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Hello and greetings from 'Fire Fly in the Dark'!

:D I will not use my real name as I do not want to

get into personal debates with individuals on this matter. I prefer to leave my 'face' out of this
and remain anonymous. I hope you understand. However, I will leave my email with you
( in case anybody feels the need for clarification on this – whether that
be clarification of what I have found or of what you have found pertaining to flouride. Due to my
keen interest in public health I felt a moral obligation to offer my knowledge of this topic with
you. I am an avid researcher with a curiosity for knowing the whole and complete story to
everything – especially if it affects us all.

The following is an article I copied from the internet. I have studied and researched this topic for
a couple of years now. I have plenty of articles and videos on my computer to share if you want to
learn more. I could write a book on the topic of 'flouride' but it will suffice at this time to leave
you with this shared article for now. I will offer more information in a later issue perhaps
(depending on the response to this letter with shared article). At the end of the article I will also
leave you with a few other websites and Youtube videos for a starting point for additional
research on the internet should you wish to look into it further. I hope you find this both
interesting and informative.

=> Fire Fly in the Dark!


Question 3.
Is there a difference in the effectiveness between naturally occurring fluoridated
water at optimal fluoride levels and water that has fluoride added to reach the
optimal level?

ADA's Fluoridation Facts Short Answer

No. The dental benefits of optimally fluoridated water occur regardless of the fluoride's

ADA's Fluoridation Facts Long Answer

Fluoride is present in water as "ions" or electrically charged atoms.27 These ions are the same
whether acquired by water as it seeps through rocks and sand or added to the water supply
under carefully controlled conditions. When fluoride is added under controlled conditions to
fluoride-deficient water, the dental benefits are the same as those obtained from naturally
fluoridated water. Fluoridation is merely a supplementation of the naturally occurring fluoride
present in all drinking water sources.

Some individuals mistakenly use the term "artificial fluoridation" to imply that the process of
water fluoridation is unnatural and that it delivers a foreign substance into a water supply
when, in fact, all water sources contain some fluoride. Community water fluoridation is a
natural way to improve oral health.28 (Additional discussion on this topic may be found in
Question 32.) Prior to the initiation of "adjusted" water fluoridation, several classic
epidemiological studies were conducted that compared naturally occurring fluoridated water to
fluoride-deficient water. Strikingly low decay rates were found to be associated with the
continuous use of water with fluoride content of 1 part per million.5

A fluoridation study conducted in the Ontario, Canada, communities of Brantford (optimally fluoridated by
adjustment), Stratford (optimally fluoridated naturally) and Sarnia (fluoride-deficient) revealed much lower decay
rates in both Brantford and Stratford as compared to nonfluoridated Sarnia. There was no observable difference in
decay-reducing effect between the naturally occurring fluoride and adjusted fluoride concentration water supplies,
proving that dental benefits were similar regardless of the source of fluoride.29

Repeat of Question 3.
Is there a difference in the effectiveness between naturally occurring fluoridated
water at optimal fluoride levels and water that has fluoride added to reach the
optimal level?
Opposition's Response
Fluoride, as such, is never added to the water. Only silicofluorides (a hazardous waste
containing many toxic pollutants) are used to artificially fluoridate water, and studies have
proven that they do not effectively prevent tooth decay, they only delay it. (See opposition's
response to Question 4). Silicofluorides never occur naturally in nature, and they are 85 times
more toxic than natural occurring calcium fluoride. Therefore, the effect on the entire body will
be different.
This was proven in a study called, "Comparative Toxicity of Fluorine Compounds." After this
study was completed, this statement was made: " ... this meant a daily intake of
approximately 40 mg/kg of fluorine from sodium fluoride as compared with 3400 mg/kg from
calcium fluoride. Therefore, from the standpoint of lethal concentrations and amount of
fluorine necessary to cause growth inhibition, wide differences in toxicity of some of the
compounds of fluoride were noted." (See 3-1: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. July
1934, page 797). In other words, industrial waste (sodium fluoride) is 85 times more toxic
than natural calcium fluoride. Both of them contain fluoride, but they are totally different
compounds. (Also see 3-2).
Calcium is a well-known antidote for fluoride poisoning. When an antidote accompanies a
poison, it makes the poison far less toxic to the body. Soft waters to which fluoride is
artificially added lack this calcium which is present in most waters that contain natural
"The claim that fluoridation is one of 'nature's experiments' is not valid because the salts put
into the water supply, sodium fluoride or silicofluorides, are industrial products never found in
natural water or in organisms. They are, furthermore, notoriously toxic, sufficiently so to be
used as rat poison or insecticide. Calcium fluoride, on the other hand, which is the form
commonly found in natural waters, is not toxic enough for such uses." — Dr. C. G. Dobbs,
(Ph.D., A.R.C.S.) Bangor, Wales, England.
Jump to the Opposition's
for this
The Fluoride
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It is an electronic file that is an e-book version of this website. Please be sure to have Adobe Acrobat's Plug-
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C., section 107, some material on this web site
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criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research under
the "fair use" provisions of federal copyright laws. These materials may not be
distributed further, except for "fair use" non-profit educational purposes,
without permission of the copyright owner.

This site and accompanying book is published by

Health Way House | 403 Marcos St | San Marcos, CA 92069
First Edition
February 2001
This information provided on this site was compiled by
Anita Shattuck | Tel: 760-752-1621 |
This site and accompanying book was edited by
Edward Bennett
Site Builder: Michelle@Jabbocat Consulting

The booklet, 'Fluoridation Facts' can be found at this website:>

If you do not have regular access to a computer but would still like to read any of the articles
referred to here you may email me or find somebody who can email me and I would be happy to
mail you (via the post office) a photocopy of either 'Fluoridation Facts' or 'The Fluoride Debate'
or any other information on the topic 'fluoride' that you may be curious about. I wish to remain
anonymous so I cannot provide my phone number or P.O. Box address. Once again my email is

A few additional searches for you:>

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