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GOVERNMENT GAZETTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA Ns7.80 WINDHOEK - 2 December 2008 No.4175 CONTENTS LABOUR COURT RULES: LABOUR ACT. 2007 (et No. 11 02907) The Jade president asunder section 1193) ofthe Labour Act, 2007 Ast No, 11 of 27), he “ur Court Riles Board made the rues st ou in He Schedule SCHEDULE ARRANGEMENT OF RULES Rts 4 Representation of pari 5. Senice 6. Applications 7. Hearing of applications SSummening a theses int applictions 10, Class aplication 2 Government Gavete 2 December 208, No A175 11, Consolidation of applications 12. doindr of parties 13. Arbitration or setement 1. Reviews 15. Nonsomplince with rales 16. Rescssion and variation of judgment or order 17, Appeals under varus provisions of Act 18. Execution of jaments and awards 20. Conte 21 Forms 22. Applications of Rules of the High Cout 38. Repeal of Latour Cour Rules and savings 34. Commencement of res ANNEXURE I: Court Foes and Costs ANNEXURE 2: Foo Definitions 1. these rues. any word or expression to which meaning has heen give inthe Act beors that meaning, and unis the cones there indicates ures” means phy seal or postales a operational leieimile uber ran appointed adress “Commissone?" means the Labour Commissioner appointed in tems of Seti 120 (1) of he Act and ineludes an acting Labour Commissone 0 appeintd: coun” means the Labour Court established by seston 115 ofthe Ast ay" means any calendar day and (2) shen any particular number of day is prescribed forthe permance of any at, he sane ‘must be reckoned exclusive ofthe fs and inclusive of the st ya (6) the lst day of any period must be excluded if falls on a Saturday, Sunday oF public holiday oivery” means serve of copes onal partisan ling the vigil with she registra ‘High Cou” means the High Court of Namibia refered on th of 5903 ih Court Act, 190 (AcE. 16 gered” means the udge-preident ofthe High Coun that capacity ‘Namibia and any judge acting in process” meats any notice of mation tice of appeal or cosas alas oe her wai ve cument rogue to he serve deliver under these rules: record” inclades ll papers, dcument,corespndence, matics nl evidence present t the Commissioner abou ispector on aia an the eto taken hy the Commisioner sboor inspector oe arbitrator No 4178 Government Gavete 2 December 208 3 “reypondent” means one ome espns regia” means the repstrarof he High Court or any person uthorised to et in is or he pla and incl deputy reistrar and an asst rea serve” means seve in acondance wit eS; and she Act” mets the Labour At. 2007 (Act No, L of 207) Sessions of the court 2. The sessions ofthe oui ae the sme the applica tothe High Cour. tice hours 3. (1) The ofces ofthe rps ae open from 940 0 13K an rom AH han Saturday Sanday or poblic hoi, 2) Cader exceptional circumstances and whet so diced by the judge president. he registrar must sue process abd aceeptproess or ing a any ote ine Representation of partis 4. (1) Apay wo any proceedings before the court may appear in person oF he presented by legal peace ated to practise such Nari terms ofthe Le Prater Ast, 1995 (AGEN. Saf 1995), 12) Whore the pany isa company oF other bay porate oe & tide unin oe an employes” organisation it may be presented by one oF is diets or aerothcers o ice bearers oral asthe case may Pe, prove hat a resotion ofthe company or ether body ‘omporae te union ar employers organisation authorising sch ara to represen ts le with "ye repntar atthe ime that an aplication edo the apes lge oi th st possible, at leat ive days before the hearing ofthe ater Service S11) A pany requiring any process to be sersed under these res may serve the proves itself or cause the process served by the Shen of he High Cour or by ay person ‘devant in writing by that pa. Service of any proess miy be ffs in one or ther of the flowing manners, ramely 2) by honing copy of he press 10) the person concered (iy arepresenativ authorise by the oer pein to accep service a behalf of “hat person ‘person who appears tobe at eat 16 yer old and in charge the person's place of vesidence business of place a employment premises the ie iv) subject subparagraph ia person identi in sabre 3)

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