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Connected Voices COP19

To ensure that your voice is represented at COP19, complete these 3 simple steps.

1) The world needs to hear YOUR message. In a tweet (140 characters or less) tell us what your message to negotiators is.
For example: You go to work today with the power to secure the lives of our generation, and future generations too. Make today count.

2) In 3 phrases, state what outcomes you would like to COP18 to achieve.

For example: Intergenerational justice. Adaptation funding. 1.5 degrees.

3) Photo: Take a photo of yourself or your group, holding or forming the shape of a circle and including your 3 statement words or your message to negotiators in the photo. This image will be used as an important part of a visual display at COP18 for Connected Voices.
For example:

When youre done, send your message, phrases and photo to your partner organisation and to Connected Voices by posting it on our Facebook page and by Tweeting us @voicesconnected. Dont forget to post it on your Facebook and Twitter too!

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