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Naomi finds out that Adriana has drugs in a lipstick container -Close up of lipstick container -Diegetic sound: characters talking

Naomi and Adriana then talk about the situation -Two shot, shot reverse shot of the conversation -Diegetic sound: characters talking

Police arrive to search for drug possession -Wide shot of police , close up of dogs -Non-diegetic sound: background music, diegetic sound: characters talking

Police find drugs in students lockers -Close up of the drugs in a bag -Non-diegetic sound: background music

Naomi and Adriana then talk about the situation -Close up of the hands passing the lipstick container -Non-diegetic sound: background music, diegetic sound: characters talking

Naomi pours the drugs down the toilet -High angle shot of the toilet cubicle -Non-diegetic sound: background music

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