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* Denotes Change from Council Agenda



Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held on Monday, April 20, 2009, at 5:05 p.m. in the
Council Chamber, Halton Hills Civic Centre, 1 Halton Hills Drive, Halton Hills, Ontario.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor R. Bonnette, Councillors J. Duncan, J. Fogal, J. Hurst, B. Inglis,

M. Johnson, D. Kentner, B. Lewis, M. O’Leary, J. Robson, C.

STAFF PRESENT: D. Perlin, Chief Administrative Officer; E. DeSousa, Director of

Finance and Treasurer; T. Alyman, Director of Recreation and Parks;
B. MacLean, Director of Planning, Development and Sustainability;
G. Troughton, Manager of Design & Construction Infrastructure
Services; B. Marshall, Fire Chief and Director of Fire Protection and
Prevention Services; D. Edmonds, Town Clerk


This meeting was convened by Mayor Bonnette in accordance with Section 6.5 of the
Town of Halton Hills Procedure By-law 2008-0002, as amended.


The Mayor called upon Members of Council to declare any pecuniary interest they might
have on the agenda this date.

There were no declarations made.


John Hayward, President of Hayward Gordon Ltd., a local manufacturer addressed

Council regarding the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – ‘Buy American’
stimulus provision. Hayward Gordon Ltd. manufactures pumps and mixers for water and
wastewater treatment facilities.

Mr. Hayward advised that international trade is a major issue affecting his company and a
lot of Canadian companies. He views Council’s contribution today as a first but significant
step towards impacting International Trade policy. He has met with and is working
primarily with the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporter Association and a number of
Canadian companies. He is meeting with the Canadian Embassy in Washington tomorrow
with specific proposals. He has a meeting next week in Ottawa and has also met with
Foreign Affairs, Industry Canada; the Department of Finance; and with Minister Stockwell
Day’s Policy Advisor. He has also been in touch with Perrin Beatty of the Canadian
Chamber of Commerce.

The U.S. government has enabled legislation, a law that prohibits U.S. municipalities and
States from using steel or manufactured products that are not from the U.S. This is
detrimental to companies in Canada and the U.S. However, Canadian companies cannot
do business there but U.S. companies are unrestricted in the Canadian market for
products coming here. (He expects the U.S. to do the same thing.) He asks that Council
vote in the spirit of Free Trade and that we buy from countries that will trade with us. If this
decision is not reversed, he may have to set-up a facility in the US to comply with the
-2- April 20, 2009

Canada is the U.S.A.’s biggest export destination. In 2006, the U.S. exported 7.2 Billion
dollars of products into the Environmental Services sector into Canada. Other sectors
such as energy and transportation are also not protected by NAFTA or the World Trade
Agreement that will eventually be affected by the U.S. stimulus package. If U.S.
companies take the stimulus package, the U.S. government can have the funding
withdrawn if they buy Canadian or from other countries.

Hayward Gordon does 6 to 6.5 million dollars per year in business in the municipal sector
in the U.S. but is comparatively small to other companies. Loss of business in the U.S.
has a considerable impact on his business; loss of 30% in sales impacting overhead and
affects 75% of his pump manufacturing. His suppliers are also affected including local
firms Fishburn & Proctor, Carney Electric, a fabrication plant in Oakville, and his suppliers
throughout the province from Grimsby to London to Kitchener.

Some companies have difficulty going public with this issue in some cases they are
American-owned or must get approval from shareholders. He owns his own company and
it is a private Canadian company. He has the support of other companies with three of
them representing over 2700 employees. Some support from companies in Burlington,
London, Quebec, and Ottawa.

While he has had discussions with his Federal MP and Provincial MPP, he believes there
is a need to work with all the different levels of government. Mr. Hayward thanked Council
for giving consideration to this cause in support of a local company. This is a first step to
presenting this issue on a wider basis with the Region of Halton and the Canadian
Federation of Municipalities in effort to restore free trade.

Mr. Hayward stated that this is not about protectionism but keeping trade between our two
countries fully open and fair.


Report No. ADMIN-2009-0024 dated April 15, 2009, regarding ‘Buy American’
requirements in US stimulus packages.

Resolution No. 2009-0077

Moved by: D. Kentner
Seconded by: C. Somerville

THAT REPORT ADMIN-2009-0024 regarding ‘Buy American’ provisions in United States

stimulus packages be received;

AND FURTHER THAT the Town of Halton Hills pass a resolution requesting all
municipalities in Canada “to adopt a procurement policy that future Canadian Infrastructure
projects at the municipal level including environmental projects, such as water and
wastewater treatment projects require that any goods and materials required for the
projects be bought only from Companies whose countries of origin do not impose local
trade restrictions against goods and materials manufactured in Canada to better ensure
open, fair and competitive practices across the globe”;

AND FURTHER THAT the Town of Halton Hills take this action in strong support of
Canadian manufacturers and exporters in their quest to have the United States Congress
reconsider and repeal their current ‘Buy American’ requirements for the United States
stimulus packages;

AND FURTHER THAT the Town of Halton Hills present this resolution to the Federation of
Canadian Municipalities at its annual convention June 5-8, 2009 for its endorsement;
-3- April 20, 2009

AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this be Resolution be forwarded to the Prime Minister, the
Premier of Ontario, the Federal and Provincial Ministers of Trade and Industry, and to the
Region of Halton and all the Municipalities in Halton, AMO, the local MP, Michael Chong,
and the local MPP, Ted Arnott.


There were no communications.


Resolution No. 2009-0078

Moved by: J. Duncan

Seconded by: B. Lewis

WHEREAS the world’s economy has entered into a period of slow economic growth:

AND WHEREAS Governments throughout the world have introduced various stimulus
packages to encourage economic growth;

AND WHEREAS the United States of America is Canada’s largest trading partner and a
signatory of the North American Free Trade Agreement;

AND WHEREAS the Town of Halton of Hills is supportive of Free Trade between Canada
and the United States which has existed for many years;

AND WHEREAS the Government of the United States of America has introduced
infrastructure stimulus packages including the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
(ARRA) which includes “Buy American” provisions for steel and other manufactured

AND WHEREAS these restrictive provisions which are contrary to the spirit of free trade
will prevent Canadian companies from bidding on contracts which contain the “Buy
American” provisions at the municipal and state levels in the United states since NAFTA
and The General Procurement Agreement of the World Trade Organization do not nullify
such provisions at those levels;

AND WHEREAS Canadian stimulus infrastructure programs do not contain any restrictions
on manufacturers from other countries including the United States bidding on such
contracts in Canada;

AND WHEREAS local Halton Hills companies may be adversely affected by these
restrictions possibly leading to lay-offs and financial losses and further could lead to the
erosion of their overall ongoing viability;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Halton Hills is supportive of Free
Trade between the United States and Canada and that the restrictive ‘Buy American’
provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act are contrary to that spirit of
free trade;

AND FURTHER THAT IT BE RESOLVED that the Town of Halton Hills supports the
Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters in its quest to have the United States Congress
reconsider and repeal their current ‘Buy American’ requirements for the United States
stimulus packages;
-4- April 20, 2009

AND FURTHER THAT IT BE RESOLVED THAT Canadian municipalities adopt a

procurement policy that future Canadian Infrastructure projects at the municipal level,
including environmental projects such as water and wastewater treatment projects, require
that any goods and materials required for the projects be bought only from companies
whose countries of origin do not impose local trade restrictions against goods and
materials manufactured in Canada to better ensure open, fair and competitive practices
across the globe;

AND FURTHER THAT IT BE RESOLVED THAT the Town of Halton Hills present this
resolution to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities for their consideration of
endorsement, with a request that it be presented at its annual convention June 5-8, 2009;

AND FURTHER THAT IT BE RESOLVED THAT a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to

the Prime Minister, the Premier of Ontario, the Federal and Provincial Ministers of Trade
and Industry, the Region of Halton and all the Municipalities of Halton, AMO, the local MP
Michael Chong, the local MPP Ted Arnott, CME, and the Halton Hills Chamber of


Direction: That a covering letter from the Mayor’s Office accompany the Resolution.


Resolution No. 2009-0079

Moved by: J. Duncan

Seconded by: D. Kentner

THAT the following Bills, are hereby given first, second, and third reading, and are hereby
passed by Council;

AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the said by-laws and
affix the seal of the Corporation thereto:

2009-0027 A By-law to adopt the proceedings of the Special Council meeting held on the
20th day of April, 2009 and to authorize its execution.



Resolution No. 2009-0080

Moved by: J. Duncan

Seconded by: D. Kentner

That this meeting do now adjourn at 5:55 p.m.


-5- April 20, 2009

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