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Hartwig Hausdorf, a researcher in Germany, sent over these photographs from his
collection, taken during his 1994 trip to the Forbidden Zone in The Shensi
Province in China. Estimates for an age are 4,500 years old, but Hausdorf mentions
the diaries of two Australian traders who, in 1912, met an old Buddhist monk who
told them these pyramids are mentioned in the 5,000 year old records of his
monastery as being "very old."

Hausdorf reports: There are over 100 pyramids, made of clay, that have become
nearly stone hard over the centuries. Many are damaged by erosion or farming. One
pyramid is as large as the Pyramid of the Sun of Teotihuacan in Mexico (which is
as large as the Great Pyramid of Giza). Most are flat topped, some have small
temples on top. There is a stone pyramid in Shandong, about 50 feet tall. Some
incorporate the golden proportion.

Hausdorf is the author of "The White Pyramid" and "Satellites of the Gods." (Will
someone please publish these two books, and his third, coming out soon, in
English, so I can read them?) Thank you to Hausdorf for giving us permission to
post these photos on our website.


Hausdorf was in the U.S. for a couple of weeks during August. On August 2nd, he
was our guest on the radio show. He talked about the pyramids of China, AND about
an extraordinary UFO crash, what he calls "the Chinese Roswell." It involves a
great number of graves containing skeletons of strange looking humanoid beings
with heads too big for their 4 feet, 4 inches tall frames. Along side, were
hundreds of these granite stone disks, with strange hieroglyphs that, according to
one translation, tell of a UFO crash 12,000 years ago. Legends from the area
mention "ugly, yellowish and skinny beings with big heads that came down from
heaven a long, long time ago"!

Rocky Mountain News Article from 1947

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