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1. I am more concerned with a. the world around me b. my own thoughts and feelings 2. Change for me is a. difficult b. easy 3.

I am more comfortable with a. rules b. principles 4. I am quick to a. compliment b. critique 5. I take more pride in my a. goals b. successes 6. I tend to be more a. reasonable b. personable 7. When around other people I a. start conversation b. keep to myself 8. I like a. to "go with the flow" b. timetables and plans 9. A quiet weekend at home is a. rejuvenating b. boring 10.My work space is usually a. organized b. disorganized 11.I am drawn to a. what is immediate b. hidden meaning and inspiration 12.I process information through a. intuition b. my five senses

b. afraid to hurt their feelings 14.I am most comfortable being a. a planner b. spontaneous 15.After a social gathering I feel a. energized b. drained 16.When paying at a store I often a. have conversation with the cashier b. pay and leave without chit-chat 17.I consider myself to be a. an idealist b. a realist 18.On a free night I like to a. spend a quiet night at home b. go out with friends 19.I work better when a. deciding what to do next as I go b. following a schedule 20.I like to finalize decisions a. early b. only when necessary 21.It is worse to be a. inflexible b. indecisive 22.I prefer speakers that communicate a. literally b. figuratively 23.Others might perceive me as a. rigid b. aimless 24.I prefer to work a. in a team b. alone

13.When there is a need to correct someone, I am a. quick to do it

25.I am more interested in a. future possibilities b. current happenings 26.It is important for me to

a. spend my energy b. conserve my energy 27.I prefer to spend time a. interacting with people b. introspecting 28.With people, I am more often a. friendly and warm b. brief and to the point 29.Clutter in my home a. bothers me b. is not something I notice 30.When the phone rings I a. pick it up right away b. wish I could ignore it 31.When in a one-on-one situation I usually do more a. listening b. talking 32.I am a. soft-hearted b. tough-minded 33.The prospect of social activity a. usually excites me b. rarely excites me 34.I dislike it when people are too a. insensitive b. emotional 35.My thoughts are a. orderly b. random 36.Being the center of attention is a. exhilarating b. uncomfortable

39.I am a. free-spirited b. structured 40.I am more likely to invest in a. proven methods b. promising new ideas 41.I prefer to a. see how I can change things b. leave things the way they are 42.I prefer a. routine activities b. "spur of the moment" activities 43.I am governed by my a. head b. heart 44.Give me the a. facts b. personal details 45.I want to a. get to know others b. get the task done 46.I usually leave for appointments a. with extra time to spare b. at the last possible moment 47.I enjoy a task when I a. complete it b. start it 48.I tend to a. focus on details b. see the big picture

49.My ways tend to be more a. conventional b. revolutionary 50.I enjoy time spent a. with a group of friends b. alone or with one close friend 51.I am more likely to measure things with a. approximation

37.Talking about feelings and emotions is a. difficult b. easy 38.When in conversation, I a. say things as they are b. am careful to avoid conflict

b. total precision 52.My thoughts are on a. the "here and now" b. what lies ahead 53.When I have a task to complete, I usually a. get it out of the way b. wait until the last moment 54.I make new friends a. over time b. quickly 55.I am more excited about what might happen a. later today or tomorrow b. in a couple years 56.Others might describe me as more a. imaginative b. practical 57.At work I am a. relationship-focused b. task-oriented 58.I value a. mercy b. justice 59.I enjoy a. spending time with friends I know well b. getting to know new people 60.I consider myself to be a. a concrete thinker b. an abstract thinker 64.When judging others I am a. impartial b. partial 65.When dealing with problems I focus on the a. a issues b. people 66.I usually a. work, then play b. play, then work 67.I see life a. as it is b. as it could be 68.I get energized by a. learning facts b. exploring theories 69.I have more fun engaging in a. group activities b. individual activities 70.I am more likely to have my a. head in the clouds b. feet on the ground 71.I prefer someone who is a. efficient b. empathetic 72.I entertain myself with my a. surroundings b. imagination

61.More often than not, I a. am adaptable b. like a plan that is "set in stone" 62.At work a. I put things off b. I get the job done 63.I make decisions based on a. feelings b. logic

73.I am a. objective b. subjective 74.I consider myself to be a. private b. social 75.I would classify myself as a a. social butterfly b. lone ranger 76.When making decisions I

a. don't consider the feelings of others b. consider the feelings of others

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