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Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

How You Can Reach Out to Angels in Bringing Abundance To Your Life

Copyright © 2019.

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Angelic Plan For Prosperity

I. What This Book is All About ................................................................................................ 5

II. Seeking Out the Angels of Prosperity ................................................................................. 8

III. Inner Work and Steps Toward Abundance ....................................................................... 24

IV. How To Work With Your Angels for Prosperity ................................................................. 35

V. Angel Prayers and Rituals for Abundance and Prosperity ................................................. 53

Vi. Angel Hosting for Abundance ......................................................................................... 60

VII. Everything in a Nutshell ................................................................................................. 66

VIII. Tools That Can Help You Manifest Abundance .............................................................. 67

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

I. What This Book is All About

“For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep

thee in all thy ways. God's invisible army is at your
service, and God can see you through.”

Warren W. Wiersbe, The Bumps Are What You Climb On

he archangels, guardian angels, and your team of spirit guides are always ready to
help you with any concern - especially when it comes to bringing about the
abundance you want to receive. However, they honor your free will and rarely
interfere unless you ask! Do not just rely on yourself, especially when you feel blocked or
limited. Ask God and the angels for help, as they will give you the energy and means to
accomplish your Divine life purpose.
God and the Angels always want what is best for us. They want to see us experience
abundance in all levels - and that includes success in our life path, loving relationships,
happiness in everything, meaningful work, and financial abundance.
Do not see money as a hindrance to spirituality, because true financial prosperity assists
you in serving your life purpose and helping more people in this world. If you are wary about
receiving more money, remember that you can use these additional resources to help and
serve more people. Use abundance as a way to give more to others and to help one another.
Once you discover how to tap into the abundance within, you can also teach others how to
attract prosperity for themselves.
It’s also important to remember that abundance from the angels is different from ego
desires. As the ego keeps on searching for more outside the self, our angels help us discover
that all the wealth we could ever want is already within ourselves.
The angels will remind you that having abundance means experiencing the richness and
fullness life - as God has promised to us from the beginning of time. If you feel unworthy or
undeserving of abundance, ask the angels to heal these issues that block you. When you
finally accept that abundance is your birthright, money and opportunities will easily be
attracted to you in so many ways.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

This book was created for you to explore the world of angels and how they are always ready
to help you achieve abundance. Make the most out of this book as your guide to which angel
to ask for a specific concern, how to pray to the angels, abundance rituals you can do to
strengthen your intention setting, and so much more.
Angels are beside you always, ready to help you in any way. Read on and be guided by the
love and light of angels!

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

II. Seeking Out the Angels of Prosperity

"All God's angels come to us disguised."

- James Russell Lowell

There are Angels of Prosperity whom you can call upon to bring abundance to your life.
Archangels and Guardian Angels can help release blocks from your life so that you can
easily receive abundance in any form. Angels will also help align you to your Divine life
purpose so that you can attract the perfect opportunities and manifest financial abundance.
Your Guardian Angels are always willing to assist you with anything. All you need to do is
ask. Call upon them anytime if you need help with money and other matters. The key here
is to be open to any form of help from your angels. They may bring you something you never
expected, but it would actually be the best solution you need at the moment.
There are also Archangels who specialize in areas that can help you manifest prosperity.
Call upon a specific archangel, or all the archangels by saying “Angels of Abundance and
Prosperity, please help me in (state your concern).”

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

You can seek out the following Archangels for the concerns they specialized in. Remember
that they are always all around you. They rejoice when you seek them out in your life.


The soul at its highest is found like God, but an angel

gives a closer idea of Him. That is all an angel is: an idea
of God.

Meister Eckhart

Archangel Ariel
Ariel oversees prosperity on Earth. She brings guidance to help you find the path towards
incredible wealth in all aspects of life. Call upon Archangel Ariel when you need to secure a
job, start your own business, or to attract more financial abundance. Archangel Ariel will
help you change from within so that you will be open to receive money from both expected
and unexpected sources.
Archangel Ariel’s name means the “Lioness of God.” Ariel is associated with animals and
nature, which is why she is the Patron Angel of Wild Animals. Seek out Archangel Ariel
when you are faced with issues regarding the environment, beloved pets, and communing
with nature. If you are an environmental advocate, you can also call upon the help of
Archangel Ariel to help you with your cause.

Archangel Barakiel
Archangel Barakiel (or Barachiel) is an ancient angel and ruler of the Order of the Seraphim.
His name means “God’s blessing.” Barakiel is known to be an angel of good fortune. He
works to announce and deliver God’s blessings to people. He will help open your heart to
be more receptive of God’s infinite blessings. He will also help you maintain positivity and
encourage you to always expect abundance.
Archangel Barakiel leads the guardian angels of people, which makes him work closely with
human beings than any other angel. You can see him at work in your life when you see rose
petals, hear laughter, or receive unexpected blessings.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Archangel Chamuel
Archangel Chamuel (also known as Kamael) is referred to as the “One who seeks God.” He
can assist you in gaining confidence, building career success, and finding lost items. He will
also help clear up your inner confusion that may be blocking the light of prosperity from
coming to you.
Chamuel is also known as the angel of peaceful relationships. He will help you discover
more about God’s unconditional love, find inner peace, nurture romantic love, and resolve
conflicts with others.

Archangel Gadiel
Gadiel’s name means “God is my wealth.” He is one of the holiest of angels and represents
great power. To amplify wealth in your life, say his name repeatedly when asking for
assistance. Archangel Gadiel will show you the best path towards prosperity. He will also
help release any blocks and negativity to improve your creative process for abundance.


“We sometimes think of encounters with angels being

some dramatic and powerful word delivered from God
or a moment of supernatural protection. Indeed they are
that and more. What I have discovered in my own life
and that of my family is that angels, like people, have
personalities and can have a more intimate relationship
with us if we allow it. Just like in the Bible where they
broke bread with Abraham, we can have that as well.”

Michael Van Vlymen, The Angel Stories

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Archangel Gamaliel
Gamaliel’s name means “Recompense of God.” He is referred to as the gracious gift giver
and is known to be one of the most generous angels. He is a highly powerful angel that will
help you manifest heaven on earth - wherein your mental shift will attract blessings all the
time. With Archangel Gamaliel, you’ll receive unexpected gifts and miracles. He is here to
serve everyone and help us create more money, happiness and joy.

Archangel Hamied
Hamied is the Archangel of Miracles. He restores faith within you so that you can
experience the miracle of life. Archangel Hamied carries the essence of the Christ Light. He
is known to be a dazzling white light that you can only see his incredible eyes shining
through. Archangel Hamied always watches over you, waiting for opportunities to create a
miracle in your life. His mission is to spark the memory of your divinity through his Divine
work. He can miraculously transform your life to be in tuned with the abundance of the

Archangel Haniel
Haniel is the Bringer of Energy that will put your abundance manifestation to a whole new
level. Archangel Haniel also assists in recovering passion for life, healing emotional wounds,
and clearing blocks that hinder you from abundance.
Archangel Haniel’s name means “Glory of God.” Haniel helps us recover the lost wisdom of
natural healing remedies. She also helps us receive and enjoy more of God’s grace in our
lives. Seek out Haniel if you want to add more beauty, harmony and friendships into your
life. Archangel Haniel also presides over moon energy, clairvoyance and grace – which
makes her a wonderful guide for spiritual intuitives.

Archangel Jeremiel
Jeremiel helps you solve problems and make the right choice. He can also help you choose
actions that align you with the energy of prosperity. Jeremiel’s name means “Mercy of God.”
Jeremiel helps newly-crossed over souls to evaluate their entire lives. He also helps those
who are still alive to review what they have done so far for them to leave the world in a
peaceful state. As a powerful light being, he is an archangel of prophetic visions. Call upon
Archangel Jeremiel if you need help in visions, psychic dreams, and life review.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Archangel Metatron
Call upon Archangel Metatron if you need motivation and create positive change to bring
about abundance. Metatron assists you in deciphering your soul’s dreams and passions. He
can also help you tap into the skills and resources you’ve developed in past lifetimes so that
you can apply it in the present.
Metatron is an archangel who has an immense energy, and he is particularly focused on
helping children grow well. He guides spiritually gifted children on their path in life. After
the Exodus, Metatron is known to have led the children of Israel throughout the wilderness
and onto safety. Seek Archangel Metatron in issues involving truth, unity and education. He
is the Patron Angel of Small Children.

Archangel Michael
Michael is the Archangel of Protection. He clears away negative energy that hinder you
from accomplishing your life’s purpose, and protects you from any harm. He also brings
courage and strength for you to move forward in manifesting your dreams.
Archangel Michael is referred to as “He who is like God” and also as the Leader of
Archangels. His Divine purpose is to dispel all fear from mankind. Michael gives assurance,
direction and guidance for people who need help in finding their life purpose or career. Seek
out Michael if your space needs clearing, gain courage to make life changes, or help in your
spiritual growth.
Known as the Defender of the Element of Fire and of the South, he is the Angel of strength,
courage, power, protection and justice. Archangel Michael is the Patron Angel of Law
Enforcement and Military.


“Angels are spirits, flames of fire; they are higher than

man, they have wider connections.”

Matthew Simpson

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Archangel Pathiel
Pathiel’s name means “The Opener.” Call upon him for help if you want to open the gates of
manifestation for abundance. You can do this by writing a request and ask Archangel
Pathiel for your wishes. Surrender your list to Pathiel and trust that your prayers have been
heard and answered.
Patheil loves to assist you in any way so you can experience more prosperity and abundance
in your life. If you ask, he will sometimes give you unexpected blessings. He wants you to be
more open to prosperity coming to you in unusual ways. He will lead you to the
opportunities you need to create more prosperity. Pathiel wants you to be financially
abundant and become a great success in all your endeavours.

Archangel Raguel
Raguel specifically works in restoring peace and harmony so that you can be more open to
the abundance of the Universe. Archangel Raguel will help heal your relationships and
money, and bring you into harmony with the flow of abundance.
Raguel’s name means “Friend of God.” His primary role in heaven is to oversee all
archangels and angels. He ensures that all heavenly beings are working together
harmoniously according to Divine will. Seek out Archangel Raguel when you need to create
harmony, resolve conflicts, and bring peace to everyone.

Archangel Raziel
As the Archangel of Divine Magic, Raziel helps you manifest prosperity and understand the
mysteries of the Universe. His name means “Secret of God” as he stands by the throne of
God and records everything He says. He helps you gain wisdom to know the mysteries of
the universe, so you can use this to manifest prosperity in your life. Archangel Raziel also
assists in aligning you with divinely-inspired opportunities to bring more money into your
Raziel can also help increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance.
Spiritual intuitives work closely with Raziel when it comes to alchemy, divine magic and
manifesting. Raziel is also the Patron Angel of Legislators and Lawyers.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Archangel Sachiel
Sachiel (also known as Sachael) is the Archangel of Wealth. If you need deep inner work for
abundance to flow through you, seek out Archangel Sachiel in your daily life. Sachiel helps
you become in sync with the divine flow of abundance.
Sachiel is an archangel of water, wealth, success, prosperity, harvest and material gain. His
bright, soothing, and uplifting energy brings hope all throughout humanity. He will clear
away all negative emotional energies, depression and despair. He works by reconnecting
you with the true authenticity of your soul light and purpose.


“Not only has our Heavenly Father given us an Advocate,

the Holy Spirit, who will never leave us, but He has sent
us our own personal honor guard of angels to guard us
wherever we go.”

Priscilla Doremus, Focused: A Daily Devotional

Archangel Sandalphon
Sandalphon carries your prayers for abundance to the Divine. He can also assist you with
any pursuit related to aspirations and music. If you need help in manifesting abundance in
the world of music, call upon Archangel Sandalphon to reach your dreams.
Archangel Sandalphon is known as an angel who cares for the earth. He also inspires people
to use their God-given talents to contribute to the world. Call upon Archangel Sandalphon
if you need help with using your talents to serve humanity. He also works closely with
Archangel Metatron, as they both lived on earth as human beings before God transformed
them into angels.

Archangel Zacharael
Zacharael (or Zachariel) helps in clearing away sabotaging behaviour or destructive
tendencies that hinder you from abundance. He will assist you in letting go of attachments
and addictions that steer you away from prosperity.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

His name means “Remembrance of God” and is known to be a healing angel. He governs the
planet Jupiter and is the angel correlated to Thursday. He is the ruler of the order of
Dominions in Christianity.
Archangel Zacharael’s responsibility is to lead souls to judgment. He brings mental,
emotional, physical and spiritual healing if you call upon him for help. He also helps you
prepare for major changes in your life, such as having the ability to receive tremendous
abundance and going through a transformation in all levels.

Archangel Zadkiel
Zadkiel is referred to as the “Righteousness of God.” Archangel Zadkiel can help bring
mercy and compassion for yourself and others. If you need to forgive yourself or someone
else, call upon Zadkiel for help. He is the Angel of mercy, forgiveness, benevolence and
freedom. Commune with Archangel Zadkiel when it comes to invocation and
One of the key factors that block your way from abundance is the need to forgive. Zadkiel
can help you take away these blocks. Zadkiel also helps you manifest your authentic
purpose in life, for you to bring about incredible prosperity in all aspects.


“The dreams which reveal the supernatural are promises

and messages that God sends us directly: they are
nothing but His angels, His ministering spirits , who
usually appear to us when we are in a great predicament.”


Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Other Archangels That Can Help You in Your Divine Life Path
Archangel Raphael
Raphael’s name means “God heals.” Archangel Raphael is known to be a powerful healer of
physical health, both for humans and animals. He can help heal your mind, heart, body and
soul. Seek Archangel Raphael whenever you need to channel healing for others. Those who
are suffering from addiction can also rely on Raphael for assistance. He is the Defender of
the Element of Air and of the East, the Angel of Love, Joy and Laughter. He is also referred
to as the Custodian of the Tree of Life and Healing Powers. You’ll find doctors and nurses
close to Archangel Raphael as he is the Patron Angel of all those working in the field of

Archangel Gabriel
Gabriel translates to “God is my strength.” Archangel Gabriel helps those who are wanting
to conceive or adopt a child. People seek out Archangel Gabriel if they want to pursue
careers in art or communication. Gabriel is also the Angel of resurrection, mercy, peace,
purity, rebirth, creativity, and prophecy.
Call upon Archangel Gabriel if you need to purify your thoughts, emotions and body.
Besides being the Defender of the Element of Water and of the West, Gabriel is also the
Patron Angel of all who work in the field of communications, postal workers, and the clergy.

Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Jophiel is called the “Beauty of God.” Jophiel helps us project beautiful thoughts.
She can also help us attract, create and manifest more beauty into our lives. Seek out
Jophiel when you need positive perception, wisdom and illumination. She is the Patron
Angel of Artists, who infuses everyone with thoughts of beauty and love.
Jophiel can communicate in a variety of ways to engage your mind. She sends fresh ideas to
people, which will bring forth more opportunities for wealth. She helps you solve a problem
that has been frustrating you, and brings you to a resolution. Seek out Archangel Jophiel
when you need assistance in your creative process for career success and financial

Angelic Plan For Prosperity


When angels visit us, we do not hear the rustle of

wings, nor feel the feathery touch of the breast of a
dove; but we know their presence by the love they create
in our hearts.

Mary Baker Eddy

Archangel Azrael
Azrael’s name means “Whom God helps.” It is Archangel Azrael’s role to help people cross
over to heaven at the time of their physical death. Azrael can also comfort people prior to
dying, ensuring that they do not suffer, and help them transition to the other side. Seek out
Azrael’s help when people are in their deathbeds, comfort grieving families, or in your grief
counseling services. Azrael is also the Patron Angel of the Clergy.
Archangel Azrael is also the angel of transformation. He helps people navigate through the
changes in their lives and in this world. He’s an angel who receives the prayers of the faithful
and also commands legions of heavenly angels.

Archangel Chamuel
Chamuel’s name means “He who sees God.” Archangel Chamuel is considered to be a
powerful healer in the angelic realms. He oversees the Powers who protect the world from
lower or fearful energies. Seek out Chamuel whenever you need to consecrate a space, gain
comfort and protection, or receive intervention for world events. You can also introduce
Archangel Chamuel to people you know who need to find items, soulmates, unconditional
love, and stronger relationships. Chamuel is known to be the Patron Angel of all who love

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Archangel Jeremiel
Jeremiel’s name means “Mercy of God.” Jeremiel helps newly-crossed over souls to
evaluate their entire lives. He also helps those who are still alive to review what they have
done so far for them to leave the world in a peaceful state. If you need help in evaluating
your life and figuring out what God wants you to do, Archangel Jeremiel is always here to
help. He is also the archangel of prophetic visions. Call upon Archangel Jeremiel if you need
help in visions, psychic dreams, and life review.
He communicates hopeful messages from God to people who are discouraged or troubled
in life. If you need encouragement to push through even when you have troubles in finances,
call upon Archangel Jeremiel to give you a boost and inspiration to overcome these

Archangel Uriel
Uriel’s name means “God is Light” or the “Fire of God.” For angel card readers, Archangel
Uriel illumines situations and gives prophetic insights. Uriel also helps us overcome natural
disasters, as he is associated with helping Noah and the weather elements of thunder and
Call upon Archangel Uriel when you need to provide healing for refugees or to avert natural
calamities. He is the Angel of Nature, Defender of the Element of Earth and of the North.
He provides visions and instructions to intuitives and is the Custodian of Prophecy. You can
also seek out Uriel when it comes to peace and ministration, spiritual understanding, and
students taking tests. He is the Patron Angel of Literature and Music.


“Angels are manifestations, unquestionably real to those

who encounter them, of a world larger, better, and
infinitely more beautiful, intelligent, and anchored in
the reality of God than ours is. The existence of angels
drives home the fact that we are not lost and alone in
this modern flatland of materialism, but come from, and
will return to, another, better place.


The Definitive Book on the Reality of Angels and the
Surprising Role They Play in Each of Our Lives

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

How To Improve Your Intuition to Be Able to See and Hear the Angels

Working with angels involves developing a relationship with your Higher Self and Divine
Light Beings so you can consistently receive messages from them. Once you start regularly
communing with the angels, you’ll find that your spiritual life becomes more and more
developed. So how do you fully develop yourself and become one with your Higher Self and
the angels? It starts with little things all throughout the day that will build up over the years.
Take note of these simple habits which will holistically change your life and improve your
intuitive abilities.

Nourishment For Your Soul

Your energy in spiritual practice comes from within you, what you eat, and the environment
around you. Getting that endless flow of power within you can come from regular
meditation and communing with the Divine. You can also make your environment
conducive for spiritual-based work through implementing cleanliness and inspiring design.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

In our everyday lives, we get a lot of energy through what we eat. The common
recommendation from intuitives and spiritual gurus is to have a diet that is mostly plant
based. A vegetarian or vegan diet can do wonders for your health and intuitive abilities.
Getting organic ingredients fresh from the farmer’s market not only ensures that you are
getting foods that are free from chemical fertilizers, but it also supports small businesses.
This allows for good karma to circulate throughout the society, and you can be sure that
good energy flows through.
Fruits, vegetables and herbs are rich in nutrients that help your organs optimally function.
Having food coming from sustainable sources also ensures a clean diet free from
carcinogens. There are also many mental and emotional health benefits that come with
having a plant-based diet, as you won’t have to ingest harmful hormones that come from
eating meat.
So try transitioning to a healthy plant-based diet. It will do wonders to your mental,
emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. You’ll also see an improvement in your
intuitive skills as your mind becomes clearer and your body achieves optimum health.

Exercise To Train Your Body and Keep Your Senses Fresh

Keeping a regular exercise routine not only keeps your body healthy, but it also has mental
and emotional benefits. Sweating it off helps you get rid of toxins, and thus clears your mind.
Even as simple as 30 minutes of walking everyday can help you become more relaxed and
improve circulation.
So how does this improve your intuitive abilities? When you keep your body active, it helps
you stay balanced and improve your overall health. When all aspects of you – mind, heart,
body and soul are balanced – you become more attuned with your Higher Self. The focus
should not only about improving your mind, but all aspects of yourself should be healthy
and well. As you develop yourself spiritually, it will inevitably and positively affect every
aspect of life – your well-being, relationships, career and advocacy.

Communing with Nature

Mother Nature is where the beautiful energy of the Universe is easily accessible.
Grounding, which involves touching your bare feet on the ground, has a lot of benefits for
your health and well-being. Being around plants, trees and all living creatures in a green
space helps refresh the mind and renew your spirit.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Nature is also where you can listen to the messages of the Divine. Sit still in a comfortable
spot in your garden, the park, or in a forest. You can also choose to go even further by
meditating. Clear your mind off from all the chatter. Just hold your mind and heart into that
stillness, the silence where the Divine resides. Once you end your meditation, you’ll be
surprised as to how you’ll be guided on what to do. You’ll gain peace and stability that
strengthens you as lightworker in the world.


But all God's angels come to us disguised: sorrow and

sickness, poverty and death, one after other lift their
frowning masks, and we behold the Seraph's face
beneath, all radiant with the glory and the calm of
having looked upon the front of God.

JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL, "On the Death of a Friend's


Full Moon and New Moon Rituals

Full Moon is a time for clearing away old energies and moving forward to fresh beginnings.
New Moon, on the other hand, is a time to manifest your deepest desires. Take note of full
moon and new moon schedules in your timezone and make an alert on your phone as to
when they’ll take place. You may also track your moods during these moon phases so that
you can get an understanding of how the moon affects you. Sitting outside your garden to
bathe in the moonlight, or simply admiring the moon’s beauty, can also give you a spiritual
Full moon is also a great time to let go of negativity, regrets, resentment and frustrations in
life. Write down all those things that you want to release from your life on a piece of paper
and burn them in a clay pot. Say a prayer under the moonlight, asking your angels to help
you release all the hurt and negativity. You’ll find yourself with a calm and peaceful mind as
you let go of things that don’t serve you anymore.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

As for New Moon rituals, it’s all about manifesting what you desire. It can be financial
abundance, attracting good relationships, healing within and for those you love, and so
much more. The energetic gateway during New Moon is heightened, and the Universe will
conspire to bring your wishes. You can do the same ritual like you do during full moon, but
you will now write your desires on a piece of paper and burn them to release your wishes to
the Universe.

Prayers and Meditation

Meditation can no longer be considered an optional thing that you can add to your daily life
whenever you feel like it. Countless studies have shown the significant benefits of following
a regular meditation practice. There’s a great need to meditate regularly in our fast-paced,
hustle and bustle lifestyles.
If you have difficulties in clearing your thoughts and keeping still while meditating, you can
follow what several spiritual gurus say about effective meditation – if you have persistent
thoughts, accept it and let it go. You don’t have to attach yourself to these thoughts. These
thoughts and emotions come from your ego. Your truest being is beyond the inner
programming that you’ve accumulated over the years. Accept these thoughts as they are
and then let it go.
Here’s a simple meditation tip to detach yourself from the ego and renew your being
through a simple practice. Sit in a comfortable position, crossed legged, and facing the east.
Lay your hands on your knees, palms up. Straighten your back and slightly raise your head.
Close your eyes and keep a gentle focus between your eyebrows – where your third eye
chakra is. With every inhale mentally say “I am not the body” and with every exhale “I am
not even the mind.”
Praying is also essential in a spiritual practice. You can do prayers before or after
meditation. Praying before meditation helps clear your mind from all worries and burdens.
Lay all of your cares to God, the Creator, your Higher Self, the Angels, or the Universal Mind
(whoever you are most connected with). As you lay down your worries, you’ll be able to
transition into a better meditative state. After meditation, you can lift up your desires to
the heaven so that you’ll be better guided on what you need to do and to help you all
throughout the day.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

III. Inner Work and Steps Toward Abundance

“God not only sends special angels into our lives, but
sometimes He even sends them back again if we forget
to take notes the first time!”

Quoted in The Angels' Little Instruction Book by

Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994

This chapter prepares you for the incredible angelic experiences you will attract through
inner work. Abundance, in this case, is not just about material or financial wealth. It’s about
having enriching experiences that God wants us to have in our lifetime.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

We are going to start with clearing our inner blocks through an Archangel chakra healing
session. When you finally clear out the blocks within you through the guidance and healing
power of archangels, abundance will easily flow through you and to you.
Then we are going to work on discovering what you really want to attract in life. Asking for
what you want is different from knowing what you truly want. Knowing what you truly want
will help you determine what really matters to you, and that should be the focus of your
manifestation work. Your angels will help you discover what your true soul intentions are.
Your angels can guide your thoughts, feelings and actions so that you can achieve the kind
of abundance that your soul seeks in this life.

Healing Your Chakras with the Archangels

Starting Prayer for a Healing Session with Archangel Raphael
Glorious Archangel Raphael, great prince of the heavenly court, you are illustrious for your
gifts of wisdom and grace. You are a guide of those who journey by land or sea or air,
consoler of the afflicted, and refuge of sinners.
I beg you, assist me in all my needs and in all the sufferings of this life.
Help me, guide me in this chakra healing session.
Clear away all the blocks that hinder me from the abundance and prosperity that God has
bestowed upon all of us.
Because you are the “medicine of God” I humbly pray you to heal the many infirmities of my
soul and ills that afflict my body, which hinder me from fully living an abundant life that God
plans for me.
I especially ask of you the favor (mention your special intention here), and the great grace
of purity to prepare me to be the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Step 1: Clearing Your Root Chakra

Location: Base of the spine, coccyx
The root chakra grounds us and represents passion. It represents the element of earth –
which is connected to our material needs. This chakra is related to feeling at home, basic
survival needs, and physical bodies interacting with nature. When this chakra is balanced,
we feel grounded, safe, stable and supported.
Imagine a ball of red light that represents warmth, your core, passion or family. Visualize
the light of angels clearing any muddy or cloudy particles from your root chakra. Feel the
lightness of your being as your chakra is being cleared, balanced and empowered. A
balanced root chakra will help you be in tuned with the material aspects of your life.
Archangel Prayer: Archangel Raphael, please heal any issues surrounding my root chakra.
Archangel Michael, please cut the cords of any negativity between me and others.

Step 2: Clearing the Sacral Chakra

Location: Above the pubic bone and just below the navel
The sacral chakra represents the element of water. It is the home of our sense of self. This
energetic center gives us the desire to pursue our passions, and contribute to the world
around us. It is our way of going with the ebb and flow of life. Here we experience
connection to abundance, joy, playfulness, sexuality and creativity.
Imagine a ball of orange light clearing any muddy or cloudy particles from your sacral
chakra. Feel the lightness of your being as your chakra is being cleared, balanced and
empowered. Embrace the newness of yourself as a creative being
Archangel Prayer: Archangel Raphael, please heal any issues surrounding my sacral chakra.
Archangel Gabriel, please help me find balance in my passions and work, as well as the ebb
and flow of life.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Step 3: Clearing the Solar Plexus Chakra

Location: At the navel center or upper abdomen
This chakra is associated with the element of fire. It also represents intellect and how you
view yourself in this world. This chakra is home to our will, motivation, personal power, and
ability for manifestation.
Imagine a ball of yellow light or sunny day that represents your power center and ability to
manifest. Visualize the clearing of any muddy or cloudy particles from your solar plexus.
Feel the lightness of your being as your chakra is being cleared, balanced and empowered.
Archangel Prayer: Archangel Raphael, please heal any issues surrounding my solar plexus
chakra. Archangel Sachiel, please help me manifest my true intentions in life and receive
the wonderful abundance of God.
Note: Whenever you feel like your manifestation abilities are blocked, go directly to your
solar plexus chakra. You can also listen to binaural beats that will clear out your energy. If
you need further clearing and balancing, start with the root chakra and go all the way up to
your crown chakra. Complement it with listening to Solfeggio Frequencies.

Step 4: Clearing Your Heart Chakra

Location: Located at the center of the chest
The heart chakra is associated with the element of air. It relates to your ability to love
unconditionally and accept others with love. This chakra is also related to our feelings of
love, forgiveness, compassion, understanding and connection.
Imagine a ball of green light that represents your heart chakra. Visualize the clearing of any
muddiness from your heart. Let the light sooth, mend and open your heart. Let any
negativity go and feel your heart refreshed and renewed.
Archangel Prayer: Archangel Raphael, please heal any issues surrounding my heart chakra.
Archangel Chamuel, please infuse my heart with love so that I can pour out my light and
love to others.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Step 5: Clearing Your Throat Chakra

Location: Located at the base of the throat
The throat chakra governs our mouth, jaw, neck and ears. It is associated with the element
of ether or space. It is also our center of self-expression and communication. This chakra is
home to our communication and place for purifications. When this chakra is open, we are
able to communicate clearly and authentically. It is also connected to the practice of
intuitive listening.
Imagine a ball of blue light clearing up your communication, paving the way for positive
speech, and empowering your words. Feel the lightness of your being as your throat chakra
is being empowered.
Archangel Prayer: Archangel Raphael, please heal any issues surrounding my throat
chakra. Archangel Sandalphon, please empower my communication to activate my
manifestation for abundance.

Step 6: Clearing Your Third Eye Chakra

Location: Located between the eyebrows
The third eye chakra governs the eyes, skull, pituitary gland, and lower brain. It represents
understanding and your ability to focus and see things on a wider perspective. It is the
center of imagination, intellect, knowledge, understanding, wisdom and intuition. If your
third eye chakra is opened, you may experience moments of clairvoyance or lucid dreaming.
You’ll feel guided, trusting in the process of life, and believe your presence is an integral
part of the world.
Your third eye is a calming spot. Visualize a ball of purple light that gives you clarity and
empowers your intuition. Let that purple light dissolve any darkness from your mind and
Archangel Prayer: Archangel Raphael, please heal any issues surrounding my third eye
chakra. Archangel Zadkiel, please help me see through the truths of the universe so that I
can visualize true abundance and prosperity in my life.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Step 7: Clearing Your Crown Chakra

Location: Rests on the seat of the head
The crown chakra represents Divine inspiration. Also known as the Thousand Petaled
Lotus, this chakra is our connection to Divine Source, God or the Universal Mind. An opened
crown chakra makes the flow of energy fill our body and connects us to all. At the seed of
this chakra, we gain the understanding that we are pure consciousness, interconnected to
everything, and essentially all one.
Visualize a white light flowing from the top of the head and filling every single part of your
body. Think of your connection to the Divine and stay in this state of bliss. The Divine
showers you with infinite abundance and you will always have an overflow of blessings in
Archangel Prayer: Archangel Raphael, please heal any issues surrounding my crown
chakra. Archangel Metatron, please pour out your white light through me so that I could be
more open to the infinite abundance of the Universe.
After doing this chakra clearing ritual, let your mind meditate on the stillness, silence and
bliss. In that state of nothingness, you are within infinite potential and open to all
When your mind is within that emptiness, that’s the time you focus on what you want to
manifest. It is through this state of potentiality that makes everything manifest quickly. So
if you desire an amount of money, wealth, opportunity, or blessing in life, reach this state of
emptiness first. From that nothingness, you’ll bring forth what it is you want to turn into

“Make yourself familiar with the angels, and behold them
frequently in spirit; for, without being seen, they are present
with you.”

St Francis of Sales

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Your True Intentions

Clearing the chakras helps unearth your authentic self. When you are guided by the angels,
they’ll help you find your truest self and intentions. What have you realized in the process
of healing your chakras? It may not be just about attracting an X amount of money, but the
intentions behind wanting it. It may no longer be about getting the cash, but receiving
something more valuable that enriches your life.
Take for example asking for a certain amount of money, only to find out that what you really
need is assistance from new acquaintances who are willing to help you. Or perhaps you’re
asking to win the lottery, but you were given the opportunity to be offered a job that pays
well and fulfills you - which is more than enough than winning a lump sum of money.
When you pray to your angels and something immediately happens, that may be the answer
or solution you are looking for. Follow the nudgings of the angels and take the opportunity.
After a while, you may look back and realize that everything happens for a reason and you
got something better than what you asked.

Ask for Help

Remember that the angels can’t help you if you don’t ask for help first. They respect your
free will and your right to choose your own path. This means that you have to ask for what
you want.
For whatever help you need, God and the angels are always there to support you. There’s
nothing that God and the angels can’t do, especially when you feel like something is so
overwhelming and impossible to achieve. You’ll be amazed as to how quickly miracles can
manifest if you clearly ask God and the angels. The angels are anxious to help you
immediately and are more than happy when you finally ask for their assistance.
There are times that you may be afraid to ask for help because you don’t deserve it. It may
also stem from beliefs of having sinned or being unworthy. There are also instances wherein
you might think that you don’t want to bother the angels with your concerns because there
are bigger issues out there that needs solving. Another issue might be feeling that you’re
being selfish in asking for material needs that may be worldly or ego-based.
Remember that with God and the angels, anything is possible. They can be in different
places at the same time, and they will help anyone that asks for help. Even if you have flaws,
angels are beings of love who will not hesitate to assist anyone in need. In the Bible and
other religious texts, both sinners and heroes were assisted by Divine Light Beings, even in
the most pressing or unexpected situations. You are worthy and deserving of love, joy, and
abundance that God and the angels are always willing to pour out for you.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

So forge ahead and ask God for what you need. The angels, as messengers of God, will bring
your prayers to the heavens. Be ready for the overflow of blessings simply because you

Here’s a simple prayer that you can do whenever you need quick assistance from the angels:
Dear God and angels, I need help with (your intention). I feel (your honest feelings), and ask that
you help me and everyone involved. I express my highest gratitude for you. Amen.
God already knows what you need, and the angels know how you’ll be able to acquire it.
When you pray, you are releasing your intentions and allow the Universe to conspire for

Another prayer that you can offer is with gratitude to God and the angels for helping you in
your life’s purpose:
Dear God, thank You for providing for all of my earthly needs. I ask that You continue to guide
me to everything that I need so that I can fulfill my mission. Dear angels, help me provide a safe
and healthy life for myself and my loved ones. Amen.
Financial or material abundance may be the core of what you’re praying for, but God and
the angels always have something better for you. You may notice that all other aspects in
your life will start improving dramatically when you seek out the help of angels for a
particular concern. It causes a ripple effect when you activate your energy and frequency
for abundance.

We are not alone in our struggles. We have help from beyond.
Sometimes such help is wondrously manifested in encounters
we cannot rationally explain. Sometimes such help is
mysteriously conveyed through the hands and hearts of
those we meet in the flesh. A corollary underpinning is like
unto the first: Whether we recognize it or not, God wills
good for all human beings. The key, of course, is whether we
welcome the help and the holy intention.

DUKE TUFTY, "Voices of Faith: Does everyone have a guardian

angel, even bad people?"

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

The How is Up to God and the Angels

One of the major blocks to abundance is worrying when and how you’ll receive what you
asked for. This is based on the ego mind, wherein it’s distrustful, afraid, and overly attached
to the outcome. You can overcome this by letting go of trying to control everything. What
you asked for may come in a completely different way than what you expected. The
Universe has unlimited possibilities for manifestation, so make yourself open to any way
that your desire comes to you. And when your angels come to your aid, they know the best
way possible which you might have never thought of before.
You can do this by having faith that what you’ve asked for is already done. In the higher
dimension, what you asked for already exists. In our current 3D reality, there’s a time gap
between asking for what we want and its manifestation into reality. But time is just an
illusion and everything is already happening in the present. The more that you see that what
you want is already here, the faster it manifests into your life. Your guardian angels and
archangels help you in the process of manifesting, therefore you have to open yourself up
to their guidance, support, light and faith.
You’ll get Divine guidance through the thoughts, ideas, gut feelings and signs that you
experience while praying, meditating, or going about in your daily life. You’ll get to know
more about these signs on the next chapter.

Developing an Abundance Mindset: Thoughts, Feelings and Acts of

The more you pray, give thanks and affirm that you already have abundance in the here and
now, the more windfalls you’ll receive. When you see that everything is already happening
in the present, the past doesn’t matter anymore, and the future is already happening within
the present, then you’ll see the interconnectedness of things. What you really want is either
in the process of manifestation or already happening. The higher you emit the vibrations of
love and gratitude for what you want, the quicker it materializes in your eyes.
It’s not about deluding yourself that you have everything you want when it’s actually a
tough time for you. Rather, it’s shifting your focus from the negative into the positive. You
can even transmute negativity into positivity when you realize that everything happens for
a reason. For example, you might not get that job or money right now, but the angels can
foresee that getting what you want now will do more harm than good. With that you have
to continue being grateful that what is best for you will come soon. There are also instances
where what you asked for manifests so quickly because you perfected the inner work of
gratitude which translated into immediate abundance. Take note of those situations
because that’s how you’ll manifest more things and circumstances in the future.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

There’s infinite abundance for everyone because there’s infinite energy in the Universe.
The energy within the universe can neither be created nor destroyed, and it’s always
moving across beings and things. Never doubt that you can attract the abundance you want
for yourself, and that you are not taking away abundance from others if you want more.
Everyone can tap into the infinite abundance of the Universe if they bring within
themselves that frequency of positivity, love, gratitude and prosperity.
So make a commitment to yourself now that you have more than enough and so much more
you could ask for. Shift your thinking away from lack and negativity. Be more grateful for
the little things everyday, and more will be given to you. The Universe gives you more of
what you think about because it doesn’t judge whether what you’re thinking is of lack or

Here’s a prayer for you to ask God and the angels to help you cut the cords of negativity to
bring about incredible abundance:
Dear God, higher self, and Archangels Michael and Raziel, I am ready to release all self-
destructive vows that I may have made in other lifetimes. I ask that you completely sever, undo,
and untangle me from any vows of poverty, self-denial, or self-destruction. I ask that all effects
of these vows now and forever be undone in all directions of time for everyone involved. Amen.

An angel can illuminate the thought and mind of man by
strengthening the power of vision. -

St. Thomas Aquinas

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

IV. How To Work With Your Angels for Prosperity

"Everything we call a trial, a sorrow, or a duty,

believe me, that angels' hand is there.”

- Fra Giovanni

As discussed in the previous chapter on clearing, gratitude and intention to pave the way
for abundance, you may know by now that it’s not enough to just ask your angels for instant
You need to seek help from the angels to clear any blocks within you that distort your
frequency in attracting financial prosperity. From there, you will discover that there’s so
much to be grateful for. You can already tap into the abundance that is already inherent
within yourself.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

You’ll also know your truest intentions in asking for financial abundance - perhaps you are
in need of resources that could not be easily provided by money, but your angels can easily
bring it to you. God and the angels can even bring you something better than what you
asked, so be open to receive the best option from the Divine.

Quick Steps to Manifest Abundance with the Angels

For a clear and easy way to ask for financial support from your angels, follow this step-by-
step guide:

Step 1: Meditate
Take deep breaths and clear away the chatter in your mind. You also don’t need to
completely get rid of all the thoughts coming through. You just need to detach yourself from
these thoughts. With every breath, visualize the cleansing of your heart and mind from
negative feelings and mundane thoughts.

Step 2: Offer Your Intention

Offer your intentions to God and the angels. Let your thoughts and emotions be known, and
allow the angels to shine their light into your concerns. You can pour out all your anxieties,
concerns and issues to the angels. It doesn’t matter what they are because God’s divine light
beings are always willing to help you no matter how big or small your concerns are.
Conclude your intention offering by stating what you want to attract, receive or
experience. Make your intentions clear and allow the possibility that they can give you
something better.

Step 3: Be Open to Receive

End this session by allowing the angels to infuse you with light, love and positivity. Cultivate
these good feelings inside of you, and believe that your requests are finally answered or
given a solution to. Go about your day being grateful for the many gifts of God and the
miracles of angels. The more you give out feelings of gratitude, the faster it is you can attract
what you want.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

"Pay attention to your dreams - God's angels often speak
directly to our hearts when we are asleep.”

Eileen Elias Freeman

Be Ready to Experience the Signs From the Angels

The angels connect you to people you need to meet: As you pray to your angels, you’ll
eventually find yourself meeting new people such as clients or customers coming into your
business, your future boss, potential investors, or unexpected referrals that point you in the
right direction.
The angels can provide you with the resources needed to fulfill your desires: When you
feel like you don’t have the energy or means to accomplish what needs to be done, call upon
your guardian angels or specific archangel to help you. They can bring to you or lead you to
the perfect location, learning resource, supplies, and financing. Have faith in God and the
angels. Before you know it, that thing that you’ve been desperately asking for will be easily
provided to you or that you’ll be given something better by the Divine.
Angels can present to you unexpected opportunities that call for abundance: As you set
clear intentions and offer it to God and the angels, they will conspire to give you the best
option possible, even if you never expected it to be so. Opportunities might come in the
form of a new job, receiving funds, money showing up, investment opportunity, or a learning
opportunity to manifest more abundance.
The angels will bring you the right people that can help you: If you are having problems in
solving something, ask your angels anytime for help and they will bring to you people that
are meant to help you. They could be accountants, financial advisers, teachers, counselors,
or any expert that will lead you to the path of wealth.

Be kind to strangers, because it's the loving thing to do. Also,
you never know - they could be angels.

Scott Curran, From God to You

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Working With Your Angels Through Everyday Circumstances

We work with angels by allowing them to help us in our daily lives. You have to consistently
recognize the presence of angels, as they are always with you through thick and thin. The
more you practice your intuitive abilities in recognizing the daily work of angels into your
life, the more that you’ll be attuned to them and be able to communicate with them.
Angels operate on a higher frequency, that’s why it can be difficult for us to hear or see
angels. However, there are signs which help you recognize how angels communicate
through you and let their presence be known. Everyday is filled with miracles, and as you
heighten your senses, you’ll get to experience the wondrous works of angels.

Knowing the presence of Angels

There are certain characteristics that help us distinguish true angelic experience from
wishful thinking or fear-based thoughts. They occur through our vision, hearing, thoughts
and feelings. We receive angelic messages through our senses. You may be more attuned
to one sense than the other, but all are valid nudgings that point us to the presence of

Feeling the angels

The following are signs that help us feel that angels are nearby:
● Feeling a warm, cuddly and loving hug
● Making you feel safe, and at times warning you of danger
● Leaving an indent in the bed or couch, as if someone has just sat next to you.
● Causing air pressure or temperature changes
● Feeling like someone is touching your head, hair or shoulder
● Causing you to be sleepy or hyper afterward
● Giving you a deep belief that “this is real”
● A repetitive and consistent gut feeling that makes you feel certain of life changes or
taking a step in life
● Sensing that a familiar person is sitting next to you
● Feeling natural, as if the experience is coming to you freely

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Be aware of the following signs as they can be imagination-based or false guidance

● Feeling cold or prickly
● Making you feel panicky and afraid
● Having no sense of smell associated with it, or that it has an unpleasant smell
● Feeling like someone is sexually fondling you (Immediately call upon Archangel
Michael’s help to clear the energy)
● Causing the room to feel cold
● Giving you a sense of being all alone
● Causing normal feelings to return quickly
● Resulting in a deep belief that the experience wasn’t real
● Causing gut feelings that urge you to change your life that come from desperation,
and not from Divine guidance
● Having no sense of familiarity to it
● Feeling forced, as if you want the experience or guidance to happen immediately

Recognizing the angels

Recognizing the angels through your thoughts involves the following:
● Concepts that you consistently and repetitively think about
● Thinking about a central theme of how you can help solve a problem or to help others
● Positive and empowering thoughts
● Giving you explicit instructions about what step to take right now. It may also
provide instructions for the next steps after you completed the first step.
● Bringing exciting ideas that energize you.
● Thoughts that come out of the blue or in response to your prayers
● Involves you taking human steps or doing some work
● Thoughts that are ringing true and making sense
● Being consistent and in line with your natural interests, passions or talents

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Be wary of the following imagination or false guidance involving thoughts

● Thoughts that are random and ever-changing
● Having a central theme of how you could get rich or famous
● Discouraging or abusive thoughts
● Thinking about worst-case scenarios
● Consistent thoughts that are depressing or frightening
● Ideas coming slowly or in response to worries
● Following a get-rich-quick scheme
● Thoughts that seem hollow or ill-conceived
● Thoughts that are unrelated to anything you’ve been interested in or previously
● Thoughts that have a primary motivation of escaping a current situation rather than
helping others

"Look up, take courage, the angels are nearer than you think."

Billy Graham

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Hearing your angels

Heaven can speak to us through a loud voice outside our head, or a quiet inner voice inside
of us. It can also be a conversation we happen to overhear that resounds with us, or hearing
music in our head or on the radio that gives us a gentle nudging towards a new direction.
Examples such as these can be angelic experiences that involve hearing.
● The sentences you hear usually begin with “you” or “we.”
● There’s a sense that someone else is talking to you, and sometimes it sounds like
your own voice.
● You get a sense that the message you hear is related to your concerns or questions
at the moment.
● The voice is blunt and on point.
● The sound is positive and loving, even if it’s warning you of danger.
● The sound or voice asks you to take immediate action. This can include changing
your thoughts or attitude to be more loving and of service.
● You may hear a voice calling out your name upon awakening.
● You could hear beautiful, disembodied celestial music.

Take note of these imagination-based or false guidance involving hearing.

● Sentences usually begin with the word “I.”
● It feels like you’re talking to yourself.
● The message is unclear, cryptic or muddy.
● The voice is vague and wordy.
● There’s speculation and gossip about others.
● You hear abusive words.
● You experience loud, unpleasant noises or discordant music.
● There’s a message in that sound or voice that tells you to hurt yourself or others.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Seeing your angels

Your relationship with angels may also involve what you see - either while awake, asleep or
meditating. Here are the ways in which angels make themselves known through your sense
of sight.
● Angelic visitations in your dreams almost seem surreal, with vivid colors and
● You see flashes or sparkles of light or colored mists.
● You experience many instances of seeing a feather, coin, bird, butterfly, rainbow,
number sequence and so on beyond chance occurrences.
● You receive visions of yourself helping others.

The following are false guidance or based on imagination:

● Dreams seem ordinary or forgettable.
● You see worst-case scenarios without getting guidance on how to prevent them.
● You get the feeling that you’re forcing the vision to occur.
● You look for a sign but find inconsistency or force the meaning that you want to see.
● You receive a vision which is ego-centered of yourself gaining at the expense of

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Angels Communicate Through Repetitive Numbers

When you see 111 at least three times in a row, it’s a message from your angels that an
energetic gateway has opened up for you. This high frequency will rapidly manifest your
thoughts. Be aware of your persistent ideas and thoughts because they will manifest
quickly. Keep your thoughts positive.Let this energy strengthen your belief that what you
want to manifest is already yours. Make sure that your mindset, beliefs and thoughts are
positive and optimistic in order to attract the energies of balance and abundance into your
When 111 appears, take note of your thoughts at the moment. Be careful of what you're
thinking about and only think positive thoughts because what you're thinking will manifest
quickly. Pay special attention to your thoughts or popping up Ideas because they also reveal
the answers to your prayers.
As you maintain an optimistic attitude and say positive affirmations, you'll be more able to
manifest your desires through this energetic gateway. Your angels will also assist you in
serving your soul mission and spiritual life purpose.
The angels also want you to know that you help and inspire people through your God-given
gifts. As you rely more on your intuition and inner wisdom, you'll enhance your spiritual
awareness. Be an inspiration and guiding light to others, and trust that the angels will
support you in your lightworker mission.

With repeating numbers 222, your angels want to encourage you to take a balanced,
peaceful and harmonious stance in all aspects of your life. Have faith and stay strong in your
personal truths. Angel number 222 also tells you that everything will turn out for the best
in the long run. Be aware that all is being worked out by God and the angels for the highest
good of all.
Do not dwell on negativity and transmute it into positivity. Keep up the good work that
you've been doing as your manifestations come into fruition.
222 is an angel message of faith and trust. Everything happens for a reason, even if you're
not aware of it or the truth might not be revealed to you at this time. Maintain a positive
attitude and you will see positive results. Abundance comes to you in Divine right timing.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Angel number 333 tells you that the ascended masters are near you. They have heard your
prayers and wish to help you in your endeavors, as these will lead you to your soul mission
and life purpose.
This number encourages you to be creative, social and communicative. Use your natural
abilities and talents to empower yourself and others. Keep a positive attitude about
yourself as you'll be using your lightworking abilities for a mission. Have faith in your light
as it will manifest love, peace and harmony in the world.
Live your truths and express yourself with love and purpose. With the clarity given to you
by angels, you become a positive light to others. Use your natural communicative and
lightworking skills to serve others in positive and uplifting ways.

When you see 444, the angels are asking you to pay attention to your intuition and inner
wisdom as your connection with the angelic realm is very strong at the moment. The angels
and archangels are with you. They are guiding and encouraging you in your path right now.
They are offering positivity, inner strength, and incredible support for you to fulfill the work
you need to do.
You are encouraged to continue on your current path as your drive and determination will
lead to success and fulfilment.

Insight is better than eyesight when it comes to seeing an

The Angels' Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Angel number 555 is a sign that necessary and significant changes are happening in your
life. These major life changes in many areas in your life are Divinely inspired and guided.
They will bring about long-awaited results and circumstances that will fully align you with
your Divine soul mission and life purpose. Trust that these changes are for your immediate
and long-term benefit. The angels are asking you to go with the flow and melt away your
resistance to this incoming abundance.
Angels are telling you that it’s time to let go of the old that is no longer serving you. Release
old fears, doubts, and perceived obstacles. Trust that better things will be given. If you have
any fears or confusion, ask for guidance and support from your angels as they are with you
Keep a positive mindset and attitude about the new entering your life. Always keep an open
mind to the new opportunities presented to you. Your angels want to tell you that nothing
happens by chance and everything happens for a reason. You may not fully understand the
true reasons or meanings at this time, but trust that everything will fall into place. Break
free from old restraints and pursue your soul’s calling as a spiritual being.

Angel Number 666 tells of the ability to use the imagination and the intellect can bring
about positive outcomes. Be aware in balancing your thoughts, worries or concerns about
material and financial issues, with a focus and faith in the spiritual. A good vibration and
focus will bring about positive results.
You might also be focused too much on the material aspects of your life. The energies of
prosperity are being deflected as worries cause a barrier to balance, receptivity and
harmony on your behalf. Balance your thoughts between the spiritual and material aspects;
and maintain your faith and trust that your needs will always be met.
Angel Number 666 prompts you to focus upon your inner spirituality rather than on earthly,
material concerns. Give any fears of loss or lack to the angels to heal and transmute. Be
open to receive and accept assistance from your angels.
The angels are supporting and assisting you in achieving your desires in regards to your
home, family, social and personal life. Keep your thoughts and feelings focused on achieving
your goals, and you will attain your desires.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

It’s also time to focus on your spirituality in order to balance and heal any issues in your life.
Tell the angels about any fears you may have concerning your material supply. They are
listening and wanting to help you feel prosperous and abundant. Be open to receiving help,
love and support from both humans and the angels as it is there for the offering. You need
to be receptive in order to receive the help you need.
Look to service and humanitarian aspects including volunteering your time, donating
money to charity, doing conscious random acts of kindness, and being of service to those in
need. The Universe will reward you accordingly and your needs will always be met.

Trouble hearing angels' song with your ears? Try listening
with your heart.

Terri Guillemets

Angel number 777 heralds a message that you are on the right path. You are living and
serving your Divine life purpose. The Universe celebrates your progress and
accomplishments due to your hard work and positivity. You have or will earn your rewards.
The angels are reminding you that you are here at this time to spiritually evolve. You do this
by expressing the highest and best of yourself and embracing your unique abilities to be of
service to others. Recognize and acknowledge the best parts of yourself and use your
talents and traits to bring love, light and healing to your own life and that of others.
This number indicates that you have listened to Divine guidance and are now putting that
wisdom to work in your life. The time has now come to reap the rewards of your hard work
and efforts. You are being commended by your angels as your successes are inspiring. Know
that your wishes are coming to fruition in your life as a direct result of your positive attitude
and efforts towards your life. You can expect many more miracles to occur for you, both
large and small.
The angels also encourage you to look to higher learning that genuinely interest and
resonate with you. Turn your natural interests, curiosities and skills towards areas that
involve the spiritual, esoteric and supernatural aspects as this will enhance and help you
with your inner-growth and development. Engross yourself in pastimes that genuinely
interest and engage you and share your spiritual perspectives with those around you.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Angel Number 888 brings an uplifting message of encouragement from your angels. They
are telling you that achievements, success, striving forward, progress and attainment are
just on the horizon. It brings a message to stay optimistic and listen to your intuition and
inner guidance. Set solid foundations for yourself and your loved ones as this will ensure
your future prosperity.
The Universe and your angels are always supporting you. You also have the responsibility
to ensure that you put in the appropriate work and effort when and where necessary. You
are encouraged to live up to your full potential.
Angel Number 888 also indicates that financial and material prosperity is on its way to you.
It also suggests that you will receive unexpected rewards for past good work

Angel Number 999 brings a message that certain aspects of your life are coming to a close.
Trust that this is happening for karmic reasons which will become evident in the very near
future. It is clearing the way for you to fully pursue your life purpose and soul mission as
your destiny dictates. Trust that all the information, guidance and assistance you will need
upon your path will be supplied by the angels.
Angel Number 999 is a strong message to fully devote yourself to your life purpose without
delay. Listen to the guidance of angels, especially when you have fears or doubts.
You can expect many closures in your life. Fear not as this is preparing you to begin a
wonderful new life that will all fall into place for you in the most positive way.
Your angels also encourage you to express your unique, true self and weave love into every
aspect of your life. Realign with your heart and soul and discover your true nature and soul
purpose. You have powerful energies within you and they are to be used for the betterment
of your own life and that of others. Listen to your inner yearnings and intuition. Follow
through with your highest ideals, insights and ideas. Trust that you will be able to find a
comfortable balance between your material, family and spiritual paths.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Angel Number 1010 indicates that it’s a time of personal development and spiritual
awakening for you. Keep your intentions and emotions elevated to attract abundance. Take
action towards the fulfilment of your dreams and desires.
The 1010 message of angels also encourages you to keep your beliefs, thoughts and mind-
set focused upon your spirituality and life purpose as you are now creating your own reality.
Engage yourself in creative and positive endeavours and activities and use your personal
skills and talents in a productive manner. Heed the guidance of angels to serve your life’s
mission with passion and enthusiasm.
Your thoughts, intuition, and impressions are revealing the answers to your prayers and are
providing guidance. Trust the angels and your intuition in taking that direction and action
as guided. Step out of your comfort zone and into the direction of your true desires as you
will find happiness and success along the way.

Funny thing, every time an angel appeared to someone in the
Bible, the first thing he'd say was, "Fear not." ... I guess they were
pretty spectacular.

Gilbert Morries, The Angels of Bastogne

When noticing the Angel Number 1111 appearing, take notice of the thoughts you had right
at that moment. It signifies that an energetic gateway has opened up for you, and this will
rapidly manifest your thoughts into reality. This is a confirmation that you are creating your
own reality, and abundance easily flows through you.
When Angel Number 1111 appears repeatedly, the message is to choose your thoughts
wisely, ensuring that they match your true desires. Do not put your energy into focusing on
fears as you may manifest them into your life. Ensure that your beliefs, thoughts and
mindset are positive and optimistic in order to draw the energies of abundance into your
111 indicates that your thoughts and beliefs are aligned with your truths. If you held an
inspired idea at the time of seeing 1111, it indicates that it would be a positive and
productive idea to take action on.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Your angels want you to look to new beginnings, opportunities and projects with optimism,
as these are appearing in your life for a very good reason. Your angels want you to achieve
and succeed with your desired goals and aspirations so do not hesitate in taking positive
steps and striving forward. Do not allow fears, doubts or concerns to hold you back from
living your Divine life purpose.

Angel Number 1212 is a sign from the angels that you are to stay focused on your highest
expectations as the Divine Light Beings of God work behind the scenes. They are helping
you to manifest your current needs, wants, desires, goals and dreams.
Angel Number 1212 is a powerful sign that you are to step out of your comfort zone and
take new directions. It’s also the perfect time to begin new projects and ventures that you
have been wanting to do for a long time now. Your angels are encouraging you to release
your fears and apprehensions and get on with pursuing your life’s purpose and passion.
Angel Number 1212 asks that you stay on a positive path and use your natural skills, talents
and abilities to their utmost for the benefit of yourself and others. Focus more on the
positives, and they will quickly manifest into your reality.

"Archangels Haniel and Gabriel are connected to the moon
cycles. Call on them to help you magnify blessings and receive
light on your desires."

Kristy McAdams

Olsteen preaches that one should always take the

time to witness to friends, family, neighbors, or even
strangers because one should always remember they
may indeed be entertaining angels.

- Chris Johnston, Joel Osteen: 50 Best Life Lessons

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Making Your Own Angel Crystal Grid

Crystal grids are incredible powerful layouts that will boost your prayers and meditations
for manifestation. You can go creative as much as you want with how your sacred crystal
grid will look like.
The easiest way to set one up is to buy pre-made crystal grid sets. Some crystal grid sets
have a booklet wherein you’ll know what each crystal means and the process of setting up
your crystal grid. You can also buy circular boards or fabrics that have a symmetrical or
mandala design on them. From there you can set up your stones that have similar
You can also get angel sculptures made of crystals. There are angel sculptures carved out
of amethyst, rose quartz, aventurine, and others. You can use an angel sculpture to watch
over your crystal grid. Say this prayer as you set everything out.
Dear archangels and guardian angels, please help me manifest (your intentions and desires). I
pray that my intentions will bring blessings to everyone involved. Amen.

If you want to work within your own budget or DIY a crystal grid, here are some practical
steps to do it:
1. Your Crystal Grid’s Platform: Use a special paper or fabric and draw a symmetrical
pattern on it. You can use mandala patterns, flowers, sun rays or any geometrical
pattern. Start with laying out dots that will divide your platform into the number of
stones you want to place on it. For example, if you want to use six stones, divide the
circle into six parts. From there you can start making detailed lines, curves and
patterns that will be the perfect design for your grid. You can create the design using
your favorite art materials.
2. Collect Your Stones: The best way to make an effective crystal grid is to collect
stones that have similar properties. For example, if you want to manifest abundance,
choose stones which promote luck and prosperity. If you want to attract love, get
crystals which promote a harmonious relationship to yourself and others. Check out
Chapter VIII of this book for the types of stones for prosperity.
3. Choose a CenterPiece: The piece that you will put on the center of your crystal grid
should be bigger than the other stones. You can use an obelisk, generator or crystal
point. Choose a center piece that has powerful qualities, or something that you can
feel a strong vibration to. You can also use a crystal angel sculptue as a centerpiece.
4. Cleanse Your Crystals and Sacred Space: Cleanse your grid and crystals with sage
smudging. Feel all unwanted energy being cleared out and replaced with positive
vibrations. You can also use a Palo Santo stick to energize your crystal grid for

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

5. Laying Them All Out: Write your intentions on a piece of paper and put it
underneath the centerpiece of your grid. Then put the other crystals around the
divisions. You can also put herbs and flowers that signify your intentions. Meditate
with your crystal grid daily until your desire manifests. Place your set in a special
spot in your room or home where you can feel the most positive energy.

Your intentions can be as simple as manifesting daily needs to praying for world peace.
Crystal grids amplify the energy of your manifestation abilities, so get ready for your
desires to be fulfilled. Spiritual mystics also use crystal grids to pray for the end of wars,
uplift world poverty, and protect the environment from further harm. Go creative with your
crystal grid to raise the vibration for yourself and the world.

Believers, look up - take courage. The angels are nearer than
you think.

Billy Graham

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

V. Angel Prayers and Rituals for Abundance and


I could not have made it this far had there not been
angels along the way.

- Della Reese

Working with angels everyday will turn your life into a whole new level. You’ll be in bliss as
you experience the love, joy and abundance that the angels want to shower upon you.
Miracles will fill your life when you allow angels to bless you every step of the way.
The following are just some of the prayers you can say to invoke angel blessings. You may
also create your own angel prayers specifically for your needs. Let the following prayers be
an example of how you can reach out to angels.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Angel Prayer to Open Your Heart for Prosperity

Dearest Archangels and Angels of God, open my heart and shower it with your healing light.
Help me recognize that I am worthy and deserving of God’s gifts of abundance. Help me
remember that there is always more than enough. Guide my mind and heart to fully realize
that it is my divine birthright to experience abundance in all ways. Light up my soul that I
may experience love, joy, happiness, health, wealth and fulfilment.

Clearing the Way for Abundance with Archangel Gadiel

Dear Archangel Gadiel, please assist me in my situation (mention your concern). Release
me from any conscious and unconscious blocks that hinder me from God’s true abundance.
Help me know that I am worthy and deserving of the best that the Universe can give all of
us. Help me find clarity so that I would know what direction to take in the path towards
abundance and prosperity.

Abundance Prayer with Archangel Raziel

Archangel Raziel, you hold the gifts and wisdom of the universe. I ask for your
enlightenment in helping me know the right steps to take in order to fulfill my desires for
increased abundance. Teach me what I need to know about manifesting prosperity into my
life. Allow me to witness and receive the gifts of your divine magic. Help me experience
miracles in everyday life to fully enjoy God’s wonderful blessings.

Ever felt an angel's breath in the gentle breeze? A teardrop in
the falling rain? Hear a whisper amongst the rustle of leaves?
Or been kissed by a lone snowflake? Nature is an angel's
favorite hiding place.

Terri Guillemets

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Prayer for Good Fortune with Archangel Barakiel

Dear Archangel Barakiel, please open my heart so that I can receive the blessings and good
fortune of the Universe. Help me fully realize that abundance is here and now. I invite these
gifts of abundance into my life. Help me stay positive so that I can attract everything that
my heart desires. Help me draw in everything that resounds to the prosperity of God.

Prayer for Gifts and Miracles with Archangel Gamaliel

Archangel Gamaliel, I call upon you now as God’s gracious gift giver. I ask for your help in
fulfilling the following desires (state your wishes here). I seek out your power to perform
miracles in my life situation. I open myself up to receive unexpected opportunities and gifts
to show up in my life. Thank you for your grace, Archangel Gamaliel.

Archangel Pathiel to Open the Gates of Abundance

Dearest Archangel Pathiel, I surrender my wishes to you, knowing that you have the power
to manifest abundance and prosperity. Please assist me in manifesting what I desire. Help
my soul in opening the gates of abundance so that everything that is good can flow freely
and easily into my life. I trust in you and believe that my requests have already been

I suspect that most of the time we are speaking the language of
angels when we pray in tongues to edify ourselves and to pray
out the mysteries of God's plan for our lives.

Dave Roberson, The Walk of the Spirit

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Abundance Ritual with Archangel Jophiel

The Yellow Light Ray is led by Archangel Jophiel. With the yellow light that Archangel
Jophiel showers upon us, you can use a yellow crystal to amplify your intention setting for

Crystals to use: Citrine or Yellow Jade

Citrine or Yellow Jade are the go-to crystals for attracting money, wealth and prosperity.
This crystal is your best buddy in career advancement, business success, and increasing
your manifestation for abundance. Citrine or Yellow Jade crystals are your touchstones,
and they hold the energy of your intentions for advanced manifesting.

Ritual Steps:

1. Collect two Citrine tumbled stones or Yellow Jade stones for this ritual. Make sure
that the crystals are cleansed. Clear your mind from all thoughts before starting the

2. Say a prayer to Archangel Jophiel. It can be “Dear Archangel Jophiel, please help me
manifest (your intention). I pray that everyone will be blessed with this intention.”

3. Hold the tumbled stones in your hands and close your eyes. State your intention –
what do you want to attract or manifest into your life?

4. Carry one of the stones in your wallet or purse.

5. Place another stone (either Citrine or Yellow Jade) on top of something that
symbolizes the thing you want to attract. For example, if you want to attract more
money, place it on top of a dollar bill. If you want to attract a car or new home, place
it on top of a picture of that dream car or house.

6. Touch your crystals every now and then. Feel the energy of your intentions within
them to amplify your manifestation. Say the affirmation, “I am abundant in all
aspects of my life.”

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Wealth Manifestation Ritual with the Abundance Angels

Crystal to use: Pyrite
Pyrite exudes the abundant energy of gold, as seen from its physical quality of being like a
shining star with lush sparkles. Pyrite’s golden shimmer aligns you with the energy of
wealth and manifesting abundance.

Ritual Steps:

1. Cleanse and program your Pyrite crystal. If you want to invite the energy of wealth
to your business, set your intention and place the stone over your business card. If
you want to attract abundance for your career, place it on something that
symbolizes your work. You can also write your intentions on a piece of paper and
place the stone over it.

2. Say a prayer to the Angels of Abundance. It can be “Dear Angels of God, please help
me manifest (your intention). I pray that everyone will be blessed with this

3. Keep the crystal on your desk or in your work space to give you that added energy
all throughout the day.

Wealth and Abundance Wherever You Go

Crystals to use: Angel Keychains or Tumbled Stones that are made of Citrine, Pyrite or Jade
You’ll need one tumbled stone or keychain each of Citrine, Pyrite and Jade. Prepare a little
pouch to carry them in. It is recommended that you use a green or gold pouch for this ritual.
The combination of these crystals are incredibly powerful, as they will set in motion the
flow of prosperity to you.

Ritual Steps:

1. Write your intentions for abundance on a piece of paper. You can also write this
affirmation: “I attract and gratefully receive prosperity, abundance and success in
my life.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

2. Say a prayer to the Angels of Abundance. It can be “Dear Angels of Abundance,

please help me manifest (your intention). I pray that everyone will be blessed with
this intention.”

3. Place the tumbled stones and affirmation in your pouch. Carry this pouch wherever
you go for one full week. Pull out the crystals every now and then, and state the

Meditate with your crystals by holding them in your hand. Visualize being extremely
grateful for the prosperity that is coming your way. Allow yourself to be aligned with the
frequency of these abundance crystals. Do this once or twice a day for one week.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Vi. Angel Hosting for Abundance

In scripture whenever angels appeared there was

always one main thing that is mentioned: 'to fear

Sahne Callahan, Joy Through Presence

Angel Hosting is one of the most exciting ways to connect with the Divine Light Beings of
God. In angel hosting, you welcome the archangels to your home. You can invite any
archangel to stay with you for five days in this hosting ceremony, but most angel hosting
activities invite archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Metatron and Ariel.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Things to Prepare
Here are the things you need to prepare for Angel Hosting:

1. A white flower

2. A candle that will stay on for the entire time the archangels are with you. It needs to be
lit before they arrive as a symbol that they are being called. The candle can be blown out
when you go out. It can be left burning whenever you are in your home. You can also put it
in a safe container while you’re asleep.
If having a lighted candle poses a hazard in your home, you can opt for an electric candle as
an alternative. However, it is still recommended that you use a traditional candle that has
been blessed. Use a long candle contained in a glass jar.

3. Write a letter to the angels and put it in an envelope. Your letter includes three wishes
- one for Mother Earth, one for your family, and one for you. Take this opportunity to ask
for abundance for all the people in the world, for your family, and for yourself. Write your
wishes in a clear and concise way. It’s best that you don’t put too many details so that the
archangels can accomplish it in the best way that the Universe works. Summarize your
wishes as best as you can. Each of your family members can also write their own wishes in
the envelope.

4. An apple that you will put on top of the sealed envelope. You will eat this apple after the
archangels have lefts. Lay the apply and envelope near your candle and white flower.

5. Tidy Up Your House. Clean, declutter and organise your house. Prepare your home in
such a way that you are inviting guests. Having a clean and inviting home will enrich your
experience with angel hosting.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Steps in Angel Hosting

Step 1: Welcome the 5 Archangels
After having everything in order, welcome the five archangels in front of your home at
10:30 PM. Open the front door and say this prayer:
Dear Archangels, welcome to our home. I am very grateful to each of you for purifying and
bringing peace to our house and the beings that live in it. I am very grateful to you for
bringing harmony, joy and serenity to all of us. I am very grateful to you for fulfilling my

Step 2: Do this for five nights

Do this ritual of welcoming the archangels in your home for five nights straight. As you host
the angels, you can prepare some sweets to share with others and share stories of blessings
in your life. You can also pray and present your worries to the angels. You may also meditate
and ask your angels to communicate with you during this holy time. Your angel hosting is an
auspicious time to receive the answers you seek with the guidance of the archangels.
Some people who have hosted angels before report seeing flashes of light, or angelic voices
singing out of nowhere. The archangels can make incredible things happen within this
It is recommended that you give room for the vibration of higher energies to re-align many
things in your life during these five days. This is a special time for you, as you work with the
light and grace of angels.

Step 3: Anticipate the Presence of the Archangels All Throughout the Day
As you go about your day-to-day life, open your mind and heart to the presence of the
archangels. You may unexpectedly get answers to your most pressing questions during the
day. You may also encounter angel signs and messages along the way. Take note of them
and record your experience to refer to any time in the future.
This is also the time to ask among your friends, relatives or acquaintances on who might be
interested to do angel hosting in their homes. Prepare a list of names and addresses of 3
people or more who you will ask the Archangels to visit after you. Create a letter with
instructions on how to do angel hosting. This is to keep the energy moving to new people.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Abraham was so hospitable to the point that he entertained
angels without knowing. He came in contact with some
visiting strangers and ministered to them, only to later
realise that these strangers were angels.

Oluwakemi Ola-Ojo, Good Dads, Bad Dads

Step 4: Closing Ceremony on the 5th Day

When it’s almost time for the angels to leave on the fifth day (just before 10:30 PM), write
the names of each person whom you’ve asked to host the angels. Place the list of names
near your candle to soak up the light. When you feel lighter and stronger, walk outside with
your candle and the list of names. Express your gratitude to the archangels for all they have
brought you.
Light the paper on fire and let it burn in a piece of pot. This will pass their names into the
ethers and to the archangels along with the addresses where the angels will be going to next
after 5 days of rest.
Wish the archangels well on their trip and give your utmost gratitude. The archangels will
continue with their journey to spread light, hope and love to more people who will be
hosting them.
Once the archangels have left, burn the envelope with your wishes in it. This will free up the
energy of your desires and allow them to manifest. Take the ashes and drop them in a
stream of water. The kitchen sink can be considered as acceptable as the water will be
recycled into the earth.
After which, you can eat the apple and say a little prayer of gratitude to the angels.
Place the white flower on the ground outside of your home. Let the flower become one with
the earth again to signify the closing of angel hosting.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Passing on the Culture of Angel Hosting

Remind the 3 people you’ve asked to do angel hosting. You can send them the above-
mentioned steps for them to be guided in this activity.
You and everyone in your home will be fully blessed during the time that the archangels
have visited you. When you pass on the angel hosting, more people will experience being
anchored with light, peace and love in their homes. You can do angel hosting as much as you
want in a year. Remember to leave 5 days of rest for the angels after hosting before they
can move on to a new home.

Mary was changed with one angelic visit, as were Moses,
Joshua, Joseph, David, Elizabeth, and many more.

David Herzog, Living in the Glory Every Day

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

VII. Everything in a Nutshell

You begin your work with angels for the purpose of prosperity and abundance when you
simply ask them for help. From there the angels and the energies of the Universe will
conspire to bring what you desire. You strengthen your abilities for manifesting abundance
when you recognize the presence of angels in your daily life. After setting your intention
and offering it to God and the angels, follow the signs they give you along the way. You’ll be
guided on what to do next, the people you need to meet, and the steps you have to do to
manifest abundance in the here and now.
Whenever you need to ask for something big, strengthen your intention setting through
prayers, rituals, and angel hosting. Never doubt that your intentions or desires will be given
to you, or that something better will come along the way.
God and the angels are always willing to assist you in fulfilling your Divine life purpose and
mission. As you keep on being grateful and emit the vibration of gratitude, an influx of
blessings and amazing abundance will fill your entire life.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

VIII. Tools That Can Help You Manifest Abundance

"Wishing you Fall days full of abundance, and the

peace of moving through transitions easily and
joyfully, knowing the embrace of angels. "

- Kristy McAdams

The following are some of the tools you can use to aid in your abundance manifestation.

Sage and Incense

You can buy sage smudging sets which include sage sticks and abalone shells for smudging.
Smudging is an effective way to clear your space. It can also give a lot of clarity to your mind
and soothe your soul. It’s also good for taking away negative energies and consecrating
your space.
If you specifically want to attract abundance, use Palo Santo sticks for smudging. Palo Santo
has many benefits, including smoothening out vibrations for prosperity to flow through

You can use crystals in your abundance rituals, and also wear it in your daily life. Crystals
are information systems that radiate energy. If you use the correct crystal carrier with the
right information you need, you’ll be able to attract the things you want within your
vibrational field. With the right crystal for your particular need, it will activate energies in
the Universe to bring what you want into reality.
You’ll be surprised over and over again at how crystals help you manifest things quickly.
Don’t underestimate the power of crystals in benefitting your life. Your intentions together
with the manifesting powers of crystals will help you build up that energy to make an impact
in your life and that of others.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Take a look at the following abundance crystals that you can use in your energy work,
intention setting, and rituals to manifest abundance.

Purpose: If you need balance in all aspects of life, use Amethyst to be in tuned with your
Higher Self. Seeking spiritual balance and empowerment will lead your intuition to find the
best opportunities for wealth. Amethyst is also an essential stone to use together with
other prosperity stones and for abundance rituals.
Other benefits of this stone: Amethyst will restore balance and harmony in any situation.
It helps you be in tuned with the Universal Mind and become a clear channel for clarity and
inspiration. Thus, Amethyst becomes your instrument to manifest what you want faster.
Keep Amethyst in your car, home or office and wear it at all times.

Purpose: Andalusite is a seeing stone that promotes self-actualization and alignment to
your Higher Self. It brings about the prosperity meant for you as you align yourself to Divine
Other benefits of this stone: Wearing Andalusite crystals is said to reduce fevers, arthritis,
joint inflammation, gout and rheumatism.

Purpose: What makes Aventurine a highly revered stone for prosperity is that it helps bring
positivity and recognition to all possibilities for abundance. It has been greatly used in
bringing good luck. It can lead you down to prosperous paths that you’ll be glad to take.
Keep this stone near you so that you can reap positive results for all your endeavors.
Other benefits of this stone: Most Aventurine is found in India, Brazil and Russia. This
stone is helpful in blocking geopathic and electromagnetic stress. Use Aventurine to
protect you from harmful electromagnetic frequencies such as the ones coming from
electronic devices.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Purpose: This powerful prosperity stone helps you let go of limiting beliefs when it comes
to money. It will give you that needed boost to embrace the prosperity you truly deserve.
This stone also helps you maintain an optimistic outlook on the world. Keep a piece of
Chrysoprase on your pocket to maintain positivity and attract wealth wherever you go.
Other benefits of this stone: With its green color, it is closely related to the Heart Chakra.
It is also important to meditate with a focus on your heart chakra so that you are more
willing to bring wealth into your life. With a heart chakra meditation, you also attract more
love to flow through you. Wear Chrysoprase as jewelry to heal old relationship wounds. The
ancient Greeks also used this stone as it was believed to promote truth and love.

Purpose: Citrine is the most sought after crystal to attract incredible abundance. Feng Shui
experts recommend putting citrine in the farthest left corner from the door to attract
wealth in your household. It is beneficial to use citrine for business luck and success. Put
citrine in your wallet to attract money and protect your finances. Put this crystal on your
work space to help you in career and business.
Other benefits of this stone: Citrine is also known to dissolve any negative energy. It is
extremely beneficial in clearing your chakras to transform your mindset. It’s helpful in
creating new beliefs and thought forms that set the foundation of your wealth attraction.

Clear Quartz
Purpose: Clear Quartz strengthens the properties of other crystals around it, which is
highly beneficial if you are laying out crystal grids for prosperity. It dispels any negativity
and clears blockages that hinder you from receiving abundance from the Universe.
Other benefits of this stone: Clear Quartz is called the “Master Healer” stone. It is said to
rejuvenate the body by absorbing, storing, releasing and regulating energy. It can also aid
in memory and concentration. Clear crystals like quartz help stimulate the immune system
and balancing the entire body.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Purpose: This stone can benefit people with issues regarding wealth. It has the power to
hold money with the wearer. For students, this stone helps increase concentration.
Other benefits of this stone: This is the stone of successful love. It promotes romantic bliss
and strengthens loyalty. Use this to keep a relationship stable, bring about unity, and foster
unconditional love in a partnership.

Green Jade
Purpose: Green Jade has been used for centuries as it is revered to be the ultimate stone
for good luck and protection. Its green color symbolizes abundance, like the greening of the
earth that paves way to a good harvest. You’ll see a lot of Eastern practices utilizing this
stone to bring wealth to an individual, home or business.
Other benefits of this stone: This prosperity stone is much like other green stones where
you can use it for your heart chakra. You can also use it for your third eye chakra while
meditating to bring insightful dreams when you sleep.

Green Tourmaline
Purpose: Green Tourmaline, also known as Verdalite, helps you become prosperous and
bountiful by taking away your self-imposed limitations. It helps you come up with creative
solutions to any career or business concern. As you let go of limiting beliefs and train your
mind for success and wealth, you will attract opportunities you’ve never imagined.
Other benefits of this stone: Green Tourmaline is also a good addition in a garden. Placing
this stone around your plants will help them grow well and produce fruit bountifully.

Purpose: Labradorite is referred to as a stone of magic that brings luck and wealth to the
wearer. It’s a powerful stone that transforms any life situation. It improves your creativity
so that any venture will become prosperous.
Other benefits of this stone: This stone increases your self-confidence so you can bring
magic into your work, relationships, or any situation. It will also help you live your life
towards the direction of your higher purpose. Sleep with a piece of Labradorite near you
(on the upper edge of the bed or under the pillow) to invite magic, creativity and abundance.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Moss Agate
Purpose: Moss Agate is called the Stone of Wealth because it has been widely used to
manifest dreams into reality. It also releases stress, fear and negativity that would deter
your mindset from achieving your goals.
Other benefits of this stone: Moss Agate is also referred to as the stone of new beginnings.
It refreshes your soul and enables you to see the beauty all around you. It also has healing
properties for mental and emotional well-being.

Purpose: Pyrite is referred to as fool’s gold, or the ultimate go-to money crystal. People
have always felt that they develop a warrior-kind of strength and confidence when they
bring or wear this stone. When you hold a pyrite, visualize and feel that you have the
abundance you dream of. Send this energy into the stone or bracelet. Wear it to amplify
your intentions everyday and see how fast wealth comes to you.
Other benefits of this stone: Pyrite has long been valued as a protection stone that shields
you from negative energy and environmental pollutants. It also helps promote physical

Purpose: Shungite works by repelling negative energy and attracting positive energy so
that you can emanate the vibration for abundance. Shifting your energy field using this
stone will keep you in the zone of attracting luck and wealth.
Other benefits of this stone: Shungite balances all chakras in your body. It particularly
works with the root chakra to help you stay grounded. With your chakras cleared and
balanced, you’ll be able to set intentions and bring them to your reality. Put Shungite in an
area at home where most people stay to ward off negative energy. You can also wear it as
jewelry because as it touches your skin, it will protect you from negativity.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Smoky Quartz
Purpose: Smoky Quartz works by removing negative emotional states from your energy
field, making you easily attract the abundance you want. Wearing Smoky Quartz will attract
situations in your life that will lead you to more wealth and prosperity.
Other benefits of this stone: This crystal is highly effective in getting rid of negative
energies and limiting programming within you. As you regularly use, intend and wear this
stone, your energy field will be set to attract more positive and harmonious situations

Purpose: It stimulates your personal power, strength and leadership abilities. Use this as a
touchstone, or wear it as jewelry, whenever you need to face challenges in your career or
Other benefits of this stone: As Sunstone’s color represents the sun, it helps you bring out
your true self to shine. It promotes love for yourself, self-worth and confidence so that you
can extend this powerful energy to your relationships as well. It clears and cleanses all the
chakras, restoring joy and nurturing the spirit.

Tiger’s Eye
Purpose: Tiger’s Eye is a popular lucky charm that has many benefits. It helps you see the
truth of all – that there are endless possibilities for you to achieve success and abundance.
This stone helps you gain clarity and be open to opportunities that will lead you to your pot
of gold. Keep a piece of Tiger’s Eye in your bag, or wear it on your wrist to amplify your
intentions for manifestation.
Other benefits of this stone: This powerful stone helps you release fears and anxieties,
while aiding harmony and balance. It helps you make decisions, motivates you to take
action, and aids in discernment unclouded by your emotions.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

Purpose: Topaz is known to be a stone of love and good fortune. It brings joy, generosity,
abundance and good health. It’s an all-around stone for the good life. It also soothes, heals,
stimulates, recharges, and aligns the meridians of the body.
Other benefits of this stone: Topaz provides relief from health problems such as blood
disorders, eye issues, indigestion, hemorrhage, and many more. It is also believed to cure
gallbladder stone, arthritis and rheumatism.

Purpose: Turquoise is used as a good luck charm for overall prosperity. It benefits your
mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being to be more open to the abundance of
the Universe.
Other benefits of this stone: Turquoise heals the mind, body and soul. It helps balance your
emotions and give you that needed spiritual grounding. It is also said to benefit the immune,
skeletal and respiratory systems.

Yellow Jade
Purpose: This stone gives us the courage to make the changes needed to solve problems in
the world. Let Yellow Jasper be your powerful guidance to be a leader in your own way and
make a positive impact.
Other benefits of this stone:Yellow Jasper reminds us to come together and bring forth
love in our relationships. It urges us to help one another unconditionally. It also encourages
honesty between people in a relationship.

Angel Sculptures or Illustrations

When you check out crystal shops or online marketplaces, you’ll find a wide variety of angel
sculptures made of crystals or illustrations of your favorite archangels. You can find a lot of
these on Amazon, eBay, and most especially Etsy. Go for angel sculptures and illustrations
which are handmade or that supports a local livelihood. Angels will thank you for helping
them support the people whom they are helping out too.

Angelic Plan For Prosperity

There are times that we need a strong Yes or No answer to our life questions. Crystal
pendulums help you know the answers to your deepest concerns. Choose a crystal
pendulum that you feel drawn to. Your pendulum is your best friend to seek answers from
the Universal Mind.
This is also perfect for knowing which direction to take in your career, business, and other
creative endeavors. Let your chosen crystal pendulum help you gain clarity on which
direction to take or what steps you should do.
To start doing this, cleanse and program the crystal pendulum to help you gain clarity. Sit in
a comfortable position with your feet touching the floor. Let your dominant hand hold the
pendulum and your elbow touch the table. No other parts of your body should press on the
table except your elbow. Hold one end of the pendulum with your thumb and pointing
finger, and let the pointed crystal hang below. Ask the pendulum how it would move when
it wants to say yes, no or maybe.
With every question that you want to ask, take three deep breaths first, clear your mind,
ask the question, and let the pendulum move accordingly. You’ll get answers from your
subconscious mind connected to the Universal Source through the pendulum’s movements.

It’s also a great option to light a candle while doing your abundance rituals. It lights up your
space, invokes positivity, and brings about good tidings. Every colored candle also has its
meaning. Red is for passion and romance, white is for enlightenment, green for money and
abundance, and yellow for happiness.


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