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Spanish 311/ Film 311 Films by and about Latin American Women Fall 2013 M 6:30 Dr.

Linda Zee White Hall 226 223-2461 Office hours: MWF 10:30-12:00, M 4-5:00, TH 12-2:00 and by appt. Description: This course has been designed to introduce you to the history, culture and politics of Latin America via films by and / or about Latin American women. We will be viewing documentaries, feature films and animation produced both within and outside of Latin America. These are NOT Hollywood films and are not geared at Hollywoods typical audience [i.e. 15 year old boys]. You should keep an open mind while watching. Your film viewing will be supplemented by weekly readings. These readings are to be done BEFORE class and are meant to enhance your comprehension of the weeks film. These readings are in English; Spanish-language versions of many of the readings are available on-line and I will include the links to them when possible [you can also look for them yourself]. Course Objectives: By the end of this course you will have acquired substantial knowledge about key and representative female figures, both historical and fictional, from Latin American history. You will also have learned how to critically view a film, write film reviews in a number of different styles for various types of audiences. Texts: There are no textbooks for this class. There is a class webpage, which is NOT on Angel. This page will have links for readings, each weeks PowerPoint presentation, and other useful resources connected to the class. Grading: [THOSE TAKING SPAN 311 WILL DO ALL WORK EN ESPAOL] Film summary / Resumen de la pelcula Participation / Participacin Homework on readings / tarea Midterm project Final project / Proyecto final 20% 25% 15% 15% 25%

Film summaries will be due at the beginning of class each week and should be typed [in the appropriate language]. There will be different guidelines for the summaries each weeka specific word count, a target audience, etc. Failure to pay attention to the guidelines will result in a failing grade.

Participation will consist discussion following the films. There will also be short [2-3 minute] presentations in class, which will serve to elucidate a point, concept, historical event or person, for the benefit of the class. These will also count as participation. Homework questions or summaries on the readings will prepare you for what you will view on Monday night. The films assume a back ground knowledge of political and cultural events in Latin America that you may not be aware of, and without which the films may be confusing if not meaningless. It is therefore vital that you do the readings in order to better understand the films. The midterm project will be a presentation on a famous Latin American woman from the early days through the 19th century. More information to come. The final project will involve the viewing of a film not covered in class and will be discussed later in the semester. It will also involve presenting information on a famous woman from the 20-21st centuries. More information to come. Grading scale / Calificaciones: A AB+ B B93+ 90-92 87-89 84-86 80-83 C+ C CD+ D 77-79 74-76 70-73 67-69 64-66

Classroom behavior / Comportamiento: 1. Be on time. Arriving late is rude and disrespectful to me and to the rest of the class. 2. CELL PHONES OFF!!! TELL YOUR FRIENDS/FAMILY WHAT YOUR CLASS SCHEDULE IS.. 3. Cheating and plagiarism are serious offenses and will be punished accordingly F/F for cheating on your transcript/vivisection. 4. NO GUM SNAPPING! It really gets on my nerves and it will probably cause me to subconsciously hate you and lower your grade. Why risk it? 5. Please come to class prepared, or stay home. You should have your assignments completed and ready to hand in. If you miss the previous class, it is your responsibility to view the film on your own. Netflix has most of them. 6. Falling asleep in class is the same as being absent and will be penalized accordingly. You may also be made fun of and possibly decorated. 7. Try to eat before coming to class. If you absolutely must eat during the film, please keep in mind that your classmates may not appreciate the sounds or smells of whatever you might be consuming.

Tentative schedule: THE SUMMARIES OF THE PREVIOUS WEEKS FILM ARE DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS. THE HOMEWORK QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEKS FILM ARE ALSO DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS. I WILL PRESENT BEFORE EACH FILM, AS WILL ONE OR SEVERAL OF YOUR CLASSMATES. GROUP DISUCCSION WILL FOLLOW EACH FILM; ONE GROUP IN SPANISH AND THE OTHER IN ENGLISH. AFTER A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF TIME WE WILL COME BACK TOGETHER FOR A CLASS DISCUSSION. 9/2 9/9 9/16 9/23 9/30 10/7 10/14 10/21 10/28 11/4 11/11 11/18 Introduction; clips Manuela Saenz 150 word summary on Manuela Saenz for a general audience; Camila 100 word summary on Camila for a student group; Cecilia 50 word summary of Cecilia, exaggerating its qualities; La mujer del puerto / The Woman from the Port 100 word summary on La mujer, as sophisticated and pretentious as possible; Madeinusa NO CLASS; send me a 75 word opionionated, ranting summary or critique of Madeinusa Mid-term presentations; Las luchadoras? / Wrestiling Women? 100 word summary written for children; Frida A tweet review of Frida, 140 characters max.; Evita 75 word review loving Evita, 75 word review hating Evita; In the Time of the Butterflies A 100 word review In the Time for an apparently irrelevant publication (Notting Hill example*) Mara llena eres de gracia/ Maria Full of Grace Last review: your choice of format. Miss Bala? / Victoria Parra? Bordertown? / Maroa?

11/25 12/2


Final presentations

*In Notting Hill, William (Hugh Grant) has snuck into a press conference given by Hollywood star Anna Scott (Julia Roberts) by pretending to be a reporter from the journal Horse and Hound (has to do with fox hunting in England.) William has obviously not seen her movie....

William: I enjoyed the movie very much. I was just wondering, did you ever consider having more horses in it? Anna Scott: Well, we would have liked to. But it was difficult, obviously, being set in space. William: [about Anna's new film project] Any horses in that one? Or hounds for that matter; our readers are intrigued by both species. Anna Scott: [seriously] It takes place on a submarine.

The presentation topics are first come, first served. Claim yours soon! Midterm presentations: Xica da Silva Clorinda Matto de Turner Gertrudis Gmez de Avellaneda Santa Rosa de Lima Policarpa Salvarrieta (La Pola) Jovita Idr Sor Ursula Surez Flora Tristn Ofelia Uribe de Acosta Catalina de Erauso Sor Juana Ins de la Cruz Frances E. Caldern de la Barca Final presentations: Carmen Miranda Mara Flix Mercedes Sosa Cristina Saralegui Las arpilleras Dolores Huerta Victoria Ocampo

Vilma Espn Alade Foppa Violeta Chamorro Elena Poniatowska Sonia Braga Felisa Rinceon de Gautier Yoani Mara Snchez Cordero

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