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LoverKaren: Hi Bee and Christine, we are a few minutes out from our chat, but pull up a chair.

Bee: Hi Karen, no worries

LoverMichelle: Hi Emma!

Emma: Hi Everyone!

LoverMichelle: Did you have any problems logging on?

Emma: I'm so happy to be here.

Emma: Nope no problems logging in...amazingly

LoverKaren: Hi Emma

LoverMichelle: yes, it's a pretty awesome platform to use.

Emma: Hi Karen!

Maria D: Hi ladies!!

Emma: Yes - it is. So much easier than I imaginged.

LoverMichelle: Haha!

LoverMichelle: Hi Maria!

Emma: Hi Maria.

Maria D: hi Emma, hi Michelle

Emma: Just curious - where is everyone chatting from? I'm in the lovely state of New Jersey.

LoverMichelle: Georgia

Maria D: I'm in NY. Where in NJ?

Emma: Central. Middlesex County - down the road from the Outer Bridge

Bee: Hi, I'm here in Adelaide, Australia so its Tuesday morning here

Maria D: wow that's pretty close. I'm in LI. My nephew is in Old Bridge
LoverMichelle: OMG, Bee, what a great fan!

Emma: You're so lucky Bee. How's the future looking today?

Maria D: I want to go to Australia someday

Bee: Well not to bad, in the tuesday future , though its cold winter here

Emma: I have friends in Old Bridge! Small world

LoverMichelle: Winter! Yikes.

Emma: Hot and humid in NJ at the moment. And wet.

LoverMichelle: Emma, welcome to our chat. This is completely an open forum. You say
whatever you want, give spoilers or not, it's all up to you. We just let your fans ask questions. If
a question is missed, please ask it again!

Maria D: here too but getting cooler

Maria D: I have to say I LOVED Tangled

Emma: Thanks Michelle. I'm really excited to be here with all of you. Thank you for taking the
time to chat with me tonight

christine: I'm in Philly

LoverMichelle: Hi Christine!!!!!!

Emma: Thank you so much Maria. It makes me really happy to know you've enjoyed it

Maria D: Hi Christine!

christine: Hi Michelle!!! I finally made another chat

christine: Hi Maria

Maria D: you are welcome!! Thank you for writing such a great book!! Love Drew

jennifer: Hi Emma!

christine: OMG So loved Drew

jennifer: I love Drew! You're book was fantastic!!!

LoverMichelle: This is completely an open forum. You say whatever you want, give spoilers or
not, it's all up to you. We just let your fans ask questions. If a question is missed, please ask it

christine: Emma you live in NJ?

Maria D: I love reading the male Pov. was it hard to write from the male POV?

Emma: He thinks he is quite the loveable guy. Most of the time I agree with him.

christine: Favorite line..I'm hit I'm hit!!!

Emma: Yes, Christine - born and raised

Maria D: LOL! Christine that was great!

Emma: Ha! I have to admit - I do laugh myself when I reread that part.

Emma: Thanks so much Jennifer!

christine: I laughed out loud the whole book. Even read some to the hubby

Emma: Maria - When I first started writing Tangled, I tried it from 3rd person

Maria D: me too...laughed so hard my husband thought I was crazy till I read some to him

Bee: definitely hilarious i cried from laughing so hard

Maria D: I loved that it was Drew telling the story! So glad you wrote it that way!

LoverMichelle: So why did you decide to write it from Drew's POV and did you have a "guy"
help you?

Emma: But it was very slow moving and wordy. I really wanted each chapter to be...snappy?
Sort of quick, without feeling rushed. Once I switched to 1st person and Drew started talking in
my head, it just sort of all came out. He has a very unique way of looking at things. But now, i
speak his language. I just kind of know how he'd respond to something.

christine: good question Michelle

Bee: Emma, is it hard to write from a "condescending" POV? do you had inspiration ?

jennifer: I could swear a guy wrote was perfection!

LoverKaren: Hi newcomers and welcome this is a totally open forum, so please jump in and ask
Emma your questions about her book Tangled
50SOGCUD: Hi there! Love love love Tangled! Can't wait til the next one!

Bee: i mean Condescending man? lol

Maria D: he is awesome! You nailed cocky guy speak

LoverMichelle: You're write Jennifer! perfect.

Emma: No - no direct guy helped me. Well...a lot of the opinions and some of the stories came
from the guy pals I had growing up.

christine: Will your next book be written the same way??

jennifer: are you still working on the next book?

Emma: Bee - not anymore. I think Drew's confidence is his strongest characteristic

Emma: It's also his weakness. B/c, if you notice, he never doubts that what he thinks is true. He's
totally sure he's right. And in the past, most of the time, that worked out for him.

Maria D: it is perfect. I agree his confidence is great but I like when he's vulnerable too except
then he does something stupid! Typical guy lol

LoverMichelle: Have you had any guys read the book? And if so, what is their opinion of Drew
and the way Drew thinks?

Bee: yes he is and we love him for that!..

Emma: Jennifer. Well...yes and no. There's a few different directions the sequel can go. I can't
say to much about it now - and I'm REALLY sorry about that. But the details are still being
worked out with the publisher.

Maria D: I can't wait for book 2

50SOGCUD: Any idea when we might be expecting book two? I've read it so many times, I
swear my ipad says "again?" Every time I go back to it.

Emma: But yes - I enjoy writing from first person. I also really enjoy the structure of the book -
meaning it starts in the middle, flashes back to the story, catches up to the beginning and then
concludes. I've always enjoyed reading books that work in a similar fashion - like Wuthering
Heights or even Romeo and Juliet

50SOGCUD: Is It possible to wear out an EBOOK, cuz I think I'm close.

Maria D: love that too...Wuthering Heights is one of my favorites gotta say!

Emma: Lol! Thank you so much 50SOGCUD - that is just amazing to me. But I'm so happy
you've enjoyed it.

LoverMichelle: Haha 50SOGCUD. If you're like me, you have almost the whole book

christine: I did that with Fifty Shades

Emma: Maria - me too.

50SOGCUD: Totally do. Please my name is Lori.

LoverMichelle: Have you had any guys read the book? And if so, what is their opinion of Drew
and the way Drew thinks?

Maria D: me too Christine

Bee: yes i got most quote in tangled highlighted too

christine: My girlfriend it texting me to say...tap tap tap!!!!

Emma: The timeline is also being worked out for Book #2. I'm hoping not too long. Personally
as a reader I like when books are fairly close together

Maria D: yes I like them close together too

christine: Do you have a niece like Mackenzie

Emma: Michelle - my husband is just reading it right now. He's on Chapter 7. He thinks it's very
funny. And true. lol

Emma: But I've explained to him - and this is also true - this is what Drew thinks...not what I
think, lol.

Vilma joined the chat 56 minutes ago

Emma: Christine - I have a much younger sister. I didn't exactly have her in mind when I wrote
Mackenzie, but looking back now, there are a LOT of similarities. She always repeated things
she heard at the worst possible time. She also used to say "bagina"

Emma: Hi angie and Vilma! Thanks for coming

Vilma: Hi! Sorry I'm late!

Emma: Late is my middle name - you're my kind of people

Vilma: lol! I always blame it on my kids! Catching up on the chat above!

Maria D: Lol!!! I teach first grade and they tell us everything!!

angie: Hi Everyone

christine: that was another good line.. I have a bagina

Emma: Oh - my father also tried to read it. He didn't make it past Chapter 1.

LoverMichelle: bagina! I spit out my food reading that!

KTP: Hey everyone!

50SOGCUD: So I have to also ask, did you write drew with a particular man in mind? Brother?

Emma: Maria - they do, don't they? My sister once told her teacher my mother was going to "put
her through a wall" when she got home. It sounds so much worse than it is - my mom's actually
the nicester person ever

LoverMichelle: HI Vilma and Angie! Open forum, just ask away. If your question gets missed,
ask it again.

Maria D: LOL!! I had one come up to me and say My mom just finished Fifty Shades of Grey!!
Good thing I read it too!!

Emma: 50SOGCUD - He's really very much my own little Frankenstein. There are definitely
parts of him that come straight from the guys I grew up with (I had a lot of alpha guy-pals in
high school). there's a bit of my husband - he has a dry sarcastic kind of humor. And a bit of my
older brother - he curses like a truck driver

LoverMichelle: Emma ~ what was the inspiration behind the book?

Janette: Omg Emma gotta say I loved ur book my husband actually enjoyed allof Drews

Emma: Janette - thank you so much! That's awesome.

LoverKaren: Hi NewComers this is a totally open forum so please jump in and ask Emma about
her book and characters.

christine: I love
KTP: I've read a lot of Drew to my husband. He just laughed.

christine: sorry I was saying I love Drew's truck driver mouth..A man after my own heart.

Janette: Are you planning kates pov or moving on with other characters we have met in Tangled

Emma: Michelle - the idea for Drew came when I was driving home listening to Womanizer by
Britney Spears. I'd heard it before, but the image of this guy - who has the world at his feet -
swaggering across a crowded bar came to me. And I imagined what would happen if that guy got
a wrench thrown into his the form of a beautiful woman

Janette: My husband drives every day to parsippany for work

Emma: Also - I'm heavily influenced by movie styles. When I hear music - I see a montage. And
I grew up watching all John Hughes' films. Ferris Beuller's Day off played a big part in the asides
to the reader in Tangled.

Vilma: Emma, do you have any ideal casting in mind when you think of Drew and Kate?

Maria D: I love that scene in the bar with Kate walking away...he was stunned

Maria D: lol

Janette joined the chat 46 minutes ago

50SOGCUD: So this was your first book. On a scale of 1-10, how ecstatic are you?

Emma: Vilma - This has always been a tougie for me. I saw the hangover 3 the other day, and
every time Bradley Cooper said "fuck" i thought - that's what Drew sounds like! But, technically
BC is older than Drew. But I have a hard time finding many 28 yr olds attractive - they just seem
so young, lol

Janette: Omg i love that song

Vilma: LOL!!! He has that funny, crass personality though, you're right!

Emma: For kate - Rachel Bilson, Nina Dobrev or Kate...I forget her last name. She's British and
was in the Underworld movies

Vilma: Beckinsale?

angie: Emma did you anticipate this much success when you wrote Tangled? Every review I've
read has said its great, mine included.

Emma: YES! Kate Beckinsale (though she's older than 25)

Emma: 50SOGCUD - 25

50SOGCUD: LOLOLOLOL. Thought you might say something like that.

Emma: Angie - I was originally offerred 3 publishing contracts. 2 for ebook only and one for
print and ebook. And really - all I wanted was to hold my book in my hands. THAT was the
dream come true - even if I was the only one to ever read it. Everything that's happend in the last
few weeks has been wonderfully, crazy unexpected. I still haven't wrapped my head around the
NY Times best seller's list. But most of all - I'm SO happy that readers love these characters as
much as I do.

Maria D: it's such an awesome book!!! I tell everyone thy must read it!!!

Vilma: It's an incredible book... congratulations! So awesome!

Emma: Seriously - some of my favorite romances are the ones that make me happy. That make
me feel good. That is how I want my readers to feel.

Bee: You deserve It Emma, your work is brilliant

LoverMichelle: Humor + sex = PERFECT COMBINATION!!!!!

Maria D: they not

Emma: Thanks Vilma - it's amazing.

KTP: It is the best book I have read this year. I recommend it to everyone. Congrats on the

christine: I tell everyone to read it!!

Emma: Michelle - YES! I've also always thought funny guys were sexy - even if they weren't
that physically attractive. If you're witty, you're smart - observant. And that's very attractive

Vilma: I loved that it had me smiling or laughing the entire time. Such a good feeling!

LoverMichelle: Emma, are you witty like Drew?

Emma: Thanks KTP! That just means the world to me

Janette: Whats next in the tangled series

KTP: That is how I feel about Drew

Emma: Mmm...sometimes. He's much braver than I am - blunt. That's why he's a fun character
to write. There are no limits. There's nothing he wouldn't say. I can be witty - but he's sharper.

Janette: Are you planning kates pov or moving on with other characters we have met in Tangled

Emma: Janette - right now there's two ways it can go. I have full ideas on either option. I just
can't really say at the moment what they are - b/c the technical stuff is still being decided above
me. As soon as I'm able - I'll be throwing out quotes, and dates of publication, and teasers. But it
won't be for a few more days yet.

gchelle joined the chat 34 minutes ago

angie: Emma my favorite scene is Drew's family at the dinner table on Thanksgiving. Every time
I think of it I always find myself chuckling... Simply hilarious

gchelle: I love Emma sorry late to the chat <3

LoverKaren: If you are a newcomer please join in and ask Emma a question.

Emma: Janette - the drawback to doing Drew's POV, is our view of Kate was limited. She and
Dee are great characters that I would love to flesh out at some point. I just don't know at this
point if it will be in the next book, a later book - or maybe just in the Bonus scenes that I love
posting for everyone. They're fun.

Maria D: I love his sister too!!!

christine: angie my favorite line is from that scene..I'm hit I'm hit

Emma: gchelle!!! Thank you for coming

Janette: I hear you loud n clear n i gurantee you im in line ready for your wonderful news n my
amazon acct is ready to click n buy ur next wonderful work

gchelle: very welcome excited to be here

gchelle: Just want to say Emma is brilliant, I have never seen anyone pull off the male pov the
way she has!

Emma: Any other favorite scenes? I'm curious.

50SOGCUD: How about all of it?


LoverMichelle: anything involving sex is a fav for me!

Bee: yes the fatal attraction part without the creepiness lol

LoverMichelle: Just sayin!

Janette: My favorite is lil mackenzie n her line at thanksgiving dinnerplus her gifts from kate
due to the maeconomy

Emma: *blushing* gchelle - thank you! He's a fun character to write

angie: I also loved the scenes when they were trying to outdo each other arriving at work earlier
than the other each day.

Maria D: Michelle Lol

Emma: Michelle - OMG the sex scenes were so hard to write! Like really hard (no pun

Janette: That was so war if the roses there lol

Stella joined the chat 30 minutes ago

Janette: Pun intended lol

LoverMichelle: WTH? You nailed it! I love 'em!

Emma: Also - my grandmother is dying to read Tangled, FYI. But she can't really see - so
someone will have to read it to her! I want to video tape it

gchelle: Lmao, I would pay to watch it!

KTP: So would I

christine: I like the scenes when he is with his friends..

LoverMichelle: Yes, I would pay to watch that too!

christine: When Kate tells Drew his friends like her better and he says no it the boobs..

Emma: Michelle - thank you. It was difficult trying to keep Drew's character and language, but
still make it sensual. Then - after it was published - I kept thinking, God, my father is going to
read this! He's going to know I know the word cock! Just kill me.

Emma: CHristine - I really like that part too

gchelle: Ha ha!
angie: Do you really have a Bad Word Jar in your family? I'm sure Mackenzie is rich from hers.

Maria D: LOL!!!

50SOGCUD: So do you think you're going to write the next one......Twisted.....will be from a
similar perspective?

Emma: Oh yes we did. We started it for when my brother came over. Then it got to the point
where the kids wanted him to come over cause they'd be "rich"

gchelle: kids!

bt22: Did you make any major changes after writing the first draft?

gleasop joined the chat 25 minutes ago

Emma: 50SOGCUD - What the second book will be hasn't been decided yet. There are a few
options being discussed. BUT, I do like the structure of the book - start in the middle, flashback,
catch up

gchelle: What was the best part of writing Tangled for you?

Emma: I also enjoy a single POV - be it male or female. Although it can be frustrating and sort
of limits how well we know the other characters, I think it's very real to life. I mean, we can't
read each other's minds - no matter how much we'd like to. Or...maybe not lol

christine joined the chat 22 minutes ago

Emma: bt22 - yes, there were changes - but I actually enjoy editing. I like having someone tell
me what works, and what needs more work.

LoverMichelle: How did you ultimately end up publishing with Omnific?

Emma: gchelle - I'll def. come back to this - thinking about it.

50SOGCUD: I just liked the realness of Drew. As women, we all know that kinda stuff goes on
in guys heads, even though they would never admit it. I would really would miss that I think.

gleasop: i liked that you had Drew deciding he had the flu. it's usually the girl whose pregnant
who thinks thats what it is

LoverMichelle: So clever, absolutely clever to include that.

Emma: I had sent Tangled out to a few publishers and agents. a bunch of rejections. I heard of
Omnific after Gabriel's Inferno started taking off, so I sent them the MS. they are very easy and
personable. I didn't feel intimidated which was great. Also, they really loved Tangled and I
wanted to work with someone who enjyed the story

LoverMichelle: that's awesome, I bet those other publishers are shaking their heads now. Such a
fantastic book!

Emma: 50SOGCUD - thank you. I think there's a little bit of Drew in every guy depending on
the situation


Emma: ha! I think it was the non-conventional style that may have scared some off

LoverMichelle: Emma is going to spend an extra 15 minutes answering your questions. Thank
you Emma!

Bee: How long did you wait for Tangled to be finally published after you finished writing?

Emma: gchelle - ok, there were a lot of great things about writing Tangled, but one of the best
was finishing it. That may sound weird - but I really liked where the story ended. I felt Drew had
come a long way, and it was great to give him and Kate a happy ever after.

gchelle: No not weird, I think that is a perfect answer

50SOGCUD: Have you been approached by any movie-Hollywood types? Do we have any
chance of seeing it on the big screen? Oh and I heard you still planning on attending the Vegas
thing in August?

KTP: I really think it would transfer into a movie

Emma: gleasop - thank you! haha! It was very organic how that happend to. When I was writing
the part in his apartment, when he gets sick, it really just fit perfectly with his "illness" in the
beginning. I also like that his own actions and words ended up making him ill.

Emma: KTP - thank you

Emma: 50SOGCUD - not yet, but i think that's something my publisher is looking into.

Emma: Don't know if everyone is like this - but when I read I see the action in my head. Do you
all do that? That's one of the reason Tangled is written the way it is b/c for me, I can almost "see"
the action playing out

Emma: Oh, and yes - I'll be in vegas! Looking forward to it

Emma: gchelle
gleasop: i recommended this to my daughter, she fell in love too and is hating that she won't be
coming to Vegas with me

gchelle: Yes, every time I read it is like a movie in my head!

50SOGCUD: Awesome! Looking forward to meeting you!

Emma: gleasop - I would love to sign something for her, if she'd like. We're going to have
postcards, I believe - and Tangled pens. They're actually really good pens, lol

KTP: I'm the same way. Thats why when people start putting stars to characters in a book, it
never makes makes sense for me. I have my own idea of what the characters look like in my

LoverMichelle: Honestly, I hope this book gets made into a movie. I always describe the movie
as Ferris Bueller's Day off because Ferris would also look at the screen and talk to the viewers
like we were there with him.

Emma: KTP - yes exactly! Also, I skim scenery descriptions a lot. I know some people like
detailed descriptions, so it's just me - but all I really need are a few words or hints to visualize

Emma: Michelle - Yes! those were my favorite parts. It felt like you weren't just watching the
move - you were a part of the movie

gchelle: I like need to know basis

Emma: gchelle - yes!

LoverMichelle: Okay, does anyone have any last minute questions? Emma, are you able to give
us any type of a teaser for the next book or something?

Emma: Well, the next book hasn't officially been decided just I can just say - Expect the

gleasop: will you have the actual paperbacks there? I was going to buy one there if possible

KTP: Is the next book going to be Drew and Kate or another couple?

Emma: I believe so yes!

angie: Thanks for chatting with us Emma!

Emma: Sorry I couldn't give more info. on the sequel - I hope to have that for you very, very
soon. thank you all for taking the time to come out tonight and for all your support and
excitment! XOXO
gleasop: thank you Emma

gchelle: Thanks Emma lovely chat!

KTP: Thanks Emma!

LoverMichelle: Ah, thank you so much Emma. Thank you ladies for joining us tonight. We're
chatting with author Jay Crownover on Thursday, same time, please join us!

Emma: Good night everyone! And Good morning Bee!

LoverMichelle: Emma, I hope that you will come back and chat again as more and more people
read your book and your fan base grows!

50SOGCUD: Thanks so much!

Emma: Yes - I would love that! And I'm so grateful to Literati Literature Lovers for putting this
together. It was a pleasure

LoverMichelle: Thank you Emma. Night night.

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