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That Council endorse a $1 M grant application to Western Economic Diversity Canada towards
the overall $ 3 M development of a new Willoughby Community Park synthetic turf combination
soccer / softball field and related infrastructure;

That Council approve an expenditure of $1.4 M from the 2010 capital budget to fund the
Township’s contribution to this capital project partnership contingent on the Township’s receipt
of the Western Economic Diversity Canada grant for the full $1 M amount;

That Council authorize the additional expenditure of $320,000 from the 2010 capital budget as a
recoverable work order to be recovered over 5 years from the community sport partners;

That Council endorse a $130,000 grant application to Western Economic Diversity Canada
towards the overall $390,000 development of park infrastructure at Aldergrove Athletic Park
including bike park, children’s play area and batting cage;

That Council authorize the allocation of $175,000 from the 2010 Parks Utility revenue funds to
fund the Township’s contribution to this capital project partnership contingent on the Township’s
receipt of the Western Economic Diversity Canada grant for the full $130,000 amount; and

That Council send a letter to Mark Warawa, M.P., identifying Willoughby Community Park as
the Township’s first priority application and Aldergrove Athletic Park as the Township’s second
priority application under the Western Economic Diversification Canada program.

Western Economic Diversification Canada have released details of a new Recreational
Infrastructure Canada Program accessible to British Columbia communities. Through this
program, the federal government will fund up to 33 percent of eligible costs. The remaining
funding will need to be sourced from provincial or municipal governments, community
organizations or the private sector. Projects must begin and materially conclude construction
before March 31, 2011. The maximum federal contribution to any one project under this
program will be $1 M. Each jurisdiction is limited to a maximum of four applications.

On Monday, June 1, 2009, Toni Burgess, Langley Girl’s Soccer Association appeared as a
delegation to Council to discuss a funding opportunity for the development of a synthetic turf
combination soccer/ softball field at Willoughby Community Park. The delegation brought
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forward details of the Western Canada Diversification Canada grant program for “shovel ready”
infrastructure projects. Council was advised that staff would be reporting back on June 15,
2009 seeking Council’s support for Township of Langley grant application(s) to potentially
leverage this federal government funding opportunity.

As a result of Council feedback resulting from the delegation, staff from Community
Development, Parks Design and Development and Recreation, Culture, and Parks have met
with community stakeholder groups in support of the pursuit of two separate grant applications
to Western Economic Diversification Canada.

Application #1 – Willoughby Community Park

The grant application will outline a $3 M budget for this project which will include:

• Development of synthetic combination softball / soccer field

• Field Lighting Field #1 and Field #2

The funding sources for this $3M project will include:

• Township of Langley $1.4M

• Western Economic Diversification Canada $1.0 M
• Community Sport Partners – Cash $280,000
• Community Sport Partners – Further Commitment over 5 years of $320,000

Application #2 – Aldergrove Athletic Park

The grant application will outline a $390,000 budget for this project which will include:

• Site clearing
• Construction of a double sized batting cage
• Development of a 1.1 acre bike park
• Development of children’s playground at south complex

The funding sources for this $390,000 project will include:

• Township of Langley $175,000

• Western Economic Diversification Canada $130,000
• Aldergrove Minor Baseball Association – $50,000
• Rotary Club of Aldergrove – $35,000

Staff are recommending that Council support these two applications and preauthorize the
allocation of 2010 budget allocations to finance the Township’s required contributions to each.
Staff have further determined a suggested priority for these two applications and are
recommending that Council send a letter to Mark Warawa, M.P., identifying Willoughby
Community Park as the Township’s first priority application and Aldergrove Athletic Park as the
Township’s second priority application.

To seek Council’s support for the submission of two grant applications to Western Economic
Diversity Canada and to preauthorize the Township’s financial contribution to these two projects
should the applications be successful.
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BACKGROUND – Western Economic Diversification Canada Grant Program

On May 11, 2009, Western Economic Diversification Canada released details of a new
Recreational Infrastructure Canada Program accessible to British Columbia communities. The
News Release described the initiative as a “two year national initiative expected to provide a
timely, targeted, and temporary stimulus to the Canadian economy, while ensuring that local
families and communities can continue to count on their local fields, arenas and pools for
decades to come.” Through this program, the federal government will fund up to 33 percent of
eligible costs. The remaining funding will need to be sourced from provincial or municipal
governments, community organizations or the private sector. Projects must begin and
materially conclude construction before March 31, 2011. The maximum federal contribution to
any one project under this program will be $1 M. Each jurisdiction is limited to a maximum of
four applications.

The assessment of the grant applications will be based on each project’s eligibility ie. arenas,
gymnasia, swimming pools, sports fields, tennis, basketball, volleyball or other sport-specific
courts; parks, fitness trails, and bike paths; other multi-purpose facilities that have physical
recreation activity as the primary rationale. In addition, projects will be assessed on their

• Construction readiness
• Planned completion date
• Incrementality
• The extent to which other funding is leveraged.

The first intake of project proposals was due on May 29, 2009 and projects requiring more time
to develop have been provided until June 19, 2009. A Council resolution is required for each
application expressing support for the grant application and a commitment to fund the remaining
67 percent of eligible costs.

BACKGROUND – GRANT APPLICATION #1 - Willoughby Community Park Project

The development of Willoughby Community Park has recently seen the substantial completion
of Phase 2 of a proposed five phase plan. Phase 2 included the development of a second
synthetic turf field, new combination soccer /softball facility (the first of an anticipated four
softball diamond complex at the south end of the park), a new sand turf rugby/soccer field,
children’s playground, and spray park. Staff have received Council budget authorization to
commence Phase 3 work in 2009 with the development of a sand volleyball facility ($80,000),
and planning work on the second combination soccer / softball facility as well as field lighting
and support parking ($125,000). This planning work was expected to result in the construction
of these Phase 3 works as a result of an anticipated 2010 capital budget allocation.

On Monday, June 1, 2009, Toni Burgess, Langley Girl’s Soccer Association, appeared as a
delegation to Council to discuss a funding opportunity for the development of a synthetic turf
combination soccer/ softball field at Willoughby Community Park. The delegation brought
forward details of the Western Canada Diversification Canada grant program for “shovel ready”
infrastructure projects. Council was requested to consider entering into a funding partnership
with the field sport community to construct this new field, and supporting infrastructure. Ms.
Burgess communicated that the Langley Field Sport Association recently voted in support of this
partnering opportunity with the Township of Langley, Langley Girls Soccer Association, Langley
United Youth Soccer Association and Langley Field Lacrosse. The community partnership
advised that they currently hold $280,000 that can be applied to their contribution and that they
would require a Council loan of the balance with a repayment schedule for the remaining
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BACKGROUND – GRANT APPLICATION #2 - Aldergrove Athletic Park Project

The Rotary Club of Aldergrove has been carrying a capital budget allocation of $75,000 since
2008 for the purpose of tree removal and trail widening at Aldergrove Athletic Park. Without a
concept plan for park development, this project has been on hold. However, there has been
increasing support for moving forward with this project given recommendations of processes
such as the Aldergrove Task Force over the past year.

Over the past few months, Township staff have been meeting with stakeholders of Aldergrove
Athletic Park with respect to potential infrastructure improvements at this location. Aldergrove
Minor Baseball Association have been fund raising for some time to construct a batting cage
facility. They currently have $50,000 saved towards the construction of an estimated $90,000
facility. School District 35 are currently re-configuring Betty Gilbert Elementary School that will
become a middle school in September. As a result, the School District is in the process of
removing children’s play equipment that is need of retirement and that will no longer be age
appropriate for the new middle school configuration. This has created a need for a new
children’s play area that can serve community pre-school and elementary school aged children
in the south complex of the park. And finally, staff have been working with a group of bike
enthusiasts who are very interested in the development of a bike park that would be situated in
Aldergrove Athletic Park.

Staff have prepared a draft concept plan for these potential park inventory enhancements and
will be presenting it to the stakeholder groups, Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory
Committee, Council and the community in the coming weeks.

Staff from Community Development, Parks Design and Development and Recreation, Culture,
and Parks have met with community stakeholder groups in support of the pursuit of two grant
applications to Western Economic Diversification Canada. Letters of support from Langley Girls
Soccer Association and Aldergrove Minor Baseball Association are included as Attachment A.
Staff have determined a suggested priority for these two applications and are recommending
that Council send a letter to local Member of Parliament identifying Willoughby Community Park
as the Township’s first priority application and Aldergrove Athletic Park as the Township’s
second priority application.

Grant Application #1 - Willoughby Community Park

As mentioned, the development of a second sand turf combination soccer / softball field as part
of an eventual four diamond softball facility at the southeast corner of the park has been
previously planned as part of Phase 3 development. Planning work for this field is already
funded as part of the 2009 capital budget. Staff are anticipating a request of capital funds to
complete this field development and related infrastructure in 2010.

The potential for federal grant money, and the offer from the community to partner financially in
this field development has provided the Township with the opportunity to upgrade this
scheduled field from sand turf to synthetic turf. While it would be expected that the development
of this field as a sand turf field with related infrastructure (parking, lights) would cost
approximately $1.2 M to construct, the leveraging of other sources of funding would allow for the
construction of a combination soccer / softball synthetic turf field at a total cost to the Township
of approximately $1.4 M. This additional expenditure of $200,000 in this scenario would deliver
a combination field with the additional capacity and benefits of a synthetic playing surface
should the grant application be successful.
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Willoughby Community Park has been identified as the first priority project as it provides an
opportunity to apply for the maximum grant amount of $1 M. There is a significant amount of
related infrastructure required that staff will build into the grant application including the lighting
of both softball diamonds, lighting the new synthetic field, and the construction of a new parking
lot to service the south end of the site.

Council heard from the delegation on June 1, 2009 the many advantages to synthetic turf
playing fields. Consultants have estimated that a synthetic turf soccer field can accommodate
six times the amount of play as a sand turf field. A third synthetic turf soccer field at the same
park opens up significant tournament opportunities. As a synthetic turf combination field, the
footprint of synthetic turf will be significantly larger than simply a soccer field. This will add
greater flexibility for soccer / field lacrosse training. Adding a synthetic softball facility to the
Township’s inventory would be met with support from our softball organizations as the field
would be more playable during wet conditions and field maintenance requirements would be
significantly reduced. Staff have visited a synthetic turf combination softball / soccer field
developed recently in Delta where the results have been overwhelmingly positive.

Illustration 1 – Delta Synthetic Combination Softball / Soccer Field

The grant application will outline a $3 M budget for this project which will include:

• Development of synthetic combination softball / soccer field

• Field Lighting Field #1 and Field #2

The funding sources for this $3M project will include:

• Township of Langley $1.4M

• Western Economic Diversification Canada $1.0 M
• Community Sport Partners – Cash $280,000
• Community Sport Partners – Further Commitment over 5 years of $320,000
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Grant Application #2 - Aldergrove Athletic Park

As mentioned, over the past several months, staff have also been meeting with stakeholders of
Aldergrove Athletic Park with respect to potential infrastructure improvements at this location.
Aldergrove Minor Baseball Association have been fund raising for some time to construct a
batting cage facility. They currently have $50,000 saved towards the construction of an
estimated $90,000 facility. A new children’s play area is required that can serve community pre-
school and elementary school aged children in the south complex of the park. And finally, staff
have been working with a group of mountain bike enthusiasts who are very interested in the
development of a bike park that would be situated in Aldergrove Athletic Park. These
improvements will require partial deforestation of the wooded separation between the park’s
north and south complexes. A plan for this is forthcoming and will include Council and
community consultation.

The Aldergrove sport community are very interested in acquiring a synthetic turf field of their
own for Aldergrove Athletic Park, but have agreed with staff that the opportunity to increase the
scope of this grant application to include a synthetic turf field is limited because of the estimated
$1.8 M that would be required. Staff will continue to work with the Aldergrove sport community
with respect to this vision, and to pursue or leverage other sources of funding that could be
available in the future.

The grant application will outline a $390,000 budget for this project which will include:

• Site clearing
• Construction of a double sized batting cage
• Development of a 1.1 acre bike park
• Development of children’s playground at south complex

The funding sources for this $390,000 project will include:

• Township of Langley $175,000

• Western Economic Diversification Canada $130,000
• Aldergrove Minor Baseball Association – $50,000
• Rotary Club of Aldergrove – $35,000

Other Potential Projects

Staff considered other projects that could potentially have been worthy applications for Western
Economic Diversification Grant funding. However, in recognizing that the Township would be
required to fund 67% of any application, and that projects need to be “shovel ready” and that
construction would be required to be completed by March, 2011, no other projects seemed to be
as strong a candidate as either of the priority projects that have been identified and described.
Further it was felt that additional applications might decrease the likelihood of success of either
of these priority projects. Given the maximum $1 M in funding that is available through this
specific grant program, major projects such as an Aldergrove Aquatic Facility would require far
greater municipal investment than would seem to be available given current budget limitations.
It is hoped that a project of this scale and scope would be able to leverage greater sources of
grant funding from both provincial and federal programs.
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Community Implications
Both identified projects would have significant positive implications for community stakeholder
groups. These projects support sport users including soccer, softball, mountain and BMX
cycling, baseball, and field lacrosse. These projects promote improved community safety.
These projects provide additional passive opportunities for park users including playground
opportunities and potentially, community gardening.

A revised Concept Plan for Aldergrove Athletic Park has been developed, and will be vetted with
community stakeholders, Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee and Council prior
to a public input opportunity that staff hope to coordinate for July, perhaps during Aldergrove
Festival Days July 24-26.

Environmental Implications
The re-development of Aldergrove Athletic Park will require some deforestation in the wooded
area that divides the north and south complex. Significant fir trees (14) will be retained. No site
clearing would occur during nesting season.

There are no significant environmental implications at Willoughby Community Park. All site
clearing for the proposed combination softball / soccer field was completed during previous
construction phase in anticipation of 2010 construction of the sand / turf field originally planned.

Financial Implications

If the Township’s grant applications are successful, these projects would be included in the
2010 Capital Budget.

Willoughby Community Park

Expenditure Funding Source Funding Category

$1,400,000 Township of Langley (TOL) Reserves and Surplus
1,000,000 Western Economic Diversification Canada Government Grant
280,000 Community Sports Partners Private Cash Contribution
320,000 TOL Loan to Community Sports Partners ** Private Cash Contribution

** A Recoverable Work Order would be established for the $320,000 loan to the Community
Sports partnerships as outlined in this report, repayable over five years. The collection of this
loan will be dependent on their ability to discharge of this debt obligation through addition
registration or fund raising revenues.

Aldergrove Athletic Park

Expenditure Funding Source Funding Category

$ 175,000 Township of Langley (TOL) ** Parks Utility Revenue Funds
130,000 Western Economic Diversification Canada Government Grant
50,000 Community Sports Partners Private Cash Contribution
35,000 Rotary Club of Aldergrove Private Cash Contribution
$ 390,000

A reallocation of available General Revenue Funds within the Parks Utility 2010 Capital Budget
will be made to accommodate this project.
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With Council’s direction, staff will complete the two (2) applications, and submit in full by the
June 19, 2009 deadline.

Respectfully submitted,

David Leavers

This report has been prepared in consultation with the following listed departments.

Division Name

ATTACHMENT A – Support Letters

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