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verb and preposition ‘This section lists verb + preposition followed by noun / verbal noun (ing) patterns or a wh clause. Some of these verbs also have verb + that-clause patterns, or can be followed by a wh-clause, or an Infinfrive, but these are not listed here, Other meanings are also possible, Always check with 2 dictionary. about boast abuut/ of Siw is clays boasting about her rich relatives. deem about! of I've Leen dreaming about /of you lalely! guess about For centuries people have guessed about (hie stature ofthe universe. protest abvut / against The students are protesting about / against the wa. against advise against We advise you against travelling alone, advise onfabout He advises the government on / about global warming. argue for /against The report argued against eny change in the lave argue with Stop arguing with your sister! decide against / Tifeiaireh Pre seided semest bavi o ingore? decide on We decided on Grnece fr our holiday insure against You shonld insure all yor belongings against theft vote against [for eve than a hundred M's vated against the propa. at glance at through ve cnly just glanced at the paper I haven't ed itn det laugh at We weren't laughing at you. (a person) ough aut Someting sily happened and we've been laughing abour ital doy between choose between You might have to choose between your work and your soca! life. for account for Poor weather cennot account forthe sheer numberof accidents. admire sne for admire yuu for your hionesty. atlowy for In the Tstuiat plan, you have to allow for unforeseen future costs apologize for Jimus\ apologize for being late. The tic is 9 nightmare tonight. ‘blame sne for | blame myself for eer ythiny Uist happerred ‘blame on They blamed the crash on the us Uriver charge for We wear't charge you for use of te gyin. I few for quests charge with Ainan arrested nearby bias noe been charged with murder ay for Lelie pay for the coffee. You pai last tine. from benefit from ‘Many people have benefited from the government's new policies deter from The bed weather didn’t deter people from traveling to the match. differ from How exactly dows a toad differ from a frog? distinguish sth from _ It can be herd to distinguish fact from fiction, distinguish between Only experts cen distinguish between genuine and fake paintings. resign from Tom was forced ta resign from the company resutt from The accident resulted from poor maintenance ofthe raiway tracks result in A three-hour deley resulted inthe patents death suffer trom Alter the accident, she suffered from double vison in involve sne in sth specialize in succeed in trust in of accuse sne of approve of convict of know of f about remind sne of suspect of taste of on base on concentrate on congratulate sne on depend on elaborate on impose on insist on to apply to attend to Confess to dlevate sth to sne capo sti (ose abject to prefer sth to sth refer to seeto with ‘associate with charge sne with collide with confuse with deal with discuss sth with sne plead with provide with tamper with trust with The goa! is to involve workers in the decsion-akirig process. Anna specialize in Latin American dancing. Fortunately, we sueceeded in rescuing a the passengers You should have trusted in me aide more They accused Jin of stealing three cas Idon't approve of chliien staying up to0 lat. ‘Altera long tial, he was convicted of thett and sentenced to tour years. ‘Do you know of / about any ffats to rent in this area? That old man reminds me of my grandfather. Police suspect the same man of breeking into four other houses nearty. This is supposed to be chicken soup but it doesn't taste of chicken! The author has based the book on her experiences in China. You need to concentrate more on your wntten work \We must congratulate you on passing your cng test How much money you make will depend on how much you invest The prime minister refused to elaborate on his statement any further The council has imposed higher parking charges an xd vehices. ane insisted on seeing the dactor immectately {he restactions na longer apply to thase over 75. Please wait here. Someone will attend to you shorty. Two men have confessed to steating the lary. Lousa devotes a lot of time to her children, Could you explain this to me please? ‘Many locat residents have abjected to the redevelopment scheme, Personally | prefer t¢9 to coffee, aie referred to the matter several times when | spoke to her The central heating has broken down, but someone is coming to see to it ‘Some people only associate sport with their school yeas. They charged Bill with receiving stolen gous. The speeding cor coliad with « wee. Tin sory but you're confusing ‘profi’ with ‘rnever’ 1've bee dealing with this prublen ail moriny ‘ined discuss surmettnng with you. Sire pleaded with lier parents tole ey go wn the vip Tie schoo! auilities provides oll pupils with textbvoks Someone abt certainly ampered with the bus avd caused the rash Gan | trust you with 6 secret? (See also Units 37, 38, 39, phrasal verbs.) S 5 © verb and prepo:

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