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Registration checklist

This checklist guides you through product registration. Please fill in and e-mail back to The Case Centre when you have completed all registration tasks listed. Please follow all instructions closely to ensure no delays occur in the product registration process. Publishing Team The Case Centre Cranfield University, Wharley End Beds MK43 0JR, UK t +44 (0)1234 750903 f +44 (0)1234 751125 e Product details Title: Author(s): Institution(s): Date: Checklist Filename(s) 1. Metadata For the catalogue entry at The Case Centre. Helps potential users assess suitability of your product. 2. Abstract and learning objectives Appears verbatim in The Case Centre catalogue. Helps potential users assess suitability of your product. 3. Front page metadata.xls Action required Download, open and complete requested information: case details, authorship, copyright and permissions. Access the three worksheets by clicking on the tabs located bottom left. E-mail to The Case Centre. Download, open and insert your abstract (150-200 words) and up to five learning objectives (up to 250 characters each). E-mail to The Case Centre. Your products should have a front page that includes the title, author(s) name(s), organisation(s) name(s) and logo(s) and a copyright statement. The registration pack includes guidance and an example front page.
OPEN_FIRST-registrationchecklist.doc prepared by The Case Centre. July 2013

Please complete this information Please complete this information Please complete this information Please complete this information

Your notes (eg date sent)

abstract.doc info.pdf

4. Copy of product, associated notes and exhibits /appendices The Case Centre formats your documents for the catalogue, and adjusts margins to allow for paper sizes. Content will not be altered.

Please complete

5. Exhibits and appendices Any exhibits/appendices that can only be supplied as separate files. 6. DVD or CD-ROM 7. Copyright notice and documentation Visit for more information.

Please complete if supplied separately -

Provide a copy of your product, associated notes and exhibits/appendices in a standard electronic format eg Word. The registration pack includes guidance on the content of a teaching note (info.pdf). Wherever possible, include case exhibits/appendices in the same electronic file as the case. NB do not send PDFs. E-mail to The Case Centre with details of any separate exhibit files in covering e-mail (see 5 below). E-mail to The Case Centre. Clearly label an original of any accompanying video, DVD or CD-ROM with the case title, author(s), institution(s) and date. Post to The Case Centre. Include a copyright notice in a prominent place on your product (usually at the foot of the first page). The generally accepted international copyright notice is as follows: (insert year) (insert name of organisation(s)). All rights reserved. Post or e-mail copies of all copyright correspondence relating to the product or exhibits to The Case Centre. The Case Centre requires a copy of this document for legal reasons. Download, print and sign form. E-mail or post to The Case Centre. The registration pack includes guidance on release and a sample permission letter. Use this to help you obtain all necessary permissions. Post/e-mail copies of signed permissions to The Case Centre. The Case Centre treats all case release documents confidentially. E-mail to The Case Centre a high resolution (eg 300dpi) electronic file of the logo (tiff or jpg). Please check with the organisations communications, marketing or graphics department. Fill in and e-mail to The Case Centre when you have completed all registration tasks listed on the checklist.

8. Authorisation This signed form authorises The Case Centre to distribute your materials, once registered, and confirms author(s) agreement to the terms of registration. 9. Subject permission release This/these document(s) will confirm that the main subject organisation(s) or individual(s) featured in the product formally release it for distribution. 10. Logo If The Case Centre prepares the front page of your case we will include the logo of the authoring organisation. 11. Checklist This document.



Please complete

registrationchecklist. doc

OPEN_FIRST-registrationchecklist.doc prepared by The Case Centre. July 2013

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