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Eating Clean & Improving Your Lifestyle

A guide and Recipe Book

Annemie Rabie
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First Things First

There is a reason you bought this book right. Thats the first

step to changing your lifestyle and being healthier by making the

choice for change so congratulations!

Let me tell you a little bit about myself first , I’ve always

been interested in health and fitness since I’ve been a kid doing

anything from Swimming to Ballet and to make things even more

interesting I grew up in a house hold where we made a lot of

effort to eat healthy and whole foods.

Don’t get me wrong I love sweets, its my utter weakness, hey

we all human. And I don’t want to give you some unrealistic goals
to stick to instead I will show what steps you can take to get to

a point where you live and breath health and its actually fun. We

are all human and having said that we have to enjoy life and fall

in love with living and enjoying the good food the music and

company , we just have to do so consciously.

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Me after my Transformation

I personally understand that health changes all the time and

it makes it harder . My journey with my body started when I was a

teenager , I was never happy with my body when I was younger and

it led to punishing myself by purging and guilt feelings around

food . Looking back now and having studied health and wellness I

know that was more of a mind set issue rather than a body issue.

and then we have things we can’t control. Like ending up in

hospital trust me, I’ve been there too and had a near appointment

with death and had to start from scratch but these things only

help inspire me more not berate me. See the biggest problem we

face with losing weight or getting fit or whatever your goal

might be is to first love yourself enough to make up your mind

that you doing this and loving your body throughout the journey

is important.
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What it Means to be healthy

Being healthy doesn’t need to be complicated or a lot of effort.

You don’t have to be in the gym twice a day or et only lettuce.

Being healthy means you have a balanced lifestyle and feed your
body what it needs when it needs it sort of like when your petrol

light comes on you full up your tank with the good fuels to make

sure your car runs for longer.

Living healthy soon becomes a way of life for you and you

stop noticing that you are intact eating healthy, once you get to

this stage you have learned to listen to your body and this is

important actually very important. With the modern stresses we

have lately with everything that must happen now we putting more

and more stress on our bodies and minds and eventually we take on

more bad habits as copping mechanisms instead of learning of to

cope and channel that into something good.

My body never stays the same trust me, it changes constantly

. All of our bodies does , think about the factory inside off

course its going to change we just need to learn how to listen to

our bodies . For instance listing to your Body when it tells you

its full, the body has a hormone called Leptin they great thing
about this hormone is that it tells you when you full and to stop

eating but in this day and age we have stopped listening to it

and in time its stops working as effectively as it should.

How does that happen? well we tend to eat to fast for the

message to get send that we are in-fact full so we continue

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eating and actually end up ver eating or way past the portion we
supposed to eat. We don’t concentrate on what we eat and how many

times we chew maybe you eating in-front of the TV or busy talking

to someone or driving. One thing I do to combat this is actively

enjoy my food by that I mean I put down my knife and fork in

between bites and concentrate on what I am eating. When you start

doing this you will find that you get fuller quicker and you’ll

end up eating less or at least the portion you supposed to. You

will become more aware and start listening to your body.

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Benefits of living a healthy lifestyle

There are so many benefits of living a healthy life, such as a

strong immune system meaning you getting the right nutrients and

your body is happy and can easily fight of those yucky bugs.

You will find it’s sort of like a domino effect, you’ll start

by feeling more energized and have more concentration maybe even

calmer. If you like to play sport it will enhance your

performance and better hair growth and healthy bones, teeth and

organs. There is more benefits than just looking good, in-fact

thats the smallest part of it its just a bonus really.

When you start feeling good and healthy its almost like you
don’t want to stop and after the hardest part which is easily the

first two weeks you have created healthy habits and hopefully

replaced some old bad ones.

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What does your body need

When it comes to what your body needs some times people seem to

over complicate it. But I can tell you now its simple. And the

steps I’m going to give you is something I stick to every day and

you will notice its more than just eating.

1. eating fresh foods and whole foods- as natural a possible,

foods that can in-fact go off not canned goods. I always say we

supposed to eat as if we farmed our own food (fresh and real)

2. You need nature, atlas 30-45 mins a day - Get out in

nature and take in the sunlight and breath in the air and listen

to the birds.

3. Quite time- this is very important - get away from the

clutter like Social media and TV and just be with yourself and

try clear your mind. You will find your stress levels will go

down. this is NB.

4. Move every day for at least 30 minutes - go to gym or a

walk or do some Yoga, just get your body moving , this helps get

the blood flow going and actually heals and keeps your body fit

young and healthy.

5. Drink water- atlas 2 Lt a day, after all we are basically

made up of mostly water .

6. Take time for your loved ones- one thing we need as humans

is affection and interaction.

You can combine a few of these into your daily routine, and
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you will find a big change slowly happening in your daily lives.
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Micros and Macros?

You might of heard of the term Macros and Micros, let me give you

the simple breakdown.

First you get the essential nutrients for life:

Fats, Protein, Minerals, Water, Roughage, Vitamins,


What’s Macros?

Protein that helps growth and repair of tissues and cells but

it also helps fights illnesses and help balance PH.

Protein comes in form of Amino Acids and it’s recommended

that a person eats at least 0.75g per Kg of body weight per day.

Keep in mind this amount can also differ in times of pregnancy

and illness .

You can get protein from Meat, chicken, Fish, Eggs, Milk,

Cheese, Yogurt.

The next one will be Fats that provide a protective layer for

the organs and help form brain tissue and nerve cell membranes.

It also provides us with essential fatty acids and helps

carry fat soluble vitamins(A,D,E,K) and antioxidants.

It should be about 20-35% of your daily dietary intake.

But keep in mind you get good fats and bad fats.

Saturated fats are known to be bad as it is known to cause a

rise in Cholesterol so eat this sparingly. Mainly gets found in

some meats, Lard, Milk and butter.

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Monounsaturated fat is good for Cholesterol and mainly found

in Olives,Nuts and seeds.

Polyunsaturated Fat is also good and great source of Omega 6

and Omega 3 such as Flaxseed oil, oily fish,Ground nut.

The next one we will look at at is Carbohydrates which is

your main source of energy, this is needed for growth and repair

and needed for Gastro-Intestinal function and maintaining blood

glucose levels.

Keep in mind that just like good and bad fats you get good ad

bad carbohydrates. They call the different carbs Simple carbs and

Complex carbs the real difference between the two is how fast

they digest and what effect they have on your body.

Simple carbs are called simple sugars because they are found

in foods like cookies , baked goods, white bread and some natural

fruits and vegetables where the sugar content is high. Generally

they absorb to fast for your body to use them so in the end your

body stores this as fat. Don’t worry you don’t have to cut it

out, we all human all you have to do is start cutting back slowly
and getting your tastebuds to adjust. The benefits of cutting out

sugar is that you will find that you will start tasting food a

lot better. I aim for no more than 24g of sugar a day which is

about 3 teaspoons.

Make sure to keep a lookout for those hidden sugars in those

“low fat” yogurts. Remember where they take out the fat most

likely they replace it with sugar for taste, don’t be fooled.

Complex carbs is what you want to try and consume, the are

your Green leafy veg, Brown rices and wholewheat bread and Oats.

When you consume complex carbs you find that it keeps you fuller

for longer and gives you the fibre intake you need which is about

25g for women and 38 g for men.

Fibre helps to keep the digestive system healthy, I even

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throw some Flaxseed oil into my smoothie now and then, A lot of

the modern day diseases is because of poor gut health which is

because of poor diet.

So what is Micronutrients then?

This refers to your vitamins and minerals you need and isn’t

needed in big quantities. We need it for a few reasons and the

most import reason is that if you have a deficiency in any of

them it could possibly cause disease. I try and stick to drinking

and eating my vitamins in the fresh food I eat but this is not

always possible. I would suggest going as natural as possible and

invest in a good multi vitamin especially women who are working


The most important thing I always tell people is to remember

to drink water !!! many people don’t even realize they are

thirsty. Check in with your body now and then, here are the


1. Headaches

2.Dark Urine

3. Constipation


5. Sometime thirst is mistaken for hunger.

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Calculate what you need

Okay so this part you going to need some pen and paper and a

calculator: or you can click on the link in this section.

Or work out your BMI yourself:

Your weight (in kilograms) ÷ [your height (in meters) x your

height (in meters)] = BMI. For example, 60 kilograms ÷ (1.65

meters x 1.65 meters) = 22.03.

Now you you need to calculate the amount of calories you need

to take in. If you hate all this math just use our online


For Males:

10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (y) + 5 = REE

( calories at resting)

For Females:

10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (y) – 161 =

REE( calories at resting)

now you workout according to your activity level.

for example lets say you a 29 year old active male, 183 cm

and 88kg. here is what your equation will look like

(10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (y) + 5 =

REE) x 1.725 (see below) = TDEE

Sedentary : REE x 1.2

Light Activity : REE x 1.375

Moderate activity : REE x 1.55

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Very Active: REE x 1.725

Then you will Get your caloric amount:

Eat more than this =weight gain

Eat Less than this = weight loss

Eat this amount =weight maintenance

If you want to lose weight try drop your calorie intake by no

more than 20% at first and same if you trying to gain weight.

Next you will need to calculate your Macros intake:

This tells you how much Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates you

Please use the link to workout your macros below:
Now what I would suggest is getting an app like my fitness

pal and putting in all your details this will make it easier to
track what you eat , or you can subscribe to our app where a

personal trainer will do all this for you and send you a
personalized eating plan
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Healthier habits

Lets start with a few simple changes and recap.

These are the changes I want you to start with first:


Drink at least 2Lt of water a day

Put down your phone and have quite time for at least
30 minutes a day (preferably in nature)

Eat smaller portions

Eat slowly and concentrate at what you eating

Do some sort of exercise for at least 30 minutes three

times a week

Try drink less alcohol

Start cutting down on sugar

Swop white bread and rice for brown/ Wholewheat or RYE

Eat leaner cuts of meat

Swop sunflower oil for olive oil

Try eat most of your food fresh and not from a can or

Eat more vegetables

Try cut down on smoking (if you do)

Cut down on salt

Cut down on junk food

Start of with these choices and you’ll slowly start feeling

different and see a change.
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How does this eating program work

I have put together an eating plan with guidelines , There are a

few according to gender and goal . Keep in mind The calculation

you just did with the amount of calories you require so be sure

to choose the right plan. You will see I have added swop out
items that you can choose from.

All the female plans are based on a 60KG women and men on a
80KG man so you can add or subtract according to the calculation

you just did.

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Eating program - Female weight loss




Egg-2 Large
1 slice of bread (Rye/Wholewheat)

Avocado - 50g
Blueberries -100g

Unsalted Butter-5g

Cooked chicken fillet- 1 fillet

Mixed salad greens

Peas- 100g

Cooked Broccoli- 50 g
Flax seed Oil -5g


Haddock -170 g
Cooked Broccoli-100g

Cooked asparagus -60g

Sweet Potato cooked- 150g

Rabie / Eating Clean & Improving Your Lifestyle / 16

Peanut Butter -20 g (natural sugar free)

Greek Yogurt plain - 170g

Post workout : (If you working out)

Whey protein

If you would like to take out anything look at substitute page

The total calorie intake for this plan would be:

Calories: 1600

Protein: 120g
Carbs: 144g

Fat: 68g
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Eating Program- Women for muscle building



Oats -50g
Greek yogurt-170g

Flax seed -5g

Berries -60g

Whey protein(Natural whey) -2 tbs


Cooked chicken fillet- 150g

Mixed salad greens

Feta cheese -30g

Bagel -1 serving

Haddock -170 g

Cooked Broccoli -100g

Cooked Spinach -100g

Avocado -50g

Rabie / Eating Clean & Improving Your Lifestyle / 18

Peanut Butter -20 g (natural sugar free)

Greek Yogurt plain - 170g

Rye bread-50g

Post workout : (If you working out)

Whey protein-natural -2 tbs

Banana -120g

Jelly beans -10g


If you would like to take out anything look at substitute page

The total calorie intake for this plan would be:

Calories: 1908
Protein: 186g

Carbs: 181g
Fat: 54g
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Eating program -Male losing weight




2 Large eggs
Rye/Wholewheat Bread -50g

Salmon Fillet -1 fillet


Cooked chicken fillet- 175g

Brown Rice-60g

Cooked Broccoli-200g

Ground Beef(95 % lean/5 % Fat) -150g

Red tomatos-120g
Sweet Potato-200g
Cooked Asparagus- 100g


Apple- 1 small

Almonds- 20 almonds
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Greek Yogurt 170 g

Post workout : (If you working out)

Whey protein-natural -2 tbs

Skimmed milk -200ml

If you would like to take out anything look at substitute page

The total calorie intake for this plan would be:

Calories: 2278

Protein: 206g
Carbs: 210g

Fat: 71g
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Eating Program - Male build muscle building



3 Large eggs
1 slice of toast or 1 bagel

Greek yogurt - 250g

Berries -100g

Cooked chicken fillet- 200g

cooked lentils- 100g

Feta cheese -30g

String beans -100g

Mixed salad greens-100g



Cooked Broccoli -200g


White Rice -60g

Chicken Breast-200g
Rabie / Eating Clean & Improving Your Lifestyle / 22

Whey Protein -25g


Post workout : (If you working out)

Whey protein-natural -2 tbs
Banana -100g

Skim milk -200ml

Chocolate milk

If you would like to take out anything look at substitute page

The total calorie intake for this plan would be:

Calories: 2827

Protein: 289g
Carbs: 284g

Fat: 56g
Rabie / Eating Clean & Improving Your Lifestyle / 23



Chicken Fillet
Salmon Fillet

Hake fillet

None possess Ham/sliced Beef

Cottage Cheese

Beef Fillet pieces




Peanut butter-natural
Almond Butter


Flax seed oil

Chai seeds

Olive oil


Rye Bread
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Brown Rice


Sweet Potato






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Recipes that will make your mouth water

I’ve put together some healthy recipes that you could integrate

into your plan to make it a little bit more exciting.

Gold rush chicken breasts


Chicken breast 1.5 LB

Stone ground mustard4 tbs

Yellow Mustard- 2 tbs

Raw Honey- 2 tbs

Coconut oil -1 tbs

Apple cider vinegar -1.5 tbs

Cinnamon 1/2 tbs

Paprika(optional) 1/2 tsp

Green onions- Garnish

1. Set oven to 400 F.

2. In a bowl, mix together the ingredients for the gold rush


3. Rub half of the mixture on the chicken breasts.

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4. Set a nonstick skillet on medium-high heat and spray with

coconut oil. Add chicken breasts to the pan and cook for about 3

minutes on each side.

5. Pour the remaining sauce over the chicken breasts. If your

skillet is all metal, place the chicken in it and allow it to

bake in the oven for 10 minutes. If your skillet cannot be placed

in the oven, transfer the chicken breasts to a baking sheet, and

bake for 10 minutes


Oats and Fruit Cereal


100 g dried fruit, such as sultanas, raisins, dried


50 g mixed unsalted nuts, such as almonds, hazelnuts,

50 g mixed seeds, such as pumpkin, sunflower, sesame,


400 g porridge oats

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon , optional

milk or natural yoghurt , to serve

1. To make the basic cereal, roughly chop any larger dried

fruit and nuts, then place into a large bowl along with the
Rabie / Eating Clean & Improving Your Lifestyle / 27

seeds, oats and cinnamon (if using).

2. Tip into an airtight container.

3. Now you have two choices. To serve your cereal as it is,

place a handful of cereal (roughly 50g) per person into your

serving bowls.

4. Add milk or natural yoghurt and chopped fresh fruit, if

you like, then serve.

5. To make bircher muesli for 4 people, add 200g of the

cereal to a large bowl.

6. Place a box grater on a board, then coarsely grate the

apple, discarding the core. Add it to your oaty cereal.

7. Pour over enough milk to cover, then mix well.


Wild Rice Salad


400 g mixed rice, such as Camargue, wild and long-


150 g mixed nuts

½ a bunch of fresh basil

½ a bunch of fresh mint

75 g dried apricots

extra virgin olive oil

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1. Cook the rice according to the packet instructions until

tender. Drain, then allow to cool.

2. Roughly chop the mixed nuts, pick and roughly chop the

basil and mint leaves, then roughly chop the apricots.

3. Combine with the rice, season with sea salt and black

pepper, then drizzle with oil. Serve with grilled meat or fish.

Chicken Caesar


1 lemon

15 g Parmesan cheese

2 anchovy fillets in oil

4 heaped tablespoons natural yoghurt

½ teaspoon English mustard

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

white wine vinegar

extra virgin olive oil

1 small red onion

½ a small cauliflower (300g)

1 romaine lettuce

olive oil
1 sprig of fresh rosemary
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2 x 120 g free-range skinless chicken breasts

1 thick slice of wholemeal bread

1. Finely grate the lemon zest and Parmesan into a large

bowl. Slice and add the anchovies, along with the yoghurt,

mustard and Worcestershire sauce.

2. Squeeze in half the lemon juice, add 1 tablespoon of

vinegar and 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and mix to

make your dressing.

3. Now you’re going to turn regular salad into a thing of

beauty by either taking your time with good knife skills, or

ideally, investing in a mandolin for ease, elegance and accuracy

(use the guard!). Start by peeling and very finely slicing the

red onion, then stir it through the dressing.

4. Click off and discard any tatty outer leaves from the

cauliflower, then very finely slice it. Finely slice the lettuce
by hand and pile both on top of the dressed onion, tossing

together only moments before serving.

5. Put 1 teaspoon of olive oil in a frying pan on a medium

heat. Pick the rosemary leaves over the chicken and lightly
season it on both sides, flattening it slightly with the heel of

your hand. Cook for 4 minutes on each side, or until golden and

cooked through.
6. Cube the bread and toast alongside the chicken, moving

regularly until evenly golden and gnarly, removing only when


7. Toss the salad together and season to perfection, slice up

the chicken and serve with a sprinkling of croutons and lemon

wedges for squeezing over.

Winter Salad
Rabie / Eating Clean & Improving Your Lifestyle / 30


½ a red cabbage

½ a white cabbage
2 large carrots

4 spring onions

a few shoots from winter cabbages, such as kale or

cavolo nero , optional

300 ml milk

4 anchovies, from sustainable sources

6 cloves of garlic

2 tablespoons white wine vinegar

6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1 tesapoons Dijon mustard

1 handful of mixed seeds, such as poppy, sesame and


½ a bunch of fresh mint

1. Quarter and finely shred the cabbages, peel and finely

slice the carrots and trim and finely slice the spring onions.
2. Place in a large bowl and if you’re lucky enough to have

any other interesting winter cabbages leaves, you can add those

into the mix too.

3. Put your milk in a pan on a medium heat with the

anchovies. Peel and add the garlic, then bring to a simmer.
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4. Let it cook for 10 minutes until the garlic cloves are

soft, then pour everything into a liquidiser.

5. Add the vinegar, oil and mustard and blend for a few
minutes, then stop and have a taste. You want it to be quite

acidic, but if it’s too acidic add a bit of oil for balance.

6. Add good pinches of sea salt and black pepper, then pour

it over the sliced veg.

7. Use your hands to toss and dress everything and get

everyone around the table.

8. Heat the seeds in a dry pan for a few minutes until warm,

then scatter them over the salad. Pick and tear over your mint
leaves, then eat it immediately.

Wrap Pizza


Tortilla wraps

Mozzarella cheese
Gouda Cheese




Chilli (optional)

1. Preheat the oven to 200c/400F/Gas 6/Fan 180.

2. Put the tortilla wrap on a baking sheet and spread over

the tomato sauce. Sprinkle over the cheese.

3. You can also add any toppings that your may like (see
Rabie / Eating Clean & Improving Your Lifestyle / 32

suggestions on top).

4. Bake for 5-9 minutes, until the cheese has melted and the

base is crisp.

Green Smoothie


20-30ml water

chopped up Spinach half hand full

Coriander -small batch

Seedless Grapes -4-7 grapes

1. Throw together into blender

2. Add water and blend

If you using a juicer no need for water.

For more recipes please follow us on Facebook or Instagram

Below, or if you would like to have access to our personal

training App on iStore or Android subscribe HERE.

Rabie / Eating Clean & Improving Your Lifestyle / 33


Last words

Thank you for reading our Ebook, remember living a healthy

lifestyle is an active choice and very rewarding once you start

doing it. This plan will only work if you give it your all, so in

order to change your body you need to start changing your mind.

If you need more support join us on Facebook FitnessSquadsa.

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Recipes- Jamie Oliver Healthy food revolution

Pictures -Jamie Oliver

Gold rush chicken recipe & picture-

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