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unlock the

hidden power
within you
the 7 keys to unleashing your
subconscious mind for greater success
Written by John Assaraf
How would you like to unlock the immense
power of your mind?

It might seem beyond your reach.

Every time you take a step forward, it feels like life pulls you two steps

You may even feel like the potential for greatness is a puzzle you
will never solve.

In short, it might feel like you'll never harness the full potential of your
mind to achieve your dreams and goals.

Well, what if I told you…

There's nothing mysterious about unlocking your mind's potential,

developing unshakeable confidence, and achieving extraordinary

You simply have to be committed to reprogramming your

subconscious mind.

If it were easy, everyone would be living their dream life, right?

Now here's the good news (actually, it's fantastic news):

There are proven "shortcuts" used by top performers and

successful individuals across various fields.
With these shortcuts, you can achieve all your goals and finally live the
life you've always dreamed of with the peace of mind you deserve.

The truth is, to unlock your mind's potential, you need to follow a
particular set of steps in the correct order, at the right time.

This ebook shares my proven techniques for reprogramming your

subconscious mind using neuroscience, harnessing your hidden
potential, and achieving extraordinary results.

I'll also share a limited-time opportunity to get personalized help

achieving your goals & dreams faster and easier than you ever
imagined possible.

So, what can you expect from this book:

1 Seven neuroscience techniques to rewire and

reprogram your subconscious mind for greater success

2 The one thing you MUST change to ensure you achieve

all your goals

3 BONUS: Three key questions to ask yourself if you want

to unlock your mind's fullest potential

And so much more. But those are the three big

“A-HA!” moments for most of our clients.

Are you ready to take the first step toward unlocking
your mind's potential?

Fantastic! Let's get started.

Consider these quotes:

"If you think you can do a thing or think you

can't do a thing, you're right."
Henry Ford
Seven neuroscience techniques to rewire and
reprogram your subconscious mind for greater success

"Whether you believe you can do a
thing or not, you are right."

Are you ready to release your limiting beliefs and fears so you can
break free to your next level of achievement?

First, I need to start with understanding your mind. So…What is the

conscious and subconscious mind? How do they influence your
behaviors, emotions, and decisions?

Understanding the mind is one of my favorite topics! Why? It's so

fascinating once you discover how it works.

There is a step-by-step formula for reprogramming your

subconscious mind if you are willing to learn AND apply it.

a cautionary word
Now, after years of studying the mind and helping hundreds of
thousands of individuals achieve their goals, I’ve discovered this:

Most people love the idea of achieving their dreams, but they
refuse to do what's necessary to make it happen.

Essentially, they are interested in success but not committed to

achieving it. My first mentor shared this idea, and it has stayed with
me ever since.

If you are interested, you will only focus on doing what is easy and
convenient. You will let your limiting beliefs, fears, and excuses
define you and defeat you.

But a committed individual…? Someone who is committed will do

whatever it takes. With that in mind, let’s begin.

conscious and subconscious:
the dual forces within
Your Mind, an intricate marvel of neuroscience, operates on two
primary levels – the conscious and the subconscious. Together,
these two components form an extraordinary powerhouse that
shapes your reality, governs your reactions and steers the course of
your life.

The conscious mind is your active thinking part. It’s the part of you
that can make decisions, and carry out logical thinking and
reasoning. It's the director of your imagination and can help you
choose where you’d love to travel or sail to or choose what to eat
for breakfast as you read the paper and make critical business

Meanwhile, your subconscious mind operates below the level of

conscious awareness, and it does all of the heavy lifting from
digesting your food, to analyzing 400 bits of information per second,
to creating new muscle fibers as it easily keeps your heartbeat, liver,
lungs and other organs doing their jobs without any effort on your
part Think of it as a vast storage room, holding your past
experiences, deep-seated beliefs, memories, and automatic skills
like driving a car or typing. It's also the birthplace of your emotions,
habits, and deeply ingrained patterns of behavior.

accessing the subconscious:
the key to transformation
Why is tapping into the subconscious mind so crucial for achieving
your goals? Simply put, your subconscious beliefs and conditioned
neural patterns play a significant role in determining your day-to-day
actions and automatic responses. If your subconscious mind holds
limiting beliefs or negative emotional or behavioral patterns, they can
act as barriers to your success, often without you even realizing it.

However, by accessing and positively influencing and rewiring your

subconscious mind, you can rewrite limiting beliefs, and eliminate
disempowering emotions or behavioral patterns. You can
deliberately instill empowering beliefs and create positive patterns
that align with your goals and aspirations.

This alignment between your conscious desires and your

subconscious programming is the key to achieving extraordinary
results. It's the secret sauce that enables successful individuals to
seemingly defy the odds, break barriers, and reach heights others
only dream of.

In this eBook, we'll guide you through:
scientifically-backed techniques to tap into your subconscious

helping you unlock your hidden potential

achieving your most ambitious goals.

Get ready to embark on a journey of self-

discovery and transformation. Let's dive into
the extraordinary world of your mind!

the key to unlocking your
subconscious mind:

Having understood the profound roles of both the conscious and

subconscious mind, it's clear that harmonizing these two forces is
critical in manifesting our goals. But how can I bridge this gap? How
can I access and influence the subconscious mind to align with our
conscious desires? This is where 'innercising' comes into play.

Innercising is a term I coined to describe the process of exercising

the brain to strengthen the neural pathways and what I call “Neuro-
Muscles” that lead to greater success and fulfillment. Just as we can
exercise our bodies to improve physical health and performance, we
can also exercise our brains to enhance mental function and

So why did I create this term? For years, I observed people
committing to physical workouts, investing time and energy in
their physical well-being. However, when it came to their
mental fitness, the effort didn't match up. It struck me that
there was a need for a similar commitment to our mental health
and cognitive performance. Hence, 'innercise' was born,
emphasizing the importance of mental exercises designed to
improve the mind's resilience, adaptability, and strength.

Innercising involves a series of scientifically-backed techniques

aimed at tapping into your subconscious mind and rewiring it
for success. By regularly practicing these techniques, you can
break free from limiting beliefs and negative patterns lodged in
your subconscious mind. You can replace them with
empowering beliefs and positive behaviors that serve your
goals and aspirations.

The beauty of innercising is that it leverages your brain's natural

plasticity—its ability to form new neural connections throughout
your life. This means that no matter your age, background, or
past experiences, you can harness the power of innercising to
transform your subconscious mind and, consequently, your life.

NOTE: We're taking this journey a step
further than just this ebook. I invite you to
join me at our upcoming live event where
we will dive even deeper and experience
the methods of innercising, equipping you
with the tools and strategies needed to
effectively rewire your brain for success.

Reserve your spot now

In the next chapter, we'll delve into seven powerful

innercising techniques that can help you rewire
your mind for success. Each technique is backed
by neuroscience and designed to empower you to
unlock the hidden potential within you. So, are you
ready to start your innercising journey? Let's dive in!

innercise® your way to
greater success:
7 Powerful Techniques to Rewire Your Mind
We all have immense potential within us. The key to unlocking
that potential lies in the most powerful tool we possess: our mind.
By using specific techniques, or 'innercises,' we can rewire our
brains for success. Let's delve into seven effective innercising
techniques and understand how they work.

1 Self Talk
Positive self-talk plays a critical role in achieving success
by harnessing the power of cognitive psychology and
influencing one's mindset, emotions, and behaviors.
Scientific research has demonstrated that how you talk to
yourself has a profound impact on your motivation,
performance, focus, and overall well-being.

When individuals engage in positive self-talk, they employ

optimistic and affirming language to shape their internal
dialogue and emotional states. This practice cultivates a
supportive and encouraging mental environment, which
directly affects your beliefs and attitudes. The
psychological phenomenon known as the self-fulfilling
prophecy comes into play: if individuals consistently affirm
their abilities, potential, and resilience, they are more likely
to approach challenges with confidence and persevere in
the face of obstacles.

2 Affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements that can help you
challenge and overcome self-sabotaging thoughts or
emotions. When I repeatedly say these affirmations, I start
to believe them, and our behavior changes accordingly.
This change is due to 'neuroplasticity,' the brain's ability to
form new neural pathways.

For example, an affirmation could be "I am capable of

achieving great things."

Repeat and feel these as if they are true daily, and you'll
find your self-belief and motivation growing stronger:

"I am capable of achieving greatness in all areas of my life."

"I attract abundance and opportunities effortlessly."
"I am fully aligned with my purpose, and success flows to me naturally."
"I have an unwavering belief in my abilities and the power within me."
"I am surrounded by positive and supportive individuals who uplift and inspire me."
"I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning."
"I am deserving of all the success, joy, and abundance that comes my way."
"Every setback is a stepping stone to greater achievements."
"I am in complete control of my thoughts and emotions, creating my reality."
"I am grateful for all the blessings in my life, and I attract more reasons to be grateful."

Remember to repeat these affirmations daily with

conviction, believe in yourself, and take inspired action
toward your goals. Affirmations can be a powerful tool to
shift your mindset and attract success into your life.

3 Visualizations
Visualizations have a profound impact on our ability to
achieve our goals. When we engage in the practice of
visualization, our brain activates neural pathways that
encourage us to "perform" the desired actions.

This process creates new connections among cells in our

brain, forming clusters that aid in the formation of
memories and learned behaviors.

For example, to enhance your chances of success,

imagine yourself delivering a flawless presentation.
Immerse yourself in the experience, feeling the surge of
confidence and hearing the resounding applause. As you
vividly visualize this scenario, your brain interprets it as a
genuine memory, reinforcing your self-assurance for the
actual event

Neuroscience supports the effectiveness of visualization


Mirror Neurons: Mirror neurons are

specialized cells in our brain that fire both
when we perform an action and when we
observe someone else performing the
same action. This phenomenon suggests
that when we visualize an action, our
brain activates the same neural pathways
as if we were actually performing it.

Neuroplasticity: The brain's ability to
reorganize and form new neural
connections is known as neuroplasticity.
Visualization can stimulate neuroplasticity
by strengthening the neural pathways
associated with specific actions or
behaviors. By repeatedly visualizing a
desired outcome, we enhance the brain's
capacity to execute that action in real life.

Activation of Brain Regions:

Studies using functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) have shown that
visualization activates specific regions of the
brain related to the action being visualized.
For example, when athletes visualize
performing a physical skill, the motor cortex
—the area responsible for movement—lights
up, indicating neural activation.

Improved Performance: Research

indicates that visualization can enhance
performance in various domains, including
sports, music, and public speaking. By
mentally rehearsing successful outcomes,
individuals can improve their confidence,
skill execution, and overall performance.

While visualization alone may not guarantee success,

incorporating it into a comprehensive strategy that
includes goal setting, planning, and action can have a
positive impact on achieving desired outcomes.
4 Mental Contrasting
Mental contrasting is a scientifically supported technique
that combines the visualization of goals with an
acknowledgment of obstacles. This method effectively
prepares the brain for success by blending the optimism
of positive thinking with the realism of recognizing

Research has shown that mental contrasting enhances

motivation, goal commitment, and performance. By
visualizing your desired outcome, such as picturing
yourself as a healthier individual, you activate neural
pathways associated with that vision.

Simultaneously, by considering the obstacles, like your

love for junk food, you engage regions of the brain
associated with self-control and cognitive processing.

This dual process allows your mind to form a realistic

assessment of the potential challenges ahead, leading to
better preparation and increased resilience. By mentally
contrasting your goals with obstacles, you prime your brain
to proactively deal with temptations and distractions,
making it easier to resist unhealthy cravings and make
healthier choices.

Embracing mental contrasting as a regular practice can

significantly improve your chances of achieving your goals
by fostering a balanced mindset that combines positivity
with practicality.
5 Reframing Techniques
Reframing techniques are supported by scientific evidence
and can effectively alter our perception of challenging
situations, making them more manageable and positive.
This cognitive shift allows our brains to interpret events
and stimuli in a more favorable light, leading to more
positive reactions and emotional states.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of

reframing on mental well-being and performance. By
reframing a negative thought or situation into a positive or
constructive perspective, we activate regions of the brain
associated with positive emotions, resilience, and

For example, if you're anxious about public speaking,

reframing your thoughts from "I'm terrified of making a fool
of myself" to "This is a fantastic opportunity to share what I
know with others" can have powerful effects. This
reframing encourages the brain to focus on the potential
benefits and personal growth opportunities associated
with the situation, rather than dwelling on negative

Research has shown that practicing reframing techniques

can lead to increased self-confidence, reduced anxiety,
and improved performance in various domains, including
public speaking, academic settings, and interpersonal

By consciously reframing your thoughts, you can harness the
cognitive flexibility of your brain to reframe adversity as an
opportunity and rewire your emotional response to
challenges. This empowers you to approach situations with a
positive mindset, enhancing your overall well-being and

6 Cognitive Priming
Cognitive priming is a scientifically supported technique
that influences how our brains respond to specific stimuli.
Research has demonstrated that priming can have a
significant impact on our behavior by activating specific
associations or norms in our minds prior to engaging in an

Numerous studies have investigated the effects of

cognitive priming on various aspects of cognition and
behavior. When it comes to problem-solving and creativity,
priming techniques have shown promising results. For
example, by exposing yourself to information about a
creative individual you admire, such as their unique
approach and mindset, you prime your brain to adopt a
similar creative perspective.

Furthermore, when you review your vision, and goals daily

and prime your brain with the emotions and thoughts
associated with these goals, you activate your brain's
reward circuits which can lead to taking more inspired

Research has indicated that cognitive priming can influence
various aspects of behavior, including decision-making,
social interactions, and performance in academic or
professional settings.

By strategically employing cognitive priming techniques, you

can leverage the power of your mind to enhance creativity,
problem-solving abilities, and overall performance in specific

7 Emotional Regulation
Emotional regulation, refers to the process of effectively
managing and responding to emotional experiences in a
socially acceptable and flexible manner. It involves
recognizing emotional triggers or cues and implementing
strategies to maintain emotional balance.

Techniques like deep breathing or counting to ten before

responding to a triggering situation have been shown to
have significant effects on regulating emotions, particularly
in individuals prone to anger or impulsivity.

These techniques engage the prefrontal cortex, the brain

region responsible for executive functions and emotional
regulation. By consciously employing these strategies, we
activate this region, which helps to modulate emotional
responses and promotes a more adaptive and composed

Moreover, the concept of neuroplasticity suggests that our
brains have the remarkable ability to rewire and adapt based
on our experiences and intentional practices. By consistently
practicing emotional regulation techniques, we can physically
restructure our brain connections, enhancing resilience and
emotional control.

Mindfulness and meditation practices involve intentionally

focusing your attention on the present moment without
judgment. These techniques cultivate self-awareness and
help you observe and acknowledge your emotions without
becoming overwhelmed by them. By developing a non-
reactive and accepting stance towards your emotions, you
can regulate them effectively and respond in a more
balanced and adaptive manner whenever needed.

It's important to note that these techniques require practice

and consistency to yield long-term benefits. Experiment with
these techniques and find what works best for you in
managing and regulating your emotions.

the one crucial change:
your mindset
Even with ALL of those tools at your disposal, failure is still possible.


Because without changing this ONE thing, even the best

neuroscience techniques will fail.

Welcome to possibly the most important chapter in this entire

ebook. If you take only ONE bit of advice from me, take this:

If your mindset does not change, neither will your life.

Understanding Mindset

Your mindset is the set of beliefs that shape how you perceive the
world and yourself. It influences your thoughts, emotions, and
actions, creating a ripple effect that impacts every aspect of your
life, including your financial success.

According to author Carol Dweck, PhD, There are two main types of
mindsets: fixed and growth.

A fixed mindset, believes that abilities are static and cannot be

changed. This mindset views failure as a reflection of one's worth
and avoids challenges for fear of not being good enough.

A growth mindset, on the other hand, perceives abilities as

malleable and improvable with effort and perseverance. This
mindset sees failure as an opportunity for learning and growth,
embracing challenges as a means to improve.

The Change: From Fixed to Growth

To achieve your financial goals, you must transition from a fixed

mindset to a growth mindset. This is the crucial change that will
unlock your potential and propel you toward financial success.

With a growth mindset, you'll view challenges as stepping stones

instead of roadblocks. You'll see failures as lessons, not as
reflections of your self-worth. You'll understand that your current
financial state is not a life sentence but a starting point from which
you can grow.

Implementing the Change

So, how do you cultivate a growth mindset?

Here are some strategies:

1 Embrace Challenges
Instead of avoiding challenges, embrace them. They are
opportunities to learn, grow, and improve.

2 Learn Continuously
Never stop learning. Read books, attend
seminars, and take courses. The more knowledge you acquire,
the better equipped you'll be to achieve your financial goals.

3 View Failure Differently

Failure is not a dead-end. It's a detour or
delay. It's a chance to learn, adapt, and try again with a better

4 Celebrate Effort, Not Just Results:
Recognize and celebrate the effort you put into achieving your
goals, not just the results. This shift encourages persistence
and resilience, key ingredients for success.

5 Practice Patience
Changing your mindset doesn't happen overnight. Be patient
with yourself and celebrate small victories along the way.

6 Get Super Curious Again.

Research has shown that when we are curious, we activate the
brain plasticity switch, and that means we are learning,
growing, and becoming a newer, more improved version of
Remember, the power to change your financial reality lies within you.
By shifting your mindset, you can align your subconscious beliefs
with your conscious financial goals, creating a potent force that
propels you toward extraordinary results.

Let's dive deeper into the concept of mindset and how you can truly
harness its power. To help you on this journey, I invite you to join us
at our upcoming LIVE event, "Rewire Your Brain For Unstoppable
Success," hosted by me on August 2nd.

You'll gain invaluable insights and participate in live guided training to

help you master rewiring and conditioning your subconscious mind.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn directly from those who've

walked the path and achieved extraordinary financial success. This
could be the turning point in your journey toward achieving your
financial goals.

The Three Essential Questions You Must
Ask to Unlock Your Mind’s Unlimited Power
Before I finish, I want to leave you with some things to consider. In
this chapter, I dive deeper into the neuroscience behind three pivotal
questions you need to ask yourself to tap into your mind's full

These questions are not just powerful; they are transformative,

designed to evoke a profound self-awareness that can catalyze your
journey toward financial success.

Question 1: What Do I Truly Want?

Neuroscience tells us that clarity and focus are critical for success.
When you have a clear goal, your brain can work more efficiently to
help you achieve it. The first question, "What do I truly want?" is about
defining your financial goals with precision and personal relevance.

For example, instead of saying, "I want more money," specify what
"more money" means to you. It could be, "I want to earn $100,000
annually," or "I want to save $20,000 for a down payment on a

By clearly defining your goal, you're essentially giving your brain a

roadmap to success. It can identify relevant information,
opportunities, and resources to help you reach your goal.

Question 2: Why Do I Want It?
The second question, "Why do I want it?" taps into the emotional
part of your brain, the limbic system. This part of the brain plays a
significant role in motivation, emotion, learning, and memory.
Understanding your 'why' gives you a powerful emotional connection
to your goal, fueling your drive and determination.

For instance, your 'why' for wanting to earn $100,000 annually

could be to provide a comfortable life for your family, to become
financially independent, or to donate to a cause you deeply care
about. Your 'why' becomes the emotional fuel that keeps you
motivated even when the journey gets tough.

Question 3: Am I Willing To Do What It Takes

The third question, "Am I willing to do what it takes?" engages the

prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for executive
functions such as decision-making, problem-solving, and regulating

Achieving financial success requires commitment, persistence, and

resilience. It involves stepping out of your comfort zone, embracing
challenges, and learning from failures. By asking this question, you
mentally prepare yourself for the journey ahead, setting up a mindset
that is ready to take on whatever it takes to reach your goals.

For example, being willing to do what it takes could mean

investing time in learning new skills, seeking advice from
financial experts, or making lifestyle changes to save more
money. It's about taking action, despite the challenges and
setbacks you might encounter.

By consciously engaging different parts of your brain with these

questions, you can align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with
your financial goals. This alignment is a powerful force that can
propel you toward financial success.
Ready to unlock more power from your brain? Join us at the
upcoming LIVE event, "Rewire Your Brain For Unstoppable
Success," hosted by John Assaraf on August 2nd.


your journey to success:

the next step
You've now learned about the tremendous power of innercising and
how it can rewire your brain for success. You've discovered the
immense potential hidden within your subconscious mind, waiting to
be unlocked.

But what's next? How can you put these insights into practice and
truly transform your life?
There are two paths before you:

Path One: Go It Alone

This path involves using what you've learned from this eBook and
applying it on your own. It's a journey of self-reliance and
persistence. However, it's essential to remember that while this path
is indeed possible, it may take more time and effort than anticipated.

Path Two: Learn with an Expert

Choosing this path means you'll have guidance from someone who
has not only studied these techniques but has also applied them
successfully. As an expert in harnessing the power of the
subconscious mind, I can provide you with practical, actionable
steps to accelerate your journey toward success.

Remember, every investment in yourself is a step towards unlocking
your full potential.

That's why I am inviting you to an upcoming live event. During the

event will dive deeper into the methods of innercising by actually
doing them together, providing you with the experience and tools
needed to effectively rewire your brain for success.

Together, I will delve into the neuroscience behind these techniques,

providing you with a comprehensive understanding of how and why
they work. You'll gain insights into how to improve your life, reduce
stress and anxiety, and accomplish your goals faster and easier than
ever before,

Most importantly, you'll learn how to apply these techniques

effectively, enabling you to harness the power of your subconscious
mind fully.

If you're ready to take the next step on your journey to success, then
this event is for you. Let's continue this journey together, unlocking
the hidden power within you and achieving extraordinary results.
Reserve your spot now, and let's make your dreams a reality.

To your success,
John Assaraf

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Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty While the contributors
have used their best efforts in preparing this report, they make
no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy
or completeness of the contents and specifically disclaim any
implied warranties. The advice and strategies contained herein
may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with
a professional where appropriate. The authors shall not be
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including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or
other damages. Produced in the United States of America.

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