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On Mulatto Adoptions I ran across a blogger who was curious about why Mulatto children were not being

adopted. I had often wished I were adoptd into a family like myself and not forced to be with the Black relatives who were typical, murderous criminals and sexual deviants. I think it was to deliberately keep Blacks occupied with me instead of uplifting themselves in the correct way. They are so full of hate and jealousy they can't focus on anything except me. They also believe and repeat like bleating sheep "you have to take it out on sombody" like their White Masters tell them to justify their crimes against people like me.. Blacks became irate when Whites began adopting biracial children and calling them biracial. They niggled, bitched and moaned and would prefer that no mulatto is adopted to Whites if they can't be. They were more concerned with us than they are with actual Black children being adopted by Whites.

Whites give in to their demands to be put before and above mulattoes and both groups are worse because of it. We were always a seperate group and always will be no matter what laws are passed and repealed. Their petty jealousies were not addressed and now they steal others identities and claim everyone's accomplishments as their own because of the simple fact that they were allowed to continue to insist on using an outdated and defunk One Drop Rule. They insisted that they stop and Blacks (who were sterilized by the Government like relatives of mine) began adopting the biracial children because they are obsessed with us and want to identify with us and not themselves. They have plenty of mulatto babies to adopt and abuse from White females who reproduce us as if they're running puppy mills. The Blacks and Whites seem to think they can continue taking out their frustrations on us by keeping us under an outdated One Drop Rule that forced us into being subjegated by all groups.

I think they think they can avoid a race war if they keep projecting their hostilities for each other onto us. We don't owe Blacks anything, they owe us! The bottom line is that Blacks were jealous that Mulatto children were being adopted because Whites decsibed them as Biracial and Blacks "need' to adhere to the "banned" one drop rule to assauge their egos and believe it's possible to obtain self esteem from those other than themselves. Trying to force everyone to be Black isn't enough because the dummies want to dominate and rule when they've proven they are inferior. It's funny they don't want a do over when it comes to building a civilization in Africa by themselves with all of their so-called educated and qualified Black brethren. They want one when it comes to any gripe they can come up with that points to their favorite and main target, Whites. They are nothing more than sub-human mimics who think they are getting over like evil children who like Orwell said in Animal Farm: The untamable ones always take advantage.

They are untamable and wild. They will never have the ability to be civilized!

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