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GATEWAY MALL ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES January 26, 2011 A meeting of the Gateway Mall Advisory Board

was held on July 21, 2010, 11:30 a.m., at the offices of the Partnership for Downtown St. Louis, 720 Olive, Suite 450, in St. Louis, Missouri. The following Board members were present: Andrew Trivers, Chair Pat Shannon, Vice-Chair Mark Vogl Don Roe Jack Reis Lynnea Magnuson Mike Kociela Phyllis Young Steve Smith Guests: Donald Stastny, Nate Trevethan The meeting convened at 11:35 a.m. There being a quorum present, Andy Trivers, Chair of the Gateway Mall Advisory Board, called the meeting to order. Andy requested that all those in attendance introduce themselves. Andy asked the Board members for approval of the minutes from the last Advisory Board meeting on July 26, 2010. On a motion by John Sondag, seconded by Maggie Campbell, the Board approved the minutes. Andy then introduced guests Donald Stastny and Nate Trevethan. Nate, representing Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, presented the vision for Kiener Plaza, as prepared as part of the entire Arch grounds project. Donald and Nate also used models to present the preliminary vision to the Board. John Sondag Maggie Campbell Mike Kinman Steve Patterson Byron Marshall Gary Bess Ann Chance Peter Fischer Tricia Roland-Hamilton

The initial vision calls for removal of the amphitheater, the addition of a Beer Garden and Caf, a Pavilion, Playground and Carousel. The schematic design also calls for the continuance of the Hallway along the northern edge of Market Street, special lighting, and an event lawn. This presentation is the initial step in the Project Approval Process for privately funded projects within the Gateway Mall. On a motion by Byron Marshall and seconded by Jack Reis, the Board approved the preliminary prospectus. Lynnea Magnuson then briefly provided an overview of a proposed new memorial in the Civic Room. The Missouri Military Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation, along with the Gold Star Mothers, has proposed the addition of a memorial honoring those killed in the current conflict. The site in discussion would be directly across Chestnut from the Soldiers Memorial. The Foundation would be responsible for all fundraising associated with both the construction and maintenance of the memorial. They are aware that proper approvals, including that of the Advisory Board, will be necessary before proceeding beyond the vision stage. A discussion concerning the Board bylaws then ensued, specifically related to the frequency of meetings (as the scheduled November meeting was cancelled due to lack of agenda items for discussion). Steve Patterson volunteered to work with Tricia Roland-Hamilton to review said bylaws. Andy opened the meeting for any other discussion or comments. There being no further business to come before the Advisory Board, the meeting was adjourned at 12:55 p.m. The next meeting of the Gateway Mall Advisory Board will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 20th, 2011. Respectfully Submitted by Tricia Roland-Hamilton.

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