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NAME : HASNAH CHOLIDA SANI NIM : 135070201111020

50 Terms Of Nursing 1. Aftongia : Disability of tongue to say 2. Angiotensin : polypeptide in blood, built from angitensinogen under rennin activation 3. AIDS (I. Acute immune deficiency syndrome) : A desease that caused by Human immune deficiency virus (HIV) , destroys limfocyte cell, monocyte cell, nerve cell, glia cell 4. Albino : Has no pigmen on his/her skin 5. Angiitis : Inflammation on the blood vessel 6. Adentitis : Inflammation on gland 7. Agitation : Excitation of emotion, anger 8. Afterpain : Pain due contraction on Rahim after childbirth 9. Leukocytolisis : white cell blood destroyed 10. Neuritis : The inflammatory of nerve with pain, tenderness, and impaired function 11. Diuretic : A Hormone can increase the use of urin 12. Cryptococcosis : Infaction that can cause a fungi called Cryptoccis neoformans 13. Malaria : A desease that caused by a mosquito Anopheles sp. 14. Androgen : Kind of Hormone that produced by male only 15. Gonorrhea : A common veneral disease are caused by Neisserria gonorrhea and cause infections so there is discharge and pain when urinating 16. Pericardium : Membrane wrapping heart 17. Ectoparasite : Parasite that spent his life on outer body 18. Ileum : Part of the small intestine most recently associated with the cecum 19. Carsinogen : Any substance that causes cancer 20. T cell : Limfocyte T Cell that produced by Tymus and have a responsibility for immunity between cell 21. Thermometer : A tool to measure the temperature 22. Gastritic : Inflammation on gastric wall 23. Diaphragma : separating diaphragm 24. Creatine : A nitrogenus compounds contained in muscle 25. Imbalance : Disorders such balance on endocrine secretion, between water and electrolyte compounds 26. Ectoderm : external germinal layer of the growing embryo, that will grow into skin and nerve system 27. Regeneration : Updates that occur in the growth of new tissue in a specific form after an injury 28. Osteoblast : Cell that develop into osteocyte and turn into a bone

29. Muscle : Strong tissues are composed of fibers with contraction force and produce body movement 30. Tobacco : A leaf from Nicotiana tabaccum that has been dried and contained a nicotine, that can be absorbed the smoke, or chew it 31. Pellagra : A syndrome that occurs because a serious deficiency of niasin on food (disability body to change tryptofan into niasin) 32. Phobia : An irrasional fear that caused by a specific situation and the patient tries to avoid it 33. Typhus : A spread disease that caused by a parasitic microorganism species Rickettsia. 34. Biosphere : part of earth surface and atmosphere and living organism 35. Glanders : A disesase from horse that infected to human 36. Midbrain : Part of Brain that connect cerebrum with pons and cerebellum. (Mesensefalon) 37. Microscope : A tool to magnify an image from an object that can be used there 38. Mycobacterium tuberculosis : A bactery that caused a disease called TBC 39. Hyalurodinase : an enzyme that make the absortion a liquid that make easy the sperm cell to move free 40. Expectorant : Medicine to increase and give away out the expectoration 41. Diagnosis : to determine the disease that patient have 42. Carcinomatosis : a carcinoma that have grown, then cause a wide metastases 43. Angioma : Benign neoplasm of the blood vessels. benign tumor made up of blood vessels are dilated 44. Cytomegalovirus : a virus that include to group of virus Herpes Simplex Virus) 45. Dopamin : A Substantion that realated with noradrenalin and used for cardiogenic shop 46. Duodenitis : Inflammation in duodenum 47. Growth Hormone : One of Hormone that control human growth 48. Leptomeningitis : inflammation on piameter and arachnoid tissue 49. Macrophage : a cell and fagositating a death cell or bactery. 50. Fetus : A baby that developing at 8 month pregnancies and the end of pregnancies

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