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Basic principles of The UFO Phenomena.

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Leslie's Metaphysics ebook series:

The basic principles of

The UFO Phenomena

A brief description of the current historical context of UFOs, Why the REAL Cosmic Visitors are not the ones abducting people of Earth, and who is, The types of craft they use, and where they come from! This ebook was produced by

Leslie A. Baker 2011

Copyright: LESLIE'S METAPHYSICS WEBSITE 2010 - All rights reserved.

Basic principles of The UFO Phenomena.

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While attending a UFO lecture some years ago - given by an aeronautical engineer I noticed that some of what was being said was not understood by various members of the audience, presumably due to their lack of basic metaphysical knowledge. It was for that reason that I decided to create a website that would give interesting metaphysical information, explained step by step so that total newcomers could follow and understand it. More recently I hit on the idea of encapsulating several popular subjects each in a freely distributable pdf ebook. It also dawned on me that if I printed them I could pass them around to anyone interested, and hope that over time these free offerings would circulate and encourage people to visit my website, and enter into discussion with me, or maybe have clubs, societies or groups of friends ask me to give talks on these things so that I could play some small part in spreading metaphysical and mystical knowledge to those who were curious but did not know how to start learning the fundamentals, or simply did not have access to the internet. For more than 30 years I have been a student of a quite advanced teacher who considered himself 'A Yorkshireman who calls a spade a spade!' . He has given some of the greatest lectures and seminars that I have ever had the privilege of attending, and subsequently I have made progress in my understanding far beyond that which I could have achieved on my own. If you have access to the internet you can acquire my series of ebooks from my website's FREE DOWNLOADS page at:

. . . Leslie

Copyright: LESLIE'S METAPHYSICS WEBSITE 2010 - All rights reserved.

Basic principles of The UFO Phenomena.

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Basic principles of The UFO Phenomena.

By Leslie A. Baker This is a simple, free ebook that you are encouraged to read and give to other people. It is based on the information I make available on my website

I realise only too well what most of my readers will want to know, so we'll deal with the various facets in turn. You must admit that when UFOs are mentioned most people will immediately think of vehicles from other planets, even though a genuine UFO may not necessarily be that. Please note that the true situation regarding visitors from other worlds IS known in certain quarters, and that information IS available to all people regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religious or political views. Firstly we do sometimes see ball lightning (glowing balls of plasma), lenticular clouds etc. and think that they look like classic 'Flying Saucers'. We do occasionally see helicopters or conventional aircraft from unusual angles, or with the sunlight reflecting off them, and likewise think that they may be something else! It is widely known that certain world governments have for decades lied through their teeth about the non-existence of 'Black projects', like super-fast spy planes or interceptor / bomber aircraft, such as the infamous Aurora. These have on odd occasions been reported as UFOs. The American government even started putting out UFO stories (through various agencies) in order to help hide the fact that these experimental aircraft did indeed exist, and were flying over cities and near commercial air lanes. Many years ago Operation Sky Hook a high altitude balloon experiment was carried out by the American Navy, and they used that as a substitute explanation for some probably real ufo sightings. All of these are objects that have inadvertently been misinterpreted as Flying saucers at some time or other, but there are occasions where physical sightings were deliberately arranged in order to mislead as part of an organised misinformation strategy . . . but by whom, and why? In order to understand the strategy and motives we must briefly look at the historical theatre in which this is being enacted: If you follow this text through you will close this ebook knowing far more about the UFO phenomena than many so-called 'seasoned UFO investigators' yet do, and that is a categorical statement - they generally haven't got this far yet!

Copyright: LESLIE'S METAPHYSICS WEBSITE 2010 - All rights reserved.

Basic principles of The UFO Phenomena. So first the modern historical setting:

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All through our very long and poorly reported history there have been manipulators behind the scenes who using clever psychology - learned over many thousands of centuries, have directed what we these days call 'the silence groups' the bankers, media and drug barons, senior politicians, religious 'leaders', (some) scientists etc., in order to keep the mass of humanity in a degree of ignorance, realising that they cannot control people who know too much. The Bilderberg Group is one such puppet faction. Most conspiracy theorists think that groups like this are at the top of the manipulation hierarchy not by any means are they, and some of the group members themselves would shake in fear if they knew that they were merely pawns of the nameless 'black magicians'. Another such pawn was Adolf Hitler once Chancellor of Germany. The lowly German corporal was not very good at anything. He tried to paint but was at best mediocre at it. He however had a weakness that was exploitable he could be used by the manipulators as a spiritualistic medium, and in consequence a figurehead. When he gave his great orations those people who were close to him noted that he went glassy-eyed, which indicates he was in trance, and it was not dear Adolf but an over-shadowing entity who was leading the Nazis into war. In that bunker, in his final hours the manipulators knew that for Germany the war was lost and they deserted Mr. H. He suddenly realised that he was totally alone with his power gone, and he took the coward's way out. After committing suicide he joined them on the Lower Astral Realms of Earth, where he, and other Nazis are still very active. (For an explanation of the various planes / realms of Earth see the What is reincarnation page of my website.) This document is not intended to convert people to any religious belief or philosophy, but just to report the truth as I understand it. May I quote here a statement from about two thousand years ago, where a great Master referred to these manipulators. This is a statement which is usually misunderstood by most people, but here is the true meaning when Jesus was on the cross he knew only too well that the unruly rabble who had called for him to be crucified had been swayed by a certain evil manipulator, and that the crowd did not know how They work Forgive them [The Crowd] for they know not what they [the manipulators] do! It was black magicians such as these who 'inspired' Oppenheimer and other scientists to delve into the atom, enabling the eventual production of atom and hydrogen bombs, and the mass murder of thousands of Japanese at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As research into atomic power progressed in the mid 1940s advanced beings from outside of Earth were showing great concern - we 'Earthlings' had destroyed our civilisation several times in the distant past by the misuse of atomic power, and here we go again, under the influence of these same manipulators. UFOs were becoming more often seen around military and scientific establishments. The 'Aliens' (Henceforth referred to as 'Cosmic Masters') on odd occasions contacted specific individuals, knowing that they would pass their warnings to governments, scientists and the general public. Now, the manipulators were increasingly concerned that their secrets would become widely known they had to devise strategy to counteract this Cosmic intervention. They knew they could not prevent other-worldly beings from coming here. They did devise a clever plan however, which has unfortunately for us worked.

Copyright: LESLIE'S METAPHYSICS WEBSITE 2010 - All rights reserved.

Basic principles of The UFO Phenomena.

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Some scientists who have been very selfish in their attitudes, even from very ancient times have ended up working for these evil magicians after their basic physical death on this plane. The black magicians, with their puppet scientists have over countless centuries developed science & technology that is way beyond anything we are yet familiar with in this world (on this plane). It was quite easy for them to produce a 'flying saucer' which would convince anyone in this world they knew what the real ones look like. It was also very easy to genetically modify their pawns on the lower realms to look 'alien' to our eyes. The small, so-called 'Greys' are such as these, and ARE NOT from other planets. There have been many races witnessed from outside of this Earth who have often been well over six or seven feet in height.

Here are a few pictures of supposed aliens, don't they look like medieval demons? By flying one of their mock flying saucers out from the lower astral realms of Earth into space, changing the vibration rates of the matter of the craft and the occupants, and returning to Earth on this plane enabled them to claim to be from another planet, and this they did. They approached the American president (and other leaders) and his senior military advisers requesting permission to 'borrow' people for medical examination. They got the reply that they had expected - Yes you can, but you must return people to the place you took them from with no ill effects, and no memory of what had happened. We require some of your advanced technology in payment! . The lower-astral 'aliens' gave the American government what they thought was alien technology, and then started abducting Earth people, some of whom were being returned with illness, implanted devices, and paranoia. The fear grew . . . When a real contact took place (though there were not too many) because of fear other people didn't want to know - the plan was working. As Government officials started to realise what the supposed aliens were doing they feared for their lives as they had given these 'aliens' permission, and the public would 'linch' them (figuratively speaking) The CIA was initially formed to police the cover-up, but the cost of this operation grew and grew.

Copyright: LESLIE'S METAPHYSICS WEBSITE 2010 - All rights reserved.

Basic principles of The UFO Phenomena.

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Drugs were smuggled out from South America to the oil rigs, and then back to the youth of North America to help pay for this rising cost of hiding their shame. In recent times the abduction cases still occur, the fear is still being generated, people are still being scared away. The cover-up got so costly that alternative strategy was called for - agents secretly working for American, and other governments started pumping out misinformation in the hope that it would enable them to 'officially' show these abduction cases to be the results of deranged minds, not extra-terrestrial sadistic experimentation, for which politicians were ultimately responsible. A statement was made in the 1950s by a Cosmic Master known to us by the pseudonym of Aetherius, in the light of this confusion - to set the record straight in respect of the friendliness and concern for us by the real people living on nearby planets. This is an exact quote: A certain amount of literature has been written about us, and it has been noted that through this literature runs a streak of fear, which has been put in by the writers, in order to make it more sensational. Disregards this, so far as we are concerned! We are beings more evolved than yourselves. We have indeed outgrown your Earth, and have gone onto a higher plane of material existence, so you can see that, should we do you any harm, we would be guilty of a grievous crime. We are among friends and need not fear the real Cosmic Beings, yet in this planetary system we are but children, naughty ones at that, and they are the adults who have been looking out for us for millennia I include here two more quotes relating to the difference between we Earthmen and The Cosmic Masters. It is when one has had the privilege of access to the true information from These Ones who are countless millions of years our senior that the majority of so-called 'ExtraTerrestrial messages' one encounters on the internet, and in the plethora of paperback books pales into insignificance. All four following quotes are from this same Venusian Master: The difference between an earthworm and an Earthman is nowhere near as far as from an Earthman to where I am! You can see from this next quote that The Cosmic Master Aetherius has both humility and humour . . . Forgive me for smiling, but last night I watched one of your television programs, and a so-called expert said 'If there is life on Venus it must be primitive!', Yes indeed we are primitive, but not as primitive as the man who made that statement! He knows our limitations, yet also our potential, and probably with a smile on his face he stated: Let your mathematicians play about with their three dimensional formulas; You stick to your six dimensional beliefs and have your nine dimensional faith and you will see the twenty-five dimensional power work out, does that help you? When asked how old he was he replied: 3,456 Earth years. I am only a young man - very young. Copyright: LESLIE'S METAPHYSICS WEBSITE 2010 - All rights reserved.

Basic principles of The UFO Phenomena. Let's look now at some of the REAL Extra-Terrestrial Craft:

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Here are brief descriptions of the spacecraft used by The Cosmic Masters. They have said that they do not need them to go to other planets, but they do when transporting equipment or less evolved passengers. They also use them when coming here in order to give us something to relate to. Their craft could be classified into three different basic types: 1) Mother ships, varying in size from several hundred yards to 7000 miles in length. 2) Scout Patrol Vessels, varying in size from around 20 feet to 500 feet in diameter. 3) Remote probes, from a couple of inches to around fifteen feet in diameter. Mother Ships:

Here is a fairly typical photo of a 'mother-ship' - seen over Rhode Island on 07/07/1967. This is of course relatively small on their standards. They can be up to 7000 miles in length and carry up to several thousand scout craft. These vessels are the ones that make the long inter-stellar journeys at speeds of sometimes more than four million times the speed of light (believe it or not?). There is one particular craft, known as Satellite Number Three that comes into Earth orbit four times every year, and we have the exact dates and times of its arrival and departure for more than 1000 years into the future. It has been coming here, as far as we know since 1955. It is 4000 yards long and no doubt carries hundreds of crew and passengers. Scout Patrol Vessels

Copyright: LESLIE'S METAPHYSICS WEBSITE 2010 - All rights reserved.

Basic principles of The UFO Phenomena. The previous image is a slightly stylised drawing of a standard scout craft, as has been used for thousands of years, and in recent times often photographed as you see here:

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This is a photo (above) that is generally believed to be genuine. It is of a Venusian Scout Craft, photographed by George Adamski in the Arizona Desert in the 1950s. There have been numerous other craft of this type photographed over the years. The biblical reference by Ezekiel to 'wheels within wheels' could be to a craft like this (See the illustration below).

Drawing of the underside view. As I stated earlier this ebook is not about preaching a religious doctrine, however it is known that the 'Star of Bethlehem' was indeed a spacecraft, and despite the impression that NASA has given to the public it did come from Saturn. It carried The Master Jesus, and several of His Masters. They are the ones who performed the energy manipulation so that he an elevated Venusian (from the bright and morning star) could for a time use a body born (of Mary) on Earth. Scout craft do not make the immense journeys across the galaxy or further, they are interplanetary, but mainly short-hop vehicles. The type depicted above usually have two main forms of propulsion. In proximity to a large body such as a planet they can reverse the gravity field around the craft to repel the ground, using the three smaller spheres underneath are for setting or altering direction.

Copyright: LESLIE'S METAPHYSICS WEBSITE 2010 - All rights reserved.

Basic principles of The UFO Phenomena.

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In 'free space' they can use what we might call 'thought (mind) energy', or 'ether' (which some regard as the same thing). As every schoolboy should be taught thought in free space travels at approximately four million times the speed of light, which equates to roughly 744,000,000,000 miles per second. Even light is 'dragging its anchors' relative to some energies in nature. In order to get a fuller understanding of faster than light space travel, it is really necessary to also have an insight into the nature of the other realms, or planes of life on a planet like Earth, on other planets, and through space. This is described in some detail on the 'What is Manifestation?' and 'What is Reincarnation?' pages of my website. One of the obvious concerns to the uninitiated is the worry of crashing into something at great speed? This is understandable, but actually nothing to worry about. When you 'pass on' (die) and find yourself on one of the more subtle planes of Earth you will discover that you can go up to a building and it feels hard, just like brick or metal does here. Change the way you think about this material and you can pass your hand through it like you can a light beam. This same principle applies to space travel. When a craft needs to exceed light speed the matter of the craft and its occupants are all changed in frequency of vibration to that of a higher plane, and then matter can pass through matter with no ill effects. So it wont matter if there are asteroids or a moon in the way you go straight through it as if it wasn't there. This principle of changing frequency to go faster has been put through in science fiction as 'Hyper Space'. Remote Controlled Probes.

Over the years many instances of remote controlled 'probes' have been experienced. The 'Foo Fighters' of The 2nd World War are probably such things. They are various sorts of remote viewing or monitoring devices that can be sent to distant locations to watch, listen or otherwise measure light, sound, and other geophysical phenomena. The glowing orb in the picture above appears to be a probe like this, presumably taking measurements of the activity at Mount Popocatepetl, Mexico an active volcano, in December 2000. From the 1950s up to more recent times there were numerous instances of glassy spheres seen at high altitude, which suddenly disappeared with a very loud bang.

Copyright: LESLIE'S METAPHYSICS WEBSITE 2010 - All rights reserved.

Basic principles of The UFO Phenomena.

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We were told that these were implosion devices that The Cosmic Masters sent in to clean up the radio activity we had foolishly released with surface A-Bomb testing. Prior to 1969 entrance to this planetary system was quite restricted in many ways, but on 28th December of that year the restriction was removed, and it was predicted by us that from then on the number of visitors, and variety of observed craft would increase, and it has done so. Misinformation has been used for a variety of reasons right back through our history, and just because there are myths and legends of visiting beings from Zeta Reticuli, or some other distant star going back to ancient Egypt or earlier, it doesn't mean it is correct. There is no way that 'Gods' visiting in the past interbred with Earth people, though many believe it happened. It is probably just wishful thinking? If you read the 'Man's true status' page of my website you will see why stories of such interaction have to be false. There has though been intervention in two forms: Firstly the easy one beings from other worlds coming here in spacecraft and openly walking amongst us. This has not happened since the fall of Atlantis hundreds of thousands of years ago. The second type of 'visit' is a little more complicated, but has indeed happened on a few occasions, even in more recent times. This is where an Earthly woman gives birth to a baby, and an advanced being 'divides off' a part of their consciousness so that it can be channelled through the Earth-body. Some Cosmic Masters who have done this are Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tse, Patanjali, Confucius and Sankacharya. In the last century we have had this happen with Wagner, Mahatma Ghandi and several others (during your lifetime) whom I will not mention here. Let me explain about the 'Jesus' case, as it is totally misunderstood in orthodox circles. The 'Virgin Mary' was not an 'ordinary' woman! No such Earth person could provide an advanced being like Jesus with a usable body. Mary was (and still is) an Earth Master in her own right before she volunteered for the task. I have mentioned that evil black magicians had been manipulating Man's affairs for centuries, if they had been aware of that baby (Jesus) they would have certainly killed him, so his birth had to be in secret. Mary had her virgin birth, not in Bethlehem but in England, where she herself was previously conceived by Her mother Anna (Saint Anne of Cornwall). Realising that Jesus the real being from Venus was, like others from the same place very active in teaching and uplifting other races throughout this galaxy at the same time ('Other sheep have I who are not of this fold') it would not be fair for him to be 'trapped' in a baby's body during the first two years of its life, while that body was not grown enough to be useful. It was when that baby was nearly two years old that he was taken to Bethlehem - on a major trade route, so that the news of his presence on Earth could then be made public. The Star of Bethlehem a Saturnian spacecraft brought the real Being - Jesus here, and His Masters performed the energy manipulation so that his consciousness could be channelled through the child's body, much like yours at your birth. Even at the age of two, with that advanced consciousness he was quite capable of defending himself. If I'd been an experienced Earth martial artist I wouldn't have wanted to go against the child Jesus I would have lost! You see there is much 'occult history' that the general public knows nothing about (yet). Finally on this aspect might I say that a similar phenomena to The Star of Bethlehem was seen at the birth of Buddha five spacecraft were in evidence there, but in India at that time the populous were far more educated than at the Bethlehem incident, and it was far better understood. I could write page after page, but this is intended to be just an introduction to UFOs, for the newcomer, not an in-depth, metaphysical treatise. I therefore conclude with a selection of UFO thumbnails from the last few decades, and from various places around the world, and The Moon. Most of these photos, and others can be seen clearer on my website's UFO Photo Galleries . . . Copyright: LESLIE'S METAPHYSICS WEBSITE 2010 - All rights reserved.

Basic principles of The UFO Phenomena. A few UFO photos from around the world.

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Copyright: LESLIE'S METAPHYSICS WEBSITE 2010 - All rights reserved.

Basic principles of The UFO Phenomena. UFOs and numerous other subjects

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are covered in some detail on Leslie's website. If you are interested in metaphysics, mysticism or the so-called paranormal please visit his site, where he explains about such things as UFOs, reincarnation and life-after-death, ghosts, yoga, karma, and Man's true status . . . He has been studying these subjects for more than 40 years, and he studied under an amazing teacher from 1979 onwards. Please distribute this free ebook to your friends and associates. If you want a free talk by Leslie, and are within travelling distance of South West London email him for his availability, or with any questions . . . May you walk always in God's Light, Love and Protection. . . . Leslie Click this link or banner to visit LESLIE'S METAPHYSICS WEBSITE


Copyright: LESLIE'S METAPHYSICS WEBSITE 2010 - All rights reserved.

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