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Disclaimer: This is my personal interpretation of Rob Bryantons ideas. It goes without saying this is theoretical conjecture and cannot be known with any real degree of certainty. I simply wished to understand and document these concepts to gain new insights about what reality could truly be like. Note: Ive added a piece below each of the dimension descriptions to incorporate the Point-Line-Plane Postulate. It determines each dimension follows a repeated 'Point, Line, Plane' progression model. This helped me immensely in trying to visualize the concepts Ive attempted to describe here.

0th Dimension:
To start well need a single place of reference, called a point. A point, in this example, has no dimension because it does not have length, width, or depth. It is simply an imaginary idea that indicates a certain position in a given system. Consider this a 0D POINT of indeterminate size in the 1st Dimension as a point of reference on a 1D Line.

1st Dimension:
In order meet the requirements of this dimension we need at least two points. Connecting the points creates a line. A line has length, but no width or depth. Consider this a 1D LINE in the 2nd Dimension across a 2D Plane.

2nd Dimension:
The space encompassing two separate lines creates a Plane. A plane has length and width, but no depth. An example would be the X, Y coordinate plane in mathematics. Some people reference this dimension as a flat-world. Consider this a 2D PLANE in the 3rd Dimension, Space.

3rd Dimension:
Space - At first glance this seems quite simple. We live in world that encompasses length, width, and depth (X, Y, and Z in mathematics) in our everyday lives. But seeing as how we have not incorporated further dimensions yet, we must understand this is space without the concept of time. In order to fully grasp this concept, we will define any one moment in 3D as a frame (AKA quantum frame, reference frame, or Planck). A frame is an individual slice of static reality. The only way to make sense of our universe is to stitch these slices of reality together by incorporating the next dimension. Consider this 3D POINT in the 4th Dimension, Space-Time.

4th Dimension:
Space-Time - This dimension adds two new directions (forward in time and backward in time) to the previous three dimensions. Time itself can be pictured as a long line of individual frames of reality stretching from the Big Bang to the end of our Universe. Picture each frame running on a cosmic movie-reel. Unfortunately with current technologies humanity only has one button for this movie: play. That means no time-traveling forward or backward for us. Consider this a 4D LINE across the 5th Dimension, Probability Space.

5th Dimension:
Probability Space - In this dimension multiple lines/branches of Space-Time (AKA timelines or imaginary time) are observed on a basis of probabilistic outcome. Since we humans can only observe our particular branch/timeline one frame at a time, we cannot observe our branch in its entirety (IE - viewing your whole life instantaneously along this timeline). Nor then can we observe other similarly related off-shoot branches in their entirety (IE - viewing alternate versions of our timeline in which we chose option A instead of option B simultaneously). It is important to note the probabilities of our particular branch/timeline are affected by choice, chance, and external stimuli. This means causality cannot be violated. For example, it is impossible for a Probability Space to exist where dinosaurs live side-by-side to humans. Our 5D Probability Space dictates humanity can exist only after the extinction of the dinosaurs (in the form of evolving mammal life over millions of years, as well as atmospheric changes over millions of years). Quite simply, as a branch progresses along frame-by-frame this causes other possible branches to become less and less probable throughout that branch. Consider this a 5D PLANE as a cross-section in the 6th Dimension, Phase Space.

6th Dimension:
Phase Space In general terms, this simply means all possible Probability Spaces of our Universe are represented. That is to say, from the point of its conception (Big Bang) to the end of its existence (?), all 5D Probability Spaces in our universe are quantified and all information is mapped within what is referenced as the 6D Phase Space. This is different than the way we mapped our single Probability Space in the previous dimension because this also tracks all other 5D Probability Spaces not affected by the causality of our own. For example, say a 6D observer could see and traverse many 5D Probability Spaces. He locates one to find out what its like to see dinosaurs existing in the year 2013. He would have to hop to this Probability Space to see that eventuality. This hopping mechanism still observes causality because dinosaurs exist while humans do not. Consider this a single 6D POINT in the landscape of the 7th Dimension, Phase Line. Note: Any dimension after this has to do with multiple universes (commonly referred to as the multiverse) and/or added information.

7th Dimension:
Phase Line - All outcomes for our particular universe have been realized within the 6D Phase Space, therefore we must explore beyond our universe to recognize the 7th and 8th dimensions. This is known as the multiverse, which can best be described as a landscape in which many other universes reside. Just as several 0D points can be composed into a 1D line, 6D universes can be linked to each other on a similar 7D Line. These universes would have some physical constants that are both similar and different to our own. They are sometimes referenced as parallel universes. Consider this a 7D LINE in the landscape of the 8th Dimension, Phase Plane.

8th Dimension:
Phase Plane - The 8th dimension resides within the same multiverse landscape as the 7th, however the 8th dimension implies that universes can reside on completely different planes, thus we observe different Phase Planes. Universes on different planes would no longer be considered parallel; they would be immeasurable to what we know due to completely different physical constants. For example, changing both the speed of light and the strength of gravity would have adverse effects of those universes (residing on that plane), and yet they are still just as valid as our own universe (residing on our own plane). Consider this an 8D PLANE in the 9th Dimension, Information Space.

9th Dimension:
Information Space This dimension deals with extra information and encompasses what is beyond physical reality, while also encompassing the physical realities of the 8th Dimension. Along the landscape of the multiverse, inevitably there will be universes along certain Phase Planes that cannot exist due to impossible physical constants. For example, a universe residing along a Phase Plane which has the value of gravity impossibly high renders universes along that Phase Plane nonexistent. These are simply theoretical universes by nature, and yet they are completely valid to the 9th dimension. All theoretical and physical universes are accounted for within the Information Space. Consider this a 9D POINT of indeterminate size in the 10th Dimension, Omniverse.

10th Dimension:
Omniverse This is the sum of all information that can be realized from any possible or impossible universe within the multiverse at the 9th dimension. It is described as a single point of indeterminate size and has been designated the Omniverse. There is some argument about whether this dimension should be realized at all since it simply reiterates what the 9th dimension encompasses. However, sticking to analogies can make it more valid. If the 9th dimension can be realized as the volume of a cardboard box, the 10th simply provides a label and picture of that box. Note: String Theory, or M-Theory, theorizes of the existence of an 11th Dimension. Rob Bryantons interpretations of the 10 Dimensions are not completely compatible to String Theory, but the basic idea states the Omniverse is in a physical state without time, so the 11th Dimension is simply the Omniverse with time. Rob argues that time itself is not necessarily a new dimension, but simply a direction (as described in the 4th Dimension).

If you made it this far, thanks for reading! It took a bit of time to simplify these complex ideas down to a simple 4 page document. It took even more time to figure out the best examples and analogies that would help others visualize these near incomprehensible ideas! Again, this is all pure speculation, and its validity can never be proven. I just hope it got your mind going like it did mine! Adam D.

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