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In inventor, when you cant find the suitable material for the model you are drawing, you can make new material according to these steps: Step 1: click on Appearance Icon

Step 2: choose the right type with the material you want to create. You can use any materials in Inventor material library by clicking on add appearance to document icon . Ex: if you want to create grating material, you can choose: Stone (blue)

Step 3: When the material in Inventor Material Library was added to Document Appearance, you rightclick on this material, and choose Duplicate.

Step 4: After New Material was renamed, right click on new material and choose Edit. In Edit Window, you modify any properties to create right material you want. If you want to create Grating material (in step 2), you can modify follow below figures:

Note: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Inventor 2013\Textures\surfaces is the path for all surfaces of normal materials: diamond plate, grating,

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