You are on page 1of 14

Exhibit C ttem 13

xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx
Jms l0r, 20L3


xxxxxxxxxxxx xxx


By6is elhErcbynryob uyndell pcdrdos grufiEg dce of rydcteilr ofrry ncdcrl resd cdined in my fils maifrinod bypu. Yo ae nc pcrmirudO povidc uy dctuns dmy ncdicrl rccoldb ry 3rd prty ln+ccfirrc dmy grac of afirity dlegd b bc hdd bytd 3rd PEty. Irndcr frc CodcdEfricf offtry'dciau, ItilcdicalAd (3.SQ. c^l&9, s. 3I Pro&sdmrl Codc(RS.Q, c-C-?$ s fA,pmlgbdbyfu CollEF dssmAlscfnre Qo6oc,Dividm\lltr,Accadieymd Roctifcdb of Rccuds grse %, I wi$ to ftfo a ftIl cryy of docunrm amccmingmEin my rccad cstabliScdb5rfm in rcrycd ofmc. offtie rtqucS od ofts mama of Phascdviss nc of ary cergps ycn wi$ b lsey in nspccd pqtnsnrccetabtcbyrnIhdcrfta $ovo CodcofEeics offtydgss trom[rca by 6c Collrgpdcsnddccim du Qgdbs, Divisim VItr, ecccstrity d Rlcfificatio dRcaqds Chse 99,I lbNll b srWing to lou a qrfttsn csmnd b bopM iDftc ltcqd esfrHnfud bVyou in rqcg of re. I rcqocstfrd all fficr clnrm"icaim bcteccntb pgfiEsbe co&cCd in Edh fuD


Frecb Fullcr

xxxxxxxxx xxxx


Exhibit C ltem 14


xxxxxx xxxx
li,tuy12fr20f3 DEattrhllsf Iwrovry dmcaet&tfrpMRl dso @LftrbDrTiEtlc.I UdEBGGArtflla md Sfu srw Dr Dnfiorzrl c Fridry lfiry 10fr d we dbrarscd ry Itncrcy of ddsitE (sccdaclcd the dirrrere bctrcco st @oncs ad hvcuEy 2013{1t10+d9. ID Eyiagb uffirl koal Ey Grpcncacs I hle Eivod t6c trbwing cmhsios Thc MRI ed EEti girc no indic*ln diutd trlccdingd 6Ec is o widcae of ficrostcrosis. finding rtcrlgD wtich 3M *cllcdblmdcoditim ccsfuwifrrytilmd wutfi@ lHs b (s&g re is of Olppf,c db cdfuErptca md blmdpwe oWtipcdruyru*iqghcrt md ry rcccrtrtcst aqusd ftr my 4p). It is uy hly udcrmAing *htt bd |ht pic btoodd rEgtrb scrwb elirninrtrpghoks as6c cusC ofuy ditr.fl&Lsrffi iG, If stoeE b r#ed lh:n ws D'slc& wift fre qucdim mdtp {biu, . rhcirrnryr,lcficnbandbs3ofl*frEs ' vbblc dopfty of*lrsisrl &ebrcs wilh fd! doFfty oodncd b os si& offu body. - tbc ddEa msC of a frod sruitirity d obccrrcdpic t thc accidat (m ctangc in di.t) ' &fofilg ofEclh d strrc acrivfrysct fttt I hevcd@tgcd alt of ny Ecfr ' arigrc end alccpincss wti6 sbs h tDcad b tbe qnfrivc dmltrfry d6c t'* ' pmmocd bctrvim rtmgcr ftcnrcd by r rcgigaed ps,y6obgi4 rnMD, md bV frico& ' lors ofuy seneofui*y cvrorrhcanch uiEfyitr wuuedby cnrmshcc ' locsdiaErst ia ficcils b pogtcss Ir .icto ftc accidsst ' dogfim oftightyndhizodbdavimr nbscgcdOfrsaccidcut ' F*lcmswih vcd finfing '-l ocryHingrddvcty s@h' ' crysime dtostnlimh ' sortrdftghg in dgf cr of ftc hcad ' qulr hcade"L.ed discmfu m fu lcG @ir ' dcoosdeE*qrcslnfrrc ' Scrcltvityto mfuE,lldt Dd crurv6cmdititrc
hcriry smds ftd lnc ffitrGsEd c obsrrncdby ottfis cspcriclr of smcilh fu Effich ftcre is no phtsilcal widcnr bss ofhcriqg b lcfr cu


of rwa


fuhg a paiod drc G*rrdrc Effiy


botrbalncc cedfyartsrd prhlor rih wry frdiag dc4foE fGCmt

rb tcltt ndtw' nidvityO@c*re*iG dEGd Occeerur,r gloghcrs nffirls

rrabiry ar ametbcnni3fr

(VL Cryutot

oil ifuy)

Exhibit C ltem 11 Page 2

ddcJtEd It tu ryudasaufiEg er ome!ffib, b fuacEicic dhain t1irrt The frddry ofatraininjuy. ae Etrybo.fic dcrsod is nsdf rccognUoUmydicrlcdilh dpcb MVA- SAAQ dd Dotpori& uy SAAQrcjacld tu dli+mb ofTr-rndbBleial4f,uy *rrn cosc 6cr fu lhc ltfl/A tfy by wryocmca re rcin 6s fu itsl ryUcslbg -ffr*ort rbeto sy@mr nch rifi BiYe cmditim fu diLrl drrp6{bb ft.t dly frD uft1g6ding b Gsts sEr"sb clfudnEE MRI lte rcEGnG wd ud btood vqU Ue Sob, Brtmy fir acts abcrn snb !s rcuca uds5iubolie bgb" Iflbac ct*o cmdidfs fu My rca&nb Ugqnmna b in cp{dot5l grrods mp sodidate frrr', m |he brhe of p66ilidcs' to dininate po$f ad-tbcrc uc sar+ o fte aocidct Ey p*Irms cmcacod trcqEd E[ of Sinac coffibc frs dcr 5s sse 'rrtst ny jS wih Hcrtdt Pacd if rnit pgc rot FsErlt tria b 6c eccilcc (I cf,ld not havcpcrM 6csc isscs wtrc pes@ ftca tb accidatm*be iryIic&d Qp. This dso frlfib tbc rcquinueods of Occu's Rm. If 663Ecds6 uy ho*l Ecdicnl cmditim rtich givcari$ b tbc cmptcr ofisstEs dcecribcdabovi I lst thrt ycn ptcas rdvicc nc 6f tlr* rrcdcal codtfun so 6d I maybc t'sd ftr it If you do Dd lomr of uy oncr ncdlcat coaditim tret ddivtrs qtnpbs sinilrtD ftc lbot/c pLa$ o tu. rh Tryfq md Dr DmhovzaL I m r'.nbingilds suc rqucst "fDtf I wi& b inffc fu rcspmsccin a find dmissim to SAAQ. Il b sy bclicffrd SAAQ sccb to dccy in ohining uy ctai6 soaeb avoidhdng b Fovi& me wilh uy fu sf finzrsirl assistmcc ritut !s it n4p6t ft is ry belid6lt mch Cim on thc put of SAAQ ir Crcsnly r**m1t;m opposia o fu cg3dms re btodal i$hdm ud pcnory.Suchrn oEmG b cryl*dy fitrrdffilcrtd ir4rtof uyplau ofinsorrc,qb arycocqrftnof*xirlsolidrity ud sodal qdty.


IDoEftddcspbwialcacchcwas ryediqgwdlin qxecssoffupolEd limin!,beddurcspmciblc frrnyiqiuri:r bindcmiferl odhcldbmhss bthcsqs 516s*ntftilctofo.?idcmswith tcclsi .b ms wvicor" to a frtnity do6q, tDtincty Ecdical testt'g ud b rtbabihdivc ry ncgd+-. _ -__ _ I t i'\- J--\--

t . \"-j.l_' Y


IhDrhoYzrl Dhr



codmas Fctsmalffiy2013-$tl0 I&D Trylc 2013i{5-ffi

Exhibit C ltern 15

xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

A$edion Rc:

DrI xxx FttI{Ill Frfrsrhrcr


I 'ttndcA66io"*Hoqdtbt oMarh lfft faaaMRL IhrE anqpcochimvi& SAAQ andl wiS b ttroviib lhcn wifr 6c rlslts of&c to*s dfrc calicst opcmmy. I hYc dco t lEa sccingth Eulby m a rqulr b.cis Shchasrcqucmd frt I Ql crycrlaccpoUtros. a bg drytco I

On fre 16fr ofl,fuch I crycdcaccd\pb{t I call a frtty bodyjof. I}is ie a rtrdc rcspcnsc wih no silEd. fuhn IhtF not.4cticDccdftisfusmsrirna. TIF h*rcnembcrcd occontDccp6 4rnlng ftG pctiodrrtcnlwas prpcinguy SAAQ fuhin in crfylmuy.IhffBmthnl Eyrcconcoco of wcd assodod wih bguc bfifog:thc hst dmih" a/Ed wuld bc Dcccobor of hst yca. Ths cd occurcd o a frirly cosisE basir md wcrc rcpcerl b Ih Edlcy d thrt tima hhgourinitiel cmsftIbdiareyou adrcdrbod "chcticit5f IdonCrcncmbcrbcFdscphrrc usatl)ed thcs Gpicodcsdgbbe dccmed asbchg sidfito eloceicSoc&. IhryG sctud d*tb shoct.od it wrs nolhing lihc thh eaaim cftiAI rtfub asfficruryos sb,scatrclcyd stimlt I cmtinuc to barc poUcms ri6 ry tcctt" Ihis is a omsqpcocc of trc pcriod imcdidy rfu 6c jrw uw.rlncl.G qftict rcslEd in crrdccdud broh aocidcqt whcaI rycrto hEycbad itrrcffit EcrhI alsorqnluty crpcrilocc ffigEG wifr ary pcrbd ofirtclccmal cndrzvm ud I cotire b forgFtfrlrcss,inabiEtybrn;nmnt*foo$, md finding pobbn* qpcrO bc ucbccd h es fs q mc way aodb ld uy dcgE dcucrn ovtr ry finncirl pod6n wh cicty *uuld rycr b bc ryryic. fu }fuch 2l(lft I crycicaccd a'fiac d rfrilo in rry dmeg. Ibb ru a srdio dfichl fczfog nd dftcss b frc atn m thc lcfr ddc ofuy frcc $hs I harrc a fiEhl mr-lf ftd har bccaFclrd dE 6c a;ilkat ad wrs d Flsd Fbto tc rc*lcot On LIatft 24fr I diccd a rw rsd *in paeh m ry H nn 6q.6 dfrc uca frrt sfrow criatape dgrting drc b ec errytim oilr*h lqdons.ltb hgh lgdvilrr is rbo n:r trcpcnt b ttcsidrul

Exhibit C ltem {5 Page 2

Whca I lastrye with Dr fullet BhG $ed kwittingDcss o disss my cascwiih g'w ud I grac h:r ftIl pmiedmto do ro. lrsE fi*ufiilc I barrc ba raitlisd fusfrnityetySgm fucncr aycrlharees Schad ao cg't'ctwi|h 1l''-nydooir rfrrdir.r h O'ntr"ioIfindftdQabec Quftcs odxrhca I rcckmodical rcfrsEsS rnrte fr|l rcinh$ocot o 6d I m crc ofpocb ssgd thmeod &nls &G b frc frct of uy csidre itr Qufrcc. Sinocry apclUp of &c hcde cilt qrstEmh Quabca i5 56dirmel st no*cryosirc (vdfttg e yoarfu MRI Estio1,% ovrr e 5rr fu a fimrly Do@ uo rcimhscocd fu Dccdd cut' SAAQ dccIELE a grcd inErst in ftc nmbcr dbrr ft& endlo imrc* in poviding inorocc of dcr cqoim fu n rcidsa dich oomed h Qudbcc}fic I m mr nwbg to tdrc frtt dEtdlsofry *ptricoce ofths Qudbe hc'hh ry*cn O ftc DEdia.



Dr$lseftiltcy DDrahowal &L{Q Thc Globc&I|fail TheNationalPo$ CBC


C lbm 16




xxxxxxxxx xxxx
Fstrry|tr:ml3 ArEtin Rr



DT DI Ixxx
C FrtcL o r Ia rd|frb b EtiU D Ihlbt ld.D, I h|rE rhD ba r*E Dr Dcm Hoal o u. l ellr 116 ztl fr? ltrch ycrr bcfire or n*vzd 1ej6' td- r fr6-*st siHfu yrr bctrc 1 gruF -fu b uil -rrr ro rrs uidtd n6' d bd sfincd hstycr,ftIfinraed nr*irrltrr.irrsdfub! idcbd !Db tu rtl db ryl'to pruuobgi*h A+T' I qpo-+cdD tpuld&rylo n dady bbrdl rrrffu Elht tcra ipe bfrlE olrY ff dltd

94 ry hc ridt rfr Dr x6o*zrl ft qCE$Ed ftt I troridc yu will ry dscrrrhc tu bcr o uy c..rif,tilhfuigr At tha ryldn ptfo;-U ilrartr*fnri sc cid cd dDt Edtst I bilG bccnryin3 Ollrrr *hfrb gtq crlcdTrnrfin pd oby r locC ffiEryrlrpoGfuydrcb h-rr3tr U1cre-lrl d

ftb hmlwd r'r'D'ltDg tnq dbcot'EEd - - I rFrrcdin. rb

rhrr latiE A'm rilh &cc / pt-rdcr nhc I grrrt rytrhriIg 1) I h19cr1tr prsio ddt ofte d qrd g6.U ro ta b I Fir o 2itlr ;icilciu!:tiogr 1 fsc xr E E fuc fu rtgrelt Yfr gn'rrl|rgr,' pgc b rr it b+i b FEIdliE nil I rdcic rtt I tEa tITF r't peffi dbc 6c Dfubl cn str!, crq*trV of Eigtt A ![- I tt reln fu otFd Zt ovrr h girca r d grilpd 6ty [d FG' tddp it r 35rgp Fldb hrc sr ln+ I rei$ b. rrm by Ed ii* svEE r13-b b n-p;1folrzrl F& oYlr'*'i.) - --!-r pft -{g rid n iL r &[ Etii F*&dD siry dewhpcd dfiIc h 6c Crft 4 I trd prercd r trlk ca=d c r drnib FEEffi Ed bd db t I ro b blhr ry Fr*idd. 6 aitf ffidnEdceiEEe. DuyrulF-Lsdbcbr nitsd *d;d E[ ;id ff gga[6jr6frfu edil L:qb-mcytrFld. *d' Co'4 n: t

ffitrrbr &|bacela&b lrryprafr ptr I tu tr &b TlE I 4d lqlm., nrcnory a fr crpcCrr, H ofr 6f fu ry Ft lrE I ndbb o rQ fut Fcrydt+ EF r rrrm, c I Err.t rscrlfle b rrdlEl

_ I

O I rho sgcd rfuporlH'b Biltl r[ idcdf *f & b ulr

Exhibit C lbrn 16 Page 2



or cft cn rtu h, Eorc*r xb I + I lri r fi!|* ql FbfD b tErt d rr fubg t'id b ltittb n+d dfq.'I d .td'lc db LFt os*ghirylyftEd 4r b dccp r I x&hgt 0Bm-hI gre irb 6e ugedEb H o a g dCfr-Ird 6*rjiF", rd r: rxdEb bcd-I a& Hrca d rd lEn. I H' re ffi O I 6d 6E& Lb md,cd rcij &ylrr i=r xrd'b' dtd tfln fu IH $tcdfu |fldb"dbdcrf Qbh,lfurry-ftDbH-ldndHrcFtrcuiD l' .r EilfoEtfrtIrffidEcp' ta i; uy rel rtdb I l|ll be r d. D I br *fl furcddf cdri[ iltirio eddcrp dct?|llsdl b. D fuE trrcboE -' -fu !odi;ral ofrttyar&
trartrtr*tt rcorCcts

tu Cq bEa.r

rd c.


e ry I

lbrc cSd to FrT.l ftc I b u4 hI frd fit b iAosildc Fhd.d dccepEbd &fu dE*brEblDdcr".e
c=cEedcEb fti&

9) In fu dlyr illrning frs p=.ltrt I - ryid nm ht cr bsrdfrc cro*a dry H d. -oruy

dry bd h r rEr bddcr ofu Eib 6c 4c duy Ed trE - - rcr Hrorrd

b cll i3r hadr& r it ir nc d e h hcc ffil 10)I buc H frb fnilr dt# b& bd ilr dfu aa! il b rHc bdrylrnd drFnnfna tr L drt5n hfu re lcfr ltr p&rt in fte rte bdind uy lrdceil Fa tG tm rtht I aake re hrarfry E r nnl b#e paffin inrrard ia t"t-'dy d ltrncre h r bl' ftb 'dirrrff dlt Fbd efu ffi. ffir'ilirrt Hidlbpbtetsyrud&ftb I rbdcdmFu t&frn dcftll oF&ury iDEgrEdbM3I!E*hg dinrdytpus I nr dEivra rtrEslts IhvedFHuyfthg Ft fiuo r pir& c&b rhiA dft'Ed MRI E{i!g fu 31,450forrcqur t r reqisitin D!& b rt ESC & &in 6 mtlqy h Jc t'h* yer d fc*d b r sid n& - SdECng*"Fr iE E *rFrft b otrritr cdir I -' g sre Sffidf b dbad, DHovztrdbcrilhgrD hrcard buydl +c*xnhyn h b yta pir b fu rrf,h*. I hrc girta hErrnf rrirlr d ffiLEty iD tE+cd d'lhi! lt{crse dhffihro'tn-




Exhibit C lbrn tE Page 3


PagE3 d3

C"+A.ffiilfrdinFrDrDrhcreeL DDemrhrzlC.PEFL

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx

IlpdGd Cffi infnniliirn fu Dr EEtlslr:


xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

Exhibit C ltem 17

Ta Sd{cct

Suan. Hulley . R'EPbasegn B this infonnation to )rour doftd



From: DdsW subjecf r,w& Plcascgivc tlds Anorntsn To: SusanHulley


to yotn doctc!

Cc Val Mclenrrm


Dcr IlrEuIlry Thc bnowing is m usolicibal cmail fim g frieit.l of nin, VaL Shcdcseibes sqc ofthc crGrrh oa or abutive oct tftr& b fteRongpRiftrir erldcc" Hcrvicc/s'Byscrc ofyou diagnosi&

Regrudq FrmcisFullcr
=-----, F6'Sfg1dCd mCSSage --

FrouValMcl.cmm Dater'

b pur doctorl

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx H:"
> -.OEigin3llylessags >I[ Frmds: > I DFd pu to rcadftiE cacfrfty md frrrud it to yourncdic.I dotu as m aspossibla > Inr ttingbhdpSrou wifthfrmatiooOocyw.ih"tiqr ttdcmcsfimuyerpcdcoccbdngwith you > Ovs &c pa* @bcr ofmo"fr's, I hsvc ofi.'r wondsredwnat was hryeaing uriL l,gq. I h4rc beca c@fr"cq a!ffioq @nfudc4 moFd by Eaoy sf ftings ym have dmc cnot doa > Knorving yw bsrc a brain injury ind.rr a lot of gcascin rtlorpcct > Butadftionally, ofrer eibatios bavc mcry uihaelhzye fltywwerc nclirtcoingb na > Idid!drE@cf iqiry. > I mcd 6d tui jud wcrEu'tprying 'ttsfioq alid3t crp riht I h'.r b ray, vue bury driving or rmcftiag > t hos d in eddirio to 6c &y, h nost liHtbccsutc ofr! ym rlco hryc hcr;ng brs.. -htr > YdryrctGn t! wcrc h ftt cr, Jto bad a vcry ltnd-bcpinig o"i"o rfit m frr a toi* I uida > trmdcdlib a cdl phoc4lrrrrr, c adoct rlrnrr-a > You didNO|I bcciL I a*Ed ym 3 x md f,m raid ytndifrt hcrit > I bccoc uplct 6 rLir poid, at I rcalizcd tc impnctol of {hi*..

Subicct FW: Plcasegive QJsinfrmtion

2 Exhibit C ltem 17 Page

> I hgvc ssid rhi"gF to you @ r@nrur decasimsovEr@ '"'rny viri|s @d I han'cbcca eustrdcd bccasc: >, Jrrnhare notrrcspodcd > . you actpdasif you hsd Dirthcildinc 8t all >. ywddnotremcmtrora'friqglsai4crcnqihcalhavcsaidfthgrclcdy,dirccflyaddicincflytoyou(out ' offruclrdi@ fiompwioos riF rioqr). > Iq additioq b alllLis > Wc'gS bct @Eing cnt of Ahsr& bst coustry &ivq ud yoruvcrc rmablc to rad &yEry siryle rnqr-b gpt 'uebact m thc ti$twuy. > So yw H me dirod pq ufricb is unssud fu you to ld nc mats nggesti@& > Tbis tip, I tzoG ilowu the nmee oftwns wc woukl passm or tb b }dffibdlo @d bqmd becaue I waaafraidof erttilg6tt > Wcdid gd losl > I told yor we slerc goirg tbc Erong vrat. > EithcryoudidDdbtrmq orpuddndbdievcmc, or],os didbcasadbcilicencbutftcapuftrgot > Sre &uve mothcr 30 ' 45 miffics b.rnr ]nu cme to ttc sa@ccmeilusionIhad cometo 45 miuutcs cdtict Wcwsc gpiDgthe Erorg way. > Onlythrn didyouinn aoud> Ytn do nd lish b me c her ne EtEo I teII ;,ou rh;gr ae not riglt > At thd pofu, I was upea od AigbcocA I waotcd io go hma > I sai4lcfsm asmd md gp stnigfthma >Yorsaid ycs. > As wc carc doscr to &c tutr offto Papinsa[ aod M@bdlo, I rc-gbstd'tpwcrc going Etraightto Pryiucu, mdtben Onas'a>Yo said,okap > Ttcn 1 Eintc lder, wc cmc to ftc sigu lhrt sryt Papince sEdgbfi,lvlonlobcllo left, md yoo turoat lcft md sd4 nOlry, ifs Mffihbcllo.' > At vthich poitrL I 'ndi 5rou oop. > Io trc 45 sccmds it bok to qaL. a dccisim to h' lGfi c rigE, you bad csrDdcicty frrgffi our omvcrssfi@ abod gpitrg Ottaca > Ard aCcd dirrypoiOed ttd wp were nst firri'.hing qr oE uip epiDgO RougeRiviGG >Trdbctnom,I ilo Dot fd saft&ivingwift]tsu njmorrc. I I csrrrsttustthlt yroualwaF kno$xthat youle doing; I cmottustfrttJrou literallybce mc. >Orftdyoorcncnbcrxftdltoldyuu Orthdyrnwillliscatonswtcaldlfryopurthinkingis*rmg. > Ym+lrinlri''g udjsdgmaadhccitg?"? is gpodnost ofhctimehwhaitislitis notfimcni@Elor rdifial > I m nd ssyilg thir b shmc 5ruuor cnb4'c you' > I m sayingt+risto colfm ftC you ncod hdp. ADd you ncail b gC yuu bcaing chcdcoal 'rEr! r''myoftsr sibatioEsif yudoctmnecdsmcebaclryrnqte-isls. > I cm cffi >Valeric > Vderic Mclcnnsn

xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Exhibit C ltem 18
0100050 LE

feefcalroddhrlrunrilef F



tr Ld LL{L

GfiEr rmdtrlft

tr aA.*J e-,rs


xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Prontine ,r\ I


He#rbs.rre rrrnbEf tr UL



Telephorut' Hmp



Exhibit C ltem 18 Page 2

AFFrcsrttte(friurEurutq' >


-;E--J 7 O , l2ll , r r l . {

Descrbe fie oHcd {grs t#d

b yur ffiI

lnah heaEft

{tr rnedrd, curr.t fis AJi*. & mffir

1.ffimgre{s*n'caoJ tqlroU,srtsoly agilE Ll5,nd{

3. Lymphnoe 4:Elrd

ache*{dllps a lbt rd bbod reb



9. SrF end odanilEea lO. lEvor.g ryEilErn 11. lulsrtd hdtt

En ?Jg + h



s o o tr o

lw|l|dbnnstgdonetEv"bnntEderdurtatt{.frwge&tdnd? #.). bst* rosptsfrry ftmedonffi' rercbe Eilress Enclme+poilhgdoamr|tB fr*rys'pdtobgyeDqns'

To yorrlsprilhdgp, atadrars *ryofrr* medcd dodrnffb

trd we codd corruF? lf 5taa'spectry.

E rr--o cqnpqf. fkne the cornPEIIf 1. t] ff"rpiU. l{trns fte rtospH.

@ d "6 t
@dde @ ffi l

,T ,
,,.1,1 , ' ,1,1

t Tr

D or-irp[frroon
(RJrffit snlr, pl!t*dtt-py{!9'CL34 CJ

@ del

Exhibit C ltem 18 Page3

Arncalill$dd irsrrance rrrnbr U


Is )rrxr pdstt tathe arv nradcdcr?



ard taqrsEy. Frdc& the dosage

byorr pdient rEc*vlng orhas yq.r ffi

reoehad offrrffinents?

ls yurr pefient fit to drive e nstor vehlde? yo u ffi$dheor



ur,rlvl> &gg

fu fl r.b,rn E(to. vYtryand Soat

lroLr Pailef

; 12t4j

fr ?iln brer+ la ifr+*tt*

nou (trwil tD) ret.rn b hb or her uad work"


gio. Yvrnn

Wltr1ornbErg ffi rcrmtaea




b abbb) do oiltcnrl(?



f mfcada,



tE hb q hs phlsi:d a npnH confion pEvurra him c tstrurr

wprrOffi /olllhA

fu ft



Exhibit C ltem {8 Page4

+trf,"ffiDcilhgrarsnlnbr ts


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