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DNS tail -f bind.

log rndc reload starts and stops the named daemon This zone is one that is auto updated by the dhcp process and those can't be just HUP'd. You must: rndc stop rm *.jnl /usr/sbin/in.named rndc reload

(then restart)

nslookup q=mx does an MX record lookup on a doman view spf records: nslookup -q=TXT MAIL /usr/lib/sendmail bv /usr/lib/sendmail t v to: subject: . interactive sendmail session. period on last empty line signals the session to start. /usr/lib/sendmail bs shows version of sendmail makemap dbm access < access creates the access file from the text file. /etc/rc2.d/s88sendmail stop or start mailq qR lists all for that domain in the queue /usr/lib/sendmail q v

forces the queue to be processed. telnet 25 you should see a 220 response HELO (your mail server) you should get a 250 response MAIL or in <> you should get a 250 response RCPT you should get a 250 response DATA you should get a 354 response Subject:test Test from me to you . (period on the next blank line) quit you should get a 221 response ps ef |grep sendmail find the process id. kill HUP pid for sendmail

FTP >bin sets it to binary >hash sets hash marks for files download and upload >mput file name or mget >quit vi Editor :.S/text to replace /replacement text the . = current line or use sed sed e s/old text/new text/g file.txt > newfile.txt ex: sed -e 's/hw1aproposdba01/hwaproposdb/g' aliases >

Unix System Commands ifconfig a shows the interface configuration boot R reboots system >FWDIR=/opt/cpfwl-41 >export FWDIR creates a system variable to point to a directory. su i inherits profile from currently logged in id. vmstat (n) (n) gives memory stats shutdown y g0 i6 = reboot, i0 = eprom prompt, i5 = power off du h total size of all files in current directory megabytes or gigabytes. k gives result in kilobytes. ls s gives the size of each file. ls -1p | grep -vc "/$" To count JUST files in immediate directory. The "/$" in the grep is looking for lines ending in /, which the -p flag of ls will put in for directories. The -v flag of the grep will invert the search, so only lines NOT ending in / (i.e., all non directories) will be listed, and the -c of the grep means count. Or
ls -l | wc -l

UNIX Network Troubleshooting

this will give you some packet count, errors and collision info if any. errors, collisions may indicate a failing nic or cable. ifconfig -a will return nic id(s) the fist display is totals then second samples netstat -I "interface?" 1

hardware type run the kstat without the "grep" "awk" then a bunch of attributes are displayed. example of kstat Check the nic ce

kstat ce:0 | grep link_duplex | awk '{ print $2 }' 0= down 1= half 2= full if a ce, bge, nxge, device kstat ce:0 | grep link_speed | awk '{ print $2 }' if a eri qfe device kstat eri:0 | grep ifspeed | awk '{ print $2 }'
example of speed

kstat ce:0 | grep link_speed | awk '{ print $2 }' 1000 If the system as "lsof" on it -- we can look at port usage
loop every 2 seconds at port queue.

while : do netstat -a|grep smtp sleep 2 done

Local Address Remote Address Swind Send-Q Rwind Recv-Q State -------------------- -------------------- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----------localhost.63406 localhost.smtp 49152 0 49152 0 TIME_WAIT *.smtp *.* 0 0 49152 0 LISTEN *.smtp *.* 0 0 49152 0 LISTEN *.smtp *.* 0 0 49152 0 LISTEN

#./esgmenu service esafe restart stop

start XG 210 eSafe appliance The management port on the back is eth0. Press (left) alt and F11 to get a prompt Default root password is kn1TG7psLu eSafe root password: The default root password is kn1TG7psLu The default password will work, unless the root password was changed when configuring the HG200, then the password would be whatever you set it to. I have included the document on how to change the passwords in eSafe, just in case you need it. pdf to view conversations between eSafe server and recipients mail server: vi /opt/eSafe//esafe.ini under [General] change log smtp traffic=0 to 1 under [Debug] change debug level = 6 restart services service esafe restart (service esafe ? provides options) the log is /var/esafe/log/eSafeCR/smtp_traffic.x.log new log starts after 10mb spool dir is /opt/eSafe/eSafeCR/spool log files is /var/esafe/SessionLog change default retry settings: vi esafe.ini located in /opt/eSafe DefaultRetryInterval = 10 minutes MaxRetries = 6 outgoing IncomingMaxRetries = 36 incoming

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