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Sen. Howie Morales for Governor | Announcement Speech | 10.22.

13 | Silver City, NM

Wow! Thank you. What a great reception.

Let me start off by saying thank you to all who came here today from across the state, to stand together with me and my family. I want to thank all the volunteers, my team and my wife Teresa and our two beautiful children for being by my side as we start this journey together with all of you here today. Weve all come together today for a reason, and I am truly humbled and honored to see so many friends from near and far gathering on this beautiful New Mexico day! But you didnt come here just to hear me give the weather report. We all came here today because we believe in, and care about, the people of our great state. We believe in our Land of Enchantment and we believe in the potential of our future.

It is an amazing time to be a New Mexican, our history has brought us here and taught us to strive, to respect each other, to care for each other and to keep making progress.

That is why today, I am proud to stand with all of you and announce my candidacy to the be the 32nd Governor of our great state of New Mexico.

Paid for by Morales 4 NM. Francis Vasquez Treasurer.

Sen. Howie Morales for Governor | Announcement Speech | 10.22.13 | Silver City, NM

We are here to start a journey together that aims to provide the greatest opportunity for all New Mexican families.

The opportunity for safe, secure and sustainable jobs.

The opportunity for every New Mexican child to have a world class public education.

And the opportunity to finally dig ourselves out of the hole we're in today.

Because together we will not be discouraged - no matter how big we dream. And no matter how big we dream, we wont be held back or told to settle. That's why opportunity matters.

Today our kids are met with unfair obstacles in the classroom while working families have watched good-paying careers get shipped out of state only to be replaced with low wage jobs if at all.

We must restore faith after years of broken promises and we must restore leadership in Santa Fe. This is the challenge we face and it's why we're here today.

Paid for by Morales 4 NM. Francis Vasquez Treasurer.

Sen. Howie Morales for Governor | Announcement Speech | 10.22.13 | Silver City, NM

We are here because we will work to create the jobs New Mexico needs for a prosperous future while extending a hand to those who continue to struggle in a tough economy.

We are here because we will build a better, stronger public education system, where our kids are actively engaged with no limits placed on what they can achieve. Because we will take back our schools and end the unfair reforms that limit our children by teaching to the test instead of giving kids the freedom to dream.

We are here because we will stand with our veterans and provide the support they have earned and deserve when they come back home.

And we are here because we will ensure that our aging populations, seniors and those with disabilities are protected and valued in our community while receiving the care they are truly deserving of.

We are builders, doers, innovators, entrepreneurs and leaders who have always met the challenges we face. We are connected by our determination to succeed and provide a better future for our children from the San Juan to the salt flats past Lordsburg, we are here together because we love New Mexico and know that together, we CAN do better.

Paid for by Morales 4 NM. Francis Vasquez Treasurer.

Sen. Howie Morales for Governor | Announcement Speech | 10.22.13 | Silver City, NM

That's why I've stood up and fought for fair and accountable standards in our schools. That's why I've fought against the high stakes testing policies and blocked them with legislation that provides real protection for our teachers and strengthens the quality of the education our kids receive.

And I want to take a moment to recognize the teachers, parents, administrators, school staff and students across the state who stand up for our KIDS each and every day against an out of touch administration, who will never understand what it means to actually work in a classroom.

Now, three years ago we heard about the bold change that would come to Santa Fe. But what have we gotten?

Broken promises, hidden agendas and out of touch leadership that's more concerned with political ambition than the ambition of our young people.

A higher minimum wage? Vetoed. Increased standards for nursing homes? Vetoed. Reading coaches in schools? Vetoed. Funding for womens health care? Vetoed. It's not right and we deserve better.

I love New Mexico. I am IN love with New Mexico. THAT is why I am standing here today.
Paid for by Morales 4 NM. Francis Vasquez Treasurer.

Sen. Howie Morales for Governor | Announcement Speech | 10.22.13 | Silver City, NM

As most of you know I was born and raised here. I started out in a very humble community, where I learned to value every dollar, because all too often, there was very little to go around.

My father mined copper, and my grandfather was a custodian. They instilled in me the New Mexico values of caring for each other and the importance of doing everything you can to make things better for the next generation. We know what it means to struggle, but also what it means to rely on one another and to challenge each other to excel, to never grow complacent, to never stop striving, and always believing that we can and will do better. Thats what being a New Mexican is all about.

We know these values. They are in our hearts. We can restore them to our government, and together, thats exactly what were going to do!

New Mexico is a special place and deserves a leader who will protect what makes us great yet challenge us to reach new heights and prosper.

I've had it with being ranked at the bottom. Have you?!? It's time to aim high and hit our goals! But we must be willing challenge ourselves and work hard.

Paid for by Morales 4 NM. Francis Vasquez Treasurer.

Sen. Howie Morales for Governor | Announcement Speech | 10.22.13 | Silver City, NM

I'm ready to take on this fight. I'm ready to take on a political system that no longer works for our people. Together we will restore accountable leadership to the Roundhouse.

Together we will provide a top notch public education for our kids that we can proud of.

Together we will build a sustainable economy that provides unending opportunity for those who work hard.

And together we will continue to celebrate our culture, customs and traditions. From Hobbs to Mora and Gallup to Tucumcari.Together we will.

Friends, I know that I can't do this alone. I'm driven by the tremendous support of my family and all of you, but there is a lot of hard work ahead. But I'm ready. I'm ready to work, Im ready to fight and I'm ready to lead.

Thank you all for being here, god bless you and let's get to work!

Paid for by Morales 4 NM. Francis Vasquez Treasurer.

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