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Exploring Romans Questions 2 (Romans 1:19-2:16) 1. What two styles of paganism are described by Paul in Romans 1:19-32?

Crude and cultured paganisms 2. The term heathen cannot be limited to those who bow down to wood and stone, but, according to Phillips, in a sense, who could be called heathen? All those who have no knowledge of the Lord Jesus 3. What are the three downward steps into paganism that Paul depicts in this passage? Willful blindness Wicked beliefs Wanton behavior 4. According to Romans 1:21, what two things did the heathen refuse to do when they did have a knowledge of God? Glorifying God and being thankful 5. What two truths does God expect man to learn from nature and what two responses should these truths elicit from man? The truth of eternal power and the truth of godhood 6. What five consequences does Phillips list as coming from the result of mental perversion? Debased human character Debased human conduct Debased human conversation Debased human concepts Debased human companionships 7. Which two classes of people is it often thought that Paul is addressing in Romans 2:1-16? Gentile pagan moralizers Jews 8. Who is the classical biblical example of hypocrisy? David 9. A hypocrite is judged according to what three things? His works His worth 10. In the Bible judgment is according to our works and salvation is by faith.

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