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Review Fe Fe3C Phase Diagram Introduction Classifications of Cast Iron Chemical Composition of Cast Iron Cooling Rate of Cast Iron Phase Diagram of Cast Iron Schematic of Types of Cast Iron Alloying Elements

Dosen: Fahmi Mubarok, ST., MSc. Metallurgy Laboratory Mechanical Engineering ITS- Surabaya 2008

Fe - Fe3C Phase Diagram

Fahmi Mubarok

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya


Hypoeutectoid steel ->Lever Rule

Fahmi Mubarok

The fraction of eutectoid ferrite thus are:

1 2 3

W e = W t W = 0.95 0.52 = 0.43%

3. T = 730oC

Example: Calculating composition of steel with 0.38 wt%C

4. T=725oC
0.76 0.38 (0.76 0.022)

W (proeutectoid ferrite) = = 0.52%

Wt(total ferrite) = = 0.95%

6.70 0.38 6.70 0.022

W(that will form pearlite) = 1 0.52 = 0.48%

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya

WFe C (Cementite) = 1 0.95 = 0.05%



Classification of Cast Iron Tipe besi tuang White cast iron Malleable cast iron Gray cast iron Nodular/ductile cast iron Chilled cast iron Aplikasi dan keuntungan pemakaian besi tuang Faktor yang berpengaruh pada grafitisasi Proses perlakuan panas untuk mengontrol struktur mikronya

Fahmi Mubarok

1. Tipe tergantung dari bentuk grafik (C yang berkumpul) ,atau karbida yang terbentuk, dan struktur mikro dominan. 2. Tergantung juga oleh : Komposisi kimia, Laju pendinginan, dan perlakuan panas.

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya


Type of Cast Iron

% C (2-4% C) % Si (1-3% Si) Temperatur (Cooling rate)

Fahmi Mubarok

Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan jenis besi tuang :

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya


Phase Diagram of Cast Iron

Fahmi Mubarok

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya


Phase Diagram of Cast Iron

Fahmi Mubarok

Bila terjadi pendinginan besi tuang melalui garis Eutectic dari A atau dari B apakah grafit akan terbentuk? + eutectic liquid pada A Pendinginan cepat + Fe3C (White cast iron) Pendinginan lambat + Graphite (Gray cast iron) + graphite (gray cast iron) pada titik B + Fe3C pearlitic gray cast iron + graphite ferritic gray cast iron

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya


Type of Cast Iron

Fahmi Mubarok

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya


Gray vs nodular cast iron (250x)

Fahmi Mubarok

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya


Chemical composition of cast iron

Fahmi Mubarok

Cast iron Carbon Equivalen (C.E.) C.E. = % C + 1/3 % Si Gray and nodular cast iron akan makin mudah terbentuk jika % C dan % Si makin tinggi

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya



Effect of Alloying Elements in Cast Iron

Fahmi Mubarok

Silicon 1. Silicon is added to cast irons in the range of 1% to 4% in order to increase the amount of under-cooling required for the formation of cementite and promote the formation of graphite during solidification. 2. Influence fluidity 3. Graphitizer agent 4. Cooling rate control to decomposed carbide eutectic 5. Silicon promotes the precipitation of secondary graphite on the primary graphite during the eutectoid transformation, which results in large areas of ferrite (commonly called free ferrite) around the graphite particles. Sulfur High sulfur tend to reduce fluidity and some ime responsible for blow hole Manganese Manganese is carbide stabilizer
Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya xi 11

Effect of Alloying Elements in Cast Iron

Fahmi Mubarok

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya



White cast iron

Terbentuk eutectic carbide pada saat pendinginan Mikrostruktur terbentuk karena pendinginan yang cepat dan faktor unsur paduan Susah dimachining Sifat : Keuletan rendah (brittle) Kekerasan tinggi (hard) Baik ketahanan aus (wear resistance) High compressive stress
Aplikasi Excellent compression stress Banyak digunakan untuk bed mesin
Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya

Fahmi Mubarok

Fe3C + pearlit Menunjukkan warna putih pada permukaan patahan

xi 13

White Cast Iron

Fahmi Mubarok

Chemical composition: Carbon 1.8-3.6 % Silicon 0.5-1.9 % Manganese 0.25-0.80 % Sulfur 0.06-0.20 % Phosphorus 0.06-0.18 % Solidification rate fast enough Carbon combined with iron cementite (hard, brittle) Microstructure pearlite in a white interdendritic network of cementite Shows a white crystalline fractured surface

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya



Struktur mikro white cast iron

Fahmi Mubarok

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya



White Cast Iron

Fahmi Mubarok

Pada x2 : -mulai terbentuk primer Pada x3 :

Fasa Komposisi

liquid 4.3% C (titik E) 22%

primer 2% C (titik C) 78%

Jumlah relatif

reaksi eutectic: liquid

+ Fe3C (ledeburite)
+ primer 2% C (titik C) 89%

Fasa Komposisi

Fe3C 6.67% C (titik D) 11%

Jumlah relatif

Pada x4 :

Fasa Komposisi

Fe3C 6.67% C (titik K) 29%

+ primer 0.8% C (titik J) 71%

Jumlah relatif

reaksi eutectoid: Pada x1 : -fasa liquid -komposisi kimia 2.5%C -jumlah relatif 100% liquid
Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya

+ Fe3C (pearlite)
Fe3C 6.67% C 37% 0.025% C 63%
xi 16


Komposisi Jumlah relatif

Malleable cast iron

Malleable cast irons are formed by annealing white irons to transform the eutectic cementite to graphite. Malleable irons have good ductility and good strength. Matrix microstructure is dependent upon the cooling rate from the graphitization annealing. Before the discovery of nodular irons, malleable irons were the only ductile class of cast irons.
Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya

Fahmi Mubarok

White cast iron + annealing treatment Eutectic cementit graphite

xi 17

Malleable Cast Iron

Chemical composition: Carbon Silicon Manganese Sulfur Phosphorus 2.00-2.60 1.10-1.60 0.20-1.00 0.04-0.18 0.18 % max % % % %

Fahmi Mubarok

White cast iron Malleable cast iron (malleabilization) Carbon in the form of irregularly shaped nodules of graphite Cementite irregularly shaped nodules graphite Malleabilization: First stages of anneal: reheat to 1650 1750o F Second stages of anneal :
Slowly cooled at a rate of 5 to 15oF/h ferritic malleable cast iron Fast cooled to retained combined carbon throughout the matrix -> pearlitic mellable cast iron

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya



Gray cast iron

Fahmi Mubarok

Gray cast irons form graphite flakes during solidification. The gray iron microstructure is due to slow solidification rates and silicon alloying that promotes graphite formation. Gray irons typically have low ductility and moderate strength, but they have high thermal conductivity and excellent vibration damping properties

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya



Gray Cast Iron

Fahmi Mubarok

Chemical composition:
Carbon Silicon Manganese Sulfur Phosphorus 2.5-4.0 1.0-3.0 0.25-1.00 0.02-0.25 0.05-1.0 % % % % %

Carbon in the iron separates or graphitizes during solidification to form separate graphite flakes The most fluid of the ferrous alloys Have excellent machinability Fracture surface appearance has a gray color
Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya xi 20


Keunggulan gray cast iron

Fahmi Mubarok

Murah Titik leleh cukup rendah Fluid mudah mengalir saat pengecoran, sehingga menguntungkan untuk pengecoran bentuk yang kompleks
Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya

Excellent machineability Excellent bearing properties Excellent damping properties Excellent wear resistance (jika mengandung % C tinggi) Dapat di heat treatment (mis : surface hardening) Mudah dipadukan dengan unsur lain



Keunggulan gray cast iron

Fahmi Mubarok

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya




Application of Gray Cast Iron A cast transmission housing.

Fahmi Mubarok

Typical gray cast iron castings used in automobiles, including transmission valve body (left) and hub rotor with disk-brake cylinder (front).
Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya xi 23

Nodular/Ductile Cast Iron Bentuk grafit nodular Pendinginan yang lambat dengan penambahan magnesium dan serium Penambahan Mg dan Ce akan membantu terbentuknya spherodize graphite

Fahmi Mubarok

Sedikit mengandung unsur S dan P

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya




Mechanical Properties
Tensile properties

Fahmi Mubarok

Ferritic softest Pearlitic - strongest Memiliki variasi modulus elastis Untuk memperoleh ukuran butir seragam dilakukan dengan: Meningkatkan panas pelelehenan sebelum dicor Innokulasi dengan ferrosilicon atau calcium silicon

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya



Aplikasi ductile cast iron

Fahmi Mubarok

Gray iron composition for C and Si Impurity level control important as it will affect nodule formation Have nodule instead of flake if we add in 0.05% Mg and/or Ce As cast structure : graphite forms as nodules instead of flakes
xi 26

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya


Nodular Cast Iron

Fahmi Mubarok

Agricultural: tractor and implement parts Automotive and diesel: crankshafts, pistons and cylinder heads; electrical fittings, switch boxes, motor frames, and circuit breaker parts Mining: hoist drums, drive pulley, flywheels and elevator buckets Steel mill: work rolls, furnace doors, table rolls and bearings Tool and die: wrenches, levers, handles, clamp frames, chuck bodies and miscellaneous dies for shaping steel, aluminum, brass, bronze, and titanium

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya



Alloy Cast Iron

Fahmi Mubarok

Added elements in sufficient amount to produce modification in the physical or mechanical properties
Resistance to corrosion, heat and wear To improve mechanical properties

One of the important reasons for alloying is accelerate or retard graphitization Elements obtained from raw material, such as silicon, manganese, sulfur, and phosphorus, are not considered alloy additions The most common alloying elements are chromium, copper, molybdenum, nickel and vanadium

Metallurgy Lab. Mech. Eng. Dept. ITS Surabaya






Dosen: Fahmi Mubarok, ST., MSc. Metallurgy Laboratory Mechanical Engineering ITS- Surabaya 2008

Jadwal kuliah : Tiap hari Senin pukul 15.00 16.40 Ruang c-121


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