo and cause the evolutionary pattern to
undergo a change. The interference may be relatively minor, such as deforesting a
hillside and allowing the Earth to cascade down it when there is a heavy downpour,
or of major impact such as an asteroid hitting the Earth and causing a major
effect such as the supposed elimination of dinosaurs in a past period of time.

Man must therefore be very cautious, and very sure of the likely consequences
whenever there is a negative interference with natural forces.

Human Relations

Within the human kingdom the relationships can be one-to-one, tribal, suburban,
city, country, continent and inter-continental. It is probably not too far from
the truth to say that our entire lives, from birth to death, are vitally affected
by the nature of the relationships between us. Bearing in mind that we are packets
of energy (despite the apparent solid bodies) it is evident that bringing these
energies together can result in very intimate and close relationships, where one
lives for the other, or very explosive and hateful ones.

Relationships decide whether we lead a good life, or one that is barely able to
survive the pressures of the energies that impinge upon it. In esoteric science
the Science of Relationships effects the process of evolution by a means of
communication and response. It is an invocation and an evocation, the expression
of a need and the resultant receipt of an answer to that need, which may or may
not be what the invoker expected.

Humanity is in the throes of a great experiment, the attempt to blend the positive
and negative forces, disparate ideas and beliefs, into a state where they are
accepted and produce an unbelievable harmony, unbelievable at the present time
because there is such a lag in development of so much of humanity.

It has been established that human DNA varies very little between the various
races and ethnic groups. There is therefore a strong common bond between all human
beings despite the external differences that are apparent to the eye. If we are
so similar in our genetic make-up the question arises of why there can be so much
antipathy between individuals, ethnic groups, racial groups, nations, religions,
and the many other divisions that exist in our society.

Diversity appears to create the animosities that are so prevalent and yet
diversity is necessary to provide a base for the corrections that are necessary
when conflicts arise. Diversity is fruitful because thrust, and counter-thrust,
produce energy with which to allow movement to happen. This is similar to the
creative force which uses positive and negative energy to produce the third, or
active force, without which evolution would cease. Competition to achieve a
desired result if the parties to that effort are working together as a team, or
group, and pool their resources rather than dissipating them in an attempt to out
achieve the other, is one thing; to use it to achieve and still have a fruitful
relationship is another.

Humanity can learn a lot from the humblest of organisms, the bacteria. They co-
operate rather than compete, exchanging genetic material in order to create an
organism to survive in new, and hostile, environments. Our tendency is to compete,
even though it inevitably results in a triumph of the powerful over the weak. A
truly compassionate society would follow the road of the bacteria and ensure that
all humans became powerful.

Disharmony can be regarded as being caused by greed and a lack of responsibility.

Greed for more than is necessary for a relatively satisfying life and a selfish
attitude which ignores our basic responsibility for one another, especially that
of the rich for the poor, the healthy for the unhealthy, the strong for the weak,
and so on, are the prime causes of world disharmony.

Eilenn Caddy writes “From time to time, review your relationships with those
around you. Review your motives and your attitudes. Look within before blaming
anyone else. See what you can do personally to right a wrong, and do it instantly.
Don’t wait for the other person to make the first move.” (messages given to her in
moments of stillness)

The higher entities, who guide the human race, had to put in early Man’s mind the
idea of being a separate ego to provoke the development of the personality. If
this had not happened, evolution would have faltered, or at least would have been
severely hampered, because there would have been very little incentive to break
out of the communal/tribal mould. Backing for this can be seen by looking at the
virtual cessation of growth in indigenous communities. This is not to belittle
those communities. Apart from periodic fights with other tribes they espouse
working together, they have deep spiritual beliefs and they are, if left alone,
capable of deep relationships as long as their territory is not threatened. They
serve a very useful purpose for humanity, an example of how to live in peace and
maintain a culture for tens of thousands of years. By contrast, the developing
humans see their cultures disappear in a relatively short time.

If we are to survive as a viable force on this planet we must accept that our
attitudes must change. The tribal community, as noted above, can exist for long
periods of time and we must emulate that pattern but on a higher turn of the
spiral, by combining core relationships with continual progressive movement to a
higher level of being. In place of tribal loyalties we now have group loyalties
and it is to be noted that group working has seen an explosive growth from the
time when the sun began its retrogression into the sign of Aquarius from Pisces.
In World Goodwill 2000-3 p 3 there are thoughts such as: human unity is the
foundation underlying core global values; time is needed for adjustment –
disparate individuals and the various ethnic, racial, and national communities
will not achieve rapprochement in a few short years; in a spirit of goodwill there
are thousands of non-profit, education, and charitable organisations serving the
many varied needs of humanity and it was non-government organisations that sparked
such forward steps as the International Criminal Court, the Land Mines Treaty and
the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Much of the prejudice against other peoples arises from fear of someone, or some
group, that is different. This leads to many of the problems we face today –
superiority of one race, one group over another, antipathy towards the disabled,
both physically and mentally, religious beliefs that clash, and there are many
more reasons why there is a rejection of another. Often these barriers to good
human relations lead to domestic, civil, and inter-country warfare.

A different attitude can arise from a willingness to believe in reincarnation,

that journey of the personality through one life after another in the quest for
spiritual growth. We are all born equal, in the sense that we are all created by
the same Being, but various factors have resulted in a spreading out of the
spiritual standing of all human beings. The result is that we are all learning but
from different starting points in each life. Whenever one of us heaps scorn on a
person from another race, someone with a disability, a person who doesn’t appeal
to our particular standard there is always the possibility that the scorner may
have been that sort of person in a previous life or may yet be in that position in
a future life. We are all travelling the same road but at different speeds and
along different paths.

There is no easy way out of our conflicts, they have to be settled by continual
efforts to heal the rifts that are present among us. The Tibetan had something to
say along these lines – “There is no scientific and hitherto unknown mode of
solving racial problems. It is finally a question of right thinking, decent
behaviour, and simple kindness. The question will not be solved by inter-marriage,
or by isolating groups for occupation of special areas, or by any man-made ideas
of superiority or inferiority. Right human relations will come by a mutual
recognition of mistakes, by sorrow for wrong action in the past, and by
restitution, if possible. It will come when nations can be educated to appreciate
the good qualities of other nations and to comprehend the part they play in the
whole picture. It will be developed when the sense of racial superiority is
killed; when racial differences and racial quarrels are relegated to the unholy
past and only a future of cooperation and of understanding is actively developed;
it will make its presence felt when the living standards of right relation (sought
by the enlightened people of every race) become the habitual attitude of the
masses and when it is regarded as contrary to the best interests of any nation to
spread those ideas which tend to erect racial or national barriers, arouse hatreds
or foster differences and separation. Such a time will surely come. Humanity will
master the problem of right human relations and attitudes.”

He made a similar comment to this in another book he wrote: “If there is not an
appreciable change in human relations, then there will be little immediate hope of
bringing about that united effort which will lead to world stabilisation,
interracial and international understanding, economic interdependence and
universal good will. For it is the good will of the powerful groups for humanity
and therefore for the masses, and the good will of the intelligentsia and of the
influential middle classes which will bring about the needed intelligent changes,
which can affect every human being. The hope of the world today lies in the
development of good will—not peace as the word is usually interpreted, to mean
merely an enforced freedom from war, and an expediently enforced pacifism, but the
cultivation of a spirit of good will, intelligently applied, and worked out with
purpose into the fabric of the individual and national life.”

Rights and Responsibilities

As a part of being alive every living creature has rights and responsibilities. To
have rights means that there are responsibilities attached to those rights – to
receive one needs to give.

This philosophy applies not only to human beings but also those lives in the lower
kingdoms, particularly the animals but also, to a lesser extent, the plant
kingdom. One way of looking at this is to refer back to the evolution of the life-
force from the first living organisms, through the plants, to the animals and then
the humans. We are a product of that growth in complexity and therefore should pay
our respects to that from which we came.

We are the custodians of the animal life as we now hold their lives in our hands.
Our technologies have the ability to eradicate species, to deny them appropriate
land and sustenance, to poison them and to treat them as if they are of no
consequence in our scheme of things. Animals can be said, on their part, to have
responsibilities to humans, as their bodies are needed to provide part of our food
requirements and in return for that they are entitled to live in as natural a way
as possible and to be given some dignity in light of their having emotions and
feelings and an emerging consciousness.

In 1941 Franklin DeLano Roosevelt broached the four freedoms that Man aspires to –
freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear.
These four fundamentals are underpinned by the understanding that all human beings
are, at the deepest level, as a result of their spiritual origin, potentially
absolutely equal. Each one of us expresses the source of all life and
consciousness and forms the basis from a recognition of unity because each
individual manifests the reality of the One Life.

Seven years later, on 10th December, 1948, the General Assembly of the United
nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. There
are 30 articles altogether and include such statements as Article 1: “All human
beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason
and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”
Article 2 includes: “Everyone is entitled….. without distinction of any kind, such
as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, natural or
social origin, property, birth or other status.”

The remaining 28 Articles can be said to hang on those two articles.

Carrying out our responsibilities can be as simple as giving a helping hand to a
neighbour, or a colleague at work, many bonds being forged through mutual help.
These can tap another dimension by releasing spiritual energies, deepening
friendships and inculcating a sense of belonging.

Each one of us is a complex network of relations which carry energy and which are
subject to flux and change. There is an analogy between human service and an
electric current, which only flows when it is providing energy for something
beyond itself. If one is selfish and holds that current within one’s own being it
acts as a short circuit and eventually halts the flow. In addition to this
horizontal flow there is also a vertical flow between the lower and higher planes
of energy. If we give energy to others, in the many ways in which this can be
carried out, we leave ourselves open to a steady, and increasing flow, from the
higher realms of being.

For a truly balanced, and satisfying, life, there must also be a flow of goodwill
towards ourselves as well as to others. One of the most significant signs of a
well-balanced personality is a person who also values their own life, not to the
point of egotism but a realisation that one is doing one’s best.

An interesting aspect of relationships was noted in issue No. 58 of New Humanity.

It stated that each relationship sees our single unit locked into another unit.
When a relationship ceases a small fragment of it remains for ever attached as a
new part of each unit, and it continues to exert an effect. This is something
similar to a statement in a book I read that whenever we shake hands with someone,
or touch them, there is an attachment which, like an elastic band, stretches as
the two parties move away from each other.

The result is that the more units we join with, the greater the number of facets
in our personality unit. As a result our experience and outlook are broadened.

Every 2,400 years or so a new cycle of energies begins as the sun moves anti-
clockwise through the zodiacal signs, the present change being from Pisces to
Aquarius. The new energy pattern begins to replace the old, causing major changes
by questioning the old and familiar and inserting new patterns and relationships.
One consequence of the Aquarian energy is to enhance the growth of groups wherein
people learn to co-operate in order to achieve an objective, in one sense a more
impersonal approach as one has to learn to give away a part of oneself in order to
fit into a larger organism.

This urge to form larger organisms is possibly one reason for the formation of
organisations such as the World Trade Organisation, which has sparked the idea of
globalisation. Unfortunately, thoughts which are impressed upon us from the higher
realms of spirit are taken up by individuals with varying levels of altruism and
as is often the case the initial impression is taken up selfishly rather than
public-spiritedly. An interesting view on the distortion cause by globalisation
was put by Frances Milne in the 1995 The Other Economic Summit (T.O.E.S.) meeting.
In speaking of the erosion of national sovereignty and the growth of powerlessness
she said: “The primary limitation in humankind achieving its full spiritual and
psychological potential is that the economy sets up a win-lose situation in which
people’s survival is at stake. Even affluent countries are engulfed by endemic
anxiety and stress based on the uncertainties of employment, growing inequality
and profound social alienation. Such deeply embedded anxiety about basic survival
destroys personal and social relationships and stifles confidence and initiative.”

That speaks of disconnectedness, not connectedness, and because the universe is

One, and its parts are meant to become One, that situation will cause a crisis out
of which new growth can take place. Globalisation, in its present form, is also a
denial of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and it behooves all nations
which have economic clout to take steps to move towards the spirit of that

We can look at connectedness in another way, based on the originating energy which
created all life. Its opening impulse was for unity and harmony but as it
progressed to the more dense levels its purity was tarnished. If we truly believe
in the justice of a wise creator we can be prepared to accept that every spirit
born into a body has a certain potential and that with every other spirit there is
the seed of harmony with all life.

All human beings come into this life with a talent, an inborn urge to fulfil a
purpose. It is my contention that if every human being was allowed, and
encouraged, to be themselves, without pressure by family, by status-seeking,
coercion by others and the many subtle ways in which family and State pervert the
borning promise, there would be a society that functioned with almost unbelievable
harmony. A manager would not need to be paid outrageous amounts for his services,
he would do it gladly because he would be realising his birth potential. A
tradesman, a labourer, a nurse, a lawyer, would all be expressing their
contribution to society out of the sheer joy of being themselves. Utopian perhaps
but what passes for a workable society leaves very much to be desired. We are all
in this together, whether we like it or not and if we do not ‘connect’ we will
continue to live in a less than ideal world.

In ‘Guided Writings” some similar sentiments were received from a discarnate

entity and portray the situation from a ‘higher’ point of view: “If the project is
not what we really wish to do, barring always the sense of duty, (that lies with
tedious, necessary functions re household and the workplace) it is the incorrect
path as our chosen path should be one of joy in dedication and determination. That
is not a tragedy if recognised and dealt with, the wrong path for you is the
correct path for some others. Our natures have been "constructed" so that like
nature's flora and fauna, we should be in a state of balance. Should be, but in
the human other influences can tend to divert us from our true calling, whether it
is society's or family's prejudice, more income, or power. None of those reasons,
in the long run, will produce happiness for us, and proper conduct of our work
which would and should have been of benefit to the whole. According to what is
new, popular, materially rewarding, becomes the path for the shallow-thinking,
easily-led, a stampede of enthusiasts overflowing one path to leave other needed
works sparsely tended.

Evil influences are at work everywhere to degrade humanity, to force it down to

the depths of ugliness, cruelty and depravity. These are negative forces which
have been building up since the first unsocial act of greed was committed, a
staking out by an entity long ago in anger at another competing for the same
prize, whether it was food, or shelter or a mate. Every wrong act, as well as
moral act, leaves a vibration, an effect, and as has so often been the case the
evil has outweighed the good.

It is so difficult for humans to comprehend that to be good often means to be at

an economic/material disadvantage. If the rewards of a peaceful conscience and the
refining of one's spirit towards the true life in our world (the spirit world) are
not seen as sufficient and equal to the material comforts others have gained,
often through unscrupulous methods, then more and more humans fall into the wrong
habits of thinking and doing and thus add more power to the negative and
destructive vibrations.

Understand all and envy no-one, it's all so simple if only they would listen, then

Until humanity realises this, there will be much frenzied activity of peoples
trying to find happiness by grabbing it, stealing it, fighting for it, or stooping
to drink, drugs, sexual perversions or excesses, and cruelty, to gain some
semblance of gratification. That doesn't work as history has shown through the
Bible and through every historical writing. All we can do is pass this message on
to the ones who will hear us and ask them to believe it, practise it, and pass it
along by example and word of mouth. But equally as important, to know that there
is good in the world and to focus always on 'that, with love, compassion and joy.
Pour positive thoughts of love, healing, blessing rays of purifying light towards
the world and its' peoples in general, it needs a powerhouse of healing light
vibrations to restore etheric balance.”

Humanity has always had the assistance of those who have gone before; the
enlightened ones who have attained that quality of being that they now live at
such a high level of frequency that a physical body can no longer withstand the
vibrancy of the energies which they can utilise. Some of that guidance is given in
the writings of the Tibetan, Djwal Kuhl, from which the following extracts are
taken as being relevant to the matter written in this chapter: -

“Today there are many thousands coming under the influence of this Law of Loving
Understanding. Many in every nation are responding to the broader synthetic
brotherly note, but the masses as yet understand nothing of this. They must be
led in right ways gradually by the steady development in right understanding of
their own nationals. Bear this in mind, all of you who work for world peace and
right human relations, for harmony and for synthesis.”

“Christ came in the sign of Pisces, the Fishes — the sign of the divine
Intermediary in the highest sense, or of the medium in the lower; it is the sign
of many of the world Saviours and of those Revealers of divinity Who establish
world relationships. I would have you note that phrase. The major impulse
driving the Christ towards special work was the desire to establish right human
relations; it is also the desire — realised or unrealised — of humanity, and we
know that some day the Desire of all nations will come, that right human relations
will be found everywhere and that goodwill will implement that fulfilment, leading
to peace in all lands and among all peoples.

In the Aquarian Age, the Risen Christ is Himself the Water-Carrier; He will not
this time demonstrate the perfected life of a Son of God, which was His main
mission before; He will appear as the supreme Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy,
meeting the need of the thirsty nations of the world — thirsty for truth, for
right human relations and for loving understanding. He will be recognised this
time by all and in His Own Person will testify to the fact of the resurrection,
and hence demonstrate the paralleling fact of the immortality of the soul, of the
spiritual man. The emphasis during the past two thousand years has been on death;
it has coloured all the teaching of the orthodox churches; only one day in the
year has been dedicated to the thought of the resurrection. The emphasis in the
Aquarian Age will be on life and freedom from the tomb of matter, and this is the
note which will distinguish the new world religion from all that have preceded

“I have suggested that the textbooks be rewritten in terms of right human

relations and not from the present nationalistic and separative angles. I have
also pointed out certain basic ideas which should be immediately inculcated: the
unique value of the individual, the beauty of humanity, the relation of the
individual to the whole and his responsibility to fit into the general picture in
a constructive manner and voluntarily; I have noted the imminence of the coming
spiritual renaissance. To all of these I would like to add that one of our
immediate educational objectives must be the elimination of the competitive spirit
and the substitution of the cooperative consciousness. Here the question at once
arises: How can one achieve this and at the same time bring about a high level of
individual attainment? Is not competition a major spur to all endeavour? This
has hitherto been so, but it need not be.”

Esoteric Healing was first published in 1953 and it is worthy of note that in the
start of the 21st century the following words would be easily repeatable in any
book about humanity. When reading them it should sink home that all readers, who
have the ability to grow in spiritual and human ways must seriously question
whether they are fulfilling their potential.

“Confound not evil with the activities of the gangster or the criminal. Criminals
and gangsters are the result of the emerging massed imperfections: they are the
victims of ignorance, mishandling when children and misunderstanding down the ages
of right human relations; the Law of Rebirth will eventually lead them on the way
to good. Those men are truly evil who seek to enforce a return to the bad old
ways, who endeavour to keep their fellowmen in slavery of some kind or another,
who block the expression of one or all of the Four Freedoms, who gain material
riches at the expense of the exploited, or who seek to hold for themselves and for
gain the produce of the Earth, and thus make the cost of life's necessities
prohibitive to those not richly endowed. Those who thus work, think and plan are
to be found in every nation, and are usually of prominence because of their riches
and influence; however, they sin against light and not through ignorance; their
goals are material and not spiritual. They are relatively few compared to the
countless millions of men, but are exceedingly powerful; they are highly
intelligent but unscrupulous, and it is through them that the Forces of Evil work,
holding back progress, promoting poverty, breeding hatred and class distinctions,
fostering racial differences for their own ends, and keeping ignorance in power.
Their sin is great and it is hard for them to change, because power and the will-
to-power (as it militates against the will-to-good) is a dominant all-controlling
factor in their lives; these men are today working against the unity of the United
Nations, through their greed, their determination to own the resources of the
Earth (such as oil, mineral wealth and food) and thus keep the people weak and
with inadequate food. These men, who are found in every nation, thoroughly
understand each other and are working together in great combines to exploit the
riches of the Earth at the expense of humanity.”


The Encyclopaedia Britannica states that “Religion is commonly regarded as

consisting of a person’s relation to God or to gods or spirits. Worship is
probably the most basic element of religion, but moral conduct, right belief, and
participation in religious institutions are generally also constituent elements of
the religious life as practiced by believers and worshippers and as commanded by
religious sages and scriptures.”

Religion is manmade and covers a wide spectrum of beliefs. The extreme differences
between the most opposing views can lead to individuals who are in doubt about the
existence of a god or a creator, being extremely sceptical about any benefit in
following a religious life.

Human beings are at different stages of consciousness and therefore what can be
expected as a propensity for belief in a god will also differ and the various
religions cater to one’s needs at the various stages in development. The all-
embracing knowledge about God and creation is covered by the term spirituality,
which embraces all religious beliefs and that which goes beyond them.
Each religion, therefore, exists in its own right and fulfils a need for a certain
number of human beings while at the same time covering only a part of the total
knowing of God and His creation. A religion can then be looked upon as a stepping
stone to a greater and more inclusive belief, and will eventually result in it
being forsaken as consciousness expands and eventually searches for a truth
beyond that which is available from physical experience and teaching.

Religion is also something that one is born into as witnessed by the following: -

“World democracy will take form when men everywhere are regarded in reality as
equal; when boys and girls are taught that it does not matter whether a man is an
Asiatic, an American, a European, British, a Jew or a Gentile but only that each
has an historical background and history which enables him to contribute something
to the good of the whole, and that the major requirement is an attitude of
goodwill and a constant effort to foster right human relations. World Unity will
be a fact when the children of the world are taught that religious differences are
largely a matter of birth; that if a man is born in Italy, the probability is that
he will be a Roman Catholic; if he is born a Jew, he will follow the Jewish
teaching; if born in Asia, he may be a Mohammedan, a Buddhist, or belong to one of
the Hindu sects; if born in other countries, he may be a Protestant and so on. He
will learn that the religious differences are largely the result of man made
quarrels over human interpretations of truth. Thus gradually, our quarrels and
differences will be offset and the idea of the One Humanity will take their

This explains why religion plus race can be a potent challenge to convert those
who are not the true believers. The Crusades, sectarian violence in Northern
Ireland, antipathy between Muslims and Christians are all examples of the wish to
convert the other to the ‘true faith’. The Christian religion is particularly
well-known for its determination to convert others, especially through the use of

There is an almost universal antipathy to the Jewish people, the following

quotation from the Tibetan encapsulating the problem: -

“The problem of the Jews goes deeply into the entire question of right human
relations; it can only be solved on that inclusive basis. It concerns the
interplay between people of different races but recognizing brotherhood in the
human family; it evokes the whole problem of selfishness and unselfishness, of
consideration and of justice, and these are factors which must condition all
parties. The Jew needs to recognize his share in bringing about the dislike which
hounds him everywhere; the Gentile must shoulder his responsibility for endless
persecutions and pay the price of restitution. The Jew has evoked and still evokes
dislike, and for this there is absolutely no need.”

The gist of the reason for this dislike goes back to Lemurian times when a group
of disciples who were the early founders of the present Jewish race, when told to
enter the gates of peace and leave everything behind, rebelled. They loved their
God and wanted to take to him the garnered treasures of a thousand cycles. Again
they were told to drop all that they held and again they refused. The Masters then
told them they would forever wander until they were prepared to enter with empty

There is a lot more depth than this outline and it is suggested that if this would
be of interest that you go to the very interesting commentary on the origin of the
Jewish problem in Esoteric Psychology Vol I pp 393-401 with additional comments
available in The Externalisation of the Hierarchy pp 76-78 and 87-88. The reader
is recommended to read those pages as the problem is exceedingly complex and is at
the root of much of our present dilemma in dealing with race and religion.

Leaving behind the many religions and the many negative results which arise out of
them we turn to spirituality in toto. It was said in the earlier part of the
chapter that it is necessary to transcend the purely material aspect of religion
in order to tap the higher levels of consciousness, those which deal with the
ephemeral nature of existence.

The creative force has always ensured that Man turn his attention to the higher
realms of the life force by sending Avatars to gradually open up the way to the
Godhead itself. In our recent history we have the Buddha, The Christ, and
Mohammed. They pointed to certain basic steps that have to be taken if we want to
grow in spirit. The Buddha’s teaching, for example, consists of four ‘subtle
truths’ viz.,
i. Existence is unhappiness
ii Unhappiness is caused by selfish craving
iii Selfish craving can be destroyed
iv It can be destroyed by following the eightfold path, whose
steps are:-

1. Right understanding
2. Right purpose (aspiration)
3. Right speech
4. Right conduct
5. Right vocation
6. Right effort
7. Right alertness
8. Right concentration

Jesus the Christ taught us that love conquers all things and that life survives
the death of the body. The word love has many connotations but in its true sense
it is something which has to grow in meaning as we are able to grow in spirit. A
reading of the following extract from ‘Telepathy‘ indicates that it is the
motivating reason for the creation of life – “The Point at the Centre. This is the
“jewel in the lotus” to use the ancient oriental appellation; it is the point of
life by means of which the Monad anchors itself upon the physical plane, and is
the life principle therefore of all the transient vehicles – developed,
undeveloped, or developing. This point of life contains within itself all
possibilities, all potentialities, all experiences and all vibratory activities.
It embodies the will-to-be, the quality of magnetic attraction (commonly called
love), and the active intelligence which will bring the livingness and the love
into full expression. The above statement or definition is one of major
importance. This point at the centre is in reality, therefore, all that IS and the
other three aspects of life – as listed – are merely indications of its existence.
It is that which has capacity to withdraw to its Source, or to impose upon itself
layer upon layer of substance; it is the cause of the return of the so-called
Eternal Pilgrim to the Father’s Home after many aeons of experience, as well as
that which produces experiment. Leading to eventual experience and final

Another meaning is given in another of the Tibetan’s books – “The soul can be
spoken of as the Son of the Father and of the Mother (Spirit-Matter) and is
therefore the embodied life of God, coming into incarnation in order to reveal the
quality of the nature of God, which is essential love. This life, taking form,
nurtures the quality of love within all forms, and ultimately reveals the purpose
of all creation. This is the simplest definition for average humanity, being
couched in the language of mysticism, thus linking the truth as found in all

The prophet Muhammad had the Word of God revealed to him by the Angel Gabriel at a
time when Arabian paganism was showing signs of decay. It was yet another example
of Man’s need being met when there was a danger of a reversion to earlier forms of
worship. The Koran has many parallels with the contents of the Holy Bible with
Jesus being acknowledged as the Son of God. Muhammad believed that he was the
messenger of God, sent forth to confirm previous scriptures given to the Jews and
the Christians (taken from The Koran as translated by N. J. Dawood – Penguin

No one Church has all of the true knowledge and they are all steps on the way. In
any event, as consciousness is still unfolding the future truth is virtually
limitless. Mankind has reached the stage where religions, as such, should be
superseded by an acceptance of spirituality as an overall practice in the search
for divinity.

Reasons for a multiplicity of life forms, qualities, organisations etc., were

given in an interview with Thomas Berry by Peter Reason, as recorded in Resurgence
204 p 10. Part of the dialogue was: -
Interviewer: “So when you say the human activates this quality (consciousness) in
the universe, we’re bringing reflective knowing, while the trees and ants are
bringing other qualities?

Ans: “Yes. St. Thomas Aquinas talked about why there are so many different things
in the universe. Do we need all these things? His answer is that because the
Divine could not imagine itself forth in any one being , It created the great
diversity of things so that what was lacking in one would be supplied by the
others and the whole universe together would participate in, and manifest, the
Divine more than any single being.”

The universe is creative – always experimenting – although perfection is known,

the way to it has many paths.

More information on the spirituality of Man will be provided in the chapter titled
‘The Hierarchy of Man’.
Chapter 9 Education and Beliefs

The theme of the book is interconnectedness. But that theme will not spread by
itself, it has to be communicated and communication is a form of education.
Spirituality is the basis on which life needs to be centred if Mankind is to reap
the rewards of an openness to new ideas and ideals, and the foundation of
spirituality is One-ness, the fact that we are all parts of a whole.

A prime requisite in the coming centuries will be the introduction of spirituality

(which is ageless) as an essential part of our lives as it is linked to a level
which knows neither birth nor death. Changes in consciousness, attitudes, beliefs,
rarely happen overnight – they are more the result of crises in life which force
us to change or atrophy. For this reason, spiritual education must commence at a
simple, basic level, and progress through many stages to allow the mindset to
become accustomed to the new thoughts which are introduced.

The present time is now auspicious for a transfer of emphasis in education from
the material to the spiritual. As the sun has moved into Aquarius for a period of
some 2,400 years or so, it can be expected that change will be in the air for that
period of time. Initially it will be gradual but also will be unexpected as
Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, achieves its aims through revolutionary means. When
the sun moves from one zodiac sign to another the energies of the preceding sign
will still retain an effectiveness, there is no abrupt change, a gradual lessening
of the one and a gradual enhancement of the other.

Man’s progress into the fifth kingdom (kingdom of souls) can only take place via
an expansion of consciousness. This requires an emphasis on the mental level, the
astral (emotional) body eventually operating automatically as the physical body
does now. The time is therefore right for new forms of education to be
incorporated into school curriculums.

An Arcane School Conference held in New York in May, 1993, included these thoughts
– The change in energy from Pisces to Aquarius is causing disruption in many old-
established institutions. Education is one of these and the crisis has resulted in
more school vandalism, drugs, disinterest in school, school shootings, instability
in human relations.

Three seed ideas were presented: -

A. The value of the individual and the fact of the one humanity.
B. The knowledge and bridging of various aspects of our own mental nature, and
its role in the next stage of our unfoldment.
C. Beginning the process in infancy.

Modern education concentrates on materiality and education is in disarray because

the objective world is being pressured by the subjective world. In other words,
there is increased energy flowing from higher levels of being which is enhancing
the spiritual ideas present in Man’s universal consciousness and forcing minds to
contemplate a move away from gross materiality.

The Random House Dictionary describes education as “the act or process of

imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and
judgement, and generally preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature

The root from which the word education is derived is ‘educere’ which means to
‘lead out’, implying that the knowledge is already inside us but it needs help in
bringing it out. In other words, education should not only provide answers but
also teach how to question the answers one gets.

Francis Bacon declared that Man should enter upon learning, in order “to give a
true account of their gift of reason, to the benefit and use of men; while William
James stresses the need for “a perfectly rounded development.”

Another contribution was made by Bertrand Russell when he wrote – “Education is,
as a rule, the strongest force on the side of what exists and against fundamental
change: threatened institutions, while they are still powerful, possess themselves
of the educational machine, and instil a respect for their own excellence into the
malleable minds of the young. “

“If we respected the rights of children, we should educate them so as to give them
the knowledge and the mental habits required for forming independent opinions; but
education as a political institution endeavours to form habits and to circumscribe
knowledge in such a way as to make one set of opinions inevitable.”

“A man who is to educate really well, and is to make the young grow and develop
into their full stature must be filled through and through with the spirit of
reverence. The man who has reverence will not think it his duty to ‘mould’ the

As previously noted, Aquarius gives out an energy which is conducive to the

formation of groups, and these operate best when there is a feeling of
togetherness, of brotherhood, of wanting to move along the same path towards a
common target.

Until the gradual merging of western and oriental ideas the western countries were
based on an objective, materialistic, and outward-looking view of the world
whereas the eastern approach was of a mystical, inward and subjective approach. Up
until now education has generally concerned itself with what has happened in the
past, children’s minds have been filled with dates, the amassing of information,
much of it being based on parrot-learning and memory. The Piscean Age was
identified as one that singled out the individual achievements and this was also
carried out at the individual racial/national level. These achievements were
generally associated with acquisitions obtained through aggressive acts, war and
conquest. Colonialism was rampant and the rights of those who were conquered were
deemed to be of insignificance when compared with the status of the conquerors.
Learning this in history and geography will not prepare the modern child for the
task ahead.

Education is more than memory training and filling a child’s head full of facts
about past glories. This information should not be neglected but relegated to its
proper place by means of an overview of the past and what resulted from it.

Although education has a part to play in developing a human being who will be a
commercial asset, who will be able to enjoy life and engage in a culture which
will enable them to participate with interest in all that transpires in the three
worlds of human affairs, there is more to it than that.

The Tibetan wrote a book titled ‘Education in the New Age’. The following
paragraphs are based on what he wrote on pages 4 and 5.

In dealing with human development education has three main objectives. The first
is to produce a man who is an intelligent citizen, a wise parent, and someone who
is able to control his personality. This should enable him to play his part in the
work of the world, to live peaceably, be of help, and be in harmony with his

As a second objective, education must ensure that he can bridge the gap between
the various aspects of his own mental nature and this part is emphasised in his
wording. There are three aspects which have to be integrated:
1. The lower concrete mind, or reasoning principle, which is what the
educational processes profess to deal with. This is the receptive mind as dealt
with by the psychologist.

2. The Son of Mind which is his wording for the Ego or Soul. This is the
intelligence principle which is variously referred to, in esoteric literature, as
the Solar Angel, the Christ principle, etc. This aspect is the one which religion
professes to deal with.

3. The higher abstract mind, which holds one’s ideas, and conveys illumination
to the lower mind once that mind is en rapport with the soul. This is the world of
ideas which is the sphere of philosophy.

The third objective is to bridge the gap that exists between the lower mind and
the soul. Humanity has innately realised this as evidenced by the terms ‘achieving
unity’, ‘making at-one-ment’, or ‘attaining alignment’.

On page 50 he states that educators have three objectives: -

1. to civilise the child by properly training and directing his instincts
2. to train him to use his intellect rightly in order to bring about his true
3. to develop and bring out the intuition

It is incumbent on society to impress on the political level the need for an

educational system that will fit in with the nation’s culture and provide an
ability to tackle all the various aspects of life that one will encounter when the
official part of the education is completed. The education should therefore
ideally include: -
a) the meaning of life looked at from the spiritual level
b) sexuality
c) the environment
d) morals and ethics
e) psychology
f) art, rhythm, and music
g) the history of man and the universe in which we live

Robert Muller, an educationist, also had some thoughts about a school curriculum
which were presented in a World Goodwill Occasional Paper in September, 1994. He
suggested four groupings of: -
1. Our planetary home, which would provide information about the universe, the
solar system, the Earth, seas and oceans, atmosphere, life in the four kingdoms
and the macroscopic and microscopic constituents.
2. The human family, which would embrace world population, sexes, races, the
various ages of human life, health, morals, spirit and the human groupings of the
family, the nation, regional organisations, professionals and companies.
3. Our place in time, that is, our past, our present, and our possible future,
so that we can see where we stand in the process of evolution.
4. The miracle of individual life and what constitutes good
physical, mental, sentimental, moral, and spiritual lives.

Over the years a variety of educational methods has developed and a variety is
essential because the needs of children depend on their own proclivity, their
social background, home circumstances, future potential, and other personal
factors. Not every method is suitable for every child but the initial stage can be
stressed as the most important because it is the first experience of being taught
in a school that is most likely to influence the future progress through whatever
educational institution the child moves to.

We are all different, not only in race, colour, religion, size, sex, etc., but
also in our ability to comprehend the world around us. The methods by which we
learn can depend on whether we absorb information best through the written word,
by listening to the spoken word, or by using the ability to visualise. Some one of
these ways may well be dominant within our psyche, the others being of lesser

Since we are all assumed to be equal, to be capable of learning at the same rate
as the person next door, the educational systems in which we have been taught
expect us to do what is the norm. Earlier in the book, however, it was explained
that we are not born equal. Although we are all on the same path, that of return
to the source of all life, there is an infinite range of abilities within the
human race. Some of us originated from different sources or took on physical form
at varying periods in time so that the achievement of equality would have been
impossible. Add to that the karmic aspects related to incarnation and one can
realise that we are all so very different at the physical level.

It is therefore understandable that Maria Montessori could prove that children

have their own rate of development. We are not all cast in the same mould so that
inner activity, inspiration to create, with simple toys that lead to creativity
and use of the mind, and which comprise such items as blocks, sticks, leaves,
stones and such like, are of great importance.

In an article about Dr. Maria Montessori in The Beacon it was stated that, “ She
always perceived the fact that children possess different and higher qualities
than those usually attributed to them. She saw a higher form of personality
waiting to be liberated. Her method addressed the significant need to facilitate
the inner work of the child, that of psychical adaptation – a process which every
child must go through in order to integrate motor, sensory and intellectual

The wholeness of the personality needs to be drawn out in a child’s education,

including the encouragement of an active sense of responsibility, kindness,
helpfulness and exploration of free will. Dr. Montessori said “The child is not a
“receptive void waiting to be filled with our wisdom”, but is essentially one who
is self-educated and is “guided by his inward teacher.” (The Absorbent Mind)

There has been such an emphasis on the scientific method of dissecting whatever is
studied into its ultimate parts that it has infiltrated much of our culture.
Instead of looking at the whole we build up the parts on the assumption that if we
know those parts we know how it works. It is useful to look at the parts but it is
wholeness that is of importance and that is why educational systems that are often
based on logic and critical analysis lead more to separation and division than
wholeness, a complete picture of reality. Children should be presented with “the
value of the individual and the fact of the one humanity.”

Rather than an initial concentration on learning about the country that one was
born in would it not be better to commence with the world as a whole. Looking at
the Earth in this way could spark a greater feeling of oneness rather than many
countries making up the whole. When the first photographs of Earth were received
from space it was possible, for the first time, to realise what our planet is in
reality, a whole being of which we are a part. This can then lead to acceptance by
a child that we are all world citizens. From this there can be an expansion to
show what happens in one part of the world can have an effect on another part, or
the whole.

History lessons could follow the path of humanity through the ages, dwelling on
the major events which have shaped civilisations and caused them to decay. This
would not only incorporate the rise and fall of empires due to heroic figures and
wars but also the roles of philosophers, spiritual thinkers, humanitarians, and
all those who made a contribution to improving society. New World education should
focus on our similarities as well as our differences, our creative achievements
and our spiritual idealism.

Racial prejudice can begin at a very early age so it is imperative that a respect
for, and tolerance of, the values, beliefs, and lifestyles of others also be an
integral part of the learning process. It needs to be noted that we often believe
that other languages, cultures, and religions are wrong because they are not ours.
Unless brought up to respect them the forming child can be led to believe that
they are inferior because ‘they are not ours’.

Esoteric teaching must be geared to each age group and therefore needs to be
simplified with a steady progression to the school-leaving stage. The child must
appreciate that there is a horizontal aspect which lies in the physical and
connects all life that we are visually and tactilely conscious of and also a
vertical aspect which can only be reached through meditation practices as it
involves learning how to reach higher levels of vibration.

E.F. Schumacher wrote that the divergent forms that are at work in education are
freedom (liberty) and discipline (obedience). This implies, he said, that there is
no compromise, it is either “Do as you like” or “Do as I tell you”. Logic says
that if one thing is true its opposite cannot also be true.

He then quotes “I do not know who coined the slogan of the French Revolution; he
must have been a person of rare insight. To the pair of opposites of liberty
versus equality he added a third factor or force – brotherliness, which comes from
a higher level.” The latter is a human quality beyond the reach of institutions
whereas the first two can be legislated for.

Hopefully repetition and parrot-learning are being avoided in current teaching

practices. Children need to have real experiences rather than an accumulation of
facts which can easily be obtained from books, the internet, teachers, parents, or
other contacts. A thirst for seeking answers to questions, encouragement of a mind
that wants to expand its horizons and not always follow the pre-determined must be
put into a child’s mind otherwise we will tend to see education being used to turn
out children who are cast in a mould.

Part of the learning process should be the building up of a strong sense of

morality, which is a resistance to desire or impulse as such. It would involve a
criticism and an evaluation of desires so that what is ‘desirable’ and not merely
‘desired’ will become the norm when dealing with the many aspects of life. The
moral individual is one who pursues what is good, not for him or herself only, but
for all.

There is so much information readily available that rote-learning is no longer

necessary. Children must be taught to think for themselves and not just accept
what they are told. They can be given examples of the days when ‘the Earth is
flat’; the ‘sun goes around the Earth’; ‘man cannot fly’ etc., to show why blind
faith in a statement or a dogma should not be taken aboard before thoroughly
examining it. Passing exams should not be the sole aim as there are many prime
examples of early school-leavers, or people who could not pass exams, who went on
to make significant discoveries, initiated new lines of thought, created
successful ventures etc.

Rudolf Steiner, who lived during the period 1861-1925, and possessed a great
ability to penetrate into the world of spirit had his work incorporated into the
philosophy of the Waldorf schools. It is based on the methodology of the
children’s willing (doing), feelings, and thinking so incorporating the three
bodies of Man (physical, emotional, mental) and enabling them to be harmonised so
that the soul can take over. The basic tenets are; 1) a new way of looking at the
world, seeing it both as material and spiritual, healing the conflict between
science and religion; 2) the human being as a spiritual identity with a past,
present, and future with a task of using his gifts in community with others for
the benefit of the Earth; and 3) an imaginative education that nourishes the whole
human being, including the moral nature and not simply the intellectual.

Steiner warned against using the intellect at too early an age as puberty is when
it can be used most fruitfully. With reference to this it can be noted that one of
the Montessori school methods is to group all children, from say ages five to ten,
within one class and allow them to listen to whatever is of interest or work with
some other form of educational activity.

Development usually occurs in seven year stages. In a child’s first seven years it
is not aware of itself as a separate being. It is a perceptual stage, feeling in
tune with the surrounding life. Once the second seven stage is entered the
development of the emotions begins with pictorial thinking and as the third period
is reached we see the advent of a change to more objective thinking, problem
solving is now used with more effect and the intellect is being developed.

Looking back to an earlier chapter it can be seen that these three stages mirror
Man’s development, firstly as a physical body that relates only to the environment
in which it lives, secondly the development of the emotional (astral) body which
taps the imaginative level and finally the appearance of the mental body which
leads to full consciousness at the material level with an outreach beginning to
the spiritual body.

The traditional schools will still be present alongside what may be called a
specialised form of teaching because not all parents, and not all children, will
be attracted to them. In other words, there will be a diversity of educational
paths to follow but there needs to be a common core of subject matter to provide
for a connectedness that will allow each graduating child to accept that he has a
responsibility to all of humanity and not just a selfish perception that he alone
has the potential to be supreme.

Modern education tends to be homogenised and global in its reach but it also needs
to be based on the location of the children to be educated. Every nation, and
every culture must incorporate their specific needs into the curriculum. A small
island nation will have much different needs than one whose children live in the
inner suburbs of a large city. A child living in a country area is more likely to
be in tune with, and aware of, the natural environment, and therefore needs to
learn about city life. An inner-city child, on the other hand, is removed from the
natural environment and should therefore be taught about ecological and
economically sustainable societies and the reasons why action has to be taken to
protect the local and global biodiversity. Indigenous people grow up with the
signs that nature provides for guidance, in how it is to be treated and what may
be expected in the way of seasonal changes. City children can benefit from
periodic stays in country areas for varying periods of time in the holidays and in
school terms, in order to work on farms, do remedial work in the environment and
similar activities, so that they are exposed to the ways of the Earth in its
natural state and to experience first hand animals, birds, insects, marine life
that they may have read or heard about; also provision of space in the school
grounds, or a neighbouring open space, can be utilised for growing vegetable,
flowers and trees.

The relationship of humanity to the environment needs to be expanded by opening up

to the young people’s minds the awesome intricacy and beauty of nature. Showing
videos of the natural world, such as those produced by David Attenborough, is one
way of getting the message across that this entire teeming world of ours is
completely balanced, that all forms of life blend in with one another and are
supportive in a large variety of ways. Impress upon them the basis of life, DNA
and the single-celled organisms that form the basis of the some 10 million or so
species; get them to appreciate both the macrocosm and the microcosm, get a feel
of the enormity of the universe and its indescribable wealth of diversity;
everything imaginable is there somewhere.

A debate must be opened up on the purpose of education – is it to equip a child

with the means of determining its own views on life, where its dominant interests
should be, the vocation it wishes to undertake, the contrast between the spiritual
and the material – or is it to provide an individual who will fit easily into a
slot in the world economy and accept whatever is required in order to become a
valued employee who produces wealth for an employer.

The provision of an education is no guarantee of decency, prudence, or wisdom,

especially western education with its emphasis on efficient corporate units rather
than curious and open-minded adults. Schools, colleges, and universities prepare
graduates poorly in the belief education is primarily to produce a homogenised,
fossil-fuel powered, urban existence. This is a prime reason for business entering
the sphere of education in order to prepare students to work in it.

Some examples are those of Coca-Cola in the US assisting school funding by

providing profits from their products which are the only ones allowed and can be
purchased by the children at any time while they are in the school. Other
companies assist by providing equipment on the basis that children have to watch a
daily video which contains advertisements for their products.

In the UK, companies provide material for school projects which contain a bias
towards particular products and technologies. Some schools are being privatised
and used to make profits for the companies which invest in them and also encourage
learning that will be advantageous to the company if any children eventually go to
work for them.

The computer industry is very keen to persuade educators that the way forward is
to increase, to the greatest extent possible, the use of computers as a teaching
device. Reliance on technology, however, can restrict knowledge and the attaining
of wisdom which can only come through the human factor, the teacher on the spot
who can stimulate minds to question and search. There is no denying computers have
a role to play but their prime usage should be as a source of information to
supply detail needed for the enquiring minds.

Fritjof Capra is a respected physicist who has delved into life and spirituality.
The following quotation from one of his books is therefore of interest: - “The
spiritual impoverishment and loss of cultural diversity through excessive use of
computers is especially serious in he field of education. As Neil Postman put it
succinctly, ‘When a computer is used for learning, the meaning of “learning” is
changed.’ The use of computers in education is often praised as a revolution that
will transform virtually every facet of the educational process. This view is
vigorously promoted by the powerful computer industry, which encourages teachers
to use computers as educational tools at all levels – even in kindergarten and
pre-school – without ever mentioning the many harmful effects that may result from
these irresponsible practices.

The use of computers is based on the now outdated view of human beings as
information processors, which continually reinforces erroneous mechanistic
concepts of thinking, knowledge, and communication. Information is presented as
the basis of thinking, whereas in reality the human mind thinks with ideas, not
with information….information does not create ideas, ideas create information.”

Education is often thought of as only essential for the child whereas everyone
should, ideally, be educating themselves throughout their lives. Especially in
recent times there has been such an acceleration in discoveries, philosophies,
changes in the environment, in health, in perceptions of what the world should be
like, etc., that all adults should consider taking part in some form of continuing
education. This is where the school buildings can play a part. Within a community
there is always a school in easy reach of the residents and this could be the
focal point for continuing education.

A UNICEF report concluded, “…decentralisation becomes most dynamic when control of

schools is redistributed, concentrating power not entirely in the hands of head
teachers but involving the community in management through creation of a governing
body with membership drawn from teachers, parents and the wider community.” An
acceptance of this, or a similar model, could pave the way to fuller use of the
school buildings and the equipment.

To carry these thoughts further, schools should be part of a community, comprising

as well as the school a childcare centre, retirement homes, workshops, theatre,
arts and crafts. Children could be introduced to volunteer work, making items for
use in the community, older people could take part in childcare duties, in other
words a mix of these functions could provide a synergy which is otherwise lacking.

There will not be any one model as people, communities, needs, cannot be put into
one mould but such a situation can emphasise the one-ness of life, it can bring
people together and mimic the extended family that has now virtually vanished as
society has changed. This is a special need in today’s world with the increasing
number of single-parent families and the tendency for the separation of the
different generations within a family unit.

An example of what could be incorporated into school learning and continuing

education for adults is an initiative launched by UNESCO in 1953. This was the
Associated Schools Project for International Cooperation and Peace. More than
3,000 educational institutions participated in this which has a principle
orientation to a) world problems and the role of the UN in solving them, b) human
rights (and obligations should also be now included). C) other countries and
cultures, d) humanity and the environment.
In the earlier part of the book, reincarnation was introduced as a necessary part
of the evolution of consciousness. It might therefore be said that all of us come
into incarnation bearing the accumulated experiences of past lives. To some
extent, therefore, we need an education that will bring those former experiences
to life and set us on the path to as rapid an advance in consciousness as possible
in this life. Education needs to be seen as a process that continues from birth
until death and not necessarily just the acquiring of information and knowledge
but an expansion of consciousness into higher levels of vibration.

Education will need to be seen in a new light as a need to link the past with the
future by using all that is good, beautiful and true from the past with an
emphasis on certain basic objectives that have, in general, been ignored to date.
Although we have to recognise that there are negative influences throughout our
lives, it is important that we emphasise the positive, always to be optimistic
because ‘energy follows thought’ and where we put that energy is where we see
results. Some of the basic objectives include meditation, to enable a subjective
approach to reality to be undertaken; development of the intuition which leads to
right thinking and right action, and study of the Science of the Antahkarana.

That last word will be new to many of the readers and a brief explanation is
warranted at this juncture. Recalling that physical life arose out of a gradual
deceleration of vibrant energy and the intention is that when life has reached its
densest point and gained a diversity of experiences it will begin its evolutionary
return to its source, it is a necessity that higher and more vibrant links have to
be made with the originating form or matrix. Because that form is insubstantial,
compared to our physical forms, it stands to reason that our forms of material
communication have to be superseded.

We have, over the past century or so, learned to communicate by means of

electromagnetic waves in the form of radio, television, infra-red etc. These
energies are received by our eyes, and ears (and skin) and converted into words,
pictures and sensations. This is an analogy to the Antahkarana, which begins to
form when an individual has managed to integrate the physical, astral, and mental
bodies into one cohesive unit that operates with singleness of purpose, under the
guidance of higher mind, without any undue emphasis on any one of the three.

With that integration of the three bodies comes an ability to focus all the bodily
energies through the brain, causing an excitation of the cells and producing a
higher level of vibration. Investigation into the physical operation of the brain
appears to show that there is surplus capacity that can be used for this purpose.
It is highly unlikely that the necessary growth in consciousness, which needs that
higher vibration, is not already part of God’s Plan for the move into the fifth
kingdom, that of the Soul.

Using the voluminous information provided by the Tibetan in his books, it can be
said that the fourth plane, which is the link between the three higher worlds of
spiritual being and the three lower worlds of human endeavour and experiences, has
to be reached by a bridge, or link, of light (which is itself the source of

If Man is to evolve it is not through the physical body alone because that has
virtually reached its optimum. The evolution has to be at a higher frequency of
vibration which has been reached already by advanced members of the human race,
the Christ, and the Buddha being the two foremost examples, with many others at
varying stages on that path of enlightenment.

The target which the bulk of mankind now aims for is the soul, which is part of a
group soul from which we were born many eons ago and is not interested in our
existence until we are sufficiently developed for it to become aware of our
integrated personality. At that point in time it starts a magnetic attraction as a
response to our ability to contact it via a stream of energy, or light, which is
created by our brain cells.

The Science of the Antahkarana relates to the method of bridging the gaps between
our threefold body and the higher levels of spiritual development which
incorporate the ideas of intuitive perceptions, and spiritual insight and
understanding. As the fourth plane does not consist of dense, material substance,
it has to be reached through thought, the mind has to access that which is

The method used to contact the soul is meditation in an advanced form, and lest it
is believed that this is an easy thing to attain it is said that several lifetimes
may be needed before the objective can be secured.

Meditation is a life-long process as it entails accessing the higher mind, the

soul, and levels beyond. It is never too early to begin the practice which ideally
starts with the ability to concentrate. Schoolchildren could be taught
concentration using methods such as; counting the breath; taking an object or idea
as the sole focus of concentration; focusing the vision on an object such as a
flower, a pencil, etc. When the mind begins to wander, as other thoughts come to
it, re-focus the mind on the object of the concentration.

It is after this stage that the practice of meditation can begin. As there are
many forms of meditation, as there are with concentration, they should be
experimented with until one is used that ‘feels right’.

The Antahkarana, or consciousness thread, is the result of uniting life and

substance and reaches from the outer, or exoteric, body to the inner world of
subjective realities and meaning. It uses mental substance, which is itself not
tangible, to extend a line of force to contact the higher energy of the soul. When
the gap has been bridged the integrated and soul-infused personality will be
receptive to impressions coming from the higher spiritual realms and the plan and
purpose of God will become much clearer. It is from this level that we receive
intuition, that certainty of what is that does not have to be worked out by the
physical brain, we just know what the situation is.

Attainment of the bridge, or connection, between soul and personality, results in

continuity of consciousness.

With the foregoing in mind it is clear that to progress we are meant to do so

through a process of education. In New Humanity No 135 on page 5 we find “The
reader is asked to consider the importance of mystical/spiritual experience from
the point of view of its ability to completely transform a person in regards to
their adopting a highly ethical, wise, loving, intelligent and unselfish attitude
to life, required qualities if higher states or levels of mind are to be

Our current methods of education, bar a few exceptions, are definitely not in a
position to achieve the above objectives. Science, technology, and materialism all
militate against the growth of spirituality. It is possible to combine
spirituality and a material existence but what would have to be foregone are the
mindsets that power, wealth, status, and competition are the major determining
factors in physical existence.

Some practical advice for those who are presently floundering in wondering what
needs to happen next in their life is given in ‘Guides for Living’ – “More than
anything, people need to sit down again and again and look at their lives. What
they are doing, what they want to do. Where do they want to go. More than at any
time, you humans are all being forced to look again at what life is about, what
purpose is there in so many lives being purposeless? The answers won't come from
one or two people or agencies, or governments, because it is not that kind of a
solution. It is a sort of groundswell of awareness that takes place in such
situations, and the change-about will happen over a period of time, in many
different ways. Nothing is certain now, and nothing is more uncertain than the
lives and futures of all the jobless, the homeless, the hopeless, and what could
truthfully be termed, the useless. Where could you find one answer for them all?
So, individuals who are advanced enough are stirring, and questioning, and joining
together to establish mores and lifestyles for themselves. Others are taking
people in from the byways for informal education and for support and affirmation.
I needn't go on, you see it all around you. If you are content with your lot and
getting on with self-growth plus a reaching out to the needy, then that is good.
If that is not enough then realistically it is time to look further. How or where
is for you all to decide, but now more than ever there is a need for 'Man to
fulfil his own calling while at the same time benefiting others.”

World Goodwill 1996-3 page 6 reported that a Buddhist development leader, Sulak
Sivaraska, helped to establish the Spirit in Education Movement in Thailand. His
idea was that schools should concentrate on the heart as well as the head by
developing meditation practice, gaining an understanding and respect for
indigenous cultures, developing beauty, goodness and a critical self-awareness.
The process was also meant to combine understanding and passion in order to work
for social justice, ecological balance and right livelihood. Adoption of such
ideas into the school curriculum will help students to attain a spiritual depth in
the learning process.

Chapter 10 Numbers
God was described by Kepler as a Geometer and others have stated that He is the
Great Mathematician. It is a fact that numbers have a great fascination because
they intrude into our lives in many ways.

Mathematicians evolve theories, using the various types of mathematics, to explain

material phenomena. It is possible to theorise in this way and then discover that
the content of the theory is realised when experimentation eventually takes place.

Are numbers the basis of the evolution and then the subsequent operation of the
universe or do they just happen to fit into it. This is for the reader to
determine after seeing what this chapter has to offer on the subject. An occult
knowledge of numbers is said to have been in the possession of ancient
civilisations such as the Chinese, Hindus, Egyptians, Arabians, Hebrews and
Greeks. There are only two possibilities concerning numbers and their relationship
to the universe. Either there are: -

1) certain laws operating in the universe which reveal themselves by means of

numerological concepts,

2) the claims made about the subject have no substantial grounds on which to

Alfred North Whitehead has stated that mathematics, “may claim to be the most
original creation of the human spirit. The originality of mathematics consists in
the fact that in mathematical science connections between things are exhibited
which, apart from the agency of the human reason, are extremely unobvious.” Most
of us go about our daily routines oblivious to the likelihood that all around us
are activities that are governed by mathematical formulae and relationships. For
my own part, on judging the information which I have read over the years, some of
which is included in this chapter, I am convinced that the connectedness exhibited
by all parts of the universe, down to the smallest fragments, has a relationship
which is determined by numbers.

And come to think of it, the order in the universe couldn’t have happened by
chance. There has to be an underlying connectivity which relies on number
sequences and relationships to ensure that it continues on its expansion of
consciousness in all its parts. Our own lives are governed by numbers, If we
didn’t have a telephone number no-one could contact us through it; a street number
ensures we get our mail; a flight number governs which airplane we take to our
destination; our age is determined by a number, so it is easy to accept that
numbers are indispensable.

New Humanity, issue No 108, contained an interesting commentary on the number

significance of that issue. The number 108 adds to 9, which is the culmination of
the basic series starting with 1. The 1 repeats itself in the next series as the
power of 10. There is a number of items which also have 108 as the prime factor –
rosaries in India, China, Tibet and Central Asia traditionally have 108 beads. At
the time of writing this chapter I was reading a book by Arthur Osborne titled
‘Ramana Maharshi and the Path of Self-knowledge’. On page 174 there is a reference
to an inspirational poem that Ramana Maharshi was writing which happened to have
108 verses.

The Rig Veda of India contains 108,000 stanzas. Traditional Hindu cosmology
considered 108,000 years to be one quadrant of the Kali Yuga which is the last of
four eras of cosmic time. 1,080,000 years is one quadrant in the total duration
which encompasses all of the four Yugas. A Maha Yuga, or complete series, which
lasts for 4,320,000 years, consists of four Yugas, viz., Krita, Treta, Dwapara,
and Kali; and the length of each of these four Yugas is respectively as the
numbers, 4, 3, 2 and 1 (1,728,000; 1,296,000; 864,000; and 432,000 years
respectively). After the Kali Yuga we return to the Krita Yuga which is the
‘Golden Age’, after which conditions decline again through the remaining three

In Graeco-Chaldean astrology it is stated that 25,920 years is the time taken for
the Sun to process through all of the 12 zodiacal signs – 1 hour of this ‘heavenly
day’ equals 1,080 years. Of interest is the fact that 108 is made up of 1¹ x 2² x
3³ equals 108.

Pythagoras said that numbers set a limit to the unlimited, that numbers constitute
the true nature of things, and that all concepts can be expressed in numbers.
Aristotle said ‘the whole heaven is a musical scale and number’.
The Pythagorean School observed that 1, 2 and 3 implies all of the numbers that
can be obtained. 1 equals unity, which cannot be divided; 2 is the first number
which is divisible and even; and 3 is the next number which is indivisible and
odd. From the 2 and the 3, which are in the 1, flowed all of creation.

So 2, given its own power i.e., squared, with 3, given its own power i.e., cubed,
produces 108. From this one obtains the three-dimensional cosmos as squaring a
number produces area and cubing it produces volume.

3 is also of interest because it represents the Father, the Son and the Holy
Ghost, the prime movers in the creation of the life of the universe. Dr. Josef
Oberbach, in ‘Fire of Life’, tabulated this as follows: -

God the Father Body Physical

God the Son Spirit Emotional The Holy
Ghost Soul Mental
Father Positive Length
Mother Negative Height
Child Energy Width

It can be noted that the thrusting of the Father energy, into the receptive
Mother, produces the Child (energy) which is a parallel to the creation of an
electric current which requires the positive and negatives polarities to produce a

The figure 3 is also reflected in: -

The Earth – 3rd planet from the Sun
Moves through the Milky Way at approximately
Travels 30km/hr around the Sun
Light travels at 300,000kms/sec
Sound travels at 330kms/sec

The number 7 has always been regarded as a mystical number. You will recall, from
an earlier chapter, that the primal 3 became the 7, and it is the Seven Rays that
permeate, and produce, all life in the universe. The following listing includes a
number of groups of 7 and may not be exhaustive of them: -

7 Endocrine glands
Chakras or spiritual centres related to the glands
Wonders of the World
Deadly sins
Liberal arts
Churches of Asia
Foundation petals on a lotus
Colours of the rainbow
Handwidths = old Egyptian Royal Cubit
Planes and sub-planes
Notes on the musical scale

The number 7 also features in the structure of the recurring re-incarnation of the
planets. Throughout the universe the Solar Systems are grouped in sevens. There
are seven sacred planets (the Earth is not one) in our solar system.

The Earth and the other planets are called ‘globes’ in esoteric language, seven
globes forming a world-period which covers the spectrum from the highest mental to
the lowest physical. Life passes from one globe to another, the full set of seven
being termed a ‘round’. This process is repeated a further six times, making seven
rounds in all. The 49 globes are equal to 1 chain-period, the entire process
consisting of 343 globe periods, or 7 chain-periods which is 1 Scheme of

By now, the reader is probably realising that evolution is an extremely lengthy

process and very complicated, especially as the foregoing is not the end of the
story. If one is intrigued by all of this, and is interested in following the
process through all its ramifications, a reading of ‘The Solar System’ by Lieut-
Col Arthur E. Powell, published by The Theosophical Publishing House, London, will
provide a detailed exposition.

Each globe has 7 races (in sequence), each one consisting of 7 sub-races. Present
humanity is the 5th sub-race in the 5th root-race.

Even the more mundane aspects of life are intimately connected with numbers. Take
the periodical table of chemical elements for example of which there are 112 known
and 6 yet to be discovered, making a total of 118. By taking twice the squares of
the numbers 1,2,2,3,3,4,4 which equal 2 + 8 + 8 + 18 + 18 + 32 + 32 one arrives at

In numerology the number 5 is characterised by an “instability of formal

relationships”. It signifies a person who strives to be free of confinement,
reject being directed and be free to move around at will. There should be no
surprise then that grouped structures are only stable when they consist of 4 units
or less. 5 units are unstable and will respond much as a sense organ does when
triggered off by a small outside stimulus, which cause a chain reaction. The
following list, which is relevant to this particular number appeared in Astounding
Science Fiction of July, 1954, on p 116 (noted in the Astrological Journal Vol 15
No 4 p 32). Do not let the words ‘science fiction’ put you off as the magazine
often included known scientific facts.
1. Atomic physicists now know of atoms having atomic weights ranging from 1 to
more than 240. There is only one mass number that is not accepted – no nucleus has
5 particles.
2. Crystallographers say that no crystal can have pentagonal symmetry.
3. Topologists find that no plane or spherical map needs more than 4 colours.
4. 2 soap bubbles intersect to form a plane of interaction. 3 interact on a
line of meeting. 4 meet at a point. 5 cannot meet.
5. Bode’s Law states that there should be a planet between Mars (4th from the
Sun) and Jupiter (6th from the Sun). Instead there is shattered debris.
6. A starfish has pentagonal symmetry. Man is basically pentagonal (head, arms,
and legs) and originally all higher land-life had 5-digited limbs.
7. Magic, throughout the ages, has held that the pentacle has mystical power.
In the Astrological Journal Vol 40 No 3 on p 53 it is reported that Theodor
Landscheit investigated the ratios of the distances from the Sun of pairs of
neighbouring planets – Mercury’s distance to Venus’s distance; Venus’s distance to
Earth’s distance and so on including the mean distance of the planetoids. After
calculating the mean of those nine individual ratios to get a quantity that
characterises the solar system as a whole he was astonished to find that the value
0.62 varies from the Golden Number 0.618 by only 0.002, when the perihelion
distance are taken. Such small differences are common in looking at relationships
because it is the lack of a complete match that enables change to take place. If
everything returned to its original position there would be no change.

The following table, taken from Nexus Vol 2 No 13, is of interest in that the year
each leader took office, plus the years served, total to 1944 and the sum of all
the figures comes to 3888. Another oddity is that those two values add out to 9,
and 9 of course represents completion, the end of the series. 1944 is one-half of
3888 and 1944 saw the end of the war in Europe.

Name Churchill Hitler Roosevelt Il Duce Stalin Tojo

Born 1874 1889 1882 1883 1879 1884

Took Office 1940 1933 1933 1922 1924 1941
At Age (1944) 70 55 62 61 65 60
Years Served 4 11 11 22 20 3
(to 1944)
Total 3888 3888 3888 3888 3888 3888
÷ 2 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944

1944 was the relevant year of their careers

After you read that did you believe the numbers may have played a part in the
outcome that provided a common figure of 1944. If you did you would have been
fooled, as I was, until I had a feeling that perhaps the numbers were manufactured
and took a good look at how they were structured. Add the ‘born’ and ‘at age’
together and you get 1944. Add ‘took office’ and ‘years served’ and again 1944

This is a caution against accepting all that you read and hear as gospel. Think
about things and they may present a different picture upon reflection.

Other examples of number correlation in this chapter appear to be genuine. For

example, in the seven-pointed star (see next page), days of the week, and atomic
weights, it wouldn’t work if two of the atomic weights were switched around. For
this to be deliberately arranged, the ancients who named the days of the week
after the Sun, Moon, and planets, would have had to know the atomic weights of the
metals associated with the planets. Metals associated with the planets were also
allocated in those long gone times. Could they have known about atomic weights in
those days, several millennia ago?

What is one to make of connective numbers. Are they chance occurrences or do the
common vibrations signify a connection between people and events. Going back to
the first chapter which started with “In the beginning was the word, and the word
was with God, and the word was God”, it appears that the vibrations which
originate from the sounding of a word have an effect on the substance in which
they resonate. Word sounds do have an effect on life-forms as witness how one can
cow an individual, or an animal, with harsh-sounding words or how a kind word can
bring a glow into a person’s life.
To dismiss this as fanciful talk is to refuse to countenance anything that we
cannot understand. A section on numerology, in the next chapter, will elaborate on
this theme.

“Let the student remember that number underlies form and number guides sound.
Number lies at the root of the manifest universe: numbers and harmonious
proportions guide the first differentiation of homogeneous substance into
heterogeneous elements; and number and numbers set limits to the formative hand of

Names are sounds and have specific vibrations, those of the solar system being: -

Chaldean Order Atomic Weights

1 Sun Sunday Mars Iron 56

2 Moon Monday Venus Copper 63.2
3 Mars Tuesday Moon Silver 108 4 Mercury
Wednesday Jupiter Tin 117.5
5 Jupiter Thursday Sun Gold 196.2
6 Venus Friday Mercury Quicksilver 200
7 Saturn Saturday Saturn Lead 216

There is an interesting diagram of a seven-pointed star, which incorporates a

number sequence with the atomic weights of the metals associated with the days of
the week and the respective planets.

Beginning with the Sun as the topmost point the days of the week can
be followed, in order, from point to point. Interspersed with this order is the
order of the atomic weights of the metals – commence with Mars (iron), skip to the
Sun (gold) and arrive at Venus (copper), skip
Mercury and arrive at the Moon (silver), and so on. Is it chance that this
relationship of the increasing weight appearing on every second point shows such
order, or is there a fundamental connectivity in the entire universe, as it is
unlikely that the examples given in this chapter are the only ones. Suffice it to
say, that given the time and space it would have been possible to produce volumes
of similar correspondences.

Distances of the planets from the Sun follow a simple and mysterious law known as
Bode’s Law, also called Titius-Bode Law, an empirical rule giving the approximate
distances of planets from the Sun. It was first announced in 1766 by the German
astronomer Johann Daniel Titius and only popularized, from 1772, by his fellow
countryman Johann Elert Bode. The rule may be given as follows: Write down the
sequence 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, etc. To each number add 4. Divide each result by 10. Of
the first seven answers (0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 1.6, 2.8, 5.2, 10.0), six closely
approximate the distances from the Sun, in astronomical units (a.u.; the distance
between the Earth and the Sun), of the six planets known when Titius devised the
rule: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. At about 2.8 a.u. from the
Sun, between Mars and Jupiter, the asteroids (sometimes called minor planets) were
later discovered. The rule also holds for the seventh planet, Uranus, which lies
at about 19 a.u. Bode's law fails for the eighth planet, Neptune. However, Pluto,
the ninth planet from the Sun, is at a distance (39 a.u.) roughly equal to that
given by the rule for the eighth planet. (Copyright © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia
Britannica, Inc.). Neptune is apparently somewhat of a mystery as it has a
circular, rather than, an elliptical orbit. The result is that at times in its
orbit it swings outside of Pluto’s orbit.

(There has been conjecture concerning the origin of the asteroids and one theory
is that a planet which occupied that position was blown apart due to the
injudicious use of atomic power by the planet’s inhabitants.)

It was Pythagoras and his disciples who developed the theory that numbers have a
functional significance in the objective world, and in music. Their well-known
dictum that “all is number” meant that all existing entities can be ultimately
reduced to number relationships that link not only mathematics to music theory but
also to acoustics, geometry, and astronomy. Even the dependence of the dynamics of
how the world is structured evolves out of the interaction of pairs of opposites,
the even-odd polarity which is essential to numbers, emerges from these number

In the 6th century BC, one of Pythagoras’s experiments was with a stretched string
on a monochord. When he divided it by simple arithmetic ratios as, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4,
4/5, 5/6 and plucked the respective partitions of the string he discovered that
this created the consonant intervals in harmony.

Certain groupings of words, or sounds, are meant to invoke a response from higher
levels of being in order to fulfill a need by the entity or entities that appeals
in this way to those higher levels.

The Christ has stated that it is His intention to return to Earth and this echoes
the announcement by Shri Krishna which is found in the Bhagavad Gita: -
“Whenever there is a withering of the law and an uprising of lawlessness on
all sides, then I manifest Myself. For the salvation of the righteous and the
destruction of such as do evil, for the firm establishing of the Law, I come to
birth in age after age.”

It was in such a setting, after the agony of the Second World War, that the Christ
released one of the oldest prayers ever known, The Great Invocation. Prayers have
always been used, in one form or another, often being used in a personal sense,
but The Great Invocation is a cry for all of humanity to rise above the decadence
and the materialism which surrounds us at the present time.

Use of The Great Invocation enables the tapping of spiritual energies which are
brought into activity, and by clear thinking, directed thought and mental
perception, they can be made objects of human desire. There are number
significances in The Great Invocation which are set out below.

John Berges had an impulse, in the year 1993, to convert the Invocation to numbers
and he subsequently published his research in “Sacred Vessel of the Mysteries”.
Some of his findings may well be of interest as they contribute to the information
which has been compiled for this chapter.

From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of men—
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth

There are 113 words and they add to 5

The number of stanzas is 5
Assigning the traditional number to the
Words they total 5324 which add to 5

1. The Great Invocation has 5 stanzas, 7 sentences, 13, lines, 113 words, and
443 letters. Each one of these is a prime number. No other numbers can produce
these numbers – The Great Invocation contains a unique energy.
2. When the first 10 numbers are added together they equal 55.
3. Separate the first and last of 55 words and three are left in the middle –
God is known – this phrase adds to 5 when the letters are converted to numbers.
4. If the 113 words are used by taking the first and last 56 words (112), each
of those 56 words has a number value of 2648.

On page 39 of the book John Berges provides a quotation which reads as follows,
“From the Greeks, the Jewish Kabalists adopted the practice of gematria,
interpreting the meaning of sacred words and phrases by their numerical values.
Words or phrases with the same numerical values were taken as having the same
meaning, opening the door for a unique form of scriptural interpretation. The word
gematria,however, is based on the Greek word geômatria or geometry, and….there
exists definitive evidence that gematria constituted a sacred language of Greek
theology and was used before the time of Plato.”

We see the number 5 occurring again and we are the fifth sub-race bringing to
perfection the fifth root race. Humanity is also preparing to enter into the 5th
kingdom, Mana (Sanskrit for mind).

There are 7 sentences and Ray 7, that of ceremonial magic and order is coming into

Martin Gardner published a book based on material that he had published in

Scientific American. Dr. Matrix presumably changed to that name from Bush because
it encapsulated his great interest in mathematics. At the age of seven he pointed
out to his father that there is 1 God, 2 testaments, 3 in the trinity, 4 Gospels,
5 Books of Moses, 6 Days of Creation and 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The book contains a wealth of information on words and numbers. It gives an

example from Book 1 of Chronicles, Chapter 20, verse 6 describing the giant of
Gath who had 6 toes on each foot and 6 fingers on each hand. 20 is the normal
complement and 6 gives the abnormality. The numeric letters of Gath add to 36
which is the square of 6. What is also of note is that this information was
contained in verse 6 of chapter 20.

The case of Richard Wagner is interesting.

His name contains 13 letters
Born in 1813 it adds to 13
Composed great works of music (operas) 13
Tannhäuser was completed on 13 April, 1845
Parsifal was finished on 13 January, 1882
Die Walküre was first performed on
26th June, 1870 – 26 = 13 x 2
Lohengrin was composed in 1848 but Wagner did not hear
it played until 1861 13 years later
He died 13th February, 1883 13=1st& last digits

The comparison between the deaths of Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy have been in
print a number of times but I felt it useful to include it here as additional
emphasis on the apparent uncanny ability of numbers to seemingly determine
outcomes on the material plane.

Abraham Lincoln John Kennedy

Elected in 1860 Elected in 1960
Deeply involved in Negro civil rights ditto
Assassinated on a Friday in presence of
his wife
Wife lost a son while living at the White
Killed by a bullet entering from behind ditto
Killed in Ford’s theatre Killed in Lincoln
by Ford
Succeeded by V.P. Johnson ditto
Andrew Johnson born 1808 Lyndon Johnson
First name of private secretary was John Last name of private
ry was Lincoln
John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839 Lee Harvey Oswald

Born in 1939
Murdered before a trial ditto
Booth shot Lincoln in a theatre and Oswald shot Kennedy
and fled to a barn and fled to a
Lincoln has 7 letters Kennedy has 7 letters
Andrew Johnson has 13 letters Lyndon Johnson has
John Wilkes Booth has 15 letters Lee Harvey Oswald
15 letters

Friday, 22, November (22/11) adds to 6 and Friday has 6 letters.

Take FBI and shift forward each letter by 6 letters to get LHO the
initials of Lee Harvey Oswald, well-known to the FBI. Oswald has 6
letters – he shot from the 6th floor of a building.

John F. Nash, who was born in Bluefield, West Virginia, in 1928 was a
mathematician who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1949, shared with
two others, a mathematician and an economist.

At the early age of 22 his thesis ‘Non-cooperative Games’ earned him a doctorate
at Princeton University. It was Nash who created the mathematical principle of
game theory and those who saw ‘A Beautiful Mind’ will recall the torments he went
through as he was subject to bouts of schizophrenia. As I wrote that I wondered if
his disordered mind was a necessary adjunct to pulling together such a potentially
disordered set of events. Attempting to incorporate rivalries among competitors
with mixed interest must have seemed an impossible task but the use of numbers,
incorporated in mathematical formulae, provided a means of doing this.

Although the ‘Nash’ solution has practical limitations it was in wide use by
various business strategists.

It appears likely that even apparently irreconcilable events, such as those which
take place under seemingly incompatible efforts by individuals, can eventually be
solved by complex mathematical formulae which can be used to anticipate likely

This view receives some backing from Werner Heisenberg who stated, “On this point
modern physics has definitely decided for Plato. For the smallest units of matter
are, in fact, not physical objects in the ordinary sense of the word; they are
forms, structured or – in Plato’s sense – Ideas, which can be unambiguously spoken
of in the language of mathematics.”

Having reached this point you, the reader, will have to determine how much
credence you will place on the information that the universe is constructed on
mathematical principles. No-one should take anything for granted whether it comes
from a source such as the highest Master or the local priest, one’s school
teacher, and all the other authorities which claim to have the answers.

What it all comes down to is that we are, in fact, alone in this universe and we
have to make our own way back to the Source of Life. In another sense, we are not
alone because we have many sources from which help is available. The only way in
which we can make sense out of our lives, as mathematicians have done with their
discoveries about the universe, is to ponder on the thought that there is a
supreme mathematical formula which will ensure that we all do, at last, become
united again as ONE, at the ending of this particular period of creation.
Chapter 11 Methods of Divination

Mankind, from its very earliest history, has always sought for explanations of the
phenomena to which it is constantly exposed. In the very earliest days when the
physical body was formed, and before the emotional body began to grow around it,
there would probably have been a belief that there was something that activated
the life in which they existed. As the emotional body began to develop, the
practice of casting bones and entrails may have commenced. Increased awareness
would have introduced the thought that the moving lights in the sky had something
to do with events on Earth and so the rudiments of astrology would have been
incorporated into the governance of life.

Since those early days the means of attempting to forecast the future and to give
reasons why certain events occurred, have expanded into the many avenues that
modern day man can explore. Despite the technology and sophistication that has
created our current life experience there is still a widely held belief that there
must be something which triggers off many of the fortunes, and misfortunes, to
which we, as individuals, and as groups, are exposed. This chapter concerns itself
with a number of methods which can be used to forecast, or anticipate, what may
happen in time to come.

The intent of the following condensing is to provide a brief outline of some of

the ways of divining the future.


This is perhaps the oldest method in the attempts to determine what the future may
hold. It seems that the Babylonians and Chaldeans, in at least the 18th century BC
were the first to use the movements of the planets (the Sun and Moon are included
as planets) for this purpose.

The Bible has references to astrology e.g., Jeremiah 10 verse 2 – “Do not be
terrified by the heavenly signs which the heathen fear.” Ezekiel 4 verse 6 – “A
day for a year, a day for a year, is what I have given you.” This quotation
relates to one method of progressing a chart in order to ascertain what may be
experienced in the future. The chart is ‘progressed’ by taking the movements of
the planetary bodies for one day as representing one year. At age 40, for example,
the positions of the planets 40 days after birth would be used to determine the
inner experiences that could be expected at that age.

Matthew 2 verse 1 – “After Jesus had been born in Bethlehem astrologers from
eastern parts came to Jerusalem saying “Where is the one born king of the Jews?
For we saw his star when (we were) in the east…..” Matthew 2 verse 7 – “Then Herod
secretly summoned the astrologers and carefully ascertained from them the time of
the star’s appearing.” Further on in the chapter it is revealed that the
astrologers deliberately misled Herod to protect Jesus.

Bearing in mind, as has previously been explained, that everything is energy it

can be very reasonable to state that all ‘physical’ bodies give off energy which
can affect other physical bodies that are within the range of those energies. It
is not too fanciful, therefore, to assume that the bodies in our solar system, and
in fact, all the bodies in the universe, can have an effect on us.

It has been established that it is virtually impossible for two human beings to
share the same arrangement of DNA. My thought is that in a similar way, no two
human beings will share the same physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual make-
up and no-one will ever experience life in the same exact way as someone else. Is
it stretching belief too far to say that the inherited DNA corresponds to the
planetary positions at the time of birth?

My belief is that either at conception, or at birth, and perhaps it may be

somewhere in between, the forming body has an energy matrix embedded in it in
accordance with the energies emitted by universal bodies of energy, but mainly the
ones that form our solar system. From that time onwards the movements of, and the
various aspects that the planetary bodies make to each other, would have the
potential to instigate reactions in the receiving personality which then has a
number of choices to make in dealing with them. One mistake that can be made is to
state that the ‘stars’ govern us. That is far from the truth as free-will is
always available to enable us to chart our own course through life.

Astrology states that not only do living creations get imprinted with these
matrices at the time of their creation but also those items that are manufactured
and crafted. This might well explain why some cars turn out to be ‘lemons’ and
some ships have a life that is a series of catastrophes.

There are many detractors of astrology, especially those in the scientific fields,
but it is open to question as to whether they have seriously investigated the
subject. Scientists often debunk the fact of the soul, reincarnation, telepathy
and other facets of universal energies because they are unable to, or have
difficulty in, replicating results in experiments. The reason so many of these
realities do not subject themselves to current scientific experiments is that they
are fluid, depending on the stage of the evolutionary progress of one person’s
spiritual identity. If you, yourself, have doubts about astrology the bibliography
contains some titles that might be of interest.

If the time of birth does indicate certain characteristics and potentials of a

new-born then some evidence of this ought to be available, and it is, in the form
of time-twins, individuals born at roughly the same time and in the same place,
within 200 kilometres or so.

A number of studies have been done on this particular aspect of astrology and they
certainly seem to substantiate the phenomena that at the time of birth there are
particular energies focused on that part of the Earth which will not be repeated
for perhaps hundreds of thousands of years.

An extract from a book, of one example, cites an interesting case of a pair of

time-twins. Barbara Miliceski and neighbour Susan Cooke share a list of
coincidences including the fact that they each have three children with the same
names: two boys called Ken and William and a girl named Ann:
Both were born on 7th July, 1939
Both are blue-eyed brunettes with identical moles on their right arm
Both fathers died when the girls were eleven years old
Both were top students who went to college on full scholarship
Both met their husbands in college
Both married on the same day, 3rd June, 1961
Both husbands went through medical school
Both had their first child in the third year of marriage and a second son two
years later
Both had daughters at the age of 39
Both bought houses on the same street in the same city at the same time
Both divorced their husbands at the age of 45
Both applied to graduate school to study child psychology
(‘Mirror Image Friends’, Weekly World news – 27th October, 1992)
Another book, by J. G. Toonder and J. A. West, The Case for Astrology (Penguin
Books 1973), lists a dozen cases of time-twins, including photographs for some of
their pairs. They write: “It would probably be possible to document several
hundred such cases from existing records. But to continue listing them would be
tiresome, nor would it prove anything from a scientific viewpoint.”

In view of the extensive astronomical knowledge of civilisations such as the

Babylonian and the Chaldean, and perhaps even further back, one wonders if they
actually had the scientific knowledge that was expressed in their appreciation of
astronomical movements and the characteristics they attributed to the various
heavenly bodies, which includes the fixed stars.

Joan Hodgson writes, in an article in the Astrological Journal Vo 16 No 1 on page

“Occult tradition states that the original teachings concerning the planetary
rays…..were brought to the Earth by god-men, highly evolved beings from outer
space who instructed humanity in the arts and the sciences and the spiritual laws
governing evolution. That these prehistoric people possessed knowledge far
surpassing that of present day science and engineering is demonstrated in the
remarkable construction of some of these ancient temples and monuments such as the
Great Pyramids.”

The Tibetan devoted an entire book to esoteric astrology. What he wrote is worth
including here because it relates to what was earlier stated about scientific

“What I have to say first on this subject is entirely of a preliminary nature. I

seek to lay the ground for a somewhat new approach—a far more esoteric approach—to
the science of astrology. Certain things I may say will probably be regarded by
the academic and uninspired astrologer as revolutionary, or as erroneous, as
improbable or unprovable. As yet, however, astrology has not really proved itself
to the world of thought and science, in spite of many definitely demonstrable
successes. I would ask all of you, therefore, who read and study this section of A
Treatise on the Seven Rays to bear in mind the above comments and to preserve a
willingness to consider hypotheses and to make an effort to weigh a theory or
suggestion and to test out conclusions over the course of a few years. If you can
do this, there may come to you an awakening of the intuition which will translate
modern astrology into something of real moment and significance to the world. It
is intuitional astrology which must eventually supersede what is today called
astrology, thus bringing about a return to the knowledge of that ancient science
which related the constellations and our solar system, drew attention to the
nature of the zodiac and informed humanity as to the basic interrelations which
govern and control the phenomenal and subjective worlds.

The statement is frequently made that astrology is an exact science but that is
far from correct in spite of the many mathematical computations. Astrology is
based, curiously enough, upon illusion for, as well you know, the zodiac is naught
but the imaginary path of the sun through the heavens, and this as it appears from
the standpoint of our totally insignificant planet. The sun is not, as stated, in
any sign of the zodiac. It simply appears to be so as it passes between our little
sphere, the Earth, and the constellations at any particular time or season.

The second statement which I would make is that astrology is essentially the
purest presentation of occult truth in the world at this time, because it is the
science which deals with those conditioning and governing energies and forces
which play through and upon the whole field of space and all that is found within
that field. When this fact is grasped and the sources of those energies are better
comprehended and the nature of the field of space is correctly understood, we
shall then see a far wider and at the same time a more closely related horizon;
the relationships between individual, planetary, systemic and cosmic entities will
be grasped, and we shall then begin to live scientifically. It is this scientific
living which it is the immediate purpose of astrology to bring about.”

A quote from another of his books is also apposite here: “There is a body
consciousness; there is a sensory apparatus, registering reaction to the
environment; there is a consciousness of moods, of quality, of mental reactions to
a world of ideas; there is a higher consciousness of plan and of purpose; there is
a consciousness of life.

It is interesting to note in connection with the Deity that this sensory response
to environment provides the entire basis for astrology and for the effect of the
constellations upon the solar system and the interplanetary forces.”

In a Treatise on Cosmic Fire he points out the energies that are all around us and
which are still little understood by the science of today. The unknown is at
present a barrier to the true understanding of life, its purpose, and its ultimate
conclusion – “The mystery is hidden in esoteric astrology, and until the subject
of energy working through the etheric body, of radioactivity, and of the
transmutation of all bodies from a lower state into a higher is better
comprehended, the true mystery of the "influence" of these various bodies upon
each other will remain at its present stage—an unrevealed secret. If the
radiatory effect of a human being or of a group of human beings upon each other is
as yet practically an unknown thing from the standpoint of practical science, so
the occult effect of these greater forms upon each other remains unknown. Science
recognises certain effects, leading and tending to the general coherence of the
universe, just as the general laws of the social order among men are theoretically
apprehended, but the true scientific realisation of energy-radiations emanating
from the etheric bodies of all these suns and groups of suns, and from all these
planets and groups of planets is little understood.”

It is not only individuals and objects that have an energy imprint which stays
with them for the period of existence on Earth. Every nation also has a birth-time
e.g., the exact time of the signing of the constitution, which can be portrayed on
an astrological chart and which can be read to indicate its birth potential and
what happens, and can happen to it, as the years progress.

Humanity as a whole also has a chart but that is known only to a few entities on a
much higher plane of existence. They are part of the Hierarchy of Man of which
more will be said in the next chapter.

Drawing again on the information given to us by the Tibetan here is a brief

indication of the astrology of nations – “It might be of interest here if we
continued our study by a consideration of some of the countries and their
governing signs. This would be a practical though necessarily a most debatable
point. It is not related in any way to the geographical position of these
countries but to the destiny (future) and karma (past) of humanity itself as it
differentiates itself into nationalities, living at one period of time upon
certain territories and so constituting that amalgamation of forms which we call
nations or races. Basically and fundamentally the souls, informing these nations
or races, remain detached from identification with them until such time as such
souls can function on Earth. Until, therefore, astrologers know more about group
astrology and know also how to determine past influences as well as forecasts, it
will not be possible for them to assign the correct ruling signs to the various
countries and nations or to check the accuracy or the inaccuracy of the statements
which I may make in the following tabulations. That type of astrology which
concerns itself with the past, we call essential astrology esoterically, in
contradistinction to predictive astrology. Past conditioning factors are basic
and essential to the expression of the present and to what happens in the human
family at any given moment, and from a proper understanding of the rules which
should (but as yet do not) govern the processes of what is sometimes called the
rectifying of a horoscope when the exact moment of birth is not known will come
the future science of ascertaining those past facts which produce present


It will probably feel very strange, if reading abut psychometry for the first
time, to discover that everything in existence has a record of its history
enshrined in a memory. On reflection, however, it may fit into the theme of
connectedness which states that the entire universe is based on energies which are
retained for life after life in order to provide a starting point for the next

On a purely pragmatic plane psychometry is explained in this extract from the

Encyclopaedia Britannica – “Psychometry also called Object Reading, a process
whereby facts or impressions about a person or thing are received through contact
with an object associated with the subject of the impressions. Rings, photographs,
and similar tokens are often used, but sometimes the physical presence of a person
may bring about images or visions in the psychometrist's mind that correspond to
real facts (sometimes still in the future) in the life of the subject. A degree of
lowered consciousness (that is, a state sometimes approaching trance) is thought
to improve psychometric "readings." Psychometric visions are usually too haphazard
to be of much practical value. The parapsychological institute of the
Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht, The Netherlands, was one of the first to perform
experiments using psychometry in finding lost persons or things and in solving
crimes.Copyright © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

At a higher level, the Tibetan has this to say: “But the higher psychic powers,
such as spiritual perception with its infallible knowledge, the intuition with its
unerring judgment, and psychometry of the higher kind with its power to reveal the
past and the future, are the prerogatives of the divine soul. These higher powers
come into play when the head and heart centres, as well as the throat centre, are
brought into activity as the result of meditation and service.”

Also: “4. That on the mental plane psychometry and symbology (including numerology
and geometry) are used by the perceiver to arrive at an understanding of the lower
mental levels.”

And finally: “The one basic sense, as you well know is that of touch. This is the
reason why I have not placed psychometry in any particular category in my
tabulation of the instincts, senses and powers. Psychometry is essentially the
capacity to work with and to get in touch with the soul of the higher grouping to
which the unit in the lower grouping aspires, and with the soul that can thus
aspire in any form. It concerns, in reality the "measure" of inclusiveness. This
measure will govern, for instance, the relation of the dog or other domesticated
animal to a human being, of a man to other men, and of an aspirant to his soul,
his master and his group. When this psychometrical inclusiveness is turned
towards the world of tangible things - minerals, possessions and other material
objects, for instance - we tend to make a magical performance out of it, and to
charge money for the demonstration of psychometrical power. We then call this the
science of psychometry. Yet it is the same power, turned towards the lower
kingdoms as is employed in making contact with the higher. There are three groups
of people who use the lower psychic powers, either consciously or unconsciously:
1. Those whose evolutionary stage is low enough to permit of their automatic use.

2. Those who have brought over the capacity to see and hear on astral levels or to
"work magic" from another life—from Atlantean times. These powers are natural to
them, but are usually neither understood nor controlled by knowledge and they
usually make their owner a victim or an exploiter of these powers.

3. The mystic upon the path of vision who (through the bringing in of energy from
the soul through meditation and aspiration) stimulates the solar plexus or throat
centres and thus opens a door on to the astral plane.”
“It might here be pointed out that mystical development and aspiration are the way
of escape from the highest aspect of the Atlantean consciousness. This is itself
astral in nature. Occultism and science are the way of escape from the highest
expression of the concrete mind, and from the Aryan consciousness, which is mental
in nature. Sensitivity or the psychic sense of touch is etheric in nature, is
general in expression and must eventually give place to that spiritual
impressibility which enables a man, like the Christ, simply to "know" what is in
his fellow man and to be aware of his condition and of the condition of life in
all forms. It is the first step towards that universal spiritual key of which
psychometry is the lowest expression.”

Psychometry is possible because memory can be stored in the energy fields which
are part of, form, and surround, all physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual
existence and which includes all created forms. Rupert Sheldrake, for example, in
writing about the hypothesis of morphogenetic fields, states that the conservation
and storage of information which is vital for the production of form can be done
via a morphogenetic field which is beyond the parameters of space and time.

Magnets can store the magnetic forces within them. Apart from naturally magnetic
materials man creates magnets for various uses by creating magnetic fields within
various metallic substances. That field then remains in the memory of that
substance until such time as it may disappear upon the happening of certain

Water is a substance that has many strange properties, the exploration of that
medium is still not complete. Johann Grander, an Austrian naturalist who was born
in 1930, realised that water possesses memory and modern research confirms that
even after chemical or mechanical removal of harmful toxic chemicals they remain
present in the water in the form of electromagnetic frequencies.

Jacques Benveniste, the research director of the French National Institute for
medical Research, proved that water retains the memory of a substance even when
no longer detectable (Nature 333:816, 1988). Upon further research he now claims
that a solution’s biological activity can be stored on a computer hard drive,
transferred by email to another computer and put into a different water sample at
the receiving end and still exhibit the same biological activity (Nature, Vol 395,
8th October, 1998). The electromagnetic frequency is digitised by using a computer
sound card, and this is possible because molecules vibrate with specific

The World Goodwill Pamphlet 1997 –1 on page 2 contained this – Dr. Peter Fisher of
the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital wrote a paper citing scientific
investigation of the hypothesis “that the microstructure of water is able to
retain information concerning substances with which it has been in contact.”

In the continuing search for better storage of computer data, and to speed up
access to it, research laboratories in Tokyo and Zurich are working on perfecting
the ability of a molecule to store data in a computer (New Scientist 12th
February, 2000 p 40).

Water is prevalent in much of Earth’s life including even such substances as rock
which, on the face of it generally appears to be devoid of moisture. It is
therefore evidently feasible that water may be a convenient substance in which
memory can be stored. Other depositaries may be more insubstantial as suggested by
the following: “Some scientists are of the opinion that long-term or permanent
memory is not stored in the brain, which is the general view, but that permanent
memory is only accessed by the brain. Their contention is that long-term memory is
stored or recorded in an extrasomatic information storage field, which sounds
rather like the permanent atoms of the etheric body.” Permanent atoms are focal
points of energy which are of sufficient power to attract and hold coherently
together the substance required by the soul with which to create a form of
expression. They are the force centres of the sheaths which surround the various
bodies of man. They are the conservers of faculty or ability to respond to a
particular vibration; assimilators of experience and the transmutation of that
experience into quality; and they hold hid the memory of the unit of
consciousness. Permanent atoms store all of the experience that has been gained in
previous lives and, in fact, the whole evolutionary process from the earliest
stages of life.

Anyone can psychometrise an object as I discovered on two occasions, one during a

weekend workshop conducted by Zoe Hagan, and the other during a weekly meeting of
individuals interested in clairvoyance. If one takes up an object, without knowing
the owner, that the person has had in their possession, and holds it for a short
period of time, it is possible to pick up thoughts which have some relevance to
the owner and/or the object itself. It is essential that the mind not interpret
what comes to mind, one cannot presume to edit the thought content as it might be
quite outlandish and implausible, not at all what might have been expected.

The capacity of this method of divination can be used for practical purposes. C.
W. Leadbeater had this comment in one of his books – “it seems as though there
were a sort of magnetic attachment or affinity between any particle of matter and
the record which contains its history – an affinity which enables it to act as a
kind of conductor between the record and the faculties of anyone who can read it.”

He goes on to say that a tiny fragment of stone that he gave to a psychometrist in

an envelope resulted in a description of Stonehenge and scenes from its early

Lyall Watson is an author who has written about many strange aspects of life. In
one book, he writes – “In 1941, Stanislaw Poniatowski, Professor of Ethnology at
the University of Warsaw, handed a small stone to an elderly Pole. For twenty
minutes, Stefan Ossowiecki felt the object, rolling it over and clasping it in his
hand, then he spoke:
I see very well, it is part of a spear….I see round houses, wooden, covered with
grey clay, over walls of animal hide….People with black hair, enormous feet, large
hands, low foreheads, eyes deeply set…..

He went on for an hour, giving a detailed view of the daily life, dress,
appearance and behaviour of a Palaeolithic people. The stone in question was the
projectile point of a spear in the Warsaw Museum which belonged to the fifteen-
thousand-year-old Magdalenian culture.”
Many individuals pick up feelings from places they visit, buildings they enter,
and people they meet. People with vague psychic abilities often can bring up
pictures without realising they are ‘reading’ their surroundings. This can be the
case too when meeting a person and some prominent event will come to mind.

Everything has its own particular vibration and if something dramatic has happened
there, such as a prison which has seen much suffering, torment and death, or a
building such as a cathedral which is full of centuries of love, prayer,
compassion etc., it can have an impact on the visitor, the strength of that impact
depending on the energy construct of the perceiver. It has to be remembered that
an experience will be felt differently by every participant in it due to the
matrix of energies which created that participant.

I Ching

There are three forms of divination, I Ching, the Tarot, and the Runes, which rely
on an intermediary process before the results of an attempt to divine an answer to
a question, or a problem, are known. In the case of the I Ching it is yarrow
stalks or their equivalent, the Tarot uses cards, and the Runes use stones with
hieroglyphic markings.

Perhaps the first thought would be that the results obtained are those relating to
chance and it could be said, by sceptics, that these three methods, at least,
expose the foolishness of individuals who act on guidance given by them. If,
however, the aspect of connectedness is introduced the actual situation is
revealed as possessing a much greater possibility of receiving a useful answer.

The Creative Being, or God, being perfection in itself can only produce a perfect
result, after Its period of evolutionary growth reaches its finality. In
potential, therefore, everything that happens contains an ultimate harmony. Since
everything that exists is a matrix of energies that interact, and react, and as
those energies are all related to one another because they are parts in a whole
the parts can be read as a means of understanding what is happening in a much
wider sense than one could accept under a belief that physical forms are
independent of each other. By analogy, the human body when it is unhealthy can be
read by ascertaining what is wrong with one or more of its parts and what needs to
be done to restore health.

It is still possible, even under the proposition that the whole is perfection, to
accept that freewill is a part of human life. A choice to go against growth in
consciousness, or to take part in negative acts or thoughts, can only delay the
essential harmony that must exist throughout the created universe. When using the
various methods of divination, therefore, the outcome can never be completely

Using sticks, cards, and runes, therefore, which are themselves energy constructs,
means that the likely result is known within the whole and the appropriate
energies that are needed to achieve that are used to select the combination which
will provide an answer to a querent. What is seemingly a random choice by the
querent is actually a positioning of the media used by means of the inherent
energies in it being aligned according to the situation at the time of choice.

According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica the I Ching was developed over several
thousands of years, possibly beginning in the 24th century BC when the legendary
emperor Fu His is said to have discovered the trigrams on the back of a tortoise.
The following two excerpts from the Britannica are given as basic information:

“Though the book was originally used for divination, its influence on Chinese
minds and its universal popularity are due to a system of cosmology that involves
humans and nature in a single system. The uniqueness of the I Ching consists in
its presentation of 64 symbolic hexagrams that, if properly understood and
interpreted, are said to contain profound meanings applicable to daily life.
Throughout the ages, I Ching enthusiasts have claimed that the book is a means of
understanding, and even controlling, future events. The I Ching hexagrams are
formed by joining in pairs, one above the other, eight basic trigrams (pa kua).
Each trigram has a name, a root meaning, and a symbolic meaning.” And:

“In practice, one "creates" a hexagram by casting lots in one of several ways. The
hexagram is built up from the bottom, line by line, by successive lots. Solid
lines have the number nine, broken lines have the number six. Solid lines
represent yang (the male cosmic principle), while broken lines represent yin (the
female cosmic principle). These two principles explain all being and all change by
their ceaseless interaction. Individual lines of a hexagram have been compared to
single notes of music. Though each note has a quality and significance in itself,
its truest significance depends on its place in a musical score. Because the same
principle applies to individual lines of a hexagram, the I Ching text first
explains each line separately, then gives an overall interpretation of the unit.
The text is often expressed in cryptic, thought-provoking language, thus allowing
the user great leeway in interpreting its significance.” Copyright © 1994-2001
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

The Chinese saw life as consisting of endless cyclical change with each moment
containing the future potential. Consulting with the I Ching therefore gives an
opportunity to determine what the appropriate next steps might be in order to
realize the best outcome.

Not very scientific, and not reproducible as scientific experiments require,

because the future is fluid. Natural laws are inherent in all of the forms in the
universe and they represent the potential that those forms carry into the future.
Change and transformation are the driving forces in the evolution of consciousness
and both Chinese thought and modern physics are at one in this assumption.

Joy’s Way by W. Brugh Joy, MD., includes a similar thought to that expressed
above. The author states that the assumption is that the yarrow stalks are not
separate from the consciousness of the inquirer. The querent and the stalks are in
relationship to each other and influence each other. The higher awareness of the
querent knows the final layout already, before the stalks are used for the purpose
of building a hexagram, and the latter then fall into the required place for the
eventual ‘reading’.

You will have noted from the Britannica extract that the descriptions given to
each line in a hexagram, and they are different in each hexagram, is deliberately
cryptic and thought-provoking. This is necessary because each inquirer has
different needs and potentials and therefore a cut and dried answer would not be
Divining with the I Ching requires 50 yarrow stalks but substitutes can be used.
In its pure form it is very ritualistic and has set ways of how to store the
stalks when not in use and how to approach the act of determining what the
hexagram is to be. A brief explanation is that 1 of the 50 stalks is discarded,
two piles are made of them and sticks are taken away in a pre-determined manner
until 4, 5, 8, or 9 sticks are left. The number of sticks determines the bottom
line of the hexagram with subsequent handling of the sticks, using the same
formula, another five times, achieving a six-line hexagram. The reading then takes
place according to which of the possible 64 hexagrams is the result of the
process. One could speculate on whether there is any significance in the fact that
a chess board also has 64 squares, chess having originated in China.

The first development of the I Ching called for the appraisal of an answer in
response to an inquiry by forming a trigram. As time progressed, however, there
was an apparent need for a greater range of expression. This was answered by
placing one trigram above another, forming the six-lined hexagram.

A hexagram is made up of two of the eight available trigrams which individually

signify qualities of Creative, Receptive, Arousing, Abysmal, Keeping Still,
Gentle, Clinging, and Joyous. These are conceived as images of all that happens in
heaven and on Earth. According to Chinese belief they are in constant transition,
one changing into the other. As a trigram consists of three lines it is evident
that the trinity is in use, and as a triangle signifies an easy flow of energy
(positive + negative = flow) it is understandable that the underlying philosophy
is one of change. The energy flow would have been seen as going from positive,
through neutral to negative, and the reverse, which is life experience in general
as all of humanity has its up and down periods.

From Carl Jung’s point of view, as he studied the I Ching, he referred to a

meaningful coincidence or synchronicity – an Accausal Connecting principle. In
other words, the I Ching answers are based on the assumption of an inner
unconscious knowledge that links a physical event with a psychic condition, so
that a certain event that appears as ‘accidental’ or ‘coincidental’ can be
determined to be physically meaningful.

The Tarot

The Tarot, like many of the other methods of divination has been in use, perhaps
for thousands of years. In mentioning this the point is made that if divination
does not work, in the minds of those who seek it, would it have lasted so long. In
Man’s history, for example, civilisations have come and gone but the art of giving
questioners answers to their present and past situations with some indications of
where they stand now and with possibilities for the future is ever with us.

One can research various sources for information about The Tarot’s origins without
receiving a definitive answer. One source states that it first appeared over 5,000
years ago and in ancient times the use was the prerogative of the Kings and High
Priests. From the ancient Egyptian Tar = path and Ro = Royal we get “The Royal
Path”. The Encyclopaedia Britannica states:
“Claims have been made for tarot cards' having originated in China, India, or
Egypt, but their true origin remains obscure. Tarot cards approximating their
present form first appeared in Italy and France in the late 14th century. Early
tarot decks were of several types, each varying in the number of cards. The
standard modern tarot deck is based on the Venetian or Piedmontese tarot. It
consists of 78 cards divided into two groups: the Major Arcana, which has 22 cards
(also known as trumps), and the Minor Arcana, which has 56 cards. 40 of the Minor
Arcana cards comprise 4 suits (1-10) of 10 cards each which correspond to the 10
aspects of the Tree of Life. The cards of the Major Arcana have pictures
representing various forces, characters, virtues, and vices. The 22 cards are
numbered from I through XXI, with the Fool being unnumbered.”

The 4 suits represent the four elements and the four seasons: -

Pentacles - spring and air

Wands - summer and fire
Cups - autumn and water
Swords - winter and Earth
and the 10 aspects correspond to the 10 planets used in astrological work.

The Major Arcana represent the archetypal energies which are available.

The Qabalah (Kabbala) first appeared as an oral tradition in Palestine in the

first century AD and hen in writing somewhere between the third and sixth
centuries. It is appaent that the basis of this tradition must have arisen from
the ancient Tarot because it explains creation as a process involving the 10
divine numbers and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Interestingly, the 22
verses of Psalm 119, which begins with Alef and ends with Tav provide the
qualities of the 22 paths of the Tarot – the Tree of Life in the Qabalah contains
22 paths based on 10 principles.

The tarot operates on that part of the consciousness which contacts the symbolic
and nonrational aspects. Freud discovered that beneath the surface of our
conscious awareness there is no sense of time; past, present, and future are
analogous and simultaneous and a Tarot reading therefore records the model or
pattern of behaviour in which the individual is involved and what will likely
eventuate unless steps are taken to change the pattern.

When expressing such views as these the rational mind can find it difficult to
accept that such subterranean forces actually exist and also form part of our
existence as physical beings. What is faced here is the inability to understand
the full complexity of the creation in which we live and move and have our being.
If one of the first men on Earth were to be suddenly brought to life in this era
he would be completely at a loss to believe what he would see and hear. He would
look upon us as gods and worship us as supreme beings. As we have evolved we have
tapped into greater and greater knowledge and our understanding of the workings of
the universe will continue to increase through life after life.

The Britannica contains a brief comment on the method used when divining through
The Tarot:

“The cards of the Major Arcana refer to spiritual matters and important trends in
the questioner's life. In the Minor Arcana, wands deal mainly with business
matters and career ambitions, cups with love, swords with conflict, and coins with
money and material comfort. The tarot deck is shuffled by the questioner, and then
the fortune-teller lays out a few of the cards (either selected at random by the
questioner or dealt off the top of the shuffled deck) in a special pattern called
a "spread." The meaning of any card is modified according to whether or not it is
upside down, its position in the spread, and the meaning of adjacent cards.”
Copyright © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Some backing for the evidence that methods of divination, such as The Tarot, can
provide some information of benefit to those who use such means is given by the
work done at universities such as Duke University. A lot of research has been
conducted into the ability of human beings to know both the present and the
future. A lot of people are able to record hits, considerably above chance and
even 100 per cent success, when asked to guess what symbol will next appear when
an experimenter turns over a pack of 25 cards which have 5 sets of symbols on the
reverse side. Work has also been done in obtaining card sequences in a shuffled
pack of 52 playing cards and the rare person can forecast the card sequences even
two or more shuffles ahead of the present time.

The Runes

Use of the Rune stones for divining purposes is perhaps one of the lesser-known
methods. The word rune is derived from ru (German) and runa (Gothic) which have
meanings of mystery, secrecy, and secrets. It is an ancient alphabetic
(hieroglyphic) script which originated in the Scandinavian and Germanic countries
and which has a meaningful name and a signifying sound. In keeping with the nature
of hieroglyphs, which have a descriptive meaning, the Runes can be read from any
one of a number of different ‘spreads’ that can be put out by someone who is using
them to obtain information.

An example of a Rune meaning is that of Isa which carries the explanation of

‘Standstill”, ‘That which Impedes’, and ‘Ice’. In books such as The Book of Runes
by Ralph Blum brief notations such as the foregoing are expanded into a lengthy
interpretation of what it would mean to have drawn that Rune to ask a question, or
to have encountered it in a spread of three or more. That book uses 21 Rune stones
but there are other books which use 25 of them so it is apparent that the use of
the Runes is not so well established as methods such as the I Ching and the Tarot.

It is likely that the original use and interpretation of the Runes, as used in
ancient times, has been lost as it was entirely an oral tradition. In order to
consult the Runes for an indication of what action, or non-action, might be
feasible one method involves posing a question and then taking one Rune in order
to receive a judgement on potential steps to take. One can then move to a three-
Rune spread which contains situations such as the present situation, action to be
taken, and the likely new situation that will result. Another spread leads from a
past incarnation, to birth, the present, the future, and a future incarnation.

Use of the Runes can be a very comprehensive method of obtaining information that
would otherwise be difficult to determine by guesswork alone plus what knowledge
one has of ones own self.

It cannot be too strongly stressed that if use is made of divinatory methods any
answers received must not be taken fatalistically. Man has freewill and although
that may seem to be a factor that can ‘outwit’ the Creator, it cannot be stated
too often that we are virtually unaware of the many dimensions in which creation
exists. Every time that we open up new awareness of thought and discover new
scientific ‘facts’ that force a re-think of what has been accepted in the past we
are confirming that we are only at the start of our journey to the source of all

Other Methods

Having dealt at length with some of the methods that are available for use by
those of us who may have reached a blocking point, who need assurance that a plan
that has been formed is in keeping with human, and personal need, who feel bereft
and without a future, and those many other factors that give rise to a need for an
answer, it will be sufficient to briefly deal with some other methods.

What must constantly be borne in mind is that we are always dealing with energies.
For me, at least, even though I have gained enough information to give me good
reason to accept all that I am writing in this book, I still have to rely on
others for interpretation and on analogy to help the understanding. One analogy
that could be useful in thinking about the energies that are all around us is that
of the studio mixer who constantly plays with numerous different inputs of energy.
The energy that creates the sounds of musical instruments, for example, can be
blended to produce harmony or dissonance at the will of the mixer. In a similar
way we, consciously or unconsciously, receive energies from all the bodies, seen
and unseen, that surround us and we are free to mix and blend those as we see fit.

Numerology has already been touched on in the preceding chapter. That raised the
information that each number has its own particular vibration which sets in motion
waves of energy which impact on whatever receives them. The letters in words are
converted into numbers which also gives word combinations their particular
vibrations. There is a very large number of books which can be obtained on the use
of numerology to determine, amongst other things, personality characteristics
relating to the day of birth, the sorts of experiences you can expect from the
life in a house using its street or lot number, and the sort of person you are
based on the full birth date. There are also methods that have been developed to
forecast life experiences in sequences of nine-year periods, information on how to
change one’s name in order to change the personality, the use of the numbers in
the birth date plotted onto a 3 vertical by 3 horizontal line chart to indicate
various features such as determination, spirituality, intellect, emotions etc.

Graphology is the art of using handwriting as a means of interpreting such things

as inner traits, employment potential, careers that are suitable, and
psychological assistance. The reasoning behind the way we write is that the
writing instrument is guided by bodily energies and automatically reflects them in
the way the letters are formed, whether the lines slope upwards (optimism) or
downwards (pessimism) and various other configurations that are available for
assessment. I have even seen a change in personality by consciously changing the
direction in which the letters are slanted.

Palmistry relies on an examination of the lines on the hands, the left indicating
what one was born with whereas the right hand lines represent the changes that
have occurred in a person. Like fingerprints, lines on the palms are one of a
kind, and probably resulted from the energies that were imprinted on the foetus
during its growth and the subsequent energies that govern our lives. There is
always the possibility that some day it may be discovered that fingerprints, palm
lines, DNA, etc., are all interrelated in a personal mosaic of energies. Is it
conceivable that the Creative being provided these many, and varied, indicators to
allow us to access practitioners who study the different means of obtaining
information about ourselves and our potentials and futures?

Clairvoyance is a gift which the possessor can use to tell the applicant about
themselves. This is a means of tapping into the energies with which we have
created our bodies. Through this contact it is possible to learn about our past
lives, our present life history, events that we may encounter in the future and
also future incarnations. This is all possible because time, as we use it, is
vastly different from time on a universal scale, as you will read in a subsequent

Telepathy is not actually a method of divining but an attribute whereby the

telepath can access the thoughts and psyche of another person and provide a means
of instant communication, whether the persons be close by or at the other end of
the Earth. In some of the Tibetan’s books he states that as we evolve, telepathy
will become a normal part of our lives. The implications of that thought would
mean a definite revision in the way we live our lives as our thoughts would be
available to anyone who tapped into them.

Chapter 12 The Hierarchy of Man

At the mundane level the word hierarchy often means a rigid structure with an
individual at the apex sending down instructions to be followed by the various
levels of authority which exist to enable orders to be relayed to the lower ones.
In many organisations the individuals who actually carry out the work to be done
have no part to play in decision making.

A lot of the religious organisations operate in a similar manner, the objective

being to maintain the original beliefs in as pure a form as possible. The clergy,
priests, imams etc., are allowed little, if any, freedom in interpreting the
articles of faith.

The result is that the structure crystallises and fails to incorporate the steady
increase in consciousness of the work-force, the congregation, or whatever
hierarchical structure may be in place. One reason for this may be fear that input
from the base of the pyramid might cause such an upset that the holders of power,
of the articles of faith, or whatever, might lose control.

This chapter is about a hierarchy, but one that is open and flexible and makes no
demands on those who seek to work within its bounds. The Hierarchy of Man consists
of those members of humanity who have reached a high level of divine consciousness
and perfection and who no longer need to reincarnate in physical bodies, although
they may do so under certain circumstances.

In the earlier part of the book the emphasis was on the flow of life and energy
from the creative source down through the seven planes of existence to the lowest
level, the physical, where life becomes trapped in matter of the lowest level of
vibration. The intent, here, is to begin with that lowest vibration and follow its
growth into the higher levels of being.


At some time or another, almost everyone has probably been informed about the four
elemental forces which power life on the physical plane. They are fire, Earth,
air, and water. What is not generally realised is that these forces are comprised
of elementals that have a rudimentary intelligence and carry out the work of
building and maintaining the physical forms in which we have our existence,
together with all the other forms that comprise the biosphere of our planet.

The elemental builders are classified as: -

Fire - salamanders
Earth - gnomes
Air - sylphs
Water – undines

Geoffrey Hodson made a reference to an event after the crucifixion in one of his
books. “Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took his garments, and
made four parts, to every soldier a part….” Geoffrey Hodson comments – “The
dividing of the garments of Jesus into ‘four parts, to every soldier a part’, also
refers to the fourfold nature of the physical universe, which is composed of the
four elements of Earth, water, fire, and air, and in addition, extends to the four
quarters of the compass.”

Human history has many accounts of these ‘little people’ because in the early
days, when man was still in the astral (emotional) level of consciousness it was
possible to actually see them. Even in recent history and today, those who possess
clairvoyant abilities can see them at work.

Recalling that the universe consists of particles of energy, aggregated into a

multiplicity of patterns, which we see by way of forms because of the slowness of
our vision, it is apparent that is the reason why energy elementals assume shapes
when seen by humans.

There are four classes of elementals which specialise in the functions they
provide within the natural environment.

Gnomes are the elementals that tend the roots of plants and encourage them to
grow. Undines perform the function of transferring sunlight and the energy coming
up from the roots into chlorophyll. Sylphs take the undines energy and use it to
create the colour of the blossoms and when the plant is dying it produces seed
which is tended by the salamanders.

According to the Tibetan, plants are said to be of an inherently higher evolution

and come under the Angelic Hierarchy of the Solar Being. Like mankind they are
sensitive to the cosmic energies, their growth being influenced by the planets and
certain constellations but lacking free will they more closely follow the dictates
of those energies. One of the energies which has the most effect on plant life is
that of the Moon. Many gardeners and horticulturalists plant seeds that will do
best when the Moon is in a certain phase and/or sign of the zodiac as each sign
represents either fire, Earth, air, or water.

The Moon is responsible for drawing water (sap) up into plants when it is
approaching, and at, the full phase and allowing it to drop when it is
approaching, and at, the new phase. The surface tension of water is at its highest
when the Moon is full.

In addition to the nature spirits, which attend to plant life, there are also
entities which go by the name of Devas. These energy constructs underlie all of
the visible forms which we see with our eyes. They are responsible for the
mineral, animal, vegetable, and human kingdoms, some relevant information being
given in the next section.


“Eastern peoples, as well as numerous members of the Keltic and other naturally
psychic races, are familiar with the idea of the existence of the Gods. In the
East they are called devas, a Sanskrit word meaning “shining ones” and referring
to their self-luminous appearance. They are regarded as omnipresent, superphysical
agents of the Creative Will, as directors of all forces, laws and processes,
solar, inter-planetary and planetary.” Geoffrey Hodson goes on to say that these
hierarchical Orders of Intelligences, quite distinct from man in this solar
system, either have been or will be men.

Hindu sacred writings refer to Agni, the God of Fire, who belongs to the deva
evolution, the builders of the solar system. Wholes are made of parts, some of
which are so numerous and so small as to be invisible to the naked eye. Our own
bodies are evidence of this as the trillions of cells are only in view by virtue
of the body parts that they create and maintain.

Agni rules over the fire elementals and devas on the three planes of human
evolution – physical, astral, and mental. Human beings, and the Planetary Logos,
the entity which uses the Earth as its body of manifestation, work in the devic
substance. Whereas the Planetary Logos works consciously with the devic substance,
human beings work with it unconsciously. That is as well because devas are
impartial in their application of energy and if contacted for a good purpose that
would result and if for an evil one, that would result.
There are two groups of devas. The group on the evolutionary path is called Angels
by those who follow the Christian religion. On the involutionary path are the
elementals, which are essentially sub-human. Whilst on the subject of devas and
elementals it is to be noted that human bodies are built by the four types of
elementals and that is one reason why it can be so difficult for us to climb above
the magnetism of the physical plane, the materialistic way of life which has such
an attraction until the time comes when consciousness is increased to a point
where the spiritual, or higher levels of experience, gradually becomes the goal to
work towards. In analysing a chart based on astrological calculations one of the
methods is the use of the relative numbers of fire, Earth, air, and water signs in
which planets are placed at the time of birth. These are the four groups of
elementals that build our bodies.

Geoffrey Hodson, in The Kingdom of the Gods, refers to forms being created by
hierarchies of creative intelligence, the Archangels and their angel hosts who
have access to the designs and archetypes which exist in the Mind of God. They
ally themselves with the force of The Word and utilise its capacity to form
shapes. In his book there are many illustrations, drawn by an artist to whom he
described what he saw, of devas of various kinds who are responsible for watching
over mountains, trees, landscapes, oceans etc. Their shapes generally conform to
the forms which they are responsible for maintaining, the particles of energy
composing their bodies assuming a particular shape because of the sound which
plays upon those energies. The sound is The Word and acts in a similar manner to
that of a vibration applied to a metal plate with sand scattered over it. The
vibration (sound) arranges the sound into recognisable shapes.

Chapter 2, based on energy fields, had a section on morphogenesis. From the

foregoing there is a reasonable explanation of what entities are responsible for
creating, and maintaining, the energy field in which each species and sub-species
live their lives. As builders, the devas and elementals would create the bodies,
watch over them, and inform them, thus explaining why creatures in the wild are
able to be self-sufficient without having to be trained by parents.

The interlocking network of energy which is behind all of created life could also
help to explain why toxic chemicals and the like can have an adverse effect on
wildlife. Disrupting energy is introduced into a morphogenetic field which the
supervising devas are unable to deal with, hampered as they are, in one sense, by
the need to proceed along regulated pathways ordained by the Laws under which they

In comparison with the devic/elemental world, man has free will, the ability to
choose between different pathways. Those other worlds are restricted in how they
operate and can be classed as being of neutral energy in the sense that in those
cases where man can influence them the energy can become either positive or
negative in its flow.

Most of us are aware of the references to the Light and the Dark Forces. The
Forces of darkness work with the elementals on the involutionary path and their
intention is to want to keep mankind on the physical plane. The Forces of Light,
on the other hand, co-operate with the higher building devas which are on the
evolutionary path. As evolution proceeds, the human kingdom (the positive aspect)
and the deva kingdoms (the negative aspect) will eventually synthesise into one
whole but this is said not to happen until the seventh round, the present round
that we are in being the fourth.


The human body is built up by the accretion of elemental builders on the etheric
framework which underlies it. It then progresses through an ever-increasing gain
in consciousness through life after life in bodies which gradually become finer,
more beautiful, and responsive to mental commands. There is a limit, however, to
the continued refinement of those bodies but as evolution must proceed to ever
higher levels of sophistication and competence the only avenue left is that of
entering the sphere of the spirit.

When the physical/astral/mental bodies are perfected, harmonised, and integrated,

they are subject to contact with the soul, or intermediary, between physical and
spiritual energies. Once this stage is reached man can contact the world of spirit
and begin to work on the physical plane by using the intuition. Intuition is that
which gives direct knowledge of universal life without having to investigate and

The evolutionary progress is then enhanced because physical conditions can be

improved beyond measure because of this direct knowledge of how the natural forces
are constituted and how they work.

When sufficient progress has been made in this direction a man is then freed from
the constraints of the physical body and can henceforth live, if that is his life-
path, on a higher plane of existence as the physical body is no longer required.

One of the possibilities then is to join the Hierarchy, a group of Masters who are
responsible, in part, to oversee the progress of humanity. Hierarchy, from the
Greek, means ‘sacred rule’. In all, there are twelve creative hierarchies which
are the creative agents or builders of forms. Those hierarchies which are
specially relevant to humanity are the fourth, fifth, and sixth, the fifth being
the Solar Angels. The fourth hierarchy is the one that is working with humanity
and the sixth creative hierarchy consists of those devas who are mostly concerned
with the impulses of love, sex, and the driving urge to produce activity on the
physical plane.

The mass of humanity is unaware of, or relatively so, the existence of the
Hierarchy. For most of us it can be difficult to think of having a life that is
not contained within a physical body. Looking back, however, at the process of
reincarnation it is obvious that the part of man which survives death has to be
present at some level or another during the time between incarnations. Once we
have passed through enough physical existences to ensure that we are spiritualised
then we too will exist at the formless level.

At some stage in our growth of consciousness we will become disciples and world
servers and act as a bridge between humanity and hierarchy, helping others to a
realisation of why life was created. Mental substance, in which we are now tending
to concentrate, is highly volatile and susceptible to impression by the members of
the Hierarchy of Man. The members of that group are also referred to as illumined
minds, an inner group of thinkers which constantly meditates and formulates
thoughts which are intended to provide guidance for those of us who are open to

The Tibetan, in Education in the New Age writes, when discussing citizenship from
a universal viewpoint and the relationship of the individual units to that all-
encompassing word - “This subject necessarily embodies the whole problem of
individual freedom and of collective responsibility. This subtle relationship
must be understood and expressed by humanity in line with the underlying
principles of the entire human and planetary structure. This structure is that of
an all-embracing Hierarchy. In spite of the rationalisation of men's minds, this
Hierarchy exists and extends from the atom of substance at the very depth of
manifestation to the entire solar system; it expresses in its graded ascent every
type of consciousness, from that of the infinitesimally small to that of the
infinitely great. It is with a small section of the hierarchical structure—and a
very small section at that—that we are engaged. Our field of investigation is
that of the fourth Creative Hierarchy, which is the hierarchy of human beings; it
concerns the relations of the members of this hierarchy within its hierarchical
periphery; it deals also with a possible range of existence in the subhuman realms
on a lower rung of the ladder of hierarchical existence, and with that
hierarchical structure which is found immediately above the human in the scale of
beings that of the fifth or spiritual kingdom, the Kingdom of God.

With that great hierarchical unit which we call the animal kingdom, the third
kingdom in nature, man is definitely related through the medium of his animal,
etheric and astral bodies. He is also related to the kingdom of souls, because
his own soul is an integral part of that kingdom, just as his physical body is an
integral part of the animal kingdom. The aspect of himself which is strictly and
specifically human is the mind or mental body; this is essentially the organ of
relationship to all other human races.”

Man is now approaching the time when relative peace will be in evidence, even
though present circumstances appear to belie that. There are expectations that
some members of the Hierarchy will externalise around the year 2025 and by
externalisation is meant the taking on of physical bodies once again, for the
purpose of guiding us to those higher potentials which lie hid within. The Christ
has already provided the reality that this can occur when he appeared in material
form to his disciples after his death. There is nothing supernatural in this as
we, ourselves, have appeared in material form as the result of the involution of
the originating energy which created the universe and all that lives in it.

The purposes for which the externalisation will occur are: -

to develop a new world religion; help to shape a new world society of
justice, unity, and equal opportunity; publicly present the ‘system of
initiation’; and provide exoteric training of disciples and humanity.
Right relations between human beings will have to be well in place by that
forecast date.

A fairly long passage from one of the Tibetan’s books gives a fairly comprehensive
picture of the Hierarchy: -
“Again I tell you that even the Hierarchy itself, with all its knowledge, vision
and understanding and with all its resources, cannot coerce and cannot forecast
what mankind will do. It can and does stimulate to right action; it can and does
indicate possibility and responsibility; it can and does send out its teachers and
disciples to educate and lead the race; but at no point and in no situation does
it command or assume control. It can and does bring good out of evil, illuminating
situations and indicating the solution of a problem, but further than this the
Hierarchy cannot go. If it assumed authoritative control, a race of automatons
would be developed and not a race of responsible, self- directed, aspiring men.
This must surely be apparent to you and may serve to answer the question which is
uppermost in the minds of the unthinking, occult students today: Why could not the
Hierarchy have prevented this catastrophe? Unquestionably the Masters of the
Wisdom with Their knowledge and Their command of forces could have interfered, but
in so doing They would have broken an occult law and hindered the true development
of mankind. This They will never do. At all costs, man must learn to stand and act

The fact of the existence of the New Group of World Servers was brought to the
attention of the general public, and on quite a large scale. This group is
composed of aspirants, disciples and initiates, and is intermediate between the
spiritual Hierarchy and the intelligent public. Its members are to be found in
every country, are unorganised except by their spiritual relation to the Hierarchy
and to each other, and through their effort in every field of human consciousness
to lead humanity into a more spiritual way of living. They aim to foster the
growth of right human relations through goodwill, and this work is still going on.

1. The Hierarchy stands as a wall between humanity and excessive evil. Forget not
that as humanity is thus protected that protection extends to all the subhuman
kingdoms, of which the fourth kingdom, the human, is the Macrocosm. The excessive
evil, emanating from cosmic sources, requires the trained skill of the Hierarchy
and the fiat of Shamballa to prevent it flooding over disastrously.

2. The Hierarchy works constantly at the task of awakening the consciousness

aspect in all forms, so that it is awakened, expanded and intelligently employed.

3. The Hierarchy directs world events, as far as mankind will permit (for the free
will and free decision of mankind may not be ignored), so that the unfolding
consciousness may express itself through developing and adequate social,
political, religious and economic world forms. They give direction; They throw a
light; They impress those who are in contact with Them, and through the inflow of
ideas and through revelation They definitely influence the tide of human affairs.

4. The Hierarchy directs and controls, more than is realised, the unfolding cyclic
cultures and their resultant civilisations. These can then provide adequate forms,
temporarily useful for the emerging soul of humanity. The format of cultures and
civilisations receives special attention.

5. The Hierarchy receives and transmits energies and consequent forces from
Shamballa, with resultant effects within the Hierarchy itself, and also with
effects upon humanity and upon the soul of all things to be found in all kingdoms.

6. The Hierarchy receives that esoteric "Fire of God" which brings to an end
cycles, ideologies, organisations and civilisations when the due and right time
comes. This They do in order to make place for that which is better and which will
prove adequate and not limiting to the awakening consciousness and the emerging

7. The Hierarchy prepares men for initiation by:

a. Receiving them into the Ashrams of the Masters.

b. Offering Their disciples opportunity to serve in relation to the emerging Plan.

c. Inaugurating through the means of the disciples of the period those new
presentations of the training needed for initiation. Each major cycle receives new
forms of the same ancient, yet basic, teaching. This present one is such a cycle,
and much of my own work is in connection with this.”

Humanity is responsible for qualifying and adopting the Divine Plan but we have
free will and the speed and extent to which that responsibility is undertaken
certainly depends upon us as we are the span between the fourth kingdom of
humanity and the fifth kingdom of the superhuman.

Throughout time man has had the thought of a group of wise and enlightened beings
which is given the task of guiding humanity. Spiritual teachings have consistently
referred to the spiritual Hierarchy, Masters of the Wisdom, and the Elder

There are guides at many different stages of competence as noted in the following
two extracts from “Guided Writings”: -

“So often people think of guides as being multi-talented or engaged on their

behalf. But entities who become guides have many different functions, as well as
different levels on which to act. Just think on the diversity of your peoples,
their ages and stages of development and you can realise why this is so. Someone
may have been in contact with the same guide for many years but that does not mean
that there have not been other entities working with and for them. Sometimes the
lifetime guide is a family member, whether on your world or here; and many times
it can be an alter ego, the other half. So like all other things within the light,
there is great diversity. No one is more lucky than others in their protection, it
is a matter of what work is being done at that particular time. In karma and free
choice of lifestyle, we select our own form of guidance. I say form, for the guide
itself also does its' own choosing, depending on the Master Guides or doorkeepers.
So it is a case of what (level) not who. I have done guidance many times in my
cycles, but now the communication holds my attentions I don't know yet what I
shall do next, that depends on my progress plus the needs of the Hierarchy.

“Before all of us lies a panorama of disaster and catastrophe. Cannot you imagine
how sad a view your beautiful Earth is from Heaven's firmaments? No, we shall not
say more to you on duty and behaviour, for it lies not in your powers to heal what
wounds have been gouged in your planet. The remedies are beyond you all and
therefore you can only carry on as well as possible and pray for God's
intercession in the evil destructiveness at work in your world - what predictions
can we make - it is beyond us also, it is in God's and the Highest Hierarchy’s
hands. What they decide is what shall be done and none of us can change it save
through prayer and right living. Save those around you, if you can, but if they
will not, then let them go - time is too short now to be dwelling overlong on the
reluctant. Increase your own awareness and sensitivities as you can, in a strong
and genuine way. Yes, I did say no more sermons, but instructions never come
amiss. We say as we must and you can accept or not, as you so choose. (16.3.86)”

New Group of World Servers

Humanity has always had certain individuals who have provided new thoughts,
inventions, profound theories, etc., which have assisted humanity in its long road
of a progression in consciousness. Names such as Muhammed, Krishna, the Buddha,
the Christ, Socrates, Michelangelo, Francis Bacon, Einstein, and Carl Jung,
amongst others are included in that august group. In the early days they were
reasonably rare because it has taken many millennia for the progress to gradually
attain a momentum of its own. In today’s world the group of New World Servers is
now quite a considerable force and includes, besides those who are conscious of
their mission, a large body of individuals which is leavening humanity with its
contribution to education, economics, politics, health, social justice, and the
many forms by which humanity is made aware of new needs on the march of progress.

This growing band of servers provides a pool of individuals who will eventually
become aspirants, and then disciples, finally progressing to the stage of
initiates, at which point they are free to operate at will within the physical,
astral, mental, and spiritual levels of existence.


Beyond Hierarchy there exists another level of attainment, that of Shamballa. At

one time this was thought to have an existence in the Gobi Desert and was
mythologised as Shangri-La, an imaginary remote paradise, a utopia. Shamballa is a
Sanskrit word that symbolises “the place of peace, tranquillity.” Shamballa does
exist in the region of the Gobi Desert but at the higher etheric and not the
physical plane.

It was formed some 18 million years ago (followed by the Hierarchy one million
years later) as the head centre of the planetary life. Possessing three great
energies it acts as a purifier of all that hinders full expression of divinity, a
destructive force that shatters forms that have outlived their purpose, and
organises spirit and matter into different relationships.

In a booklet on Shamballa, which was produced by The Arcane School, it states

that, “Shamballa is simply a word conveying the idea of a vast focal point of
energies which are assembled and brought together by the Planetary Logos in order
to create a manifestation adequate to His unfolding intention and planetary
service.” That quotation was taken from Discipleship in the New Age Vol II p 404.

Shamballa energy brings will, purpose, motive, simplicity, synthesis, meaning, and
significance. At certain intervals this group of spiritual beings releases energy
into the planetary sphere in order to provoke major reorientations in human life.
An example of this is the 1919-1945 emergence, beginning with the League of
Nations, of the United Nations. This synthesising energy is responsible for the
current move towards globalisation but as, with all spiritual energy, it can be
misused; selfish purposes can block the true intent and produce instead something
which is of much lesser value than the template which was provided at a higher
level of vibration. It can be distorted as it descends through the planes.

Shamballa energy is impersonal and can be experienced only as a group, not as an

individual, impact. It is Hierarchy that relates to the individual man. Prior to
this century the shamballa force has been used only twice. Firstly in Lemuria when
it sparked the ‘crisis of individualism’ and secondly in Atlantis during the
struggle between the Lords of Light and the Lords of Darkness.

In 1975 it was the release of energy from Shamballa that led to the initiation of
New Age philosophies, natural therapies, conservation, in other words a spiritual
and dynamic opening up of health, education, and religion. Astral in nature it
increased the use of workshops, brought in re-birthing techniques and the many
other interests that extend into the non-physical world of existence.

Another release of the energy occurred in the year 2000 and is again creating
crises which man can either use to make this a better world or fail to use and let
its release founder on the back of a continuing world crisis which will, in
effect, bring on a greater catastrophe in order to provoke a change that could
have been made more easily.

Shamballa, Hierarchy, and Humanity now form a triangle which is being activated.
The intent is that at some far distant time the three groups will merge into one
vibrant spiritual life, perhaps a happening something like the birth of a star
formation. I have yet to read, or learn, whether individual man moves forward or
whether the group of humanity as a whole eventually resolves itself into a greater
universal being.


The word initiation was mentioned a little earlier in the chapter and some
elaboration is now provided. Bearing in mind that all is energy and all forms are
intersecting patterns of energy it is understandable that initiation can be
described as an essentially electrical phenomena, an obstructing, repelling force
until the electrical energy of the door to initiation and of the man are
synchronised and vibrate in unison. Many people are under the impression that a
guru, or similar ranking, is able to grant a person the status of initiate, but
that is not so. Initiation is a natural happening that signifies a personality
body has stepped up to a higher level of spiritual energy. In effect it is an
expansion of consciousness that reflects a greater awareness of spiritual reality
and includes a refining and integration of the personality bodies and eventually
fusion with the soul.

Group initiation will be a feature of the new age that we have commenced
progressing through and it represents a move away from purely personal ideas and
undertakings and a move towards a selfless attitude in applying spiritual
teachings in world service. This partly explains the trials that have been taking
place in community living since the early twentieth century. There are always
fore-runners to give a hint of new potentials for living.

Initiation gives freedom, a liberation from past ties and a move to a more
inclusive state of being. An initiate is one who has managed to transcend the
limitations of human nature and the boundaries of birth and death. It is a state
which gives the ability to act truly harmlessly, with dispassion, and without fear
as no sanctions that are imposed by outside forces can deter him from his quest.
He is more concerned with an attempt to change our perceptions of the world rather
than the world itself. This ties in with the argument that the world we live in is
the world which we have created for ourselves.

Group initiation is being opened up by energies released from Shamballa and the
Hierarchy with the intention of developing group consciousness and the formation
of groups that grow and act organically rather than consisting of a rigid
organisation. It is more likely to be a case of a group forming and then have
individuals flow in and out according to the needs to be satisfied.


Reference has been made to the Masters so it will be useful to provide some
further information as to their nature. As previously stated, a Master is no
longer tied to a physical form and is no longer prey to the temptations of a
physical form with its attendant emotional and mental bodies. A Master will
normally have an ashram, which consists of chelas and disciples the latter being
either incarnate or discarnate.

Any tendency to worship a Master or to fasten on to a Master’s aura, which can

happen to someone who has the necessary clairvoyant vision, must be avoided. It is
a trap to the unwary because it can lead to becoming a devotee, which the Buddha
specifically cautioned against. The dangerous path of the devotee can be avoided
by following Buddha’s teaching to “Holdfast to the truth as a lamp”, “Be a lamp
unto your own feet. Look not to anyone outside of yourself for truth.”

One reason for not grasping onto a Master and believing that one is now in a
superior position is that Master’s themselves are evolving. Not all of them have
chosen to work with humanity and those who have so chosen spend only part of their
time in that way.

At certain times the Masters meet in conclave in order to determine whether

particular emphasis is needed in any area as a guide to humanity. In a meeting in
1500 AD, for example, it was decided that humanity needed to raise its
consciousness to the mental plane and to break down the barriers of
separativeness, isolation, and prejudice. After such a decision various fore-
runners are put into incarnation in order to spark off new ideas, new thinking,
new moral and ethical perspectives, change of social structures, open up religious
thought, introduce psychology, etc.

When a Master reaches the end of the evolutionary line for that designated
achievement he has a choice of seven paths. This may be an opportune point to
state that the investigation into the world behind the physical appearance can
tend to leave one so bewildered and the complexities so great that a lack of
comprehension makes it all too hard. On reflection, however, if one looks back to
man’s own origin as a mindless savage, and even beyond that to the original
single-celled organisms, it will be apparent that even today’s world would be
incomprehensible to those earlier forms of life. What stretches ahead of us,
therefore, is much of the same, a gradual unfolding of what still lies before us.

To state that a Master has a choice of seven paths may then put matters into
perspective. Details of the seven paths are given in Initiation, Human and Solar,
by Alice Bailey. A brief description of each is given here but the meaning of some
of them is so far removed from our ken that it is not worth attempting to pursue
it any further.
Earth Service: pledged to remain linked to the Hierarchy and serve the planet.
Magnetic Work: work with elemental formative energy, manipulation of matter, work
with Fohat.
Training for Planetary Logoi: preparing to work as a sub-planetary or planetary
logoi in the next solar system.
Path to Sirius: very little can be communicated about this path. This is where the
secret of our cosmic evolution is to be found.
Ray Path: little is known about it but it involves work in the various kingdoms on
all planes. Very complex path as it needs capacity for intricate mathematics.
Path the Logos is on: the Logos on the cosmic planes is evolving inner cosmic
Path of Absolute Sonship: is the great controlling path of Karma and involves a
relationship to a Being higher than our Logos.

The Hierarchy is the head centre of the Planetary Logos, with Shamballa being the
heart centre. Interposed with these centres are the Communion of Saints, the
Kingdom of Souls, the Rishis, with the Christ serving in the centre of the

The Logos

A yet higher step up is the Logos of a planet. This Great Entity uses the
physical/etheric, emotional and mental planes of a planet as His vehicle of
manifestation. In keeping with the “as above, so below”, theme, a planetary logos
is also on an evolutionary path and also takes initiation in a manner similar to
the human initiation.

Human bodies have changed over the millennia as evolution refined them, developed
emotional and mental bodies, and increased the level of consciousness through
successive incarnations. In looking back at the cataclysmic changes that have
occurred on Earth, and the changes which are ever with us, it may be reasonable to
state that although man is affecting the physical body of the Earth the Logos
itself may well be responsible to an even greater extent. One example of this may
be global warming. Increases in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can have an
effect on the heat which is retained or released but there is a body of evidence
which concludes that an increasing growth in volcanic activity on the seabed of
the Pacific Ocean is also having an effect.

Man is said to be the cells in the brain of the Earth’s Logos and there is no
reason why there shouldn’t be an interplay between the Logos and humanity whereby
we are moved to take certain actions prompted by an input from the Logos.

A planetary logos is not the end of the line as the next entity above that is a
solar logos who uses an entire solar system as its vehicle of manifestation. Above
that again is the entity “about whom naught may be said”. This particular
manifestation uses seven solar systems, the seven stars of the Great Bear
corresponding to its seven head centres and represent the seven rays that use our
solar system as a means of expression.

Once again the mind boggles at the thought of these enormous bodies of energy
which contain other lives within them. Reflect though, that there is a direct
parallel with our own bodies which consist of countless lives, all having
intelligence as we well know from the research that has revealed how two tiny
cells, guided by DNA, build up a human body.

In the Bhagavad Gita the Divine Logos, speaking through the mouth of Krishna says
“The whole of the cosmos is pervaded by me in my unmanifest form. I am thus the
support of all manifested existencies; but I am not supported by them…There is
nothing superior to me and all this hangs on me as a row of gems with a string
running through…The Mahatmas devoted to Daiviprakriti and know me as the
imperishable cause of all things, worship me with their minds concentrated on me.
I am the source of all things; the whole universe proceeds from me. Thinking thus,
the wise who share my nature, worship me.”

A quotation from a book gives an ancient viewpoint of the Logos – “In the
philosophy of the Ancient Greeks the Logos became the controlling and guiding
principle of the universe. It is this binding principle of the Logos that draws
into relationship the positively, negatively, and neutrally charged particles of
the atom.

The source of all life is symbolised by a dot in the centre of a circle. Moving
towards the circumference there is a radiation out of ever-decreasing energy which
reflects the increasing density of thought substance and the lower levels of life.

Pretty heady stuff for a casual reader, or someone who is standing at the first
doorway of the entrance into a higher consciousness. Imagination is needed here,
coupled with an awe at the immensity of the universe and the continual revelations
by science about its constitution. Even light is now suspected of not having a
constant speed but one that may be gradually slowing down.

Even the universe that we exist in will someday close in on itself and once again
become a seed that will again explode itself into another universe. And why not!
There are wonders around us that we are not aware of because our comprehension is
as yet limited, and restricted by, our inability to penetrate into the inmost
secrets of the primal life.
Chapter 13 Politics and Spirituality

The Random House Dictionary has eight definitions of politics, the main ones
being; 1. the science or art of political government; 4. political affairs or
manoeuvres; 6. use of intrigue or strategy in obtaining any position of power or
control as in a business, university, etc.; 7. having a definite policy or system
of government.

Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary includes definitions such as; 2. political

affairs in a party sense; party intrigues etc., 3. to play politics. To speak or
ask for political reasons, hence, to scheme for an advantage.

The second definition of a politician in the Random House Dictionary is; a seeker
or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favour or
retaining power than about maintaining principles.

As we are said to live in a democracy (for those countries that claim this) the
Random House Dictionary defines it as 1. government by the people, a form of
government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by
them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.

A more general description of democracy is ‘government of the people, by the

people, and for the people.’ It is fair to say that the theory is good but in
practice it falls far short of such a high-sounding philosophy. This theme will be
the basis of what follows. You will have noted in the definitions above of why
politicians are not serving us as they ideally should and that is a major cause of
so much dissatisfaction that is voiced by many individuals. Politics today tends
to reflect selfishness, rather than an urge to truly serve those who place such
trust in those whom they elect. No wonder, in countries where voting is not
compulsory, that there is such a low turnout at the polling booths.

It is patently evident that all is not well with the world’s people at this
particular stage in our development. There seems to be a hiatus point, a position
where there is general bewilderment about why humanity has reached this impasse.
Many people are fearful of what might result from our apparent disintegration of
what we have believed in while a few others see this period as one in which old
forms can disappear and be replaced with new ones that can allow for a true
blending of humanity into one body, whilst retaining the individuality which is so
important to a true functioning of the whole.

Despite the fear of what might happen as a result of the continuing disintegration
of much that we hold dear from the past, it is now more evident that events have
conspired to make it exceedingly difficult to retain that past. We must seek
change and a useful appraisal of today was recorded in ‘Guided Writings’ on the
21st June, 1987 – “Many people whose minds and souls are on the borderline are
jolted into making a choice, indifference, or caring towards others. In many
crises, wars, occupations by other countries, meanness at home, school, the
workplace etc., people have been transformed into militant or caring humans where
they would likely have remained acquiescent to their surroundings and their inner
depths would never have emerged. In all wrongs there is often good that results
for someone, painful though it may be when it manifests itself.

The second world war resulted in an awakening of many individual types of people.
The common man, the cannon fodder, started to realise how they were being used as
pawns, expendable pawns at that, by big business and politics. It took several
more wars before that message really sank home, and now the investigations into
the atomic testings. chemical spraying etc., has revealed that no country's
leaders behaved honourably.

Particular items in the news about politics are usually placed to slant the
opinions towards a certain action. Most political parties have become so caught up
with keeping in office and out of trouble that they are becoming less and less
effective. When opinions are coming in from all around, and people are
complaining, threatening, pleading, bribing, and spying - is it any wonder the
imperfect humans become confused. You realise how great a difference there is in
politics today? It was once local; then spread to State, Country and now Global -
and more, at times. And the media, producing instant news plus feedback; the
militants forming and arousing public emotions; plus the other areas one's
decision can often affect - look at agriculture, mining, entertainment, armaments
for defence. You could add to each, pollution, land despoliation, pornography,
treachery - oh yes, it is a long list. And all of this political situation is
going to grow worse because it must, if there is to be any meaningful change. As
has happened in business, in medicine, and many other fields politics is no longer
workable in its present stage, and there will be no willing change at the moment,
for to have any effect the change must be worldwide, and to bring such a far-
reaching evolution, the original machinery must break down and prove too costly in
all ways before change occurs. And when political wheels falter then the world
itself falters, so there are difficult times ahead. But to be rid of such a
selfish, useless, anachronism as is running the world today, it will almost be
worth it. Yes, I did say almost, like the Holocaust there will be many who will

As you will note from the introductory section of dictionary definitions we govern
ourselves by means of politics. In an ideal state of being, politics would ensure
that every world citizen would have basic rights to the wealth that the natural
world provides. We are, no matter how we may prefer to think about it, of an
animal nature and closely bound to the rhythms of the Earth. Our lives are
affected by the natural environment and yet we claim to be above the dictates of
natural forces, and processes. Having said that we have animal natures that is to
be qualified by adding, ‘with a basic spiritual centre’, a feature that impels us
to continually search for new, and greater, meanings in life.

Humanity is at the nadir of its progress through the stages leading from our
inception on this Earth to that whereby we spiritualise material substance and
take our place amongst the gods, after whom we have been modelled. This is a
turning point and hence the strife which is generated by a physical desire to have
everything material that we feel we need to give us happiness, and a higher
striving which is to attain a realisation that we are truly one people, despite
our diversity. That higher striving is epitomised by the parable of the Prodigal
Son. We have an inner instinct which tells us that we are truly spiritual beings
and must eventually transcend our threefold personalities of body, emotions, and

Politicians, in general, are demonised because they are caught between the
stranglehold of materialism and the up-welling drive, in many cases inchoate, that
makes us realise we are misusing our god-given capabilities.

Current State of Politics

Politicians can be said to have virtually lost their ability to govern – for the
people, by the people and of the people – because the material power and wealth of
the corporate world, and a few extremely wealthy individuals, has been allowed to
become the endpoint of our search for meaning in life. Virtually all of our
striving today is to achieve a global framework of trade, which ignores the
inherent rights of the peoples of the Earth. It is not only the peoples rights
which have been cast aside but also the rights of the natural world to live in
mutual balance.

It is reasonable to state that globalisation has resulted from that inner belief
that humanity is one, which creates a need to ensure that we all grow together,
but at our own pace. What is happening now is a perversion of that belief and
explains why there is a counter-force led by the young, and the indigenous
peoples. These latter see a different world vision but lack the power and the
wealth to challenge what is happening and therefore have to resort to mass
demonstrations and physical resistance, which we now see as a regular event.

The political level is being ‘bought’ by those individuals who have an insatiable
desire for power over life. One example of this is the following extract from the
New York Times: -
“All of this private money in our elections has had a corrosive effect on our
democracy, according to the NEW YORK TIMES. The distinction between Republicans
and Democrats has been erased by money. "In fact," says the TIMES, "the public
sector has increasingly become the champion of private enterprise.... The degree
to which left and right have unified to become the champion of corporate
priorities was on full display in the Congressional session that just ended.
...Look at the legislation business got killed," the TIMES says: there was no
increase in the minimum wage, no new limits on "soft money" in elections, no ban
on agricultural mergers. But Congress exempted corporations from any liability for
Y2K computer failures, and legalized the merging of banks, insurance companies and
stock brokerages. No doubt about it, money talks. David E. Sanger, "Meet Your
Government, Inc.," NEW YORK TIMES November 28, 1999, pgs. D1, D6.”

The Problems of Humanity was first published by the Lucis Press in 1947. Despite
the fact that it was written over half-a-century ago it could have been written
today as evidenced by some pertinent quotations from it: -
“The responsibility for the widespread misery to be found today in every country
in the world lies predominantly at the door of certain major interrelated groups
of business-men, bankers, executives of international cartels, monopolies, trusts
and organizations and directors of huge corporations who work for corporate or
personal gain.
In every nation, such men and organizations—responsible for the capitalistic
system—are to be found. These men belonged to both the Allied Nations and the Axis
Powers; they have worked together before and through the entire period of the war
through interlocking directorates, under false names and through deceptive
organizations, aided by neutrals of their own way of thinking. Today, in spite of
the disaster which they have brought upon the world, they are again organized and
renewing their methods; their goals remain unchanged; their international
relationships remain unbroken; they constitute the greatest menace mankind faces
today; they control politics; they buy prominent men in every nation; they insure
silence through threat, cash and fear; they amass wealth and buy a spurious
popularity through philanthropic enterprise; their families live soft and easy
lives and seldom know the meaning of God-ordained work; they surround themselves
with beauty, luxury and possessions and shut their eyes to the poverty, stark
unhappiness, lack of warmth and decent clothing, the starvation and the ugliness
of the lives of the millions by whom they are surrounded; they contribute to
charities and church agencies as a salve to their consciences or to avoid income
taxes; they provide work for countless thousands but see to it that these
thousands receive so small a wage that real comfort, leisure, culture and travel
are impossible.”

In a number of countries, where the political party system is the method of

government, there is a tendency to have two major parties whose policies have
tended to converge over the years as they seek to take advantage of each other.
And perhaps the major reason for this is that they are captives of the commercial
imperative that our lives must be subjected to the domination of economics; man’s
social, ethical, and spiritual needs are relegated to the background.

This theme of convergence in policies of the two major parties, which is the norm
in most developed countries, is now a fact of life. The general public, in the
main, is woefully unaware of the dangers inherent in the almost complete
stranglehold of material forces on our way of life. With the continuing trend of
company mergers it is very difficult for the new to break out into public
awareness. Government and company propaganda (and that is plainly what it is)
regularly appears in the majority of the media. In addition to this the extreme
emphasis on sport, entertainment, and the dumbing-down programs on television tend
to divert people’s attention from those activities which would inform them and
provide an avenue for the needed growth in consciousness, especially that of the
spiritual energies with which we are constantly bathed.

How often are you exposed to the policies of the minor parties and the
independents. In many cases when they are mentioned in the press it is for the
purpose of belittling them or writing them off as irrelevant in the light of the
influence of the major parties.

Current day politics are those of two adversaries pitted against each other, with
no give or take. It is an essential feature of this that only in the most special
circumstances is there to be any recognition of the merits of an opposing view. A
politician belonging to a major party is not allowed to deviate from party policy,
which is often decided by cabinet, or the prime minister, and only rarely by a
caucus of the members in general. The public is also excluded from this decision-
making, which often has no relationship to the policy platform the party may have
put forward as its justification for election. When the division bells ring the
party members duly vote along party lines in order to prevent being de-selected at
the next election.

Emerging Changes

In Man’s early days, as we have seen, the tribe was the unit, each individual
believing him/herself to be part of the whole. They tended to act as one body and
follow the lead given by the King, Shaman, Witch Doctor, Astrologer/Priest, etc.
The progress of evolution required that individuality be introduced and the
thought that every individual was responsible for his own life was born. Time then
interposed a need to feel responsible for those who were less able to function as
full individuals and the great social movements began. These changes arise from
the subjective levels of existence whereby thoughts are projected into the mind of
humanity and acted upon according to the capacity of the receivers who are able to
formulate responses to the received thoughts.
This is again a recognition of the interconnectedness of all life through the
channels of the universal energies which are neutral in their effect, leaving a
positive, or negative, response to the equipment of those of us who receive the
impact of the energies. Referring back to the effects of the interplay of solar
system, and outer cosmic energies as related in the section on astrology, it may
be useful to record some thoughts expressed in an article in the Astrological
Journal, Vol 35, No. 1, on page 20 – The Uranus Neptune conjunction in 1821
produced a change to new forms of transpersonal values. Around this time the seeds
of socialism were sown and as the planets waxed in their aspect the movement
strengthened. During the waning period of the aspect the implementation is more
fully ensconced in the group consciousness. As part of the waning process
socialism was then strongly attacked by Senator McCarthy and the excesses of the
Stalin era were exposed.

The advent of the new conjunction then set the stage for Man’s real vision of
socialism i.e., collective self-realisation. A thought on this was given by
Paramanhsa Yogananda when he said the future government of the world will be
Spiritual Socialism. This gives the trend to globalisation as food for thought as
it is only a decade since the next conjunction took effect and during the years of
the waxing period the seed begins to grow and is subject to the environment in
which it finds itself. That is why, if humanity is to realise its true potential,
the need for a transition from materiality to spirituality is of great importance.

Progress will come from a synthesis of opposites, those of freedom and order, and
growth and decay. To progress we have to be free but also prepared to agree to a
form of order. We have to grow through new forms of government or submit to decay
if we persist with the outmoded ones which now hold us back. Both the individual,
and the collective, are needed to fully express the call of the future. There are
four major forces in the world – capitalism, communism, the resource-rich world,
and the resource-poor world. None of those must be allowed dominance, they have to
be synthesised into one, under the guidance of our spiritual selves.

There are two other forces which are also at work and they can be stated as the
one which focuses on the global economy and the other on the local communities.
Neither one is the right answer, they must both take their rightful place and this
needs a true world government to be put into place through an organic evolution.

It is of interest to note that as the Uranus Neptune conjunction was waning a new
variation of government was conceived, the European Union. When one thinks about
this union it was a bold move, to unite countries with such diverse languages,
customs and cultures and with a long history of combativeness. Surely this is a
new spirit, perhaps the culmination of seed thoughts projected from the level of
the Hierarchy. Nothing was forced, each nation was free to join, or not.

Perhaps this coming together of so many different entities is an omen for a future
world government. It is conceivable that the United Nations will metamorphose into
a more democratic and spiritually accountable form of government.

Spiritual Politics

Christabel Chamarette, a former Greens (WA) senator, had this to say in a speech
to the Senate on the 16th November, 1995 – “By far the worst assailant of values
is party politics. The supremacy of the party over personal conscience,
parliament, accountability, and ultimately community values like honesty, is the
root of the ethical malaise.”

Having said that, where do we go. What is the alternative. If you follow what is
happening in the world in current times it will be evident that mention of
spirituality is becoming more prevalent. It is if we are finally waking up to the
fact that we are more than just flesh and blood. The political system is showing
signs of crystallisation, of becoming static and not reflecting the needs of
community. The theme of the book is connectedness and this is beginning to show in
the coming together of minds to foreshadow changes in politics. Independents and
some smaller parties that espouse ethical views are attracting more voters because
they tend to be people-oriented and value the diversity of our world and aim to
protect that diversity from exploitation.

Spiritual Politics, by Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, contains a

reference to the problem of solving complex and national problems from a
materially-oriented consensual reality. It refers to the Ageless Wisdom as a means
of bridging the gap between what we have now and what can be a more open and
honest way of governing ourselves. A synthesis of spirituality and politics would
enable a forward and upward movement in society by introducing meditation,
visualisation, and the building of thought-forms to provide a new vision. This is
not airy-fairy stuff but a recognition of the fact that mental energy produces
subjective changes; as ‘a man thinks, so is he’. Everything we do has some content
of thought in it and it is incumbent on us, through education at all ages of life,
to transform our outer actions as well as the inner.

Our world now, is the result of the thinking of individuals and groups, which has
been concretised through speech and the written word. We listen and we often
follow, believing in the veracity of those assumed to be more knowledgeable and
intelligent than we ourselves. This is not really true, however, as much wisdom
resides in even the most uneducated of us. What we have failed to do is have faith
in the common man and instead left the power of decisions in a few hands, many of
whom relish power and the opportunity to enrich themselves in honours or monetary

The universe is one entity, indivisible with everything connected to everything

else so what we do has a ripple effect on the flowing energies. Referring back to
the morphogenetic field we can have a major influence on what happens in the
future. There is a growing band of individuals called the New Group of World
Servers which is committed to an input of positive and loving thought-forms into
humanity’s world. These are the individuals, and groups, who put their
personalities and personal needs in the background in order to serve humanity.
They are the mediators, the formulators of new ways of living, of governing, of
achieving peace, of new social groupings and community service. This section of
humanity is steadily growing in numbers with the impacts they are making on our
thoughts and our intended actions that result from the inspiration which is given
to us. The signs are there if you look for them. Their effectiveness is echoed by
the Maharishi when he states that using transcendental meditation, ten per cent of
a group can have a direct influence on the entire group.

Benjamin Franklin told the first US Continental Congress, over two hundred years
ago that “God governs in the affairs of men”. The Founding Fathers of the US
understood something of the Divine Purpose that fires the heart and unveils the
future, bringing insight into the mystery of world events. Until the recent past
very few of us have been prepared to acknowledge the world of spirit in other than
a worshipping sense and we have been prepared to allow our baser animal natures to
take control of the governing of our affairs.

Spiritual politics would incorporate a blend of the masculine and feminine

elements of humanity. The ideal energy is one produced by an equal input of
positive and negative forces. Too much of one and there is an imbalance, in our
case either too much aggression, or too much passivity. This is already
recognised, albeit unconsciously, in that women are not sufficiently involved in
our day-to-day activities, and is reflected in the attempts to pre-determine the
relative numbers of male and female politicians.

‘Spiritual Politics’ indicates that the old political paradigm assumed that events
were caused solely by political leaders and public policies, the new paradigm
which is emerging could be called ‘politics as if people mattered’. This implies
that our private lives must be lived in accord with publicly stated principles –
we must transform ourselves if we really do intend to transform the world. The
personal has to become political and the political has to become personal.

If people do matter, no matter what their social status, educational standing, and
other criteria by which we judge each other, there could well be a greater sense
of cohesiveness in the world. Quoting again from the ‘Problems of Humanity’ we
read that – “As we face the world picture today, we must see it in its true
colours and must realize that if the best possible steps, spiritual and material,
were to be taken for the smallest and least important of the minorities, it would
create a situation which would completely reverse world politics and usher in an
entirely new and more enlightened cultural and civilized age. This, however, is
not likely to happen; so close are the interlocking selfish interests that the use
of a system of perfect justice and fairness in any one case would upset major
material interests, infringe the so-called rights of powerful nations, encroach on
settled boundaries and outrage powerful groups even in most distant lands.

It is essential that there should be a presentation of these things in terms of

the spiritual welfare of humanity and a truer interpretation of the meaning of the
word "spiritual". The time is long past when a line of demarcation can be drawn
between the religious world and the political or the economic. The reason for the
corrupt politics and the greedy ambitious planning of so many of the world's
leading men can be found in the fact that spiritually minded men and women have
not assumed as their spiritual duty and responsibility—the leadership of the
people. They have left the power in the wrong hands and permitted the selfish and
the undesirable to lead.
Part of our present inability to govern properly is because we are used to seeing
things happen in a linear fashion of cause and effect. This grew out of the
reductionist approach to life; find out what the parts are and we will know how to
make it work better. The only problem with that is that the parts are
interdependent and mucking about with parts which seem to be not working properly
can set off a chain-reaction which can result in danger.”

Politics of the future must work with wholes. It is a complex process as all of
life is a living system, wheels within wheels, self-sustaining, self-renewing, and
self-transcending if it is left to follow its own organic pattern of growth. Just
as an example, look at the Earth, which has maintained a balance of life-forms
over billions of years. No one form is allowed to be dominant; nowhere, in a
natural environment do you see dominance because if it does arise events transpire
to restore the harmony. When man interferes with the environment and does not take
the time to study it in depth he often creates effects which can irreversibly
upset the natural activity.

It might be more time-consuming but speed of decision does not always guarantee a
successful outcome. Our lives continue, we make adjustment to lifestyles etc., in
order to accommodate to changes that occur until we achieve a relatively benign
approach to a need for change.

Often when there is a major split between nations, ethnic groups, families, one
approach is to take militant action of some kind. This entails a loser and a loser
will often bide his/her time until an opportunity for revenge occurs. This is a
win/lose situation and the new politics must create a win/win state. Synthesis of
the two opposites must be the only approach. Each of the opposing positions has
some good and some bad in it. Mediation and a call on higher powers (spiritual)
invoked to bring an input of new thought can provide a suitable result.

Again picking up thoughts from ‘Spiritual Politics’ it would be useful to

synthesise hierarchy and democracy. The word hierarchy is often thought of as a
dominant group, believing it possesses all the answers because of superior
knowledge. In actuality a hierarchy, such as the human hierarchy, which exists at
a higher level of vibration, acknowledges current abilities, qualities, and
excellence, which is actualised potential and that results in authority. Democracy
acknowledges a future potential and empowers the development of that through equal
opportunity, political rights and voting powers. Hierarchy therefore provides
guidance and gives hints as to possible actions but leaves it up to the developing
entity to decide what steps it will take. People are therefore inspired through
being given a vision or a purpose in following a particular course of action. The
dictatorial method which is presently used will thus change to working with,
rather than power over.

James McGregor Burns, a political scientist, states, “The transforming leader

looks for potential motives in followers, seeks to satisfy their higher needs, and
engages the full person of the follower. The result of transforming leadership is
a relationship of mutual stimulation and elevation that converts followers into
leaders and may convert leaders into moral agents.”

The leader of a political party therefore becomes a facilitator, using the genius
of the group to achieve the best outcome. It is a meeting of minds, a consensus
that is geared to allow all participants to feel that they have been listened to
and to have been partners in a meeting of minds. Competition is off the agenda
leaving a spirit of community, a healing process and a cooperation of

It is worth quoting the ten principles for public life contained in Spiritual
Politics (elaboration omitted)
1. Upholding the highest good.
2. Resolving conflict for the good of all.
3. Furthering cooperation for mutual benefit.
4. Sustainability for future generations.
5. Co-creative relationships with the natural world.
6. Upholding human rights.
7. Supporting sharing and personal initiative.
8. Honesty and personal responsibility.
9. Being an example of service.
10. Serving the whole and not oneself.

The new politics must take into account humanity’s role as the occupant of the
fourth kingdom in nature. We are the only physical beings on Earth which have the
intelligence, the ability to move about, and to be in a position to alter the
balances in the Earth’s ecosphere. As a result of this we carry a very heavy
responsibility to ensure that we treat the lower three kingdoms with respect, and
an acknowledgement
that without them we would not be, and if we did retain our ability to live it
would be at a drastically reduced level.

There is also another kingdom, the one that we should aspire to, that of the
spirit. The words of Sri Aurobindo strike a chord in this regard when he says –
“The nation or society, like the individual, has a body, an organic life, a moral
and aesthetic temperament, a developing mind and a soul….[I]t is a group soul
that, once having attained a separate distinctiveness, must then become more and
more self-conscious…..” (Sri Aurobindo, the Human Cycle (Pondicherry India: Sri
Aurobindo Ashram Publications 1970)

As with individual souls, each soul of a nation has different qualities. Blend
them all together and the diversity produces a harmonious pattern and perfection.
This is the universe in microcosm. In a similar way to individuals, it is best for
each nation to develop at its own pace. If attempts are made, for example, to
force democratic forms of government before organic growth produces them the
nation will be ill-served. To force any particular method of economic reform,
legal system, technology etc., will be resented and can have a similar outcome
when such methods are used on an individual before that person is prepared to
adopt a new role or pattern of growth.

New Forms of Government?

Politics, as has been noted, deals with the use of power over human beings. This
can be wrongly used if it seeks to impose the will of a small governing group on
the community at large without its consent. The Greek City State was perhaps the
first example of political government. That government entailed a meeting of
citizens who were entitled to vote and a form of consensus gave the authority for
action, there being no political parties, as such.

In his book ‘The Turning Point’, Fritjof Capra makes the point that the nation-
State is now too big to cater for the governance of local populations and it is
also confined by concepts that are too narrow for the problems of global
interdependence. From this one can expect that a decentralisation of power to
regions and local councils would go a long way to restoring a closer relationship
between local communities and regions and those whom they choose to represent

The Canadian system of government could be the basis for a re-think along these
lines. Local governments are responsible not only for roads, libraries, parks
etc., but also departments such as the police, fire, schools, social welfare and
so on. In addition to support of these functions from local rates the provincial
and federal governments provide basic grants.

It has often been stated that politics in, say, a country such as Australia, is
adversarial. In other words a political party can find it very difficult to agree
with the policies of another party. Right or wrong their policy has to be the
correct one. The feeling of being an adversary is amplified by the method of
seating. The parties face each other – they oppose one another – a resemblance to
a battlefield. I suggest that in a parliamentary situation the members should sit
in circular fashion and in alphabetical order around that circle. Apart from
bringing different party members together, it would prove more difficult to shout
epithets at the other party, and the verbal abuse which is becoming so commonplace
would be more difficult, especially if the members, in sitting together in this
fashion, actually get along with each other on a personal basis. This might be
somewhat more conducive to achieving consensus on issues rather than dominance by

All members, by law, should be granted the right to vote on conscience without any
kind of penalty if that vote is not in favour of the party’s present policy. This
would be more equitable in any event because new policies arise after an election
and the electorate’s opinions would need to be assessed by the representative of
the constituency.
There is a wealth of knowledge, experience, and wisdom within the wider community
which is not tapped as often as it should be. Each minister should be tied into
properly constituted non-government organisations and required to assess their
input into matters under consideration in their portfolio. Discussion with these
groups, in concert with members of the minister’s department should be held in
public so that the media, and interested persons, can report on decisions of
substance and why they are made in that particular vein.

If there was a greater devolution of government to smaller regions, local problems

could be dealt with in accordance with local needs and the larger issues of state
could then receive more detailed consideration than is often the case.

Chapter 14 – Cycles

It is probably a truism that everything in the created universe has a cycle. There
are cycles in the weather, the economy, the sun, geological formations, atomic
vibrations, climate, motions of the planets, animal populations, outbreaks of
disease, commodity and share prices. The individuals who study cycles often find
the same time spans in the fluctuating occurrences in many different areas. There
is an apparent inter-connectedness, some background influences that are involved
in all of life’s processes.

A dictionary definition of a cycle is ‘an interval of time during which a

characteristic, often regularly repeated event or sequence of events occurs’.
Being immersed in cyclic activity we are often unaware of its prevalence, such
cycles ranging from the infinitesimal life of an atom to the enormous span of time
in which a universe appears and then disappears.

The age we live in can certainly be classified as the age of technology, wherein
the divorce from a natural existence is probably at its greatest. Nature’s cycles
tend to be forgotten, or adjusted to our mechanistic way of thinking, a prime
example being that of the point of change of the seasons. In Australia, for
example, the media finds it more convenient to state that the first day of the
month in which a solstice, or an equinox, occurs, is the start of spring, summer,
etc. This isolates human knowledge from the fact that it is the Sun’s crossing of
the Equator and the lines of the Tropics that signifies the change in the amount
of its energy that impacts on the various regions of the Earth.

We are losing sight of the fact that all life on Earth is dependent on the Sun and
its mainly regular cycles of bursts of emitted energy and the fluctuations caused
by the Earth’s tilted axis as it moves around the Sun. It should be noted that
there is never complete conformance to cyclic activity. If that were so there
would be no room for change, the slight variations giving opportunities for new

The cycles can be said to be of a spiral nature as life expands its consciousness,
rising to ever greater heights of beauty and with the ability to expand, and
explore, qualities that emerge from latent potential. It is through the cycles in
which life exists that growth in all its forms can be attained. As they repeat
themselves so is there the opportunity to do things differently, to open up to new
thoughts, to outweigh the deficiencies of the previous results of the efforts
made. In human affairs, for example, until progress is made in consciousness, in
emotional, and physical terms, we are exposed to the same sorts of experiences in
which we previously failed, and this repeats until the challenge is finally
accepted and the battle won.
Perhaps one of the most common examples of this, because it also occurs on a
world-wide scale, is that of war. There are lessons to be learned here and until
they are then war will continue to exact its toll. And the lessons? Brotherhood,
love, compassion and care for those who lack the basic necessities of life, and
even also for those who appear to have everything. It cannot be expressed often
enough, we are inhabitants of a planet which can supply all of our needs provided
that we do not appropriate more than a fair share.

Life consists of an input of energy, a period of work or effort, and then a period
of rest, in order that an entity, in the broadest sense of that word, can recover
from the expenditure of energy and re-group as it becomes time for a repeat of the
process. Apart from some forms that utilise darkness the bulk of Earth’s life-
forms begin the day with the rising of the Sun as it pours its energies onto the
lighted part of the Earth’s surface. This ‘day-force’ reaches its peak at noon
when the Sun is at its highest and gradually reduces until the energy is at its
lowest point as night falls.

This daily cycle occurs within the greater one of the seasons and provides the
means for the literally limitless varieties of life that exist, from the poles to
the equator.

The greatest of the cycles is that of the creation of a universe. From a point of
rest the Creative being sends out its thought impulses to initiate a new cycle of
life which lasts until there is a complete harmony between the positive and
negative forces and a return to a period of rest (pralaya).

There are lesser creative beings which are responsible for creating the forms
within a universe, a stepping down, as it were, of the initial creating energy in
order to produce the multiplicity of life with its almost infinite variations. For
us, this evolutionary trail winds on through a system of Globes, Rounds, and
Schemes. At first glance it is difficult to comprehend and that can be the lure
for further investigation into this apparently amazing cycle. The subject receives
a great deal of attention in the book ‘The Solar System’ by Lieut-Colonel Arthur
E. Powell and in some detail in the two Alice Bailey books – ‘Initiation, Human
and Solar’ and a ‘Treatise on Cosmic Fire’.

In brief, there are 10 Schemes, each of which contains seven Chains. In each Chain
there are 7 Globes with each Globe containing 7 Rounds, the latter being comprised
of 7 Root-races each with 7 sub-races. These comprise a cycle of Chains, Globes,
and Rounds in each Scheme which result in 343 incarnations of the entity
(planetary Logos) which uses the Globes for its vehicle of manifestation.

It must be remembered, from earlier chapters, that there is a vast number of

entities in the created universe which cover the whole range of vibrations from
the very fine to the very heavy. All of these entities are themselves involved in
a heightening of consciousness in order to progress to the next level above.
According to the Tibetan: -
“In the Heavenly Man and His body, a chain of globes likewise can be seen and we
need here to remember very carefully that the seven chains of a scheme are the
expression of a planetary Logos. The Heavenly Men are expressing Themselves
through a scheme of seven chains and the emphasis has been laid unduly, perhaps,
upon the dense physical planet in any particular chain. This has caused the fact
of the chain importance to be somewhat overlooked. Each of the seven chains might
be looked upon as picturing the seven centres of one of the Heavenly Men.”
Lieut-Colonel A. E. Powell refers to the fact that the seven globes are not all
physical ones but form a progression from the high mental state to the physical
and then returning to the high mental level. The process is somewhat akin to the
creation of a universe. A planetary Logos creates a planet in mental substance and
then proceeds to create life-forms in that substance. When that planet reaches the
end of its life a second one is created on the lower mental level, the third is
created of astral substance and the fourth, which corresponds, for example to our
Earth, is of physical material. At the end of the physical existence of a planet,
those entities which reach a high enough vibration (consciousness) are passed on
to the upward arc on a planet made of astral material and this pattern continues
until the high mental plane is reached.

Within each globe there are seven rounds, during which the life-forms have
opportunities to steadily increase their vibration, those that achieve a high
enough rate passing into the next round. According to the esoteric literature,
humanity is presently in the fourth round of the fourth globe.

The initial phase of these cycles is that of involution. According to the Tibetan
– “This is the period in which the limiting of the life within the form or sheath
proceeds, and it is a long slow process, covering millions upon millions of years.
This great cycle is participated in by every type of life. It concerns the life
of the Solar Logos manifesting through a solar system. It is part of the life
cycle of the planetary Spirit manifesting through such a sphere as our Earth
planet; it includes that life which we call human, and sweeps into the path of its
energy the tiny life which functions through an atom of chemistry. It is the
great process of becoming, and that which makes existence and being itself
possible. This period of limitation, of a gradually increasing imprisonment, and
of an ever deeper descent into matter, is succeeded by one of adaptation, in which
the life and the form become intimately inter-related, and subsequent to this is
the period wherein that inner relation becomes perfected.”

Within this overall cycle are the smaller ones, some of which, in themselves, can
cover immense periods of time.

Geological cycles cover vast periods of time and are such that it is easy to
believe that the Earth is as it always was. There is, however, a cycle whereby
pressures on one part of the Earth, such as the accumulation of ice during an ice-
age, causes land in another part of the world to rise. The movement of the
tectonic plates also causes an upthrust of rock to form a mountain range which,
over time, is gradually worn away by the forces of nature. New land appears
through volcanic action and catastrophic events such as the sinking of Atlantis
occur in relatively short time frames.

Within the larger sphere of geological cycles there are the ecological cycles. The
gradual erosion of rocks produces fertile soil which is then carried by wind, or
water, to new locations where it forms a base for the activity of soil micro-
organisms, plant, and animal life. As the plants and animals die they are
converted into foods for those organisms which feed on dead matter to excrete
fertile material on which the offspring of that which was deceased can grow and
flourish. There is an intricate, inter-connected, web of life that ensures there
is no wastage. The feedback loops are pathways along which nutrients are recycled
on a continuing basis.

Because civilisations tend to last for up to thousands of years we tend, because

of our own short life-spans, to forget that large parts of humanity, at any one
time, can virtually fade away as a result of the inability to react to changes in
climate, consciousness, material changes, philosophical and religious changes in
thought and practice. There is always a new cycle preparing to enter into human

Looking at the broad expanse of past civilisations starting, say, with the
Egyptian, which lasted in various forms from approximately 3,000 BC, the
Babylonian period in 2,000 BC, Chaldea in 800 BC, the Roman Empire from 500 BC –
500 AD, and the most recent, the British Empire from the 16th century to 1997, it
is apparent that there was an overlapping during which time the new needs were met
by new groupings because the old could not adapt.

It is now evident, although when in the midst of change it can be difficult to

accept and realise that it is happening, that our present civilisation is being
exposed to new challenges. Materialism is being exposed to opposing energies
because it is failing to meet the expectations of the international community. The
rapid growth of communication, for example, is exposing the vast gulf which exists
between the wealthy nations and those that exist in dire poverty.

During the past century or so there has been a large increase in the number of
educated people and our existing norms are being challenged to an extent never
before experienced on so wide a scale. In the Aquarian Age, whether one wants to
accept, or not, the notion that cosmological energies change according to the sign
of the zodiac, it cannot be disputed that there is no longer any cover for wrong-
doing. What is hidden is being brought to light and this is accompanied by a
growth in the search for a spiritual meaning to existence.

Often, a major change in consciousness, Earth’s life-forms, climatic change, etc.,

results from a concentration of the peaks of some of the cycles. The energies
within the cycles then effect such a concentration that change has to happen,
often with disastrous effects until a new rhythm is established.

The Sun’s cycle is the most visible, and felt, in human experience. Solar Cycles
are a period in which several important kinds of solar activity repeat
themselves. The cycle, lasting about 22 years on the average, includes two 11-year
cycles of sunspots, which display opposite magnetic polarities in alternate
cycles, and two peaks and two declines in each of the various phenomena that vary
in the same period as sunspots. These phenomena include fluctuations in the
frequency of solar prominences and faculae (bright regions in the photosphere) and
of magnetic effects, including the auroras and increased radio interference on

The Sun also has a much longer cycle called the Milankovich Cycle, after the
Serbian mathematician who explained them. The Earth’s orbital cycles influence the
amount of solar radiation that strikes different parts of it and they are the
cause of the advance and the retreat of the polar ice caps.

I have drawn on the information provided in the book ‘Cycles: The Mysterious
Forces that Trigger Events’, to relate other cycles which have a regularity that
gives rise to a feeling that there are unseen forces which appear to manipulate
events on Earth. Atlantic salmon vary in abundance in a cycle that averages 9.6
years between the peaks and based on the time since records were first kept. Oddly
enough there is other life which also has a 9.6 years cycle – snowshoe rabbits in
Canada, lynx, marten, owls, and hawks. Page 187 of the book lists 37 out of many
possible examples of this particular time series.

There is a species of cicada (magicicada) in which the nymphs hatch in either a 13

year, or a 17 years, cycle. In commenting on this it was stated that one theory is
that these cycles date back to the most recent period of glaciation and relate to
selection pressure.

The female menstrual cycle coincides with the Moon’s 28-day cycle.

Reference is also made to several 54-year cycles which have been recorded, such as
the width of rings in the trees in Arizona from the 9th century; in the UK the
levels of coal, pig-iron and lead production. France has the same length of cycle
in imports and exports and the total of its foreign trade. In 1922 it was
discovered that the price of wheat also has a 54-year cycle.

A 92-year cycle is in evidence in the US. The water level in Lake Michigan, in
prices, in business failures, and in pig-iron and copper prices since 1784. We are
also ever aware of the boom/bust cycles in total business activity.

These are all examples of yin and yang, as presented in ancient Chinese
manuscripts. Every cycle has two points of rest, the point of the beginning at the
wave axis and the point of interchange between the positive and negative opposites
at the wave amplitude. Every body emerges from a formless state into a formed one
in repeated cycles of appearance, disappearance, and reappearance.

Messrs. Miller, Webb, and Dickson, working in the Department of Paraphysics and
parapsychology at the University of Washington, stated that “Daily variations are
related to the rotation of the Earth. Correlation has been found between deviant
human behaviour and alterations in consciousness to cycles of the moon. Work has
been done on the correlation of deviant behaviour in schizophrenia and sun spot
activity (Becker, 1963). All these various factors indicate that human
consciousness is modulated by electromagnetic events in the environment.

Cycles, then, are another part of the fact that connectedness is a root value in
our life experience. In a way, they do contain mystery, because of their
regularity and rhythm, and the question arises as to whether there can be some
insight into that mystery.

If events on Earth tend to have a cyclic movement could they be related to the
cycles in the heavens. Some justification for this is contained in those cycles
where we have direct evidence. A few of these easily come to mind: -
• The tides are directly related to the aspects made between the Sun and the
• The sap in trees is at its greatest height, surface tension is highest,
there are more outbreaks of mental aberrations, when the Moon is full.
• The seasons, as already noted.
• Day and Night
• Orbits of the planets
• Sunspots
• Magnetic pole reversals
• Comets

Another aspect of cycles was given in Guided Writings – “The conscious level is
our workaday world and needs discipline and understanding. In sleep this level
needs working on and this is usually, in progressed persons, where the learning
begins. It is carried on through the mind as well, as there are perceptions here
which need to be looked at. The cycle is: -
CONSCIOUS SUBCONSCIOUS (and often, when we are suppressing many
things)….to UNCONSCIOUS

When the mind bypasses the subconscious, problems will sooner or later crop up
from the suppressed matter.

The mind sorts into the subconscious what it is not ready to deal with, or not
needing to deal with at that time. Then it is ready, in sleep, to commune and
receive from the higher consciousness impressions and instructions as to what path
to follow, the knowledge required for it, and so on.
One thinks that balance properly done can eventually be all good, but some of what
one could call bad must exist; that is in the cycles of life, whether the Earth's
growing things, which die in season from the season, to animals who become prey to
another as a food source, and humans from accident as well as illness and old age.
Whether humans eat grains etc., or animals/fowl/fish that is part of the cycle.
Whether humans live incorrectly by wrong thinking, eating, play/or lack of, that
is part of the cycle. Storms and floods and fires in Nature are ordained, sin (in
any form, including omission), resulting in illness, faulty genes and so on, are
part of the cycle.

Begin, yourself, to think rightly and behave rightly, it will become a habit you
will not be able to or wish to abandon. Once a thing feels right one wears it in
comfort, then unawareness as a part of oneself; and the cycle, your cycle, swings
ever wider to encompass more and more territory, to attain more duties and perform
more deeds. I say duty because it does become difficult and we do become tired,
but once that new skin/envelope has been grown, one can never change from the
path. It is just a case of resting and acquiring a new covering, like the old one,
until all of our bodies have covered over the old imperfect, spotty coverings with
new strong healthy auras (remember, our auras are us).”

The evolution of Man, as a spiritual being, to his eventual absorption into the
Creative Being at the end of the cycle of a universe, is a non-avoidable
occurrence. In other words, the tide flows in one direction and we are either
swept along with it with the unpleasant effects that resistance brings, or we
voluntarily cooperate by a definite intention to develop our consciousness and
thereby assist in the process of spiritualisation.
At first thought, so much of the information related to the spiritual side of our
existence seems to be almost unbelievable but reflection will reveal that even our
physical progress is almost unbelievable if one puts oneself into the body of an
animal man of millions of years ago.
One has to read, listen, absorb, and then accept what ‘feels right’. Every one of
us is at a different stage in our upward progress to the return to the source and
each increase in the consciousness of that leads us to be aware of yet more growth
potential into the higher realms of being.”
The time element is a further complication and that is covered in the concluding
Chapter 15 – Time

The subject of time is one that I always have difficulty with. Most of us are
brought up to live ‘by the clock’; ‘time is money’; ‘don’t waste time’; and
similar statements run through our everyday language and our lives. As a result of
this it becomes difficult to visualise time as actually something different from
the 24 hours per day that we are allotted in which to live our lives.

We are all aware, though, that time does appear to have flexibility. It is always
apparent that when we are vitally interested in something, a particular moment at
work on a hobby, a report that has to be done to meet a deadline, an interesting
and unusual experience, etc., that time goes very quickly, it is all over before
we realise it. Conversely, if one is waiting expectantly for an examination
result, a train is late, we are at loose ends, time seems to go on interminably,
we ‘stretch’ time.

Perhaps one clue to these opposing experiences is the part played by our
consciousness. Everything that happens to us is filtered through our consciousness
and can also be drawn from it.

If we start at the very highest level of consciousness, the Creative Being, and
reflect on the example of the oscilloscope as related in a previous chapter, the
point of light represents the totality of time. In other words, the experiences
that we will relate to time are already in that supreme point of consciousness. As
the energies decrease, and the point ‘fans out’ as it were, time expands and
events become evident to those who watch.

David Bohm, in a piece included in ‘The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes’,
states on page 62 – “Time itself is an order of manifestation, you see. We are
going to say that it is possible to have an implicate order with regard to time as
well as to space, to say that in any given period of time the whole of time may be
enfolded. It’s implied in the implicate order when you carry it through, that the
holomovement is the reality and in the holomovement, what is going on in the full
depth of that one movement of time contains information about all of it”.

His use of the word holomovement presumably implies that there are many
holographic instances to be found in the life of a universe. In an article in the
Astrological Journal, on page 13 of Vol 40 No 2, reference is made to what happens
if a person is cut out of a group photograph produced by means of a holographic
process, and that portion is enlarged to the original size. Instead of an enlarged
person the whole group appears. The article goes on to state that a holographic
re-vision would question both the sharp division between fantasy and reality – it
throws up a reality in which both the barriers of space, and time, are distorted.

The Lorentz Transformation states that time stands still for an object moving at
the speed of light. Perhaps you have seen mention of the paradox of a twin who
travels in space at a much greater speed than his twin located on Earth and
returns to Earth many years later to find that he is younger than the ‘stationary’

Another interesting fact that has come out of physics research is that a photon
takes no time at all to cross the 150 million kilometres from the Sun to the
Earth, or even to cross the entire universe, because the space interval does not
exist for the photon.

Human experience of time as a result of taking mind-altering drugs also throws

light on the flexibility of time. In ‘Higher Psychical Development’, Hereward
Carrington relates the story of the time he was with friends at a restaurant.
After taking such a drug he said he couldn’t finish the sandwich in front of him
because it would take years and years. Getting up to walk to a railway station he
had a sense that hours elapsed between every footstep. Again, there is the implied
reference to our consciousness being the arbiter of time.

When we dream, time and space do not exist. One school of philosophy goes so far
as to say that time and space are purely subjective and mental. This points to the
statements made in esoteric literature that what we perceive as the ‘real’ world
is in fact the unreal. It supports the belief that we actually create our own
world by using mental substance to provide an illusion of materiality in order
that we can experience something that pure spirit cannot. And, speaking of spirit,
the book by Hereward Carrington contains a thought that spirit communications, if
true – are more or less unanimous in asserting that time and space relations do
not any longer exist and of course the material world doesn’t either.

The Tibetan has outlined his comments on this seeming ability of time to be very
fluid and subject to manipulation by our consciousness. His following commentary
supports the forgoing information: -
“There is an aspect of human consciousness which has for long baffled the
materialistic psychologist, and this is the curious power of prevision, the
ability to foresee and foretell with accuracy events coming in the immediate
future, or distant happenings. There are warnings given by some inner monitor
which have again and again saved man from death and disaster; there are the
appearances, to their friends and relatives, of men or women who have just died,
before any word of their death has been received. This is not in the field of
telepathic knowledge of the death, but involves the appearance of the person.
There is the power to participate in events in distant places and to recover the
recollection of what transpired with accuracy as to place, personnel and detail.
These powers and many similar previsions and recognitions have long bewildered
investigators and must find correct explanation. In their wise investigation, in
the accumulation of responsible evidence, and in the later substantiation of the
prevision, it will begin to be seen that some factor exists in man which is not
bound by space-time limitations, but which transcends the normal human
Many individuals who have had a ‘near death’ experience have reported that their
whole life seemed to flash before their eyes in what seemed to be but a few
seconds, the past relived as possibly a way to show the entity where the positives
and negatives in the life were as a preliminary for the choice to be made on the
sort of parents needed in the next life in order to work out those pluses and
In Esoteric Healing the Tibetan mirrors this process as he comments that time is
not known apart from our experiences on the physical plane. When we have attained
the state of complete contact with our soul, and the personality body is no longer
necessary, we immediately become aware of the future. This occurs because
prediction is something that comes with soul consciousness and past, present, and
future are seen as one. This facility occurs, as far as the past is concerned, due
to the accumulation of all our past lives’ experiences in the permanent atom which
moves with us from life to life.
A brief quotation from The Rays and the Initiations emphasizes this quality of
time – “Time is the sequential registration by the brain of states of awareness
and of progressive contacts with phenomena. There is no such thing as time on the
inner planes, as humanity understands it.” (p 408)
When Marie was asked a question about time by a member of our healing group she
received the following message: -
If time is infinitely expandable at higher levels of consciousness - the realm of
the soul - why cannot entities be available in our time frame, on request? (e.g.,
Cheme is often away).

(you wish a dissertation on physics or astro-dynamics as regards the other worlds
in the Cosmos do you?).

Well, time does not exist at all for God and for the higher entities. They are
everywhere at once, with everyone, because you are tapped into them, as beings who
are a part of the overall overself. You are a tiny part of God, and He is all of
you, for you were Him, and in time you will become Him again. As entities go
higher and become more purified, they take on more and more of the attributes of
their source, the Godhead, and then they can also be more widespread in awareness
and effectiveness. We entities, however, have not reached such exalted states of
purification, although such as Cheme have degrees more than those like myself. He
uses these abilities as they are needed, and when he is "away", there is more than
one soul in more than one place he is away to. Paulus and I are on a level of
awareness of different areas, but we cannot in good consciousness attend to all we
hear, at the one time in full attention or detail. We can put one or more on
"hold" and deal with each in order of importance (the condition, not the person),
and that is where we acknowledge we have advanced to at this time. Perhaps now you
can see some of the differences in the souls here, from the acolyte to the
advanced.” (4.8.86)

I recently bought a copy of ‘The Field’ by Lynne McTaggart and would like to share
with you some information from page 164. The author reported that the Pat Price
studies and the PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research) studies began to
suggest that at a more fundamental level of existence there is no space or time,
no obvious cause and effect – of something hitting something else and causing an
event over time or space.

In the quantum world of The Field, the book title being based on the universal
field of energies in which life occurs, a subatomic world of pure potential, life
exists as one enormous present. Remember, at the commencement of the chapter, that
time was referred to as a point which expands to reveal time and process. The
story continues on to record remote-viewing studies done at the laboratory which
revealed that human beings could foretell future events hours and even days before
they occurred. If time were really linear this result could not occur – life would
be like a cinematographic reel, one frame succeeds another.

Page 170 of the book then reveals that Helmut Schmidt, who works at the Boeing
Scientific Research Laboratory in Seattle, Washington, performed over 20,000
trials between 1971 and 1975 with a view to determining whether events could be
altered after they had occurred. He recorded clicks, on a tape, randomly made by a
computer, which could be heard in either the right, or the left ear, on a tape.
After making a copy of the tape he locked the master tape in a safe and got a
succession of volunteers to take a tape home and try to influence more of the
clicks to go into the right ear. He was very surprised to find that when he re-ran
the tape, that the listener had, in fact, influenced the clicks so that more were
heard in the right ear than when the original tape was recorded. What that means
is that the past had been altered, giving backing to the fact that time is not as
straightforward as logic would suppose. In effect, the results of those 20,000 odd
trials revealed that the psychokinetic effects on such a machine could occur at
any time, past or future.

In the Nature of Reality, a book of information channelled from Hilarion, a

discarnate entity, page 21 records Hilarion as stating that the past is not
something which is distinct and separate from the present but is an integral and
in a sense simultaneous pattern of events. All of time is but a single moment of
duration but it is Man’s consciousness which has narrowed the focus to the point
necessary to perceive a present instant as distinct from both the past and the

By now, you will likely have received the impression, once again, of
connectedness. If everything is really bound up in that one point, every form,
every incident, must be related to all of the others. It has to be said that due
to our limited consciousness it is necessary to have faith in the results of the
research of scientists and also the knowledge imparted over the vast span of Man’s
life on Earth by those entities who have appeared amongst us and who have direct
experience of matters still beyond our ken.

Madame Helena Blavatsky, in ‘The Secret Doctrine’, a work which opened up modern
humanity to the working of the world of spirit, says –“Time is only an illusion
produced by the succession of our states of consciousness as we travel through
Eternal Duration, and it does not exist where no consciousness exists in which an
illusion can be produced, but ‘lies asleep’. The present is only a mathematical
line which divides that part of Eternal Duration which we call the Future from
part which we call the Past. Nothing on Earth has real duration, for nothing
remains without change – or the same – for the billionth part of a second; and the
sensation we have of the actuality of the division of Time known as the Present
comes from the blurring of the momentary glimpse, or succession of glimpses, of
things that our senses give us, as those things pass from the region of ideals,
which we call the Future, to the region of memories that we name the Past.”

In a like manner S. Vivekananda says “Time, space, and causation are like the
glass through which the absolute is seen…..In the Absolute there is neither time,
space, nor causation.”

Individuals who have reached a stage in meditation where their consciousness is

raised to a sufficiently high degree report that they perceive a wholeness, there
is no separation, an indication that time, as we know it, has been transcended.

In ‘Stalking the Wild Pendulum’ we can read on page 60 that one can go into deep
meditation, or the theta mode using biofeedback, and watch the second-hand of a
clock remain stationary until the mind reverts to its normal state. That account
in the book was taken from ‘Of Time and Mind’ by Keith Floyd as reported in
‘Frontiers of Consciousness’. John White, ed. Julian press, New York, 1974.

The author of ‘Stalking the Wild Pendulum’ speculates that if we could move at
infinite speed (the photon earlier noted?) around the world we could see
everything and be everywhere in no time at all. This gives rise to the notion that
it is the same as being at rest (as we do in our dreams).

A quotation from ‘The Secret of Light’ states – “This is a creating universe not a
created one. God did not begin to imagine at some fixed time, for time does not
exist. This light-wave universe which records God’s knowing by his thinking and
imagining is as eternal as God’s thinking is eternal”.

On first thought one might think that events do, in fact, take place in sequence,
as it is almost inconceivable that all could take place at once, thus fooling our
senses that operate in a linear fashion. If one recalls, however, that there are
many more dimensions than the four that we are aware of, no limits can be placed
on the omniscience of God. We have to be patient until we have lived through
enough successive lives to gain that level of awareness that will reveal the as
yet, many hidden mysteries of the universe.

One thing that many of us think about at some time or other is whether time travel
will ever be realised. The inquisitiveness of man has, of course, explored that
possibility and as more knowledge about the inner workings of consciousness is
revealed there is now speculation that time travel might be within our grasp at
some time in the future.

Let us look at some of the thoughts which have been raised on this issue.

In New Scientist (7 march, 1998) on page 38 we find that Mark Hadley, in a Ph.D
thesis included “that a subatomic particle is a region of space-time so
dramatically warped that it bends back on itself like a knot.” It is a loop of
time. The article goes on to say “A loop of time – a circuit which returns to its
starting place – is essentially a time machine.” Quantum physics states that sub-
atomic particles are not constrained by time. Particles at opposite ends of the
universe can react instantaneously with each other.

In New Scientist (9 July, 1999) on page 11, Two physicists stated black holes spit
out particles that move faster than light and travel backwards in time. As an
aside here I wonder if that statement has any relevance to the return of all
consciousness to its source. In other words, everything that we have learned and
experienced will be carried back with us as we reach that exalted state when we
are reunited with that which gave us birth so long ago.

New Scientist (5 February, 2000) on page 26 has – A physicist at Clarkson

University, Potsdam, N.Y., has some support for stating that there could be
regions, even in our own galaxy, where time can flow backwards and forwards as
physics equations state that particles of matter don’t care what direction time
runs in.

New Scientist (21 September, 2002) on page 32 has a report that theorists
speculate that a wormhole, or tunnel in space, might link two points in space-

Some corroboration of this is found in ‘Hyperspace’ where there is a passage which

reads as follows – “In 1988 physicist Kip Thorne of the California Institute of
technology and his collaborators made the astonishing (and risky) claim that time
travel is indeed not only possible, but probable under certain conditions. They
published their claim… the prestigious Physical Review Letters. Their
announcement was based on the simple observation that a wormhole connects two
regions existing in different time periods. Thus the wormhole may connect the
present to the past.”

In connection with time travel we are generally told that it doesn’t make sense
that we could be transported back in time and, in effect, have the potential to
alter events, even going so far as to affect our own future. What possibly might
happen is that we will build a ‘time-machine’ and we will travel to the past but
at a parallel level so that we can observe but not participate. That is somewhat
akin to the proposition that spirit (God) can observe but not participate because
He has to be isolated from His creation as He cannot be violated.

That thought that popped into my mind may have been instigated by a quotation that
I took out of a book by Lyall Watson. ”When talking about space and time,
physicists represent the movement of particles as ‘world lines’. Very simply,
these describe the path of an object such as an electron over a period of time. In
graphic form, an electron that doesn’t move has a world line that runs straight up
from the bottom of the page – the past, to the top – the future. An electron that
changes its position as well as being carried along by the flow of time up the
page, will leave a world line at an angle or zigzags through space-time.

These diagrams are convenient ways of representing reality in geometric form, but
physicists also insist that world lines have a real existence. They are actual
routes followed by particles and there is nothing in mathematics that prevents
them from being retraced. In other words, things can go backwards as well as
forwards in time – and memory could be nothing more than a peek down a particular
world line.”
Is it possible that we re-live our lives. Over and over again, until we achieve
perfection? The future does not appear to be immutable, to be fixed, because many
premonitions and predictions do not always happen, and if they do they may do so
in a different form or at a different time. Some of them may occur to give the
receiver an opportunity to do something differently and avert the consequences
that would have resulted if no warning had been given. There is no fixed future
but perhaps an array of them and we consciously, or unconsciously, choose a path
which opens up a different future.
When, at the human, but restricted, level, we ponder on what life is, we are apt
to circumscribe it because of the constrictions which are placed upon us. The
reality is that life is so complex and so interwoven within itself that we can
have no conception of the unimaginable potential of a Creative Being that can
present such an intricate pattern of existence that we are lost within our own
imagining. Even the Masters, those very advanced members of humanity, who are at
work at the hierarchical level and who are able to guide humanity to a destiny
which seems to be never-ending, because of their ability to see into the future,
are unable to see beyond a certain point.

This chapter concludes the book and hopefully it will leave you less mystified
about the reasons for being here, at this particular point in time, on this
particular planet. Whatever has been written, whether it be my own thoughts or
those of other minds, you must, for your own sake, only take on board what feels
right for you. As already stated, we are heading for the same target but our paths
are separate




This paper is offered, as a reminder, to the majority of us who often fail to ask
ourselves, on a regular basis - is there any purpose, any meaning, in this vast
array of life around us? Its intention is an attempt to place genetics within what
may be regarded as a fully self-contained and self-conscious whole, which is
dynamically geared to more freely express itself as a result of inner causes.

First Causes

Does there have to be a first cause? Even with our limited consciousness it can be
very difficult to conceptualise a void, and then to visualise something being
created out of nothing. There appears to be an acknowledgment that Life has always
existed, and because there is general agreement that our universe did start in a
condensed state, it is a very plausible proposition that a creative force is
immanent in all life-forms.

In 1930, Sir James Jeans wrote - "Today there is a wide measure of

agreement....that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical
reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great

David Bohm saw the universe as "unbroken wholeness" with an implicate order at a
deeper "non-manifest" level; such implicate order becoming explicate as
consciousness expands. He also likened the universe to a hologram, each part, in
some sense, containing within itself the whole.

If these thoughts are reasonably close to the truth, it could be stated that God,
the Creative Being, desired to express Himself through a dispersion of His
consciousness through the ever-denser levels of substance that are created by
reduced vibratory energy.
Chance or Design?

Is this life of ours the result of chance, or design? With our more highly
developed consciousness, and detailed knowledge of the interdependent web of life
in which we live, it would be difficult to ascribe this to chaos. Order can be
made out of chaos, but that requires a thinker, a thought, and a resulting action.
Our planet, Earth, has been imbued with life-forms that have consistently evolved
and grown from the basic sub-atomic building blocks, recording an ever-growing
expansion of consciousness as life evolved. This process must surely indicate a
Creator, with a plan that will eventually realise a fully conscious creation that
can then fold back in on itself.

DNA and Quantum Physics

An ideal creative material is one that is very basic but with infinite capacity,
and flexibility, for evolution and growth. In looking at this idea it is assumed
that it is generally known that all life is energy. Behind every material form,
and behind every less-dense form that we are aware of, there is an underlying
pattern of energy.

Relativity theory showed that mass has nothing to do with substance, but is a form
of energy. Energy is dynamic and therefore all substance is in a state of
readiness for change. All life forms are therefore space/time constructs of energy
patterns that intersect and form patterns which can be discerned by the human eye,
ear, taste buds, or touch, and interpreted by the brain.

DNA is, itself, an energy pattern, made up of sub-atomic particles which have
aggregated to form the molecular structure which geneticists use as the basis for
their work. A German scientist, Ernst Peter Fischer, concluded, from the
discrepancy between traditional and new models of genetics - "There are,
therefore, no genes! There are - at least in the cells of higher organisms - only
pieces of genes, which the cell can use when it makes proteins. A gene is by no
means a molecule that exists in a cell. Rather, a gene is a task that a cell has
to accomplish. Genes don't exist; they are always becoming - shades of quantum

Quantum mechanics, the physics of subatomic events, suggests that the universe is
nothing but probability. Einstein was not comfortable with this and said "God does
not play dice." Probability means that anything can happen in a given set of
subatomic particles and surely this is another pointer to the idea of a Creative
being. Why not experience everything that is possible, in the knowledge that the
whole is inviolate.

And doesn't that alert us to the dangers of using genetics without a full and
complete understanding of what life is for? How many times does a scientist, or
any of us, for that matter, say to him (her) self, what is the purpose of this act
that I am undertaking. Is it necessary, is it a positive step forward, will it fit
in, and harmonise with the existing ecology (in its broadest sense), or will it
have a disruptive effect which may have unknown ramifications, be they positive,
or harmful.

If Ernst Peter Fischer is correct in his definition of a gene, it is in order for

a non-scientist to formulate a belief that a geneticist who transfers a gene, or
parts of an organism such as a virus, bacteria, or an antibiotic, may unwittingly
allow that transfer to produce a new substance which may, or may not, be benign.

Evolution through the Four Kingdoms

The evolutionary pattern has been mineral, to plant, to animal, to human, each one
resulting in an expansion of consciousness, with a long way to go. This expansion
is achieved by lifting the vibratory pattern of the ensouled entities.

A question can be asked as to whether disease and disability are necessary. If

man is to continually refine his bodies, the etheric, astral (emotional), and
mental, there has to be an external cause, until such time as his mental
development allows for a conscious realisation of why he is here and how he is to
progress into the next kingdom, the fifth. As Man, like all other life forms is an
energy body, the way forward is to increase the vibratory rate of the atoms within
his bodies.

Why are Disease and Disability Necessary?

One lifetime is insufficient for the tremendous increase in consciousness that is

called for, the etheric, astral, and mental bodies need eons of purification. In
any one life it is not generally possible to do more than small improvement, so
after the form in a current life has fulfilled its purpose it is cast aside until
the indwelling spiritual entity is prepared to reincarnate. Prior to the conscious
awareness of the need to evolve, the unaware entity has to be prodded by external
forces. Amongst these are disease and disability, and they are intended to produce
an awareness of the need to change in a more positive direction. Karma is a very
involved and complex process to describe, but it does portray the Law of Cause and
Effect, the "as ye sow, so shall ye reap", of the Bible.

Disease and disability not only arise to prod the sufferer, but also, in many
cases, to provide an opportunity for change in the parents, and others who come
into contact with that individual. You will all be aware of how such apparently
negative attributes have inspired people to radically change their approach to
life, and their relationships with others. Remedies for diseases, and
disabilities, are not necessarily of universal application because no one person
has a DNA profile that is the same as another's. Often it is a case of finding
what particular process or medicine is right for each individual affected. One
man's meat is another man's poison. It is of interest to note that many acclaimed
cures only seem to work in certain individuals.

Some geneticists are proposing to experiment with germ-line changes, in the

expectation of eliminating certain diseases from future generations. If, however,
there is a need for an entity to face life through some form of disease, or
disability, and these are gradually eliminated, there is a potential for new
diseases and disabilities to appear.

What of Genetic Engineering?

Man is meant to co-create with God, but that implies that Man has the wisdom of a
God, and the bulk of us fall far short of that requirement. Experimentation, and
theorising, are necessary for advancement to this promising future and it is the
purpose of Man's thrust in these endeavours which is of prime importance.
Unfortunately, it is the intensity of our preoccupation with the material side of
life that blinds us to the need for using judgement in the purpose for which the
new developments are to be used. Discoveries are usually diverted to commercial
use before they are fully investigated. Lack of sufficient public funding is a
prime cause of this diversion of effort into premature usage for private profit.

Experimentation into all facets of the genetic basis of life is a prime necessity,
if man is to become involved in the process of assisting in evolutionary change.
The fact that the basic building block, i.e., DNA, is so complex, and rightly so
if a Creative being is to have infinite means at Its disposal, must surely give
good reason for caution.

Because geneticists only have detailed knowledge of approximately three to five

per cent of the DNA strand, the remaining ninety-five per cent or so has been
labelled as 'junk DNA'. There is always purpose in the way of nature and if we
cannot easily understand apparent inconsistencies there is a need to continue
investigation before fixing on a course of action. I recently read that scientists
believe there is structured order in the 'junk DNA' and it is conceivable that
this very large section of the DNA strand has a connection with reincarnation. As
a plant passes on its growth experience to its seed so, perhaps, an entity's life
experience is encoded into the DNA as a guide to the need for particular life
experiences in a future life.

The present preoccupation with trying to eliminate imperfect bodies avoids the
fact that they have their uses. In today's climate of genetic experimentation a
Stephen Hawking, and others of his ilk, would likely not be born - their
disability quite possibly leads them along the path they take to triumph over that
which oppresses them.

Today's science tends too much to specialisation, an inability, or an

unwillingness, to look at the whole, of which everything is ultimately a part.
Parts only make sense if they are studied within the totality of the environment.
Geneticists betray their usefulness to society by adopting a narrow viewpoint,
and those employed in industry, and in industry-funded university research, betray
humanity by their dedication to the profit motive.

Biodiversity is Vital

Earth's life forms have been created in such variety, and in such large numbers,
that the opportunity for the evolution of new forms is very extensive. Each
species is virtually barred to the entry of genes from others, perhaps the only
active penetration of those barriers being viruses and bacteria, other sources
still being open to conjecture.

One has to question why the Creative Force elected to partition its creation into
so many separate groupings. We must be very careful when we transfer genes between
species, in a manner that cannot occur naturally, with some noted exceptions.
Despite the almost impenetrable barriers life forms are almost infinite in number
and variety. In acting like a God we fail to consider the great depth of
consciousness which has created a cosmos that many scientists believe could
contain as many as nine dimensions.

As biodiversity decreases in a species, so other species will also suffer

decreases, interdependence is a very evident quality in the planet's web of life.
A lessening in variety exposes a species to gradual extinction because the
appearance of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and similar organisms cannot be resisted
without a large pool of genetic material that can be used to breed more resistant

Genetic engineering, as presently practiced is more interested in volume of sales

of a few varieties as that is where the profits are made. Cross-breeding of
genetically altered plants with wild relatives will render the latter virtually
useless as a source of new stock.

Is there a Unified Energy Field for Every Species?

In the past there has been much speculation as to the reason for wildlife
exhibiting such characteristics as migration over thousands of kilometres, nest
building abilities with no training, symbiosis of different species that can only
interact with one another, and the many other evidences of some intelligent
presence. Rupert Sheldrake has been in the forefront of the theorising, and
experimentation, in this field. He suggests that all species are enveloped in
energy fields which have been called morphogenetic fields. J. Needham defines
biological morphogenesis as the "coming-into-being of characteristic and specific
form in living organisms."

The energy fields, in essence, are much like a template which orders the growth of
life forms which exist in that particular species' field. It is almost as if the
energy field regulates the growth, characteristics, and actions of the life forms
in it. This could be the basis of the similarity exhibited by all members of a

Energy fields can be found in abundance, examples being the Earth's magnetic
field, the human body's electrical field, solar, planetary and lunar fields, the
list is virtually endless. The fields appear to have an intelligent entity that
controls their growth, maintenance, and changes needed to meet varying
environmental impacts. These energy fields would have to be well-defined and
separated from each other in order to avoid any mixing, which would interfere with
their integrity. As previously noted, "all life is energy" and therefore the
presence of morphogenetic fields can follow quite logically.

Thought is energy. This fact may explain "formative causation", the process of
establishing a new species, a new variant, the enabling of the crystallisation of
a new material to be performed more rapidly as the energy field is established;
animals in laboratory experiments that entail learning new pathways seem to pass
on that learning to far-distant animals which learn those same paths far more
quickly than expectation would warrant.

Bearing in mind, again, that all is energy, it should be expected that any
discipline which advocates the transfer of energy across energy field boundaries
would be very wary of the potential for unforeseen consequences. In genetics, for
example, transferring the energy of a gene across a species boundary, if performed
often enough, could open a pathway to be utilised by unwanted gene energies and in
a very far-fetched scenario could lead to a collapse of species boundaries.

Priest/Scientist Relationship

In Man's early cultures a priest/astrologer was the individual responsible for

divining the course of a ruler's life, and also that of the nation. He interpreted
the signs and advised the ruler on what actions to take. In addition, he was the
mediator between the Gods and the people.

In our modern cultures, this position is gradually returning, scientists becoming

the priests, the interpreters of the causes of Earth's phenomena. Religions, in
general, have failed to develop their theological philosophies in line with
developing consciousness, and it has therefore been left to the scientists to take
over that role. It is now becoming apparent that the origins of life, and the
meaning of life, are now taking on a scientific basis. Natural laws are being
discovered that indicate God as an impersonal Creator Who has left clues to the
meaning of life which can be discovered by using a scientific approach.

In keeping with this new role as a priest, it is incumbent on geneticists to

ensure that their work fits in with life's needs rather than those which tend to
the personal or the purely commercial. There is therefore a need to study widely,
beyond the specialisation, and be more cautious in the choice of direction which
can be followed.

It would be appropriate to look at the broad picture that contains Man's evolution
over the ages, and attempt to find a way of continuing that evolution, and the
evolution of the other kingdoms, in a manner that befits a wise creator. This will
slow the pace of progress but it will also provide an opportunity for mature
judgement when placing possibilities before the rest of us.


In conclusion, it could be said that genetic engineering has been forcibly

inserted into the world's economy because of a greed for profit. If man has been
designed to take part in creative consciousness he must first have full knowledge
of how and why life was created. When that stage is reached his ability to co-
create must be used to help the progress of all life on Earth and be based on the
highest spiritual, moral and ethical grounds.

James Jeans. The Mysterious Universe. MacMillan. New York.

J. Needham (1942) Biochemistry and Morphogenesis. C.U.P.
Rupert Sheldrake. A New Science of Life. Paladin.
A Question of Genes. Craig Holdredge. Lindisfarne Press & Floris Books
The Holographic Paradigm. Ed. By Ken Wilber. Shambhala, Boston & London


Bailey, Alice A. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Lucis Press Ltd. London

¬__ A Treatise on White Magic, Lucis Press Ltd. London

__ Education in the New Age, Lucis Press Ltd. London

__ Esoteric Astrology, Lucis Press Ltd. London 1968
__ Esoteric Healing, Lucis press Ltd. London 1967
__ Esoteric Psychology Vols I & II, Lucis Press Ltd.
__ Initiation Human and Solar, Lucis Press Ltd. London
__ Letters on Occult Meditation, Lucis Press Ltd. London

__ Problems of Humanity, Lucis Press Ltd. London 1967
__ Telepathy, Lucis Press Ltd. London 1971
__ The Consciousness of the Atom, Lucis Press Ltd.

London 1973
__ The Destiny of the Nations, Lucis Press Ltd. London

__ The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Lucis Press Ltd,

London 1972
__ The Rays and the Initiations, Lucis Press Ltd. London

__ The Reappearance of the Christ, Lucis Press Ltd.

London 1962
Becker, Robert O. Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution: The
promise of Electromedicine. J. P. Tarcher,

Angeles 1990
Bentov, Itzhak. Stalking the Wild Pendulum, Wildwood House,
on 1978
Berges, John. Sacred Vessel of the Mysteries, Planetwork Press, New

Jersey 1997
Besant, Annie. Dharma, The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar,
s, India 1981
Blavatsky, H.P. Two Books of the Stanzas of Dzyan, The Theosophical
Publishing House, Adyar, Madras, India
__ The Secret Doctrine Vols 1-6, Third Edition, The
Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Madras, India

Blum, Ralph. The Book of Runes, Angus and Robertson, Sydney 1984
Burns, James McGregor. Leadership, Harper and Row, New York 1978
Capra, Fritjof. The Tao of Physics, Wildwood House, London 1975
__ Uncommon Wisdom, Flamingo (Fontana) London 1990
__ The Turning Point, Bantam Books, New York 1983
Carrington, Hereward. Higher Psychical Development, Newcastle
Publishing Co. Calif. 1983
Dawood, N.J. The Koran, Penguin Books, London 1990
Elkin, A.P. Aboriginal Men of High Degree, Inner Traditions, Rochester,

Vt. 1994
Gardner, Martin. The Numerology of Dr. Matrix, Simon & Schuster,

New York 1967

Gleick, James. Chaos, Cardinal (Penguin) UK 1988
Heindel, Max. The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, L.N. Fowler & Co.
London 1973
Hilarion, from. The Nature of Reality, Marcus Books, Toronto 1980
Hodson, Geoffrey. The Kingdom of the Gods, The Theosophical
Publishing House, Adyar, Madras, India 1980
__ The Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible, T.P.H.
Hutchins, Robert-Maynard (Ed) Great Books of the Western World,
Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc.
Johnston, Charles. Bhagavad Gita, John M. Watkins, London 1965
Joy, W. Brugh. Joy’s Way, J.P. Tarcher, Los Angeles 1979
Jung, Carl. Modern Man in Search of a Soul, Routledge, London 1933
Kaku, Michio. Hyperspace, Oxford University Press 1994
Lawlor, Robert. Earth Honouring, Millenium Books, Newtown NSW

Leadbeater C.W. Man Visible and Invisible, The Theosophical
Publishing HouseWheaton, Illinois 1980
__ Clairvoyance, The Theosophical Publishing House,
Adyar, Madras,
India 1978
Lovelock, James. Gaia, Oxford University Press 1995
McLaughlin, Corinne, Spiritual Politics, Findhorn Press, Findhorn,
& Davidson, Gordon Scotland 1994.

McTaggart, Lynne. The Field, Harper Collins, London 2001

Moody, Raymond A. Jr. M.D. Reflections on Life After Life, Bantam
Books, New
York 1978
Ousley, S.G.J. The Science of the Aura, L.N. Fowler & Co. London

Ouspensky, P.D. In Search of the Miraculous, Harcourt, Brace & Co.

New York 1949

Percival, H.W. Thinking and Destiny, The Word Foundation Inc,
Forest Hills,
N.Y. 1978
Powell, Arthur E. The Astral Body, Quest Books, Wheaton, Illinois 1982
__ The Solar System, The Theosophical Publishing
London 1985
Roberts and Greengrass. The Astrology of Time Twins, The Pentland
s, Durham1994
Russell, Bertrand. The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell, Routledge,

London 1992
Russell, Walter. The Secret of Light, University of Science &
Philosophy, Swannanoa, Waynesboro, Virginia 1994
Schumacher, E.F. A Guide for the Perplexed, Abacus, London 1980
Sheldrake, Rupert. A New Science of Life, Paladin, Granada

Publications, 1984
Stearn, Jess. The Sleeping Prophet, Doubleday & Co. New York 1967
Tompkins, Peter & The Secret Life of Plants, Penguin 1974
Bird, Christopher
Vivekenanda S. Jnana Yoga, Advaita Ashram, Calcutta, India 1972
Watson, Lyall. Beyond Supernature, Bantam Books 1988
__ Gifts of Unknown Things, Coronet Books, Hodder &
, 1977
Whitehead, Alfred North. Science and the Modern World, MacMillan,

New York 1926

Wilber, K. Quantum Questions, Shamballa, Boulder 1984
Wilber K. (Ed) The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes,
Shambhala, Boston and London 1982

Guided Writings

In case readers are interested in the extracts from Guided Writings a brief
comment will not come amiss. My wife, Marie, came into this life with the facility
to communicate, in full consciousness, with various discarnate entities.

The writings consist of some 130 pages written between the years 1970 and 1987. A
number of topics are covered such as, human development, health, the spiritual
world, man’s past, other worlds, the natural world, future trends, and a
miscellaneous section.

One visitor to our healing centre was so impressed with their potential as a
teaching guide she asked for a copy to use with a group she was leading.

If you are interested in purchasing a copy on a diskette please get in touch with
the author on

Abortion, 120
Akasha, 10/11, 38, 50, 103
Aliens, 72, 74, 76
Angels, 20, 48, 233, 235
Animal(s), 17, 33 37, 54 , 71, 80-2,
91, 95, 98, 103, 156, 161/2, 185,
268, 272, 290
Antahkarana, 188, 190
Aquarius, 83 , 84, 132, 159, 163,
175, 177
Astral, 11, 13/14, 16, 30, 44, 50, 64,
67/8, 87, 98, 101, 116/7, 175, 184,
189, 216/ 217, 231, 233 , 235, 237,
241, 243, 267, 286/7, 295
Astrology, 72, 118, 194, 208,210, 214,
255, 293, 295,
Atlantean, 13, 67/8, 98, 122, 216, 217
Atlantis, 9, 64, 68, 145, 242, 268
Atom, 7, 11, 17, 19, 23 , 39, 57, 72, 77,
88, 149, 154, 236, 247, 264, 267,
277, 293
Atomic particles, 281, 285, 297
Atomic weights, 197, 199-201
Auras, 9 2, 97/8, 102, 272
Bacteria, 10, 89, 91, 136, 158, 286, 289
Beliefs, 1, 20, 91, 157, 159, 160, 169
175, 182, 230
Bible, 4, 6, 8, 13-15, 20, 49, 59, 64, 73,
103, 109, 166, 173, 208, 231, 287,
Black holes, 9, 10, 281
Body, 1, 3, 8, 12/13, 16, 18-28, 30/31, 35/6, 38, 39, 42-4, 49, 55, 57, 59/60,
62-64, 67, 71, 77/78, 80- 83, 85, 87, 89/90, 92-99, 101-105, 107-115, 119,
123, 127/8, 131, 133-37, 139-146, 148/9, 151-53, 164, 166, 172, 175,
184, 187, 189, 190, 195, 208, 209,
213, 218, 221, 233, 235-237, 241,
243, 246/7, 250/1, 254, 261, 266, 270,
272, 276, 286, 295
Brain, 6, 28, 32, 33, 35, 39, 43, 77, 80-
82, 85, 96, 99, 107, 111, 117, 131,
146, 149, 189, 190, 218, 246, 277,
Brahma(n), 5, 12, 115, 118, 119, 121
Brotherhood, 14, 126, 132, 151, 162, 170, 177, 265
Buddha, 25, 122, 156, 171, 189, 241,
Buddhism, 19, 105, 115, 121
Cancer, 30, 36, 56, 137/8, 147/8
Cells, 16, 18, 28, 36/7, 39, 43, 82/3, 89-
91, 138, 142, 145, 149, 189, 233,
246/7, 285
Centres, 16, 92-96, 99, 196, 215/6, 218,
246/7, 266
Chains, 10, 62, 90, 119, 266
Chaos, 4/5, 9, 157, 285
Christ, 20, 25, 101, 109, 116, 144, 156,
166/7, 171/2, 178, 189, 202-4, 217,
237, 241, 246
Civilisations, 135, 181, 193, 211, 224,
239, 268
Clairvoyance, 117, 219, 229
Colour(s), 12/13, 16/7, 68, 97-9, 102/3
120, 150, 162, 180, 196/7, 232, 259
Comet(s), 10, 92, 271
Connected(ness), 2, 14, 23, 29, 32, 33,
35, 44, 54, 102, 107, 109, 126, 137,
139, 142, 164, 184, 193, 197, 220,
257, 264, 268, 271, 279
Consciousness, 4, 6-8, 11, 14/5, 17,
20/1, 23, 24, 26-8, 32, 35, 43, 46/7,
49, 57, 59, 61-3 , 71/2, 75-90, 92,
96, 103, 104, 107, 108, 111-13, 115,
117, 127, 132, 148, 153/4,162, 167,
169, 171, 173, 175/6, 184,
188/90, 194, 213, 215, 217/8, 209,
221/2, 225, 230/1, 233, 235/6, 238,
239, 241, 243-7, 254/5, 264-272,
274-281, 284-7, 289, 291, 293, 296
Cosmic, 12, 14, 21/2, 28/9, 35/6, 42,
46, 48-51, 61/2, 69, 72, 78, 100, 118,
122-4, 130, 194, 213/4, 222, 232, 238,
245/6, 255, 266
Creation, 5-8, 10, 12-6, 19, 20, 23,
38/9, 46, 49, 63, 80, 82, 106-9, 118,
143, 145, 151, 154, 169, 172, 187,
193, 195, 204, 207, 210, 225, 227,
265, 282, 285, 289
Cycles, 62, 98/9, 124, 171, 239/40,
264/5, 267-272,
Cyclic, 77, 99, 118, 131, 239, 264,
Death, 13, 21/2, 43, 67, 70, 85, 105, 110, 113-117, 120, 122, 143/4, 146, 157,
167, 172, 175, 188, 220, 236/7, 244, 276
Democracy, 152, 170, 249, 252, 260
Deva(s), 20, 38, 47/8, 53, 129, 232-35
Dharma, 124, 131/2
Dimensions, 23/4, 38,53, 85, 91, 162, 227, 280, 289
Diversity, 136, 153/4, 158, 173, 184-186, 188, 240, 251, 257, 262
Divination, 208, 219-221, 224, 226
DNA, 89-92, 111, 158, 185, 209, 229, 247, 285, 287/8
Dolphins, 70-72, 91
Drugs, 43/4, 85, 93, 102, 112, 144/5,
148, 166, 175, 275
Earth(‘s), 5/6, 20, 28, 30, 33-6, 38-40,
43-5, 48, 60/1, 63/4, 69/70, 72/3, 76,
83, 92, 97-100, 102, 111, 114, 120,
125/6, 129/30, 139, 146, 151-7,
168/9, 179, 181. 183, 185, 195/6,
198, 201-203, 208, 210-212, 214,
218, 223-225, 229, 231-33, 240,
245-7, 251/2, 259, 261, 264/5, 267,
269-272, 275, 279, 285, 289-291
Education(al), 75, 107, 112, 155, 159,
167/8, 170, 175-9, 180-188, 191/2,
236/7, 241/2, 257/8
Ego(s), 104, 126, 130, 159, 178, 240
Electromagnetism, 22, 100
Elementals, 20, 103, 230/1, 233/4
Energies, 5, 10/11, 16, 21, 26-30, 35,
37/8, 43, 47/8, 57, 69, 79, 93, 95/6,
98/9, 103, 133-5, 137, 139, 142-5,
148, 151, 153, 156/7, 162/3, 166,
175, 189, 202, 209/10, 212/3, 215,
220/1, 225, 228/9, 232, 234/5, 239,
242, 244, 254/5, 257, 265, 268/9,
274, 278, 290
Energy, 5, 9, 11-15, 17, 20-22, 26-9,
31, 33-5, 37/8, 40, 57, 59, 61, 68,
72-4, 80, 82/3, 85, 87, 90, 94/5, 98-
100, 103, 106/7, 111, 121, 124, 134,
138-142, 144/5, 151/2, 155, 157/8,
162-4, 175-8, 188-90, 195, 203, 209,
213/4, 216-18, 220/1, 223, 228, 230-
4, 237, 242/3, 245, 247, 257/8, 264-7,
285/6, 289-90
Environment, 6, 31, 38, 42/3, 45, 55,
80/1, 111, 131, 142, 151-5, 179,
184/5, 187/8, 213, 231, 251, 255,
259, 270, 288,
Esoteric, 8, 14, 21/2, 57, 72, 78, 87, 94,
117/8, 132, 135, 156/7, 161, 168/9,
171, 173, 178, 182, 196, 212/2,
216/7, 239, 267, 275/6
Ether, 50, 103
Etheric, 14, 16, 50, 57, 87, 95, 98, 101,
105, 134, 145, 166, 213, 217/8, 235,
237, 242, 246, 286/7
Evil, 6, 121, 125, 128/9, 165, 168,
202/3, 233, 238, 240
Evolution(ary), 4, 15/6, 20, 28, 47, 59,
61/2, 67/8, 72, 77-9, 88, 94, 104,
106, 117, 131, 135, 153-5, 157-9,
161, 179, 188/9, 193, 196, 210/1,
216, 219/20, 222, 232-5, 245/6, 251,
255/6, 266, 272, 285/6, 288/9, 291
Field(s), 10, 26, 31, 37/8, 40, 55, 57,
79/80, 90, 95, 99/100, 124, 139, 142,
148, 186, 210, 212/3, 217/8, 234,
236, 238, 251, 257, 276, 278, 289/90
Fohat, 11, 21/2, 50, 245
Force, 11, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 29, 31,
34, 36, 38, 43, 49, 60, 68, 72, 80, 84,
88, 95/6, 101, 103, 135/6, 140, 144,
151, 153, 156, 158/9, 161, 165, 171,
175/6, 182, 190, 218, 227, 230, 233,
241-3, 252, 262, 265, 284, 289
Forces, 15, 19, 21/2, 24, 35, 38, 44-9,
68, 80-2, 84, 104, 129, 135, 140, 153-
5, 157, 165, 168, 212/3, 217, 222,
224/5, 230-2, 234/5, 238/9, 244, 251,
254, 256, 258, 265, 268/9, 287
Forms, 4, 10, 12/3, 16/7, 19, 21/2, 26,
28/9, 31, 38-40, 42-5, 48, 51, 55, 57,
62-4, 67/8, 73, 80, 82-5, 87, 89/90,
92/3, 95, 102-7, 116, 118, 122, 136/7,
139, 142, 149, 153-6, 162, 172/3,
175, 182, 185, 188, 190, 199, 206,
213-4, 217, 220-2, 231-5, 238/9,
241-3, 245, 249, 255, 257, 259, 262,
265-9, 284-6, 289, 290
Gaia, 39, 40, 42
Gene(s), 37, 57, 90/1, 120, 127, 272,
285/6, 289/90
Genetics, 57, 75, 91, 127, 284-6, 290
Glands, 92-6, 127, 196
Globalisation, 136, 163/4, 242, 252,
Globe, 62, 123, 130, 196/7, 266/7
Gods, 4, 9, 11/12, 14-17, 19-21, 23,
25-27, 35, 48, 51, 62, 64, 68, 71, 78,
83/4, 86/7, 89, 104, 108/9, 113,
115/6, 118, 121, 128, 151/2, 167, 169,
171-3, 190, 193, 195, 199, 203/4, 211,
220, 225, 232/3, 237, 239, 251, 253,
258, 277, 280, 282, 284, 286/7, 289,
Goodwill, 33, 79, 82, 159, 163, 167,
170, 179, 188, 192, 218, 238
Government(s), 28, 44, 68, 73, 84,
137/8, 152, 159, 191, 249, 252-6,
Graphology, 228
Gravitation(al), 9, 22, 100/1
Great Invocation, 202/3
Group(s), 12/2, 16, 31/2, 35, 43, 57,
60/1, 70, 74, 78, 81, 83/4, 86/7, 91,
106, 109, 113, 115, 129-132, 136/7,
148, 158-161, 163, 171, 177, 182,
189, 196, 208, 213/4, 216, 224, 233,
235/6, 238, 240-44, 253, 255, 257-
263, 265, 275, 277
Guide(s), 3, 31, 68, 87, 156, 159, 182,
191, 199, 203, 240, 245, 283, 288,
Harmony, 15/6, 18/9, 99, 104/5, 108,
122, 124, 134, 143, 153, 155, 157,
164, 166, 178, 202, 220/1, 228, 259,
Healing, 33, 43, 57, 70, 81, 94, 98, 112,
117, 132, 137-144, 147-150, 166,
168/9, 183, 261, 276/7
Health, 33, 43/4, 55, 74, 81, 97-9, 101,
110, 134, 138, 140/1, 148/9, 151,
155/6, 179, 187, 221, 241/2, 296
Heart, 43, 82, 89, 95, 107, 145-7, 192,
203, 215, 246, 258
Hierarchy, 6, 14, 20/1, 72, 128, 130/1
135, 156, 161, 167, 171, 174, 214/5,
230, 232, 235-46, 256, 260
Hologram, 85/6, 284
Homoeopathy, 140/1
Human, 2/3, 10-12, 16, 18/9, 21, 24,
27/8, 32/3, 35, 43/4, 46/7, 49, 53,
59, 61-4, 66, 70-2, 75/6, 78/9, 81/2,
85, 87-95, 97/8, 100-4, 106/7, 110,
113/4, 116-8, 123, 127-130, 134,
140-2, 145, 151-3, 156-162, 164-170,
173, 175, 177-180, 186, 188/9, 193,
202, 209, 213/4, 216, 221, 226/7,
231-9, 242, 244-7, 260-2, 264-270,
275/6, 278, 282, 285/6, 290
Humanity, 20, 30/1, 61, 68-71, 76/7,
83, 87, 94, 102, 104, 108-110, 112/3,
117, 128, 132, 134-6, 151-3, 156-9,
161, 163, 165-171, 173, 176, 178,
181, 184/5, 188, 191, 194, 197, 202,
255, 257-9, 267/8, 277, 279, 283, 288
I Ching, 136/7, 147
Illnesses, 136/7, 147
Initiation, 12, 15, 21, 61, 72, 88, 98,
104, 155, 237, 239, 242-6, 266
Intelligence, 9, 12, 17-19, 28, 62, 71,
73, 88, 123, 172, 178, 231, 233, 247,
Interconnectedness, 55, 86, 139, 143,
152, 175, 255
Intuition, 7-8, 14, 25, 58/9, 75, 156,
179, 188, 190, 212, 215, 235
Intuitional(ly), 13, 46, 49/50, 77, 135,
Jesus, 20/1, 172/3, 204, 209, 231
Jew(s), 103, 170/1, 173, 209
Jewish, 170/1, 204
Karma, 93, 108, 113, 115, 119-132,
143, 214, 240, 246, 287
Karmic, 120, 126/7, 129, 131, 137,
144, 180
Kingdom(s), 16, 21, 32, 48, 53, 55, 61,
88/9, 94, 103, 116, 118, 123, 130,
151/2, 155-7,161, 175, 179, 189, 204,
216, 232-4, 237-9, 240, 246, 261,
286, 291
Kundalini, 11
Law(s), 15, 19, 46/7, 51/2, 85, 100/1,
108-9, 113, 115/6, 118, 121/2, 124,
126-9, 131, 138, 140, 166, 168, 193,
197, 201/2, 211, 213, 222, 232, 234,
238, 263, 287, 291
Lemuria(n), 64, 67, 171, 242
Ley lines, 34-6
Life, 2-8, 10/11, 13-20, 28/9, 31,
33-38, 40, 42-47, 51, 54-7, 60, 62/3
67-9, 73/4, 76-83, 85/6, 88/9, 92, 94,
96, 102-116, 118-124, 126-8, 131/2,
134-140, 142-5, 148, 151-8, 160-5,
167, 169, 171-3, 175-7, 179/80, 182-
8, 190/1, 195-7, 199, 207-210, 213,
215-9, 221-230, 232/3, 235/6, 239,
242/3, 245, 247/8, 251/2, 254/5, 257,
259, 261, 264-9, 271/2, 274, 276-9,
282, 284-291
Light, 6, 7, 9, 11/2, 14, 16, 21-4, 26,
28/9, 33, 39, 54, 59/60, 68, 71, 82-5,
87, 91, 96, 100/1, 117, 123, 130/1,
151, 162, 166, 168, 188/9, 195, 203,
216, 234, 239, 240, 242, 248, 254,
269, 274/5, 280
Logos, 9, 12, 16, 49, 61/2, 72, 123,
233, 242, 246/7, 266/7
Love, 6, 14, 16, 50, 71, 77, 156, 173,
189, 208, 232, 234, 238/9, 253
Man(kind), 6, 8, 14-17, 19/20, 23, 27,
29, 35-8, 46-9, 59, 64, 66-8, 70-2,
74, 78, 81-3, 85, 87, 93, 96, 98, 106
111, 116, 123, 126, 129-31, 135-7,
139, 143, 146, 152-7, 160, 162, 167,
170/1, 174, 176-9, 183, 189, 191,
197, 208, 214, 206-8, 227, 230-2,
234-8, 240, 242/3, 246, 250, 257,
259, 266, 272, 276, 280, 286-8, 291
Master(s), 21, 105, 112, 116, 131, 161,
171, 203, 207, 216, 235, 238-40,
244/5, 278, 283
Material(s), 6-8, 12/13, 20, 22/2, 26/7,
32-6, 38-40, 43, 45, 51, 53, 59-61,
74/5, 79, 82, 87, 90/1, 94, 96, 98,
100/1, 103/4, 109, 113, 122/3, 129,
138, 144/5, 151, 155, 158, 165, 168,
171, 175, 186-6, 188, 190/1, 193,
204/5, 216/7, 226, 237, 251/2, 254,
259, 267/8, 275, 285, 287, 289/90
Materialism, 75, 136, 191, 202, 251,
Mathematics, 46, 51, 124, 193, 194,
202, 204, 207, 246, 282
Matter, 9, 11, 13/4, 17, 19, 22/3, 29,
34, 36, 49/50, 59, 83-5, 87, 99, 103,
123/4, 167, 172, 206, 219, 230, 242,
245, 267/8, 271, 281
Meditation, 13, 21, 45, 60, 75, 80/1, 83,
94, 98, 104, 115, 134/5, 182, 188,
190, 192, 215/6, 257/8, 279, 280
Memory, 33, 38, 109, 141, 146, 177,
215, 217/8, 282
Mental, 13/4, 16, 50, 63/4, 67/8, 77,
80, 87, 94, 98, 101, 103, 105/6, 110,
127, 124/5, 138, 156, 175/6, 178/9,
183/4, 189/90, 195/6, 202, 209, 213,
216/7, 233, 235-7, 241, 244-6, 257,
266/7, 271, 275, 286/7
Metamorphic, 143
Microbe, 18,
Mind, 4-7, 14, 16-18, 20, 23, 27, 31,
34, 44, 46, 49, 57, 59-63, 67/8, 71/2,
75, 77/8, 80-6, 93/4, 98, 103, 105,
117, 122, 134/5, 149, 155, 178,
181/2, 186, 189-91, 203/4, 206, 215,
217, 219/20, 225, 233, 237, 255, 261,
271, 275, 280
Monad(ic), 13, 16, 50, 62, 106, 172
Moon(s), 21, 38, 60-2, 99, 130, 199-
201, 208, 232, 270/1
Morphogenesis, 37, 55, 234, 289
Morphogenetic, 37, 40, 55, 217, 234,
257, 289
Music, 29, 31, 53, 56, 124, 141/2, 149,
179, 202, 205, 222
Musical, 114, 149, 195/6, 222, 228
Myth(s), 5/6, 8, 13, 42, 59, 67, 70
Mythical, 20,
Nation(s), 63, 73, 83/4, 106, 136, 138,
155, 158, 160, 162, 164, 166-8, 179,
184, 214/5, 242, 253, 256, 259-262,
268, 290
Numerology, 197, 199, 204, 216, 228,
Organism(s), 10, 16, 18, 31/2, 34, 36,
38, 42/3, 54, 57, 71, 80, 89, 93, 99,
106/7, 138/9, 153-4, 156, 158, 161,
163, 185, 245, 268, 285/6, 289
Palmistry, 229
Particles, 13, 22-4, 29, 32, 34, 37, 39,
54, 82, 90, 197, 231, 234, 247, 281/2,
Phi, 52/3
Plane(s), 9, 12-14, 16, 27, 44, 49/50,
89, 98, 105, 109, 117, 123, 153,
163, 172, 189/90, 196/7, 205, 214-6,
230, 233-5, 242, 245/6, 267, 276/7
Planet(s), 10, 16, 21, 24, 26, 30, 38,
43/44, 47-9, 61-3, 74 76, 98/9, 106,
120, 130, 139, 141/2, 153, 156, 159,
181, 195-201, 208/9, 212, 214,
231-3, 240, 245/6,, 255, 264-7, 271,
283, 285
Planetary, 16, 49, 57, 62, 68/9, 106,
119, 123, 130, 179, 208/9, 211, 213,
232/3, 236, 242, 245-7, 266/7, 290
Plants, 33, 37, 44/5, 51-3, 56, 82, 98,
144, 154, 156, 161, 231/2, 268, 289
Politicians, 148, 249, 251/2, 258
Politics, 241, 249-254, 256-263
Prana, 11, 94, 96
Psyche(s), 36, 112, 120, 145/6, 148/9,
180, 229
Psychometry, 215-7
Quantum, 13, 22, 26, 29, 34, 39, 54,
82, 90, 207, 271, 281, 285/6
Race(s), 9, 24, 55, 60, 62-8, 71, 76-9,
82, 91, 98, 106, 117/8, 128-30, 158-
160, 162, 170/1, 179/80, 189, 197,
203/4, 214, 232, 237/8, 266
Radiation(s), 20, 22, 29, 36/7, 84, 87,
98, 139, 247, 269,
Radionics, 139
Ray(s), 9, 14-6, 20, 22, 29, 36, 49,
61, 77, 94, 96, 100, 103, 106, 118,
148, 151, 166, 196, 204, 211/2,
246/7, 277
Reality, 26, 38/9, 46, 73, 78, 83, 86,
105, 127, 154, 162, 172, 181, 186,
188, 216, 237, 243, 257, 274, 275,
278, 282, 284
Rebirth, 63, 108/9, 113-18, 129, 168
Reflexology, 143
Reincarnation, 40, 62, 93, 108-11, 113-
116, 118, 120, 130, 144, 160, 188,
210, 236, 288
Relationship(s), 16, 21, 30, 35, 39, 43,
71/2, 102, 108, 127, 143, 151-3, 155-
9, 163/4, 167, 185, 193/4, 197/8,
201/2, 213, 222, 236/7, 242, 246/7,
253/4, 260-2, 287, 290
Religion(s), 20, 49, 68, 92, 105, 108,
110, 113/5, 158, 162, 167, 169-71,
173, 178, 180, 182/3, 233, 237, 243,
Responsibilities, 117, 161/2
Rights, 82, 108, 128, 152, 161/2, 164,
176/7, 188, 205, 251/2, 259-61
Runes, 220/1, 226/7
Scheme(s), 30, 61/2, 71, 88, 119, 123,
130, 162, 196, 249, 266
School(s), 79, 82, 101, 103, 139, 142,
175, 179/80, 182-7, 192, 195, 207,
211, 242, 250, 262, 275
Science(s), 7/8, 10, 12/3, 15, 18, 25-7,
29, 34, 40, 42, 45/6, 48/9, 74/6, 78,
80, 82, 84/5, 91, 96, 98, 101, 103,
110, 118, 124, 141, 145, 148, 157,
183, 188, 190/1, 193, 197, 211-3,
215-7, 248/9, 288
Seven, 12-16, 20, 49/50, 59/60, 62/3,
72, 92, 95, 106, 119, 130, 151, 156,
184, 196, 199/201, 212, 230, 245,
247, 266/7
Sex(es), 59, 63, 113/4, 118, 162,
179/80, 235
Sexual(ity), 62, 114, 166, 179
Shamballa, 68, 238/9, 241-4, 246
Sirius, 68, 70, 72, 76, 245
Solar, 10, 12, 16, 21, 29, 39, 49/50,
61/2, 72, 74, 87, 95/6, 98, 102, 119,
123/4, 130, 178/9, 196, 198, 200,
209, 212/3, 216, 232/3, 235/6, 245,
247, 255, 266/7, 269, 290
Soul(s), 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 44, 57, 66,
79, 81, 87, 92-4, 96, 101-7, 110,
114/5, 117/8, 120, 131, 134/5, 143/4,
167, 172, 175, 178, 183, 189/90,
195, 210, 214-6, 218, 235, 237, 239,
243, 246, 250, 262, 276/7
Sound(s), 11-13, 27, 29/30, 56, 82, 84,
105, 149/50, 195, 199/200, 202, 218,
226, 228, 234
Space, 9, 11/2, 22-4, 26, 38-40, 74,
78, 83, 85, 92, 103, 105, 124, 139,
153, 181, 201, 211/3, 217, 274-6,
278-282, 285
Spirit(s), 6/7, 11/2, 14, 16, 46, 48/9,
59/60, 73, 80, 87, 97, 103, 107,
113, 119/20, 126, 144, 155, 161/2,
164/5, 161/2, 169, 171/2, 179, 183,
192/3, 195, 204, 232, 235, 242, 256,
258, 261, 267, 275, 279, 282
Spiritual, 3, 10, 13/4, 16, 19, 21, 25,
34- 6, 38, 43-5, 49/50, 57, 60, 64, 69,
77, 79/80, 83, 88, 93-5, 101, 103-6,
127, 134-6, 143/4, 148, 153-6,
159/60, 162, 164, 167/8, 175/6, 179,
181, 183-6, 189-92, 196, 202, 209-
11, 215, 217, 226, 233, 235, 237/8,
240-43, 251, 254-261, 269, 272, 284,
287, 291
Star(s), 2, 9/10, 26, 38/9, 69/70, 72,
199/200, 209, 211, 243, 247
Suicide, 112/3, 146
Sun(s), 5, 16, 21 , 38, 69, 72, 95,
99/100, 156, 159, 163, 175, 183,
194/5, 197-201, 204, 208, 212-4,
264/5, 269-71, 275
Sunspots, 269, 271
Tarot, 220, 224-7
Telepathy, 112, 172, 210, 229
Time, 11, 12, 23, 37/8, 78, 83, 85, 89,
106-8, 117-122, 124, 128, 135, 142-
4, 175, 194, 201, 210-15, 229, 233,
236, 270, 273-83, 285/6
Transmigration, 114-6
Transplant(s), 102, 145/6
Tribal, 135/6, 157, 159
Tribe(s), 70, 76, 83, 135, 159, 254
Twins, 91, 210/11
UFO, 28, 73
Unconscious, 6, 7, 78, 83, 223, 271
Unconsciously, 53, 62, 107, 216, 228,
233, 258, 282
Universe(s), 2-5, 8-11, 14, 20-24,
26-9, 33, 39, 45/6, 48, 50/1, 53/4,
57, 59, 71, 74, 82, 85, 89, 92, 103,
108/9, 115, 117/8, 122, 134, 137,
139, 151-4, 156, 164, 173, 179,
185, 193-6, 199, 201, 207, 209, 213,
215, 221/2, 225, 231, 237, 247/8,
257, 262, 264-6, 272, 274/5, 280/1,
284, 286
Vacuum, 22, 26
Vibrate(s), 18, 27, 29, 31/2, 149, 218,
Vibration(s), 8, 11-13, 15, 20, 28-34,
36, 49, 55/6, 63, 67, 85, 98, 100, 105,
138/9, 142-44, 149, 154, 165/6, 182,
188/9, 199/200, 218, 220, 228, 230,
234, 242, 260, 264, 266/7
Vibrational, 30, 32/3, 55, 102, 141/2,
Water(s), 9/10, 23, 33/4, 36, 43/4, 47,
71, 100, 105, 141/2, 153/4, 167,
217/8, 224, 231-33, 268, 270
Will, 12, 14/5, 47, 60, 62, 68, 113, 116,
124, 127/8, 144, 148, 151, 156, 172,
181, 209, 232, 234, 239/40
Word(s), 4, 6, 11/2, 80, 173, 199, 228,



Foreword 2
In the Beginning 4
Energy Fields 26
The Environment 42
History of Man – Evolving Consciousness 59
The Human Body 89
Why are we here – Reincarnation and Karma 108
Health and Growth 134
Relationships 151
Education and Beliefs 175
Numbers 193
Methods of Divination 208
The Hierarchy of Man 230
Politics and Spirituality 249
Cycles 264
Time 274
Appendix 284
Bibliography 293
Index 297


This book resulted from my thoughts after writing a paper titled ‘Genetic
Engineering in a Spiritual Setting’ which I read at a concurrent session in the
‘Eating into the Future’ conference held at the Adelaide Hilton in April 1999. (A
copy of that paper is included as the appendix to the book).

In writing the paper I became aware that much of what we humans do, whether it be
at the technological, social, environmental, etc., levels is usually done without
regard to the ‘connectedness’ of all life. We have an idea and impetuously put it
into action without thinking of the ramifications of what might happen as a result
of that action. Often, we act as if time was of extreme importance and that we
have to get in first to make our money, or achieve some other objective before
someone else does.

‘Haste makes waste’ is an old saying and if one reflects, life still goes on
without that marvellous invention, new technology, new method of doing something.
They need to be integrated with what already is, and in the larger sense of a
surrounding community be it large, or small, in the context of the action. We are
here to learn how to live with respect for all other life (and that includes all
of us) and to develop a sense of ‘beingness’, to edge closer each day to that
marvellous Being Who created us.

Whenever I watch a nature program on TV, read about the wonderful events and
processes that take place, hear about the almost limitless potentials of human
beings, and then reflect on the immensity of the universe with its millions of
galaxies and billions of stars, I feel a sense of awe that we are actually part of
that life.

This book is not meant to be a scientific treatise, or a sophisticated look at

life. The real purpose is to present an outline of what I have learned during my
now, longish life and which started when, as a teenager, I read ‘The End of Borley
Rectory’, something captured my interest and led to a continual search for answers
to life’s mystery.

The Bibliography contains many books which I found to be of great interest, and of
use, in my quest. You, too, will discover that when information or help is
genuinely sought for, a door will open and guide you to your need. The universe is
watching, the universe knows; rest assured that seekers after the truth are never
misled if they tread the path wisely.

Always be aware of the charlatans who will profess they are the true guides. They
may have something of value but it is generally covered up in slick words and
often leads to a request for significant amounts of money. True spiritual advice
and guidance comes with no strings attached, leaving it to the receiver to decide
how much it is worth.

I wrote what I have because I thought that many readers who are on the borderline
of mute acceptance of their life and a wondering of why is all this happening to
me; am I just a happenstance of life in a human body; will feel inspired enough to
begin their search for a spiritual meaning in life.

There is no one method, no one path to follow. Life was intended to be infinite in
potential and therefore what you do is yours alone. And alone we actually are as I
discovered when on one starlit night I gazed up at them and had a distinct
feeling, ‘you are all alone’. Eventually you will return to the starting point,
either willingly or unwillingly, sooner or later, and those choices are yours.

One word of caution. Never rest assured at any one stage in the confidence that
‘this is it’. You are heading into infinity and therefore there is no end to the

As you read this I wish you well in your search for answers as to why you are what
you are.

Arnold Ward
Adelaide May 2003

Chapter 1 In the Beginning

“In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

And that tends to provoke a question in one’s mind – is there a God (a Creator),
is the universe a chance occurrence, how did the myriad forms of life arise out of
what we assume to be chaos? Did the life which we see all around us come out of
nothing or was there something already there out of which to create it?

Unfortunately, even our present state of knowledge cannot supply a definitive

answer and so we continue to search for answers. It is possible to say that it
will be many aeons before we become even close to what we seek but we must keep
trying because that is our way of expanding our consciousness, which is the main
aim of the evolutionary process.

Every individual reading this book will have their own unique way of determining
what they will believe about life and its meaning. No one person has the answer to
all the questions that can be asked because we are all at differing stages of
development and all possibilities must therefore be studied.

In this early part of the book it might be helpful to suspend the critical faculty
until enough of the basic information has been assimilated. We are dealing with a
whole and the parts may seem an odd fit until they begin to gel, at which time the
critical nature will be of use to avoid taking everything for granted. There is no
one philosophy to be absorbed, we are all part of the answer
Creation Myths

“A myth is a traditional or legendary story concerning some superhuman being or

some alleged person or event, with or without a determinable basis of fact or a
natural explanation, esp., a traditional or legendary story that is concerned with
deities or demigods and the creation of the world and its inhabitants.”

When confronted by myths the scientific mind tends to state that they are just
fanciful stories based on imaginary happenings or an embellishment of some common
event. As you will read further on, Man’s history is so extensive and was lived in
much different bodies than we are in today that myths should not readily be
written off.

In the Hindu scripture, Vishnu Purana, it tells of Vishnu, who is the trinity of
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the creator, the preserver, the destroyer of the world.
Vishnu is glorified as the cause of the creation, existence and end of this world.
He is the root of the world and who consists of the world. There is a parallel
here with the Christian trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The need for two
energies, which produce a result is apparent in everyday life. When we create
something we start with a thought, a medium and a resultant product. Electricity
needs a positive and a negative to produce energy. It is difficult to conceive of
any action that does not involve a duality of energies.

In Greek mythology the belief was that the universe created the Gods after heaven
and Earth had been formed, those being the parents. Their children were the Titans
and the gods their grandchildren. Among the Titans were Cronos (Saturn), Zeus
(Jupiter), Ocean, Tethys, Hyperion, the father of the Sun, Mnemosyne, Themis and

The Gods were the twelve great Olympians who were said to dwell in some mysterious
region far above all the mountains of the Earth. Then were also lesser Gods

Edith Hamilton, in her book, Mythology, writes about the creation of the world,
relying heavily on Hesiod who lived circa 700 BC. Chaos was brooded over by
unbroken darkness which eventually bore two children, Night and Erebus. With no
explanation, Love is born, creates Light and its companion, radiant Day. And
again, without explanation, Earth appeared.

Greek, Roman, and Norse mythologies were filled with numerous Gods, all of whom
had their special parts to play in the creation and in their teachings to Mankind.

What can be interpreted from the foregoing is that there is apparently a whole
hierarchy of Gods, from the one Supreme God down to the innumerable lesser Gods
that are said to be the formative causes behind the material manifestation.

In the myth of the Fall of Man our ancestors are said to have been cast down
because of disobedience to God’s word. The life of the spirit was turned aside for
the pleasures of the material gifts which were at hand. Man became vain and saw
himself as the ideal creation, capable of achieving anything he desired (exalted
imagination was the precursor of original sin) and caused his expulsion from the
Garden of Eden. He then lacked the ability to distinguish between good and evil.
“And God said. Let us make man in our image, after our likeness….” Man is a
creative being and is fashioned after God. We imagine, we think, we plan, and we
create material objects, organisations, communities, all that has been added to
the environment since we were created, and we are not a myth. It seems that we are
likely ‘a chip off the old block’ as we continue our creative lives.

Many thinkers have posited a universal consciousness and for that to be it is

difficult to assume other than there is a much higher consciousness behind it. The
Encyclopaedia Britannica CD 2001 states – “Psychiatrist Carl Jung referred to
‘collective unconscious’ to represent a form of the unconscious (that part of the
mind containing memories and impulses of which the individual is not aware) common
to mankind as a whole and originating in the inherited structure of the brain. It
is distinct from the personal unconscious, which arises from the experience of the
individual. According to Jung, the collective unconscious contains archetypes, or
universal primordial images and ideas.”

A further reference from that CD that expands on the thought of a universal mind
is – “Intuition, in philosophy, is the power of obtaining knowledge that cannot be
acquired either by inference or observation, by reason or experience. As such,
intuition is thought of as an original, independent source of knowledge, since it
is designed to account for just those kinds of knowledge that other sources do not
provide. Knowledge of necessary truths and of moral principles is sometimes
explained in this way. Two further technical senses of intuition may be briefly
mentioned. One, deriving from Immanuel Kant, is that in which it is understood as
referring to the source of all knowledge of matters of fact not based on, or
capable of being supported by, observation. The other is the sense attached to the
word by Benedict Spinoza and by Henri Bergson, in which it refers to supposedly
concrete knowledge of the world as an interconnected whole, as contrasted with the
piecemeal, "abstract" knowledge obtained by science and observation.”

God, in effect, laid the groundwork for our creativeness. We use what is
available, for our own free will.


It is necessary to use the imagination when dealing with the world of the Spirit.
So much that has been discovered by individuals who have the gift of being able to
‘see’ beyond the material veil can be foreign to our everyday lives as we struggle
to maintain our existence in as healthy a form as possible. We often pass it off
as something not relevant because we are so immersed in the physicality of life.

What is often forgotten is the extent to which the frontiers of our visible world
have been pushed back by science. Just reflect on what knowledge was available to
a person living say, in the 1,600’s. If they appeared in our world they would be
completely mystified by the appliances that are standard in many homes, the
aircraft in the sky, the ability to communicate to any part of the world in a
flash. Even in my younger days I found it much easier to believe in a material
world in which the ‘unsplittable’ atom was said to be the ultimate form of
substance. Now the theoretical physicists prove that life is really an expression
of consciousness, that we create our own world and the experimenter is part of the
experiment, and thus has an influence on the result. No wonder that witnesses to
the same occurrence can differ in their appraisal of what they saw.

It is easy to dismiss the myths of creation as figments of the imagination, very

unscientific, as there is no proof, no way of knowing what is the actual cause of
the commencement of the universe. If Man was sent out from God, he would have
originally been consciousness at a very high level of vibration, and therefore not
visible as a material body (this development will be expanded upon in Chapter 4).
In the Bhagavad Gita is a statement that “Having pervaded this whole universe with
one fragment of Myself, I remain.”

Early physical man would have had this knowledge as part of his memories, before
descending into a physical existence. This is probably why Australian Aborigines
talk about the ‘Dreamtime’. It would have been handed down orally through the
generations. Science cannot explain everything that happens, so much of what we
know, and need to know, comes through tapping into the level of the intuition.
Creation stories run through all indigenous peoples, in all continents. In our day
it is the Bible which contains Christianity’s version of creation, and it has many
similarities with the older versions.

A source of one creation myth is the Stanzas of Dzyan. According to H. P.

Blavatsky – “This first instalment of the esoteric doctrines is based upon
Stanzas, which are the records of a people unknown to ethnology. They are written,
it is claimed, in a tongue absent from the nomenclature of languages and dialects
with which philology (scientific study of written records) is acquainted; are said
to emanate from a source repudiated by science – to wit, Occultism….”

There is a further elaboration on this in the Introduction (written by Arya

Asanga) to Two Books of the Stanzas of Dzyan. Apparently the information was
written in Senzar, a secret sacerdotal tongue, which is the mystery tongue of the
initiates. It was known to the forefathers of the Toltecs (10th-12th Century AD),
as well as the inhabitants of the lost Atlantis, who inherited it from the third
race of Men, given to them by the gods of the first and second races. In those
extremely early days the language was not phonetic but was purely pictorial and
symbolic. A modern way of expressing information is to be found in corporate logos
and in the international symbols, which rely on pictorial images to get their
message across. It is therefore very easy to understand why scientists will not
have a bar of this information – it does not fit in with their tendency to only
believe what they can demonstrate.

In the publication Theosophy in Australia, Vol 50 No. 3 on page 124, we read –

“One of the simplest and most elucidating of the Stanzas of Dzyan is the third one
which states – “Darkness radiates light, and light drops one solitary ray into the
waters, into the mother deep. The ray shoots through the virgin egg, the ray
causes the eternal egg to thrill, and drop the non-eternal (periodical) germ,
which condenses into the world-egg.”

The article goes on to say – H.P.B comments thus – The solitary ray dropping into
the mother deep may be taken as meaning Divine Thought or Intelligence,
impregnating chaos. This, however, occurs on the plane of metaphysical
abstraction… It brings before the mind’s eye the picture of Kosmos emerging from
and in boundless space, a Universe as shoreless in magnitude if not as endless as
its objective manifestation.”

The drive ‘to know’ brings out the curiosity streak in scientists who continually
beaver away at the frontiers of knowledge about the world we live in. Some current
theories speculate that stars continue to be formed and black holes may play a
part in this.

In his book ‘Stalking the Wild Pendulum’, Itzhak Bentov gives his explanation of a
black hole. If a galaxy begins to collapse in on itself matter falls towards the
nucleus and eventually results in a gravitational collapse. The extreme density
pulls back the light (energy) and it is sucked down as in a funnel. Energy has to
go somewhere and according to physicists it goes through a singularity point that
is theoretically of zero size. Passing that point it reappears in a ‘different
universe’. He goes on to say that our universe may have been created in this way,
a white hole coming out of a black hole.

Earlier last year (2000), researchers suggested that giant black holes were the
seeds from which every galaxy in the universe grew. Doug Richstone of the
University of Michigan “noticed that most quasars appeared perhaps a billion years
before most stars. This might mean that black holes control the formation of
galaxies, an idea that turns conventional astrophysics on its head.”

Stars and planets embody the beings responsible for creation. Human bodies are
created by an ensouling entity and the bodies of stars and planets are no
different. ‘As above, so below’ is commonly used to indicate that there is a
similarity between that at the highest level and that at the lowest.

Some years ago, in a reflective mood, I realised that comets are the spermatozoa
of the universe. They have a head and a tail and travel around solar systems
leaving various energies in the form of bacteria, viruses, or other organisms that
will result in new life forms, or a mutation of existing ones.

There is some scientific backing for this thought from the NASA Ames Research
Center in Moffet Field, California. “Chris McKay has shown that comets may have
been the source of complex molecules after all.” Experimenting with intense heat
on comet gases they reported in Science (Vol 276, p 390), “this created at least a
dozen new compounds, some with chains six carbon atoms long.” Norman Sleep, of
Stanford University in California says “Here they show they can actually provide
the basic building blocks of life.”


Acceptance of a Creative Being, which, by the way, is not directly involved in the
creation process, will promote the realisation that all the life that we can see,
or imagine, is of one basic substance. It is somewhat akin to the ocean, which is
formed of drops of water, all of which are effectively in contact with each other.
Esotericists refer to the spiritual equivalent as Akasha.

Included in the original emanation is Akasha, which contains the life of the
universe. A definition of Akasha is – “the Astral Light, as the Universal Soul,
the Matrix of the Universe, the Mysterium magnum from which all that exists is
born by separation or differentiation. It is the cause of existence; it fills all
the infinite Space, is space itself, in one sense.”

According to The Soul and Its Mechanism (p 99) there are three main energies which
use the Akasha: -
Fohat - refer to the definition in the section on Light.
Prana – the effect of the union of spirit or life, and matter or substance.
It is analogous to the consciousness principle and demonstrates as the energy of
the form (thought is energy).
Kundalini – is the force latent in matter itself; the integral life of the
atom apart from that of any form in which it might participate.

In later chapters we will deal with the use that can be made of Akasha because it
contains a record of all the substantial events that occur throughout the

The Word, Sound, Vibration

We are all aware of the power of words; they can lift us to heights of ecstasy and
the depths of despair. Who has not felt that shrivelling of the soul when berated
by another human being, and recalled the joy that words of sincere love and
appreciation can arouse.

In writing about the Word of God we are in the presence of that awesome original
sound that brought forth the universe. This was no simple sound but one that
contained the entire cosmos, past, present and future. Astronomers are convinced
that the universe commenced with a Big Bang, an instant in time when a point
exploded into the expanding universe that is current dogma, and they are still
trying to determine what happened in the first few seconds. There is the
possibility, of course, that they are on the wrong track, not unusual for science
which often finds theories overturned or significantly altered as a result of new

I recall an experience during a weekly discussion group that my wife and I started
some years ago. Two retired electronics engineers brought along a video and an
oscilloscope at one session in order to demonstrate sound and electrical waves on
a fluorescent screen. A low, deep sound, appears as a long high wave, and as the
frequency increases the wavelengths decrease in height and shorten. At the highest
frequency there was merely a point of light and my immediate response was, ‘that’s

As the Word, the vibration, becomes coarser on its outward path it creates planes
of existence, each of which is ‘material’ in the sense that the higher ones appear
to be ‘immaterial’ to the ones below. In other words, there is always ‘substance’
out of which the more ethereal forms are made.

In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, page 216, there is an elaboration on The Word, as

expressed in Genesis. “The Sacred Word, or the uttered Sound of the Creator,
exists in different forms, and though in reality but one Word, has several
syllables. The syllables all together form a solar phrase; separated they form
certain words of power, producing different effects.

The great Word that peals through one hundred years of Brahma or persists in
reverberation throughout a solar system, is the sacred sound of AUM. In
differentiation and as heard in time and space, each of those three mystic letters
stands for the first letter of a subsidiary phrase, consisting of various sounds.”
In Initiation Human and Solar the letters AUM are said to be allocated as follows:
- A to Shiva who embodies the spirit or will aspect; U to Vishnu, God the Son who
provides the body which spirit must occupy; M to Brahma as energy-provider and Who
links in creative intelligence, spirit and form.

When the creating Logos uttered the Word of Creation it created first of all,
three streams of colour, which then broke out into another four, which is
reflected in the seven colours of the rainbow. All sound expresses itself through
colour and colour, by inference, also expresses sound. There are seven planes of
manifestation which commence with the physical, then astral/emotional, mental,
intuitional/buddhic, spiritual, monadic and finish at the divine level. Each of
these planes has a corresponding colour, each plane having seven subsidiary planes
with a corresponding colour.

Every so-called material body has its own rate of vibration, made up of the sum of
all the individual vibrations of the quantum particles which constructed it.
Instances of an opera singer shattering a glass, when a particular note
(vibration) is sounded, the ecstasy which can be aroused when an instrument, or a
group of musicians produce a sound (s) that resonates with ones particular body
vibration, and the destruction of the walls of Jericho by trumpet blasts are
evidence of this.
“You have in the Christian Bible the remnant of a tale which has descended to us
from Atlantean days. In those days the use of sound on physical and emotional
levels was understood and practised, being utilised for selfish ends in most of
the cases. You read that at the sound of the trumpets, sounded a certain number of
times after a rhythmical circuit of the walls of Jericho those walls collapsed.
This was made possible by the occult knowledge of the leaders of the people who –
being versed in the science of sound and having studied its destructive and
creative effects, - knew just the moment to apply that science and effect the
desired end.” Lest it be thought that this is merely a myth, a modern use of
sound is for the incapacitation, or death of life forms. Infrasound is capable of
causing irritation to persons in its path and the effect can be magnified to the
point where it can actually explode matter.

Creation through vibration is portrayed through an experiment performed by putting

grains of sand on a clamped horizontal sheet of metal. Draw a violin bow over a
free side of the sheet until it emits a note and the sand grains form a
symmetrical pattern. Repeat this at different points and different patterns

Einstein said that all matter is energy, and that all energy is vibration.

It is generally accepted that the universe started from a point and common-sense
is inclined to say that everything in the expanding aftermath is connected to
everything else.

Gods, The Rays, and Mankind

Previously it was stated that the Creative Being is not involved in the creation
process. It remains inviolate; omniscient, omnipresent, and immutable, never
changing. What it does is to send out a thought, a part of itself, which develops
a hierarchy of Beings to carry out the creation of the various worlds. In the
initial stages this is pure consciousness, immaterial, until it has passed down
through seven planes of existence, each one being more substantial than the
previous one. Remember the point of light in the oscilloscope – we are now looking
at the point breaking up into waves of energy on a descending scale.

In the Bhagavad Gita Shri Krishna states “Having pervaded this whole universe with
a fragment of Myself, I remain.” God is greater than the created whole yet also is
present in the part. Everything that we can conceive of is interrelated,
connected. This is one reason why the Brotherhood of Man is spoken of. Although
difficult of conception it is one of the reasons why we must begin to incorporate
this into our life pattern; whatever we do to another person is in effect done to
ourselves. We are all in this life together, whether we like it or not.

The first breaking up of the point reveals a Triune God, a trinity of three
aspects. The first aspect is The First Cosmic God which is the spirit which
pervades the manifested universe. The second aspect is that of matter substance
and the third is the resulting combination of the first two aspects, the universal
World-Soul or mind stuff out of which all else is derived. In more familiar terms
this is God the Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost. Following this breakout came
what the Bible tells of the Seven Spirits before the Throne. The Esoteric
Doctrine states there are Seven Rays, each with seven sub-rays. It so happens that
Man has seven bodies – physical, etheric double, emotional or astral, lower mental
(concrete), higher mental (abstract), intuition, and spiritual will, which are
connected with those seven rays.

The Bible gives some backing for the belief that there is more than one god where
it refers, in Genesis 1.26 to “And God said. Let us make man in our image, after
our likeness….”

In the Tibetan’s books there are many references to the Rays and their qualities
as evidenced in the following compilation.

The Seven Rays represent seven different qualities which are involved in the
formation of life.
Ray I — Force — Energy — Action — The Occultist.
Ray II — Consciousness — Expansion — Initiation — The true Psychic.
Ray III — Adaptation — Development — Evolution — The Magician.
Ray IV — Vibration — Response — Expression — The Artist.
Ray V — Mentation — Knowledge — Science — The Scientist.
Ray VI — Devotion — Abstraction — Idealism — The Devotee.
Ray VII — Incantation — Magic — Ritual — The Ritualist.

Rays of Aspect

I. The Ray of Will, or Power.

II. The Ray of Love-Wisdom.
III The Ray of Activity or Adaptability.

These rays correspond to the three initiating forces in the beginning of creation.
Ray I is the Father, Ray II is the Son and Ray III is the Holy Ghost.

Rays of Attribute

IV The Ray of Harmony, Beauty, Art, or Unity.

V The Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science.
VI. The Ray of Abstract Idealism or Devotion.
VII The Ray of Ceremonial Magic, or Law.

The four rays of attribute, which find their synthesis in the third ray of aspect,
produce the varying qualities in greater detail than do the three rays of aspect.
It might generally be stated, as we endeavour to clarify our problem, that the
three rays of aspect find their main expression in relation to mankind through the
medium of the three periodical vehicles, i.e., the Monad, the Soul and the

The rays of attribute, though expressing themselves equally on all the planes and
through the periodical vehicles and the three aspects of the personality (physical
body, emotional body and the mind), find their main expression through one or
other of the four kingdoms in nature:

Ray IV Harmony, Conflict 4th kingdom Human. The Balance.

Ray V Concrete Knowledge 3rd kingdom Animal.
Ray VI Devotion 2nd kingdom Vegetable.
Ray VII Ceremonial Ritual 1st kingdom Mineral.

In relation to mankind, these four rays of attribute find a wide expression in

connection with the four aspects of the personality, or with the quaternary. The
relationship is as follows:

Ray IV Harmony through Conflict the Physical body.

Ray V Concrete Knowledge the Etheric body.
Ray VI Devotion the Astral body.
Ray VII Organisation the Mental body.

Seven is a mystical number and is reflected in many ways. A rainbow has a spectrum
of seven colours, there are seven centres or chakras in the human body, seven
major notes in an octave, seven days of creation, the seven rays, seven days of
the week, seven sacred planets. You will recall that out of the one came the
seven. Seven plays an active part in life because it arises out of a triplicity of
energies which can group themselves internally in seven ways i.e., 1, 2, 3, 1+2,
1+3, 2+3, 1+2+3.

Creation is an evolution of spirit through form and repeats itself through

infinite forms. As previously noted, beginning with a point of light there is a
divergence of spiritual life into a multiplicity of forms. Looking at it from the
bottom up we see life as single cells, multicellular organisms such as man, a
planetary logos (a God), made up of all the forms which are the planet and all
life on it, a solar logos which encompasses a sun plus all its planets, and it is
possible to speculate that there are logoi of galaxies and perhaps even greater
accretions that are meaningless in one sense because too great a complexity can
paralyse a mind until it is able to comprehend.

Assuming that all of this series of life-forms did not arise by chance, what can
be surmised instead? That every life-form has consciousness, even if it is only
rudimentary in the case of the basic building blocks. Backing for this comes from
the following extracts from The Consciousness of the Atom pp 38-41.

“First of all, as we know, the atom is spoken of as possessing energy, and the
power to change from one mode of activity to another. One writer has remarked
that "absolute intelligence thrills through every atom in the world." In this
connection I want to point out to you what Edison is reported by an interviewer as
having said in Harper's Magazine for February 1890, and which is enlarged upon in
the Scientific American for October 1920. In the earlier instance he is quoted as
follows: -

"I do not believe that matter is inert, acted upon by an outside force. To me it
seems that every atom is possessed by a certain amount of primitive intelligence.
Look at the thousands of ways in which atoms of hydrogen combine with those of
other elements, forming the most diverse substances. Do you mean to say that they
do this without intelligence? Atoms in harmonious and useful relation assume
beautiful or interesting shapes and colours, or give forth a pleasant perfume, as
if expressing their satisfaction...gathered together in certain forms, the atoms
constitute animals of the lower order. Finally they combine in man, who
represents the total intelligence of all the atoms."
"But where does this intelligence come from originally?" asked the interviewer.
"From some power greater than ourselves," Edison answered.
"Do you believe, then, in an intelligent Creator, a personal God?"
"Certainly. The existence of such a God can, to my mind, be proved from

“In the long interview quoted in the Scientific American, Edison laid down a
number of most interesting surmises from which I have culled the following: -

1. Life, like matter, is indestructible.

2. Our bodies are composed of myriads of infinitesimal entities, each in itself a
unit of life; just as the atom is composed of myriads of electrons.
3. The human being acts as an assemblage rather than as a unit; the body and mind
express the vote or voice of the life entities.
4. The life entities build according to a plan. If a part of the life organism be
mutilated, they rebuild exactly as before....
5. Science admits the difficulty of drawing the line between the inanimate and the
animate; perhaps the life entities extend their activities to crystals and
6. The life entities live for ever; so that to this extent at least the eternal
life which many of us hope for is a reality.

In an address given by Sir Clifford Allbut, President of the British Medical

Association, as reported in the Literary Digest of February 26th, 1921, he speaks
of the ability of the microbe to select and reject, and in the course of his
remarks he says:

"When the microbe finds itself in the host's body it may be wholly out of tune, or
wholly in tune, with any or all cells that it approaches; in either case
presumably nothing morbid would happen...morbid happenings would lie between this
microbe and body-cells within its range but not in tune with it. Now there seems
to be reason to suppose that a microbe, on its approach to a body-cell only just
out of its range, may try this way and that to get a hitch on. If so, the
microbe, at first innocuous, would become noxious. So, on the other hand, body-
cells may educate themselves to vibrate in harmony with a microbe before
dissonant; or there may be mutual interchange and co-adaptation...."But, if things
be so, surely we are face to face with a marvellous and far-reaching faculty, the
faculty of choice, and this rising from the utter bottom of biology to the summit—
formative faculty—'auto-determination,' or, if you please, 'mind.”

On page 57 of that book it states: -

“We found in our lecture last week that there was one thing that could be
predicated of all atoms, and that scientists everywhere were coming to recognise
one distinguishing characteristic. They have been shown to possess symptoms of
mind and a rudimentary form of intelligence. The atom demonstrates the quality of
discrimination, of selective power, and of ability to attract or repel. It may
seem curious to use the word intelligence in connection with an atom of chemistry,
for instance, but nevertheless the root meaning of the word embodies this idea
perfectly. It comes from two Latin words: inter, between, and legere to choose.
Intelligence, therefore, is the capacity to think or choose, to select, and to
discriminate. It is, in reality, that abstract, inexplicable something which lies
back of the great law of attraction and repulsion, one of the basic laws of
manifestation. This fundamental faculty of intelligence characterises all atomic
matter, and also governs the building up of forms, or the aggregation of atoms.”

Another slant on God is taken from a talk by Zasep Tulku Rinpoche at Wollongong
University in the mid 1980’s. Question. What is your conception of God? What do
you believe God is? “Buddhism does not have a concept of God in the sense of some
powerful being up there who created this world and everybody. However Buddhism
does have the concept we call the divine source or the divine being. All
goodness….but this is not a God who created everything. In Buddhism everybody
creates themselves. Buddhists believe that we created our own world.”

Most of the human groupings have their own versions of God and it is interesting
to note that they all express a duality; a positive good force and a negative
destructive one. As noted elsewhere, events happen when the positive and negative
forces interact to produce a result. The fact that both of these forces are
experienced within the body of God implies that neither one is better than the
other. Creation implies destruction, something has to give for something new to
arise, whether they be old thoughts now discarded, heat applied to metallic ores
to produce metal, buildings demolished to make way for the new and so on. The end
of creation will occur when everything is in balance, in harmony – when that
happens there is no need for further action.

In Genesis 1.26 “God said. Let us make man in our image, after our likeness….” In
Genesis 2.7 it says “And the LORD GOD formed man of the dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” One
interpretation placed on these two accounts is that the first one is man’s
spiritual birth and the second is the formation of his physical body. You will
read in Chapter 4 of how this ties in with man’s evolution.

A scientific, or a logical mind, will say that the creation story in the Bible is
mythical because it would have been impossible to do this in seven days. The Bible
can be read as a history of the Hebrews and the appearance of Jesus the Christ and
it can also be read as an allegory i.e., in symbolic terms it relates a story that
has to be veiled until such time as consciousness is able to deal with it. Ideas
that come before their time are stifled, they cannot be realised. Seven days in
which to create the Earth is one of the allegories. A day represents, in fact,
many millions of years, which makes sense in a material way as evidenced by
scientific investigation into the vast period of time taken for the Earth and its
life to evolve to its present day status.

Part of the hierarchy of Beings includes angels (devas in Hindu scriptures),

fairies, and a range of elementals, all of which play a hidden part, for most of
us, in the creation of our bodies, their subsequent lives and the entire universe
around us. Remembering that all is energy (consciousness) the existence of these
beings can be said to relate to the innumerable types of vibration. Just because
most of us cannot see, or feel them, does not mean that they do not exist.
Examples are radio waves, X-Rays, nuclear radiation and infra-red rays. They can
have effects on our bodies without our realising it and the existence of these
beings that live at a higher level of vibration need not be taken as fanciful.

I recall, when I was boarding with an elderly couple in the 1950’s, the idea that
the lady expressed when she thought of God was a Man with a beard and flowing
white robes and she could not be shaken from that. That was right for her at that
stage of her life and the many different religions are testament to the need for a
great variety of beliefs to satisfy the differing needs of humanity en masse.

Analogies can be useful in explaining a meaning and one can be used here. I have
the thought that God, being insubstantial, only able to exist as consciousness,
needed to experience what life would be like and therefore ‘dreams’ his creation
in much the same way that we experience dreams while asleep. We do not change, the
dreams are seen as something that appears during sleep and may, or may not, have

If one looks at the complexity of the universe, with its many different forms of
galaxies, nebulae, suns with planets, and our own solar system with its orbiting
planets and moons, which display such different characteristics, it makes sense to
state that each body has its own evolving entity. There is every reason to believe
that a human being creates its own sphere of being; there is great differentiation
between those who are highly evolved and those who have yet to move from their
position at the bottom.

In the past the Kingdom of God was thought of as a heaven where God and Jesus
assessed the lives of people after their death and allotted then a place either in
heaven or hell. In an article in The Beacon Dale McKechnie says “We find that it
is a far more complex world than ever imagined, but it is a view of reality that
makes complete sense. It is highly organised and logical. This is the realm of the
Kingdom of Souls, and the spiritual Hierarchy. If religious expression is to
remain viable in the future, it must now begin to include knowledge of and
recognition of this great band of beings, these Masters of the Wisdom, and then
establish a working relationship with them. They represent the next stage towards
which human consciousness must advance.”

Light consists of many energies, including amongst others electricity,

electromagnetic forces and gravity. In esoteric terms light is called Fohat and is
described in Initiation, Human and Solar, on page 218 as “Fohat. Cosmic
electricity; primordial light; the ever-present electrical energy; the universal
propelling vital forces the ceaseless destructive and formative power; the
synthesis of the many forms of electrical phenomena.” In Letters on Occult
Meditation, page 183 we read “That mysterious something called by H. P. B.
(H.P.Blavatsky) Fohat, of which some of the manifestations are electricity,
certain forms of light, and the magnetic fluid wherever encountered.” The glossary
on page 352 of that same book states “Fohat. Cosmic electricity; primordial
light; the ever-present electrical energy; the universal propelling vital force;
the ceaseless destructive and formative power; the synthesis of the many forms of
electrical phenomena.”

A scientific definition of light is taken from the Encyclopaedia Britannica CD

2001 under the heading of Electromagnetic Radiation: - “In terms of the modern
quantum theory, electromagnetic radiation is the flow of photons (also called
light quanta) through space. Photons are packets of energy.. that always move with
the universal speed of light. Electromagnetic radiation exhibits a multitude of
phenomena as it interacts with charged particles in atoms, molecules, and larger
objects of matter. These phenomena as well as the ways in which electromagnetic
radiation is created and observed, the manner in which such radiation occurs in
nature, and its technological uses depend on its frequency. The spectrum of
frequencies of electromagnetic radiation extends from very low values over the
range of radio waves, television waves, and microwaves to visible light and beyond
to the substantially higher values of ultraviolet light, X rays, and gamma rays”

A short article in Nexus, Vol 2 No 22 p 58, by Chris Illert, a leading theoretical

physicist and mathematician, discusses the formation of the material universe. He
refers to Cosmic Fohat, a unified superforce containing gravitation,
electromagnetism, and strong and weak nuclear forces. He refers to Paul Davies’
statement in Superforce: The Search for a Grand Unified Theory of Nature
(Heinemann 1984 and Unwin 1985) that “what appears as empty space is actually a
seething ferment…of quantum activity, teeming with [ghost] virtual particles and
full of complex interaction.”

Another item in the article caught my attention where it reads, “Today, most
scientists agree that the universe is outwardly expanding and is of finite age,
born from a dramatic ‘phase transition’ when the “aether” (quantum vacuum) jumped
from one energy state to another ‘sucking matter into physical existence’ within
our universe. That sounds very much like a black hole taking in the death of one
universe to create the next one.

Quantum physics has delved further into matter than at any time in the past (with
the exception of knowledge received at an esoteric level) and its findings can be
used to buttress the statement that everything in the universe is connected.
Matter is no longer regarded as a material substance, it is far too diffused and
ephemeral for that. Matter can now be regarded as consciousness and is not fixed
as previously thought as it consists of probabilities.

Some philosophers in ancient times were aware of the insubstantiality of atoms but
had no way to prove it. Even as recently as the early part of last century the
atom was understood to be indestructible, an unsplittable whole. When the
properties of the atom were finally opened up physicists found more and more
particles (some 100-odd at the time of writing) making up its constitution.
A thought that can come to mind is – if an atom is actually mostly space, with
particles circulating around a nucleus, why do we see them as solids. One way of
grappling with this is to rapidly move a light of some kind in a rapid circular
movement. When rotated fast enough it appears as a full circle and this is because
our sight is not fast enough to catch the individual movements.

The continual growth of knowledge about our universe can thus be used to approach
the idea of God (a Creator) from our standpoint. There will never be an end to the
discoveries that will be made over the millennia to come and it can be inferred
that knowledge about the insubstantiality in which we exist will eventually arrive
at the point of creation, which is pure consciousness.

To add to the complexities with which the average person is confronted is the
number of dimensions said to exist within our universe.

At our physical level of being we are aware of four dimensions – length, breadth,
height, and time. Admittedly it is difficult to envision that there are likely 11
dimensions but again an analogy can be of use. An insect living in two dimensions
such as a water boatman, as it skims on the surface of the water knows only length
and breadth. A snail, capable of climbing knows the additional dimension of height
but is unaware of time. Man, aware of the three dimensions plus time finds it as
difficult to conceive of a fifth dimension as the two and three dimension beings
noted above would be able to conceive of our four dimensions.

There are theories as to how higher dimensions could exist and what they would be
like to experience and we have to take it for granted, at our present level of
consciousness, that they exist.

“…because of superstring theories, which picture fundamental particles as tiny

pieces of ‘string’ vibrating in space-times with up to 26 dimensions.” The
article goes on to state: - This theory is disputed by Max Tegmark of the
Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New jersey. He says physics in space-
times with more or less than four dimensions would not permit the existence of
observers like us. “Such universes would either be too simple, too unstable or too

A later issue of New Scientist contains “Physicists take extra dimensions

seriously because superstring theory, the best candidate for a ‘theory of
everything’ requires at least nine space dimensions.”

In light of the complexities which have already been expressed it is most likely
that there could be many universes that interpenetrate one another, and 9, 11, or
26 dimensions need not be an impossibility.
“For thousands of years all over the planet, the mystics and knowers have borne
witness to experiences in subtler worlds where they have been brought into contact
with forces and phenomena which are not of this physical world. They speak of
meeting with angelic hosts; they refer to the great cloud of witnesses; they
commune with the elder brothers of the race who work in other dimensions and who
demonstrate powers about which ordinary human beings know nothing; they speak of a
light and of a glory; of a direct knowledge of truth and of a world of phenomena
which is uniform to the mystics of all races. That much of the testimony can be
discarded on the grounds of hallucination may be true; but there still remains a
residue of testimony and a sufficient number of reputable witnesses,
substantiating this testimony, to force our belief in its verity. These witnesses
to the unseen world spoke with words of power and gave forth messages which have
moulded the thoughts of men, and directed the lives of millions. They claimed
there was a science of spiritual knowledge and a technique of development whereby
men could attain to the mystical experience and where by they could know God.”
And it goes without saying that the Christ, the Buddha, and Mohammed, out of the
many, would fit easily into that description of witnesses.

Chapter 2 Energy Fields

The universe is seething with energy, interacting energies of different strengths

and wavelengths constantly forming patterns upon which material forms can grow.

In Chapter 1 there was reference to light consisting of the many energies that are
flowing through the universe; God is said to have stated, “Let there be light” and
it can be surmised that the energies, in their many differentiations are in effect
an expression of God consciousness. Science generally scoffs at this idea because
it cannot be proven, but science itself is now at the door of a leap into higher
consciousness because there is so much that lacks ‘material scientific’
expectation. When one arrives at the statement that ‘all is energy’, where does
one go but into a meditative state in order to progress beyond the apparent
reality of our physical existence.

Energy expresses itself in different ways and some of these will be examined in
the following pages.


A few decades ago, it was believed that space was mostly a vacuum, nothing was
there except the visible sign of stars, planets, galaxies. This belief has been
gradually chiselled away as more sensitive instruments were developed and as
scientists opened up their consciousness to the thought that there always seemed
to be more to be explored behind the discoveries made.

In the year 2000, for example, we read – “Most people assume that the vacuum is
empty. But according to quantum electrodynamics, the theory that describes the
behaviour of the universe at the very small scale, nothing could be further from
the truth. The vacuum is actually seething with electromagnetic energy called
zero-point.” It goes on to explain that energy at the lowest possible energy
state in the universe if cooled to absolute zero, a region of vacuum the size of a
proton is calculated, by one physicist, to theoretically contain as much energy as
all the matter in the entire universe. Although this is an astounding theory it is
not beyond the bounds of possibility if God is as omniscient and omnipresent as
stated by ancient spiritual writings.

We are dealing here with imponderables and it is vital that readers not close off
any possibilities that come to their minds. There are potentially infinite
combinations available within the matrix of energies and the frontiers of
consciousness must continuously be pushed forward because it is mind that is of
prime importance. Emotions and physical urges must be transcended if any sense is
to be made out of what we see in our physical existence.

One reason why we are not easily aware of the vast potential, and Beingness, of
the universe is because of our restricted ability to utilise the vast range of
frequencies that are existent within it. Just consider that the range of
electromagnetic frequencies run from 1 to 1024 hertz, of which we are only able to
sense those in the narrow range of 1015 hertz. To get an idea of the meaning of
this is to look at the numbers 1 up to 10 with 24 zeros after it, a range which
the human mind can have great difficulty in dealing with. We can only hear sounds
in the narrow range of 20 to 20,000 hertz.

The likelihood of energies existing in frequencies far higher than this cannot be
discounted because science can only measure what its instrumentation is capable of
picking up. As an analogy, if you only had a short wave radio the medium and long
waves would be unknown. It is only when additional facilities are added that the
existence of these other energy frequencies can be known. These ‘out-of-sight’
energies all have an effect on the living universe but we are presently unaware of
them and therefore are unable to explain many of the phenomena on the physical

It is generally accepted that the human body contains in the order of 25 minerals
but it can be surmised that in consuming a wide range of foods and liquids the
actual number may be well in excess of this. You will recall in reading the
previous chapter that ‘God formed Man of the dust of the ground’ and this is
another indication that our bodies may well encompass a very large number of
naturally occurring minerals. The point to be made here is that every material
thing vibrates at its own rate and will therefore be responsive to incoming
energies of that frequency from the abundance available in the universe.

The average human being would be unaware of the impact of these energies on his
body, at least not through the physical senses. With an increase in consciousness,
however, comes an ability to register more of these energies and therefore to tap
into higher realms of being. The use of infra-red light in night scopes etc.,
extends the ability of the human eye to see in the dark. Evolution is likely to
bring on a greater ability to see at a higher vibration as the senses become more

From Nexus Vol 2 No. 16 p 44, comes an example of the action of cosmic energies on
living things in the work done by George Lahkovsky, a French radio engineer who
found that carrier pigeons would become disoriented whenever they were within 20
miles of a spark-gap wireless transmitter, the first wireless telegraphy. In
studying the semi-lunar canals of pigeons he realised that living cells have
structures with the quality of oscillating circuits. Cells are therefore affected
by the various energies that flow through all life-forms.

British researcher Roger Coghill and his wife Tamara (as reported in EMRAA News,
March 1999) have established that brain action is controlled by electrical rather
than chemical activity. The experiment is easily replicated and had been done 12
times by the date of the above publication. There is therefore biological evidence
that electromagnetic energies do have an effect on our bodies.

Cosmic energies, Earth energies, etc., can form a grid. In Nexus Vol 2 No. 9 p 16
is an article about Captain Bruce Cathie, a New Zealand commercial pilot who saw
his first UFO while flying over Auckland. Over the years he saw a number of these
objects and studied the hovering position and flight paths, finding that the track
lines appeared to intersect to form a grid, the lines being spaced at equal

By using and developing mathematical formulae he discovered a complex pattern of

interlocking wave forms. As a result of interest in his work by intelligence
agents, governments and scientists he concluded that the energy network was
already known to them.

Vibration and Radiation

“Radioactivity is the flow of atomic and subatomic particles and of waves, such as
those that characterise heat rays, light rays, and X-rays. All matter is
constantly bombarded with radiation of both types from cosmic and terrestrial
sources. “ In describing what the article consists of there is mention of the
consequences of the transfer of energy to living matter and the abnormal/injurious
effects that result from an exposure to unusual types of radiation or an increase
in their force.

All energies vibrate. “The study of Man, then, is the study of energy vibrating at
different frequencies. The study of the external world ( which is termed natural
science) is also the science of vibrations because all vibration is movement
between poles. All manifested objects have a polarity and are therefore in

It is vibration that causes movement in the air when we speak, and it is the
interpretation of those vibrations by the ear that enable us to hear the speech of
another person, or the sounds emitted by all forms of life. We are thus connected
by vibrations, the movement of the energy in which we are immersed.

It is now accepted knowledge that the universe consists of patterns of energy made
up of quantum particles. An interesting experiment was detailed by Michael C.
Heleus in 1975, based on the notion of the ‘music of the spheres’ spoken of by
Pythagoras – each of the heavenly orbs has its definite tone and sounds the
celestial symphony mentioned by Goethe, in “Faust”.

His experiment involved the use of an audio oscillator played ideally through a
set of headphones. Playing the intervals produced by natal solar aspects resulted
in aspects considered to be favourable, giving good feelings, with uncomfortable
feelings arising from aspects considered unfavourable.

Quoting from his article – “The breathing, pulse, body temperature, and aura
change in specific ways to specific sounds. Now there is even an indication that
the brainwaves change when astrosonics are heard. Often a colour is seen inwardly
that corresponds with a planet, according to a known scheme….”

For those unfamiliar with astrological terms, an aspect, in a natal chart, is the
angular relationship between two planets. For example, if the planets are at right
angles to each other (90°) this called a square aspect and denotes a clashing of

It is vibration that enables us to tune into a person or place, or conversely

‘tune-out’ if the vibrations are unpleasant. We seem to feel at ease with some
people or places and in other cases there is a feeling of repulsion and at times
there is a neutral feeling, neither positive nor negative.

I recall, when living in Canada, and holidaying in the US, the sense of relief
when arriving home as though I had been to an alien country. While in the States I
did not feel that; it was the contrast of energies between the two areas of Earth.
Every country, and every location in a country, has its own special vibration,
formed of all the vibrations that are existent within the areas. Our astral bodies
pick them up and assess them according to our own vibrating note. The vibrations
build up an atmosphere, energies are stored in the structure of a house, for
example, and in a building such as a prison, particularly if executions have taken
place there, the negative feelings are such that very sensitive people feel ill
and have to leave.

Dr. Arthur Guirdham was a consultant psychiatrist to the Bath Child Guidance
Clinic. He had this to say in an article in New Humanity – “There are, in
psychiatry, and in general relationships with our fellows as a whole, vibrational
and electromagnetic factors which we cannot afford to neglect. We use the
encephalogram…. An electrocardiogram…. Vibrational activities are also of great
importance in treatment. Short wave diathermy…vibrations…of radium and cobalt are
utilised…in the treatment of cancer. The question arises, if individual organs can
emanate vibrations which can be recorded, can the individual as a whole radiate
vibrations specific to himself.”

That scientific comment appears to validate the effect of vibrations both within
and between people and their environment.

It is quite likely that as you read that a thought passed through your mind – yes,
I recall now that as I went through that city or town I felt it was a ‘cold’ place
or, that it ‘felt good to me’, I’d like to stay there. The same reaction often
occurs when we meet people, finding in one case a great attraction and in another
one might feel repelled, with many variations within these two parameters. This
occurs because we have all created a force-field, an aura, which contacts other
life-forms and is either attracted or repelled.

Everything in life should be looked upon ideally as a system of checks and

balances. We put out speech, energy, thoughts, desires - whatever we give forth
has an effect somewhere. And whatever is touched touches in its turn; it may touch
back to the emitter immediately, or somewhere along the chain of affected
sensation there may be a touching - back, but no one can give forth of anything
without receiving some reaction. So it behooves all of us to be sure what we wish
to activate before we give forth (15.6.86) 1.2 Guides for Living from ‘Guided

Vibrations are not restricted to the organism or thing that emits them, they
extend outwards and affect others within their sphere of activity. If a C note is
played on a piano in a room full of pianos all of the C strings on the other
pianos vibrate, even the C’s on the higher and lower octaves. Those vibrations
would also affect us, though probably in a way that would not be apparent. Listen
to a piece of music, however, and we can be transported into ecstasy or gloom.
“The effects of music are so profound that the influence is carried through to
each and every cell in the body. Music can elate and invigorate a sad person and
vive versa.”

Vibrations tend to harmonise motion. An example of this is the action of a

pendulum. Set a group of pendulum clocks in motion and they will eventually
synchronise their motion. Christian Huygens, a 17th century Dutch physicist
surmised, correctly, that the clocks were co-ordinated by vibration transmitted
through the wood.

This synchronicity also is apparent in living organisms. Martha McClintock of the

University of Chicago discovered that humans have hormonal links. Working on
anecdotal evidence that women who live together tend to menstruate together she
experimented by testing two groups of women, one of which was given a drop of pure
alcohol on the upper lip three times each week for four months. The other group
received, on the same periodic basis, a drop of alcohol with a drop of
perspiration from the armpit of a leading lady, an individual woman who seems to
act as a driver. At the beginning of the experiment there was a mean difference of
over nine days in the menstrual patterns. The control group remained in oestral
disarray whereas 80 per cent of those who smelled the potent sweat, menstruated on
the same day as the ‘driver’.

How do we smell odours? There is a debate on this in the scientific community, one
researcher, Luca Turin a biophysicist at University college, London, is convinced
that what matters is the frequency at which a molecule’s bonds vibrate (New
Scientist 3/01/1998 p34). The theme of this book is connectedness and a picture is
already building up of particles (consciousness) vibrating and causing various
physical (material) effects. None of us pick up the exact same smell of a
substance; you will likely have experienced definite instances of this when
comparing your preferences with someone else.

What is likely at work here is the different vibrational make-up of every human
being. The brain receives the electromagnetic signals and converts them, but our
brains are all different so the analysing unit is unique, not prevailing, thus
giving different results depending on the recipient.

Vibrations are very much a part of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. Male stink
bugs for example, find the way to the female by placing various combinations of
legs and antennae on the stem and branches of a plant to pick up her vibrations.
“To recognise this a lot of neuronal processing has to take place in the male’s
brain”, says biologist Andreij Cokl (New Scientist 8/04/2000 p38).

Information has just come to hand that elephants communicate by stamping the
ground, the message being received up to 20 miles away through the toenails of the
other elephant.

“The entire universe is determined by vibrations (information)” the genius

Austrian naturalist Johann Grander explains. “We distinguish between positive
information (this is life-affirming) and negative information (this is the life-
impeding vibration).”

It is water, to a great extent, that connects all life on Earth. Virtually every
part of the Earth, even the rocks, contain water. ⅔ of a human and up to 90 per
cent of animals and plants consist of water, which absorbs and stores.

Dr. Jacques Benveniste is the Research Director at the French National Institute
for Medical Research. In 1984, by chance, he brought to light the so-called high-
dilution phenomenon, which was picked up by the media and labelled the ‘memory of
water’. He discovered that if a substance is diluted in water to such a degree
where the final solution contains only water molecules, highly sensitive equipment
can initiate a reaction in the water as if the initial molecules of the substance
put in the water were still present in it. (Anyone interested in the full article
can find it in Nexus Vol 6 No. 5 p 51). The World Goodwill newsletter 1997-1 also
refers to Jacques Benveniste and adds a comment that Dr. Peter Fisher of the Royal
London Homoeopathic Hospital cites scientific investigation of the hypothesis that
‘the microstructure of water is able to retain information concerning substances
with which it has been in contact.”

It has already been stated that everything in existence is energy and that energy
is in constant vibration. The possibility then, is that water can store memories,
not only of substances dissolved in it, but also transferred into to it by
vibrational energy from other bodies.

Water, in nature, is vivified by its natural flow, energy from stones and
minerals, its looping and swift descent. Caged water loses its life, lacking the
full vibration and energy.

That water can have this strange property is evidenced by an article in New
Scientist of 21/06/1997 relating to a gathering of chemists and physicists to be
held in the next week. It states that water is a very bizarre liquid; instead of
shrinking when chilled, like most substances, it expands; when it becomes denser
it floats instead of sinks; needs ten times as much energy to heat as does iron;
has a higher surface tension than syrupy mixtures; and is an excellent solvent of
a huge range of substances.

“In this world most of the material particles are bound to the molecular, atomic
and nuclear structures, and therefore are not at rest but have an inherent
tendency to move about – they are intrinsically restless. According to quantum
theory matter is thus never quiescent, but always in a state of motion.”

“The view of ancient knowledge is opposed to that of contemporary science because

at the base of the understanding of vibrations ancient knowledge places the
principle of the discontinuity of vibration.

The principle of the discontinuity of vibration means the definite and necessary
characteristic of all vibrations is noting whether they are ascending or
descending to develop not uniformly but with periodical acceleration and
retardation. The force does not act uniformly but, as it were, alternatively
stronger and weaker.”

Ley Lines

The Earth has a network of energy lines akin to the nervous system of living
organisms. When thinking about the spiritual/material aspects of life it must
always be borne in mind “as above, so below”. In other words there is a similar
patterning in all grades of life from the most material to the most spiritual. The
ley lines are channels for the movement of energy that can inform what must be
Earth’s brain or central controlling point. It is a fact that the Earth has been
in homeostasis for its entire life. Certainly there have been violent catastrophes
and perturbations in its orbit with a series of reversals of the magnetic poles
but always it restores itself to a balanced state; very similar to our bodies when
they are subjected to various levels of stress. From this it is apparent that the
Earth has a consciousness that is able to assess what is happening within its body
and apply countering forces to offset the ones that are threatening to unbalance
it. Connectedness is again in evidence.

Ancient peoples were well aware of ley lines which were often used when groups
wended their way across the countryside in religious rites. In 1925, Alfred
Watkins, in a book titled ‘The Old Straight Track’ re-introduced the idea of ley
lines which he rediscovered from ancient times. They were aligned with stone
circles, long barrows, tumuli and man-made hills. In the UK for example, the
Beltane alignment runs 300 miles from Land’s End to Hopton in Norfolk via
Glastonbury Tor and Avebury and a number of other sites of religious significance.
There is a second major line called Belinus which starts near Bournemouth on the
south coast and runs through Stonehenge, Avebury Henge (crosses the Beltane),
Arbor Low, Holy Island, and Peterhead Scotland.

One can speculate, of course, as to the relationship between ley lines and the
Earth grid calculated by Bruce Cathie. There is certainly evidence that at focal
points on ley lines there are concentrations of energies. In an article, saved
from several years ago, there is mention of the ability of dowsers, psychics and
sensitive people to detect the higher energies which occur at crossings of ley
lines and at sacred sites which contain arrangements of stones, barrow, churches,
cathedrals etc. The fact that the energies cannot be picked up by scientific
instruments does not invalidate these extra-sensory abilities as the human body,
modelled on the consciousness of God, is naturally in tune with the cosmic and
Earth energies.

Ley lines are not only observed within a country, they can also be found running
through two or more. One example is a line that runs from Skellig Michael in
Ireland, through to Mount Carmel in Israel, passing through such well-known points
as St. Michael’s Mount in England, San Michele at Castiglione di Garfaguara in
Italy and Delphi in Greece.

Our preoccupation with material and worldly pursuits has cut most of the
population off from its spiritual roots and it is showing. There is an aimlessness
in modern life, a loss of real purpose, with no focus but an increase in material
wellbeing. Man’s psyche is pushed into the background where it fights a rearguard
action. That spiritual life force cannot be denied, as the return to our original
source will be achieved, whether or not we willingly cooperate.

When natural Earth rays rise up through subterranean veins of water which have
certain mineral concentrations in them, coupled with fault lines, their
wavelengths are distorted. Dowsers and people from the past felt these harmful
rays and avoided building on them. If you ever pause to wonder why there are
patches where plant growth should be good but the vegetation is sparse and stunted
there is a good possibility that there is a water line in that area. I recall that
one house that our family lived in had a plumbago hedge that would not grow well
in one spot. A visiting friend, who happened to be a clairvoyant, commented that
we had a water line under the house and it passed through that spot of stunted
growth. It is also a fact that some houses have a history of a succession of
residents who developed cancer while living in them.

Shrines, temples and cathedrals were always placed on crossings of telluric

(Earth) lines being another name for ley lines. These sacred places were
continually revitalised by continual expressions of spiritual intent. Worshipper’s
vibrations, as part of the totality of vibration can augment the vibrations of
sacred places on the Earth.

The vibration (radiations) of atomic nuclei penetrates all living matter and can
be of a positive, negative or neutral nature. Natural background radiation has
always been a part of the life of living organisms and it is the unnatural, or
man-made radiation which has the greatest potential for harm. You read earlier in
the chapter about cancer houses, harmful radiation from water lines and other
sources such as cosmic rays, all of which can be avoided by observing their
presence. Those emanations can affect an organisms natural and healthy functioning
by disrupting the electrical processes that take place in all body cells. What
cannot be avoided so easily are the man-made sources such as high-tension power
lines, mobile phone towers, cellular phones, nuclear power plants etc.

In an article in The Ecologist (Vol 29 No 7 p 411) the work of Cornelia Hesse-

Honeggar, a Swiss zoologist who spent many years painting representations of leaf
bugs revealed that some species were dying out after Chernobyl. The heaviest
fallout was in Sweden and it was there that she noticed plants turning red, with
deformed leaves, leaf bugs with eye growths, crippled legs and wings. Up to 23 per
cent of leaf bugs were affected around areas centred on nuclear power stations
such as Sellafield (UK), Three Mile Island (US) and La Hague (France).

Scientists in Boston have found that cells that suffer a direct hit from low-level
radiation alter the level of gene action in neighbouring cells. “Little believes
that if cells are touching they can communicate through chemical messengers.”


Why do animals, birds, insects, marine life etc., appear to have a built-in
program that leads to their ability to follow a life pattern that is obviously not
taught to them by their parents. In the past it was called ‘instinct’ and a
classical geneticist would say ‘it is in the genes’.

There is a theory that every species exists within a unified field of energy which
contains its history and has an ability to assist in its evolution over vast
periods of time. “Morphogenetic fields hypothesise that if a novel event happens
in a certain way, where several possibilities exist, then future events of the
same type will be pre-disposed to happen in the same way. This can happen with
anything from the behaviour of particles to that of animals’.

That raises the question of a conscious entity that can hold the species within
its aura and be responsible for aggregating energies into a desired form. In the
chapter on the History of Man that entity is dealt with in greater detail and it
is known by eastern spiritual writings as a Deva and in Christian writings as an

The concept of life-force is now backed by scientific investigation. Robert O.

Becker, a pioneer in the field of electromedicine and twice nominated for a Nobel
prize states: “the latest scientific revolution has validated the ancient,
preliterate concept of ‘life energy’, not as some mystical, unknowable force but
as measurable electromagnetic forces that act within the body as organised control
systems. These electromagnetic forces appear capable of being accessed through
some of the techniques of shaman-healers as well as through modern direct
intervention with similar forces. These ideas have led to the development of the
new medical paradigm, energy medicine, which is currently being slowly integrated
into orthodox medicine.”

We have also seen how these control systems relate certain basic functions of
living organisms to the electromagnetic environment….,[a] little understood but
vitally important link.”

What is being referred to here is the primary energy field in which we interact
with the material dimension of reality. This is esoterically known as the Akasha
which is the result of the Father (positive) force and the Mother (negative) force
to produce the Son or the substance in which all activity takes place and which
records and retains within itself the memory of all that has gone before.

This energy field consists of a vast range of emanations which interpenetrate each
other and create the material visions which we take to be reality. I think of
myself and other created life-forms as space-time coordinates, a matrix which
collects the energies in existence at the time of the creation of the forms. The
energies which form the basis of all life on Earth originate from the Earth, Sun,
Moon, planets, stars, galaxies and perhaps other entities of which we are as yet

What we take to be material reality rather than particles vibrating in space is a

result of the inability of our eyes/brain, at their present stage of development
to ‘see’ with the speed needed to catch the individual movements of the particles.
A good way to understand the process is to visualise a point of light, say the
glowing end of a piece of rope being rapidly moved in a circle. To the eye, it
looks like a circle of light rather than one glow moving quickly.

If one of the greater entities in which we live and move and have our being were
to look at our solar system it is likely that it would see a body which appears to
be of material form. One project that I have speculated on is for someone to make
a computer projection of the movements of the solar system over, say, a thousand
years. What complete body would that look like?

I always have difficulty in dissociating myself from my physical body. After all,
I have lived in it for 76 years and it is only by an act of imagination,
visualisation, knowledge and belief that I know it is only a temporary housing for
my intrinsic self (more of this in a later chapter).

Recalling the analogy of a rapidly moving point of light appearing as a circle our
senses are so slow that we perceive the quantum particles that make up our form as
a solid. Scientific research has established, beyond a doubt, that all material
forms are actually vast expanses of space which exist between the parts of an
atom. The absolute wonder of the Creation, of which we are a part, can then be
seen because our own body for example is actually a universe in itself.

Visualise your body as mostly space and you will see what we see around us in the
night sky. Our organs would possibly appear as galaxies of tightly clustered
points of light with individual cells that form the interconnecting tissue as
stars. There are theories that even our visible universe is in fact part of a
larger body and is there not any reason why even the cells in our body are, in
fact, teeming with other lives.

Goethe, one of the German Romantic Poets and philosophers was aware of form as a
pattern of relationships within an organised whole, and used the term morphology
to describe the relationship. James Lovelock, in his book Gaia, appears to carry
this to the ultimate, the Earth itself when he states “Life does not regulate or
make the Earth comfortable for itself. I now think that regulation at a state fit
for life, is a property of the whole evolving system of life, air, ocean, and

Rupert Sheldrake is a well-known exponent of morphogenetic fields. In the

Introduction to his book, ‘A New Science of Life’, he states his belief that
morphogenetic fields have measurable effects. He goes on to say that if such
fields are responsible for the organisation and form of material systems they must
have characteristic field-structures associated with previous systems. He then
says “….the structures of past systems affect subsequent similar systems by a
cumulative influence which acts across both space and time”.
For Rupert Sheldrake, “…heredity includes both genetic inheritance and morphic
resonance from similar past forms. This point will be of more relevance when
reincarnation is dealt with in a later chapter.

That some ‘unseen’ energy may be at work can be obtained from this extract –
“consider a newly synthesised organic chemical which has never existed before.
According to the hypothesis of formative causation its crystalline form will not
be predictable in advance, and no morphogenetic field for this form will yet
exist. But after it has been crystallised for the first time, the form of its
crystals will influence subsequent crystallisations by morphic resonance and the
oftener it is crystallised, the stronger should this influence become…”

In fact, chemists who have synthesised entirely new chemicals often have great
difficulty in getting these substances to crystallise for the first time. But as
time goes on, these substances tend to crystallise with greater and greater ease.”

In one section of ‘A New Science of Life’, Sheldrake relates learning experiments

done with rats. Beginning in 1920 with W. McDougall at Harvard, learning
experiments were conducted on 32 generations (15 year spread) in order to prove
the Lamarckian theory that rats in successive generations learn more quickly. “W.
E. Agar and colleagues at Melbourne measured the rates of learning of trained and
untrained lines for 50 successive generations. In agreement with McDougall, they
found that there was a marked tendency for rats of the trained line to learn more
quickly in subsequent generations. But exactly the same tendency was also found in
the untrained line.”

Chapter 3 The Environment

The environment is the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences

esp. as affecting the existence or development of someone or something (Random
House Dictionary). There are therefore many environments such as the home and work
environment, the surrounding environment in which we live, the total world
environment and the cosmic environment.

There is always an interchange between the life in the environment, each

influencing the other, to a greater or lesser degree. We are all aware of how
differently we react in a cold climate as opposed to a hot one – our bodies are
affected physically and this physical body environment results in the expression
of different feelings, different ways of reacting to circumstances.

This chapter deals with as appreciation of environment and why it is vital that it
be as open and diverse as possible.


When James Lovelock published his book GAIA in 1979 it received a lot of criticism
from scientists because associating myth and story-telling with the science made
it bad science. It must have been especially galling to the many scientists who
operated on, and many still do, the reductionist theory of life. “Reductionism in
philosophy, a view that asserts that entities of a given kind are collections or
combinations of entities of a simpler or more basic kind or that expressions
denoting such entities are definable in terms of expressions denoting the more
basic entities. Thus, the idea that physical bodies are collections of atoms or
that thoughts are combinations of sense impressions are forms of reductionism.”

Thus scientists, who believe in the reduction philosophy, tend to view the parts
as deciding how the whole organism will act. This is in direct opposition to those
scientists who believe that the whole organism is the determinant of what actions
are undertaken.

Times are a changing though and the thought that the Earth is actually a living
body, complete in itself, is gaining more acceptance. At this point it would be
useful if you entertain the thought that as a human is a combination of a
spiritual and a physical body so is the planet Earth such a combination. With our
present knowledge it is not inconceivable that some great life has taken on the
body of this planet in order to develop its consciousness to a higher level, much
along the same lines as we are impelled. The next chapter will deal with this
thought in more depth.

Our bodies, in a sense, are like the Earth, as they contain a vast variety of
small organisms, large groupings of cells that constitute our major organs such as
the heart, lungs, liver, brain and they undertake a wide variety of processes in
order to maintain a living being. Our bodies attempt to maintain a stable
environment that is not inimical to life, processing food, water and air and
expelling the toxins and waste that can cause ill-health and death.
There are, in fact, great similarities between the body in which we live and the
body on which we live. If we take in a poisonous plant such as a deadly nightshade
our life-force is threatened with extinction. Should we partake of too much food
that is fat, live on a restricted diet, eat too much food, and all the other
unhealthy combinations we get sick. Should we take pharmaceutical drugs, which are
generally the result of the extraction of the active healing ingredient in a
substance, removing it from its natural buffering effects, there can be side-
effects which can at times be life-threatening.

And so it is with the Earth. The entire Earth is an interconnected network of

energies which have eased themselves into a harmonious relationship over the eons
of time in which life has developed and is continuing to develop. A large group of
life-forms, called micro-organisms, are not visible to the naked eye and therefore
we often do not realise how much exchange of materials and other information goes
on at this micro-level.
The correspondence between the Earth body and our body is revealed in the Earth’s
unseen micro-organisms and our own body cells which are also not visible to the
naked eye. Our nervous system, the endocrine system, and the other means of
communication which relay information on the body’s condition to enable the cells
to produce varying amounts of proteins to maintain a healthy system, is paralleled
by the magnetic forces and other means of communication that are used by the Earth
to adjust its body to prevailing circumstances. There is more water than land on
the planet. Water is present in the rocks as well as the soil and all forms of
life contain water. With water acting as a channel of communication the entire
Earth is tuned in to events. An interesting connection with us is that our astral
bodies represent the water aspect of our natures, the ability to pick things up
from a subconscious level, this is where sensations are experienced, the outlet
for our emotions, it is also referred to as the emotional body.

We are slowly poisoning the Earth with a vast array of chemicals (85,000 odd in
use today) and it is taking action to restore its body to health. Agricultural
chemicals and artificial fertilisers are acting on the Earth’s body as do the
harmful chemicals and drugs on our own bodies, upsetting the immune system and
causing sickness of mind, body and soul of both the human and superhuman lives.

The Earth’s vegetation plays a major role in keeping the Earth in homeostasis and
that vegetation possesses some animal (and human) characteristics. This emphasises
the connectedness which exists on the physical as well as the spiritual planes of
existence. “Plants get nervous just like the rest of us. Or at least they may have
similar nervous systems says a US government researcher. He has found hints that
plant leaves send electrical signals to roots and shoots using ion channels
similar to those in animal nerves.”


In the New Scientist of 22/02/1997 on page 16 there is a story about researchers

in New Jersey who discovered that some plants produce an airborne signal to warn
other plants that infectious invaders are abroad. The signal is a volatile liquid
called methyl salicylate or oil of wintergreen. Ilya Raskin et al at Rutgers
University in New Brunswick infected tobacco plants with the tobacco mosaic virus
and they produced methyl salicylate and antimicrobial proteins. Putting the
infected plants into a chamber and then pumping air from there into another
chamber with healthy plants they noted the latter started to make methyl
salicylate and the protective proteins.

Lyall Watson has written many books that contain references to the mystical
(spiritual) side of life. In his “Gifts of Unknown Things”, on page 161, he
records his experience at a rice harvest during an extended stay on an unnamed
Indonesian island. The ceremony commenced with ritual dancing and then a native
began beating a large brass gong. This went on for exactly 24 hours, the gong
being sounded every 20 minutes and 50 seconds. After the 24 hour period Lyall
Watson asked why the gong was beaten exactly 69 times and he was told that one
less would be wrong and one more would be too much. When he finally returned home
he decided to investigate the particular interval of 20 minutes and 50 seconds and
discovered that the Earth-ionosphere cavity acts as a natural resonator with
exactly that period. How did the natives know that particular interval? Indigenous
peoples, who live a life that is attuned to natural forces would pick up this beat
at a super-conscious level whereas those of us who are born and brought up in an
urban environment are often cut off from the natural flows – our existence tends
to be more mechanical and pre-determined by an industrial/commercial society.

Unseen Forces
Unless we stop and think deeply about life the social environment sweeps us along
with an emphasis on always being busy. Making money, being entertained by films,
TV, radio, etc., following sports are all designed to keep our minds fixed on the
supposition that we are here as consumers, as consuming goods and services is the
good and happy life.

If one delves into the unknown, however, by means of meditation, study of

philosophy, metaphysics and other interests which take us into the world of
imagination, and contact with realms that are not material, a wonderful complexity
of life-forms is revealed.

James Lovelock, writing in Resurgence No. 202 page 6 states that technology is not
science. Science is the vast accumulation of knowledge and understanding about
life and the universe. We need a certainty that has a transcendental quality and
modern science cannot give us this. It is too cold and rational and often seems to
go against common-sense. Much of what is discovered in science, the really big
discoveries, comes intuitionally or in dreams, after which the rational mind works
on the revelation in order to add another piece to the jig-saw.

Einstein stated - ”Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science

becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe – a spirit
vastly superior to that of Man, and one in the face of which we, with our modest
powers, must feel humble.”

Astronomer James Jeans said that the universe is more like a thought than a great

Cyberneticist David Foster described an ‘intelligent universe’ whose apparent

concreteness is generated by – in effect – cosmic data from an unknowable,
organised source.

J.B.S. Haldane is quoted as saying “that reality is not only stranger than we can
conceive, but stranger than we can conceive.”

Einstein wrote, in 1921, “Here arises a puzzle that has disturbed scientists of
all periods. How is it possible that mathematics, a product of human thought that
is independent of existence, fits so excellently the objects of physical reality?
Can human reason without experience discover by pure thinking the properties of

A similar idea came from Alfred North Whitehead who stated that mathematics “may
claim to be the most original creation of the human spirit. The originality of
mathematics consists in the fact that in mathematical science connections between
things are exhibited which, apart from the agency of human reason, are extremely

Positing that we are, in fact, creatures created by an overseeing consciousness

and part of all that exists, the ability to work out mathematically the basis of
operation of the cosmic life forces should come as no surprise.

We are only allowed to know so much at one time because too much knowledge about
the Laws which govern the evolution of consciousness would prove a great threat to
the existence of life if put into the wrong hands. As it is, with our free will we
have already caused a lot of damage to all of the life on this planet. One only
has to look back through history to see many discoveries that were not able to be
put into practice because they were ahead of their time.
So what are the unseen forces that propel life along on a pre-determined path.
They are the Angelic or Devic energies that hold the Plan of the Creator in their
minds and cause energies to flow that will influence the attainment of that plan.
This is not to be construed as pre-determinism, or fate, because Man does have
free will within the broad outlines of that plan. We cannot, however, change the
forward thrust as we get trodden on, as does an ant that gets in our way, if we
deviate too wildly from the direction we ought to take.

The events at Findhorn, in north-east Scotland, provide a fascinating excursion

into the Devic world. In 1956, Peter Caddy ( a retired RAAF officer) and his wife
Eileen were guided to Findhorn. The guidance was spiritual and was ridiculed at
first because they were told to plant a garden in an area that was only 600 miles
from the North Pole and a ground that was tested by the Soil Association to be 98%
sand and gravel.

Dorothy McLean, a colleague with a close link to nature and spiritually open, was
contacted by a Deva and this led to co-operation with devic forces. Within a few
years Findhorn was growing 165 types of vegetables and herbs, some of which cannot
be grown in cold climates. All this was possible because of direct guidance on
when to sow, the sort of compost to be used, when and how to water, advice on
seedlings, then thinning, what to shade, what to leave unprotected and so on.

What is of interest are the communications of the Devas such as “We are part of
human consciousness….” “You must respect us and love us as part of God’s life
before we can trust you with more secrets about ourselves.” “Even if there is what
you call a ‘plague’ of some sort, there is a reason for it – usually that Man is
out of step, doing unnatural things in his separation from the whole.”

Over the years Findhorn grew into a sizeable community and now “grows” people as
well as maintaining contact with the Devic and Nature forces. In the initial
stages the Devas surprised the occupants by enabling 18kg cabbages to be grown,
foxgloves 2 metres high and marrows large enough to last for a fortnights’ meals.

There have been many books written about Findhorn, some of which are well worth

I realise that the idea of entities, that can only be seen by individuals with
clairvoyant abilities, and which are actually involved in directing natural Earth
and cosmic energies must be seen to be “off-the-planet” for anyone just exposed to
such a notion. Don’t forget, however, that throughout Man’s ancient past right up
to the present there have been stories about the “little folk” – fairies, gnomes,
elves, naiads, to name but a few. There have been too many accounts, based on
direct sightings, for there not to be some substance in their presence.

In ‘The Kingdom of the Gods’ by Geoffrey Hodson, the entire book is devoted to
information on ancient and modern science, creative processes, the Greater and
Lesser Gods and the myriads of entities allied with them that build the forms that
we inhabit and those which we see all around us. Geoffrey Hodson was obviously a
very gifted clairvoyant who observed Landscape Gods, Nature Spirits, Rose Angels,
and a large variety of other Beings. His book has many coloured plates of them,
drawn by an artist to whom he described what he saw. He uses quotes from The
Mysterious Universe by Sir James Jeans to illustrate the ephemeral nature of our
physical world: -
“We discover that the universe shows evidence of a designing or controlling power
that has something in common with our own individual minds….” p 137

“The Universe can be best pictured… consisting of pure thought, the thought of
what, for want of a wider word, we must describe as a mathematical thinker.” P 124

“A thought or idea cannot exist without a mind in which to exist. We may say an
object exists in our minds while we are conscious of it, but this will not account
for its existence during the time we are not conscious of it. The planet Pluto,
for instance, was in existence long before any human mind suspected it, and was
recording its existence on photographic plates long before any human eye saw it.
Considerations such as these led Berkeley to postulate an Eternal Being, in whose
mind all objects existed….Modern science seems to me to lead, by a very different
road, to a not altogether dissimilar conclusion.” pp 125-6

Sir Arthur S. Eddington has stated: -

“Something Unknown is doing we don’t know what – that is what our theory amounts
to….Modern physics has eliminated the notion of substance….Mind is the first and
most direct thing in our experience. I regard consciousness as fundamental. I
regard matter as derivative from Consciousness….The old atheism is gone… Religion
belongs to the realm of Spirit and Mind, and cannot be shaken.”

A preceding chapter provided a brief outline of the process of creation from a

Unitary Force which gradually fanned out into three, and then seven, with an
infinity of lesser forces emanating therefrom. This theme is now dealt with in
somewhat broader detail.

The phrase ‘as above, so below’ will be very familiar to readers and it expresses
the commonality between all levels of creation, not exact but similar. When man
wants to create he visualises an end result, thinks and establishes a plan and
then proceeds to put the plan into effect. A Solar Logos goes through much the
same process as does a Planetary Logos. In the latter case their created physical
form becomes their body.

The Seven Rays, or as they are called in The Bible, the Seven Spirits before The
Throne, each create a plane of manifestation resulting in seven planes ranging
from the highest vibration to the lowest. The Cosmic Planes (as delineated in the
Alice bailey books) are classified, in order from the highest, as: -
8. So high it is at present unknown
9. So high it is at present unknown
10. Spiritual
11. Intuitional
12. Mental
13. Astral
14. Etheric/physical

Within each of those cosmic planes are seven sub-planes, our physical world being
included in the lowest cosmic plane, the Etheric/Physical. The plane we are on has
as its seven subdivisions: -

Physical Planes Systemic planes Cosmic Planes

1. Atomic plane Divine. Adi Atomic plane
1st Ether Primordial matter 1stEther
2. Sub-atomic Monadic. Anupadaka Sub-atomic
The Akasha 2nd Ether
3. Super-etheric Spiritual. Atmic 3rd Ether


4. Etheric Intuitional. Buddhic 4th Cosmic ether


5. Gaseous Mental. Fire Gaseous sub-etheric
6. Liquid Astral. Emotional Liquid
7. Dense physical Physical plane Dense physical

Systemic means a solar system and cosmic is the entire created universe.

Matter and ether are synonymous terms and this ether is found in some form or
other on all the planes, and is but a gradation of cosmic substance, and when
differentiated by Fohat it is termed prakriti, or matter.

The enormous complexity of the created universe is evidenced by the above. Mankind
is only working with freedom in the lower three subplanes, i.e., physical,
emotional and mental. The fourth plane from the bottom, the intuitional is the
next step forward, with some advanced humans beginning to perfect their ability to
contact and function at this level.

Formation of Bodies

God is said to be a geometer with this being of relevance when studying life
forms. In other words, mathematics appears as a means of investigating the Cosmic
Laws which apply to the life of the universe.

Fibonacci, a mathematician who lived in the 12th century developed a set of

numbers which were named after him. The numbers are obtained by adding the last
two numbers of the series together to form the next number e.g., 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13
21 34 55 89……. This set of numbers is of importance because it crops up through
the material world, weaving its pattern through the growth of many plants,
breeding cycle of bees, rabbits, and a host of other living creatures.

In the plant world the number of petals tend to be governed by the Fibonacci
numbers: -

3 petals: lily, iris

Often lilies have 6 petals formed from two sets of 3.
5 petals: buttercup, wild rose, larkspur, columbine (aquilegia)
The humble buttercup has been bred into a multi-petalled form.
8 petals: delphiniums
13 petals: ragwort, corn marigold, cineraria,
21 petals: aster, black-eyed susan, chicory
34 petals: plantain, pyrethrum
55, 89 petals: michaelmas daisies, the asteraceae family
Some species are very precise about the number of petals they have - eg
buttercups, but others have petals that are very near those above, with the
average being a Fibonacci number.
Seed heads
The same happens in seed heads in nature. The reason seems to be that this forms
an optimal packing of the seeds so that, no matter how large the seedhead, they
are uniformly packed, all the seeds being the same size, no crowding in the centre
and not too sparse at the edges.
If you count the spirals near the centre, in both directions, they will both be
Fibonacci numbers. The spirals are patterns that the eye sees, "curvier" spirals
appearing near the centre, flatter spirals (and more of them) appearing the
farther out we go.
Finally, note that, although the Fibonacci numbers and golden section seem to
appear in many situations in nature, they are not the only such numbers. H S M
Coxeter, in his Introduction to Geometry (1961, Wiley, page 172) has the following
important quote:
“It should be frankly admitted that in some plants the numbers do not belong to
the sequence of f's [Fibonacci numbers] but to the sequence of g's [Lucas numbers]
or even to the still more anomalous sequences
3,1,4,5,9,... or 5,2,7,9,16,...
Thus we must face the fact that phyllotaxis is really not a universal law but only
a fascinatingly prevalent tendency.” Phyllotaxis is defined as - the principles
governing leaf arrangement.
The Lucas numbers are formed in the same way as the Fibonacci numbers - by adding
the latest two to get the next, but instead of starting at 0 and 1 [Fibonacci
numbers] they start with 2 and 1 [the Lucas numbers]. The other two sequences he
states above have other pairs of starting values but then proceed with the same
rule as the Fibonacci numbers.
An interesting fact is that, for ALL series that are formed from adding the latest
two numbers to get the next, and, starting from ANY two values (bigger than zero),
the ratio of successive terms will ALWAYS tend to Phi!
So Phi is a more universal constant than the Fibonacci series itself.
Phi is the Golden Section number 1.618033989….ad infinitum. It is the most
irrational number yet discovered in that the infinite stream of numbers within the
fractional part never yields a pattern, nor does it repeat. The Golden Section
ratio can be found in the Parthenon and many other Ancient Greek buildings and is
an important concept in both ancient and modern artistic and architectural design.
In the number series mentioned above, division of the first into the second of any
pair of numbers tends towards phi, especially as one progresses up the series of
Mineral kingdom - waves conform to the Fibonacci frequency
Vegetable kingdom - plants tend to grow in spirals as they ‘reach’
for moisture, sunlight and air
Animal kingdom - sea shells, particularly the Nautilus grow
in an equiangular spiral based on squares
which follow the Fibonacci series
Human kingdom - 3 x 5 and 5 x 8 dimensions are used in index
cards and photographs, rectangles known
‘golden rectangles which we seem to
unconsciously favour.

Music – an octave is made up of 8 white keys and 5 black keys. Black keys are
located in 2’s and 3’s. There are 13 keys.

Mutualism and Awareness

If the entire universe is interconnected one would expect to find evidence of this
at the material level. It has already been postulated that there are unseen (in
general) influences at work at the higher levels of existence and it is certainly
within the bounds of possibility that Devas responsible for different species
might well experiment by creating mutually dependent species.

This may be one explanation for the mutuality experienced for example in the case
of the Yucca moth and Yucca plant. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
(1994-2001) “there are four species of insects of the Prodoxidae family of moths.

Each of the four species is adapted to a particular species of yucca. The moths
emerge when the yucca flowers open. The female gathers pollen from one flower,
rolls it into a ball, flies to another flower, lays four or five eggs, and inserts
the pollen mass in the opening thus formed. The larvae eat about half the
approximately 200 seeds produced by the plant. The yucca can be fertilised by no
other insect, and the moth can utilise no other plant.”

If one cannot exist without the other how did they come into existence at all, if
not on an originating symbiotic basis. Other examples of this interdependent need
are evidenced in another extract from the Britannica. “Mutualism is an association
between organisms of two different species in which each is benefited. Mutualistic
arrangements are most likely to develop between organisms with widely differing
living requirements. …..Intestinal flagellated protozoans and termites exhibit
obligative mutualism, a strict interdependency, in which the protozoans digest the
wood ingested by the termites; neither partner can survive under natural
conditions without the other.

Acacia ants inhabit the bull-horn acacia, upon which they obtain food and shelter;
the acacia depends on the ants for protection from browsing animals, which the
ants drive away. Neither member can survive successfully without the other, also
exemplifying obligative mutualism.

Even at the quantum level there is proof of connectedness. The more one delves
into the question of life, what it is, where it came from, the greater the wonder
at what is being accomplished. In 1935, Einstein and two associates decided that
an experiment they thought up would dispose of the quantum logic that if the spin
of one particle in a two-particle system was changed, the spin of its twin would
be immediately affected. They didn’t believe that separated particles could be

J.S. Bell developed, in 1964, a mathematical proof that altering the spin of one
particle would reverse the spin of the partner. In 1982, Alain Aspect of the
University of Paris, following previous careful experiments, provided an accurate
test of Bell’s theorem. It shows that once two particles have interacted with one
another they remain linked in some way, effectively parts of the same indivisible
system. Whether the particles are only a few hundred metres away or across the
universe from one another they are inextricably entwined. This is faster than
light interaction and opens the realm of the imagination to many other
possibilities that cannot exist in a purely mechanistic universe.

All ages and all Races have recorded numerous instances of the members of the
animal kingdom exhibiting knowledge of the forthcoming season’s weather. In
societies which are living closer to the natural world than city-dwellers these
signs are used to ensure that preventative steps are taken to mitigate the
severity or unusualness of the weather to come. With our knowledge of
interconnectedness this should not be seen as ‘old wives tales’ but the practical
effects of the oneness of the life in which we live.

Effect of Vibrations

In view of the interlaced vibrations from innumerable sources, as previously

outlined, it would be logical to assume that where they cross each other they form
different interference patterns on which forms can be built. These interference
patterns exist from the microcosmic to the macrocosmic and determine, to a great
extent, the basic structure, and the emanations of the body that is formed.

The vibrational pattern sets the basis for the effect of that form on whatever
other forms happen to live in it, on it, or come into the sphere of influence. It
is well-known that inhabitants of countries are stereotyped by the fact of being
born there. For example, Greeks are said to be mean and irritable; Serbs tend to
be militant; Irish suggested as simple and happy-go-lucky; Germans as industrious;
French as emotional; Scots are stingy; Spaniards are prideful; English are aloof.
Taken as a whole there is some truth to the fact that each country’s inhabitants
do tend to exhibit similar characteristics and reference back to morphogenesis
perhaps provides a basis for this. Each morphogenetic field has its peculiar
characteristics and will tend to produce similar basic tendencies.

The location in which we are born does have some influence on our body and as like
goes with like it is important to note that even the foods we eat are those
preferably grown within the same vibrational area. In a similar vein to bodies
born in the Arctic flourishing on a diet of meat and fat that would lead to ill-
health for a person born in the tropics, each region provides its own native diet
of vegetables, fruits, nuts to which the inhabitants become accustomed. Take a
person from his/her natural environment and place him/her in a completely foreign
one and eating the local diet and there is the potential for that person to
succumb to the ills of the new location. It is well-known that Asians tend to be
lactose-intolerant; Japanese experience different types of cancer when eating a
western diet and there are many more instances of a similar nature that can be

Vibrations also affect plant growth. In the Secret Life of Plants, by Peter
Tompkins and Christopher Bird, are a number of examples of such vibrations. Dr.
T.C. Singh, at an Indian university, placed an electrically operated tuning fork
six feet away from a plant. By means of a microscope he observed that the fork’s
note during half-an-hour in the early AM caused the plant’s protoplasm to stream
at a speed normally attained much later and after a fortnight the plants were
noticeably taller and stringier than the control plants.

Another experiment with six varieties of rice which received a raga played over
loudspeakers produced yields which consistently ranged from 25 per cent to 60 per
cent and higher than the regional average. Singh also provoked peanuts and chewing
tobacco into producing nearly 50 per cent more than normal by playing music to

George E. Smith of Normal, Illinois, a botanist and agricultural researcher

planted maize and soya beans in two identical greenhouses, one of which had
Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue playing 24 hours a day. The seedlings in that
greenhouse sprouted earlier and had thicker, tougher and greener stems than the
control greenhouse plants.

Even insects can be controlled by sound. Peter Belton, a researcher at Canada’s

Department of Agriculture, broadcast ultrasonic sound waves at a plot of corn
separated from a similar plot by a sound-proof barrier. In the silent plot nearly
50 per cent of the corn was damaged by larvae but only 5 per cent in the plot
receiving the sound.

And with many similar experiments having been successfully trialed, why aren’t
these methods in common use? I can only speculate on the answer by saying that it
isn’t common knowledge. So many methods of growing plants are held in common by
just a few believers, for most the method isn’t ‘scientific’ enough. Publicity
would be needed to extend these novel methods into more general use but the media
would be an unlikely choice because it would upset their advertisers, the
companies that manufacture and sell artificial fertilisers, herbicides and

“Man’s etheric body is a corporate part of the planetary etheric body and
constitutes its most refined and most highly developed aspect.”

“Each form, from that of the tiniest atom to that of a vast constellation, is an
embodiment of a life, which expresses itself as consciousness, awareness, and
responsive sentiency through the medium of some type of response mechanism. Thus
we have the establishing of a universe of lives, interacting and interrelated, all
of them conscious, some of them self-conscious, and others group-conscious, but
all grounded in the universal mind, all possessing souls, and all presenting
aspects of the divine Life.”

What is also of interest at this point is the species barrier. If organisms are to
retain their integrity the enveloping electromagnetic field around it, called in
esoteric language a ring-pass-not would provide a form of protection of that
integrity. Were there to be a porous interface with other blocks of unified
fields, leakage would be allowed and organisms would begin to mutate into a
polyglot of forms that would tend to lose their differences.

“Bearing in mind, again, that all is energy, it should be expected that any
discipline which advocates the transfer of energy across energy field boundaries
would be very wary of the potential for unforeseen consequences. In genetics, for
example, transferring the energy of a gene across a species boundary, if performed
often enough, could open a pathway to be utilised by unwanted gene energies and in
a very far-fetched scenario could lead to a collapse of species boundaries.”

Despite our vaunted abilities in the scientific field we cannot outguess, or

fathom, the conscious purpose of the Creator. At our stage of knowledge we have to
be content with a gradual unfolding of the Creative Plan until that era when we
have acquired sufficient intuition in order to actually know, rather than
Chapter 4 History of Man – Evolving Consciousness

This chapter may provide some initial difficulty as it opens up a new train of
thought as to the origin of Man. The idea of Adam and Eve being created in toto
can now be seriously challenged in the light of preceding chapters and the
progress made by scientists in disposing of a purely material world.

Drawing on the ‘Big Bang’ theory, in which the universe is said to have commenced
from an infinitesimal speck of matter, and which is no longer seriously questioned
by the scientific world, Man’s evolution can be revisited. As we now know that
energy and matter are interchangeable and all substance is really consciousness it
is possible to see Adam and Eve as myth, or a symbolic portrayal. Recall, as you
read the following that Eve was said, in the Bible, to have been fashioned from
Adam’s rib – a case of an androgyne becoming two individual sexes?

Evolution of the Body of Man

Speculation should never be dismissed as ‘unscientific’. There are many, many

aspects of life that need to be excluded from a scientific purview because they
can only be dealt with by using the imagination, intuition, and logic, often with
discussion in depth to explore the potential meaning, or situation.

So it is with the human body, which, to my mind, is so complex in its

constitution, and the uses to which it can be put, that it surely could not have
evolved through pure chance. An underlying consciousness could build such a body,
however, a consciousness that had a need for a body through which to unfold its

Using the very extensive research done by Madame Blavatsky in her work ‘The Secret
Doctrine’ it is now possible to trace some logical steps in the process whereby an
initial point of light became Man as he is seen today.

It is fairly evident, on reading about the world of spirit, that the number seven
plays an important role. Chapter 1 enumerated a number of examples of groups of
seven and the races of Man are no exception to this. Occult knowledge states that
there will be seven races of man, the present Race being the fifth.

The First race of Man, being the closest to the origination of the life force, was
sexless, formless and mindless. In writing the Secret Doctrine Mme. Blavatsky drew
heavily on the wisdom in the Book of Dzyan, Dzyan meaning, in Sanskrit, mystic
meditation. Seven of the volumes are secret, not to be divulged to the profane,
with commentaries on them for initiates and 35 volumes based on the secret content
for exoteric use.

Stanza 4 reads “The Seven Hosts, the Will-born (Mind-born) Lords, propelled by the
spirit of life-giving, separate men from themselves, each on his own zone.”

The “Ancestors” breathed out the first man. These newly-created men were the
“shadows of the shadows.” This is akin to the ectoplasm that can ooze out of
medium’s pores as delineated in the following explanation: -
“Ectoplasm in occultism, a mysterious, usually light-coloured, viscous substance
that is said to exude from the body of a spiritualist medium in trance and may
then take the shape of a face, a hand, or a complete body. It is normally visible
only in the darkened atmosphere of a séance. Ectoplasm is said to be the substance
involved in the materialization of spiritual bodies, and the levitation of
material objects is commonly explained by the gradual buildup of columns of
ectoplasm underneath the objects. At the end of a séance the ectoplasm disappears,
allegedly by returning to the medium's body.” Copyright © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia
Britannica, Inc.

There has been much speculation on the origin of the Moon, which is now a lifeless
body. It was, however, once alive as the Earth is now and it was on the Moon that
this First race of Man is said to have been evolved. Some understanding of this
can be obtained from the books written by Alice A. Bailey under the direction of
the Tibetan, Djwhal Kuhl, and some extracts follow: -

“Those who are now the inner group around the Lord of the World have been
primarily recruited from the ranks of those who were initiates on the moon chain
(the cycle of evolution preceding ours) “.

“The progress of evolution on the moon was abruptly disturbed and arrested by the
timely interference of the solar Logos. The secret of the suffering in the Earth
chain, which makes it merit the name of the Sphere of Suffering, and the mystery
of the long and painful watch kept by the SILENT WATCHER, has its origin in the
events which brought the moon chain to a terrific culmination. Conditions of
agony and of distress such as are found on our planet are found in no such degree
in any other scheme.”

“Secondly, it must be borne in mind that the human units now upon this planet fall
naturally into two great groups—those who reached individualisation, or became
"units of self-directing energy," upon the moon, and those who attained self-
consciousness upon the Earth. There are important distinctions between these two
groups, for the units of the moon chain are distinguished, not only by a more
advanced development, owing to the longer period of their evolution, but also by
the quality of great and intelligent activity, for (as might be expected) on the
third or moon chain, the third Ray was a dominant factor. In this fourth chain,
the quaternary dominates, or the synthesis of the three so as to produce a fourth,
and this is one reason for the intensely material nature of those who entered the
human kingdom on this planet. The distinctions between the two groups are very
great, and one of the mysteries lying behind the main divisions of humanity—rulers
and the ruled, capitalists and labourers, the governed and those who govern—is
found right here. No system of sociological reform will be successfully worked
out without a due consideration of this important fact. Other distinguishing
features might be enumerated but would only serve at this stage to complicate the

In writing this book it is necessary to introduce new material, which can at first
be confusing. For example, in the foregoing extracts there is mention of the Moon
Chain and scheme. These relate to the incarnation, and reincarnation of life-
forms, and planets and solar systems are included in this periodic transit from
appearance, to disappearance. Reincarnation is dealt with further on but an
elucidation of chain and scheme may be useful at this point.

“A Chain is the incarnation of a Planetary logos, through a seven-globed form,

round which he successively passes his life-streams of evolving forms and
consciousness seven times, stopping for a world-period of seven races on each
globe. At most three of the globes are physical, the remainder having as their
densest form the subtler matters.”
“A Scheme, in its totality, corresponds to the Monad, or to the monadic auric egg,
in connection with a human being and his forty-nine cycles.”

“…..we saw that 7 successive chains, or 7 incarnations of a chain, make up a

scheme of evolution.”

The Second Race emanated from the First race and was called the ‘Sweat-born’ and
the ‘Boneless’. Apparently it was endowed by the Incarnating Gods with the first
primitive and weak Spark ( the germ of intelligence). This Second Race was
unconsciously produced out of the First.

In Stanza 5 we read “The Second Race was the product of budding and expansion, the
a-sexual from the sexless, thus was the Second Race produced.”

It was during the Third Race that the beginnings of a tangible body form began to
make its appearance. One of the Stanzas of Dzyan states – “The Mind-born, the
boneless, gave being to the Will-born with bones.” This is said to have taken
place some 18 million years ago.

The commentary describes the development as – “They issued from the Second Race
and became oviparous. The emanations that came out of their bodies during the
seasons for procreation were ovulary; the small spheroidal nuclei developing into
a large, soft, egg-like vehicle, gradually hardened, when after a period of
gestation, it broke and the young human animal issued from it unaided, as the
fowls do in our Race.”

It was in the Third race that the sexes became separate.

This may seem strange to modern eyes but life-forms do evolve, a complicated
structure such as the human body doesn’t just happen, it has to be ‘built’ in

Stanza 7 continues the development of this Third Race – The Sons of Wisdom, the
Sons of Night (the first emanations in creation) ready for rebirth, came down.
They saw the vile (intellectually vile) forms of the first Third (still senseless
race). “We can choose”, said the Lords, “we have wisdom”. Some entered the CHHAYAS
(images of celestial beings). Some projected a spark. Some deferred till the
Fourth (Race). From their own Rupa (essence) they filled (intensified) the Kama
(vehicle of desire). Those who entered became Arhats. Those who received but a
spark remained destitute of knowledge (higher knowledge); the spark burned low.
The Third remained mindless. Their Monads were not ready. These were set apart
among the Seven (primitive human species). “In these shall we dwell”, said the
Lords of the Flame and of the Dark Wisdom.

Changes take place over very long spans of time so it will be of no surprise that
vestiges of a lack of mental growth can still be found on Earth.

“So much happens to people like the ones in Ethiopia and other backward nations
because they are so unknowing and so neglected. They become not only apathetic in
day to day life because it is so difficult, but also because they have so little
awareness of a higher consciousness within or around them. Vibrations are almost
unknown to emanate from these areas as they are yet so primitive of mind. Their
plight has a meaning just the same because it is needed to raise the consciousness
of the rest of the planet.”

Towards the end of the fourth sub-race of the Third race the babe lost the faculty
of walking as soon as liberated from its shell. By the end of the fifth sub-race
man was born as he is today.

Lest this seem like fiction, a reference to the Bible produces a parallel
indication of an interaction between higher beings and the animal forms that were
modern man’s beginnings. In Genesis we find – “And it came to pass, when men began
to multiply on the face of the Earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the
Sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives
of all which they chose.”
This also relates to the so-called “fall” of Man in that these high, spiritual
beings, debased themselves, in a sense, by integrating themselves into these
senseless bodies. Reflection will reveal, however, that it was a necessary step in
the process of instilling a spiritual potential that was to be realised as the
human race matured.

You will have gathered from this description of the Third race that it was
concentrated on the formation of the physical body, the first of our present three
which now includes the astral/emotional and the mental bodies.

The continent of Lemuria was said to be the home of the Third race. It was
reportedly situated in the Pacific ocean and eventually sank leaving islands such
as Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia and Easter Island.

Preceding our present Race, the Fifth, was the Fourth which had as its purpose the
formation of the emotional, or so-called astral body.

The Fourth Race was said to have lived on the continent of Atlantis and as this
land has received a great deal of attention, from many sources, information on the
nature of this Race is dealt with under the heading of ‘Atlantis’.

Atlantis and the Fourth Race

Plato, in one of his dialogues recorded in Timaeus comments on Atlantis thus –

“This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic
was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are
called by you the Pillars of Heracles; the island was larger than Libya and Asia
put together and was the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to
the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean….:

An article in Nexus, Vol 5 No 6 p 69 relates that explorers found stones near

Bimini which, when interpreted, indicated they were part of the Atlantis
civilization. Comparison with the records of the priest of Sais, who first
informed Solon in the sixth century BC, and which were written about by Plato
shows the two sets of information correlate.

Ziriuz magazine of September, 1981, p 7 tells of Soviet oceanographers who were

exploring the sea bottom some hundreds of kilometres west of Portugal. They
claimed that they may have discovered the lost land of Atlantis. The theory is
based on the mysterious structures seen in 460 photographs taken of sunken Ampere

In a number of pictures of the northeastern part of the summit, researchers

discerned rectangular structures. “The position of plates, individual blocks, as
well as the regular shape of the plates photographed…..may testify to their
artificial origin,” he said (Andrei Monin, director of research aboard the Soviet
ship Acadamecian Kurchatov).

Two years ago, Soviet scientists said a diving bell lowered from the ship took
eight photographs of Ampere which showed walls and staircases similar to the
structures described by Monin.

Another source that has details about Atlantis is Edgar Cayce, an American mystic
known as the “sleeping prophet”. In one of his thousands of ‘readings’ he
mentioned that the Sphinx had been built in 10,500 BC by survivors of Atlantis who
had concealed beneath it a Hall of Records containing all the wisdom of their lost
civilization and the true history of the human race. He thought this would be
discovered between 1996 and 1998.
Various individuals and organisations have attempted to obtain permission to the
further searching of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx but Egyptian authorities
have not shown any cooperation in giving approval to this.

In the book, The Sleeping prophet, on p 220, Edgar Cayce says cryptically that
archives dealing with the existence of Atlantis, and concealed in three areas of
the world, will eventually be revealed; one of these areas is Egypt, where the
ancient priests assured the Greek lawmaker Solon, the source of the Plato tale,
that they had the account fully preserved.

Max Heindel, in his book The Roscicrucian Cosmo-Conception, on p 294, writes that
in an earlier time the Atlanteans did not clearly perceive the outline of an
object or person but they saw the soul and at once knew its attributes, whether
they were beneficial to him or otherwise. He knew whether the man or animal he was
regarding was kindly or inimically disposed to him.

Another author, who included comments in his book ‘Thinking and Destiny’ was H. W.
Percival. He states that an important cycle ended with the sinking of the
continent called by some, Atlantis. This continent, one of many that have arisen
during this Fourth civilization had its beginning in untold ages past and,
according to present reckoning, the last of its sinkings took place from twenty to
ten thousand years ago.

And for a final recording of this issue we go to The Secret Doctrine Vol 3 p 370.
It quotes M. Bailly, a French astronomer of the 18th century, as being preceded in
his belief about Atlantis by Father Kircher, the learned Jesuit who, in his
Oedipus Aegyptiacus writes “I confess, for a long time I had regarded all this
(the Dynasties and Atlantis) as pure fables to the day when, better instructed in
oriental languages, I judged that all those legends must be, after all, only the
development of a great truth.”

On page 252 of Vol 3 it states that the last remnant sank 850,000 years ago – it
says Plato’s ‘island’ was a part of one of the remnants.

One of the reasons for expounding at length on the probable existence of Atlantis
is the attitude of much of the scientific world towards what they regard as mere
myth. If the progression of the Races is as told in various works it is of
importance to present- day Man in learning of his past and what lessons he can
take from that history.

The Atlantean civilization of the Fourth race was intended to add Man’s second
body, commonly known as the astral or emotional body. The astral level is a higher
vibration than the purely physical and allows the personality to contact realms
that are open to a greater expanse of information. A. E. Powell, in ‘The Astral
Body’ on p 144 says that one of the most prominent characteristics of the astral
world is that it is full of continually changing shapes: we find there not only
thought-forms composed of elemental essence but also vast masses of elemental
essence from which shapes continually emerge and into which they again disappear.
This is the medium which lower psychic abilities contact. And I note here that
that is one reason why the psychics who possess only the lower abilities can often
get things wrong.

Here is some additional commentary on the five races of man.

The name of Lemuria has been given to a continent that, according to secret
doctrines of the east, was the land occupied by the third root race of man. That
name of Lemuria has also become in usage by some naturalists and members of the
Theosophical Society.

In the third (Lemuria) and fourth (Atlantis) root races the mind was very
quiescent and did not really function because the main thrust of the evolution in
those periods was the development of the physical and emotional bodies.

The Atlantean civilisation, because of its intense emotional (astral) nature and a
related openness to the supernatural world, tended to be very religious in its
attitudes and there was a great interest on what life was like after death. At
that time, with no real development of the mental abilities, there was no
opportunity to question what they were told by the priests. Consequently, animism,
spiritualism, the lower psychic abilities, and the ease of tuning into the astral
level, were prevalent. These feelings were carried forward into the fifth root
race, and despite the development of the rational mind to such a high degree they
still colour our emotions and render us sensitive to emanations from the higher
levels of existence.

The Atlantean civilisation was highly developed, in a technical sense, having many
great, and beautiful buildings, sanitation, hygiene, and the use of air travel,
amongst other amenities. There was also an ability to harness and control the
forces of nature. All of this was not due to Atlantean abilities but was a gift
from the guides of the race as a means of initiating innate talents that would
eventually come to the fore in our later root race as a result of the application
of mental force to bring forth the latent knowledge. As our fifth root race
continues its evolution it explores, and develops, the life forces by use of the
scientific method. This insertion of talents into a preceding root race, for use
in the following one, is an example of the planning that is undertaken from the
hierarchical level.

Shamballa is the planetary centre which contains the Will of God for humanity.
This Will, as expressed by force, has been rarely used in the past because of its
great potency and was therefore only in effect at times of great need. The first
time it was used directly on humanity was when man needed to be exposed to
individualisation in order to speed up the process of evolution. The second time
it was used was in Atlantis when there was a titanic struggle between the Light
and the Dark forces for supremacy.

As Man has now evolved to a relatively high degree the Shamballa Force (of God’s
Will) can now be directed to humanity on a continuous basis and is being used to
break up those accretions of energy which have crystallized in the form of dogma,
rigid institutions and the various forms of government, religion, etc., which are
holding up our forward and upward thrust into the next root race.


In a book such as this, which deals with the spiritual side of life, there has to
be an emphasis on aspects of life which cannot, as yet, be assessed
scientifically. How can one prove what one cannot see with the eye and with the
aid of sensitive instruments. It is here that your imagination and developing
intuitive perception need to take a premier place.

Having said that, it is necessary to enter into the world of planetary and cosmic
energies. This aspect will be scattered throughout the book and it can only be
your judgement that decides the issue for you.

Sirius has been mentioned a number of times as being significant for the Earth and
humanity. The Encyclopaedia Britannica refers to Sirius as follows: -
Sirius was known as Sothis to the ancient Egyptians, who were aware that it made
its first heliacal rising (i.e., rose just before sunrise) of the year at about
the time the annual floods were beginning in the Nile River delta. They long
believed that Sothis caused the Nile floods; and they discovered that the heliacal
rising of the star occurred at intervals of 365.25 days rather than the 365 days
of their calendar year, a correction in the length of the year that was later
incorporated in the Julian calendar. Among the ancient Romans, the hottest part of
the year was associated with the heliacal rising of the Dog Star, a connection
that survives in the expression "dog days."That Sirius is a binary star was first
reported by the German astronomer Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel in 1844. He had
observed that the bright star was pursuing a slightly wavy course among its
neighbours in the sky and concluded that it had a companion star, with which it
revolved in a period of about 50 years. The companion was first seen in 1862 by
Alvan Clark, an American astronomer and telescope maker. Sirius and its companion
revolve together in orbits of considerable eccentricity and with average
separation of the stars of about 20 times the Earth's distance from the Sun.
Despite the glare of the bright star, the seventh-magnitude companion is readily
seen with a large telescope. This companion star, known as Sirius B, is about as
massive as the Sun, though much more condensed, and was the first white dwarf star
to be discovered. Copyright © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

A further reference to Egyptian interest in Sirius is that of an archeologist

named Duncan Mc Naughton who asserted that the so-called ventilator shafts from
the King’s chamber were sighted on Sirius.

Robert K. C. Temple wrote a book on Sirius called ‘The Sirius Mystery’ which,
apart from information on that star, relates the discoveries about the Dogon tribe
who were fully aware of the nature of this binary star well before its discovery
by modern astronomers.

The Dogons, according to information obtained by Robert Graves for his book ‘The
Greek Myths’, obtained their knowledge of Sirius from a group of people which
migrated from Greece to Libya and then south through the Sahara to the region
around the Upper Niger. This movement took place several centuries BC and resulted
in the Dogons beginning to center their religious ceremonies around the movement
of Sirius and its twin star. Bearing in mind that Sirius, as a binary star, was
not discovered in modern times until 1844, it is of interest that the Dogons were
already aware of Sirius B, which cannot be seen. Also of interest is that Sirius B
is the centre of their interest with the knowledge that it has an elliptical orbit
around the visible Sirius which takes 50 years to complete. The Dogon were also
aware that Sirius B rotates on its own axis. Their description of Sirius B is that
it is incredibly tiny, exceedingly heavy and Sirius itself is to one side of the

The main reason for including information about Sirius is that it is said by the
Dogons to be the home of Nommo who landed on Earth in order to teach the infant
humanity. According to their knowledge the Nommo were amphibious beings with
fishtails and appear to resemble a cross between a man and a dolphin. One then has
to recall the legends of mermen and mermaids.

Dolphins became of great interest to us in the latter part of the twentieth

century, beginning with reports that they appeared to have an interest in human
beings, and were credited with saving the lives of people threatened with death by
drowning. Some of them also were credited with healing children who were suffering
depression and alienation. Scientific studies began and it was evident that
dolphins could communicate with each other at a high level of awareness and
possessed an advanced consciousness in relation to marine animals and also much of
The information that amphibious creatures taught the infant humanity cannot be
easily dismissed as an aberration of the ancient mind. Too often we dismiss
information that cannot be readily proven thus closing off avenues of exploration
that may well be of benefit in our quest to understand our past and where our
future might lie.

In Guided Writings the following question and answer sheds some light on the
reference in the previous section to the Nommo. It needs to be noted also that the
Sumerian and Babylonian traditions refer to Oannes, an amphibious creature who
taught mankind.

“Q. What is the relationship between Man and the dolphin/whales.

A. There is no proper relationship as yet on a universal basis. There are humans

more aware of the dolphin and whale intelligence but mostly your peoples are still
asleep. No matter, it is as it has been intended, you were not until now advanced
enough to be allowed such understanding. You are not related to the water people
in spite of the resemblance during the foetal stage. The dolphins are an ancient
race, one of the very first created. God intended to experience all of his worlds;
the Earths, the oceans and the skies. Of all the creations though, the human body
(in all its variations throughout the universe) and the largest mammals were the
greatest success. The sea persons, spiritually, have been the far superior of
God's creations, water is sacred, it has qualities found nowhere else. The whales
are not as superior as the dolphins, they were not intended to be, they have their
role in the scheme of things. Man's advantage is that he can adapt to, and adapt
the seas to his advantage - the sea creatures cannot function on land, except in
symbiosis*. That is the dolphin’s (especially the dolphin’s, as yet) powerful
*the living together of two dissimilar organisms, esp. when this association is
mutually beneficial.

The whales look to the dolphins, then to Mankind, through the dolphins, but the
next step forward, the next link, is with and through your fellow creations, the
water kind. Don't be too concerned with all of this except in a supportive way,
you are all developing your way and the links for the sea mammals are developing
along those lines. When the time comes there will be linkage amongst you all as
the dolphins will be able to "hook into" your raised consciousness.”

Referring to the Alice Bailey books for further references to the relationship
between Sirius and our solar system we find the following.

“The ancient books of the East point out, in considering this subject, that the
seven stars of the Great Bear, the seven stars of the Pleiades, and the sun
Sirius, have a very close connection with our solar system, and that they hold an
intimate psychic magnetic relation to our solar Logos.”

“First and foremost is the energy or force emanating from the sun Sirius. If it
might be so expressed, the energy of thought, or mind force, in its totality,
reaches the solar system from a distant cosmic centre via Sirius. Sirius acts as
the transmitter, or the focalising centre, whence emanate those influences which
produce self-consciousness in man.”

“The seven stars of the Pleiades are the goal for the seven types, and this is
hinted at in the Book of Job, in the words, "Canst thou bind the sweet influence
of the Pleiades?" In the mystery of this influence, and in the secret of the sun
Sirius, are hidden the facts of our cosmic evolution, and incidentally, therefore,
of our solar system.”
“Briefly it might be said that the following cosmic and systemic causes are
responsible for the present world crisis and the present difficult world

A welling up of magnetic force on Sirius, which produces effects upon our solar
system and particularly upon our Earth, via the Hierarchy.”


Most readers will have read or heard about supposed visits to Earth by
extraterrestrials, or aliens. There is an element of fear in the word alien but
Man’s advancement through the eons of his existence may well have been partly due
to intelligent beings visiting us from time to time.

Chapter 1 in the Book of Ezekiel, in the Bible, contains what is thought to be a

reference to a UFO, where it records “And when the living creatures went, the
wheels would go beside them, and when the living creatures were lifted up from the
Earth, the wheels would be lifted up…..for the spirit of the living creature was
in the wheels.” Some descriptions of UFO’s by recent viewers liken them to

Reports of UFO’s, unidentified flying objects, have occurred throughout much of

our history but they are usually passed over by governments for various reasons.
Included in these are a concern that the population might panic and a wish to
retain for reasons of power any information gleaned from contacts. Dr. Steven
Greer who is a director of CSETI (Centre for the Study of Extraterrestrial
Intelligence) is part of a team called Project Starlight which has, since 1993,
provided preliminary briefings for White House staff, the United Nations, Houses
of Congress and Representatives, international leaders in foreign governments etc.
The information provided must have been of high quality because the following
edited version of a press release by Dr. Greer is pitched at US government
leaders: -
Wednesday, May 9th, 2001

The National Press Club Ballroom

Washington, DC

On Wednesday, May 9th, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate

and scientific witnesses will come forward at the National Press Club in
Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles,
extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion
technologies. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting
government documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt the
reality of these phenomena, according to Dr. Steven M. Greer, director of the
Disclosure Project which is hosting the event.

The Disclosure Project, a non-profit research organization has identified several

hundred witnesses throughout the world and spanning every branch of the armed
services, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), DIA, CIA, NASA, Russia, UK,
and other agencies and countries. Over 100 have been videotaped; 70 have been
transcribed into edited testimony. Videotaped summary of the testimony and an in-
depth briefing document with witness transcripts will be available at the press

Participants in this phase of the disclosure effort are asking for Congressional,
White House and UN action to allow witnesses to testify under oath in open
hearings. The group is requesting a Presidential Executive Order to protect
witnesses afraid of violating security oaths and to declassify documents and
secret projects for the benefit of all world citizens.

“These testimonies establish once and for all that we are not alone. Technologies
related to extraterrestrial phenomena are capable of providing solutions to the
global energy crisis, and other environmental and security challenges,” says Dr.

A former NASA astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, was interviewed by The People in London
on 25th October, 1998, and confirmed that he has knowledge that aliens have
visited this planet. Because the entire universe is ONE, the fact of alien life
(is it really alien?) is not surprising. We ourselves are already sending space
vehicles to various parts of our solar system and there is the intention to
eventually send manned vehicles to other planets.

Insistence on the material can blind us to information which can be usefully

integrated into our world view of Man and his reason for being here. The following
quotation puts the situation into a different perspective: -

“We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its
constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfil many of its extravagant promises of
health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for
unsubstantiated 'Just So' stories, because we have a prior commitment, a
commitment to materialism.
It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept
a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are
forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of
investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter
how counterintuitive, how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that
materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door."
Among those Lewontin charges with having misled the public with their
'unsubstantiated 'Just So' stories' is Britain's Richard Dawkins, who, if Lewontin
is correct, is the somewhat inappropriate and undeserved incumbent of an Oxford
chair in the Public Education in Science. Lewontin writes:

"As to assertions without adequate evidence, the literature of science is filled

with them, especially the literature of popular science writing. Carl Saqan's list
of the "best contemporary science-popularizers" includes EO.Wilson, Lewis Thomas
and Richard Dawkins, "each of whom has put unsubstantiated assertions or counter-
factual claims at the very centre of the stories they have retailed in the market.
Wilson's Socio- biology and On Human Nature rest on the surface of a quaking marsh
of unsupported claims about the genetic determination of everything from altruism
to xenophobia."

One question that can exercise our minds is – ‘do we think of, and create, new
thoughts, ideas, material constructs and the like or do they result from the use
of the intuition and an imagination which is hooked into the universal mind?’ Many
scientists, inventors, philosophers etc., have stated that what they did was
received in a dream, a moment of meditation or contemplation, but certainly not
from waking consciousness, the latter being used to develop what they received.

This question has a relationship with discoveries made that beggar belief. On the
face of it the following discoveries are pure fantasy, mere words dredged up by
authors to titillate the minds of the readers. There are also compelling reasons
to not lightly dismiss them as our knowledge of the past is but fragmentary and it
is quite on the cards that cataclysmic changes to the Earth, in past eons, have
wiped out traces of advanced cultures. If a major catastrophe struck today and
left only a remnant of humanity is it conceivable that modern life could continue
without great disruption?

Many science fiction writers must pick up thoughts, or intuit, the fanciful things
they write about, many of which have already been expressed in some form or
another on this planet.

Just prior to World War II, Chinese archaeologists discovered a cave which
contained small skeletal remains. Hundreds of stone discs were also found which,
when deciphered, revealed that the skeletons were the remains of the crew of an
extraterrestrial craft that had crash-landed in the mountain range of Baian-Kara-
Ula, 12,000 years ago. In 1962, Professor Dr. Tsun Um Nui succeeded in translating
the marks on the discs. The leader of the Dyopa tribe, which had assimilated the
aliens who survived stated they originated from the Sirius system ( Nexus Vol 3
No. 1 p 59)

In an interview by Laura Lee (Radio Show), Michael Cremo, co-author of the book
“Forbidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race, Gavharden Hill
Publishing, Badger, Calif. 1993, commented on various findings: -

• An exquisite metallic vase blasted out of Precambrian rock in Dorchester,

Mass. – 600 million years old
• 1979, Mary Leakey found footprints of three individuals in some volcanic ash
about 3.6 million years old
• Dr. Hans Reck, in 1913, found completely anatomically-modern human skeletons
fossilised in strata almost two million years old
• Grooved metallic spheres found in South Africa date back 2.8 billion years
• Earliest skeleton found was reported in The Geologist magazine in 1862. A
human skeleton was discovered in a coalfield in Macoupin County, Illinois. From
the Carboniferous period around 300 million years old

Evolving Consciousness and the Fifth Race

The humanity of today constitutes the Fifth Race, the advent of the mental body
and its processor, the brain. Each race takes on its new role within the pre-
existing set of bodies, changes taking place very gradually over the very long
periods of time needed for this process to take effect. There is no doubt that the
mind is beginning to control the physical and emotional bodies but the state of
the world today reveals that emotions still play a large part in the way we govern
our affairs. The Tibetan notes the continuing emphasis on the emotions where he
says – “Today the mass of men are swept by the emotions and by a sensitive
response to circumstance; they are not swept usually by an intelligent reaction to
life as it is.” And again – “Only a few people in the race are true idealists
(though their numbers are increasing); the small minority only, employ the
concrete mind; while the masses are swayed entirely by the emotions. The time is
coming when the intuitional body (the buddhic vehicle) will be organized,
utilizing the higher spiritual mind as its medium.”

It can be inferred, by the first section of this chapter, that the whole purpose
of life, for Mankind, is to develop the depth and quality of consciousness. This
particular part of the chapter is intended to explore the question of
consciousness in a somewhat more detailed way.

The Random House Dictionary refers to consciousness as “the state of being

conscious; awareness of one’s own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings,

Evolution has been described as “cyclic development” – endless repetition until

the desired end has been reached.
There are three kinds of consciousness; absolute, universal and individual. A
description of these is found in The Consciousness of the Atom on p 100: -

“Absolute consciousness, to the ordinary thinker, is practically impossible of

recognition. It has been defined in one book as, "That consciousness in which
everything is, the possible as well as the actual," and concerns everything that
can be possibly conceived of as having occurred, or occurring, or going to occur.
This is, possibly, absolute consciousness, and from the standpoint of the human
being is the consciousness of God, Who contains within Himself the past, the
present, and the future. What, then, is universal consciousness? It might be
defined as consciousness, thinking time and space, consciousness with the idea of
location and succession involved within it, or, in reality, group consciousness,
the group itself forming either a greater or a lesser unit. Finally, individual
consciousness may be defined as just as much of the universal consciousness as a
separated unit can contact and can conceive of for itself.

Arthur Koestler wrote, in ‘The Roots of Consciousness’ that “we already have a
situation emerging in theoretical physics and metaphysics which are becoming
inextricably entwined. There is now a merging of the occult and esoteric sciences,
which were kept alive by a few initiates down the ages, with the exoteric physical
sciences. The higher and lower are becoming one.”

There are many levels of consciousness. At the subconscious level the body
processes have become automatic. We do not have to remember to breathe, to
circulate our blood although Fakirs and similar persons can voluntarily slow, or
even stop their bodily processes to the point of being buried alive for many days
at a stretch. The self-conscious level is when we are aware of ourselves, a higher
conscious level puts us in touch with that part which seeks to regulate our lives
at as high a pitch as possible. Man has a collective unconscious which contains
all our past and present history and then finally there is the universal mind
which can be said to be the Mind of God.

Richard Maurice Bucke, a Canadian psychotherapist who studied the lives of those
individuals who, over the past 2,000 years he felt represented the outposts of the
evolution of human consciousness, stated – “….just as, long ago, self-
consciousness appeared in the best specimens of our ancestral race in the prime of
life, and gradually became more and more universal and appeared in the individual
at an earlier and earlier age,….so will cosmic consciousness become more and more
universal and appear earlier in the individual life until the race at large will
possess this faculty.”

A World Goodwill Seminar on 6th November, 1999, carried this sentence –

“Spiritual, in one sense, can mean everything that lies beyond the point which
human consciousness has reached.” What this is saying in effect is, there is
always an emerging of new material into our consciousness; we will never reach the
end point. It is not therefore possible to say ‘I have reached the ultimate stage
in my life, I have learned what life is so I can now sit back and not need to
continue my learning process.’

“Universal consciousness does not know form or rather knows it for what it is: a
field of experience. One who directs himself towards the expression of universal
consciousness ends by living in the world of energies. These energies are multiple
since we bathe in an ocean of energies but fundamentally they are one.”

Here again is the expression of a knowledge that the multiple energies with which
we are surrounded are in fact just one. We have to be conscious, at some stage in
our many lives, that there is a never-ending quest. The form is there but it is
only used for experience and will eventually be discarded.

A similar theme is expressed by :The evolution and progress of life continues by

progressive states of consciousness. The goal of this progress is perfect
consciousness of unity. The objective will then become one with the subjective and
the microcosm blended with the macrocosm.”

Annie Besant in ‘A Study in Consciousness on p 25 states that “To begin with a

definition of terms: Consciousness and life are identical, two names for one thing
as regarded from within and without. There is no life without consciousness; there
is no consciousness without life.”

Science has been grappling with what is consciousness down through the ages. Is it
produced by the brain, does our genetic structure determine the onset of
consciousness, can it exist by itself, does it always need a physical form through
which it can manifest. A few thoughts about the science of consciousness will not
go amiss at this point.

Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the field of electromedicine states “….the latest

scientific revolution has validated the ancient, preliterate concept of ‘life
energy’, not as some mystical, unknowable force but as measurable electromagnetic
forces that act within the body as organised control systems. These
electromagnetic forces appear capable of being accessed through some of the
techniques of shaman-healers as well as through modern, direct intervention with
similar forces. We have also seen how these control systems relate to certain
basic functions of living organisms to the electromagnetic environment…”, [a]
little understood but vitally important link.”

The growth of consciousness in life-forms, up until the present era, in general,

has been a slow but automatic response to the spiritual forces which constantly
flow through those forms. Certain individuals have, throughout man’s history, been
imbued with the need to deliberately develop a deepening of consciousness. An
example of this was given in Simply Living No. 15 on page 73. The article related
to Shamans, a word which originated from the Tungus people of Siberia. It is a
generic term as shamans are found in all cultures – they are the mind/body healers
of communities of people. They use their abilities to access ‘power animals’,
‘spirit beings’, and ‘totemic spirits’. Shamans often enter into a trance-state or
deep meditation in the need to contact other consciousnesses or layers of
consciousness. This is the wholeness of life being experienced, the
interrelatedness of all of creation.

In like manner, Professor A. P. Elkin, who wrote ‘Aboriginal Men of High Degree’
has stated “…Aboriginal medicine men….are men of high degree in the secret of
life beyond that taken by most adult males – a step which implies discipline,
mental training, courage and perseverance…they are of immense social significance,
the psychological health of the group largely depending on faith in their powers…
the various psychic powers attributed to them must not be too readily dismissed as
mere primitive magic and ‘make-believe’ for many of them have specialised in the
human mind, and in the influence of mind on body and of mind on mind.”

In modern day practice hypnotherapy is a somewhat similar process, the action of a

mind impressing thoughts on the person needing a healing process in order to
change attitudes, desist from unhealthy habits etc. All of these practices are
based on the ability to affect the consciousness in which we live.

Carl Jung wrote, in 1930, “….the conscious, modern man, despite his strenuous and
dogged efforts to do so, can no longer refrain from acknowledging the might of
psychic forces.”
In meditative states where instruments have been in use to measure brain waves it
has been established that the meditator is able to change brain wave activity. In
normal brain activity the waves are Beta, as the mind begins to focus on a
specific the waves slow to the Alpha state. When creative images, forgotten scenes
of prior periods in the life, the dreaming state, the waves drop down to the Theta
level. At the lowest level, the Delta, one is in a dreamless sleep – perhaps the
level at which one is closest to the underlying consciousness of the universal
mind. This is an indication that consciousness controls the mind and its thoughts,
rather than the reverse. If it was the brain that produced the changes in the
brain wave patterns what would be the trigger to begin meditation? Meditation
takes place when an individual decides it is an appropriate time.

There is a two-way interaction between consciousness and the environment.

Consciousness can induce feelings of well-being or depression and the state of the
body’s health and the surrounding environment can also affect consciousness.
Studies with animals have revealed that electromagnetic signals of varying
strengths have an impact on their behaviour. It is a moot point whether the vast
increase in electromagnetic forces that man has created is having an impact on the
human race, either in general or in particular.

Light and energy are now accepted as interchangeable. Energy is consciousness and
therefore light is consciousness; we tend to say ‘I see the light’ when a
realisation dawns upon our mind.

According to the behavioural school; all of our thoughts and consequent actions
are the result of an electro-chemical reaction in the brain. If this is so we are
no more than robots, governed by some initial programming by our genetic
structure. We therefore tend to have little say in what we do yet we constantly
think of choices. Why should we be faced with choices if the brain (consciousness)
acts on a mechanistic basis? Human beings are, in this case, little better than a
computer that runs on a fixed program, subject to ‘bugs’ when it is not properly
written or to deterioration when the electrical circuits begin to break down.

The Vedic Rishis of ancient India stated that ‘the world is sound’: Mantras have
been used for thousands of years to affect consciousness directly. Quantum
particles form sound waves and it is easy to see how sound can affect the body,
which also consists of quantum particles. It has an impact on consciousness but it
can also reduce stress hormones, change the heart rate and induce peace within the

As noted in a previous chapter sound can assist, or retard, the growth of plants
and as cells in all life-forms have a great similarity to each other we are all
biologically related. Our consciousness is gradually awakening to the fact that
the non-human world also has its rights and there is every possibility that the
sequence of creation, minerals to plants to animals (and humans) means that we, in
consciousness, have ourselves progressed through those stages. In other words
everything is articulated from the primordial source of life.

World Goodwill 1997-2 p 7 provided the material to record that the problem for
science is consciousness. Although scientists have theories and have studied the
problem they cannot explain how or why consciousness should have appeared. If one
is prepared to state that the universe appeared by chance, and is made up of
parts, like a clock, that have produced all that we are presently aware of, there
should no more be consciousness than a piece of man-made equipment. The hard
question for philosophers is – ‘How does something as unconscious as matter give
rise to something as immaterial as consciousness?’

All through occult literature we meet the statement that ‘God is Light’. Einstein
studied light and he showed that light appears to be a universal constant. If a
space traveller could travel at the speed of light, light would still pass the
traveller at 2,993,380 kilometres per second. Should one manage to travel at the
speed of light time would stop and the distance travelled would be zero. At zero
distance and with the speed of light there would be no sense of time, a unity
would be experienced. This may recall the experience I recorded in a previous
chapter that ‘God is a point of Light’.

Consciousness has been evolving throughout man’s history and that is the entire
purpose of our lives because to unite with God we have to attain the consciousness
of God. Early man lived a constricted existence in that he was only aware of the
land in which he lived, what he could see and from which he gained sustenance. As
his abilities developed he formed tribes which lived as a unit, progressing to
groups of communities, to a nation and now we are all conscious, especially as a
result of the pictures of Earth from space, that we are part of one body; we can
focus on Man as a complete entity made up of disparate forms, cultures, languages
and customs. In reality we are all cells in the body of humanity.

Every day the consciousness of people is expanding, through meditation, stress

management, and concentration on an interest which expands the mind. A critical
mass is then produced; when enough like minds work together more energy is
available than the sum of the individual efforts.

The increase of the depth of consciousness within the total world population is
causing the development of group consciousness, a process wherein the individual
consciousness retains its sense of self. An analogy is that of a group lifting a
heavy weight that cannot be lifted by one alone. The group still consists of
individuals but they are united for this one purpose. The world community has been
aware, for some years now, of the movement from the sign of Pisces into that of
Aquarius. Pisces signified the individual searching for meaning in life through a
spiritual source. Aquarius is the group undertaking that same search and on this
note it is of interest that in the past few decades non-government organisations,
of many different persuasions, have become an effective force. Ideas spread faster
now, there is a tendency for more cooperation between nations. The European Union
is a good example of an experiment to link diverse nationalities and cultures.

The increase in group formation is facilitated by the tremendous growth in all

methods of communication, especially the electronic, allowing themes and ideas to
be more rapidly dispersed. Those with some knowledge of the meaning attributed to
signs of the zodiac will be aware that Aquarius signifies a scientific approach,
an interest in waves, such as those related to light, sound, radiation, etc. So
the growth in global networks should come as no surprise.

In talking with Stanislav Grof about consciousness, Grof explained, “…and there is
a fundamental shift of perception. The question of conventional western science –
Where is the moment at which consciousness originates? When does matter become
conscious of itself? – is turned upside down. The question now becomes: How does
consciousness produce the illusion of matter? You see, consciousness is seen as
something primordial, which cannot be explained on the basis of anything else;
something that is just there and which, ultimately, is the only reality, something
that is manifest in you and me, and in everything around us.”

Lama Govinda, a Tibetan Buddhist scholar is quoted as saying “The external world
and his inner world are (for the Buddhist) only two sides of the same fabric, in
which the threads of all forces and of all events of all forms of consciousness
and of other effects, are woven into an inseparable net of endless, mutually
conditioned relations.”
Mere involvement in religious services is no longer enough. The higher levels of
consciousness must be invoked if they are to be attained. It is necessary to
meditate in silence, alone, or in groups, in order to focus the mind in the higher
direction. One phrase that often comes to my mind is ‘God is Peace’ and that is so
apt as we cannot produce our best efforts when beset by unfriendly and negative
vibrations and noise that jars with our efforts to contact the higher levels of

Man, in a negative and unhealthy state, needs something to strive for, to hope
for. If there is ‘nothing’ there, and problems to solve, the temptation of drugs
of all kinds is easy to give in to. There are no real orthodox treatments that can
turn a person around unless by chance they give a breathing space for a search for
meaning in life.

Consciousness is a continuum from the awake to the sleep state and its dreams to
beyond the death state. If consciousness exists before the body it is a priori a
fact that it still exists when the body has died. The whole question of
consciousness after death will be explored in chapter 6, ‘Why we are here….’.

Consciousness is the fusion of the two opposite poles of positive light (energy)
and negative substance or matter. The type and degree of consciousness depends on
the form it creates – a stone, a tree, an animal and a human are all very
different. Forms change as the consciousness in them changes. One only has to look
at pictorials of early men, and compare them with modern men, to note how the
entire body and its appearance has been beautified and reflects a greater
awareness of its surroundings.

The brain is the organ of the mind and consciousness. Rather than initiate thought
it is more akin to the processing unit of a computer which can only respond to
programs and inputs which it uses to produce results.

In an article I wrote for The Beacon, titled ‘David Bohm – A Forerunner’, I picked
up this thought and wrote: -

“In collaboration with Karl Pibram, a neuroscientist, David Bohm proposed that
“our brains mathematically construct ‘concrete’ reality by interpreting
frequencies from another dimension, a realm of meaningful, patterned primary
reality that transcends time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a
holographic universe”. Bohm says that primary physical laws cannot be discovered
by a science that attempts to break the world into its parts.

A hologram can be cut up into a myriad of pieces, yet every piece, when
illuminated, will give a representation of the whole. A piece will give a ‘fuzzy’
picture of the whole, not a perfect representation, but as pieces become joined
together they will represent a closer representation of the original whole. And
isn’t this what we are taught by the Ageless Wisdom – that we must begin to think
of, and work in, groups; a first step in the clumping of men into more complex
structures, in the same way that molecules congregate to form more complex units.
Surely the plan must be to energise all life so that it begins to merge at ever
higher levels until that perfect Oneness is reached; the hologram in its entirety
is realised in the Mind of God.

In Bohm’s thinking, everything is folded into everything; it is ‘implicate order’.

Reality as implicate means that any portion of it involves every other portion;
each portion of reality contains information on every other portion. Out of the
implicate order comes the ‘explicate order’, apparently independent entities which
we experience in our physical existence and believe to be real life, the only
existence we can acknowledge until we are prompted to search behind it for the
true reality.”

We are all well aware of the different levels of consciousness in people we meet.
There are those who are ingrown, those searching for growth, those with
superconsciousness of levels of being far advanced from those of us in general.
There are those who feel enslaved by circumstance and there are those who break
free, sometimes at great personal cost.

There can be shifts in consciousness: -

4. Interconnectedness – the recognition that external and internal are aspects
of the same oneness.
5. Authority has moved from the external to the internal with more reliance on
the inner self.
6. A transfer of the perception of causes from external to internal, an
understanding that we create our own world, our own path.

In ‘Man Visible and Invisible’, on page 43 C. W. Leadbeater refers to the ordinary

man of our civilisation still living almost entirely in his sensations, although
the higher astral is coming into play. For him still, the prominent question which
guides his conduct is not in the least what is right or reasonable to do, but
simply what he himself desires to do. The more cultured and developed man begins
to govern desire by reason – that is to say the centre of consciousness is
gradually transferring itself from the higher astral to the lower mental.

Truth ever eludes us – it is constantly ahead no matter how much we change, but it
is distorted by a preoccupation with material goods, a need in some to gain
ascendancy over others, a greed for personal satisfaction and competition to be
better than and to have more than, others.

The task that now lies ahead of humanity is integration with the soul. Esoteric
Psychology I on page 130 contains a view of “The soul as that factor which
emerges out of the contact of spirit and matter and which produces sentient
response and what we call consciousness in its varying forms. It is also that
latent or subjective essential quality which makes itself felt as light or
luminous radiation. It is the self shining from within which is characteristic of
all forms.”

The halo portrayed around saints and mystics is due to the additional energy
supplied to the etheric body, the aura, by the increased energy from an
enlightened consciousness.

“The third stage lies a long way ahead, and may be considered by many a vain
chimera. But some of us have a vision. which, even if unattainable at present, is
logically possible if our premises are correct, and our foundation is rightly
laid. It is that of unified existence. Not only will there be the separate units
of consciousness, not only the differentiated atoms within the form, not only will
there be the group made up of a multiplicity of identities, but we shall have the
aggregate of all forms, of all groups, and of all states of consciousness blended,
unified, and synthesised into a perfected whole. This whole you may call the
solar system, you may call it nature, or you may call it God. Names matter not.
It corresponds to the adult stage in the human being; it is analogous to the
period of maturity, and to that stage wherein a man is supposed to have a definite
purpose and life work, and a clear-cut plan in view, which he is working out by
the aid of his intelligence.”

“We need to remember that every great unfoldment of consciousness is an

initiation. Every step forward along the path of awareness is an initiation. When
an atom of substance was built into the form, it was for that atom an initiation.
It became aware of another type of force, and its range of contact became wider.
When the consciousness of the vegetable and animal kingdom merged, and the life
passed from the lower kingdom into the higher, that was an initiation. When the
consciousness of the animal expanded into that of the human being, still another
great initiation took place. All the four kingdoms have been entered by an
initiation, or through an expansion of consciousness. Ahead of the human family
lies now the fifth, or spiritual kingdom, and it is likewise entered through a
certain initiation, as can be seen by those who intelligently read their New
Testament. And in all these cases these initiations have been brought about by
the help of Those who already know. Thus we have within the evolutionary scheme
not great gaps between one kingdom and another, and between one state of awareness
and another, but a gradual development of consciousness, and one in which we, each
one of us, have had and will have our share.”

Chapter 5 The Human Body

The human body was created for a specific purpose – to reveal God in the
consciousness of the universe. It is apparent that we are ‘created in the image of
God’, is a truism, our bodies are used, over eons of time, to enable that
consciousness to grow and become embedded as a thought-form in the Akashic Record.

Just reflect on your body as you read this. It represents the accumulation of
single-celled organisms over an incomprehensible span of time into a fully-
functioning being able to operate on several planes of existence. The human body
is an amazing compilation of functions that are essentially self-repairing and is
used to house a life which passes on from form to form in order to evolve into
ever more sophisticated potentials.

The Body Structure

Picture, if you will, an organism that contains more than 75 trillion

(75,000,000,000,000) cells that are the ‘atoms’ of the living world. Every one of
those cells is a complete entity in itself, possessing consciousness, the ability
to provide a vital function to the body of which it is a part. Some of those cells
act as individuals and others form a vast accumulation as organs such as the
heart, liver, lungs, etc., which act as processors of blood, fluids, air and other
body movements.

There are four basic groupings of cells, epithelial tissues which form the body
covering and its organs and passageways; muscle tissues; nerve tissues; and
connective tissues. Cells are incredibly small, many in the order of 3-100ths of a
millimetre, which can only be seen with the aid of a microscope, with the larger
ones having a diameter of some 1-5th of a millimetre, 10,000 of which would just
cover the head of a pin.
Bacteria, which are single-celled organisms, were the basic forms of life after
the mineral kingdom was formed, and they began to clump together, eventually
giving up some of their DNA to a central location (the nucleus) which was, on
average, one thousand times the size of the individual bacterium. Cells are
surrounded by a membrane formed of lipid cells which consist of fats, oils, waxes,
sterols, and triglycerides, and also incorporate carbohydrates and proteins. The
cells absorb organic and inorganic compounds which are converted by the cell’s DNA
into proteins which become energy and are excreted.

Cell DNA is a wonder in itself. Realising how minute a cell is to the naked eye,
in that cell is a double strand of DNA which is 1.8 metres in length. This strand
is curled in on itself and actually consists of quantum particles, mere particles
of energy which we previously noted as actually being nothing more than
consciousness. You therefore have a total length of DNA in your body that is 75
trillion times 1.8 metres.

Prior to the virtual completion of the Human Genome Project it was believed that
each double strand of DNA contained 100,000 genes, but that has been revised
downwards to some 30,000 in all. An interesting feature of the DNA is that the
30,000 genes occupy only 1.1 per cent of the strand, 95 per cent of it being
classified as ‘junk DNA’. The purpose of the ‘junk DNA’ will be dealt with in the
next chapter. The 30,000 genes are responsible for producing some 250,000 proteins
responsible for the body’s needs.

DNA is built up of sequences of pairs of just four bases; Adenine, Cytosine,

Thymine, and Guanine which are repeated in very long chains of anywhere from
several hundred thousand to over a million pairs to form a single gene. The human
nucleus in each cell contains some 3 billion DNA base pairs divided among 46
chromosomes, the nucleus being a mere one-hundredth of a millimetre in diameter.

In Nexus Vol 3 No. 1 on page 47, Dr. Chiang Kanzhen is reported as saying that
modern physics has led us to assume that DNA is actually a ‘cassette’ with
‘recorded information’, whose material carries bio-electromagnetic signals. In
other words the electromagnetic field and DNA together make up combined genetic
material which exists in two forms; a passive (DNA) form and an active (bio-
electromagnetic)form – the passive preserves the magnetic code; the active
(transmitting) form is able to modify it.

Coupled with the action of the active form is the information in New Scientist of
31 July, 1999, page 23 stating that wandering electrical charges compress and
expand DNA like a spring and they can distort the structure. This finding carries
a belief that it will shed light on how electrical charges can damage the DNA of a

A few other facts that have come out of the Human Genome project are: -
• There are only 300 unique genes in the human genome, which are not in the
• 113 genes have been transferred from bacteria
• there is no genetic basis for race; humans all over the world share 99.9 per
cent of their DNA
• the dog is 85 per cent identical to a human in terms of gene sequences
• compared to the 30,000 genes in a human a fruit fly has 15,000 and the
simple roundworm has 20,000

Harking back to the dolphin information in chapter 4 it is of interest to note

that researchers at Texas A & M University found that 13 of 22 dolphin chromosomes
are exactly the same as the human, many of the other 9 being combinations or
rearrangements of their human counterparts. Horst Hameister, Professor of medical
Genetics at the University of Ulm in Germany said we have more in common with
dolphins than with land animals (sourced from Nexus Vol 5 No. 6 page 6).

Some scientists are of the belief that it is our DNA that, in a sense, programs us
to be what we are and how we behave. This is an example of how much reductionism
there is in science, perhaps because there is a need to put science in the
driver’s seat and ignore beliefs and intangible evidence that add other dimensions
to the material world. In New Scientist, 13 November, 1999, page 16, however, it
was reported that Australian scientists discovered that DNA does not account for
all inherited traits. Cells, as well as genes, have a set of instructions which
tells the genes when to be active. Some cells switch genes off by adding methyl
groups to their DNA bases which means different cells can use the same set of
genes to develop distinctive identities. This can be one explanation of why there
can be marked differences between identical twins.

Are comets the spermatozoa of the universe? They travel vast distances with the
tail dissipating over their lives, and are present in large numbers. In New
Scientist of 22 January, 2000, page 4, it was reported that astrochemists in India
have formulated a theory that DNA was formed in space before the Earth was born.
Their computer model suggests that comets are packed with the building blocks of
life. British researchers had suggested, in 1977, that life originated in space
and was dispersed by comets. Is this a case of consciousness seeding itself
throughout the universe?

At one time the scientific belief was that the various life forms developed, in a
sense, by chance (serendipity?) because scientists could not, or would not,
believe in a universal consciousness that was able to visualise, and then create,
the vast multiplicity of life forms that have occupied the Earth for billions of
years. For my part, chance seems too chancy. For example, why did ears develop?
How would a body without ears realise that if it had them it would be able to
hear. Why would an eye develop as a result of a body deciding it would be able to
see other life forms and objects. Why are there literally millions and millions of
diverse life forms if not for the purpose of experiencing infinity to the full.
Even our human forms are almost limitless in their variability and the strange
shapes they can take in certain cases, and as you will read in the next chapter
there is purpose in all of this differentiation.

Auras and Centres (Chakras)

If the proposition that a Supreme Being is responsible for this marvellous array
of life forms is correct, that Being needs access to the bodies that it has
created. In looking at the human body, for instance, eastern religions state that
the body has seven major and forty-nine minor centres, or chakras. The major seven
have correspondences at the so-called physical level in the form of the endocrine

One interpretation of the purpose of the endocrine glands is provided in this

extract from The Soul and its Mechanisms: -

“Dr. Rubin says:

"These ductless glands or organs of secretion are often referred to as the

`endocrine glands.' Their secretions are absorbed directly into the blood, and
into the streams of nutrient lymph—the body, it would appear, thereby dispensing
its own drugs.

"These secretions contain the `hormones' or chemical messengers of the organism

which excite some of the most marvellous reactions known in physiology. In fact,
it has been stated that hormones are to physiology what radium is to chemistry."

This system of endocrine glands forms a functional unit, working in the utmost
cooperation and interdependence. Dr. Berman tells us, "The body mind is a perfect
corporation. Of this corporation the glands of internal secretion are the
directors.... Behind the body, and behind the mind is this board of governors."
All the glands, in fact, work in unison. They are known to correlate their
activity, to balance each other, and through their united effect, it is claimed,
to make a man what he is.

They form, in fact, a close interlocking system with functions and organisms
clearly distinct from those of other systems within the mechanism of the human
frame. The blood system and the nervous system pursue their own activities, but
are closely linked to the endocrine system. The blood acts mysteriously as the
carrier of the peculiar hormones of the different glands, and the nervous system
seems more specifically related to the psychical development incident to the
normal, or abnormal, functioning of the endocrine glands.

It has been established that we live in a sea of energies that originate from a
spiritual source. It is therefore not unexpected that there should be a set of
receptors in the body which receive these energies and translate them into bodily
urges. Before we reach the aspects of reincarnation and karma, which will help to
explain why there are differences in the actions of the centres/endocrine glands,
it can be stated that: -

“The glands are the result of the activity or the inactivity of the centres or
chakras in the body, and parallel their development. This development is
dependent upon the ray and the point in evolution. The subject is vast and
difficult, and I would have you all remember that constant dwelling upon the
physical factors to be found in the personality equipment is not the way of the
disciple. He must aim, as you suggest, at personality integration and at the goal
of being a pure channel for the soul. Such an integration is the result, normally
achieved, of

1. Character-building.
2. Soul contact through meditation.
3. Life expression through service.”

The human endocrine system results from millions of years of evolution, the
originating pattern having been developed during the progress of evolution through
the more primitive vertebrates. Those primitive beings, the precursors of
humanity, are part of the animal kingdom which, as previously noted, is the third
major stage in the progression from mineral to human.

The two systems, endocrine and spiritual centres, interact with each other
providing a two-way feedback system. Connections between them are provided by the
nervous system. At the physical level we have the sympathetic system which is
mainly responsible for dealing with stress situations by preparing the body for
action. The parasympathetic nerves are more related to maintaining regular body
functions such as the digestion and excretion of waste materials.

At the spiritual level are similar connections which tend to parallel the physical
nervous system and in eastern parlance they are called nadis. In the magazine
Yoga, May 1982, page 1, in an article which comments on the sympathetic and
parasympathetic systems, it is stated that every organ is supplied with the energy
of prana and the energy of mind. Prana means ‘constant movement’ – a type of
energy which is responsible for the body’s life, heat and maintenance. The spine
has three channels or nadis; Ida is mental energy, Pingala is pranic energy, and
Sushumna is spiritual energy. These energies flow through all of the seven centres
and subsequently to every part of the body.

The physical body is woven within the field of the etheric body, which, forming
part of the universal matrix, is fuelled by energy from the Sun – high in daytime
and low at night. This is one of the reasons why most birds, animals and insects
become active as the Sun begins to ascend over the horizon, and quieten down as
darkness approaches. Human beings are not immune to this factor as our bodies
ideally respond to greater energy in daylight hours.

“The second basic idea is that the response of the etheric vehicle of all forms
and its capacity to appropriate, to utilise, and to transmit are dependent upon
the condition of the centres, of the chakras, as they are called in the East.
These include not only the well known seven major centres but numbers of lesser
vortices of force, as yet unnamed and unknown in the occident.”

The etheric body therefore functions in three ways: -

4. transmits energy to all parts of the body

5. acts as an interface between the physical body and the thoughts and emotions
6. provides a mould for the repair of body parts and tissues and in this regard
accounts for the intermittent feelings that many people have when they lose body
parts such as limbs

The centres, mentioned earlier, are in the etheric body, and related to the
endocrine glands as follows: -

Crown - pineal
Ajna (between eyebrows) - pituitary
Throat - thyroid
Heart - thymus
Solar Plexus - pancreas
Sacral - gonads
Base of spine - adrenals

“The Occidental psychologists are consequently right when they state that a man is
what his glands make him, and that we are no better or worse than our peculiar
endocrine system. But the reason for this may lie in the correctness of the
Oriental theory as to the force centres. The condition of the glands and their
super-activity or sub-normality, and their right or wrong functioning may be
determined by the state of those centres. The glands are only outer symbols, the
visible, material aspect of a far greater and more intricate system. They are
determined by the character of the soul life which plays through them, and the
soul which controls and dominates all.

The state of the centres, then, is dependent upon the type and quality of soul
force vibrating through them. In the undeveloped person it is simply the life
force, prana, which is active and registers. This nurtures the animal life and
brings the lower centres (the centre at the base of the spine and the sacral
centre) into activity. Later, as man develops, the consciousness, soul-aspect,
gradually makes its presence felt and brings the solar plexus centre into
activity. This centre is the seat of the lower psychic sentient life both in man
and in the animal, and is often referred to as the instinctual brain.”

With all of this electromagnetic activity taking place within the body it is no
wonder that those energies can be detected by instruments devised for the purpose,
and by the naked eye in the case of individuals who have clairvoyant vision.
Everyone is familiar with the equipment used in medicine in order to detect
abnormalities. These include the electroencephalograph, the electrocardiogram, and
the magnetic resonance image scanners, amongst others. Lie detectors are another
type of instrumentation, their use being the ability to pick up sensory messages
put out involuntarily by the body when what is spoken is not in agreement with
what the person being tested knows to be the truth.

In the Science of the Aura, by S.G.J. Ouseley, the author comments on the
discovery by Baron Von Reichenbach, in the mid 19th century, that selected persons
were able to see flames, sparks, rays of light and white clouds emanating from a
magnet while sitting in a darkened room. The Earth is a magnet and at both poles,
when conditions are right, one can see the Aurora Borealis and the Aurora

Dr. W. J. Kilner, who was a Medical Electrician at St. Thomas’s Hospital in

London, constructed a glass screen which contained an alcoholic solution of
decyanin, a coal tar dye. Placing a nude patient behind the screen, in a darkened
room, he discovered that the human body is completely surrounded by a faint
luminous but colourless mist that extends some 45 to 61 centimetres in all
directions and is oval in shape. As he experimented he found it varied in shape
and clearness from day to day and was fainter and obscured in illness.

This emanation is called an aura, some information on this aspect of the body
being gleaned from ‘Guided Writings’, which is an unpublished work: -

“What is an aura? It is a manifestation of the spirit that inhabits the physical

body. I mention this because of the preoccupation people seem to have with
appearances (and labels). “

“Auras are a visible manifestation of our state of health mentally, physically and
spiritually. From observation psychics have been able to chart the meaning of the
colours' intensity and the placement of the various hues. The colours occur
because we are electrically charged molecules which are affected by the currents
playing through and about our various bodies, and also as we are affected by and
affect the areas and entities around us. We can influence, or be ourselves
influenced by stronger entities than ourselves; some who are weak in physical
strength are strong by that very weakness - in other words their unhealthy
condition can overcome the good of those in contact with them. “

The Tibetan has much to say about the aura in his books, two extracts being: -

“Aura. A subtle invisible essence or fluid which emanates from human and animal
bodies, and even from things. It is a psychic effluvium, partaking of both mind
and body. It is electro-vital, and also electro-mental.” and

“As you have been taught, the colours as seen in the aura of a savage and in those
of the average developed man are extraordinarily dissimilar. Why? Because one is
moving or vibrating at a slow rate and the other with greatly increased rapidity.
One has a rhythm slow, sluggish and heavy, the other is pulsating and moving with
a tremendous velocity permitting consequently a more rapid play of the material of
which those bodies are constructed.

Therefore, I would like to point out that as the race progresses as a collective
unit, Those Who gaze upon it from a higher plane are aware of the steady
improvement in the colours seen, and of a greater purity and clarity of hue in the
aura of the race, which aura is composed of the composite auras of the units of
the race. For instance, the aura of the Atlantean root-race and that of the Aryan
are widely diverse, and radically different. We have, therefore, demonstrated our
first point that, as the units evolve, the colours change and this is brought
about by the transmutation of what you term vices, into virtues.”

What Dr. Kilner had discovered is the etheric or health aura. The astral
(emotional) and mental auras are of a higher vibration and therefore have to be
seen with different instruments, or clairvoyantly.

In a lecture at the Institut Metaphysique International, Paris, in May 1926, Raoul

de Fleuriere said “it is clear that, as far as my experience goes, this fluid (the
aura) is the external and palpable radiation of vast and innumerable energies
which constantly stream from the human being. Judging from its reactions….in it
are light, heat, tremors, electric and magnetic currents….”

The magazine, Health and Healing (Vol 11 No. 4 page 47) provides a comment that
body energy pulsates at approximately 8 hertz or 8 cycles per second. The planet
Earth, birds, animals, plants and soil, also pulsate at that level. Maintain the
frequency and the body is ‘ordered’. New technology provides a print-out of the
energy fields surrounding the body, giving feedback on the state of its
electromagnetic health.

That new technology will be referring to Kirlian photography and PIP photography.
The former was invented during the 1950’s by a husband/wife team in Russia, when
they photographed objects in an alternating current high frequency electric field.
They found that a dead object has a constant field while living matter has lights
of various colours, often changing. Anger, drunkenness, and other disturbances to
body harmony produce definite changes in the aura.
The latter is poly-image-interface photography which displays the aura and the
centres’ colours on a computer screen. Russian research, using salamander eggs
revealed that at the moment of fertilisation an electrical field developed which
served as a blueprint for the building of the rest of the body tissue.

Harking back to the influence of the Earth energies we find in Earth Honouring the
statement “Over 20 years of research in the field of biorhythms demonstrates that
the metabolic processes in living organisms are geared to regular movements from
the Sun, the Moon, and the planets in relation to the Earth. These movements
include the rotation of the Earth upon its axis, the Earth’s revolution around the
Sun, and the Moon’s encircling of the Earth. Indeed, it is presently believed that
there is no bodily process that does not exhibit cyclic variations: that all
organisms on Earth contain metabolic clocks which, at apportioned intervals
related to geo-celestial cycles, trigger essential internal biological

If the universe’s energies do affect us we should expect to find some evidence for
this in the responses of individuals, which can be measured or made apparent in
statistical form. In days gone by people who showed abnormal reactions at the time
of the full Moon were labelled ‘lunatics’. This has some physical backing because
the lunar energies at the full Moon result in liquids having their highest surface
tension, thus impacting on the fluids surrounding the brain of susceptible

A statistical analysis of the effects of changes in energy vibration is – “In

1961, Robert Becker began to look at the effects on humans of disturbances in
Earth’s field caused by magnetic storms in the Sun. He compared the admissions of
over 28,000 patients to psychiatric hospitals with sixty-seven severe magnetic
storms recorded during the previous four years, and found a strong correlation.
Significantly more people were admitted just after magnetic upheavals. He watched
schizophrenic patients already in hospital and found marked changes in behaviour
just when low energy cosmic ray flares were disrupting Earth’s field. He found
high levels of stress, abnormal endocrine activity and slowed reaction times
during sunspot activity. And concluded that our body’s direct electrical control
system is tuned by natural rhythms and is responsive to changes that take place at
surprisingly low levels.”

“Among other possible avenues of research is the carrying forward of the work of
Dr. Kilner with the human aura, which he has embodied in his book, The Human
Atmosphere. Still further lines of investigation into the supernormal powers have
been well summed up for us in a recent statement from an Australian periodical
called The Federal Independent, and from which two paragraphs are here quoted:

"New light on Christ's walking on the waters was thrown recently by a scientist
who has been making a special study of Einstein's newest theory of relativity. As
a result of his investigations Professor H.H. Sheldon says that he may find it
possible to assert that the Biblical narrative at which the sceptics have so long
mocked is a fact explicable by scientific laws. `The miracle can be accepted by
the most sceptical minds as soon as they recognize the fact that the basic laws of
relativistic mechanics and of electricity can be reduced to one formula, and that
the power of electromagnetism can influence and completely control gravitation,'
said Professor Sheldon. According to Einstein's latest mathematical theory there
is only one substance and one universal law containing electric and gravitational
components, both of which are united into a single formula, and each of which
influences the other. Dr. Sheldon now believes that as a result of this discovery
such things as keeping aeroplanes aloft without engines or material support, and
stepping out of a window into the air without fear of falling, are avenues of
investigation easily suggested. `If this theory stands up as a proof that
electricity and gravitation are virtually the same, we can actually isolate
ourselves from the force of gravitation,' he declared. In actual proof of these
seemingly incredible possibilities, Dr. Sheldon showed how a bar of permalloy,
which is usually sensitive to magnetism, will remain suspended seemingly by air
alone, if a magnet is placed underneath it.

In the light of Einstein's new theory, therefore, it may be that Christ's freedom
from the accepted laws of gravitation, which would have forced Him to sink as soon
as His feet touched the surface of the sea, was due to a prodigious amount of
electro-magnetism in His own body, and from a force springing from the strength of
His personality and vitality. In all the paintings of Christ He is shown with a
halo about His head. Once this halo was regarded as the product of His disciples'
overwrought imaginations. But during the last few years science, along with many
students of psychic phenomena, has shown by means of actual experiments that every
human being has an aura which strongly resembles that refulgence emanating from
any powerful electric machine.

Such a statement is a further proof that science is rapidly crossing the border-
line separating things material from things spiritual. Once we realize that the
knowledge of higher laws can overcome the resistance of lower laws, then we shall
enter our true spiritual heritage."

During an Arcane School Conference in London, in June 1998, as reported in the

summary of the proceedings on page 7, a speaker noted that the human aura is
fourfold, having etheric, health, astral, and mental components. In the majority
of individuals the astral aura is quite pronounced, the mental aura tending to be
relatively small. The mental aura can develop rapidly if development of the
spiritual faculties is undertaken on a regular basis.

Our auras tend to reflect what we are and as we look out into the world what we
see is coloured by the state of our auras. Demonstration of a soul quality means
that a magnetic aura is forming which attracts impressions from a higher level of
The aura of any form of life can be defined as ‘the quality of a sphere of
radiatory activity, and it is also the reflection of the soul in the human form.
It is the aura which is the vehicle of expression of what we essentially are. We
cannot escape that radiatory activity which we carry with us and which can be
‘read’ by people who contact us. If we are living at the ordinary level of sensing
we pick up feelings from people but a clairvoyant vision can reveal the essential
person by an interpretation of the colours and the strengths of the emanations
from the various bodies.

Everyone needs to be aware that one’s thoughts, words, and actions, are faithfully
recorded within our auras. If there is sufficient emphasis in a particular
direction it begins to be incorporated in our essence and then forms part of
humanity’s aura. For this reason it is useful to remember that we should always be
as positive and as uplifting as possible, whenever thinking, talking, and acting.

Another aspect of one’s aura is that every time we form a relationship with
someone, a fragment of the aura will attach itself to them, the extent of which
will depend on the depth and type of relationship. Connectedness of auras extends
throughout the created world – human to humanity’s aura, humanity to the Earth’s
aura, Earth’s aura to the Solar system’ aura, and so on, much like a set of
Russian dolls. In ‘Journey to Ixtlan’ by Carlos Casteneda, Don Juan told Carlos
that there were infinite numbers of lines that connected us to things. The most
durable come from the middle of the body and one can feel the world through its

At a purely physical level, the fact of the aura tends to explain why organ
transplants are usually rejected unless a continual supply of drugs is taken into
the body. When an organ is removed from the donor it takes with it part of the
donor’s aura. Implantation into the recipient results in an interference, at a
vibrational level, with the receiving aura, which can presumably last for the rest
of the lifetime. The reason the drugs have a subduing effect on the interference
is because they themselves are energy bodies and act as dampers on the conflict of
energies. Perhaps this is the basis for the belief that the Bible prohibits the
taking or the eating of blood, which would have a subtle effect on the person
taking it in.

The Soul

Earlier on in the chapter there was a reference to the soul. This is that elusive
something that science is dubious about because as yet, there is no way of
measuring it, or viewing it.

The Webster International Dictionary defines the soul as –“An entity, conceived as
the essence, substance, or actuating cause of individual life, especially of life
manifested in psychical activities; the vehicle of individual existence, separate
in nature from the body and usually held to be separable in existence.” Among
other thoughts about the soul we find that the Egyptians held that it was a divine
ray acting through a peculiar, fluid-like compound; the Jews regarded it as the
vital principle; Hindus teach that the human soul is a portion of an immutable
principle, the Soul of the World, the Anima Mundi, the all-pervading ether
(Akasha) of space; the Greeks held that the soul, with all the mental faculties,
was separable from the body, and the Romans saw it as a triplicity, a spiritual
soul, an intellectual soul or mind and a vital body.

At an Arcane School Conference in London, June, 1992, one of the speakers referred
to the Ancient Wisdom – the soul is that which is brought into being when the
Spirit (Father) aspect is related to the Matter (Mother) aspect. That union
expresses a quality which, in the mineral kingdom is the beauty of the crystal; in
the vegetable kingdom it is attractiveness through colour and perfume; the animal
kingdom provides instinct and the devotion of domesticated animals to human beings
and, finally, in the human kingdom it is love and identification of consciousness
with all forms of life.
During the progression of the lives the pull of material ambition loses its hold
on the incarnating soul and there then begins the clash between it and the
personality, which also involves the elementals in the body. In a Treatise on
White Magic (pp35/36) the Tibetan refers to the soul as the attractive force of
the created universe which holds all forms together so that the Life of God may
manifest through them and it is that which gives distinctive characteristics and
differing form manifestations.

Life is meant to be a progression from the lowest physical form back to the
originating source, the Creator. The devolution of life, from the ‘big bang’ has
come to an end and humanity is now on the evolutionary spiral. Life-forms will now
begin to aggregate rather than segregate with the human first stage being re-
connection with the soul. The soul is, as it were, the interface between the
material and the spiritual levels of consciousness. The process is the gradual
growth to the point where awareness of the soul is gained that provides the means
to attain an initiation, which simply means reaching a higher state of
consciousness, a point at which the material grip on life is again lessened.

Until there is a sufficient awareness of why we are here, and how we are to
progress, we have to rely on a natural uplifting of the denser forces. Reception
of the four following items of information, as recorded in Guided Writings, gives
an overview of what is involved –

“When we can see how many levels the body/soul/ego and so forth are able to
operate on, one should then realise why it is necessary to be aware of ourselves.
It is no wonder that so many would rather not, or cannot as yet manage to, cope
with all of the variables and intricacies that we are capable of. For those on the
path it is best to go slowly and learn well; and as the basic senses become more
under our control, then can be added other senses, but never before each step is
understood and amenable to discipline. So balancing is important, and one
meditation or communing period should be spent each day in checking over, and
instructing one's particular sense/self in the proper procedure. That is why it is
good to have the basic self, reactions, thoughts etc., under complete control, to
the point that it becomes mostly automatic.”

“Know also that your paths will alter as each body is brought into harmony with
the higher self; for we are on a series of bypaths until a medium of self-control
has been established; for all of the differing bodies, until then are travelling
or aspiring to travel different paths. They may feel that they have the same goal
in mind, but generally their view is somewhat clouded, or distorted by their
particular bents - it is only in union of purpose that we see the desired end of
striving, The God Head in depth and clarity. This I mention now, for so many on
your plane have reached the degree of knowledge and yearning towards the higher
planes; but then confusion sets in when one or other body strays, or acts up. Like
a boat with one paddle or oar, you all then work strenuously, and find the shore
as far away as ever as you and your vehicle, go around in circles. We wish to see
you reach that shore, or the ship that will take you further out into the seas of
discovery. Here is your second oar, in what has just been scribed. Straighten out
your ship, however small it may be, and be the master of your diverse bodies.

“Many recognise that the animal, insect and other life forms behave most
erratically, reaching stages of aggression and self-destructiveness when their
living space becomes impinged upon. Even the humans were unable to carry on
beneficially when all the different aural vibrations met, mixed and clashed.
Peace, harmony, love and even creativity do not thrive in a crossing of noises –
sound waves –oral or psychic.

When the humans realise what truly beneficial conditions are needed, then they
will organise, or allow the old pattern to return. Isolation is not the ideal,
simply a way of being able to regularise one’s thought emissions, if not patterns
totally, and sufficient quiet and space, plus harmonious visual patterns to soothe
and inspire our real being.”

“To integrate the bodies is a very tall order indeed as the lowest level is the
most influential until you manage to overcome it. Materialistic outlooks prevail
which affect the emotions, then comes the mental and then spiritual. Each is
tugged at by the other. No one body should be worked on at the expense of the
others, simply apply an overall influence on them all with an equal emphasis to
each in turn. To worry more re emotional will tend to detract from the others. To
give more to the spiritual or etheric, even if it is uplifting is still leaving an

In religion, and philosophy, the soul is defined as that part which survives
death. There are, however, many different interpretations including that by René
Descartes who regards it as the mind, whereas Buddhism holds that the individual
soul is illusory. The Buddhist view may be closer to reality as it is quite likely
that souls are like drops of water in the body of the ocean.

The number seven again crops up as there is one group soul on each of the Seven
Rays thus accounting for the differing qualities that go to make up a living

It is the soul which creates and overlooks the progress of the organism, whether
it be a species of plant or animal, a human being, and even cities and nations
have an initiating soul.

The purpose of the soul and its effects upon the life form of its creation can
best be expressed in the two following quotations: -

“It should be remembered that each ray embodies an idea which can be sensed as an
ideal. The rays in time produce the world pattern which moulds all planetary
forms and thus bears witness to the inner potency of the evolutionary processes.
This pattern-forming tendency is being recognised today by modern psychology in
connection with the human being and his emotional or thought patterns are being
charted and studied. So it is with the nations and races also. Every ray
produces three major patterns which are imposed upon the form nature, whether it
be that of a man, a nation or a planet. These three patterns are: the emotional
pattern, embodying the aspiration of a man, a nation or a race; it is the sum
total of the desire tendency at any one time; the mental pattern, emerging later
in time and governing the thought processes of a man, a nation or a race. The
emotional and mental patterns are the negative and positive aspects of the
personality of a man, a nation or a race. The soul pattern is the pre-disposing
and spiritual goal, the ring-pass-not or destiny which the spiritual principle
succeeds eventually in imposing upon the personality of a man, a nation or a race.
This soul pattern eventually supersedes and obliterates the two earlier pattern-
producing processes.”

“The sutratma is the direct stream of life, unbroken and immutable, which can be
regarded symbolically as a direct stream of living energy flowing from the centre
to the periphery, and from the source to the outer expression or the phenomenal
appearance. It is the life. It produces the individual process and the
evolutionary unfoldment of all forms. It is, therefore, the path of life, which
reaches from the monad to the personality, via the soul. This is the thread soul
and it is one and indivisible. It conveys the energy of life and finds its final
anchor in the centre of the human heart and at some central focal point in all
forms of divine expression. Naught is and naught remains but life.”

After overseeing the creation of a particular organism the soul tends to let it be
to unconsciously work its way through the early stages of existence. There would
be little point in controlling the progress because this would preclude freedom of
will to choose the path to be taken in purifying the body. The soul is always
connected to the body as explained next: -

“I have stated here and elsewhere that the soul anchors itself in the body at two

1. There is a thread of energy, which we call the life or spirit aspect, anchored
in the heart. It uses the blood stream, as is well known, as its distributing
agency and, through the medium of the blood, life-energy carries regenerating
power and coordinating energy to all the physical organisms and keeps the body

2. There is a thread of energy, which we call the consciousness aspect or the

faculty of soul knowledge, anchored in the centre of the head. It controls that
response mechanism which we call the brain, and through its medium it directs
activity and induces awareness throughout the body by means of the nervous

But it doesn’t take an active part in the future development until such time as
its created entity begins to show awareness of the guiding energy body. When that
stage is reached the work involved is to integrate and fuse soul and personality
body, the latter taking on the attributes of the soul.

Chapter 6 Why Are We Here - Reincarnation and Karma

Most of us have probably wondered, at times, why am I here? We may have a deformed
body, a chronic illness, be beset by mental problems, suffer a lack of money or
one of the myriads of other difficulties that one is open to experience. And then
again, we may have been blessed with a healthy body and a life that generally
flows in peace and serenity with odd crises here and there.

There is a reason for this and it has never made sense to me that a just God would
sentence His creations to such strife when the world could have been made a place
of harmony, of love, and satisfying relationships.

Man’s progress through the ages has been one of an evolving consciousness, an
ability to become more aware of what life is and how it can be improved for all of
humanity. It has generally been through experiencing suffering and pain that we
have become aware of what we need to do to put it behind us. This was not
inflicted on us by God but by our own actions. If you look at the world today,
with open eyes and understanding, you will realise that the many wars, and
antagonisms at an individual level, stem from a desire to take whatever is
possible in order to fulfil one’s own inner needs. Companies inflict illness and
other adversities on a population in order to make a profit – there is little, if
any, consideration for the rights of those who are disadvantaged.
The whole purpose of the creation of life is to achieve harmony within the entire
universe and it is within our power to achieve this within a relatively short
period of time provided that we play our part as individuals in effecting changes
within ourselves. We are given many opportunities to do this through the operation
of the Law of Karma (Law of Rebirth) and many lives.


The concept of reincarnation can be traced back for thousands of years to

countries such as Egypt, Babylonia, Greece, and India. Scriptures from the Hindu,
Buddhist, and Taoist religions contain many detailed references to the doctrine.
There was a 500-year tradition of reincarnation in the Christian Church, supported
by adherents such as St. Clemen, St. Gregory of Nyssa, Justin martyr and Origen.
References to reincarnation can be found in the Bible at Jeremiah 1:5, Proverbs
8:22-31, St. John 17:5 and Ephesians 1:4.

In St. Matthew 7:1-2 Christ said “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what
measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” – note that this seems to be
related to the personal level, not judge as in a court of law. Christ also made
clear reference to it when He stated that “John the Baptist was Elijah redivivus”
(living again) as written in St, Matthew 11:7-15 and 17:9-13.

In recent times, believers in reincarnation as a philosophy included such names as

Schopenhauer, Swedenborg and Nietzsche.

At the Second Council of Constantinople in AD 553 the Christian Church removed the
doctrine of reincarnation. Was this for a genuine belief that the idea of
reincarnation was flawed, or was it for political reasons, to enhance the power of
the church. If individuals did in fact move from body to body there would be less
reason for them to believe that salvation, or heaven, resided in obedience to the
dictates of the priesthood.

The Rev. Patrick Blakiston stated “But the leaders of the churches are going to
have to take note of the testimony of an increasing number of people who believe
in it (reincarnation), not primarily because of arguments in its favour as an
intellectual concept, persuasive though these may be, but through their personal
experience of far-memory of previous lives. And there are those who claim to be in
Group Reincarnation: that is, to be conscious of having linked up in their present
lives with individuals with whom they have been connected in earlier

Reincarnation, or rebirth, does make a lot of sense if one views the creation of
the universe as a means whereby God can experience ‘life’ through us. The onus is
on us to achieve enlightenment and freedom from the material plane with all of its
pitfalls and ability to cause much discomfort. Each life is chosen to provide a
way of improving our lot, of enabling us to think through what we must do to
minimise the number of times we must inhabit a physical body. The present life is
always chosen to provide the potential circumstances needed for further growth and
improvement. We can experiment, experience and express the indwelling divinity,
the soul.

Is there any concrete evidence that reincarnation is a fact? The answer, from a
purely scientific viewpoint is no. For what proof there is we have to look at what
researchers, and personal experience, provide. Some indications of living a
succession of lives in different bodies are provided in the following paragraphs.

“Research, now underway in one of India’s top scientific institutes, could prove
that many of us had a previous life. So far, at least 45 possible reincarnation
cases have already been ferreted out, challenging traditional human belief. Behind
the extraordinary research is Dr. Satwant Pasricha, a 35-year old woman
psychologist at the prestigious National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro
Sciences, Bangalore, and formerly a research associate at the University of
Virginia, Charlottesville. Says Dr. G.G. Prabhu, head of the Clinical Psychology
Department at the Institute, of reincarnation research, “The entire methodology is
rigorous, empirical and scientific. There have been earlier attempts to study
reincarnation, but not in this elaborate and scientific fashion. Though it is too
early to say whether they have established something, the work can stand
scientific scrutiny anywhere in the world.”

Derek Greatrex wrote in New Humanity No 49, p 12, “The experience gained by every
living being is built into the thought-pattern of its species and of life itself.
In that way, it can be said to survive death. However, a ‘personalised’ being
survives as a pattern of experience clustered round the concept of a separate ‘I’,
and after death this seems to go through a process of evaluation in the light of
ethical standards. This is the ‘judgement’ described in various religions and
occult teachings…..What remains is a kind of psychic chromosome; a pattern of
experience not only from the past life, but from other lives too; an unbalanced
and distorted pattern, probably, with many imperfections, unfinished business,
unrealised potentials.”

He continues, in speaking of choosing a body – “More likely, I think, the ‘psychic

chromosome’ or reincarnating entity lies dormant, like a seed in the Earth or a
gramophone record on a shelf, until the right environment arises.”

The previous chapter contained a description of DNA, which included a reference to

‘junk DNA’. There is always purpose in the way of nature and if we cannot easily
understand apparent inconsistencies there is a need to continue investigation
before fixing on a course of action. I recently read that some scientists believe
there is structured order in the ‘junk DNA’ and it is conceivable that this very
large section of the DNA strand has a connection with reincarnation. Every time
that a cell is replaced the DNA has to replicate itself and there seems to be
little point in expending energy to replace ‘junk DNA’ unless there is some
purpose in it.

The use of an analogy can at times serve a useful purpose and I suggest that the
principle of a computer is an apt one. Computers, over the decades they have been
developed, have experienced an enormous reduction in size and a vast increase in
the ability to store information in smaller and smaller receptacles, even
projecting this to go to the size of a molecule. They were created by man, himself
the result of an omnipotent Creator, and mirror, to only a small degree, the
vastness and depths of that consciousness. It is not too far-fetched to theorise
that the ‘junk DNA’ is, in fact, the storage area for all our lives’ experiences.
This would help to explain the ability to regress into prior life experiences as
it is merely the brain, using its electromagnetic facilities to access stored
electromagnetic information in the DNA.

Charles Spaegal had a similar thought in mind when he wrote “Consciousness can be
described as an electronic process of rectification and purveyance, expressing in
the polarity function of cause and effect. Past-life experiences, programmed as
‘information energy sine waves’, are retained in the master computer or psychic
anatomy to be reinstated life-after-life as consciousness.”

Dr. Arthur Guirdham (a psychiatrist) wrote in issue No 105 of new Humanity that
“depressions extending over weeks are often the re-echo of tragic periods lived in
former incarnations.” In New Humanity No 68 p 6 he states, “What I found in my
exploration of the psyche was more specific. I found that the repression of
psychic gifts like telepathy and healing was a potent cause of depression. I found
that depression accompanied by physical symptoms could originate in past
incarnations and be manifested on the anniversary of sorrows and disasters endured
centuries ago.”

There is a number of books (see the bibliography) which deal with the regression
of individuals into prior lives by the use of hypnosis and other methods of
accessing the stored memories which are carried forward from life to life. The
blotting out of memories of former lives is a blessing. Recall at will could
depress or over-inflate one’s sense of worth in the present life.
If, as some churches teach, we have only one life in which to determine whether we
go to ‘heaven’ or ‘hell’, it is no wonder that so many give way to baser impulses.
Being born into a poor family, for example, with little opportunity to access
sufficient education and perhaps be thrown on the scrap heap of unemployment at an
early age, can condemn some individuals to a belief that anything goes in order to
keep the body alive. In this sort of a situation crime and drugs would not appear
to be immoral, after all, ‘life has dealt me a rotten hand’. Were it possible,
however, to introduce the thought into such a person’s mind that he has lived
before and will live again in another body, and that he/she has some control over
a future destiny, there could well be a change in attitude. Having only one life
is one thing, but having many opens up a whole new range of possibilities to be
thought about.

When a relative, friend, acquaintance etc., commits suicide there is always regret
at the loss of a loved one, a life, and the question always arises, ‘why did it
happen’? In the book ‘Reflections on Life After Life’ Dr. Moody investigated many
cases of suicide attempts that ended in near-death experiences. All of the persons
disavowed suicide as a means of returning to the death state. They all stated they
felt that suicidal attempts solved nothing as whatever they were trying to get
away from was still there on the other side, unresolved.

One reason for attempting to escape from this life may be an unexpected train of
events after birth. There is reason to accept the idea that an entity awaiting a
body to be born into may be over-anxious, and choose one that will not provide the
experiences needed to adjust the karma from previous existences. Subject to the
free will of the parents it is possible to view the likely progress of the child
into adulthood. If the conditions that arise as life goes on are far from what is
needed the subconscious may be distressed and seek to influence a curtailment of
the life. This situation, however, should be faced as human life is sacred in the
sense that the spirit is more important than the material form, which is provided
for the purpose of being spiritualised. In this connection Immanuel Kant wrote “…
as soon as we examine suicide from the standpoint of religion we immediately see
it in its true light. We have been placed in this world under certain conditions
and for specific purposes. But a suicide opposes the purpose of his creator; he
arrives in the other world as one who has deserted his post; he must be looked
upon as a rebel against God….God is our owner; we are his property; his providence
works for our good.”

It is somewhat ironical that individuals who look down on other nationalities and
ethnic groups may well have lived a life, or lives, in one of those bodies or may
very well do so in a future lifetime. A wider recognition of reincarnation as a
possibility might help humanity in general to become more accepting of peoples
different from themselves. As one changes bodies there are also alternations
between the sexes, enabling the consciousness to reflect the different outlooks.
Again, acceptance of this Law of Rebirth could do much to increase the
appreciation of the two sexes for each others qualities. Being polar by nature
they are both necessary to arrive at a point of balance, perhaps in time human
nature will be a perfect blend of the two.
In Earth Honouring there is an interesting piece about the distribution of sexual
identity within the sexes. “About two-thirds of the continuum toward femininity is
composed of heterosexual males, each having an increasing proportion of female
characteristics, either on a physical, intellectual, psychic, or emotional level.
About one-fourth of the continuum is bisexual males, and the last one-twelfth is
male homosexuality.” It goes on to state that “these are universal musical
proportions, actual quantitative statistics tend to show similar divisions.”

It has been said that human beings can regress to an animal state but that is
definitely untrue. A life of depravity can bring one to the lowest level of human
life but that is where it stops.

A formal definition of reincarnation is found in the Encyclopaedia Britannica: -

Reincarnation, also called TRANSMIGRATION, OR METEMPSYCHOSIS, in religion and

philosophy, rebirth of the soul in one or more successive existences, which may be
human, animal, or, in some instances, vegetable. While belief in reincarnation is
most characteristic of Asian religions and philosophies, it also appears in the
religious and philosophical thought of primitive religions, in some ancient Middle
Eastern religions (e.g., the Greek Orphic mystery, or salvation, religion),
Manichaeism, and Gnosticism, as well as in such modern religious movements as
theosophy. In primitive religions, belief in multiple souls is common. The soul is
frequently viewed as capable of leaving the body through the mouth or nostrils and
of being reborn, for example, as a bird, butterfly, or insect. The Venda of
southern Africa believe that, when a person dies, the soul stays near the grave
for a short time and then seeks a new resting place or another body--human,
mammalian, or reptilian. Among the ancient Greeks, Orphism held that a preexistent
soul survives bodily death and is later reincarnated in a human or other mammalian
body, eventually receiving release from the cycle of birth and death and regaining
its former pure state. Plato, in the 5th-4th century BC, believed in an immortal
soul that participates in frequent incarnations. The major religions that hold a
belief in reincarnation, however, are the Asian religions, especially Hinduism,
Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism, all of which arose in India. They all hold in
common a doctrine of karma ("act"), the law of cause and effect, which states that
what one does in this present life will have its effect in the next life. In
Hinduism the process of birth and rebirth--i.e., transmigration of souls--is
endless until one achieves moksha, or salvation, by realizing the truth that
liberates--i.e., that the individual soul (atman) and the absolute soul (Brahman)
are one. Thus, one can escape from the wheel of birth and rebirth
(samsara).Jainism, reflecting a belief in an absolute soul, holds that karma is
affected in its density by the deeds that a person does. Thus, the burden of the
old karma is added to the new karma that is acquired during the next existence
until the soul frees itself by religious disciplines, especially by ahimsa
("nonviolence"), and rises to the place of liberated souls at the top of the
universe .Although Buddhism denies the existence of an unchanging, substantial
soul, it holds to a belief in the transmigration of the karma of souls. A complex
of psycho-physical elements and states changing from moment to moment, the soul,
with its five skandhas ("groups of elements")--i.e., body, sensations,
perceptions, impulses, and consciousness--ceases to exist; but the karma of the
deceased survives and becomes a vijñana ("germ of consciousness") in the womb of a
mother. This vijñana is that aspect of the soul reincarnated in a new individual.
By gaining a state of complete passiveness through discipline and meditation, one
can leave the wheel of birth and rebirth and achieve nirvana, the state of the
extinction of desires. Sikhism teaches a doctrine of reincarnation based on the
Hindu view but in addition holds that, after the Last Judgment, souls--which have
been reincarnated in several existences--will be absorbed in God. Copyright ©
1994-2001 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

In the foregoing definition the word transmigration appears, meaning that the soul
passes into another body at death. This is not correct as the process requires X
number of years between lives in order that the entity may assess its actions in
the previous life with what it decided to do prior to rebirth. Another reason for
the delay is the need to find a to-be-born body which will reasonably fit its
requirements for the purposes to be accomplished. The following quotation gives
further elaboration on the process:

“As the life of God progresses onwards through form after form, that life in the
subhuman kingdoms of nature proceeds progressively from mineral forms into
vegetable forms, and from these vegetable forms into animal forms; from the animal
form stage, the life of God passes into the human kingdom, and becomes subject to
the Law of Rebirth and not the law of Transmigration. To those who know something
of the Law of Rebirth or of Reincarnation, the mistake seems ridiculous.

The doctrine or theory of reincarnation strikes the orthodox Christian with

horror; yet if one asks him the question which the disciples asked Christ about
the blind man, "Master, did this man sin or his fathers that he was born blind?"
(John IX.2), they refuse the implications; or they express amusement or dismay as
the case may be. The presentation to the world of the thought by the average
occult or theosophical exponent has been, on the whole, deplorable. It has been
deplorable because it has been so unintelligently presented. The best that can be
said is that they have familiarised the general public with the theory; had it,
however, been more intelligently presented, it might have been more generally
accepted in the West.”

The importance of making up your own mind, and not blindly following the lead of
other individuals is emphasised in the following quotation. It is obvious that the
whole question of rebirth is exceedingly complex and the best that we can do is
consider that it makes a lot of sense, take what information we can gather from
various sources and govern our lives accordingly. Any belief in a succession of
lives must surely have an impact on the way we decide to live them, always being
conscious that whatever we decide to do is of our own free will and that we will
inherit what we have sown.

“The occultists of the world, through the theosophical societies and other occult
bodies, so-called, have greatly damaged the presentation of the truth anent
reincarnation through the unnecessary, unimportant, inaccurate and purely
speculative details which they give out as truths anent the processes of death and
the circumstances of man after death. These details are largely dependent upon
the clairvoyant vision of astral psychics of prominence in the Theosophical
Society. Yet in the Scriptures of the world these details are not given, and
H.P.B. in The Secret Doctrine gave none. An instance of this inaccurate and
foolish attempt to throw light upon the theory of rebirth can be seen in the time
limits imposed upon departed human souls between incarnations on the physical
plane and the return to physical rebirth—so many years of absence are proclaimed,
dependent upon the age of the departed soul and its place upon the ladder of
evolution. If, we are told, the soul is very advanced, absence from the physical
plane is prolonged, whereas the reverse is the case. Advanced souls and those
whose intellectual capacity is rapidly developing come back with great rapidity,
owing to their sensitive response to the pull of obligations, interests and
responsibilities already established upon the physical plane. People are apt to
forget that time is the sequence of events and of states of consciousness as
registered by the physical brain. Where no physical brain exists, what humanity
understands by time is nonexistent. The removal of the barriers of the form,
stage by stage, brings an increasing realisation of the Eternal Now. In the case
of those who have passed through the door of death and who still continue to think
in terms of time, it is due to glamour and to the persistence of a powerful
thoughtform. It indicates polarisation upon the astral plane; this is the plane
upon which leading Theosophical writers and psychics have worked, and upon which
they have based their writings. They are quite sincere in what they say, but omit
to recognise the illusory nature of all findings based on astral clairvoyance.
The recognition of a pronounced time factor, and the constant emphasis laid upon
timing, are characteristic of all highly developed people in incarnation and of
those whose lower, concrete minds are powerful in calibre. Children and child-
races on the one hand, and those highly advanced people whose abstract minds are
functioning (through the medium of the interpretive lower mind), usually have no
sense of time. The initiate uses the time factor in his relations and his
dealings with those living upon the physical plane, but is detached within himself
from all recognition of it elsewhere in the universe.”

The Law of Rebirth does not apply only to human beings as the whole of creation is
in constant movement, passing into, and out of, conscious appearance as is so
elegantly explained in the following extracts: -

“In this ray activity will be found the true significance of the Law of Rebirth,
and it lies behind the process of incarnation and of reincarnation. Upon this I
may not here dwell, beyond pointing out that men's ideas and teaching anent
reincarnation are as yet childish and inaccurate. Much readjustment must be made,
and much re-arrangement of ideas is necessitated, before a true understanding of
this basic cyclic law will be possible.

Cyclic appearance, therefore, governs the rays as well as the Kingdoms in nature
and the forms contained therein. It determines the activity of God Himself.
Races incarnate, disappear and reincarnate, and so do all lives in form.
Reincarnation or cyclic activity lies behind all phenomenal activity and
appearance. It is an aspect of the pulsating life of Deity. It is the breathing
out and the breathing in of the process of divine existence and manifestation. It
is that which lies behind the science of chemical affinity, of the relation of the
polar opposites, and of the marriage relation, whether that of men and women or of
the soul and its expression, the personality. It is the cause of the sex relation
in the world, which works under the great Law of Attraction and Repulsion.”

“In themselves, rebirth and reincarnation are misleading terms and "cyclic
impulsion," "intelligent purposeful repetition" and "conscious in-breathing and
out-breathing" would describe more accurately this cosmic process.”

In noting that everything in the universe acts on a cyclic basis a reference in

Hindu scriptures to a year of Brahma gives an indication of the enormous span of
time as measured in human terms: -

Page 792 of A Treatise on Cosmic Fire contains the following explanation of a year
of Brahma: -

a. 100 years of Brahma An occult century. The period of a solar system.

b. One year of Brahma The period of seven chains, where the seven
planetary schemes are concerned.

c. One week of Brahma The period of seven rounds in one scheme. It

has a chain significance.

d. One day of Brahma The occult period of a round.

These are the greater periods of time, and when their significance is
comprehended, much that is now obscure will be revealed. As yet, it is only to
initiates that the true figures are given, the figures in the Secret Doctrine,
such as the 100 years of Brahma, strike the general average but it must be ever
remembered that in considering the figures where a scheme, for instance, is
concerned, much latitude has to be allowed for individual planetary karma, and

Some idea of what happens when an entity is seeking to be re-born in another body
is given in this extract from ‘Guided Writings’. It also reflects the ‘chances’
that are taken in those cases where the results are not as clear cut as one would
like. It also exposes the need for everyone to live as good a life as possible in
order to provide the best possible circumstances for the incoming personality. In
view of the current feelings on the question of abortion some of the comments may
help to settle one’s own position on the subject.

“Abortion is something that should not really happen in an ordered society unless
it is a case of spontaneous abortion. Spirits here, readying for incarnation,
choose parents regardless of whether there is a possibility of abortion, although
if one has chosen the trial of being crippled or blinded it is not as clear cut as
it used to be, as of course the spirit would prefer to be born rather than have to
re-choose a “setting".

When there is a pregnancy because of inter-family interference a spirit here may

still choose to inhabit the foetus; also if the pregnancy has occurred through
rape; but "things" become far more difficult. In the first case the genes and
background are obvious but the recessive effect is tricky. In rape it is difficult
as (especially when more than one influence (male) is present) the genetic
background and "carry-forward" possibilities of behaviour of all “families”
concerned is very difficult to chart.

Again, spirits may choose this return but they have their own special reasons, and
there are many valid ones which we will deal with another time - but the chance of
abortion does complicate and inhibit the entry into the foetus. Sometimes the soul
enters and settles in full confidence, and they will "go in" at the first
opportunity. When it is incest or rape and there is a question about the outcome
some spirits delay entry and even then (or when they enter at first chance) they
"sit" uneasily. When the child is born the soul never really does well as
reincarnation should be as a whole-hearted approach, in many cases it is difficult
enough, without the uncertainty factor.

Abortion as such is not a real crime "to the foetus" unless it is so late, and
even then the spirit recovers but it is a "small death" often, in those cases.
Early on there is not a spirit present, a spark of life perhaps, but mechanical
rather than a soul spark unless, as we say, there is a strong certainty of foetus
survival in which case the soul may enter at the first possible moment.

Abortion is a sad thing to the female, even if in many cases any effect (aside
from relief) is denied. This would come under a sub-conscious effect and in
normally sensitive psyches colours their emotions for quite some time. Extremely
sensitive persons would be more affected, longer, etc.

We, and certainly not Earth's peoples, cannot make moral judgements re abortion as
it is not your life and not your karma. The karmic result depends on many things,
all personal to the persons involved (the male has his share of karmic duty to
assume). In an ideal society abortions would not exist except for medical purposes
in quite strict cases. In an ideal society, on your Earth that is, it is not a
question on other planets, ones more evolved. So while abortion is not something
to be encouraged, in the long view one cannot judge, if the innocent were to be
made to suffer along with the self-indulgent, in your vernacular "they'll get
theirs". But it should be more controlled in one sense, to have lax standards and
then abort is a very poor standard of life indeed. So the morals are what should
be looked at of the world at large, not just some young, or misguided peoples.”


“Karma. Physical action. Metaphysically, the law of retribution; the law of

cause and effect, or ethical causation. There is the karma of merit and the karma
of demerit. It is the power that controls all things, the resultant of moral
action, or the moral effect of an act committed for the attainment of something
which gratifies a personal desire.”

Karma is defined in the Encyclopaedia Britannica as: -

“Sanskrit KARMAN ("act"), Pali Kamma, in Indian philosophy, the influence of an

individual's past actions on his future lives, or reincarnations. The doctrine of
karma reflects the Hindu conviction that this life is but one in a chain of lives
(samsara) and that it is determined by man's actions in a previous life. This is
accepted as a law of nature, not open to further discussion. The moral energy of a
particular act is preserved and fructifies automatically in the next life, where
it shows up in one's class, nature, disposition, and character. The process is
mechanical, and no interference by God is admitted, except by some of the later
and more extreme theists. Thus the law of karma explains the inequalities that are
observed among creatures. In the course of the chain of lives, an individual can
perfect himself, until he reaches the eminence of the god Brahma himself, or he
can degrade himself in such an evil way that he is reborn as an animal. Not only
do past acts influence the circumstances of the next life, they also determine
one's happiness or unhappiness in the hereafter between lives, where he will spend
a time in either one of the heavens or one of the hells until the fruits of his
karma have been all but consumed and the remainder creates a new life for him.
Buddhism and Jainism incorporated doctrines of karma as part of their common
Indian legacy. The Buddhists interpret it strictly in terms of ethical cause and
effect. In Jainism, karma is regarded not as a process but as a fine particulate
substance that produces the universal chain of cause and effect and of birth and
death. Copyright © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.”

Karma is also referred to as the Law of Cause and Effect and perhaps this is a
more appropriate terminology as it rightly expresses what happens. Behind every
effect that we experience there is a cause, and that cause can result from a
right, or a wrong, motive. This can be qualified further by saying that to do
something right with wrong motive is as wrong as doing something wrong with the
right motive. Our objective should be to match our motives with the rightness of
what we should do. A way of carrying out this process is to follow the eightfold
path that was devised by the Buddha, i.e.,
Right understanding
Right purpose (aspiration)
Right speech
Right conduct
Right vocation
Right effort
Right thoughts
Right concentration

Ones’ karma should not be taken as a disaster to be unfolded as it is in reality a

balancing act. The objective is to be in harmony with everything in the universe
and this is accomplished over a series of lives wherein what was gained, or lost,
in a previous life (lives) is brought forward to be used, or worked on, in the
present incarnation.

Humanity’s karma began in the Atlantean era when mind was developing and the
arising of selfishness, material wants and greed caused the thought-forms to form
part of the aura. All of us should be engaged in dispersing this karma in order to
bring about an end to this negativity.

In the books written by Alice Bailey the Tibetan has a great deal to say about the
Law of Cause and Effect. One aspect is that of the different types of karma as
explained in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire: -

“Types of Karma. We might here enumerate the different types of KARMA, even
though we have not the time to enlarge upon the subject. A book by itself of vast
proportions could not contain all that might be said. We should bear in mind that
KARMA is imposed upon the ensouling entity through the medium of matter or of
substance itself (which is coloured by it) and that this matter or substance is
intelligent material composed of deva essence.

Cosmic Karma—Imposed upon the solar Logos from outside of the system.

Systemic Karma—The working out by the Logos of effects set in motion in previous
Kalpas, and which influence His present type of Body.

Planetary Karma—The individual karma of a Heavenly Man, which is just as different

from that of another Heavenly Man, as is the karma of the different members of the
human family.

The Karma of a chain, which is bound up in the life experience of that entity who
ensouls a chain, and is a centre in the body of a Heavenly Man, in the same sense
as a Heavenly Man within His scheme is a centre in the body of the solar Logos.

Globe Karma—The individual destiny of the entity who is a centre in the body of
the ensouling Life of a chain.

These five existences above enumerated, who are worked upon by karma, are all
cosmic and solar Lords of Light, Who achieved intelligence, and passed through the
human kingdom many kalpas ago.

Plane Karma—This is inextricably mixed up with the karma of the planetary Logos
and of the Raja-Lord, and is dependent upon the interplay between these two
opposite poles,—the masculine and feminine aspect of the Divine Hermaphrodite.

The Karma of a subplane, or the destiny of certain lesser entities who manifest
through these planes.

In these two types of karma, we have what one might term the "Karma of the
Hierarchies" as it has been brought about since the manifesting of the solar
system. It is the result of the past of this system, and not so much the working
out of effects originating in previous solar systems.”

“Repetition in space: This concept is involved deep in the greater concept of

karma, which is really the law that governs the matter of the solar system, and
which commenced its work in earlier solar systems. We have, therefore, cycles in
order, and repetition in an ever-ascending spiral, under definite law.”

Karma gives a reason for the appearance of a genius who has exceptional expertise
in the various fields such as music, art, mathematics and science. The traits
usually show up from a very early age and decry any thoughts that the abilities
could have been picked up in current life associations. The genius does not come
from the genetic make-up but is carried forward in the permanent atoms that were
mentioned in a previous chapter.

From a humanistic viewpoint we are born to fulfil a need rather than overcome
something – e.g., everything born at a point in time has the qualities of that
point in time. As wholeness consists of its parts plus an overall undefinable
something which makes the whole more than just the sum of its parts I believe that
if everything born within a span of time was left free to follow its dharma there
would be complete harmony. It is when a parent, for example, deliberately
influences a child to become something which it is not innately suited for, that
an unbalanced personality is created.

Karma is not fate. Not one of us is fated for anything as we have the free will to
determine our path. In the East there is the acceptance of fate with a consequent
tendency to wait for events to bring about a balance. In the West the situation is
just about reversed – there is plenty of energy to deal with life and its problems
but a general lack of knowledge about why the problems are there and the most
advantageous way of dealing with them.

A day’s actions, with an interval of overnight sleep, may well result in some
related reaction in the following days, weeks, months, years, or lifetimes. The
timing of the reaction relates to the opportunities available to supply the
potential to utilise the beneficial karma or to experience the effect of negative
karma and the chance to neutralise it by performing an action that offsets it.

Some interesting aspects of karma are related in the following extracts from
‘Guided Writings’: -

“We are not speaking to you to censor your world - censor it as it applies to
yourself and family. And remember that people learn from actions and deeds, not
from anyone's words. If they like what they see they will adopt it, if they're not
ready that is not your responsibility. Many many people are collecting adverse
karma by manipulating the people; don't join them, they feel they're doing the
right thing, so you can see how easy it is to confuse your interference as "just
doing good." (16.4.85)

“It is very odd to see how humans hurt and thwart one another for the strangest
reasons. Just a hint of resemblance to someone out of favour and the poor victim
is made to pay another’s dues. There is no joy to anyone under the circumstances
and it usually adds to each persons karma for the next meeting. Some entity here
can watch added debts being created, and even if it is on the original
protagonists side it still means that they must be allowed to be worked off,
albeit passively on the one side. There are meetings and pairings or groupings
that some entities would be quite happy to avoid, but if they are advanced enough
they may agree to it as assistance to the other. For if you owe a great deal and
the debtee does not wish to participate then you usually have a very hard time -
certainly one miserable lifetime paying your debts off spiritually, overall,
instead of directly to that one person. So that if a very evil person was forgiven
completely by his victims and they refused to enact against him on Earth or
wherever, he has to pay a universal penance for all of the misdeeds and that can
be long, unforeseen (as no deliberate interaction can be reliably set up with so
many and unknown persons involved) and may stretch beyond one's lifetime, plus the
danger of accruing more karma because of frustration at the ambiguity of it all.
Somewhat like "everybody hates me”, or even "nobody likes me", and it could in
fact be true due to an inner defect. So we are always pleased to see protagonists
soften somewhat before the deathbed scenes, for those of course do not count for a
great deal, in most instances. So remember to look to your actions and their
motives.” (20.4.87)

“It's how that knowledge, little or great, is applied. If you know how to act, and
abuse it, woe unto you, it's karma adding up to be worked off, there or in
wherever your re-incarnation occurs. So remember that, it's quite true, that each
man is his own worst enemy, by and large. Well, it shouldn't be all heavy going
all the time or I wouldn't be living up to our word that there is beauty and joy
and happiness all around.”

“There are many uses of karma, it is not cut and dried, and many persons who are
still floundering are not necessarily affected by karma at all, they are affected
by their own need to look inwardly honestly and use discipline to come "in out of
the cold". And I won't explain that one for why should I do all of your thinking
for you?”(10.5.87)

“One can always diminish one's karmic debts by the work on the spirit and growth
as long as that is not undertaken in isolation, e.g., by oneself and for one's own
benefits Some persons chart immense problems for themselves in an effort to break
through the shell of self. Asceticism is a form of ego, and the old ascetics are
finding it difficult to use their strength constructively and for others as well.
Some peoples will not break their patterns for they wish to sacrifice completely
and clear their karmic debts without mitigating circumstances, There are various
reasons for that and it is a personal choice. No one fully escapes karma as life
needs to have trials, and as no one (or nearly so) ever leaves this Earth life
without having inflicted hurt somewhere, there is always a goodly supply of debt
to dabble with.” (24.7.87)

With reference to the idea of forgiveness as enumerated above, another slant is

given by this quotation from The Beacon, July/August 1999 p 23: -
“The act of forgiveness is also closely connected to the Law of Karma. It affects
both the person who forgives and the one in receipt of forgiveness. In
Brotherhood, p 214 we read, “one who has forgiven someone assumes that he has
accomplished something out of the ordinary, whereas he has merely preserved his
own karma from complications. The forgiven one thinks that all is ended, but, of
course, karma remains ahead of him.”

Rudolf Steiner stated that – “Therefore, karma must not be conceived of as an

immutable fate: it is absolutely compatible with the freedom, the will of human
beings. Karma does not demand surrender to an unalterable fate, on the contrary,
it affords us the certainty that no deed, no experience of the human being remains
without effect or runs its course outside of the laws of the world. It affords us
the certainty that every deed or experience is joined to just and compensating

A possible mechanism for the abstraction of work to be done, based on a karmic

inheritance, and inserted into the new-born body is given by Robert St. John –
“Karmic means patterns out of the past other than genetic. The pineal and
pituitary glands are in relationship both at the physical and at the psychic
levels. At the moment when the sperm enters the ovum, and there is the formation
of the first cell, if one considers the whole event from the standpoint of
consciousness, the message of the genes moves upward through the pituitary and is
translated there into another language, that of the pineal. That message from the
genetic pattern opens the pineal to receiving just that karmic pattern which is
appropriate to what the genetic pattern is.”

There is a belief amongst a number of individuals, many of them involved in

medicine and genetics, that it is worthwhile to attempt producing new life that is
free of all abnormality and disease. This is understandable when such individuals
come from a scientific/medical background that finds it difficult to entertain the
thought that life came from a spiritual necessity. Deformity, disease, mental
retardation etc/. are however a necessary adjunct to our lives at our present
stage of development. It is the exposure to adversity, either the parent’s,
child’s, and the community’s side, that offers a spur to developing a better
personality. All readers will have come across many instances of a parent, for
example, developing a great compassion and love for a child that is helpless, an
opportunity to offset some deficiencies that arose in a former life. Without such
a spur that person might well go through life without any reason to make a major
change in themselves. A reincarnating entity might deliberately accept an
imperfect body in order to provide an opportunity to a parent(s) to make a
dramatic change in lifestyle.

There is a penalty for evading the circumstances which life brings to us, a rough
idea of it being given by the following extract: -

“There are many people today who find an alibi for themselves in the present world
situation, and a consequent release from definite action and responsibility, by
saying that what is today happening is simply karma or the working out of cause
and effect, and that there is nothing, therefore, that they can do about it; they
take the position that it is not their affair, and that in due course of time the
process will be worked out and everything will be all right again. The slate will
then be cleaner and incidentally they will not have been embroiled, but will have
safely (even if uncomfortably) looked on. In so doing they overlook the third
aspect of this same law, to which we have given the name of free will. It is the
right use of free will and its understanding expression which must eventually
straighten out and adjust the working out of karma and transmute that which now
works such evil and havoc in the world into a demonstration of good and of the
successful foundation for the pursuit of true happiness. Therefore, those who are
looking on at the tragic sufferings of humanity and who refuse to be implicated,
and thus succeed in evading responsibility as an integral part of the human
family, are definitely storing up for themselves much evil karma. In some way they
must learn participation, because the present situation has in it the seeds of
release for humanity when the nature of evil is somewhat grasped, and above all
when the oneness of humanity and the rights of human beings are truly recognised.
Those who war against the race of men and who seek to wrest from them their God-
given goal of freedom must be driven back from whence they came. Those who refuse
to share in that struggle for freedom will be left out of the gains of freedom,
even if it only means within their own home limits, in their life habits and in
their private circumstances. When I here speak of "being driven back from whence
they came" I am using phrases in both the simple and the occult sense.”

“As to Karma, what man has made he can unmake. This is oft forgotten. Karma is not
a hard and fast rule. It is changeable, according to man's attitude and desire. It
is the presenting of the opportunity to change; this grows out of past activities,
and these rightly met and correctly handled lay the foundation for future
happiness and progress. The present situation is the fault of all peoples in all
countries (particularly the more intelligent) and includes also the great neutrals
if the Law of Rebirth and of joint responsibility means anything at all. Karma is
not all that is bad and evil. Men make it so through their stupidities. There are
today great forces of evil seeking expression in the world; these emerge out of
the past and seek to determine and bring about a very evil future wherein
selfishness, material objectives, and the good and well-being of one race out of
the many must be imposed upon the world—a world which innately revolts against
such an imposition and distortion of reality.”

Some of the turmoil evident in the world today and the exposure of many
wrongdoings now being exposed indicate that it is now time for all of us to be
forthright and honest in our dealings. This finds an echo in the words of the
Tibetan that were written in mid 2000. “I have stated also that we are reaching a
climaxing period in human history; in this period the Lords of Karma are unusually
active; the Law of Cause and Effect is bringing the results of past activities,
the subjective thinking and the secret impulses to the surface, and exacting
penalty and the planned cleaning of the slate of human history. When He Whom all
disciples serve was on Earth two thousand years ago, He said that secret things
would be made plain; by this emergence of the good and of the bad into prominence,
men will arrive at knowledge, at understanding, and will be forced to take those
steps which will be needed to build a new and better world, based on the Law of
Love and not on the Law of Separateness and hate. This is what is happening today.

Co-operating with these karmic Lords are the large groups of initiates and devas
who occupy themselves with the right adjustment of:—

a. World karma,
b. Racial karma,
c. National karma,
d. Group karma,
e. Individual karma,

The Karma of the kingdoms of nature as we know them on our planet:

a. The mineral kingdom.

b. The vegetable kingdom.
c. The animal kingdom.

This is necessarily the karma of the different lunar Lords who ensoul these
kingdoms, and who are working out their purposes through them. We must note that
we have touched therefore upon cosmic, solar, and lunar karma. In the latter is
hid the great mystery of the Moon, and her place in the planetary scheme.

The Karma of the Human Hierarchy in its seven groups, and of the individual
Monads. This in itself is a vast and intricate subject and—during the particular
cycle of the Earth globe—can be divided into:

a. World karma. (The seven root-races.)

b. Racial karma, or the destiny and purpose of each root-race.
c. Subrace karma, for each subrace has its own destiny to work out.
d. National karma.
e. Family karma.
f. Individual karma.

All these different types of karma are intermingled and bound up in a manner
inconceivable and inextricable to man; even the adepts cannot untangle the mystery
beyond that of the groups affiliated with them, while the Chohans of the higher
degrees work with the karma of the larger groups (which are the aggregates of the
lesser groups).

If these facts are pondered upon it will be apparent that Egos come into
incarnation therefore not singly but according to group urge, and thus
collectively. This is the basis of collective karma, and of family karma. The
individual urge, which is, of course, a reaction to group urge, is the result of
personal karma. Hence, though we may by these reflections, have thrown some light
upon this question of reincarnation, we have nevertheless said much to increase
the magnitude of the question, and its complexity. Average man is confined to the
use of the physical brain, and is, therefore, unable to think in group terms.”

Annie Besant, in her book ‘Dharma’, gives a definition of dharma as “Dharma is the
inner nature, which has reached in each man a certain stage of development and
unfolding.” – “inner nature of a thing at any given stage of evolution and the
law of the next stage of its unfolding.” She elaborates on this by stating it is
the inner nature which provides the urges for change and there would therefore
appear to be a string relation to karma as it is the dharma which plays a major
part in setting the scene for those experiences which are needed to provoke a
karmic response.

In a sense, one’s dharma is the obligation expected from life for the purpose of
fulfilling what one undertook to do before entering another body. Two quotations
are added to expand on this idea: -

“The word translated duty or obligation, could well be expressed by that

comprehensive term dharma in respect to others. Dharma means literally the proper
working out of one's obligations (or karma) in the place, surroundings and
environment where fate has put one.”

“The Sphere of Dharma. This is the outcome of the two previous stages; it is that
in which the disciple recognises, for the first time with clarity, his part in the
whole process of world events and his inescapable share in world development.
Dharma is that aspect of karma which dignifies any particular world cycle and the
lives of those implicated in its working out. The disciple begins to see that if
he shoulders his phase or part in this cyclic dharma and works understandingly at
its right fulfilment, he is beginning to comprehend group work (as the Masters
comprehend it) and to do his just share in lifting the world karma, working out in
cyclic dharma. Instinctual service, the fulfillment of all duty, and a sharing in
group dharma are all blended in his consciousness and become one great act of
living faithful service; he is then at the point of moving forward upon the Path
of Discipleship, in which the Path of Probation is completely lost to sight.”

Dharma is a very personal thing as this quotation makes evident: -

“"Better a man's own dharma, than the dharma of another." Thus does the Bhagavad
Gita express this truth, telling the disciple to mind his own business.”

It can be very difficult, at times, to stand back and let someone make mistakes.
There is often a thought that ‘I should take on this burden’ but that can prevent
the person with the burden from learning for himself, thus postponing his
opportunity to a later time, or another life. The best that one can do in these
circumstances is to live one’s own truth and rely on that to be an example to
others. Another possibility is to offer help in a low key way so that the other is
aware that there is concern for his plight and that it is his choice as to what he
does with that offer.

When one sees someone in a life-threatening situation a spontaneous reaction to do

everything possible to save a life is a worthy thing to do as life is saved and
the person who is under threat will have further opportunities to work out his
karma. There is also the point that the life to be saved may be worth more to Life
than the life that may be lost.

You will have gathered that there are no hard and fast rules and this is
exemplified in the case of group karma. It is possible that the working out of
group karma will override the full opportunity to work on one’s dharma, the
greater whole always subsuming the lesser. This could be one reason for the mass
extermination of people or a virulent epidemic which prevents further work on
dharma/karma. The Age of Aquarius is now being established, denoting an emphasis
on group work. Over the past few decades the growth of thousands of diverse
groupings of individuals, either for long-term or short-term reasons is a
reflection of the brotherhood aspect of the sign’s meaning. Humanity has to draw
in upon itself, we individuals having to accept the fact that we have to become
self-aware parts of a whole, a further stage on from being a body made up of
individual self-aware parts.

There may be many occasions when we feel extremely upset because ‘someone got away
with it’. That may apparently be the case but the negative energies released by
wrong-doing are not lost but stick with the perpetrator to later reap the
consequences. This is one reason why we are urged to control our emotions –
getting worked up over another person’s apparent escape from retribution does our
own progress harm with no outward effect on the perpetrator.

Chapter 7 Health and Growth

The entire purpose of human life is to achieve a balance, a harmony, of the three
energies that constitute the physical/etheric, emotional and mental bodies. When
this occurs the soul (the spiritual energy) can then be approached and integrated
into the personality body.

When the harmony/balance is achieved complete health is potentially arrived at as

the universal energies no longer meet resistance. It is the resistance to those
energies that cause disease because it is when we are suffering ill-health that we
look for ways in which to overcome it. Ill-health then, is the spur which
initiates the search for health. For many of us, full health would cause us to sit
back and not strive for change.

Ill-health is often a sign of wrongful living, the correction of it requiring

changes in attitude at the physical, emotional, and mental levels. It is when
those changes begin to take effect that the harmonisation of the three bodies
begins to take hold.

This chapter examines some of the factors that are related to health and the urge
for growth.

Based on our limited knowledge of the universe, and what we believe to be the
purpose of life, current indications point to the need to integrate, and fuse into
one entity, our physical, emotional, and mental bodies. When this is accomplished
we are a fully integrated personality in complete harmony within itself and its
surroundings and governed by the higher mind.

Drawing on the writings of The Tibetan, who states that the bulk of humanity, at
this stage of progress, is focused in the emotional body, it is easy to see why so
many individuals fall prey to disorders of the physical, emotional, and mental
bodies. When one is swept by emotion, the restraining influence of the mental body
is much weakened. Action then precedes thought.

It is therefore incumbent on all readers to consider the need to gradually impose

the mental will upon the physical/etheric and emotional bodies. This opens up the
use of meditation to achieve this objective because meditation, to be effective,
should be a daily practice and thus instils a rhythm upon the mind. Ideally, the
meditation could be a progressive one such as the courses offered by the various
bodies that are of an esoteric nature.

The esoteric purpose of meditation is to align the three bodies as noted above and
then mentally create a connection with the overshadowing soul. This connection is
called the Antahkarana or rainbow bridge, which eventually enables a connection
with a higher level of energies (the soul) and the ability to access the
intuitional level. That dispenses with the need to work things out mentally
because one ‘knows’ the truth that is being sought.

Time is not of prime importance in this work. That is not to say ‘take it easy’
but we all have different claims upon our time and different abilities with which
to tackle this program. We have many, many, lives so a falling back or an
inability to accomplish what we may have set our sights on, is of no great
significance. In time we will achieve, the evolutionary force will see to that,
but a definite striving to achieve spiritual growth will accelerate humanity’s
attainment of the goal of full integration into one harmonious being. In the same
way that our body organs are formed out of countless lesser lives so will humanity
eventually attain that same sort of oneness but without each one of us losing our
sense of individuality. It has taken millions of years to reach our present stage
and many more millions will be needed to attain full mastery of the mental and
spiritual forces.

Recall what was written in the earlier part of the book that physical man was
firstly an individual and then realised the benefit of belonging to a tribe.
Tribal life was communal and supportive and provided protection against external
incursions. A further development was then necessary because tribal life can
become stultifying and civilisations then came into being which extolled
individuality, extending into competitiveness, and the theory of the survival of
the fittest was born.

The directing Hierarchy of highly advanced humanity is aware that the need for
individuality and competitiveness has achieved its purpose of rapidly advancing
Man’s scientific knowledge and the development of the various disciplines which
have created our advanced civilisation. Unfortunately, along with these advances
we have also become highly materialistic. Money, goods, and power are now the
highly desirable objectives leading, as a consequence, to the downgrading of
society and the relegation of those ‘who can’t make it’ to an underclass of less
worthy citizens.

To counter this undesirable situation thought-forms have been created to encourage

Man to re-form tribal society at a higher turn of the spiral. Inevitably, because
of the ingrained materialism, this has spawned the idea of globalisation, of free
trade. The One World theme is now centred around the free trade of goods and
services in a highly competitive manner. It is based on making profits out of the
‘underclass’ and centralising power in ever fewer hands.

The individuals who have been developing their spiritual and humanitarian natures
are the ones who are creating groups of like-minded people to turn the thrust of
globalisation into a force that will unite all of humanity into an international
fraternity that will seek fairness and justice for all nations. Rather than attain
a depressing uniformity in cultures it will be more rewarding to encourage each
racial/ethnic grouping to develop its own local structures, in all facets of
social and economic life. Cooperation between these groups would then ensure that
basic needs are met and the diversity of customs would provide an awareness that
diversity is an integral part of life.

There will likely be a number of experiments in the course of the drive for a
united humanity. One such experiment is the European Union, another is the
recently formed Union of African nations. What is of importance is the relegation
of trade to a minor part of the process, the emphasis should be placed on true
humanitarian principles and a realisation that spiritual growth is the real reason
for these developments.

When a physical body is not in tune with its surroundings, when the food it is
given is not sufficiently nutritious or contains harmful additives, when it is
surrounded by pollution and the many other factors which contribute to a lower
vitality, it is a sign that remedial action is needed. Short-term illnesses such
as colds, influenza, measles, chickenpox, etc., are usually caused by temporary
inability of the body’s immune system to cope with the incursion, or activation of
the internal bacteria and viruses which are a normal complement of our bodies.
Many of these illnesses result from stress, leaving the body weakened and open to

Chronic and acute illnesses such as arthritis, cystic fibrosis, cancer, muscular
dystrophy etc., are mostly the result of a karmic need, calling for a major re-
think of the way the life is being lived. These illnesses not only have an impact
on the sufferer but can ripple out to touch the lives of loved ones, friends,
carers in general and even the community as a whole.

Where families experience a series of recurrences of a particular disease through

the generations the possible cause is a karmic condition which is attached to the
family members, who incarnate as a group until the particular cause is dealt with,
at which time the disease is dispensed with. Most people will have read of, heard
about, or know of in fact, those cases where a child with a very debilitating
disease or condition is born into a family and with varying consequences. The
attitudes of all those who are brought into contact with such a child are
challenged and in many cases it is an opportunity to redress a wrong incurred in
the past.

Despite the best efforts of doctors, scientists, and others involved in the
healing of diseases and conditions, the healing has to come from within the
persons who are connected with them. If a healing is experienced, without
sufficient change in the attitudes of a personality, there is a great likelihood
that it will either break out again or a different disease or condition will
replace the one that was cured.

Because the world in which we live is a matrix of energies, rather than real
physical forms, some of the answers for healing to take effect lie in the use of
energies provided by the universe itself rather than man-made solutions.

Society itself can be the problem when there is a lack of appropriate healing
modalities. In many countries the establishment has determined that there is only
one method of healing, i.e., orthodox medical treatment. Other, alternative forms
of healing are tolerated to some extent, but the power to decide rests in the
hands of the medical profession, pharmaceutical companies and the government of
the day. Any potential threat to the profits of pharmaceutical companies or a
perceived diminution of status of the medical profession is sufficient for them to
use their powers to influence governments to act on their behalf.

The treatment of cancer is a good example of those powers. Dr. Royal Rife, a
medical doctor in the United States developed, in the late 1920’s and early
1930’s, an electronic instrument that utilised the law of resonance. Use of the
machine on patients with various diseases produced profound physiological changes,
whether the disease was chronic, or infectious. Virulent micro-organisms, cells
and tissues could be resonated with the appropriate frequencies for the particular
complaint and forced to be metabolically impaired or destroyed. During the course
of his work Dr. Rife found the appropriate oscillatory rate for over 55 major
bacterial diseases. Use of his machine on cancer patients resulted in cures of
over 90 per cent.

His work upset the orthodox fraternity to such an extent that his machine was
relegated to obscurity. Subsequent researchers have attempted to reconstruct his
machine but without the level of success that he obtained.

The US is not the only nation to deliberately eliminate unorthodox methods of

healing. In The Ecologist Vol 30 No 8 (p 51) it was reported that in the UK it is
illegal to claim a cure for cancer unless obtained within the orthodox setting. In
the US cancer pioneers are prosecuted or hounded out of the country.

Australia can also be fitted into this pattern of repression as recorded in Health
and Healing Vol 17 No. 3 (p 39). A Congress on Cancer was held in Sydney in 1998,
focusing on natural and non-expensive treatment using mental attitudes and
nutrition. 31 doctors attended and what is of interest is that the AMA told
doctors not to attend – the drug cartel would stand to lose if these alternative
methods became prevalent.

As previously noted, all life is formed of energy which intersects to form

‘material objects’ and it is therefore apparent that any perturbations in the
life-form can be re-balanced by applying the appropriate vibration or resonances.

Professor Harold Saxton Burr, a neuro-anatomist and formerly a member of the Yale
University School of Medicine, stated that “Life-fields are links in a ‘chain of
authority’ which starts with the simplest living forms, runs upwards through all
life on this planet to the most complex form we know – Man, and then extends
outwards into space and upward to an infinite authority, about which we can only
speculate”. Here is another statement, or confirmation, that interconnectedness
is a fact of life in our universe.

Another unorthodox treatment by using radiation of energies is that of Radionics.

The concept is that man, and all life-forms, are immersed in the electromagnetic
energy field of the Earth and of the universe as a whole. Every form has its own
electromagnetic field and its own ‘note’. All organisms, diseases and remedies
have their own particular vibration or frequency which can be expressed in
numerical forms. The originator of this particular type of healing was Dr. Albert
Abrams, a highly respected American specialist in neurology. He made the discovery
that disease could be measured in terms of energy and devised an instrument with
dials which could identify, and measure, disease reaction intensities. Naturally
this caused an outcry and it is of interest that in 1924, a committee of the Royal
Society in the UK investigated his claims and admitted that they were proven.
Needless to say, the use of radionics in the US is banned, whereas in the UK it is
an allowable method of identifying and treating disease.

Once again we hit that old bugbear that many of these unorthodox treatments are
subjective, cannot be proven scientifically and even if they do work they cannot
be trusted.

After the original radionics machine was introduced there were added refinements:
Dr. Abrams - linked a healthy person to the machine for the
purpose of diagnosing a specimen of tissue from
sick person.
- attached plates, connected to the instrument,
to the
patient and applied medicines to the body, under the plates.

Dr. Ruth Drown - did away with electrical and magnetic forces
(a US Chiro- and claimed it was the patient’s life-force
practor) that activated the instrument.

- discovered it was possible to heal at a

distance using the machine.
- devised a method of photographing a blood
spot to produce photographs of cross-
sections of the human body and organs.

It should be noted that Dr. Drown had her premises raided and all her notes and
equipment removed.

George de la Warr - refined Dr. Drown’s method so that a

(UK) radionic camera showed the whole organ
And its identifiable anatomical
shape based
On just a blood spot. The ability
to do this
appears outlandish at first sight,
but the
experience with holograms leads to
acceptance that it is quite a
outcome, the blood spot revealing
whole contained within it.

It has been established that all life is energy and there should be no surprise
that the electrical energy in homoeopathic remedies can restore balance in the
body. Everything in nature has its own energy pattern and homoeopathy seeks to
match those patterns with the energy patterns of the patient. The use of this type
of remedy stimulates the healing force to restore balance. In this connection the
World Health Organisation has cited this method of treatment should be integrated
worldwide with conventional medicine.

Dr. Hahnemann, a German, discovered the healing properties of diluted solutions in

the late 1800’s. He formulated three principles: -
Like cures like (Law of Similars)
The more a remedy is diluted the greater its potency ( Law of the
Infinitesimal Dose).
An illness is specific to the individual (a holistic medical model).

His discovery originated from his ingestion of cinchona, well known for its
curative properties in malaria sufferers. He soon started fevers similar to
malaria which stopped when he ceased taking in cinchona. He theorised that a
smaller dose might stimulate the body to fight the disease.

Orthodox medicine/science rejects the thought that a substance, which has been
highly diluted in a liquid base, that it can only be detected by specialised
equipment can be effective in treating ill-health in a human subject. A UK study,
however, using a magnetic resonance imaging machine, demonstrated that on 23
different homoeopathic remedies distinctive readings were obtained. Placebos were
also tested by this method but no potency was found in them.

It is not just hearsay that assumes the remedies work. “The Lancet proved critics
wrong with an article published on the 18th October, 1986, under the heading ‘Is
Homoeopathy a Placebo Response?’. Two Glasgow universities and a Glasgow
Homoeopathic Hospital, that carried out a randomised, double-blind, placebo-
controlled trial with the homoeopathic potency 30c of pollen in hayfever as a
model concluded that: The homoeopathic treated patients showed a significant
reduction in patient and doctor assessed symptom scores.”

Chapter 2 contained a reference to Dr. Jacques Benveniste and his research into a
property of water which can record a memory of any substance, even though
apparently too diluted to find.

A Japanese researcher, Mr. Masaru Emoto, recently published a book titled ‘The
Message from Water”. From Mr. Emoto's work we are provided with factual evidence,
that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the
molecular structure of water, the very same water that comprises over seventy
percent of a mature human body and covers the same amount of our planet. Mr. Emoto
uses a photographic technique by freezing droplets of water exposed to human
vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music. Even pasting written words
on paper to a glass cylinder of water will allow the energies in the words to pass
into the water.

This feature of water’s ability to take up vibrations is due to its very malleable
nature, its physical shape adapting to whatever environment it is in. The playing
of music in the vicinity of water in a glass tube results in specific crystalline
structures in the water when it is frozen and sliced for photographing under a

Water is the very source of all life on this planet, it's quality and integrity
are vitally important to all forms of life. The body is very much like a sponge
and is composed of trillions of chambers called cells that hold liquid. The
quality of our life is directly connected to the quality of our water.
Water is a very malleable substance. It's physical shape easily adapts to whatever
environment is present. But it's physical appearance is not the only thing that
changes, it's molecular shape also changes. The energy or vibrations of the
environment will change the molecular shape of water. In this sense water not only
has the ability to visually reflect the environment but it also molecularly
reflects the environment.
Down through the ages there have been individuals with the facility to heal
illness in their fellow creatures by the ‘laying on of hands’ or even by directing
healing energies to a person who is at a distance from the healer. In ‘The Field’,
by Lynne McTaggart, there is a section on experiments in controlling changes in
red blood cells (p 129). If red blood cells are placed in a solution with the same
saline (salt) levels as blood plasma they can be maintained with intact membranes
for a long period of time. William Braud, a psychologist of the behavioural
school, was interested in the question of whether outside agents could influence
the immune system. His experiments consisted of sitting volunteers in a room
distant from that in which red blood cells in solution were located and asking
them to ‘protect’ the red cells from bursting by slowing their rate of haemolysis
after a fatal amount of salt had been placed in the solution (excess salt kills
red blood cells). The results indicated that the volunteers could, in fact,
protect the red blood cells to a significant extent.
Experiments performed with the express intent of determining whether or not
healing can take place without the presence of the healer with the person to be
healed have confirmed that ‘absent healing’ does actually produce desired results.
This confirms a method of healing that has been recognised within the community
over a long period of time.
Interconnectedness is a fact, from the macro to the micro levels, and accounts for
the success of the technique of reflexology. This takes the position that the
upper part of the body has reflex areas on the upper half of the foot, the lower
part on the lower part of the foot, with the right and left feet representing the
right and left sides respectively. The origin of this treatment method dates back
to ancient Egypt.
Tender areas on the sole of the foot indicate the part of the body which is out of
harmony and gentle pressure on those areas breaks up crystal deposits on the nerve
endings in the foot which have been impeding the blood supply to those parts of
the body.
Robert St. John carried the basics of reflexology into a higher realm of healing
relationships by way of a method he called the Metamorphic Technique. The purpose
is to not only heal the physical body but also the emotional, behavioural,
intellectual, and spiritual levels.
His discovery was that the inside of the feet, along the instep, from the big toe
to the heel, represents the nine months period of gestation. During the nine
months in the womb the soul watches over the creation of its physical body, which
is affected by the conditions within the mother’s body and also outside energies
which can have an impact on the forming foetus. In line with the effects that the
universal energies have upon our completed bodies are the effects on the foetus.
The life of the newborn child through to its death is conditioned by many factors,
i.e., the genetic construct, that karma which is brought forward to be dealt with
in the current life, the foods and other intakes by the mother, vibrations picked
up from outside sources and possibly other factors. Where there are malfunctions
of any of the several bodies of man they have the potential to be healed, or
ameliorated, by the working on the instep either by direct physical contact or by
moving a hand in close proximity along it. The latter would most likely be
effective when done by an individual who has the innate quality of spiritual
Because of the correspondences between all parts of the body, this technique can
also be used on the hands and head.
Indigenous people have a recorded history of familiarity with the use of
vegetation to provide healing of ailments; nature has provided remedies for our
use and they are safe when used as intended in their whole form. The extraction of
the active healing agent alone means that side effects are not buffered by the
other constituents of the plants that are used. We are very much a part of nature
and it is incumbent on us to accept that and work with, not against, the energies
that are within, and around us.
Acceptance of reincarnation, and the purpose of life as the expansion of the
spiritual force in order to lift all material expression to a higher level, could
spur an insight into the fact that a life-form, in itself, is not important. It is
actually there to enable the indwelling spirit to experience life in a continuing
flow to express higher rates of vibration, of energy, thus drawing nearer to the
Godhead. This factor has to be dramatically expressed by avatars such as the
Christ in order to make an impact on us. His death and reappearance in a newly
created body was necessary to physically show a spiritual fact, that life does not
cease at death.
The present preoccupation with maintaining life in a body, no matter what the
cost, does not have a reason, in spiritual terms. Every soul, when appropriating
its physical body, has a purpose for that life and a time for that life to end to
enable the indwelling spirit to experience an interval ‘out of the body’ before
continuing its onward progress.
Interference in the soul’s plans, even though well-meant, can cause unforeseen
problems. For example, take the case of someone with a diseased, or inadequate,
organ, who is likely to die if nothing is done to alleviate the condition. Perhaps
the problem arose because of an inability to control insatiable desires such as
harmful foods, over-consumption of alcohol or drugs etc., and instead of using the
will to control that desire the individual continues to abuse the body. Again, the
condition may be karmic, a need to spur the person to undertake remedial action of
some kind in order to adopt a lifestyle that will enhance the spiritual standing.
The current answer is transplanting an organ from a donor body. This has its own
dangers as witness the number of immunosuppressant drugs which have to be taken
for life, in order to prevent a rejection of the transplanted organ. Each life-
form has its own particular energy construct and the imposition of a foreign body
causes an interference in the energy pattern. In attempting to restore the overall
integrity of the body the incompatible block of energy is divorced and can only be
retained if the energies of introduced drugs are able to dampen the antagonism
between the energies.
Medical intervention should be oriented to growing a new organ from the patients
own stem cells to retain the original pattern of energies. Medical science is now
experimenting with this approach and some success is apparent in early trials. An
extract from Guided Writings also contains some information pertinent to this: -
“The artificial transplants will continue (artificial materials i.e.) but they
will never really be accepted, nor should they as there is no need when so much
can be preserved or grown. God's Plan definitely does not include polluting or
debasing the human body/psyche with metals, plastics (except as joints) or with
animal transplants. It disturbs the aura, the etheric body emanations - it is
really an abomination. Atlantis brought itself down in this manner. God’s world
has built-in safety devices, tampering with His human creation is the strongest of
all and will not be tolerated. So hope ye all that scientists do not carry onwards
in that direction; direct prayers and right thought towards any area you know is
straying from the path.”

I had occasion to review this chapter, some months after it was written, and in
the intervening period came across the book ‘The Heart’s Code’. It was written by
Paul Pearsall Ph.D., who is a psychoneuroimmunologist. Some of his work involves
working with individuals who have had heart transplants, and also has had contacts
with the families of some of them. What he has experienced bears out the warnings
given earlier – taking an organ from one body to another has adverse implications
for the recipient, apart from the drugs taken to offset the rejection effect.

Individuals who have received a heart from another often experience a change in
personality, habits, mannerisms, etc. The book records some of these, which were
accompanied by verification of them by spouses and other family members. Instances
quoted included : -
• two men, one of whom gave his good heart ( he had poor lungs which needed a
transplant) to another whilst himself receiving a healthy heart plus lungs from a
donor, agreed that the food cravings experienced were exactly those of the one who
had given the heart to him. Not only that, the wives of the two men also agreed
that personality traits had also been transferred, even to the point that the
recipient would mention the donor’s wife’s name when he was making love to his
• The widow of a heart donor, after his death, spoke to the mother of the
recipient, a heavily accented Spanish-speaker. The mother said her son now uses
the word ‘copacetic’ all the time despite that not being a Spanish word. The widow
said her husband always used that word to signify that everything was OK.
• A heart transplant surgeon said one of his patients now had a fear of
killing himself. The heart received was from a person who committed suicide.
• An eight-year old girl started screaming at night about the man who had
murdered her donor. She had received the heart of a ten-year old girl who had been
murdered. The eight-year old described the murderer, knew who he was, the time of
the murder, the weapon, the place, the clothes he wore, etc. He was apprehended by
the police.

After reading the book I wondered about individuals who will be in line to receive
hearts from pigs and also there is the question of what effects, if any, are the
result of the transplant of other organs.

The essence of the book is that the heart is the seat of memory and distributes it
throughout the body, and receives memory from the various parts via the agency of
the blood which reaches every part of the body. This is in line with an emerging
belief that memory is not resident in the brain but is distributed throughout the

For those who can accept discarnate entities being in a position to contact
receivers on Earth the following extract from Guided Writings may be of interest.
The communicator in this case had a previous existence as a doctor – “But we
doctors then made up for our lack of miracle medications by an application of real
doctoring, we "saw" our patients in depth - their lives and their psyches, and we
were able to prescribe herbal potions and medicaments that went to the heart of
the problem - easing situations before they worsened. We were able to prescribe
from the heart, from the instincts of a healing gift, and our patients lived in
spite of the lack of today's discoveries. It was, in fact, when doctoring began to
be diverted (and today, perverted in many cases) to chemical healing, to shallow
diagnosing, that I lost out, in my heart, to that profession. 1 chose to remain
with the herbals and even to dig further into the healing world to discover what I
was able of attending to all the bodies of each patient. I was not alone in this
of course, being neither young nor too old there were many of my confreres who
battled on to continue practising within their conscience. The very young eagerly
embraced the new, the mechanistic, the old simply went along as they were and
gradually faded into retirement. This is not to denigrate the practitioners of
today - there is much demanded of them, more than mind can cope with at times.
With all the advancements (and so many techniques and knowledge are beautiful to
behold) the more each doctor must learn, must hold in his mind, must push into
each day. That part is not good and although the specialising practitioners are
necessary today, much of the patient is being lost in the transfer from here to
here to hospital. There are better methods of handling this but too many in the
healing profession are being hassled with the sheer numbers of ailing persons and
they don't look deeply and caringly enough at each - nowhere in the world should
any one person be looked at as a number, reduced to a cipher.

Illnesses in the world are usually a reflection of the ways of that time - of the
moral attitudes and of the monetary standards. When there was little money for the
majority, and people were not living in and of the country, then illnesses
reflecting poor food, living and working conditions, poorly formed babies and so
on - there were illnesses like rickets, pellagra, typhoid (from crowding and poor
hygiene), tuberculosis - well all those sorts of things. Cancer was not advanced,
as cancer is on the whole the illness of plenty. At one time people had stress
diseases of ulcers, bursitis, lumbago, rheumatism, now it is more likely to turn
to cancer. Tuberculosis yielded to better housing etc., and food, sleep and so
forth; plus the weakness died out in the peoples themselves.

So look at the diseases down the centuries and you will find a pattern. Today your
AIDS replaces syphilis etc., and is slightly more lethal because the cause is more
degenerate. Look at your societies and you can see what ailments will eventuate.
And cancer will not decrease until airborne and edible pollution is brought under
control. Lack of stress, emotional balance and so on can surely relieve the
pressures thereby lessening the body's tendency to develop cancer - it won't stop
it though if other attitudes are not changed. Medical science is realising all
this but there's a long row to hoe before they can do anything drastic or dramatic
about it. The food manufacturers in every field, the factory owners, those
benefiting from pornography and drugs, they are all a mighty obstacle to progress.
Politicians and religious people don't help either, so it’s a "do-it-your-self'”
world, and “pass the message along" road to health, until one day a break-through
occurs. If it occurs, who can say? So it is very important that you do all that
you can towards nutrition and right thought, right practice in life.” (6.4.87)

The chapter closes with another extract from Guided Writings – “So no, where do we
see an acceptance of instantaneous cure, even miracles happen to people who are
desperate for cure and have made some efforts towards changing. And miracles last
or "take" only as much as the psyche was prepared for this change. Heal a body
that is not about to change to healthful ways and the healing soon lapses. If only
humans could understand that all is order in nature and all is done at a steady,
logical pace. Even if we never understand why we were harmed or hampered while
trying to mature, we can accept then that it was God's will and had a purpose.

There are many ways of healing in absentia and many degrees of adeptness amongst
the healers and their spiritual contacts. One form of healing is accomplished by
the energies being sent to the person in need, in which case the name is
sufficient, as long as someone present is familiar with that and can visualise for
the direction of the energies (the thought of the one familiar with the one to be
healed makes the connection for the rays to flow along).

That is a very common and effective method though it can take longer for the
overall results. Adepts or groups in contact with higher beings would use as much
information as possible to enable a direct "visit” rather than a vibrational
contact. In the instance you think of (Cayce) he used this direct visit more for
assessing or diagnosing the patient, then gave a "prescription, based on that
visit, when returned to consciousness.

Healing by sound? How do you feel when loud and discordant sounds, musical, or
otherwise, assault your ears? These are waves, emanations, and they travel along
your nerve paths towards the brain. Every cell, every atom, is exposed to those
sounds and your mind and brain as well as well as your psyche are being bombarded
by hostility, for (they) are hostile.

You could not function within such an onslaught and certainly your bodies cannot
either. It is not, in the true sense, "healing" by sound, more a case of sound
sending, such soothing and beneficial sensations along the pathways that the
cells, the very atoms and molecules vibrate in the most pleasing (to them) ways.
They are soothed and inspired - oh yes, they can be inspired, the most healthful
activities, whether creating or re-creating (healing) goes on. There are certain
sounds that can be sent directly to the ailing or distorted area/organ (or
whatever). These have been discovered in your world by trial and observation.
These are particular vibrations for that specific area or ailment and can be quite
piercing, though quiet and still melodic or soothing. The piercing sounds are sent
in very short bursts, as a sort of pulsing - any other way would be damaging, as
they are very effective.

They are intended to dismantle the unhealthy cluster so as to release any healthy
cells within, and to allow healthy cells without, to enter also, to begin their
work. Between the renewal of activity of the healthy cells creating strength
against discordant growth, and the short bursts of the sound, the morbid growths
are cleared away. This is a specialised activity as the length and spacing of the
bursts of sound must be controlled., more insistent at the beginning and tapering
off as health is being re-established in that area. These particular piercing
sounds cannot be used as an overall benefit as they could serve to over-activate
healthy cells. Only sensitives would use this particular form of healing.

Over all, the soothing sounds and music (it is all music, really) are the ones
used by not so highly sensitive persons (psychics i.e.). And they are very good,
as the cessation of stress on the body allows healing to begin. Sound healing
should also be used in conjunction with other forms of healing, they all have
their place and usage, and it is just that persons are individual in their
particular gifts and abilities. Actually there is more to sound and colour healing
than is generally used, but you have not the machines so there is no use of the
knowledge.” (15.5.85)

Chapter 8 Relationships

Often, when we refer to relationships, we think of human relationships and ignore

the far vaster world of relationships. In previous chapters there has been
reference to the starting point of creation, out of which developed the Seven
Rays, the seven levels in each of them and the four kingdoms which are part of the
Earth’s life.

What tends to be forgotten is that within the wholeness of creation everything is

related to everything else. The human body can be used as an example of that total
relationship. Although the parts that make up the body are also individual lives
they gave up their individuality in order to be part of a larger individuality.
Take enough of those parts away and the body begins to decline in health and its
ability to function to the optimum desired. This idea can be extended to the
entire environment in which all life exists.

Perhaps the greatest need that faces all of us today is the developing of true
brotherhood, true local, and international, relationships.

It is worth thinking about the universe, in its totality, as the creation of God
Who, in His perfection, can see only perfection in His creation. Wholeness implies
that it is complete, without taint, perfect. In the beginning of a creation, of
anything, the picture of completeness is in the mind but the process of achieving
that status can be fraught with difficulty as the materials, and the method,
usually require a lot of experimentation. Take an entire universe, with free will
as an operational factor and it is easy to accept that dissension, energies at
cross-purposes, discarding of imperfect creations etc., are ever-present.

Human relationships are therefore of extreme importance in evolving a humanity

that acts as one, as a whole, whilst retaining a knowledge also of each human
being as an individual but committed to a common purpose.

Having established that light (energy) is the moving force within creation, that
light consisting of multifarious strands of differing qualities, it is
understandable that there is a lot of friction as the different energy qualities
clash. Humanity’s raison d’être is to gradually smooth out the frictions that
exist within its sphere. Because of the interconnectedness of everything within
the primal whole humanity must also come to terms with its relationship to the
other three kingdoms which form the body of the Earth.

Relationship must also be made with those other kingdoms so that they, too, can
evolve to a higher level of being. When God said “Let us make Man in our image,
after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over
the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the Earth and over every
creeping thing that creepeth upon the Earth” , He was not using word ‘dominion’ in
the sense used today of subduing all life for Man’s purposes.

Dominion also means a protectorate, homeland, commonwealth, which infers that the
kingdoms should be under our protection and treated as equals, with care and the
provision of necessary assistance. If we do not follow that path, and abuse the
life that is in those kingdoms, it can be assumed that at some point in time there
will be repercussions because of our lack of stewardship.

Everything in the universe is ordained to evolve, every life-form is meant to add

to its qualities and achieve perfection. If one takes a serious look at the
disregard for other lives, the degradation of the ecology of the Earth, and the
degradation of human lives through exploitation in all of its many guises, one can
see why there is eventually a ‘fighting back’. Terrorism, such as that
experienced, not only as the destruction of the World Trade Centre, but also that
perversion of democracy in destabilising national governments, supplying armaments
to ‘friends’ who later become ‘foes’, the elevation of trading rights over human
rights and other negative operations, is to be expected. Humanity has always
fought against tyranny.

Relationships, therefore, are the most important part of the life of the universe.

The Environment (universe)

This is the stage, the ground on which all life plays its part. In ‘The Turning
Point’, Fritjof Capra comments that the universe is, in effect, an interconnected
web of relationships which is intrinsically dynamic, that is, a constantly
shifting arrangement of energies providing the texture of the whole. The reason
for the constant shifting is the inner need for harmony. The opposites must come
together to form a balanced whole.

With so many interconnections at both the horizontal, and the vertical, planes it
is no wonder that there is a constant clashing of forces. This is clearly seen in
action in the Earth’s environment. Over the billions of years of the Earth’s
existence the biosphere has evolved whilst retaining homeostasis (the ability or
tendency of an organism or a cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting
its physiological processes), from a conglomeration of minerals to a point where
there is an enormous diversity of life. Despite the literally millions of life
forms they have, until recently, respected each other’s right to life, taking life
only to maintain a living body. Whenever a life-form becomes a threat to
surrounding lives it is rendered harmless by means of various devices such as
bacterial and viral attacks, predators grown more abundant in order to control
burgeoning populations and reduce those numbers whereby a balance is attained. In
the wild, it would be very rare to see any individual life-form taking over more
than its fair share of the space, food, water or air on which all life depends.

Man, because of his evolution beyond the point where he, also, used to be in
balance and harmony with the environment, has the ability to destabilise the life
around him, and has done so with a vengeance.

There is no kinship, no relationship, of value when the natural world is

imprisoned, when it is stolen from, and denigrated as being a mere tool for Man’

Human consciousness has created the idea that humanity is separate from nature,
that the Earth and its wealth is there for the taking because of our supreme
importance in the evolution of life. It is as if we believe that we can operate
within a man-made environment, that technological advances will ensure our
continuation as a viable force on this planet. The recognition of a spiritual
world, out of which the physical one was born, results in a very different focus
of attention as one becomes aware of the illusory nature of what we are and what
we live in and on.

The universe was not constructed for Man. Man is a factor in evolution and is
meant to increase the diversity of life, to develop it, beautify it, and realise
its evolutionary potential. Every atom, every molecule, every living form, was
born (created) with a consciousness that can be enhanced.

Wilderness has its natural beauty and value and much of it needs to be preserved
to allow its intrinsic values to act as a model for what life can provide without
the need for external meddling. Wilderness areas act as a laboratory or incubator
for the creation of new life-forms. Over the eons, natural forces have re-shaped
the land masses, created new life-forms and caused the extinction of those that
could not fit into the changed circumstances.

When Man works with nature he is capable of creating breathless landscapes,

magnificent gardens, forests, using methods that nature itself does not possess.
During Man’s life on Earth he has improved the beauty of flowers, both visually
and by way of more pleasing fragrances. Wild plants have been bred to give a wider
variety of foodstuffs, improved yields, elimination of diseases that attack

Nature, through its direct response to spiritual guidance, may take years,
centuries even, to introduce new species that fit into the environment. It would
be rare to discover a new life-form that devastated the habitat. Man, if not
guided by his spiritual nature, does not really think before he introduces new
life-forms. Thought is divorced from reality as it often pertains to the need to
obtain yet more and more out of the resources that nature provides.

Each area of the Earth has its own particular vibrations which are conducive to
the flora and fauna which live within it. Introduce a foreign element and the
potential for disaster is present. Vibratory patterns are present in individual
organisms, in species, in tracts of land and water and in the Earth as a whole.
Place an alien organism in a vibratory pattern and it may fit in with the
vibration and harmonise. Alternatively it will find the vibrations are too intense
and it will be unable to maintain its presence, or it will discover that the
environment provides extra energy and it will proliferate, often wiping out
species that formerly lived in harmony with the surroundings.

There is geological evidence that over the life of the Earth it has suffered many
cataclysmic events, with lands submerging, emerging, being thrust up by volcanic
or other forces, with resulting opportunities for new life, new atmospheric gases
and changed ratios thereof and in every case it can be said that life became more
abundant and more harmonious.

When Man changes nature, however, he can do it using his rational mind and not his
spiritual mind. Intellectual development has, over the years, overridden the need
to be aware of how natural forces interact, with the result that there is now a
divorce between concrete mind and higher mind. This had to happen because of the
involution from spiritual realms to the densely physical. The return to spirit,
via the evolutionary thrust, now needs a change in our relationship to the natural
world. If we are unable to more rapidly effect the change we face the grave danger
of becoming yet another species that was unable to adapt to a different
environment. The evidence of our disregard for natural relationships and processes
is revealed by the extent of the degradation of all parts of the biosphere. Where
nature recycles all of its dead forms into new life, Man continually pours out
more material that cannot be recycled because nature did not produce it and
therefore does not have past experience with which to deal with it.

To restore harmony and right relationships with the natural environment Man must
investigate nature’s methods and use them in his technological world. This can be
done, and is being done, on a small scale but to achieve a stay in the declining
ability of the Earth to accommodate what we do it is imperative that there be
immediate international action by way of public education announcements through
the United Nations, through initiation of policies by political parties and the
acceptance by the economic entities that profits need not suffer if the
environment is restored to health.

Other Kingdoms

If it is accepted that all organisms, whether they be microbes, humans, planets,

galaxies, are actually parts of one whole life, relationships extend in
multifaceted directions. On our own planet, for example, there is a chain of life
which began in the mineral kingdom and progressed through the plant, animal, and
human kingdoms. Every one of us retains elements of the stages which thrust us
into the highest kingdom of all, the human.

Why should evolution stop at the human level? According to esoteric knowledge,
there are seven kingdoms in all, again repeating that seven-fold emanation of
energies which have already been related in earlier chapters. If humanity is to
achieve its destiny in the fifth kingdom, the spiritual, the bases on which
humanity stands must be kept intact, and improved. That is why the Creative Force
gave Man dominion over all other life forms. We are meant to hold them in trust,
to be their trustees, and this implies that we have a relationship with the
organisms in the three lower kingdoms.

On a practical note our bodies contain, and have need of for good health, minerals
from the mineral kingdom, plants as food to sustain our bodies, and animals which
provide food, the ability to roam, which spreads seeds etc., for a proper
distribution and renewal of plant life, motive power in indigenous areas and also
in less-developed countries. In a similar vein, plants grow in the Earth, rocks,
and oceans, drawing their sustenance from the mineral kingdom and the sun. Animals
eat plants and other animals and we are at the top of the food chain.

In addition to the receipt of nourishment from these three lower kingdoms Man also
receives it from the kingdom above, the spiritual, by way of inspiration,
intuition and the down-pouring of love, and will-to-good. The intermediaries in
this flow of spiritual nourishment are the Hierarchy of Man and Avatars - highly
developed beings who are able to create forms for special purposes in order to
guide mankind – with the Christ, the Buddha, Mohummad, being prime examples.

This vast array of relationships means that whatever happens by way of physical,
emotional, and mental outputs is reflected in some minute, or very large, effect
on the entire universe. It is this sort of relationship, or resonance, between all
of the energies in the universe, that inspired the notion that a butterfly
stirring the air today in Peking can transform storm systems next month in New
York (Chaos, James Gleick, p 8).

Returning to the fact that all life is packets of energy interacting with each
other it may be taken as a truism that too much interference in established
interrelationships will upset the status quo and cause the evolutionary pattern to
undergo a change. The interference may be relatively minor, such as deforesting a
hillside and allowing the Earth to cascade down it when there is a heavy downpour,
or of major impact such as an asteroid hitting the Earth and causing a major
effect such as the supposed elimination of dinosaurs in a past period of time.

Man must therefore be very cautious, and very sure of the likely consequences
whenever there is a negative interference with natural forces.

Human Relations

Within the human kingdom the relationships can be one-to-one, tribal, suburban,
city, country, continent and inter-continental. It is probably not too far from
the truth to say that our entire lives, from birth to death, are vitally affected
by the nature of the relationships between us. Bearing in mind that we are packets
of energy (despite the apparent solid bodies) it is evident that bringing these
energies together can result in very intimate and close relationships, where one
lives for the other, or very explosive and hateful ones.

Relationships decide whether we lead a good life, or one that is barely able to
survive the pressures of the energies that impinge upon it. In esoteric science
the Science of Relationships effects the process of evolution by a means of
communication and response. It is an invocation and an evocation, the expression
of a need and the resultant receipt of an answer to that need, which may or may
not be what the invoker expected.

Humanity is in the throes of a great experiment, the attempt to blend the positive
and negative forces, disparate ideas and beliefs, into a state where they are
accepted and produce an unbelievable harmony, unbelievable at the present time
because there is such a lag in development of so much of humanity.

It has been established that human DNA varies very little between the various
races and ethnic groups. There is therefore a strong common bond between all human
beings despite the external differences that are apparent to the eye. If we are
so similar in our genetic make-up the question arises of why there can be so much
antipathy between individuals, ethnic groups, racial groups, nations, religions,
and the many other divisions that exist in our society.

Diversity appears to create the animosities that are so prevalent and yet
diversity is necessary to provide a base for the corrections that are necessary
when conflicts arise. Diversity is fruitful because thrust, and counter-thrust,
produce energy with which to allow movement to happen. This is similar to the
creative force which uses positive and negative energy to produce the third, or
active force, without which evolution would cease. Competition to achieve a
desired result if the parties to that effort are working together as a team, or
group, and pool their resources rather than dissipating them in an attempt to out
achieve the other, is one thing; to use it to achieve and still have a fruitful
relationship is another.

Humanity can learn a lot from the humblest of organisms, the bacteria. They co-
operate rather than compete, exchanging genetic material in order to create an
organism to survive in new, and hostile, environments. Our tendency is to compete,
even though it inevitably results in a triumph of the powerful over the weak. A
truly compassionate society would follow the road of the bacteria and ensure that
all humans became powerful.

Disharmony can be regarded as being caused by greed and a lack of responsibility.

Greed for more than is necessary for a relatively satisfying life and a selfish
attitude which ignores our basic responsibility for one another, especially that
of the rich for the poor, the healthy for the unhealthy, the strong for the weak,
and so on, are the prime causes of world disharmony.

Eilenn Caddy writes “From time to time, review your relationships with those
around you. Review your motives and your attitudes. Look within before blaming
anyone else. See what you can do personally to right a wrong, and do it instantly.
Don’t wait for the other person to make the first move.” (messages given to her in
moments of stillness)

The higher entities, who guide the human race, had to put in early Man’s mind the
idea of being a separate ego to provoke the development of the personality. If
this had not happened, evolution would have faltered, or at least would have been
severely hampered, because there would have been very little incentive to break
out of the communal/tribal mould. Backing for this can be seen by looking at the
virtual cessation of growth in indigenous communities. This is not to belittle
those communities. Apart from periodic fights with other tribes they espouse
working together, they have deep spiritual beliefs and they are, if left alone,
capable of deep relationships as long as their territory is not threatened. They
serve a very useful purpose for humanity, an example of how to live in peace and
maintain a culture for tens of thousands of years. By contrast, the developing
humans see their cultures disappear in a relatively short time.

If we are to survive as a viable force on this planet we must accept that our
attitudes must change. The tribal community, as noted above, can exist for long
periods of time and we must emulate that pattern but on a higher turn of the
spiral, by combining core relationships with continual progressive movement to a
higher level of being. In place of tribal loyalties we now have group loyalties
and it is to be noted that group working has seen an explosive growth from the
time when the sun began its retrogression into the sign of Aquarius from Pisces.
In World Goodwill 2000-3 p 3 there are thoughts such as: human unity is the
foundation underlying core global values; time is needed for adjustment –
disparate individuals and the various ethnic, racial, and national communities
will not achieve rapprochement in a few short years; in a spirit of goodwill there
are thousands of non-profit, education, and charitable organisations serving the
many varied needs of humanity and it was non-government organisations that sparked
such forward steps as the International Criminal Court, the Land Mines Treaty and
the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Much of the prejudice against other peoples arises from fear of someone, or some
group, that is different. This leads to many of the problems we face today –
superiority of one race, one group over another, antipathy towards the disabled,
both physically and mentally, religious beliefs that clash, and there are many
more reasons why there is a rejection of another. Often these barriers to good
human relations lead to domestic, civil, and inter-country warfare.

A different attitude can arise from a willingness to believe in reincarnation,

that journey of the personality through one life after another in the quest for
spiritual growth. We are all born equal, in the sense that we are all created by
the same Being, but various factors have resulted in a spreading out of the
spiritual standing of all human beings. The result is that we are all learning but
from different starting points in each life. Whenever one of us heaps scorn on a
person from another race, someone with a disability, a person who doesn’t appeal
to our particular standard there is always the possibility that the scorner may
have been that sort of person in a previous life or may yet be in that position in
a future life. We are all travelling the same road but at different speeds and
along different paths.

There is no easy way out of our conflicts, they have to be settled by continual
efforts to heal the rifts that are present among us. The Tibetan had something to
say along these lines – “There is no scientific and hitherto unknown mode of
solving racial problems. It is finally a question of right thinking, decent
behaviour, and simple kindness. The question will not be solved by inter-marriage,
or by isolating groups for occupation of special areas, or by any man-made ideas
of superiority or inferiority. Right human relations will come by a mutual
recognition of mistakes, by sorrow for wrong action in the past, and by
restitution, if possible. It will come when nations can be educated to appreciate
the good qualities of other nations and to comprehend the part they play in the
whole picture. It will be developed when the sense of racial superiority is
killed; when racial differences and racial quarrels are relegated to the unholy
past and only a future of cooperation and of understanding is actively developed;
it will make its presence felt when the living standards of right relation (sought
by the enlightened people of every race) become the habitual attitude of the
masses and when it is regarded as contrary to the best interests of any nation to
spread those ideas which tend to erect racial or national barriers, arouse hatreds
or foster differences and separation. Such a time will surely come. Humanity will
master the problem of right human relations and attitudes.”

He made a similar comment to this in another book he wrote: “If there is not an
appreciable change in human relations, then there will be little immediate hope of
bringing about that united effort which will lead to world stabilisation,
interracial and international understanding, economic interdependence and
universal good will. For it is the good will of the powerful groups for humanity
and therefore for the masses, and the good will of the intelligentsia and of the
influential middle classes which will bring about the needed intelligent changes,
which can affect every human being. The hope of the world today lies in the
development of good will—not peace as the word is usually interpreted, to mean
merely an enforced freedom from war, and an expediently enforced pacifism, but the
cultivation of a spirit of good will, intelligently applied, and worked out with
purpose into the fabric of the individual and national life.”

Rights and Responsibilities

As a part of being alive every living creature has rights and responsibilities. To
have rights means that there are responsibilities attached to those rights – to
receive one needs to give.

This philosophy applies not only to human beings but also those lives in the lower
kingdoms, particularly the animals but also, to a lesser extent, the plant
kingdom. One way of looking at this is to refer back to the evolution of the life-
force from the first living organisms, through the plants, to the animals and then
the humans. We are a product of that growth in complexity and therefore should pay
our respects to that from which we came.

We are the custodians of the animal life as we now hold their lives in our hands.
Our technologies have the ability to eradicate species, to deny them appropriate
land and sustenance, to poison them and to treat them as if they are of no
consequence in our scheme of things. Animals can be said, on their part, to have
responsibilities to humans, as their bodies are needed to provide part of our food
requirements and in return for that they are entitled to live in as natural a way
as possible and to be given some dignity in light of their having emotions and
feelings and an emerging consciousness.

In 1941 Franklin DeLano Roosevelt broached the four freedoms that Man aspires to –
freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear.
These four fundamentals are underpinned by the understanding that all human beings
are, at the deepest level, as a result of their spiritual origin, potentially
absolutely equal. Each one of us expresses the source of all life and
consciousness and forms the basis from a recognition of unity because each
individual manifests the reality of the One Life.

Seven years later, on 10th December, 1948, the General Assembly of the United
nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. There
are 30 articles altogether and include such statements as Article 1: “All human
beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason
and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”
Article 2 includes: “Everyone is entitled….. without distinction of any kind, such
as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, natural or
social origin, property, birth or other status.”

The remaining 28 Articles can be said to hang on those two articles.

Carrying out our responsibilities can be as simple as giving a helping hand to a

neighbour, or a colleague at work, many bonds being forged through mutual help.
These can tap another dimension by releasing spiritual energies, deepening
friendships and inculcating a sense of belonging.

Each one of us is a complex network of relations which carry energy and which are
subject to flux and change. There is an analogy between human service and an
electric current, which only flows when it is providing energy for something
beyond itself. If one is selfish and holds that current within one’s own being it
acts as a short circuit and eventually halts the flow. In addition to this
horizontal flow there is also a vertical flow between the lower and higher planes
of energy. If we give energy to others, in the many ways in which this can be
carried out, we leave ourselves open to a steady, and increasing flow, from the
higher realms of being.

For a truly balanced, and satisfying, life, there must also be a flow of goodwill
towards ourselves as well as to others. One of the most significant signs of a
well-balanced personality is a person who also values their own life, not to the
point of egotism but a realisation that one is doing one’s best.

An interesting aspect of relationships was noted in issue No. 58 of New Humanity.

It stated that each relationship sees our single unit locked into another unit.
When a relationship ceases a small fragment of it remains for ever attached as a
new part of each unit, and it continues to exert an effect. This is something
similar to a statement in a book I read that whenever we shake hands with someone,
or touch them, there is an attachment which, like an elastic band, stretches as
the two parties move away from each other.

The result is that the more units we join with, the greater the number of facets
in our personality unit. As a result our experience and outlook are broadened.

Every 2,400 years or so a new cycle of energies begins as the sun moves anti-
clockwise through the zodiacal signs, the present change being from Pisces to
Aquarius. The new energy pattern begins to replace the old, causing major changes
by questioning the old and familiar and inserting new patterns and relationships.
One consequence of the Aquarian energy is to enhance the growth of groups wherein
people learn to co-operate in order to achieve an objective, in one sense a more
impersonal approach as one has to learn to give away a part of oneself in order to
fit into a larger organism.

This urge to form larger organisms is possibly one reason for the formation of
organisations such as the World Trade Organisation, which has sparked the idea of
globalisation. Unfortunately, thoughts which are impressed upon us from the higher
realms of spirit are taken up by individuals with varying levels of altruism and
as is often the case the initial impression is taken up selfishly rather than
public-spiritedly. An interesting view on the distortion cause by globalisation
was put by Frances Milne in the 1995 The Other Economic Summit (T.O.E.S.) meeting.
In speaking of the erosion of national sovereignty and the growth of powerlessness
she said: “The primary limitation in humankind achieving its full spiritual and
psychological potential is that the economy sets up a win-lose situation in which
people’s survival is at stake. Even affluent countries are engulfed by endemic
anxiety and stress based on the uncertainties of employment, growing inequality
and profound social alienation. Such deeply embedded anxiety about basic survival
destroys personal and social relationships and stifles confidence and initiative.”

That speaks of disconnectedness, not connectedness, and because the universe is

One, and its parts are meant to become One, that situation will cause a crisis out
of which new growth can take place. Globalisation, in its present form, is also a
denial of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and it behooves all nations
which have economic clout to take steps to move towards the spirit of that

We can look at connectedness in another way, based on the originating energy which
created all life. Its opening impulse was for unity and harmony but as it
progressed to the more dense levels its purity was tarnished. If we truly believe
in the justice of a wise creator we can be prepared to accept that every spirit
born into a body has a certain potential and that with every other spirit there is
the seed of harmony with all life.

All human beings come into this life with a talent, an inborn urge to fulfil a
purpose. It is my contention that if every human being was allowed, and
encouraged, to be themselves, without pressure by family, by status-seeking,
coercion by others and the many subtle ways in which family and State pervert the
borning promise, there would be a society that functioned with almost unbelievable
harmony. A manager would not need to be paid outrageous amounts for his services,
he would do it gladly because he would be realising his birth potential. A
tradesman, a labourer, a nurse, a lawyer, would all be expressing their
contribution to society out of the sheer joy of being themselves. Utopian perhaps
but what passes for a workable society leaves very much to be desired. We are all
in this together, whether we like it or not and if we do not ‘connect’ we will
continue to live in a less than ideal world.

In ‘Guided Writings” some similar sentiments were received from a discarnate

entity and portray the situation from a ‘higher’ point of view: “If the project is
not what we really wish to do, barring always the sense of duty, (that lies with
tedious, necessary functions re household and the workplace) it is the incorrect
path as our chosen path should be one of joy in dedication and determination. That
is not a tragedy if recognised and dealt with, the wrong path for you is the
correct path for some others. Our natures have been "constructed" so that like
nature's flora and fauna, we should be in a state of balance. Should be, but in
the human other influences can tend to divert us from our true calling, whether it
is society's or family's prejudice, more income, or power. None of those reasons,
in the long run, will produce happiness for us, and proper conduct of our work
which would and should have been of benefit to the whole. According to what is
new, popular, materially rewarding, becomes the path for the shallow-thinking,
easily-led, a stampede of enthusiasts overflowing one path to leave other needed
works sparsely tended.

Evil influences are at work everywhere to degrade humanity, to force it down to

the depths of ugliness, cruelty and depravity. These are negative forces which
have been building up since the first unsocial act of greed was committed, a
staking out by an entity long ago in anger at another competing for the same
prize, whether it was food, or shelter or a mate. Every wrong act, as well as
moral act, leaves a vibration, an effect, and as has so often been the case the
evil has outweighed the good.

It is so difficult for humans to comprehend that to be good often means to be at

an economic/material disadvantage. If the rewards of a peaceful conscience and the
refining of one's spirit towards the true life in our world (the spirit world) are
not seen as sufficient and equal to the material comforts others have gained,
often through unscrupulous methods, then more and more humans fall into the wrong
habits of thinking and doing and thus add more power to the negative and
destructive vibrations.

Understand all and envy no-one, it's all so simple if only they would listen, then

Until humanity realises this, there will be much frenzied activity of peoples
trying to find happiness by grabbing it, stealing it, fighting for it, or stooping
to drink, drugs, sexual perversions or excesses, and cruelty, to gain some
semblance of gratification. That doesn't work as history has shown through the
Bible and through every historical writing. All we can do is pass this message on
to the ones who will hear us and ask them to believe it, practise it, and pass it
along by example and word of mouth. But equally as important, to know that there
is good in the world and to focus always on 'that, with love, compassion and joy.
Pour positive thoughts of love, healing, blessing rays of purifying light towards
the world and its' peoples in general, it needs a powerhouse of healing light
vibrations to restore etheric balance.”
Humanity has always had the assistance of those who have gone before; the
enlightened ones who have attained that quality of being that they now live at
such a high level of frequency that a physical body can no longer withstand the
vibrancy of the energies which they can utilise. Some of that guidance is given in
the writings of the Tibetan, Djwal Kuhl, from which the following extracts are
taken as being relevant to the matter written in this chapter: -

“Today there are many thousands coming under the influence of this Law of Loving
Understanding. Many in every nation are responding to the broader synthetic
brotherly note, but the masses as yet understand nothing of this. They must be
led in right ways gradually by the steady development in right understanding of
their own nationals. Bear this in mind, all of you who work for world peace and
right human relations, for harmony and for synthesis.”

“Christ came in the sign of Pisces, the Fishes — the sign of the divine
Intermediary in the highest sense, or of the medium in the lower; it is the sign
of many of the world Saviours and of those Revealers of divinity Who establish
world relationships. I would have you note that phrase. The major impulse
driving the Christ towards special work was the desire to establish right human
relations; it is also the desire — realised or unrealised — of humanity, and we
know that some day the Desire of all nations will come, that right human relations
will be found everywhere and that goodwill will implement that fulfilment, leading
to peace in all lands and among all peoples.

In the Aquarian Age, the Risen Christ is Himself the Water-Carrier; He will not
this time demonstrate the perfected life of a Son of God, which was His main
mission before; He will appear as the supreme Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy,
meeting the need of the thirsty nations of the world — thirsty for truth, for
right human relations and for loving understanding. He will be recognised this
time by all and in His Own Person will testify to the fact of the resurrection,
and hence demonstrate the paralleling fact of the immortality of the soul, of the
spiritual man. The emphasis during the past two thousand years has been on death;
it has coloured all the teaching of the orthodox churches; only one day in the
year has been dedicated to the thought of the resurrection. The emphasis in the
Aquarian Age will be on life and freedom from the tomb of matter, and this is the
note which will distinguish the new world religion from all that have preceded

“I have suggested that the textbooks be rewritten in terms of right human

relations and not from the present nationalistic and separative angles. I have
also pointed out certain basic ideas which should be immediately inculcated: the
unique value of the individual, the beauty of humanity, the relation of the
individual to the whole and his responsibility to fit into the general picture in
a constructive manner and voluntarily; I have noted the imminence of the coming
spiritual renaissance. To all of these I would like to add that one of our
immediate educational objectives must be the elimination of the competitive spirit
and the substitution of the cooperative consciousness. Here the question at once
arises: How can one achieve this and at the same time bring about a high level of
individual attainment? Is not competition a major spur to all endeavour? This
has hitherto been so, but it need not be.”

Esoteric Healing was first published in 1953 and it is worthy of note that in the
start of the 21st century the following words would be easily repeatable in any
book about humanity. When reading them it should sink home that all readers, who
have the ability to grow in spiritual and human ways must seriously question
whether they are fulfilling their potential.
“Confound not evil with the activities of the gangster or the criminal. Criminals
and gangsters are the result of the emerging massed imperfections: they are the
victims of ignorance, mishandling when children and misunderstanding down the ages
of right human relations; the Law of Rebirth will eventually lead them on the way
to good. Those men are truly evil who seek to enforce a return to the bad old
ways, who endeavour to keep their fellowmen in slavery of some kind or another,
who block the expression of one or all of the Four Freedoms, who gain material
riches at the expense of the exploited, or who seek to hold for themselves and for
gain the produce of the Earth, and thus make the cost of life's necessities
prohibitive to those not richly endowed. Those who thus work, think and plan are
to be found in every nation, and are usually of prominence because of their riches
and influence; however, they sin against light and not through ignorance; their
goals are material and not spiritual. They are relatively few compared to the
countless millions of men, but are exceedingly powerful; they are highly
intelligent but unscrupulous, and it is through them that the Forces of Evil work,
holding back progress, promoting poverty, breeding hatred and class distinctions,
fostering racial differences for their own ends, and keeping ignorance in power.
Their sin is great and it is hard for them to change, because power and the will-
to-power (as it militates against the will-to-good) is a dominant all-controlling
factor in their lives; these men are today working against the unity of the United
Nations, through their greed, their determination to own the resources of the
Earth (such as oil, mineral wealth and food) and thus keep the people weak and
with inadequate food. These men, who are found in every nation, thoroughly
understand each other and are working together in great combines to exploit the
riches of the Earth at the expense of humanity.”


The Encyclopaedia Britannica states that “Religion is commonly regarded as

consisting of a person’s relation to God or to gods or spirits. Worship is
probably the most basic element of religion, but moral conduct, right belief, and
participation in religious institutions are generally also constituent elements of
the religious life as practiced by believers and worshippers and as commanded by
religious sages and scriptures.”

Religion is manmade and covers a wide spectrum of beliefs. The extreme differences
between the most opposing views can lead to individuals who are in doubt about the
existence of a god or a creator, being extremely sceptical about any benefit in
following a religious life.

Human beings are at different stages of consciousness and therefore what can be
expected as a propensity for belief in a god will also differ and the various
religions cater to one’s needs at the various stages in development. The all-
embracing knowledge about God and creation is covered by the term spirituality,
which embraces all religious beliefs and that which goes beyond them.

Each religion, therefore, exists in its own right and fulfils a need for a certain
number of human beings while at the same time covering only a part of the total
knowing of God and His creation. A religion can then be looked upon as a stepping
stone to a greater and more inclusive belief, and will eventually result in it
being forsaken as consciousness expands and eventually searches for a truth
beyond that which is available from physical experience and teaching.

Religion is also something that one is born into as witnessed by the following: -

“World democracy will take form when men everywhere are regarded in reality as
equal; when boys and girls are taught that it does not matter whether a man is an
Asiatic, an American, a European, British, a Jew or a Gentile but only that each
has an historical background and history which enables him to contribute something
to the good of the whole, and that the major requirement is an attitude of
goodwill and a constant effort to foster right human relations. World Unity will
be a fact when the children of the world are taught that religious differences are
largely a matter of birth; that if a man is born in Italy, the probability is that
he will be a Roman Catholic; if he is born a Jew, he will follow the Jewish
teaching; if born in Asia, he may be a Mohammedan, a Buddhist, or belong to one of
the Hindu sects; if born in other countries, he may be a Protestant and so on. He
will learn that the religious differences are largely the result of man made
quarrels over human interpretations of truth. Thus gradually, our quarrels and
differences will be offset and the idea of the One Humanity will take their

This explains why religion plus race can be a potent challenge to convert those
who are not the true believers. The Crusades, sectarian violence in Northern
Ireland, antipathy between Muslims and Christians are all examples of the wish to
convert the other to the ‘true faith’. The Christian religion is particularly
well-known for its determination to convert others, especially through the use of

There is an almost universal antipathy to the Jewish people, the following

quotation from the Tibetan encapsulating the problem: -

“The problem of the Jews goes deeply into the entire question of right human
relations; it can only be solved on that inclusive basis. It concerns the
interplay between people of different races but recognizing brotherhood in the
human family; it evokes the whole problem of selfishness and unselfishness, of
consideration and of justice, and these are factors which must condition all
parties. The Jew needs to recognize his share in bringing about the dislike which
hounds him everywhere; the Gentile must shoulder his responsibility for endless
persecutions and pay the price of restitution. The Jew has evoked and still evokes
dislike, and for this there is absolutely no need.”

The gist of the reason for this dislike goes back to Lemurian times when a group
of disciples who were the early founders of the present Jewish race, when told to
enter the gates of peace and leave everything behind, rebelled. They loved their
God and wanted to take to him the garnered treasures of a thousand cycles. Again
they were told to drop all that they held and again they refused. The Masters then
told them they would forever wander until they were prepared to enter with empty

There is a lot more depth than this outline and it is suggested that if this would
be of interest that you go to the very interesting commentary on the origin of the
Jewish problem in Esoteric Psychology Vol I pp 393-401 with additional comments
available in The Externalisation of the Hierarchy pp 76-78 and 87-88. The reader
is recommended to read those pages as the problem is exceedingly complex and is at
the root of much of our present dilemma in dealing with race and religion.

Leaving behind the many religions and the many negative results which arise out of
them we turn to spirituality in toto. It was said in the earlier part of the
chapter that it is necessary to transcend the purely material aspect of religion
in order to tap the higher levels of consciousness, those which deal with the
ephemeral nature of existence.

The creative force has always ensured that Man turn his attention to the higher
realms of the life force by sending Avatars to gradually open up the way to the
Godhead itself. In our recent history we have the Buddha, The Christ, and
Mohammed. They pointed to certain basic steps that have to be taken if we want to
grow in spirit. The Buddha’s teaching, for example, consists of four ‘subtle
truths’ viz.,
i. Existence is unhappiness
ii Unhappiness is caused by selfish craving
iii Selfish craving can be destroyed
iv It can be destroyed by following the eightfold path, whose
steps are:-

9. Right understanding
10. Right purpose (aspiration)
11. Right speech
12. Right conduct
13. Right vocation
14. Right effort
15. Right alertness
16. Right concentration

Jesus the Christ taught us that love conquers all things and that life survives
the death of the body. The word love has many connotations but in its true sense
it is something which has to grow in meaning as we are able to grow in spirit. A
reading of the following extract from ‘Telepathy‘ indicates that it is the
motivating reason for the creation of life – “The Point at the Centre. This is the
“jewel in the lotus” to use the ancient oriental appellation; it is the point of
life by means of which the Monad anchors itself upon the physical plane, and is
the life principle therefore of all the transient vehicles – developed,
undeveloped, or developing. This point of life contains within itself all
possibilities, all potentialities, all experiences and all vibratory activities.
It embodies the will-to-be, the quality of magnetic attraction (commonly called
love), and the active intelligence which will bring the livingness and the love
into full expression. The above statement or definition is one of major
importance. This point at the centre is in reality, therefore, all that IS and the
other three aspects of life – as listed – are merely indications of its existence.
It is that which has capacity to withdraw to its Source, or to impose upon itself
layer upon layer of substance; it is the cause of the return of the so-called
Eternal Pilgrim to the Father’s Home after many aeons of experience, as well as
that which produces experiment. Leading to eventual experience and final

Another meaning is given in another of the Tibetan’s books – “The soul can be
spoken of as the Son of the Father and of the Mother (Spirit-Matter) and is
therefore the embodied life of God, coming into incarnation in order to reveal the
quality of the nature of God, which is essential love. This life, taking form,
nurtures the quality of love within all forms, and ultimately reveals the purpose
of all creation. This is the simplest definition for average humanity, being
couched in the language of mysticism, thus linking the truth as found in all

The prophet Muhammad had the Word of God revealed to him by the Angel Gabriel at a
time when Arabian paganism was showing signs of decay. It was yet another example
of Man’s need being met when there was a danger of a reversion to earlier forms of
worship. The Koran has many parallels with the contents of the Holy Bible with
Jesus being acknowledged as the Son of God. Muhammad believed that he was the
messenger of God, sent forth to confirm previous scriptures given to the Jews and
the Christians (taken from The Koran as translated by N. J. Dawood – Penguin

No one Church has all of the true knowledge and they are all steps on the way. In
any event, as consciousness is still unfolding the future truth is virtually
limitless. Mankind has reached the stage where religions, as such, should be
superseded by an acceptance of spirituality as an overall practice in the search
for divinity.

Reasons for a multiplicity of life forms, qualities, organisations etc., were

given in an interview with Thomas Berry by Peter Reason, as recorded in Resurgence
204 p 10. Part of the dialogue was: -
Interviewer: “So when you say the human activates this quality (consciousness) in
the universe, we’re bringing reflective knowing, while the trees and ants are
bringing other qualities?

Ans: “Yes. St. Thomas Aquinas talked about why there are so many different things
in the universe. Do we need all these things? His answer is that because the
Divine could not imagine itself forth in any one being , It created the great
diversity of things so that what was lacking in one would be supplied by the
others and the whole universe together would participate in, and manifest, the
Divine more than any single being.”

The universe is creative – always experimenting – although perfection is known,

the way to it has many paths.

More information on the spirituality of Man will be provided in the chapter titled
‘The Hierarchy of Man’.

Chapter 9 Education and Beliefs

The theme of the book is interconnectedness. But that theme will not spread by
itself, it has to be communicated and communication is a form of education.
Spirituality is the basis on which life needs to be centred if Mankind is to reap
the rewards of an openness to new ideas and ideals, and the foundation of
spirituality is One-ness, the fact that we are all parts of a whole.

A prime requisite in the coming centuries will be the introduction of spirituality

(which is ageless) as an essential part of our lives as it is linked to a level
which knows neither birth nor death. Changes in consciousness, attitudes, beliefs,
rarely happen overnight – they are more the result of crises in life which force
us to change or atrophy. For this reason, spiritual education must commence at a
simple, basic level, and progress through many stages to allow the mindset to
become accustomed to the new thoughts which are introduced.

The present time is now auspicious for a transfer of emphasis in education from
the material to the spiritual. As the sun has moved into Aquarius for a period of
some 2,400 years or so, it can be expected that change will be in the air for that
period of time. Initially it will be gradual but also will be unexpected as
Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, achieves its aims through revolutionary means. When
the sun moves from one zodiac sign to another the energies of the preceding sign
will still retain an effectiveness, there is no abrupt change, a gradual lessening
of the one and a gradual enhancement of the other.

Man’s progress into the fifth kingdom (kingdom of souls) can only take place via
an expansion of consciousness. This requires an emphasis on the mental level, the
astral (emotional) body eventually operating automatically as the physical body
does now. The time is therefore right for new forms of education to be
incorporated into school curriculums.

An Arcane School Conference held in New York in May, 1993, included these thoughts
– The change in energy from Pisces to Aquarius is causing disruption in many old-
established institutions. Education is one of these and the crisis has resulted in
more school vandalism, drugs, disinterest in school, school shootings, instability
in human relations.

Three seed ideas were presented: -

D. The value of the individual and the fact of the one humanity.
E. The knowledge and bridging of various aspects of our own mental nature, and
its role in the next stage of our unfoldment.
F. Beginning the process in infancy.

Modern education concentrates on materiality and education is in disarray because

the objective world is being pressured by the subjective world. In other words,
there is increased energy flowing from higher levels of being which is enhancing
the spiritual ideas present in Man’s universal consciousness and forcing minds to
contemplate a move away from gross materiality.

The Random House Dictionary describes education as “the act or process of

imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and
judgement, and generally preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature

The root from which the word education is derived is ‘educere’ which means to
‘lead out’, implying that the knowledge is already inside us but it needs help in
bringing it out. In other words, education should not only provide answers but
also teach how to question the answers one gets.
Francis Bacon declared that Man should enter upon learning, in order “to give a
true account of their gift of reason, to the benefit and use of men; while William
James stresses the need for “a perfectly rounded development.”

Another contribution was made by Bertrand Russell when he wrote – “Education is,
as a rule, the strongest force on the side of what exists and against fundamental
change: threatened institutions, while they are still powerful, possess themselves
of the educational machine, and instil a respect for their own excellence into the
malleable minds of the young. “

“If we respected the rights of children, we should educate them so as to give them
the knowledge and the mental habits required for forming independent opinions; but
education as a political institution endeavours to form habits and to circumscribe
knowledge in such a way as to make one set of opinions inevitable.”

“A man who is to educate really well, and is to make the young grow and develop
into their full stature must be filled through and through with the spirit of
reverence. The man who has reverence will not think it his duty to ‘mould’ the

As previously noted, Aquarius gives out an energy which is conducive to the

formation of groups, and these operate best when there is a feeling of
togetherness, of brotherhood, of wanting to move along the same path towards a
common target.

Until the gradual merging of western and oriental ideas the western countries were
based on an objective, materialistic, and outward-looking view of the world
whereas the eastern approach was of a mystical, inward and subjective approach. Up
until now education has generally concerned itself with what has happened in the
past, children’s minds have been filled with dates, the amassing of information,
much of it being based on parrot-learning and memory. The Piscean Age was
identified as one that singled out the individual achievements and this was also
carried out at the individual racial/national level. These achievements were
generally associated with acquisitions obtained through aggressive acts, war and
conquest. Colonialism was rampant and the rights of those who were conquered were
deemed to be of insignificance when compared with the status of the conquerors.
Learning this in history and geography will not prepare the modern child for the
task ahead.

Education is more than memory training and filling a child’s head full of facts
about past glories. This information should not be neglected but relegated to its
proper place by means of an overview of the past and what resulted from it.

Although education has a part to play in developing a human being who will be a
commercial asset, who will be able to enjoy life and engage in a culture which
will enable them to participate with interest in all that transpires in the three
worlds of human affairs, there is more to it than that.

The Tibetan wrote a book titled ‘Education in the New Age’. The following
paragraphs are based on what he wrote on pages 4 and 5.

In dealing with human development education has three main objectives. The first
is to produce a man who is an intelligent citizen, a wise parent, and someone who
is able to control his personality. This should enable him to play his part in the
work of the world, to live peaceably, be of help, and be in harmony with his
As a second objective, education must ensure that he can bridge the gap between
the various aspects of his own mental nature and this part is emphasised in his
wording. There are three aspects which have to be integrated:
4. The lower concrete mind, or reasoning principle, which is what the
educational processes profess to deal with. This is the receptive mind as dealt
with by the psychologist.

5. The Son of Mind which is his wording for the Ego or Soul. This is the
intelligence principle which is variously referred to, in esoteric literature, as
the Solar Angel, the Christ principle, etc. This aspect is the one which religion
professes to deal with.

6. The higher abstract mind, which holds one’s ideas, and conveys illumination
to the lower mind once that mind is en rapport with the soul. This is the world of
ideas which is the sphere of philosophy.

The third objective is to bridge the gap that exists between the lower mind and
the soul. Humanity has innately realised this as evidenced by the terms ‘achieving
unity’, ‘making at-one-ment’, or ‘attaining alignment’.

On page 50 he states that educators have three objectives: -

4. to civilise the child by properly training and directing his instincts
5. to train him to use his intellect rightly in order to bring about his true
6. to develop and bring out the intuition

It is incumbent on society to impress on the political level the need for an

educational system that will fit in with the nation’s culture and provide an
ability to tackle all the various aspects of life that one will encounter when the
official part of the education is completed. The education should therefore
ideally include: -
a) the meaning of life looked at from the spiritual level
b) sexuality
c) the environment
d) morals and ethics
e) psychology
f) art, rhythm, and music
g) the history of man and the universe in which we live

Robert Muller, an educationist, also had some thoughts about a school curriculum
which were presented in a World Goodwill Occasional Paper in September, 1994. He
suggested four groupings of: -
5. Our planetary home, which would provide information about the universe, the
solar system, the Earth, seas and oceans, atmosphere, life in the four kingdoms
and the macroscopic and microscopic constituents.
6. The human family, which would embrace world population, sexes, races, the
various ages of human life, health, morals, spirit and the human groupings of the
family, the nation, regional organisations, professionals and companies.
7. Our place in time, that is, our past, our present, and our possible future,
so that we can see where we stand in the process of evolution.
8. The miracle of individual life and what constitutes good
physical, mental, sentimental, moral, and spiritual lives.

Over the years a variety of educational methods has developed and a variety is
essential because the needs of children depend on their own proclivity, their
social background, home circumstances, future potential, and other personal
factors. Not every method is suitable for every child but the initial stage can be
stressed as the most important because it is the first experience of being taught
in a school that is most likely to influence the future progress through whatever
educational institution the child moves to.

We are all different, not only in race, colour, religion, size, sex, etc., but
also in our ability to comprehend the world around us. The methods by which we
learn can depend on whether we absorb information best through the written word,
by listening to the spoken word, or by using the ability to visualise. Some one of
these ways may well be dominant within our psyche, the others being of lesser

Since we are all assumed to be equal, to be capable of learning at the same rate
as the person next door, the educational systems in which we have been taught
expect us to do what is the norm. Earlier in the book, however, it was explained
that we are not born equal. Although we are all on the same path, that of return
to the source of all life, there is an infinite range of abilities within the
human race. Some of us originated from different sources or took on physical form
at varying periods in time so that the achievement of equality would have been
impossible. Add to that the karmic aspects related to incarnation and one can
realise that we are all so very different at the physical level.

It is therefore understandable that Maria Montessori could prove that children

have their own rate of development. We are not all cast in the same mould so that
inner activity, inspiration to create, with simple toys that lead to creativity
and use of the mind, and which comprise such items as blocks, sticks, leaves,
stones and such like, are of great importance.

In an article about Dr. Maria Montessori in The Beacon it was stated that, “ She
always perceived the fact that children possess different and higher qualities
than those usually attributed to them. She saw a higher form of personality
waiting to be liberated. Her method addressed the significant need to facilitate
the inner work of the child, that of psychical adaptation – a process which every
child must go through in order to integrate motor, sensory and intellectual

The wholeness of the personality needs to be drawn out in a child’s education,

including the encouragement of an active sense of responsibility, kindness,
helpfulness and exploration of free will. Dr. Montessori said “The child is not a
“receptive void waiting to be filled with our wisdom”, but is essentially one who
is self-educated and is “guided by his inward teacher.” (The Absorbent Mind)

There has been such an emphasis on the scientific method of dissecting whatever is
studied into its ultimate parts that it has infiltrated much of our culture.
Instead of looking at the whole we build up the parts on the assumption that if we
know those parts we know how it works. It is useful to look at the parts but it is
wholeness that is of importance and that is why educational systems that are often
based on logic and critical analysis lead more to separation and division than
wholeness, a complete picture of reality. Children should be presented with “the
value of the individual and the fact of the one humanity.”

Rather than an initial concentration on learning about the country that one was
born in would it not be better to commence with the world as a whole. Looking at
the Earth in this way could spark a greater feeling of oneness rather than many
countries making up the whole. When the first photographs of Earth were received
from space it was possible, for the first time, to realise what our planet is in
reality, a whole being of which we are a part. This can then lead to acceptance by
a child that we are all world citizens. From this there can be an expansion to
show what happens in one part of the world can have an effect on another part, or
the whole.

History lessons could follow the path of humanity through the ages, dwelling on
the major events which have shaped civilisations and caused them to decay. This
would not only incorporate the rise and fall of empires due to heroic figures and
wars but also the roles of philosophers, spiritual thinkers, humanitarians, and
all those who made a contribution to improving society. New World education should
focus on our similarities as well as our differences, our creative achievements
and our spiritual idealism.

Racial prejudice can begin at a very early age so it is imperative that a respect
for, and tolerance of, the values, beliefs, and lifestyles of others also be an
integral part of the learning process. It needs to be noted that we often believe
that other languages, cultures, and religions are wrong because they are not ours.
Unless brought up to respect them the forming child can be led to believe that
they are inferior because ‘they are not ours’.

Esoteric teaching must be geared to each age group and therefore needs to be
simplified with a steady progression to the school-leaving stage. The child must
appreciate that there is a horizontal aspect which lies in the physical and
connects all life that we are visually and tactilely conscious of and also a
vertical aspect which can only be reached through meditation practices as it
involves learning how to reach higher levels of vibration.

E.F. Schumacher wrote that the divergent forms that are at work in education are
freedom (liberty) and discipline (obedience). This implies, he said, that there is
no compromise, it is either “Do as you like” or “Do as I tell you”. Logic says
that if one thing is true its opposite cannot also be true.

He then quotes “I do not know who coined the slogan of the French Revolution; he
must have been a person of rare insight. To the pair of opposites of liberty
versus equality he added a third factor or force – brotherliness, which comes from
a higher level.” The latter is a human quality beyond the reach of institutions
whereas the first two can be legislated for.

Hopefully repetition and parrot-learning are being avoided in current teaching

practices. Children need to have real experiences rather than an accumulation of
facts which can easily be obtained from books, the internet, teachers, parents, or
other contacts. A thirst for seeking answers to questions, encouragement of a mind
that wants to expand its horizons and not always follow the pre-determined must be
put into a child’s mind otherwise we will tend to see education being used to turn
out children who are cast in a mould.

Part of the learning process should be the building up of a strong sense of

morality, which is a resistance to desire or impulse as such. It would involve a
criticism and an evaluation of desires so that what is ‘desirable’ and not merely
‘desired’ will become the norm when dealing with the many aspects of life. The
moral individual is one who pursues what is good, not for him or herself only, but
for all.

There is so much information readily available that rote-learning is no longer

necessary. Children must be taught to think for themselves and not just accept
what they are told. They can be given examples of the days when ‘the Earth is
flat’; the ‘sun goes around the Earth’; ‘man cannot fly’ etc., to show why blind
faith in a statement or a dogma should not be taken aboard before thoroughly
examining it. Passing exams should not be the sole aim as there are many prime
examples of early school-leavers, or people who could not pass exams, who went on
to make significant discoveries, initiated new lines of thought, created
successful ventures etc.

Rudolf Steiner, who lived during the period 1861-1925, and possessed a great
ability to penetrate into the world of spirit had his work incorporated into the
philosophy of the Waldorf schools. It is based on the methodology of the
children’s willing (doing), feelings, and thinking so incorporating the three
bodies of Man (physical, emotional, mental) and enabling them to be harmonised so
that the soul can take over. The basic tenets are; 1) a new way of looking at the
world, seeing it both as material and spiritual, healing the conflict between
science and religion; 2) the human being as a spiritual identity with a past,
present, and future with a task of using his gifts in community with others for
the benefit of the Earth; and 3) an imaginative education that nourishes the whole
human being, including the moral nature and not simply the intellectual.

Steiner warned against using the intellect at too early an age as puberty is when
it can be used most fruitfully. With reference to this it can be noted that one of
the Montessori school methods is to group all children, from say ages five to ten,
within one class and allow them to listen to whatever is of interest or work with
some other form of educational activity.

Development usually occurs in seven year stages. In a child’s first seven years it
is not aware of itself as a separate being. It is a perceptual stage, feeling in
tune with the surrounding life. Once the second seven stage is entered the
development of the emotions begins with pictorial thinking and as the third period
is reached we see the advent of a change to more objective thinking, problem
solving is now used with more effect and the intellect is being developed.

Looking back to an earlier chapter it can be seen that these three stages mirror
Man’s development, firstly as a physical body that relates only to the environment
in which it lives, secondly the development of the emotional (astral) body which
taps the imaginative level and finally the appearance of the mental body which
leads to full consciousness at the material level with an outreach beginning to
the spiritual body.

The traditional schools will still be present alongside what may be called a
specialised form of teaching because not all parents, and not all children, will
be attracted to them. In other words, there will be a diversity of educational
paths to follow but there needs to be a common core of subject matter to provide
for a connectedness that will allow each graduating child to accept that he has a
responsibility to all of humanity and not just a selfish perception that he alone
has the potential to be supreme.

Modern education tends to be homogenised and global in its reach but it also needs
to be based on the location of the children to be educated. Every nation, and
every culture must incorporate their specific needs into the curriculum. A small
island nation will have much different needs than one whose children live in the
inner suburbs of a large city. A child living in a country area is more likely to
be in tune with, and aware of, the natural environment, and therefore needs to
learn about city life. An inner-city child, on the other hand, is removed from the
natural environment and should therefore be taught about ecological and
economically sustainable societies and the reasons why action has to be taken to
protect the local and global biodiversity. Indigenous people grow up with the
signs that nature provides for guidance, in how it is to be treated and what may
be expected in the way of seasonal changes. City children can benefit from
periodic stays in country areas for varying periods of time in the holidays and in
school terms, in order to work on farms, do remedial work in the environment and
similar activities, so that they are exposed to the ways of the Earth in its
natural state and to experience first hand animals, birds, insects, marine life
that they may have read or heard about; also provision of space in the school
grounds, or a neighbouring open space, can be utilised for growing vegetable,
flowers and trees.

The relationship of humanity to the environment needs to be expanded by opening up

to the young people’s minds the awesome intricacy and beauty of nature. Showing
videos of the natural world, such as those produced by David Attenborough, is one
way of getting the message across that this entire teeming world of ours is
completely balanced, that all forms of life blend in with one another and are
supportive in a large variety of ways. Impress upon them the basis of life, DNA
and the single-celled organisms that form the basis of the some 10 million or so
species; get them to appreciate both the macrocosm and the microcosm, get a feel
of the enormity of the universe and its indescribable wealth of diversity;
everything imaginable is there somewhere.

A debate must be opened up on the purpose of education – is it to equip a child

with the means of determining its own views on life, where its dominant interests
should be, the vocation it wishes to undertake, the contrast between the spiritual
and the material – or is it to provide an individual who will fit easily into a
slot in the world economy and accept whatever is required in order to become a
valued employee who produces wealth for an employer.

The provision of an education is no guarantee of decency, prudence, or wisdom,

especially western education with its emphasis on efficient corporate units rather
than curious and open-minded adults. Schools, colleges, and universities prepare
graduates poorly in the belief education is primarily to produce a homogenised,
fossil-fuel powered, urban existence. This is a prime reason for business entering
the sphere of education in order to prepare students to work in it.

Some examples are those of Coca-Cola in the US assisting school funding by

providing profits from their products which are the only ones allowed and can be
purchased by the children at any time while they are in the school. Other
companies assist by providing equipment on the basis that children have to watch a
daily video which contains advertisements for their products.

In the UK, companies provide material for school projects which contain a bias
towards particular products and technologies. Some schools are being privatised
and used to make profits for the companies which invest in them and also encourage
learning that will be advantageous to the company if any children eventually go to
work for them.

The computer industry is very keen to persuade educators that the way forward is
to increase, to the greatest extent possible, the use of computers as a teaching
device. Reliance on technology, however, can restrict knowledge and the attaining
of wisdom which can only come through the human factor, the teacher on the spot
who can stimulate minds to question and search. There is no denying computers have
a role to play but their prime usage should be as a source of information to
supply detail needed for the enquiring minds.

Fritjof Capra is a respected physicist who has delved into life and spirituality.
The following quotation from one of his books is therefore of interest: - “The
spiritual impoverishment and loss of cultural diversity through excessive use of
computers is especially serious in he field of education. As Neil Postman put it
succinctly, ‘When a computer is used for learning, the meaning of “learning” is
changed.’ The use of computers in education is often praised as a revolution that
will transform virtually every facet of the educational process. This view is
vigorously promoted by the powerful computer industry, which encourages teachers
to use computers as educational tools at all levels – even in kindergarten and
pre-school – without ever mentioning the many harmful effects that may result from
these irresponsible practices.

The use of computers is based on the now outdated view of human beings as
information processors, which continually reinforces erroneous mechanistic
concepts of thinking, knowledge, and communication. Information is presented as
the basis of thinking, whereas in reality the human mind thinks with ideas, not
with information….information does not create ideas, ideas create information.”

Education is often thought of as only essential for the child whereas everyone
should, ideally, be educating themselves throughout their lives. Especially in
recent times there has been such an acceleration in discoveries, philosophies,
changes in the environment, in health, in perceptions of what the world should be
like, etc., that all adults should consider taking part in some form of continuing
education. This is where the school buildings can play a part. Within a community
there is always a school in easy reach of the residents and this could be the
focal point for continuing education.

A UNICEF report concluded, “…decentralisation becomes most dynamic when control of

schools is redistributed, concentrating power not entirely in the hands of head
teachers but involving the community in management through creation of a governing
body with membership drawn from teachers, parents and the wider community.” An
acceptance of this, or a similar model, could pave the way to fuller use of the
school buildings and the equipment.

To carry these thoughts further, schools should be part of a community, comprising

as well as the school a childcare centre, retirement homes, workshops, theatre,
arts and crafts. Children could be introduced to volunteer work, making items for
use in the community, older people could take part in childcare duties, in other
words a mix of these functions could provide a synergy which is otherwise lacking.

There will not be any one model as people, communities, needs, cannot be put into
one mould but such a situation can emphasise the one-ness of life, it can bring
people together and mimic the extended family that has now virtually vanished as
society has changed. This is a special need in today’s world with the increasing
number of single-parent families and the tendency for the separation of the
different generations within a family unit.

An example of what could be incorporated into school learning and continuing

education for adults is an initiative launched by UNESCO in 1953. This was the
Associated Schools Project for International Cooperation and Peace. More than
3,000 educational institutions participated in this which has a principle
orientation to a) world problems and the role of the UN in solving them, b) human
rights (and obligations should also be now included). C) other countries and
cultures, d) humanity and the environment.

In the earlier part of the book, reincarnation was introduced as a necessary part
of the evolution of consciousness. It might therefore be said that all of us come
into incarnation bearing the accumulated experiences of past lives. To some
extent, therefore, we need an education that will bring those former experiences
to life and set us on the path to as rapid an advance in consciousness as possible
in this life. Education needs to be seen as a process that continues from birth
until death and not necessarily just the acquiring of information and knowledge
but an expansion of consciousness into higher levels of vibration.

Education will need to be seen in a new light as a need to link the past with the
future by using all that is good, beautiful and true from the past with an
emphasis on certain basic objectives that have, in general, been ignored to date.
Although we have to recognise that there are negative influences throughout our
lives, it is important that we emphasise the positive, always to be optimistic
because ‘energy follows thought’ and where we put that energy is where we see
results. Some of the basic objectives include meditation, to enable a subjective
approach to reality to be undertaken; development of the intuition which leads to
right thinking and right action, and study of the Science of the Antahkarana.

That last word will be new to many of the readers and a brief explanation is
warranted at this juncture. Recalling that physical life arose out of a gradual
deceleration of vibrant energy and the intention is that when life has reached its
densest point and gained a diversity of experiences it will begin its evolutionary
return to its source, it is a necessity that higher and more vibrant links have to
be made with the originating form or matrix. Because that form is insubstantial,
compared to our physical forms, it stands to reason that our forms of material
communication have to be superseded.

We have, over the past century or so, learned to communicate by means of

electromagnetic waves in the form of radio, television, infra-red etc. These
energies are received by our eyes, and ears (and skin) and converted into words,
pictures and sensations. This is an analogy to the Antahkarana, which begins to
form when an individual has managed to integrate the physical, astral, and mental
bodies into one cohesive unit that operates with singleness of purpose, under the
guidance of higher mind, without any undue emphasis on any one of the three.

With that integration of the three bodies comes an ability to focus all the bodily
energies through the brain, causing an excitation of the cells and producing a
higher level of vibration. Investigation into the physical operation of the brain
appears to show that there is surplus capacity that can be used for this purpose.
It is highly unlikely that the necessary growth in consciousness, which needs that
higher vibration, is not already part of God’s Plan for the move into the fifth
kingdom, that of the Soul.

Using the voluminous information provided by the Tibetan in his books, it can be
said that the fourth plane, which is the link between the three higher worlds of
spiritual being and the three lower worlds of human endeavour and experiences, has
to be reached by a bridge, or link, of light (which is itself the source of

If Man is to evolve it is not through the physical body alone because that has
virtually reached its optimum. The evolution has to be at a higher frequency of
vibration which has been reached already by advanced members of the human race,
the Christ, and the Buddha being the two foremost examples, with many others at
varying stages on that path of enlightenment.

The target which the bulk of mankind now aims for is the soul, which is part of a
group soul from which we were born many eons ago and is not interested in our
existence until we are sufficiently developed for it to become aware of our
integrated personality. At that point in time it starts a magnetic attraction as a
response to our ability to contact it via a stream of energy, or light, which is
created by our brain cells.

The Science of the Antahkarana relates to the method of bridging the gaps between
our threefold body and the higher levels of spiritual development which
incorporate the ideas of intuitive perceptions, and spiritual insight and
understanding. As the fourth plane does not consist of dense, material substance,
it has to be reached through thought, the mind has to access that which is
The method used to contact the soul is meditation in an advanced form, and lest it
is believed that this is an easy thing to attain it is said that several lifetimes
may be needed before the objective can be secured.

Meditation is a life-long process as it entails accessing the higher mind, the

soul, and levels beyond. It is never too early to begin the practice which ideally
starts with the ability to concentrate. Schoolchildren could be taught
concentration using methods such as; counting the breath; taking an object or idea
as the sole focus of concentration; focusing the vision on an object such as a
flower, a pencil, etc. When the mind begins to wander, as other thoughts come to
it, re-focus the mind on the object of the concentration.

It is after this stage that the practice of meditation can begin. As there are
many forms of meditation, as there are with concentration, they should be
experimented with until one is used that ‘feels right’.

The Antahkarana, or consciousness thread, is the result of uniting life and

substance and reaches from the outer, or exoteric, body to the inner world of
subjective realities and meaning. It uses mental substance, which is itself not
tangible, to extend a line of force to contact the higher energy of the soul. When
the gap has been bridged the integrated and soul-infused personality will be
receptive to impressions coming from the higher spiritual realms and the plan and
purpose of God will become much clearer. It is from this level that we receive
intuition, that certainty of what is that does not have to be worked out by the
physical brain, we just know what the situation is.

Attainment of the bridge, or connection, between soul and personality, results in

continuity of consciousness.

With the foregoing in mind it is clear that to progress we are meant to do so

through a process of education. In New Humanity No 135 on page 5 we find “The
reader is asked to consider the importance of mystical/spiritual experience from
the point of view of its ability to completely transform a person in regards to
their adopting a highly ethical, wise, loving, intelligent and unselfish attitude
to life, required qualities if higher states or levels of mind are to be

Our current methods of education, bar a few exceptions, are definitely not in a
position to achieve the above objectives. Science, technology, and materialism all
militate against the growth of spirituality. It is possible to combine
spirituality and a material existence but what would have to be foregone are the
mindsets that power, wealth, status, and competition are the major determining
factors in physical existence.

Some practical advice for those who are presently floundering in wondering what
needs to happen next in their life is given in ‘Guides for Living’ – “More than
anything, people need to sit down again and again and look at their lives. What
they are doing, what they want to do. Where do they want to go. More than at any
time, you humans are all being forced to look again at what life is about, what
purpose is there in so many lives being purposeless? The answers won't come from
one or two people or agencies, or governments, because it is not that kind of a
solution. It is a sort of groundswell of awareness that takes place in such
situations, and the change-about will happen over a period of time, in many
different ways. Nothing is certain now, and nothing is more uncertain than the
lives and futures of all the jobless, the homeless, the hopeless, and what could
truthfully be termed, the useless. Where could you find one answer for them all?
So, individuals who are advanced enough are stirring, and questioning, and joining
together to establish mores and lifestyles for themselves. Others are taking
people in from the byways for informal education and for support and affirmation.
I needn't go on, you see it all around you. If you are content with your lot and
getting on with self-growth plus a reaching out to the needy, then that is good.
If that is not enough then realistically it is time to look further. How or where
is for you all to decide, but now more than ever there is a need for 'Man to
fulfil his own calling while at the same time benefiting others.”

World Goodwill 1996-3 page 6 reported that a Buddhist development leader, Sulak
Sivaraska, helped to establish the Spirit in Education Movement in Thailand. His
idea was that schools should concentrate on the heart as well as the head by
developing meditation practice, gaining an understanding and respect for
indigenous cultures, developing beauty, goodness and a critical self-awareness.
The process was also meant to combine understanding and passion in order to work
for social justice, ecological balance and right livelihood. Adoption of such
ideas into the school curriculum will help students to attain a spiritual depth in
the learning process.

Chapter 10 Numbers
God was described by Kepler as a Geometer and others have stated that He is the
Great Mathematician. It is a fact that numbers have a great fascination because
they intrude into our lives in many ways.

Mathematicians evolve theories, using the various types of mathematics, to explain

material phenomena. It is possible to theorise in this way and then discover that
the content of the theory is realised when experimentation eventually takes place.

Are numbers the basis of the evolution and then the subsequent operation of the
universe or do they just happen to fit into it. This is for the reader to
determine after seeing what this chapter has to offer on the subject. An occult
knowledge of numbers is said to have been in the possession of ancient
civilisations such as the Chinese, Hindus, Egyptians, Arabians, Hebrews and
Greeks. There are only two possibilities concerning numbers and their relationship
to the universe. Either there are: -

1) certain laws operating in the universe which reveal themselves by means of

numerological concepts,

2) the claims made about the subject have no substantial grounds on which to

Alfred North Whitehead has stated that mathematics, “may claim to be the most
original creation of the human spirit. The originality of mathematics consists in
the fact that in mathematical science connections between things are exhibited
which, apart from the agency of the human reason, are extremely unobvious.” Most
of us go about our daily routines oblivious to the likelihood that all around us
are activities that are governed by mathematical formulae and relationships. For
my own part, on judging the information which I have read over the years, some of
which is included in this chapter, I am convinced that the connectedness exhibited
by all parts of the universe, down to the smallest fragments, has a relationship
which is determined by numbers.

And come to think of it, the order in the universe couldn’t have happened by
chance. There has to be an underlying connectivity which relies on number
sequences and relationships to ensure that it continues on its expansion of
consciousness in all its parts. Our own lives are governed by numbers, If we
didn’t have a telephone number no-one could contact us through it; a street number
ensures we get our mail; a flight number governs which airplane we take to our
destination; our age is determined by a number, so it is easy to accept that
numbers are indispensable.

New Humanity, issue No 108, contained an interesting commentary on the number

significance of that issue. The number 108 adds to 9, which is the culmination of
the basic series starting with 1. The 1 repeats itself in the next series as the
power of 10. There is a number of items which also have 108 as the prime factor –
rosaries in India, China, Tibet and Central Asia traditionally have 108 beads. At
the time of writing this chapter I was reading a book by Arthur Osborne titled
‘Ramana Maharshi and the Path of Self-knowledge’. On page 174 there is a reference
to an inspirational poem that Ramana Maharshi was writing which happened to have
108 verses.

The Rig Veda of India contains 108,000 stanzas. Traditional Hindu cosmology
considered 108,000 years to be one quadrant of the Kali Yuga which is the last of
four eras of cosmic time. 1,080,000 years is one quadrant in the total duration
which encompasses all of the four Yugas. A Maha Yuga, or complete series, which
lasts for 4,320,000 years, consists of four Yugas, viz., Krita, Treta, Dwapara,
and Kali; and the length of each of these four Yugas is respectively as the
numbers, 4, 3, 2 and 1 (1,728,000; 1,296,000; 864,000; and 432,000 years
respectively). After the Kali Yuga we return to the Krita Yuga which is the
‘Golden Age’, after which conditions decline again through the remaining three

In Graeco-Chaldean astrology it is stated that 25,920 years is the time taken for
the Sun to process through all of the 12 zodiacal signs – 1 hour of this ‘heavenly
day’ equals 1,080 years. Of interest is the fact that 108 is made up of 1¹ x 2² x
3³ equals 108.

Pythagoras said that numbers set a limit to the unlimited, that numbers constitute
the true nature of things, and that all concepts can be expressed in numbers.
Aristotle said ‘the whole heaven is a musical scale and number’.
The Pythagorean School observed that 1, 2 and 3 implies all of the numbers that
can be obtained. 1 equals unity, which cannot be divided; 2 is the first number
which is divisible and even; and 3 is the next number which is indivisible and
odd. From the 2 and the 3, which are in the 1, flowed all of creation.

So 2, given its own power i.e., squared, with 3, given its own power i.e., cubed,
produces 108. From this one obtains the three-dimensional cosmos as squaring a
number produces area and cubing it produces volume.

3 is also of interest because it represents the Father, the Son and the Holy
Ghost, the prime movers in the creation of the life of the universe. Dr. Josef
Oberbach, in ‘Fire of Life’, tabulated this as follows: -

God the Father Body Physical

God the Son Spirit Emotional The Holy
Ghost Soul Mental
Father Positive Length
Mother Negative Height
Child Energy Width

It can be noted that the thrusting of the Father energy, into the receptive
Mother, produces the Child (energy) which is a parallel to the creation of an
electric current which requires the positive and negatives polarities to produce a

The figure 3 is also reflected in: -

The Earth – 3rd planet from the Sun
Moves through the Milky Way at approximately
Travels 30km/hr around the Sun
Light travels at 300,000kms/sec
Sound travels at 330kms/sec

The number 7 has always been regarded as a mystical number. You will recall, from
an earlier chapter, that the primal 3 became the 7, and it is the Seven Rays that
permeate, and produce, all life in the universe. The following listing includes a
number of groups of 7 and may not be exhaustive of them: -

7 Endocrine glands
Chakras or spiritual centres related to the glands
Wonders of the World
Deadly sins
Liberal arts
Churches of Asia
Foundation petals on a lotus
Colours of the rainbow
Handwidths = old Egyptian Royal Cubit
Planes and sub-planes
Notes on the musical scale

The number 7 also features in the structure of the recurring re-incarnation of the
planets. Throughout the universe the Solar Systems are grouped in sevens. There
are seven sacred planets (the Earth is not one) in our solar system.

The Earth and the other planets are called ‘globes’ in esoteric language, seven
globes forming a world-period which covers the spectrum from the highest mental to
the lowest physical. Life passes from one globe to another, the full set of seven
being termed a ‘round’. This process is repeated a further six times, making seven
rounds in all. The 49 globes are equal to 1 chain-period, the entire process
consisting of 343 globe periods, or 7 chain-periods which is 1 Scheme of

By now, the reader is probably realising that evolution is an extremely lengthy

process and very complicated, especially as the foregoing is not the end of the
story. If one is intrigued by all of this, and is interested in following the
process through all its ramifications, a reading of ‘The Solar System’ by Lieut-
Col Arthur E. Powell, published by The Theosophical Publishing House, London, will
provide a detailed exposition.

Each globe has 7 races (in sequence), each one consisting of 7 sub-races. Present
humanity is the 5th sub-race in the 5th root-race.

Even the more mundane aspects of life are intimately connected with numbers. Take
the periodical table of chemical elements for example of which there are 112 known
and 6 yet to be discovered, making a total of 118. By taking twice the squares of
the numbers 1,2,2,3,3,4,4 which equal 2 + 8 + 8 + 18 + 18 + 32 + 32 one arrives at

In numerology the number 5 is characterised by an “instability of formal

relationships”. It signifies a person who strives to be free of confinement,
reject being directed and be free to move around at will. There should be no
surprise then that grouped structures are only stable when they consist of 4 units
or less. 5 units are unstable and will respond much as a sense organ does when
triggered off by a small outside stimulus, which cause a chain reaction. The
following list, which is relevant to this particular number appeared in Astounding
Science Fiction of July, 1954, on p 116 (noted in the Astrological Journal Vol 15
No 4 p 32). Do not let the words ‘science fiction’ put you off as the magazine
often included known scientific facts.
8. Atomic physicists now know of atoms having atomic weights ranging from 1 to
more than 240. There is only one mass number that is not accepted – no nucleus has
5 particles.
9. Crystallographers say that no crystal can have pentagonal symmetry.
10. Topologists find that no plane or spherical map needs more than 4 colours.
11. 2 soap bubbles intersect to form a plane of interaction. 3 interact on a
line of meeting. 4 meet at a point. 5 cannot meet.
12. Bode’s Law states that there should be a planet between Mars (4th from the
Sun) and Jupiter (6th from the Sun). Instead there is shattered debris.
13. A starfish has pentagonal symmetry. Man is basically pentagonal (head, arms,
and legs) and originally all higher land-life had 5-digited limbs.
14. Magic, throughout the ages, has held that the pentacle has mystical power.

In the Astrological Journal Vol 40 No 3 on p 53 it is reported that Theodor

Landscheit investigated the ratios of the distances from the Sun of pairs of
neighbouring planets – Mercury’s distance to Venus’s distance; Venus’s distance to
Earth’s distance and so on including the mean distance of the planetoids. After
calculating the mean of those nine individual ratios to get a quantity that
characterises the solar system as a whole he was astonished to find that the value
0.62 varies from the Golden Number 0.618 by only 0.002, when the perihelion
distance are taken. Such small differences are common in looking at relationships
because it is the lack of a complete match that enables change to take place. If
everything returned to its original position there would be no change.

The following table, taken from Nexus Vol 2 No 13, is of interest in that the year
each leader took office, plus the years served, total to 1944 and the sum of all
the figures comes to 3888. Another oddity is that those two values add out to 9,
and 9 of course represents completion, the end of the series. 1944 is one-half of
3888 and 1944 saw the end of the war in Europe.

Name Churchill Hitler Roosevelt Il Duce Stalin Tojo

Born 1874 1889 1882 1883 1879 1884

Took Office 1940 1933 1933 1922 1924 1941
At Age (1944) 70 55 62 61 65 60
Years Served 4 11 11 22 20 3
(to 1944)
Total 3888 3888 3888 3888 3888 3888
÷ 2 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944

1944 was the relevant year of their careers

After you read that did you believe the numbers may have played a part in the
outcome that provided a common figure of 1944. If you did you would have been
fooled, as I was, until I had a feeling that perhaps the numbers were manufactured
and took a good look at how they were structured. Add the ‘born’ and ‘at age’
together and you get 1944. Add ‘took office’ and ‘years served’ and again 1944

This is a caution against accepting all that you read and hear as gospel. Think
about things and they may present a different picture upon reflection.

Other examples of number correlation in this chapter appear to be genuine. For

example, in the seven-pointed star (see next page), days of the week, and atomic
weights, it wouldn’t work if two of the atomic weights were switched around. For
this to be deliberately arranged, the ancients who named the days of the week
after the Sun, Moon, and planets, would have had to know the atomic weights of the
metals associated with the planets. Metals associated with the planets were also
allocated in those long gone times. Could they have known about atomic weights in
those days, several millennia ago?

What is one to make of connective numbers. Are they chance occurrences or do the
common vibrations signify a connection between people and events. Going back to
the first chapter which started with “In the beginning was the word, and the word
was with God, and the word was God”, it appears that the vibrations which
originate from the sounding of a word have an effect on the substance in which
they resonate. Word sounds do have an effect on life-forms as witness how one can
cow an individual, or an animal, with harsh-sounding words or how a kind word can
bring a glow into a person’s life.

To dismiss this as fanciful talk is to refuse to countenance anything that we

cannot understand. A section on numerology, in the next chapter, will elaborate on
this theme.

“Let the student remember that number underlies form and number guides sound.
Number lies at the root of the manifest universe: numbers and harmonious
proportions guide the first differentiation of homogeneous substance into
heterogeneous elements; and number and numbers set limits to the formative hand of

Names are sounds and have specific vibrations, those of the solar system being: -

Chaldean Order Atomic Weights

1 Sun Sunday Mars Iron 56
2 Moon Monday Venus Copper 63.2
3 Mars Tuesday Moon Silver 108 4 Mercury
Wednesday Jupiter Tin 117.5
5 Jupiter Thursday Sun Gold 196.2
6 Venus Friday Mercury Quicksilver 200
7 Saturn Saturday Saturn Lead 216

There is an interesting diagram of a seven-pointed star, which incorporates a

number sequence with the atomic weights of the metals associated with the days of
the week and the respective planets.

Beginning with the Sun as the topmost point the days of the week can
be followed, in order, from point to point. Interspersed with this order is the
order of the atomic weights of the metals – commence with Mars (iron), skip to the
Sun (gold) and arrive at Venus (copper), skip
Mercury and arrive at the Moon (silver), and so on. Is it chance that this
relationship of the increasing weight appearing on every second point shows such
order, or is there a fundamental connectivity in the entire universe, as it is
unlikely that the examples given in this chapter are the only ones. Suffice it to
say, that given the time and space it would have been possible to produce volumes
of similar correspondences.

Distances of the planets from the Sun follow a simple and mysterious law known as
Bode’s Law, also called Titius-Bode Law, an empirical rule giving the approximate
distances of planets from the Sun. It was first announced in 1766 by the German
astronomer Johann Daniel Titius and only popularized, from 1772, by his fellow
countryman Johann Elert Bode. The rule may be given as follows: Write down the
sequence 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, etc. To each number add 4. Divide each result by 10. Of
the first seven answers (0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 1.6, 2.8, 5.2, 10.0), six closely
approximate the distances from the Sun, in astronomical units (a.u.; the distance
between the Earth and the Sun), of the six planets known when Titius devised the
rule: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. At about 2.8 a.u. from the
Sun, between Mars and Jupiter, the asteroids (sometimes called minor planets) were
later discovered. The rule also holds for the seventh planet, Uranus, which lies
at about 19 a.u. Bode's law fails for the eighth planet, Neptune. However, Pluto,
the ninth planet from the Sun, is at a distance (39 a.u.) roughly equal to that
given by the rule for the eighth planet. (Copyright © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia
Britannica, Inc.). Neptune is apparently somewhat of a mystery as it has a
circular, rather than, an elliptical orbit. The result is that at times in its
orbit it swings outside of Pluto’s orbit.
(There has been conjecture concerning the origin of the asteroids and one theory
is that a planet which occupied that position was blown apart due to the
injudicious use of atomic power by the planet’s inhabitants.)

It was Pythagoras and his disciples who developed the theory that numbers have a
functional significance in the objective world, and in music. Their well-known
dictum that “all is number” meant that all existing entities can be ultimately
reduced to number relationships that link not only mathematics to music theory but
also to acoustics, geometry, and astronomy. Even the dependence of the dynamics of
how the world is structured evolves out of the interaction of pairs of opposites,
the even-odd polarity which is essential to numbers, emerges from these number

In the 6th century BC, one of Pythagoras’s experiments was with a stretched string
on a monochord. When he divided it by simple arithmetic ratios as, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4,
4/5, 5/6 and plucked the respective partitions of the string he discovered that
this created the consonant intervals in harmony.

Certain groupings of words, or sounds, are meant to invoke a response from higher
levels of being in order to fulfill a need by the entity or entities that appeals
in this way to those higher levels.

The Christ has stated that it is His intention to return to Earth and this echoes
the announcement by Shri Krishna which is found in the Bhagavad Gita: -
“Whenever there is a withering of the law and an uprising of lawlessness on
all sides, then I manifest Myself. For the salvation of the righteous and the
destruction of such as do evil, for the firm establishing of the Law, I come to
birth in age after age.”

It was in such a setting, after the agony of the Second World War, that the Christ
released one of the oldest prayers ever known, The Great Invocation. Prayers have
always been used, in one form or another, often being used in a personal sense,
but The Great Invocation is a cry for all of humanity to rise above the decadence
and the materialism which surrounds us at the present time.

Use of The Great Invocation enables the tapping of spiritual energies which are
brought into activity, and by clear thinking, directed thought and mental
perception, they can be made objects of human desire. There are number
significances in The Great Invocation which are set out below.

John Berges had an impulse, in the year 1993, to convert the Invocation to numbers
and he subsequently published his research in “Sacred Vessel of the Mysteries”.
Some of his findings may well be of interest as they contribute to the information
which has been compiled for this chapter.


From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of men—
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth

There are 113 words and they add to 5

The number of stanzas is 5
Assigning the traditional number to the
Words they total 5324 which add to 5

5. The Great Invocation has 5 stanzas, 7 sentences, 13, lines, 113 words, and
443 letters. Each one of these is a prime number. No other numbers can produce
these numbers – The Great Invocation contains a unique energy.
6. When the first 10 numbers are added together they equal 55.
7. Separate the first and last of 55 words and three are left in the middle –
God is known – this phrase adds to 5 when the letters are converted to numbers.
8. If the 113 words are used by taking the first and last 56 words (112), each
of those 56 words has a number value of 2648.

On page 39 of the book John Berges provides a quotation which reads as follows,
“From the Greeks, the Jewish Kabalists adopted the practice of gematria,
interpreting the meaning of sacred words and phrases by their numerical values.
Words or phrases with the same numerical values were taken as having the same
meaning, opening the door for a unique form of scriptural interpretation. The word
gematria,however, is based on the Greek word geômatria or geometry, and….there
exists definitive evidence that gematria constituted a sacred language of Greek
theology and was used before the time of Plato.”

We see the number 5 occurring again and we are the fifth sub-race bringing to
perfection the fifth root race. Humanity is also preparing to enter into the 5th
kingdom, Mana (Sanskrit for mind).

There are 7 sentences and Ray 7, that of ceremonial magic and order is coming into

Martin Gardner published a book based on material that he had published in

Scientific American. Dr. Matrix presumably changed to that name from Bush because
it encapsulated his great interest in mathematics. At the age of seven he pointed
out to his father that there is 1 God, 2 testaments, 3 in the trinity, 4 Gospels,
5 Books of Moses, 6 Days of Creation and 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The book contains a wealth of information on words and numbers. It gives an

example from Book 1 of Chronicles, Chapter 20, verse 6 describing the giant of
Gath who had 6 toes on each foot and 6 fingers on each hand. 20 is the normal
complement and 6 gives the abnormality. The numeric letters of Gath add to 36
which is the square of 6. What is also of note is that this information was
contained in verse 6 of chapter 20.

The case of Richard Wagner is interesting.

His name contains 13 letters
Born in 1813 it adds to 13
Composed great works of music (operas) 13
Tannhäuser was completed on 13 April, 1845
Parsifal was finished on 13 January, 1882
Die Walküre was first performed on
26th June, 1870 – 26 = 13 x 2
Lohengrin was composed in 1848 but Wagner did not hear
it played until 1861 13 years later
He died 13th February, 1883 13=1st& last digits

The comparison between the deaths of Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy have been in
print a number of times but I felt it useful to include it here as additional
emphasis on the apparent uncanny ability of numbers to seemingly determine
outcomes on the material plane.

Abraham Lincoln John Kennedy

Elected in 1860 Elected in 1960
Deeply involved in Negro civil rights ditto
Assassinated on a Friday in presence of
his wife
Wife lost a son while living at the White
Killed by a bullet entering from behind ditto
Killed in Ford’s theatre Killed in Lincoln
by Ford
Succeeded by V.P. Johnson ditto
Andrew Johnson born 1808 Lyndon Johnson
First name of private secretary was John Last name of private
ry was Lincoln
John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839 Lee Harvey Oswald

Born in 1939
Murdered before a trial ditto
Booth shot Lincoln in a theatre and Oswald shot Kennedy
and fled to a barn and fled to a
Lincoln has 7 letters Kennedy has 7 letters
Andrew Johnson has 13 letters Lyndon Johnson has
John Wilkes Booth has 15 letters Lee Harvey Oswald
15 letters

Friday, 22, November (22/11) adds to 6 and Friday has 6 letters.

Take FBI and shift forward each letter by 6 letters to get LHO the
initials of Lee Harvey Oswald, well-known to the FBI. Oswald has 6
letters – he shot from the 6th floor of a building.

John F. Nash, who was born in Bluefield, West Virginia, in 1928 was a
mathematician who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1949, shared with
two others, a mathematician and an economist.

At the early age of 22 his thesis ‘Non-cooperative Games’ earned him a doctorate
at Princeton University. It was Nash who created the mathematical principle of
game theory and those who saw ‘A Beautiful Mind’ will recall the torments he went
through as he was subject to bouts of schizophrenia. As I wrote that I wondered if
his disordered mind was a necessary adjunct to pulling together such a potentially
disordered set of events. Attempting to incorporate rivalries among competitors
with mixed interest must have seemed an impossible task but the use of numbers,
incorporated in mathematical formulae, provided a means of doing this.

Although the ‘Nash’ solution has practical limitations it was in wide use by
various business strategists.

It appears likely that even apparently irreconcilable events, such as those which
take place under seemingly incompatible efforts by individuals, can eventually be
solved by complex mathematical formulae which can be used to anticipate likely

This view receives some backing from Werner Heisenberg who stated, “On this point
modern physics has definitely decided for Plato. For the smallest units of matter
are, in fact, not physical objects in the ordinary sense of the word; they are
forms, structured or – in Plato’s sense – Ideas, which can be unambiguously spoken
of in the language of mathematics.”

Having reached this point you, the reader, will have to determine how much
credence you will place on the information that the universe is constructed on
mathematical principles. No-one should take anything for granted whether it comes
from a source such as the highest Master or the local priest, one’s school
teacher, and all the other authorities which claim to have the answers.

What it all comes down to is that we are, in fact, alone in this universe and we
have to make our own way back to the Source of Life. In another sense, we are not
alone because we have many sources from which help is available. The only way in
which we can make sense out of our lives, as mathematicians have done with their
discoveries about the universe, is to ponder on the thought that there is a
supreme mathematical formula which will ensure that we all do, at last, become
united again as ONE, at the ending of this particular period of creation.

Chapter 11 Methods of Divination

Mankind, from its very earliest history, has always sought for explanations of the
phenomena to which it is constantly exposed. In the very earliest days when the
physical body was formed, and before the emotional body began to grow around it,
there would probably have been a belief that there was something that activated
the life in which they existed. As the emotional body began to develop, the
practice of casting bones and entrails may have commenced. Increased awareness
would have introduced the thought that the moving lights in the sky had something
to do with events on Earth and so the rudiments of astrology would have been
incorporated into the governance of life.

Since those early days the means of attempting to forecast the future and to give
reasons why certain events occurred, have expanded into the many avenues that
modern day man can explore. Despite the technology and sophistication that has
created our current life experience there is still a widely held belief that there
must be something which triggers off many of the fortunes, and misfortunes, to
which we, as individuals, and as groups, are exposed. This chapter concerns itself
with a number of methods which can be used to forecast, or anticipate, what may
happen in time to come.

The intent of the following condensing is to provide a brief outline of some of

the ways of divining the future.


This is perhaps the oldest method in the attempts to determine what the future may
hold. It seems that the Babylonians and Chaldeans, in at least the 18th century BC
were the first to use the movements of the planets (the Sun and Moon are included
as planets) for this purpose.

The Bible has references to astrology e.g., Jeremiah 10 verse 2 – “Do not be
terrified by the heavenly signs which the heathen fear.” Ezekiel 4 verse 6 – “A
day for a year, a day for a year, is what I have given you.” This quotation
relates to one method of progressing a chart in order to ascertain what may be
experienced in the future. The chart is ‘progressed’ by taking the movements of
the planetary bodies for one day as representing one year. At age 40, for example,
the positions of the planets 40 days after birth would be used to determine the
inner experiences that could be expected at that age.

Matthew 2 verse 1 – “After Jesus had been born in Bethlehem astrologers from
eastern parts came to Jerusalem saying “Where is the one born king of the Jews?
For we saw his star when (we were) in the east…..” Matthew 2 verse 7 – “Then Herod
secretly summoned the astrologers and carefully ascertained from them the time of
the star’s appearing.” Further on in the chapter it is revealed that the
astrologers deliberately misled Herod to protect Jesus.

Bearing in mind, as has previously been explained, that everything is energy it

can be very reasonable to state that all ‘physical’ bodies give off energy which
can affect other physical bodies that are within the range of those energies. It
is not too fanciful, therefore, to assume that the bodies in our solar system, and
in fact, all the bodies in the universe, can have an effect on us.

It has been established that it is virtually impossible for two human beings to
share the same arrangement of DNA. My thought is that in a similar way, no two
human beings will share the same physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual make-
up and no-one will ever experience life in the same exact way as someone else. Is
it stretching belief too far to say that the inherited DNA corresponds to the
planetary positions at the time of birth?

My belief is that either at conception, or at birth, and perhaps it may be

somewhere in between, the forming body has an energy matrix embedded in it in
accordance with the energies emitted by universal bodies of energy, but mainly the
ones that form our solar system. From that time onwards the movements of, and the
various aspects that the planetary bodies make to each other, would have the
potential to instigate reactions in the receiving personality which then has a
number of choices to make in dealing with them. One mistake that can be made is to
state that the ‘stars’ govern us. That is far from the truth as free-will is
always available to enable us to chart our own course through life.

Astrology states that not only do living creations get imprinted with these
matrices at the time of their creation but also those items that are manufactured
and crafted. This might well explain why some cars turn out to be ‘lemons’ and
some ships have a life that is a series of catastrophes.

There are many detractors of astrology, especially those in the scientific fields,
but it is open to question as to whether they have seriously investigated the
subject. Scientists often debunk the fact of the soul, reincarnation, telepathy
and other facets of universal energies because they are unable to, or have
difficulty in, replicating results in experiments. The reason so many of these
realities do not subject themselves to current scientific experiments is that they
are fluid, depending on the stage of the evolutionary progress of one person’s
spiritual identity. If you, yourself, have doubts about astrology the bibliography
contains some titles that might be of interest.

If the time of birth does indicate certain characteristics and potentials of a

new-born then some evidence of this ought to be available, and it is, in the form
of time-twins, individuals born at roughly the same time and in the same place,
within 200 kilometres or so.

A number of studies have been done on this particular aspect of astrology and they
certainly seem to substantiate the phenomena that at the time of birth there are
particular energies focused on that part of the Earth which will not be repeated
for perhaps hundreds of thousands of years.

An extract from a book, of one example, cites an interesting case of a pair of

time-twins. Barbara Miliceski and neighbour Susan Cooke share a list of
coincidences including the fact that they each have three children with the same
names: two boys called Ken and William and a girl named Ann:
Both were born on 7th July, 1939
Both are blue-eyed brunettes with identical moles on their right arm
Both fathers died when the girls were eleven years old
Both were top students who went to college on full scholarship
Both met their husbands in college
Both married on the same day, 3rd June, 1961
Both husbands went through medical school
Both had their first child in the third year of marriage and a second son two
years later
Both had daughters at the age of 39
Both bought houses on the same street in the same city at the same time
Both divorced their husbands at the age of 45
Both applied to graduate school to study child psychology
(‘Mirror Image Friends’, Weekly World news – 27th October, 1992)

Another book, by J. G. Toonder and J. A. West, The Case for Astrology (Penguin
Books 1973), lists a dozen cases of time-twins, including photographs for some of
their pairs. They write: “It would probably be possible to document several
hundred such cases from existing records. But to continue listing them would be
tiresome, nor would it prove anything from a scientific viewpoint.”

In view of the extensive astronomical knowledge of civilisations such as the

Babylonian and the Chaldean, and perhaps even further back, one wonders if they
actually had the scientific knowledge that was expressed in their appreciation of
astronomical movements and the characteristics they attributed to the various
heavenly bodies, which includes the fixed stars.
Joan Hodgson writes, in an article in the Astrological Journal Vo 16 No 1 on page
“Occult tradition states that the original teachings concerning the planetary
rays…..were brought to the Earth by god-men, highly evolved beings from outer
space who instructed humanity in the arts and the sciences and the spiritual laws
governing evolution. That these prehistoric people possessed knowledge far
surpassing that of present day science and engineering is demonstrated in the
remarkable construction of some of these ancient temples and monuments such as the
Great Pyramids.”

The Tibetan devoted an entire book to esoteric astrology. What he wrote is worth
including here because it relates to what was earlier stated about scientific

“What I have to say first on this subject is entirely of a preliminary nature. I

seek to lay the ground for a somewhat new approach—a far more esoteric approach—to
the science of astrology. Certain things I may say will probably be regarded by
the academic and uninspired astrologer as revolutionary, or as erroneous, as
improbable or unprovable. As yet, however, astrology has not really proved itself
to the world of thought and science, in spite of many definitely demonstrable
successes. I would ask all of you, therefore, who read and study this section of A
Treatise on the Seven Rays to bear in mind the above comments and to preserve a
willingness to consider hypotheses and to make an effort to weigh a theory or
suggestion and to test out conclusions over the course of a few years. If you can
do this, there may come to you an awakening of the intuition which will translate
modern astrology into something of real moment and significance to the world. It
is intuitional astrology which must eventually supersede what is today called
astrology, thus bringing about a return to the knowledge of that ancient science
which related the constellations and our solar system, drew attention to the
nature of the zodiac and informed humanity as to the basic interrelations which
govern and control the phenomenal and subjective worlds.

The statement is frequently made that astrology is an exact science but that is
far from correct in spite of the many mathematical computations. Astrology is
based, curiously enough, upon illusion for, as well you know, the zodiac is naught
but the imaginary path of the sun through the heavens, and this as it appears from
the standpoint of our totally insignificant planet. The sun is not, as stated, in
any sign of the zodiac. It simply appears to be so as it passes between our little
sphere, the Earth, and the constellations at any particular time or season.

The second statement which I would make is that astrology is essentially the
purest presentation of occult truth in the world at this time, because it is the
science which deals with those conditioning and governing energies and forces
which play through and upon the whole field of space and all that is found within
that field. When this fact is grasped and the sources of those energies are better
comprehended and the nature of the field of space is correctly understood, we
shall then see a far wider and at the same time a more closely related horizon;
the relationships between individual, planetary, systemic and cosmic entities will
be grasped, and we shall then begin to live scientifically. It is this scientific
living which it is the immediate purpose of astrology to bring about.”

A quote from another of his books is also apposite here: “There is a body
consciousness; there is a sensory apparatus, registering reaction to the
environment; there is a consciousness of moods, of quality, of mental reactions to
a world of ideas; there is a higher consciousness of plan and of purpose; there is
a consciousness of life.

It is interesting to note in connection with the Deity that this sensory response
to environment provides the entire basis for astrology and for the effect of the
constellations upon the solar system and the interplanetary forces.”

In a Treatise on Cosmic Fire he points out the energies that are all around us and
which are still little understood by the science of today. The unknown is at
present a barrier to the true understanding of life, its purpose, and its ultimate
conclusion – “The mystery is hidden in esoteric astrology, and until the subject
of energy working through the etheric body, of radioactivity, and of the
transmutation of all bodies from a lower state into a higher is better
comprehended, the true mystery of the "influence" of these various bodies upon
each other will remain at its present stage—an unrevealed secret. If the
radiatory effect of a human being or of a group of human beings upon each other is
as yet practically an unknown thing from the standpoint of practical science, so
the occult effect of these greater forms upon each other remains unknown. Science
recognises certain effects, leading and tending to the general coherence of the
universe, just as the general laws of the social order among men are theoretically
apprehended, but the true scientific realisation of energy-radiations emanating
from the etheric bodies of all these suns and groups of suns, and from all these
planets and groups of planets is little understood.”

It is not only individuals and objects that have an energy imprint which stays
with them for the period of existence on Earth. Every nation also has a birth-time
e.g., the exact time of the signing of the constitution, which can be portrayed on
an astrological chart and which can be read to indicate its birth potential and
what happens, and can happen to it, as the years progress.

Humanity as a whole also has a chart but that is known only to a few entities on a
much higher plane of existence. They are part of the Hierarchy of Man of which
more will be said in the next chapter.

Drawing again on the information given to us by the Tibetan here is a brief

indication of the astrology of nations – “It might be of interest here if we
continued our study by a consideration of some of the countries and their
governing signs. This would be a practical though necessarily a most debatable
point. It is not related in any way to the geographical position of these
countries but to the destiny (future) and karma (past) of humanity itself as it
differentiates itself into nationalities, living at one period of time upon
certain territories and so constituting that amalgamation of forms which we call
nations or races. Basically and fundamentally the souls, informing these nations
or races, remain detached from identification with them until such time as such
souls can function on Earth. Until, therefore, astrologers know more about group
astrology and know also how to determine past influences as well as forecasts, it
will not be possible for them to assign the correct ruling signs to the various
countries and nations or to check the accuracy or the inaccuracy of the statements
which I may make in the following tabulations. That type of astrology which
concerns itself with the past, we call essential astrology esoterically, in
contradistinction to predictive astrology. Past conditioning factors are basic
and essential to the expression of the present and to what happens in the human
family at any given moment, and from a proper understanding of the rules which
should (but as yet do not) govern the processes of what is sometimes called the
rectifying of a horoscope when the exact moment of birth is not known will come
the future science of ascertaining those past facts which produce present


It will probably feel very strange, if reading abut psychometry for the first
time, to discover that everything in existence has a record of its history
enshrined in a memory. On reflection, however, it may fit into the theme of
connectedness which states that the entire universe is based on energies which are
retained for life after life in order to provide a starting point for the next

On a purely pragmatic plane psychometry is explained in this extract from the

Encyclopaedia Britannica – “Psychometry also called Object Reading, a process
whereby facts or impressions about a person or thing are received through contact
with an object associated with the subject of the impressions. Rings, photographs,
and similar tokens are often used, but sometimes the physical presence of a person
may bring about images or visions in the psychometrist's mind that correspond to
real facts (sometimes still in the future) in the life of the subject. A degree of
lowered consciousness (that is, a state sometimes approaching trance) is thought
to improve psychometric "readings." Psychometric visions are usually too haphazard
to be of much practical value. The parapsychological institute of the
Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht, The Netherlands, was one of the first to perform
experiments using psychometry in finding lost persons or things and in solving
crimes.Copyright © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

At a higher level, the Tibetan has this to say: “But the higher psychic powers,
such as spiritual perception with its infallible knowledge, the intuition with its
unerring judgment, and psychometry of the higher kind with its power to reveal the
past and the future, are the prerogatives of the divine soul. These higher powers
come into play when the head and heart centres, as well as the throat centre, are
brought into activity as the result of meditation and service.”

Also: “4. That on the mental plane psychometry and symbology (including numerology
and geometry) are used by the perceiver to arrive at an understanding of the lower
mental levels.”

And finally: “The one basic sense, as you well know is that of touch. This is the
reason why I have not placed psychometry in any particular category in my
tabulation of the instincts, senses and powers. Psychometry is essentially the
capacity to work with and to get in touch with the soul of the higher grouping to
which the unit in the lower grouping aspires, and with the soul that can thus
aspire in any form. It concerns, in reality the "measure" of inclusiveness. This
measure will govern, for instance, the relation of the dog or other domesticated
animal to a human being, of a man to other men, and of an aspirant to his soul,
his master and his group. When this psychometrical inclusiveness is turned
towards the world of tangible things - minerals, possessions and other material
objects, for instance - we tend to make a magical performance out of it, and to
charge money for the demonstration of psychometrical power. We then call this the
science of psychometry. Yet it is the same power, turned towards the lower
kingdoms as is employed in making contact with the higher. There are three groups
of people who use the lower psychic powers, either consciously or unconsciously:

1. Those whose evolutionary stage is low enough to permit of their automatic use.

2. Those who have brought over the capacity to see and hear on astral levels or to
"work magic" from another life—from Atlantean times. These powers are natural to
them, but are usually neither understood nor controlled by knowledge and they
usually make their owner a victim or an exploiter of these powers.

3. The mystic upon the path of vision who (through the bringing in of energy from
the soul through meditation and aspiration) stimulates the solar plexus or throat
centres and thus opens a door on to the astral plane.”
“It might here be pointed out that mystical development and aspiration are the way
of escape from the highest aspect of the Atlantean consciousness. This is itself
astral in nature. Occultism and science are the way of escape from the highest
expression of the concrete mind, and from the Aryan consciousness, which is mental
in nature. Sensitivity or the psychic sense of touch is etheric in nature, is
general in expression and must eventually give place to that spiritual
impressibility which enables a man, like the Christ, simply to "know" what is in
his fellow man and to be aware of his condition and of the condition of life in
all forms. It is the first step towards that universal spiritual key of which
psychometry is the lowest expression.”

Psychometry is possible because memory can be stored in the energy fields which
are part of, form, and surround, all physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual
existence and which includes all created forms. Rupert Sheldrake, for example, in
writing about the hypothesis of morphogenetic fields, states that the conservation
and storage of information which is vital for the production of form can be done
via a morphogenetic field which is beyond the parameters of space and time.

Magnets can store the magnetic forces within them. Apart from naturally magnetic
materials man creates magnets for various uses by creating magnetic fields within
various metallic substances. That field then remains in the memory of that
substance until such time as it may disappear upon the happening of certain

Water is a substance that has many strange properties, the exploration of that
medium is still not complete. Johann Grander, an Austrian naturalist who was born
in 1930, realised that water possesses memory and modern research confirms that
even after chemical or mechanical removal of harmful toxic chemicals they remain
present in the water in the form of electromagnetic frequencies.

Jacques Benveniste, the research director of the French National Institute for
medical Research, proved that water retains the memory of a substance even when
no longer detectable (Nature 333:816, 1988). Upon further research he now claims
that a solution’s biological activity can be stored on a computer hard drive,
transferred by email to another computer and put into a different water sample at
the receiving end and still exhibit the same biological activity (Nature, Vol 395,
8th October, 1998). The electromagnetic frequency is digitised by using a computer
sound card, and this is possible because molecules vibrate with specific

The World Goodwill Pamphlet 1997 –1 on page 2 contained this – Dr. Peter Fisher of
the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital wrote a paper citing scientific
investigation of the hypothesis “that the microstructure of water is able to
retain information concerning substances with which it has been in contact.”

In the continuing search for better storage of computer data, and to speed up
access to it, research laboratories in Tokyo and Zurich are working on perfecting
the ability of a molecule to store data in a computer (New Scientist 12th
February, 2000 p 40).

Water is prevalent in much of Earth’s life including even such substances as rock
which, on the face of it generally appears to be devoid of moisture. It is
therefore evidently feasible that water may be a convenient substance in which
memory can be stored. Other depositaries may be more insubstantial as suggested by
the following: “Some scientists are of the opinion that long-term or permanent
memory is not stored in the brain, which is the general view, but that permanent
memory is only accessed by the brain. Their contention is that long-term memory is
stored or recorded in an extrasomatic information storage field, which sounds
rather like the permanent atoms of the etheric body.” Permanent atoms are focal
points of energy which are of sufficient power to attract and hold coherently
together the substance required by the soul with which to create a form of
expression. They are the force centres of the sheaths which surround the various
bodies of man. They are the conservers of faculty or ability to respond to a
particular vibration; assimilators of experience and the transmutation of that
experience into quality; and they hold hid the memory of the unit of
consciousness. Permanent atoms store all of the experience that has been gained in
previous lives and, in fact, the whole evolutionary process from the earliest
stages of life.

Anyone can psychometrise an object as I discovered on two occasions, one during a

weekend workshop conducted by Zoe Hagan, and the other during a weekly meeting of
individuals interested in clairvoyance. If one takes up an object, without knowing
the owner, that the person has had in their possession, and holds it for a short
period of time, it is possible to pick up thoughts which have some relevance to
the owner and/or the object itself. It is essential that the mind not interpret
what comes to mind, one cannot presume to edit the thought content as it might be
quite outlandish and implausible, not at all what might have been expected.

The capacity of this method of divination can be used for practical purposes. C.
W. Leadbeater had this comment in one of his books – “it seems as though there
were a sort of magnetic attachment or affinity between any particle of matter and
the record which contains its history – an affinity which enables it to act as a
kind of conductor between the record and the faculties of anyone who can read it.”

He goes on to say that a tiny fragment of stone that he gave to a psychometrist in

an envelope resulted in a description of Stonehenge and scenes from its early

Lyall Watson is an author who has written about many strange aspects of life. In
one book, he writes – “In 1941, Stanislaw Poniatowski, Professor of Ethnology at
the University of Warsaw, handed a small stone to an elderly Pole. For twenty
minutes, Stefan Ossowiecki felt the object, rolling it over and clasping it in his
hand, then he spoke:
I see very well, it is part of a spear….I see round houses, wooden, covered with
grey clay, over walls of animal hide….People with black hair, enormous feet, large
hands, low foreheads, eyes deeply set…..

He went on for an hour, giving a detailed view of the daily life, dress,
appearance and behaviour of a Palaeolithic people. The stone in question was the
projectile point of a spear in the Warsaw Museum which belonged to the fifteen-
thousand-year-old Magdalenian culture.”
Many individuals pick up feelings from places they visit, buildings they enter,
and people they meet. People with vague psychic abilities often can bring up
pictures without realising they are ‘reading’ their surroundings. This can be the
case too when meeting a person and some prominent event will come to mind.

Everything has its own particular vibration and if something dramatic has happened
there, such as a prison which has seen much suffering, torment and death, or a
building such as a cathedral which is full of centuries of love, prayer,
compassion etc., it can have an impact on the visitor, the strength of that impact
depending on the energy construct of the perceiver. It has to be remembered that
an experience will be felt differently by every participant in it due to the
matrix of energies which created that participant.

I Ching

There are three forms of divination, I Ching, the Tarot, and the Runes, which rely
on an intermediary process before the results of an attempt to divine an answer to
a question, or a problem, are known. In the case of the I Ching it is yarrow
stalks or their equivalent, the Tarot uses cards, and the Runes use stones with
hieroglyphic markings.

Perhaps the first thought would be that the results obtained are those relating to
chance and it could be said, by sceptics, that these three methods, at least,
expose the foolishness of individuals who act on guidance given by them. If,
however, the aspect of connectedness is introduced the actual situation is
revealed as possessing a much greater possibility of receiving a useful answer.

The Creative Being, or God, being perfection in itself can only produce a perfect
result, after Its period of evolutionary growth reaches its finality. In
potential, therefore, everything that happens contains an ultimate harmony. Since
everything that exists is a matrix of energies that interact, and react, and as
those energies are all related to one another because they are parts in a whole
the parts can be read as a means of understanding what is happening in a much
wider sense than one could accept under a belief that physical forms are
independent of each other. By analogy, the human body when it is unhealthy can be
read by ascertaining what is wrong with one or more of its parts and what needs to
be done to restore health.

It is still possible, even under the proposition that the whole is perfection, to
accept that freewill is a part of human life. A choice to go against growth in
consciousness, or to take part in negative acts or thoughts, can only delay the
essential harmony that must exist throughout the created universe. When using the
various methods of divination, therefore, the outcome can never be completely

Using sticks, cards, and runes, therefore, which are themselves energy constructs,
means that the likely result is known within the whole and the appropriate
energies that are needed to achieve that are used to select the combination which
will provide an answer to a querent. What is seemingly a random choice by the
querent is actually a positioning of the media used by means of the inherent
energies in it being aligned according to the situation at the time of choice.

According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica the I Ching was developed over several
thousands of years, possibly beginning in the 24th century BC when the legendary
emperor Fu His is said to have discovered the trigrams on the back of a tortoise.
The following two excerpts from the Britannica are given as basic information:

“Though the book was originally used for divination, its influence on Chinese
minds and its universal popularity are due to a system of cosmology that involves
humans and nature in a single system. The uniqueness of the I Ching consists in
its presentation of 64 symbolic hexagrams that, if properly understood and
interpreted, are said to contain profound meanings applicable to daily life.
Throughout the ages, I Ching enthusiasts have claimed that the book is a means of
understanding, and even controlling, future events. The I Ching hexagrams are
formed by joining in pairs, one above the other, eight basic trigrams (pa kua).
Each trigram has a name, a root meaning, and a symbolic meaning.” And:

“In practice, one "creates" a hexagram by casting lots in one of several ways. The
hexagram is built up from the bottom, line by line, by successive lots. Solid
lines have the number nine, broken lines have the number six. Solid lines
represent yang (the male cosmic principle), while broken lines represent yin (the
female cosmic principle). These two principles explain all being and all change by
their ceaseless interaction. Individual lines of a hexagram have been compared to
single notes of music. Though each note has a quality and significance in itself,
its truest significance depends on its place in a musical score. Because the same
principle applies to individual lines of a hexagram, the I Ching text first
explains each line separately, then gives an overall interpretation of the unit.
The text is often expressed in cryptic, thought-provoking language, thus allowing
the user great leeway in interpreting its significance.” Copyright © 1994-2001
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

The Chinese saw life as consisting of endless cyclical change with each moment
containing the future potential. Consulting with the I Ching therefore gives an
opportunity to determine what the appropriate next steps might be in order to
realize the best outcome.

Not very scientific, and not reproducible as scientific experiments require,

because the future is fluid. Natural laws are inherent in all of the forms in the
universe and they represent the potential that those forms carry into the future.
Change and transformation are the driving forces in the evolution of consciousness
and both Chinese thought and modern physics are at one in this assumption.

Joy’s Way by W. Brugh Joy, MD., includes a similar thought to that expressed
above. The author states that the assumption is that the yarrow stalks are not
separate from the consciousness of the inquirer. The querent and the stalks are in
relationship to each other and influence each other. The higher awareness of the
querent knows the final layout already, before the stalks are used for the purpose
of building a hexagram, and the latter then fall into the required place for the
eventual ‘reading’.

You will have noted from the Britannica extract that the descriptions given to
each line in a hexagram, and they are different in each hexagram, is deliberately
cryptic and thought-provoking. This is necessary because each inquirer has
different needs and potentials and therefore a cut and dried answer would not be
Divining with the I Ching requires 50 yarrow stalks but substitutes can be used.
In its pure form it is very ritualistic and has set ways of how to store the
stalks when not in use and how to approach the act of determining what the
hexagram is to be. A brief explanation is that 1 of the 50 stalks is discarded,
two piles are made of them and sticks are taken away in a pre-determined manner
until 4, 5, 8, or 9 sticks are left. The number of sticks determines the bottom
line of the hexagram with subsequent handling of the sticks, using the same
formula, another five times, achieving a six-line hexagram. The reading then takes
place according to which of the possible 64 hexagrams is the result of the
process. One could speculate on whether there is any significance in the fact that
a chess board also has 64 squares, chess having originated in China.

The first development of the I Ching called for the appraisal of an answer in
response to an inquiry by forming a trigram. As time progressed, however, there
was an apparent need for a greater range of expression. This was answered by
placing one trigram above another, forming the six-lined hexagram.

A hexagram is made up of two of the eight available trigrams which individually

signify qualities of Creative, Receptive, Arousing, Abysmal, Keeping Still,
Gentle, Clinging, and Joyous. These are conceived as images of all that happens in
heaven and on Earth. According to Chinese belief they are in constant transition,
one changing into the other. As a trigram consists of three lines it is evident
that the trinity is in use, and as a triangle signifies an easy flow of energy
(positive + negative = flow) it is understandable that the underlying philosophy
is one of change. The energy flow would have been seen as going from positive,
through neutral to negative, and the reverse, which is life experience in general
as all of humanity has its up and down periods.
From Carl Jung’s point of view, as he studied the I Ching, he referred to a
meaningful coincidence or synchronicity – an Accausal Connecting principle. In
other words, the I Ching answers are based on the assumption of an inner
unconscious knowledge that links a physical event with a psychic condition, so
that a certain event that appears as ‘accidental’ or ‘coincidental’ can be
determined to be physically meaningful.

The Tarot

The Tarot, like many of the other methods of divination has been in use, perhaps
for thousands of years. In mentioning this the point is made that if divination
does not work, in the minds of those who seek it, would it have lasted so long. In
Man’s history, for example, civilisations have come and gone but the art of giving
questioners answers to their present and past situations with some indications of
where they stand now and with possibilities for the future is ever with us.

One can research various sources for information about The Tarot’s origins without
receiving a definitive answer. One source states that it first appeared over 5,000
years ago and in ancient times the use was the prerogative of the Kings and High
Priests. From the ancient Egyptian Tar = path and Ro = Royal we get “The Royal
Path”. The Encyclopaedia Britannica states:
“Claims have been made for tarot cards' having originated in China, India, or
Egypt, but their true origin remains obscure. Tarot cards approximating their
present form first appeared in Italy and France in the late 14th century. Early
tarot decks were of several types, each varying in the number of cards. The
standard modern tarot deck is based on the Venetian or Piedmontese tarot. It
consists of 78 cards divided into two groups: the Major Arcana, which has 22 cards
(also known as trumps), and the Minor Arcana, which has 56 cards. 40 of the Minor
Arcana cards comprise 4 suits (1-10) of 10 cards each which correspond to the 10
aspects of the Tree of Life. The cards of the Major Arcana have pictures
representing various forces, characters, virtues, and vices. The 22 cards are
numbered from I through XXI, with the Fool being unnumbered.”

The 4 suits represent the four elements and the four seasons: -

Pentacles - spring and air

Wands - summer and fire
Cups - autumn and water
Swords - winter and Earth
and the 10 aspects correspond to the 10 planets used in astrological work.

The Major Arcana represent the archetypal energies which are available.

The Qabalah (Kabbala) first appeared as an oral tradition in Palestine in the

first century AD and hen in writing somewhere between the third and sixth
centuries. It is appaent that the basis of this tradition must have arisen from
the ancient Tarot because it explains creation as a process involving the 10
divine numbers and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Interestingly, the 22
verses of Psalm 119, which begins with Alef and ends with Tav provide the
qualities of the 22 paths of the Tarot – the Tree of Life in the Qabalah contains
22 paths based on 10 principles.

The tarot operates on that part of the consciousness which contacts the symbolic
and nonrational aspects. Freud discovered that beneath the surface of our
conscious awareness there is no sense of time; past, present, and future are
analogous and simultaneous and a Tarot reading therefore records the model or
pattern of behaviour in which the individual is involved and what will likely
eventuate unless steps are taken to change the pattern.

When expressing such views as these the rational mind can find it difficult to
accept that such subterranean forces actually exist and also form part of our
existence as physical beings. What is faced here is the inability to understand
the full complexity of the creation in which we live and move and have our being.
If one of the first men on Earth were to be suddenly brought to life in this era
he would be completely at a loss to believe what he would see and hear. He would
look upon us as gods and worship us as supreme beings. As we have evolved we have
tapped into greater and greater knowledge and our understanding of the workings of
the universe will continue to increase through life after life.

The Britannica contains a brief comment on the method used when divining through
The Tarot:

“The cards of the Major Arcana refer to spiritual matters and important trends in
the questioner's life. In the Minor Arcana, wands deal mainly with business
matters and career ambitions, cups with love, swords with conflict, and coins with
money and material comfort. The tarot deck is shuffled by the questioner, and then
the fortune-teller lays out a few of the cards (either selected at random by the
questioner or dealt off the top of the shuffled deck) in a special pattern called
a "spread." The meaning of any card is modified according to whether or not it is
upside down, its position in the spread, and the meaning of adjacent cards.”
Copyright © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Some backing for the evidence that methods of divination, such as The Tarot, can
provide some information of benefit to those who use such means is given by the
work done at universities such as Duke University. A lot of research has been
conducted into the ability of human beings to know both the present and the
future. A lot of people are able to record hits, considerably above chance and
even 100 per cent success, when asked to guess what symbol will next appear when
an experimenter turns over a pack of 25 cards which have 5 sets of symbols on the
reverse side. Work has also been done in obtaining card sequences in a shuffled
pack of 52 playing cards and the rare person can forecast the card sequences even
two or more shuffles ahead of the present time.

The Runes

Use of the Rune stones for divining purposes is perhaps one of the lesser-known
methods. The word rune is derived from ru (German) and runa (Gothic) which have
meanings of mystery, secrecy, and secrets. It is an ancient alphabetic
(hieroglyphic) script which originated in the Scandinavian and Germanic countries
and which has a meaningful name and a signifying sound. In keeping with the nature
of hieroglyphs, which have a descriptive meaning, the Runes can be read from any
one of a number of different ‘spreads’ that can be put out by someone who is using
them to obtain information.

An example of a Rune meaning is that of Isa which carries the explanation of

‘Standstill”, ‘That which Impedes’, and ‘Ice’. In books such as The Book of Runes
by Ralph Blum brief notations such as the foregoing are expanded into a lengthy
interpretation of what it would mean to have drawn that Rune to ask a question, or
to have encountered it in a spread of three or more. That book uses 21 Rune stones
but there are other books which use 25 of them so it is apparent that the use of
the Runes is not so well established as methods such as the I Ching and the Tarot.
It is likely that the original use and interpretation of the Runes, as used in
ancient times, has been lost as it was entirely an oral tradition. In order to
consult the Runes for an indication of what action, or non-action, might be
feasible one method involves posing a question and then taking one Rune in order
to receive a judgement on potential steps to take. One can then move to a three-
Rune spread which contains situations such as the present situation, action to be
taken, and the likely new situation that will result. Another spread leads from a
past incarnation, to birth, the present, the future, and a future incarnation.

Use of the Runes can be a very comprehensive method of obtaining information that
would otherwise be difficult to determine by guesswork alone plus what knowledge
one has of ones own self.

It cannot be too strongly stressed that if use is made of divinatory methods any
answers received must not be taken fatalistically. Man has freewill and although
that may seem to be a factor that can ‘outwit’ the Creator, it cannot be stated
too often that we are virtually unaware of the many dimensions in which creation
exists. Every time that we open up new awareness of thought and discover new
scientific ‘facts’ that force a re-think of what has been accepted in the past we
are confirming that we are only at the start of our journey to the source of all

Other Methods

Having dealt at length with some of the methods that are available for use by
those of us who may have reached a blocking point, who need assurance that a plan
that has been formed is in keeping with human, and personal need, who feel bereft
and without a future, and those many other factors that give rise to a need for an
answer, it will be sufficient to briefly deal with some other methods.

What must constantly be borne in mind is that we are always dealing with energies.
For me, at least, even though I have gained enough information to give me good
reason to accept all that I am writing in this book, I still have to rely on
others for interpretation and on analogy to help the understanding. One analogy
that could be useful in thinking about the energies that are all around us is that
of the studio mixer who constantly plays with numerous different inputs of energy.
The energy that creates the sounds of musical instruments, for example, can be
blended to produce harmony or dissonance at the will of the mixer. In a similar
way we, consciously or unconsciously, receive energies from all the bodies, seen
and unseen, that surround us and we are free to mix and blend those as we see fit.

Numerology has already been touched on in the preceding chapter. That raised the
information that each number has its own particular vibration which sets in motion
waves of energy which impact on whatever receives them. The letters in words are
converted into numbers which also gives word combinations their particular
vibrations. There is a very large number of books which can be obtained on the use
of numerology to determine, amongst other things, personality characteristics
relating to the day of birth, the sorts of experiences you can expect from the
life in a house using its street or lot number, and the sort of person you are
based on the full birth date. There are also methods that have been developed to
forecast life experiences in sequences of nine-year periods, information on how to
change one’s name in order to change the personality, the use of the numbers in
the birth date plotted onto a 3 vertical by 3 horizontal line chart to indicate
various features such as determination, spirituality, intellect, emotions etc.

Graphology is the art of using handwriting as a means of interpreting such things

as inner traits, employment potential, careers that are suitable, and
psychological assistance. The reasoning behind the way we write is that the
writing instrument is guided by bodily energies and automatically reflects them in
the way the letters are formed, whether the lines slope upwards (optimism) or
downwards (pessimism) and various other configurations that are available for
assessment. I have even seen a change in personality by consciously changing the
direction in which the letters are slanted.

Palmistry relies on an examination of the lines on the hands, the left indicating
what one was born with whereas the right hand lines represent the changes that
have occurred in a person. Like fingerprints, lines on the palms are one of a
kind, and probably resulted from the energies that were imprinted on the foetus
during its growth and the subsequent energies that govern our lives. There is
always the possibility that some day it may be discovered that fingerprints, palm
lines, DNA, etc., are all interrelated in a personal mosaic of energies. Is it
conceivable that the Creative being provided these many, and varied, indicators to
allow us to access practitioners who study the different means of obtaining
information about ourselves and our potentials and futures?

Clairvoyance is a gift which the possessor can use to tell the applicant about
themselves. This is a means of tapping into the energies with which we have
created our bodies. Through this contact it is possible to learn about our past
lives, our present life history, events that we may encounter in the future and
also future incarnations. This is all possible because time, as we use it, is
vastly different from time on a universal scale, as you will read in a subsequent

Telepathy is not actually a method of divining but an attribute whereby the

telepath can access the thoughts and psyche of another person and provide a means
of instant communication, whether the persons be close by or at the other end of
the Earth. In some of the Tibetan’s books he states that as we evolve, telepathy
will become a normal part of our lives. The implications of that thought would
mean a definite revision in the way we live our lives as our thoughts would be
available to anyone who tapped into them.

Chapter 12 The Hierarchy of Man

At the mundane level the word hierarchy often means a rigid structure with an
individual at the apex sending down instructions to be followed by the various
levels of authority which exist to enable orders to be relayed to the lower ones.
In many organisations the individuals who actually carry out the work to be done
have no part to play in decision making.

A lot of the religious organisations operate in a similar manner, the objective

being to maintain the original beliefs in as pure a form as possible. The clergy,
priests, imams etc., are allowed little, if any, freedom in interpreting the
articles of faith.

The result is that the structure crystallises and fails to incorporate the steady
increase in consciousness of the work-force, the congregation, or whatever
hierarchical structure may be in place. One reason for this may be fear that input
from the base of the pyramid might cause such an upset that the holders of power,
of the articles of faith, or whatever, might lose control.

This chapter is about a hierarchy, but one that is open and flexible and makes no
demands on those who seek to work within its bounds. The Hierarchy of Man consists
of those members of humanity who have reached a high level of divine consciousness
and perfection and who no longer need to reincarnate in physical bodies, although
they may do so under certain circumstances.

In the earlier part of the book the emphasis was on the flow of life and energy
from the creative source down through the seven planes of existence to the lowest
level, the physical, where life becomes trapped in matter of the lowest level of
vibration. The intent, here, is to begin with that lowest vibration and follow its
growth into the higher levels of being.


At some time or another, almost everyone has probably been informed about the four
elemental forces which power life on the physical plane. They are fire, Earth,
air, and water. What is not generally realised is that these forces are comprised
of elementals that have a rudimentary intelligence and carry out the work of
building and maintaining the physical forms in which we have our existence,
together with all the other forms that comprise the biosphere of our planet.

The elemental builders are classified as: -

Fire - salamanders
Earth - gnomes
Air - sylphs
Water – undines

Geoffrey Hodson made a reference to an event after the crucifixion in one of his
books. “Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took his garments, and
made four parts, to every soldier a part….” Geoffrey Hodson comments – “The
dividing of the garments of Jesus into ‘four parts, to every soldier a part’, also
refers to the fourfold nature of the physical universe, which is composed of the
four elements of Earth, water, fire, and air, and in addition, extends to the four
quarters of the compass.”

Human history has many accounts of these ‘little people’ because in the early
days, when man was still in the astral (emotional) level of consciousness it was
possible to actually see them. Even in recent history and today, those who possess
clairvoyant abilities can see them at work.

Recalling that the universe consists of particles of energy, aggregated into a

multiplicity of patterns, which we see by way of forms because of the slowness of
our vision, it is apparent that is the reason why energy elementals assume shapes
when seen by humans.

There are four classes of elementals which specialise in the functions they
provide within the natural environment.

Gnomes are the elementals that tend the roots of plants and encourage them to
grow. Undines perform the function of transferring sunlight and the energy coming
up from the roots into chlorophyll. Sylphs take the undines energy and use it to
create the colour of the blossoms and when the plant is dying it produces seed
which is tended by the salamanders.

According to the Tibetan, plants are said to be of an inherently higher evolution

and come under the Angelic Hierarchy of the Solar Being. Like mankind they are
sensitive to the cosmic energies, their growth being influenced by the planets and
certain constellations but lacking free will they more closely follow the dictates
of those energies. One of the energies which has the most effect on plant life is
that of the Moon. Many gardeners and horticulturalists plant seeds that will do
best when the Moon is in a certain phase and/or sign of the zodiac as each sign
represents either fire, Earth, air, or water.

The Moon is responsible for drawing water (sap) up into plants when it is
approaching, and at, the full phase and allowing it to drop when it is
approaching, and at, the new phase. The surface tension of water is at its highest
when the Moon is full.

In addition to the nature spirits, which attend to plant life, there are also
entities which go by the name of Devas. These energy constructs underlie all of
the visible forms which we see with our eyes. They are responsible for the
mineral, animal, vegetable, and human kingdoms, some relevant information being
given in the next section.


“Eastern peoples, as well as numerous members of the Keltic and other naturally
psychic races, are familiar with the idea of the existence of the Gods. In the
East they are called devas, a Sanskrit word meaning “shining ones” and referring
to their self-luminous appearance. They are regarded as omnipresent, superphysical
agents of the Creative Will, as directors of all forces, laws and processes,
solar, inter-planetary and planetary.” Geoffrey Hodson goes on to say that these
hierarchical Orders of Intelligences, quite distinct from man in this solar
system, either have been or will be men.

Hindu sacred writings refer to Agni, the God of Fire, who belongs to the deva
evolution, the builders of the solar system. Wholes are made of parts, some of
which are so numerous and so small as to be invisible to the naked eye. Our own
bodies are evidence of this as the trillions of cells are only in view by virtue
of the body parts that they create and maintain.

Agni rules over the fire elementals and devas on the three planes of human
evolution – physical, astral, and mental. Human beings, and the Planetary Logos,
the entity which uses the Earth as its body of manifestation, work in the devic
substance. Whereas the Planetary Logos works consciously with the devic substance,
human beings work with it unconsciously. That is as well because devas are
impartial in their application of energy and if contacted for a good purpose that
would result and if for an evil one, that would result.

There are two groups of devas. The group on the evolutionary path is called Angels
by those who follow the Christian religion. On the involutionary path are the
elementals, which are essentially sub-human. Whilst on the subject of devas and
elementals it is to be noted that human bodies are built by the four types of
elementals and that is one reason why it can be so difficult for us to climb above
the magnetism of the physical plane, the materialistic way of life which has such
an attraction until the time comes when consciousness is increased to a point
where the spiritual, or higher levels of experience, gradually becomes the goal to
work towards. In analysing a chart based on astrological calculations one of the
methods is the use of the relative numbers of fire, Earth, air, and water signs in
which planets are placed at the time of birth. These are the four groups of
elementals that build our bodies.
Geoffrey Hodson, in The Kingdom of the Gods, refers to forms being created by
hierarchies of creative intelligence, the Archangels and their angel hosts who
have access to the designs and archetypes which exist in the Mind of God. They
ally themselves with the force of The Word and utilise its capacity to form
shapes. In his book there are many illustrations, drawn by an artist to whom he
described what he saw, of devas of various kinds who are responsible for watching
over mountains, trees, landscapes, oceans etc. Their shapes generally conform to
the forms which they are responsible for maintaining, the particles of energy
composing their bodies assuming a particular shape because of the sound which
plays upon those energies. The sound is The Word and acts in a similar manner to
that of a vibration applied to a metal plate with sand scattered over it. The
vibration (sound) arranges the sound into recognisable shapes.

Chapter 2, based on energy fields, had a section on morphogenesis. From the

foregoing there is a reasonable explanation of what entities are responsible for
creating, and maintaining, the energy field in which each species and sub-species
live their lives. As builders, the devas and elementals would create the bodies,
watch over them, and inform them, thus explaining why creatures in the wild are
able to be self-sufficient without having to be trained by parents.

The interlocking network of energy which is behind all of created life could also
help to explain why toxic chemicals and the like can have an adverse effect on
wildlife. Disrupting energy is introduced into a morphogenetic field which the
supervising devas are unable to deal with, hampered as they are, in one sense, by
the need to proceed along regulated pathways ordained by the Laws under which they

In comparison with the devic/elemental world, man has free will, the ability to
choose between different pathways. Those other worlds are restricted in how they
operate and can be classed as being of neutral energy in the sense that in those
cases where man can influence them the energy can become either positive or
negative in its flow.

Most of us are aware of the references to the Light and the Dark Forces. The
Forces of darkness work with the elementals on the involutionary path and their
intention is to want to keep mankind on the physical plane. The Forces of Light,
on the other hand, co-operate with the higher building devas which are on the
evolutionary path. As evolution proceeds, the human kingdom (the positive aspect)
and the deva kingdoms (the negative aspect) will eventually synthesise into one
whole but this is said not to happen until the seventh round, the present round
that we are in being the fourth.


The human body is built up by the accretion of elemental builders on the etheric
framework which underlies it. It then progresses through an ever-increasing gain
in consciousness through life after life in bodies which gradually become finer,
more beautiful, and responsive to mental commands. There is a limit, however, to
the continued refinement of those bodies but as evolution must proceed to ever
higher levels of sophistication and competence the only avenue left is that of
entering the sphere of the spirit.

When the physical/astral/mental bodies are perfected, harmonised, and integrated,

they are subject to contact with the soul, or intermediary, between physical and
spiritual energies. Once this stage is reached man can contact the world of spirit
and begin to work on the physical plane by using the intuition. Intuition is that
which gives direct knowledge of universal life without having to investigate and
The evolutionary progress is then enhanced because physical conditions can be
improved beyond measure because of this direct knowledge of how the natural forces
are constituted and how they work.

When sufficient progress has been made in this direction a man is then freed from
the constraints of the physical body and can henceforth live, if that is his life-
path, on a higher plane of existence as the physical body is no longer required.

One of the possibilities then is to join the Hierarchy, a group of Masters who are
responsible, in part, to oversee the progress of humanity. Hierarchy, from the
Greek, means ‘sacred rule’. In all, there are twelve creative hierarchies which
are the creative agents or builders of forms. Those hierarchies which are
specially relevant to humanity are the fourth, fifth, and sixth, the fifth being
the Solar Angels. The fourth hierarchy is the one that is working with humanity
and the sixth creative hierarchy consists of those devas who are mostly concerned
with the impulses of love, sex, and the driving urge to produce activity on the
physical plane.

The mass of humanity is unaware of, or relatively so, the existence of the
Hierarchy. For most of us it can be difficult to think of having a life that is
not contained within a physical body. Looking back, however, at the process of
reincarnation it is obvious that the part of man which survives death has to be
present at some level or another during the time between incarnations. Once we
have passed through enough physical existences to ensure that we are spiritualised
then we too will exist at the formless level.

At some stage in our growth of consciousness we will become disciples and world
servers and act as a bridge between humanity and hierarchy, helping others to a
realisation of why life was created. Mental substance, in which we are now tending
to concentrate, is highly volatile and susceptible to impression by the members of
the Hierarchy of Man. The members of that group are also referred to as illumined
minds, an inner group of thinkers which constantly meditates and formulates
thoughts which are intended to provide guidance for those of us who are open to

The Tibetan, in Education in the New Age writes, when discussing citizenship from
a universal viewpoint and the relationship of the individual units to that all-
encompassing word - “This subject necessarily embodies the whole problem of
individual freedom and of collective responsibility. This subtle relationship
must be understood and expressed by humanity in line with the underlying
principles of the entire human and planetary structure. This structure is that of
an all-embracing Hierarchy. In spite of the rationalisation of men's minds, this
Hierarchy exists and extends from the atom of substance at the very depth of
manifestation to the entire solar system; it expresses in its graded ascent every
type of consciousness, from that of the infinitesimally small to that of the
infinitely great. It is with a small section of the hierarchical structure—and a
very small section at that—that we are engaged. Our field of investigation is
that of the fourth Creative Hierarchy, which is the hierarchy of human beings; it
concerns the relations of the members of this hierarchy within its hierarchical
periphery; it deals also with a possible range of existence in the subhuman realms
on a lower rung of the ladder of hierarchical existence, and with that
hierarchical structure which is found immediately above the human in the scale of
beings that of the fifth or spiritual kingdom, the Kingdom of God.

With that great hierarchical unit which we call the animal kingdom, the third
kingdom in nature, man is definitely related through the medium of his animal,
etheric and astral bodies. He is also related to the kingdom of souls, because
his own soul is an integral part of that kingdom, just as his physical body is an
integral part of the animal kingdom. The aspect of himself which is strictly and
specifically human is the mind or mental body; this is essentially the organ of
relationship to all other human races.”

Man is now approaching the time when relative peace will be in evidence, even
though present circumstances appear to belie that. There are expectations that
some members of the Hierarchy will externalise around the year 2025 and by
externalisation is meant the taking on of physical bodies once again, for the
purpose of guiding us to those higher potentials which lie hid within. The Christ
has already provided the reality that this can occur when he appeared in material
form to his disciples after his death. There is nothing supernatural in this as
we, ourselves, have appeared in material form as the result of the involution of
the originating energy which created the universe and all that lives in it.

The purposes for which the externalisation will occur are: -

to develop a new world religion; help to shape a new world society of
justice, unity, and equal opportunity; publicly present the ‘system of
initiation’; and provide exoteric training of disciples and humanity.
Right relations between human beings will have to be well in place by that
forecast date.

A fairly long passage from one of the Tibetan’s books gives a fairly comprehensive
picture of the Hierarchy: -
“Again I tell you that even the Hierarchy itself, with all its knowledge, vision
and understanding and with all its resources, cannot coerce and cannot forecast
what mankind will do. It can and does stimulate to right action; it can and does
indicate possibility and responsibility; it can and does send out its teachers and
disciples to educate and lead the race; but at no point and in no situation does
it command or assume control. It can and does bring good out of evil, illuminating
situations and indicating the solution of a problem, but further than this the
Hierarchy cannot go. If it assumed authoritative control, a race of automatons
would be developed and not a race of responsible, self- directed, aspiring men.
This must surely be apparent to you and may serve to answer the question which is
uppermost in the minds of the unthinking, occult students today: Why could not the
Hierarchy have prevented this catastrophe? Unquestionably the Masters of the
Wisdom with Their knowledge and Their command of forces could have interfered, but
in so doing They would have broken an occult law and hindered the true development
of mankind. This They will never do. At all costs, man must learn to stand and act

The fact of the existence of the New Group of World Servers was brought to the
attention of the general public, and on quite a large scale. This group is
composed of aspirants, disciples and initiates, and is intermediate between the
spiritual Hierarchy and the intelligent public. Its members are to be found in
every country, are unorganised except by their spiritual relation to the Hierarchy
and to each other, and through their effort in every field of human consciousness
to lead humanity into a more spiritual way of living. They aim to foster the
growth of right human relations through goodwill, and this work is still going on.

1. The Hierarchy stands as a wall between humanity and excessive evil. Forget not
that as humanity is thus protected that protection extends to all the subhuman
kingdoms, of which the fourth kingdom, the human, is the Macrocosm. The excessive
evil, emanating from cosmic sources, requires the trained skill of the Hierarchy
and the fiat of Shamballa to prevent it flooding over disastrously.

2. The Hierarchy works constantly at the task of awakening the consciousness

aspect in all forms, so that it is awakened, expanded and intelligently employed.
3. The Hierarchy directs world events, as far as mankind will permit (for the free
will and free decision of mankind may not be ignored), so that the unfolding
consciousness may express itself through developing and adequate social,
political, religious and economic world forms. They give direction; They throw a
light; They impress those who are in contact with Them, and through the inflow of
ideas and through revelation They definitely influence the tide of human affairs.

4. The Hierarchy directs and controls, more than is realised, the unfolding cyclic
cultures and their resultant civilisations. These can then provide adequate forms,
temporarily useful for the emerging soul of humanity. The format of cultures and
civilisations receives special attention.

5. The Hierarchy receives and transmits energies and consequent forces from
Shamballa, with resultant effects within the Hierarchy itself, and also with
effects upon humanity and upon the soul of all things to be found in all kingdoms.

6. The Hierarchy receives that esoteric "Fire of God" which brings to an end
cycles, ideologies, organisations and civilisations when the due and right time
comes. This They do in order to make place for that which is better and which will
prove adequate and not limiting to the awakening consciousness and the emerging

7. The Hierarchy prepares men for initiation by:

a. Receiving them into the Ashrams of the Masters.

b. Offering Their disciples opportunity to serve in relation to the emerging Plan.

c. Inaugurating through the means of the disciples of the period those new
presentations of the training needed for initiation. Each major cycle receives new
forms of the same ancient, yet basic, teaching. This present one is such a cycle,
and much of my own work is in connection with this.”

Humanity is responsible for qualifying and adopting the Divine Plan but we have
free will and the speed and extent to which that responsibility is undertaken
certainly depends upon us as we are the span between the fourth kingdom of
humanity and the fifth kingdom of the superhuman.

Throughout time man has had the thought of a group of wise and enlightened beings
which is given the task of guiding humanity. Spiritual teachings have consistently
referred to the spiritual Hierarchy, Masters of the Wisdom, and the Elder

There are guides at many different stages of competence as noted in the following
two extracts from “Guided Writings”: -

“So often people think of guides as being multi-talented or engaged on their

behalf. But entities who become guides have many different functions, as well as
different levels on which to act. Just think on the diversity of your peoples,
their ages and stages of development and you can realise why this is so. Someone
may have been in contact with the same guide for many years but that does not mean
that there have not been other entities working with and for them. Sometimes the
lifetime guide is a family member, whether on your world or here; and many times
it can be an alter ego, the other half. So like all other things within the light,
there is great diversity. No one is more lucky than others in their protection, it
is a matter of what work is being done at that particular time. In karma and free
choice of lifestyle, we select our own form of guidance. I say form, for the guide
itself also does its' own choosing, depending on the Master Guides or doorkeepers.
So it is a case of what (level) not who. I have done guidance many times in my
cycles, but now the communication holds my attentions I don't know yet what I
shall do next, that depends on my progress plus the needs of the Hierarchy.

“Before all of us lies a panorama of disaster and catastrophe. Cannot you imagine
how sad a view your beautiful Earth is from Heaven's firmaments? No, we shall not
say more to you on duty and behaviour, for it lies not in your powers to heal what
wounds have been gouged in your planet. The remedies are beyond you all and
therefore you can only carry on as well as possible and pray for God's
intercession in the evil destructiveness at work in your world - what predictions
can we make - it is beyond us also, it is in God's and the Highest Hierarchy’s
hands. What they decide is what shall be done and none of us can change it save
through prayer and right living. Save those around you, if you can, but if they
will not, then let them go - time is too short now to be dwelling overlong on the
reluctant. Increase your own awareness and sensitivities as you can, in a strong
and genuine way. Yes, I did say no more sermons, but instructions never come
amiss. We say as we must and you can accept or not, as you so choose. (16.3.86)”

New Group of World Servers

Humanity has always had certain individuals who have provided new thoughts,
inventions, profound theories, etc., which have assisted humanity in its long road
of a progression in consciousness. Names such as Muhammed, Krishna, the Buddha,
the Christ, Socrates, Michelangelo, Francis Bacon, Einstein, and Carl Jung,
amongst others are included in that august group. In the early days they were
reasonably rare because it has taken many millennia for the progress to gradually
attain a momentum of its own. In today’s world the group of New World Servers is
now quite a considerable force and includes, besides those who are conscious of
their mission, a large body of individuals which is leavening humanity with its
contribution to education, economics, politics, health, social justice, and the
many forms by which humanity is made aware of new needs on the march of progress.

This growing band of servers provides a pool of individuals who will eventually
become aspirants, and then disciples, finally progressing to the stage of
initiates, at which point they are free to operate at will within the physical,
astral, mental, and spiritual levels of existence.


Beyond Hierarchy there exists another level of attainment, that of Shamballa. At

one time this was thought to have an existence in the Gobi Desert and was
mythologised as Shangri-La, an imaginary remote paradise, a utopia. Shamballa is a
Sanskrit word that symbolises “the place of peace, tranquillity.” Shamballa does
exist in the region of the Gobi Desert but at the higher etheric and not the
physical plane.

It was formed some 18 million years ago (followed by the Hierarchy one million
years later) as the head centre of the planetary life. Possessing three great
energies it acts as a purifier of all that hinders full expression of divinity, a
destructive force that shatters forms that have outlived their purpose, and
organises spirit and matter into different relationships.

In a booklet on Shamballa, which was produced by The Arcane School, it states

that, “Shamballa is simply a word conveying the idea of a vast focal point of
energies which are assembled and brought together by the Planetary Logos in order
to create a manifestation adequate to His unfolding intention and planetary
service.” That quotation was taken from Discipleship in the New Age Vol II p 404.

Shamballa energy brings will, purpose, motive, simplicity, synthesis, meaning, and
significance. At certain intervals this group of spiritual beings releases energy
into the planetary sphere in order to provoke major reorientations in human life.
An example of this is the 1919-1945 emergence, beginning with the League of
Nations, of the United Nations. This synthesising energy is responsible for the
current move towards globalisation but as, with all spiritual energy, it can be
misused; selfish purposes can block the true intent and produce instead something
which is of much lesser value than the template which was provided at a higher
level of vibration. It can be distorted as it descends through the planes.

Shamballa energy is impersonal and can be experienced only as a group, not as an

individual, impact. It is Hierarchy that relates to the individual man. Prior to
this century the shamballa force has been used only twice. Firstly in Lemuria when
it sparked the ‘crisis of individualism’ and secondly in Atlantis during the
struggle between the Lords of Light and the Lords of Darkness.

In 1975 it was the release of energy from Shamballa that led to the initiation of
New Age philosophies, natural therapies, conservation, in other words a spiritual
and dynamic opening up of health, education, and religion. Astral in nature it
increased the use of workshops, brought in re-birthing techniques and the many
other interests that extend into the non-physical world of existence.

Another release of the energy occurred in the year 2000 and is again creating
crises which man can either use to make this a better world or fail to use and let
its release founder on the back of a continuing world crisis which will, in
effect, bring on a greater catastrophe in order to provoke a change that could
have been made more easily.

Shamballa, Hierarchy, and Humanity now form a triangle which is being activated.
The intent is that at some far distant time the three groups will merge into one
vibrant spiritual life, perhaps a happening something like the birth of a star
formation. I have yet to read, or learn, whether individual man moves forward or
whether the group of humanity as a whole eventually resolves itself into a greater
universal being.


The word initiation was mentioned a little earlier in the chapter and some
elaboration is now provided. Bearing in mind that all is energy and all forms are
intersecting patterns of energy it is understandable that initiation can be
described as an essentially electrical phenomena, an obstructing, repelling force
until the electrical energy of the door to initiation and of the man are
synchronised and vibrate in unison. Many people are under the impression that a
guru, or similar ranking, is able to grant a person the status of initiate, but
that is not so. Initiation is a natural happening that signifies a personality
body has stepped up to a higher level of spiritual energy. In effect it is an
expansion of consciousness that reflects a greater awareness of spiritual reality
and includes a refining and integration of the personality bodies and eventually
fusion with the soul.

Group initiation will be a feature of the new age that we have commenced
progressing through and it represents a move away from purely personal ideas and
undertakings and a move towards a selfless attitude in applying spiritual
teachings in world service. This partly explains the trials that have been taking
place in community living since the early twentieth century. There are always
fore-runners to give a hint of new potentials for living.

Initiation gives freedom, a liberation from past ties and a move to a more
inclusive state of being. An initiate is one who has managed to transcend the
limitations of human nature and the boundaries of birth and death. It is a state
which gives the ability to act truly harmlessly, with dispassion, and without fear
as no sanctions that are imposed by outside forces can deter him from his quest.
He is more concerned with an attempt to change our perceptions of the world rather
than the world itself. This ties in with the argument that the world we live in is
the world which we have created for ourselves.

Group initiation is being opened up by energies released from Shamballa and the
Hierarchy with the intention of developing group consciousness and the formation
of groups that grow and act organically rather than consisting of a rigid
organisation. It is more likely to be a case of a group forming and then have
individuals flow in and out according to the needs to be satisfied.


Reference has been made to the Masters so it will be useful to provide some
further information as to their nature. As previously stated, a Master is no
longer tied to a physical form and is no longer prey to the temptations of a
physical form with its attendant emotional and mental bodies. A Master will
normally have an ashram, which consists of chelas and disciples the latter being
either incarnate or discarnate.

Any tendency to worship a Master or to fasten on to a Master’s aura, which can

happen to someone who has the necessary clairvoyant vision, must be avoided. It is
a trap to the unwary because it can lead to becoming a devotee, which the Buddha
specifically cautioned against. The dangerous path of the devotee can be avoided
by following Buddha’s teaching to “Holdfast to the truth as a lamp”, “Be a lamp
unto your own feet. Look not to anyone outside of yourself for truth.”

One reason for not grasping onto a Master and believing that one is now in a
superior position is that Master’s themselves are evolving. Not all of them have
chosen to work with humanity and those who have so chosen spend only part of their
time in that way.

At certain times the Masters meet in conclave in order to determine whether

particular emphasis is needed in any area as a guide to humanity. In a meeting in
1500 AD, for example, it was decided that humanity needed to raise its
consciousness to the mental plane and to break down the barriers of
separativeness, isolation, and prejudice. After such a decision various fore-
runners are put into incarnation in order to spark off new ideas, new thinking,
new moral and ethical perspectives, change of social structures, open up religious
thought, introduce psychology, etc.

When a Master reaches the end of the evolutionary line for that designated
achievement he has a choice of seven paths. This may be an opportune point to
state that the investigation into the world behind the physical appearance can
tend to leave one so bewildered and the complexities so great that a lack of
comprehension makes it all too hard. On reflection, however, if one looks back to
man’s own origin as a mindless savage, and even beyond that to the original
single-celled organisms, it will be apparent that even today’s world would be
incomprehensible to those earlier forms of life. What stretches ahead of us,
therefore, is much of the same, a gradual unfolding of what still lies before us.
To state that a Master has a choice of seven paths may then put matters into
perspective. Details of the seven paths are given in Initiation, Human and Solar,
by Alice Bailey. A brief description of each is given here but the meaning of some
of them is so far removed from our ken that it is not worth attempting to pursue
it any further.
Earth Service: pledged to remain linked to the Hierarchy and serve the planet.
Magnetic Work: work with elemental formative energy, manipulation of matter, work
with Fohat.
Training for Planetary Logoi: preparing to work as a sub-planetary or planetary
logoi in the next solar system.
Path to Sirius: very little can be communicated about this path. This is where the
secret of our cosmic evolution is to be found.
Ray Path: little is known about it but it involves work in the various kingdoms on
all planes. Very complex path as it needs capacity for intricate mathematics.
Path the Logos is on: the Logos on the cosmic planes is evolving inner cosmic
Path of Absolute Sonship: is the great controlling path of Karma and involves a
relationship to a Being higher than our Logos.

The Hierarchy is the head centre of the Planetary Logos, with Shamballa being the
heart centre. Interposed with these centres are the Communion of Saints, the
Kingdom of Souls, the Rishis, with the Christ serving in the centre of the

The Logos

A yet higher step up is the Logos of a planet. This Great Entity uses the
physical/etheric, emotional and mental planes of a planet as His vehicle of
manifestation. In keeping with the “as above, so below”, theme, a planetary logos
is also on an evolutionary path and also takes initiation in a manner similar to
the human initiation.

Human bodies have changed over the millennia as evolution refined them, developed
emotional and mental bodies, and increased the level of consciousness through
successive incarnations. In looking back at the cataclysmic changes that have
occurred on Earth, and the changes which are ever with us, it may be reasonable to
state that although man is affecting the physical body of the Earth the Logos
itself may well be responsible to an even greater extent. One example of this may
be global warming. Increases in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can have an
effect on the heat which is retained or released but there is a body of evidence
which concludes that an increasing growth in volcanic activity on the seabed of
the Pacific Ocean is also having an effect.

Man is said to be the cells in the brain of the Earth’s Logos and there is no
reason why there shouldn’t be an interplay between the Logos and humanity whereby
we are moved to take certain actions prompted by an input from the Logos.

A planetary logos is not the end of the line as the next entity above that is a
solar logos who uses an entire solar system as its vehicle of manifestation. Above
that again is the entity “about whom naught may be said”. This particular
manifestation uses seven solar systems, the seven stars of the Great Bear
corresponding to its seven head centres and represent the seven rays that use our
solar system as a means of expression.

Once again the mind boggles at the thought of these enormous bodies of energy
which contain other lives within them. Reflect though, that there is a direct
parallel with our own bodies which consist of countless lives, all having
intelligence as we well know from the research that has revealed how two tiny
cells, guided by DNA, build up a human body.

In the Bhagavad Gita the Divine Logos, speaking through the mouth of Krishna says
“The whole of the cosmos is pervaded by me in my unmanifest form. I am thus the
support of all manifested existencies; but I am not supported by them…There is
nothing superior to me and all this hangs on me as a row of gems with a string
running through…The Mahatmas devoted to Daiviprakriti and know me as the
imperishable cause of all things, worship me with their minds concentrated on me.
I am the source of all things; the whole universe proceeds from me. Thinking thus,
the wise who share my nature, worship me.”

A quotation from a book gives an ancient viewpoint of the Logos – “In the
philosophy of the Ancient Greeks the Logos became the controlling and guiding
principle of the universe. It is this binding principle of the Logos that draws
into relationship the positively, negatively, and neutrally charged particles of
the atom.

The source of all life is symbolised by a dot in the centre of a circle. Moving
towards the circumference there is a radiation out of ever-decreasing energy which
reflects the increasing density of thought substance and the lower levels of life.

Pretty heady stuff for a casual reader, or someone who is standing at the first
doorway of the entrance into a higher consciousness. Imagination is needed here,
coupled with an awe at the immensity of the universe and the continual revelations
by science about its constitution. Even light is now suspected of not having a
constant speed but one that may be gradually slowing down.

Even the universe that we exist in will someday close in on itself and once again
become a seed that will again explode itself into another universe. And why not!
There are wonders around us that we are not aware of because our comprehension is
as yet limited, and restricted by, our inability to penetrate into the inmost
secrets of the primal life.
Chapter 13 Politics and Spirituality

The Random House Dictionary has eight definitions of politics, the main ones
being; 1. the science or art of political government; 4. political affairs or
manoeuvres; 6. use of intrigue or strategy in obtaining any position of power or
control as in a business, university, etc.; 7. having a definite policy or system
of government.

Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary includes definitions such as; 2. political

affairs in a party sense; party intrigues etc., 3. to play politics. To speak or
ask for political reasons, hence, to scheme for an advantage.

The second definition of a politician in the Random House Dictionary is; a seeker
or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favour or
retaining power than about maintaining principles.

As we are said to live in a democracy (for those countries that claim this) the
Random House Dictionary defines it as 1. government by the people, a form of
government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by
them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.

A more general description of democracy is ‘government of the people, by the

people, and for the people.’ It is fair to say that the theory is good but in
practice it falls far short of such a high-sounding philosophy. This theme will be
the basis of what follows. You will have noted in the definitions above of why
politicians are not serving us as they ideally should and that is a major cause of
so much dissatisfaction that is voiced by many individuals. Politics today tends
to reflect selfishness, rather than an urge to truly serve those who place such
trust in those whom they elect. No wonder, in countries where voting is not
compulsory, that there is such a low turnout at the polling booths.

It is patently evident that all is not well with the world’s people at this
particular stage in our development. There seems to be a hiatus point, a position
where there is general bewilderment about why humanity has reached this impasse.
Many people are fearful of what might result from our apparent disintegration of
what we have believed in while a few others see this period as one in which old
forms can disappear and be replaced with new ones that can allow for a true
blending of humanity into one body, whilst retaining the individuality which is so
important to a true functioning of the whole.

Despite the fear of what might happen as a result of the continuing disintegration
of much that we hold dear from the past, it is now more evident that events have
conspired to make it exceedingly difficult to retain that past. We must seek
change and a useful appraisal of today was recorded in ‘Guided Writings’ on the
21st June, 1987 – “Many people whose minds and souls are on the borderline are
jolted into making a choice, indifference, or caring towards others. In many
crises, wars, occupations by other countries, meanness at home, school, the
workplace etc., people have been transformed into militant or caring humans where
they would likely have remained acquiescent to their surroundings and their inner
depths would never have emerged. In all wrongs there is often good that results
for someone, painful though it may be when it manifests itself.

The second world war resulted in an awakening of many individual types of people.
The common man, the cannon fodder, started to realise how they were being used as
pawns, expendable pawns at that, by big business and politics. It took several
more wars before that message really sank home, and now the investigations into
the atomic testings. chemical spraying etc., has revealed that no country's
leaders behaved honourably.

Particular items in the news about politics are usually placed to slant the
opinions towards a certain action. Most political parties have become so caught up
with keeping in office and out of trouble that they are becoming less and less
effective. When opinions are coming in from all around, and people are
complaining, threatening, pleading, bribing, and spying - is it any wonder the
imperfect humans become confused. You realise how great a difference there is in
politics today? It was once local; then spread to State, Country and now Global -
and more, at times. And the media, producing instant news plus feedback; the
militants forming and arousing public emotions; plus the other areas one's
decision can often affect - look at agriculture, mining, entertainment, armaments
for defence. You could add to each, pollution, land despoliation, pornography,
treachery - oh yes, it is a long list. And all of this political situation is
going to grow worse because it must, if there is to be any meaningful change. As
has happened in business, in medicine, and many other fields politics is no longer
workable in its present stage, and there will be no willing change at the moment,
for to have any effect the change must be worldwide, and to bring such a far-
reaching evolution, the original machinery must break down and prove too costly in
all ways before change occurs. And when political wheels falter then the world
itself falters, so there are difficult times ahead. But to be rid of such a
selfish, useless, anachronism as is running the world today, it will almost be
worth it. Yes, I did say almost, like the Holocaust there will be many who will

As you will note from the introductory section of dictionary definitions we govern
ourselves by means of politics. In an ideal state of being, politics would ensure
that every world citizen would have basic rights to the wealth that the natural
world provides. We are, no matter how we may prefer to think about it, of an
animal nature and closely bound to the rhythms of the Earth. Our lives are
affected by the natural environment and yet we claim to be above the dictates of
natural forces, and processes. Having said that we have animal natures that is to
be qualified by adding, ‘with a basic spiritual centre’, a feature that impels us
to continually search for new, and greater, meanings in life.

Humanity is at the nadir of its progress through the stages leading from our
inception on this Earth to that whereby we spiritualise material substance and
take our place amongst the gods, after whom we have been modelled. This is a
turning point and hence the strife which is generated by a physical desire to have
everything material that we feel we need to give us happiness, and a higher
striving which is to attain a realisation that we are truly one people, despite
our diversity. That higher striving is epitomised by the parable of the Prodigal
Son. We have an inner instinct which tells us that we are truly spiritual beings
and must eventually transcend our threefold personalities of body, emotions, and

Politicians, in general, are demonised because they are caught between the
stranglehold of materialism and the up-welling drive, in many cases inchoate, that
makes us realise we are misusing our god-given capabilities.

Current State of Politics

Politicians can be said to have virtually lost their ability to govern – for the
people, by the people and of the people – because the material power and wealth of
the corporate world, and a few extremely wealthy individuals, has been allowed to
become the endpoint of our search for meaning in life. Virtually all of our
striving today is to achieve a global framework of trade, which ignores the
inherent rights of the peoples of the Earth. It is not only the peoples rights
which have been cast aside but also the rights of the natural world to live in
mutual balance.

It is reasonable to state that globalisation has resulted from that inner belief
that humanity is one, which creates a need to ensure that we all grow together,
but at our own pace. What is happening now is a perversion of that belief and
explains why there is a counter-force led by the young, and the indigenous
peoples. These latter see a different world vision but lack the power and the
wealth to challenge what is happening and therefore have to resort to mass
demonstrations and physical resistance, which we now see as a regular event.

The political level is being ‘bought’ by those individuals who have an insatiable
desire for power over life. One example of this is the following extract from the
New York Times: -
“All of this private money in our elections has had a corrosive effect on our
democracy, according to the NEW YORK TIMES. The distinction between Republicans
and Democrats has been erased by money. "In fact," says the TIMES, "the public
sector has increasingly become the champion of private enterprise.... The degree
to which left and right have unified to become the champion of corporate
priorities was on full display in the Congressional session that just ended.
...Look at the legislation business got killed," the TIMES says: there was no
increase in the minimum wage, no new limits on "soft money" in elections, no ban
on agricultural mergers. But Congress exempted corporations from any liability for
Y2K computer failures, and legalized the merging of banks, insurance companies and
stock brokerages. No doubt about it, money talks. David E. Sanger, "Meet Your
Government, Inc.," NEW YORK TIMES November 28, 1999, pgs. D1, D6.”

The Problems of Humanity was first published by the Lucis Press in 1947. Despite
the fact that it was written over half-a-century ago it could have been written
today as evidenced by some pertinent quotations from it: -
“The responsibility for the widespread misery to be found today in every country
in the world lies predominantly at the door of certain major interrelated groups
of business-men, bankers, executives of international cartels, monopolies, trusts
and organizations and directors of huge corporations who work for corporate or
personal gain.
In every nation, such men and organizations—responsible for the capitalistic
system—are to be found. These men belonged to both the Allied Nations and the Axis
Powers; they have worked together before and through the entire period of the war
through interlocking directorates, under false names and through deceptive
organizations, aided by neutrals of their own way of thinking. Today, in spite of
the disaster which they have brought upon the world, they are again organized and
renewing their methods; their goals remain unchanged; their international
relationships remain unbroken; they constitute the greatest menace mankind faces
today; they control politics; they buy prominent men in every nation; they insure
silence through threat, cash and fear; they amass wealth and buy a spurious
popularity through philanthropic enterprise; their families live soft and easy
lives and seldom know the meaning of God-ordained work; they surround themselves
with beauty, luxury and possessions and shut their eyes to the poverty, stark
unhappiness, lack of warmth and decent clothing, the starvation and the ugliness
of the lives of the millions by whom they are surrounded; they contribute to
charities and church agencies as a salve to their consciences or to avoid income
taxes; they provide work for countless thousands but see to it that these
thousands receive so small a wage that real comfort, leisure, culture and travel
are impossible.”

In a number of countries, where the political party system is the method of

government, there is a tendency to have two major parties whose policies have
tended to converge over the years as they seek to take advantage of each other.
And perhaps the major reason for this is that they are captives of the commercial
imperative that our lives must be subjected to the domination of economics; man’s
social, ethical, and spiritual needs are relegated to the background.

This theme of convergence in policies of the two major parties, which is the norm
in most developed countries, is now a fact of life. The general public, in the
main, is woefully unaware of the dangers inherent in the almost complete
stranglehold of material forces on our way of life. With the continuing trend of
company mergers it is very difficult for the new to break out into public
awareness. Government and company propaganda (and that is plainly what it is)
regularly appears in the majority of the media. In addition to this the extreme
emphasis on sport, entertainment, and the dumbing-down programs on television tend
to divert people’s attention from those activities which would inform them and
provide an avenue for the needed growth in consciousness, especially that of the
spiritual energies with which we are constantly bathed.

How often are you exposed to the policies of the minor parties and the
independents. In many cases when they are mentioned in the press it is for the
purpose of belittling them or writing them off as irrelevant in the light of the
influence of the major parties.

Current day politics are those of two adversaries pitted against each other, with
no give or take. It is an essential feature of this that only in the most special
circumstances is there to be any recognition of the merits of an opposing view. A
politician belonging to a major party is not allowed to deviate from party policy,
which is often decided by cabinet, or the prime minister, and only rarely by a
caucus of the members in general. The public is also excluded from this decision-
making, which often has no relationship to the policy platform the party may have
put forward as its justification for election. When the division bells ring the
party members duly vote along party lines in order to prevent being de-selected at
the next election.

Emerging Changes

In Man’s early days, as we have seen, the tribe was the unit, each individual
believing him/herself to be part of the whole. They tended to act as one body and
follow the lead given by the King, Shaman, Witch Doctor, Astrologer/Priest, etc.
The progress of evolution required that individuality be introduced and the
thought that every individual was responsible for his own life was born. Time then
interposed a need to feel responsible for those who were less able to function as
full individuals and the great social movements began. These changes arise from
the subjective levels of existence whereby thoughts are projected into the mind of
humanity and acted upon according to the capacity of the receivers who are able to
formulate responses to the received thoughts.

This is again a recognition of the interconnectedness of all life through the

channels of the universal energies which are neutral in their effect, leaving a
positive, or negative, response to the equipment of those of us who receive the
impact of the energies. Referring back to the effects of the interplay of solar
system, and outer cosmic energies as related in the section on astrology, it may
be useful to record some thoughts expressed in an article in the Astrological
Journal, Vol 35, No. 1, on page 20 – The Uranus Neptune conjunction in 1821
produced a change to new forms of transpersonal values. Around this time the seeds
of socialism were sown and as the planets waxed in their aspect the movement
strengthened. During the waning period of the aspect the implementation is more
fully ensconced in the group consciousness. As part of the waning process
socialism was then strongly attacked by Senator McCarthy and the excesses of the
Stalin era were exposed.

The advent of the new conjunction then set the stage for Man’s real vision of
socialism i.e., collective self-realisation. A thought on this was given by
Paramanhsa Yogananda when he said the future government of the world will be
Spiritual Socialism. This gives the trend to globalisation as food for thought as
it is only a decade since the next conjunction took effect and during the years of
the waxing period the seed begins to grow and is subject to the environment in
which it finds itself. That is why, if humanity is to realise its true potential,
the need for a transition from materiality to spirituality is of great importance.

Progress will come from a synthesis of opposites, those of freedom and order, and
growth and decay. To progress we have to be free but also prepared to agree to a
form of order. We have to grow through new forms of government or submit to decay
if we persist with the outmoded ones which now hold us back. Both the individual,
and the collective, are needed to fully express the call of the future. There are
four major forces in the world – capitalism, communism, the resource-rich world,
and the resource-poor world. None of those must be allowed dominance, they have to
be synthesised into one, under the guidance of our spiritual selves.

There are two other forces which are also at work and they can be stated as the
one which focuses on the global economy and the other on the local communities.
Neither one is the right answer, they must both take their rightful place and this
needs a true world government to be put into place through an organic evolution.

It is of interest to note that as the Uranus Neptune conjunction was waning a new
variation of government was conceived, the European Union. When one thinks about
this union it was a bold move, to unite countries with such diverse languages,
customs and cultures and with a long history of combativeness. Surely this is a
new spirit, perhaps the culmination of seed thoughts projected from the level of
the Hierarchy. Nothing was forced, each nation was free to join, or not.

Perhaps this coming together of so many different entities is an omen for a future
world government. It is conceivable that the United Nations will metamorphose into
a more democratic and spiritually accountable form of government.

Spiritual Politics

Christabel Chamarette, a former Greens (WA) senator, had this to say in a speech
to the Senate on the 16th November, 1995 – “By far the worst assailant of values
is party politics. The supremacy of the party over personal conscience,
parliament, accountability, and ultimately community values like honesty, is the
root of the ethical malaise.”

Having said that, where do we go. What is the alternative. If you follow what is
happening in the world in current times it will be evident that mention of
spirituality is becoming more prevalent. It is if we are finally waking up to the
fact that we are more than just flesh and blood. The political system is showing
signs of crystallisation, of becoming static and not reflecting the needs of
community. The theme of the book is connectedness and this is beginning to show in
the coming together of minds to foreshadow changes in politics. Independents and
some smaller parties that espouse ethical views are attracting more voters because
they tend to be people-oriented and value the diversity of our world and aim to
protect that diversity from exploitation.

Spiritual Politics, by Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, contains a

reference to the problem of solving complex and national problems from a
materially-oriented consensual reality. It refers to the Ageless Wisdom as a means
of bridging the gap between what we have now and what can be a more open and
honest way of governing ourselves. A synthesis of spirituality and politics would
enable a forward and upward movement in society by introducing meditation,
visualisation, and the building of thought-forms to provide a new vision. This is
not airy-fairy stuff but a recognition of the fact that mental energy produces
subjective changes; as ‘a man thinks, so is he’. Everything we do has some content
of thought in it and it is incumbent on us, through education at all ages of life,
to transform our outer actions as well as the inner.

Our world now, is the result of the thinking of individuals and groups, which has
been concretised through speech and the written word. We listen and we often
follow, believing in the veracity of those assumed to be more knowledgeable and
intelligent than we ourselves. This is not really true, however, as much wisdom
resides in even the most uneducated of us. What we have failed to do is have faith
in the common man and instead left the power of decisions in a few hands, many of
whom relish power and the opportunity to enrich themselves in honours or monetary

The universe is one entity, indivisible with everything connected to everything

else so what we do has a ripple effect on the flowing energies. Referring back to
the morphogenetic field we can have a major influence on what happens in the
future. There is a growing band of individuals called the New Group of World
Servers which is committed to an input of positive and loving thought-forms into
humanity’s world. These are the individuals, and groups, who put their
personalities and personal needs in the background in order to serve humanity.
They are the mediators, the formulators of new ways of living, of governing, of
achieving peace, of new social groupings and community service. This section of
humanity is steadily growing in numbers with the impacts they are making on our
thoughts and our intended actions that result from the inspiration which is given
to us. The signs are there if you look for them. Their effectiveness is echoed by
the Maharishi when he states that using transcendental meditation, ten per cent of
a group can have a direct influence on the entire group.

Benjamin Franklin told the first US Continental Congress, over two hundred years
ago that “God governs in the affairs of men”. The Founding Fathers of the US
understood something of the Divine Purpose that fires the heart and unveils the
future, bringing insight into the mystery of world events. Until the recent past
very few of us have been prepared to acknowledge the world of spirit in other than
a worshipping sense and we have been prepared to allow our baser animal natures to
take control of the governing of our affairs.

Spiritual politics would incorporate a blend of the masculine and feminine

elements of humanity. The ideal energy is one produced by an equal input of
positive and negative forces. Too much of one and there is an imbalance, in our
case either too much aggression, or too much passivity. This is already
recognised, albeit unconsciously, in that women are not sufficiently involved in
our day-to-day activities, and is reflected in the attempts to pre-determine the
relative numbers of male and female politicians.

‘Spiritual Politics’ indicates that the old political paradigm assumed that events
were caused solely by political leaders and public policies, the new paradigm
which is emerging could be called ‘politics as if people mattered’. This implies
that our private lives must be lived in accord with publicly stated principles –
we must transform ourselves if we really do intend to transform the world. The
personal has to become political and the political has to become personal.

If people do matter, no matter what their social status, educational standing, and
other criteria by which we judge each other, there could well be a greater sense
of cohesiveness in the world. Quoting again from the ‘Problems of Humanity’ we
read that – “As we face the world picture today, we must see it in its true
colours and must realize that if the best possible steps, spiritual and material,
were to be taken for the smallest and least important of the minorities, it would
create a situation which would completely reverse world politics and usher in an
entirely new and more enlightened cultural and civilized age. This, however, is
not likely to happen; so close are the interlocking selfish interests that the use
of a system of perfect justice and fairness in any one case would upset major
material interests, infringe the so-called rights of powerful nations, encroach on
settled boundaries and outrage powerful groups even in most distant lands.

It is essential that there should be a presentation of these things in terms of

the spiritual welfare of humanity and a truer interpretation of the meaning of the
word "spiritual". The time is long past when a line of demarcation can be drawn
between the religious world and the political or the economic. The reason for the
corrupt politics and the greedy ambitious planning of so many of the world's
leading men can be found in the fact that spiritually minded men and women have
not assumed as their spiritual duty and responsibility—the leadership of the
people. They have left the power in the wrong hands and permitted the selfish and
the undesirable to lead.
Part of our present inability to govern properly is because we are used to seeing
things happen in a linear fashion of cause and effect. This grew out of the
reductionist approach to life; find out what the parts are and we will know how to
make it work better. The only problem with that is that the parts are
interdependent and mucking about with parts which seem to be not working properly
can set off a chain-reaction which can result in danger.”

Politics of the future must work with wholes. It is a complex process as all of
life is a living system, wheels within wheels, self-sustaining, self-renewing, and
self-transcending if it is left to follow its own organic pattern of growth. Just
as an example, look at the Earth, which has maintained a balance of life-forms
over billions of years. No one form is allowed to be dominant; nowhere, in a
natural environment do you see dominance because if it does arise events transpire
to restore the harmony. When man interferes with the environment and does not take
the time to study it in depth he often creates effects which can irreversibly
upset the natural activity.

It might be more time-consuming but speed of decision does not always guarantee a
successful outcome. Our lives continue, we make adjustment to lifestyles etc., in
order to accommodate to changes that occur until we achieve a relatively benign
approach to a need for change.

Often when there is a major split between nations, ethnic groups, families, one
approach is to take militant action of some kind. This entails a loser and a loser
will often bide his/her time until an opportunity for revenge occurs. This is a
win/lose situation and the new politics must create a win/win state. Synthesis of
the two opposites must be the only approach. Each of the opposing positions has
some good and some bad in it. Mediation and a call on higher powers (spiritual)
invoked to bring an input of new thought can provide a suitable result.

Again picking up thoughts from ‘Spiritual Politics’ it would be useful to

synthesise hierarchy and democracy. The word hierarchy is often thought of as a
dominant group, believing it possesses all the answers because of superior
knowledge. In actuality a hierarchy, such as the human hierarchy, which exists at
a higher level of vibration, acknowledges current abilities, qualities, and
excellence, which is actualised potential and that results in authority. Democracy
acknowledges a future potential and empowers the development of that through equal
opportunity, political rights and voting powers. Hierarchy therefore provides
guidance and gives hints as to possible actions but leaves it up to the developing
entity to decide what steps it will take. People are therefore inspired through
being given a vision or a purpose in following a particular course of action. The
dictatorial method which is presently used will thus change to working with,
rather than power over.

James McGregor Burns, a political scientist, states, “The transforming leader

looks for potential motives in followers, seeks to satisfy their higher needs, and
engages the full person of the follower. The result of transforming leadership is
a relationship of mutual stimulation and elevation that converts followers into
leaders and may convert leaders into moral agents.”

The leader of a political party therefore becomes a facilitator, using the genius
of the group to achieve the best outcome. It is a meeting of minds, a consensus
that is geared to allow all participants to feel that they have been listened to
and to have been partners in a meeting of minds. Competition is off the agenda
leaving a spirit of community, a healing process and a cooperation of

It is worth quoting the ten principles for public life contained in Spiritual
Politics (elaboration omitted)
11. Upholding the highest good.
12. Resolving conflict for the good of all.
13. Furthering cooperation for mutual benefit.
14. Sustainability for future generations.
15. Co-creative relationships with the natural world.
16. Upholding human rights.
17. Supporting sharing and personal initiative.
18. Honesty and personal responsibility.
19. Being an example of service.
20. Serving the whole and not oneself.

The new politics must take into account humanity’s role as the occupant of the
fourth kingdom in nature. We are the only physical beings on Earth which have the
intelligence, the ability to move about, and to be in a position to alter the
balances in the Earth’s ecosphere. As a result of this we carry a very heavy
responsibility to ensure that we treat the lower three kingdoms with respect, and
an acknowledgement
that without them we would not be, and if we did retain our ability to live it
would be at a drastically reduced level.

There is also another kingdom, the one that we should aspire to, that of the
spirit. The words of Sri Aurobindo strike a chord in this regard when he says –
“The nation or society, like the individual, has a body, an organic life, a moral
and aesthetic temperament, a developing mind and a soul….[I]t is a group soul
that, once having attained a separate distinctiveness, must then become more and
more self-conscious…..” (Sri Aurobindo, the Human Cycle (Pondicherry India: Sri
Aurobindo Ashram Publications 1970)

As with individual souls, each soul of a nation has different qualities. Blend
them all together and the diversity produces a harmonious pattern and perfection.
This is the universe in microcosm. In a similar way to individuals, it is best for
each nation to develop at its own pace. If attempts are made, for example, to
force democratic forms of government before organic growth produces them the
nation will be ill-served. To force any particular method of economic reform,
legal system, technology etc., will be resented and can have a similar outcome
when such methods are used on an individual before that person is prepared to
adopt a new role or pattern of growth.

New Forms of Government?

Politics, as has been noted, deals with the use of power over human beings. This
can be wrongly used if it seeks to impose the will of a small governing group on
the community at large without its consent. The Greek City State was perhaps the
first example of political government. That government entailed a meeting of
citizens who were entitled to vote and a form of consensus gave the authority for
action, there being no political parties, as such.

In his book ‘The Turning Point’, Fritjof Capra makes the point that the nation-
State is now too big to cater for the governance of local populations and it is
also confined by concepts that are too narrow for the problems of global
interdependence. From this one can expect that a decentralisation of power to
regions and local councils would go a long way to restoring a closer relationship
between local communities and regions and those whom they choose to represent

The Canadian system of government could be the basis for a re-think along these
lines. Local governments are responsible not only for roads, libraries, parks
etc., but also departments such as the police, fire, schools, social welfare and
so on. In addition to support of these functions from local rates the provincial
and federal governments provide basic grants.

It has often been stated that politics in, say, a country such as Australia, is
adversarial. In other words a political party can find it very difficult to agree
with the policies of another party. Right or wrong their policy has to be the
correct one. The feeling of being an adversary is amplified by the method of
seating. The parties face each other – they oppose one another – a resemblance to
a battlefield. I suggest that in a parliamentary situation the members should sit
in circular fashion and in alphabetical order around that circle. Apart from
bringing different party members together, it would prove more difficult to shout
epithets at the other party, and the verbal abuse which is becoming so commonplace
would be more difficult, especially if the members, in sitting together in this
fashion, actually get along with each other on a personal basis. This might be
somewhat more conducive to achieving consensus on issues rather than dominance by

All members, by law, should be granted the right to vote on conscience without any
kind of penalty if that vote is not in favour of the party’s present policy. This
would be more equitable in any event because new policies arise after an election
and the electorate’s opinions would need to be assessed by the representative of
the constituency.

There is a wealth of knowledge, experience, and wisdom within the wider community
which is not tapped as often as it should be. Each minister should be tied into
properly constituted non-government organisations and required to assess their
input into matters under consideration in their portfolio. Discussion with these
groups, in concert with members of the minister’s department should be held in
public so that the media, and interested persons, can report on decisions of
substance and why they are made in that particular vein.

If there was a greater devolution of government to smaller regions, local problems

could be dealt with in accordance with local needs and the larger issues of state
could then receive more detailed consideration than is often the case.
Chapter 14 – Cycles

It is probably a truism that everything in the created universe has a cycle. There
are cycles in the weather, the economy, the sun, geological formations, atomic
vibrations, climate, motions of the planets, animal populations, outbreaks of
disease, commodity and share prices. The individuals who study cycles often find
the same time spans in the fluctuating occurrences in many different areas. There
is an apparent inter-connectedness, some background influences that are involved
in all of life’s processes.

A dictionary definition of a cycle is ‘an interval of time during which a

characteristic, often regularly repeated event or sequence of events occurs’.
Being immersed in cyclic activity we are often unaware of its prevalence, such
cycles ranging from the infinitesimal life of an atom to the enormous span of time
in which a universe appears and then disappears.

The age we live in can certainly be classified as the age of technology, wherein
the divorce from a natural existence is probably at its greatest. Nature’s cycles
tend to be forgotten, or adjusted to our mechanistic way of thinking, a prime
example being that of the point of change of the seasons. In Australia, for
example, the media finds it more convenient to state that the first day of the
month in which a solstice, or an equinox, occurs, is the start of spring, summer,
etc. This isolates human knowledge from the fact that it is the Sun’s crossing of
the Equator and the lines of the Tropics that signifies the change in the amount
of its energy that impacts on the various regions of the Earth.

We are losing sight of the fact that all life on Earth is dependent on the Sun and
its mainly regular cycles of bursts of emitted energy and the fluctuations caused
by the Earth’s tilted axis as it moves around the Sun. It should be noted that
there is never complete conformance to cyclic activity. If that were so there
would be no room for change, the slight variations giving opportunities for new

The cycles can be said to be of a spiral nature as life expands its consciousness,
rising to ever greater heights of beauty and with the ability to expand, and
explore, qualities that emerge from latent potential. It is through the cycles in
which life exists that growth in all its forms can be attained. As they repeat
themselves so is there the opportunity to do things differently, to open up to new
thoughts, to outweigh the deficiencies of the previous results of the efforts
made. In human affairs, for example, until progress is made in consciousness, in
emotional, and physical terms, we are exposed to the same sorts of experiences in
which we previously failed, and this repeats until the challenge is finally
accepted and the battle won.

Perhaps one of the most common examples of this, because it also occurs on a
world-wide scale, is that of war. There are lessons to be learned here and until
they are then war will continue to exact its toll. And the lessons? Brotherhood,
love, compassion and care for those who lack the basic necessities of life, and
even also for those who appear to have everything. It cannot be expressed often
enough, we are inhabitants of a planet which can supply all of our needs provided
that we do not appropriate more than a fair share.

Life consists of an input of energy, a period of work or effort, and then a period
of rest, in order that an entity, in the broadest sense of that word, can recover
from the expenditure of energy and re-group as it becomes time for a repeat of the
process. Apart from some forms that utilise darkness the bulk of Earth’s life-
forms begin the day with the rising of the Sun as it pours its energies onto the
lighted part of the Earth’s surface. This ‘day-force’ reaches its peak at noon
when the Sun is at its highest and gradually reduces until the energy is at its
lowest point as night falls.

This daily cycle occurs within the greater one of the seasons and provides the
means for the literally limitless varieties of life that exist, from the poles to
the equator.

The greatest of the cycles is that of the creation of a universe. From a point of
rest the Creative being sends out its thought impulses to initiate a new cycle of
life which lasts until there is a complete harmony between the positive and
negative forces and a return to a period of rest (pralaya).

There are lesser creative beings which are responsible for creating the forms
within a universe, a stepping down, as it were, of the initial creating energy in
order to produce the multiplicity of life with its almost infinite variations. For
us, this evolutionary trail winds on through a system of Globes, Rounds, and
Schemes. At first glance it is difficult to comprehend and that can be the lure
for further investigation into this apparently amazing cycle. The subject receives
a great deal of attention in the book ‘The Solar System’ by Lieut-Colonel Arthur
E. Powell and in some detail in the two Alice Bailey books – ‘Initiation, Human
and Solar’ and a ‘Treatise on Cosmic Fire’.

In brief, there are 10 Schemes, each of which contains seven Chains. In each Chain
there are 7 Globes with each Globe containing 7 Rounds, the latter being comprised
of 7 Root-races each with 7 sub-races. These comprise a cycle of Chains, Globes,
and Rounds in each Scheme which result in 343 incarnations of the entity
(planetary Logos) which uses the Globes for its vehicle of manifestation.

It must be remembered, from earlier chapters, that there is a vast number of

entities in the created universe which cover the whole range of vibrations from
the very fine to the very heavy. All of these entities are themselves involved in
a heightening of consciousness in order to progress to the next level above.
According to the Tibetan: -
“In the Heavenly Man and His body, a chain of globes likewise can be seen and we
need here to remember very carefully that the seven chains of a scheme are the
expression of a planetary Logos. The Heavenly Men are expressing Themselves
through a scheme of seven chains and the emphasis has been laid unduly, perhaps,
upon the dense physical planet in any particular chain. This has caused the fact
of the chain importance to be somewhat overlooked. Each of the seven chains might
be looked upon as picturing the seven centres of one of the Heavenly Men.”
Lieut-Colonel A. E. Powell refers to the fact that the seven globes are not all
physical ones but form a progression from the high mental state to the physical
and then returning to the high mental level. The process is somewhat akin to the
creation of a universe. A planetary Logos creates a planet in mental substance and
then proceeds to create life-forms in that substance. When that planet reaches the
end of its life a second one is created on the lower mental level, the third is
created of astral substance and the fourth, which corresponds, for example to our
Earth, is of physical material. At the end of the physical existence of a planet,
those entities which reach a high enough vibration (consciousness) are passed on
to the upward arc on a planet made of astral material and this pattern continues
until the high mental plane is reached.

Within each globe there are seven rounds, during which the life-forms have
opportunities to steadily increase their vibration, those that achieve a high
enough rate passing into the next round. According to the esoteric literature,
humanity is presently in the fourth round of the fourth globe.
The initial phase of these cycles is that of involution. According to the Tibetan
– “This is the period in which the limiting of the life within the form or sheath
proceeds, and it is a long slow process, covering millions upon millions of years.
This great cycle is participated in by every type of life. It concerns the life
of the Solar Logos manifesting through a solar system. It is part of the life
cycle of the planetary Spirit manifesting through such a sphere as our Earth
planet; it includes that life which we call human, and sweeps into the path of its
energy the tiny life which functions through an atom of chemistry. It is the
great process of becoming, and that which makes existence and being itself
possible. This period of limitation, of a gradually increasing imprisonment, and
of an ever deeper descent into matter, is succeeded by one of adaptation, in which
the life and the form become intimately inter-related, and subsequent to this is
the period wherein that inner relation becomes perfected.”

Within this overall cycle are the smaller ones, some of which, in themselves, can
cover immense periods of time.

Geological cycles cover vast periods of time and are such that it is easy to
believe that the Earth is as it always was. There is, however, a cycle whereby
pressures on one part of the Earth, such as the accumulation of ice during an ice-
age, causes land in another part of the world to rise. The movement of the
tectonic plates also causes an upthrust of rock to form a mountain range which,
over time, is gradually worn away by the forces of nature. New land appears
through volcanic action and catastrophic events such as the sinking of Atlantis
occur in relatively short time frames.

Within the larger sphere of geological cycles there are the ecological cycles. The
gradual erosion of rocks produces fertile soil which is then carried by wind, or
water, to new locations where it forms a base for the activity of soil micro-
organisms, plant, and animal life. As the plants and animals die they are
converted into foods for those organisms which feed on dead matter to excrete
fertile material on which the offspring of that which was deceased can grow and
flourish. There is an intricate, inter-connected, web of life that ensures there
is no wastage. The feedback loops are pathways along which nutrients are recycled
on a continuing basis.

Because civilisations tend to last for up to thousands of years we tend, because

of our own short life-spans, to forget that large parts of humanity, at any one
time, can virtually fade away as a result of the inability to react to changes in
climate, consciousness, material changes, philosophical and religious changes in
thought and practice. There is always a new cycle preparing to enter into human

Looking at the broad expanse of past civilisations starting, say, with the
Egyptian, which lasted in various forms from approximately 3,000 BC, the
Babylonian period in 2,000 BC, Chaldea in 800 BC, the Roman Empire from 500 BC –
500 AD, and the most recent, the British Empire from the 16th century to 1997, it
is apparent that there was an overlapping during which time the new needs were met
by new groupings because the old could not adapt.

It is now evident, although when in the midst of change it can be difficult to

accept and realise that it is happening, that our present civilisation is being
exposed to new challenges. Materialism is being exposed to opposing energies
because it is failing to meet the expectations of the international community. The
rapid growth of communication, for example, is exposing the vast gulf which exists
between the wealthy nations and those that exist in dire poverty.
During the past century or so there has been a large increase in the number of
educated people and our existing norms are being challenged to an extent never
before experienced on so wide a scale. In the Aquarian Age, whether one wants to
accept, or not, the notion that cosmological energies change according to the sign
of the zodiac, it cannot be disputed that there is no longer any cover for wrong-
doing. What is hidden is being brought to light and this is accompanied by a
growth in the search for a spiritual meaning to existence.

Often, a major change in consciousness, Earth’s life-forms, climatic change, etc.,

results from a concentration of the peaks of some of the cycles. The energies
within the cycles then effect such a concentration that change has to happen,
often with disastrous effects until a new rhythm is established.

The Sun’s cycle is the most visible, and felt, in human experience. Solar Cycles
are a period in which several important kinds of solar activity repeat
themselves. The cycle, lasting about 22 years on the average, includes two 11-year
cycles of sunspots, which display opposite magnetic polarities in alternate
cycles, and two peaks and two declines in each of the various phenomena that vary
in the same period as sunspots. These phenomena include fluctuations in the
frequency of solar prominences and faculae (bright regions in the photosphere) and
of magnetic effects, including the auroras and increased radio interference on

The Sun also has a much longer cycle called the Milankovich Cycle, after the
Serbian mathematician who explained them. The Earth’s orbital cycles influence the
amount of solar radiation that strikes different parts of it and they are the
cause of the advance and the retreat of the polar ice caps.

I have drawn on the information provided in the book ‘Cycles: The Mysterious
Forces that Trigger Events’, to relate other cycles which have a regularity that
gives rise to a feeling that there are unseen forces which appear to manipulate
events on Earth. Atlantic salmon vary in abundance in a cycle that averages 9.6
years between the peaks and based on the time since records were first kept. Oddly
enough there is other life which also has a 9.6 years cycle – snowshoe rabbits in
Canada, lynx, marten, owls, and hawks. Page 187 of the book lists 37 out of many
possible examples of this particular time series.

There is a species of cicada (magicicada) in which the nymphs hatch in either a 13

year, or a 17 years, cycle. In commenting on this it was stated that one theory is
that these cycles date back to the most recent period of glaciation and relate to
selection pressure.

The female menstrual cycle coincides with the Moon’s 28-day cycle.

Reference is also made to several 54-year cycles which have been recorded, such as
the width of rings in the trees in Arizona from the 9th century; in the UK the
levels of coal, pig-iron and lead production. France has the same length of cycle
in imports and exports and the total of its foreign trade. In 1922 it was
discovered that the price of wheat also has a 54-year cycle.

A 92-year cycle is in evidence in the US. The water level in Lake Michigan, in
prices, in business failures, and in pig-iron and copper prices since 1784. We are
also ever aware of the boom/bust cycles in total business activity.

These are all examples of yin and yang, as presented in ancient Chinese
manuscripts. Every cycle has two points of rest, the point of the beginning at the
wave axis and the point of interchange between the positive and negative opposites
at the wave amplitude. Every body emerges from a formless state into a formed one
in repeated cycles of appearance, disappearance, and reappearance.

Messrs. Miller, Webb, and Dickson, working in the Department of Paraphysics and
parapsychology at the University of Washington, stated that “Daily variations are
related to the rotation of the Earth. Correlation has been found between deviant
human behaviour and alterations in consciousness to cycles of the moon. Work has
been done on the correlation of deviant behaviour in schizophrenia and sun spot
activity (Becker, 1963). All these various factors indicate that human
consciousness is modulated by electromagnetic events in the environment.

Cycles, then, are another part of the fact that connectedness is a root value in
our life experience. In a way, they do contain mystery, because of their
regularity and rhythm, and the question arises as to whether there can be some
insight into that mystery.

If events on Earth tend to have a cyclic movement could they be related to the
cycles in the heavens. Some justification for this is contained in those cycles
where we have direct evidence. A few of these easily come to mind: -
• The tides are directly related to the aspects made between the Sun and the
• The sap in trees is at its greatest height, surface tension is highest,
there are more outbreaks of mental aberrations, when the Moon is full.
• The seasons, as already noted.
• Day and Night
• Orbits of the planets
• Sunspots
• Magnetic pole reversals
• Comets

Another aspect of cycles was given in Guided Writings – “The conscious level is
our workaday world and needs discipline and understanding. In sleep this level
needs working on and this is usually, in progressed persons, where the learning
begins. It is carried on through the mind as well, as there are perceptions here
which need to be looked at. The cycle is: -
CONSCIOUS SUBCONSCIOUS (and often, when we are suppressing many
things)….to UNCONSCIOUS

When the mind bypasses the subconscious, problems will sooner or later crop up
from the suppressed matter.

The mind sorts into the subconscious what it is not ready to deal with, or not
needing to deal with at that time. Then it is ready, in sleep, to commune and
receive from the higher consciousness impressions and instructions as to what path
to follow, the knowledge required for it, and so on.

One thinks that balance properly done can eventually be all good, but some of what
one could call bad must exist; that is in the cycles of life, whether the Earth's
growing things, which die in season from the season, to animals who become prey to
another as a food source, and humans from accident as well as illness and old age.
Whether humans eat grains etc., or animals/fowl/fish that is part of the cycle.
Whether humans live incorrectly by wrong thinking, eating, play/or lack of, that
is part of the cycle. Storms and floods and fires in Nature are ordained, sin (in
any form, including omission), resulting in illness, faulty genes and so on, are
part of the cycle.

Begin, yourself, to think rightly and behave rightly, it will become a habit you
will not be able to or wish to abandon. Once a thing feels right one wears it in
comfort, then unawareness as a part of oneself; and the cycle, your cycle, swings
ever wider to encompass more and more territory, to attain more duties and perform
more deeds. I say duty because it does become difficult and we do become tired,
but once that new skin/envelope has been grown, one can never change from the
path. It is just a case of resting and acquiring a new covering, like the old one,
until all of our bodies have covered over the old imperfect, spotty coverings with
new strong healthy auras (remember, our auras are us).”

The evolution of Man, as a spiritual being, to his eventual absorption into the
Creative Being at the end of the cycle of a universe, is a non-avoidable
occurrence. In other words, the tide flows in one direction and we are either
swept along with it with the unpleasant effects that resistance brings, or we
voluntarily cooperate by a definite intention to develop our consciousness and
thereby assist in the process of spiritualisation.
At first thought, so much of the information related to the spiritual side of our
existence seems to be almost unbelievable but reflection will reveal that even our
physical progress is almost unbelievable if one puts oneself into the body of an
animal man of millions of years ago.
One has to read, listen, absorb, and then accept what ‘feels right’. Every one of
us is at a different stage in our upward progress to the return to the source and
each increase in the consciousness of that leads us to be aware of yet more growth
potential into the higher realms of being.”
The time element is a further complication and that is covered in the concluding

Chapter 15 – Time
The subject of time is one that I always have difficulty with. Most of us are
brought up to live ‘by the clock’; ‘time is money’; ‘don’t waste time’; and
similar statements run through our everyday language and our lives. As a result of
this it becomes difficult to visualise time as actually something different from
the 24 hours per day that we are allotted in which to live our lives.

We are all aware, though, that time does appear to have flexibility. It is always
apparent that when we are vitally interested in something, a particular moment at
work on a hobby, a report that has to be done to meet a deadline, an interesting
and unusual experience, etc., that time goes very quickly, it is all over before
we realise it. Conversely, if one is waiting expectantly for an examination
result, a train is late, we are at loose ends, time seems to go on interminably,
we ‘stretch’ time.

Perhaps one clue to these opposing experiences is the part played by our
consciousness. Everything that happens to us is filtered through our consciousness
and can also be drawn from it.

If we start at the very highest level of consciousness, the Creative Being, and
reflect on the example of the oscilloscope as related in a previous chapter, the
point of light represents the totality of time. In other words, the experiences
that we will relate to time are already in that supreme point of consciousness. As
the energies decrease, and the point ‘fans out’ as it were, time expands and
events become evident to those who watch.

David Bohm, in a piece included in ‘The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes’,
states on page 62 – “Time itself is an order of manifestation, you see. We are
going to say that it is possible to have an implicate order with regard to time as
well as to space, to say that in any given period of time the whole of time may be
enfolded. It’s implied in the implicate order when you carry it through, that the
holomovement is the reality and in the holomovement, what is going on in the full
depth of that one movement of time contains information about all of it”.

His use of the word holomovement presumably implies that there are many
holographic instances to be found in the life of a universe. In an article in the
Astrological Journal, on page 13 of Vol 40 No 2, reference is made to what happens
if a person is cut out of a group photograph produced by means of a holographic
process, and that portion is enlarged to the original size. Instead of an enlarged
person the whole group appears. The article goes on to state that a holographic
re-vision would question both the sharp division between fantasy and reality – it
throws up a reality in which both the barriers of space, and time, are distorted.

The Lorentz Transformation states that time stands still for an object moving at
the speed of light. Perhaps you have seen mention of the paradox of a twin who
travels in space at a much greater speed than his twin located on Earth and
returns to Earth many years later to find that he is younger than the ‘stationary’

Another interesting fact that has come out of physics research is that a photon
takes no time at all to cross the 150 million kilometres from the Sun to the
Earth, or even to cross the entire universe, because the space interval does not
exist for the photon.

Human experience of time as a result of taking mind-altering drugs also throws

light on the flexibility of time. In ‘Higher Psychical Development’, Hereward
Carrington relates the story of the time he was with friends at a restaurant.
After taking such a drug he said he couldn’t finish the sandwich in front of him
because it would take years and years. Getting up to walk to a railway station he
had a sense that hours elapsed between every footstep. Again, there is the implied
reference to our consciousness being the arbiter of time.

When we dream, time and space do not exist. One school of philosophy goes so far
as to say that time and space are purely subjective and mental. This points to the
statements made in esoteric literature that what we perceive as the ‘real’ world
is in fact the unreal. It supports the belief that we actually create our own
world by using mental substance to provide an illusion of materiality in order
that we can experience something that pure spirit cannot. And, speaking of spirit,
the book by Hereward Carrington contains a thought that spirit communications, if
true – are more or less unanimous in asserting that time and space relations do
not any longer exist and of course the material world doesn’t either.

The Tibetan has outlined his comments on this seeming ability of time to be very
fluid and subject to manipulation by our consciousness. His following commentary
supports the forgoing information: -
“There is an aspect of human consciousness which has for long baffled the
materialistic psychologist, and this is the curious power of prevision, the
ability to foresee and foretell with accuracy events coming in the immediate
future, or distant happenings. There are warnings given by some inner monitor
which have again and again saved man from death and disaster; there are the
appearances, to their friends and relatives, of men or women who have just died,
before any word of their death has been received. This is not in the field of
telepathic knowledge of the death, but involves the appearance of the person.
There is the power to participate in events in distant places and to recover the
recollection of what transpired with accuracy as to place, personnel and detail.
These powers and many similar previsions and recognitions have long bewildered
investigators and must find correct explanation. In their wise investigation, in
the accumulation of responsible evidence, and in the later substantiation of the
prevision, it will begin to be seen that some factor exists in man which is not
bound by space-time limitations, but which transcends the normal human
Many individuals who have had a ‘near death’ experience have reported that their
whole life seemed to flash before their eyes in what seemed to be but a few
seconds, the past relived as possibly a way to show the entity where the positives
and negatives in the life were as a preliminary for the choice to be made on the
sort of parents needed in the next life in order to work out those pluses and
In Esoteric Healing the Tibetan mirrors this process as he comments that time is
not known apart from our experiences on the physical plane. When we have attained
the state of complete contact with our soul, and the personality body is no longer
necessary, we immediately become aware of the future. This occurs because
prediction is something that comes with soul consciousness and past, present, and
future are seen as one. This facility occurs, as far as the past is concerned, due
to the accumulation of all our past lives’ experiences in the permanent atom which
moves with us from life to life.
A brief quotation from The Rays and the Initiations emphasizes this quality of
time – “Time is the sequential registration by the brain of states of awareness
and of progressive contacts with phenomena. There is no such thing as time on the
inner planes, as humanity understands it.” (p 408)
When Marie was asked a question about time by a member of our healing group she
received the following message: -
If time is infinitely expandable at higher levels of consciousness - the realm of
the soul - why cannot entities be available in our time frame, on request? (e.g.,
Cheme is often away).
(you wish a dissertation on physics or astro-dynamics as regards the other worlds
in the Cosmos do you?).

Well, time does not exist at all for God and for the higher entities. They are
everywhere at once, with everyone, because you are tapped into them, as beings who
are a part of the overall overself. You are a tiny part of God, and He is all of
you, for you were Him, and in time you will become Him again. As entities go
higher and become more purified, they take on more and more of the attributes of
their source, the Godhead, and then they can also be more widespread in awareness
and effectiveness. We entities, however, have not reached such exalted states of
purification, although such as Cheme have degrees more than those like myself. He
uses these abilities as they are needed, and when he is "away", there is more than
one soul in more than one place he is away to. Paulus and I are on a level of
awareness of different areas, but we cannot in good consciousness attend to all we
hear, at the one time in full attention or detail. We can put one or more on
"hold" and deal with each in order of importance (the condition, not the person),
and that is where we acknowledge we have advanced to at this time. Perhaps now you
can see some of the differences in the souls here, from the acolyte to the
advanced.” (4.8.86)

I recently bought a copy of ‘The Field’ by Lynne McTaggart and would like to share
with you some information from page 164. The author reported that the Pat Price
studies and the PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research) studies began to
suggest that at a more fundamental level of existence there is no space or time,
no obvious cause and effect – of something hitting something else and causing an
event over time or space.

In the quantum world of The Field, the book title being based on the universal
field of energies in which life occurs, a subatomic world of pure potential, life
exists as one enormous present. Remember, at the commencement of the chapter, that
time was referred to as a point which expands to reveal time and process. The
story continues on to record remote-viewing studies done at the laboratory which
revealed that human beings could foretell future events hours and even days before
they occurred. If time were really linear this result could not occur – life would
be like a cinematographic reel, one frame succeeds another.

Page 170 of the book then reveals that Helmut Schmidt, who works at the Boeing
Scientific Research Laboratory in Seattle, Washington, performed over 20,000
trials between 1971 and 1975 with a view to determining whether events could be
altered after they had occurred. He recorded clicks, on a tape, randomly made by a
computer, which could be heard in either the right, or the left ear, on a tape.
After making a copy of the tape he locked the master tape in a safe and got a
succession of volunteers to take a tape home and try to influence more of the
clicks to go into the right ear. He was very surprised to find that when he re-ran
the tape, that the listener had, in fact, influenced the clicks so that more were
heard in the right ear than when the original tape was recorded. What that means
is that the past had been altered, giving backing to the fact that time is not as
straightforward as logic would suppose. In effect, the results of those 20,000 odd
trials revealed that the psychokinetic effects on such a machine could occur at
any time, past or future.

In the Nature of Reality, a book of information channelled from Hilarion, a

discarnate entity, page 21 records Hilarion as stating that the past is not
something which is distinct and separate from the present but is an integral and
in a sense simultaneous pattern of events. All of time is but a single moment of
duration but it is Man’s consciousness which has narrowed the focus to the point
necessary to perceive a present instant as distinct from both the past and the

By now, you will likely have received the impression, once again, of
connectedness. If everything is really bound up in that one point, every form,
every incident, must be related to all of the others. It has to be said that due
to our limited consciousness it is necessary to have faith in the results of the
research of scientists and also the knowledge imparted over the vast span of Man’s
life on Earth by those entities who have appeared amongst us and who have direct
experience of matters still beyond our ken.

Madame Helena Blavatsky, in ‘The Secret Doctrine’, a work which opened up modern
humanity to the working of the world of spirit, says –“Time is only an illusion
produced by the succession of our states of consciousness as we travel through
Eternal Duration, and it does not exist where no consciousness exists in which an
illusion can be produced, but ‘lies asleep’. The present is only a mathematical
line which divides that part of Eternal Duration which we call the Future from
part which we call the Past. Nothing on Earth has real duration, for nothing
remains without change – or the same – for the billionth part of a second; and the
sensation we have of the actuality of the division of Time known as the Present
comes from the blurring of the momentary glimpse, or succession of glimpses, of
things that our senses give us, as those things pass from the region of ideals,
which we call the Future, to the region of memories that we name the Past.”

In a like manner S. Vivekananda says “Time, space, and causation are like the
glass through which the absolute is seen…..In the Absolute there is neither time,
space, nor causation.”

Individuals who have reached a stage in meditation where their consciousness is

raised to a sufficiently high degree report that they perceive a wholeness, there
is no separation, an indication that time, as we know it, has been transcended.

In ‘Stalking the Wild Pendulum’ we can read on page 60 that one can go into deep
meditation, or the theta mode using biofeedback, and watch the second-hand of a
clock remain stationary until the mind reverts to its normal state. That account
in the book was taken from ‘Of Time and Mind’ by Keith Floyd as reported in
‘Frontiers of Consciousness’. John White, ed. Julian press, New York, 1974.

The author of ‘Stalking the Wild Pendulum’ speculates that if we could move at
infinite speed (the photon earlier noted?) around the world we could see
everything and be everywhere in no time at all. This gives rise to the notion that
it is the same as being at rest (as we do in our dreams).

A quotation from ‘The Secret of Light’ states – “This is a creating universe not a
created one. God did not begin to imagine at some fixed time, for time does not
exist. This light-wave universe which records God’s knowing by his thinking and
imagining is as eternal as God’s thinking is eternal”.

On first thought one might think that events do, in fact, take place in sequence,
as it is almost inconceivable that all could take place at once, thus fooling our
senses that operate in a linear fashion. If one recalls, however, that there are
many more dimensions than the four that we are aware of, no limits can be placed
on the omniscience of God. We have to be patient until we have lived through
enough successive lives to gain that level of awareness that will reveal the as
yet, many hidden mysteries of the universe.

One thing that many of us think about at some time or other is whether time travel
will ever be realised. The inquisitiveness of man has, of course, explored that
possibility and as more knowledge about the inner workings of consciousness is
revealed there is now speculation that time travel might be within our grasp at
some time in the future.

Let us look at some of the thoughts which have been raised on this issue.

In New Scientist (7 march, 1998) on page 38 we find that Mark Hadley, in a Ph.D
thesis included “that a subatomic particle is a region of space-time so
dramatically warped that it bends back on itself like a knot.” It is a loop of
time. The article goes on to say “A loop of time – a circuit which returns to its
starting place – is essentially a time machine.” Quantum physics states that sub-
atomic particles are not constrained by time. Particles at opposite ends of the
universe can react instantaneously with each other.

In New Scientist (9 July, 1999) on page 11, Two physicists stated black holes spit
out particles that move faster than light and travel backwards in time. As an
aside here I wonder if that statement has any relevance to the return of all
consciousness to its source. In other words, everything that we have learned and
experienced will be carried back with us as we reach that exalted state when we
are reunited with that which gave us birth so long ago.

New Scientist (5 February, 2000) on page 26 has – A physicist at Clarkson

University, Potsdam, N.Y., has some support for stating that there could be
regions, even in our own galaxy, where time can flow backwards and forwards as
physics equations state that particles of matter don’t care what direction time
runs in.

New Scientist (21 September, 2002) on page 32 has a report that theorists
speculate that a wormhole, or tunnel in space, might link two points in space-

Some corroboration of this is found in ‘Hyperspace’ where there is a passage which

reads as follows – “In 1988 physicist Kip Thorne of the California Institute of
technology and his collaborators made the astonishing (and risky) claim that time
travel is indeed not only possible, but probable under certain conditions. They
published their claim… the prestigious Physical Review Letters. Their
announcement was based on the simple observation that a wormhole connects two
regions existing in different time periods. Thus the wormhole may connect the
present to the past.”

In connection with time travel we are generally told that it doesn’t make sense
that we could be transported back in time and, in effect, have the potential to
alter events, even going so far as to affect our own future. What possibly might
happen is that we will build a ‘time-machine’ and we will travel to the past but
at a parallel level so that we can observe but not participate. That is somewhat
akin to the proposition that spirit (God) can observe but not participate because
He has to be isolated from His creation as He cannot be violated.

That thought that popped into my mind may have been instigated by a quotation that
I took out of a book by Lyall Watson. ”When talking about space and time,
physicists represent the movement of particles as ‘world lines’. Very simply,
these describe the path of an object such as an electron over a period of time. In
graphic form, an electron that doesn’t move has a world line that runs straight up
from the bottom of the page – the past, to the top – the future. An electron that
changes its position as well as being carried along by the flow of time up the
page, will leave a world line at an angle or zigzags through space-time.

These diagrams are convenient ways of representing reality in geometric form, but
physicists also insist that world lines have a real existence. They are actual
routes followed by particles and there is nothing in mathematics that prevents
them from being retraced. In other words, things can go backwards as well as
forwards in time – and memory could be nothing more than a peek down a particular
world line.”
Is it possible that we re-live our lives. Over and over again, until we achieve
perfection? The future does not appear to be immutable, to be fixed, because many
premonitions and predictions do not always happen, and if they do they may do so
in a different form or at a different time. Some of them may occur to give the
receiver an opportunity to do something differently and avert the consequences
that would have resulted if no warning had been given. There is no fixed future
but perhaps an array of them and we consciously, or unconsciously, choose a path
which opens up a different future.
When, at the human, but restricted, level, we ponder on what life is, we are apt
to circumscribe it because of the constrictions which are placed upon us. The
reality is that life is so complex and so interwoven within itself that we can
have no conception of the unimaginable potential of a Creative Being that can
present such an intricate pattern of existence that we are lost within our own
imagining. Even the Masters, those very advanced members of humanity, who are at
work at the hierarchical level and who are able to guide humanity to a destiny
which seems to be never-ending, because of their ability to see into the future,
are unable to see beyond a certain point.

This chapter concludes the book and hopefully it will leave you less mystified
about the reasons for being here, at this particular point in time, on this
particular planet. Whatever has been written, whether it be my own thoughts or
those of other minds, you must, for your own sake, only take on board what feels
right for you. As already stated, we are heading for the same target but our paths
are separate




This paper is offered, as a reminder, to the majority of us who often fail to ask
ourselves, on a regular basis - is there any purpose, any meaning, in this vast
array of life around us? Its intention is an attempt to place genetics within what
may be regarded as a fully self-contained and self-conscious whole, which is
dynamically geared to more freely express itself as a result of inner causes.

First Causes

Does there have to be a first cause? Even with our limited consciousness it can be
very difficult to conceptualise a void, and then to visualise something being
created out of nothing. There appears to be an acknowledgment that Life has always
existed, and because there is general agreement that our universe did start in a
condensed state, it is a very plausible proposition that a creative force is
immanent in all life-forms.

In 1930, Sir James Jeans wrote - "Today there is a wide measure of

agreement....that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical
reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great

David Bohm saw the universe as "unbroken wholeness" with an implicate order at a
deeper "non-manifest" level; such implicate order becoming explicate as
consciousness expands. He also likened the universe to a hologram, each part, in
some sense, containing within itself the whole.

If these thoughts are reasonably close to the truth, it could be stated that God,
the Creative Being, desired to express Himself through a dispersion of His
consciousness through the ever-denser levels of substance that are created by
reduced vibratory energy.
Chance or Design?

Is this life of ours the result of chance, or design? With our more highly
developed consciousness, and detailed knowledge of the interdependent web of life
in which we live, it would be difficult to ascribe this to chaos. Order can be
made out of chaos, but that requires a thinker, a thought, and a resulting action.
Our planet, Earth, has been imbued with life-forms that have consistently evolved
and grown from the basic sub-atomic building blocks, recording an ever-growing
expansion of consciousness as life evolved. This process must surely indicate a
Creator, with a plan that will eventually realise a fully conscious creation that
can then fold back in on itself.

DNA and Quantum Physics

An ideal creative material is one that is very basic but with infinite capacity,
and flexibility, for evolution and growth. In looking at this idea it is assumed
that it is generally known that all life is energy. Behind every material form,
and behind every less-dense form that we are aware of, there is an underlying
pattern of energy.

Relativity theory showed that mass has nothing to do with substance, but is a form
of energy. Energy is dynamic and therefore all substance is in a state of
readiness for change. All life forms are therefore space/time constructs of energy
patterns that intersect and form patterns which can be discerned by the human eye,
ear, taste buds, or touch, and interpreted by the brain.

DNA is, itself, an energy pattern, made up of sub-atomic particles which have
aggregated to form the molecular structure which geneticists use as the basis for
their work. A German scientist, Ernst Peter Fischer, concluded, from the
discrepancy between traditional and new models of genetics - "There are,
therefore, no genes! There are - at least in the cells of higher organisms - only
pieces of genes, which the cell can use when it makes proteins. A gene is by no
means a molecule that exists in a cell. Rather, a gene is a task that a cell has
to accomplish. Genes don't exist; they are always becoming - shades of quantum

Quantum mechanics, the physics of subatomic events, suggests that the universe is
nothing but probability. Einstein was not comfortable with this and said "God does
not play dice." Probability means that anything can happen in a given set of
subatomic particles and surely this is another pointer to the idea of a Creative
being. Why not experience everything that is possible, in the knowledge that the
whole is inviolate.

And doesn't that alert us to the dangers of using genetics without a full and
complete understanding of what life is for? How many times does a scientist, or
any of us, for that matter, say to him (her) self, what is the purpose of this act
that I am undertaking. Is it necessary, is it a positive step forward, will it fit
in, and harmonise with the existing ecology (in its broadest sense), or will it
have a disruptive effect which may have unknown ramifications, be they positive,
or harmful.

If Ernst Peter Fischer is correct in his definition of a gene, it is in order for

a non-scientist to formulate a belief that a geneticist who transfers a gene, or
parts of an organism such as a virus, bacteria, or an antibiotic, may unwittingly
allow that transfer to produce a new substance which may, or may not, be benign.

Evolution through the Four Kingdoms

The evolutionary pattern has been mineral, to plant, to animal, to human, each one
resulting in an expansion of consciousness, with a long way to go. This expansion
is achieved by lifting the vibratory pattern of the ensouled entities.

A question can be asked as to whether disease and disability are necessary. If

man is to continually refine his bodies, the etheric, astral (emotional), and
mental, there has to be an external cause, until such time as his mental
development allows for a conscious realisation of why he is here and how he is to
progress into the next kingdom, the fifth. As Man, like all other life forms is an
energy body, the way forward is to increase the vibratory rate of the atoms within
his bodies.

Why are Disease and Disability Necessary?

One lifetime is insufficient for the tremendous increase in consciousness that is

called for, the etheric, astral, and mental bodies need eons of purification. In
any one life it is not generally possible to do more than small improvement, so
after the form in a current life has fulfilled its purpose it is cast aside until
the indwelling spiritual entity is prepared to reincarnate. Prior to the conscious
awareness of the need to evolve, the unaware entity has to be prodded by external
forces. Amongst these are disease and disability, and they are intended to produce
an awareness of the need to change in a more positive direction. Karma is a very
involved and complex process to describe, but it does portray the Law of Cause and
Effect, the "as ye sow, so shall ye reap", of the Bible.

Disease and disability not only arise to prod the sufferer, but also, in many
cases, to provide an opportunity for change in the parents, and others who come
into contact with that individual. You will all be aware of how such apparently
negative attributes have inspired people to radically change their approach to
life, and their relationships with others. Remedies for diseases, and
disabilities, are not necessarily of universal application because no one person
has a DNA profile that is the same as another's. Often it is a case of finding
what particular process or medicine is right for each individual affected. One
man's meat is another man's poison. It is of interest to note that many acclaimed
cures only seem to work in certain individuals.

Some geneticists are proposing to experiment with germ-line changes, in the

expectation of eliminating certain diseases from future generations. If, however,
there is a need for an entity to face life through some form of disease, or
disability, and these are gradually eliminated, there is a potential for new
diseases and disabilities to appear.

What of Genetic Engineering?

Man is meant to co-create with God, but that implies that Man has the wisdom of a
God, and the bulk of us fall far short of that requirement. Experimentation, and
theorising, are necessary for advancement to this promising future and it is the
purpose of Man's thrust in these endeavours which is of prime importance.
Unfortunately, it is the intensity of our preoccupation with the material side of
life that blinds us to the need for using judgement in the purpose for which the
new developments are to be used. Discoveries are usually diverted to commercial
use before they are fully investigated. Lack of sufficient public funding is a
prime cause of this diversion of effort into premature usage for private profit.

Experimentation into all facets of the genetic basis of life is a prime necessity,
if man is to become involved in the process of assisting in evolutionary change.
The fact that the basic building block, i.e., DNA, is so complex, and rightly so
if a Creative being is to have infinite means at Its disposal, must surely give
good reason for caution.

Because geneticists only have detailed knowledge of approximately three to five

per cent of the DNA strand, the remaining ninety-five per cent or so has been
labelled as 'junk DNA'. There is always purpose in the way of nature and if we
cannot easily understand apparent inconsistencies there is a need to continue
investigation before fixing on a course of action. I recently read that scientists
believe there is structured order in the 'junk DNA' and it is conceivable that
this very large section of the DNA strand has a connection with reincarnation. As
a plant passes on its growth experience to its seed so, perhaps, an entity's life
experience is encoded into the DNA as a guide to the need for particular life
experiences in a future life.

The present preoccupation with trying to eliminate imperfect bodies avoids the
fact that they have their uses. In today's climate of genetic experimentation a
Stephen Hawking, and others of his ilk, would likely not be born - their
disability quite possibly leads them along the path they take to triumph over that
which oppresses them.

Today's science tends too much to specialisation, an inability, or an

unwillingness, to look at the whole, of which everything is ultimately a part.
Parts only make sense if they are studied within the totality of the environment.
Geneticists betray their usefulness to society by adopting a narrow viewpoint,
and those employed in industry, and in industry-funded university research, betray
humanity by their dedication to the profit motive.

Biodiversity is Vital
Earth's life forms have been created in such variety, and in such large numbers,
that the opportunity for the evolution of new forms is very extensive. Each
species is virtually barred to the entry of genes from others, perhaps the only
active penetration of those barriers being viruses and bacteria, other sources
still being open to conjecture.

One has to question why the Creative Force elected to partition its creation into
so many separate groupings. We must be very careful when we transfer genes between
species, in a manner that cannot occur naturally, with some noted exceptions.
Despite the almost impenetrable barriers life forms are almost infinite in number
and variety. In acting like a God we fail to consider the great depth of
consciousness which has created a cosmos that many scientists believe could
contain as many as nine dimensions.

As biodiversity decreases in a species, so other species will also suffer

decreases, interdependence is a very evident quality in the planet's web of life.
A lessening in variety exposes a species to gradual extinction because the
appearance of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and similar organisms cannot be resisted
without a large pool of genetic material that can be used to breed more resistant

Genetic engineering, as presently practiced is more interested in volume of sales

of a few varieties as that is where the profits are made. Cross-breeding of
genetically altered plants with wild relatives will render the latter virtually
useless as a source of new stock.

Is there a Unified Energy Field for Every Species?

In the past there has been much speculation as to the reason for wildlife
exhibiting such characteristics as migration over thousands of kilometres, nest
building abilities with no training, symbiosis of different species that can only
interact with one another, and the many other evidences of some intelligent
presence. Rupert Sheldrake has been in the forefront of the theorising, and
experimentation, in this field. He suggests that all species are enveloped in
energy fields which have been called morphogenetic fields. J. Needham defines
biological morphogenesis as the "coming-into-being of characteristic and specific
form in living organisms."

The energy fields, in essence, are much like a template which orders the growth of
life forms which exist in that particular species' field. It is almost as if the
energy field regulates the growth, characteristics, and actions of the life forms
in it. This could be the basis of the similarity exhibited by all members of a

Energy fields can be found in abundance, examples being the Earth's magnetic
field, the human body's electrical field, solar, planetary and lunar fields, the
list is virtually endless. The fields appear to have an intelligent entity that
controls their growth, maintenance, and changes needed to meet varying
environmental impacts. These energy fields would have to be well-defined and
separated from each other in order to avoid any mixing, which would interfere with
their integrity. As previously noted, "all life is energy" and therefore the
presence of morphogenetic fields can follow quite logically.

Thought is energy. This fact may explain "formative causation", the process of
establishing a new species, a new variant, the enabling of the crystallisation of
a new material to be performed more rapidly as the energy field is established;
animals in laboratory experiments that entail learning new pathways seem to pass
on that learning to far-distant animals which learn those same paths far more
quickly than expectation would warrant.

Bearing in mind, again, that all is energy, it should be expected that any
discipline which advocates the transfer of energy across energy field boundaries
would be very wary of the potential for unforeseen consequences. In genetics, for
example, transferring the energy of a gene across a species boundary, if performed
often enough, could open a pathway to be utilised by unwanted gene energies and in
a very far-fetched scenario could lead to a collapse of species boundaries.

Priest/Scientist Relationship

In Man's early cultures a priest/astrologer was the individual responsible for

divining the course of a ruler's life, and also that of the nation. He interpreted
the signs and advised the ruler on what actions to take. In addition, he was the
mediator between the Gods and the people.

In our modern cultures, this position is gradually returning, scientists becoming

the priests, the interpreters of the causes of Earth's phenomena. Religions, in
general, have failed to develop their theological philosophies in line with
developing consciousness, and it has therefore been left to the scientists to take
over that role. It is now becoming apparent that the origins of life, and the
meaning of life, are now taking on a scientific basis. Natural laws are being
discovered that indicate God as an impersonal Creator Who has left clues to the
meaning of life which can be discovered by using a scientific approach.

In keeping with this new role as a priest, it is incumbent on geneticists to

ensure that their work fits in with life's needs rather than those which tend to
the personal or the purely commercial. There is therefore a need to study widely,
beyond the specialisation, and be more cautious in the choice of direction which
can be followed.

It would be appropriate to look at the broad picture that contains Man's evolution
over the ages, and attempt to find a way of continuing that evolution, and the
evolution of the other kingdoms, in a manner that befits a wise creator. This will
slow the pace of progress but it will also provide an opportunity for mature
judgement when placing possibilities before the rest of us.


In conclusion, it could be said that genetic engineering has been forcibly

inserted into the world's economy because of a greed for profit. If man has been
designed to take part in creative consciousness he must first have full knowledge
of how and why life was created. When that stage is reached his ability to co-
create must be used to help the progress of all life on Earth and be based on the
highest spiritual, moral and ethical grounds.


James Jeans. The Mysterious Universe. MacMillan. New York.

J. Needham (1942) Biochemistry and Morphogenesis. C.U.P.
Rupert Sheldrake. A New Science of Life. Paladin.
A Question of Genes. Craig Holdredge. Lindisfarne Press & Floris Books
The Holographic Paradigm. Ed. By Ken Wilber. Shambhala, Boston & London

Bailey, Alice A. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Lucis Press Ltd. London

¬__ A Treatise on White Magic, Lucis Press Ltd. London

__ Education in the New Age, Lucis Press Ltd. London

__ Esoteric Astrology, Lucis Press Ltd. London 1968
__ Esoteric Healing, Lucis press Ltd. London 1967
__ Esoteric Psychology Vols I & II, Lucis Press Ltd.
__ Initiation Human and Solar, Lucis Press Ltd. London

__ Letters on Occult Meditation, Lucis Press Ltd. London

__ Problems of Humanity, Lucis Press Ltd. London 1967
__ Telepathy, Lucis Press Ltd. London 1971
__ The Consciousness of the Atom, Lucis Press Ltd.

London 1973
__ The Destiny of the Nations, Lucis Press Ltd. London

__ The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Lucis Press Ltd,
London 1972
__ The Rays and the Initiations, Lucis Press Ltd. London

__ The Reappearance of the Christ, Lucis Press Ltd.

London 1962
Becker, Robert O. Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution: The
promise of Electromedicine. J. P. Tarcher,

Angeles 1990
Bentov, Itzhak. Stalking the Wild Pendulum, Wildwood House,
on 1978
Berges, John. Sacred Vessel of the Mysteries, Planetwork Press, New

Jersey 1997
Besant, Annie. Dharma, The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar,
s, India 1981
Blavatsky, H.P. Two Books of the Stanzas of Dzyan, The Theosophical
Publishing House, Adyar, Madras, India
__ The Secret Doctrine Vols 1-6, Third Edition, The
Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Madras, India

Blum, Ralph. The Book of Runes, Angus and Robertson, Sydney 1984
Burns, James McGregor. Leadership, Harper and Row, New York 1978
Capra, Fritjof. The Tao of Physics, Wildwood House, London 1975
__ Uncommon Wisdom, Flamingo (Fontana) London 1990
__ The Turning Point, Bantam Books, New York 1983
Carrington, Hereward. Higher Psychical Development, Newcastle
Publishing Co. Calif. 1983
Dawood, N.J. The Koran, Penguin Books, London 1990
Elkin, A.P. Aboriginal Men of High Degree, Inner Traditions, Rochester,

Vt. 1994
Gardner, Martin. The Numerology of Dr. Matrix, Simon & Schuster,

New York 1967

Gleick, James. Chaos, Cardinal (Penguin) UK 1988
Heindel, Max. The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, L.N. Fowler & Co.

London 1973
Hilarion, from. The Nature of Reality, Marcus Books, Toronto 1980
Hodson, Geoffrey. The Kingdom of the Gods, The Theosophical
Publishing House, Adyar, Madras, India 1980
__ The Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible, T.P.H.
Hutchins, Robert-Maynard (Ed) Great Books of the Western World,
Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc.
Johnston, Charles. Bhagavad Gita, John M. Watkins, London 1965
Joy, W. Brugh. Joy’s Way, J.P. Tarcher, Los Angeles 1979
Jung, Carl. Modern Man in Search of a Soul, Routledge, London 1933
Kaku, Michio. Hyperspace, Oxford University Press 1994
Lawlor, Robert. Earth Honouring, Millenium Books, Newtown NSW

Leadbeater C.W. Man Visible and Invisible, The Theosophical
Publishing HouseWheaton, Illinois 1980
__ Clairvoyance, The Theosophical Publishing House,
Adyar, Madras,
India 1978
Lovelock, James. Gaia, Oxford University Press 1995
McLaughlin, Corinne, Spiritual Politics, Findhorn Press, Findhorn,
& Davidson, Gordon Scotland 1994.

McTaggart, Lynne. The Field, Harper Collins, London 2001

Moody, Raymond A. Jr. M.D. Reflections on Life After Life, Bantam
Books, New
York 1978
Ousley, S.G.J. The Science of the Aura, L.N. Fowler & Co. London

Ouspensky, P.D. In Search of the Miraculous, Harcourt, Brace & Co.

New York 1949

Percival, H.W. Thinking and Destiny, The Word Foundation Inc,
Forest Hills,
N.Y. 1978
Powell, Arthur E. The Astral Body, Quest Books, Wheaton, Illinois 1982
__ The Solar System, The Theosophical Publishing
London 1985
Roberts and Greengrass. The Astrology of Time Twins, The Pentland
s, Durham1994
Russell, Bertrand. The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell, Routledge,

London 1992
Russell, Walter. The Secret of Light, University of Science &
Philosophy, Swannanoa, Waynesboro, Virginia 1994
Schumacher, E.F. A Guide for the Perplexed, Abacus, London 1980
Sheldrake, Rupert. A New Science of Life, Paladin, Granada

Publications, 1984
Stearn, Jess. The Sleeping Prophet, Doubleday & Co. New York 1967
Tompkins, Peter & The Secret Life of Plants, Penguin 1974
Bird, Christopher
Vivekenanda S. Jnana Yoga, Advaita Ashram, Calcutta, India 1972
Watson, Lyall. Beyond Supernature, Bantam Books 1988
__ Gifts of Unknown Things, Coronet Books, Hodder &
, 1977
Whitehead, Alfred North. Science and the Modern World, MacMillan,

New York 1926

Wilber, K. Quantum Questions, Shamballa, Boulder 1984
Wilber K. (Ed) The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes,
Shambhala, Boston and London 1982
Guided Writings

In case readers are interested in the extracts from Guided Writings a brief
comment will not come amiss. My wife, Marie, came into this life with the facility
to communicate, in full consciousness, with various discarnate entities.

The writings consist of some 130 pages written between the years 1970 and 1987. A
number of topics are covered such as, human development, health, the spiritual
world, man’s past, other worlds, the natural world, future trends, and a
miscellaneous section.

One visitor to our healing centre was so impressed with their potential as a
teaching guide she asked for a copy to use with a group she was leading.

If you are interested in purchasing a copy on a diskette please get in touch with
the author on


Abortion, 120
Akasha, 10/11, 38, 50, 103
Aliens, 72, 74, 76
Angels, 20, 48, 233, 235
Animal(s), 17, 33 37, 54 , 71, 80-2,
91, 95, 98, 103, 156, 161/2, 185,
268, 272, 290
Antahkarana, 188, 190
Aquarius, 83 , 84, 132, 159, 163,
175, 177
Astral, 11, 13/14, 16, 30, 44, 50, 64,
67/8, 87, 98, 101, 116/7, 175, 184,
189, 216/ 217, 231, 233 , 235, 237,
241, 243, 267, 286/7, 295
Astrology, 72, 118, 194, 208,210, 214,
255, 293, 295,
Atlantean, 13, 67/8, 98, 122, 216, 217
Atlantis, 9, 64, 68, 145, 242, 268
Atom, 7, 11, 17, 19, 23 , 39, 57, 72, 77,
88, 149, 154, 236, 247, 264, 267,
277, 293
Atomic particles, 281, 285, 297
Atomic weights, 197, 199-201
Auras, 9 2, 97/8, 102, 272
Bacteria, 10, 89, 91, 136, 158, 286, 289
Beliefs, 1, 20, 91, 157, 159, 160, 169
175, 182, 230
Bible, 4, 6, 8, 13-15, 20, 49, 59, 64, 73,
103, 109, 166, 173, 208, 231, 287,
Black holes, 9, 10, 281
Body, 1, 3, 8, 12/13, 16, 18-28, 30/31, 35/6, 38, 39, 42-4, 49, 55, 57, 59/60,
62-64, 67, 71, 77/78, 80- 83, 85, 87, 89/90, 92-99, 101-105, 107-115, 119,
123, 127/8, 131, 133-37, 139-146, 148/9, 151-53, 164, 166, 172, 175,
184, 187, 189, 190, 195, 208, 209,
213, 218, 221, 233, 235-237, 241,
243, 246/7, 250/1, 254, 261, 266, 270,
272, 276, 286, 295
Brain, 6, 28, 32, 33, 35, 39, 43, 77, 80-
82, 85, 96, 99, 107, 111, 117, 131,
146, 149, 189, 190, 218, 246, 277,
Brahma(n), 5, 12, 115, 118, 119, 121
Brotherhood, 14, 126, 132, 151, 162, 170, 177, 265
Buddha, 25, 122, 156, 171, 189, 241,
Buddhism, 19, 105, 115, 121
Cancer, 30, 36, 56, 137/8, 147/8
Cells, 16, 18, 28, 36/7, 39, 43, 82/3, 89-
91, 138, 142, 145, 149, 189, 233,
246/7, 285
Centres, 16, 92-96, 99, 196, 215/6, 218,
246/7, 266
Chains, 10, 62, 90, 119, 266
Chaos, 4/5, 9, 157, 285
Christ, 20, 25, 101, 109, 116, 144, 156,
166/7, 171/2, 178, 189, 202-4, 217,
237, 241, 246
Civilisations, 135, 181, 193, 211, 224,
239, 268
Clairvoyance, 117, 219, 229
Colour(s), 12/13, 16/7, 68, 97-9, 102/3
120, 150, 162, 180, 196/7, 232, 259
Comet(s), 10, 92, 271
Connected(ness), 2, 14, 23, 29, 32, 33,
35, 44, 54, 102, 107, 109, 126, 137,
139, 142, 164, 184, 193, 197, 220,
257, 264, 268, 271, 279
Consciousness, 4, 6-8, 11, 14/5, 17,
20/1, 23, 24, 26-8, 32, 35, 43, 46/7,
49, 57, 59, 61-3 , 71/2, 75-90, 92,
96, 103, 104, 107, 108, 111-13, 115,
117, 127, 132, 148, 153/4,162, 167,
169, 171, 173, 175/6, 184,
188/90, 194, 213, 215, 217/8, 209,
221/2, 225, 230/1, 233, 235/6, 238,
239, 241, 243-7, 254/5, 264-272,
274-281, 284-7, 289, 291, 293, 296
Cosmic, 12, 14, 21/2, 28/9, 35/6, 42,
46, 48-51, 61/2, 69, 72, 78, 100, 118,
122-4, 130, 194, 213/4, 222, 232, 238,
245/6, 255, 266
Creation, 5-8, 10, 12-6, 19, 20, 23,
38/9, 46, 49, 63, 80, 82, 106-9, 118,
143, 145, 151, 154, 169, 172, 187,
193, 195, 204, 207, 210, 225, 227,
265, 282, 285, 289
Cycles, 62, 98/9, 124, 171, 239/40,
264/5, 267-272,
Cyclic, 77, 99, 118, 131, 239, 264,
Death, 13, 21/2, 43, 67, 70, 85, 105, 110, 113-117, 120, 122, 143/4, 146, 157,
167, 172, 175, 188, 220, 236/7, 244, 276
Democracy, 152, 170, 249, 252, 260
Deva(s), 20, 38, 47/8, 53, 129, 232-35
Dharma, 124, 131/2
Dimensions, 23/4, 38,53, 85, 91, 162, 227, 280, 289
Diversity, 136, 153/4, 158, 173, 184-186, 188, 240, 251, 257, 262
Divination, 208, 219-221, 224, 226
DNA, 89-92, 111, 158, 185, 209, 229, 247, 285, 287/8
Dolphins, 70-72, 91
Drugs, 43/4, 85, 93, 102, 112, 144/5,
148, 166, 175, 275
Earth(‘s), 5/6, 20, 28, 30, 33-6, 38-40,
43-5, 48, 60/1, 63/4, 69/70, 72/3, 76,
83, 92, 97-100, 102, 111, 114, 120,
125/6, 129/30, 139, 146, 151-7,
168/9, 179, 181. 183, 185, 195/6,
198, 201-203, 208, 210-212, 214,
218, 223-225, 229, 231-33, 240,
245-7, 251/2, 259, 261, 264/5, 267,
269-272, 275, 279, 285, 289-291
Education(al), 75, 107, 112, 155, 159,
167/8, 170, 175-9, 180-188, 191/2,
236/7, 241/2, 257/8
Ego(s), 104, 126, 130, 159, 178, 240
Electromagnetism, 22, 100
Elementals, 20, 103, 230/1, 233/4
Energies, 5, 10/11, 16, 21, 26-30, 35,
37/8, 43, 47/8, 57, 69, 79, 93, 95/6,
98/9, 103, 133-5, 137, 139, 142-5,
148, 151, 153, 156/7, 162/3, 166,
175, 189, 202, 209/10, 212/3, 215,
220/1, 225, 228/9, 232, 234/5, 239,
242, 244, 254/5, 257, 265, 268/9,
274, 278, 290
Energy, 5, 9, 11-15, 17, 20-22, 26-9,
31, 33-5, 37/8, 40, 57, 59, 61, 68,
72-4, 80, 82/3, 85, 87, 90, 94/5, 98-
100, 103, 106/7, 111, 121, 124, 134,
138-142, 144/5, 151/2, 155, 157/8,
162-4, 175-8, 188-90, 195, 203, 209,
213/4, 216-18, 220/1, 223, 228, 230-
4, 237, 242/3, 245, 247, 257/8, 264-7,
285/6, 289-90
Environment, 6, 31, 38, 42/3, 45, 55,
80/1, 111, 131, 142, 151-5, 179,
184/5, 187/8, 213, 231, 251, 255,
259, 270, 288,
Esoteric, 8, 14, 21/2, 57, 72, 78, 87, 94,
117/8, 132, 135, 156/7, 161, 168/9,
171, 173, 178, 182, 196, 212/2,
216/7, 239, 267, 275/6
Ether, 50, 103
Etheric, 14, 16, 50, 57, 87, 95, 98, 101,
105, 134, 145, 166, 213, 217/8, 235,
237, 242, 246, 286/7
Evil, 6, 121, 125, 128/9, 165, 168,
202/3, 233, 238, 240
Evolution(ary), 4, 15/6, 20, 28, 47, 59,
61/2, 67/8, 72, 77-9, 88, 94, 104,
106, 117, 131, 135, 153-5, 157-9,
161, 179, 188/9, 193, 196, 210/1,
216, 219/20, 222, 232-5, 245/6, 251,
255/6, 266, 272, 285/6, 288/9, 291
Field(s), 10, 26, 31, 37/8, 40, 55, 57,
79/80, 90, 95, 99/100, 124, 139, 142,
148, 186, 210, 212/3, 217/8, 234,
236, 238, 251, 257, 276, 278, 289/90
Fohat, 11, 21/2, 50, 245
Force, 11, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 29, 31,
34, 36, 38, 43, 49, 60, 68, 72, 80, 84,
88, 95/6, 101, 103, 135/6, 140, 144,
151, 153, 156, 158/9, 161, 165, 171,
175/6, 182, 190, 218, 227, 230, 233,
241-3, 252, 262, 265, 284, 289
Forces, 15, 19, 21/2, 24, 35, 38, 44-9,
68, 80-2, 84, 104, 129, 135, 140, 153-
5, 157, 165, 168, 212/3, 217, 222,
224/5, 230-2, 234/5, 238/9, 244, 251,
254, 256, 258, 265, 268/9, 287
Forms, 4, 10, 12/3, 16/7, 19, 21/2, 26,
28/9, 31, 38-40, 42-5, 48, 51, 55, 57,
62-4, 67/8, 73, 80, 82-5, 87, 89/90,
92/3, 95, 102-7, 116, 118, 122, 136/7,
139, 142, 149, 153-6, 162, 172/3,
175, 182, 185, 188, 190, 199, 206,
213-4, 217, 220-2, 231-5, 238/9,
241-3, 245, 249, 255, 257, 259, 262,
265-9, 284-6, 289, 290
Gaia, 39, 40, 42
Gene(s), 37, 57, 90/1, 120, 127, 272,
285/6, 289/90
Genetics, 57, 75, 91, 127, 284-6, 290
Glands, 92-6, 127, 196
Globalisation, 136, 163/4, 242, 252,
Globe, 62, 123, 130, 196/7, 266/7
Gods, 4, 9, 11/12, 14-17, 19-21, 23,
25-27, 35, 48, 51, 62, 64, 68, 71, 78,
83/4, 86/7, 89, 104, 108/9, 113,
115/6, 118, 121, 128, 151/2, 167, 169,
171-3, 190, 193, 195, 199, 203/4, 211,
220, 225, 232/3, 237, 239, 251, 253,
258, 277, 280, 282, 284, 286/7, 289,
Goodwill, 33, 79, 82, 159, 163, 167,
170, 179, 188, 192, 218, 238
Government(s), 28, 44, 68, 73, 84,
137/8, 152, 159, 191, 249, 252-6,
Graphology, 228
Gravitation(al), 9, 22, 100/1
Great Invocation, 202/3
Group(s), 12/2, 16, 31/2, 35, 43, 57,
60/1, 70, 74, 78, 81, 83/4, 86/7, 91,
106, 109, 113, 115, 129-132, 136/7,
148, 158-161, 163, 171, 177, 182,
189, 196, 208, 213/4, 216, 224, 233,
235/6, 238, 240-44, 253, 255, 257-
263, 265, 275, 277
Guide(s), 3, 31, 68, 87, 156, 159, 182,
191, 199, 203, 240, 245, 283, 288,
Harmony, 15/6, 18/9, 99, 104/5, 108,
122, 124, 134, 143, 153, 155, 157,
164, 166, 178, 202, 220/1, 228, 259,
Healing, 33, 43, 57, 70, 81, 94, 98, 112,
117, 132, 137-144, 147-150, 166,
168/9, 183, 261, 276/7
Health, 33, 43/4, 55, 74, 81, 97-9, 101,
110, 134, 138, 140/1, 148/9, 151,
155/6, 179, 187, 221, 241/2, 296
Heart, 43, 82, 89, 95, 107, 145-7, 192,
203, 215, 246, 258
Hierarchy, 6, 14, 20/1, 72, 128, 130/1
135, 156, 161, 167, 171, 174, 214/5,
230, 232, 235-46, 256, 260
Hologram, 85/6, 284
Homoeopathy, 140/1
Human, 2/3, 10-12, 16, 18/9, 21, 24,
27/8, 32/3, 35, 43/4, 46/7, 49, 53,
59, 61-4, 66, 70-2, 75/6, 78/9, 81/2,
85, 87-95, 97/8, 100-4, 106/7, 110,
113/4, 116-8, 123, 127-130, 134,
140-2, 145, 151-3, 156-162, 164-170,
173, 175, 177-180, 186, 188/9, 193,
202, 209, 213/4, 216, 221, 226/7,
231-9, 242, 244-7, 260-2, 264-270,
275/6, 278, 282, 285/6, 290
Humanity, 20, 30/1, 61, 68-71, 76/7,
83, 87, 94, 102, 104, 108-110, 112/3,
117, 128, 132, 134-6, 151-3, 156-9,
161, 163, 165-171, 173, 176, 178,
181, 184/5, 188, 191, 194, 197, 202,
255, 257-9, 267/8, 277, 279, 283, 288
I Ching, 136/7, 147
Illnesses, 136/7, 147
Initiation, 12, 15, 21, 61, 72, 88, 98,
104, 155, 237, 239, 242-6, 266
Intelligence, 9, 12, 17-19, 28, 62, 71,
73, 88, 123, 172, 178, 231, 233, 247,
Interconnectedness, 55, 86, 139, 143,
152, 175, 255
Intuition, 7-8, 14, 25, 58/9, 75, 156,
179, 188, 190, 212, 215, 235
Intuitional(ly), 13, 46, 49/50, 77, 135,
Jesus, 20/1, 172/3, 204, 209, 231
Jew(s), 103, 170/1, 173, 209
Jewish, 170/1, 204
Karma, 93, 108, 113, 115, 119-132,
143, 214, 240, 246, 287
Karmic, 120, 126/7, 129, 131, 137,
144, 180
Kingdom(s), 16, 21, 32, 48, 53, 55, 61,
88/9, 94, 103, 116, 118, 123, 130,
151/2, 155-7,161, 175, 179, 189, 204,
216, 232-4, 237-9, 240, 246, 261,
286, 291
Kundalini, 11
Law(s), 15, 19, 46/7, 51/2, 85, 100/1,
108-9, 113, 115/6, 118, 121/2, 124,
126-9, 131, 138, 140, 166, 168, 193,
197, 201/2, 211, 213, 222, 232, 234,
238, 263, 287, 291
Lemuria(n), 64, 67, 171, 242
Ley lines, 34-6
Life, 2-8, 10/11, 13-20, 28/9, 31,
33-38, 40, 42-47, 51, 54-7, 60, 62/3
67-9, 73/4, 76-83, 85/6, 88/9, 92, 94,
96, 102-116, 118-124, 126-8, 131/2,
134-140, 142-5, 148, 151-8, 160-5,
167, 169, 171-3, 175-7, 179/80, 182-
8, 190/1, 195-7, 199, 207-210, 213,
215-9, 221-230, 232/3, 235/6, 239,
242/3, 245, 247/8, 251/2, 254/5, 257,
259, 261, 264-9, 271/2, 274, 276-9,
282, 284-291
Light, 6, 7, 9, 11/2, 14, 16, 21-4, 26,
28/9, 33, 39, 54, 59/60, 68, 71, 82-5,
87, 91, 96, 100/1, 117, 123, 130/1,
151, 162, 166, 168, 188/9, 195, 203,
216, 234, 239, 240, 242, 248, 254,
269, 274/5, 280
Logos, 9, 12, 16, 49, 61/2, 72, 123,
233, 242, 246/7, 266/7
Love, 6, 14, 16, 50, 71, 77, 156, 173,
189, 208, 232, 234, 238/9, 253
Man(kind), 6, 8, 14-17, 19/20, 23, 27,
29, 35-8, 46-9, 59, 64, 66-8, 70-2,
74, 78, 81-3, 85, 87, 93, 96, 98, 106
111, 116, 123, 126, 129-31, 135-7,
139, 143, 146, 152-7, 160, 162, 167,
170/1, 174, 176-9, 183, 189, 191,
197, 208, 214, 206-8, 227, 230-2,
234-8, 240, 242/3, 246, 250, 257,
259, 266, 272, 276, 280, 286-8, 291
Master(s), 21, 105, 112, 116, 131, 161,
171, 203, 207, 216, 235, 238-40,
244/5, 278, 283
Material(s), 6-8, 12/13, 20, 22/2, 26/7,
32-6, 38-40, 43, 45, 51, 53, 59-61,
74/5, 79, 82, 87, 90/1, 94, 96, 98,
100/1, 103/4, 109, 113, 122/3, 129,
138, 144/5, 151, 155, 158, 165, 168,
171, 175, 186-6, 188, 190/1, 193,
204/5, 216/7, 226, 237, 251/2, 254,
259, 267/8, 275, 285, 287, 289/90
Materialism, 75, 136, 191, 202, 251,
Mathematics, 46, 51, 124, 193, 194,
202, 204, 207, 246, 282
Matter, 9, 11, 13/4, 17, 19, 22/3, 29,
34, 36, 49/50, 59, 83-5, 87, 99, 103,
123/4, 167, 172, 206, 219, 230, 242,
245, 267/8, 271, 281
Meditation, 13, 21, 45, 60, 75, 80/1, 83,
94, 98, 104, 115, 134/5, 182, 188,
190, 192, 215/6, 257/8, 279, 280
Memory, 33, 38, 109, 141, 146, 177,
215, 217/8, 282
Mental, 13/4, 16, 50, 63/4, 67/8, 77,
80, 87, 94, 98, 101, 103, 105/6, 110,
127, 124/5, 138, 156, 175/6, 178/9,
183/4, 189/90, 195/6, 202, 209, 213,
216/7, 233, 235-7, 241, 244-6, 257,
266/7, 271, 275, 286/7
Metamorphic, 143
Microbe, 18,
Mind, 4-7, 14, 16-18, 20, 23, 27, 31,
34, 44, 46, 49, 57, 59-63, 67/8, 71/2,
75, 77/8, 80-6, 93/4, 98, 103, 105,
117, 122, 134/5, 149, 155, 178,
181/2, 186, 189-91, 203/4, 206, 215,
217, 219/20, 225, 233, 237, 255, 261,
271, 275, 280
Monad(ic), 13, 16, 50, 62, 106, 172
Moon(s), 21, 38, 60-2, 99, 130, 199-
201, 208, 232, 270/1
Morphogenesis, 37, 55, 234, 289
Morphogenetic, 37, 40, 55, 217, 234,
257, 289
Music, 29, 31, 53, 56, 124, 141/2, 149,
179, 202, 205, 222
Musical, 114, 149, 195/6, 222, 228
Myth(s), 5/6, 8, 13, 42, 59, 67, 70
Mythical, 20,
Nation(s), 63, 73, 83/4, 106, 136, 138,
155, 158, 160, 162, 164, 166-8, 179,
184, 214/5, 242, 253, 256, 259-262,
268, 290
Numerology, 197, 199, 204, 216, 228,
Organism(s), 10, 16, 18, 31/2, 34, 36,
38, 42/3, 54, 57, 71, 80, 89, 93, 99,
106/7, 138/9, 153-4, 156, 158, 161,
163, 185, 245, 268, 285/6, 289
Palmistry, 229
Particles, 13, 22-4, 29, 32, 34, 37, 39,
54, 82, 90, 197, 231, 234, 247, 281/2,
Phi, 52/3
Plane(s), 9, 12-14, 16, 27, 44, 49/50,
89, 98, 105, 109, 117, 123, 153,
163, 172, 189/90, 196/7, 205, 214-6,
230, 233-5, 242, 245/6, 267, 276/7
Planet(s), 10, 16, 21, 24, 26, 30, 38,
43/44, 47-9, 61-3, 74 76, 98/9, 106,
120, 130, 139, 141/2, 153, 156, 159,
181, 195-201, 208/9, 212, 214,
231-3, 240, 245/6,, 255, 264-7, 271,
283, 285
Planetary, 16, 49, 57, 62, 68/9, 106,
119, 123, 130, 179, 208/9, 211, 213,
232/3, 236, 242, 245-7, 266/7, 290
Plants, 33, 37, 44/5, 51-3, 56, 82, 98,
144, 154, 156, 161, 231/2, 268, 289
Politicians, 148, 249, 251/2, 258
Politics, 241, 249-254, 256-263
Prana, 11, 94, 96
Psyche(s), 36, 112, 120, 145/6, 148/9,
180, 229
Psychometry, 215-7
Quantum, 13, 22, 26, 29, 34, 39, 54,
82, 90, 207, 271, 281, 285/6
Race(s), 9, 24, 55, 60, 62-8, 71, 76-9,
82, 91, 98, 106, 117/8, 128-30, 158-
160, 162, 170/1, 179/80, 189, 197,
203/4, 214, 232, 237/8, 266
Radiation(s), 20, 22, 29, 36/7, 84, 87,
98, 139, 247, 269,
Radionics, 139
Ray(s), 9, 14-6, 20, 22, 29, 36, 49,
61, 77, 94, 96, 100, 103, 106, 118,
148, 151, 166, 196, 204, 211/2,
246/7, 277
Reality, 26, 38/9, 46, 73, 78, 83, 86,
105, 127, 154, 162, 172, 181, 186,
188, 216, 237, 243, 257, 274, 275,
278, 282, 284
Rebirth, 63, 108/9, 113-18, 129, 168
Reflexology, 143
Reincarnation, 40, 62, 93, 108-11, 113-
116, 118, 120, 130, 144, 160, 188,
210, 236, 288
Relationship(s), 16, 21, 30, 35, 39, 43,
71/2, 102, 108, 127, 143, 151-3, 155-
9, 163/4, 167, 185, 193/4, 197/8,
201/2, 213, 222, 236/7, 242, 246/7,
253/4, 260-2, 287, 290
Religion(s), 20, 49, 68, 92, 105, 108,
110, 113/5, 158, 162, 167, 169-71,
173, 178, 180, 182/3, 233, 237, 243,
Responsibilities, 117, 161/2
Rights, 82, 108, 128, 152, 161/2, 164,
176/7, 188, 205, 251/2, 259-61
Runes, 220/1, 226/7
Scheme(s), 30, 61/2, 71, 88, 119, 123,
130, 162, 196, 249, 266
School(s), 79, 82, 101, 103, 139, 142,
175, 179/80, 182-7, 192, 195, 207,
211, 242, 250, 262, 275
Science(s), 7/8, 10, 12/3, 15, 18, 25-7,
29, 34, 40, 42, 45/6, 48/9, 74/6, 78,
80, 82, 84/5, 91, 96, 98, 101, 103,
110, 118, 124, 141, 145, 148, 157,
183, 188, 190/1, 193, 197, 211-3,
215-7, 248/9, 288
Seven, 12-16, 20, 49/50, 59/60, 62/3,
72, 92, 95, 106, 119, 130, 151, 156,
184, 196, 199/201, 212, 230, 245,
247, 266/7
Sex(es), 59, 63, 113/4, 118, 162,
179/80, 235
Sexual(ity), 62, 114, 166, 179
Shamballa, 68, 238/9, 241-4, 246
Sirius, 68, 70, 72, 76, 245
Solar, 10, 12, 16, 21, 29, 39, 49/50,
61/2, 72, 74, 87, 95/6, 98, 102, 119,
123/4, 130, 178/9, 196, 198, 200,
209, 212/3, 216, 232/3, 235/6, 245,
247, 255, 266/7, 269, 290
Soul(s), 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 44, 57, 66,
79, 81, 87, 92-4, 96, 101-7, 110,
114/5, 117/8, 120, 131, 134/5, 143/4,
167, 172, 175, 178, 183, 189/90,
195, 210, 214-6, 218, 235, 237, 239,
243, 246, 250, 262, 276/7
Sound(s), 11-13, 27, 29/30, 56, 82, 84,
105, 149/50, 195, 199/200, 202, 218,
226, 228, 234
Space, 9, 11/2, 22-4, 26, 38-40, 74,
78, 83, 85, 92, 103, 105, 124, 139,
153, 181, 201, 211/3, 217, 274-6,
278-282, 285
Spirit(s), 6/7, 11/2, 14, 16, 46, 48/9,
59/60, 73, 80, 87, 97, 103, 107,
113, 119/20, 126, 144, 155, 161/2,
164/5, 161/2, 169, 171/2, 179, 183,
192/3, 195, 204, 232, 235, 242, 256,
258, 261, 267, 275, 279, 282
Spiritual, 3, 10, 13/4, 16, 19, 21, 25,
34- 6, 38, 43-5, 49/50, 57, 60, 64, 69,
77, 79/80, 83, 88, 93-5, 101, 103-6,
127, 134-6, 143/4, 148, 153-6,
159/60, 162, 164, 167/8, 175/6, 179,
181, 183-6, 189-92, 196, 202, 209-
11, 215, 217, 226, 233, 235, 237/8,
240-43, 251, 254-261, 269, 272, 284,
287, 291
Star(s), 2, 9/10, 26, 38/9, 69/70, 72,
199/200, 209, 211, 243, 247
Suicide, 112/3, 146
Sun(s), 5, 16, 21 , 38, 69, 72, 95,
99/100, 156, 159, 163, 175, 183,
194/5, 197-201, 204, 208, 212-4,
264/5, 269-71, 275
Sunspots, 269, 271
Tarot, 220, 224-7
Telepathy, 112, 172, 210, 229
Time, 11, 12, 23, 37/8, 78, 83, 85, 89,
106-8, 117-122, 124, 128, 135, 142-
4, 175, 194, 201, 210-15, 229, 233,
236, 270, 273-83, 285/6
Transmigration, 114-6
Transplant(s), 102, 145/6
Tribal, 135/6, 157, 159
Tribe(s), 70, 76, 83, 135, 159, 254
Twins, 91, 210/11
UFO, 28, 73
Unconscious, 6, 7, 78, 83, 223, 271
Unconsciously, 53, 62, 107, 216, 228,
233, 258, 282
Universe(s), 2-5, 8-11, 14, 20-24,
26-9, 33, 39, 45/6, 48, 50/1, 53/4,
57, 59, 71, 74, 82, 85, 89, 92, 103,
108/9, 115, 117/8, 122, 134, 137,
139, 151-4, 156, 164, 173, 179,
185, 193-6, 199, 201, 207, 209, 213,
215, 221/2, 225, 231, 237, 247/8,
257, 262, 264-6, 272, 274/5, 280/1,
284, 286
Vacuum, 22, 26
Vibrate(s), 18, 27, 29, 31/2, 149, 218,
Vibration(s), 8, 11-13, 15, 20, 28-34,
36, 49, 55/6, 63, 67, 85, 98, 100, 105,
138/9, 142-44, 149, 154, 165/6, 182,
188/9, 199/200, 218, 220, 228, 230,
234, 242, 260, 264, 266/7
Vibrational, 30, 32/3, 55, 102, 141/2,
Water(s), 9/10, 23, 33/4, 36, 43/4, 47,
71, 100, 105, 141/2, 153/4, 167,
217/8, 224, 231-33, 268, 270
Will, 12, 14/5, 47, 60, 62, 68, 113, 116,
124, 127/8, 144, 148, 151, 156, 172,
181, 209, 232, 234, 239/40
Word(s), 4, 6, 11/2, 80, 173, 199, 228,

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