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The Conjunction of Law of Attraction

and Manifestation

The Coexistence

Christina Murray
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Table of Contents


Chapter 1: What is the Law of Attraction?

Law of Attraction

Three Laws of Attraction

Chapter 2: What is Manifestation?

From a Thought to Reality

Manifestation Testimonies of How a Thought Became a Reality

How to Manifest your Dreams

Chapter 3: How the Law of Attraction and Manifestation Coexist Within One Another

The Difference Between the Law of Attraction and Manifestation

The Relationship Between the Law of Attraction and Manifestation



Thoughts are seen as a form of energy that carries information and frequencies out into
the universe, in which the energy is mirrored back to us in different energy forms.
Negative thinking makes you vibrate on a negative frequency and invites bad energy into
your life on a mental, physical, spiritual, financial, academic, and emotional level.

According to Georgiou et al. (n.d.), negative attitudes and feelings can cause stress and
lead to other chronic illnesses. Stress affects our hormones and exhausts the brain. The
brain chemicals, which are responsible for happiness, become depleted while it
simultaneously negatively impacts our immune system and makes us susceptible to
diseases. The body eavesdrops on thoughts and aligns its behavior with the thoughts
that affect one mentally and physically, which in return, affects every other aspect of the
individual’s life. Grades of scholars tend to drop due to feeling helpless and depressed;
workers might become less productive and end up getting warnings which put you at
risk for financial insecurity. In addition, when we become helpless, experience a
depressive state, or always think about the negative, we are losing faith in the higher
power or our spiritual beliefs.

Constantly focusing on the parts of ourselves or aspects in our life that we are unhappy
about will not change the things we dislike, it will only amplify them. A consequence of
focusing our attention the majority of the time on the negatives in life will show us that
we will continue to attract unwanted outcomes (Scott, 2020). Our flaws make us
anxious individuals who always expect negative outcomes, and that is exactly how things
will pan out. We are responsible for the negative events that occur in our life due to our
energy that is highly charged with negativity.

Envision yourself as a magician where thoughts and words act as spells. Choose your
words wisely when speaking about yourself and to yourself. The words and thoughts you
repeat are what your life will become because positive affirmations can change your life
for the better. Joking about yourself in a self-deprecating way is discouraged because
our minds and soul are unaware we are joking. By changing the way you talk about
yourself and cutting yourself off in the middle of a negative thought by using the
reframing technique, you can turn your life into a healthy and positive environment.

Always choose to vibrate on a positive frequency so you can be open to receiving all the
love and light the universe has to offer and believe that you deserve it.
Chapter 1: What is the Law of Attraction?

The law responsible for negative thoughts and attracting negative energies that impact
all aspects of your life is called the law of attraction. Don't fret, if you attract negativity
into your life, you can flip the switch and attract positivity as well. In this section, you
will learn about the definition and the three laws of attraction which will help you
understand life and how events unfold in your life from a different perspective.

Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is described as pseudoscience and is defined as things that are alike
and being attracted to each other, for example, negative attracts negative while positive
attracts positive. The roots of this philosophy date back to the 19th century which tells
us that the law of attraction is not a new concept and has been around for quite some
time. However, the belief only gained a plethora of people’s attention when the book The
Secret was released.

Three Laws of Attraction

The law of attraction operates on three laws: (1) like attracts like, (2) nature immediately
fills a void, and (3) the present is always perfect (Scott, 2020).

The first law suggests that energies that are the same are attracted to each other. In
other words, the more you think about something, the more the universe works to send
you the energy that matches your thoughts. Negative self-talk attracts negative
experiences while positive self-talk brings experiences that invite pleasure and
happiness. For example, telling yourself “I'm broke!” and ending up in a financial crisis.

The second law of the theory supports the idea that the universe does not approve of
unfilled spaces. Therefore, when one decides to release negative thoughts or things, one
makes room for all positive things to fall in place. Think about the time you had to let go
of a toxic person and how much your life improved ever since.

The third and final law suggests that every moment of our lives is perfect because we
hold the power to improve it. It sheds light on no matter how bad our day goes, there is
always room for turning it around. There are a variety of links listed below that have
helped me and I’m sure it can help you in different areas of your life if you change your
mindset to believe so :

Manifestation Magic for 2022

Meditation Training

Crystal Therapy To Help With Relaxation

Ever Thought About Yoya Meditation? Click Below

Sacred Sound System For Healing

Enhancing Manifestation Magic

Reiki Healing

Healing Herbs

Chapter 2: What is Manifestation?

In the modern world, the term “manifest” has been widely used in conversations,
movies, series, etc. Spiritual people who have shared their manifestation testimonies are
proof that using the method of manifesting does indeed work. Though there is
controversy surrounding the topic because it lacks scientific proof, there are numerous
people who have used manifestation techniques to manifest their desires. Same as the
law of attraction, manifestation is also part of pseudoscience. In chapter two, how
thoughts are materialized will be discussed along with some steps on how to manifest
something into your life.

From a Thought to Reality

Manifestation is defined as the act of turning your thoughts, beliefs, or anything you
desire into a reality. With manifestation, we learn to control our lives by making use of
our thoughts to steer our life in a certain direction. When we manifest something, we
need to acknowledge the following three steps: ask, believe and receive. Out of the three
steps, believing what you asked for is the most essential part of receiving your deepest
desires. Without believing, you send out a weak request which most likely will not

Manifestation Testimonies of How a Thought Became a Reality

A woman named Ashley only makes use of gold metallic gelly roll pens to write down
tasks and to create a to-do list for the day. Usually, she orders these pens in bulk so that
she never runs out. However, the online store she buys her pens from is out of stock and
she was down to her last pen. What she did next was set an intention to attract a gold
metallic gelly roll pen into her life so that when the ink of the last pen runs out she has a
backup. A few days after setting the intention she received a delivery of a face oil that
she ordered and surprisingly, she also found a gold metallic gelly roll pen inside the box.
She believes that the pen was dropped in the box by accident while they were doing the
packaging which materialized her manifestation.

In another instance, a pizza lover sent a message out to the universe that the next time
she would eat pizza it would be in Venice, Italy on her birthday. She started telling
everyone about her request to the universe because she believed that she would receive
what she asked for. Her next step was creating a vision board of the canals of Venice as
well as a picture of the hotel she would like to stay at in which the room’s view overlooks
the terrace and canal. Four months before her birthday, someone offered her a ticket to
Venice. At first, the hotel she wanted to stay in was booked for an event but two weeks
later they phoned her to let her know they have a room available. The room turned out
to be the one she had on her vision board.

How to Manifest your Dreams

Manifesting your goal does not mean it will fall into your lap miraculously or appear on
your doorstep the following morning; it requires work from you by external and internal
actions. The following information will help you to align yourself with your goal or
desire to guarantee manifestation to occur (Zapata, 2020):

1. Be clear and direct about what you want.

2. Decide on which method you will be using; for example, journaling, meditation,
creating a vision board, etc.
3. Put in the work by taking action.
4. Be mindful and appreciative of what you already have.
5. Be a believer.
6. Check-in on your energy and make sure it always aligns with what you are
7. Trust the process!

What Is the Difference Between the Law of Attraction and Manifestation? (n.d.) claims
that manifestation can happen through the following methods: prayer, meditation,
positive affirmations, and visualization. Moreover, writing in a journal or reframing is
also a popular way to change negative thoughts into positive ones for manifestation to
occur. There are many other ways one can practice manifestation, you just have to find
one that you are the most comfortable with. Check out the links below that I’ve come
across that has benefited me in multiple areas of my life and gave me clarity as well:

Love And Wealth Tarot

Self-Help For Anxiety And Panic Attacks

Millionaire Mindset

Free Chakra Healing
Chapter 3: How the Law of Attraction and

Manifestation Coexist Within One Another

There are many similarities between the law of attraction and the act of manifestation;
in some cases, the two are used synonymously. However, there are differences between
the two. In addition, the relationship between the law of attraction and manifestation
will be the focal point of this chapter to explain the coexistence between the two
pseudoscience theories.

The Difference Between the Law of Attraction and


The law of attraction and manifestation can be used to navigate us through life and help
us to understand it to give us the power to attract and create the life we desire. What Is
the Difference Between the Law of Attraction and Manifestation? (n.d.) states that the
law of attraction is used to attract positive energies into our lives by using positive
affirmations, while manifestation refers to creating the ideal life you wish to live or
making changes in your life via your thoughts. Therefore, the law of attraction is
responsible for the things that are attracted into our world, and manifestation is
using your inner power and taking action to attract change. The law of
attraction emphasizes the fact that entities that are alike will attract each other, but
manifestation emphasizes that we have the ability to turn our desires into reality by
actively creating them. The keywords to remember when comparing them are attract
and create. Using the law of attraction means we are "attracting" things into our lives
where manifestation is associated with "creating" the life we want.
The Relationship Between the Law of Attraction and

The two metaphysical laws are similar because both are used to attract good energies
and the things we desire into our lives. As we learned, everything which ranges from
emotions to every fiber in our body is a source of energy and vibrates on a positive or
negative frequency. The law of attraction responds to this frequency, but manifestation
requires you to create the frequency of the goal or object you desire. This tells us that the
law of attraction and manifestation works together to get us our desires, achievements,
and the life we want to live. The two coexist when we set the intention for whatever it is
that we would like to receive while we align our thoughts, feelings, and actions with the
desired outcome. There are a couple of links listed below and throughout the entire book
that can beneficially to your mental, physically, emotionally, and of course, spiritually

Self Healing For Him

Free Tarot Reading

The law of attraction and manifestation can be great tools in our lives if we follow proper
steps and use them for the correct reasons. Going via the proper channels with a strong
belief in yourself and what you asked for, you can enhance your well-being and create a
life full of euphoric moments. This positively affects our mental health which results in
good physical health, success, good grades at school, high levels of productivity at work
which attracts good financial income, and lastly, brings you closer to your higher self.

Vibrating on an energy that is mostly positively charged can transform your entire life.
Knowing you can manifest your dream will give you a sense of autonomy and change
your worldview. Sometimes, we enter a phase of our life where we feel lost and as if
things are not going the way we hoped they would unfold. The law of attraction and
manifestation gives you an opportunity to take control of your own life. Being a believer
of manifestation and the law of attraction can be seen as a form of motivation and gives
you a reason to look forward to what the universe has in store for you. Being aware of
the laws and taking them a step further by practicing it allows you to be open to risks
and new experiences (Scott, 2020).

By believing in the law of attraction and manifestation, you can get everything you have
ever wanted from the universe. Believe that you are a manifestation machine and have
the power within to attract and create anything you focus your attention on. Believe that
you are worthy of receiving what you asked for and expect it to walk into your life.
Remember to be patient, trust the process, and believe that you deserve whatever it is
that you seek.

Become a magnet for positive energy so that all your wants and needs can flow into your
life. Planting positive seeds in your mind, as often as you can, will improve your life day
by day.

Georgiou, A., Hathaway, K., & Towey, S. (n.d.). How do thoughts and emotions affect
health? Taking charge of your health and well-being.
Phaeton, T. (2021). The power of the law of attraction and how it can benefit your life.
Phaeton 4 Kast.
Phillips, F (2020). Manifestation Stories We Love. The Good Space.
Scott, E. (2020). Using the law of attraction to create a stress-free life. Verywellmind.
Scott, E. (2020). What is the law of attraction? Verywellmind.
What is the difference between the law of attraction and manifestation? (n.d.). Positive
Zapata, K. (2020). How to manifest anything you want or desire. Oprah Daily.

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