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Secret TO

Angela Artemis
Do you want to have extraordinary intu-
ition? The kind that will come through for
you whenever you need it to solve a problem
and save the day?

Do you want to know that when you call on

your intuition it’s absolutely accurate and
that you can rely upon its guidance?

And do you wish you could get exact, step by

step guidance from your intuition?

If so, I’m glad you’re reading this because I

want to share a remarkable discovery with
you for having the extraordinary, accurate
intuition you desire.

My name is Angela Artemis and I’m the founder of the award winning website,
Powered by, as well as the author of the best-selling book, “The
Intuition Principle” and seven other books. I’ve been teaching people from
around the world to develop, listen and trust their intuition for over 7 years.

When I was growing up I wasn’t taught or trusted to make my own decisions.

Consequently, as an adult I was terrified and lacked self-confidence and the
ability to hear my intuition and trust it because I feared being wrong. My lack
of confidence in being able to make decisions for my life held me back from
living up to my full potential.

I had a dream to be a writer and to teach meditation and spiritual principles

but I was too afraid to follow my passion. As a result I spent 25+ years in a
finance career that ate away my joy and enthusiasm for life and I almost gave
up on my dream more than once.

It was only when I began seriously looking for a solution to get real answers
from my intuition that my life changed for the better. And then, I was finally
able to create my dream life and business of being a writer and teaching
students to develop extraordinary accurate intuition so they too could find
the exact answers they needed about their purpose and path and no longer
be stuck in lives that didn’t fulfill them.

So read on to discover what I learned that changed EVERYTHING!

©copyright:2017 Angela Artemis. All Rights Reserved Worldwide 3 The Secret to Extraordinary Intuition
I had been approaching intuition
development all wrong.
All the material I’d been studying for decades emphasized tuning into
your intuition and then making a decision based upon this guidance.
The problem was that this always felt “vague” to me, and I believe that’s
why I always made so many mistakes in my life such as, going into the
wrong career and marrying the wrong person. You know the kind of
advice I’m talking about where you’re told to “go within and meditate
more, tune into your body, pay attention to your dreams, have a creative
outlet” and “spend more time in nature.”

While I don’t disagree with this advice I couldn’t help but think there
was something missing….

If this were all it took to get exact in-

structions from my intuition why hadn’t it

This sent me on a journey of exploration to find a “real” way to get

absolute intuitive guidance that wasn’t vague. And, I’m happy to say I
found what I was looking for...

The problem with

intuition and decision making...

The problem is that intuition as we have been taught it is based on

“feelings.” Intuition calls for tuning into feelings of “inner knowing,” or
“certainty.” Most people are so distracted that they have difficulty tuning
into their “feelings” let alone trusting them! This is a major problem
when it comes to intuitive decision making.
And I know this is true because the top question I’ve received from
readers over the seven+ years since I started Powered by
has been, “How can I trust my intuition and know it’s not just wishful

©copyright:2017 Angela Artemis. All Rights Reserved Worldwide 4 The Secret to Extraordinary Intuition
thinking or some other feeling?”

It can be pretty tricky to know the difference and this will cause you
to make a wrong decision because of the difficulty discerning intuition
above all your other feelings. And then, there’s the lingering problem
of attachment to the outcome. Many times the inaccuracy with your
intuition comes from your attachment to a particular outcome. When
you’re fixated on a particular outcome you can easily misinterpret your
intuitive feelings because you’re predisposed to wanting a particular
result to be the outcome.

Detachment is vital.
Intuition is much more accurate when you’re detached from the results.
But that leads us to the next problem which is how do you detach from
the results or outcome of your decisions? It’s much easier said than done
especially when there’s a lot riding on the decision. If your decision is
a life or death decision or can bankrupt you if you choose incorrectly
you’re going to have a difficult time staying detached.

How to overcome the dilemma of remaining

detached during intuitive decision-making.

The way to reconcile this dilemma is to verify your intuitive feelings,

instincts and hunches with an objective process that ensures
detachment from the outcome and validates the correct decision.

©copyright:2017 Angela Artemis. All Rights Reserved Worldwide 5 The Secret to Extraordinary Intuition
The SECRET to Extraordinary Accurate Intuition:

Use a 3 Step Verification Process to be certain your decisions are


1. Research the data about the problem you want to solve and review it.
Do the research on each of the possible solutions, analyze them and come
to a decision. If you’re having trouble feeling certain about your decision
choose the best logical option.

2. Use an objective intuitive verification process. The entire problem of

not feeling sure of your intuitive feelings or whether you’re making the
decision based on wishful thinking or attachment to an outcome can be
overcome with this process because the process itself ensures objectivity
and detachment.

3. Formulate your conclusion. Next, hand it off to your intuition to see if you
get the “go” signal. You will know if you get the “go signal” because you may
feel the matter is “settled” or a have a calm certainty about it. If you continue
to feel unsure and have the urge to ask other people for their opinion or
constantly change your mind and vacillate between one decision or another
then you know this choice is NOT the correct one to solve your problem.
In fact, as a result of using the Objective Intuitive Verification process you’ll
already know that you shouldn’t proceed with this option – so checking-in
with your “feelings” where the cycle of “second-guessing” yourself can be
set off, will be entirely unnecessary.

What would it mean to you to finally stop the endless vacillating, calling
friends for their opinions, and the nail-biting worrying? How good would
you feel to make the best personal decisions in less time? How much time,
spiritual energy, and peace could you reclaim by applying this Process?

©copyright:2017 Angela Artemis. All Rights Reserved Worldwide 6 The Secret to Extraordinary Intuition
What is Objective Intuitive Verification™?

Objective Intuitive Verification™ is a process that uses the language of

imagery, archetypes and symbolism to verify or disqualify the decision
you’re considering before taking action upon it so you AVOID mistakes.
The Objective Intuitive Verification (OIV) process pulls out all of your inner
wisdom about the situation in question and presents it to you visually
as imagery so that you can analyze this information and make the right
decision. There is no better way to feel certain about a decision than to use
the Objective Intuitive Verification process because “seeing IS believing.”
When you can “see” the solution in black and white it’s much easier to get
the answer and feel confident in your decision as well.

This process works for any decision but it’s particularly well suited to major
life decisions where there is a lot at stake. It’s best used for decisions that
are being made for the long term such as:
• finding your purpose
• determining the right path in life
• making the right career moves
• choosing the right life partner
• sizing up and healing relationships
• making a home purchase or moving to the right place
• choosing the right investments
• answering business questions and solving business problems

It can be used by anyone to get clarity around any area of life and by
entrepreneurs, business-owners and executives who need answers too.

I’ve been refining this process over the last several years and now my
students are using it. It works extremely well to give you concrete answers
that you can rely upon without continually second guessing yourself. Gone
forever are those “vague” responses that left you unsure. With the practice
of Objective Intuitive Verification™ you become more deeply intuitive and a
better decision-maker with enhanced creativity and problem-solving skills.

©copyright:2017 Angela Artemis. All Rights Reserved Worldwide 7 The Secret to Extraordinary Intuition
Interested in learning more about the
Objective Intuitive Verification™ process?
Click>>>here to watch the FREE Master Class: 6 Keys to Absolute Intuition
You Can Trust to Make the Right Decision Every Time.

Ready to book an Intuition Breakthrough

Session now that you’ve watched the Master
Click>>>>here to make your appointment now!

©copyright:2017 Angela Artemis. All Rights Reserved Worldwide 8 The Secret to Extraordinary Intuition

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