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Table of Contents

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Chapter 1: What Cellulite Is ..............................................................................................................12 Chapter 2: Myths And Facts About Cellulite ...................................................................... 19
Myth: Cellulite Is Genetic ............................................................................................................ 20 Fact: You Can Get Cellulite Anywhere On Your Body ............................................................. 21 Myth: You Can Exercise Away Cellulite .................................................................................... 22 Fact: The Right Diet Will Have More Impact Than Exercise On Cellulite Reduction ............ 24 Myth: Liposuction Will Cure Cellulite Forever ......................................................................... 25 Fact: Stress Can Be Associated With Cellulite Development.................................................... 27

Chapter 3: Can You Spot A Scam? ...............................................................................................29

Anti-Cellulite Clothing ................................................................................................................ 31 Miracle Creams............................................................................................................................. 32 Pills/Drugs ................................................................................................................................... 34 Massage/Vibration Therapies..................................................................................................... 36 Laser Therapy ............................................................................................................................... 38

Chapter 4: The Damaging Impacts Of Crash Diets ....................................................40

The Problems Associated With Crash Diets............................................................................... 42 What Qualifies As A Crash Diet ................................................................................................. 54 The Difference Between A Crash Diet And A Cleanse ........................................................... 57

Chapter 5: Eating To Rid Cellulite ...............................................................................................59

Setting Your Target Calorie Intake ............................................................................................. 61 Your Basal Metabolic Rate .......................................................................................................... 62 The Thermic Effect Of Food ........................................................................................................ 63 Your Daily Activity Burn........................................................................................................... 63 Foods To Eat To Banish Cellulite ................................................................................................ 66 Foods To Avoid To Become Cellulite-Free................................................................................. 72 What You need To Know About Food Combinations And Timing........................................ 75 Your Lymph Cleansing Solution................................................................................................. 77

Chapter 6: Supplements For Success .......................................................................................78

Thyroid Support........................................................................................................................... 79 Health Promotion......................................................................................................................... 81 Accelerated Fat Burning .............................................................................................................. 83 Hormonal Balance ........................................................................................................................ 85

Chapter 7: The Coffee Grind Wrap Method.........................................................................88

Ingredients ................................................................................................................................. 90

Chapter 8: Your Step By Step Plan To Ridding Cellulite For Good.................91

Step 1: Start With Detoxification And Water Retention Removal ........................................... 92 Ingredients ................................................................................................................................. 93 Step 2: Fix Your Diet .................................................................................................................... 94

Chapter 9: Maintaining A Cellulite Free Body For Life..............................................99 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................101

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations used in articles and reviews. This book is intended as a reference material, not as a medical manual to replace the advice of your physician or to substitute for any treatment prescribed by your physician. If you are ill or suspect that you have a medical problem, we strongly encourage you to consult your medical, health, or other competent professional before adopting any of the suggestions in this book or drawing inferences from it. If you are taking prescription medication, you should never change your diet (for better or worse) without consulting your physician, as any dietary change may affect the metabolism of that prescription drug. This book and the authors opinions are solely for informational and educational purposes. The author specifically disclaims all responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this book.

If youre reading this right now, youre someone who is dealing with, to at least some extent, cellulite. And, you arent alone. Cellulite is a very widespread problem that impacts a vast number of people all around the world regardless of whether or not they happen to be overweight or not. In addition to that, while some people have come to believe that cellulite is primarily a womens condition, this is not the case. While theres definitely no denying the fact that cellulite is much more apparent in females than males, males can also suffer, so its not something they can completely overlook either. Cellulite is a very intricate problem that requires a comprehensive approach as you go about your treatment as its not just something thats accumulate due to you having excess weight. This is what so many people have come to believe, but unfortunately theyve been highly misled. They think that the primary reason they are suffering from cellulite is simply because they are too fat. So, they go on some crash diet, hoping that if they just lose a few pounds, their cellulite will vanish immediately. Only it doesnt and before not too long, theyre left feeling incredibly depressed, hopeless, and like tossing in the towel. The problem here is not their motivation. Most people, when they have a problem theyre unhappy with, have fine levels of motivation to press onwards and see success. The problem, more often than not, is that they are simply using the wrong approach. And, when they use this wrong approach for a few days

and dont start seeing the results that theyre after, that leads to further frustration and then their motivation takes a nosedive. Its not that your motivation is naturally low to get rid of this problem, its that it becomes low when you arent seeing the results that you were hoping for. So the mission of this book is to set the record straight so that you can finally attack the problem and see the success that youre after. If you do this, then you will be on track and seeing the optimal state of results that youve been longing for all along. Keep in mind that how much cellulite you currently possess is going to determine how long it takes you to rid yourself of it from your body as well as the amount of effort thats going to be required on your part. There are a wide number of factors that can influence cellulite development, so some people will definitely suffer to a greater extreme than others. The trick is to recognize what problems are at play in your own situation and then start making adjustments that will accommodate to those issues. If you can do this, then you can get right on track to seeing the success that youre after. At times, very thin people may also have cellulite, so theyre going to need a much different approach than someone who does have 30+ pounds to lose.

While overweight people do tend to notice more cellulite overall, its not just the excess weight thats coming into play here, as we mentioned above. Someone who is of a normal and healthy body weight (or even too thin as it is!) isnt likely going to want to go shedding 10-15 pounds to try and reduce the amount of cellulite they have. Doing so may not be healthy and wouldnt have them looking good. Thats when itll be time to instead assess the situation and see what other factors are contributing to cellulite development and attack the problem from those angles. All in all, fighting cellulite does need to be a bit of a customized approach, so its imperative that you keep that in mind as you go about your plan. The more steps you can take to combat it, the faster you are going to see results and the better you are going to move forward and see the results that youre after.

So what are we going to be covering in this book? Were going to discuss a wide range of things so that you are fully equipped with absolutely everything that you need to know to say so-long to cellulite forever. First were going to be going over the main facts about what cellulite is. Before you even start concerning yourself with fixing the problem, you need to learn what causes cellulite to develop so that you can better understand why youre going to be doing the things youre doing as you move into the various treatment phases. After you fully understand cellulite, then were going to move into a discussion on some of the biggest myths and facts about cellulite. This is very important to consider as if the truth is told, there are far more myths out there surrounding cellulite than there is for almost any other weight loss topic. Cellulite is a wide-spread problem and as such, everyone and everyone who wants to make a quick buck seems to have the solution.

As a result, there are many different products, claims, and strategies out there that are nothing more than hype and fancy marketing. If you hope to have success with your quest to rid yourself of cellulite, its imperative that you learn what these are and how you can go about sidestepping them so that they dont distract you from doing what really does work to achieve optimal success. After you know fact from fiction, then well look more specifically at some of those scams that are available so you know precisely what you dont want to buy into. If you cant spot a scam, you could be wasting your hard-earned dollars falling for one. We definitely do not want that and I think youd agree that youll only become more frustrated if you fall victim to these marketing ploys. From there, well take a closer look at the impact of crash diets and cellulite. If you hop onto one of those quick fix approaches hoping to shed pounds quickly, how is this going to influence the results that you see? Well have some of your answers here so that you can see for yourself the impact it will have. Until you understand what these crash diets do to you, you may continually be tempted to use them. Its a must that you dont and well be showing you exactly why in this chapter. From there, well move on and talk about what you should be doing, diet-wise, to cure cellulite. This will be a large chapter as well be explaining a number of effective strategies that you need to know. When it comes to combating cellulite for good, diet is key to success. But not to worry, the diet isnt going to be anything really unmanageable and is going to be something that almost everyone should be able to do without much of a problem at all. Plus, youll find that after you start up on this diet, youll be feeling better than ever so you will simply want to continue on it for that reason if nothing else.

After weve gone over all the important diet information that you need to know, then well move forward and begin going over into more detail the supplements that you can use that will help you cure cellulite. Now, there are a number of supplements out there that claim to help combat cellulite in a hurry, but sadly, youll just be misled by these. If you want to see fast results, you must know which products work and which are just going to waste your time. Well explain this all in great detail in this chapter. From there, well move on and talk more on the hormonal aspect of cellulite. This is also incredibly important to consider because many people dont even realize that the reason they have cellulite could be primarily hormonally based. Remember those thin people we mentioned who are suffering from cellulite? Well, more often than not, the primary reason they are suffering is due to a hormonal imbalance taking place in their body. This isnt something thats going to go away easily either, so its imperative that you are making absolutely sure that you are taking steps to fix your situation if you are in fact suffering. Estrogen is the primary hormone well be talking about but well also go over how the thyroid hormones may be impacting you as well. After that, well talk about one special wrap treatment that you can do right in the comfort of your own home to combat cellulite that far too many people completely overlook. While there are few wraps or topical treatments that actually do work, this is one of them and will produce far superior benefits. Finally, well finish off the book going over some of the top tips to maintain a cellulite free body moving into the future. Once youve finally removed all that cellulite from your body that you so desperately want to shed, its then important that you make sure that you know some special strategies for keeping that cellulite off in the long term.


Clearly a program would not be effective if you regained the cellulite you lost just a few months after coming off of it, so this is something that you cant take lightly. With so many different diet programs out there that have you rebounding in body weight just weeks after youve finished, we dont want this to be yet another program just like that. So there you have all the vital information that youre going to learn as we go about this program plan. Make sure that you take notes along the way if necessary so that you can remember all the facts we cover and put them to good use in your own lifestyle. Dont just use one or two of the methods that we discuss utilize everything that were providing in this book so that you can see the best results possible from your effort. So now that youre fully prepared and know whats ahead, lets get started with some initial discussion on what cellulite is.


Chapter 1: What Cellulite Is

To kick-start our discussions, we need to go over what cellulite is. Many people are under the impression that its simply excess body fat and while body fat does play a role in cellulite formation, thats not all thats involved. Others might mention that cellulite is caused due to toxic build-up under the skin, a notion that isnt correct at all (so dont fall for this one!) Cellulite is primarily a condition involving both body fat as well as your skin structure. Cellulite is far most likely to occur right around the butt and thigh region, however it can also occur around other areas of the body where excess body fat is likely to accumulate. Such regions include the lower abs (especially in women), the lower back (primarily in males), as well as the underarms. All of these areas can see noticeable increases in cellulite formation, especially if one gets heavy enough in terms of their overall body weight. As we mentioned earlier, you definitely dont have to be overweight to be seeing a problem with cellulite, however those who are sporting a higher body weight are much more likely to notice the impacts of it and


see greater levels of development.

When cellulite occurs, it tends to take a rather dimpled appearance, somewhat like cottage cheese, and makes you look very unfit and not firm. Tanning can often help to reduce the appearance of cellulite as it tends to smooth the skin out, however its by no means an effective way to treat and rid cellulite from your body. So what is it that causes cellulite? What causes cellulite formation to occur is the actual skin on your body along with the underlying structure underneath the skin.


Basically what occurs is that there is a herniation, meaning a protrusion, of subcutaneous fat within the fibrous connective tissues in the skin. So think of it like this. In a normal area of the body where cellulite isnt present, you have fat tissue and then above that, you have a layer of smooth skin tissue. The result is a dimple-free appearance on the skin. Where cellulite is involved however, youll have fat tissue that is seeping into the skin structures, pulling on the various attachments that join the skin to the body fat cells, causing them to buckle and the dimples to be formed. Think of this as if you had a netted bag for a sleeping bag and you were pressing that rolled-up sleeping bag into the net as hard as you possibly could. Whats going to happen?


The bag is going to start to press through the net, creating small protrusions of the sleeping bag throughout. This is whats going on when cellulite is formed. The fat tissue is pressing up into the skin matrix, pressing so hard that you get that dimple effects as certain portions of the skin are pulled taught right into the body fat.

So while having fat underneath the skin does definitely play a role in cellulite formation, it is not the cause of the cellulite. The cause of the cellulite formation is due to the way the skin is structured and the fact its allowing the fat to press up into it, producing these protrusions. Since every single person on earth has some degree of body fat underneath the skin (except for perhaps the professional competitive body builders who get down to extremely low body fat levels), anyone can suffer from this problem and that is why you dont necessarily have to be overweight to see it occurring. You just have to have poor skin structure and fat present and when you do, cellulite will be forming. Whats more is that the way in which a womens skin structure is formed does tend to be quite different from the way a males is, which


explains why this problem is much more pronounced in females than males.

With males, the connective tissue that connects the skin to muscle cells tends to run in a cross-hatched pattern, which produces a more smooth and continuous appearance, reducing the chances that fat can seep into the pocket holes. With females however, its not the same story. For women, the connective tissue tends to run vertically along the skin with the attachments coming only so often along the skin to the muscles. Thus, there is this wide opportunity for fat pockets to form, which is where the fat will seep inwards and begin pressing up, creating the cellulite appearance. Additionally, females also have much higher levels of essential body fat than males do due to their need to be able to reproduce, thus they are naturally going to have more body fat underneath the skin to potentially fill these voids. So as you can see, females definitely have a few serious factors working against them when it comes to cellulite formation, which is why


it can be so hard for a woman to rid herself of this unsightly tissue and why thin women are far more likely to suffer from it than thin men. Another thing to note with the formation of cellulite is that it is much more likely to form as you begin to age. When youre young, the skin tissue and collagen matrix tends to be rather elastic and supple, therefore if the fat presses up, its more likely to maintain its overall structural integrity. When youre older however, the skin loses this elasticity and that can make it far easier for the fat to move into the skin pockets, pressing up against the skin. Additionally, as one ages the skin will tend to sage more, which can further augment the situation. This is why you may not have had cellulite formation when you were younger but now that you are starting to age in years, you may be noticing more of it developing. To add to this, you have the issue of hormonal concentrations shifting in the body, which is an additional topic that well be getting into with much greater detail in a coming chapter. Hormonal factors do play an integral role in the formation of cellulite so if youre not keeping track of where your levels are at and making smart adjustments to accommodate, you could definitely be putting yourself at a higher risk for seeing it occur in your lower body region. So there you have some of the primary points to know about what cellulite is. As you can see, its not as simple as just saying its a matter of being too fat. While the more fat you have, clearly the more opportunity there will be for the fat to push up into the skin as weve mentioned throughout the course of this chapter, but its more an issue with the connective tissue coming into play than anything.


So now that you know what cellulite is, lets go into some of the biggest myths and truths that you need to remember so that you can figure out how to structure your program plan to combat this unsightly problem.


Chapter 2: Myths And Facts About Cellulite

Now that you have a more clear idea of what cellulite is, its time to go over the dirty truths and facts that circulate around with regards to cellulite. Only once you know these truths and facts are you going to be able to recognize where to place more of your efforts in terms of cellulite reduction. So many people read incorrect information regarding cellulite and then go off to put together a program plan that is based around completely false logic. This is then simply just going to have them growing more and more frustrated by the day, which as we talked about earlier, is anything but ideal when you are on a mission to combat cellulite and fast.


So lets take a look at the key myths and facts that you need to know.

Myth: Cellulite Is Genetic

The very first myth is that one that does circulate a great deal and has many people believing it to be entirely accurate. The myth is that cellulite is, for the most part, genetic. Basically, those who believe this come to think that if their parents have cellulite, chances are they are going to be developing it too and often they believe that theres absolutely nothing they can do about it. This, however, isnt correct at all. While your genetic background can have some influence on the way that you tend to store body fat on the body, your genetic background is not going to establish for sure whether or not you develop cellulite. There are a number of people in this world who have very overweight parents, but who have taken action in their own lives to put together a proper diet to follow and lead an active lifestyle, thus are not overweight themselves. As we said earlier cellulite isnt just about being overweight, but from a hereditary standpoint, this would be the greatest potential linkage between your parents and you and the development of cellulite. But since that linkage isnt accurate, you really have nothing to worry about. If your mom has cellulite, this doesnt mean that youre destined to have very large amounts of it yourself as long as you get on a program to help combat it and make smart lifestyle, diet, and exercise choices.


Fact: You Can Get Cellulite Anywhere On Your Body

Moving along, looking at a fact now, one fact is that you can get cellulite anywhere on your body. Some people come to believe that cellulite can only occur on the hips, butt, and thighs and while it is true that this is the most common place for cellulite to form as its where the skin tends to naturally have this structure the promotes the development of cellulite, that is not the only place where it can develop on the body. If youre gaining enough excess weight and are moving into the obese category, you can in fact get cellulite anywhere if the skin structure presents the problem. The more fat you have, the more likely there is to be a problem and often you will see those who are very obese showing signs of cellulite formation in many additional places on the body.


Keep in mind that things do need to be quite extreme for this to occur, but theres no question that you can get it all over the body if you arent careful. Never come to believe that certain areas of the body are immune to its development. That is simply not the case.

Myth: You Can Exercise Away Cellulite

The next myth that surrounds the development of cellulite is that you can exercise away cellulite if you work hard enough. Some people come to believe that if they just put in more hours at the gym, they can rid cellulite completely. They know they are in for a lot of hard work, but they are going to put their mind to it.


Only this isnt, unfortunately possible. While a good exercise program can, without a question of a doubt, help with the reduction of cellulite appearance, exercise is not going to change the way that the skin is structured. So while you can reduce the fat underneath, therefore lessening its impact on the appearance of cellulite to the naked eye, exercise is not going to influence the skin for that, you need other treatment protocols. Whats more is that typically the fat that is causing cellulite for most people is the stubborn body fat that clings on for dear life and fat that you wont ever reduce strictly through exercise. Exercise alone can definitely help you lose weight, but its not going to get you so incredibly lean that you can eliminate all the fat under the regions where cellulite is forming. So dont discount exercise as a method to help reduce cellulite it can be very effective and we arent trying to discount that here, but dont think that you can just exercise away cellulite alone either. If you try that, youre going to be highly disappointed in the results that you see.


Fact: The Right Diet Will Have More Impact Than Exercise On Cellulite Reduction
So now moving on to the facts side of things, the next thing to consider is the role that dietary efforts will play in the rate of fat loss progress as well as cellulite reduction. And, this is precisely where you see remarkable results occurring. If you can get your diet correct and adopt a program that is going to be highly geared towards not only reducing body fat, but reducing cellulite as well, this is going to be the best case scenario. First of all, its far easier to create the calorie deficit that you need to be using to see fat loss success through dietary changes. For example, if you eat one piece of cheesecake or regular chocolate cake, youre looking at a calorie intake of around 400-800 calories depending on just how gourmet that slice was. Do you know how long it would take you to burn those same numbers of calories off in the gym? One to two hours. Powerful stuff. If you can just decrease your food intake slightly, making smarter choices compared to what you used to be making, you can easily see a calorie reduction occurring of 400-500 calories per day, which is enough to get fat loss moving along at a rate of about one pound per week. In addition to that, if youre focusing one eating the right foods as you go about your diet (and well be going over this in much greater detail shortly), then youll also see additional improvements in skin elasticity, firmness, along with the overall appearance of cellulite on the body. Basically, get your diet in order and its a win-win scenario. Youll burn fat, improve skin tone, and say so-long to cellulite forever. If you dont pay attention to your diet, youre fighting an uphill battle from the get-go.


Do not underestimate the power that a proper diet holds.

Myth: Liposuction Will Cure Cellulite Forever

The next myth that we need to discuss is the myth that liposuction is going to cure cellulite forever. Again, this isnt accurate. In this day and age where it seems like everyone is just out to get a quick fix and wants to do away with their problems almost instantly or as instantly as they possibly can, it can be extremely tempting to turn to procedures such as this. Just a few short hours under the knife and voila, your problem is solved! Not quite. If only it was that easy. While liposuction may help to remove some of the fat thats underneath the skin tissue thats causing the protrusions to take place that is then causing the appearance of cellulite, thats all youre doing removing fat. If you then proceed to keep up your normal dietary and lifestyle habits, well guess what? That fat is coming right back. Surgery will not fix what made you gain weight in the first place. All it is will be a short-term solution to removing some of the tissue causing the problem. Okay, so you might be thinking, thats fine, youll just make sure that you make the proper behavioral changes in order to reduce your risk of fat regain. Problem solved, right? Again, not quite.


Remember that cellulite is both a problem of excess body fat as well as the skin structure surrounding those areas. So while liposuction can potentially help remove the fat, its not going to do much for the skin and joining tendons that attach the skin to the muscles. As a result, youre still going to be at a high risk for gaining that cellulite back. And whats worse is that after the body fat is removed from the impacted region, you may see a greater appearance of sagging-looking skin, so you arent going to be all that much better off in the long run. Liposuction is expensive and a temporary solution at best. Coupled with all the potential side effects and risks involved, its simply not the best way to go. The only times in which liposuction should foreseeably be an option for anyone is if youre so overweight that its threatening your life and for the time being, there just isnt enough time to diet and exercise to shed some pounds and potentially save yourself. Then and only then should liposuction be used. Its a last resort.


Fact: Stress Can Be Associated With Cellulite Development

Looking at our next fact of cellulite, this fact is that stress is associated with cellulite development. If theres one thing that you should know, its that stress is potentially one of the most damaging elements to your health. Simply put, stress impacts everything. It impacts your: Sleep quality Resting metabolic rate Recovery rate Immune system Libido levels Focus and concentration Energy levels Insulin sensitivity Diabetes risk Energy and on and on it goes.


If youre highly stressed out, problems are on their way and cellulite is one of them. Not only does stress increase your potential to overeat (whos ever gone digging through the pantry after a hard, long day of work?), which could then lead to fat gaining increasing the chances that you develop cellulite in the first place, but stress will also cause a hormonal response in the body that is going to make you more prone to gaining body fat and burning up lean muscle mass tissue. Overall, stress is just not a good thing to have a part of your life. Obviously you cannot combat stress entirely its going to be present in some regard as its simply an unavoidable fact of life, but the better job you can do at managing your stress level and taking steps to reduce it as much as you possibly can, the better chances youll have of saying so-long to cellulite forever. Some stress can actually be healthy for the body because it keeps us alert, focused, and can increase our energy in times of need, but its when that stress becomes highly chronic that you have a serious problem on your hands. In that instant, youll be fighting an ongoing battle with your body that you likely will not win. Practice smarter stress management techniques and you can put this problem behind you. So there you have some of the primary myths and facts that you should know about cellulite and its development. Dont let yourself fall for some of these myths. They can really send you on off on the wrong track and focusing on things that just arent going to move you forward at all and actually combat this program while getting past it. So now that weve cleared those away, lets take a look at some of the potent scams that are out there that you must know about so that you dont fall victim to these marketing claims.


Chapter 3: Can You Spot A Scam?

If there is one thing that you can be sure about, its that the cellulite reduction market is a hot one. Look at it this way. Right now, the weight loss industry is a multibillion dollar industry and hits home for people world-wide. In almost every country, obesity is rising and more and more people are starting up diet plans and workouts each and every day. Money-hungry marketers realize this and many are entering the market themselves, hoping to take a nice slice of the pie. Now, cellulite not only impacts all those people who fall into the weight loss crowd, but can also impact some thin people as well. Who doesnt cellulite impact? That might be the better question to be asking. Almost everyone has cellulite to some degree and sure, youll see some people where its just not that noticeable or they have no desire to do anything about it (theyve just accepted it, as-is), but for the vast majority of us, we want it gone.


Thus, there is a slew of people in this market that are coming up with products that they firmly believe will appeal to the masses. But, will these products actually work? Thats the age old question. In most cases, it doesnt so much matter whether or not a product delivers, what matters is whether or not it sells. Its the sad fact of the matter for many business operations out there. Thus, more money goes into the marketing efforts of the product to make sure that it appeals to your interest than that of which goes into the research and development side of product creation. The end result of this is that you end up with a product that will definitely shrink the size of your bank account, but likely will not shrink the size of your thighs. Unless you educate yourself on what some of these products are, you might be the next victim. When it comes to body weight and body image issues, people can get very emotional and when emotions run high, credit cards tend to come out without a second thought. So lets walk you through some of the biggest product scams out there so that you can recognize them before they hit you.


Anti-Cellulite Clothing
The very first scam that you need to be aware of is anti-cellulite clothing. There are a number of different garments out there that claim that if you wear them, your cellulite will vanish right before very eyes. Often the theory behind these is that theyll compress the region, smoothing out the skin and the cellulite underneath it. Dont be fooled however. While you may look less dimpled immediately after removing the clothing due to the compression that occurred as you wore it, that cellulite will be coming right back in due time. Not to mention most of these garments are extremely uncomfortable to wear to say the least.


Miracle Creams
The next scam that you need to be very aware of is the miracle creams that are out there. If you walk into the shelves of the drug store, youll be bombarded by full lines of skin care products. They have everything from products to firm under-eye circles to products designed to plump up the lips to products designed to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Now, these products do take a semi-correct approach since they are recognizing that cellulite is very much a skin issue, the only problem is they are targeting the top of the skin, when the problem is occurring underneath. Furthermore, while the product may help to temporarily firm the skin and reduce the appearance of the dimples, its not going to permanently correct it, so if you think that you can use these products and kiss your cellulite away forever, youre going to be highly mistaken. Some of these creams may produce your skin with certain vitamins that can and have been proven to help increase its health and help to


improve the recycling process of building new skin cells, however they arent going to reduce cellulite. You just have to be very clear on that so that if you do choose to use them, your expectations are clear going in. One thing that you may also want to consider however is the influence of self-tanning creams. If the cellulite reduction cream does have tanning pigments in it that can cause the skin to darken slightly, this can definitely have an impact on the appearance of cellulite. Tanned skin does tend to look much more cellulite-free than white, ghostly skin, so its a way to reduce how bad the situation appears. But again, to digress, its not going to fix the problem of cellulite in any way. Youll still be left with that cellulite just the same, the only difference is that it doesnt appear quite so strong. As the tan fades though, the appearance will return and youll be left with the same problem on your hands. If you plan to use these tanning creams forever, then fine, you can do away with some of the appearance of cellulite, but thats going to be a mighty costly venture.


Moving along, the next scam that we come to that you need to be more aware of are the pills and drugs that are out there. These products claim to work from the inside out, helping to again flush toxins, boost your metabolism, burn fat faster, firm the skin you name it, these pills can do it. Since the world is so accustomed to the many different fat burning products that are available now and people everywhere are shelling out good cash for them, most dont bat an eye to purchase a pill that claims it will help to reduce the appearance of cellulite on the body. But yet again, realize that these pills are not going to work long term. They may, for various reasons, reduce the appearance of the cellulite over the short-term, but its just not going to do much for you in the long run. The only way that you can effectively rid yourself of cellulite is to burn the fat and improve the skin structure. A pill may increase your metabolic rate ever so slightly and improve fat oxidation to some degree, but beyond that, its not going to do much.


And the rate of improvements it provides will be miniscule so if you think you can take that pill and then go off eating pizza and cheeseburgers because its just so powerful, youll likely end up with more cellulite than when you started. Pills provide minimal support at best. At worst they can be downright dangerous and cause a wide number of side effects to occur such as: Increased heart rate Light-headedness/dizziness Feelings of anxiety Difficulty sleeping Stomach pains/distress Headaches Jitteriness Loss of coordination And so on.

Basically, dont mess around with them. The benefits are simply not worth the risks and you will be far better off without those pills in your life.


Massage/Vibration Therapies
The next set of scams to be very aware of are actually quite entertaining. These include the massagers out there who claim to massage away cellulite, along with any vibration therapies. Most of you have likely seen some sort of vibration fat loss product. Even those ab belts that you see on late night infomercials work off this concept. You simply put the ab belt on, it vibrates the muscles and like magic, youre leaner and more defined. Only it doesnt quite work this way and in reality, all youll be doing is wasting your time with very few results to show for it. Likewise with these products aimed to reduce cellulite, you may feel the skin moving slightly and for a brief instant after the massage is finished you may find that you dont see cellulite any more (as the fat will be pushed around and will no longer causing those protrusions to occur), but guess what? That cellulite is coming right back typically within the hour or so.


This therapy is simply moving far around and is not effective whatsoever for actually causing fat to be burned off or improving the structure of the skin. The vibration therapies may cause some slight muscle contractions to occur, but even then, the contractions are so minimal that they arent going to burn any significant number of calories and looking further, they arent going to provide any toning or firming benefits either. If its toning, firming, and calorie burn you want, hit the gym and pick up some weights. That will be your ticket to faster success. The good news is that these may provide some relaxing benefits, so if you want to look at them from a stress reduction point of view, that may offer some benefits in terms of preventing further cellulite from developing. But, you can get the same benefits from other stress reduction strategies as well; ones that arent going to cost you an arm and a leg to purchase.


Laser Therapy
Finally, the last of the scams that you should know about is laser therapy. This is definitely a more extreme procedure and can also get quite costly in nature if you arent careful. Laser therapy involves subjecting the skin with laser beams, which is apparently going to break up the fat cells and improve the skin structure and adhesion to the muscle underneath, which then should produce a firmer looking appearance. Again, this will be short lived. You cannot actually change the shape of body tissues with all of these external methods. They may alter appearances for a short while, but eventually the body is going to regain the shape that it once had. Look at it this way to compare. Imagine you put on a very tight pair of pants. You wore them all day long even though you could feel them pressing up on your body, often even feeling slightly uncomfortable. At the end of the day when you go to remove these pants, what happens?


Youre left with indents all over your body (and possibly a few red marks as well!). Your skin will have felt the impacts of those tight pants and shifting will have occurred, with changes taking place on the skins appearance. So at this point you take the pants off and go sit down to watch your favorite TV show, this time wearing loose and baggy sweat pants. By the time you go to bed, whats happened? Your skin has returned to normal. You no longer have the red lines or indents and you are back looking to your same old self. Well, the same thing goes for all of these therapies. Just like the liposuction issue, theyre a short term solution (although much more short lived than liposuction would be). Dont fall for them or you will be wasting your money. So as you can see, there are definitely a very wide number of products out there that are vying for your attention and ready to drain your wallet with false hopes that they will improve the way your body looks, removing cellulite from the picture. Only you can spot these scams and make sure you dont fall for them. As soon as you accept that there really is no immediate fix such as these claim to be, the sooner you will be able to push past all these scams and focus on methods that do actually work and will get you to the finish line youre aiming for. So now that weve finished identifying all of these, lets turn our focus to one additional problem that can occur as people go about their quest to remove cellulite from their body crash dieting.


Chapter 4: The Damaging Impacts Of Crash Diets

If theres one big problem that hits home for both the fat loss industry as well as the cellulite removal industry (since the two are interconnected) its the occurrence of crash diets. It seems like just about every single day, a new crash diet is coming out, promising to give you the latest and greatest in fat loss success and help you realize fast results in obtaining your dream body. And people fall for them. They fall for these approaches because they are so desperate to see results. Theyve been on diet after diet after diet and are sick of it. They want results and they want results now and these diets, well, they promise results. Seems too good to be true. And, sadly, it is. Crash diet are only going to set you up for a wide number of long term problems and if you dont recognize this, you arent on your way to cellulite free, youre on your way to experiencing even more cellulite than what you initially started out with. Its a sad occurrence but yet one that people are facing each and every day. Making dietary changes can be hard and for some people, its really quite uncomfortable. Youve come to associate certain foods with memories, feelings, or just good times and for you, giving up these foods means giving up those things as well. Go out with your friends on a Friday night and not have pizza? Yah, that wont be happening any time soon.


And so, you fall off your diet plan just as fast as you went on it. But with the crash diets, theyre different because they promise results in just a very short time frame. One week? 10 days? Sure, that you can do. You want your dream body bad enough that you can forego your favorite foods for this short of time period. Its just that 5 month business that you dont want anything to do with. And this is precisely the thought process that runs through so many peoples minds as they seek out these crash diets that promise to deliver. So in order to get you past the point of looking into these approaches and thinking that perhaps they will offer some hope, we need to go over why these diets are so harmful and also teach you what will qualify as a crash diet. Until you know what counts as a crash diet, youre going to have a hard time figuring out whats a crash diet and whats a healthy diet that may actually offer you the results that youre going for. So lets get started and go over some of the biggest problems that occur when crash dieting.


The Problems Associated With Crash Diets

When looking at the problems associated with crash diets, the issues are many. Not only are crash diets going to impact your long-term health state, but they can also influence how your brain functions on a day to day basis. Make no mistake about it, crash diets are going to do a number on your health. And this only makes sense when you stop and think about it. Your body requires so much energy to survive each and every day. It requires energy to keep your lungs breathing, bringing in oxygen to the various tissues, to keep your heart beating, pumping blood all around the body, and to keep your brain functioning, directing the central nervous system to carry out all the various tasks that it should be. So if you start taking you calories incredibly low to the point where you are no longer providing enough energy to carry out these basic life functions, what do you think is going to happen? Do you think youre going to feel well and be able to function as you should on a daily basis? Clearly not your body is, essentially, fighting for its life.


Fortunately most people do come off crash diets fast enough that they dont actually put their body through a final struggle, but just keep this in mind any time youre considering a crash diet. A crash diet is forcing your body into starvation. The body doesnt especially like being starved so its going to fight back and fight back hard. Lets look at the main problems associated with a crash diet.

Reduced Metabolic Rate The very first and major problem associated with a crash diet is the reduction that youre going to get to your basal metabolic rate. Your metabolic rate represents how many calories your body is going to be burning up on a daily basis just to keep you alive. Its the total calories that are utilized to carry out what we described above keeping your lungs working, your heart beating, and your brain functioning. This is your minimum calorie requirements to sustain life. When you go on a crash diet however, youre no longer providing enough calories and very often will be taking your intake below this BMR (basal metabolic rate) value. When you do that, your body does have a built-in defence mechanism to help fight further weight loss so that it can stay alive. That defence mechanism? Metabolic slow-down. When you start taking in so few calories, your body is going to dramatically reduce its resting metabolic rate so that its conserving as much fuel as it possibly can. If you normally burned off a total of 1400 calories per day to complete all the processes described above, if you can reduce that to burning only


1100 calories per day, well now the body is in a better position to reduce the threat to its survival that its currently facing. Clearly needing only 1100 calories to live is better than needing 1400 to live when there is a fuel shortage in place. So while your body is in a better position to maintain life after reducing its metabolic rate, the bad news is that for your weight loss progress, this especially spells doom. How do you expect to lose weight if your body is naturally slowing its metabolic rate down, reducing your daily calorie burn to almost nothing? You wont its that simple. You will see fat loss progress come to a halt and youll be stuck in a plateau. This is why crash diets produce fast results at first and then completely fail to produce any further results after that. Initially the deficit was great and your body hadnt slowed down its metabolic rate yet, but as time passed and the body caught wind of what was going on, it put a stop to your efforts. (and as well discover shortly, you werent losing fat in the first place anyway). And whats really bad is that this metabolic slow-down is going to stick for quite some time. So while you will stop seeing weight loss progress take place, if you then come off the diet and resume your normal eating habits again, now you are burning fewer calories than normal thus your chances of actually gaining additional body fat are going to be that much greater. So while you may have seen the scale go down initially by about 5 pounds when you first started the diet (and remember, again, this was not fat weight more on that later), youll see it go up even further by 6-8 pounds after you come off. So now not only are you back to square one, youre worse off than before.


Is that something that you want to do to yourself?

Nutritional Deficiencies The second big problem associated with crash diets is the fact that they are going to have a high probability of causing nutritional deficiencies to occur. When youre taking in so few calories each and every day, its going to be next to impossible to get in the nutrients that the body needs to sustain proper health. You will likely start falling short in iron, which is what helps you maintain physical performance, youll fall short in calcium, which is a must to promote strong bones, youll fall short in B vitamins, which are important for a healthy metabolism and for proper digestion and usage of the nutrients that the foods you eat provide, and on and on it goes. Simply put, you will be risking serious health consequences over the long haul when you go on a crash diet.


Now, if you crash diet for a day or two, this wont be too dramatic and the chances of severe deficiencies wont be all that great. After all, one or two days isnt too much for your body to hand. It should fare fairly well. But if you stay on that crash diet for two to three weeks or youre in a pattern where you crash diet one week, rebound off it the next, crash diet again the week following, and so on, then chances are good youre going to experience a major calorie deficit as well. The body gets nutrients from food. And if you arent getting food, where are you getting nutrients from? Its simple you arent. Now, you may think that youll just take a multi-vitamin and your problems will be solved simple. But, it doesnt quite work that way. While the multi-vitamin will definitely provide you with some back-up assurance, its not going to replace what you would get if you had eaten real foods. Nutrients are of a higher quality when they come from real food and furthermore, the real foods will also supply you with important things such as dietary fiber as well. Supplements, while good for back-up support, are not a replacement for the healthy foods that you should be eating on a day to day basis.


Loss Of Bone Mass Moving along, next we come to another very serious and vital issue that impacts those who are using crash diets and that is the loss of bone mass. If youre on a crash diet plan, you arent getting enough calcium, as we already identified and there is going to be a high amount of stress on your bones, especially if you are doing an exercise program to help support the goal to rid cellulite. Whats worse is that the number one form of exercise most of these cellulite-loss enthusiasts do is cardio training (which is the worst approach as it is), and cardio training can speed up bone mass loss even more than strength training will. Strength training, if anything will encourage stronger bones, cardio training will deplete them. As your blood calcium levels start to fall low due to lack of calcium in the diet, your body will start to tap into its primary source of calcium reserves your bone mass in order to put enough calcium into the blood to maintain vital life functions. Keep in mind that calcium plays more roles in the body than just making sure your bones stay strong.


Calcium is also going to be highly important for keeping your heart beating, keeping your muscles contracting, and so on and so forth. Calcium is a key element to maintain life and when its not coming in from your diet, your body has other methods to make sure its getting enough. If you start to experience bone loss due to being on a crash diet, now youre setting yourself up for serious problems such as osteoporosis or increased risk of stress fractures. Whats more is that bone strength in later age is very much determined by the habits you have during your 20s, 30s and even into your 40s, so if youre not taking care of yourself during these decades, youre going to be setting yourself up for problems into your 50s and 60s. Dont change bone health a few week-long crash diet simply is not worth the risks.


Loss Of Lean Muscle Mass Next we have another big problem in place thats in addition to the loss of bone mass. That is the loss of lean muscle mass. Whenever you are going on a very low calorie diet, one thing is for certain and that you are not taking in enough energy to cover even the most basic needs. Therefore, your body is going to start burning up all the fuel you feed it rapidly as it enters the body, including protein. If youre turning to your incoming protein intake as a fuel source however (and if the truth is told, most crash diets hardly provide any protein in the first place), this means that there is going to be very little protein left over to support necessary body functions such as maintaining your lean body tissue, producing hormones, and so on. Therefore, your body will start to dip into lean body tissues to get the amino acids it needs to again, keep yourself alive. Where is the primary source where protein is housed? If you said your muscle mass tissue, you would be entirely correct. Youre going to start burning muscle tissue all because you were not taking in enough protein or energy on the fat loss diet you were using. So whats so bad about this? If you begin burning up lean muscle mass tissue, there are a few things that will occur. First, your resting metabolic rate is going to slow down even further. On a minute to minute basis, lean muscle mass tissue is quite costly to maintain. That is, its going to burn up the most energy just at rest to keep itself present.


Far more than fat tissue, which is why men typically tend to have higher calorie needs each day than females they simply have more muscle mass whereas women have more fat mass. So as your metabolic rate drops further, what does this mean for potential fat loss? It means youre in some serious trouble. Now not only do you have the fact the body is slowing down its metabolism in the first place due to you being on the crash diet, but you have the fact that youre losing lean muscle mass as well, which further causes more metabolic slow-down yet. The end result? You are not seeing any fat loss at all and when you go off that diet, you are in for some serious weight gain ahead. But, unlike the metabolic slow-down that occurs due to you being on the diet which will eventually bounce back and increase once you start eating more food again, once you lose lean muscle mass, its gone permanently forever. Unless you work on building it up again, its not just going to bounce back. So this is a significant problem with crash diets. And to put things into perspective even more, one of the issues thats associated with cellulite development is lack of muscle tone in the impacted region that presses up into the fat and skin structure, reducing the chances that the protrusions form in the first place. So if you start losing lean muscle mass from the mass that was hardly there in the first place (since you had such a small amount, which is why cellulite became more apparent), its essentially like a triple whammy only making your problem that much worse. Maintaining lean muscle mass on any diet plan must always be the top priority and you simply wont be doing this if you arent eating enough energy or enough protein.


Increased Risk Of Injury The next issue thats associated with crash diets is the fact that they will also increase your risk of injury development as well. With weaker bones and less strong muscles, you simply wont be able to withstand oncoming forces as well as you should so youll find that you are getting injured far more frequently than you used to. You might find that you get joint pain more easily as well as the tendons and ligaments surrounding the joints become weaker and weaker and you suffer from back and neck pain as well. Since you wont be providing as many nutrients to the body on a daily basis, you wont see the same rates of recovery after any physical activity that you do perform, which means your body stays in a weakened state for a much longer period of time than normal. With enough tissue damage without recovery, serious injuries can occur such as overuse injuries or muscle pulls and strains, which can take weeks, if not months, to overcome.


Poor Concentration And Focus If youve ever been on a crash diet yourself before, you likely already know that a reduction in your rate of concentration is yet another side effect thats very often seen. When your brain doesnt have enough energy coming in, or nutrients for that matter, its going to start to switch over to running on ketone bodies as a fuel source, which can leave some people feeling rather fuzzy minded and unable to concentrate and think as they normally should. Those who arent providing their body with an array of nutrients will also find that this impacts their ability to focus and concentrate as the brain, just like any other organ in the body, requires a constant stream of nutrients in order to stay healthy and functioning at its best. Whats even more is that if you arent taking in hardly any carbohydrates as part of your crash diet, this can have a serious impact on your mood as well. Those who use crash diets are even just low carb diets for that matter are more likely to suffer from depression or very bad moods (being easily agitated and upset, or irritable), so this is yet another side effect that may be seen. Dont be surprised if you have emotional breakdowns while using a crash diet or feel as though you may just snap at the next person that walks by. This is all perfectly normal and is due to the reduction of natural serotonin being produced in the brain, which is a neurotransmitter produced upon the consumption of carbohydrates that puts you in a calmer, and feel good state. As you find that your concentration, focus, and mood declines, this will also impact your tenacity and desire to stick with the diet as well, so clearly has negative implications in that regard also.


Decreased Physical Performance Finally, the last negative side effect of being on a crash diet is the decrease to your physical performance that youll see as well. Those who arent eating enough energy to meet basic energy requirements sure arent going to have enough energy to go out there and be active, exercising to full intensity, so declines in your performance will most definitely be seen. Most crash diets warn you from the start that you should not attempt to workout while on them because they simply wont provide enough fuel to meet the demands of an exercising body. If you are someone who is highly athletic and really enjoys doing your workout sessions each week, this can become very problematic because if you do on to add exercise while using a crash diet anyway, youre just increasing the energy demands of the body that much further energy demands when not enough energy is being provided in the first place. This will then accelerate the process of bone loss, muscle loss, and all the other problems that we discussed here. So as you can see, the problems are very significant with crash diets and these are not something that you want to take lightly or mess around with.


Get serious and real about them because if you dont, they will hinder you and impact the long term fat loss and cellulite reduction results you see. So now that you know what the negatives are of being on a crash diet, lets take a closer look at what qualifies as a crash diet in the first place.

What Qualifies As A Crash Diet

In order to be able to avoid crash diets, you need to be able to spot them. So what makes a diet qualify as a crash diet? There are a few red flags to watch out for.

A Very Low Calorie Intake The very first and the most pronounced sign that youre on a crash diet plan is if it prescribes a very low calorie intake. A good guideline to use that would mean a diet is moving into crash diet territory is if it prescribes fewer than 1200 calories for women or fewer than 1500 calories for men. Or, alternatively, if its providing fewer than 10 calories per pound of body weight. At these levels, you are going to have a very hard time getting in the necessary nutrients that your body needs, so are going to be at that higher risk of experiencing a nutritional deficiency. Short-term these intakes can be okay if the diet is very well balanced and supplying enough protein, however most crash diets are not doing this at these levels.

Insufficient Protein The second sign that youre on a crash diet plan is if youre not getting enough protein. Remember, taking in enough protein is the most important factor if you want to side-step lean muscle mass loss on a diet plan.


If you arent getting your protein needs met, you arent seeing results period. A good diet should provide around one grams of protein per pound of bodyweight each day, if not slightly more. If youre eating protein with each meal and snack that you consume, then chances are youre along the lines of getting enough. The diet should also be focusing on high quality lean sources of protein coming from lean animal related products (for the most part unless you are vegetarian or have some other reason for not eating meat).

Omitting Entire Food Groups/Nutrients Moving along, the next thing to watch out for and be aware of is if a crash diet omits entire food groups. For instance, if the diet is almost zero-carb in nature, youll want to rethink this approach. While most diets will decrease certain food groups namely grains or other complex carbs to bring down the total calorie level, they should not be leaving out an entire nutrient group proteins, carbs, or fats. The body needs all three of these to sustain life, so total omission is never a wise idea. You should be, at the very least getting carbohydrates from fresh vegetables along with (preferably although not absolutely necessary) some vegetables, and then taking in no fewer than 15% of your total calorie intake from healthy fats.

The Promise Of Rapid Results Finally, the last sign that youre using a crash diet as you go about striving to see weight loss success is if its promising you rapid results. On a diet that claims to help you lose five pounds in a week?


You might want to reconsider. The important point to remember here is that any diet thats promising these types of results is going to have you losing a combination of water weight off the start as well as muscle mass tissue. If you suddenly go on a very low calorie diet, youre essentially going to throwing the body into shock, providing it with so few calories that it clings on for dear life. As a result, its not going to start burning up the one tissue that helps it survive body fat (which is the long term source of fuel for the body), instead, its going to burn up the one tissue that only speeds up the process your lean muscle mass. As we mentioned earlier, muscle is highly metabolically active so the more of it you have, the higher your metabolic rate will be. When you crash diet, you burn off this tissue first, before even tapping into body fat. Additionally, since you are cutting carbs (almost without a doubt) on a crash diet, your body will start excreting water as carbohydrates cause the body to store excess water when you eat them, so as your carbohydrate supply becomes depleted, this water is going to leave the body). All in all, you may get fast weight loss results so that claim may be accurate, but you are not losing fat weight, so the diet isnt providing any benefits in terms of reducing your cellulite. So there you have the key things that you must watch out for if you plan on using a crash diet plan in your approach to do away with cellulite. Be very careful because if you start up on one, you are only going to set yourself up for headaches down the road. Finally, before leaving off this chapter, its important that we also take a bit of time to discuss what the difference is between a crash diet and a cleanse. Cleanses tend to be quite hot right now with so many people using them thinking they will get fast fat loss success by doing so. But is that really the case? Will you see results from using a cleanse?


Lets go over what you should know.

The Difference Between A Crash Diet And A Cleanse

First lets identify the difference between a crash diet and a cleanse because they can be quite similar on a lot of fronts. The initial difference between the two is that a cleanse is typically designed to be carried out for a period of one to three days, whereas a crash diet can last for two weeks or longer. Therefore even though cleanses are very low in calories just like a crash diet is, theyre done over the very short term so wont have nearly the same impact on your health status. One or two days on a very low calorie plan isnt going to alarm the body too much, its when you start pushing four to five days and beyond that all the issues we talked about above start to come into play. Secondly, a cleanse is very often almost completely calorie free, with the exception of fruits and vegetables. Cleanses focus on giving the body a wide array of nutrients and antioxidants in order to remove toxic build-up (or so they claim) and reduce the amount of digestive stress on the body. Crash diets, on the other hand, focus more on very low calories than nutrients per say, so thats yet another big difference between the two. If you are going to do a cleanse, you can make it a great deal healthier by adding some protein to the mix, so then you get your fresh fruits and vegetables, which is quite common amongst all cleanses, along with lean protein that will help to make sure that you maintain your lean muscle mass stores. Done this way, you could easily carry out that cleanse for a week or twos time and make it an effective rapid fat loss diet that preserves lean muscle mass and helps speed up fat loss. Done this way, it would be far superior than any crash diet out there.


But do keep in mind that even this shouldnt be carried out for an extended time period as it will still have negative implications on your metabolic rate if done for longer than a week or two. So now the age old question is, do cleanses work? Will doing a cleanse help you move closer to your goals? In most cases, cleanses can help to lighten the burden on your digestive system for a few days if youve been eating a very poor diet full of processed foods and may also help to spark some weight loss (again, mostly water weight loss), but from a pure fat loss and cellulite reduction standpoint, cleanses arent going to offer all that much in terms of benefits for you (apart from the variation with added protein into the mix). So do them if you want to give your health a boost, but dont do them thinking its your one-stop solution to ridding yourself of cellulite. Now that weve finished the discussion on crash diets and what theyre all about, lets shift our focus now and talk about what does work in terms of producing you optimal results.


Chapter 5: Eating To Rid Cellulite

When it comes to achieving success with your plan to reduce the appearance of cellulite, nothing is going to help you move forward and onto results quite like a proper diet. Diet is king when it comes to almost all health goals, be it reducing your risk of disease, losing excess body fat, or as in our case, reducing the appearance of cellulite. Simply put, nothing is going to help faster and produce better ongoing success. The problem is that most people dont know the first thing about putting together a diet that will help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. There are a number of things that we need to cover here that will help you make smarter decisions regarding your food choices and ensure that cellulite never becomes a problem for you. First we need to discuss the concept of calorie intake. Eating the right calories each day will ensure that you do in fact lose fat, which is a primary goal of this program.


After that, we need to look at your specific food choices. You need to learn which foods you should never eat if you want to combat cellulite and which foods will help you reach your end goal faster. There are certain foods that hold superpowers if you will, which will speed up the rate of fat burning taking place and help to further augment how your body looks over time. Well also be discussing how to choose proper food combinations. In many cases, it isnt just the foods that youre eating that influence fat gain, but how youre structuring these foods in with your overall diet plan. Add foods incorrectly and problems may come about even if they are healthy foods in the first place. After that, well also go on to talk about food timing. Eating certain foods at certain times in the day is also important if you want to see optimal results. Eat the wrong foods at the wrong times and you arent going to be headed towards success. Timing can be everything. Finally, well provide you with a recipe for a special drink that will really help to cleanse out your lymph system, making sure that its functioning optimally and youre burning up body fat as fast as possible throughout the day. So if youre ready to get started, lets begin with the concept of calories.


Setting Your Target Calorie Intake

The very first step to creating yourself a diet to help remove cellulite from your body and improve the way you look is to set your calorie intake. Simply stated, your calorie intake is going to play the largest role in dictating which direction your body weight moves. Take in more calories than you burn off and youre going to gain body weight. Take in fewer calories than you burn off over the course of the day and youre going to lose weight. Its the type of foods you eat that will primarily determine which type of weight you lose (fat mass versus muscle mass), but your calorie intake is a deciding factor in the direction that your weight does move. So, the first thing you need to do is get things straight here. In order to properly establish your target calorie intake, there are three primary components you need to take a look at. They are: Your basal metabolic rate (BMR)


The thermic effect of food Your daily activity burn Lets look at each one individually.

Your Basal Metabolic Rate The very first thing that you need to take into account is your basal metabolic rate. This essentially refers to how many calories your body needs to consume each and every day just to stay alive as we mentioned above. If you were to lie in bed each day without moving a muscle, this is the amount of energy it would take to keep your brain functioning, your heart beating, and your lungs taking in the oxygen they need to keep you alive. Your basal metabolic rate is fairly determined by your body weight and lean muscle mass, however certain factors can influence it such as your overall activity level (more active individuals will tend to have higher metabolic rates), your climate, your stress level, your overall health, and so on. For the most part though, this component is fairly easy to estimate. While there are a number of fancy calculators out there that you can use to do so, one very simplistic method to approximate your BMR is to multiply your body weight by 10 if youre a female or 11 if youre a male. Lean muscle mass tissue is highly metabolically active and since males have more overall lean body weight, they are going to need to be consuming more calories overall. So do this right now take your current body weight (in pounds) and multiply by 10 or 11 to get your BMR.


The Thermic Effect Of Food Next you need to factor into account the thermic effect of food. This refers to how many calories your body is going to burn simply breaking down the food you eat. Each and every time you eat a meal, your body is going to burn off calories digesting it, so this gets added to your daily calorie burn. Different foods will require a different amount of energy to break down and digest (protein has the highest thermic effect of food for example), but on average, assuming youre eating a mixed diet, youll be looking at about 15% being attributed to this thermic effect of food factor (TEF for short). So take your BMR value now and multiply by 0.15 to get your new calculation.

Your Daily Activity Burn Finally, the last thing that you must take into account is your daily activity burn. This is essentially going to refer to how many calories you burn off on a day to day basis going about your normal lifestyle activities along with your workout sessions. For this component, youre going to use a calorie multiplier based around your activity level. So taking a look at your daily activity level, use the following for guidance: 1.2 sedentary (desk job and little activity apart from workouts) 1.3 moderately active (job that keeps you on your feet, but not moving around all that much) 1.4-1.5 active (job that keeps you moving around or a lifestyle where youre always on the go)


Now you are to take the number that you arrived at above and multiply it by these numbers to get your new daily calorie intake total. This represents how many calories you would need to eat to maintain your body weight overall assuming youre doing 3-4 workouts per week with a bit of cardio training added in. Keep in mind that this is just an approximate value however and it will vary from person to person. Some people have faster metabolic rates than others naturally, so theyll need to be using a higher calorie intake. Others tend to have slower metabolic rates (they got the short end of the stick at birth!), so theyll have to decrease their calorie intake slightly. The best way to determine where you need to be is to simply eat a certain level for about two weeks and then see what direction your body weight moves. If youve lost weight without effort, then this is a good indication that you simply are not taking in enough calories on a regular basis to maintain yourself. If youve gained weight (and it wasnt the intent), then youre eating too much and should cut back slightly in order to see faster results. If your weight is staying stable, then youre right on the mark and eating exactly how much you should be in order to get optimal fat loss progress. Now, since your goal is to lose body fat and reduce cellulite here, we need to take this one step further. Then there are some additional factors that you must take into account to ensure that you are going to be taking in the right number of calories to achieve these goals. First know that to gain or lose one pound of body fat, you must consume or burn off 3500 calories above or below your maintenance level. The number we derived above is your maintenance calorie intake (or what should represent it), so you are to take that number and do your subtractions from it.


So if your goal is to lose weight for example, youd subtract 500 calories from that number to see an approximate weight loss rate of one pound per week. If your goal was to lose half a pound a week because you wanted a more moderate approach, then youd subtract just 250 from that number as this would get you losing weight at a more appropriate pace. I wouldnt really recommend trying for more than a pound per week of fat loss however unless you are very overweight to start with as this will have you taking in so few calories that it may become hard to reach your nutritional goals, not to mention with that significant of a calorie cut, you may start to experience a number of other negative side effects such as a dramatic slow-down to your metabolic rate. Half a pound to one pound seems to be about the perfect level for most people. If you aim to lose weight faster, theres a much greater chance youll be losing some lean muscle mass along with that fat mass youre so desperate to shed. Remember too that if you try and lose weight much faster, you could start to lose muscle along with body fat, which would then mean saggy looking skin and this could further increase the risk that it appears as though you are suffering from cellulite. Once you have your target intake set, this is the number that you now want to be aiming for on a daily basis. Once youve gone two weeks at this level, then you want to assess your progress and adjust from there. Now that you have the facts straight on how many calories you should be consuming, lets shift our focus and look at which foods you should be eating in order to banish cellulite.


Foods To Eat To Banish Cellulite

As we stated, calories will dictate which direction your body weight moves, but beyond that, the foods you eat will determine whether the weight you lose is lean muscle mass or fat mass. When it comes to forming your cellulite busting diet plan the primary thing that you must be focusing on is making it as natural as possible. One of the biggest reasons why cellulite develops is due to our overconsumption of highly processed, man-made food. These foods cause a slew of hormonal responses to take place, deprive our body of the nutrients it needs to function optimally, and will increase the risk of fat gain occurring.


When you transition your diet back over to foods that are occurring in their more natural state, you rid yourself of this problem entirely. Now, youll be feeding your body quality nutrition that is going to keep you energized and feeling well for a lengthy period of time. Lets look at each of the main food groups that will make up your diet individually so that you know where to be placing your focus. Your Master List Of Cellulite Busting Foods The first group of foods that you need to be eating in order to banish cellulite are fresh fruits and vegetables. These are going to work on a number of different levels. First, theyre going to supply you with a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This is going to ensure that your metabolism is running along at top speed, effectively burning up body fat over the course of the day. Additionally, since these foods are also so incredibly low in calories, they will help out dramatically with the weight loss process overall. Since you must reduce your calorie intake in your diet to see weight loss success, this is a great place to start. Finally, their high water content is going to help to flush out the body, ridding toxic build-up that can cause further issues with cellulite to appear.


The top fruits and vegetables to be adding to your diet regularly (aim for at least 8-10 servings per day, focusing on vegetables and berries): Berries raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries Apples Oranges Papaya Avocado (also a source of healthy fats) Grapefruit Broccoli Bok choy Spinach Cauliflower Brussels sprouts Cabbage Peppers Mushrooms Onions Kale Cucumber Celery Tomatoes All fruits and vegetables can be eaten in a cellulite reduction plan, but the above mentioned foods will give you your best bang for your buck, so to speak. Once these are in your plan (and they should form the basis of your diet), then its time to focus on adding plenty of lean proteins, preferably those that are either very low in fat or high in omega fatty acids. Omega fats are critical for keeping your body running properly and ensuring muscle growth is formed while fat burning is increased. Protein rich foods also serve to boost the metabolism higher, so earn top marks for promoting a faster rate of fat loss overall. The main protein rich foods to focus on include: Chicken breast


Turkey breast (white meat) Salmon Mackerel Cod Tilapia Perch Shrimp Crab Lobster Scallops Quail Lean steak Bison Venison Egg whites (with the occasional whole egg as long as its the cage-free organic variety.) In addition to the above animal based protein sources, youll also want to focus on eating a few dairy products as well. Youll want to keep your intake of dairy to around 1-2 servings per day, but do make sure its in there. When dieters consume healthy dairy products as part of their diet plan, they show increased rates of fat loss from the abdominal region in particular, so you dont want to miss out on the potential benefits it holds. Plus, its also a great source of protein as well as calcium, two vital nutrients you need in your diet plan. The best sources of dairy products to focus on include:

Cottage cheese Greek yogurt Grass fed raw milk Hard cheeses Grass fed butter Most people make the mistake of choosing low fat or fat free dairy products, and you want to avoid this. Full fat dairy products including the ones mentioned above are what you want to be choosing, provided they are the organic variety.


Eating these types of dairy products can be beneficial for helping to reduce your diabetes disease risk due to the palmitoleic acid they contain, can help prevent cancer since full fat dairy will contain conjugated linoleic acid, and can help to provide far greater satiety, thus allowing you to maintain your reduced calorie with ease. Plus, full fat dairy products simply taste better so will be far more satisfying to your palate. Eating full fat dairy products will also help to boost your nutrient absorption rates since many vitamins such as A, D, E, and K are fat soluble. Full fat dairy products also help to enhance your immunes system as they can act as antiviral agents. After your protein in place, then we turn to healthy fats. Healthy fats are going to be vital for providing a long term source of energy to the body as well as making sure that you keep your hormonal levels where they need to be and skin health optimal. Diets that are too low in healthy fats, especially the omega fats, can bring about cellulite faster, so youll definitely want to ensure you are getting enough. Keep in mind that foods containing healthy fats are quite calorie dense, therefore it will be essential that you are monitoring your portion sizes properly so that you arent over-consuming and gaining weight because of them. The best sources of healthy fats to be eating include: Nuts and natural nut butter Seeds Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil Olive oil Coconut oil Avocado Salmon, mackerel, and sardines Some of these healthy fats also contain protein, so will help you get your intake of that nutrient up as well. Finally, we come to complex carbohydrates. You dont want to overdo these as they can lead to weight gain if you arent careful, but taking in a few of the best sources in moderation can help boost exercise performance


and help with muscle building, which will be critical to firming up the areas where you have cellulite present and reducing its appearance. The best sources of complex carbohydrates to eat include: Steel cut oatmeal Brown and wild rice Quinoa couscous barley sweet potatoes

Keep these to around the workout period only or first thing in the morning and youll see best results.

So there you have the main foods that you should be focusing on to help banish cellulite from your body. Now lets switch our focus and go over the foods that you must avoid if you want to see best results.


Foods To Avoid To Become Cellulite-Free

Just as its important to know what to put in your mouth to avoid cellulite formation, you also must know what to avoid putting in your mouth as well. There are a number of different food types that can lead to massive problems if youre consuming them regularly and only make your cellulite appear worse than it really is. Lets go over the main ones to know so that you can be sure to stay clear of them at all times.

White Flour Based Foods The first and potentially most important category of foods that you should be removing from your diet if you want to say so-long to cellulite are white flour based foods. These are foods such as breads, cookies, cakes, pastries, muffins, cupcakes, and so on. Basically, if it comes from the bakery, chances are you should be avoiding it. These are simple carbs that will just cause an insulin spike followed by crash along with you storing all the calories right in the body fat stores.


Processed Meats Next, youll also want to steer clear of all processed meats as best as possible. This includes foods such as deli meats, sausage, bacon, pepperoni, ground beef, and any other product that isnt entirely natural. Not only do these contain low quality protein, but theyre also full of nitrates and other additives that will not lend well to your mission to rid yourself of cellulite.

Trans Fats Trans fats are a form of fat that is created through the process of hydrogenation and is often added to snack foods and frozen foods to increase their shelf life. Look for the words partially hydrogenated vegetable oil on any food that youre picking up and if you see it on the ingredient list, put that food back on the shelf immediately. Not only do you want to stay away from this from a cellulite point of view, but also from a health point of view as well. A high intake of these fats can set you up to experience cancer, heart disease, and other serious health consequences.


Packaged Snack Foods Next up you have your packaged foods. These are incredibly important to be avoiding as not only are they likely to contain the trans fats we just mentioned, but theyre also riddled with sugar and white flour. All in all, most packaged snack foods offer no nutrition at all and will only promote the accumulation of cellulite. When you look at most people who are suffering from cellulite, their diet is largely made up of these foods, so that clearly illustrates how they have contributed to the problem. Convenience is not king when it comes to ridding your body of cellulite.

Sugar Filled Beverages Finally, the last of the foods to go on your avoid list are sugar laden beverages such as soda, fruit juice, along with fruit smoothies or gourmet coffee. When you eat pure sugar, such as that found in these beverages, you are going to experience a sharp incline to your blood glucose when sets off a rush of insulin into your system. As that insulin floods your blood stream, its going to go in and rapidly remove all that excess glucose from the blood, putting it straight into your body fat stores. As you can imagine, this clearly is not ideal. And dont think that you can avoid this by choosing diet soda. Diet soda can be even worse because of all the artificial sweeteners and additives it contains. So there you have the main foods that you must stay away from. Eat these at your own risk they are only going to increase the chances that you start to see cellulite accumulation occurring.


Now lets move forward and talk a little more about food combinations.

What You need To Know About Food Combinations And Timing

While choosing the right foods is important to success, you also need to be careful about how you pair your foods together. Eat the wrong foods with each other and it may increase your risk of fat storage taking place and cause cellulite to occur. The most important thing to keep in mind here is that you want to avoid putting carbohydrates and fats in the exact same meal with no protein. The reason this can be detrimental is because the carbohydrates will cause the blood glucose levels to increase and therefore insulin to be released. As the insulin is released, your body is primed for storage and if you have lots of fat floating around the blood stream, this means there will be a higher probability that the fat will be taken up and stored along with the glucose thats present.


To stay leaner and prevent fat gain, you want to focus on eating fats when your insulin levels are very stabilized, therefore this means having them with lean proteins along with vegetables, both of which have minimal influence on blood sugar. Then with your carbohydrate based meals, youll want to pair them with some protein, but keep fats out of the picture. Protein and carb based meals are best to have around periods when youre going to be most active since this is when your body needs those carbs for energy the most so when its least likely to store them as excess body fat. Then save the fat and protein based meals for later on in the day instead. If you can set your food timing up like this, making sure to eat multiple times throughout the day to help keep hunger and blood sugar levels lower, further reducing the chances of fat gain, you are going to see much better results. So from a food timing and food combining point of view, your diet should look like this: Breakfast: Protein + Carbohydrate + fruit/veg Mid-Morning Snack: Protein + Fruit/carbohydrate Lunch: Protein + Carb + Vegetable Mid-Afternoon Snack: Protein + Fat + Vegetable Dinner: Protein + Fat + Vegetable Before Bed: Protein + Fat This will ensure that youre getting the right mix and balance of nutrients throughout the day, while giving your body exactly what it needs at every point throughout the day for maximum energy along with fat burning. So now that you know which foods to eat and which to avoid along with how to structure those into your day, lets finish up this discussion of


nutrition talking about a special lymph cleansing solution that will help push your progress even further.

Your Lymph Cleansing Solution

Your lymph system is a connection of different vessels that carry fluid all around the body. Its responsible for removing the interstitial fluid from tissues, transporting nutrients and fatty acids from the digestive system, moving white blood cells to the lymph nodes, and for helping to maintain a strong immune system. When youre exposed to a high amount of toxins, it sometimes will not function as well as it should, so doing a lymph cleanse can be a great way to improve its overall functionality. This cleanse is going to consist of three different steps. Step one is to combine the juice of a lemon with eight ounces of water and drink this first thing in the morning. Lemon is great for stimulating the intestinal muscles that will help to push toxins out of your system and cleanse your lymph nodes. Do this each morning first thing when you wake up. The second step in the process is to start sipping on cranberry water throughout the day. Each morning you should combine eight ounces of cranberry juice with 7 cups of water and sip this throughout the day. This is not only going to help to release trapped fat in the liver and lymph system, but also keep you very well hydrated at all times. Finally, the third beverage to take in as part of the cleanse is one tablespoon of ground flaxseeds mixed with your cranberry water from the second step. Mix two, eight ounce cups of that solution with one tbsp. of flaxseeds each and drink this in the morning as well, along with the second right before you go to bed. This solution will help to increase fat metabolism taking place and also help accelerate the fat burning process. Do this for one week total and you should start noticing an improvement on how you feel and function.


So this now wraps up our section of foods to eat as you go about your cellulite reduction program. Now lets move forward with our focus and talk further about the supplements that you should be eating for optimal success.

Chapter 6: Supplements For Success

When it comes to supplementation to help yourself rid cellulite, there are a number of factors to consider. The supplements you should be using will try and accomplish four different goals. These include: supporting a healthy thyroid system so that you can be sure youre burning up as many calories as possible on a day to day basis supporting a healthy body skin, bones, muscles, organs, etc so that you are maintaining an overall state of well-being increasing the rate of fat burning taking place in the body balancing hormonal levels Were going to take a look at products that help you achieve each of these respectively so that you can come up with you arsenal of products to add to your diet and workout program.


Keep in mind however that none of these supplements are designed to replace a good workout and diet plan. They are only made to supplement it, so dont think that by using them, you can get out of doing the work for yourself as needed. You still must be putting in that effort if you want to see results. There is absolutely no way around this, so use the products only after you have that diet and workout laid out. Lets look at each category and the products to use.

Thyroid Support
Maintaining a healthy thyroid gland is important because your thyroid regulates your metabolism, which controls essentially every single reaction taking place in the body. If your thyroid is functioning optimally, not only will you not be burning up calories as quickly as you should (thus weight loss will be that much more difficult), but youll also see other noticeable side effects such as dry skin and hair, low energy levels, feeling cold all the time, and suffering from a high level of fatigue. Therefore, thyroid management is critical for success here. There are a few supplements that you can use that will help ensure optimal thyroid function, so that you dont risk suffering due to this problem.


Iodine Iodine intake is absolutely essential for proper thyroid function, but you do need to be careful because you dont want to take in too much of it. One of the issues associated with the diet that we mentioned above to help reduce cellulite, is that it also tends to be low in salt or iodine as well. So while you need to be eating that way to move your progress forward, you have to be careful because doing so may cause you to fall short in this important nutrient. Therefore, supplementation is the magical ticket you need. Use this along with the diet and youll be attacking your cellulite from both angles and ensuring you have all your bases covered. Selenium And Zinc Second, the next two supplements will complete your thyroid support program and are selenium along with zinc. Selenium is necessary for the production of the T4 hormone as well as it is necessary for proper conversion of the T4 hormone into T3, which is the active form of the hormone in the body.


Without enough selenium, your thyroid hormones will fall short and that will then lead to thyroid issues. Zinc compliments this process because it is going to be required in order to assist with the conversion process and for creating the thyroid regulating hormone that comes from the hypothalamus that then signals the thyroid to product the thyroid hormones required. If youre falling short in either of these, it could lead to an underactive thyroid gland. Get these three products and youll be doing all you can to optimize your thyroid. Now lets look at health support products.

Health Promotion
Health promotion products are your basic supplements that almost everyone should be taking to ensure that nutritional deficiencies are not being accumulated over time, which would then lead to more serious health issues. Additionally, these health support products will also help to make sure that your metabolism is optimized and that your body is primed to stay lean as you implement your diet and workout program. Multi-Vitamin First you want to pick up a good quality multi-vitamin. A multivitamin is important for getting in the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals you need when your diet falls short. As there will be times when you may not be eating exactly as you should due to life happening, the multi-vitamin can give you the peace of mind you need to know that youre still going to be meeting your nutritional needs. Be sure to pick one up that has sufficient iron in it as this will help to maintain your energy levels.


Fish Oil Next, fish oil is the next supplement that youll want to make sure that youre taking in. Fish oil contains the omega fats that are so critical for health promotion and for increasing insulin sensitivity. The more sensitive you are to insulin, the higher the chances you store excess glucose in the muscle cells rather than the body fat cells, so this is important for staying leaner. Fish oil is especially important for those who dont consume a high amount of fatty fish, walnuts, or flaxseeds, which is where omega fats are found in the human diet.

Vitamin C Finally, youll also want to pick up some vitamin C. You will likely be taking in a good dose of vitamin C with the diet youre using if its rich in the fruits and vegetables prescribed, but taking in a little extra will help provide additional antioxidant support that can help fend off cellulite development and also help to keep you healthier and feeling better over the long haul. Vitamin C is important for maintaining a strong immune system so without enough of it, you may find that you constantly feel run down and tired, often falling ill. Take it as part of your day along with your multi-vitamin. So there you have the key supplements for health promotion. They are fairly basic, but when used properly, they can go a long way towards improving your overall health and functioning.


Accelerated Fat Burning

Moving on, now we come to the class of supplements that most of you will be highly interested in the fat burning supplements. Remember that these are not going to make up for a bad diet, so you must, must, must be eating well while using them. That said, they can help to take your level of fat burning up a notch. Caffeine The first supplement to consider is caffeine. Caffeine has been widely demonstrated to boost energy levels in the body, so this can certainly come in helpful as you go about your workout sessions. But, in addition to that, caffeine will also help to increase the rate of fatty acid oxidation in the body, especially during exercise, so taking it may help you get leaner faster. Finally, with ongoing use youll also see a slight boost to your metabolism, so it can help to increase your overall daily expenditure. Just do keep in mind that caffeine does have addictive properties and can interfere with sleep, so keep your dosage to around 100-200 mg per day and use it at least 8 hours before bed.


Green Tea Extract In addition to caffeine, another product to consider is green tea extract. You can drink green tea rather than taking the supplement if you prefer, however the supplement is a more concentrated and convenient form. Green tea extra will not only provide antioxidant support, helping to fend off damage due to free radicals, but it can also help to boost your metabolism as well. If you find that you get anxious or jittery after taking caffeine, green tea extract can be a very suitable substitute.

Yohimbe Finally, the last of the fat burning supplements to consider is yohimbe. Yohimbe is a special product that is going to help you particularly target the stubborn body fat that you have, especially in the lower body region, so can be very helpful for ridding cellulite. Youll see best results taking yohimbe on an empty stomach and then doing a session of interval cardio training. This supplement works by increasing blood flow to stubborn fat regions, which is necessary for corresponding fatty acid oxidation. If you pair yohimbe with either green tea extract or caffeine, youll get the edge up on fat burning taking place in your body.


Hormonal Balance
Finally, the last type of supplements that you need to consider are those that are going to help you sustain optimal hormonal balance. One of the primary reasons that cellulite develops in the first place is due to a high level of estrogen in the body. As females tend to have far greater levels of estrogen than males do, this is also why cellulite is much more often found in women than men. So part of the program to help rid cellulite needs to be on reducing the levels of estrogen in the body to return the hormonal balance back to where it should be. Some of the issues that can lead to excessive estrogen formation in the body include: having excess body fat fat cells themselves produce estrogen, so the more weight you gain, the more problematic things tend to get. Its an ongoing cycle that only perpetuates itself estrogen-like chemicals there are many environmental chemicals coming from plastics and pesticides amongst other origins that will get absorbed by the body and can interact with estrogen receptors and cause serious health consequences. Stress progesterone is another female hormone in the body that is designed to balance out estrogen levels, however when stress levels are


high, progesterone can get converted into stress fighting hormones, meaning less progesterone is left over to do what its supposed to do balance out estrogen. Therefore, it only makes estrogen more concentrated in your system and your problems get worse. So the mission of these supplements is to restore proper hormonal balance in the body, decreasing estrogen levels. The following supplements will be important to help eliminate excess estrogen in the body and restore hormonal balance. B-vitamin complex Zinc Omega-3 fatty acids (which you should already be taking from the fish oil recommendation above) Magnesium Selenium Melatonin (which does have sleep inducing effects and promotes a normal circadian rhythm, so focus on taking it before bed) Vitamin E All of these supplements play a role in decreasing estrogen levels in the body while improving the overall hormonal profile and each will also offer further health benefits as well, so are great choices to be consuming. In addition to the supplementations, youll also want to be sure to include as many foods with a high phytoestrogen content in them as possible. This will help to combat the build-up of estrogen in the first place. Top food choices include flaxseeds, sesame seeds, leafy greens, alfalfa sprouts, licorice root, as well as legumes. Try and eat these regularly for best results. So there you have all the information that you need to know to get together your supplement plan for success. The more of these you can pick up to go with the program youre doing, the more you will enhance your chances of reaching your goal in record time. Now its time to move forward and discuss a special coffee wrap treatment thats proven very effective for those aiming to combat cellulite


and that you can easily create for yourself right in the comfort of your own home.


Chapter 7: The Coffee Grind Wrap Method

Many people have started to take note of the coffee grind wrap method and its impact on cellulite formation and appearance. Utilizing the coffee grind wrap provides a number of key benefits as far as reducing the appearance of cellulite goes. First, coffee contains caffeine. We already described the benefits of caffeine in the supplement section, so you already know very well what this has to offer. In addition to that though, caffeine is specifically effect when applied on the skin as it can help to increase circulation and the speed of blood flow to the regions. One of the reasons that cellulite can be more pronounced in some people is due to the fact that they have poor circulation in their body, therefore are not regularly removing the toxins that have built-up over time and are causing the cellulite appearance to take shape. Additionally, caffeine has dehydrating properties, so it can help to remove excess water that is underneath the skin, causing a puffy and less


defined and lean appearance. If you often find youre suffering from water retention and this only makes your cellulite appear worse, the coffee grind wrap can definitely help you out with that. If you use the coffee grind wrap process on a regular basis, youll notice that the skin takes on a firmer and more toned appearance, which will definitely help improve the way you look overall. Now, one thing that you may want to consider to take this wrap even further is substituting green coffee beans for regular coffee beans. Green coffee beans are one of the newest trends in the weight loss industry as they appear to offer far more benefits than regular coffee beans. The primary difference between green coffee beans and regular is that there is no roasting process taken to create them, so green coffee beans are in a much more natural state when you use them. The three main benefits that green coffee beans offer over regular coffee beans are that first, theyll help to boost your metabolism. Green coffee beans will stimulate the body, increasing energy as well as total calorie burn. In addition to that, they can also help to increase the release of fatty acids all over the body, making it easier for you to burn them off and shed excess body fat. This is due to their caffeine content as well as their chlorogenic acid. Finally, green coffee beans have also been shown to help reduce high blood pressure levels, so this can help anyone out who is suffering from high blood pressure. Furthermore, with reduced blood pressure youll also experience less anxiety and stress, so both of these will further assist with promoting overall well-being. So if you can, replacing the regular coffee beans with green coffee beans in the following recipe would be a very wise move. This wrap should ideally be done a couple of times a week, keeping in mind that it is only working on an appearance point of view, helping to reduce the appearance of cellulite on the body, not actually remove it.


Thats why its vital that you combine the coffee grind wrap with the proper diet and supplement protocols weve already outlined.

Ingredients cup coffee grounds cup brown sugar olive oil Youll begin by rubbing the olive oil into the areas of the body where cellulite is forming, most notably the thighs as well as upper arms. Once the olive oil is rubbed in, youll then want to mix together the coffee grounds along with brown sugar. From there, scrub it into the areas that are most impacted by cellulite and are now coated with olive oil, working the mixture around in a circular motion. After doing this for about 30 seconds or so, wrap the area tightly with plastic wrap to hold the mixture in place. Let sit like this while you relax for about 10 minutes and then remove the wrap and rinse off the mixture with warm water. You may want to follow this up with a moisturizer of choice using a self-tanner would help provide even more pronounced effects as lightly tanned skin always shows fewer signs of cellulite than skin that is not tanned. So give this coffee grind wrap a try next time youre in the mood to take your treatment plan up a step further. It only takes a few minutes to do but can have pronounced effects on the appearance of cellulite on your body. Next well go over your step by step plan to putting your program into action.


Chapter 8: Your Step By Step Plan To Ridding Cellulite For Good

Weve now given you the tools and resources that you need to know in order to banish cellulite from your body forever. At this point, its time for you to develop an action plan that you will now move forwards with and use to see optimal success. Remember, its only those who put into place action steps that will achieve the results theyre looking for. If you simply just read about what you should be doing and never implement, well, you can imagine the results that youre going to see. Implementation is the real secret to success, yet one that far too many people skip over. Its time to transform you from being a learner, to being a doer. Its the doers out there that are walking around cellulite-free, so what you want to be. In order to get this plan into place, youre going to take four steps, which we call the Cellulite Factor. These four steps will help you quickly rid cellulite and will progress from one to the next in a natural pattern thats comfortable for you and easy to take on. This means you wont feel overwhelmed immediately from the start and will be more likely to stick with the program the entire way through. Remember that adherence to any program, be it a fat loss diet or a cellulite reduction plan is the real ticket to results. So this said, lets go over the four steps that you need to know.


Step 1: Start With Detoxification And Water Retention Removal

The very first step in getting cellulite-free forever is to begin with a good detoxification and water retention removal process involving three different tasks. This will get you seeing immediate results in terms of how you look and will go a long way towards jump-starting your motivation to continue on with the plan. Task 1: The Lymph Drink The detoxification that youre using should come in the firm of the lymph drink. For this, the protocol is to combine the juice of a lemon with eight ounces of water and drink this first thing in the morning when you wake up. Then in addition to that, start sipping on cranberry water throughout the day. Each morning you should combine eight ounces of cranberry juice with 7 cups of water and sip this throughout the day. Finally, the third beverage to take in as part of the drink is one tablespoon of ground flaxseeds mixed with your cranberry water from the second step. Mix two, eight ounce cups of that solution with one tbsp. of


flaxseeds each and drink this in the morning as well, along with the second right before you go to bed. Task 2: Drink Extra Water In addition to using the lymph drink, youll also want to be sure that you are drinking plenty of water each day throughout this time as that will not only help with the toxin removal, but also assist with reducing the amount of water retention youre experiencing as well. On the water retention side of things, for this youre going to want to do your coffee grind wrap, daily if you can to get things kicked off, or if not, every other day for the course of a week. Task 3: The Coffee Bean Wrap As part of this step, also be sure to utilizing the coffee bean wrap. This should be done daily for the first week of the program and then reduced to 1-2 times per week thereafter. Ingredients cup coffee grounds cup brown sugar olive oil Begin by rubbing the oil into the area of the body impacted, and then scrub the coffee beans into the skin. From there, wrap the area in plastic wrap and let sit for about 10 minutes before rising. Once the initial week is up, then you can move to a twice per week protocol for this. This phase overall should last for about one week, upon which you are ready to implement step two and start seeing even faster results.


Step 2: Fix Your Diet

Now, as you implement the second step, make sure that you do keep up with your coffee grind wraps as mentioned above as it will improve your appearance and help keep you pressing forward with your diet plan. At this point, you want to start making some changes to your way of eating. Of all the things that you do on your program to rid cellulite, this easily weighs in as the most important, so what you want to be extra sure you arent overlooking. Fixing your diet comes with two components. Task 1: Remove The Bad Cellulite Forming Foods First, you need to remove all the bad cellulite-forming foods that youre currently eating or have stored in your kitchen, pantry, freezer and so on. If you need a refresher on these, be sure to consult with the lists above in the dietary chapter.


The main offenders to eliminate include: Snack foods that come from a package All white flour based products (breads, muffins, cookies, cakes) Fruit juice, soda, other high-sugar beverages Processed meats Fast foods Frozen meals/desserts Candy Cold breakfast cereals White rice I would highly suggest that before you even begin the diet you go through your kitchen and remove all of the offenders. As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind.

Task 2: Add Cellulite Busting Foods

Once you have cleaned out your kitchen, then its time to look onwards and start filling your pantry, fridge, and freezer full of the healthy foods you should be eating. Getting prepared is going to take you one step in the right direction as when youre prepared and the food is right there, there is a much higher chance that you will reach for it when hunger strikes. To help you learn exactly what to eat, be sure to consult our meal plans and recipe plan. These will walk you through it step by step so there are no questions on what to eat and when. As you go about the dietary change process, remember that you will likely suffer from set-backs here and there. To expect perfection from yourself would be a mistake as no one can eat right 100% of the time. Its how you deal with any set-back that presents itself that you need to be more concerned with. If you let a small scale set-back cause you to go on a full out binge, eating far more food than you should be, then you will really see a


problem in your long term results and may even gain more cellulite because of it. But, if you acknowledge the set-back has occurred and then immediately take steps to move forward from it, you will set yourself up for greater success. The set-back isnt what causes you to fail its your reaction to it. So stay positive and always focus on what you are going to do next to get to where you want to be. If you feel as though a complete diet overhaul is a bit too much for you, then consider doing it in stages. Perhaps you will first work on omitting all the snack foods from your diet. Once you feel comfortable with that change, then youll work on making sure that you get your eight to ten servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Once thats completed, next youll focus on eliminating all the white breads and related products youre eating. Some people do need progression like this or they just end up feeling far too overwhelmed and end up tossing in the towel due to high stress levels. Assess your own situation and what you feel you will be able to manage. Obviously the faster you progress through making the dietary changes you need to be making, the sooner you are going to see results, so this cant be discounted. But, if you try and go too fast and just fall off altogether, clearly that isnt going to get you the results youre after either. Balance and knowing your own body and tendencies is key.

Step 3: Learn Smart Exercise Strategies

Once you have your diet in order and feel confident that youll be able to maintain things from here onwards, next it comes time to get some smart exercise strategies in place.


Youll want to consult with our exercise guide to get the complete listing of workouts that you should be doing as part of this overall program approach. Make sure to place special emphasis on the exercises that enhance the muscle tone and definition in the lower body. This includes the bodyweight squats, lunges, as well as step-ups. These are all going to help to firm the muscles underneath the impacted region, helping to press the fat up against the skin, reducing the pockets that are formed and causing the dimple-like appearance. Plus, these movements will also help to raise the metabolic rate as well, increasing your fat burn over the entire course of the day. Get the workouts outlined in our guide into place in your own life, while also focusing on being more active on a day to day basis, which will increase your total daily calorie expenditure and help move fat loss along. If you can do these two things, youre doing everything you need to be on the fitness side of things.

Step 4: Avoid Gimmicks

Finally, the last step to making sure that you can banish cellulite for good is to stay far, far away from any of the gimmicks or fads that are out there. There are so many of these around and people falling for them each and every day. Now that you have a proper program in place, the last thing you need is to be distracted by some advertisement claiming that you can lose cellulite fast with a special pill, potion, or machine. Fall for that and youll just move off what works and onto what doesnt. Make sure that you are fully aware of all the gimmicks that we discussed in the earlier chapter so that you can easily spot these as they arise. These include: Anti-cellulite clothing


Miracle creams Pills and drugs aimed to help decrease cellulite formation Massage/vibration therapy products Laser therapy As soon as you see one of these, turn away knowing that you are doing what you need to be to get to a place where cellulite is no longer an issue for you. So there you have your four step plan to quickly become cellulite free. If you get serious about implementing these four easy steps, you will be on your way to success and your goal body is just a few short weeks away. Now lets move onwards and go over what you should be doing to maintain a cellulite free body into the future.


Chapter 9: Maintaining A Cellulite Free Body For Life

Weve described everything that you need to know to get cellulite free, so how can you make sure that you are never haunted by this problem again? Its important that you develop an action plan moving forward so that you arent going to end up re-reading this book at a future date and having to move through the steps all over again. The important thing to know about maintaining a cellulite free body is that prevention is key. Some people often state that maintenance is the more difficult part because the initial motivation to get from point A to point B is no longer present and you arent getting the re-enforcement you once were as you saw results coming along each week that passed by. Now youre simply maintaining the status quo, so its that much easier to let yourself slide thinking that just one bite or one missed workout wont make a big difference.


And the truth is, one bite or one missed workout likely wont make that big of a difference. But if that one bite turns into ten bites and the one missed workout turns into a full two weeks off from the gym, its not going to be long before youre seeing the repercussions of this. For most people, the best strategy for maintenance is to actually maintain the program that you were using keep the same diet along with the same workouts as both of these should be quite sustainable. By now you should see that you arent breaking your leg to stick with the diet its relatively easy, it keeps you satisfied, and your energy level should be quite fine. This isnt a crash diet weve put you on, so something that you should be able to do for some time to come. For maintenance purposes though, since you dont have to lose any more weight or fight cellulite, youll have some wiggle room. This means that you can choose a couple days a week (for most people, weekends will work best since its when youre naturally more social and out and about), and relax a bit. If you want to treat yourself to that slice of cheesecake go for it. Or, if youre out for a dinner with friends, enjoy yourself stress-free. Know that you will get right back on the plan on Monday and any excess calories youve consumed will be wiped out. This approach is also ideal because its going to keep you sustaining your workout program, which is important for keeping that muscle tone in place that needs to be so that you look firm and toned at all times. Furthermore, if you should start to see cellulite beginning to develop again take action immediately. Now that youre still utilizing the same program you were before, all youll have to do is cut out those wiggle room days and keep following the program straight for a week or two. After a bit of time has passed, you should have zapped whatever cellulite has started to appear and will have regained your lean body again.


The key trait between those who maintain their cellulite free body and those that dont is that those who do take action at even the slightest amount of weight/cellulite regain. They dont let themselves slide to the point where they need to completely redo the program. They sit up and take action so that its only a week of damage control until they are back where they are. If you can adopt this approach and be sure to continually focus on all the healthy eating strategies, you can live in your new body for years and years to come.

So there you have the ins and outs of what you need to know in order to combat cellulite and rid this from your body forever. Cellulite is a problem that impacts so many people worldwide, that you definitely are not alone. Take comfort in knowing that this problem is something that your friend, sister, and co-worker all likely face as well. Team up and support each other. The more support you have from others when it comes to eating right and maintaining a workout program, the more likely you are to see success. Stay committed and remember, you didnt gain that cellulite in a day and you arent going to lose it in a day either. But, with continued effort and ongoing action, you will see the results that youre after.

To Your Success! Dr Charles


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