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AutoCAD Plant 3D System Tools & Variables

Bruce Trevena
Cadgroup Australia 10/12/2012

System Variables
A. 1. 2. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 16. 17. AutoCAD P&ID System Functions....................................................................... 4 SLINEORTHO ....................................................................................................................... 4 VGRIPS .................................................................................................................................. 4 Plant 3D System Functions .................................................................................. 5 COMPRESSPROJECT ........................................................................................................ 5 PLANTAUDIT ........................................................................................................................ 5 PnPPURGELOCALUSERCACHE ..................................................................................... 6 PLANTSPECUPDATECHECK ........................................................................................... 6 SYNCSTYLESMODE ........................................................................................................... 7 Plant 3D System Variables ................................................................................... 8 PLANTCONNECTIONMARKER ........................................................................................ 8 PLANTCONTENTFOLDER ................................................................................................. 8 PLANTDEFAULTLAYER ..................................................................................................... 8 PLANTDYNTOOLPALETTE ............................................................................................... 9 PLANTGRIPEDITMODE.................................................................................................... 10 PLANTINSULATIONDISPLAY.......................................................................................... 10 PLANTINSULATIONMODE .............................................................................................. 11 PLANTLOCKPOINTOFSUPPORT .................................................................................. 11 PLANTOFFSETCONNECT ............................................................................................... 12 PLANTLOCKFADECTL ..................................................................................................... 12 PLANTMAXBENDANGLE ................................................................................................. 13 PLANTPCFUNICODE ........................................................................................................ 13 PLANTPIPESILHDISPLAY................................................................................................ 14 PLANTPLACEHOLDERDISPLAY .................................................................................... 14 PLANTPROPMISMATCHDISPLAY ................................................................................. 14 PLANTROUTEBEND ......................................................................................................... 15 PLANTSAVEDETAIL .......................................................................................................... 15 PLANTSLOPETHRESHOLDANGLE ............................................................................... 16 PLANTSPECNOTIFY ......................................................................................................... 16 PLANTSPECNOTIFYTIME ............................................................................................... 16 PLANTSPECUPDATECHECK ......................................................................................... 17 PLANTWELCOMEEANBLED ........................................................................................... 17 AutoCAD Plant 3D 2

System Variables
18. 19. D. 20. 21. PLANTWELCOMENEWPROJECT .................................................................................. 17 PLANTWELDDISPLAY ...................................................................................................... 18 Additional System Functions .............................................................................. 19 SQL Database Maintenance ............................................................................................. 19 Catalogue Builder ............................................................................................................... 19

AutoCAD Plant 3D

System Variables

A. AutoCAD P&ID System Functions

Sets whether ortho is turned on when sline is activated and whether corner points are implied Type: Saved in: Initial value: 0 Integer Registry 1 Does not turn on ortho when sline is activated. Corner points are not implied Temporarily turns on ortho when sline is activated. Enforces strict orthogonality. Corner points are implied

Controls the display of vertex grips. Type: Saved in: Initial value: Integer Drawing 0 Does not display vertex grips

0 Displays all vertex grips except the first and last points. Set VGRIPS to 1 to alter sline arcs

1 Displays all vertex grips. Set VGRIPS to 2 if you want to enable grips on the first and last points of a line so that you can shorten line segments

AutoCAD Plant 3D

System Variables

B. Plant 3D System Functions

Compresses and defragments the cached drawing data that accumulates while project drawings are modified. Access Methods Command entry: compressproject Summary Compresses the drawing data, which is constantly updated as you work on project drawings. To optimize the data cache and improve the program performance, you can do a periodic project compression. For compression to succeed, the project cannot be locked by another designer. If the project is locked, the compression process is halted.

Audits and repairs project data and drawing synchronization errors. Access Methods Command entry: plantaudit Summary If a Plant object is not found in the project database, it is erased from the drawing. List of Prompts The following prompts display if synchronization errors are found. Updated cache connection data for part <handle> Erased component <handle> not linked to project database

AutoCAD Plant 3D

System Variables

Running this executable purges your local cache. Access Methods Command entry: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD Plant 3D 2013\ PnPPURGELOCALUSERCACHE.exe

Summary Plant 3D uses a local cache to hold drawing and object data. This is done to streamline graphic performance. As the cache file increases in size and reaches a maximum, older contents are deleted. Fatal errors, power outages and illegal procedures such as SAVEAS can lead to corruptions in the cache file and it is good practice to purge this local cache from time to time (once a week).

In AutoCAD Plant 3D, you can set spec update options to check for changes to a spec and update it when they occur. You are prompted to update the spec and the model when a change to a spec is detected. You can select the parts or properties you want to update and set the time interval between automatic updates.
To update a Plant 3D model with a changed spec To set automatic spec updates


AutoCAD Plant 3D

System Variables

Sets how project drawings synchronize with the project database.

Type: Saved in:

Bitcode Registry

Initial value: 42 The setting is stored as a bitcode using the sum of the following values: 1 2 4 8 16 32 Synchronize P&ID drawings when they are opened. Synchronize open P&ID drawings when the project is modified. Synchronize 3D Model drawings when they are opened. Synchronize open 3D Model drawings when the project is modified. Synchronize Ortho drawings when they are opened. Synchronize open Ortho drawings when the project is modified.

Turn this variable off (0) to improve performance. Set all bits (63) to update P&ID, 3D Model, and Ortho drawings when they are opened, and if the project is modified in Project Setup. The default (42) synchronizes open P&ID, open 3D Model, and Ortho drawings if the project is modified in project setup.

AutoCAD Plant 3D

System Variables

C. Plant 3D System Variables

Toggles the display of the disconnect marker.
Type: Saved in: Initial value: 0 1 Switch Registry 0 Hides disconnect markers Displays disconnect markers

Turn this variable off (0) to improve performance.

Displays the shared content catalog folder. (Read-only) Type: String

Saved in: Registry You can use PLANTMODIFYSHAREDCONTENTFOLDER to set this variable.

The Shared Content Folder applies to the installation of AutoCAD Plant 3D. Default: C:\AutoCAD Plant 3D 2013 Content\

Sets the piping layer to use when using automated layer assignments and the layer cannot be determined. Type: Saved in: Integer Registry Initial value: 0 Sets the layer to use when the automated layer name cannot be determined. For example, if you are naming layers by line number and change the line number to unassigned. An empty value (setvar "PLANTDEFAULTLAYER" "") will use the current layer.

AutoCAD Plant 3D

System Variables

Loads the dynamic pipe spec tool palette from the current spec. Access Methods Command entry: plantdynamictoolpalette Summary You can enable or disable the dynamic pipe spec tool palette.

List of Prompts The Dynamic Pipe Spec Tool Palette is currently <enabled>. PlantDynamicToolPalette [Enable/Disable]:

Displays the current spec in the tool palette.


Do not use the dynamic tool palette. You can create and customize a static piping component tool palette using the spec viewer. This behavior is compatible with AutoCAD Plant 3D 2011.

AutoCAD Plant 3D

System Variables

Controls whether inline fittings are constrained to move within the current pipe segment or if they move to other connected pipe segments in the network. Command entry: plantgripeditmode Summary You can control whether the inline fittings can be moved only within the current pipe segment or if they can be moved along the connected network to other pipe segments as well. List of Prompts The following prompts are displayed. Grip editing constrains inline fittings to move within [pipeSegment/pipeLine] pipeSegment Constrains movement of inline fittings to a single pipe segment. This mode is compatible with AutoCAD Plant 3D 2010 behavior. pipeLine Allows movement of inline fittings to other pipe segments or to an open area in the drawing.

Controls whether insulation is displayed on AutoCAD Plant 3D piping objects. Type: Saved in: Initial value: 0 1 Switch Registry 1 Do not display insulation on piping Display the insulation on piping

AutoCAD Plant 3D


System Variables

Controls whether insulation is displayed on AutoCAD Plant 3D piping objects. Type: Saved in: Initial value: simplifiedFull String Registry simplifiedFull All components display insulation. Display tubing and fittings with insulation. Valves and flanges do not display insulation. Recommend setting when creating orthographic drawings.


Locks the point-of-support on pipe supports. When on (1), pipe supports that are copied or moved retain their point-of-support. The point-ofsupport is where the pipe support connects to structure. For example, if the support is copied to pipe that is lower in elevation, the support rod of a hanger support increases in height. Not all pipe support types have a point of support. For example, hangers and stanchions have a point-of-support. This variable can also be set with the Lockpointofsupport option of plantpipesupportmove. Type: Saved in: Initial value: 0 1 Switch Registry 0

Height of pipe support does not change. Maintains the support point when copied or moved.

AutoCAD Plant 3D


System Variables

Controls whether AutoCAD Plant 3D attempts to connect piping when snapping to a pipe connection and using pipe offset while routing. Type: Saved in: Initial value: 0 1 Switch Registry 1 Do not connect when snapping to a pipe connector Connect when snapping to a pipe connector

Fades locked piping in the 3D model.

Type: Saved in: Initial value: 0 1

Switch Registry 0

Do not fades locked piping Fades locked piping slightly

Turn this variable off (0) to improve performance.

AutoCAD Plant 3D


System Variables

Specifies whether pipe bends can be used up to 90 or 180 degrees.

Type: Saved in: Initial value: 90 91-179 180

Real Registry 90 Specifies that bends over 90 degrees are not created. Specifies that bends larger than 90 can be created. Allows a return bend to be created .

Creates Unicode PCF files.

Type: Saved in: Initial value:

Switch Registry 0

Creates ASCII compatible PCF files. This format is compatible with AutoCAD Plant 3D 2011 and earlier. Creates Unicode PCF files to fully support multi-byte characters. This setting may not be compatible with other programs.

Multi-byte characters are supported in ACSII PCF files using escape sequences, but this restricts the number of characters supported and can affect formatting.

AutoCAD Plant 3D


System Variables

Sets the display of the pipe silhouettes. Type: Saved in: Initial value: Switch Registry 1 Hides pipe silhouettes. If dispsilh is on, plantpipesilhdisplay is ignored and pipe silhouettes display. Displays pipe silhouettes

0 1

Turn this variable off (0) to improve performance.

Toggles the display of the Placeholder Part glyph. Type: Saved in: Initial value: 0 1 Integer Registry 1 On Off

Toggles the display of the property mismatch markers. Type: Saved in: Initial value: 0 1 Switch Registry 0 Hides property mismatch markers Displays property mismatch markers

Turn this variable off (0) to improve performance.

AutoCAD Plant 3D


System Variables

Creates pipe bends while routing pipe.

Type: Saved in: Initial value: 0 1

Switch Registry 0

Creates elbow fittings when routing. Creates pipe bends when routing.

This variable can be set with the pipeBEnd option of plantpipeadd.

When plantroutebend is enabled, you set plantmaxbendangle to create bends over 90 degrees.

Sets the detail of the proxy graphics when Plant 3D objects are viewed in AutoCAD or Navisworks without object enablers. Type: Saved in: Initial value: Switch Registry 1 Low detail. Sets proxy graphic detail to use lines. This setting reduces the size of the DWG file when saved. High detail. Sets proxy graphic details to use surfaces. Recommended setting when the drawing is used in Navisworks.

AutoCAD Plant 3D


System Variables

Specifies the angle below which piping is treated as sloped. Command entry: plantslopethresholdangle Summary You can specify the angle that identifies what piping is treated as sloped and what is not. Type: Integer Saved in: Initial value: Registry 5 On. Piping over this value is considered sloped. Piping over this value is considered angled. The default angle is 5 degrees. Off. No piping is sloped.

1-45 0

Checks for spec file updates when the drawing loads, and on a time interval. Type: Saved in: Initial value: Integer Registry 1 On. Checks for spec file updates when the drawing loads, and on the time interval specified by the plantspecnotifytime system variable Off. Does not check for spec file updates

1 0

Sets the time interval that spec files are checked for updates. Type: Saved in: Initial value: 0 Integer Registry 2 Checks for spec file updates only when the drawing loads Sets the time interval (in hours) that spec files are checked for updates. The first check is made when the drawing loads


AutoCAD Plant 3D


System Variables

Checks for changes made to spec files that are in use in a drawing. Access Methods Command entry: plantspecupdatecheck Summary You can check for changes to a pipe spec that is used in a 3D model. If changes are discovered, you can update the model.
NoteThis command can run automatically by setting

the plantspecnotify and plantspecnotifytime system variables. See Also Update a Spec in a Plant 3D Model

Displays the Welcome Screen Setting to 0 will prevent the opening of Plant 3D Welcome Dialogue, a address the issue of Plant 3D freezing on the Welcome Screen. Type: Saved in: Initial value: 1 0 Integer Registry 0 On; You can create a project from the welcome screen Off

Displays the New Project button on the welcome screen. Type: Saved in: Initial value: 1 0 Integer Registry 0 On; You can create a project from the welcome screen Off

AutoCAD Plant 3D


System Variables

Toggles the display of connection markers. Type: Saved in: Initial value: 0 1 Switch Registry 0 Hides connection markers such as weld and glue markers Displays connection markers

Turn this variable off (0) to improve performance.

AutoCAD Plant 3D


System Variables

D. Additional System Tools

20. SQL Database Maintenance


21. Catalogue Builder


*Reference: AutoCAD Plant 3D 2013, Autodesk Inc. <>

AutoCAD Plant 3D


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